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AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip: DVSI Confidential Proprietary

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AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip

Users Manual
Version 1.4
March, 2013

DVSI Confidential Proprietary

AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip Users Manual
Version 1.4, March, 2013

AMBE-3000R™Vocoder Chip
Users Manual
Version 1.4
March, 2013

(The most up to date version of the manual is always available at

 Copyright, 2012
Digital Voice Systems, Inc.
234 Littleton Road
Westford, MA 01886

This document may not, in whole or in part be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any electronic
medium or machine readable form without prior consent in writing from Digital Voice Systems, Incorporated.
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this manual. However, Digital Voice Systems, Inc. makes no warranties
with respect to the documentation and disclaims any implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.
Digital Voice Systems, Inc. shall not be liable for any errors or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the
furnishing, performance, or use of this manual or the examples herein. This includes business interruption and/or other loss
which may arise from the use of this product. The information in this document is subject to change without notice.

AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip is a registered trademark of Digital Voice Systems, Inc. Other product names mentioned may
be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies and are the sole property of their respective
All Rights Reserved.
Data subject to change.

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AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip Users Manual
Version 1.4, March, 2013

AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip END USER License Agreement

1. Preliminary Statements and Definitions Information from disclosure by such third party. Third parties shall agree to accept all
the terms and conditions under either Agreement or the END USER Agreement.
1.1 This nonexclusive end user product license agreement is a legal agreement between
the customer (the END USER) and Digital Voice Systems, Inc. (DVSI) covering the
terms and conditions under which DVSI's proprietary content (that may consist of and 4. Term and Termination
is not limited to software, hardware, documentation and other material) is licensed to
the END USER as part of this PRODUCT. 4.1 This Agreement is effective upon initial delivery of the PRODUCT and shall remain in
effect until terminated in accordance with this agreement.
a) The PRODUCT shall mean the Hardware, Software, Documentation and other
materials that were provided by DVSI, either directly or indirectly through distributors 4.2 This Agreement shall terminate automatically without notice from DVSI if END USER
or agents, to END USER as part of a sale, delivery or other transaction. fails to comply with any of the material terms and conditions herein. END USER may
terminate this Agreement at any time upon written notice to DVSI certifying that END
b) Hardware can be in the form of Integrated Circuits (such as Digital signal Processors) USER has complied with the provisions of Section 3.
Circuit boards and electronics enclosed in a chassis. DVSI’s AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder
Chip is an example of an Integrated Circuit. 4.3 Upon termination of this Agreement for any reason, END USER shall: (i) return the
PRODUCT and documentation purchased or acquired, or in Licensee’s possession, to
c) Software can be in form of computer code, firmware masked into an IC or stored or DVSI; (ii) have no further rights to any DVSI Software or the Technology without a
embedded into ROM or RAM or Flash memory, or software stored on any media (such separate written license from DVSI; (iii) discontinue all use of the PRODUCT;
as CD-ROM, floppy disk, hard drive, solid-state memory or the Internet)
All confidentiality obligations of Customer and all limitations of liability and disclaimers
d) Documentation means written or electronic information, including user manuals, and restrictions of warranty shall survive termination of this Agreement. In addition, the
technical documents, training materials, specifications or diagrams, that pertain to or provisions of the sections titled "U.S. Government End User Purchasers" and "General
are delivered with the PRODUCT in any manner (including in print, on CD-ROM, or Terms Applicable to the Limited Warranty Statement and End User License" shall
on-line). survive termination of this Agreement.

1.2 DVSI has developed a number of voice coding methods and algorithms (the 5. Payments
“Technology”) which include DVSI’s Advanced Multi-Band Excitation (“AMBE”) ,
AMBE+™, and AMBE+2™ voice coders. The Technology codes speech at low bit 5.1 In consideration of the materials delivered as part of the Product, and in consideration
rates and may include error correction, echo cancellation and other auxiliary functions. of the license granted by DVSI for the PRODUCT, and in consideration of DVSI's
performance of its obligations hereunder, the END USER agrees to pay to DVSI the
1.3 "DVSI Voice Compression Software" shall mean the voice coding Software that fees as specified in DVSI's invoice. Payments of fees shall be received by DVSI prior
implements or embodies the Technology and is embedded into or otherwise provided to shipment of the PRODUCT.
with the PRODUCT.
6. Proprietary Notices
1.4 "DVSI Voice Codec" shall mean the DVSI Voice Compression Software, any
PRODUCT Hardware into which the DVSI Voice Compression Software is embedded 6.1 END USER shall maintain and not remove any copyright or proprietary notice on or in
or executed and any associated Documentation. the PRODUCT.

1.5 DVSI represents that it owns certain “Proprietary Rights” in the PRODUCT including 6.2 Reproduction of non-proprietary information found in DVSI Users Manuals or data
patent rights, copyrights, trademarks and trade secrets. These rights include one or sheets is permissible only if the END USER reproduces without alteration, and
more of the following US Patents #5,630,011; #5,649,050; #5,701,390; #5,715,365; includes all copyright and other proprietary notices, all associated warranties,
#5,754,974; #5,826,222; #5,870,405; #6,161,089; #6,199,037; #6,912,495; conditions and limitations on all copies, in any form.
#7,634,399; #7,957,963; #7,970,606; #8,036,886; #8,200,497; #8,315,860 and
#8,359,197; and under other US and foreign patents and patents pending. AMBE, 7. Proprietary Information
AMBE+™ and AMBE+2™ are trademarks of Digital Voice Systems, Inc..
7.1 The parties agree that the PRODUCT shall be considered Proprietary Information.
1.6 “END USER” shall mean the person and/or organization to whom the DVSI Vocoder
Product (software or hardware) was delivered or provided to as specified in the 7.2 Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, END USER shall not use, disclose,
purchase order or other documentation. In the event that the END USER transfers his make, or have made any copies of the Proprietary Information, in whole or in part,
rights under this license to a third party as specified in Section 3.0, then this third party without the prior written consent of DVSI.
shall become an “END USER”.
8. Limited Warranty
1.7 DVSI reserves the right to make modifications and other changes to its products and
services at any time and to discontinue any product or service without notice. 8.1 DVSI warrants the PRODUCT to be free from defects in materials and workmanship
under normal use for a period of ninety (90) days from the date of delivery. The date of
delivery is set forth on the packaging material in which the Product is shipped. This
2. License Granted limited warranty extends only to the Customer who is the original purchaser. If the
PRODUCT is found to be defective and the condition is reported to DVSI, within the
2.1 Subject to the conditions herein and upon initial use of the DVSI Product, DVSI hereby warranty period, DVSI may, at its option, repair, replace, or refund of the purchase
grants to END USER a non-exclusive, limited license to use the DVSI Voice price of the PRODUCT. DVSI may require return of the PRODUCT as a condition to
Compression Software and Technology within the PRODUCT. No license is granted the remedy.
for any use of the DVSI Voice Compression Software or Technology on any other
device or Hardware or in any manner other than within the original unmodified Restrictions. This warranty does not apply if the Product (a) has been altered, (b) has
PRODUCT purchased from DVSI. No license is granted to copy or modify the DVSI not been installed, operated, repaired, or maintained in accordance with instructions
Voice Compression Software or the PRODUCT either in whole or in part. supplied by DVSI, (c) has been subjected to abnormal physical or electrical stress,
misuse, negligence, or accident;
2.2 No license, right or interest in any trademark, trade name or service mark of DVSI is
granted under this Agreement. END USER acknowledges that the PRODUCT may 8.2 Except as stated in Section 8.1, the PRODUCT is provided "as is" without warranty of
contain trade secrets of DVSI, including but not limited to the specific design, and any kind. DVSI does not warrant, guarantee or make any representations regarding
associated interface information. the use, or the results of the use, of the PRODUCT with respect to its correctness,
accuracy, reliability, speech quality or otherwise. The entire risk as to the results and
2.3 END USER shall not copy, extract, reverse engineer, disassemble, de-compile or performance of the PRODUCT is assumed by the END USER. After expiration of the
otherwise reduce the DVSI Voice Compression Software to human-readable form. warranty period, END USER, and not DVSI or its employees, assumes the entire cost
END USER shall not alter, duplicate, make copies of, create derivative works from, of any servicing, repair, replacement, or correction of the PRODUCT.
distribute, disclose, provide or otherwise make available to others, the DVSI Voice
Compression Software and Technology and/or trade secrets contained within the 8.3 DVSI represents that, to the best of its knowledge, it has the right to enter into this
PRODUCT in any form to any third party without the prior written consent of DVSI. The Agreement and to grant a license to use the PRODUCT to END USER.
END USER shall implement reasonable security measures to protect such trade
secrets. 8.4 Except as specifically set forth in this Section 8, DVSI makes no express or implied
warranties including, without limitation, the warranties of merchantability or fitness for a
2.4 This is a license, not a transfer of title, to the DVSI Voice Compression Software, particular purpose or arising from a course of dealing, usage or trade practice, with
Technology and Documentation, and DVSI retains ownership and title to all copies. respect to the PRODUCT. Some states do not allow the exclusion of implied
warranties, so the above exclusion may not apply to END USER. No oral or written
3. Transfer of License information or advice given by DVSI or its employees shall create a warranty or in any
way increase the scope of this warranty and END USER may not rely on any such
3.1 The END USER shall have the right to transfer the rights under this Agreement to a information or advice. The limited warranties under this Section 8 give END USER
third party by either (i) providing the third party with a copy of this Agreement or (ii) specific legal rights, and END USER may have other rights which vary from state to
providing the third party with an agreement written by the END USER ( hereinafter state.
“END USER Agreement”) so long as the END USER Agreement is approved in writing
by DVSI prior to transfer of the PRODUCT. The END USER Agreement shall contain
comparable provisions to those contained herein for protecting the Proprietary 9. Limitation of Liability

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AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip Users Manual
Version 1.4, March, 2013

limited to, all sales, use, rental receipt, personal property or other taxes which may be
The END USER agrees that the limitations of liability and disclaimers set forth herein levied or assessed in connection with this Agreement.
will apply regardless of whether the END USER has accepted the product or service
delivered by DVSI. 11. Export

9.1 In no event shall DVSI be liable for any special, incidental, indirect or consequential 11.1 United States export laws and regulations prohibit the exportation of certain products
damages resulting from the use or performance of the PRODUCT whether based on or technical data received from DVSI under this Agreement to certain countries except
an action in contract, or for applications assistance, or product support, or tort under a special validated license. Some of the restricted countries include: Libya,
(including negligence) or otherwise (including, without limitation, damages for loss of Cuba, North Korea, Iraq, Serbia, Taliban in Afghanistan, Sudan, Burma, and Iran. The
business revenue, profits, business interruption, and loss of business information or END USER hereby gives its assurance to DVSI that it will not knowingly, unless prior
lost or damaged data), even if DVSI or any DVSI representative has been advised of authorization is obtained from the appropriate U.S. export authority, export or re-
the possibility of such damages. export, directly or indirectly to any of the restricted countries any products or technical
data received from DVSI under this Agreement in violation of said United States
9.2 Because some states or jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability Export Laws and Regulations. DVSI neither represents that a license is not required
for consequential or incidental damages, the above limitations may not apply to END nor that, if required, it will be issued by the U.S. Department of Commerce. Licensee
USER. shall assume complete and sole responsibility for obtaining any licenses required for
export purposes.
9.3 DVSI's maximum liability for damages arising under this Agreement shall be limited to
20% (twenty percent) of the fees paid by END USER for the particular PRODUCT that 12. Governing Law
gave rise to the claim or that is the subject matter of, or is directly related to, the cause
of action. 12.1 This Agreement is made under and shall be governed by and construed in
accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, (USA), except that
10. Taxes body of law governing conflicts of law. If any provision of this Agreement shall be held
unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, that provision shall be enforced to
10.1 All payments required under Section 4 or otherwise under this Agreement are the maximum extent permissible, and the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall
exclusive of taxes and END USER agrees to bear and be responsible for the payment remain in full force and effect. This Agreement has been written in the English
of all such taxes (except for taxes based upon DVSI's income) including, but not language, and the parties agree that the English version will govern.

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AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip Users Manual
Version 1.4, March, 2013

Table of Contents

1 PRODUCT INTRODUCTION ..............................................................................................1

1.1 Advances in Vocoder Design ....................................................................................................................1
1.2 AMBE-3000™ Vocoder Chip Features .....................................................................................................1
1.3 Typical Applications...................................................................................................................................2

2 HARDWARE INFORMATION .............................................................................................3

2.1 Special Handling Instructions ....................................................................................................................3
2.2 Package Details.........................................................................................................................................4
2.2.1 128-pin Low-Profile Quad Flat Pack (LQFP).................................................................................................. 4
2.2.2 179 Pin Ball Grid Array (BGA) ........................................................................................................................ 5
2.3 Pin Assignment Layouts ............................................................................................................................6
2.3.1 LQFP Package.................................................................................................................................................. 6
2.3.2 BGA Package Pins (Bottom View).................................................................................................................... 7
2.4 AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip Markings ..................................................................................................8
2.4.1 AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip LQFP Markings.............................................................................................. 8
2.4.2 AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip BGA Markings ................................................................................................ 9
2.5 Pin Out Table...........................................................................................................................................10
2.6 Hardware Configuration Pins...................................................................................................................17
2.7 Crystal / Oscillator Usage ........................................................................................................................18
2.7.1 External Clock Source .................................................................................................................................... 18
2.7.2 Crystal Oscillator............................................................................................................................................ 18
2.7.3 Input Clock Requirements............................................................................................................................... 19

3 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS AND REQUIREMENTS ..........................................20

3.1 Normal Operating Conditions ..................................................................................................................20
3.2 Recommended Operating Conditions .....................................................................................................20
3.3 Absolute Maximum Ratings.....................................................................................................................20
3.4 Thermal Resistance Characteristics........................................................................................................21
3.5 Power Sequencing Requirements...........................................................................................................21
3.6 Signal Transition Levels ..........................................................................................................................22
3.7 Power-Down Sequencing: .......................................................................................................................22
3.8 Low Power Modes ...................................................................................................................................23
3.8.1 Run State ......................................................................................................................................................... 24
3.8.2 Idle State ......................................................................................................................................................... 24
3.8.3 Standby State................................................................................................................................................... 24
3.8.4 Halt State ........................................................................................................................................................ 24
3.8.5 Power Modes .................................................................................................................................................. 24
3.8.6 Low power mode when using the UART Packet Interface .............................................................................. 25
3.8.7 Low Power Mode when using the McBSP Packet Interface ........................................................................... 25
3.8.8 Low Power Mode when using the McBSP Codec Interface ............................................................................ 25
3.8.9 Low Power Mode when using the SPI Codec Interface .................................................................................. 25
3.8.10 Low Power Mode when using the Parallel Packet Interface ......................................................................... 25

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3.8.11 Additional Requirements when Low Power Mode is enabled........................................................................ 26

3.8.12 Typical AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip Power Measurements: .................................................................... 26

4 INITIAL DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS ..............................................................................27

4.1 Vocoder Speech and FEC Rate Selection ..............................................................................................27
4.2 Interface Selection...................................................................................................................................27
4.3 A/D – D/A Codec chip Selection..............................................................................................................28
4.4 Special Functions Description .................................................................................................................28
4.4.1 Voice Activity Detection & Comfort Noise Insertion ...................................................................................... 29
4.4.2 Echo Canceller (EC_ENABLE TQFP pin120 BGA pin D5)........................................................................... 29
4.4.3 DTMF Dual Tone Multiple Frequency, Detection and Generation................................................................ 30
4.4.4 Soft Decision Error Correction....................................................................................................................... 30
4.4.5 Noise Suppressor (NS_ENABLE TQFP pin 7 BGA pin D2) ........................................................................... 30
4.4.6 Companding Using A-Law and µ-Law ........................................................................................................... 30

5 I/O MANAGEMENT...........................................................................................................32
5.1 Operating Modes .....................................................................................................................................35
5.1.1 Codec mode..................................................................................................................................................... 35
5.1.2 I/O Handler in Codec Mode............................................................................................................................ 36
5.1.3 Packet Mode ................................................................................................................................................... 37
5.1.4 I/O Handler In Packet Mode........................................................................................................................... 38
5.1.5 Switching between codec mode and packet mode using packets .................................................................... 39
5.2 SPI Interface ............................................................................................................................................40
5.3 UART Interface........................................................................................................................................41
5.4 McBSP Interface......................................................................................................................................42
5.4.1 McBSP Selected for Codec Interface .............................................................................................................. 42
5.4.2 McBSP Selected for Packet Interface ............................................................................................................. 43
5.5 Parallel Interface......................................................................................................................................45
5.5.1 Parallel Port Packet Interface ........................................................................................................................ 45
5.6 Codec A/D / D/A Interface .......................................................................................................................47
5.7 Vocoder Front End Requirements...........................................................................................................47
5.8 Interfacing a codec to the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder chip .......................................................................49
5.8.1 The Texas Instruments General purpose TLV320AIC14 ................................................................................ 49
5.8.2 The Texas Instruments PCM3500 General purpose codec ............................................................................. 50

6 DATA AND CONFIGURATION PACKETS.......................................................................52

6.1 Overview..................................................................................................................................................52
6.2 Codec Mode Operation ...........................................................................................................................52
6.3 Packet Mode Operation...........................................................................................................................52
6.4 Packet Interfaces.....................................................................................................................................53
6.5 Packet Format .........................................................................................................................................53
6.5.1 START_BYTE (1 byte)..................................................................................................................................... 53
6.5.2 LENGTH (2 bytes) .......................................................................................................................................... 53
6.5.3 TYPE (1 byte).................................................................................................................................................. 54
6.5.4 Packet Fields................................................................................................................................................... 54
6.5.5 Parity Field (Parity is enabled by default)...................................................................................................... 55

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AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip Users Manual
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6.6 Control Packet Format (Packet Type 0x00) ............................................................................................55

6.6.1 Control Packet Fields and Response Fields ................................................................................................... 55
6.7 Input Speech Packet Format (Packet Type 0x02) ..................................................................................72
6.7.1 Speech Packet Fields ...................................................................................................................................... 72
6.8 Output Speech Packets Format (Packet Type 0x02)..............................................................................75
6.9 Input Channel Packet Format (Packet Type 0x01) .................................................................................75
6.9.1 Channel Packet Fields .................................................................................................................................... 76
6.10 Output Channel Packet Format (Packet Type 0x01) ..............................................................................77
6.11 Example Packets.....................................................................................................................................78
6.11.1 Speech Packet Example 1 .............................................................................................................................. 78
6.11.2 Speech Packet Example 2 .............................................................................................................................. 79
6.11.3 Channel Packet Example 1 ............................................................................................................................ 80
6.11.4 Channel Packet Example 2 ............................................................................................................................ 80

7 APPENDICES ...................................................................................................................82
7.1 Algorithmic and Processing Delays.........................................................................................................82
7.2 Vocoder Rate by Index Number ..............................................................................................................83
7.3 Rate - Control Words / Configuration Pin Settings ..................................................................................85

8 SUPPORT .........................................................................................................................87
8.1 DVSI Contact Information........................................................................................................................87

9 ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS ............................................................................88

10 IC CHIP SOFTWARE ERRATA ........................................................................................91

11 HISTORY OF REVISIONS ................................................................................................92

List of Figures
Figure 1 TQFP Mechanical Details .......................................................................................... 5
Figure 2 BGA Mechanical Details................................................................................................ 5
Figure 3 AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip Pins for LQFP Package..................................................... 6
Figure 4 AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip Pins Bottom View of BGA chip .......................................... 7
Figure 5 AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip LQFP Markings............................................................... 8
Figure 6 AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip Markings for BGA ........................................................... 9
Figure 7 X1/XCLKIN and X2 with TTL/CMOS Clock Source ....................................................... 18
Figure 8 X1/XCLKIN and X2 with Crystal Oscillator................................................................. 19
Figure 9 Input Clock Requirements ...................................................................................... 19
Figure 10 Output Levels ..................................................................................................... 22
Figure 11 Input Levels ....................................................................................................... 22
Figure 12 AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip Power States ............................................................. 23
Figure 13 Power Mode States Basic Timing ........................................................................... 24
Figure 14 Power Modes...................................................................................................... 25
Figure 15 Basic Operation .................................................................................................. 27
Figure 16 Typical Echo Path................................................................................................ 29
Figure 17 Codec Mode (SPI Interface).................................................................................. 35
Figure 18 Codec Mode (McBSP Interface) ............................................................................. 36

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Figure 19 Interface BLOCK Diagram Codec Mode ................................................................... 37

Figure 20 Interface Block Diagram Packet Mode .................................................................... 38
Figure 21 Packet Mode....................................................................................................... 39
Figure 22 SPI Timing ......................................................................................................... 40
Figure 23 Timing of SPI_GENSTE ........................................................................................ 41
Figure 24 Timing of McBSP When Selected as Codec Interface................................................. 43
Figure 25 Timing of McBSP when Selected as Packet Interface................................................. 44
Figure 26 PPT Interface Timing ........................................................................................... 46
Figure 27 Typical Vocoder Implementation ........................................................................... 47
Figure 28 Vocoder Front End .............................................................................................. 48
Figure 29 Front End Input Filter Mask .................................................................................. 48
Figure 30 Front End Output Filter Mask ................................................................................ 49
Figure 31 AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip and TLV320AIC14 Interface Block Diagram .................... 50
Figure 32 AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip and PCM3500 Interface Block Diagram .......................... 51

