Startup Directory PDF
Startup Directory PDF
Startup Directory PDF
Introduction 11
Corporate information 23
Fin-tech industry provides financial services utilizing ICT technology from IT companies
and non-financial corporations, converting a paradigm from a perspective of financial
institutions to that of customers. It creates added values to our society by providing more
customer convenience experience and customer financial benefits.
It is estimated to be in year of 2015 when the domestic Fin-tech industry has developed.
Corporations from IT services, communications, and open market started to apply
ICT technology to provide a simple payment service, along with remittance and asset
management services.
As the Korean government carried out a policy in revitalization of Fin-tech industry along
with mitigation of regulation, number of Fin-tech companies are steadily increasing. The
number of member companies listed in Korea Fintech Industry Association increased from
107 companies in 2016 to 210 companies by end of 2017. Also, number of registered
companies as electronic financial business operator in Korea Financial Services Commission
increased from 60 companies in 2011 to 103 companies in January 2018.
While Paypal, AliPay and others lead the market with its convenience, domestic market
started by Kakao Pay launched in September 2014, followed by SamsungPay, NaverPay,
handset manufacturers, major portal service providers, communication service providers,
and payment agencies (PG). According to a data researched by Financial Services
Commission, as of March 2017, there are total 160 related companies (76 payment
agencies, 32 payment deposit companies, 35 electronic advanced payment companies, 9
electronic payment notification companies, and 12 electronic debit payment companies).
The most famous and noted service recently in payment/settlement sector is Viva Republica
(a service called TOSS), which first introduced a remittance service without any certificate
using only mobile phone number in 2015 and is growing exponentially. Viva Republica
was ranked 35th in “Top 100 World Fin-tech Companies” for the first time in Korea by
KPMG and H2 Ventures.
In addition, PSD2 (Payment Service Directive 2) offered in EU since January this year
expressly stipulates that a bank shall be required to mandatorily provide financial
information of customer to a third party( including a Fin-tech company or other financial
institutions), if a customer agrees. This global movement leaves many meanings to Korea
market to open more domestic financial environment.
B. Crowd Funding
Crowd Funding, which means a funding, including business funds, from unspecified
investors (crowd) online, and is mainly divided into the loan-type, the sponsorship-type,
the donation-type, and the securities-type.
Financially advanced countries such as U.S., England, and Japan, have institutionalized
securities-type crowd funding in purpose of invigoration of start-up business support and
in Korea, securities-type crowd funding was initiated in January 2016 through revision in
Capital Market Acts. During first year in 2016, 115 cases were successful with investment
amount of 17.4 billion Won, and in 2017, 183 cases reported successful with investment
amount of 27.8 billion Won respectively. It is growing rapidly as a mean of financing new
The revision of Capital Market Act was enforced on October 2017, which relaxed
regulations on Crowd Funding, and it allowed the limit on investment from personal
investors to increase from 5 million Won to 10 million Won per annum and the limit on
investment of specific corporates to increase from 2 million Won to 5 million Won. Also,
Crowd Funding brokers and businesses were allowed to promote fund raising through
their company websites as well as portal sites, and the monopoly restriction period was
shortened from 1 year into 6 months.
The representative companies in the field of Crowd Funding include Wadiz (Brokerage), Y
Crowd Funding, UCanStart, Ian Investment, YINC, Funding 4U, IBK Investment Securities
(Securities Company), KTB Investment & Securities, Woori Investment Bank, Eugene
Investment & Securities Co., Ltd., Korea Asset and Kiwoom Securities (in alphabetical
Success Cases and Amount Issued in Crowd Funding Success Cases of Crowd Funding by the size
Source : Financial Services Commission (01.2018) Source : Financial Services Commission (01.2018) Excluding SPC
Global P2P finance market is steeply increasing by 45% a year, led by U.S. and China
market, and 11 out of top 25 companies of Global Fin-tech Unicorn Companies in 2016
were P2P finance companies. Also, P2P finance companies comprise of half of top 12
enterprise valued companies in US Fin-tech companies.
Korea is showing similar growth compared to global P2P finance market. Started with
Money Auction service in 2006, domestic P2P finance market began to grow under the
low interest rate era after global financial crisis in 2008. According to registered members
in Korea P2P Finance Association as of late January 2018, 64 companies currently provide
P2P finance services and their accumulated loans amount reaches 1,936.6 billion Won,
which is 10 times more than 152.6 billion Won on June 2016.
10,000 8,680
5,000 3,394
06/2016 01/2017 07/2017 01/2018
In era of 1% or so low interest rate, P2P finance satisfy both investors with comparably
high investment return rate and borrowers with comparably lower interest rate.
Meanwhile, it is suggested that the growth of P2P finance sector may become stagnant
due to regulations including restrictions and limits of investments listed in P2P Loan
Guideline released in February 2017 and absence of any legal system tailored to
characteristics of P2P finance.
The representative companies in the field of P2P finance include Eight Percent, Midrate,
Lendit, Roof Funding, Villy, Honest Fund, Korea Funding, Tera Funding, Together Funding,
Pop Funding and People Fund (in alphabetical order).
Block-chain technology was first known as a basic technique of digital currency such as
bit-coin in financial market. Currently, there are approximately 1,000 cryptocurrencies
registered in exchanges and domestic transaction volume has sharply grown in 2017 after
high social concerns on digital currency had been introduced via media. However, due to
hacking incidents, market speculation, and illegal transactions, Korea government and its
agencies are currently discussing on regulations.
Overseas block-chain technology based companies are moving rapidly to apply its
technology to provide various services including a digital currency. US Nasdaq applied
block-chain technology in OTC stock market in 2015 to attract global attention. European
markets and Japanese market are actively engaged in various fields such as loan & crowd
funding, trade finance, notarization, voting, distribution, medical service, and energy
In Korea, various block chain cases have been uncovered through the 2017 block-chain
pilot project of government (including the one-stop automation of insurance claim, the
virtual currency service in universities, the identification of fire source related to electric
fires and the establishment of P2P power trading platform for households). Also, financial
investment companies have launched joint authentication services based on the block-
chain. In 2018, this trend will be accelerated by the large-scale pilot project by government
to revitalize the use of block-chain technologies for each industry sector and the
establishment of research center for block-chain research by universities.
The representative companies in the field of block-chain and digital currency include
Glosfer, Gluwa Inc., The Loop, Double Chain, Moin, Blocko, Streami, Coinone and Korbit (in
alphabetical order).
Whereas traditional asset management focuses on private banking for the wealthy in
financial industry, robo-advisor/asset management using ICT technology focuses on
customized asset management service even for small capitals.
More investors are paying attention to Robo-advisor due to popularity for the public for
easy approach, realization of lower charges with Fin-tech technology, excellent accessibility
via website and mobile devices, and transparency based on algorithm based management.
The number of domestic robo-advisor companies has increased from 6 companies in 2016
to 20 companies as of January 2018 and it was possible due to direct and indirect support
from launching of ISA (Individual Savings Account), promotions of financial product
advisors and operation of robo-advisor test bed.
Especially, the market is expected to increase significantly in the second half of 2018.
Although many pointed out that the prohibition of non-face-to-face discretionary
investment contracts online might have been a main reason to withhold expansion of
robo-advisor service, the government revised the enforcement ordinance of Capital Market
Act in the second half of 2018 and announced that policy will be allowed for those which
passes robo-advisor test bed.
Moreover, like Mint and Credit Karma which provide digital asset management service
based on data analysis of users expense details and consumption patterns, many similar
digital asset management service providing companies have been established since 2012.
Specifically, a digital asset management service are linked real time to users’ financial
institutions to inquire, monitor, search, and apply data to automatically manage expenses.
It allows to provide integrated management of all financial products and credit scores,
and customized recommendation of financial products based on data, replacing current
offline services rapidly. A variety of personal expenditure data and financial data acquired
in process of asset management service is considered to create even more various and
innovative Fin-tech services.
The representative companies in the field of robo-advisor and asset management include
Newsy Stock, December & Company Inc., Rainist, Rich & Co., SBCN, Quarterback Group,
and Fount (in alphabetical order).
F. Overseas Remittance
The latch of overseas remittance, one of the representative businesses only available to
financial industry, has been unlocked. By the revision of Foreign Exchange Transactions
Act on July 2017, the government has allowed overseas remittance up to 20,000 USD per
person annually to be permitted via Fin-tech companies or non-financial companies.
Fin-tech companies provide overseas remittance services with more reasonable fees
through netting, pooling, free-funding, and pairing methods based on block-chain
technologies. As a result, commercial banks as well as internet banks have entered into
competition through diversification of overseas remittance service and discounts on fees.
Even though it has been about or more 6 months into the revision of Act on remittance,
there are still a high barrier of minimum capital, strict obligation duties of anti-money
laundering, and unclear guideline of regulations that slow down the industry in overall.
Total 30 companies had applied to do business in overseas remittance as of January 2018,
and only 14 companies have been approved. In fact, the industry affiliates claim that
uncertain position from the government still remains on the table and it is problematic for
block-chain based digital currency companies and overseas remittance companies.
G. Financial Platform
As Fin-tech industry is gradually growing, there are also increasingly more Fin-tech
companies that provide financial date, Fin-tech solutions, and Fin-tech infrastructure
services as their main business. In 2018, the market of financials and Fin-tech SI is
expected to reach 900 billion won market. In particular, there will be intense competition
among Fin-tech companies utilizing A.I., cloud, and bock-chian technologies in preparation
for the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
In this year, the financial industry and the Fin-tech industry will carry forward
various businesses based on new IT technologies, such as RegTech and block-chain
commercialization experiment; thus, it seems likely that the risk management and
regulatory management solution to meet the requirement of global compliance, which
has recently expanded, are needed further.
The representative companies in the field of financial paltform include Madup, Webcash,
Uangel, Finotek, and Cococon (in alphabetical order).
FIDO (Fast Identity Online) authentication technology, which is currently attracting more
attention, is a technology suitable for the simple payment, which meets the needs of
convenience and security by applying authentication technologies (such as the fingerprint
recognition, the pattern and the USIM-based authentication) to mobile devices online.
Also, it is widely used by global IT companies (including Microsoft, Apple, Google,
Samsung, Paypal, telecommunications and payment companies).
Also, FDS (Fraud Detection System) is one of the most notable technologies. It is designed
to fundamentally block offenses, which obtain money or financial benefits through
deception or fraud, (for example, voice phishing) by detecting any anomalous behavior.
In recent years, the development of block-chain technology results in the security/
authentication technology using public ledgers.
I. Others
① InsurTech
So far, InsurTech has been considered to be one of the slowest growing fields in financial
industry. However, as the Fin-tech brings a revolutionary changes in banking, securities,
and asset management fields, InsurTech is now leading Fin-tech business with new
The field of insurance has applied less IT technologies than other financial industries
because it was highly dependent on the ability of actuaries and designers in the offline
environment. However, the insurance industry is faced with a situation due to rapidly
developing digital environment that it has to create profits and new values accordingly.
Above all, it has become possible to understand and predict the behavior of potential
insurance consumers effectively from external data such as social media, it is now easier
to attract new consumers through omni-channel methods. In developing insurance
products, it is feasible to diversify risk calculation techniques, develop customized products
using internal and external data, and improve the cost efficiency through automated
underwriting system.
In particular, the frequency of use for such systems in simplified products such as long
term insurance or simplified insurance assessment service that has a low entry for
subscription has noticeably risen. One can easily increase the accuracy of risk prediction by
consolidating information provided by insurance subscribers and big data.
As mentioned above, InsurTech attracts many attentions in that it is likely to bring about
technology innovations in various areas such as attracting new clients, calculating risks,
insurance assessment & payment IoT, sensors, location services, big data, A.I., and
Particularly, InsurTech researches have been very active in overseas. The global investment
for InsurTech venture steeply increased from $261.5 million in 20123 to $1.927 billion
in 2016. Recently, global ICT companies like Google, Alibaba, and Tencent, have started
investing in this field and seek to enter the market. In Korea, there is a growing consensus
that the change into InsurTech is not an option but necessity and thus expectation of
upcoming change and growth of this market is very high.
② RegTech
Financial industry is known to be one of the most regulated industries. Therefore,
compliance abidance is also integral part of Fin-tech indsutry.
It is expected that the following elements will contribute significantly to the innovative and
revolutionary developments in Fin-tech industry; continuous relaxation of entry barrier for
the financial industry and the liberalization of various financial regulations, conversion of
regulation paradigm from the positive to the negative, enforcement of financial regulatory
testbed through the enactment of financial innovation special law, and discussion about
applications of personal information.
Along with above elements, various support programs (Expansion of training programs for
Fin-tech and block-chain specialists, support programs of profitability and security for Fin-
tech companies, and the large scale pilot projects in Fin-tech & block-chain industry) are
being actively promoted by the government.
The Fin-tech industry is expected to transform the whole economy into the cash-free
society. It is anticipated that following positive effects will take place if there is no physical
cash in society. Firstly, there is an increase of social safety against the theft and the loss.
Secondly, there is improvement of transparency in economy through the prevention of tax
evasion. Lastly, there is a decrease of annual issuing cost, amounting to 130 billion won.
According to the data released by the Ministry of Employment and Labor and the Korean
Economic Association in 2016, if the government continues to relax regulations and
reinforces entrepreneurial support, the increase of Fin-tech start-ups and new hires
through M&A between industries is expected to be maximum of 88,000 jobs by year
Location 309, Gangnam-daero, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Room No. 817, Korea Business Center)
1004 Funding is a company that links loan and investment while operating a P2P funding platform. It consists of experts
from banks, brokerage firms, comprehensive financial companies, and lenders, and specialists from each sector of the
banking industry gather to provide transparent and warm financial services. It aims to lead the P2P funding market
by meeting the needs of various customers through know-how built up until now. 1004 Funding first started offline
service in 2007, and it began to offer loan-based investment products and P2P products that use individuals' securities as
collateral values in accordance with the 2015 Crowd Funding Act. In cooperation with a law firm, a law firm or a bank,
it has secured a system to secure credibility in the course of financial transactions and to establish credibility between
borrowers and investors using NICE credit rating.
Nov 2015. The establishment of 1004 Funding
Nov 2015. The operation of P2P financial service platform
Dec 2015. The conclusion of affiliation with investment technique and financial information online website
May 2016. The conclusion of MOU agreement with Chambut Law Firm and Dasan Law Firm
Nov 2016. The conclusion of MOU agreement with Woojin INP
Nov 2016. The conclusion of MOU agreement with VoiceStar
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Settlebank(Virtual Account), Korea Asset Management Institute(Real Estate) and iM CEO(Startup Portal)
12cm Corp.
Location 35, Pangyo-ro 255beon-gil, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do (Room No. 501, Tower A, Silicon Park)
Form of
Main Service O2O and Payment Fintech Area Payment/Settlement B2B/B2C
12cm is a startup company offering various payment services using its own patented techonology.
12cm provides services to 18 countries in the world based on the smart stamp original technology, and is expanding into
the payment Fin-tech industry.
It has 287 cases of patent application and 84 cases of patent registration.
It has launched global branches in Japan and China and it is expanding its global position.
After it has attracted 2 billion won from Capstone partners in 2014, it also acquired second investment from Capstone
partners and Korea Development Bank.
2013. The foundation of 12cm Corp.
2014. The 1st investment attraction (2 billion won from Capstone Partners)
2015. The 2nd investment attraction (Capstone Partners, Development Bank, Aju IB Investment, Suprema Investment).
The foundation of Japanese subsidiary ‘12CM Japan’. The foundation of Japanese JV ‘12CM Mobile’. The
foundation of JV with Taiwan Ortiga Group
2016. The foundation of 12CM China. The conclusion of strategic business cooperation agreement with the Alipay. The
foundation of 12CM Global. The 3rd investment attraction (Focused on the existing investor)
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : SK planet(telecommunication), Ticket Monster(social commerce), Korea Post(public institution), Lotte Duty Free
shop(duty free shop), Shinsegae duty free shop(duty free shop) and Gangwon provincial office(government
-Foreign Countries : NEC(IT solution), Tencent(game, online advertising), NAVYZEBRA(business solution) and Treepay
(electronic payment)
Location Room No. 100, 8, Teheran-ro 8-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Hongeun Building, Yeoksam-dong)
13mile is the company supplying ‘NextM’, a reasonably priced integrative payment terminal for small business with
benefits of mobile easy-payment service.
By offering entirely offline payment methods including different mobile payment services through one payment terminal,
13mile aims to maximizing convenience of users in offline payment system.
Aug 2014. Establishment of 13mile Inc
Jun 2015. Cooperation Contract of Appcard with Korea Information & Communication Co., Ltd., Bank Wallet and
Nov 2015. Cooperation Contract of Online Sales Agency with KaKao Pay
Mar 2016. Cooperation Contract of Offline Payment Service with Wechat Pay
Dec 2016. Opening of Ali Pay and Tax Refund Service
Mar 2017. Cooperation Contract of Offline Connection Service with SSG PAY
Jun 2017. Release of NEXT-M All-In-One integrative terminal
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : KAKAO (IT Company), Korea Information & Communication Co., Ltd. (IT Company), Korea Financial
Telecommunications and Clearings Institute (Special Financial Corporation), KRP (Foreign Payment Service), LG
CNS (IT Solution), KAKAO PAY (Simple Remittance / Payment), BANK WALLET (Simple Remittance / Payment)
and SSG PAY (Simple Remittance / Payment)
-Foreign Countries : We Chat Pay (Simple Remittance / Payment) and Ali Pay (Simple Remittance / Payment)
Form of
Main Service 2DPay, NFC Fintech Area Payment/Settlement B2C
2DM is an application software development start-up.
Founded in 2016, 2DM introduced 2DPAY, a simple payment application that is easy to use for both merchants and
customers. 2DPAY is a billing system in which a customer places a tag on a table in a restaurant, a café, etc., and the
customer touches the tag on the smartphone, views the screen, and executes the order from order to payment. 2DPAY is
growing into a solution that meets the desire of many business owners to have strengths unique to their own stores and
to build systems to help them operate their stores. Two patents on the system have also been filed and registered.
Apr 2016. The foundation of 2dpay
May 2016. The conclusion of agreement with Daou Data
Jun 2016. The conclusion of a payment system agreement with LG U+
Jun 2017. The conclusion of MOU agreement with Korean Optometric Association
Jan 2017. The conclusion of cooperation agreement with Moa App and business agreement with J Joy Corp.
Apr 2017. The conclusion of MOU agreement with WithMeCompany
Aug 2017. The full-scale service launching of a mobile simple payment system '2DPAY'
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : DAOU Data, Korea, LG U+, Korea, DO Dream Net, Korea, Nadeul Store Business Association, Korea, WITHME
Company, Korea
Since the foundation on Mar 1996, 2econsulting has become the best Korean digital innovation consulting leader in
various industry fields starting from the domestic financial consulting.Under the company motto to propose practical
alternatives for the success of clients and grow with clients as a warm-hearted company, we have offered consulting
services to solve the problems of clients based on the contents-making capability from our many project experiences with
foreign leading companies.Also, we have offered various classes based on the knowhow and insight of 2e consultants,
Professional Capacity Building Program ‘2e Academy’from the masters of each investment field and Differentiated IT
Contents Curation Service ‘2e Talk’ App.
2econsulting is a business technology consulting firm that provides IT consulting services to major financial companies
and public institutions in Korea. Founded in March 1996, 2econsulting has been engaged in digital innovation consulting
in various industries. It is composed of a group of specialists who provide real alternatives for customers' success and
create results with customers.
It provides consulting services to solve customer's problems appropriately based on project experiences of advanced
companies with best practices in overseas. 2eAcademy, which is a specialized capacity building program that learns
differentiated lectures with the know-how and insights of 2e consultants and learns from specialists from various fields. It
launched '2eTalk' app that is a differentiated IT professional contents curation service.
1996. The incorporation of Wise Consulting Corp.
1999. The change of company name into 2econsulting Inc.
2000. The merger of TK Consulting Corp. (Data Integration Solution Specialized Company)
2006. The merger of EE Information Technology Corp.
2016. The launching of KnowledgeContents Service Mobile Application ‘2e Talk’.
2017. The conclusion of partnership agreement with BackBase Corp.
Form of
Main Service Alliance M&A Fintech Area Others B2B
500V is a new concept business that aims to be a ‘Fast Exit Platform’. Five hundred volts, which was launched in January
2015, is aiming to provide an exit quickly, with the goal of changing Korea's corporate ecosystem, which takes an average
of 14.2 years, from startup to public disclosure. Five hundred volts attracted investment from Israel Yozuma Group
and US Penex Venture Capital through a new venture and entered into a business cooperation agreement with Nemo
Partners, Samjung KPMG and others.
Jan 2015. The establishment of 500V Inc.
Mar 2015. The attraction of investment from Yozma Group in Israel
Mar 2015. The conclusion of strategic business affiliation agreement with Nemo Partners
Apr 2015. The attraction of investment from FENOX VC in USA
May 2015. The conclusion of strategic business affiliation agreement with Samjung
May 2016. The conclusion of strategic business affiliation agreement with Venture Square
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : KB Investment & Securities (Securities Company), Venture Square (Media Platform), IP CNB (Attorney), Samjung
KPMG (Accounting Corporation), and Nemo Partners (Consulting)
-Foreign Countries : Fenox (Investment Company), and Yozama Ventures (Investment Company)
8BYTE, Inc. is an authentication solution developer with its own encryption technology.
Established in March 2014, 8BYTE, Inc. has researched on Digital Signature, Data Encryption, and One-time Password
through ID-based Cryptography. Also, based on ID-based Cryptography, it is developing effective and secure
authentication solution. It also plans a banks accounts based App to App type payment service which can be used offline.
Mar 2014. The foundation of 8BYTE, Inc.
Oct 2014. The launching of Additional Certification Service for Smart Phone, Internet Banking and ARS (JB Chunbuk
Nov 2015. The screening of security diagnosis for Financial Security Institute.
Jul 2016. The supply of Alternate Authentication Solution for Frequency MTS to SK Securities Co., Ltd.
Jan 2017. The supply of Alternate Authentication Solution for Certificate-less Full Banking Service to KB Savings Bank.
Mar 2017. The supply of Plugin-typed IC Chip to Naver Labs
Sep 2017. The supply of Certificate Alternate Authentication Solution for Integrated Real Estate Safe Transaction
Support System (Supreme Court)
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : JB Chunbuk Bank (Financial Institution), SK Securities Co., Ltd (Financial Institution), KB Savings Bank (Financial
Institution), Lotte Card Co., Ltd (Financial Institution), OSB Savings Bank (Financial Institution), The Federation of
Korean Cultural Center (Local Cultural Center Support) and Korea Internet and Security Agency (Cyber Security).
Location 9-22, Pangyo-ro 255beon-gil, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea (Room No. 315-1, Woorim W City)
Form of
Main Service Insurance Analysis Fintech Area Financial Platform B2C
Aijinet operates My Real Plan, an insurance information platform.
My Real Plan is a service that connects customers and insurance planners using an insurance analysis system. The
company introduces My Real Plan with the goal of leading the right insurance culture so that all consumers can benefit
from the insurance. Through its platform, insurance planners can recommend products based on data and customers
can make the right choices. It was selected as a government venture start-up support program and attracted 1.2 billion
won investment from Capstone Partners and Mirae Asset Venture.
2013~2014. The collection and research of related data.
Jan 2015. The launching of beta service
May 2015. The official launching of service
Nov 2015. Selected as TIPS in the government venturing support program.
Jan 2016. The achievement of total 10 billion won brokerage
Jul 2016. The attraction of 1.2 billion won investment from CAPSTONE PARTNERS and Mirae Asset Venture
Investment Co., Ltd.
Jul 2017. The launching of MY REAL PLAN V4.
Location 419, Teheran-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Kore (17F, Samsung Finance Plaza)
Form of
Main Service AIM Fintech Area Robo-Advisor B2C
Aim is a specialized provider of robo-advisor services to individual customer.
It is comprised of financial engineering experts from the global leading hedge fund and experts in the technology field.
Algorithm-based asset management services are provided through their mobile applications. Aim has set the goal of
helping the public gain stable and profitable financial income.
Aim is an investment advisory firm licensed by the Financial Services Commission and has attracted investment from the
Apr 2016. The Foundation of AIM Inc.
Dec 2016. The completion of system connection with Korea Investment & Securities.
2017. The launching of Android and iOS Beta version
Apr 2017. The attraction of investment from SBC British Branch
Jul 2017. The achievement of 1st asset advisor company in Korea (the number of customers)
Aug 2017. The achievement of 1st Robo-advisor profit rate in Korea.
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Korea Investment & Securities (Financial Institution)
AIZEN Global
Location 200, Yeongdeungpo-ro, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (2F, Woori Bank Wibee Fintech Lab)
Form of
Main Service A.I. Financial Solution Fintech Area Robo-Advisor B2B
Aizen Global provides a platform that combines financial expertise and know-how with artificial intelligence technology.
Researchers at Seoul National University Big Data Research Institute, Seoul National University Institute of Economic
Research, and experts in artificial intelligence research at IBM and professor KAIST professor of machine learning have
teamed up to establish the company. Aizen Global is concentrating on the personal credit market where the whole
process of decision making depends on the data of the financial industry. Major developments include financial product
development, digital marketing, and risk management. It provides various artificial intelligence prediction modules
needed by various departments. Aizen Global was selected as the 1st Wibee Fin-tech Woori Bank. Four patents related
to the AI model were filed. It is jointly developing a credit analysis model with Challenger Bank in the UK.
Feb 2016. The establishment of AIZEN Global Inc.
Sep 2016. The conclusion of MOU agreement for the big-data A.I. joint development with big data institute of Seoul
National University.
Nov 2016. The application of 4 patents for A.I. Financial Model
May 2017. The award of Minister Prize in the '24th Korea Multimedia Technology Contest' (Ministry of Science, ICT and
Future Planning)
Jun 2017. Selected as the finalist in ‘Citi HK Fintech Challenge 2017’.
Oct 2017. The conclusion of development agreement for personal credit facility A.I.-applied product with Woori Bank
Nov 2017. The joint performance of credit analysis model and market expansion strategy with Challenger bank in Britain.
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Woori Bank (Financial Institution), Hyundai Marine & Fire Insurance (Financial Institution), Seoul National
University (Educational Institution), Korea Institute of Science and Technology (Educational Institution) and
National Information Society Agency (Network Management for Public Institution)
-Foreign Countries : Citi Bank (Financial Institution) and United Overseas Bank (Financial Institution)
Location 660, Daewangpangyo-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea (10F, U SPACE1 Tower B, Pangyo Techno Valley)
AJK provides a paid stock and cryptocurrency investment information service. Founded in 2015, AJK has been
offering high-quality information and knowledge from experienced specialists in the field of wired/wireless/finance/
mobile industries under the motto that ‘we will create a new ecosystem in era of securities service that offered just
recommendation without any responsibility.’ Currently, AJK has acquired many patents (including ‘The keyword-based
news notification and the subscription of stock information for it’ and ‘The open market server for stock information and
the subscription of any stock information using it’) and applied totally 4 patents including the selection and appraisal
system of investment categories.
