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The Journal of Systems and Software 70 (2004) 165–176

Research in computer science: an empirical study

a,* b,1 a,2
V. Ramesh , Robert L. Glass , Iris Vessey
Department of Information Systems, Kelley School of Business, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 47405, USA
Computing Trends, 1416 Sare Rd., Bloomington, IN 47401, USA
Received 20 May 2002; received in revised form 7 August 2002; accepted 3 November 2002


In this paper, we examine the state of computer science (CS) research from the point of view of the following research questions:

1. What topics do CS researchers address?

2. What research approaches do CS researchers use?
3. What research methods do CS researchers use?
4. On what reference disciplines does CS research depend?
5. At what levels of analysis do CS researchers conduct research?

To answer these questions, we examined 628 papers published between 1995 and 1999 in 13 leading research journals in the CS field.
Our results suggest that while CS research examines a variety of technical topics it is relatively focused in terms of the level at which
research is conducted as well as the research techniques used. Further, CS research seldom relies on work outside the discipline for
its theoretical foundations. We present our findings as an evaluation of the state of current research and as groundwork for future
CS research efforts.
 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Topic ¼ Computing research; Research Approach ¼ Evaluative-Other; Research Method ¼ Literature analysis; Reference Disci-
pline ¼ Not applicable; Level of Analysis ¼ Profession

1. Introduction Thus, it is not surprising that most papers that examine

the nature of research within computer science tend to
Computer science is a well-established discipline that focus on specific areas of computer science (see, for
is represented in almost all institutions of higher edu- example, Gruman, 1990; Rice, 1995; Wegner and Doyle,
cation. 3 As part of their faculty responsibilities, com- 1996; Gallopoulous and Sameh, 1997) or even sub-
puter scientists conduct research in several different areas, for example, heterogeneous databases (Sheth and
areas, such as artificial intelligence, databases, distrib- Larson, 1990) or data modeling (Hull and King, 1987),
uted systems, etc. Research is published in journals rather than on the discipline as a whole. From a broader
dedicated to fostering research in those specific areas. perspective, we also find articles that address the nature
of computer science research at a country level, e.g.,
* Ramamritham (1997) on India and Estivili-Castro
Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-812-855-2641; fax: +1-812-855-
4985. (1995) on Mexico. With the exception of studies by
E-mail addresses: (V. Ramesh), rlglass@acm. Glass (1995) and Tichy et al. (1995), however, very few
org (R.L. Glass), (I. Vessey). studies have examined the nature of research in the field
Tel.: +1-812-337-8047. as a whole. And even these studies have a relatively
Tel.: +1-812-855-3485. narrow focus in that they examine only commonly re-
Throughout this paper, CS is an abbreviation for Computer
Science unless the context explicitly states otherwise (e.g., where CS is searched topics and/or the research methods used.
used to represent Computer System (in Unit/Level of Analysis) or Case Our objective in this study is to provide a detailed
Study (under Research Methods)). characterization of computer science research, along the

0164-1212/$ - see front matter  2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
166 V. Ramesh et al. / The Journal of Systems and Software 70 (2004) 165–176

dimensions identified above, by examining articles 2.1.1. Classifying topic

published in major computer science journals from To ensure that our list of topics was sufficiently broad
1995–1999. Our interest in this study goes beyond topic to include all areas of computing research, we used
and research methods and includes other ways of char- several sources of topics from the general discipline of
acterizing research such as research approach, which computing, viz., the ACM computing reviews classifi-
identifies the way in which a research study is con- cation scheme (ACM CCS, 1998), the categories in
ducted, the level of analysis, which identifies the object Barki et al. (1988), and the topic areas identified by
that is studied, and reference discipline, which identifies Glass (1992). In particular, we used the classification
the theoretical foundation of the research. scheme proposed by Glass (1992) as the starting point
for arriving at the high-level categories shown in Table
3 because its stated objective of presenting a compre-
2. The current study hensive set of topics in the fields of computer science,
software engineering, and information systems best fit
This section describes the classification scheme used our completeness criterion.
to characterize CS research in this study. It also presents The overall classification scheme, which is shown in
details regarding the journals examined and the classi- Table 3, divides the topics of the computing research
fication process. field into several major categories:

