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Mobile GIS Development

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WSEAS International Conference on URBAN PLANNING and TRANSPORTATION (UPT'07), Heraklion, Crete Island, Greece, July 22-24, 2008

Developing a Mobile GIS for Field Geospatial Data

Department of GIS, Faculty of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering,
K.N. Toosi University of Technology
ValiAsr Street., Mirdamad Cross, Tehran, P.C. 19967-15433

Abstract: - Field based and GPS assisted GIS are frequently used in various geoscience applications. Such
systems deliver more advanced, time and cost effective tools than traditional field forms for information
collection. At the same time, different systems are on the market. These systems mostly enable users to
determine positions of geo-objects by GPS, and maintain functionalities to gather and analyze geometric
information. The digital obtaining of the application’s specific information is often underrepresented within
these kinds of systems.
This paper attempts to develop a system for gathering, integrating, analyzing, and visualizing spatial and
aspatial information in electrical industry facilities. A PDA based GIS is extended to collect information in a
beneficial manner, thus, adequately supporting the requirements of its users. Mobile GIS architectures, the
components of a mobile GIS, and their impacts on gathering data are examined. The steps followed to design
and develop a system for the electricity Transmission and Distribution Company are demonstrated. The results
are presented and discussed in details in the paper.

Key-Words: - Mobile GIS, GPS, PDA, Spatial information, Aspatial data

1 Introduction and attribute information, of interest to the

GIS databases, used by government agencies and organization.
private organizations, must be kept up-to-data to Until recently, collecting and using information in
inform decision makers about proper management the field was a paper-based process with multiple
of resources [1, 2]. Data gathering is a time and points of data entry without accessing to real-time
money consuming task [3]. The recent evolutions in information or the ability to accurately communicate
Mobile GIS caused the possibility to cost effectively field observations back to the central stations. The
gather, and manage GIS data [4]. recent developments in mobile GIS technologies
Mobile GIS is the accessing, using, and storing of have benefited many field-based information
geospatial data directly in the field. Mobile GIS gathering. Information collection can now be
addresses the needs not only of GIS managers, but performed more accurately with higher efficiency
also of field inspectors, maintenance teams, utility [6].
crews, emergency repair workers, and other field Mobile GIS can facilitate the following field
workers who need timely access to GIS data in the processes:
field [5].  Asset inventory—Recording the location
Mobile GIS is evolved with developments in: and attribute information of an asset on a
 Global Positioning System (GPS) digital map
technology  Asset maintenance—Managing asset
 Rugged handheld computing technologies location, condition, and maintenance
 Wireless communications, and schedules in the field
 GIS software for mobile platforms  Inspections—Maintaining digital records of
Mobile GIS depends heavily on high quality data in field assets for legal code compliance
the GIS database. However, in many organizations  Incident reporting—Spatially recording
this data can be obsolete or even non-existent. accidents or events.
GIS data collection is the process of populating a The process of decoding field notes, entering
GIS with data on the properties, including position valid information into the geodatabase, and
redistributing new paper maps is time-consuming,

ISBN: 978-960-6766-87-9 23 ISSN 1790-2769

WSEAS International Conference on URBAN PLANNING and TRANSPORTATION (UPT'07), Heraklion, Crete Island, Greece, July 22-24, 2008