Jun 2015. The foundation of AJK Inc. and the release of investment information open market, ‘Stock Point’. Dec 2015:
The opening of Stock Point Mobile Service
Oct 2016. The launching and management of Theme Rader
Nov 2016. The acquisition of patent for ‘Keyword-based Customizing News Notification and Stock Information
Subscription Method’.
Dec 2016. The acquisition of venture company certificate.
Feb 2017. The acquisition of patent for ‘Share Information Open Market Server and Stock Information Subscription
Aug 2017. The conclusion of business cooperation agreement for Investment Category Contents Supply with Kakao
Stock (Donamu)
Jan 2018. The application of 4 patents including Investment Category Selection Evaluation System (Authentication
Security, Auto Sales and others)
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Danal Inc. (Payment), Future Wiz (Software Development) and Donamu (Securities Information Service)
Location 27, Eonju-ro 30-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (2F, Woosung Living-tel)
AliveSoft specializes in system integration and software development. Recently, it has developed the crowd funding
solution ACFS (Alive Crowd Funding System) and supplied it to public and it has started peer to peer (P2P) platform
business independently.
It has applied for a patent for newly developed investment matching brokerage platform system.
May 2015. The foundation of AliveSoft Co., Ltd.
May 2015. The registration as a software business in Korea Software Industry Association
May 2015. The registration as a software direct production company in Korea Federation of Small and Medium Business.
Aug 2015. The registration as an enterprise R&D center in Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology
Aug 2016. The development of crowd funding solution and the registration of software copyright in Korea Copyright
Dec 2016. The application of patent for 'Electronic Storage System for Monetary Gift' and 'Investment Matching Agency
Platform System'
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Hankuk Real Estimate Newspaper (Press), Kwanghwamoon LLC (Legal Service) and ABC Real Estate (Real Estate
Form of
Main Service Rich Robo Fintech Area Robo-Advisor B2B/B2C
AndBeyond Capital Management Inc. provides investment advisory and discretionary financial services. Under the
investment philosophy of 'investment in engineering value', the company utilizes engineering methodology from machine
learning, analysis of big data, and weighing investment to be entrusted with funds from professional investors such as
banks, associations, university funds, listed companies and securities companies.
In 2016, it launched a robo-advisor product and signed a cooperation agreement with NH Investment Securities realated
to robo-advisor.
2009. The management of Fianance and Economy Departments’ account (Financial Investment Part) in listed companies.
2011. The seperation of corporation and the foundation of AndBeyond Capital Management Inc.
2013. The management of Kyungnam Bank’s account
2015. The conclusion of Advisory Service Agreement (Kakao MAP Service) with Dunamu Investment Inc.
2016. The account management of MIRAE ASSET DAEWOO.CO., LTD (The former KDB Daewoo Securities Co., Ltd.).
Selected as the strategic investment advisor for MIRAE ASSET DAEWOO.CO., LTD, The launching of Robo-Advisor
2016. The conclusion of MOU agreement for Robo-Advisor with NH Investment & Securities Co., Ltd.
2017. The conclusion of Consulting Agreement for APP Masters’ Investment Secrets
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : MIRAE ASSET DAEWOO.CO., LTD. (Financial Institution), NH Investment & Securities Co., Ltd. (Financial
Institution), Kiwoom Securities Co., Ltd. (Financial Institution), KB Securities Co., Ltd. (Financial Institution), Hana
Financial Investment Co., Ltd (Financial Institution) and E-tomato Inc. (Stock Broadcast).
Antock Co., Ltd.
Location 90, Cheongpa-ro 47-gil, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Room No. 408-1, Business Incubation Center)
Antock is an information provider that provides stock information to individual investors. Antock is a compound word
of "ant" symbolizing individual investor and "stock" symbolizing stock. It analyzes the existing difficult, vast, and tedious
financial information automatically and converts it into an easy and visualized form and provides it to investors. Antock
operates an automation and visualization analysis engine for listed and unlisted domestic and global companies based
on the development of value investment algorithm, securing source data, and visualization technology of financial
information. It won the open API platform sponsored by Koscom in the Pin Tech contest, and signed a contract to
develop a crowd funding platform with Golden Bridge Investment Securities.
Apr 2016. Selected as the social enterpriser promotion business by Korea Social Enterprise Promotion Agency
Oct 2016. The incorporation transition into Antock Inc. and the progress of business
Jul 2016. The launching of Antock MRI beta service and application
Sep 2016. The award of Grand Prize in the Software Match K-ICT Startup Contest
Sep 2016. The award in the KOSCOM Open-API Platform Fintech Contest
Oct 2016. The conclusion of MOU agreement for unlisted stock analysis solution with Korea Economic Daily
Jun 2017. The conclusion of unlisted stock analysis solution development agreement with Korea Economic Daily
Sep 2017. The conclusion of crowd funding platform development agreement with Golden Bridge Investment &
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Ministry of Public Administration and Security (Government Agency), Small & medium Business Corporation
(SME Support), Small and Medium Business Administration (Government Agency), National Information Society
Agency (Network Management for Public Institutions), KOSCOM (Securities Computerization), Woori Bank
(Financial Institution), Samsung Securities (Financial Institution), Seoul Economy (Financial Institution) and Hankuk
Economy (Financial Institution)
Location 14, Pangyoyeok-ro 192beon-gil, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea (Rich Together Center, Sampyeong-dong)
Form of
Main Service Collective Investment Fintech Area Robo-Advisor B2B/B2C
Assetplus Investment Management is an independent asset management company. Assetplus started in 1999 as an
investment adviser, and in June 2008, it turned to Asset Management Company and launched Assetplus Rich Together
Fund. It aims to show '100 years fund that grandfather handed to grandchild' and shows various products. In July 2017, it
launched the Alpha Robo Fund.
Feb 1999. The establishment of Asset Plus Investment Advisory Company
Feb 2011. The award of ‘Investor Protection Grand Prize’ in Korea Fund Award (E-daily-KG Zero In)
Mar 2014. The award of ‘Chinese Stock Grand Prize’ for the public offering fund in Korea Fund Award
Mar 2015. The award of ‘Best Management Company’ in the 6th Asia Fund Award (Asia Economy)
Dec 2015. The award of ‘Best Fund Overseas Stock’ in Korea Fund Award – Rich Fund Together (Money Today)
Dec 2016. The award of ‘Best Management Company (Stock)’ in Maekyung Stock Award (Mailkyung Economy)
Jul 2017. The release of Asset Plus Alpha Robo Fund
Location 189, Seongam-ro, Mapo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (12F, SME DMC Tower)
ATSolutions is a specialized company offering mobile financial solutions.
Established in 1999, ATSolutions built HTS for securities companies and futures companies, developed mobile securities
transaction service in coordination with communication providers, securities ASP business, banking business, and
certificate based mobile financial service to become a consolidated mobile solution provider.
Recently, it has expanded its business into supplying smart card chips, mobile security, and mobile payment.
1999. The foundation of AT Solutions Inc.
1999-2003. The development of MTS – the development of HTS and WTS for securities companies (including Dongyang,
Hyundai and Dongbu Securities Co. Ltd.)
2004-2010. The launching of T-money/T-cash Mobile Transportation Service
2011-2014. Selected as the exclusive OS development and transportaion card chip production company for Infineon in
2011-2014. The acquisition of Smart T-money Card Certificate
May 2015. The conclusion of management agreement for the Integrated OTP Certification Center with Korea Financial
Telecommunications and Clearings Institute.
Sep 2015. The conclusoin of development agreement for Safe Certification Storing Technique (FIDO) with Electronics
and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI)
Jul 2016. The establishment of Mobile Bank Service (Liv) for KB Kookmin Bank.
2017. The launching of Smart Pass for KB Kookmin Bank Corp.
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : KB Kookmin Bank (Financial Institution), NH Bank (Financial Institution), Shinhan Bank (Financial Institution), KEB
Hana Bank (Financial Institution), KB Kookmin Card Co., Ltd (Financial Institution), Shinhan Card Co., Ltd (Financial
Institution), Nexon Co., Ltd (Software Development), SK Telecom (Telecommunication Company), LG U+ Corp
(Telecommunication Company) and Olleh KT (Telecommunication Company)
Location 456, Gangnam-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (13F, Hanseok Tower)
Baro Funding provides peer-to-peer (P2P) financial services. Focusing on investors-oriented funding platform, it is
positioning itself as a new investment system capable of offering diversified investments in the current era. Direct
funding provides investors with a convenient and safe real estate investment environment by providing investors with
the best service at the best location for investment so that investors can concentrate on investment only. It also supports
borrowers with fast and reasonable interest rates for those who need funds. All investment products are aimed to
provide safe and reasonable future financial services through a rigorous loan review system that emphasizes repayment
ability rather than collateral, and a risk distribution system through portfolio investment, although mortgage setting is
May 2016. The ifoundation of BaroFunding Inc.
Jun 2016. The launching of P2P funding service.
May 2017. The pre-registration of DDoS Cyber Shelter.
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : PayGate (Electronic Payment) and Korea P2P Finance Association (P2P Company Support)
Location 21-6, Teheran-ro 34-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (3F, Bethel Building)
Form of
Main Service P2P Finance Fintech Area P2P Finance B2B/B2C
Barun Fintech operates BarunFund, a P2P (Peer to Peer) financial platform. It provides a variety of financial products
that are stable and high yields through niche markets that have improved financial distribution structure. Unlike financial
institutions, which focus on existing financial companies, the goal is to practice financing for customers, namely investors
and borrowers. In the rapidly changing financial environment, the company has five core competencies for consumer-
oriented finance: Finance, Technology, Network, Investment and Manpower. It is creating a new financial ecosystem that
connects people and industries and embraces domestic and foreign finance. It also offers deposit management service
in cooperation with PayGate and SC First Bank. Yulchon, and Samchang appraisal corporation, etc., are involved in
development work including products review. In addition to P2P crowd platform business, Barun Fintech is establishing
private equity fund management, investment banking business, NPL management business and asset management
businesses to enhance synergy impact among affiliates.
Nov 2016. The foundation of BarunFintech.
Dec 2016. The launching of P2P financial service, ‘BarunFund’.
Jan 2017. T he conclusion of business cooperation agreement for the development and introduction of product with
Doctor Apartment.
Jun 2017. The launching of deposit management service through PayGate and Standard Chartered(SC) First Bank Korea
Jul 2017. T he conclusion of business cooperation agreement for the screening and development of product with
Samchang Appraisal Co., Ltd.
Aug 2017. T he conclusion of business cooperation agreement for the screening and development of product with
Yulchon LLC.
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Samchang Appraisal Co., Ltd. (Appraisal), Yulchon LLC. (Legal Service), Seum LLC. (Legal Service), Fidelis Asset
Management (Financial Institution), Meritz Asset Management (Financial Institution), Noble Holdings (Non-
performing Purchase/Management) and Financial Supervisory Service (Special Financial Corporation)
Location 12, Digital-ro 33-gil, Guro-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Room No. 1001, Woorim EBiz Center 2(i)-cha)
Bellsoft Inc. is a fintech-specialized company which provides overseas remittance service and online authentication
service. It has contracted a partnership with China’s and other countries’ mobile electronic wallet service providers and
overseas remittance service providers. It has many registrations of patents, including the simple log-in with mobile
number. In April 2016, it attracted investments from Samho Green Investment Company, and in December 2017, it
funded extra investment from Korea Investment Partners and Samho Green Investment Company.
Feb 2013. The foundation of Bellsoft Inc.
Dec 2013. The registration of patent for 'Smartphone Self-certificate Fraud Protection’.
Nov 2015. The launching of phone log-in (simple log-in) service.
May 2016. The award of Grand Prize for the Fintech Area in the 2016 Korean Excellent Company Award
Jun 2016. The development of fintech service based on the mobile electronic wallet for Chinese visitors.
Jul 2016. The conclusion of supply agreement for the phone log-in (simple log-in) solution with KB Kookmin Card.
Jun 2017. The release of I LOVE COIN KIOSK prototype.
Dec 2017. The attraction of 3 billion won investment from Korea Investment Partners, Samho Green Investment and
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : IBK Industrial Bank (Financial Institution), KB Kookmin Bank (Financial Institution), KB kookmin Card (Financial
Institution) and EBS (Educational Broadcaster)
-Foreign Countries : DowJones (Financial News Service) and Tencent (IT Company)
Location 28, Digital-ro 33-gil, Guro-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (4F, Woorim EBIZ Center)
BenefitSocial manages 'FunFunding', which supports loans and investments in a P2P (peer-to-peer) platform. FunFunding
stands for 'fun financial'. It is aiming to change institutional and asset-oriented financing to the common people that are
often seen around. FunFunding aims to provide financial services that lower the threshold of investment and conveniently
connect safer and more profitable products. It supports one to invest freely without a burden even during a busy daily
life. FunFunding is a P2P financing system that specializes in public sector bonds, and boasts a distinctive feature of short
investment period and high cumulative repayment rate.
Sep 2016. The launching of Fun Funding.
Sep 2016. The open of first investment product.
Jul 2017. The registration as a regular member in Korea P2P Financial Association.
Jan 2018. The open of 232nd investment product.
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Korea P2P Finance Association (P2P Company Support)
Form of
Main Service Beyond Fund Fintech Area P2P Finance B2B/B2C
The Beyond Fund is a P2P platform that allows anyone to invest a small amount in real estate structured loans, such as
asset backed loans (asset backed loans), which were handled by regulated financial institutions such as private equity
funds, asset management companies and investment banks. The Beyond Fund consists of specialists who have many
years of experiences in consulting, accounting banking, credit and marketing. The Beyond Fund has set out to create
a new financial ecosystem centered on borrowers and investors, out of the traditional financial nature of maximizing
corporate profits. Starting from P2P finance, its goal is to grow as a financial fin-tech company for the whole financial
industry. It operates the P2P financial platform '30CUT' for institutional investors. It is developed in cooperation with NH
Oct 2015. Established Beyond Platform Service
Dec 2015. Developed the big data-based credit rating model for credit card re-loan
Feb 2016. Concluded a business cooperation agreement with the co-development of 30 Cut-NH Loan (National
Agricultural Cooperative Federation Bank)
Apr 2016. Increased the capital of Beyond Platform Service
Nov 2016. Approved the clause of NH 30 Cut Loan for P2P loan product with National Agricultural Cooperative
Federation Bank (Financial Supervisory Service)
Feb 2017. Launched Beyond Fund
Sep 2017. Concluded a business cooperation agreement for the co-development of ABL (Asset Securitization Loan)
investment product with Aram Fund
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : National Agricultural Cooperative Federation Bank (Financial Institution), Aram Fund (Financial Institution) and
Sogang University (Financial Institution)
Location 567, Songpa-daero, Songpa-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Room No. 205 - Na, 2F, Shopping District-dong)
BF365 is a peer-to-peer (P2P) platform service provider that connects investors and borrowers through an online platform
and lends money and returns revenue. Individuals, companies, and small business owners who are not able to obtain
bank loans will raise funds and investors will earn higher profits in the low interest rate era. BF365 supports the BF365
system to reduce unnecessary time for operators entering P2P business. The company supports start-up companies and
storytelling bonds, scholarships, and relief projects with its 10% profits from running a platform.
Dec 2015. Established BF 365 Inc.
Feb 2016. Concluded a business cooperation agreement with KCB (Credit Rating Organization)
Apr 2016. Concluded a business cooperation agreement for electronic financial service with Pay Gate and Seyfert
Jun 2016. Joined a regular member in Korea P2P Financial Association.
Aug 2016. Concluded a business cooperation agreement for electronic registration system with Finotek.
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Korea P2P Finance Association (P2P Company Support) and Pay Gate (Electronic Payment)
Location 20, Digital-ro 31-gil, Guro-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Room no.706 & 707, Ace Techno Tower 5th)
BGF Networks is an information technology-based marketing company that conducts digital signage, electronic gift
certificate messaging services, and cash receipt business. BGF Networks has launched mobile gift vouchers since the end
of 2013. It publishes, sells, and operates a mobile voucher that can be freely used in CU stores nationwide. It also issues
and sells gift cards, prepaid card-type gift cards, which can be freely used as cash in CU stores and affiliated companies
nationwide. In 2016, the company merged the digital signage business with the merger of BGF DSNET. After the spin-off
of the CD / ATM business, the subsidiary, BGF FinLink, was established and transferred.
Dec 2009. The equity participation of BGF Retail Corp. (The establishment of FamilyBank)
Jul 2012. The change of company name into BGF Cashnet
Dec 2013. The launching of mobile gift card service
Mar 2014. The launching of messaging service
Mar 2015. The expansion into the cash receipt brokerage business
Feb 2016. The merger of BDG DSnet (The integration of digital signage business)
Feb 2016. The change of company name into BGF Networks
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Samsung Securities Co., Ltd. (Financial Institution), Mirae Asset Life (Financial Institution), Samsung S1 (Security),
The JoongAng Ilbo (Press), Federation of Korean Industries (Commerce Analysis), E1 (LPG Export/Import), ADT
Caps (Security) and Megabox (Theater)
BI Cube
Form of
Main Service FDS Fintech Area Others B2B/B2C
BI Cube is a specialist in operating big data and machine learning platform with a focus on financial sector. After
five years of development, the company launched a new market by bringing out ‘BI Cube’, a big data-based analysis
solution. In the field of software, it provides rapid services through partnerships with its own technology. In the field of
big data integration, it has an intelligent asset management service platform through machine learning infrastructure
and intelligent asset management. BI Cube is concentrating on O2O market of financial market by combining its own
software and big data integration capability. It suggests Lycaon-F and Neural Stream-FDS as a solution for detecting
abnormal financial transactions.
Jan 2005. The development of real time payment and membership point system for VAN company.
Aug 2008. The development of credit card real time payment system
Feb 2010. The establishment of National Record DB Meta Data Business Plan
Jun 2015. The foundation of BI Cube Inc.
Jul 2015. The award of Excellent Prize in the technology section of 2nd Korea Big-data Award (National Information
Society Agency-Big Data Academy)
Location 61, Banpo-daero 26-gil, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Room No. 201, Samyoung Building)
Form of
Main Service P2P Loan Fintech Area P2P Finance B2C
Bigpiefunding is a peer-to-peer financial platform provider specializing in real estate investment. Under the slogan of
"Delicious Real Estate Finance and Big Pie Funding.", the company aims to provide investors with a simple and easy way
to make a profit like pie. It invests only good quality products through offline know-how of real estate and bad debts.
In addition to self-analysis, the company conducts dual analysis through cooperation with external analysts to ensure
stability. In the event of a loan failure, the company takes measures to protect investors by working with specialist
companies to conduct investment auctions or sell bonds immediately.
Sep 2016. The Foundation of Big Pie Funding Co.
Nov 2016. The Release of 1st project
Aug 2017. The Conclusion of business cooperation agreement with KTB Credit Information
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Korea P2P Financial Association (P2P Company Support), Korea Crowd Funding Association (Crowd Funding
Company), Pay Gate (Electronic Payment) and KTB Credit Information (Credit Rating)
Location 65, Myeongdong-gil, Jung-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Room No. 1201, Boram Building)
BigTree is a robotic advisory service provider founded in 2015 by experts who have accumulated experiences in various
fields such as big data analysis, artificial intelligence, financial engineering and asset management. BigTree combines
financial engineering technologies such as big data analysis, artificial intelligence, and the latest information technology
with portfolio optimization and asset allocation strategy. It has a differentiated artificial intelligence engine 'Bigbot'.
Information technology quickly analyzes vast and complex financial data and thus derives a meaningful correlation.
Financial engineering technology optimizes investment performance such as portfolio optimization, rebalancing and
asset allocation based on information extracted from information technology. In April 2017, Big Tree passed the Financial
Services Commission's robo-advisor review. Currently, it has business agreements with Hana Financial Investment,
KOSCOM and Donga Exports.
Feb 2015. The foundation of Big Tree Co.
Jun 2016. Opening of robo-advisor beta service
Aug 2016. Conclusion of MOU agreement with Hana Financial Investment
Sep 2016. Conclusion of MOU agreement with Koscom
Apr 2017. Passing of robo-advisor operating inpsection (Financial Services Commission)
Jun 2017. Conclusion of robo-advisor MOU agreement with Dong-A experts (Dong-A Daily News)
Aug 2017. Conclusion of ‘Cooperation Agreement about Robo-advisor’ with Tempis Investment Consulting.
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Mirae Asset Daewoo Co., Ltd. (Financial Institution), Hana Financial Investment Co. LTD. (Financial Institution),
TEMPIS INVESTMENT ADVISORY Co., Ltd. (Financial Institution), Koscom (IT Company), KOREA POLYTECHNIC
UNIVERSITY (Educational Institution) and Dong-A Experts (Consulting)
Form of
Main Service GT-Pay Fintech Area Payment/Settlement B2B/B2C
BizWorks provides activation solutions and distribution history tracking solutions based on the underlying technology for
copying, stitching and tampering. It developed automatic interworking with smart order and bill and POS system and
support non-face-to-face orders and payments. It provides mobile gift certificate reuse prevention solution to Shinsaegae
and provides distribution history management solution to Dasan CENTEC. It was selected as a fin-tech mentoring
company by Samsung Card. It has received a commendation from the Minister of Science, ICT and Future Planning at the
2016 Korea ICT Innovation Awards.
Feb 2002. The foundation of Biz Works Co., Ltd.
Feb 2015. The establishment of BizWorks R&D center
Mar 2015. The supply of activation certificate-distribution record solution to major 10 companies (including Callaway,
Herbalife, Marykay and Daesang).
Jul 2015. The development and supply of Shinsegae mobile gift card reuse prevention solution.
Apr 2016. The award of ‘Minister Prize by Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning’ in the ‘2016 Korea ICT Innovation
Jun 2017. S
elected as a fintech mentoring company (Samsung Card)
Jul 2017. The supply of distribution record management solution (Dasan CNTech)
Aug 2017. S
elected as 2017~19 IKMP business (KOTRA)
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Shinhan Card (Financial Institution), Samsung Card (Financial Institution), BC Card (Financial Institution), Woori
Bank (Financial Institution), Shinhan Bank (Financial Institution), Fintech Center (Government Interagency) and
Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency (Trade Company Support).
-Foreign Countries : ACB Bank (Financial Institution)
Bizplay co., ltd.
Location 220, Yeongsin-ro, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (19F, KnK Digital Tower)
Form of
Main Service Expense management Fintech Area Financial Platform B2B
Bizplay Co., Ltd. is a corporation that specializes in paperless management of expense. Biz Play was initially an in-
house venture company of Webcash Co. Ltd. that started in June 2014. Bizplay Co., Ltd. then spun off into a separate
corporation on December 1st of the same year in order to promote its own business with the intention of "Making a
business environment easier and more fun" as expressed in its mission statement. Since then, it has introduced a variety
of businesses and collaborative applications for B2B. On September 2016, Bizplay was launched as a specialist in ‘Paperless
Management of Expenditure Solution'. It is the first domestic company to implement electronic expenses management,
which does not require real receipts, for corporate cards, as well as personal cards and overseas issued cards. Bizplay
provides a service that can transparently identify the current state of expenditure of the company.
December 2014. Established Webcash Co., Ltd. as an in-house venture.
June 2014. Established Bizplay Co., Ltd.
Aug 2016. Repleased Bizplay expense management service
Sep 2016. Won Excellence Award in Maekyung Fintech Awards
Sep 2016. Won Grand Prize in ‘Softwave Summit 2016’
Nov 2016. Won Participation Prize in ‘2016 Korea Mobile Award’
Dec 2016. Won Prize in the marketing section of ‘2016 Total Hit Products’
Oct 2017. Launched the electronic documentation of paper recepits and offered the certified storage service of
electronic documents.
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Shinhan Card Co., Ltd (financial institution), Samsung Card (financial institution), KB Kookmin Card (financial
institution), Jeonbuk Bank (financial institution), BC Card (financial institution), Hyundai Card Co., Ltd (financial
institution), Lotte Card Co., Ltd. (financial institution), Hana Card (financial institution), Woori Card (financial
institution) (financial institution) and National Agricultural Cooperative Federation Card (financial institution)
Blockbank is a block-chain technology research and development company. Blockbank is analyzing the block-chain
industry and the cryptocurrency market, and it is working on a project to apply the current financial system to the
cryptocurrency market. Blockbank is a major partner of Linker Coin. It develops Linker Coin Project (Linker Coin Project),
which develops a virtual P2P exchange market in domestic and foreign cryptocurrency market exchanges and block
chains. In October 2017, Ulsan Institute of Science and Technology and Chosun University signed a block-chain research
agreement with the company.
Jul 2017. the foundation of Block Bank
Oct 2017. the open of Open Source for Ethereum Linker
Oct 2017. the open of specification for Korean Exchange, Coin X.
Nov 2017. the issue of Linker Coin
Dec 2017. the open of specification for Bitnaru International Exchange.
Dec 2017. the development of BIT NARU International Exchange
Dec 2017. the open of COIN X beta service
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology and Chosun University
-Foreign Countries : MITO (Eco-friendly Business Funding Platform), UTRUST (Virtual Currency Electronic Payment
System), SkyCoin (Next Generation Virtual Currency), Aeron (Blockchain-based Navigation
Information System), Ambrosus (Food & Medical Supplies Distribution System), UniKoin Gold
(E-Sports Audience Participation Platform), HOQU (Blockchain-based Business/Marketing Alliance
Platform) and Achain (Alternative Asset Exchange Platform)
BlockchainOS Inc.
Form of
Main Service Cryptocurrency Platform Fintech Area BlockChain B2B/B2C
Block Chain OS is a block-chain specialized company which developed BOScoin, a cryptocurrency platform. BOScoin is a
self-evolving cryptocurrency platform based on trust contracts. A trust contract is a program that runs automatically on
a block chain similar to a Smart Contract, allowing a non-professional user to create a secure self-evolving system that
is not hacked on the block chain. Block Chain OS developed a self-evolving cryptocurrency platform based on the belief
that it is virtually impossible to predict the future. The BOScoin is also equipped with the Congress Network, a decision-
making body, to adapt continuously to changes in the environment. In June 2017, the block-chain OS procured Initial Coin
Offering (ICO) funds from around the world.
Nov 2015. Foundation of BlockchainOS Inc.
Apr 2017. Concluded a business cooperation agreement for BOScoin Project with EYC3.
May 2017. Concluded a strategic alliance agreement with Cosmos Inc.
Jun 2017. Completed the funding through ICO.
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : EY (Financial Consulting Service) and K Startup Valley (Startup News Media)
-Foreign Countries : Yahoo (IT Company), Cosmos (Blockchain), Marketwatch (General Economy Media Group), Finet
(Others), Intel-lasia (Others), Business Wire (Press) and Blockchainnews (Press)
Location 8, Seongnam-daero 331beon-gil, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea (Room No. 902, KINS Tower)
Form of
Main Service Blockchain Platform Fintech Area BlockChain B2B
BLOCKO Inc. is a start-up company which developed and offers a corporate block-chain platform called CoinStack.