2.1. Classification scheme • Problem-solving concepts

• Computer concepts
Given that our objective was to characterize research • Systems/software concepts
in computer science, our first task was to identify a • Data/information concepts
classification scheme that would enable us to capture the • Problem-domain-specific concepts
richness of CS research. We found that traditional • Systems/software management concepts
classification schemes such as the ACM computing • Organizational concepts
classification scheme (ACM CCS, 1998) characterize • Societal concepts
research only along one dimension, i.e., topic. Classifi- • Disciplinary issues
cation schemes in related disciplines such as information
systems, e.g., ISRL categories (Barki et al., 1988), also Each of these categories, is further divided into sev-
tend to focus on topic with research method as a sec- eral subordinate categories.
ondary consideration. However, researchers often wish
to know how the findings of studies of interest were 2.1.2. Classifying research approach
obtained (i.e., the research approach and research We also categorized the research techniques used. We
method used). In addition, the level at which a study is divided those techniques into research approach, the
conducted is also of interest to researchers; a study overall approach undertaken in performing the research,
might, for example, focus on an abstract concept (AC) and research method, the more detailed techniques used.
such as a data model, or a computing element (CE) such In this section, we discuss research approach.
as an algorithm, or it might focus on a system, a project, Surprisingly, there is very little information in the
or an organization. Finally, the origin of the studyÕs field to aid in the classification of research techniques.
theoretical base, the reference discipline, is also inter- We used Morrison and GeorgeÕs (1995) categorization
esting to researchers because it may suggest richer con- of research approaches as a starting point for deter-
ceptualizations of the phenomena of interest. mining the research approaches to be examined in this
Because none of the existing classification schemes study. Based on an analysis of articles in both software
was sufficiently rich in the desired dimensions, we de- engineering and information systems between 1986 and
veloped a multi-faceted classification system that char- 1991, they characterized the four major research ap-
acterizes research along the five dimensions outlined proaches as descriptive, developmental, formulative,
above. The classification system was comprehensive in a and evaluative. These correspond roughly to the scien-
further way; it was developed to describe research in tific method categories of: observe, formulate, and
three computing-related disciplines: computer science, evaluate (Glass, 1995). We included developmental in
software engineering, and information systems (see the descriptive category because such research primarily
Vessey et al., 2001). Thus, some of the categories in our involved describing systems.
scheme may be less relevant to mainstream CS research. We further subdivided these categories to reflect a
For brevity, the classification system is presented with rich set of research approaches. Table 4 shows the
the results of our study in Tables 3–7. Below, we present categories used to classify research approach in this
a brief description of how the classification system was study. The descriptive approach has three subcategories.
developed. Subcategory descriptive-system (DS) is based on Mor-
V. Ramesh et al. / The Journal of Systems and Software 70 (2004) 165–176 167

rison and GeorgeÕs descriptive category and is used to and Wallace (1997) and Harrison and Wells (2000)
capture papers whose primary focus is describing a proposed a number of research methods similar to those
system. Descriptive-other (DO) was added to capture identified in the information systems studies cited above.
those papers that used a descriptive approach for de- In addition, we are aware of two papers that address
scribing something other than a system, for example, an research methods in both computer science and software
opinion piece. We added descriptive-review (DR) as a engineering. Glass (1995), for example, suggested a
subcategory into which we categorized papers whose fairly simplistic approach, derived from prior literature,
primary content was a review of the literature. which categorized methods as scientific, engineering,
The formulative research approach was subcatego- empirical, and analytical. Tichy et al. (1995) conducted a
rized into a rich set of possible entities being formulated, more general survey of articles in CS journal and con-
including processes/procedures/methods/algorithms (all ferences and found that CS research was lacking in its
categorized under FP), and frameworks and guidelines/ use of experimental methods.
standards (FF and FG, respectively). In all, there are six To assist in the categorization of the CS component
subcategories of the formulative research approach. of computing research, we added the following catego-
Our evaluative categories are based on the three ries to the above list: conceptual analysis/mathematical
alternative ‘‘evaluative’’ epistemologies identified by (CA/M) and mathematical proof to facilitate the clas-
Orlikowski and Baroudi (1991): positivist (evaluative- sification of papers that utilize mathematical techniques;
deductive in our system), interpretive (evaluative-inter- Simulation, to allow categorization of papers that uti-
pretive), and critical (evaluative-critical). We added an lized simulation as their primary research method; and
‘‘Other’’ category here to characterize those papers that concept implementation for papers whose prime re-
have an evaluative component but that did not use any search method was to demonstrate proof of a concept by
of the three approaches identified above. For example, building a prototype system. We also added the category
we classified papers that used opinion surveys to gather laboratory experiment (software) to characterize those
data (as opposed to questionnaires that used established papers that, for example, compare the performance of a
research instruments) under evaluative-other. newly-proposed system with other (existing) systems. It
is important to note that not all of the research methods
2.1.3. Classifying research method included in Table 5 are appropriate for computer science
Research method describes the specific technique research.
used in a given study. While the choice of research ap-
proach narrows the set of possible applicable research 2.1.4. Classifying unit/level of analysis
methods, there is typically a one-to-many relationship Level of analysis refers to the notion that research
between a given research approach and method. Hence, work may be conducted at one or more of several levels;
in addition to research approach, we also coded the for example, at a high level, the research may be tech-
detailed technique used by a study. nical or behavioral in nature. Example of technical re-
Unlike research approach, where there were few search would be focused on the computing system (CS),
candidate categories from which to choose, in the case computing element (CE, representing a program, com-
of research method, there were numerous classifications ponent, algorithm, or object) or abstract concept level
from which to choose. Recall that, while the objective of (AC, e.g., graph-based representations). An example of
this paper is to characterize the nature of research in behavioral research is the Watts Humphrey work on
computer science, the categories and taxonomies used in Team Software Process (
this paper were intended to cover the whole of the tsp.html), which would be categorized as GP for Group/
computing field, including computer science. Team, and his Personal Software Process work, which
Arguably, the computing discipline most concerned would be categorized as IN for individual (http://
with research method is Information Systems where Some research work is
many prior publications have identified a number of done at the level of the profession (PRO), of which this
commonly used methods (see, for example, Alavi and paper is an example, as are those papers referenced in
Carlson, 1992; Farhoomand and Drury, 2000). These the introduction that address CS research in a particular
articles identify, for example, laboratory experiments country, while others may be conducted within an en-
(using human subjects), field studies, case studies, and terprise at the organizational (OC) level. Table 6 pre-
field experiment. Several other research methods have sents the levels of analysis used in this study.
also been identified; for example, conceptual analysis (or
conceptual study), literature review (Lai and Maha- 2.1.5. Classifying reference discipline
patra, 1997), instrument development (Alavi and Carl- By reference discipline, we mean any discipline out-
son, 1992), and exploratory survey (Cheon et al., 1993). side the CS field that CS researchers have relied upon for
Some studies have examined research methods spec- theory and/or concepts. Generally, a reference discipline
ific to a software engineering context. Both Zelkowitz is one that provides an important basis, such as theory,
168 V. Ramesh et al. / The Journal of Systems and Software 70 (2004) 165–176

