Consumer Behaviour CH 1
Consumer Behaviour CH 1
Consumer Behaviour CH 1
The field of consumer behavior covers a lot of ground: It
is the study of the processes involved when individuals
or groups select, purchase, use, or dispose of products,
services, ideas, or experiences to satisfy needs and
desires. Consumers take many forms, ranging from an
8-year-old child begging her mother for a Webkinz
stuffed animal to an executive in a large corporation
deciding on a multimillion-dollar computer system. The
items we consume can include anything from canned
peas to a massage, democracy, Reggaeton music, or a
celebrity like Lady Gaga.
Consumer Behavior Is a Process
Consumers Impact on Marketing Strategy
Age Gender
Consumers of different age groups obviously We start to make gender distinctions at a very
have very different needs and early age even diapers come in pink
wants. Although people who belong to the versions for girls and blue for boys. Many
same age group differ in many other products, from fragrances to footwear, target
ways, they do tend to share a set of values either men or women. An all-female marketing
and common cultural experiences that team at Procter & Gamble (P&G),
they carry throughout life. In some cases, who jokingly call themselves chicks in charge,
marketers initially develop a product introduced Crest Rejuvenating
to attract one age group and then try to Effects, the first mass-market toothpaste
broaden its appeal later on. That s what positioned just for women.
the high-octane energy drink Red Bull does.
The company aggressively introduced
it in bars, nightclubs, and gyms to the
products core audience of young
Consumers Impact on Marketing Strategy
Consumers Impact on Marketing Strategy
Race and Ethnicity Geography
African Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Many national marketers tailor their
Asian Americans are the three fastest growing offerings to appeal to consumers who
ethnic groups in the United States. As our society live in different parts of the country.
becomes increasingly multicultural, new Some southerners are fond of a good ol
opportunities develop to deliver specialized boy image that leaves others scratching
products to racial and ethnic groups and to their heads. Although many northerners
introduce other groups to these offerings. For regard the name Bubba as a negative
example, Reebok introduced its RBK shoe line term, businesses in Dixie proudly flaunt
and signed popular urban artists like 50 Cent the name. Bubba Co. is a Charleston-
to promote it. based firm that licenses products such
as Bubba-Q Sauce.
Consumers Impact on Marketing Strategy
Consumers also have very different lifestyles, Interact with customers on a regular
even if they share other demographic basis and give them reasons to
characteristics such as gender or age. The way maintain a bond with the company over
we feel about ourselves, the things we value, the time. A focus on relationships is even
things we like to do in our spare time all of these more vital during the tough economic
factors help to determine which products will push conditions we ‘ve been experiencing
our buttons or even those that make us feel better. when times are tough, people tend to
Procter & Gamble developed its heartburn rely on their good friends for support!.
medicine Prilosec OTC with an ideal customer in
mind based on a lifestyle analysis.
Consumers Impact on Marketing Strategy
Database marketing
Involves tracking specific consumers buying habits very
closely and crafting products and messages tailored
precisely to peoples wants and needs based on this
information. Wal-Mart stores massive amounts of
information on the 100 million people who visit its stores
each week, and the company uses these data to fine-tune
its offerings.
Marketing’s Impact on Consumers
Popular Culture Cont.
Marketing stimuli surround us as Popular culture, consisting of the music, movies,
advertisements, stores, and products sports, books, celebrities, and other forms of
compete for our attention and our entertainment the mass market consumes, is both a
dollars. Marketers filter much of what product of and an inspiration for marketers. It also
we learn about the world, whether affects our lives in more far-reaching ways, ranging
through the affluence they depict in from how we acknowledge cultural events such as
glamorous magazines or the roles marriage, death, or holidays to how we view social
actors play in commercials. Ads show issues such as global warming, gambling, and
us how we should act with regard to addictions.
recycling, alcohol consumption, the
types of houses and cars we might
wish to own and even how to evaluate
others based on the products they buy
or don’t buy.
Marketing’s Impact on Consumers
Consumer-generated content, where This important trend helps to define the era
everyday people voice their opinions of Web 2.0 the rebirth of the Internet as a
about products, brands, and social, interactive medium from its original
companies on blogs, podcasts, and roots as a form of one way transmission from
social networking sites such as producers to consumers.
Facebook and MySpace, and even
film their own commercials that
thousands view on sites such as
YouTube, probably is the biggest
marketing phenomenon
of this decade.
Marketing’s Impact on Consumers
One by-product of sophisticated The use of ubiquitous networks that will slowly but
marketing strategies is the movement surely become a part of us, whether in the form of
toward a global consumer culture, wearable computers or customized advertisements
one which unites people around the beamed to us on our cell phones ( Hey, you’re
world by their common devotion to walking by McDonald’s. Come on in for today’s
brand-name consumer goods, movie burger special. )
stars, celebrities, and leisure
Marketing’s Impact on Consumers
Marketing’s Impact on Consumers
Marketing Ethics and Public Policy
Business ethics Cont.
Business ethics are rules of conduct These cultural differences certainly influence
that guide actions in the marketplace whether business practices such as bribery
the standards against which most are acceptable. In Japan, it s called kuroi kiri
people in a culture judge what is right (black mist); in Germany, it s schmiergeld
and what is wrong, good or bad. (grease money), whereas Mexicans refer to
These universal values include la mordida (the bite), the French say pot-de-
honesty, trustworthiness, fairness, vin (jug of wine), and Italians speak of the
respect, justice, integrity, concern for bustarella (little envelope). They re all talking
others, accountability, and loyalty. about baksheesh, the Middle Eastern term
Ethical business is good business. for a tip to grease the wheels of a
transaction. Giving gifts in exchange for
getting business from suppliers or customers
is common and acceptable in many
countries, even though this may be frowned
on elsewhere.