Launched on July 2015, CoinStack is a middleware for the construction of block chain-based service and application
in various industrial fields, offering SDK (Software Development Kit) and Integrated Block Chain Technology Stack. It
acquired block-chain GS certificate from ISO international certificate and attracted investments from Samsung Ventures,
Intervest, oneweek investment partners, and daesung business investment.
Dec 2014. The foundation of BLOCKO and the launching of blockchain search engine, ‘Watch’.
2015. Selected as the governmen-sponsored enterprise (KISA).
2015. The release of Baas (Blockchain-as-a-Service) solution, ‘Coin Stack’.
2016. The acquisition of block chain GS certificate (ISO International Certificate).
2016. The award of Special Prize in the 2016 KISA Internet Contest.
2016. The attraction of Series A Funding from Samsung Venture Investment (1.5 billion won)
2016. The attraction of 3 billion won investment from Interbest, Daesung Private Equity Inc. and Won Ik Investment
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Korea Exchange (Marketable Securities Exchange), Jeon Buk Bank (Financial Institution), Lotte Card Co., Ltd.
(Financial Institution), PayGate (Electronic Payment), Samsung Card (Financial Institution), Shinhan Data System
(Financial Institution), Hyundai Card (Financial Institution), Hyundai Auto Ever (IT Company) and LGCNS (IT
-Foreign Countries : Cisco (Information and Communications)
BluepanNet Inc.
Representative Seo Dong-uk and An Chan-soo Incorporation Date May 16th, 2015
Location 581, Gangnam-daero, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (6F, Puren Building)
Form of
Main Service Pay Phil and Pay 86 Fintech Area Remittance (Overseas) B2B/B2C
BluepanNet Inc. is the first Korean block chain-based overseas remittance company. It has completed about 150,000
remittance services for two years, achieving total remittance 80 billion won as at July 2017. It can reduce the charge of
remittance by up to 90 percent and the time of overseas remittance from up to 7 days to only ten minutes, compared
to existing commercial banks. BluepanNet is expanding its support to China in April 2016 and Vietnam in March
2017, starting with overseas remittances to the Philippines in May 2015. In February 2017, we launched a Korean
inbound remittance service in Japan. In August 2017, a worldwide sender showed a platform to use BluepanNet as an
intermediary to send money. Also, it is in course of preparation for cryptocurrency exchange and block chain-related
businesses as well as overseas remittance.
May 2015. The foundation of and the launching of Philippine remittance service.
Apr 2016. The launching of for the Chinese remittance service.
Oct 2016. The launching of for the remittance service to Korea from anywhere in the world
Feb 2017. The implementation of JP-KO Inbound Remittance Service
Mar 2017. The launching of for Vietnamese remittance service
Aug 2017. The start of BluepanNet Block Chain Network Business
Aug 2017. The launching of platform for the remittance from and to any remittance companies in the world through
BluepanNet as agency.
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : IBK Industrial Bank (Financial Institution) and Gwangju Bank (Financial Institution)
Representative Hwang Yong-guk and Jung Woo-jin Incorporation Date Aug 26th, 2016
Location 91, Gwahaksandan 2-ro 20beon-gil, Gangseo-gu, Busan, Republic of Korea (101-2502)
Form of
Main Service Fintech and Robo-advisor Fintech Area Robo-Advisor B2B
Blue Visor is a fintech company that develops and distributes Big Data and Machine Learning based on a robo-advisor
platform. Blue Visor filed a patent for a cloud server based on ‘2016 cloud server advisor’, and was selected as a promising
start-up by the 2017 Pusan City Human Resource Development Project. Highbuff, a robo-advisor developed by Blue
Visor, achieved a 16% return and a turnover rate of 1,400% in the second Koscom Robo-Advisor testbed in 2017, and
took first place.
Aug 2016. The foundation of Bluevisor Inc.
Nov 2016. Applied the patent of ‘Cloud Server-based Robo-Advisor’.
Apr 2017. Participated into the robo-advisor test bed.
Jul 2017. Selected as the fintech project support team (Busan Global Fintech Industry Promotion Center)
Nov 2017. Attracted the investment and converted into the corporation.
Dec 2017. Acquired the certificate of robo-advisor test bed (Koscom)
Jan 2018. Participated into the third robo-advisor test bed using two algorithms (Koscom)
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : KOSCOM (Special Financial Corporation), Ebest Investment Securities (Securities Company), Korea Securities
Depository (Special Financial Corporation) and Global Fintech Industry Promotion Agency (Nonprofit
-Foreign Countries : Renaissance Technology (Hedge Find)
BMI Tech
Location 12, Choansan-ro, Nowon-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Room No. 527, 1st Engineering Building, Induk University)
BMI TECH is developing a contract authentication platform using location information to provide secure services in
financial transactions and e-commerce transactions. The company has developed 'self-certification and self-signed
signature verification service using location basis which is applied to all contracts of financial institutions. In the past, it was
impossible to know whether the parties signed the contract at the same place. However, applying the system developed
by BMIITECH can prevent false contracts in face-to-face contracts and block the proxy signatures of customers. BMI TECH
is working with various financial institutions and IT companies to develop Internet-based smart content and offer services
and solutions that link both on-line and off-line. SK Telecom participated in the start-up support program "Bravo Restart",
which was launched for middle-aged and elderly people.
Jan 2014. Selected as a recommendation idea (patent) by Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning
Apr 2014. The award in ICT Contest (SK Telecom)
May 2014. The establishment of BMI Tech
Mar 2015. The conclusion of MOU agreement with Shinhan Data System
Aug 2015. The participation into the Fintech Security Section in Demo Day
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Shinhan Data System (Financial Institution)
Form of
Main Service P2P Finance Fintech Area P2P Finance B2B/B2C
Bplus is a peer-to-peer financial platform that connects investors with projects that create social impact. Bplus has the
meaning of "Benefit Plus" and serves as a bridge for public interest projects that seek growth, as well as investors who are
concerned about social value as well as profits. By creating projects that solve diverse social issues in a business way, they
can create value and provide stable returns. In 2017, it was selected as a social investment fund lending institution. It is a
project to finance a social venture, a social economic organization located in Seoul, or a public interest project in which
social benefits come to Seoul citizens, by matching the funding amount of Bplus and social investment funds.
Mar 2016. Established B Plus Inc.
Apr 2016. Attracted the investment from Sopoong Inc.
Jun 2016. Launched the platform open funding
Dec 2016. Selected as Seongdong-gu Regional Cooperation Funding Business
Feb 2017. Selected as 2017 Social Enterpriser Support Business
Mar 2017. Joined Korea P2P Financial Association
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Sopoong Inc. (Impact Investment), Korea P2P Financial Association (P2P Business Support) and Korea Social
Enterprise Promotion Agency (Social Enterprise Support)
Location 114, Beobwon-ro, Songpa-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Room No. 512, Tower A, M State Building)
Brandom is a mobile solution provider that provides activation and trading systems using short range wireless (NFC) tags.
It develops traffic card service using HCE (Host Card Emulation) necessary for mobile payment, and introduces traffic card
recharging service using NFC. It was selected as a research and development project by the Small and Medium Business
Administration and secured the basis for the verification service using NFC. In 2016, it was selected as an excelling
company by the Seoul Industrial Promotion Agency. In 2015, it provided Korail Rail Plus transportation card mobile
recharge service, and in 2017 it launched Shinhan Card's mobile transportation card service.
Jun 2013. The development of NFC activation certificate application, 'Brand Security'.
Aug 2014. Selected as the business service R&D business for the government project by Small and Medium Business
Administration (NFC-based activation certificate system).
Mar 2015. The launching of KORAIL Rail Plus transportation card mobile charging service.
Oct 2015. T he supply of 'Seongsu Handmade Shoes Activation Certificate System' (Seoul Business Agency)
Nov 2015. Selected as the startup customized commercialization support business (Small and Medium Business
Oct 2016. S elected as the accelerating company (Seoul Business Agency)
Sep 2017. The launching of Shinhan Card FAN mobile transportation card service.
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Shinhan Card (Financial Institution), Shinhan Financial Group (Financial Institution), Shinhan Data System (Financial
Institution), Hyundai Card (Financial Institution), Korean Railroad Corporation (Public Institution), Korail Networks
(Service), KSNET (Payment Solution) and Danal Inc. (Phone Payment)
Representative Lee Sang-hoon and Lee Sung-geun Incorporation Date Mar 25th, 2016
Location 5, Bongeunsa-ro 37-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Room No. 502, Taeyang Building)
Form of
Main Service P2P Platform Fintech Area P2P Finance B2B/B2C
Bridge funding is an online platform provider that supports investment and loan by peer-to-peer (P2P) method. With
a goal of becoming a "bridge of finance for a better world," through P2P funding, the company plans to provide the
most reasonable financial solution for both investors and borrowers. Bridge funding is an automotive P2P platform. Any
car owner can get a loan at an 8% interest rate. One can enter the manufacturer, car model, yearly model, acquisition
price, etc. to know the loanable amount. Bridge Funding is analyzing various factors, including personal credit rating,
to strictly select those with debt fulfillment requirements and reduce the risk of investors by setting up mortgages on
collateralized vehicles. In addition, it is preventing financial accidents through ongoing management such as repayment
and delinquency management. It is developing for advanced technology to create self-rating measuring algorithm.
Mar 2016. The foundation of BRIDGE FUNDING
Nov 2016. The launching of service
May 2017. The attraction of investment from Korea Technology Finance Corporation and selected as the venture
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : NICE Information Service Co., Ltd (Credit Rating) and PayGate (Electronic Payment)
Location 331, Pangyo-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea (4F ABN Building)
Form of
Main Service Smart Multi-Card Fintech Area Financial Platform B2B/B2C
BrilliantTS started the development of smart multi-card in 2013 and worked for two development projects of smart
multi-card with a Korean credit card company and a large international electronics company in 2014. In 2015, it
succeeded in attracting the investment from KTB Network, LB Investment and KDB which were considered one of the
largest investment companies in Korea; it was selected as ‘Industrial Convergence Leading Company’ by the Ministry of
Trade, Industry and Energy for our top-level technologies. Also, it is included to A+ Group in Korea Technology Finance
Corporation for ‘Smart Multi-card’ technology in 2016. It invented ‘Fuze Card’ based on these technologies and achieved
2.2 million dollar sales from INDIEGOGO, the largest crowding fund platform in U.S.A., which marked the top 0.01
percent across the world. Due to these efforts, ‘Fuze Card’ has received lots of attentions and love from customers
Apr 2012. The foundation of Brilliant TS Inc.
Nov 2012. The acquisition of KC certificate (Korea Testing & Research Institute) and KCC certificate (National Radio
Research Agency)
Jan 2013. The release of Daum TV Inside Smart TV
Feb 2014. T he conclusion of supply agreement for the development of mobile payment system and software with
Apr 2014. T he registration as a cooperative company for LG U+ and the conclusion of development agreement for the
prototype of smart multi-card.
Apr 2015. The award of excellent prize in the Fintech Korea Challenge (KOSCOM)
May 2016. Selected as the innovative technology development business in the creative economy valley (Ministry of
Science, ICT and Future Planning)
Sep 2017. The conclusion of business cooperation agreement for the virtual currency payment platform with Proof.
Affiliated Organization
-Foreign Countries : MAS Holdings (Others) and GSM (Others)
BTWorks is an IT security specialist, providing secure services in smart mobile environment. The company is continuously
developing convenient and secure smart authentication and security solutions suitable for fin-tech services such as
biometric authentication, OAuth linkage, smart watch banking, smart integrated authentication, and application
topology and tamper prevention. In 2014, the company launched the first smart phone banking service in Korea. A
number of patents have been registered such as 'authentication and non-repudiation and its service method'
Sep 2002. Established BT Works Inc.
2010. BTW-SSO was selected as a national security product (National Intelligence Service)
2010. Established Smart Banking Security System for NH Bank, KEB Hana Bank, Woori Bank, Shinhan Bank, SC Bank
and others.
2010. Developed Smart SSO, Mobile Application for the prevention against forgery and tamper, Anti-Smishing
System with NH Bank.
2014. released the first Korean smart watch banking in the financial sector (NH Bank, Woori Bank and others)
2016. Acquired FIDO Alliance UAF Certification
2016. Registered the 23rd patent of Authentication and Non-repudiation (Public Certification Alternative
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Shinhan Bank (financial institution), BNK Pusan Bank (financial institution), Kookmin Bank (financial institution),
Gwangju Bank (financial institution), National Federation of Fisheries Cooperatives (financial institution), Korea
Financial Telecommunications & Clearings Institute (special financial corporation), IBK Bank (financial institution),
National Agricultural Cooperative Federation Bank (financial institution), Woori Bank (financial institution) and
KEB Hana Bank (financial institution).
Location 22, Nambusunhwan-ro 347-gil, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (7F, Changwon Building)
Buildon is a real estate-based P2P (peer to peer) platform. It was established by experienced experts in the real estate
consulting, the construction, the non-performing loan, the auction, the brokerage and others to focus on the project
financing. Through the close examination of experts in each field, it is possible to find promising products and make
it easy for anyone to easily invest through the platform and provide opportunities to enjoy high profits for commercial
products. It is aiming for a win-win model between the company and investor members by establishing a community
among members, funding through interactive communication, and promoting a win-win model.
Sep 2016. Established Build on Funding Inc.
Oct 2016. Released the beta service
Dec 2016. Registered as a regular member in P2P financial association
Jan 2017. Released the first product
Oct 2017. Achieved total 3 billion won of amount to be raised
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : NH Nonghyp Bank (Financial Institution)
Location 291, Daehak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Republic of Korea (Room No. 809, National Nano Fab Center)
Form of
Main Service Chattel Mortgage Solution Fintech Area Others B2B
C&TECH is industrial IoT specialist company. It provides real estate asset management solutions to overcome the limit
of manpower management and the absence of financial product management. Using the low power management
terminal, the company developed “CN-100”, a chattel mortgage management terminal, to check the state information
of mortgage, including movement and operation method, in real time and now works for the beta test in Hana Bank. In
addition, it has developed “CN-200”, a mold management terminal, due to the development request of Hwashin Inc. to
lead the asset management platform industry.
Jun 2012. The foundation of C&TECH Inc.
Sep 2013. The development of terminal beta version.
Nov 2013. The conclusion of agreement and letter of purchase intent with IBK Industrial Bank.
Mar 2014. The conclusion of MOU agreement with SKT telecom.
Jun 2015. The conclusion of MOU agreement with Korea Machinery Auction & Exchange
2015. The development of Smart Machinery Management Service Solution
2017. The conclusion of terminal development agreement with Hwashin Inc.
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Hwashin Group (Manufacturing), Blue Point Partners (Investment Company), KAIST (Educational Institution),
Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science & Technology (Educational Institution), SK Telecom (Telecommunication
Company) and Namsun.
Certon Corp.
Representative Kim Seung-gi and Park Gyeong-ok Incorporation Date May 31st, 2016
Location 207, Dosan-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (7F, Sungdo Building)
Certon, started as an ICT based authentication development company with a public key-based infrastructure, is focusing
on block-chain business.
It manages business in information communication, finance, and technology development. Recently, it is focusing on
enhancement of block-chain as well as FIDO (Fast Identity Online) platform.
It has developed a multidimensional block-chain system called ‘X.Chain,’ and it registered patents on block-chain system
as well as data management method utilizing block-chain technology.
It also provides an exchange for cryptocurrencies. It jointly established a cryptocurrency exchange with Glosper.
May 2016. The establishment of Founders Gate Corp.
Dec 2016. The change of company name into CertOn Corp.
Jan 2017. The launching of CERTON FIDO Open API Platform Ver 1.0
Apr 2017. The development of multi-dimensional blockchain system, ‘X.Chain’.
May 2017. The application of 1 patent (‘Block Chain System and Blockchain-based Data Management Method’) and the
conclusion of joint business agreement for ‘Medical Verficiation Service’.
Oct 2017. The establishment of joint corporation for the global virtual currency exchange with Glosfer Corp.
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Forth Link (Manufacturing), Samsung SDS (IT Service), SK Infosec (Security Consulting), LG U+
(Telecommunication Company), NH Nonghyup Bank (Financial Institution), LG CNS (IT Consulting) and 4C gate
(Hospital Kiosk)
-Foreign Countries : Wilton Coin (Virtual Currency), Playkey (Cloud Gaming) and H Cash (Virtual Currency)
Location 343, Samil-daero, Jung-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (15F, Daeshin Finance Center)
Form of
Main Service Block Chain Business Fintech Area BlockChain B2C
Founded in 2017, Chain Partners is specialized in the block-chain technology and business. Entrepreneurs and Google-
based development team have experience in establishing, managing and selling blockchain-related companies.
Specifically, it has managed a business directly and made investment in a new growth engine based on its research
materials; also, it has established the vision to realize the practical potentials of block-chain technology and
cryptocurrency. Chain Partners will expand its global experience in Korea by leveraging global networks (including
Switzerland, Singapore and the United States) and will pioneer a block-chain business area that is emerging between
pure technology companies and traditional industrial businesses. In 2017, it attracted 2 billion won investment from DSC
Investment, Capstone Partners and DS Asset Management.
Aug 2017. The establishment of Chain Partners Corp.
Aug 2017. The attraction of angel investment.
Nov 2017. The attraction of 2 billion investment from DCS Investment, Capstone Partners and DS Asset Management.
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Shinhan Financial Holdings (Financial Institution), KB Financial Group (Financial Institution), DSC Investment
(Financial Institution), CAPSTONE (Financial Institution) and INBlockchain (Financial Institution)
CMSOFT Co., Ltd.
Location 129, Yangjaecheon-ro, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea(2F, Park Center, Yangjae-dong)
It is a business intelligence (BI) related software company that analyzes and evaluates the risk factors of companies and
provides knowledge information.
It is a specialized company that builds and supplies fraud detection system, internal control and audit system for financial,
public and general companies. It has established standardized business processes that encompass financial, public, and
corporate auditing, and is introducing an integrated audit information solution that provides automation and efficiency
of auditing tasks. In particular, the company is making efforts to improve the efficiency of its customers' business by
focusing on various internal business real-time management services through a risk-based monitoring system. Currently,
the copyright of various programs such as Smart Plus is registered.
2008. Establishment of CMSOFT Co., Ltd
2009. Registration of program patents (SMARTPlusand 6 other patents)
2010. 1 patent registration (Inspection of leaking information through e-mail) and 2 patent applications
2014. Registration of program patents (SMARTFds and 4 other patents)
2015. Distributive research withAjou University (Deep learning based FDS research development)
2017. Selected as an industry-university research project
(Support for detection system of abnormalfinancial transaction, using machinelearning)
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : NH Nonghyup Bank (Financial Institution), Busan Bank (Financial Institution), Daegu Bank (Financial Institution),
Shinhan Bank (Financial Institution), Shinhan Life and Insurance (Financial Institution), Hyundai Marine &
Fire Insurance (Financial Institution), MG Indemnity Insurance (Financial Institution), Hyundai Card (Financial
Institution), Korea Expressway Corporation (Public Agency), STX (Trading Company), KT (Telecommunication),
SPC (Food Processing Industry) and others.
Form of
Main Service Crypto currency trading Fintech Area BlockChain B2C
Coinnest operates a crypto exchange. The average daily transaction volume is 30 billion won. In addition to providing
crypto currency trading intermediaries such as bit-coin through web and mobile apps, it also works with various foreign
exchanges. Coinnest, which has managed to be one of top four largest exchanges in Korea and the 14th largest
exchange in the world, is the first domestic exchange to list promising Altcoins such as Quantum, Neo and Kyver.
Coinnest has entered into a technology agreement with BTCTRADE of China and has been evaluated as superior to any
domestic crypto currency exchange in terms of exchange stabilization and asset protection security.
Apr 2017. The foundation of Coinnest Inc.
Jun 2017. The launching of Coinnest service
Aug 2017. Listed on Qtum for the first time in Korea.
Sep 2017. The launching of virtual currency exchange mobile application for the first time in Korea
Oct 2017. Listed on Neo/Kyver for the first time in Korea
Oct 2017. Ranked as the 19th largest exchange (in terms of exchange volume)
Location 10, Gukjegeumyung-ro, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (19F, Three IFC)
Coinone operates a crypto exchange. Our representative service is the Korean crypto exchange and the block-
chain overseas remittance service (‘CROSS’). Also, it has provided various services based on the block-chain and the
cryptocurrency (including Bit-Coin) Overseas Direct Purchase Center, Online/Offline Payment Solution and Bit-Coin
Securities Deposit Service.
Feb 2014. The establishment of Coinone
Oct 2014. The launching of Coinone Bit Coin Exchange servince
Apr 2016. The conclusion of blockchain technology MOU agreement with DAISHIN SECURITIES CO., LTD.
Mar 2017. The development of technology cooperation consortium for the financial world
Aug 2017. Listed on Coinone Bit Coin Cash (BCH) and Quantum (QTUM)
Sep 2017. The opening of Block Chain 4D Zone ‘Coinone Blocks’.
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Woori Bank (Financial Institution), Shinhan Card Co., Ltd (Financial Institution), Lotte Card Co., Ltd (Financial
Institution), Daishin Securities Co., Ltd (Financial Institution) and Korea Information & Communication Co., Ltd
(Mail-order Business)
Representative Jung Yun-seo and Park Mi-ppeum Incorporation Date Nov 2nd, 2011
Location 71, Yeouinaru-ro, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Room No. 908, Donghwa Building)
Coinpia is a ‘user-friendly’ crypto exchange. It was founded as the crypto exchange for Seallet Corp. in 2011, and run
independently in 2014; It is currently running the exchange of Bit-coin (BTC) – Korea Won (KRW) and Light Coin (LTC)
– Korea Won (KRW). Also, it officially launched the world’s first customized contingency order trading system on Nov.
2014 to establish the high-quality advanced order system, adopting and managing various order methods based on
many experiences of exchanges. On Dec. 2015, it received favorable response for the announcement of KRW 2 BTC
Service Concept that provides convenience for Bit-coin Users; the company tries to realize the potential of cryptocurrency
including Bit-coin.
Nov 2011. The establishment of Sylhet Corp.
May 2014. The launching of Bit Coin and Light Coin Exchange, ‘Coinpia’.
Nov 2014. The launching of ‘Contingency Order Trading System’ service.
Dec 2015. The presentation of KRW 2 BTC Service.
2017. The execution of settlement/payment and blockchain projects.
Coinplug Inc.
Location 8, Seongnam-daero 331beon-gil, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea (Room No. 801, KINS Tower)
Coin Plug operates a crypto exchange and introduces block-chain solutions. Coin Plug, which was established in January
2014, started its business as Bit-coin Exchange. Since then, it has been carrying out more than 10 projects utilizing block-
chain related technologies such as bit-coin electronic wallet, micro money transfer service, document authentication, and
modulation proof system. In September 2017, it opened the digital asset exchange 'CPDAX.’ Coin Plug is researching and
developing a new financial platform that can revolutionize existing financial systems using block-chain technology and
digital cryptocurrency technology. In Korea, it is known to have the largest number of block-chain related patents. In the
field of patent application for block-chain technology, it has the second highest number of block-chain technicians in the
Oct 2013. Established Coinplug Corp.
Jan 2014. Launched the bitcoin electronic wallet
Dec 2015. Selected as a ICT promising company in ‘K-Global 300 firms’ (the Ministry of Science and ICT)
Jun 2016. Launched ‘Fidoledger’, a private blockchain technology.
Nov 2016. Commercialized the blockchain-based personal authentication (KB Kookmin card).
May 2017. Joined the Ethereum Enterprise Alliance
Sep 2017. Launched CPDAX’, a digital asset exchange
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : KB Kookmin Card (Financial Institution), Shinhan Card (Financial Institution), Woori Bank (Financial Institution),
Nautilus Hyosung, BGF Finlink, Mirae Asset Daewoo Co., Ltd. (Financial Institution) and DSC Investment (Financial
-Foreign Countries : TIM DRAPER (Financial Institution)
Location 220, Yeongsin-ro, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (19F, KnK Digital Tower)
Form of
Main Service COOCON Information API Fintech Area Financial Platform B2B
COOCON is a company that provides a variety of business information needed for Fin-tech services. It provides
information on 500 domestic institutions and 1400 overseas financial institutions through application programming
interface (API) type. Since its foundation in 2006, COOCON has focused on collecting, connecting and controlling
business information.
COOCON acquires information by connecting with all domestic banks, securities companies and credit card companies.
When users input their authentication information using scrapping technology, they collect information by automatically
collecting necessary user information from the site. It organizes information into financial, public, real, global, and smart
information and provides it to corporate customers.
Dec 2006. The establishment of Coocon Corp.
Jan 2007. The launching of Client Scraping Solution, ‘iBASE 2.0’.
Dec 2009. The establishment of National Firm Banking Information Relay Network
Mar 2011. The completion of duplex configuration process for Coocon Computation Center Infrastructure. The supply of
seamless services.
May 2014. The co-foundation of Japan Scraping Specialized Company ‘MWI’ with Japanese ERP company ‘MJS’.
Nov 2015. The development and patent application of Smart Scraping Solution ‘i-SAS 2.0’
Mar 2017. The launching of Coocon Integrated Control Center
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Bizplay (Financial IT), KIB (Financial IT), Medras Check (Mobile Application Service) and Webcash (Financial
Coop Marketing Corp.
Form of
Main Service Mobile Commerce Fintech Area Payment/Settlement B2B/B2C
COOP Marketing is a database and online information provider, including online information and membership services.
COOP Marketing is developing mobile gift vouchers and vouchers based on its own development and own platform.
With organic marketing system and competence, the company has rich experience and infrastructure in system and
design solutions, marketing and promotional execution and management that are accompanied by various services of
the company. COOP Marketing is actively engaged in global market penetration by establishing a local corporation in
Malaysia beyond domestic services, and is exploring markets in Asia, including China, Indonesia and Australia.
2005. The establishment of Coop Marketing Corp.
2006. The conclusion of VVIP service management agreement with KB Kookmin Card.
2008. The conclusion of service cooperation agreement with I No.Ⅰ (including Outback, Lotteria and Bennigan’s)
2013. The conclusion of HappyCon Sales MCP agreement with SPC Networks Corp. The launching of Family Restaurant
Union Voucher Service.
2014. The conclusion of Kakao Present Gateway Service supply agreement.
2015. The conclusion of mobile gift card direct supply agreement with Ediya Coffee Corp.
2016. Selected as a mobile coupon issuing business by McDonald Corp.
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Naver (IT Service), Daum (IT Service), LG U+ (Telecommunication), Samsung (IT Service), GS SHOP (E-commerce),
Kakao (IT Service), SK Telecom (Telecommunication), Coupang (E-commerce), Shinsegae Mall (E-commerce),
Hyundai Marine & Fire Insurance (Financial Institution), Lotte Duty Free Shop (Distribution) and Hmall
Coopskorea Inc. is a company that finds ways to combine SNS with traditional social communities. Coopskorea Inc. offers
a simple and clear mobile social networking system (SNS) led by a management team in a traditional social community
and a free shopping mall that can return 3% of the sales generated by the mobile social network to the community.