expensive, and at risk for errors. However what is of hand-held challenges. Various architectures have
routine and necessary is to maintain geodatabases been proposed for mobile GIS implementation,
[7]. Mobile GIS has made it possible to digitally namely; Stand-alone, Client-Server, Distributed,
view and edit spatial data in the field. It overcomes Services, and Peer-to-peer [11].
the shortcomings of paper maps and provides real The simplest Mobile GIS architecture is the
benefits to field-workers as well as cost benefits for Stand-Alone Client. In this architecture the
the utility. application and spatial data reside entirely on the
A GPS data collection system has the same basic mobile device (Figure 1). Although some
components as a Mobile GIS system. It requires the applications may profit from this approach, such
user to locate and then record position and attribute settings have major drawbacks. First, the hardware
information about the features of interest. GPS resources of the mobile device restrict the amount of
technology provides the obvious choice for spatial data the application can support. Second, this
recording reliable position information, while architecture does not allow for communication with
handheld computer platforms running field- any other applications.
optimized software allow the user to efficiently
record feature and attribute data [5]. During the past
years, tremendous advances have taken place in
GPS technology (receivers), data collection
hardware, and field data collection software. Not
only has the autonomous GPS accuracy improved,
but the data collectors have become smaller, lighter,
and less expensive. The software has become Fig.1: The Stand-Alone Client Architecture
cheaper and easier to learn [8]. To address the above challenges, client-server
With the introduction of Palm Pilots followed by architecture can be adopted. As Figure 2 presents,
Microsoft's launch of a pocket PC operating system, spatial data is moved to a separate computer and
a new generation of handheld Personal Digital served to the client by GIS server software. The GIS
Assistants (PDA's) have swamped the market. It is applications can still be in the mobile device
now possible to use these lightweight handheld searching for data in data servers. Depending on the
PDA's, with GPS/GIS data collection software, for GIS applications, the location of the servers, and the
field applications. network constraints, thin, thick or medium clients
Onboard digital cameras allow users to include a may be adopted [13]. In such architecture, the
visual record as part of the field data collection spatial data is constrained by the resources of an
process. An application can automatically control enterprise server. Moreover, multiple mobile devices
the camera, preview an image, and finally take a running the same application can access the server
proper photo for possible inspections. The photo can concurrently, making this a potentially multi-user
then be linked to its real world location where it was architecture. However, the architecture poses a new
taken and associated with descriptive attribute constraint: communication. If the mobile cannot
information. establish communication to the data server, the GIS
In this paper a system is developed to assist applications are useless, and the architecture losses
operators in data collection for electrical power its versatility. Due to range, and interferences,
industries. inconsistent communication occurs frequently in
mobile applications.

2 Mobile GIS Architectures

Mobile GIS is based on mobile computing and
mobile Internet. It is an extension of Web GIS to
mobile Internet including wireless Internet/Intranet
and mobile communication network [9]. Mobile GIS Fig.2: The Client-Server Architecture
have several restrictions due to the limited In order to overcome the inconsistent
capabilities of both hand-held hardware and the connectivity, two challenges must be addressed:
network data transfer speeds and bandwidth [10]. persistence and resource management. A distributed
The diversity of mobile devices, the limitation in framework can handle the logic for persistence and
processing power and screen display, and the resource management (Figure 3).
diversity of mobile system platforms are examples

ISBN: 978-960-6766-87-9 24 ISSN 1790-2769

WSEAS International Conference on URBAN PLANNING and TRANSPORTATION (UPT'07), Heraklion, Crete Island, Greece, July 22-24, 2008

Fig.3: The Distributed Client-Server Architecture Fig.5: The Peer-to-Peer Architecture

To further extend the back-end functionality of
mobile GIS, applications can view the GIS server as
a web service and allow for other web services to be
part of the application (Figure 4). Since the web
3 Mobile GIS Components
The core components of a mobile GIS are the same
services use similar communications protocol, all
as generic mobile business systems. A mobile GIS
mobile devices can communicate with each other. In
has three fundamental components: hardware,
addition, the web services can also communicate
software and the wireless network, which connects
between themselves using SOAP XML, the industry
the mobile device to a data repository.
standard for passing messages between software
The hardware component consists of the mobile
components [14]. Once employed, this architecture
device; a suitably configured wireless modem; a
can support robust communication between any
Web Server with wireless support, i.e., a WAP
number of mobile devices and web services.
Gateway, a Communications Server and/or a Mobile
Unfortunately, it might not be the best for some
Communications Server Switch so that the mobile
applications, such as those designed for
device can communicate with the Internet or an
collaboration in remote areas where connectivity to
Intranet; and an application or database server that
servers is unavailable.
contains the application’s logic and databases [16].
The software component includes the mobile
device operating system (Windows 98/2000/NT,
PalmOS, Win CE, EPOC, etc.); the mobile
application user interface, which may run through an
Internet browser; application server and/or database
server software; application middleware if the
mobile device needs to communicate with legacy
(predecessor) systems or web-based application
servers; and wireless middleware that links multiple
types of wireless networks to application servers
The wireless network component may be either a
private network such as that used by law
Fig.4: The Services Architecture enforcement or emergency services, or a public
In a peer-to-peer architecture a server is no shared network. Connectivity to wired networks or
longer available to keep spatial data; the data must wireless LANs may also be included depending on
be stored on the mobile devices themselves as seen the requirements of the mobile application.
in Figure 5. However, if each mobile device stores
100% of the data, then the architecture is restricted
in the same manner as the Stand-Alone Client. 4 Case study
To allow for more data storage throughout the Since many organizations’ activities are based on
application, each mobile device keeps just a subset spatial information, collecting spatial data has
of the data. When Mobile Device A needs data, it become outstandingly as one of the organizations
relies on its distributed framework’s resource target. Electricity Transmission and Distribution
management to know if it has that data locally. If it companies are among the companies that require
does not, the distributed framework must know how spatial data and need a spatial information system
to access that data on Mobile Device B [15]. with an up-to-date database of the conditions of the
transmission lines, distribution lines, posts and other
spatial features. By considering the importance and