for the research work being conducted. Various re- Table 1

searchers have characterized the reference disciplines The journals examined
used in research (see, for example, Swanson and Ram- Journal title Abbreviation
iller, 1993; Westin et al., 1994). Swanson and Ramiller IEEE Transactions on Computers COMP
(1993) identified computer science, management science, Journal of the ACM JACM
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and KDE
and cognitive science, organizational science, and eco-
Data Engineering
nomics as four key reference disciplines for information IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and PAMI
systems. Barki et al. (1988) also include behavioral sci- Machine Intelligence
ence, organizational theory, management theory, lan- IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed PDS
guage theories, artificial intelligence, ergonomics, Systems
ACM Transactions on Human–Computer TOCHI
political science, and psychology, while Westin et al.
(1994) further identified mathematics/statistics and en- ACM Transactions on Database Systems TODS
gineering. The reference discipline categories presented ACM Transactions on Graphics TOG
in Table 7 represent a comprehensive aggregation of the ACM Transactions on Information Systems TOIS
categories addressed in prior research, i.e., some of our ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer TOMCS
categories subsumed one or more of the categories
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking TON
outlined above. The management category, for exam- ACM Transactions on Programming Languages TOPLAS
ple, subsumes organizational theory and management and Systems
theory. Similarly, artificial intelligence is subsumed IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer VCG
within computer science. Graphics

2.2. Journal and article selection

(Transactions on Networking). Table 2 presents raw data
for the number of articles examined in each of the
For our study to truly reflect the field of computer
journals during the five-year period.
science, we needed to ensure that we evaluated a rep-
resentative sample of research articles. We began with 2.3. The classification process
the ACM and IEEE journals that Geist et al. used in
their 1996 study of faculty productivity and eliminated Two of the three authors of this paper independently
two software engineering journals (ACM Transactions classified each article using just one category in each of
on Software Engineering and Methodology and IEEE the five characteristics. Hence the coding reflected the
Transactions on Software Engineering) as well as IEEE primary focus of the research. Following the individual
Transactions on VLSI, which does not appear in the list codings, the first author resolved differences by re-
of IEEE Computer Society publications. 4 Table 1 pre- examining the article and choosing a final coding that
sents the 13 journals examined. was typically one of the two original codings.
We used a sampling approach that enabled us to se- Agreement varied among categories. For example,
lect approximately 500 articles for evaluation. We high levels of agreement were achieved for research
wanted to ensure that, as a group, the two primary method and reference discipline coding (close to 90%),
publication outlets, IEEE and ACM Transactions were while coding of level of analysis and topic was somewhat
reflected equally in the sample set. 5 Based on the more problematic (70% and 75% agreement, respec-
number of articles published during the years 1995– tively). Disagreement occurred most often when a paper
1999, inclusive, we selected 1 in 10 articles from the could legitimately have been coded in more than one
IEEE journals and 1 in 3 articles from ACM journals. way. Original agreements across all categories averaged
This approach resulted in approximately 309 articles in around 80%.
IEEE journals and 286 articles in ACM journals, as well
as 33 articles from a joint IEEE/ACM publication
3. Findings
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology In the following section the study findings are pre-
(TOSEM) and IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE) were
not included in this study because they are primarily software
sented by research question; that is, we address the
engineering journals and were therefore examined in our analysis of topics, research approaches, research methods, levels of
the software engineering literature. This analysis is reported in Glass analysis, and reference disciplines that CS researchers
et al. (2002). use, in turn. Tables 3–7 summarize the findings. Al-
An alternative distribution scheme based on the amount of though this study was designed to characterize research
research published could also have been used here. However, we did
not want our sample to be overwhelmed by publications in IEEE
in the CS discipline, it is also interesting to examine
Transactions, which publish more issues per year and more articles per differences in the journals themselves. Hence, in each of
issue than ACM Transactions. the sections, we also highlight the findings by journal.
V. Ramesh et al. / The Journal of Systems and Software 70 (2004) 165–176 169

Table 2
Numbers of publications examined by journal and year
1995 141 21 20 10 17 16 4 10 7 9 6 4 13 4
1996 128 20 16 10 17 14 7 3 7 7 6 8 9 4
1997 135 18 16 10 19 14 6 7 7 6 9 9 11 3
1998 122 17 15 8 19 12 5 5 6 7 8 6 11 3
1999 102 15 11 8 17 10 3 3 4 6 8 6 8 3
Totals 628 91 78 46 89 66 25 28 31 35 37 33 52 17