Coopskorea Inc. plans to help individual communities to cooperate with each other in order to distribute legitimate and
equitable profits between suppliers and consumers, and to create jobs in cooperatives.
Jun 2016. The Foundation of Coopskorea Inc.
Mar 2017. The Beta Service of “Coop” & “Coop Store”
May 2017. The Registration of Patent for P2P Guarantee Service, “Coop Pay”.
May 2017. The Award of Participation Prize in the IDEA Competition by Fintech Support Center.
Jun 2017. Selected as the first support target company (Fintech Field Advisory Panel in Financial Supervisory Service)
CrePASS Solutions
Form of
Main Service CrePass Fintech Area FInance Platform B2B/B2C
CrePASS Solutions is a platform developer that enables financial institutions to quickly and easily apply cost-effective
alternative credit assessment techniques. CrePASS Solutions’ technology partnership with global companies has laid
the foundation for differentiated credit rating technologies. Because Fin-tech companies have to continuously research
and change, CrePASS Solutions has started to realize that cloud is a great advantage for resilient use of IT infrastructure
CrePASS Solutions also runs a P2P platform to address financial alienation. It will develop a machine learning model that
will collect, refine, connect, and pattern data from various domestic and foreign data sources, and will enable personal
credit evaluation and customer classification on various aspects through continuous analysis. A rule engine and data
visualization technology to make product decisions in combination with various information will be utilized.
In order to resolve the problem of credit disadvantaged groups, the company will systematize educational support such
as expansion of non-financial data collection and continuous improvement of credit management and debt management
education and pursue alternative financial system such as P2P finance.
Jun 2015. The foundation of CrePASS Solutions
Oct 2016. The promotion of CrePASS Solutions
Jan 2017. Selected as the 3rd Shinhan Futures Lab Company
Jun 2017. The registration into Korea Fintech Business Association as a full member
Nov 2017. Selected as a civilian authority of Impact Financial Forum (officially registered research organization by National
Location 10, Gukjegeumyung-ro, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (22F, Two IFC)
CrowdHoldings is an information provider that evaluates values of corporates and technologies based on Big Data
analysis. CrowdHoldings is certified by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, and it professionally selects SMEs and
start-ups with investment value based on Big Data based technology valuation system.
Unlisted stock information, technology transactions, M&A transactions, and Fin-tech platforms are offered in short
period of time with lower cost than other services.
CrowdHoldings evaluates technology value based on data accumulated around the world in the complex and difficult
technology field of the 4th industry, so that the public can make healthy investments and government policy funds can
be processed fairly and transparently.
Through its corporate value analysis, CrowdHoldings is establishing a platform for the technology finance market that
links start-ups and financial institutes of technology research institutes
Apr 2015. The foundation of CrowdHoldings
Jul 2015. The development of a crowd funding platform
Aug 2015. The development of the responsive web for CrowdHoldings
Sep 2015. The business agreement (Korea Valuation Association, Asia Asset Trust, Daeji Law Firm)
May 2016. The development of responsive web site, application for CrowdHoldings
Oct 2016. The business agreement (Sunmyung Investment, GlamStone)
Nov 2016. The transfer of patent and enterprise-technology valuation system (Big Data)
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Daeju LLC, Korea, Korea Valuation Association, Korea, Asia Asset Trust, Korea, Korea Technology Transfer Agents
Association, Korea
C-So Platform
Location 67, Yeouinaru-ro, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (3F, Sinsong Building)
Form of
Main Service Property Mortgage Fintech Area P2P Finance B2C
C-So Platform operates a peer-to-peer (P2P) platform that specializes in mortgage loans. It provides a growth base for
medium-sized companies that need funds through medium rate interest loans as well as it provides investors with higher
returns than credit-secured investments.
Tera Solutions Bank, a luxury appraisal company, and fintech, a loan brokerage, have signed agreements with C-So
Platform to provide more professional services.
C-So Platform is currently a P2P platform that connects borrowers and investors, and it is striving to become a leader in
the mobile P2P platform by developing additional technology specialized in mortgage security.
Mar 2016. Established C-So Platform
Apr 2016. Opened C-So Funding service
Jun 2016. Concluded a MOU agreement with TERA SOLUTION BANK, a luxury appraisal company.
Mar 2017. Launched an investment auto-authentication service
Jun 2017. Applied the patent of P2P-based security management service
Sep 2017. Introduced a mortgage value prediction evaluation system.
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Finetek (Display Manufacturer)
Representative Myoung Ki-Jun and Shin Seung-Hyun Incorporation Date May 13th, 2015
Location 10, Gukjegeumyung-ro, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (18F, IFC Center)
Dlemon is a startup company establsiehd in May 2015, by professionals from insurance industry, which thrives to change
supplier oriented insurance industry into consumer oriented industry. D letter from Dlemon means ‘Delicious’ and it means
to deliver delicious and valuable lemon (insurance). It launched a lemonClip application, which combine 40 national
insurance contract details including insurance fees, guarantee articles, insurance period, and payment schedules.
In April 2017, it was selected as a demonstration partner for national IoT project and it presented a customized insurance
platform which syndicates IoT, simple authentication, block-chain, and smart insurance search engine.
May 2015. Established d.Lemon Inc.
Nov 2016. Launcehd the application and website of Lemon Clip
Feb 2017. Released Lemon Bridge Solution
Apr 2017. Selected as a demonstration company for National I.oT. Project (Consortium Contract with Kyobo Life)
Jul 2017. Attracted 1.1 Billion Won investment from Time Wisein Investment and others.
Aug 2017. Awarded the grand prize (Markyung FinTech Awards)
Sep 2017. Acquired Venture Company Certification
Sep 2017. Selected as a support company by Seoul Innovation Challenge
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Daily Financial Group (Fintech Platform), Heenam (Fintech Service), Leevi (Big Data Analysis), KYOBO Life
Insurance Co., Ltd. (Financial Institution) and National Information Society Agency (Government Agency)
Daily Funding
Location 66, Chungmin-ro, Songpa-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Room No. L7061 ~ 4, Garden Five Life Building)
Daily Funding is a P2P (peer-to-peer) financial platform company that utilizes information technology to ensure stable
returns for investors and affordable loans to lenders. Daily Funding is designed in a way that only a small amount
of investment can be invested, and it performs stable bond management run by collaboration of experts group. It
offers escrow function service through SC First Bank to project investors. Contracting with a professional security
solution company, it secures stable security system. Daily Funding attracts investment contracts for healthy and stable
May 2017. The Foundation of Daily Funding
Aug 2017. The Conclusion of MOU agreement with TnB Appraisal Co., Ltd.
Aug 2017. The Launching of Daily Funding Service
Sep 2017. The Release of Estate P2P 1st Product
Nov 2017. The Achievement of total 7 billion won investment
Dec 2017. The Conclusion of Law Advise Agreement with Hyun LLC.
Dec 2017. The Conclusion of MOU agreement with Fidelis Asset Management Co.
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : NICE Information Service (Credit Rating), PayGate (Payment), Seju Tax Firm (Tax Accounting), TnB Appraisal Co.,
Ltd. (Appraisal and Assessment) and Anse Accounting Firm (Accounting Firm)
-Foreign Countries : Standard Chartered Korea Bank (Financial Institution)
Location 55, Bundang-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea (9F, Bundang First Tower)
Form of
Main Service PG and Offline Payment Fintech Area Payment/Settlement B2B/B2C
Danal is a mobile payment service provider established in 1997. Danal’s business include payment and authentication
service locally and globally and also offline barcode payment business. Upon success in domestic market, Danal expands
its business overseas to USA, Europe, China, and etc. It has developed the cross-border mobile payment system for global
online transaction system. Danal was chosen to be No.1 market leader in 2017.
Jul 1997. Established Danal Inc.
Jul 2004. Listed on KOSDAQ
Feb 2011. Concluded an agreement for phone payment with Sprint in U.S.A.
Mar 2011. Developed ‘Bar Tong’, a smart phone barcode payment application.
Sep 2013. Released a fingerprint payment service.
Mar 2014. Concluded an agreement for the cross-border payment service with Tencent in China.
Jan 2015. Acquired the patent of user authentication virtual keyboard security.
Oct 2016. Acquired patents including QR Code Scan Payment.
Mar 2017. Awarded the first prize for the mobile authentication in MWC.
Jun 2017. Attracted 6 million dollars from Orange Telecom and Bangkok Bank (American Corporation)
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : SKT (Telecommunication Company), KT (Telecommunication Company), LG U+ (Telecommunication Company)
-Foreign Countries : AT&T (Telecommunication Company), Verizon Wireless (Telecommunication Company), China
Mobile (Telecommunication Company), Tenpay (Simple Payment / Remittance), Chunghwa Telecom
(Telecommunication Company), Taiwan Mobile (Telecommunication Company) and WebMoney
(Simple Payment / Remittance)
Representative Bae Soo-jin and Moon Sang-uk Incorporation Date Jun 13th, 2016
Location 200, Yeongdeungpo-ro, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul (Wibee Fintech Lab, 2F, Woori bank building)
Form of
Main Service Salad Fintech Area Financial Platform B2C
Daoomsoft developed 'Extend Platform' solution that standardizes and expands easily the information gathered from
famous overseas online shopping malls, which resulted in releasing an application called 'Sarada', an overseas direct
purchasing application utilizing the expandable platform to provide a variety of overseas product information quickly to
meet users’ demands in overseas direct purchasing.
Jun 2016. The foundation of Daoom Soft
Jul 2016. The conclusion of Associate Agreement with Amazon in USA
Jan 2017. The official service launching of 'Sarada'
Apr 2017. The conclusion of Associate Agreement with Amazon in German and Bratain
Oct 2017. The launching of Ebay service in USA
Nov 2017. The launching of TV delivery service (California)
Affiliated Organization
-Foreign Countries : Ebay (E-commerce) and Amazon (E-commerce)
Form of
Main Service Fi-nance/Alternative Fund Fintech Area FInance Platform B2B
DarkMatter is an alternative investment brokerage platform. Headquarter based in New York, it bridges between
investors and private equity funds and venture capitals.
In Korea, it helps companies seeking investments and it networks with global alternative investment firms. Using its
Artificial Intelligence program, it seeks for various alternative investment opportunities and it offers.
Sep 2014. Established DarcMatter.
Feb 2015. Launched DarcMatter Platform Service.
Jul 2016. Established DarcMatter Korea
Sep 2016. Concluded a MOU agreement with Hanwha Life Corp. and Hanwha Asset Manage-ment Co., Ltd.
Jan 2017. Awarded “Best Growth Stage Startup” (Next Money Hong Kong).
Feb 2017. Awarded “Best Fintech Solution for Small & Startup Funds”.
Sep 2017. DMAC 2017 DarcMatter Alternative Investment-Conference (hosted by Conrad Seoul)
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Hanwha Life Corp. (Financial Institution) and Hanwha Asset Management Co., Ltd. (Financial Institution).
Data N Analytics
Location 5-4, Singu-ro 54beon-gil, Giheung-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea (3F)
Form of
Main Service FASST Fintech Area Robo-Advisor B2B
Data & Analytics uses its own machine learning program to analyze financial product data and provides a robo advisory
service. Big data analysis engine carries out turning meaningless information for many people into valuable information.
Data & Analytics approaches financial products from its own unique engineering way. It provides a differentiated asset
management services by detailed analysis of customers’ tendency and unique analysis of financial products.
Established in 2015, it concluded cooperation witih Koscom and SK Securities and it provides a service to Shnhan Bank,
and Shinhan Investment Corp. Since March 2017, it launched Robo-advisor service targeting US market. It also is a
participant in Robo-advisor Test Bed organized by Financial Services Commission.
Sep 2015. The foundation of DNA
Dec 2015. The conclusion of MOU agreement with COSCOM
Apr 2016. The cooperation with Switzerland hedge fund company 'MAHRBERG'.
Apr 2016. The conclusion of MOU agreement with SK Securities
Apr 2016. The service launching of S Robo Plus for Shinhan Bank
Jun 2016. The attraction of 500 million won investment from Shinhan Bank
Nov 2016. The service launching of 'MPolio' with Shinhan Financial Investment
Nov 2016. The award of Global Hackathon Prize (JB Financial Group)
Mar 2017. The beta service launching of Robo Advisor in U.S.A.
Apr 2017. The participation into 2nd Robo Advisor Test Bed (Financial Services Commission)
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Shinhan Bank (Financial Institution), Shinhan Investment (Financial Institution) and Korea Fund Ratings (Financial
-Foreign Countries : MAHRBERG (Investment Company)
Location 104, Myeongdeok-ro, Nam-gu, Daegu, Republic of Korea (Room no. 505, 5F, 1st Office, ICT Park)
Form of
Main Service M-Care Fintech Area Financial Platform B2C
Data Bank Systems Corp. provides Smart Health Care Platform called M-Care to major hospitals. M-Care is a smart heath
service designed specifically for hospitals. It plans to expand to provide its services to 30 hospitals that include major
general hospitals.
Its service will provide total health care solution including electronic prescriptions transmission to a pharmacy and
electronic insurance claims service.
Data Bank Systems Corp. was established in Daegu on July, 2002 as an oracle database related consulting firm. First year’s
revenue only marked 100 million won, but it continued to grow 100% annually and it finally surpassed 10 billion won in
9 years after establishment. Currently, it evolved to a total IT consulting service firm that covers hardware to application in
entire IT industry.
Jul 2002. The foundation of Databank Systems
Sep 2004. The launching of Disaster Restoration Solution, Ark product family
Jun 2012. The patent registration of ‘The Hospital Information System and Its Provision Method’
Mar 2016. The patent registration of ‘The System and Method of Smart Health Care Management’
Apr 2017. The award of Grand Prize in ‘New Software Product Contest’ (Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning)
May 2017. The patent registration of ‘The System and Method of Online Environment-based Insurance Claim’
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Kyungpook National University Hospital (The medical institution), Pusan National University Hospital (The
medical hospital), Hanyang University Hospital (The medical institution), Gangnam Severance Hospital (The
medical institution), Daegu Catholic University Medical Center (The medical institution) and St. Mary's Hospital,
Seoul (The medical institution)
DAYLI Financial Group
Location 10, Gukjegeumyung-ro, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (18F, Three IFC, Yeouido-dong)
The Daily Financial Group is a comprehensive fintech company established in February 2015. Core business include
artificial intelligence and block chains, robo-advisors, financial platforms, and cryptocurrency. The goal is to provide
financial services to customers all over the world based on their technology and service competencies needed for financial
Feb 2015. The foundation of Daily Financial Group (Former Yellow Financial Group)
Aug 2015. The attraction of 62.3 billion won investment
Jul 2016. The registration of first Korean investment private equity fund management (Quarter Back Asset
Nov 2016. The attraction of 43.8 billion won investment
Dec 2016. Selected as a ‘Block Chain Consortium’ Technology Partner (Financial Investment Association)
Apr 2017. Selected as ‘2017 Block Chain Demonstration Project for I.o.T Activation Environment’ by the Korean
Government (Daily Intelligence, D. Lemon and The Loop)
Jun 2017. The Conclusion of General Business Cooperation Agreement with Samsung Securities Co., Ltd.
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Shinhan Bank (financial institution), Samsung Card (financial institution), Welcome Bank (Financial Institution),
Busan Bank (financial institution), Woori Bank (financial institution), KB Capital (financial institution), NICE
Information Service Co., Ltd. (Credit Rating) and Hyndai Capital (financial institution).
-Foreign Countries : TP Bank (Vietnam)
DB Card is a software company, which researches and develops web & app authentication, security, electronic finance,
contents platforms, and services, using actual cards. Its main businesses are the authentication solution, the electronic
banking, and the supply of OTP communication security module. DB Card was selected as a service business partner for
the activation service of tourism district in the IoT business demonstration project by Seoul Metropolitan Government
in 2016. Its R&D center has recently worked for various projects including the service using actual cards, the research
and development of security technology and the standardization of the services. Besides total authentication patent
by personal identifications, DB Card has registered three patents in Korea and they applied for patents in India and the
United States.
Sep 2010. The patent registration of No.10-0982253 (Certificate/Financial Trade using Media)
Mar 2011. The merger of web/application solution development company 'NTROVE'
Apr 2012. The patent registration of No.10-1137523 (Communication Security OTP)
Jun 2012. The exhibition in Smart Card Fair by Smart-Tech-Korea
Dec 2013. Selected as 2014 Startup Technology Development business by the Small and Medium Business
Dec 2014. The suggestion of TTA security certificate standard (IC chip-based cumulative table contrastive certificate
Sep 2016. Selected as Seoul Special City’s IoT Demonstration Project
December & Company Inc.
Form of
Main Service Robo-Advisor Fintech Area Robo-Advisor B2B/B2C
December & Company Inc., a specialized Robo-Advisor company, was founded on Aug 2013 by those who had work
experiences in IT industry and financial circles under the vision ‘the technology leads to the change and innovation of
finance’. Its Robo-Advisor service offers the financial investment service, which can settle the psychological and physical
problems of clients, in Mobile OS and PC to popularize the financial investment. Also, the company developed ISAAC (AI/
Machine Learning-based) and PREFACE (Asset Management Platform) ourselves to provide investment advisory service/
discretionary investment management service and asset management solution considering the risks of investors.
Aug 2013. The foundation of December & Company Inc.
Mar 2016. The registration as Investment Advisory Business and Discretionary Investment Management Services by the
Financial Services Commission.
Mar 2016. The launching of Discretionary Investment Management Product using Robo-Advisor Engine (ISAAC). (Mirae
Asset Daewoo Co., Ltd. and others)
Sep 2016. The launching of International Robo-Advisor Public Offering Fund (Consulting) for NH-Amundi Asset
Nov 2016. The launching of “M-Folio” Service, a Robo-Advisor Asset Management Application for Shinhan Bank.
Apr 2017. The completion of Robo-Advisor Test Bed
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Shinhan Bank (Financial Institution), NH-Amundi Asset Management (Financial Institution), Mirae Asset Daewoo
Co., Ltd. (Financial Institution), NH Investment & Securities Co., Ltd (Financial Institution) and Samsung Securities
Co., Ltd. (Financial Institution).
Location 26, Saimdang-ro, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (9F, Sinyoung Building)
Established on May 2000, DIREA Co., Ltd. is a specialized channel integration and financial solution company. It has 10
self-developed solutions (internal and external MCA, EAI, ACH solution, payment settlement framework, firm baking
solution, professional based simulator, TP-Monitor, etc.). Recently, through channel log analysis, it researches on failure
anticipation, irregular activity detaion, and etc. In Payment settlement secotr, global business with Vietnam, and Caombia
are outperforming. Its major customers are Nonghyup Bank, Busan Bank, Kyongnam Bank Co., Ltd., Suhyup Bank, Lotte
Card, Meritz Insurance, Shinhan Capital Co., Ltd.
2017. Selected for the GCS (Global Creative Software) project by the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning
2014. Concluded a MOU agreement with a Morocco IT consulting company, '2WLS'.
2013. Selected as ‘2013 New Product Development Project Under Condition of Purchase’ by Ministry of SMEs and
2012. Concluded a partnership agreement for 'push-type mobile payment business' with IBK system
Obtained quality management certification (ISO9001)
2007. Acquired CMMI Maturity Level 2 for international IT standard certification
2006. Acquired CruzTP ver.1.0 software quality certification (GS certification)
2005. Launched CruzTP v1.0 TP-Monitor solution
2000. Established DIREA Co., Ltd.
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : National Agricultural Cooperative Federation (Financial Institution), National Federation of Fisheries Cooperatives
(Financial Institution), Lotte Card (Financial Institution), Ministry of Government Administration and Home Affairs
(Government Agency), Gyeonggi-do Office (Government Agency), Korea Railroad Corporation (Government
Agency) and Mirae Asset Securities Co., Ltd. (Financial Institution)
-Foreign Countries : Bank of Communications (Financial Institution) and Standard Chartered Bank (Financial Institution)
Doomoolmori Inc.
Form of
Main Service Boolio Fintech Area Robo-Advisor B2C
DOOMOOLMORI is named after a regional name where South Korea River meets North Korea River to represent a graft
between finance and information. It pursues to provide financial advantages to those who have not been able to receive
professional investment advisory or asset management service using information technology. The company developed
and manages a robo-advisor called ‘Boolio.’ It utilizes fund coaching service using artificial intelligence to recommend and
manages fund to users. It pursues B2C type direct robo-advisor service. It transparently reveals investment strategies to
investors and it builds client trust to become a total asset management service provider. It also offers ELS Research service
for ELS investors.
Sep 2015. The foundation of Doomoolmori Inc.
Jul 2016. The launching of ELS Research (, an equity-linked security comparative analysis service.
Jan 2017. The launching of Robo-Advisor Bollio
Jan 2017. Selected as Shinhan Future’s Lab (Shinhan Financial Group)
Apr 2017. The attraction of investment from The Turning Point and others.
Jul 2017. The service lauching for Kiwoom Securities Co., Ltd and BoolioService.
Aug 2017. The conclusion of MOU agreement with Dongbu Securities CO.,Ltd.
Sep 2017. The conclusion of MOU agreement with Korea University Intelligence Lab.
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Fund Supermarket (Fund Platform), Kiwoom Securities Co., Ltd (Financial Institution), Mirae Asset (Financial
Institution), Dong Bu Securities Co., Ltd (Financial institution), Shinhan Investment Corp. (Financial institution)
and Shinhan Future’s Lab (Financial Institution)
Location 606, Seobusaet-gil, Geumcheon-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Room No. 2006-1, Daesung D-POLIS Tower B)
Form of
Main Service More & More Safe Service Fintech Area Others B2B/B2C
DOORE is an insurance Fin-Tech company. Its goal is to correct a social view in Korea that insurance is something people
avoid as an investment tool whereas it is popular in other advanced countries. DOORE tries to lower the barrier in
obtaining and understanding correct information, and returns the wrongful benefits to consumers. Established in January
2016, it launched a first product in January 2017 and continues to expand its P2P insurance services. Whereas other
insurance channels recommends a product based on already made products by simple price comparison, it promotes a
group purchasing power to attract insurance companies to develop and provide a customized product.
Dec 2015. The Attraction of 200,000,000 Won Investment from Value System Investment Advisory
Jan 2016. The Establishment of DooRe
Jan 2017. The Release of More & More ‘Pet Insurance’
Feb 2017. The Conclusion of Cooperation Business Agreement for the activation of Pet Dog Insurance Activation with
Korea Kennel Federation
Apr 2017. The Launching of Car Insurance Self-Pay Support Service
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Hyundai Marine & Fire Insurance (Financial Institution), DB Insurance (Financial Institution), Lotte Insurance
(Financial Institution), Meritz Fire & Marine Insurance (Financial Institution), MG Insurance (Financial Institution)
and Seocho-gu Office (Government Agency)
-Foreign Countries : Hyundai Marine & Fire Insurance (Financial Institution), DB Insurance (Financial Institution), Lotte
Insurance (Financial Institution), Meritz Fire & Marine Insurance (Financial Institution), MG Insurance
(Financial Institution) and Seocho-gu Office (Government Agency)
DoubleChain Inc.
Location 272, Toegye-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (5F, Adora Tower)
Form of
Main Service Software Development Supply Fintech Area BlockChain B2B
DoubleChain Inc. focuses on research and development of block-chain based distributed ledger and multiple distributed
authentication, and encryption by mathematical algorithm.
DoubleChain Inc. has block-chain based DoubleChain platform. This platform is next generation’s financial platform that
syndicate information to support payment, financing, and asset management. Digital currency that stores information
itself and is ultimately utilized as a big data. The company’s porpose is to contribute to the implementation of highly
credible society based on block-chain techonology. It has applied for three block-chain patents including ‘Block-chain
based P2P Funding System.’
Apr 2014. The Foundation of Double Chain Inc.
Dec 2014. The Participation into Bit-Coin Expo (KINTEX, Il-san)
Nov 2016. The Award of Minister Prize (Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning) for the Development of electeronic
currency exchange platform
Nov 2016. The Registration of Patent (IoT-based Material Management System and Method by Block Chain Certification)
Dec 2016. The Conclusion of ‘Hyundai Pay’ agreement with Hyundai BS&C (Hyundai Pay Collaboration Project and Digital
Asset System Planning)
Aug 2017. The Announcement of Hdac White Paper in London Fintech Week
Oct 2017. Hdac ICO
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Blocko (Block Chain Platform), Block Chain Lab (Block Chain), Hyndai BS&C (IT Service), Financial Supervisory
Service (Government Agency), Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning (Government Agency), Enjoy Works
(Web Design), Korean Intellectual Property Office (Government Agency), Korbit (Block Chain) and KOTRA
(Government Agency)
Location 5, Hyowon-ro 193beon-gil, Paldal-gu, Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea (2F, Ingye-dong)
Form of
Main Service Dream Pay Fintech Area Payment/Settlement B2B
Dream Pay provides an electronic payment brokerage service through electronic payment platform business and also
supports electronic payment application service. It also issues and distributes electronic vouchers and electronic coupons.
For merchants, it provides from a franchise electronic payment services to Dream Pay App service, Membership Card, and
electronic coupon service.
Poomasi chauffeur service lets 10% of bills to be stored into credit and Poomasi Flower delivery service lets 20% to be
It also provides distribution business regarding to credit card terminals and POS installation, and various electronic
equipment rental. It also sells products from medium and small traders and manufactures on its online shopping mall.
Feb 2012. The Foundation of Dream Pay
May 2012. The conclusion of movie reservation service agreement
Jun 2012. The conclusion of Dawul Cash service agreement
Feb 2013. The service development of Dawul Cash application
May 2013. The service development of Dream Pay application
Aug 2013. The launching of national 'Poomaji' flower delivery service
Oct 2013. The service offering to 500 affiliated stores and 80 thousand members
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Woori Bank (Financial Institution), KT (Telecommunication), Gabia (IT service), Smart Law (Financial IT), LG
U+ (Telecommunication), Solbi POS (POS company), Web Bridge (Application Development) and SK-Tellink
(Technology Solution)
-Foreign Countries : Standard Chartered Bank (Financial Institution)
DSSolutions Inc.
Location 14, Teheran-ro 86-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (2F, Yun Cheon Building)
Form of
Main Service Pre-paying Service Fintech Area Financial Platform B2B
Dissolution Inc. is a balance account solution company for small business owners. It develops balance accounts service
program that integrates various financial companies to provide accurate and secure account balance service. Dissolution
Inc., provides upfront account balance service to deliver funds in timely manner so that business owners can focus on
raising their sales. To create a convenient and easy environment for online business vendors, it plans to offer various
support policies.
Dec 2015. The foundation of DSSolutions Inc.
Dec 2015. The service launching of ‘VITA Pay’
May 2016. The conclusion of agreement with SC (Standard Chartered) First Bank Korea Ltd
May 2016. The conclusion of agreement with Acuon Capital
May 2016. The conclusion of 11 STREET service agreement with SK M&SERVICE
Feb 2017. The conclusion of VITA PAY service agreement with Welcome Bank.