List of Tables
Table 1 Pinout List ............................................................................................................ 15
Table 2 Hardware Configuration Settings .............................................................................. 17
Table 3 Normal Operating Conditions ................................................................................... 20
Table 4 Recommended Operating Conditions......................................................................... 20
Table 5 Absolute Maximum Ratings ..................................................................................... 21
Table 6 Thermal Resistance Characteristics........................................................................... 21
Table 7 Voltage Supply Pins................................................................................................ 21
Table 8 Typical AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip Power Measurements .......................................... 26
Table 9 Physical Interface Selection ..................................................................................... 28
Table 10 Soft Decision Error Correction ................................................................................ 30
Table 11 Companding Control ............................................................................................. 31
Table 12 Companding Selection .......................................................................................... 31
Table 13 ECMODE_IN Flags ................................................................................................ 33
Table 14 ECMODE_OUT FLAGS............................................................................................ 33
Table 15 DCMODE_IN Flags................................................................................................ 34
Table 16 DCMODE_OUT Flags ............................................................................................. 34
Table 17 SPI Interface Pins ................................................................................................ 40
Table 18 SPI Timing .......................................................................................................... 40
Table 19 UART Interface Pins.............................................................................................. 41
Table 20 UART Baud Rates ................................................................................................. 42
Table 21 McBSP Interface Pins ............................................................................................ 42
Table 22 McBSP Codec Interface Timing ............................................................................... 43
Table 23 McBSP Packet Interface Timing .............................................................................. 44
Table 24 McBSP Clock Rates ............................................................................................... 45
Table 25 Parallel (PPT) Interface Pins................................................................................... 45
Table 26 PPT Timing.......................................................................................................... 46
Table 27 Control Register Value for the TLV320AIC14 ............................................................ 50
Table 28 General Packet Format WITHOUT Parity Field ........................................................... 53
Table 29 General Packet Format WITH Parity Field ................................................................. 53
Table 30 Packet Types ....................................................................................................... 54
Table 31 General Field Format ............................................................................................ 54
Table 32 Control Packet Fields ............................................................................................ 56
Table 33 PKT_CHANNEL(0) Field Format............................................................................... 56
Table 34 PKT_CHANNEL(0) Response Field Format ................................................................ 56
Table 35 PKT_ECMODE Field Format .................................................................................... 56
Table 36 PKT_ECMODE Field Response Format ...................................................................... 57

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Table 37 PKT_DCMODE Field Format.................................................................................... 57

Table 38 PKT_DCMODE Response Field Format...................................................................... 57
Table 39 PKT_COMPAND Field Format .................................................................................. 57
Table 40 PKT_COMPAND Field Options ................................................................................. 57
Table 41 PKT_COMPAND Response Field Format .................................................................... 58
Table 42 PKT_RATET Field Format ....................................................................................... 58
Table 43 PKT_RATET Response Field Format ......................................................................... 58
Table 44 PKT_RATEP Field Format ....................................................................................... 58
Table 45 PKT_RATEP Field Example ..................................................................................... 59
Table 46 PKT_RATEP Response Field Format ......................................................................... 59
Table 47 PKT_INIT Field Format .......................................................................................... 59
Table 48 PKT_INIT Field - Data ........................................................................................... 60
Table 49 PKT_INIT Response Field Format ............................................................................ 60
Table 50 PKT_LOWPOWER Field Format ............................................................................... 60
Table 51 PKT_LOWPOWER Field Settings .............................................................................. 60
Table 52 PKT_LOWPOWER Response Field Format ................................................................. 61
Table 53 PKT_CODECCFG Field Format ................................................................................ 61
Table 54 PKT_CODECCFG Field Example Data (default values shown)....................................... 61
Table 55 PKT_CODECCFG Response Field Format .................................................................. 61
Table 56 PKT_CODECSTART Field Format ............................................................................. 61
Table 57 PKT_CODECSTART Field Data ................................................................................ 62
Table 58 PKT_CODECSTART Response Field Format ............................................................... 62
Table 59 PKT_CODECSTOP Field ......................................................................................... 62
Table 60 PKT_CODECSTOP Response Field Format................................................................. 62
Table 61 PKT_CHANFMT Field ............................................................................................. 63
Table 62 PKT_CHANFMT Data Settings ................................................................................. 63
Table 63 PKT_CHANFMT Response Field ............................................................................... 63
Table 64 PKT_SPCHFMT Field.............................................................................................. 64
Table 65 PKT_SPCHFMT Data Settings ................................................................................. 64
Table 66 PKT_SPCHFMT Response Field................................................................................ 64
Table 67 PKT_PRODID Field................................................................................................ 65
Table 68 PKT_PRODID Response Field.................................................................................. 65
Table 69 PKT_VERSTRING Field .......................................................................................... 65
Table 70 PKT_VERSTRING Response Field ............................................................................ 65
Table 71 PKT_READY Field ................................................................................................. 65
Table 72 PKT_HALT Field.................................................................................................... 66
Table 73 PKT_RESET Field.................................................................................................. 66
Table 74 Software Override of Hardware Configuration Pins .................................................... 67
Table 75 PKT_RESETSOFTCFG Field ..................................................................................... 67
Table 76 PKT_GETCFG Field................................................................................................ 67
Table 77 PKT_GETCFG Response Field ................................................................................. 67
Table 78 PKT_READCFG Field ............................................................................................. 68
Table 79 PKT_READCFG Response Field ............................................................................... 68
Table 80 PKT_PARITYMODE Field Format.............................................................................. 68
Table 81 PKT_PARITYMODE Response Field .......................................................................... 68
Table 82 PKT_ WRITEI2C Field Format ................................................................................. 69
Table 83 PKT_WRITEI2C Response Field............................................................................... 69
Table 84 PKT_CLRCODECRESET Field Format ........................................................................ 69
Table 85 PKT_CLRCODECRESET Response Field..................................................................... 69
Table 86 PKT_SETCODECRESET Field Format ........................................................................ 69
Table 87 PKT_SETCODECRESET Response Field..................................................................... 70
Table 88 PKT_DISCARDCODEC Field Format ......................................................................... 70
Table 89 PKT_DISCARDCODEC Response Field ...................................................................... 70

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Table 90 PKT_DELAYNUS Field Format ................................................................................. 70

Table 91 PKT_DELAYNUS Response Field.............................................................................. 70
Table 92 PKT_DELAYNUS Field Format ................................................................................. 71
Table 93 PKT_DELAYNNS Response Field.............................................................................. 71
Table 94 PKT_RTSTHRESH Field Format ............................................................................... 71
Table 95 PKT_RTSTHRESH Response Field ............................................................................ 71
Table 96 PKT_GAIN Field Format......................................................................................... 72
Table 97 PKT_GAIN Response Field ..................................................................................... 72
Table 98 Speech Packet Fields ............................................................................................ 73
Table 99 SPEECHD Field Format .......................................................................................... 73
Table 100 CMODE Field Format ........................................................................................... 73
Table 101 CMODE Parameters Table .................................................................................... 74
Table 102 CMODE Parameters Table Key .............................................................................. 74
Table 103 TONE Field Format.............................................................................................. 74
Table 104 TONE Index Values ............................................................................................. 75
Table 105 TONE AMPLITUDE Values..................................................................................... 75
Table 106 Channel Packet Fields ......................................................................................... 76
Table 107 CHAND Field - Format ......................................................................................... 76
Table 108 CHAND4 Field - Format ....................................................................................... 76
Table 109 SAMPLES Field - Format ...................................................................................... 77
Table 110 TONE Field Format.............................................................................................. 77
Table 111 Speech Packet Example 1 .................................................................................... 78
Table 112 Speech Packet Example 2 .................................................................................... 80
Table 113 Channel Packet Example 1................................................................................... 80
Table 114 Channel Packet Example 2................................................................................... 81
Table 115 Rate Index Numbers ........................................................................................... 84
Table 116 Rate Control Words and Pin Settings ..................................................................... 86

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Digital Voice Systems, Inc.
The Speech Compression Specialists
AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip Users Manual
Version 1.4, March, 2013 Product Introduction

1 Product Introduction
Digital Voice Systems Inc.’s AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip is an extremely flexible, high-performance speech compression
coder. DVSI has implemented its most advanced AMBE+2™ vocoder technology into a single DSP chip solution to achieve
unmatched voice quality, with robustness to background noise and channel bit errors. DVSI’s AMBE+2™ vocoder technology
outperforms G.729 and G.726 while adding additional features and benefits from DVSI’s previous industry-leading AMBE+™
Vocoder. The superior performance characteristics of the new AMBE+2™ Vocoder make it ideally suited for mobile radio,
secure voice, satellite communications, computer telephony, and other digital voice and storage applications where bandwidth
is at a premium and low data rate, and high-quality are both imperative.

The field-proven success of this technology has resulted in it being recognized as the standard for voice quality in
communications systems around the globe. DVSI’s AMBE+2™ technology is the preferred choice for many mobile radio

The AMBE-3000™ Vocoder Chip offers the affordability and mobility required by virtually all full or half-duplex mobile
communication devices. Two versions of the AMBE-3000™ Vocoder Chip are available. The AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder
Chip ROM version offers lower power requirement at a lower cost. Where as, the AMBE-3000F™ Vocoder Chip Flash
version offers a few extra features that maybe useful in certain applications. This manual covers the features and capabilities of
the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip ROM version.

1.1 Advances in Vocoder Design

The AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip voice coder maintains natural voice quality and speech intelligibility at rates as low as 2.0
kbits/sec. The AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip provides a high degree of flexibility in selecting the speech and FEC (Forward
Error Correction) data rates. The user can separately select these parameters in 50 bps increments for total rates from 2.0 kbps
to 9.6 kbps. Plus, the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip offers similar features and backwards compatibility to DVSI’s AMBE-
2000™ and AMBE-1000™ Vocoder Chips allowing it to be incorporated into a system that can be interoperable with these
DVSI products.

1.2 AMBE-3000™ Vocoder Chip Features

The AMBE-3000™ Vocoder Chip includes a number of advanced features that are combined with low power consumption to
offer the affordability, mobility and power efficiency required by virtually all mobile communication devices.

 DVSI’s full duplex AMBE+2™ Voice coder

 Superior voice quality, low data rate speech coding
 Supports variable data rates of 2.0 kbps to 9.6 kbps in 50 bps increments
 Minimal algorithmic processing delay

 Codec interfaces available (SPI or McBSP)

 Packet interfaces available (UART, McBSP, PPT)
 Configuration via hardware configuration pins and/or configuration packets
 Supports a-law and µ-law companding

 Robust to Bit Errors & Background Noise

 Variable FEC Rates - 50 bps to 7.2 kbps
 User Selectable Forward Error Correction rates
 Viterbi Decoder (rate 1/4 or more)

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Version 1.4, March, 2013 Product Introduction

 Voice Activity Detection (VAD) / Comfort Noise Insertion

 Echo Cancellation
 Noise Suppression
 DTMF detection and regeneration with North American call progress tones

 Very low power consumption with low power- mode

 Compact single chip solution: 128 pin LQFP or 179 pin PBGA
 No external memory required
 Low cost a value for mobile products

1.3 Typical Applications

The AMBE-3000™ vocoder chip’s level of performance can lead to the successful development and deployment of wireless
communication systems in the most demanding environments. It has been thoroughly evaluated and tested by international
manufacturers under various conditions using a variety of languages. This assures the user is getting the best vocoder available
and makes the DVSI vocoder the logical choice without the need for additional comparison tests. Plus the fact, that DVSI’s
voice compression technology has been implemented worldwide for more than 20 years, delivers the added security of a field
proven technology that can play a key role in making any communication system an overall success.

 Satellite Communications
 Digital Mobile Radio
 Secure Communications
 Cellular Telephony and PCS
 Voice Multiplexing

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Digital Voice Systems, Inc.
The Speech Compression Specialists
AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip Users Manual
Version 1.4, March, 2013 Hardware Information

2 Hardware Information
The AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip uses Texas Instruments TMS320F2811 core. The TMS320F2811 DSP Design uses High-
Performance Static CMOS Technology with a low-power Core (1.8-V @135 MHz), and 3.3-V I/O. This generation of TI
DSPs, are highly integrated, high-performance solutions for demanding control applications. For more details on handling,
electrical characteristics, packaging, or timing constraints please refer to the TMS320F2811 manual found at

2.1 Special Handling Instructions

To avoid damage from the accumulation of a static charge, industry standard electrostatic discharge precautions and procedures
must be employed during handling and mounting.
The length of time the AMBE-3000R™ can be safely exposed to the ambient environment prior to high temperature reflow
soldering follows the JEDEC industry standard classification for Moisture Sensitivity Level.

LQFP package
MSL Level-2-260C-1 Year

BGA Package
MSL Level-3-260C-168hr

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2.2 Package Details

2.2.1 128-pin Low-Profile Quad Flat Pack (LQFP)

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Figure 1 TQFP Mechanical Details

2.2.2 179 Pin Ball Grid Array (BGA)

Figure 2 BGA Mechanical Details

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2.3 Pin Assignment Layouts

2.3.1 LQFP Package

Figure 3 AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip Pins for LQFP Package

All digital inputs are TTL-compatible. All outputs are 3.3 V with CMOS levels. Inputs are not 5-V tolerant. A 100-µA (or 20-
µA) pullup/pulldown is used. Note that pins 2 through 9 and 119 through 126 do not have internal pullup/pulldowns.

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2.3.2 BGA Package Pins (Bottom View)


1 IF_
3v3 N/C
_T xD 1v8
_CLKX Ground 1v8

2 Ground 3v3
CLK Ground N/C

3 RAT E0 Ground
SELECT1 ENABL E Ground Ground N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C

4 RAT E4 RAT E3 RAT E2 RAT E1 VREF_1V 3v3 Ground

_FSX 3v3
N/C Ground

5 3v3

6 1v8 N/C Ground RESET n N/C Ground


_T X N/C N/C
3v3 N/C N/C N/C

8 N/C Ground 1v8

I/O Pin
I/O Pin
I/O Pin
I/O Pin
(N/C) N/C 3v3FL Ground

9 N/C N/C N/C

N/C X2 N/C 1v8

10 N/C 1v8 Ground Ground N/C

I/O Pin
I/O Pin
(N/C) N/C N/C 3v3 Ground N/C

11 I/O Pin
(N/C) N/C N/C N/C
N/C 3v3
I/O Pin
(N/C) Ground N/C N/C RU N

12 N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C 1v8 SPI_FS N/C 1v8
I/O Pin
(N/C) RTS 1v8

13 Ground N/C N/C N/C

CL K_IN Ground N/C
I/O Pin
I/O Pin
(N/C) N/C

14 N/C Ground 1v8 N/C Ground

I/O Pin
(N/C) N/C
I/O Pin
(N/C) Ground
I/O Pin

Figure 4 AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip Pins Bottom View of BGA chip

All digital inputs are TTL-compatible. All outputs are 3.3 V with CMOS levels. Inputs are not 5-V tolerant. A 100-µA (or 20-
µA) pullup/pulldown is used. Note that pins C2, C3, B1, C1, D3, D2, D1, F5, B5, D5, E5, A4, B4, C4, D4, A3 do not have
internal pullup/pulldowns.

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Version 1.4, March, 2013 Hardware Information

2.4 AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip Markings

2.4.1 AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip LQFP Markings

Figure 5 AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip LQFP Markings

© DVSI --- Copyright Digital Voice Systems, Incorporated

DVSI Part Number --- The ROM Version part number is AMBE-3000R™

There are some AMBE-3000™ chips that have the DVSI Part Number
Please Note labeled AMBE-3000F-R™ these are authentic DVSI parts and are
exactly the same as parts marked with AMBE-3000R™

DVSI Logo --- Representation of Digital Voice Systems, Inc. Logo.

Lot Trace Code --- The lot trace code indicates chip manufacturing information.
Example as shown above CB-23A20RW 980
CG --- Chip manufacturer’s internal information
2 --- Year of manufacture
3 --- Month of manufacture - January thru September shall be represented by numbers 1
thru 9, and October thru December shall be represented by the letters A, B, and C
A20R --- Unique alpha-numeric Lot Code
W --- Chip manufacturer’s assigned assembly site code
980 --- Chip manufacturer’s internal information

G4 Indicates RoHS Compliance.

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Version 1.4, March, 2013 Hardware Information

2.4.2 AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip BGA Markings

Figure 6 AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip Markings for BGA

© DVSI --- Copyright Digital Voice Systems, Incorporated

DVSI Part Number --- The ROM Version part number is AMBE-3000R™

DVSI Logo --- Representation of Digital Voice Systems, Inc. Logo.

Lot Trace Code --- The lot trace code indicates chip manufacturing information.
Example as shown above CB-23A20RW 980
CG --- Chip manufacturer’s internal information
2 --- Year of manufacture
3 --- Month of manufacture - January thru September shall be represented by numbers 1
thru 9, and October thru December shall be represented by the letters A, B, and C
A20R --- Unique alpha-numeric Lot Code
W --- Chip manufacturer’s assigned assembly site code
980 --- Chip manufacturer’s internal information

G1 Indicates RoHS Compliance.

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Version 1.4, March, 2013 Hardware Information

2.5 Pin Out Table

Pin Number Pin

Pin Name Notes

IF_SELECT0 2 C2 Input Interface selection configuration

IF_SELECT1 3 C3 Input Interface selection configuration
IF_SELECT2 4 B1 Input Interface selection configuration
DTX_ENABLE 5 C1 Input Enables VAD and CNI
I/O Pin 6 D3 I/O No Connection
NS_ENABLE 7 D2 Input Noise Suppression enable / disable
CP_ENABLE 8 D1 Input Companding enable / disable
CP_SELECT 9 F5 Input Select a-law / µ-law
Voltage Reference Output (1 V). Requires a low ESR (50 mΩ -
VREF_1V 10 E4 -
1.5 Ω) ceramic bypass capacitor of 10 μF to analog ground.
Voltage Reference Output (2 V). Requires a low ESR (50 m Ω -
VREF_2V 11 E2 -
1.5 Ω) ceramic bypass capacitor of 10 μF to analog ground.

ADCRESEXT 16 F2 - ADC External Current Bias Resistor (24.9kΩ) to Ground

McBSP_RxD 18 G2 Input McBSP Serial Packet/Codec Receive Data

McBSP_TxD 19 G1 Output McBSP Serial Packet/Codec Transmit Data

McBSP_CLKR 21 H2 Input McBSP Serial Packet/Codec receive clock

McBSP Serial Packet/Codec transmit frame
McBSP_FSX 22 H4 I/O This signal is an input if the McBSP is used for Codec interface.
This signal is an output if the McBSP is used for Packet interface.
McBSP Serial Packet/Codec transmit clock. This signal is an
McBSP_CLKX 23 J1 I/O Input if the McBSP is used for the Codec Interface. This signal is
an Output if the McBSP is used for Packet interface.
McBSP_FSR 24 J2 Input McBSP Serial packet/Codec receive frame

This is the Serial clock from Codec. It also should be connected to

SPI_CLK 27 K2 Input
This is the framing signal generated from SPI_GENSTE. This pin
SPI_STE 28 K4 Input need to be connected to Pin #77 on the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder

SPI_RX_DATA 31 M1 Input PCM Data from A/D Converter to AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip
SPI_TX_DATA 32 N1 Output PCM Data from AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip to D/A Converter
PPT_DATA0 33 N2 I/O Parallel Packet Data
PPT_DATA1 34 P2 I/O Parallel Packet Data

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Version 1.4, March, 2013 Hardware Information

PPT_DATA2 35 N3 I/O Parallel Packet Data

PPT_DATA3 36 P3 I/O Parallel Packet Data
PPT_DATA4 37 L4 I/O Parallel Packet Data
PPT_DATA5 38 M4 I/O Parallel Packet Data

PPT_DATA6 40 K5 I/O Parallel Packet Data

PPT_DATA7 41 N5 I/O Parallel Packet Data

When the UART interface is used and low-power mode is enabled,

this pin must be connected to UART_RX. When the McBSP
PKT_RX_WAKE 43 M5 Input
packet interface is used this signal should be connected to the
inverted McBSP_FSR signal.
For debugging purposes only. This signal is low while the AMBE-
3000R™ Vocoder Chip is in standby mode. Standby mode is
STANDBYn 44 M6 Output
entered only when Low power mode is enabled and there is no
For debugging purposes only. This signal is low while the AMBE-
IDLEn 45 P6 Output 3000R™ Vocoder Chip is in Idle mode. Idle mode is entered
when there is no activity and low power mode is disabled.
PPT_READ 46 N6 Input Read data from PACKET_DATA pins
PPT_WRITE 47 L6 Input Write data to PACKET_DATA pins
Used to Acknowledges the transitions of PPT_READ and
PPT_ACK 48 K7 Output

3.3-V Flash Core Power Pin. This pin should be connected to 3.3
3v3FL 52 N8 PWR V at all times after power-up sequence requirements have been

Output from internal oscillator for use with a crystal. If the internal
X2 57 M9 Output
oscillator is not used this pin should be unconnected.
29.4912 MHz Clock input. The AMBE-3000 may be operated
using the internal oscillator by connecting a crystal between X1
and X2 or with an external clock source. The AMBE-3000R™
Vocoder Chip can be operated with an external clock source,
provided that the proper voltage levels are driven on the
X1/XCLKIN 58 K9 Input X1/XCLKIN pin. It should be noted that the X1/XCLKIN pin is
referenced to the 1.8-V core digital power supply (VDD), rather
than the 3.3-V I/O supply (VDDIO). A clamping diode may be
used to clamp a buffered clock signal to ensure that the logic-high
level does not exceed VDD (1.8 V) or a 1.8-V oscillator may be

CODEC_RESETn 60 P10 Output Output to Reset the Codec. This signal is active low.
For debugging purposes only. This signal is low while the either
RUNn 61 P11 Output
encoder or decoder is executing otherwise it is high.

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AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip Users Manual
Version 1.4, March, 2013 Hardware Information

The Request-To-Send (RTSn) pin is an output that is active low.

The signal is used by the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip to
control the flow of input packet data. The Chip has a receive
buffer where incoming packets are stored until they have been
processed. The AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip sets RTSn low to
indicate that it is ready to receive data. When RTSn is high, the
Chip is not ready to receive packet data.

RTSn is set high if there are less than thresh_hi bytes of free space
in the receive buffer. RTSn is set low if there are more than
thresh_lo bytes of free space in the receive buffer. After a reset
RTSn 64 N12 Output
thresh_hi is set to 20 and thresh_lo is set to 40, by default. These
thresholds can be changed by sending a PKT_RTSTHRESH field
as part of a control packet after reset. The thresholds may need to
be set to higher values if the device connected to RTSn does not
stop sending packet data quick enough after RTSn goes high.