Table 8 presents the data by journal for each of the Transactions on Database Systems, and ACM Transac-
categories examined. While some of the results for the tions on Information Systems, it was data/information
discipline as a whole and the journals are somewhat concepts, and in IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis
predictable, some are fairly surprising. and Machine Intelligence, ACM Transactions on Graph-
ics, and IEEE Transactions on Visualization and
3.1. Findings for topic Computer Graphics, it was problem-domain-specific
Table 3 shows that research in computer science is
spread evenly among the five categories: computer 3.2. Findings for research approach
concepts (28.67%), problem-domain-specific concepts
(21.50%), systems/software concepts (19.11%), data/ Table 4 shows the primary research approaches used
information concepts (15.45%), and problem-solving by CS researchers. Formulative was by far the dominant
concepts (14.65%). Two other categories, systems/soft- research approach representing 79.15% of the papers
ware management concepts, and organizational con- assessed, followed by evaluative and descriptive ap-
cepts, are represented minimally, while two categories, proaches, which were virtually equivalent at 10.98% and
societal concepts and disciplinary issues are not repre- 9.88%, respectively.
sented at all. Examination of the sub-categories of research ap-
The leading sub-category was computer graphics/ proach shows that FP, a multifaceted subcategory that
pattern analysis within the problem-domain-specific includes formulating processes, procedures, methods, or
concepts category. Twenty percent of articles were de- algorithms is the most important of the formulative sub-
voted to this category, while 17.68% were devoted to categories. Approximately half of computer science re-
inter-computer communication (part of computer con- search (50.55%) fell into this category. The next largest
cepts), which includes such topics as networking and category was FC (e.g., formulating a concept such as a
distributed systems. Other notable topics were com- data model), at 17.04%. Papers whose primary focus
puter/hardware principles/architecture at 10.19% (again was evaluation using techniques other than deductive,
part of computer concepts) and database/warehouse/ interpretive, or critical approaches (evaluative-other)
mart organization at 8.44% (part of data/information were third at 9.87%.
concepts), while papers focusing on mathematics/com- Table 8 (Panel B) shows the primary research ap-
putational science (part of problem-solving concepts) proaches by journal. The data shows that FP (formu-
were next at 6.69%. late-process, method, or algorithm) was the most
Table 8 (Panel A) presents the topics by journal. The important research approach in 12 of the 13 journals
results show that most journals tended to have a single examined while formulate-concept (FC) was the second
dominant topic as suggested by their title. These topics, most important approach (in 8 out of those 12 journals).
then, broadly define the sub-fields that make up the ACM Transactions on Computer–Human Interaction was
discipline of computer science. We found that 2 or 3 of the only journal in which the formulative research
the 13 journals typically focused on the same topic area. category did not dominate. Instead, 40% of the papers in
For example, the principal topic category in Journal of that journal were devoted to evaluative studies (evalu-
the ACM and ACM Transactions on Modeling and ative-deductive and evaluative-other at 20% each), with
Computer Simulation was problem-solving concepts; in a further 20% devoted to system descriptions (DS).
IEEE Transactions on Computers, IEEE Transactions on Other journals with significant numbers of evaluative
Parallel and Distributed Systems, and IEEE/ACM studies were ACM Transactions on Programming Lan-
Transactions on Networking it was computer concepts; guages and Systems (21.15%) and Journal of the ACM
in ACM Transactions on Computer–Human Interaction (20.51%).
and ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Our results suggest, therefore, that the focus in most
Systems, it was systems/software concepts, in IEEE areas of computer science research is primarily on for-
Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, ACM mulating things.
170 V. Ramesh et al. / The Journal of Systems and Software 70 (2004) 165–176

Table 3
Findings for computing topics
1.0 Problem-solving concepts 14.65%
1.1 Algorithms 5.57%
1.2 Mathematics/computational science 6.69%
1.3 Methodologies (object, function/process, information/data, event, business rules,. . .) –
1.4 Artificial intelligence 2.39%
2.0 Computer concepts 28.67%
2.1 Computer/hardware principles/architecture 10.19%
2.2 Inter-computer communication (networks, distributed systems) 17.68%
2.3 Operating systems (as an augmentation of hardware) 0.80%
2.4 Machine/assembler-level data/instructions –
3.0 Systems/software concepts 19.11%
3.1 System architecture/engineering 0.48%
3.2 Software life-cycle/engineering (including requirements, design, coding, testing, maintenance) –
3.3 Programming languages 3.82%
3.4 Methods/techniques (including reuse, patterns, parallel processing, process models, data models. . .) 3.82%
3.5 Tools (including compilers, debuggers) 5.25%
3.6 Product quality (including performance, fault tolerance) 1.75%
3.7 Human–computer interaction 3.18%
3.8 System security 0.80%
4.0 Data/information concepts 15.45%
4.1 Data/file structures 1.91%
4.2 Data base/warehouse/mart organization 8.44%
4.3 Information retrieval 3.98%
4.4 Data analysis 0.64%
4.5 Data security 0.48%
5.0 Problem-domain-specific concepts (use as a secondary subject, if applicable, or as a primary subject if there is no other choice) 21.50%
5.1 Scientific/engineering (including bio-informatics) 0.48%
5.2 Information systems (including decision support, group support systems, expert systems) 0.64%
5.3 Systems programming –
5.4 Real-time (including robotics) 0.16%
5.5 Computer graphics/pattern analysis 20.22%
6.0 Systems/software management concepts 0.32%
6.1 Project/product management (including risk management) 0.32%
6.2 Process management –
6.3 Measurement/metrics (development and use) –
6.4 Personnel issues –
7.0 Organizational concepts 0.32%
7.1 Organizational structure –
7.2 Strategy –
7.3 Alignment (including business process reengineering) –
7.4 Organizational learning /knowledge management –
7.5 Technology transfer (including innovation, acceptance, adoption, diffusion) 0.16%
7.6 Change management –
7.7 Information technology implementation –
7.8 Information technology usage/operation –
7.9 Management of ‘‘computing’’ function 0.16%
7.11 IT impact –
7.11 Computing/information as a business –
7.12 Legal/ethical/cultural/political (organizational) implications –
8.0 Societal concepts –
8.1 Cultural implications –
8.2 Legal implications –
8.3 Ethical implications –
8.4 Political implications –
9.0 Disciplinary issues –
9.1 ‘‘Computing’’ research –
9.2 ‘‘Computing’’ curriculum/teaching –
V. Ramesh et al. / The Journal of Systems and Software 70 (2004) 165–176 171