Feb 2017. The conclusion of partnership contract for Pre-paying Service with Interpark Bizmark
May 2017. The award of Fintech Grand Prize in ‘2017 Korean Excellent Corporation Grand Prize’
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : SK M & Service (Mutual Platform), Interpark Bizmarket (E-commerce), Acuon Capital (Financial IT) and Welcome
Bank (Financial Institution)
-Foreign Countries : Standard Chartered(SC) First Bank Korea Ltd (Financial Institution)
Location 73, Nonhyeon-ro 79-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (4F, Suyeon Building)
Form of
Main Service Financial service Fintech Area P2P finance B2C
Easy Funding is a P2P (Peer to Peer) financial platform provider. Easy Funding uses the experience and know-how of
various financial practices and operates the system in a way that legal and tax experts re-verify them.
The major products of Easy Funding are real estate mortgage loans and business mortgage loans. Credit products are
not dealt with and only real collateral and loans are handled.
It signed a partnership with Fidelis Asset Management.
Jan 2017. he establishment of EasyFunding
Mar 2017. The launching of P2P online finance service
Mar 2017. The conclusion of MOU agreement for the escrow account with SC Bank Korea and Paygate
Mar 2017. The launching of 1st product (mortgage loan for an efficiency apartment)
Jun 2017. The conclusion of MOU agreement with Fidelis Asset Management
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Korea P2P Financial Association (Association), Standard Chartered First Bank Korea Ltd. (Financial Institution),
FIDELIS (Asset Management), PayGate (Electronic Payment) and Funnypig (Crowdfunding solution)
EBcard is an operator of the integrated transportation card system and issues Cashbee, a plastic and mobile prepaid card.
In addition, it provides transportation cards system in Incheon, Chungcheongnam-do and Gangwon to help customers
to use public transportation conveniently.
EBcard has registered various patents such as automatic card recharging device and method, card trading system by on-
line and off-line, and so on. Also, the company applied for a patent for a traffic card mileage service using coupons and a
transportation card processing system using biometrics.
In October 2017, the company registered as a MVNO (Mobile Virtual Network Operator) to provide telecommunication
services by borrowing the mobile communication network.
Nov 2009. The establishment of EBcard
Aug 2010. The conclusion of M&A agreement with Lotte Group
Dec 2010. The launching of prepaid card brand ‘Cashbee’
May 2011. The launching of mobile prepaid card ‘Mobile Cashbee’
May 2015. The conclusion of 2nd agreement for Gyeonggi Intra-city Bus Transportation Card Settlement Business
Aug 2017. The full implementation of transportation payment service for Chungnam Intercity Bus
Oct 2017. The completion of registration into MVNO business
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : CU (convenience store), Lotte (retail), GS25 (convenience store), Megabox (movie), Big file (file sharing), Bizeun
(rice cake sales) and OK Cashback (Points Saving).
-Foreign Countries : 7ELEVEN (convenience store), MINISTOP (convenience store) and Baskin Robbins 31 (franchise)
Location 66, Chungmin-ro, Songpa-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Room No. T10007-1, Garden Five Life Techno Pavilion)
Form of
Main Service Edium Funding Fintech Area P2P Finance B2B/B2C
Edium provides Edium funding, a real estate P2P (peer to peer) investment platform.
Investment products are carefully selected through rigorous screening by real estate professionals from a separate
research institute established by Edium. It has concluded MOU with International Asset Trust and Seoul Architecture PCM
Apr 2016. The establishment of Edium
Jul 2016. The introduction of investor virtual account for KB Bank
Jul 2016. The conclusion of MOU agreement with International Asset Trust
Jul 2016. The conclusion of MOU agreement with Seoul Architecture PCM Construction
Nov 2016. The award of grand prize on P2P Finance part of 2016 Customer Satisfaction Brand
Nov 2017. The application of 3rd party deposit distribution system (SC Bank Korea, Seyfert)
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Segwang MK Group (General Construction Industry), PCM Construction (General Construction Industry),
Construction Realty Marketing Cooperative (Co-operated Federation), Real Estate 114 (Real Estate Information),
Korea P2P Financial Association (Association), Asia Trust (Real Estate Trust) and PayGate (Electronic Payment)
Eight Percent
Location 50, Jong-ro 1-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (13F, The K-TWIN TOWER Tower B)
Form of
Main Service P2P Finance Fintech Area P2P Finance B2B/B2C
Eight Percent is a peer-to-peer (P2P) financial platform operator that interconnects borrowers and investors. The online
platform provides fast loan matching for borrowing clients and investing clients by offering lower interest rates for loan
clients than the second banking system and a higher return on investment for investment clients than deposit rates. Eight
Percent has introduced an automated decentralized investment system since February 2016 and is applying the Chat-bot
service. In 2017, it signed a partnership with K bank, an Internet professional bank.
Nov 2014. The foundation of Eight Percent Corp.
Jun 2015. The progress of Loan Crowd Funding for Socar.
Feb 2016. The launching of auto-distributed investment system.
Jul 2016. The launching of Chatbot, ‘Aida’, beta service.
Aug 2016. The launching of ‘Lowest Interest Compensation System’.
Jan 2017. The conclusion of MOU agreement with K-Bank
May 2017. The opening of product 2.0 and the deposit of investment in the bank.
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : KG Inicis (PG Company), Capstone Partners (Investment Company), SBI Course Money (Remittance/Payment)
and DSC Investment (Investment Company)
Location 320, Gangnam-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Room No. 1803, Hwanghwa Building)
Form of
Main Service P2P Financial Platform Fintech Area P2P Finance B2C
Elefund is a peer-to-peer (P2P) loan platform operator.
Elefund has invested in a non-performing loan and specialized P2P manager analyzes their investment products and
minimizes the delinquency and insolvency by examining the risk in advance according to its own risk management
manual. Elefund can easily support unfamiliar real estate auctions and NPL investments to the public. Data mining
predicts the winning bid rate and the future price to provide a safe and highly profitable product. Real estate rights
insurance was introduced in 2017. By co-working with profit, legal companies, it provides professional services.
Jun 2015. The award of first prize in Fintech Dream Contest (IBK Industrial Bank)
Mar 2016. The establishment of Elefund Inc.
Jan 2017. The introduction of real estate rights insurance
Feb 2017. The conclusion of MOU agreement with ProFit
Jul 2017. The conclusion of business cooperation agreement for ‘the agency of principal and interest receipt and the
management of collateralized loan’ with Dongin LLC.
Affiliated Organization
-Domestic : Real Estate 114 (Real Estate Portal Website), IBK Credit Information (Credit Information), PayGate (Electronic
Payment), Korea P2P Financial Association (Association), NICE Credit Rating Information (Credit Information),
SCI Seoul Credit Rating Information (Credit Information), Dongin LLC (Legal Service) and Korea Real Estate
Auction Information (Real Estate Auction Information)
Emmental is a start-up, providing a specialized robo-advisor service, established by chattered financial accountants,
management consultants and information technology experts with the goal to provide ‘management advisory services.’
Emmental is trying ‘to enhance the competitiveness of customer by eliminating the information asymmetry’ by providing
management support services, which were hard to get before, to almost all businesses.
Also, Emmental was selected as the 3rd enterprise promotion of Fintech Dream Lab by IBK Financial Group and 'First
Penguine-type Startup Company' by Korea Credit Guarantee Fund, respectively.
Apr 2016. The establishment of Emmental Inc.
Oct 2016. The acquisition of venture company certificate by Small and Medium Business Administration
Mar 2017. Selected as the 3rd enterprise promotion of Fintech Dream Lab by IBK Financial Group
Mar 2017. Selected as 'First Penguine-type Startup Company' by Korea Credit Guarantee Fund
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : IBK Industrial Bank (Financial Institution), Korea Credit Guarantee Fund (Public Institution) and Small & medium
Business Corporation, (SME support)
Location 238, Dotjil-ro, Nam-gu, Ulsan, Republic of Korea (4F, Dalsung Building)
Everfunding is a real estate loan-type crowd funding platform.
It operates a peer-to-peer (P2P) financial platform that provides reasonable high-yield loan products to customers who
need funds by directly connecting investors and borrowers, and intermediates high-yield products that are higher than
bank deposit rates. Through technology-based collateral and credit rating systems and online direct deals, the company
connects borrowers and investors. The average investment period is 6.6 months, and the average return on investment is
15.6% per annum.
Feb 2017. The foundation of Everfunding Inc.
Jul 2017. The introduction of DDoS Attack Auto-Detection and Block Service
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Korea P2P Finance Association (P2P Company Support)
Location 33, Gukjegeumyung-ro 6-gil, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (12F, Manhattan Building)
Everspin is a specialist in providing security solutions.
It has developed a security module that protects user programs for a limited amount of time by combining time and
dynamic source-based concepts.
This change leads to differentiation from most domestic security companies that replicate and sell foreign security
products. It has collaborated with Oracle, a global software developer, and was awarded Prime Minister's Prize for
Mobile Technology in 2016. Earlier this year, Everspin, which won 1 billion won from DSC Investments, secured 2.2 billion
won in investment funds, which was established by Koscom and Mirae Asset in early 2017. In March 2017, it attracted 5
billion won investment from Stick Investment.
Feb 2014. The foundation of Everspin Inc.
Mar 2015. The pass of whole tests for financial security by Financial Security Research
Jan 2016. The conclusion of co-business agreement with Koscom
May 2016. The participation into the finals of ICT Spring 2016 Asia in Luxembourg
Jul 2016. The conclusion of MOU agreement with Oracle Corporation
Nov 2016. The award of Prime Minister Prize in the 16th Mobile Technology Award
Mar 2017. The attraction of 5 billion won investment from Stic Investment
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : KOSCOM (Securities Computerization)
Location 13, Heungdeok 1-ro, Giheung-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea (Room No. 1207, Towerdong)
EYL Corp. is a security technology provider utilizing a quantum cryptographic random number generator. EYL Corp.
has developed a Micro Quantum Random Number Generator (Random Number Generator) Chip to provide the
cryptographic key of the cryptographic system, thus securing the technology to block the hacking through cryptographic
key prediction. EYL Corp. was selected as one of the top 10 companies in the "Internet of Innovation Award" by
Qualcomm, LG and Korea Internet Promotion Agency in 2015. In November of the same year, EYL Corp. was selected as
the best in the "MassChallenge Boston" And won the Merchant 'Diamond Winner' award.
Jan 2015. T he Establishment of EYL Corp.
Sep 2015. Selected as the investment-promising I.o.T company (Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning)
Oct 2015. The award of “Champion” for the startup part in 2015 I.o.T Award (Ministry of Science, ICT and Future
Planning, Korea Internet & Security Agency)
Jul 2016. Selected as top 10 companies in ‘I.o.T Innovative Awards’ (Qualcomm, LG and KISA)
Nov 2016. Selected as Diamond Winner in MassChallenge Boston competition for 4 months (The world’s top authorities
of venture Olympics)
Feb 2017. The award of Best Business Model Prize (Gyeonggi Creative Economy and Innovation Center)
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : KB Financial Group (Financial Institution)
Location 76, Yeouinaru-ro, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (3F, Koscom, Fintech Test Bed Center)
Form of
Main Service Software Development Fintech Area Robo-Advisor B2B/B2C
FABOT is a robo-advisor service provider, utilizing A.I. for asset management service. FABOT structured all process
from collecting data to investment decision to be automated by A.I. and automation technology. It established the
discretionary investment consulting company to offer various range of subscription service.
In 2016, it won robo-advisor hackathon competition by Japan ISID, and it was also selected as robo-advisor testbed by
Financial Services Commission.
Dec 2015. The conclusion of MOU agreement with KOSCOM
Nov 2016. Winning on Robo-Advisor Hakerthon hosted by Japan ISID (Dentsu Information Technology)
Feb 2017. Selected as Hana Finance 1QLab
Apr 2017. The test bed pass of robo-advisor (Financial Services Commission)
May 2017. The launching of Fabot Rank service cooperated with Kiwoom Securities (Investment Information Service)
Jun 2017. The launching of Fabot Rank service cooperated with Korea Investment & Securities (Investment Information
Aug 2017. The sales of entrusted fabot investment consulting product (stable type, growth type) – (Ebest Investment and
Securities, Mirae Asset Securities)
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Financial Service Commision, Koscom, baks foundation for young entrepreneurs, Korea Technology Finance
Corporation, Maeil Economy, E-best Securities, Hana Financial Group, Kiwoom Securities, Korea Investment and
Securities, Seoul Economy.
Location 76, Yeouinaru-ro, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Koscom, 3F, Fintech Test Bed Center)
Form of
Main Service Fast Call Fintech Area Others B2B/B2C
Fast Call is a provider of information to support fair value investments and is quickly supplying reliable data to users.
Fast Call has signed an API contract with Koscom to quickly provide market information to users and provide the easy
access to publicly available information, which is difficult for general investors to understand based on published data and
Dec 2016. The foundation of Fast Call Inc.
Aug 2017. The participation into ‘Fintech Demoday’ Event held by Koscom.
Sep 2017. The entry into Koscom.
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Hyosung CMS (Electronic Payment Service) and Koscom (Financial Institution)
Fin2B Inc.
Location 123, Yeoksam-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (6F, Hanyang Building, Yeoksam-dong)
Fin2B is a Fin-tech company that leads the innovation of the financial industry through financing using receivable
accounts in the area of Supply Chain Finance (SCF). In March 2017, it launched the ‘Fin2B Accounts Receivable Discount
Platform’, a short-term financing solution for small and medium-sized companies. It is planning to launch a market in
Vietnam in the first half of 2018. Fin2B is aiming to become ‘Asia's leading supply chain financing (SCF) specialty fintech
company" by 2020.
Apr 2015. The Establishment of DBK Partners
Oct 2015. The launching of Fin2B.
Jan 2016. The domestic application of patent for the method of repayment of account receivable.
Mar 2017. The lauching of A/R Discounting Platform in Korea
May 2017. The conclusion of MOU agreement with Lotte Mart’s Vietnamese branch
Jul 2017. The application of patent for ‘How to trade account receivable’ in Korea and ‘International patent application’
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Shinhan Financial Group (Financial Institution), Gyeonggi Center for Creative Economy & Innovation (Financial
Institution), IBK Industrial Bank of Korea (Financial Institution), Lotte Group (Major Corporation) and Lotte
Accelerator (Startup Support
Representative Lee Hye-min, Park Hong-min Incorporation Date Oct 5th, 2015
Location 16F, 343, Samil-daero, Jung-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Jeo-dong 1-ga, Daesin Finance Center)
Finda Form of
Main Service (Web Service) Fintech Area Financial Platform B2B/B2C
Finda is the platform which introduces various client-customized financial products into one place to compare them.
Finda offers financial products information on loans, investments, cards, and insurance. It introduces various essential
financial products such as loan, checking/savings, credit cards, insurance, and P2P investment products.
It also includes qualitative and quantitative customer review data. It also recommends through A.I. chatbot that it offers
products curation, 200 of customer data driven recommended products.
It started a financial mall by cooperating with Tmon.
Sep 2015. The foundation of Finda Inc.
Apr 2016. The launching of Finda Service (Loan, Deposit/Installment Savings, P2P)
Jan 2017. The co-foundation of Financial Mall with TMON
Apr 2017. The launching of Credit Card Service
Jul 2017. The launching of Credit Card Curation Service in TOSS.
Sep 2017. The launching of recommendation service based on chat-bot and opening of insurance recommendation
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Shinhan Bank (Financial Institution), Hana Bank (Financial Institution), Hyundai Card (Financial Institution),
Shinhan Card (Financial Institution), Samsung Card (Financial Institution), Hyundai Capital (Installment Finance),
Woori Card (Financial Institution), Lotte Card (Financial Institution) and Kookmin Card (Financial Institution)
-Foreign Countries : Citi Bank (Financial Institution)
Fin-mart Inc.
Location 31, Digital-ro 30-gil, Guro-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Room No. 1105, Kolon Villant 2-Cha)
Form of
Main Service Financial Service Fintech Area FInance Platform B2C
Finmart is a start-up company established on January, 2016. Finmart is a Fin-tech company that aims to be a supermarket
of financial products as the word "Fin-mart" implies and provides a comparative information platform for financial
consumers to choose the best financial product. Specifically, it is an app-based personalized loan comparison quotation
service that collects all necessary loan information such as price (interest rate), limit, repayment conditions, etc. that meet
the individual's credit rating. It made partnerships with various industries in credit, real-estate, auto loans. It builds co-
existing financial environment between financial institutions and customers who need credit financing.
2016. The establishment of Fin-mart
2016. The conclusion of car information usage agreement with
2016. The conclusion of agreement with Whoopers, payment platform affiliated with SOHO
2016. The conclusion of loan comparison & estimate agreement for using credit evaluation information of second
quarter with KCB
2016. The development of used automobile loan service for dealers (B2B2C)
2017. The launching of application (EModeun) for a loan comparison & estimate
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Shinhan Life Insurance Co., Ltd (Insurance), YAP Company (Discounting Service), Don’t Worry Co. (Loan
Consulting), F Five Family (ICT Service), The The The (Drink Driving Control Service), Fin Talk (Financial Consulting),
Shinhan Credit Information Co., Ltd (Installment Finance), Nice Information & Telecommunication Inc. (IT
Company) and Cap Software (IT Company).
-Foreign Countries : CITI Bank (Financial Institution)
Location Gwanghwamun Post Office, 6, Jong-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea. (5F, Incubating Center, Seoul Creative Economy Innovation Center)
Form of
Main Service Alpha Wave (AWAVE) Fintech Area Payment/Settlement B2B/B2C
Finnos is a Fin-tech start-up that provides payment services.
It presents a new paradigm of payment/settlement by providing easy, convenient, safe, and cheap ‘reverse flow payment.’
Finnos was selected as an export success package business by the Ministry of Small and Medium-sized Venture Business
and is promoting the introduction of services with Taiwan payment service providers. It is focusing on global business
with developing countries such as Southeast Asia as its target market.
Feb 2016. The foundation of FINNOS Co., Ltd.
Oct 2016. The conclusion of MOU agreement with Shinhan Card Co., Ltd.
Feb 2017. The launching of Alpha Wave (AWAVE) mPOS
Aug 2017. Selected as the Export Success Package Business (the Ministry of SMEs and Startups)
Oct 2017. The contract talks of new service introduction with a Taiwanese payment enterprise.
Nov 2017. The launching of Share Office Membership Authentication/Payment Business (MoA)
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Shinhan Card (Financial Institution), KT (Telecommunication), KG Inicis (Electronic Payment), SETTLEBANK
(Financial Institution), POWERVOICE (Voice Recognition), Seoul Center for Creative Economy and Innovation
(Government Agency) and Shinhan Future’s Lab (Financial Institution)
Finnq Inc.
Location 100, Eulji-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (20F, Pine Avenue, Eulji-ro 2nd Street)
Form of
Main Service Finnq Fintech Area Payment/Settlement B2C
Finnq attracted the investment from Hana Financial Group (51%) and SKT (49%) to show the innovative life-financial
platform that always provide new financial experiences to clients based on the integration of financial knowhows from
Hana Financial Group and ICT technologies from SKT Corp.
Finnq analyzes consumption habits of clients, alerts consumption and expenses, recommends financial products, and
provides a small amount remittance service. It provides simple and amusing financial experiences for 20s/30s clients who
have felt financing products as difficult and boring and thus had difficulty developing healthy saving habit and systematic
expense management. Finnq will not only provide services tailored to 20s/30s as their financial assistant but also develop
seniors only platform for customers in ages of 60s or older.
Aug 2016. The establishment of Finnq Inc.
Sep 2017. The launching of Finnq service
Location 1, Yangjaecheon-ro 9-gil, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (3F, Yongdu Building)
Finotek Inc. is the global Fin-tech platform company to offer various Fin-tech solution services (including non-face-to-
face real name confirmation, Robo-counseling, electronic contract and non-face-to-face security loan) to domestic and
overseas banks and financial institutions. It received the Grand Prize in the mortgage part for ‘One Day Mobile Mortgage
Loan’ in ‘2015 Citi Mobile Challenge’, a global Fin-tech contest hosted by Citi Group; since then, it has gained attention
from the non-face-to-face financial market. It made a list to ‘TOP 500 Deloitte Asia Pacific Fast Developing Companies
List’ in two consecutive years in 2016 and 2017. It is expanding globally to Europe, South America, Southeast Asia, and
North America for its Fin-tech market with its Portugal branch, Finotek Global and Finotek Europe, a joint company with
German Fin-tech company.
Nov 2008. The foundation of Lstro Corp.
Apr 2015. T he change of company name into Finotek Corp. The merger with the subsidary company (I'ST Structure
Solution Co., Ltd.)
Aug 2016. The establishment of Finotek Europe in collaboration with a German fintech group
Nov 2016. Selected as the 51st company in the ‘2016 Steeply Increasing 500 Companies in the Asia-Pacific area’ (The 1st
company in the ‘Asian fintech companies’) by DTT Co., Ltd.
Mar 2017. The establishment of subsidiary company, ‘Finotek Global’, in Portugal.
Jul 2017. Selected as Top 5 companies in the BNP Paribars Cardif Awards
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Shinhan Bank (Financial Institution), KB Kookmin Bank (Financial Institution), Woori Bank (Financial Institution),
BNK Busan Bank (Financial Institution), DGB Daegu Bank (Financial Institution), MG Saemaeul Finance Firm
(Financial Institution) and Export-Import Bank of Korea (Financial Institution)
-Foreign Countries : Allianz (Financial Institution), Standard Chartered Bank (Financial Institution) and Citi Bank (Financial
Finshot Inc.
Location 18, Maebongsan-ro, Mapo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Room No. 507, Mapo Support Center for Foundation)
Form of
Main Service Coinshot Fintech Area Remittance (Overseas) B2C
Fin shot Inc. is an overseas remittance service provider offering 'coin shot' services that are fast, cheap and easy to send
It is working to reduce unnecessary commissions, shorten long transfer time and speed up the transfer of more money to
domestic foreign workers.
Fin shot Inc. was awarded at SC First Bank's Fin-tech competition in 2017. It was selected as a pilot company for small-
scale overseas remittance by the Seoul Metropolitan Government and officially registered with the financial authorities as
a small overseas remittance provider.
Mar 2016. Establishment of Finshot
Oct 2016. Launched an overseas remittance service, ‘Coinshot’.
Feb 2017. Selected as a mobile small overseas remittance pilot project company in Seoul
May 2017. Awarded the prize in the 2017 Standard Chartered (SC) FintechExhibition
Sep 2017. Registered the small overseas remittance service
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Seoul Metropolitan Office (City), KOTRA and Small & medium Business Corporation
Location 23, Yeongdeungpo-ro 3-gil, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Room No. B104)
Form of
Main Service P2P platform Fintech Area P2P Finance B2B/B2C
Finstreet is a real estate collateral NPL specialized P2P platform provider and it is trying to achieve the goal of securing
secured property through professional screening and providing attractive and sustainable rate of return through a
network with specialized companies such as real estate NPL investment corporation and auction corporation.
It built a third-party depository system to protect investors and a post-management system to quickly withdraw funds
from debt obligations of the borrower. Finstreet is a P2P company that specializes in real estate NPL collateral among
various collaterals. Therefore, by understanding the consumer's perception of real estate NPL P2P and analyzing the rights
in relation of complex real estate NPL, it is easier for individual investors to invest indirectly in real estate by a guidance
from Finstreet.
Jun 2016. Establishment of Fi Sstreet
Sep 2016. Opening of P2P loan product ‘The 1st Fin’
Jan 2017. The conclusion of MOU agreement with Korea Economy TV
Mar 2017. The achievement of P2P loan amount of 5 billion won
Jun 2017. Development of investor protection third party deposit system (SC Bank Korea)
Jul 2017. The conclusion of supply partnership agreement for real estate mortgage bond (LoanPlus Finance)
Location 164, Seopangyo-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea (Room No.304)
Form of
Main Service Coconut, Witch Dog and Owl Fintech Area Robo-Advisor B2C
Fin Tech Lab is an application software and application developer. It is developing household account applications,
account management apps, and financial asset management apps. It provides a variety of application services to help
consumers manage their money smarter.
'Coconut', which is an asset management app and household calculator, is a representative product, and you can see the
status of asset consumption and items consumption through Coconut.
Mar 2015. The establishment of FINTECHLAB
Dec 2015. The launching of integrated account management automated household ledger, 'Coconut'
Location 20, Pangyo-ro 289beon-gil, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea (Room No. 318, 3(sam)-dong, Startup Campus)
FlyHigh Co. is a specialized provider of application security solutions, authentication services, and security consulting.
FlyHigh has been working to create a convenient world through security, developing safe and convenient systems and
services, and providing solutions that make uncomfortable tasks easier through security. In order to realize this vision, the
company aims to present solutions to the major countries as well as to build up solutions in the representative banking
countries in order to realize the vision and offer the solution suitable for the user while faithfully observing the policies
and regulations set by the society.
FlyHigh plans to establish a global infrastructure by entering overseas partnerships and securing local references to enter
Asia and Europe markets that require user authentication solutions.
Apr 2015. The establishment of FlyHigh
Jan 2017. The completion of security technology consulting for Kakao Bank
Jul 2017. Selected as the member company of BornToGlobal Center. The launching of OmniDoc Service for Kakao Bank
Aug 2017. Selected as the KB Innovation Hub Cooperative Start-Up
Sep 2017. The acquisition of OmniDoc Green certificate
Oct 2017. Selected as KB Starters
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : KB Financial Group (Financial Institution)
Fount is an online wealth management service provider. Fount provides customers with customized portfolios based on
algorithms that use customer data and financial data. more
The goal is to make the asset management popular with low commissions and initial investment amount.
Fount is also engaged in real time rebalancing that is sensitive to asset allocation, investment propensity, customized
portfolio, and market changes for stable profits.
Global investor Jim Rogers is in charge of investment advisory board.
Nov 2015. Establishment of Fount
Feb 2016. The launching of ‘Robo Ad-Alpha’, Woori Bank’s pre-experience service.
Apr 2016. The launching of Discretionary Investment Smart ISA for Industrial Bank of Korea (ISA Product)
Feb 2017. The foundation of ‘Fount AI’, a subsidiary for AI.
Apr 2017. The launching of Robo Advisor-based Fund Product (IBK-Fount)
Jun 2017. The launching of Robo-Advisor Lab (EUGENE INVESTMENT CO., LTD. – Fount)
Jun 2017. The launching of Robo-Advisor Permanent Fund (HMC Investment Securities Co. – Fount)
Location 17-15, Cheomdangwagi-ro 208beon-gil, Buk-gu, Gwangju, Republic of Korea (Room No. 509, Oryong-dong)
Fount AI is a technology company that provides information specialized in Korean and natural artificial intelligence. Fount
Al is confident in the expandability of artificial intelligence technologies (including machine learning and deep learning)
accumulated in the development process of robo-advisor; It provides chatbot-based artificial intelligence consulting
services and businesses for a basic platform.