The RTSn signal follows the conventions commonly used for RS-
232 flow control. If the MCBSP or the parallel port is selected for
the packet interface, rather than the UART, then the RTSn signal is
still generated. The RTSn signal can also be used for flow control
if the McBSP or the PPT interface is used.
I/O Pin 68 M12 I/O No Connection
Transmit Packet Ready goes high as soon as the AMBE-3000R™
Vocoder Chip is ready to transmit a channel packet. Goes low
TX_RDY 69 M14 Output after the entire packet is read. Regardless of the packet interface
selected, whenever the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip has a
packet ready for transmission it sets TX_RDY to high.
I2C_DATA 70 L12 Output I2C_DATA (output from AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip to codec)
I C_CLK 71 L13 Output I2C_CLK (output from AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip to codec)

STDBY_ENABLEn is active low and is only used when low

power mode is Enabled. This signal is required for proper function
of low power mode and must be set low at least 500ns prior to
STDBY_ENABLEn 75 K14 Input
sending a packet to the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip. If low
power mode is not enabled then signal can be left unconnected and
not used.

Required when using the SPI interface. This is used to generate

SPI_GENSTE 77 J13 Output the SPI_STE signal. This pin should be connected to SPI_STE
(pin# 28).
PARITY_ENABLE 79 H11 Input Enable parity bit

SPI_FSn is active low. If the SPI interface is used SPI_FSn must

SPI_FSn 80 H12 Input
be connected to the active low frame sync signal from the codec.

For SPI Interface to function properly this pin must be connected

SPI_CLK_IN 86 F13 Input
to the Serial clock from Codec. (pin #27 SPI_CLK)

S_COM_RATE0 89 E13 Input LSB of Serial Communications Rate selection

S_COM_RATE1 90 E11 Input Serial Communications Rate selection

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AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip Users Manual
Version 1.4, March, 2013 Hardware Information

S_COM_RATE2 91 F10 Input MSB of Serial Communications Rate selection

Must be connected to the active low frame sync signal from the
codec if the SPI interface is used and low power mode is enabled.
SPI_WAKE 106 D9 Input
The signal is used to wake the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip
from stand-by mode.

Channel Transmit Data from AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip SCI

UART_TX 111 C7 Output asynchronous serial port. This pin must be held HIGH during a
Hard Reset.
Channel Receive Data to AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip
UART_RX 112 A7 Input
asynchronous serial port.
RESETn 113 D6 Input AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip Reset pin. Active LOW

ES_ENABLE 119 B5 Input Echo Suppressor enable / disable

EC_ENABLE 120 D5 Input Echo Canceller enable / disable
RATE5 121 E5 Input Vocoder Bit Rate Control Word
RATE4 122 A4 Input Vocoder Bit Rate Control Word
RATE3 123 B4 Input Vocoder Bit Rate Control Word
RATE2 124 C4 Input Vocoder Bit Rate Control Word
RATE1 125 D4 Input Vocoder Bit Rate Control Word
RATE0 126 A3 Input Vocoder Bit Rate Control Word

20, 29, C14,
42, 56, G12,
63, 74, H1,
1v8 82, 94, K12, PWR Supply Voltage 1.8-V Core Digital Power Pins. (VDD)
102, L1,
110, P5,
114 P9,

1, 13,
14, 25,
3v3 49, 83, PWR 3.3 V I/O Digital Power Pins.

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Version 1.4, March, 2013 Hardware Information

12, 15, E3,

17, 26, F3,
30, 39, B8,
53, 59, B14,
62, 73, C10,
88, 95, D10,
97, E14,
103, G4,
109, G13,
115,11 J14,
7, 127, K1,
Ground 128 K6, GND Core and Digital I/O Pins to Ground. (VSS)

54, 55, P14,
65, 66, M12,
67, 68, M13,
72, 76, K11,
I/O Pin 78, 81, J11, I/O No Connection
84, 85, H10,
101, H14,
107, G10,
108 F14,

50, 51, F11,
87, 92, D13,
93, 96, D12,
N/C 98, 99, C13, - No Connection
100, B12,
105, A12,
116 D11,

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Version 1.4, March, 2013 Hardware Information

N/C G5, - No Connection

Table 1 Pinout List

Other than the power supply pins, no pin should be driven before the 3.3-V rail has reached recommended operating
conditions. However, it is acceptable for an I/O pin to ramp along with the 3.3-V supply.

The following pins have internal pullup

18/G2, 21/H2, 22/H4, 23/J1, 24/J2, 33/N2, 34/P2, 35/N3, 36/P3, 37/L4, 38/M4, 40/K5, 41/N5, 43/M5, 44/M6, 45P6, 46/N6,
47/L6, 48/K7, 54/L8, 55/K8, 60/P10, 61/P11, 64/N12, 65/N13, 68/M12, 69/M14, 70/L12, 71/L13, 72/K11, 75/K14, 76/J11,

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Version 1.4, March, 2013 Hardware Information

77/J13, 78/H10, 79/H11, 80/H12, 81/H14, 84/G10, 85/F14, 86/F13, 89/E13, 90/E11, 91/F10, 92/D13, 96/C13, 99/A12,
100/D11, 101/A11, 105/C9, 107/E8, 111/C7, 112/A7, 113/D6

The following pins have internal Pulldown


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AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip Users Manual
Version 1.4, March, 2013 Hardware Information

2.6 Hardware Configuration Pins

There is a set of configuration pins that allows the user to set-up the most common chip configurations. The chip boots up
according to the configuration pins. Then after booting up, if any configuration packets are received, the configuration is
changed accordingly. The configuration pins are only checked at boot time.

Hardware Configuration Pins

Pin Number Name Description


3 C3 IF_SELECT1 See Section 4.2

5 C1 DTX_ENABLE See Section 4.4.4

6 D3 Reserved Reserved
7 D2 NS_ENABLE See Section 4.4.5

See Section 4.4.6

79 H11 PARITY_ENABLE See Section 6.5.5

89 E13 S_COM_RATE0
90 E11 S_COM_RATE1 See Table 20 UART Baud Rates
91 F10 S_COM_RATE2

119 B5 ES_ENABLE Echo suppressor enable Pin

120 D5 EC_ENABLE Echo Cancellation enable Pin
121 E5 RATE5
122 A4 RATE4
123 B4 RATE3 See Table 116 Rate Control Words and Pin
124 C4 RATE2 Settings
125 D4 RATE1
126 A3 RATE0
Table 2 Hardware Configuration Settings

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2.7 Crystal / Oscillator Usage

The AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip has an on-chip, PLL-based clock module and requires an input clock frequency of 29.4912
MHz. The PLL-based clock module provides all the necessary clocking signals for the device, as well as control for low-
power mode entry. The AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip two modes of operation:

External clock source operation (See Figure 7 X1/XCLKIN and X2 with TTL/CMOS Clock Source)
 This mode allows the internal oscillator to be bypassed. The device clocks are generated from an external clock
source input on the X1/XCLKIN pin.

Crystal-operation (See Figure 8 X1/XCLKIN and X2 with Crystal Oscillator)

 This mode allows the use of an external crystal/resonator to provide the time base to the device.

The following points should be noted when designing any printed circuit board layout:

 Keep X1/XCLKIN and X2 away from high frequency digital traces to avoid coupling.

 Keep the crystal and external capacitors as close to the X1/XCLKIN and X2 pins as possible to minimize board stray

2.7.1 External Clock Source

When an external source is used as the clock input. Connect X1/XCLKIN and X2 as follows:

Figure 7 X1/XCLKIN and X2 with TTL/CMOS Clock Source

2.7.2 Crystal Oscillator

To use a crystal oscillator with the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip, connect the crystal across X1/XCLKIN and X2 along with
one external capacitor from each of these pins to ground.

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Figure 8 X1/XCLKIN and X2 with Crystal Oscillator

NOTE A: It is recommended that the resonator/crystal vendor characterize the operation

of their device with the chip. The resonator/crystal vendor has the equipment and
expertise to tune the tank circuit. The vendor can also advise regarding the proper tank
component values that will ensure start up and stability over the entire operating range.

The typical specifications for the external quartz crystal for a frequency of 30 MHz are listed below:
 Fundamental mode, parallel resonant
 CL (load capacitance) = 12 pF
 CL1 = CL2 = 24 pF
 Cshunt = 6 pF
 ESR range = 25 to 40 Ohms

2.7.3 Input Clock Requirements

The clock provided at XCLKIN pin generates the internal CPU clock cycle.

ID Parameter Min. Max. Unit

A tc(Cl) Cycle time, XCLKIN 6.67 250 ns
B tr(Cl) Rise time, XCLKIN 6 ns
C tf(Cl) Fall time, XCLKIN 6 ns
tw(ClL) Pulse duration XCLKIN Low as a percentage of tc(Cl) 40 60 %
tw(ClH) Pulse duration XCLKIN High as a percentage of tc(Cl) 40 60 %

Parameter Min Nom Max Unit

VIH High-level input voltage X1/XCLKIN (@50uA max) .7 (1v8) - 1v8 V
VIL Low-level input voltage X1/XCLKIN (@50uA max) 0.3 (1v8) V
Figure 9 Input Clock Requirements

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Digital Voice Systems, Inc.
AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip Users Manual The Speech Compression Specialists

Version 1.4, March, 2013 Electrical Characteristics and Requirements

3 Electrical Characteristics and Requirements

Unless otherwise noted, the list of absolute maximum ratings is specified over operating temperature ranges. Stresses beyond
those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only and
functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated are not implied. Exposure to
absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. All voltage values are with respect to

3.1 Normal Operating Conditions

Normal Operating Conditions

Operating Voltage 1.8-V Core, (135 MHz), 3.3-V I/O
Operating Ambient Temperature Range -40C to 85C
Storage Temperature Range -65C to 150C
Junction Temperature Range -40C to 150C
Table 3 Normal Operating Conditions
Long-term high-temperature storage and/or extended use at maximum temperature conditions may result in a reduction of
overall device life. For additional information, see IC Package Thermal Metrics Application Report (TI literature number
SPRA953) and Reliability Data for additional information; see IC Package Thermal Metrics Application Report and Reliability
Data (TI literature number SPRA953).

3.2 Recommended Operating Conditions

Parameter Min Nom Max Unit

3v3 Device Supply Voltage, I/O 3.14 3.3 3.47 V
1v8 Device Supply Voltage, CPU 1.8 V (135MHz) 1.71 1.8 1.89 V
VIH High-level input voltage All inputs except X1/XCLKIN 2.0 - 3v3 V
VIL Low-level input voltage All inputs except X1/XCLKIN 0.8 V
VIH High-level input voltage X1/XCLKIN (@50uA max) .7(1v8) - 1v8 V
VIL Low-level input voltage X1/XCLKIN (@50uA max) 0.3(1v8) V
fSYSCLKOUT Device clock frequency (system clock) = 1.8 V ± 5% 29.4912 MHz
IOH High-level output current source current, VOH = 2.4 V -4 mA
High-level output current source current, VOH = 2.4 V (See
IOH -8 mA
Note) ††
IOL Low-level output sink current VOL = VOL MAX 4 mA
IOL Low-level output sink current VOL = VOL MAX (Group 2) 8 mA
Table 4 Recommended Operating Conditions
†† Note Applies to the following pin: SPI_WAKE (TQFP Pin 106, BGA Pin D9).

3.3 Absolute Maximum Ratings

Stresses in excess of the Absolute Maximum Ratings can cause permanent damage to the device. These are absolute stress
ratings only. Functional operation of the device is not implied at these or any other conditions in excess of those given in the

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AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip Users Manual
Version 1.4, March, 2013 Electrical Characteristics and Requirements

operational sections of the data sheet. Exposure to Absolute Maximum Ratings for extended periods can adversely affect
device reliability.

Absolute Maximum Ratings

3v3 Supply voltage range -0.3 V to 4.6 V

1v8 Supply voltage range -0.5 V to 2.5 V
Input voltage range,VIN -0.3 V to 4.6 V
Output voltage range, VO -0.3 V to 4.6 V
Input clamp current IIK (VIN < 0 or VIN > 3v3)† ± 20 mA
Output clamp current IOK (VO < 0 or VO > 3v3) ± 20 mA
Table 5 Absolute Maximum Ratings
†Continuous clamp current per pin is ± 2 mA

3.4 Thermal Resistance Characteristics

Thermal Resistance Characteristics

Package Type
Parameter Unit
PsiJT 0.271 0.658 C/W
ΘJA 41.65 42.57 C/W
ΘJC 10.76 16.08 C/W
Table 6 Thermal Resistance Characteristics

Unless otherwise noted, the list of absolute maximum ratings is specified over operating temperature ranges. All voltage values
are with respect to Vss.

3.5 Power Sequencing Requirements

The AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip silicon requires dual voltages (1.8-V and 3.3-V) to power up the CPU, Flash, ROM, ADC,
and the I/Os. To ensure the correct reset state for all modules during power up, there are some requirements to be met while
powering up/powering down the device.

Enable power to all 3.3-V supply pins and then ramp 1.8 V supply pins (Table 7 Voltage Supply Pins). Other than the power
supply pins, no pin should be driven before the 3.3-V rail has been fully powered up.

Voltage Supply Pins

Package Type
3.3 V Supply Pins 1, 13, 14, 25, 49, 83, 104, 118 B2, E1, F4, E9, G11, J4, L7, A5, L10, N14

B10, C8, C14, G12, H1, K12, L1, P5, P9,

1.8 V Supply Pins 20, 29, 42, 56, 63, 74, 82, 94, 102, 110, 114
P12, A6

Table 7 Voltage Supply Pins

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1.8 V supply voltage should not reach 0.3 V until 3v3 has reached 2.5 V. This ensures the reset signal from the I/O pin has
propagated through the I/O buffer to provide power-on reset to all the modules inside the device.
In other words, 3.3-V and 1.8-V can ramp together.

3.6 Signal Transition Levels

Note that some of the signals use different reference voltages, see Table 4 Recommended Operating Conditions. Output levels
are driven to a minimum logic-high level of 2.4 V and to a maximum logic-low level of 0.4 V.

Figure 10 Output Levels

Output transition times are specified as follows:

 For a high-to-low transition, the level at which the output is said to be no longer high is below VOH(MIN) and the level
at which the output is said to be low is VOL(MAX) and lower.

 For a low-to-high transition, the level at which the output is said to be no longer low is above VOL(MAX) and the level
at which the output is said to be high is VOH(MIN) and higher.

Figure 11 Input Levels

Input levels are as follows 0.8 V (VIL) and 2.0 V (VIH)

Input transition times are specified as follows:
 For a high-to-low transition on an input signal, the level at which the input is said to be no longer high is below
VIH(Min) and the level at which the input is said to be low is VIL(Max) and lower.

 For a low-to-high transition on an input signal, the level at which the input is said to be no longer low is above
VIL(Max) and the level at which the input is said to be high is VIH(Min) and higher.

3.7 Power-Down Sequencing:

During power-down, the device reset should be asserted low (8 μs, minimum) before the 1.8 V supply reaches 1.5 V. This will
help to keep on-chip flash logic in reset prior to the 3v3and 1.8 V power supplies ramping down. It is recommended that the
device reset control from “Low-Dropout (LDO)” regulators or voltage supervisors be used to meet this constraint. LDO
regulators that facilitate power-sequencing (with the aid of additional external components) may be used to meet the power
sequencing requirement.

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3.8 Low Power Modes

The AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip has four power states as shown in Figure 12 AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip Power States.

Figure 12 AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip Power States

In order to reduce power consumption the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip automatically switches to lower power states when
possible. The AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip may switch power states many times during each 20 ms frame. For instance,
during periods when the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip is not actively executing code, the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip
will be in a low power state. When a codec interrupt occurs the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip will briefly switch into the run
state and then switch back to the lower power state. If the codec interface is in use, then the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip
will never remain in the low power state for more than 125 us at a time.

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Figure 13 Power Mode States Basic Timing

3.8.1 Run State

This is the highest power state. The AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip is in this state whenever it is actively executing code. The
AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip is in the run state if the encoder is running or if the decoder is running or other processing is
being performed.

3.8.2 Idle State

This state uses less power than the run state. The AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip is in this state whenever it is not actively
executing code, but peripherals are active. Peripherals are active when packets are being transmitted or received or when codec
samples are being clocked in/out.

3.8.3 Standby State

This state uses even less power than the Idle State. However, no peripherals can be sending or receiving data while in this
state. The AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip will only enter this state if low power mode is enabled, AND the AMBE-3000R™
Vocoder Chip is not actively executing code, AND no peripherals are in use. Peripheral activity causes the AMBE-3000R™
Vocoder Chip to re-enter the run state. When low power mode is enabled, some extra hardware connections are required. The
required connections are dependent upon which interfaces are in use.

3.8.4 Halt State

This is the lowest power state. The AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip does not automatically enter in and out of this state. The
only way to get into this state is to send a packet containing a PKT_HALT field. The only way to get out of this state is via a
hard reset. During a hard reset be sure to hold UART_TX HIGH (LQFP pin 111, BGA pin C7)

3.8.5 Power Modes

The AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip has two power modes:

(1) Normal Power Mode: In this mode the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip switches between the Run State and the Idle
(2) Low Power Mode: In this mode the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip switches between the Run State, the Idle State,
and the Standby State. Lower power is consumed because the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip is in the Standby state
a large percentage of the time. low power mode is enabled or disabled by sending a packet containing
PKT_LOWPOWER field to the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip. After reset, low power mode is always disabled.

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Figure 14 Power Modes

The AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip outputs three signals that are related to its current power state. The STANDBYn (TQFP
pin 44 / BGA pin M6) signal goes low whenever the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip is in the Standby State, otherwise the
signal is high. The IDLEn (TQFP pin 45 / BGA pin P6) signal is low whenever the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip is in the
Idle State, otherwise the signal is high. The RUNn (TQFP pin 61 / BGA pin P11) signal is low whenever, either the encoder or
the decoder is running, otherwise the signal is high.

3.8.6 Low power mode when using the UART Packet Interface
When the UART packet interface is used and low-power mode is enabled, PKT_RX_WAKE (TQFP pin 43 / BGA pin M5)
must be connected to UART_RX (TQFP pin 112 / BGA pin A7). The signal is used to make sure that the standby state is not
entered while UART_RX is active.

3.8.7 Low Power Mode when using the McBSP Packet Interface
When the McBSP packet interface is used the PKT_RX_WAKE (TQFP pin 43 / BGA pin M5) signal must be connected to the
inverted McBSP_FSR signal (TQFP pin 24 / BGA pin J2). The signal is needed in order to wake the chip from the standby

3.8.8 Low Power Mode when using the McBSP Codec Interface
When the McBSP codec interface is used the SPI_WAKE (TQFP pin 106 / BGA pin D9) signal must be connected to the
inverted McBSP_FSR signal (TQFP pin 24 / BGA pin J2). The signal is needed in order to wake the chip from the standby

Note: The higher the frequency of the MCBSP clock the better power consumption will be when low-power mode is enabled.

3.8.9 Low Power Mode when using the SPI Codec Interface
When the SPI codec interface is used the SPI_WAKE (TQFP pin 106 / BGA pin D9) signal must be connected to the inverted
frame sync signal from the codec. The signal is needed in order to wake the chip from the standby state.

3.8.10 Low Power Mode when using the Parallel Packet Interface
No additional connections are required to use low power mode with the parallel interface.

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3.8.11 Additional Requirements when Low Power Mode is enabled.

If low power mode is enabled, there are some restrictions on when a packet can be sent to the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip.
One of the following methods most be chosen.

Method 1: Prior to the start of any packet transfer to the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip, the STDBY_ENABLEn (TQFP pin
75 / BGA pin K14) pin must be set low at least 500ns prior to sending the first byte of a packet via UART, McBSP, or Parallel
Port. The signal should be set high anytime after the first byte of the packet has been transferred to the AMBE-3000R™
Vocoder Chip. When the STDBY_ENABLEn is held low, the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip is prevented from entering the
standby state, so it is important that the STDBY_ENABLEn signal is set high prior to the end of the last byte of the packet.


Method 2: STDBY_ENABLEn (TQFP pin 75 / BGA pin K14) must be pulled high or left disconnected. Prior to the start of
any packet transfer to the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip, wait for a transition of the STANDBYn (TQFP pin 44 / BGA pin
M6) signal from the high state to the low state. After the transition is detected begin sending the first byte of the packet to the
AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip via UART, McBSP, or Parallel Port within 100µs after the transition was detected.


Method 3: A packet may be sent to the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip at anytime after the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip has
begun transmitting a packet up until the time the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip has just finished transmitting the packet. It is
important that the first byte of the packet being sent to the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip be sent before the last byte of the
packet is received from the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip.

3.8.12 Typical AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip Power Measurements:

Test Conditions Power Measurement

Low Power Mode NOT Enabled Low Power Mode Enabled

Codec Mode (SPI Interface) Total

1.8v uses 165 mW Total 1.8v uses 57 mW
UART Packet Interface 64 mW
3.3v uses 7 mW 172 mW 3.3v uses 7 mW
50% Voice Activity (DTX enabled)

Packet Mode 141 mW 16 mW

UART Packet Interface (AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip (AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip is in
Not receiving packets is in the idle state) the standby state)

1.8v = 193 mW
Maximum Current Values
3.3v = 171 mW
Table 8 Typical AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip Power Measurements

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The Speech Compression Specialists
AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip Users Manual
Version 1.4, March, 2013 Initial Design Considerations

4 Initial Design Considerations

Some of the initial design considerations the application engineer will face are the following:
 Speech and FEC rates. (2000 – 9600 bps)
 Mode of operation (codec mode or packet mode)
 Choice of codec interface. (SPI, McBSP) - for codec mode only!
 Choice of packet interface. (UART, McBSP, PPT)
 Choice of A/D-D/A chip. - for codec mode only!