Table 4 Table 7
Findings for research approach Findings for reference discipline
Descriptive: 9.88% CP Cognitive psychology 0.80%
DS Descriptive-system 4.14% SB Social and behavioral science –
DO Descriptive-other 5.10% CS Computer science 89.33%
DR Review of literature 0.64% SC Science 0.96%
EN Engineering –
Evaluative: 10.98% EC Economics –
ED Evaluative-deductive 1.11%
LS Library science –
EI Evaluative-interpretive – MG Management –
EC Evaluative-critical – MS Management science –
EO Evaluative-other 9.87%
PA Public administration –
Formulative: 79.15% PS Political science –
FF Formulative-framework 2.39% MA Mathematics 8.60%
FG Formulative-guidelines/standards 0.64% OT Other 0.32%
FM Formulative-model 5.73%
FP Formulative-process, method, algorithm 52.55%
FT Formulative-classification/taxonomy 0.80%
FC Formulative-concept 17.04%
3.3. Findings for research method

Table 5 presents the primary research methods used

by CS researchers. Conceptual Analysis/Mathematical
(CA/M) (73.41%) was the primary research method with
Table 5 conceptual analysis (not using mathematical techniques)
Findings for research method next at 15.13%. Categories such as laboratory experi-
AR Action research – ment (using human subjects), laboratory experiment
CA Conceptual analysis 15.13% (software), simulation, and concept implementation are
CAM Conceptual analysis/mathematical 73.41% also represented, although none reached double-digits.
CI Concept implementation (proof of concept) 2.87% Table 8 (Panel C) shows the findings for research
CS Case study 0.16%
DA Data analysis 0.16%
method by journal. CA/M was the most important re-
DI Discourse analysis – search method in all journals except ACM Transactions
ET Ethnography – on Computer–Human Interaction (TOCHI). The figures
FE Field experiment – ranged from a low of 37.14% in ACM Transactions on
FS Field study 0.16% Information Systems (TOIS) to a high of 90.32% in
GT Grounded theory –
HE Hermeneutics –
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG). In TOCHI,
ID Instrument development – which published no studies using CA/M, the leading
LH Laboratory experiment (human subjects) 1.75% research methods were conceptual analysis (40%) and
LR Literature review/analysis 0.32% laboratory experiment (36%). Concept implementation
LS Laboratory experiment (software) 1.91% as a research method was primarily used in TOCHI
MA Meta-analysis –
MP Mathematical proof 2.39%
(16%) and TOIS (11.43%). TOIS was also the only
PA Protocol analysis – journal in which comparative studies of systems (labo-
PH Phenomenology – ratory experiment (software)) was used as the primary
SI Simulation 1.75% research method (14.29%).
SU Descriptive/exploratory survey –
3.4. Findings for level of analysis

Table 6 presents the levels of analysis used by CS

Table 6 researchers. It shows that, similar to research approach
Findings for level of analysis and research method, CS research was also relatively
SOC Society – focused in terms of levels of analysis. The most domi-
PRO Profession 0.32% nant level of analysis was the Computing Element (CE)
EXT External business context – category (53.34%), which relates to algorithms, meth-
OC Organizational context – ods, and techniques, e.g., a scheduling algorithm for a
PR Project –
crossbar switch. The Abstract Concept (AC) category,
GP Group/team –
IN Individual 1.91% which relates to concepts such as the definition of global
CS Computing system 5.57% predicates in the context of distributed computations,
CE Computing element––program, component, 53.34% was the next largest at 38.85%. Finally, 5.57% of the
algorithm papers focused on the computing system (CS) level. Two
AC Abstract concept 38.85%
other categories (individual (IN) and profession (PRO))
Table 8
Representation by topic (Panel A), representation by reasearch approach (Panel B), representation by research method (Panel C); representation by level of analysis (Panel D), representation by
reference discipline (Panel E)
Panel A:
Prob-solving 14.65% 12.09% 44.87% 28.26% 5.62% 6.06% – – 3.23% 2.86% 51.35% – 1.92% 11.76%
Computer 28.66% 69.23% 26.92% 2.17% – 68.18% – – – – 37.84% 96.97% 7.69% –
Systs/SW 19.11% 16.48% 11.54% 6.52% – 22.73% 80.00% 3.57% 6.45% 17.14% 5.41% 3.03% 88.46% –
Data/Info 15.45% 1.10% 16.67% 60.87% 4.49% 1.51% 8.00% 96.43% – 54.29% 2.70% – 1.92% –
Prob-domain 21.50% 1.10% – 2.17% 89.89% 1.52% 8.00% – 90.32% 17.14% 2.70% – – 88.24
Sys/SW Mgt 0.32% – – – – – – – – 5.71% – – – –