Based on the artificial intelligence technology with the natural language processing technology of Hangul, it is providing a
platform designed to prevent the bias of information and to solve the unbalance of information provision for the general
Fount AI is expanding the business scope into all organizations and corporations (including companies, financial
institutions, universities and media companies) and establishing its position in the market with state-run banks and
domestic leading companies. Also, it is striving to become a market leader in collaboration with domestic leading
companies and banks.
Feb 2017. The establishment of Fount AI
Apr 2017. The launching of election bot, 'Rose'
Jul 2017. Selected the representative 5 Korean companies in the Start Tel Aviv 2017
Aug 2017. The acquisition of R&D center company certificate for Gwangju Exclusive Industrial Zone.
Aug 2017. Selected as the 5th Global Acceleration Program, 'Kakao Nomad'.
Oct 2017. Selected as the top 5 companies in 2017 Big Data A.I. Startup Contest.
Nov 2017. The development and launching of chatbot for Chosun Ilbo Media Research
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Shinhan Card (Financial Institution), Chosun Ilbo (News Media), ABC Solutions (IT Company), HappyTalk (Business
Chatting Solution), Innopolis Foundation (R&D Support), Spectra (Online Chatting Consulting Solution), Daegu
Gyeongbuk Institute of Science & Technology (Public Agency), Hanyang University (Educational Institution) and
SBS (News Media)
Location 552, Nonhyeon-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Munhwa Building, Yeoksam-dong)
Form of
Main Service Loan Platform Fintech Area P2P Finance B2B/B2C
Friday Funding is a P2P (Peer to Peer) financial platform, which bridges business owners and investors. Friday Funding
is thriving to innovative financial system by providing transparent financial transaction services in a low-interest-rate
financial environment. It helps those who were not able to receive financial benefits to be considered to get new financial
benefits. Experts provide secured bond investment products based on the system analysis and screening, and adopted
systemized loan management. Also, Friday Funding established secured bond investment products based on the system
analysis and screening
2016. The establishment of Fridayfunding Co.
2016. Opening of P2P Financial Platform
2016. Joined Korean P2P financial association
2016. Concluded a business cooperation agreement for the investor protection with Bubjungwon LLC.
2016. Concluded a business cooperation agreement with KCB (Credit Rating Agency)
2017. Concluded a business cooperation agreement with Onnuri Appraisal Co., Ltd.
2017. Achieved ‘AAA Grade’ for Web Site Security Level.
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Pay Gate (Payment/Settlement), KCB (Credit Rating Agency), Auction Support Center (Auction Support) and
Bubjungwon (Law Firm)
Location 143, Yeongdeungpo-ro, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (11F, Korea Financial Investment Association Building)
Form of
Main Service Investment Brokerage Fintech Area FInance Platform B2C
Fund Online Korea is the public fund investment platform; main shareholders include fund-related organizations including
40 asset management companies and finance related companies such as Korea securities Depository.
With trends of fund investors’ reasonable fund choice, it offers online fund sale service. In Fund Supermarket, you can
compare and purchase from 1,400 different funds that take a most part of public offering funds in Korea. Especially, S
class that can only be purchased in Fund Supermarket has reasonable price with 1/3 lower commission fee than offline.
It has expanded business areas into IFA and Robo-advisor services. Also, it helps investors to find reasonable financial
products according to their characteristics and assets.
Sep 2013. Establishment of Fund Online Korea
Apr 2014. Launching of Fund Supermarket platform
May 2015. Selected as the best innovative practice model in Government 3.0 Project.
May 2016. Launching of non-face-to-face account
Jul 2017. Launching of IFA platform service
Sep 2017. Achievement of total 93,000 clients and 900 billion worth client assets.
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Kakao Bank (Electronic Payment), Koscom (Financial Institution), SK Securities Co., Ltd (Financial Institution),
Boolio (Robo-advisor), Mirae Asset Retirement Institute (Financial Institution), Korea FPA Association (Economic
Association), KYOBO LIFE PLANET (Financial Institution), Woori Bank (Financial Institution) and Saemaeul Finance
Firm (Financial Institution)
Location 483, Gangnam-daero, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (9F, Chungho Building)
Form of
Main Service FUNDA Fintech Area P2P Finance B2B/B2C
FUNDA is a P2P financial platform company targeting the self-employed.
It analyzes the data around the shops and stores to examine the adequacy of the borrowers and provides P2P loans and
investment services that carefully connect the funds to investors.
FUNDA is a compound word of 'FUND + Analysis', and differentiated competitiveness of FUNDA compared to others is
their data analysis technique.
It has attracted investments from BC Card, Korea Investment Partners, and Inter Best.
Apr 2015. Launched the investment for Salady (the first investment store)
Jun 2015. Established FUNDA Inc.
Oct 2015. Concluded business cooperation agreement for the loan review and collection of receivables with SCI
Information Service Inc.
Apr 2016. Concluded business cooperation agreement for the security technology cooperation and the overseas
expansion fintech cooperation with KT NET
Nov 2016. Developed the examination algorithm, FUNDA rating.
Jul 2017. Launched the short-term investment solution, Short-Term Split Product.
Sep 2017. Introduced the loan shop, Card Sales Repayment System
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : BC Card (Financial Institution), Shinhan Bank (Financial Institution), KCB (Financial Institution) and IBK Industrial
Bank (Financial Institution)
-Foreign Countries : BNP PARIBAS CARDIF (Financial Institution)
Form of
Main Service FUNDED Fintech Area P2P Finance B2C
FUNDED Corp. is a P2P financial platform developed by KB Financial Group. FUNDED Corp. focuses on mortgage loans
for residential apartments.
In cooperation with KB Credit Information and KB Indemnity Insurance, it has secured a system to safeguard the
investment. The company has established a subsidiary that specializes in purchasing non-performing loans that can secure
the safety of its own products. In July 2017, it registered a patent related to non-face-to-face authentication technology.
Nov 2015. Establishment of Funded Corp.
Apr 2016. Selected as 7th KB Starters Valley Company (KB Finance Group)
Jul 2016. The beta service of personal credit loan-based program
Jun 2017. The conclusion of partnership agreement with “PLUS LOVE GROUP INSURANCE”, a borrower repayment
waiver program by KB Insurance Co., Ltd.
Jun 2017. The development/management of 3rd party deposit service for Shinhan Bank Corp.
Jul 2017. The application of patent for Non-Face-to-Face Self Confirmation Service
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : KB Finance Group (Financial Institution) and Viva Republica Corp. (Payment Service)
Location 130, Gwangnaru-ro, Seongdong-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Room No. 1309, Seoul Forest IT Castle)
FUNDIAN is a company that funds smart peripheral projects and sells them as a single brand and distributes profits to
It distributes peripherals such as high-speed charger focusing on high performance and high usability, high-speed
charging cable and Bluetooth wireless speaker, as well as accessories such as global brand smartphone holder and HDMI
cable and AUX cable.
FUNDIAN has linked funding capabilities to existing businesses. Smart peripherals with enhanced performance and
usability are funded by the public and launched as a single brand and allocate revenue to investors. FUNDIAN is using the
method of commercializing ideas by directly executing the funding incentives of all project establishers under the theme
of smart peripheral devices. These products will have an integrated brand called FUNDIAN, and sales revenue will be
integrated into the FUNDIAN.
Jan 201. Establishment of Fundian
May 2015. The merger with Sencube - taking over the manufacturing of smart equipment and the business of
Jan 2016. The launching of product royalty investment-typed crowdfunding platform
Apr 2016. The conclusion of domestic exclusive agency agreement with Ningbo Fulman Technology (VENTION) in China
Oct 2016. The launching of 3 Funding Success Project Products.
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Korea Fintech Industry Association (Public Agency)
-Foreign Countries : Magic-Pro (Manufacturing) and Venti-on (Automobile Manufacturing)
Location 281, Gwangpyeong-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (15F, Suseo Office Building)
Galaxiacommunications owns an advanced technology skills and differentiated service competitiveness which enable
them to be a leader in the field of on and offline integrated electronic payment, prepayment at convenient stores, mobile
gift card and coupons, and financial platform services. They not only sell many products and services via online, but also
support secure and smooth electronic payment systems through credit cards, mobile payments, and other means. In
addition, through using POS terminals installed at our affiliated convenience stores, they take commissions from offering
various real-time services (recharging prepaid card, gift card, phone payment and other payment methods).
Galaxiacommunications launched ‘Money Tree’, a mobile platform which enables users to freely exchange gift cards and
coupons. Subsequently, it is growing as an integrated financial platform service provider as it facilitates ‘Money Tree Cash’,
a financial tool that provides payment and transfer services.
New business developments include a bitcoin or other electronic currency payment systems and other various 020
focused fin-tech businesses.
Oct 1994. Established Galaxiacommunications Inc.
Mar 2001. Released BillGate, an integrated electronic payment service.
Jun 2002. Issued mobile gift cards for department store
Oct 2008. Transferred into Hyosung Group
Jun 2014. Concluded a business cooperation agreement with Coin Plug, a bitcoin payment company
Sep 2014. Concluded a supply agreement for cross-border payment service with Ten Pay in China.
Feb 2017. VReleased Money Tree, a financial platform.
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : SK Telecom (telecommunication provider), LG U+ (telecommunication provider), KT (telecommunication
company), Starbucks Korea (coffee chain), GS25 (distribution company), Samsung Card (financial credit
company), NC Soft (game development company) and Coupang (E-commerce)
GCOD Innovation, Inc.
GCOD Innovation is a new concept authentication security solution developer with focuses on its latest technology and
user convenience.
With Fin-tech industry’s optimal Interoperability between finance and IT technology, it is developing a competitive
technology. Currently, it regards Authentication security technology R&D as its main business and it is targeting to be
competitive in Fin-tech business fields.
Its core security solution, ‘PASScon,’ developed by GCOD Innovation, is registered for a patent on November 2015.
2013. The establishment of GCOD Innovation, Inc.
2014. The attraction of seed investment from KG Inisis Corp. due to the R&D result of PASSCON.
2016. The conclusion of MOU agreement with KB Finanacial Group
The core of the PASScon, the "dummy certificate," is a one-time choice for the user to use as a certificate when installing
the app. The picture is converted to a hash function result of 0 and 1, so that even if someone takes a certificate, the
picture cannot be restored. The most important feature is that users cannot only create certificates themselves, but also
simply renew their certificates easily at any time without cost. There is also no fear of the theft or unauthorized copying of
certificates, which is why the problem of deodorization has been completely solved.
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : KB Financial Group (Financial Institution)
Location 70, Dusan-ro, Geumcheon-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Room no.1211, Tower B, Hyundai Knowledge Industry Center)
Specialized in the development of electric vehicle chargers, Geo-Line Co., Ltd. was established by experts in the field
of electric vehicles (including Renault Samsung Motors Research Institute and Director of Electric Vehicle Infrastructure
Network Research). It is trying to supply electric car charging and to solve parking problems that are inevitable in urban
residential complexes with convenience and low cost only by portable electric injection and security outlet. It was
established with the support of Small Business Promotion Corporation in 2014 and has 3 related patents. Geo-Line Co.,
Ltd. has developed a device that integrates a mobile communication modem and an electric meter, contributing to the
elimination of the charging station infrastructure problem, which was a weakness in the domestic electric car market. It
is noteworthy that it has implemented unique pin tech services needed in the world based on long-term related industry
May 2014. The establishment of Geo-Line
Aug 2015. Selected as the 1st participating company of KB Starters Valley
Dec 2015. The award of Grand Prize in ‘the I.o.T Global Startup Development Program’ (LG U+ Chungbuk Center for
Creative Economy and Innovation)
Feb 2016. The attraction of growth share-typed investment (Small & Medium Business Corporation)
May 2016. The conclusion of MOU agreement with Korean Electric Power Corporation
Aug 2017. The award of Grand Prize in the Korea Contest of Start Tel Aviv 2017
Oct 2017. The award of ‘Men of Merit’ Prize (the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy)
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : KB Finance Group (Financial Institution), KEPCO Corp. (Public Agency), LG U+ Corp. (Telecommunication) and
Korea Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Public Agency)
-Foreign Countries : EDP(Por tuguese Electric Power Corporation), Orange Telecommunication (French
Telecommunication), Ericsson AB Corp. (Swiss Telecommunication) and Mercedes-Benz (Imported
Automobile Sales).
Location 2F, 12, Dosan-daero 8-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Myeonghwa Building, Nonhyeon-dong)
Form of
Main Service Fintech and Crypto Currency Fintech Area BlockChain B2B/B2C
GLOSFER Co. as one of the first Korean block chain companies, has worked for the research and development of block
chain technology since 2012; it has not only provided service businesses including the operation of Korean second
crypto currency exchange, but also realized different block chain-based solutions and accumulated operation ability and
technical skills since running the first Korean international remittance service. It thrives to offer the technical innovation
and the quality management to offer innovative values to clients as well as the market so that it can lead the coming 4th
industrial revolution in Korean technologies.
Mar 2017. The foundation of GLOSFER Co.
May 2017. The development completion of international trading exchange for virtual money
May 2017. The development completion of V2 (Automatic investment robot for virtual money) and block chain-based
Jun 2017. Opening of Open Source Platform
Jun 2017. The conclusion of supply contract for the virtual money exchange solution of POS-LINK and the launching of
international exchange service.
2017. 07. The conclusion of MOU agreement with “Intersite”, a government-affiliated organization in the Republic of
South Africa.
2017. 08. The conclusion of MOU agreement for “International Remittance and Senior Care Service System” with
“Mokuran Group” in Japan
2017. 09. The conclusion of “Establishment of Local Currency Block Chain-based System” with Nowon-gu Office in
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : POS LINK (IT Solution), BKL Law Firm (Law Advice), Lee & Ko Law Firm (Law Advice) and Seoul IR Group
-Foreign Countries : PRASA (National Railroad Company), MyBucks (Fintech) and Standard Chartered Bank (Financial
Gluwa Inc. is a Fin-Tech company headed by a Korean developer and based on his unique and specialized block-chain
technology it operates businesses in settlement, remittance, P2P loan, and virtual money related business. Korea’s Gluwa
Inc. had been incorporated in 2014, and then a branch in Silicon Valley have been incorporated in 2016. A branch in
Philippine is under process of incorporation. The company is expanding to global markets with overseas banks, energy
companies, and loan companies from USA, U.K, Germany, Nigeria, and so on.
Mar 2014. Established Gluwa Inc. in Korea
Nov 2016. Established Gluwa Inc. in U.S.A.
Jun 2017. Released a Fintech-dedicated application
(launched iOS ver. and Android ver. at the same time)
Jul 2017. Concluded the Overseas Investment Contract with a Nigerian Lender [Aella Credit]
Aug 2017. Concluded a investment letter of intent for virtual money ICO (Korean currency 1 billion won)
Sep 2017. Prepared to establish a Philippine (corporation) branch (with an American bank)
Oct 2017. Virtual money ‘Creditcon’ ICO (Initial Coin Offerings)
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Innogy (Energy Company), Rubix (Block Chain), Aella Credit (Financial Company), Mastercard (Financial
Company) and VISA (Financial Company)
Location 43-55, Mugunghwa-ro, Ilsandong-gu, Goyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea (Room No. 507, Sungwoo Sacar Tower)
Goodpay provides P2P loan and lending services via online. Cutting down the expenses of operating expenses and
personnel expenses (compared to offline branches), it offers higher profit to investors than banks and necessary funds
to borrowers at a lower interest rate than lending companies. Also, it ensures higher stability by lowering the danger of
investors based on its own screening process and auto-repayment system. The company was founded on May, 2015 and
has provided Goodpay Platform since July, 2017.
May 2015. The incorporation
Jul 2015. The launching of web site ‘Gpoint’
Jul 2015. The conclusion of affiliation agreement with Hyosung Nautilus
Feb 2016. The registration as Loan/Loan Agency business
Jun 2016. The interconnection with CMS of Korean Financial Telecommunications and Clearings Institute
Jul 2016. The launching of GoodPay platform
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Korean Financial Telecommunications and Clearings Institute (Special Financial Corporation), NICE Investors
Service (Credit Rating Company), NICE Information Service (Credit Rating Company), Seoul Guarantee Insurance
(Guarantee Organization) and Daou Tech (IT Service)
Location 85, Gwangnaru-ro 56-gil, Gwangjin-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Room No. 1801, Office Building, Techno-mart)
Form of
Main Service Gyfunding Fintech Area P2P Finance B2B/B2C
Gyfunding is a co-owned share loan company. A shared thing means that it is not owned by one person but by several
people; if the shared thing is real estate, it is reported on the register (sharing registration) that it is owned by several
people at their ratio of share. Gyfunding belongs to the sharing real estate financial group for co-owned share, which
offers co-owned loan, sharing investment, co-owned share and non-performing loans. Gyfunding presents balanced
investment products in the perspective of investment, and focuses on the co-owned real estate share loan with help of
experts’ know-hows in the perspective of loan.
Jul 2017. Opening of Gyfunding Platform
Sep 2017. Approved as a member company in Korean P2P Financial Assofication
Sep 2017. Establishment of Gwangju Branch
Dec 2017. Contract Conclusion of 10th Gyfunding commodity loan service
Representative Lee Dong-Ik and Jung Yun-ho Incorporation Date Dec 31st, 2015
Form of
Main Service Signal Fintech Area Others B2B/B2C
Habit Factory develops solutions that recommend various services and financial products through personal consumption
analysis. Habit Factory has an integrated asset management solution that analyzes customer financial data in financial
messages and push messages to recommend customized financial products. The company has partnered with KB
Securities and launched 'Smart Coach', a living money management service app based on consumption pattern analysis.
KB Innovation Hub, which is responsible for fostering Fin-tech of KB Financial Group, has started to provide customized
support by designating Habit Factory as KB Starters 14. KB Securities has attracted investment from KB Investment.
Nov 2015. Awarded the first prize in Demoday (KDB Industrial Bank)
Dec 2015. Established Habit Factory Inc.
Feb 2016. Attracted the seed investment from KB Securities (Former Hyundai Securities)
Nov 2016. Provided Livemate Application Signal SDK to KB Kookmin Card.
Apr 2017. Selected as the 2017 overseas expansion member in K-ICT Born2Global
Jun 2017. Selected as the 1st individual investment association for the start value up (nTels Co., Ltd.) / Attracted the
investment from KB Investment
Jun 2017. Selected as the TIPS program
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : KB Kookmin Card (Financial Institution), LG U+ (Telecommunication Company), Hyundai Card (Financial
Institution), KB Securities (Financial Institution), KB Financial Group (Financial Institution), KB Investment (Financial
Institution) and nTels Co., Ltd. (IT Company)
Location 670, Daewangpangyo-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea (10F, Tower A, U-Space 2)
HankookNFC is a Fin-tech start-up that provides mobile payment and authentication services.
The payment technology utilizing NFC technology is applied to phone 2 phone settlement, easy settlement, and self-
certification business.
In addition, HankookNFC developed NFC Pay service that enables payment of credit card by reading post-payment card
issued over 45 million cards by using NFC function of smart phone. NFC has applied for patent certification in major
Apr 2014. The establishment of HankookNFC
Jun 2015. The domestic application of patent for 'Simple Order Service Provider System and Method using NFC Tag'
Aug 2015. The conclusion of NFC simple payment PayOn certificate agreement with NHNCP Corp.
Oct 2015. The application of patent for 'Phone 2 Phone Payment using Samsung Payment'
Oct 2015. The application of patent for NFC self certification to major foriegn countries
Apr 2016. The supply of NFC tag service for AmorePacific. The launching of NFC simple payment for Interpark
Jun 2016. The application of patent for 'System and Method of Simple Self Certification using Mobile Telecommunication
and Real Credit Card'
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : KTB Network (IT Company), KDB Capital (Financial Institution), IBK Bank (Financial Institution), Korea Internet &
Security Agency (Public Institution), Seoul Techno Park (NT Convergence Technology) and Korea Venture Business
Association (Public Institution)
Form of
Main Service HANPASS Fintech Area Remittance (Overseas) B2C
Hanpass is a foreign exchange specialist that provides overseas remittance and mobile exchange services.
It has been providing services optimized for the local financial environment based on its experience of successfully
performing international logistics business between Korea and the Philippines for many years. Hanpass has established a
branch office in the Philippines in 2013 and is carrying out a full-fledged operation by establishing the overseas remittance
business as a separate corporation in 2017. It established a dedicated e-commerce business corporation and established a
joint venture with Global Logistics DPEX Korea.
Sep 2012. Establishment of Hanpass
Oct 2012. The conclusion of strategic partnership agreement with LBC in Philippines
Feb 2013. The foundation of Hanpass Philippines (Manila/Clark branch)
Feb 2017. The foundation of Hanpass Foreign Remittance Corporation
Oct 2017. The foundation of Hanpass E-commerce Corporation
Oct 2017. The foundation of joint corporation with Global Logistics DPEX Korea
Affiliated Organization
-Foreign Countries : Alipay (Electronic Payment) and Alibaba (E-commerce)
Location 306, Digital-ro, Guro-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Room No. 508, Daeryung Post Tower 2-cha)
Hansol Secure is a developer of smart cards and mobile security platforms.
It has 50 or more patents in technologies related to smart card, and mobile security. To expand the product lines, it is
providing solutions for upgrading EMV to international standard payment standard. Hansol Secure is a joint venture
between Hansol Group and Germany G + D, and Germany G + D became the second largest shareholder of Hansol
Secure in 2017.
In addition to eSIM solutions, Hansol Secure is collaborating with business partner G + D in the field of IoT and security
solutions to create synergies. It was listed on the KOSDAQ in 2010 and became a subsidiary of the Hansol Group in 2011.
The Hansol Group is a global company with 19 subsidiaries and offices in 42 countries around the world, leading the
growth of the Korean economy.
2000. The establishment of Hansol Secure
2006. The world first commercialization of Combi-USIM
2010. Listed on KOSDAQ
2011. The merger of Hansol Group and transferred as a subsidiary
2012. The launching of LTE NFC USIM supply for SKT and KT
2015. The certificate acquisition of Mobile China UnionPay
2016. The first export of NFC USIM to Mongol
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : SK Planet (Telecommunication), DGB U-pay (Simple Payment/Remittance), TMoNet (Security/Authentication),
Korea Smart Card (Transportation System), Samsung SDS (System Software), Lotte Data Communication
Company (Information Communication) and KOREA ELECTRONIC CERTIFICATION AUTHORITY (Certificate
-Foreign Countries : ARM (RSC Design)
Location 202, Toegye-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (3F, Poongsang Building)
UBpay Form of
Main Service (Mobile Financial Payment Fintech Area Payment/Settlement B2B/B2C
Service) Business
HAREX InfoTech is the first-generation Fin-tech company which announced the first world mobile card payment system
in Silicon Valley on April 2000. It has the essential original patents necessary for the whole process of mobile payment
including the issue and management of mobile card, the user-friendly payment system and the self-confirmation with
the combination of password and bio-information. Also, it provides to financial companies, franchises and social media
service companies Ubpay Platform including the user-friendly simple payment, the smart withdrawal, and the simple
remittance service. It offers to its affiliated companies customized services so that it can extend the mutually shared
Jan 2000. The establishment of HAREX InfoTech
2011. The launching of first world online/offline common user-centered payment UBay service.
May 2013. The award of “Innovation Grand Award” by TESCO in the England.
Jul 2016. The Business Cooperation of Smart Simple Payment with pharmacies and hospitals. (WinWin M.I.T.S.)
Nov 2016. The Commercialization of Smart Withdrwal•O2O Payment Service for Busan Bank.
Oct 2017. The Commercialization of QR Code-based offline payment service (SUMPASS) for Busan Bank.
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : KB Kookmin Bank (Financial Institution), Shinhan Bank (Financial Institution), IBK Industrial Bank (Financial
Institution), Woori Bank (Financial Institution), NH Bank (Financial Institution), CU (Distribution), Shinsegae
Department (Distribution), Pohang St. Mary’s Hospital (Medical Service), Korea Expressway Corporation (Highway
Management) and Culture Land Inc. (Culture Promotion)
Location 660, Daewangpangyo-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea (12F, Building A, U-Space 1)
Form of
Main Service Hello Link Fintech Area FInance Platform B2C
Hello Link is a provider of number-based on-line linkage services that can be applied to various fields such as finance,
commerce, and advertisement. Hello Link is working with related companies such as settlement, finance, and
advertisement based on the investment of 5 billion won as start-up that was injected from Info Bank. It has been
supported by its parent companies and investors, and it is planning to continue to operate its funds. It made a partnership
with Samsung Electronics' Samsung Pay service, Sky Life service, and OOe Electric service in Japan.
May 2015. The conclusion of affiliation agreement with Interpark. The launching of simple shopping service, M-pocket
(Samsung Card).
Oct 2015. T he conclusion of sales agency agreement with M-Hub. The launching of HelloLink O2O service in the
magazine of DongA Women.
Feb 2016. The conclusion of Samsung Pay MOU agreement with Samsung Electronics.
Jun 2016. The launching of HelloLink O2O service for 'TokTok this product' of Maeil Business Newspaper
Jul 2016. The conclusion of Samsung Pay affiliation agreement with Samsung Electronics
Oct 2016. The conclusion of service affiliation agreement with SkyLife
Nov 2016. The conclusion of service affiliation agreement with O-oe Electronics in Japan
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : SkyLife (Cable Television), Samsung Pay (Simple Remittance/Payment), M:Hub (Advertisement Agency) and
Interpark (Online Bookstore)
Form of
Main Service Online loan brokerage Fintech Area P2P Finance B2B/B2C
Hello funding is a P2P financial platform that connects investors and borrowers directly. Hello funding provides investors
with new investment channels, and borrowers with reasonable lending rates. In order to select safer and more profitable
products, the company has a 7-person investment review committee and 9-member investment advisory committee. It
made a partnership with Seoul Credit Rating, Hana Asset Trust, Kyobo Realco and Shinhan Bank.
Aug 2016. Establishment of Hellofunding
Sep 2016. Launching of service
Oct 2016. The conclusion of MOU agreement with Seoul Credit Information
Oct 2016. The conclusion of MOU agreement with Hana Asset Trust
Mar 2017. Registration of Korea P2P Financial Association
Aug 2017. The conclusion of MOU agreement with Kyobo RealCo
Oct 2017. The conclusion of MOU agreement with Shinhan Bank
Form of
Main Service Honestfund Fintech Area P2P Finance B2C
HonestFund has an alternative financial platform that anyone can invest or borrow online anytime. The goal is to turn
unnecessary expenses that exist in financial services into customer benefits, and make it easier and safer for many people
to invest in high profitable financial products.
Professionals from top-notch information technology companies such as KaKao and Naver built systems and provide
a variety of content and detailed explanations to help many people easily understand finance. In 2015, it attracted
investment from Shinhan Bank.
Jan 2015. The establishment of Specialist Panel and the development of Automatic Credit Evalution Model.