Implementing the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip into a communication system requires the selection of various components.
The AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip offers multiple interfaces for flexibility in integration into a variety of design

In its simplest model, the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip can be viewed as two separate components, the Encoder and the
Decoder. The Encoder receives an 8 kHz sampled stream of speech data (16-bit linear, 8-bit A-law, or 8-bit µ-law) and outputs
a stream of channel data at the desired rate. Simultaneously, the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip receives compressed voice
channel data. This data is decoded by the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip, then reconstructed into a digital speech signal and
sent to the D/A. The encoder and decoder functions are fully asynchronous.

The special functions of the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip, such as echo cancellation, voice activity /detection, power mode
control, data/FEC rate selection, etc. can be controlled either through hardware control pins and/or through the packet interface.

Figure 15 Basic Operation

4.1 Vocoder Speech and FEC Rate Selection

The voice coding rate as well as the FEC coding rate can be selected individually on the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip.
These rates are selected by using a configuration control packet, or through hardware configuration pins. The hardware
configuration pins provide the user with 62 pre-configured voice/FEC rates. If rates other than these are desired, then a
configuration control packet can be used to configure voice and FEC rates in 50 bps increments.

4.2 Interface Selection

Basic communication to/from the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip consists of input digitized speech data samples, output
digitized speech data samples, input compressed speech data and output compressed speech data. There are four physical
interfaces (SPI, McBSP, UART and Parallel) used to transfer the data to/from the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip.

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For codec mode, the user must select two physical interfaces: one for the codec data and one for the packet data. The choices
for the codec interface are SPI or McBSP. The choices for the packet interface are McBSP or UART or Parallel Port. The
McBSP can not be used for both the codec interface and the packet interface.

For packet mode, the user must select one physical interface to be used for packet data. The packet interface is used to transfer
both the speech data samples and the compressed channel data. The choices for the packet interface are McBSP or UART or
Parallel Port.

The AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip supports four separate physical interfaces: SPI, UART, Parallel port, and McBSP serial
port. The user must select a codec interface and a packet interface using hardware configuration pins IF_SELECT0 (TQFP
pin2, BGA pin C2), IF_SELECT1 (TQFP pin3, BGA pin C3), and IF_SELECT2 (TQFP pin4, BGA pin B1). The available
interface combinations are shown in Table 9 Physical Interface Selection

Interface Configurations
IF_SELECT Configuration
Mode Pin #’s (TQFP / BGA) Codec Interface Packet Interface
4 / B1 3 / C3 2 / C2
Codec Mode 0 0 0 SPI UART
Codec Mode 0 0 1 SPI PPT
Codec Mode 0 1 0 SPI McBSP*
Codec Mode 0 1 1 McBSP* UART
Codec Mode 1 0 0 McBSP* PPT
Packet Mode 1 0 1 Not used UART
Packet Mode 1 1 0 Not used PPT
Packet Mode 1 1 1 Not used McBSP*
Table 9 Physical Interface Selection
*Note: McBSP Interface may be used for codec interface or the packet interface but not both.

4.3 A/D – D/A Codec chip Selection

The AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip can be configured to transmit and receive digitized speech to and from most linear, a-law,
or u-law A/D-D/A codecs. The format of the incoming and outgoing speech data streams are coupled, that is to say they must
be the same format (16-bit linear, 8-bit a-law, or 8-bit -law). The digitized speech from the external A/D is converted into
compressed digital data (encoded) by the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip and the channel data is output to the packet interface.
Alternatively, speech data can be sent to/from the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip via a packet interface.

The choice of the A/D-D/A chip is critical to designing a system with superior voice quality. Given that a-law and -law
companding chips are already incorporating some compression to reduce the number of bits per sample, it is recommended
that, when possible, a 16-bit linear device be used for maximum voice quality. When choosing a device, pay particular
attention to signal to noise ratios and frequency responses of any filters that may be present on the analog front end of these
chips. Generally speaking, the flatter the frequency response over the voice spectrum (20-4000Hz) the better the overall
system will sound. The a-law and law interfaces are mainly provided for the design engineer who is trying to fit to pre-
existing conditions or is under cost savings restraints.

4.4 Special Functions Description

The special functions of the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip, such as voice activity detection, echo cancellation, DTMF,
data/FEC rate selection, power mode control, etc. can be controlled either through hardware control pins and/or through the
packet interface. The hardware inputs are only accessed for input during the first 7 milliseconds after a hardware reset on
RESETn. For predictable operation these signals must remain stable over this time period. After this 7 milliseconds
initialization period changes on these pins are ignored, unless another reset is performed.

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Version 1.4, March, 2013 Initial Design Considerations

4.4.1 Voice Activity Detection & Comfort Noise Insertion

(DTX_ENABLE TQFP pin5, BGA pin C1)
The Voice Activity Detection (VAD) algorithm along with the Comfort Noise Insertion (CNI) feature of the AMBE-3000R™
Vocoder Chip performs useful functions in systems trying to convert periods of silence, that exist in normal conversation, to
savings in system bandwidth or power. VAD and CNI can be enabled by either hardware configuration pin (DTX_ENABLE
TQFP pin5 BGA pin C1) or as part of a control packet.

With the VAD functions enabled, when periods of silence occur, the encoder will output a silence frame (in-band). This
silence frame contains information regarding the level of background noise, which allows the corresponding decoder to
synthesize a “Comfort Noise” signal at the other end. The comfort noise is intended to give the listener the feeling that the call
is still connected, as opposed to producing absolute silence, which can give the impression that, the call has been “dropped”.
The decoder will produce a comfort noise frame if it receives an in-band silence frame (produced only by an encoder with
VAD enabled). The synthesis of a Comfort Noise frame by the decoder is not dependent on VAD being enabled.

If the VAD features are being used to reduce transmit power during times of conversational silence, DVSI recommends that a
silence frame be transmitted at the start of the period and approximately each 500-1000 milliseconds thereafter. This is to
ensure that the parameters regarding the levels of background noise are transmitted to the decoder for the smoothest audible
transitions between synthesized speech and synthesized silence.

The silence threshold value is -25 dBm0 in the VAD algorithm. Each frame that exceeds this level will be classified as voice.
If the frame level is less than -25 dBm0 the voice/silence decision will be determined based upon various adaptive thresholds.

4.4.2 Echo Canceller (EC_ENABLE TQFP pin120 BGA pin D5)

The AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip’s voice coder contains an echo canceller that can be selectively enabled or disabled via
either hardware pin or setting of control command packet. The echo canceller is suitable for canceling the local echo caused by
a 2-to-4 wire hybrid and can achieve echo cancellation of approximately 30dB or more. Only the linear portion of the echo can
be cancelled, so circuits should be designed to minimize nonlinearities. The Echo Return Loss (ERL) of the analog circuit
must be 6dB or more for proper echo canceller operation. Linear Codecs will generally provide better performance than µ-law
or a-law codecs due to lower quantization noise.

The AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip employs an adaptive echo cancellation algorithm to cancel echoes of the decoder output
present at the encoder input. The echo canceller is an Adaptive LMS echo canceller with a 16 ms (128 samples) filter. It
exceeds all the performance requirements specified by ITU-T recommendation G.165.

Figure 16 Typical Echo Path

The echo canceller can be activated either through the hardware pin, or through the packet interface.

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Version 1.4, March, 2013 Initial Design Considerations

4.4.3 DTMF Dual Tone Multiple Frequency, Detection and Generation

The AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip is capable of detecting, transmitting, and synthesizing DTMF tones. When the encoder
detects DTMF tones the voice data field will contain the DTMF tone data. Additionally, the encoder passes the DTMF data in-
band (within the regular voice data bits) so that normal DTMF tones pass seamlessly from the encoder to the decoder for
synthesis. The decoder synthesizes a DTMF tone in response to reception of an in-band DTMF tone frame or reception of a
control packet with the DTMF word set. When this voice data is received by an AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip decoder, it
will regenerate the inband tone. The AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip can also generate “Dual Tones” at many different
frequencies. Each tone packet generates 20 milliseconds of output tones. The length of the output tones can be extended by
repeating the tone packet. DTMF may be enabled or disabled through a control packet. DTMF is enabled by default.

The AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip can also generate Single Frequency Tones. This can be done by using the TONE_IDX
Field (see Table 103 TONE Field Format. Each packet with TONE_IDX generates 20 milliseconds of output tones. The
length of the output tones can be extended by repeating the packet. Tones that can be generated by the AMBE-3000R™
Vocoder Chip are shown in Table 104 TONE Index Values.

4.4.4 Soft Decision Error Correction

Significant improvement in FEC performance can be added by setting up a receiver so that the demodulator is making a finer
estimation of the received energy prior to sending it to the decoder, this is called soft-decision decoding. To use Soft Decision
Error Correction use the CHAND4 (ID 0x17) field in the channel packet. The AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip utilizes a 4-bit
soft decision decoder. The bits are defined as follows:

Decision Value (Binary) Interpretation

0000 Most confident 0
0111 …
1000 …
1111 Most confident 1
Table 10 Soft Decision Error Correction

The user must implement circuitry at the receive end of the channel for making a finer (4 bit) estimation of the received energy.
The AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip uses a different channel data field (CHAND4) to specify channel data represented by 4
soft decision (SD) bits. The decoder will make the decision of whether or not a 1 or a 0 is represented by the SD bits.

4.4.5 Noise Suppressor (NS_ENABLE TQFP pin 7 BGA pin D2)

The integrated Noise suppressor feature of the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip is used to reduce the effect of background noise
in the encoder input signal. The Noise suppressor is applied to both silence frames and voice frames, but not tone frames.
When the noise suppressor is started it may take up to a few seconds to converge allowing for it to begin fully working.

4.4.6 Companding Using A-Law and µ-Law

The format of the digital speech I/O is critical to designing a system with superior voice quality. It is recommended that, when
possible, 16-bit linear PCM data sampled at 8 kHz, be used for maximum voice quality. The AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip
supports either 16-bit linear, 8-bit A-law, or 8-bit µ-law formats. Given that a-law and law companding formats already
incorporate some compression to reduce the number of bits per sample, when choosing either format, pay particular attention to
Signal to Noise ratios and Frequency Responses of any filters that may be present on the analog front end. The a-law and
law interfaces are provided for the design engineer who is trying to fit to pre-existing conditions or is under other cost type
restraints. To enable/disable companding and select the format, use either hardware pins as described in the following tables or
the COMPAND field (ID 0x32) as part of a Control packet.

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Companding Disabled 0
Companding Enabled 1
Table 11 Companding Control


Select µ-law 0
Select a-law 1
Table 12 Companding Selection

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AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip Users Manual
Version 1.4, March, 2013 I/O Management

5 I/O Management
The AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip offers a variety of interfaces that can be configured in a variety of ways. Selection of the
physical interface and the operating Mode is determined from the configuration pins after reset. The AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder
Chip uses an I/O Handler to manage data to/from the encoder/decoder according to the selected interfaces and operating mode.
The I/O handler is also used to schedule calls to the encoder and decoder.

The I/O handler passes 160±4 Codec samples to the encoder for each 20 ms frame. In addition to passing the speech samples
to the encoder for every 20 ms frame, the I/O Handler passes a 16-bit control word named ECMODE_IN to the encoder.
ECMODE_IN is used to control various encoder features. Features set by ECMODE_IN will override the state as set by the
corresponding hardware configuration pins. Each bit of ECMODE_IN is summarized in Table 13 ECMODE_IN Flags:

Bit Name Bit Description Initial Value
0 (LSB) Reserved.0 Reserved 0 at reset
1 Reserved.1 Reserved 0 at reset
2 Reserved.2 Reserved 0 at reset
3 Reserved.3 Reserved 0 at reset
4 Reserved.4 Reserved 0 at reset
5 Reserved.5 Reserved 0 at reset
Noise Suppressor Enable. If this bit is set the noise After reset, this bit is
6 NS_ENABLE suppressor is enabled, otherwise the noise suppressor is initialized using the setting
disabled. from the NS_ENABLE pin.
Compand Select.
If companding is enabled and CP_SELECT=0, then µ- After reset, this bit is
7 CP_SELECT law companding is selected. If companding is enabled, initialized using the setting
and CP_SELECT=1 then a-law companding is selected. from the CP_SELECT pin.
If companding is not enabled, then this bit has no effect.
Compand Enable
If CP_ENABLE=1, then companding is enabled (either After reset, this bit is
8 CP_ENABLE a-law or u-law, depending on the setting of initialized using the setting
CP_SELECT). If CP_ENABLE=0, then companding is from the CP_ENABLE pin.
disabled and all speech samples are 16-bit linear.
Echo suppressor Enable. After reset, this bit is
9 ES_ENABLE If ES_ENABLE=1, the echo suppressor is enabled, initialized using the setting
otherwise the echo suppressor is disabled. from the ES_ENABLE pin.
10 Reserved.10 Reserved 0 at reset
Discontinuous Transmission Enable.
If DTX_ENABLE=1, then the encoder outputs a special After reset, this bit is
11 DTX_ENABLE silence frame whenever silence is detected. If initialized using the setting
DTX_ENABLE=0, then the encoder does not output from the DTX_ENABLE pin.
special silence frames when silence is detected.
Tone Detect Enable.
This bit is initialized to 1 (tone
12 TD_ENABLE If TD_ENABLE=1, then tone detection is enabled,
detection enabled) at reset.
otherwise tone detection is disabled.
Echo Canceller Enable. After reset, this bit is
13 EC_ENABLE If EC_ENABLE=1, then the echo canceller is enabled, initialized using the setting
otherwise the echo canceller is disabled. from the EC_ENABLE pin.
Tone Send Enable.
If TS_ENABLE=1, then the encoder produces a tone This bit is initialized to 0 at
frame in place of the frame that it would normally reset.

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Reserved.15 Reserved 0 at reset.
Table 13 ECMODE_IN Flags

ECMODE_IN is initialized at reset as determined by various configuration pins. It is also possible to directly specify the value
for ECMODE_IN by sending a PKT_ECMODE field within a configuration control packet prior to starting up the codec
interface or running the encoder. In addition, it is possible to specify ECMODE_IN every 20 ms by passing the value in every
packet (or selected packets). Note that ECMODE_IN will retain its value until it is changed.

The encoder produces channel data for every 20 ms frame. The I/O handler places the channel data into an outgoing channel
packet. The encoder also outputs a 16-bit status word named ECMODE_OUT, for each 20 ms frame. The ECMODE_OUT
flags are as specified in the following Table 14 ECMODE_OUT FLAGS

Note: ECMODE_IN will retain its value until it is changed.

Bit Name Bit description
0 Reserved.0 Reserved
If DTX is enabled, via the DTX_ENABLE bit of ECMODE_IN, then the
encoder sets VOICE_ACTIVE=1 if the channel data for that frame must be
1 VOICE_ACTIVE transmitted. For frames which do not need to be transmitted, the encoder sets
VOICE_ACTIVE=0. Note that when VOICE_ACTIVE=0, the encoder still
produces a frame of channel data which may be transmitted if desired.
2-14 Reserved.2-Reserved.14
The encoder sets this bit if the output frame contains either a single frequency
tone, a DTMF tone, a KNOX tone, or a call progress tone.

By default, the ECMODE_OUT flags are not output within the channel packets. If access to the flags is needed, it is possible
to configure the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip so that it will output the ECMODE_OUT flags in every channel packet that is
output or only when the ECMODE_OUT flags change. The PKT_CHANFMT field within a configuration control packet is
used to specify when/if the ECMODE_OUT flags are output.

For each 20 ms frame, the I/O handler also passes a 16-bit control word named DCMODE_IN to the decoder. DCMODE_IN
is used to control various decoder features. Each bit of DCMODE_IN is summarized in Table 15 DCMODE_IN Flags.
DCMODE_IN is initialized at reset as determined by various configuration pins. It is also possible to directly specify the value
for DCMODE_IN by sending a PKT_DCMODE field within a configuration control packet prior to starting up the codec
interface or running the decoder. In addition, it is possible to specify DCMODE_IN every 20 ms by passing the value in every
packet (or selected packets). Features set by DCMODE_IN will override the state as set by the corresponding hardware
configuration pins.

Note: DCMODE_IN will retain its value until it is changed.

Bit Name Bit Description Initial Value
0 Reserved.0
1 Reserved.1
Frame repeat enable. If LOST_FRAME=1, then the
2 LOST_FRAME Decoder ignores any channel data provided to it and 0 at reset.
performs a frame repeat.

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Comfort Noise Insertion Enable. If CNI_FRAME=1,

then the Decoder ignores any channel data provided to
it and inserts comfort noise using the latest silence
3 CNI_FRAME 0 at reset.
frame that was received by the decoder. (or the default
silence frame if no silence frames have been received
4-6 Reserved.4-Reserved.6
Compand Select.
After reset, this
If companding is enabled and CP_SELECT=0, then u-
bit is initialized
law companding is selected. If companding is
7 CP_SELECT using the setting
enabled, and CP_SELECT=1 then a-law companding
from the
is selected. If companding is not enabled, then this bit
has no effect.
Compand Enable After reset, this
If CP_ENABLE=1, then companding is enabled bit is initialized
8 CP_ENABLE (either a-law or u-law, depending on the setting of using the setting
CP_SELECT). If CP_ENABLE=0, then companding from the
is disabled and all speech samples are 16-bit linear. CP_ENABLE pin.
9-13 Reserved.9-Reserved.13
Tone Synthesis Enable. If TS_ENABLE=1, then the
14 TS_ENABLE Decoder ignores any channel data provided to it and 0 at reset.
synthesizes the specified tone.
15 Reserved.15
Table 15 DCMODE_IN Flags

The I/O handler also passes a frame of channel data, if available, to the decoder once every 20 ms. The decoder produces
160±4 speech samples for every 20 ms frame. In addition to outputting speech samples for each 20 ms frame, the decoder
outputs a 16-bit status word named DCMODE_OUT. The DCMODE_OUT flags are as specified in Table 16
DCMODE_OUT Flags. If the I/O handler does not have a frame of channel data to pass to the decoder at the scheduled time,
then the I/O Handler forces the decoder to perform a frame repeat by setting the appropriate bit in DCMODE_IN for that frame

Bit Name Bit description
0 Reserved.0 Reserved
The decoder sets VOICE_ACTIVE=1 if the decoder synthesized a voice
frame or a tone frame. If the decoder synthesized a comfort noise frame,
then it sets VOICE_ACTIVE=0. The decoder can synthesize comfort
1 VOICE_ACTIVE noise in the following circumstances:
(a) a comfort noise frame (silence frame) was received by the decoder.
(b) The decoder FEC (if enabled) found too many errors.
(c) more than 2 consecutive frame repeats were requested.
2-4 Reserved.2-Reserved.4
The decoder sets this bit whenever it performs a frame repeat. It also sets
this bit if it inserted comfort noise due to channel errors or missing frames.
The decoder will set DATA_INVALID=0 if it received a valid (voice,
silence, or tone frame).
6-14 Reserved.6-Reserved.14
15 TONE_FRAME The decoder sets this bit whenever it decodes a tone frame.
Table 16 DCMODE_OUT Flags

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5.1 Operating Modes

There are two modes (codec mode and packet mode) for the AMBE-3000R™ vocoder chip. Both modes can take advantage of
the variety of interfaces available.

5.1.1 Codec mode

In codec mode the speech data I/O (to/from codec) is a serial stream of samples that uses either the SPI or the McBSP interface
and the channel data is configured into data packets that are sent across either the UART, parallel port, or McBSP (when not
used as the codec interface). When using codec mode, the speech and channel data use separate interfaces. Packets containing
channel data are sent and received every 20 ms.

Figure 17 Codec Mode (SPI Interface)

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Figure 18 Codec Mode (McBSP Interface)

5.1.2 I/O Handler in Codec Mode

When the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip is in codec mode, speech samples are received and transmitted via the codec

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Figure 19 Interface BLOCK Diagram Codec Mode

For codec mode, DCMODE_OUT can be output within every outgoing channel packet. By default, outgoing channel packets
do not contain DCMODE_OUT flags. The PKT_CHANFMT field used within a configuration control packet can be used to
tell the I/O handler to put DCMODE_OUT flags into subsequent outgoing channel packets.

5.1.3 Packet Mode

In packet mode, the speech and channel data use the same interface (either UART, parallel port, or McBSP serial port). All of
the speech and channel data to/from the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip is formatted into packets. It is the responsibility of the
designed system to extract the speech/channel data from these packets in order to pass the information to/from the
codec/channel interface.

The AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip sends a packet in response to every packet received. When a control packet is received it
will respond with a control response packet. When a speech packet is received the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip responds
with a channel packet. When a channel packet is received it responds with a speech packet.

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5.1.4 I/O Handler In Packet Mode

When the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip is in packet mode speech samples are received and transmitted via the packet
interface. In packet mode, the encoder is scheduled whenever the I/O handler receives a speech packet and the decoder is
scheduled each time a channel packet is received. In packet mode, multiple packets may be in the packet queue. The encoder
is scheduled when a speech packet is taken off the queue and the decoder is scheduled when a channel packet is taken off the
queue. Note that packets are taken off the queue in the order that they were received.

Figure 20 Interface Block Diagram Packet Mode

For packet mode DCMODE_OUT can be output within PKT_CMODE fields within outgoing speech packets. By default,
speech packets do not contain PKT_CMODE fields, but the PKT_SPEECHFMT field used within a configuration control
packet, can be used to tell the I/O handler to put DCMODE_OUT flags into subsequent outgoing speech packets. For packet
mode, the I/O handler outputs the speech samples using a PKT_SPEECHD field within an outgoing speech packet.