V. Ramesh et al. / The Journal of Systems and Software 70 (2004) 165–176

OrgÕal 0.32% – – – – – 4.00% – – 2.86% – – – –
Societal – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Disc issues – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Panel B:
DO 5.10% 5.49% – 2.17% 5.62% – – 7.14% 3.23% 8.57% 24.32% 3.03% 7.69% 5.88%
DR 0.64% – – 4.35% 1.12% – 4.00% – – – – – – –
DS 4.14% 3.30% – 6.52% 2.25% 1.52% 20.00% 3.57% – 11.43% 10.81% – 1.92% 11.76%
ED 1.11% – – – – – 20.00% – 6.45% – – – – –
EI – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
EO 9.87% 7.69% 20.51% 6.52% 6.74% 3.03% 20.00% 7.14% – 8.57% 10.81% 9.09% 21.15% –
EC – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
FC 17.04% 23.08% 29.49% 17.39% 13.48% 7.58% 8.00% 17.86% 16.13% 8.57% 18.92% 3.03% 28.85% –
FF 2.39% – 1.28% 2.17% 8.99% – – 3.57% – 8.57% – – 1.92% –
FG 0.64% 3.30% – – – – 4.00% – – – – – – –
FM 5.73% 6.59% 1.28% 13.04% 5.62% 7.58% 4.00% – 3.23% 17.14% 2.70% 12.12% – –
FP 52.55% 50.55% 46.15% 47.83% 56.18% 80.30% 16.00% 50.00% 70.97% 37.14% 32.43% 72.73% 38.46% 82.35%
FT 0.80% – 1.28% – – – 4.00% 10.71% – – – – – –
Panel C:
AR – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
CA 15.13% 19.78% – 36.96% 4.49% 12.12% 40.00% 10.71% 3.23% 34.29% 16.22% 24.24% 7.69% 23.53%
CAM 73.41% 69.23% 89.74% 52.17% 89.89% 81.82% – 78.57% 90.32% 37.14% 72.97% 69.70% 86.54% 70.59%
CI 2.87% 2.20% – 4.35% – – 16.00% 3.57% – 11.43% 5.41% – 3.85% 5.88%
CS 0.16% – – – – – – – – – 2.70% – – –
DA 0.16% – – – – – – – – 2.86% – – – –
ET – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
FE – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
FS 0.16% – – – – – 4.00% – – – – – – –
GT – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
HE – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
ID – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
LH 1.75% – – – – – 36.00% – 6.45% – – – – –
LR 0.32% 1.10% – – 1.12% – – – – – – – – –
LS 1.91% 1.10% – – 1.12% 1.52% 4.00% 7.14% – 14.29% – – 1.92% –
MP 2.39% 4.40% 10.26% – 3.37% – – – – – – – – –
PA – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
SI 1.75% 2.20% – 6.52% – 4.55% – – – – 2.70% 6.06% – –
SU – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
V. Ramesh et al. / The Journal of Systems and Software 70 (2004) 165–176 173

were below 2%, while the five categories of societal,



organizational context, external business context, pro-

ject, and group/team were not represented.
Table 8 (Panel D) presents level of analysis by jour-
nal. The data shows that CE was the primary level of



analysis in 8 of the 13 journals. The figures ranged from
a low of 51.69% in IEEE Transactions on Pattern

Analysis and Machine Intelligence to a high of 88.24%
in IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer


Graphics (VCG). Further, AC was the primary level of

analysis in four journals ranging from 42.86% to
56.04%, while Individual was the primary level of anal-
ysis in ACM Transactions on Computer–Human Inter-



action (TOCHI). In addition, TOCHI and ACM

Transactions on Graphics (TOG) were the only journals
to publish articles that used a non-technical level of
analysis (i.e., levels of analysis other than AC, CS 6 or


CE) with 40% of the articles in TOCHI and 6.45% of the

articles in TOG focusing on the individual level.

Table 1 presents the journal titles; The shaded areas represent the highest percentage and 2nd highest percentage, respectively.





3.5. Findings for reference discipline

Table 7 presents the reference disciplines used by CS




researchers. The results suggest that, for the most part,

CS research does not rely on other fields for its funda-

mental theories and/or concepts. Of the papers exam-
ined, Computer Science itself was the reference



discipline in 89.33% of the cases. The only other disci-

pline that emerged was mathematics (8.60%). There

were trivial instances of papers that relied on cognitive


psychology (0.80%) and science (0.96%).