Feb 2015. The foundation of Honestfund Inc.
Jun 2015. The application of patent for Risk Evaluation Model (PSS) combining the psychology analysis and the financial
Jul 2015. The conclusion of strategic association agreement with Shinhan Bank (Future`s Lab).
Aug 2015. The launching of Honestfund Service.
Dec 2015. The attraction of 1 billion won investment from Shinhan Bank.
Sep 2017. The conclusion of MOU agreement with SIK Asset Management
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : TMon (E-commerce), SK Planet (Marketing), Demoday (Startup Investment/M&A,) Shinhan Bank (Financial
Institution), Hanhwa Life (Financial Institution) and Meritz Asset Management (Financial Institution)
-Foreign Countries : Savills (Financial Institution)
IBK System Inc.
Location 141-7, Toegye-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (11F, New Seoul Building)
IBK System was founded on March 1991 as an IT affiliate of IBK Financial Group. Based on experiences in IT outsourcing
from Industrial Bank of Korea, Credit Card systems, bancassurance system, and credit overall financial system, IBK system
has developed and managed the business for financial institutions, including banks. As a partner to its clients, IBK System
provides total optimal IT services ranging from the consulting to the establishment and management of IT system. IBK
System has a large number of financial IT professionals and thus introduces the financial IT solution, which can actively
respond to changing financial IT environments, based on its various financial business experiences.
Mar 1991. Established IBK System Inc.
May 2007. Changed the company name into IBK System
May 2010. Acquired CMMI Lv. 4 (International Quality Certification)
Aug 2011. Acquired CMMI Lv. 5 (International Quality Certification)
Aug 2013. Created the new system for Deutsch Financial
May 2014. Created the next-generation IT system for Shinhan Capital Co., Ltd.
Jan 2015. Created the IT system for KICF
Apr 2016. Created the integrated computing system for IBK Credit Information
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Shinhan Capital Co., Ltd (Credit Finance Company), BNK Busan Bank (Financial Institution), Small & medium
Business Corporation (Public Institution), Credit Counseling and Recovery Service (Special Corporation), IBK
Industrial Bank (Financial Institution), DGB Daegu Bank (Financial Institution), National Research Foundation of
Korea (Public Institution), Korea Association of University, Research Institute and Industry (Interagency) and Hi
Capital (Credit Finance Company)
-Foreign Countries : BMW Financial Service Korea (Credit Finance Company)
Location 30, Songdomirae-ro, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon, Republic of Korea (Room No. 1703, Tower C, Songdo BRC Smart Valley Knowledge Industry Center)
ICB Inc. is an official agency of Alipay, and a partner company of Cainiao, a distribution subsidiary of Alibaba.
It provides B2C electronic payment and logistic services targeting China.
It introduced Alipay barcode payment for the first time in Korea, and launced ‘Qrick,’ which is Alipay QR payment service.
As it obtained a title to have the most volume offline transactions via application in Korea, its business is expanding stably
with barcode payment and QR scan payment services.
It opened Alipay center and operates now. It attracted 5 billion won from Hana Financial Group.
Jun 2013. The establishment of ICB Inc. and the establishment of Hong Kong branch.
Apr 2014. The conclusion of cooperation business agreement for Ali O2O barcode payment (ICB, Alipay and KICC) and
the establishment of enterprise R&D center.
Sep 2014. The attraction of 1.5 billion won investment and the registration as international freight forward business.
Jul 2016. The conclusion of Korean partnership agreement with Alipay Lifestyle and the conclusion of business
agreement for Alipay O2O QR Scan Payment.
Oct 2016. The launching of the world first Alipay Center in the Coex, the acquisition of PG license and the registration as
exchange business and foreign exchange trading institute.
Mar 2017. The attraction of 5 billion won investment from Hana Financial Investment.
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Ali Pay (Electronic Payment) and Alibaba (E-Commerce)
Imcglobal Inc.
Location 114, Beobwon-ro, Songpa-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Room No. 709, M State Tower B)
Form of
Main Service Software Development Fintech Area BlockChain B2B/B2C
IMCGlobal is a cryptocurrency exchange operator. It concludes and will conclude a partnership agreement with
exchanges in Korea and those of major countries around the world, starting from Korea into China, Dalian, Yanji, Weihai,
Hong Kong, Japan, the United States and furthermore G20 countries. In addition, it also focuses on the arbitrage (any
profit occurs by trading, when prices are different depending on the region), the cryptocurrency trading, the remittance
service, the global payment service and others.
May 2017. The establishment IMC Global Inc.
2017. The development of virtual currency exchange website.
2017. The import sales of mining machine.
Location 128, Gasan digital 1-ro, Geumcheon-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Room No. 1509, STX V-Tower)
Incumoney is a peer-to-peer financial platform operator.
Incumoney is a combination of 'incubator' and 'money', which means that 'we can safely can carefully grow your
investments by managing investments safely in incubators.’
Incumoney is comprised of specialists from investment, corporate finance, real estate finance, rental finance, installment
finance, and structured finance. Above all, it secures the stability of our investment assets by rigorous examination of the
repayment ability.
Jun 2016. The establishment of INCUMONEY CO., LTD.
Oct 2016. The launching of P2P loan management and investment profit distribution system
Dec 2016. The launching of first product worth 3.0 billion won (E-Land Group trade receivables)
Location 22, Seocho-daero 78-gil, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (5F, 2nd Hongwoo Building)
Form of
Main Service Unusual Sign Detection System Fintech Area Security/Authentication B2B
Infinigru has developed and supplies an unusual sign detection system.
Especially, Infinigru provides a hybrid system, which combines a rule-based detection method with a deep learning-
based detection method in the unusual sign detection system (including abnormal finance, loan fraud, network intrusion
detection, internal control, personal information leakage and anti-money laundering); Infinigru provided various solutions
to Yuanta Securities Korea Co., Ltd, KB Kookmin Card, SK Securities Smart Card and Shinhan Bank. It signed a partnership
agreement with several companies in Vietnam, and attracted the seed investment from Shinhan Card, SCI Evaluation
Information and GMB Investment.
Oct 2014. The establishment of Infinigru
May 2015. The conclusion of GruDFS agreement with Yuanta Securities
Oct 2016. The conclusion of startup growth technology development business agreement with Small and Medium
Business Administration
Mar 2017. The conclusion of GruDEEP agreement with KB Kookmin Card
Jul 2017. The conclusion of GruDEEP Hybrid agreement with SBI Savings Bank
Aug 2017. The conclusion of business partnership agreement with Vietnam HiPT, CMS Soft, Telsoft and Fintek
Aug 2017. The attraction of seed investment from Shinhan Card, SCI Information Service and GMB Investment.
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Yuanta Securities Korea Co., Ltd (financial institution), SK Securities Co., Ltd (financial institution), Shinhan Bank
(financial institution), SBI Savings Bank (financial institution), KB Kookmin Card Co., Ltd (financial institution) and
Smart Card Corporation (card business)
Location 53, Gasan digital 2-ro, Geumcheon-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Room No. 307, Hanla Sigma Valley)
INFINISOFT is a software developer for e-commerce. Since its establishment in September 2011, INFINISOFT has been
providing smartphone-based on-line and off-line payment solutions as well as on-line electronic payments payment
gateway system, and electronic financial intermediation solutions.
It has developed PayPal payment intermediation system in Samsung's smart TV environment. It has constructed payment
gate way with Paytus, Chung Ho Easy Cash, and Uniwill.
Sep 2011. The establishment of INFINISOFT
Dec 2011. The development of next-generation system for Mobilians (the part of credit card PG system)
Jan 2014. The implementation of paypal payment relay system for the smart TV environment for Samsung Electronics
Aug 2014. The development of android smart phone-based NFC simple payment solution for AT Solutions
Nov 2014. The consultation of registration into the electronic finance business. The conclusion of electronic payment
business agreement with WiseCare
Feb 2016. The consultation of registration into the electronic finance business. The development of integrated online PG
system for Paytus Inc.
Jun 2016. The implementation project of PG system for Chungho Easy Cash (Jun 20th ~ Nov 30th)
Nov 2016. The development of credit card PG system for Uniwill
Nov 2017. The registration as the electronic finance business
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Iksu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.(medicine), LG CNS (IT consulting), Yongpyeong Resort (Recreation), Ramada Hotel
(Lodging), Mando (Manufacturing), Chong Kun Dang Healthcare (Medicine), Green Cross Healthcare (Medicine),
Financial Management Corps (Military Salary Pension), Korea Business News CO., LTD (Economic Broadcasting),
Jangin Furniture (Wood Manufacturing Industry) and The Association of Korean Medicine (Oriental Medicine
Location 638, Seobusaet-gil, Geumcheon-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Room No. 703~704, Gasan Techno Town 7-cha)
Form of
Main Service Sonic code Fintech Area Payment/Settlement B2B/B2C
Infosonic is a technology company that provides a new type of authentication service by utilizing short-range wireless
communication technology. Infosonic solves the inconveniences of authentication in existing financial services based
on short-range wireless communication technology using a speaker and a microphone and complex authentication
technology. By providing optimized solutions for mobile users, it enhances security and convenience for financial
consumers, and provides value for customer satisfaction and cost reduction for financial providers. Infosonic has a
partnership with KEB Hana Bank, Shinhan Bank and Samsung Card.
Feb 2014. T he establishment of InfoSonic
Dec 2016. The participation into Beijing Fintech Demoday (Fintech Center)
Sep 2017. The participation into the 20th Fintech Demoday (Fintech Center)
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Shinhan Bank (financial institution), KEB Hana Bank (financial institution) and DGB Financial Group Co., Ltd.
(financial institution)
Form of
Main Service Social Robot Platform Service Fintech Area Others B2B/B2C
IPL is a venture company with its own technology in robotics field. Founded in March 2014, IPL is comprised of key
personnel who developed Android robots at KT and KIST. Its technologies encompass robotics design, design, hardware,
software, and service development environment. It provides new robot service in smart home environment and aims to
create global market by commercializing its robotics.
It won the '2016 Best Winner of the Industrial' award at the 'Reddot Design Award' at the global design awards. In the
early days of its foundation, the company attracted 2.5 billion won worth of Series A investments and was selected as an
excellent company by the Korea Credit Guarantee Fund 'First Penguin' to receive 1.4 billion won. After being established
as a government-sponsored enterprise, it received 2 billion won of fund. In 2016, it signed a supply contract worth $
14.48 million to China.
Mar 2014. The establishment of IPL Corp.
Jul 2015. The investment of overseas series A investment (USD 2,200,200$)
Nov 2016. The conclusion of robot supply agreement in China (USD 14,080,000$)
Dec 2016. The conclusion of MOU agreement with ‘Smart City Innovation’ in Russia.
Feb 2017. Selected as one of the Top 20 Startups of MWC Showcase in Spain.
Jul 2017. Selected as one of the Top 10 companies by KITAS.
Location Daechi-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Room No. 1201, Saman Building)
Form of
Main Service Instapay Fintech Area Payment/Settlement B2B
InstaPay is a mobile payment service provider.
It holds patents and intellectual property rights on not only electronic billing system but also notification and payments. It
has been registered as an electronic payment settlement agent. InstaPay aims to provide a mobile payment platform that
is linked to on-line and off-line services such as home shopping and online payment services.
Apr 2013. The establishment of Instapay
Aug 2015. The conclusion of MOU agreement for the open platform modeling with NH Fintech
Oct 2015. The award in Citi Mobile Challenge Pitch Day
2016. The development of mobile payment service, 'Instapay'
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : NH Nonghyup Bank (financial institution)
Location 112, Dogok-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (5F, Seohan Building, Dogok-dong)
Form of
Main Service Robo-Advisor Fintech Area Robo-Advisor B2B/B2C
Intelliquant Co. is a specialist in providing robo-adviser services to support individual investor's investment activities.
Intelliquant Co. has developed an integrated investment platform, a key technology for intelligent financial services,
based on which it supports Robo-Advisor and 'self-designed' investment services. It supported the launch of 'Icon',
a recommendation service of Korea Investment & Securities, and supported 'Smart Robo Q' online portfolio service
launched through Hanwha Securities. It has attracted investments from nTels and OneNP Partners.
Nov 2015. The foundation of Intelliquant Co.
May 2016. The attraction of investment from Ntels and Wonpartners
Jul 2016. The launching of Online Portfolio Service, ‘Smart Robo Q’, for Hanwha Investment & Securities Co., Ltd.
Aug 2016. Selected as Investment-matched Company Growth R&D Project (the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future
Feb 2017. The acquisition of Fund Support/Venture Company Certificate (Korea Technology Finance Corporation) and
the foundation of corporate R&D center.
Mar 2017. The beta service of chatbot service and DIY investment platform, ‘IntelliQuant Studio’
Jun 2017. The launching of Robot Recommendation Service, ‘ICON’, for Korea Investment & Securities Co., Ltd.
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Korea Investment & Securities Co., Ltd (financial institution), Hanwha Investment & Securities Co., Ltd (financial
institution), Acer Investment Consulting Company (investment consulting) and Korea Economy TV (Economy
Location 1922, Nambusunhwan-ro, Gwanak-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Room No. 701, Chung Dong Building)
IriTech is an end-to-end solution provider offering iris recognition equipment and matching software, and is
headquartered in Virginia, USA.
IriTech's iris recognition technology has been approved by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) of
the US government and UIDAI of the Government of India.
In 2010, its solution ranked the top for iris recognition accuracy evaluation conducted by NIST which evaluated all
companies that developed iris recognition technology. IriTech, which has been accredited by the US government, has
been providing iris recognition software for the US Department of Defense and the Customs and Border Protection
Agency since 2013. UIDAI's "Adhars" project in India uses iris recognition to provide more than 1.2 billion Indian people
with unique IDs, which also used IriTech technology.
IriTech has developed iris camera and software for mobile payment and is in the process of supplying to mobile
companies. It is also introducing mobile payment application using iris recognition. The company recently signed a
contract to supply iris solutions for mobile devices to Foxconn in Taiwan.
2000. The establishment of IreiTech Inc.
2004. The standardization of iris scan for ANSI, ISO and others.
2009. Selected as the best iris algorithm (IREX) by NIST.
2013. The supply of iris scan software to the US Navy and US Marine Corps.
2014. The acquisition of STQC authentication for UIDAI Authentication Device in India.
2015. Selected as the iris immigration system software by US Homeland Security.
2016. The conclusion of iris mobile solution supply agreement with Foxconn
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Samsung Group (Manufacturing)
-Foreign Countries : Toshiba (Semi-conductor), Gemalto (Security), Jaguar (Automobile), Denso (Automobile Part),
Sony (Manufacturing), Lenovo (IT Electronics), Boston University (Educational Institution) and Tyco
International Ltd (security)
Location 272, Digital-ro, Guro-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Room No. 1201, Hansin IT Tower)
Irisys is a specialist in iris recognition. Its own iris recognition technology that acquired the international certification
of FIDO (Fast Identity Online) has been combined with a variety of applications. Based on its unique ultra-light iris
recognition algorithm and fuzzy hashing encryption technology, it has been certified by Korea Internet Promotion
Agency in Korea. International biometric industry standards FIDO's UAF and U2F certification have earned the company
recognition in biometrics. In 2016, a research and development center were established within IIIT-Delhi University in
India. The company has attracted investment from Korea Venture Investment, KDB Industrial Bank, etc.
2012. Acquired ISO9001/14001 certificate for the quality management authentication system
2013. Established the R&D center
2014. Developed the mobile iris-recognition security system
2014. Attracted the angel investment from Korea Venture Investment
2016. Awarded the silver prize in ‘2015 Innovation Award’ (Global Mobile Vision)
2016. Developed the IIIT-Delhi University R&D center in India
2016. Acquired the FIDO U2F/UAF Certificate for Iris-recognition Portable Device
2017. Acquired the FIDO UAF Certificate
2017. Attracted the investment from KDB Industrial Bank
iRobo Co., Ltd.
Location 719, Samseong-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (3F, Gyeongdeok Building)
Form of
Main Service iRobo Alpha Fintech Area Robo-Advisor B2C/B2B
iRobo Co., the Fin-tech company that provides system and algorithm technologies of ‘iRobo,’ which is robo-advisor
service launched by Value Asset Management Inc.
Since incorporated on May 2016, it has offered iRobo service and passed the Robo Advisor Test Bed through the
consortium with Value System Asset Management Inc. on April 2017.
The company submitted an application form of financial investment business to Financial Services Commission on Aug
2017 so that it can run business of Robo advisor for itself. Turning into the investment and finance company, the company
will expand to be an independent robo-advisor service provider.
Nov 2015. The launching of iRobo Website in Value System Asset Management Inc.
Mar 2016. The launching of iRobo Alpha for DB Securities Co. and the release of iRobo R1~R5 for Hyundai Securities Co.
May 2016. The establishment of iRobo Inc.
May 2016. The launching of Value iRobo ‘ETF Lab’ for SK Securities Co., Ltd.
Nov 2016. The participation into ‘KOREA IT EXPO’ by KOTRA and the announcement of Hackaton Robo Advisor in
Tokyo, Japan.
Jan 2017. The collaboration meeting for Robo Advisor with Japanese security firms (Mizuho Securities, UFJ Morgan
Stanly Securities and SMBC Nikko Securities)
Mar 2017. The launching of Robo Advisory Public Offering Fund (‘DB Value iRobo Advisor’) for DB Asset Management Co., Ltd.
May 2017. The pass of Robo-Advisor Test Bed (Financial Services Commission)
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : KB Kookmin Bank (Financial Institution), Mirae Asset Dawoo (Financial Institution), Shinhan Investment Corp.
(Financial Institution), Dongbu Securities (Financial Institution), KB Securities (Financial Institution), Dongbu Asset
Management (Financial Institution), SK Securities (Financial Institution), Hana Financial Investment Co., LTD
(Financial Institution) and Korea Investment & Securities Co., Ltd. (Financial Institution)
Location 81, Tongil-ro, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (15F, Imgwang Building)
Ivy Solutions develops and supplies a variety of convergence services using its POS platform for affiliated members.
Founded in December 2014, Ivy Solutions is a mobile platform service centered on stores.
Ivy Solutions is expanding alliances with major financial institutions such as Shinhan Card, Samsung Electronics, KEB Hana
Card and DGB Daegu Bank.
The company recently developed POS Banking Service, which enables POS to be used as a banking system, and it
provides related solutions to IBK. Ivy Solutions was selected as a company to cultivate 'IBK Financial Group Pin Tech
Dream Lab 3' in recognition of its on-line and off-line technology.
Dec 2014. The foundation of Ivy Solutions Inc.
Sep 2015. The conclusion of business cooperation agreement with Shinhan Card (App Card Bluetooth Payment)
Mar 2016. The conclusion of business cooperation agreement with Samsung Electronics.
May 2016. The conclusion of business cooperation agreement for the payment service with DGB U-pay (Daegu
Transportation Card).
Jul 2016. The acquisition of Multi-pad 'Quick Pass' Certificate (UNION PAY).
Sep 2016. The conclusion of business cooperation agreement with KEB Hana Card.
Nov 2016. The conclusion of business cooperation agreement with Daegu Bank (ATM Service).
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Shinhan Card (Financial Institution), DGB Upay (Transportation Card), KEB Hana Card (Financial Institution) and
Daegu Bank (Financial Institution)
JC1 Corporation
Location 234, Beotkkot-ro, Geumcheon-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Room No. 1703)
Form of
Main Service Paperless E-Form Fintech Area Others B2B/B2C
INFINISOFT is a software developer for e-commerce. Since its establishment in September 2011, INFINISOFT has been
providing smartphone-based on-line and off-line payment solutions as well as on-line electronic payments payment
gateway system, and electronic financial intermediation solutions.
It has developed PayPal payment intermediation system in Samsung's smart TV environment. It has constructed payment
gate way with Paytus, Chung Ho Easy Cash, and Uniwill.
Apr 2004. The establishment of JC1 Corporation
Jun 2007. The approval of anex laboratory establishment from Korea Industrial Technology Association
Oct 2011. The registration as paperless E-form software
Jun 2012. The acquisition of Green Technology Certificate (The Ministry of Knowledge Economy)
Nov 2013. The award of Grand Prize for the IT Inovation (Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning)
Oct 2016. The acquisition of ‘Hi Smart E Form’ GS certificate.
Feb 2017. Selected as a High Seoul Brand (Seoul Business Agency)
May 2017. The conclusion of partnership agreement with SDN Corp. in Malaysia
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Korea Digital Content Association (Industry Research) and Seoul Business Agency (SME Support)
Location 28, Digital-ro 30-gil, Guro-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (9F, Mario Tower)
JTNet is a provider of Value Added Network and electronic payment services.
In order to achieve continuous growth, JTNet is focusing on developing stable and reliable credit card VAN services,
developing and supplying credit card terminals and POS solutions, and developing additional services. In addition, the
company is seeking to differentiate itself from its competitors by exploiting various businesses of hybrid concept through
alliances with heterogeneous industries, as well as new financial services based on credit card VAN services and new
businesses in advanced financial and telecommunication sectors. JTNet provides a total sales management consulting
service based on its basic VAN service to increase sales of merchants.
Sep 1993. The establishment of JTNet
Apr 1995. The conclusion of credit card approval service agreement with all 25 domestic card companies in Korea
Apr 2007. The change of company name into JTNET
Dec 2013. The acquisition of Information Security Management System certificate (ISMS)
Dec 2014. Transfered into the subsidiary of YellowMobile.
Jan 2015. The launching of PG service 'tPay'
Jul 2016. The BW investment attraction of 20 billion
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Shinhan Card (Financial Institution), Samsung Card (Financial Institution), KB Kookmin Card (Financial Institution),
Jeonbuk Bank (Financial Institution), Hyundai Card (Financial Institution), Olleh KT (Telecommunication), SK
Telecom (Telecommunication), LG U+ (Telecommunication), National Tax Administration (Government Agency),
Danal Inc. (Online Information Provider) and #The Zone (current The Zone Biz On) (Application Software)
Kakaopay is a mobile payment service provider.
In April of 2017, Kakaopay was established as an independent corporation after having provided a payment service within
Kakao. It is expanding service areas to simple remittance, authentication service, issuance of Kakaopay cards.
Kakaopay attracted $ 200 million in investment from Ant Financial in February 2017. As of October 2017, the number of
cumulative subscribers exceeded 20 million.
Sep 2014. The launching of simple payment service
May 2015. The launching of affiliated check card
Feb 2016. The launching of ‘Kakaopay Bill’, EBPP service based on mobile messenger
Apr 2016. The launching of simple remittance service
Sep 2016. The payment support of car subscription money
Jan 2017. Making public payment API
Feb 2017. The investment attraction of $ 200 million from Ant Financial
Apr 2017. The establishment of Kakaopay as an independent corporation
Jun 2017. The launching of authorization service
Oct 2017. The breakthrough of cumulative number of 20 million members
Jan 2018. The launching of Kakaopay card
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Interpark (Internet Shopping Mall), Woori Bank (Financial Institution), KB Kookmin Bank (Financial Institution),
NH Nonghyup Bank (Financial Institution), Shinhan Bank (Financial Institution), KEB Hana Bank (Financial
Institution), Kakao Bank (Financial Institution), Standard Chartered First Bank (Financial Institution), KDB Industrial
Bank (Financial Institution) and others.
- Foreign Countries : Alipay (Simple Remittance/Payment)
Location 33, Jong-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (19th, 1Q Lab, Grand Seoul Building Tower 1, Chungjin-dong)
Form of
Main Service INIpay and KPAY Fintech Area Payment/Settlement B2B/B2C
KG INCIS CO., LTD operates Payment Gateway business and leads the domestic market with 35% market share. KG INCIS
CO., LTD plays a role of connecting transactions among buyers, sellers (shopping malls), and financial institutions at the
point of contact with the online payment market.
Established in 1998, KG INCIS CO., LTD has led the field of electronic payment from 2003 and placed itself as the leading
brand of Payment Gateway in Korea. As the market of online shopping has grown tremendously, the PG market for the
electronic payment business is also expanding along. Especially, business has been boosted by rapid growth of simple
payment service market since 2015.
KG INCIS Co., Ltd. has more than 120,000 franchisees and is showing a continuously increasing trend. Also, acquiring
Cage Alltel on September 2016, strengthened increasing number of clients. In addition to the PG business, the company
has begun the offline VAN business and diversified the business field by investing in Eight Percent, a P2P company, and
K-Bank, a online bank.
Nov 1998. The establishment of Incis
Dec 2002. Listed on KOSDAQ
Jul 2003. The business expansion into the virtual currency market
Mar 2009. The conclusion of affiliated service agreement with Google
Sep 2011. The transfer into Incis KG Group
Dec 2014. The merger of Dongbu Delivery
Nov 2015. The approval of preminary license for Internet Specialized Bank K Bank Consortium
Apr 2016. The conclusion of PG solution business agreement with Russian and Kazakhstan governments
Jun 2017. The establishment of Russian Branch.
Oct 2017. The disposal of KG Logistics, one of its distribution subsidary companies.
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Shinhan Card Co., Ltd. (Credit Finance Institution), SAMSUNG CARD Co., Ltd. (Credit Finance Institution), KB
Kookmin Card Co., Ltd. (Credit Finance Institution), Jeon Buk Bank (Credit Finance Institution), BC Card (Credit
Finance Institution), Hyundai Card Co., Ltd. (Credit Finance Institution), Cafe24 Corp. (E-commerce Platform),
Asadal (System Development), Gabia Inc. (IT Solution) and Settle Bank (Electronic Finance Solution)
KG Mobilians
Location 660, Daewangpangyo-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea (5F, U Space 1A, Sampyeong-dong)
KG Mobilians is a mobile payment service provider. Since the establishment in 2000, it has been pioneering the field
of mobile payment service. In 2004, it was selected as a "fast growing company in Asia" by a consulting firm, Deloitte
Touche Tohmatsu Limited. After incorporated into KG Group in 2011, it has strengthened and affirmed its position as
a leader in the mobile payment market. The company successfully issued 100 billion won worth of ABS (asset-backed
security) in 2016.
Mar 2000. Established KG Mobilians
May 2000. Changed the company name into Mobilians
Jun 2002. Registered the patent of phone payment service
Dec 2004. Listed on KOSDAQ
Dec 2004. Selected ‘500 Fast Growing Companies in Asia’ by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited
Sep 2011. Transferred into KG Group
Nov 2016. Issued 100 billion won worth of Asset-backed security (ABS)
Apr 2017. Concluded a supply agreement for Phone OTP Authentication Solution with K Bank
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : SK Telecom (Telecommunication Company), KT (Telecommunication Company), LG U+ (Telecommunication
Company), KAKAO (IT Service), EBAY (E-commerce), 11st (E-commerce), GODO (IT Service), Café 24 (IT Service),
NHN Entertainment (IT Company) and Make Shop (IT Service)
Location 220, Yeongsin-ro, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (19F, KnK Digital Tower)
Form of
Main Service Electronic Financial Service Fintech Area Payment/Settlement B2B/B2C
KIBNET is a financial VAN business operator based on bank accounts.