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Figure 21 Packet Mode

Received packets are placed into a queue and response packets are generated in the order that the packets were received. If the
AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip stops receiving packets, then it will stop sending packets after responding to the final packet

5.1.5 Switching between codec mode and packet mode using packets
Upon boot up or after a reset the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip is set to the mode (either codec mode or packet mode)
corresponding to the interface configuration pins (see Table 9 Physical Interface Selection). Switching the AMBE-3000R™
Vocoder Chip from packet mode into codec mode or from codec mode into packet mode can be done through software using
configuration packets. The user can switch the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip between modes at any time using control
packets. (See Section Data and Configuration Packets)

To switch the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip from packet mode into codec mode using packets, a control packet with the field
identifier of 0x2A “PKT_STARTCODEC” (See Section Data and Configuration Packets) must be sent to the AMBE-30000™
Vocoder Chip. The data byte in the PKT_START CODEC packet selects either SPI or McBSP for the codec interface. When
the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip is in codec mode it outputs channel packets automatically, once every 20 ms. It also
expects to receive a channel packet once every 20 ms. All timing is relative to the codec clock

To switch the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip from codec mode into packet mode using packets, a control packet with the field
identifier of 0x2B “PKT_CODECSTOP” (See Table 59 PKT_CODECSTOP Field) must be sent to the AMBE-30000™
Vocoder Chip. When in packet mode the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip no longer outputs channel packets automatically
every 20 ms and the codec interface is inactive.

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5.2 SPI Interface

The serial peripheral interface (SPI) is a high-speed, synchronous serial I/O port that can be used as the speech interface to the
codec. This interface allows a serial bit stream to be transferred between the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip and an audio
codec. The interface includes four-pins. The SPI interface is designed for speech data only and may be used only in codec

Pin Name Direction Description
27 K2 SPI_CLK Input A/D Serial clock.
The framing signal generated from
28 K4 SPI_STE Input
PCM Data from A/D Converter to AMBE-
31 M1 SPI_RX_DATA Input
3000R™ Vocoder Chip
PCM Data from AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder
32 N1 SPI_TX_DATA Output
Chip to D/A Converter
Table 17 SPI Interface Pins

Figure 22 SPI Timing

The SPI_STE signal is asserted low at least 136 ns before the valid SPI_CLK edge and remains low for at least 136 ns after the
receiving edge of the last data bit.

SPI_CLK Cycle time (tSPI) 272 ns 7.8 µs

SPI_CLK low Pulse duration (twL) 126 ns 3.9 µs

SPI_CLK high Pulse duration (twH) 126 ns 3.9 µs

Table 18 SPI Timing

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The AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip can generate the signal SPI_GENSTE from signals SPI_FSn and SPI_CLK_IN. See
Figure 23 Timing of SPI_GENSTE for the timing relationship between these signals.

Figure 23 Timing of SPI_GENSTE

5.3 UART Interface

The serial interface supports asynchronous communication of real-time compressed voice data to other asynchronous
peripherals that use the standard non-return-to-zero (NRZ) format. The UART interface is designed for packet data only. If
the UART interface is used when running in codec mode the interface provides only channel data. If the UART interface is
used when running in packet mode the UART provides both speech data and channel data.

When UART interface is used for the packet interface neither the McBSP nor the parallel interface can be used.

Pin Name Direction Description
111 C7 UART_TX Output UART Transmit Data
112 A7 UART_RX Input UART Receive Data
Table 19 UART Interface Pins

The AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip transmits packets using pin UART_TX and receives packets using pin UART _RX. Each
serial word transmitted or received uses 8 data bits, no parity bits, and one stop bit. The serial port operates at baud rates from
28800 up to 460,800 baud. See Table 20 UART Baud Rates for available rates and configuration.


Baud Rate
TQFP Pin 91 TQFP Pin 90 TQFP Pin 89
BGA Pin F10 BGA Pin E11 BGA Pin E13
28,800 0 0 0
57,600 0 0 1
115,200 0 1 0
230,400 0 1 1

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460,800 1 0 0
Table 20 UART Baud Rates

5.4 McBSP Interface

The Multichannel Buffered Serial Port (McBSP) is a synchronous serial communication port. The beginning of a word of data
is indicated by a frame signal. The receive frame signal and receive clock are inputs and must be generated by the device
interfacing to the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip. The McBSP interface can be used as either the codec interface or the packet
interface. When the McBSP interface is used as the codec interface for speech data it is not available for packet data. When
operating as the packet interface the McBSP interface is used for packet data.

Pin Pin Name Direction Description

18 G2 McBSP_RxD Input Serial Receive Data
19 G1 McBSP_TxD Output Serial Transmit Data
21 H2 McBSP_CLKR Input Serial Receive Clock
22 H4 McBSP_FSX I/O Serial Transmit Frame
23 J1 McBSP_CLKX I/O Serial Transmit Clock
24 J2 McBSP_FSR Input Serial Receive Frame
Table 21 McBSP Interface Pins

5.4.1 McBSP Selected for Codec Interface

If the McBSP is selected as the codec interface and companding is selected there are 8 data bits (In Figure 24 N=8). If
companding is not used then there are 16 data bits (In Figure 24 N=16). The bits are order from N-1 to 0, where bit N-1 is the
MSB and bit 0 is the LSB. McBSP_RxD is sampled on the rising edge of McBSP_CLKR and McBSP_TxD is sampled on the
falling edge of McBSP_CLKR. The signals McBSP_CLKX, McBSP_CLKR, McBSP_FSX and McBSP_FSR are all inputs
generated by the codec. McBSP_CLKX and McBSP_CLKR should be connected together. McBSP_FSX and McBSP_FSR
should also be connected together.

Note: The higher the frequency of the MCBSP clock the more power consumption is reduced when low-power mode is

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Figure 24 Timing of McBSP When Selected as Codec Interface

No. Parameter MIN MAX

N=8 N=16

M1 Cycle time, for McBSP_CLK(X/R) 300 ns 16 µs 8 µs

M2 Pulse duration, for McBSP_CLK(X/R) High 150 ns 8 µs 4 µs

M3 Pulse duration, for McBSP_CLK(X/R) Low 150 ns 8 µs 4 µs

M4 Rise Time, for McBSP_CLK(X/R) 7 ns

M5 Fall Time, for McBSP_CLK(X/R) 7 ns

M6 Hold time McBSP_RXD valid after McBSP_CLK(X/R) high 6 ns

M7 Setup time McBSP_FS(X/R) valid before McBSP_CLK(X/R) high 2 ns

M8 Hold time McBSP_FS(X/R) high after McBSP_CLK(X/R) high 6 ns

Table 22 McBSP Codec Interface Timing

5.4.2 McBSP Selected for Packet Interface

If the McBSP is selected for the packet interface, packets are transmitted using data pin McBSP_TXD, clock pin
McBSP_CLKX, and framing pin McBSP_FSX. Packets are received using data pin McBSP_RXD, clock pin McBSP_CLKR,
and framing pin McBSP_FSR. There are 8 data bits per frame pulse. McBSP_RXD is sampled on the falling edge of
McBSP_CLKR and McBSP_TXD is sampled on the rising edge of McBSP_CLKX. McBSP_CLKR and McBSP_FSR are
inputs. McBSP_CLKX, McBSP_FSX are outputs. The clock frequency on McBSP_CLKX is determined from
S_COM_RATE(2-0) as shown in Table 24 McBSP Clock Rates.

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M1 M2 M3 M4 M5


M6 M7


M8 M9

M1 M2 M3 M4 M5

M10 M10


Bit(0) Bit(7) Bit(6) Bit(5) Bit(4)


Figure 25 Timing of McBSP when Selected as Packet Interface

No. Parameter MIN MAX

M1 Cycle time, for McBSP_CLKR and McBSP_CLKX 1.085 µs 69.44 µs

M2 Pulse duration, for McBSP_CLKR and McBSP_CLKX High 535.53 ns 34.72µs

M3 Pulse duration, for McBSP_CLKR and McBSP_CLKX Low 535.53 ns 34.72µs

M4 Rise Time, for McBSP_CLKR and McBSP_CLKX 7 ns

M5 Fall Time, for McBSP_CLKR and McBSP_CLKX 7 ns

M6 Set-up Time, for McBSP_FSR high before McBSP_CLKR low 2 ns

M7 Hold Time, for McBSP_FSR high after McBSP_CLKR low 6 ns

M8 Setup time McBSP_RXD valid before McBSP_CLKR low 2 ns

M9 Hold time McBSP_RXD valid after McBSP_CLKR low 6 ns

Delay time McBSP_CLKX high to McBSP_FSX transission and

M10 3 ns 27 ns
McBSP_TXD transission

Table 23 McBSP Packet Interface Timing


Rate TQFP Pin 91 TQFP Pin 90 TQFP Pin 89
BGA Pin F10 BGA Pin E11 BGA Pin E13
28,800 Hz. 0 0 0
57,600 Hz. 0 0 1
115,200 Hz. 0 1 0
230,400 Hz. 0 1 1

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460,800 Hz. 1 0 0
921,600 Hz. 1 0 1
Table 24 McBSP Clock Rates

The McBSP port operates at clock rates from 28,800 up to 921,600 Hz. Note that this specifies the rate at which the packet
will be transmitted. The receive clock and frame signals must generated by the device being interfaced to the AMBE-3000R™
Vocoder Chip. The receive clock supplied to the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip must be between 28,000 Hz. and 921,600
Hz. See Table 24 McBSP Clock Rates for available rates and configuration.

5.5 Parallel Interface

Pin # Description Direction Description

36 P3 PPT_DATA3 I/O Parallel Port
37 L4 PPT_DATA4 I/O Data
PPT Read Request
46 N6 PPT_READ Input
(Active Low)
PPT Write Request
47 L6 PPT_WRITE Input
(Active Low)
48 K7 PPT_ACK Output PPT Transfer Acknowledge
Table 25 Parallel (PPT) Interface Pins

5.5.1 Parallel Port Packet Interface

The parallel interface runs asynchronously and allows all packet data transfers to be performed on an 8-bit wide bus. The
parallel port interface (PPT) requires 11 pins total. When parallel port is used for the packet interface the UART or the McBSP
serial interface can not be used. The parallel interface is designed for packet data. This means that in codec mode the parallel
interface can be used for channel data only. In packet mode the parallel interface is used for both speech data and channel data
as well as control packets.

The AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip will set TX_RDY high when data is available to be read from the parallel port.

The packet data from the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip is read by setting the pin PPT_READ low, then waiting for the
AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip to set PPT_ACK low. After PPT_ACK goes low, the 8 data pins are valid, after the pins are
read PPT_READ should be set high. After PPT_READ goes high, the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip will set PPT_ACK

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To write packet data to the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip first the data is transferred to the 8 data pins and then the
PPT_WRITE pin must be set low. Then the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip reads the data from the pins and sets PPT_ACK
low. After the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip sets PPT_ACK low, PPT_WRITE pin must set high, at which time, the AMBE-
3000R™ Vocoder Chip will set PPT_ACK high.

Figure 26 PPT Interface Timing

PPT Timing
ta ta <= 5 µs (1.12 µs typical)
tb System Dependent
tc < 320 ns
td 850 ns min.

Table 26 PPT Timing

The time between when the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip sets PPT_ACK Low and the user sets PPT_WRITE high has to be
>0. Times ta + tb + tc all determines what the maximum rate is. The lower tb is the faster the transfer rate. The transfer rate is as
Transfer Rate (bits/sec) = 8 / (ta + tb + tc )

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At time 1 controller sets PPT_READ (PPT_WRITE) low to request to read (write) from the PPT interface.
At time 2 the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip sets the PPT_ACK low and the PPT_DATA is valid.
At time 3 the controller has read (written) the data and now sets the PPT_READ (PPT_WRITE) high.
At time 4 the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip sets the PPT_ACK high after the PPT_READ (PPT_WRITE) goes back to high.

For Example: If the designed system uses tb < 0.5µs the parallel port can transfer data, at rates exceeding 4.1 Mbps.

5.6 Codec A/D / D/A Interface

The AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip operates with a speech data sample rate of 8kHz for both the A/D and D/A interfaces.
This 8kHz data is input and output using a serial port on the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip. The user can choose between
hardware configuration pins or software control in order to the process of configuring the interface to the A/D-D/A chip.

5.7 Vocoder Front End Requirements

In order to ensure proper performance from the voice coder, it is necessary for the vocoder front end to meet a set of minimum
performance requirements. For the purposes of this section the vocoder front end is considered to be the total combined
response between microphone/speaker and the digital PCM interface to the vocoder, as shown in Figure 27 Typical Vocoder
Implementation. This includes any analog electronics plus the A-to-D and D-to-A converters as well as any digital filtering
performed prior to the voice encoder or after the voice decoder.

Figure 27 Typical Vocoder Implementation

The AMBE+™ voice encoder and decoder operate with unity (i.e. 0 dB) gain. Consequently the analog input and output gain
elements shown in Figure 28 Vocoder Front End are only used to match the sensitivity of the microphone and speaker with the
A-to-D converters and D-to-A converters, respectively.

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Figure 28 Vocoder Front End

It is recommended that the analog input gain be set such that the RMS speech level under nominal input conditions is 25 dB
below the saturation point of the A-to-D converter (+3 dBm0). This level, which equates to -22 dBm0, is designed to provide
sufficient margin to prevent the peaks of the speech waveform from being clipped by the A-to-D converter.

Figure 29 Front End Input Filter Mask

The voice coder interface requires the A-to-D and D-to-A converters to operate at an 8 kHz sampling rate (i.e. a sampling
period of 125 microseconds) at the digital input/output reference points. This requirement necessitates the use of analog filters
at both the input and output to eliminate any frequency components above the Nyquist frequency (4 kHz). The recommended
input filter mask is shown in Figure 29 Front End Input Filter Mask, and the recommended output filter mask is shown in
Figure 30 Front End Output Filter Mask. For proper operation, the shaded zone of the respective figure should bound the
frequency response of the front-end input and output.

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Figure 30 Front End Output Filter Mask

This document assumes that the A-to-D converter produces digital samples where the maximum digital input level (+3 dBm0)
is defined to be +/- 32767, and similarly, that the maximum digital output level of the D-to-A converter occurs at the same
digital level of +/- 32767. If a converter is used which does not meet these assumptions then the digital gain elements shown in
Figure 28 Vocoder Front End should be adjusted appropriately. Note that these assumptions are automatically satisfied if 16
bit linear A-to-D and D-to-A converters are used, in which case the digital gain elements should be set to unity gain.

An additional recommendation addresses the maximum noise level measured at the output reference points shown in Figure 28
Vocoder Front End with the corresponding inputs set to zero. DVSI recommends that the noise level for both directions should
not exceed -60 dBm0 with no corresponding input. In addition, the isolation from cross talk (or echo) from the output to the
input should exceed 45 dB which can be achieved via either passive (electrical and/or acoustic design) or active (echo
cancellation and/or suppression) means.

5.8 Interfacing a codec to the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder chip

5.8.1 The Texas Instruments General purpose TLV320AIC14

The Texas Instruments’ TLV320AIC14 codec presents a simple low cost solution for use with DVSI’s AMBE-3000R™
vocoder chip. This example provides information on interfacing theTLV320AIC14 to the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder chip SPI

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Figure 31 AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip and TLV320AIC14 Interface Block


The control registers in the TLV320AIC14 codec must be initialized for proper operation. The recommended procedure is to
initialize the TLV320AIC14 by writing data to 5 control registers via packet from the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip.

Control Register Configuration Data Notes:

1 0x41 set 16 bit DAC mode, set continuous data transfer mode
2 0xA0 set TURBO=1 (SCLK=MCLK/P), keep I2C addr=4
4 0x83 set M=3
5C 0xB8 sidetone=MUTE
6 0x02 set input MICIN self biased at 1.35 V
Table 27 Control Register Value for the TLV320AIC14
Various configuration data can be used to control the operation of the TLV320AIC14 codec (see its data sheet for more
information), however for reference the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip has been tested with the TLV320AIC14 configured
using the register values shown in Table 27 Control Register Value for the TLV320AIC14. A reset to the TLV320AIC14
codec will reset all of the internal registers. As a result, the TLV320AIC14 must be reconfigured following a reset.

5.8.2 The Texas Instruments PCM3500 General purpose codec

Another example of a low cost general purpose codec is the Texas Instruments. This example provides information on
interfacing the PCM35000 to the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder chip’s McBSP interface.

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Figure 32 AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip and PCM3500 Interface Block Diagram

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The Speech Compression Specialists
AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip Users Manual
Version 1.4, March, 2013 Data and Configuration Packets

6 Data and Configuration Packets

6.1 Overview

Interfacing to the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip is engineered to provide as much flexibility as possible. The AMBE-
3000R™ Vocoder Chip always uses a packet format for the compressed voice data bits and for the chip configuration/control.
The packets can be transferred using the UART port, parallel port or McBSP serial port for a physical interface based on the
setting of hardware configuration pins. Packets are designed such that they can be as small as possible.

The AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip uses packets whether it is running in codec mode or packet mode. When in codec mode
the packets are used for communicating with the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip to configure the vocoder, poll vocoder status
information, as well as, transferring compressed voice bits from the encoder or to the decoder. When running in packet mode
the packets provide the same capabilities as codec mode plus they have the ability to transfer speech data samples to the
encoder or from the decoder.

Every packet includes a HEADER that consists of a START byte for identification of the beginning of the packet, LENGTH
data to indicate how many bytes are in the packet and a TYPE byte that specifies what to do with the packet. Packets are
processed in a first-in-first-out manner.

6.2 Codec Mode Operation

When the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip is in codec mode the chip uses separate interfaces for the digitized speech data
samples and the compressed data bits. In this mode the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip automatically sends out compressed
data bits (channel data) packets every 20ms and expects to receive compressed data bits (channel data) packets every 20ms.
The timing of the data transfer depends on the codec clock.

6.3 Packet Mode Operation

In packet mode the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip uses the same interface for the digitized speech data samples and the
compressed data bits. In this mode, when the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip receives packets, it processes the packets and
sends response packets as soon as the data is ready. The AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip sends response packets in the same
order that the packets are received. The AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip maintains a FIFO for received packets and a separate
FIFO for packets that are awaiting transmission. The FIFOs are each large enough to accommodate up to two speech packets
and two channel packets. The AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip can continue to transmit/receive packets while it is still
processing prior packets.

When the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip receives a speech packet, it takes the speech samples from the packet, encodes them
and sends back a channel packet.

When the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip receives a channel packet, it takes the channel data from the packet, decodes the
channel data, and sends back a speech packet.

When the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip receives a configuration control packet, it makes the requested configuration
changes and sends back a configuration response packet.

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6.4 Packet Interfaces

The AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip supports three separate physical interfaces that handle packets: UART, parallel port, and
McBSP serial port. The user selects one of the three ports via configuration pins which are read by the AMBE-3000R™
Vocoder Chip after power-up or reset. The packet formats are identical regardless of which physical interface is selected.
Only one port is active at a time.

6.5 Packet Format

The AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip supports packets with a parity field or packets without a parity field. The packet format is
as shown in Table 28 General Packet Format WITHOUT Parity Field and Table 29 General Packet Format WITH Parity Field .
A packet always starts with a PACKET HEADER byte. The next two bytes contain the PACKET LENGTH and the next byte
contains the PACKET TYPE. Each packet can contain one or more fields which are shown as FIELD0 through FIELDn in
Table 28 and Table 29. By default, parity fields are enabled after reset.

General Packet Format WITHOUT Parity Field

Packet Header Fields


1 byte 2 bytes 1 byte L0 bytes … LN-1 bytes
0x61 LLLL TT
Table 28 General Packet Format WITHOUT Parity Field

General Packet Format WITH Parity Field

Packet Header Fields Parity


1 byte 2 bytes 1 byte L0 bytes … LN-1 bytes 1 byte 1 byte
0x61 LLLL TT 0x2F PP
Table 29 General Packet Format WITH Parity Field

6.5.1 START_BYTE (1 byte)

Referring to Table 28 General Packet Format WITHOUT Parity Field, the START_BYTE byte always has a fixed value of

6.5.2 LENGTH (2 bytes)

Referring to Table 28 General Packet Format WITHOUT Parity Field and Table 29 General Packet Format WITH Parity Field
, the PACKET LENGTH occupies the second two bytes of the packet. The MS byte of the packet length is the second byte of
the packet and the LS byte of the packet length is the third byte of the packet. To calculate the PACKET LENGTH take the
sum of L0 through LN-1 plus the parity bytes (if parity is used). Do not include the 4 bytes (START_BYTE, PACKET
LENGTH, and PACKET TYPE) from the Packet Header in the PACKET LENGTH. Therefore in Table 28 General Packet
Format WITHOUT Parity Field the PACKET LENGTH is the sum of L0 through LN-1. With Parity field Enabled as shown in
Table 29 General Packet Format WITH Parity Field , the PACKET LENGTH is the sum of L0 through LN-1 plus the Parity
Note that the PACKET LENGTH excludes the first 4 bytes taken up by the START_BYTE, PACKET LENGTH, and
PACKET TYPE. PACKET LENGTH is therefore the total length (in bytes) of the entire packet minus 4 bytes.

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6.5.3 TYPE (1 byte)

Referring to Table 28 General Packet Format WITHOUT Parity Field, the PACKET TYPE occupies the fourth byte of every

There are 3 different packet types for the AMBE-3000R™ vocoder chip.

Packet Types
Type Value
Packet Name Description
Used to setup chip modes, rates, configure hardware, initialize
Control / encoder/decoder, enable low-power mode, specify output packet formats,
Configuration etc. When a control packet is received the chip returns a control packet 0x00
Packet with response fields that contain response data for some control packets
or indication of errors in the control packet.

These packets are used to input speech data to encoder and to output
speech data from the decoder. In addition to speech data, the packet can
Speech Packet provide flags to control the encoder operation on a frame-by-frame basis. 0x02
The speech packet also can have a field that forces the encoder to
produce a tone frame.

These packets are used to input channel data to the decoder and to output
channel data from the encoder. In addition to channel data the packet can
Channel Packet provide flags that control the decoder operation on a frame-by-frame 0x01
basis. A channel packet can also contain a field that forces the decoder to
produce a tone frame.