Table 8 (Panel E) presents the breakdown of reference

discipline by journal. Not surprisingly, computer science





was the primary reference discipline in all journals,

ranging from a low of 57.69% in Journal of the ACM

(JACM) to a high of 100% in IEEE Transactions on

Parallel and Distributed Systems. Mathematics was a



major reference discipline in JACM with 41% of the ar-

ticles using concepts directly from that discipline. Only

two journals did not have mathematics as their second




most important reference discipline (TOCHI and VCG).

Cognitive psychology emerged as a major reference dis-

cipline in TOCHI (20%) and Science in VCG (17.65%).





4. Discussion and implications

In this study, we sought to analyze the characteristics








of computer science research according to five research

characteristics all of which are recorded in the literature

as being important aspects of any research study. We first
provide a brief summary of the key findings, followed by
a discussion of the some of the limitations of our study.
Panel D:

Panel E:











Computer System.
174 V. Ramesh et al. / The Journal of Systems and Software 70 (2004) 165–176

CS research is fairly evenly distributed across five CE dominates AC by eight journals to four. It is,
major topic areas: problem-solving concepts, computer however, interesting to note that each of the four jour-
concepts, systems/software concepts, data/information nals in which AC is dominant focuses on one of the
concepts and problem-domain-specific concepts. The major topic categories; the only topic category that is
leading category is computer concepts, with problem- not the focus of one or more of the journals we studied is
domain-specific concepts (principally computer graphics problem-domain-specific concepts.
and pattern analysis) second. As would be expected, Note that we used our classification system to record
there is very little work in the area of systems/software the keywords describing this paper (following the ab-
management concepts (two papers), one paper on or- stract). The paper is classified as follows: (a) the topic is
ganizational concepts, and no papers that examined computing research (9.1); (b) the research approach is
societal concepts or disciplinary issues. EO (evaluative-other) because our paper is about eval-
In terms of both research approach and research uating CS research; (c) the research method is LR (lit-
method, CS research tends to be quite focused. The erature review/analysis); (d) the level of analysis is the
‘‘formulate’’ research approach category accounts for profession (PRO); and (e) the reference discipline is
almost 80% of the research with a majority of papers none because we did not use concepts from other dis-
being devoted to formulating a process, method, or al- ciplines in performing the study. We encourage authors
gorithm. The preferred research method is conceptual in the future to use our classification system not only to
analysis based on mathematical techniques. select keywords but also to write abstracts. Such a
With regard to levels of analysis, CS research falls practice would aid researchers to assess the relevance of
primarily into the CE or AC categories confirming that published research to their own endeavors.
the mission of CS is to conduct research that is focused A study of this nature is not without limitations. The
on technical levels of analysis. As would be expected, first limitation stems from the choice of journals. The
very little research focused on the society or profession results of our study reflect the nature of computer sci-
categories. ence research to the extent that these journals are rep-
With respect to reference disciplines, our data shows resentative of the field. While there are many other
that CS research seldom relies on research in other magazines, and high-quality research conferences that
disciplines and in the rare instances that it does, it relies publish CS research articles, we chose to analyze only
primarily on mathematics. articles published in journals because of the traditional
Table 9 presents a summary of the most important and enduring role that journals play in the development
research characteristics in each of the 13 journals. The of academic disciplines. A second potential limitation
data indicate that while CS research addresses a diverse arises from the fact that we coded only a sample of the
range of topics, there is a high degree of consistency in articles published in the selected journals. Given, how-
terms of the research approaches, research methods, and ever, that we used a systematic sampling procedure, we
levels of analysis used to study these topics. Further, have no reason to believe that the results are biased. A
across the 13 journals studied, ACM Transactions on final limitation arises from the subjective nature of the
Computer–Human Interaction is a clear outlier. It is, for coding process. We attempted to reduce the subjectivity
example, the only journal not to have FP (formulate by using two independent coders who revisited the
process, method or algorithm) as the predominant re- articles to resolve any disagreements. The relatively
search approach and CA/M as the predominant re- high-level of raw agreements suggests that articles were
search method. From the viewpoint of level of analysis, indeed coded in a consistent manner.

Table 9
Summary of characteristics of journals
Journal Principal topic Research approach Research method Level of analysis Reference discipline
TOMCS Problem-solving FP CA/M AC CS
JACM Problem-solving FP CA/M CE CS
PDS Computer FP CA/M CE CS
TON Computer FP CA/M CE CS
TOIS Data/information FP CA/M AC CS
TODS Data/information FP CA/M CE CS
KDE Data/information FP CA/M CE CS
PAMI Problem-domain-specific FP CA/M CE CS
TOG Problem-domain-specific FP CA/M CE CS
VCG Problem-domain-specific FP CA/M CE CS
TOPLAS Systems/software FP CA/M AC CS
TOCHI Systems/software DS, ED, EO CA IN CS
V. Ramesh et al. / The Journal of Systems and Software 70 (2004) 165–176 175