ISBN: 978-960-6766-87-9 25 ISSN 1790-2769

WSEAS International Conference on URBAN PLANNING and TRANSPORTATION (UPT'07), Heraklion, Crete Island, Greece, July 22-24, 2008

the role of a spatial information system in the

electrical industry (production, outfitting and
maintenance parts), a system for collecting spatial
data related to transmission and distribution posts
was designed. A user-friendly system was developed
to enable operators to gather and save descriptive
information, the feature’s position by GPS, and the
feature’s picture. The system is designed to work
off-line (Stand-alone Client architecture) as well as
online (Distributed architecture).
In this project a HP iPAQ hw6945 was used to
collect data. The device was equipped with an
internal GPS receiver, and a 1.3 mega pixel camera. Fig.6: The user interfaces of the developed system
The device has also the features of a cell phone in The system has been set up for practical uses in
addition to the ability to communicate via infrared, Tehran Regional Power Company. The initial results
Bluetooth and Wi-Fi technology. The mobile is are promising as it populates the database in real
integrated with a high sensitivity GPS receiver and time. The deployed system has several practical
HP iPAQ Quick GPS Connection technology. Quick features. The most compelling are:
GPS Connection technology is a software
 access to data in the field (where it is often
application residing on the device that enables a
needed the most)
faster connection for enhanced GPS performance.
 capture data in the field and in real-time (it
The operating system of the device is Windows
includes photos)
Mobile and has the ability of programming
(Application programming) using .net technology.  append positional information to data
The system’s software is consisted of two parts: the capture
database and the user interface.  run GIS functionality in the field, (where
The needed information contents for collecting again it is often needed the most)
geodata was extracted from the related data models Further GIS applications are requested to guide the
and the database was designed in SQL Server CE maintenance crew to the needed utilities locations.
(Compact Edition).
The user interface was designed based on .net
compact framework using Window Mobile APIs. A 5 Conclusion
connection between the program and the database Both the hardware and software available for digital
was established and the program was setup for use data acquisition have advanced considerably in
in Pocket PC. recent years. Professional clients look towards
By using the designed software the ability to insert, mobile platforms to increase productivity through
edit and search information, to register the position efficient information handling, resulting in cost
and the picture of the feature is provided; in such a reduction, as well as a well-informed mobile
manner that the information will be saved in the workforce.
database and its’ transmission and retrieval in the This paper analyzed mobile GIS architectures
central database will be easily done. Figure 6 and its components. The paper also presented a
presents the several user interfaces for data entry mobile GIS for power industry users. The ability of
and capturing photos. the system to capture positional data through its
GPS receiver, gather descriptive information using
its API, and take photo made the system cost
With mobile GIS, data is always in a digital
format, making it easy and efficient to transfer from
the field to the office without introducing
interpretive errors. Checks and balances are still
required, of course, but many of these can be
automated so those carrying out the checks can
focus on the real errors.

ISBN: 978-960-6766-87-9 26 ISSN 1790-2769

WSEAS International Conference on URBAN PLANNING and TRANSPORTATION (UPT'07), Heraklion, Crete Island, Greece, July 22-24, 2008

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ISBN: 978-960-6766-87-9 27 ISSN 1790-2769

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