Table 30 Packet Types

6.5.4 Packet Fields

Referring to Table 28 General Packet Format WITHOUT Parity Field, the remainder of a packet after the START_BYTE,
LENGTH, and TYPE is made up of packet fields. The packet fields contain the useful packet information. Various different
packet fields each with their own format are defined in the next sections, however, the general format of a field is shown in
Table 31 General Field Format.

A field consists of a field identifier followed by field data. The length of field data is dependent upon the field identifier.
Many fields have fixed lengths. Some fields, such as those that contain speech samples or channel data are variable in length;
and in such cases the length of the field data is embedded inside field data.

Field - Packet Format

Field Identifier Field Data
1 byte Ln-1 bytes
Table 31 General Field Format

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6.5.5 Parity Field (Parity is enabled by default)

When parity fields are enabled the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip inserts a 2-byte field at the end of all output packets. The
first byte of the parity field is the parity field identifier and is always equal to 0x2f. The second byte of the parity field is the
parity byte. It is obtained by “Exclusive-oring” every byte in the packet, except for the START_BYTE and the
PARITY_BYTE, together. If parity fields are enabled, the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip checks the parity byte for all
received packets and discards any packet that has an incorrect parity byte. Parity fields can be enabled or disabled (for all
future input and output packets) by sending a PKT_PARITYMODE field in a control packet.

6.6 Control Packet Format (Packet Type 0x00)

A control packet uses the format as shown in either Table 28 General Packet Format WITHOUT Parity Field or Table 29
General Packet Format WITH Parity Field where the PACKET TYPE is equal to 0x00.
Control packets can be used to configure the chip prior to operation and also to query for information from the chip. A control
packet must contain one or more control fields. For each control packet received, the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip sends
back a response packet. The response packet for most fields just echoes back the control field identifier followed by a 0x00
byte to indicate that the control field was received successfully. For control fields that query for information, the response
packet contains the Requested information (1 or more bytes depending upon the control field identifier).

6.6.1 Control Packet Fields and Response Fields

The control packet supports the following packet fields:

Control Packet – Fields

Response Field
Field Identifier

Control Field
Data Length

Data Length



Field Identifier Name Description

PKT_CHANNEL0 0x40 none none I/O The subsequent fields are for channel 0
PKT_ECMODE 0x05 2 none I/O Encoder cmode flags for current channel
PKT_DCMODE 0x06 2 none I/O Decoder cmode flags for current channel
none Companding ON/OFF and a-law/µ-law
PKT_RATET 0x09 1 none I/O Select rate from table for current channel
PKT_RATEP 0x0A 12 none I/O Select custom rate for current channel
Initialize encoder and/or decoder for current
PKT_INIT 0x0B 1 none I/O
PKT_LOWPOWER 0x10 1 none I/O Enable or disable low-power mode
PKT_CODECCFG 0x38 varies none I/O Sends configuration packet to codec
PKT_CODECSTART 0x2A 1 none I/O Switches from packet mode to codec mode
PKT_CODECSTOP 0x2B none none I/O Switches from codec mode to packet mode
PKT_CHANFMT 0x15 2 none I/O Sets the format of the output channel packet
PKT_SPCHFMT 0x16 2 none I/O Sets the format of the output speech packet
PKT_PRODID 0x30 none varies I/O Query for product identification
PKT_VERSTRING 0x31 none 48 I/O Query for product version string
Indicates that the device is ready to receive
PKT_READY 0x39 none none O
Sets AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip into
PKT_HALT 0x35 none none I
lowest power mode

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Reset the device using hard configuration via

PKT_RESET 0x33 none none I
PKT_RESETSOFTCFG 0x34 6 none I Reset the device with software configuration.
Query for configuration pin state at power-up
PKT_GETCFG 0x36 none 3 I/O
or reset.
PKT_READCFG 0x37 none 3 I/O Query for current state of configuration pins.
PKT_PARITYMODE 0x3F 1 none I/O Enable (default) / disable parity fields
PKT_WRITE I2C 0x44 varies none I/O Writes to an IC2 device such as a codec
PKT_CLRCODECRESET 0x46 none none I/O Sets the codec reset signal to Low
PKT_SETCODECRESET 0x47 none none I/O Sets the codec reset signal to High
PKT_DISCARDCODEC 0x48 2 none I/O Number of codec samples to discard
Delays the next control field processing (in
PKT_DELAYNUS 0x49 2 none I/O
Delays the next control field processing (in
PKT_DELAYNNS 0x4A 2 none I/O
PKT_RTSTHRESH 0x4E 5 none I/O Sets the flow control thresholds
Used to set Input gain and output gain to be
PKT_GAIN 0x4B 2 none I/O
anywhere between +90 and -90 dB
Table 32 Control Packet Fields

PKT_CHANNEL0 field (1 bytes) indicates that subsequent control fields pertain to channel 0.

PKT_CHANNEL0 Field - Format

Field Identifier Control Field Data
1 Byte 0 Byte
0x40 No Data Needed
Table 33 PKT_CHANNEL(0) Field Format

PKT_CHANNEL0 Response Field - Format

Field Identifier Response Field Data
1 Byte 0 Byte
0x40 No Data Needed
Table 34 PKT_CHANNEL(0) Response Field Format

PKT_ECMODE field (3 bytes total) contains the cmode flags to be passed to the encoder to enable/disable advanced features
of the encoder. Values set by the PKT_ECMODE field will override the state as set by the corresponding hardware
configuration pin.

Note: ECMODE_IN will retain its value until it is changed.

PKT_ECMODE Field - Format

Field Identifier Control Field Data
1 Byte 1 Word
0x05 Table 13 ECMODE_IN Flags
Table 35 PKT_ECMODE Field Format

PKT_ECMODE Response field (1 byte total) indicates encoder cmode flags were received.

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PKT_ECMODE Response Field - Format

Field Identifier Response Field Data
1 Byte 1 Byte
(anything different indicates error)
Table 36 PKT_ECMODE Field Response Format

PKT_DCMODE field (3 bytes total) contains the cmode flags to be passed to the decoder to enable/disable advanced features
of the decoder. Values set by the PKT_DCMODE field will override the state as set by the corresponding hardware
configuration pin.

Note: DCMODE_IN will retain its value until it is changed.

PKT_DCMODE Field - Format

Field Identifier Control Field Data
1 Byte 1 Word
0x06 Table 15 DCMODE_IN Flags
Table 37 PKT_DCMODE Field Format

PKT_DCMODE field (1 byte total) indicates decoder cmode flags were received.

PKT_DCMODE Response Field - Format

Field Identifier Response Field Data
1 Byte 1 Byte
(anything different indicates error)
Table 38 PKT_DCMODE Response Field Format

PKT_COMPAND field (2 bytes total) Enables/Disables the use of companded data and allows for selection or either a-law or
µ-law companding.

PKT_COMPAND Field - Format

Field Identifier Control Field Data
1 Byte 1 Byte
0x32 Table 40 PKT_COMPAND Field Options

Table 39 PKT_COMPAND Field Format

Options for PKT_COMPAND Field

Description Value
Bit 1 Bit 0
Select µ-law companding 0 1
Select a-law companding 1 1
Companding Disabled X 0
Table 40 PKT_COMPAND Field Options

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PKT_COMPAND Response field (1 byte total) indicates compand command was received.

PKT_COMPAND Response Field - Format

Field Identifier Response Field Data
1 Byte 1 Byte
(anything different indicates error)
Table 41 PKT_COMPAND Response Field Format

PKT_RATET field (2 bytes total) specifies one of the built-in rates. Sets a built-in Rate from Table 115 Rate Index Numbers

PKT_RATET Field - Format

Field Identifier Control Field Data
1 Byte 1 Byte
0x09 Rate Index Value From Table 115 Rate Index Numbers
Table 42 PKT_RATET Field Format

PKT_RATET Response field (1 byte total) indicates receipt of a rate field.

PKT_RATET Response Field - Format

Field Identifier Response Field Data
1 Byte 1 Byte
(anything different indicates error)
Table 43 PKT_RATET Response Field Format

The rate of the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip can be set through hardware pins or control words. After resetting the device,
the coding rate can be modified for both the encoder and the decoder by sending a PKT_RATET or PKT_RATEP packet.
Table 116 Rate Control Words and Pin Settings shows standard Rate / FEC combinations

The AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip uses these six words to set the source and FEC coding rates. Table 115 Rate Index
Numbers and Table 116 Rate Control Words and Pin Settings lists the predefined values for various source and FEC rates that
are built into the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip. These tables also indicate what rates are compatible with older DVSI
vocoder chips such as the AMBE-2000™ Vocoder Chip (using AMBE™+ technology) and the AMBE-1000™ Vocoder Chip
(using AMBE™ technology). These are a representation of the most commonly requested rates. Please contact DVSI for
additional rate information if the desired rates are not listed.

PKT_RATEP field (13 bytes total) Custom Rate words

If rates other than those indicated in Table 115 Rate Index Numbers and Settings are desired then the PKT_RATEP field must
be used to specify a custom rate.

PKT_RATEP - Field Format

Field Identifier Control Fields Data
1 Byte Rate Control Words (6 Words)

0x0A RCW 0 RCW 1 RCW 2 RCW 3 RCW 4 RCW 5

Table 44 PKT_RATEP Field Format

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Example of a PKT_RATEP field with the custom rate of 2800 bps voice and 0 bps FEC
Field Identifier RCW 0 RCW 1 RCW 2 RCW 3 RCW 4 RCW 5
0x0A 0x0038 0x0765 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0038

Table 45 PKT_RATEP Field Example

PKT_RATEP Response field (1 byte total) indicated receipt of custom rate words

PKT_RATEP Response- Field Format

Field Identifier Response Field Data
1 Byte 1 Byte
(anything different indicates error)
Table 46 PKT_RATEP Response Field Format

Vocoder Rate table with Rate - Control Words / Configuration Pin Setting are shown in Section Rate - Control Words /
Configuration Pin Settings

PKT_INIT field (2 bytes total) sets the ecmode and dcmode initialization flags for the encoder and the decoder respectively as
well as initializes the echo canceller.
When bit 0 of byte 1 is set the encoder is initialized to the following:
 Noise suppression is enabled/disabled depending on configuration pin
 Echo canceller and echo suppressor are enabled/disabled depending on configuration pin or bit 2 of the PKT_INIT
control field data.
 Companding is enabled/disabled and the companding type is selected depending upon the configuration pins.
 All other bits in ecmode are initialized to zero.

When bit 1 of byte 1 is set the decoder is initialized to the following:

 Companding is enabled/disabled and the companding type is selected depending upon the configuration pins.
 All other bits in dcmode are initialized to zero.

When bits 0 and 1 of byte 1 are both set, the encoder and decoder are both initialized.

When bit 2 of the PKT_INIT field is set to 1 then the echo canceller is initialized.

PKT_INIT Field - Format

Field Identifier Control Field Data
1 Byte 1 Byte

0x0B Table 48 PKT_INIT Field - Data

Table 47 PKT_INIT Field Format

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Options for PKT_INIT Field

Description Value
Encoder Initialized 0x1
Decoder Initialized 0x2
Echo Canceller Initialized 0x4
Encoder and Decoder Initialized 0x3
Encoder, Decoder and Echo Canceller Initialized 0x7
Table 48 PKT_INIT Field - Data

PKT_INIT Response field (1 byte total) indicated receipt of encoder and/or decoder initialization.

PKT_INIT Response Field - Format

Field Identifier Response Field Data
1 Byte 1 Byte
(anything different indicates error)
Table 49 PKT_INIT Response Field Format

PKT_LOWPOWER field (2 bytes)

Tells the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip to enable or disable low-power mode. The AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip will go
into a mode, which conserves power, when no voice packets are being processed. By default, low power mode is disabled.
After a LOWPOWER packet is received, the chip uses the least power possible by entering standby mode whenever all of the
following is true:
 the encoder is not running,
 the decoder is not running,
 a packet is not being received and a packet is not being transmitted.

PKT_LOWPOWER Field - Format

Field Identifier Control Field Data
1 Byte 1 Byte

0x10 Table 51 PKT_LOWPOWER Field Settings

Table 50 PKT_LOWPOWER Field Format

Bit 0 of byte 1 enables and disables low power mode.

Options for PKT_LOWPOWER Field

Description Value
Low Power Mode Disabled 0x0
Low Power Mode Enabled 0x1
Table 51 PKT_LOWPOWER Field Settings

PKT_LOWPOWER Response field (1 byte total) Indicates that the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip will enter standby
whenever it is idle.

PKT_LOWPOWER Response Field - Format

Field Identifier Response Field Data

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1 Byte 1 Byte
(anything different indicates error)
Table 52 PKT_LOWPOWER Response Field Format

PKT_CODECCFG field (varies bytes) this field contains configuration data that the ABME-3000™ will send to the codec
after it receives a PKT_CODECSTART packet.

PKT_CODECCFG Field - Packet Format

Field Identifier Control Field Data
1 Byte (R) +1 Bytes
0x38 # of regs (R) reg# regdata … reg# regdata
Table 53 PKT_CODECCFG Field Format
#of regs (R) bytes contains the number of control registers that will be programmed (where 0 < R < 10)
reg# byte is the value of the control register the following byte of data is to be used for.
regdata byte is the value that will be placed in the preceding control register number.

PKT_CODECCFG Field (default values)- Packet Example

Control Field Data
1 Byte 11 Bytes
0x38 0x05 0x01 0x41 0x02 0xA0 0x04 0x83 0x05 0xBB 0x06 0x04
Table 54 PKT_CODECCFG Field Example Data (default values shown)

PKT_CODECCFG field (1 byte total) Indicates that the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip sent a configuration packet to the

PKT_CODECCFG Response Field - Format

Field Identifier Response Field Data
1 Byte 1 Byte
(anything different indicates error)
Table 55 PKT_CODECCFG Response Field Format

PKT_CODECSTART field (2 bytes total) this will switch the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip from packet mode to codec
mode. It also causes the Codec Reset signal to be set. Then the codec configuration words that were set using the
PKT_CODECCFG field, are sent via the I2C pins. After entering Codec mode the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip will output
packets containing channel data every 20ms. The channel data is obtained by encoding the speech samples received from the
selected codec interface.

PKT_CODECSTART Field - Packet Format

Field Identifier Control Field Data
1 Byte 1 Byte
0x2A See Table 57 PKT_CODECSTART Field Data
Table 56 PKT_CODECSTART Field Format


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Value Description
Codec Interface Pass thru

0x0 SPI Disabled

0x2 SPI Enabled

0x4 McBSP Disabled

0x6 McBSP Enabled

Table 57 PKT_CODECSTART Field Data

PKT_CODECSTART field (2 bytes) Indicates that the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip will switch from packet mode to
codec mode.

PKT_CODECSTART Response Field - Format

Field Identifier Response Field Data
1 Byte 1 Byte
(anything different indicates error)
Table 58 PKT_CODECSTART Response Field Format

PKT_CODECSTOP field (1 byte) this will switch the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip from codec mode to packet mode and
the codec reset signal is set low. After entering packet mode the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip will stop outputting packets
containing channel data every 20ms.
PKT_CODECSTOP Field - Packet Format
Field Identifier Control Field Data
1 Byte 0 Byte
0x2B No Data Needed
Table 59 PKT_CODECSTOP Field

PKT_CODECSTOP field (1 byte total) Indicates that the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip will stop outputting channel data

PKT_CODECSTOP Response Field - Format

Field Identifier Response Field Data
1 Byte 1 Byte
(anything different indicates error)
Table 60 PKT_CODECSTOP Response Field Format

PKT_CHANFMT field (3 bytes total) this field will set the format of the channel packets output from the AMBE-3000R™
Vocoder Chip.

PKT_CHANFMT Field - Format

Field Identifier Control Field Data
1 Byte 2 Bytes
15|14 13|12 11|10 9|8 7|6 5|4 3|2 1|0
samples dcmode ecmode

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See Table 62
0x15 Reserved (bits set to 0) PKT_CHANFMT Data
Table 61 PKT_CHANFMT Field

NOTE: All Reserved data bits in the PKT_CHANFMT Field (bits 6 through bit 15) must be set to 0 in
order to avoid unexpected results.

Options for PKT_CHANFMT Field

Description Value

ecmode bit 1 bit 0

Output Channel packets never contain ecmode field 0 0
Output Channel packets always contain ecmode field 0 1
Output Channel packets only contain ecmode field when changed 1 0
Reserved 1 1

dcmode bit 3 bit 2

Reserved 0 0
Reserved 0 1
Reserved 1 0
Reserved 1 1

samples bit 5 bit 4

Output Channel packets NEVER include the number of samples used
0 0
in the current frame.
Output Channel packets ALWAYS include the number of samples
0 1
used in the current frame.
Output Channel packets include the number of samples used in the
Output Channel packets include the number of samples used in the
Table 62 PKT_CHANFMT Data Settings

PKT_CHANFMT Response field (1 byte) this field indicates the output channel packet format has been changed.

PKT_CHANFMT Response Field - Format

Field Identifier Response Field Data
1 Byte 1 Byte
(anything different indicates error)
Table 63 PKT_CHANFMT Response Field

PKT_SPCHFMT field (3 bytes total) this field will set the format of the Speech packets output from the AMBE-3000R™
Vocoder Chip

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PKT_SPCHFMT Field - Format

Field Identifier Control Field Data
1 Byte 2 Bytes
15|14 13|12 11|10 9|8 7|6 5|4 3|2 1|0
samples dcmode
0x16 Reserved (bits set to 0) See Table
Table 64 PKT_SPCHFMT Field

NOTE: All Reserved data bits in the PKT_SPCHFMT Field (bits 4 through bit 15) must be set to 0 in order to
avoid unexpected results.

Options for PKT_SPCHFMT Field

Description Value

dcmode bit 1 bit 0

Output Speech packets never contain dcmode field 0 0
Output Speech packets always contain dcmode field 0 1
Output Speech packets only contain dcmode field when changed 1 0
Reserved 1 1

samples bit 3 bit 2

Output Speech packets NEVER include the number of samples contained in the
0 0
current speech frame.
Output Speech packets ALWAYS include the number of samples contained in the
0 1
current speech frame.
Output Speech packets include the number of samples contained in the current
1 0
Output Speech packets include the number of samples contained in the current

Table 65 PKT_SPCHFMT Data Settings

PKT_SPCHFMT Response field (1 byte) this field indicates the output Speech packet format has been changed.

PKT_SPCHFMT Response Field - Format

Field Identifier Response Field Data
1 Byte 1 Byte
(anything different indicates error)
Table 66 PKT_SPCHFMT Response Field

PKT_PRODID field (1 byte total) this field will cause the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip to respond with a string that
contains the product identification.

PKT_PRODID Field - Packet Format

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Field Identifier Control Field Data

1 Byte 0 Byte
0x30 No Data Needed
Table 67 PKT_PRODID Field

PKT_PRODID Response field (11 byte) this field is a null-terminated string that contains the product identification for
example “AMBE3000”

PKT_PRODID Response Field - Format

Field Identifier Response Field Data
1 Byte varies <= 16 Bytes
0x30 Product ID Data
Table 68 PKT_PRODID Response Field

PKT_VERSTRING field (1 byte total) this field will cause the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip to respond with a string that
contains the product version number.

PKT_VERSTRING Field - Packet Format

Field Identifier Control Field Data
1 Byte 0 Byte
0x31 No Data Needed
Table 69 PKT_VERSTRING Field

PKT_VERSTRING Response field (n + 2 bytes) this field is a null-terminated string that contains the product version number
for example
Where the value after the “R” indicates the software release. For more detailed information on software modifications see
Section IC Chip Software Errata.

PKT_VERSTRING Response Field - Format

Field Identifier Response Field Data
1 Byte varies <= 48 Bytes
0x31 Version Data
Table 70 PKT_VERSTRING Response Field

PKT_READY field (1 byte total) a packet containing this field is output by the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip after a hard
reset (TQFP pin 113 / BGA pin D6) or packet reset (using a PKT_RESET or PKT_RESETSFTCFG field) when it is ready to
receive packets.

PKT_READY Field - Format

Field Identifier Control Field Data
1 Byte 0 Byte
0x39 No Data Needed
Table 71 PKT_READY Field

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PKT_HALT field (1 byte total) this field will cause the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip to enter halt mode. In this mode the
AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip will consume the least amount of power possible. The only way to exit this mode is to
perform a hardware reset.

PKT_HALT Field - Packet Format

Field Identifier Control Field Data
1 Byte 0 Byte
0x35 No Data Needed
Table 72 PKT_HALT Field

The PKT_HALT field does not return a Response field.

PKT_RESET field (1 byte total) this field will cause the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip to be reset. As a result, the AMBE-
3000R™ Vocoder Chip will lose all prior configuration settings and reset itself to the default power up state. Note that the
AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip will re-read the configuration pins.

PKT_RESET Field - Format

Field Identifier Control Field Data
1 Byte 0 Byte
0x33 No Data Needed
Table 73 PKT_RESET Field

The PKT_RESET field does not return a Response field; however, the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip does output a
PKT_READY packet after every reset (including both hard resets and packet resets). The PKT_READY packet can therefore
be viewed as a response packet to the packet containing a PKT_RESET field.

PKT_RESETSOFTCFG field (7 bytes total) this field will cause the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip to be reset. As a result,
the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip will lose all prior configuration settings and reset itself to the default power up state. This
is similar to PKT_RESET; however the hardware configuration pins can be overridden by the settings specified by the packet.
The PKT_RESETSOFTCFG packet contains 6 additional bytes of data which specify the settings for the 24 configuration pins.
CFG0 – CFG2 specify the software settings for each of the 24 configuration pins. MASK0-MASK2 specify whether the
hardware setting or the software setting for each pin is used. If all The MASK bits are 0, then no software configuration is
used and the packet behaves the same as a PKT_RESET packet (all the configuration settings come from the hardware pins at
reset). If all the MASK bits are 1, then all the configuration pins are ignored upon the resulting reset and replaced with the
configuration specified by CFG0 – CFG2. It is possible to individually mask the bits and select some configuration to come
from hardware pins and some configuration to come from CFG0-CFG2.