5. Conclusion Barki, H., Rivard, S., Talbot, J., 1988. An information systems
keyword classification scheme. MIS Quarterly 12 (2), 299–
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Computational Science and Engineering 4 (2), 39–43.
search methods. Geist, R., Chetuparambil, M., Hedetniemi, S., Turner, A.J., 1996.
The results from our study should be of value to both Computing research programs in the US. Communications of the
researchers and doctoral students engaged in computer ACM 39 (12), 96–99.
science research. For example, our study provides a Glass, R.L., 1992. A comparative analysis of the topic areas of
characterization of the types of articles that computer Computer Science, Software Engineering, and Information Sys-
tems. Journal of Systems and Software (November), 277–289.
science journals publish. Researchers can use this Glass, R.L., 1995. A structure-based critique of contemporary
knowledge to make choices when deciding on a target computing research. Journal of Systems and Software (January).
journal for their research. Our results can also be used to Glass, R.L., Vessey, I., Ramesh, V., 2002. Research in software
provide insights into areas of CS research that are re- engineering: an analysis of the literature. Information and Software
ceiving little research attention. For example, in terms of Technology 44, 491–506.
Gruman, G., 1990. Conference tries to define computing-research
research approaches, our results clearly suggest that agenda. IEEE Software 7 (1), 127–132.
insufficient emphasis is being placed on the use of Harrison, R., Wells, M., 2000. A Meta-Analysis of Multidisciplinary
evaluative methodologies. However, while our results Research. In: Papers from The Conference on Empirical Assess-
clearly support Tichy et al.Õs (1995) claim regarding the ment in Software Engineering (EASE), pp. 1–15.
lack of focus on evaluation in CS research, Fletcher Hull, R., King, R., 1987. Semantic database modeling: survey,
applications and research issues. ACM Computing Surveys 19
(1995) cautions that the use of experimental methods (3), 201–260.
may not always be appropriate in computer science, a Lai, V.S., Mahapatra, R.K., 1997. Exploring the research in informa-
caveat that should be kept in mind. tion technology implementation. Information and Management 32,
Further, funding organizations such as NSF could 187–201.
use the findings of our research to provide focused calls Morrison, J., George, J.F., 1995. Exploring the Software Engineering
component in MIS research. Communications of the ACM 38 (7),
for proposals aimed at fostering research in particular 80–91.
areas or using particular approaches/methods. It is im- Orlikowski, W., Baroudi, J.J., 1991. Studying information technology
portant to note, however, that any interpretation of gaps in organizations: research approaches and assumptions. Informa-
represented in or findings must take into account the tion Systems Research 2 (1), 1–28.
fact the classification scheme was developed to cover a Ramamritham, K., 1997. Computer Science research in India. IEEE
Computer, 40–47.
broader scope than computer science, alone, by also Rice, J.R., 1995. Computational science and the future of computing
including the disciplines of software engineering, and research. IEEE Computational Science and Engineering 2 (4), 34–
information systems. Hence, for example, while our re- 41.
sults clearly show that there is a lack of emphasis on Sheth, A., Larson, J., 1990. Federated database systems for managing
organizational aspects of computing, that is the focus of distributed, heterogeneous, and autonomous databases. ACM
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IS researchers (see Vessey et al., 2002) and does not Swanson, E.B., Ramiller, N., 1993. Information systems research
necessarily represent opportunities for CS researchers. thematics: submissions to a new journal 1987–1992. Information
We hope that our evaluation of the state of current Systems Research 4 (4), 299–330.
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Disciplines: A Comprehensive Classification Scheme, Indiana
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Journal of Management Information Systems 8, 45–62. tion Resources Management Journal 7 (2), 24–34.
176 V. Ramesh et al. / The Journal of Systems and Software 70 (2004) 165–176

Zelkowitz, M.V., Wallace, D., 1997. Experimental validation in periodicals including Communications of the ACM (the ‘‘Practical
software engineering. Information and Software Technology 39, Programmer’’ column) and IEEE Software (‘‘The Loyal Opposition’’).
He was for 15 years a Lecturer for the ACM, and was named a Fellow
735–743. of the ACM in 1998. He received an honorary Ph.D. from Linkoping
University in Sweden in 1995. He describes himself by saying ‘‘my head
Ramesh Venkataraman, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor of Informa- is in the academic area of computing, but my heart is in its practice.’’
tion Systems and Ford Motor Company Teaching Fellow in the De-
partment of Accounting and Information Systems at Kelley School of
Business, Indiana University. He has published over 25 papers in Iris Vessey is Professor of Information Systems at Indiana UniversityÕs
leading journals, books, and conferences. His areas of expertise are in Kelley School of Business, Bloomington. She received her M.Sc.,
database modeling and design, systems design and development, het- MBA, and Ph.D. in MIS from the University of Queensland, Aus-
erogeneous databases, and groupware systems. tralia. Her research into evaluating emerging information technologies
from both cognitive and analytical perspectives has been published in
journals such as Communications of the ACM, Information Systems
Robert L. Glass is president of Computing Trends, publishers of The Research, Journal of Management Information Systems, and MIS
Software Practitioner. He has been active in the field of computing and Quarterly. In recent years, her interests have focused on managerial
software for over 45 years, largely in industry (1954–1982 and 1988– issues associated with the management and implementation of enter-
present), but also as an academic (1982–1988). He is the author of over prise systems. She currently serves as Secretary of the Association for
20 books and 70 papers on computing subjects, Editor Emeritus of Information Systems and of the International Conference on Infor-
ElsevierÕs Journal of Systems and Software, and a columnist for several mation Systems and is an AIS Fellow.

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