Marketing Ethics and Public Policy
Marketing Ethics and Public Policy
Marketing Ethics and Public Policy
Marketing Ethics and Public Policy
Marketing Ethics and Public Policy
Public Policy and Consumer Activism: America ?
Absolut Impotence. So reads a parody vodka
Concern for the welfare of consumers ad that Adbusters, a non profit organization
has been an issue since at least the that advocates for the new social activist
beginning of the twentieth century, movement of the information age, created.
and activists continue to voice The editor of the groups magazine argues
concerns about a range of issues that America is no longer a country, but
such as child labor, exploitative rather a multitrillion-dollar brand subverted by
advertising, and genetically corporate agendas. He claims that America
engineered food. is no different from McDonald s, Marlboro, or
General Motors (well, let’s at least hope our
country s balance sheet starts to look a bit
better than GMs).
Marketing Ethics and Public Policy
Culture Jamming Transformative
Consumer Research (TCR)
A strategy to disrupt efforts by the
corporate world to dominate our Consumer researchers are themselves
cultural landscape. The movement organizing to not only study but to rectify
believes culture jamming will change what they see as pressing social problems in
the way information flows; the way the marketplace. This perspective is called
institutions wield power; the way TV participatory action research (PAR) or
stations are run; and the way the Transformative Consumer Research (TCR).
food, fashion, automobile, sports, It promotes research projects that include the
music, and culture industries goal of helping people or bringing about
set their agendas. social change.
Marketing Ethics and Public Policy
Social Marketing Green Marketing
The Dark Side of Consumer Behavior
Consumer Terrorism Cont.
The terrorist attacks of 2001 were a Even prior to the anthrax scares of 2001,
wake-up call to the free-enterprise toxic substances placed in products
system. They revealed the threatened to hold the marketplace hostage.
vulnerability of nonmilitary targets and This tactic first drew public attention
reminded us that disruptions of our in the United States in 1982 when seven
financial, electronic, and supply people died after they took Tylenol pills
networks can potentially be more laced with cyanide. A decade later, Pepsi
damaging to our way of life than the weathered its own crisis when more than
fallout from a conventional battlefield. 50 reports of syringes found in Diet Pepsi
Assessments by the Rand cans surfaced in 23 states.
Corporation and other analysts point
to the susceptibility of the nations
food supply as a potential target of
The Dark Side of Consumer Behavior
Addictive Consumption Consumer Addiction
The Dark Side of Consumer Behavior
Some consumers take the expression born to Consumed consumers are people who are
shop quite literally. They shop because used or exploited, willingly or not, for
they are compelled to do so rather than commercial gain in the marketplace. The
because shopping is a pleasurable or situations in which consumers themselves
functional task. Compulsive consumption refers become commodities can range from traveling
to repetitive shopping, often excessive, road shows that feature dwarfs and midgets to
as an antidote to tension, anxiety, depression, the selling of body parts and babies.
or boredom. Shopaholics turn to shopping
much the way addicted people turn to drugs or
alcohol. One man diagnosed with compulsive
shopping disorder (CSD) bought more than
2,000 wrenches and never used any of them.
The Dark Side of Consumer Behavior
Cont. Cont.
The Dark Side of Consumer Behavior
Illegal Activities Consumer Theft and Fraud
Many consumer behaviors are not only self- Shrinkage is the industry term for inventory and
destructive or socially damaging but they are cash losses from shoplifting and employee
illegal as well. Analysts estimate the cost of theft (not the condition George experienced in
crimes consumers commit against business at a famous episode of Seinfeld). This is a
more than $40 billion per year. A survey the massive problem for businesses that gets
McCann-Erickson advertising agency passed on to consumers in the form of higher
conducted revealed the following tidbits: prices (about 40 percent of the losses can be
• Ninety-one percent of people say they lie attributed to employees rather than shoppers).
regularly. One in three fibs about his or her
weight, one in four about income, and 21
percent lie about their age. Nine percent
even lie about their natural hair color.
• Four out of ten Americans have tried to pad
an insurance bill to cover the deductible.
• Nineteen percent say they’ve snuck into a
theater to avoid paying admission
The Dark Side of Consumer Behavior
Anticonsumption Cont.
Some types of destructive consumer behavior Anticonsumption can range from relatively mild
are anticonsumption, events in which people acts like spray-painting graffiti on buildings and
deliberately deface or mutilate products and subways to serious incidences of product
services. Some of these actions are relatively tampering or even the release of computer
harmless, as when a person goes online at viruses that can bring large corporations to to send a bag of dog manure to a their knees. It can also take the form of political
lucky recipient. protest in which activists alter or destroy
billboards and other advertisements that
promote what they feel to be unhealthy or
unethical acts.
Consumer Behavior as a Field of Study
Anticonsumption Cont.
Some types of destructive consumer behavior Anticonsumption can range from relatively mild
are anticonsumption, events in which people acts like spray-painting graffiti on buildings and
deliberately deface or mutilate products and subways to serious incidences of product
services. Some of these actions are relatively tampering or even the release of computer
harmless, as when a person goes online at viruses that can bring large corporations to to send a bag of dog manure to a their knees. It can also take the form of political
lucky recipient. protest in which activists alter or destroy
billboards and other advertisements that
promote what they feel to be unhealthy or
unethical acts.