CFG Byte Bit Configuration Description Pin Number

4 Reserved 6 D3

CFG1 0 (LSB) RATE0 126 A3

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1 RATE1 125 D4
2 RATE2 124 C4
3 RATE3 123 B4
4 RATE4 122 A4
5 RATE5 121 E5
6 EC_ENABLE 120 D5
7 (MSB) ES_ENABLE 119 B5

0 (LSB) S_COM_RATE0 89 E13

1 S_COM_RATE1 90 E11
2 S_COM_RATE2 91 F10
3 Reserved
5 Reserved
6 Reserved
7 (MSB) Reserved
Table 74 Software Override of Hardware Configuration Pins

For more information regarding configuration pins refer to Table 2 Hardware Configuration Settings


Control Field Data
Field Identifier
1 Byte 1 byte 1 byte 1 byte 1 byte 1 byte 1 byte

The PKT_RESETSOFTCFG field does not return a Response field; however, the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip does output a
PKT_READY packet after every reset (including both hard resets and packet resets). The PKT_READY packet can therefore
be viewed as a response packet to the packet containing a PKT_RESETSOFTCFG field.

PKT_GETCFG field (1 byte) this field will cause the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip to output a response field which
contains the 3 bytes which were read from the configuration pins after reset. Note that this does not cause the configuration
pins to be re-read, it merely reports back what the state of the pins were upon power-up or reset.

PKT_GETCFG Field – Format

Field Identifier Control Field Data
1 Byte 0 Byte
0x36 No Data Needed
Table 76 PKT_GETCFG Field

PKT_GETCFG Response Field – Format

Response Fields Data
Field Identifier CFG0 CFG1 CFG2
1 Byte 1 Byte 1 Byte 1 Byte
Table 77 PKT_GETCFG Response Field

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PKT_READCFG field (1 byte total) this field will cause the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip to output a response field which
contains the 3 bytes which are read from the configuration pins after the PKT_READCFG field is received. Note that if the
signal levels on the configuration pins have changed since their reset levels, then CFG0-CFG2 reported by the response packet
will reflect that change. Note that although this packet causes the configuration pins to be re-read and sent back in a response
packet, the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip does not change its configuration as a result of receiving this packet.

PKT_READCFG Field – Format

Field Identifier Control Field Data
1 Byte 0 Byte
0x37 No Data Needed
Table 78 PKT_READCFG Field

PKT_READCFG Response field (4 bytes total) this contains the 3 bytes of data which was read from the configuration pins
after the PKT_READCFG field is received.
PKT_READCFG Response Field – Format
Response Fields Data
Field Identifier CFG0 CFG1 CFG2
1 Byte 1 Byte 1 Byte 1 Byte
Table 79 PKT_READCFG Response Field

PKT_PARITYMODE field (2 bytes total) This field can be used to enable or disable parity fields at the end of every packet.


Field Identifier Control Field Data
1 Byte 1 Byte
0x3F mode
Table 80 PKT_PARITYMODE Field Format
If mode is 0 then parity fields will be disabled for all output packets beginning with the response to this packet. The AMBE-
3000R™ Vocoder Chip will not require a valid parity byte for future received packets.

If mode is 1 then parity fields will be enabled for all output packets beginning with the response to this packet. The AMBE-
3000R™ Vocoder Chip will reject all future received packets that do not have a valid parity field.

All other values for mode are reserved and should not be used.

PKT_PARITYMODE Response field (2 bytes) this field indicates that the PKT_PARITYMODE field in the corresponding
control packet was received without error.
PKT_PARITYMODE Response Field - Format
Field Identifier Response Field Data
1 Byte 1 Byte
(anything different indicates error)
Table 81 PKT_PARITYMODE Response Field

PKT_WRITEI2C field (n bytes plus 2) this field writes to an I2C device such as a codec.

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PKT_WRITEI2C Field - Format

Control Fields Data
Field Identifier
Length LenBytes
1 Byte 1 Byte
0x44 n Codec Data
Table 82 PKT_ WRITEI2C Field Format

PKT_WRITEI2C Response field (2 byte) this field indicates that the PKT_WRITEI2C field in the corresponding control data
was received without error.
PKT_WRITEI2C Response Field - Format
Field Identifier Response Field Data
1 Byte 1 Byte
(anything different indicates error)
Table 83 PKT_WRITEI2C Response Field

PKT_CLRCODECRESET field (1 byte total) this field sets the codec reset signal to low.


Field Identifier Control Field Data
1 Byte 0 Byte
0x46 No Data Needed
Table 84 PKT_CLRCODECRESET Field Format

PKT_CLRCODECRESET Response field (2 bytes) this field indicates that the PKT_CLRCODECRESET packet was
received without error.
PKT_CLRCODECRESET Response Field - Format
Field Identifier Response Field Data
1 Byte 1 Byte
(anything different indicates error)
Table 85 PKT_CLRCODECRESET Response Field

PKT_SETCODECRESET field (1 byte total) This field sets the codec reset signal to low.


Field Identifier Control Field Data
1 Byte 0 Byte
0x47 No Data Needed
Table 86 PKT_SETCODECRESET Field Format

PKT_SETCODECRESET Response field (2 bytes) this field indicates that the PKT_SETCODECRESET packet was
received without error.
PKT_SETCODECRESET Response Field - Format
Field Identifier Response Field Data
1 Byte 1 Byte

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(anything different indicates error)
Table 87 PKT_SETCODECRESET Response Field

PKT_DISCARDCODEC field (3 bytes total) This field specifies the number of codec samples that are discarded when the
codec interface is started.
Default is 0. 128 is recommended for the Texas Instrument AIC14 codec.
Field Identifier Control Field Data
1 Byte 2 Bytes
0x48 Number of samples to discard
Table 88 PKT_DISCARDCODEC Field Format

PKT_DISCARDCODEC Response field (2 bytes) this field indicates that the PKT_DISCARDCODEC packet was received
without error.
PKT_DISCARDCODEC Response Field - Format
Field Identifier Response Field Data
1 Byte 1 Byte
(anything different indicates error)
Table 89 PKT_DISCARDCODEC Response Field

PKT_DELAYNUS field (3 bytes total) This field specifies the amount of delay in microseconds prior to processing the next
control field.

PKT_DELAYNUS Field - Format

Field Identifier Control Field Data
1 Byte 2 Bytes
0x49 Number of microseconds delay
Table 90 PKT_DELAYNUS Field Format

PKT_DELAYNUS Response field (2 bytes) this field indicates that the PKT_DELAYNUS packet was received without
PKT_DELAYNUS Response Field - Format
Field Identifier Response Field Data
1 Byte 1 Byte
(anything different indicates error)
Table 91 PKT_DELAYNUS Response Field

PKT_DELAYNNS field (3 bytes total) This field specifies the amount of delay in nanoseconds prior to processing the next
control field.

PKT_DELAYNNS Field - Format

Field Identifier Control Field Data

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1 Byte 2 Bytes
0x4A Number of nanoseconds delay
Table 92 PKT_DELAYNUS Field Format

PKT_DELAYNNS Response field (1 byte) this field indicates that the PKT_DELAYNNS packet was received without error.
PKT_DELAYNNS Response Field - Format
Field Identifier Response Field Data
1 Byte 1 Byte
(anything different indicates error)
Table 93 PKT_DELAYNNS Response Field

PKT_RTSTHRESH field (5 bytes total) This field can be used to set the number of threshold high and threshold low free
space bytes in the receive buffer.

PKT_RTSTHRESH Field - Format

Control Fields Data
Field Identifier
thresh_hi thresh_lo
1 Byte 2 Bytes 2 Bytes
Table 94 PKT_RTSTHRESH Field Format

The Ready-To-Send (RTSn) pin is output by the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip. The output is active low. The signal is used
by the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip to control the flow of packet data to the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip. The AMBE-
3000R™ Vocoder Chip has a receive buffer where incoming packets are stored until they have been processed. When RTSn is
low, the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip indicates that it is ready to receive packet data. When RTSn is high, the AMBE-
3000R™ Vocoder Chip is not ready to receive packet data. The AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip sets RTSn high if there are
less than thresh_hi bytes of free space in the receive buffer. The AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip sets RTSn low if there are
more than thresh_lo bytes of free space in the receive buffer. By default, after reset thresh_hi is set to 20 and thresh_lo is set to
40. These thresholds can be changed by sending a PKT_RTSTHRESH field as part of a control packet after reset. The
thresholds may need to be set to higher values if the device connected to RTSn does not stop sending packet data quickly
enough after RTSn goes high.

The RTSn signal follows the conventions commonly used for RS-232 flow control. If the MCBSP or the parallel port is
selected for the packet interface, rather than the UART, then the RTSn signal is still generated. The RTSn signal can also be
used for flow control if the McBSP or the PPT interface is used.

Format of the PKT_RTSTHRESH field is as follows. 5 bytes total. 1 byte code is 0x4e followed by 2 bytes for thresh_hi two
bytes for thresh_lo

PKT_RTSTHRESH Response field (2 bytes) this field indicates that the PKT_ RTSTHRESH field in the corresponding
control packet was received without error.
PKT_RTSTHRESH Response Field - Format
Field Identifier Response Field Data
1 Byte 1 Byte
(anything different indicates error)
Table 95 PKT_RTSTHRESH Response Field

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Note: “PKT_GAIN” and “PKT_GAIN Response” are ONLY effective for 16 bit
Linear Samples when in Packet Mode

PKT_GAIN field (3 bytes total) This field can be used to set the input gain and output gain to anywhere between +90 and -90
dB. The default input gain and output gain are each 0 dB.

PKT_GAIN Field - Format

Control Fields Data
Field Identifier
Input Gain Output Gain
1 Byte 1 Byte 1 Byte
Table 96 PKT_GAIN Field Format

If the input gain is < 0 dB then the input speech samples are attenuated prior to encoding.
If the input gain is > 0 dB then the input speech samples are amplified prior to encoding.
If the output gain is < 0 dB then the output speech samples are attenuated after decoding.
If the output gain is > 0 dB then the output speech samples are amplified after decoding.

It is recommended that the input and output gain are both 0 dB. Different values can be used for testing purposes.

PKT_GAIN Response field (2 bytes total) this field indicates that the PKT_GAIN field in the corresponding control packet
was received without error.
PKT_GAIN Response Field - Format
Field Identifier Response Field Data
1 Byte 1 Byte
(anything different indicates error)
Table 97 PKT_GAIN Response Field

6.7 Input Speech Packet Format (Packet Type 0x02)

A speech packet uses the general packet format where the PACKET TYPE is equal to 0x02. For every speech packet input
(packet type 0x02) to the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder chip, the chip will output channel packet (packet type 0x01). Speech
packets are used only when the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip is operating in packet mode.

6.7.1 Speech Packet Fields

The speech packet supports the following packet fields:

Speech Packet - Fields

Field Name Field Identifier Data Length Description
PKT_CHANNEL0 0x40 1 byte The vocoder for subsequent fields
SPEECHD 0x00 Variable bytes The speech data to be encoded for current vocoder

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CMODE 0x02 2 bytes cmode flags for current vocoder’s encoder

TONE 0x08 2 bytes Force current encoder to generate tone frames
Table 98 Speech Packet Fields

PKTCHANNEL_ID field (2 bytes) indicates the vocoder the control is intended for. It is the same as described in the Table
33 PKT_CHANNEL(0) Field Format

A SPEECHD field (variable number of bytes) contains the speech data to be encoded for the current channel or the decoded
speech data for the current channel.
When using 16 bit linear PCM Raw Speech data to be input to the encoder or output from the decoder there will be 16 bits per
sample, this means at 160 samples there are 320 bytes of data. When using companded data (a-law or µ-law there are 8 bits of
data per sample, this results in 160 bytes of data in 160 samples. The speech is denoted as Speech[0] thru Speech[2*{samples}
-1].Speech[0] is the MS byte of the first sample. Speech[1] is the LS byte of the first sample. Speech[2*{samples}-2] is the
MS byte of the last sample. Speech[2*{samples}-1] is the LS byte of the last sample.

SPEECHD Field - Packet Format

Field Identifier Number of Samples Data
1 Byte 1 Byte Variable Number of Samples

0x00 156 <= {samples} <= 164 Speech[0] … Speech[2*{samples}-1]

Table 99 SPEECHD Field Format

CMODE fields (3 bytes total) may be used to change the mode of the encoder on a frame-by-frame basis. The CMODE field
will enable/disable advanced features of the encoder when sent as part of a speech packet.

CMODE will overwrite any values set by the PKT_ECMODE field as well as, the state as set by the corresponding hardware
configuration pin. In order not to inadvertently turn off or on features that were originally set by ECMODE_IN or set via
hardware configuration pins to be sure that CMODE is or'd with the correct value of the desired ECMODE_IN. Except for
Tone Generation, typically, once these values are set they do not change. So it is not necessary to send CMODE fields on a
frame-by-frame basis.

For example, to enable tone detection, DTX and noise suppression, CMODE data value would be 0x1840. In order to generate
a tone and retaining all of the other settings then CMODE data value would be 0x5840.

CMODE Field - Format

Field Identifier Data
1 Byte 1 Word
0x02 See Table 102 CMODE Parameters Table

Table 100 CMODE Field Format

CMODE Field - Parameters

1 Word
Bit Number 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Parameter R TS_E R TD_E DTX_E R R CP_E CP_S NS_E R R R R R R

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Table 101 CMODE Parameters Table

CMODE Field – Parameters Key

Parameter Description CMODE Name


NS_E Noise Suppression Enable NS_Enable
CP_S Compand Select CP_Select
CP_E Compand_Enable CP_Enable
DTX_E Discontinous Transmit Enable DTX_ENABLE
TD_E Tone Detection Enable TD_ENABLE
TS_E *Tone Send Enable TS_ENABLE
Table 102 CMODE Parameters Table Key

* Note: Tone generation can only be used when operating in packet mode.

TONE fields (3 bytes) can be used to force the encoder to transmit a tone frame. The frequency (or frequencies) and amplitude
of the tone are specified by this field. For durations of greater than 20 ms, the TONE field must be repeated for consecutive
frames. (DTMF Code Value and Amplitude Value are in Hex)

TONE Field - Format

Field Identifier DTMF TONE Data Amplitude Data
1 Byte 1 Byte 1 Byte
See Table 104 TONE Index See Table 105 TONE
Values AMPLITUDE Values

Table 103 TONE Field Format

TONE_IDX (Field ID 0x00)

Can specify the index of a desired tone or identify the index of a detected or received tone.

Tone Index Values

Description TONE
Parameter Name
Frequency 1 (Hz) Frequency 2 (Hz) Index Value
For Rate Index For Rate Index
Values 0 to 32 Values 33 to 61
Single Tones (The single tones span from 156.25 Hz to 3812.5 Hz in 31.25 Hz Increments)
Single tone 156.25 N/A 0x05
187.5 N/A 0x06
218.75 N/A 0x07
… … …
… … …
3812.5 N/A 0x7A
DTMF Tones
1 1209 697 0x80 0x81
2 1336 697 0x84 0x82
3 1477 697 0x88 0x83
4 1209 770 0x81 0x84

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5 1336 770 0x85 0x85

6 1477 770 0x89 0x86
7 1209 852 0x82 0x87
8 1336 852 0x86 0x88
9 1477 852 0x8A 0x89
0 1336 941 0x87 0x80
A 1633 697 0x8C 0x8A
B 1633 770 0x8D 0x8B
C 1633 852 0x8E 0x8C
D 1633 941 0x8F 0x8D
* 1209 941 0x83 0x8E
# 1477 941 0x8B 0x8F

Call Progress
Dial Tone 440 350 0xA0
Ring Tone 480 440 0xA1
Busy Tone 620 480 0xA2
Inactive N/A N/A 0xff

Table 104 TONE Index Values

TONE Amplitude Values (Field )

Can specify the amplitude of a desired tone or identify the index of a detected or received tone.
The DTMF Amplitude runs from 3 to –90 dBm0. This value is a signed byte (example: 0x03 = 3, 0x00 = 0, 0xC4 = -60).

TONE Amplitude Values

Description TONE Amplitude Value
Max Amplitude Level = +3 0x03
… …
… …
Min. Amplitude Level = -90 0xA6
Table 105 TONE AMPLITUDE Values

6.8 Output Speech Packets Format (Packet Type 0x02)

A speech packet (packet type 0x02) is output from the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder chip, whenever the chip receives an input
channel packet (packet type 0x01). The format of the output speech packet can be configured using PKT_SPCHFMT control
field see Table 64 PKT_SPCHFMT Field.

6.9 Input Channel Packet Format (Packet Type 0x01)

A channel packet uses the format as shown in Table 28 General Packet Format WITHOUT Parity Field where the PACKET
TYPE is equal to 0x01. For every channel packet input (packet type 0x01) to the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder chip, the chip will
output speech packet (packet type 0x02).

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6.9.1 Channel Packet Fields

The channel packet supports the following packet fields:

Channel Packet Fields

Field Name Field Identifier Field Length Description
PKT_CHANNEL0 0x40 2 bytes The vocoder for subsequent fields
CHAND 0x01 Variable bytes Compressed speech data to be decoded for current vocoder
Compressed speech data with four bit soft decision error
CHAND4 0x17 Variable bytes
correction enabled to be decoded for current vocoder
SAMPLES 0x30 2 bytes Number of samples to generate for current decoder frame
CMODE 0x02 3 bytes CMODE flags for current vocoder’s decoder
TONE 0x08 3 bytes Force current vocoder’s decoder to generate tone frame
Table 106 Channel Packet Fields

PKT_CHANNEL0 field (2 bytes) indicates the vocoder the control is intended for. It is the same as described in the Table 33
PKT_CHANNEL(0) Field Format
CHAND (variable number of bytes) channel bits to be decoded, packet 8 bits per byte.
Compressed data bits from the encoder or to the decoder (packed 8 bits per byte). The data is denoted by Chand[0] to
Chand[(Bits-1)/8]. Chand[0] contains the bits which are most sensitive to bit errors. Chand[(Bits-1)/8] contain the bits which
are least sensitive to bit errors. 2 thru 1+(Bits+7)/8 bytes

CHAND Field - Format

Field Identifier Number of Bits Data
Variable Number of Channel
1 Byte 1 Byte
Data Bits
0x01 40 ≤ {bits} ≤ 192 chand[0] – chand[(bits-1)/8]

Table 107 CHAND Field - Format

CHAND4 (variable number of bytes) channel bits to be decoded, with soft decision error correction enabled.
Compressed data bits from the encoder or to the decoder (packed 2 bits per byte). The data is denoted by Chand[0] to

CHAND4 Field - Format

Field Identifier Number of Bits Data
Variable Number of Channel
1 Byte 1 Byte
Data Bits
0x17 40 ≤ {bits} ≤ 192 chand[0] – chand[(bits-1)/2]

Table 108 CHAND4 Field - Format

SAMPLES field (2 bytes) denotes the number of samples to generate for current decoder frame. The second byte, contains the
data for the number of samples. The normal number of samples is 160 but the number can range between 156 to 164 when it
produces the resulting speech packet.

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SAMPLES Field - Format

Field Identifier Number of Samples
1 Byte 1 Byte
0x03 156 ≤ {number of samples} ≤ 164

Table 109 SAMPLES Field - Format

CMODE fields (3 bytes total) may be used to change the mode of the decoder on a frame-by-frame basis. The CMODE field
will enable/disable advanced features of the decoder when sent as part of a channel packet.

CMODE will overwrite any values set by the PKT_DCMODE field as well as, the state as set by the corresponding hardware
configuration pin. In order not to inadvertently turn off or on features that were originally set by DCMODE_IN or set via
hardware configuration pins to be sure that CMODE is or'd with the correct value of the desired DCMODE_IN. Except for
Tone Synthesis Enable, once these values are set they typically do not change. So it is not necessary to send CMODE fields on
a frame-by-frame basis.

For example, to enable both LOST_FRAME and CNI_FRAME CMODE data value would be 0xXXXC.

CMODE Field - parameters

Decoder Input Flag Parameters CMODE Value
LOST_FRAME Frame repeat enable. 0xXXX4
CNI_FRAME Comfort Noise Insertion Enable. 0xXXX8
TS_ENABLE Tone Synthesis Enable. 0x4XXX

TONE fields (3 bytes total) can be used to force the decoder to synthesize a tone frame. The frequency (or frequencies) and
amplitude of the tone are specified by this field. For durations of greater than 20 ms, the TONE field must be repeated for
consecutive frames. (DTMF Code Value and Amplitude Value are in Hex)

TONE Field - Format

Field Identifier DTMF TONE Data Amplitude Data
1 Byte 1 Byte 1 Byte
See Table 104 TONE Index See Table 105 TONE
Values AMPLITUDE Values

Table 110 TONE Field Format

6.10 Output Channel Packet Format (Packet Type 0x01)

A channel packet (packet type 0x01) is output from the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder chip, whenever the chip receives an
input speech packet (packet type 0x02). The format of the output channel packet can be configured using
PKT_CHANFMT control field see Table 61 PKT_CHANFMT Field.

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6.11 Example Packets

6.11.1 Speech Packet Example 1

The simplest way to operate the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip in packet mode is to send it a packet and then wait for a
response packet. But using this method, the vocoder is idle during the time when a packet is being received by the
AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip and during the time in which the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip is transmitting the
response packet.

Following is an example speech packet (hexadecimal) for input to the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip:

Speech Packet
Header SPEECHD Field
SPEECHD No. of Samples
SPEECHD field identifier

field identifier



61 0144 02 40 00 A0 0000000100020003000400050006000700080009000
Table 111 Speech Packet Example 1

The first byte (0x61) is the packet header byte. The next two bytes (0x0144) specify the total length of the packet fields is 324
bytes. Note that the total packet length including the header, length,, and type is 328 bytes. The next byte (0x02) specifies that
the packet type is a speech packet. The next byte (0x40) is the field identifier for a ChannelID field and the following byte
(0x00) specifies channel 0 for subsequent fields. The next byte (0x00) is a SPEECHD field identifier and the following byte
(0xA0) tells the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip that the SPEECHD Data field contains 160 speech samples, occupying 320
bytes. The final 320 bytes contain the speech samples. For this particular example the speech samples increment from 0 to
159. Note that the MS byte of each sample is transmitted/received prior to the LS byte of each sample. This convention is
used whenever a 16-bit number is contained in a packet.

Also note that the default vocoder number, if no VOCODERID fields occur in the packet, is vocoder 0. So for this example,
since vocoder 0 is specified in the VOCODERID field, the VOCODERID field could have been omitted.

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6.11.2 Speech Packet Example 2

The following packet is another example of speech input

Speech Packet
Header SPEECHD Field TONE Field
ID Field Field
SPEECHD Field identifier

SPEECHD No. of Samples

CMODE Field identifier

TONE Amplifier Value

TONE Field identifier

TONE Index Value

Field Identifier

CMODE flags



61 014A 02 40 00 A0 000000010002000300040 02 0000 08 03 00


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Table 112 Speech Packet Example 2

This is the similar to the prior example except that a CMODE field and a TONE field were added to the end of the packet. The
packet indicates that the speech samples will be passed to the encoder for channel 0. The length field changed to 0x014a
because the packet length increased by 6 bytes. For the new bytes at the end of the packet (0x02) is the CMODE field
identifier. The following two bytes (0x0000) specifies that the encoder cmode flags should be set to 0x0000. The next byte
(0x08) is a TONE field identifier. The next two bytes (0x03 and 0x00) specify tone index of 3 and tone amplitude of 0 dBm0.

6.11.3 Channel Packet Example 1

Following is an example channel packet (hexadecimal) for input to the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip:

Channel Packet

Header CHAND No. of CHAND Field

Field Identifier





61 000C 01 01 50 00112233445566778899
Table 113 Channel Packet Example 1

The first byte (0x61) is the packet header byte. The next two bytes (0x000C) specify that the length of the packet (excluding
the header, length, and type bytes) is 12 bytes. The next byte (0x01) specifies that the packet type is a channel packet. The next
byte (0x01) is the field identifier for a CHAND field. The next byte (0x50) specifies that 80 bits of channel data follow. The
bits are packed 8 bits per byte such that the 80 bits are contained in the 10 bytes that follow. The final 10 bytes contain the
channel data. The bits are output with the most significant (and most sensitive to bit-errors) bits in the first byte and the least
significant (and least sensitive to bit-errors) bits in the last byte. For bit-rates that are not an even multiple of 400 bps, the
MSBs of the last byte are used to hold the channel data, and the LSBs will be padded with zeros.

Note that in this example, the packet contains no VOCODERID field, and therefore channel 0 is assumed.

6.11.4 Channel Packet Example 2

Following is another example of a channel packet for input to the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip:

Channel Packet


Header CHAND Field
Field Field Field

(Subject to Change) Page 80

AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip Users Manual
Version 1.4, March, 2013 Data and Configuration Packets

CHAND Number of

Field Identifier




of Samples




61 0010 01 40 01 38 00112233445566 03 A1 02 0000

Table 114 Channel Packet Example 2

The first byte (0x61) is the packet header byte. The next two bytes (0x0010), specify that the length of the packet (excluding
the header, length, and type bytes) is 16 bytes. The next byte (0x01) specifies that the packet type is a channel packet. The
next byte (0x40), is a ChannelID field identifier and the byte that follows (0x00) specifies vocoder 0 for subsequent fields. The
next byte (0x01) is a CHAND specifier and the following byte (0x38) specifies that 56 bits (7 bytes) of channel data follow.
The next 7 bytes contain the channel data to be decoded by the decoder. The next byte (0x03), is a field identifier for a
SAMPLES field. The next byte (0xA1), specifies that the decoder will output 161 samples rather than the normal 160 samples
when it produces the resulting speech packet. The next byte (0x02), is the field identifier for a CMODE field. The final 2
bytes (0x0000), are used to control the decoder mode.

(Subject to Change) Page 81

Digital Voice Systems, Inc.
The Speech Compression Specialists
AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip Users Manual
Version 1.4, March, 2013 Appendices

7 Appendices

7.1 Algorithmic and Processing Delays

The total delay due to the coding/decoding algorithm is = 62 ms

Encoder Time Decoder Time

Transmit Channel Receive
(58 ms) (up to 35 ms) Begin Speech
Algorithm + Processing Transmission + Channel + Receive Scheduling + Algorithm + Processing out
delay delay delay

(This delay includes the delay associated with collecting enough PCM samples for the encoder algorithm
**Encoder Algorithmic delay. to begin processing.)
52 ms

Encoder Processing delay.

6 ms

Packet read delay.

~ Channel transmission delay.
~ Packet write delay.
(user defined)

Decoder scheduling delay.

0 – 20 ms

**Decoder Algorithmic delay.

10 ms

Decoder Processing delay.

(Time to actual decode.)
5 ms

First speech
sample ready.

The total algorithmic delay for the encoder and decoder combined is 62 msec. The breakdown in this chart is somewhat arbitrary
**Note: but it represents a close estimate.

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AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip Users Manual
Version 1.4, March, 2013 Appendices

7.2 Vocoder Rate by Index Number

Vocoder Rates by Index Number

AMBE-1000™ Rates
Total Rate Speech Rate FEC Rate
Index #
0 2400 2400 0
1 3600 3600 0
2 4800 3600 1200
3 4800 4800 0
4 9600 9600 0
5 2400 2350 50
6 9600 4850 4750
7 4800 4550 250
8 4800 3100 1700
9 7200 4400 2800
10 6400 4150 2250
11 3600 3350 250
12 8000 7750 250
13 8000 4650 3350
14 4000 3750 250
15 4000 4000 0

AMBE-2000™ Rates
Total Rate Speech Rate FEC Rate
Index #
16 3600 3600 0
17 4000 4000 0
18 4800 4800 0
19 6400 6400 0
20 8000 8000 0
21 9600 9600 0
22 4000 2400 1600
23 4800 3600 1200
24 4800 4000 800
25 4800 2400 2400
26 6400 4000 2400
27 7200 4400 2800
28 8000 4000 4000
29 9600 2400 7200
30 9600 3600 6000
31 2000 2000 0
32 6400 3600 2800

AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip Rates

Total Rate Speech Rate FEC Rate
Index #
33 3600 2450 1150
34 2450 2450 0
35 3400 2250 1150
36 2250 2250 0

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AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip Users Manual
Version 1.4, March, 2013 Appendices

37 2400 2400 0
38 3000 3000 0
39 3600 3600 0
40 4000 4000 0
41 4400 4400 0
42 4800 4800 0
43 6400 6400 0
44 7200 7200 0
45 8000 8000 0
46 9600 9600 0
47 2700 2450 250
48 3600 3350 250
49 4000 3750 250
50 4800 4550 250
51 4400 2450 1950
52 4800 2450 2350
53 6000 2450 3550
54 7200 2450 4750
55 4000 2600 1400
56 4800 3600 1200
57 4800 4000 800
58 6400 4000 2400
59 7200 4400 2800
60 8000 4000 4000
61 9600 3600 6000
Table 115 Rate Index Numbers

Rate Index #32 is compatible with the AMBE-2000™ Vocoder chip however; it is not part of the AMBE-2000™ Vocoder
chip standard rate table.
Index rates #32 to #63 are AMBE+2 mode rates
Index rate #33 is interoperable with APCO P25 Half Rate and DMR (Europe)

(Subject to Change) Page 84

AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip Users Manual
Version 1.4, March, 2013 Appendices

7.3 Rate - Control Words / Configuration Pin Settings

Hardware Pin Numbers

Total Speec FEC
Rate h Rate Rate RCW 0 RCW 1 RCW 2 RCW 3 RCW 4 RCW 5

122 / A4

125 / D4
126 / A3
123 / B4
124 / C4
121 / E5
(bps) (bps) (bps)

2000 2000 0 0x0128 0x0663 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x6428 0 1 1 1 1 1

2250 2250 0 0x042D 0x0754 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x722D 1 0 0 1 0 0

2400 0 0x0030 0x0763 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x4330 0 0 0 0 0 0

2400 2350 50 0x002F 0x0763 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x6930 0 0 0 1 0 1
2400 0 0x0430 0x0754 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x6930 1 0 0 1 0 1

2450 2450 0 0x0431 0x0754 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x7031 1 0 0 0 1 0

2700 2450 250 0x0431 0x0754 0x0080 0x0000 0x0000 0x3936 1 0 1 1 1 1

3000 3000 0 0x043C 0x0766 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x673C 1 0 0 1 1 0

3400 2250 1150 0x042D 0x0754 0x2400 0x0000 0x0000 0x7944 1 0 0 0 1 1

3600 0 0x0048 0x0767 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x6F48 0 0 0 0 0 1

3350 250 0x0043 0x0765 0x0080 0x0000 0x0000 0x5348 0 0 1 0 1 1
1 0x0130 0x0763 0x0001 0x0000 0x4230 0x0048 - - - - - -
2400 1200
2 0x0130 0x0763 0x4000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0048 - - - - - -
2400 1200
3600 2400
1200 0x0030 0x0664 0x4000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0048 - - - - - -
3600 0 0x0248 0x0763 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x3948 0 1 0 0 0 0
4 0x0431 0x0754 0x2400 0x0000 0x0000 0x6F48 1 0 0 0 0 1
2450 1150
3600 0 0x0448 0x0766 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x6848 1 0 0 1 1 1
3350 250 0x0443 0x0766 0x0080 0x0000 0x0000 0x3948 1 1 0 0 0 0

4000 0 0x0050 0x0887 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x3950 0 0 1 1 1 1

3750 250 0x004B 0x0767 0x0080 0x0000 0x0000 0x3950 0 0 1 1 1 0
4000 0 0x0250 0x0765 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x4150 0 1 0 0 0 1
4000 2400 1600 0x0130 0x0763 0x0001 0x0000 0x341A 0x6750 0 1 0 1 1 0
4000 0 0x0450 0x0986 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x7450 1 0 1 0 0 0
3750 250 0x044B 0x0766 0x0080 0x0000 0x0000 0x4150 1 1 0 0 0 1
2600 1400 0x0434 0x0754 0x2480 0x0000 0x0000 0x6850 1 1 0 1 1 1

4400 0 0x0458 0x0986 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x4458 1 0 1 0 0 1

2450 1950 0x0431 0x0754 0x0001 0x0000 0x4221 0x6C58 1 1 0 0 1 1

4800 4800 0 0x0060 0x0887 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x7960 0 0 0 0 1 1

4550 250 0x005B 0x0887 0x0080 0x0000 0x0000 0x6860 0 0 0 1 1 1
3600 1200 0x0048 0x0767 0x2030 0x0000 0x0000 0x7060 0 0 0 0 1 0
3100 1700 0x003E 0x0765 0x2800 0x0000 0x0000 0x7460 0 0 1 0 0 0
4800 0 0x0260 0x0767 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x6C60 0 1 0 0 1 0
4000 800 0x0250 0x0765 0x2010 0x0000 0x0000 0x7460 0 1 1 0 0 0

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AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip Users Manual
Version 1.4, March, 2013 Appendices

3600 1200 0x0248 0x0763 0x0001 0x0000 0x2412 0x6860 0 1 0 1 1 1

2400 2400 0x0130 0x0763 0x0005 0x180C 0x3018 0x7360 0 1 1 0 0 1
4800 0 0x0460 0x0986 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x5660 1 0 1 0 1 0
4550 250 0x045B 0x0986 0x0080 0x0000 0x0000 0x6C60 1 1 0 0 1 0
2450 2350 0x0431 0x0754 0x0002 0x0000 0x471E 0x5260 1 1 0 1 0 0
3600 1200 0x0448 0x0766 0x4000 0x0000 0x0000 0x7460 1 1 1 0 0 0
4000 800 0x0450 0x0986 0x2010 0x0000 0x0000 0x7360 1 1 1 0 0 1

6000 2450 3550 0x0431 0x0754 0x0002 0x0000 0x6625 0x6978 1 1 0 1 0 1

4150 2250 0x0053 0x0887 0x2C00 0x0000 0x0000 0x5680 0 0 1 0 1 0

6400 0 0x0280 0x0887 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x6C80 0 1 0 0 1 1
4000 2400 0x0250 0x0765 0x0001 0x0000 0x542A 0x5280 0 1 1 0 1 0
3600 2800 0x0248 0x0763 0x0001 0x0000 0x6E3C 0x4380 1 0 0 0 0 0
6400 0 0x0480 0x0986 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x5380 1 0 1 0 1 1
4000 2400 0x0450 0x0986 0x8000 0x0000 0x0000 0x5280 1 1 1 0 1 0

4400 2800 0x0058 0x0887 0x3000 0x0000 0x0000 0x4490 0 0 1 0 0 1

4400 2800 0x0258 0x0765 0x0009 0x1E0C 0x4127 0x7390 0 1 1 0 1 1
7200 7200 0 0x0490 0x0986 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x4990 1 0 1 1 0 0
2450 4750 0x0431 0x0754 0x0003 0x0000 0x7E25 0x6790 1 1 0 1 1 0
4400 2800 0x0458 0x0986 0x8020 0x0000 0x0000 0x7390 1 1 1 0 1 1

7750 250 0x009B 0x0997 0x0080 0x0000 0x0000 0x49A0 0 0 1 1 0 0

4650 3350 0x005D 0x0887 0x3400 0x0000 0x0000 0x31A0 0 0 1 1 0 1
8000 0 0x02A0 0x0997 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x52A0 0 1 0 1 0 0
4000 4000 0x0250 0x0765 0x0005 0x2010 0x6834 0x72A0 0 1 1 1 0 0
8000 0 0x04A0 0x0986 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x31A0 1 0 1 1 0 1
4000 4000 0x0450 0x0986 0x0005 0x2412 0x6432 0x72A0 1 1 1 1 0 0

9600 0 0x00C0 0x0997 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x72C0 0 0 0 1 0 0

4850 4750 0x0061 0x0887 0xE400 0x0000 0x0000 0x67C0 0 0 0 1 1 0
9600 0 0x02C0 0x0997 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x69C0 0 1 0 1 0 1
3600 6000 0x0248 0x0763 0x000E 0x4010 0x6A2E 0x65C0 0 1 1 1 1 0
2400 7200 0x0130 0x0763 0x000E 0x681A 0x511B 0x76C0 0 1 1 1 0 1
9600 0 0x04C0 0x0986 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x39C0 1 0 1 1 1 0
3600 6000 0x0448 0x0766 0x000A 0x3612 0x6C24 0x76C0 1 1 1 1 0 1

Table 116 Rate Control Words and Pin Settings

Table Key for and Table 116 Rate Control Words and Pin Settings
AMBE-1000™ Rates (AMBE® Vocoder)
AMBE-2000™ Rates (AMBE+™ Vocoder)
AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip Rates (AMBE+2™ Vocoder)

FEC is a convolutional code
This rate is interoperable with DSTAR
FEC is a block code
This rate is interoperable with APCO P25 Half Rate and DMR / dPMR (Europe).

(Subject to Change) Page 86

Digital Voice Systems, Inc.
The Speech Compression Specialists
AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip Users Manual
Version 1.4, March, 2013 Support

8 Support

8.1 DVSI Contact Information

If you have questions regarding the AMBE-3000™- Vocoder Chip please contact:

Digital Voice Systems, Inc.

234 Littleton Road
Westford, MA 01886 USA

Phone: (978) 392-0002

Fax: (978) 392-8866

web site:

(Subject to Change) Page 87

Digital Voice Systems, Inc.
AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip Users Manual The Speech Compression Specialists

Version 1.4, March, 2013 Environmental Specifications

9 Environmental Specifications
(as stated by Texas Instruments Inc. Material Declaration Certificate for Semiconductor Products)

Part Number Details

DVSI Part Number AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip
TI Part Number1 TMS320F2811PBKA
PN Type1A Std.

Pb-Free (RoHS) Details

RoHS & High-Temp Compatible Yes
Conversion Date2 10, October 2005 (DC 0541)
Available Supply Date3 30, March 2006

Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) Details

Green Compliant Yes
Conversion Date2 10, October 2005 (DC 0541)
Available Supply Date3 30, March 2006

JIG Rating
JIG Material Content Compliance4 Level A & B

Package Details
Package Type PBK
Pins 128
Current Lead/Ball Finish CU NIPDAU
Planned Lead/Ball Finish
Current MSL/Reflow Ratings Level-2-260C-1YR
Device Mass (mg) 615.000

RoHS Restricted Substances4 (JIG Level A)5

ppm 0
Cadmium (Cd)
Amount (mg) 0
ppm 0
Hex.Chromium (Cr6+)
Amount (mg) 0
ppm 300
Lead (Pb)
Amount (mg) 0.0185
ppm 0
Mercury (Hg)
Amount (mg) 0
ppm 0
PBB’s (RoHS defined)
Amount (mg) 0
ppm 0
PBDE’s (RoHS defined)
Amount (mg) 0

JIG Level A
ppm 0
All other JIG Level A Substances
Amount (mg) 0

(Subject to Change) Page 88

AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip Users Manual
Version 1.4, March, 2013 Environmental Specifications

Green Reportable Substances (JIG Level B)5

ppm 0
Antimony (Sb)
Amount (mg) 0
Brominated Flame Retardants ppm 0
(Other than PBBS or PBDEs) Amount (mg) 0

JIG Level B
ppm 0
Bismuth (Bi)
Amount (mg) 0
ppm 0
Nickel-Exposed (Ni)
Amount (mg) 0
ppm 0
All Other JIG Level B Substances
Amount (mg) 0

Recyclable Metals6
ppm 99739
Copper (Cu)
Amount (mg) 60.2303
ppm 4990
Gold (Au)
Amount (mg) 3.0692
ppm 0
Magnesium (Mg)
Amount (mg) 0
ppm 4065
Nickel-Not Exposed (Ni)
Amount (mg) 2.5002
ppm 338
Palladium (Pd)
Amount (mg) 0.2084
ppm 4666
Silver (Ag)
Amount (mg) 2.8701

Last Update7
17, February 2007

*Part Number
No material contents are available for this part.

**Pb-Free or Green Alternative BGA Parts

A Pb-Free or Green version of this BGA device may be available under a new part number. Typically, the package code for a device is embedded in the part
number. Package codes Gxx, YEx (where x can be any letter), YE and WAS will be changed to new codes during the conversion to Pb-Free and Green. The
new codes are Zxx, YZx, YZ and WAZ. Using this new package nomenclature in the part number you may locate information on the Pb-Free and Green
version of the device. To learn more, contact your TI sales rep.

Note (1) - Check the Available Supply Dates before ordering. Orders cannot be placed by assembly site.
Note (1A) - PN Type indicates whether a part number is a "Pb-Free" unique PN or a standard TI PN. If you need to order RoHS & high-temp compatible parts
and don't want to hassle with date codes, use the "Pb-Free" unique PN when placing orders.

Note (2) - The forecasted or actual conversion date for the specific device package, pin count, & assembly site. See Glossary of Terms for more details.

Note (3) - The forecasted or actual date that the device will be available for purchase.

Note (4) - If a device's material content is less than the thresholds in the Joint Industry Guide (JIG) Level A & Level B substances tables, then "Level A & B"
will be displayed. Other options are "Level A ONLY" or "None". For availability of "Level A & B" devices, use the Green Available Supply Date (ASD). For
"Level A ONLY" devices, use the Pb-Free ASD.

Note (5) - ppm calculations are at the homogeneous material level. See Glossary of Terms for more details.

Note (6) - ppm calculations are at the component level. See Glossary of Terms for more details.

(Subject to Change) Page 89

AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip Users Manual
Version 1.4, March, 2013 Environmental Specifications

Note (7) - Reflects the date when a change was last detected in the associated row of information. Change monitoring began 2005-08-11.

Important Part Information

There is a remote possibility the Customer Part Number (CPN) your company uses could reference more than one TI part number. This is due to two or more
users (EMSIs or subcontractors) using the same CPN for different TI part numbers. If this occurs, please check your Customer Part Number and cross
reference it with the TI part number seen on this page.

Product Content Methodology

For an explanation of the methods used to determine material weights, See Product Content Methodology,

Important Warranty and Disclaimer Information

TI bases its material content knowledge on information provided by third parties and has taken and continues to take reasonable steps to provide representative
and accurate information, but may not have conducted destructive testing or chemical analysis on incoming materials and chemicals. TI and TI suppliers
consider certain information to be proprietary, and thus CAS numbers and other limited information may not be available for release. TI provides an exclusive
warranty for certain material content representations in the Material Declaration Certificate for Semiconductor Products, which can be found at All other material content information is provided
"as is."

(Subject to Change) Page 90

Digital Voice Systems, Inc.
The Speech Compression Specialists
AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip Users Manual
Version 1.4, March, 2013 IC Chip Software Errata

10 IC Chip Software Errata

DVSI reserves the right to make modifications, enhancements, improvements and other changes to the AMBE-3000R™
Vocoder Chip at any time without notice. To identify the software release number of the AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip refer
to the PKT_VERSTRING field in Section Packet Fields.

(Subject to Change) Page 91

Digital Voice Systems, Inc.
The Speech Compression Specialists
AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip Users Manual
Version 1.4, March, 2013 History of Revisions

11 History of Revisions

History of Revisions
Revision Date of
Description Pages
Number Revision

1.0 June 2012 Initial Release

Added note regarding part number in section 2.4.1 AMBE-3000R™

1.1 June 2012 8
Vocoder Chip LQFP Markings

1.2 June 2012 Added section 2.7.3 Input Clock Requirements 19

1.3 Added information on Echo canceller initilization 60

Edited Figure 32 AMBE-3000R™ Vocoder Chip and PCM3500 Interface

March Block Diagram
2013 Edited Table 54 PKT_CODECCFG Field Example Data 61
Edited PKT_GAIN note 72

(Subject to Change) Page 92


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