It is a medium-sized company, which has secured a network of all banks in Korea and grown into a specialized Fin-
tech company in various electronic financial solutions and payment systems (including automatic transfers and virtual
accounts) based on the bank accounts.
KIBNET provides high-quality digital financial services to more than 500 public institutions and mid-to-large-sized
companies by integrating various e-banking solutions based on KIBNET’s own e-financial services and management
know-hows, which were accumulated over years.
Currently, KIBNET is working on developing Fin-tech application solutions (including financial transaction relaying service,
ARS authentication and account-based simple payment) based on the relay engine and the standard professional
configuration technology for linking with financial institutions and companies.
Sep 2000. The establishemnt of KIBNET
Jul 2002. Selected as the technology innovative small business
May 2003. The certificate of venture company certificate for new tehcnology company
Jun 2007. The registration as the electronic finance business (Financial Supervisory Service)
Oct 2012. The development of next-generation system and the integration of centers
Jan 2016. The launching of ARS certificate service (Withdraw Consent)
Feb 2016. The launching of Check Pay Application (Simple Receipt)
Apr 2017. The association with GS Home Shopping (Direct Payment)
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Kyongnam Bank (Financial Institution), Kwangju Bank (Financial Institution), KB Kookmin Bank (Financial
Institution), IBK Industrial Bank (Financial Institution), National Federation of Fisheries Cooperatives (Financial
Institution), Daegu Bank (Financial Institution), BNK Busan Bank (Financial Institution), KDB Industrial Bank
(Financial Institution), National Federation of Fisheries Cooperatives (Financial Institution), MG Saemaeul Finance
Firm (Financial Institution) and Shinhan Bank (Financial Institution)
KN company
Location 201, Daegudae-ro, Jillyang-eup, Gyeongsan-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Republic of Korea (Room No. 1201A)
Form of
Main Service LOBIG Fintech Area Others B2B
KN Company is a start-up that provides services that utilize Big Data Artificial Intelligence to the real estate finance
KN Company provides current market’s price information on unstructured real estate (coalition and multi-generational). It
provides Fin-tech solutions to banks by offering non-face-to-face services on quotes for small apartment houses that are
in a very unfavorable position in terms of financial services, and mortgage loans asset monitoring.
Representative services include LOBIG, a big data based real estate analysis system. It collects real estate data, calibrate
and analyze by A.I.
KN Company signed a partnership agreement with Busan Bank in 2017 to cooperate in the field of Fin-tech and was
selected as the "2017 Big Data Flagship Pilot Project" organized by the future creation science department.
May 2015. The foundation of KNcompany Co.
Jun 2016. The launching of <LOBIG>, a market price information service for row houses and multi-family houses.
Jul 2016. Selected as the First Penguin Startup (Korea Technology Finance Corporation)
Apr 2017. The conclusion of MOU agreement for the development of innovative fintech-based business model and joint
enterprise with Busan Bank
Jun 2017. Selected as 2017 Big Data Flagship Demonstration Project (the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning)
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Daegu Center for Creative Economy and Innovation (Government Agency), Shinhan Bank (Financial Institution),
Shinhan Financial Holding Company (Financial Institution), Busan Bank (Financial Institution), Shinhan Data
System (Financial Institution), Samsung Venture Investment (Financial Institution), Colorful Daegu (Local Festival),
Daegu University (Financial Institution) and Web Watch (Authentication Institution)
Location 271, Digital-ro, Guro-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Room No. 305)
Form of
Main Service Internet Bookkeeper Fintech Area Others B2B
Kocore is a company that focuses on the integration of public institution systems. Korea Gas Safety Corporation, Energy
Technology Evaluation and Management, and Industrial Technology Evaluation and Management are its major clients.
Kocore has been focusing on the Fin-tech business since 2016. Based on the know-how accumulated through the
construction of MIS and PMS for many public institutions, Kocore has been providing Internet cash map, mobile book
money map, and open platform tax map.
Kocore's tax map suggests accounting outsourcing that shares the system so that outsourced person can connect
to system at home and work for accounting. Through the outsourcing of accounting that starts at half of cost of the
paycheck of the entry-level accounting for companies that are in need of cost reduction, more specialized tax accountants
aim to provide high-quality consulting services in high-level accounting business processing.
Mar 2009. The establishment of RCI Soft Corp. (C.E.O. Lee Geun Young)
2010. The participation into the development of Woori Bank Budget Management System
May 2013. The establishment of server system for many public enterprises (including Korea Energy Management
Corporation, Korea Gas Safety Corporation and Korea Occupational Safety and Healthy Agency).
Sep 2016. The launching of Happy Internet Account Book Service, ‘Cash Map’.
Jul 2017. The launching of Online Tax Agency Open Platform Service, ‘Tax Map’.
Aug 2017. The lauching of SME Mobile Business Management Service, ‘Money Map’.
Sep 2017. The organization of National Tax Support Group, ‘Tax Map’.
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Solbipos Corp. (POS), Dongan Tax Corp. (Tax Firm), NH Nonghyup Bank (Financial Institution), Samsung Card
Co., Ltd (Financial Institution), Givtech Co., Ltd (Financial Data Platform) and Smemo Corp. (Memo Application)
Kona I Inc.
Location 3, Eunhaeng-ro, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (8F, Excon Venture Tower)
Kona I is specialized in providing Fin-tech related total solutions and platforms. Based on its proprietary IC chip operating
system (OS), it is engaged in platform business that provides related business, settlement, authentication, security and
video related solutions for communication, finance, and public sector.
Established in 1998, Kona I developed and commercialized a bus-subway integrated transportation card system for the
first time in Korea. Since 2005, it has developed solutions for all areas related to the operating system and smart card use
of our own IC chips and supplied them to the world under the brand name "KONA".
Currently, it carries businesses in IC chip related business supplying communication, finance, and public sector, and
platform business providing the solutions of settlement, authentication, security and video (including Visa, MasterCard,
JCB and Amex) to meet the needs of its customers.
Mar 1998. The foundation of KTB Technology
1999. The development and commercialization of transportation card system for the first time in Korea.
Apr 2004. Received “Advanced Card Awards” for the third consecutive year in United Kingdom.
Mar 2004. Supplied a global platform-based java card (Kona) to Busan Bank
Jul 2004. Acquired ISO9001:2000 quality management system
2005. Acquired the quality certificate for Cash IC Applet (Korea Financial Telecommunications & Clearings)
Apr 2012. Changed the company name into KONA I
Affiliated Organization
-Foreign Countries : Oracle, JCB (Financial Institution), Union Pay (Financial Institution), American Express (Financial
Institution), Visa (Financial Institution), Master Card (Financial Institution), Diners Club (Financial
Institution), GSMA and Acuon Capital (Financial Institution)
Form of
Main Service Korbit Exchange Fintech Area BlockChain B2C/B2B
Korbit operates a crypto exchange. It supports alt coin transactions (including Bitcoin, Etherium, Litecoin, Monero, Zcash,
Augur and Dash) in its own crypto exchange. Korbit is the oldest operator in the industry, and thus it has accumulated
several years of experience and secured stable servers and top-notch security systems. With more than 90% service levels
record from customer service center, it provide faster and more professional consulting services.
2013. The establishment of Korbit
2014. The launching of KRW-Bit Coin Exchange.
2015. The launching of overseas remittance receipt service, ‘Bitwire’.
2016. The launching of supply service for Ethereum and Ripple
2016. The launching of overseas remittance service, ‘HYPHEN’.
2017. The launching of Steam payment exchange service (including Monero, Dash, Light Coin, Zcash and Augur)
2017. Merged into NXC Corp.
Korea Credit Data
Location 607, Yeongdong-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (6F, Landmark Building)
Form of
Main Service Cash Note Fintech Area FInance Platform B2B
Korea Credit Data is a software developer that deals with business transaction information. Cashnote is a simple
accounting service for small and medium-sized businesses. Cashnote has been evaluated as offering a new paradigm
to the small and medium-sized business management market because all functions are available only with KakaoTalk.
It has proved convenience and excellence of Cashnote several times in that it can easily view and manage financial
and accounting information with mobile messenger. Business agreements with big companies such as Kakao, KT, and
Dongwon Home Food are also increasing. It was awarded the Ministry of Finance and Economy Minister's Prize, and it
attracted 4 billion won of investments from Kakao.
Apr 2016. The establishment of Korea Credit Data
Apr 2017. The launching of CashNote
Oct 2017. The conclusion of the exclusive partnership with Kakao (The business financial accounting solution)
Nov 2017. The achievement of 30 thousand customer companies
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Kakao (IT Company), Olleh KT (Telecommunication Company) and KB Financial Group (Financial Institution)
Location 177, Yeoksam-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (3F, Sohyeon Building)
Korea Smart Authentication is leading the mobile based FIDO market as the partner of Daon Corp. which is global No.1
company in the FIDO platform. Its solution adopts various biometric authentication methods such as fingerprint, face,
voice, iris and others, and it provides services safely through KTNET, which is a national certification institution. Also, it is
focusing on expanding additional authentication methods such as voice, PIN (password), pattern to increase customer’s
selection pool.
Finally, it developed image recognition solution using deep learning by investing to A.I. area and are studying to expand
the application area. We possess 3 patents in authentication part and 5 patents in the same shape cipher part through
R&D investment.
May 2015. The establishment of Korea Smart Authentication Corp.
Oct 2015. The conclusion of agreement for the rights of using FIDO Software with Korea Appraisal Board
Oct 2015. The conclusion of strategic partership agreement with Daon Corp.
Apr 2016. The conclusion of the investment atrraction from Seoul Univ. Technology Holding Company
Apr 2016. Selected as a business of developing the information security source core technology by Ministry of Science,
ICT and Future Planning.
Apr 2016. The conclusion of MOU agreement of Mobile FIDO Service with KTNET.
Jan 2017. The conclusion of strategic partership agreement with A.I. Specialized Company, ‘Neurodigm Corp.’
Feb 2017. The conclusion of agreement for the right of using FIDO Software with BonaBank Ltd.
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : On Trade (E-Commerce Solution), KSIC (Geographic Information System), Incheon U City (Urban Infrastructure
Construction), OCTATCO (Biometric Information Record) and KTNET (Trading IT)
Korea Smart ID Co., Ltd.
Location 242, Pangyo-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea (Room No.503, Building A, Pangyo Digital Center)
Mobile ID Form of
Main Service Fintech Area Security/Authentication B2B
Fingerprint Smart Card Business
Korea Smart ID is a specialist in security certification. It provides solutions to provide convenient and reliable services
to customers in the rapidly growing mobile payment market every year. Korea Smart ID is spreading fingerprint cards
which have high security and convenience in payment and personal authentication. It is the first company in Korea to
commercialize fingerprint authentication smart card, and it started service through Woori Bank. Korea's Smart ID's body
security certification system, which has high security and excellent technology, has been recognized worldwide as being
adopted as a certification program of the United Nations.
Nov 2013. The establishment of Korea smart ID Co., Ltd.
Apr 2015. The application of patent for the payment system using smart card and NFC communication.
Dec 2015. The commercialization of fingerprint recognition smart card.
Nov 2016. The acquisition of financial IC quality certificate for fingerprints smart cards.
Dec 2016. The acquisition of patent for 'Electronic Signature Method using FIDO Authentication Module'.
Jan 2017. The conclusion of fingerprint smart card supply agreement for Istanbul taxi driver's license with TAM Inc. in
Apr 2017. The conclusion of fingerprint authentication card supply agreement with UN and UN-affiliated organizations.
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Open Cyber University of Korea (Educational Institution), Woori Bank (Financial Institution), Korea Online
Procurement System (Government Agency), KOREA ELECTRONIC CERTIFICATION AUTHORITY (Public
Certificate Service), Korean Financial Telecommunications and Clearings Institute (Financial Institution)
-Foreign Countries : Jinco Universal (Smart Card)
Location 550, Nonhyeon-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (2F, WooSeung Building)
Form of
Main Service P2P loan brokerage service Fintech Area P2P Finance B2C
Korea Funding provides loan services and develops and supplies application software related to securities information.
By combining OTC stocks, which were difficult to handle in the existing financial sector, with P2P financing, it will help the
borrowing companies grow and generate profits for investors. Korea Funding is in the process of P2P financial integration
platform, which provides P2P loan business and all information and services of companies, products, investments,
community, analysis etc. of over 100 P2P companies. In addition, Korea Funding is building an integrated platform to
support P2P loan brokerage, unlisted stock information, trading, brokerage and investment.
Nov 2015. The launching of Korea Funding Platform, a P2P finance platform.
Sep 2016. The launching of P2P Financial Mall for Korea Economy TV.
Jun 2017. The launching of P2P Star
Form of
Main Service 90days Fintech Area P2P Finance B2B
KROSS is online brokerage service provider for investments. It is a joint venture with 50.1% from Muhak Group and
49.9% of Koscom Inc.
KROSS operates an open platform called ninetydays which connects investors and borrowers in form of electronic bill as
a collateral.
It attracted 5 billion won from Muhak Group, Blackswan, and others.
Mar 2017. The establishment of KROSS Inc.
Jul 2017. The registration of financing loan business by Financial Services Commission
Jul 2017. The start of P2P 90days, an online electric bill security loan service.
Sep 2017. The corporation commodity investment of 50,000,000,000 Won from Koscom, Muhak Inc. and Black Swan
Inc. (Largest in the industry)
Oct 2017. The achievement of total loan 30,000,000,000 Won
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : KOSKOM (Finance IT), Starbank (Finance IT), NICE Information Service Co., Ltd. (Credit-rating Institution),
Shinhan Bank (Financial Institution), The Zone (ERP) and Smart Lime (Financial Management)
Location 16, Digital-ro 32ga-gil, Guro-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Room No. 1301, Partners Tower 2-cha)
Form of
Main Service ‘Eximbay’ Payment Service Fintech Area Payment/Settlement B2B
KRPartners Inc. is an international payment service provider. Founded in 2006, KRPartners Inc. is the first international
payment PG company in Korea to operate 'EXIMBAY', a global offshore settlement service brand that can be used in
China and Japan.
KRPartners Inc. has established a strategic partnership with global payment companies around the world and supports
Visa, MasterCard, JCB, Amex, and CUP online card payments covering over 90% of global card usage worldwide. In
addition, it provides the most used overseas payment method in Korea (including Alipay and Tenpei in China and the
convenience store settlement in Japan), which are specialized in country-specific payment services.
Since establishing a local subsidiary in Singapore, KRPartners has been operating various Fin-tech-based financing
businesses using the PG business with overseas branches in Japan, Hong Kong and Thailand.
May 2007. Concluded the business cooperation agreement with Alipay in China
Dec 2007. Concluded the business cooperation agreement with WorldPay in Singapore and ClickandBuy in United
Aug 2011. Launched the first online DCC (Dynamic Currency Conversion) service in Korea
Dec 2012. Introduced CyberSource (a subsidary of VISA Corp.) - Decision Manager
Apr 2014. Signed a electronic payment service agreement with E-context in Japan
Mar 2015. Lanched the service for China Union Pay, a global card brand.
Feb 2017. Released We POP, a WeChat-based QR Code Payment Service.
Feb 2017. Registered the patent for hotel-related (G-Billing) payment solution.
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Hana Card (Financial Institution), Lotte Card (Financial Institution), BC Card (Financial Institution), Samsung Card
(Financial Institution) and EB Coin ((Financial Institution)
-Foreign Countries : Visa (Financial Institution), Master Card (Financial Institution), JCB (Financial Institution), Union Pay
(Financial Institution), Paypal (Payment Service) and Line Corp. (Mobile Messenger)
Location 70, Dusan-ro, Geumcheon-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Room No. 1906, Tower A, Hyundai Knowledge Industrial Center)
Form of
Main Service Smart Sign Fintech Area Security/Authentication B2B/B2C
KTB solution is a IoT specialized technology company. It provides a two or more biometrics combined authentication
service, rather than a single-factor authentication service, to enhance authentication security.
KTB solution is taking a leading role in the USID (Unique Secure Identity) Alliance, a consultative body which establishes
global standards for biometric authentication. In Korea, it has concluded a MOU agreement with IBK to promote and
cooperate with.
2008. The establishment of KTB Solution
2010. The development of system for Korea Financial Telecommunications and Clearings Institute, NH Nonghyup Bank,
Shinhan Bank and Hana Bank.
2014. The preparation for the launching of FDS market service model.
2015. The award of 'World No.1 Best Authentication Solution Award' in the CITI MOBILE CHALLENGE
2016. The advancement into FINOLAB, one of the Japanese leading fintech centers.
2016. The advancement into 'LEVEL 39' in the England.
2016. The award of Grand Prize in 'K-Global Silicon Valley 2016' competition.
Location 22-7, Seochojungang-ro 22-gil, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Room No. 201, 2F)
Form of
Main Service P2P Estate Finance Fintech Area P2P Finance B2C
Ladder Funding is a P2P real estate finance platform company. Its name means a providing a ladder to a client for his/her
finance. The Ladder Funding is established by branch managers of Shinhan Bank and it targets to accumulate 100 billion
won in funding until 2021, to enter top 5 market leader.
The company is working closely with real estate development and corporate finance specialists to establish a network
organization with real estate loan experts (investment advisory, asset management, architecture, development, IT, legal
affairs, etc.)
Aug 2016. The foundation of Ladder Funding .
Mar 2017. The release of first P2P estate security loan product.
Jun 2017. The registration into Korea P2P Financial Association
Aug 2017. The completion to pre-register DDoS Cyber Shelter.
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Uni Asset (Investment Consulting) and Korea P2P Finance Association (Public Institution)
Lang Partners
Form of
Main Service Fund-lang Fintech Area P2P Finance B2B
Lang Partners operates a real estate P2P (peer to peer) platform under the name of Fundlang. Real estate has been
recognized as a stable asset, as it is based on a limited land; however, the amount of transaction is relatively large
and the complex nature of real estate has limited information exchange and requires expertise in investment analysis.
Lang Partners is consisted of a CEO, who previous managed real estate management from Korea’s largest real estate
management firm, Aegis Asset Management, and real estate specialists including executives of alternative investment
management companies in major domestic asset management companies, and representatives of alternative investment
in commercial banks and architects. Lang Partners entered into a strategic business agreement with Fidelis Asset
Management, an alternative investment-specialized company, and attracted investments.
Jun 2014. The foundation of Lang Partners Inc.
Apr 2017. The registration as a regular member in Korea P2P association.
Jun 2017. The development of third-party deposit special storage system with NH Nonghyp Bank.
Jun 2017. The completion of pre-registration for DDoS Cyber Shelter
Nov 2017. The conclusion of MOU agreement with Fidelis Asset Management
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Fidelise Asset Management (P2P Finance)
Representative Kim Seong-hwan and Park Soo-hwan Incorporation Date Nov 21st, 2013
Location 10, Gukjegeumyung-ro, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (19F, Three IFC)
Leevi is a big data analysis firm that uses online text-mining solutions to analyze unstructured data collected online. The
firm is established in 2104 by online data scientists. In the first year of its establishment, it was selected as a future ICT
promising technology project by the Ministry of the Future Creation Science and Technology. Currently, it is introducing
online comments analysis services such as 'Catch Comments' and 'Media Lens'. The company have conducted data
analysis for various industries such as media, public, manufacturing, and finance and it also provides analysis for various
purposes such as policy analysis, public opinion survey, marketing research, and credit evaluation.
It also introduced an intelligent chatbot service based on natural language processing technology that uses the language
as if it were interpreting and speaking people's words.
Nov 2013. The establishment of Leevi Inc. and selected as a promised global ICT technology company by Ministry of
Science, ICT and Future Planning.
May 2014. The launching of online public opinion analysis service for election camps, 'Catch Comment'.
Jul 2014. The launching of online public opinion analysis service for enterprises, 'Catch Comment'.
May 2016. The launching of online big data-based research product.
Jul 2016. The conclusion of business cooperation agreement for 112 reporting center data analysis with Bundang police
Sep 2016. The establishment of credit report auto-writing system
Nov 2016. The establishment of intelligent chatbot platform
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Bundang Police Office
Lending Science
Location 20, Gukjegeumyung-ro, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (10F, Yulchon Building)
Form of
Main Service Apollo 11 Fintech Area P2P Finance B2C
Lending Science is a P2P platform company, which works for linking individuals, corporate investors and borrowers,
not financial institutions. Through Lending Science, borrowers receive funds from our investors while investors receive
principals and interests from borrowers. Also, Lending Science is realizing new data algorithms based our rich experiences
in the financial risk, marketing, development of credit evaluation model from non-financial data, the collection technology
of big data, and the automated screening system. As a subsidiary of Finger, which is a fintech provider of internet and
mobile banking platform solutions, Lending Science developed Apollo 11, which is characterized by the medium interest
credit loan and the paperless and instant payment, based on own technical support.
Jun 2016. The foundation of Lending Science Inc.
Oct 2016. The launching of P2P loan product, 'Apollon 11'.
Nov 2016. The conclusion of MOU agreement with Acuon Capital.
Mar 2017. The conclusion of business cooperation agreement with SM Credit Information.
May 2017. The conclusion of trusteeship agreement with Shinhan Bank
Jul 2017. The completion of pre-registration for DDOS Cyber Shelter.
Sep 2017. The release of real estate security loan investment product
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Korea P2P Financial Association (Public Institution), Acuon (Financial Institution), SM Credit Information (Credit
Information) and Shinhan Bank (Financial Institution)
Location 37, Maebongsan-ro, Mapo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (7F, DMC Industry University R&D Center)
Lending Talk is a P2P financial platform company created by professionals, who have rich financial experiences, seeking
to answer how to reduce the time and cost of clients and provide lower interest rates, reasonable limits and return rates
stably. Lending Talk aims to benefit as many customers as possible by offering better transaction and service environment
for everyone in the online loan market. Lending Talk is growing as a safe and reliable P2P financial company, which
abides by related legal regulations and discloses the information clearly. As a P2P platform business, it owns a subsidiary
company, "Lending Talk Loan", to provide loan services to customers using loan products. Lending Talk does not engage
in the general loan-related business; however, the company performs only the loan business for our Lending Talk
Aug 2015. Established Lending Talk Inc.
Aug 2016. Selected as a supporting business by Seoul Business Agency
Apr 2017. Completed to develop the system of Lending Talk Platform
Jan 2017. Established Lending Talk Loan
Nov 2017. Released Lending Talk service
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Seoul Business Agency (Government Agency), Shinhan Bank (financial institution) and NH Nonghyup Bank
(financial institution)
Form of
Main Service LENDIT Fintech Area P2P Finance B2C
Lendit Inc. is a P2P financial company established on March 23, 2015. Under vision of 'incorporate finance into
technology', the company provides all services as non-face-to face online services, leading to innovation in the financial
industry. Based on a self-developed review and evaluation model (Lendit Scoring System), Lendit Inc. calculates
personalized reasonable interest rates for all borrowers and provides a medium-rate interest loan, minimum interest
rate of 4.5%, and an average of plus or minus 10%. In order to match borrowers and investors, we are developing and
providing a real-time diversified investment recommendation system based on sophisticated big data analysis.
As of October 10, 2017, the cumulative loan amount of Lendit Inc. is 73.2 billion won, which is the largest number of
personal credit loan among P2P financial companies.
Mar 2015. Established Lendit Inc.
May 2015. Released Lendit Loan Service
Aug 2016. Released 'Portfolio 2.0', a real-time diversified investment recommendation system
Feb 2017. Awarded for Corporate Identity and Branding area in IF Design Award 2017 and Communication Design.
Apr 2017. Cooperated with BNP PARIBAS CARDIF Inc.
May 2017. Released Lendit Daily Automatic Investment Service
May 2017. Attracted Series B Investment and Cooperated with Shinhan Bank.
Oct 2017. Ranked as 1st in the Korea P2P Financial Personal Credit Loan.
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : NICE Information Service Co., Ltd. (Credit Rating), Shinhan Bank (Financial Institution) and BNP PARIBAS CARDIF
(Financial Business)
Location 200, Yeongdeungpo-ro, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (2F, Wibee Fintech Lab)
L Pin Form of
Main Service (Location Authentication Fintech Area Security/Authentication B2B/B2C
Service) Business
L-Fin is a startup, which develops a simple but greatly stable location-based authentication service. As the lifestyle of
consumers changes due to the proliferation of the mobile economy and the trend of non-face-to-face transactions
become common, it provides convenient and secure authentication services for both operators and users.
It has agreed to conduct pilot services for location-based authentication with domestic mobile service providers. It has
launched a beta service for location-based authentication service. The company secured a seed investment in October
Jan 2017. The foundation of L Fin Co., Ltd.
May 2017. Selected as the K-Global Security Startup by Korea Internet & Security
Sep 2017. Selected as the finalists of ‘Challenge! K-Startup 2017’
Oct 2017. The Seed investment attraction
Oct 2017. The conclusion of trial service promotion agreement with telecommunication companies.
Nov 2017. Selected as ‘K-Sec Startup Global Initiative 2017 (USA)’ by Korea Internet & Security Agency.
Nov 2017. The preparation of location-based certificate service, ‘L-Pin’, beta version.
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Woori Bank (Financial Institution), Korea Internet & Security Agency (Government Institution), Olleh KT
(Communication service), SK Telecom (Communication service), LG U+ (Communication service), Spring Camp
(Investment Company), and Gyeongbuk Center for Creative Economy and Innovation (Government Agency)
-Foreign Countries : WeChatpay (Quick Remittance·Payment), and Alipay (Quick Remittance·Payment)
LG CNS is a financial IT service company, which provides consulting, diagnosis, system integration, system maintenance
and solution supply for all business areas of financial institutions including banks, insurance companies, securities
companies, credit card and the capital companies.
.LG CNS has been building and managing the large IT system for financial companies for over 20 years and provided
MDD (Model-Driven Development), an innovative development method for post-generation systems. In addition, it leads
the "Digital Transformation" of financial company represented by the market of Internet-only bank. Its financial solutions
are recognized as the Best Reference in the industry and applied widely in various domestic financial institutions to
support the change and innovation of financial system.
Jan 1987. The foundation of joint ventures and acquisitions STM (System Technology Management).
Oct 1989. The establishment of enterprise R&D center and the approval for the establishment of Minister of Science-
Jan 2002. The change of company name into LG CNS.
Dec 2005. The completion of MDD framework and the application of System Integration Project.
Sep 2013. The launching of Kakao Pay using the simple payment solution, ‘MPay’.
Jun 2015. The conclusoin of MOU agreement for the online local tax payment with Seoul Special City and Daum Kakao.
May 2016. The establishment of IT sysetm for the internet-only bank, ‘Kakao Bank’.
Nov 2016. The launching of MDD-based next generation system for Gwangju Bank.
Jul 2017. The acquisition of transfer registration for ISO9001:2015.
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : KAKAO BANK (Financial Institution), Shinhan Bank (Financial Institution), Shinhan Card Co., Ltd. (Credit
Finance Institution), MetLife Insurance (Insurance Financial Institution), PCA Life Insurance (Insurance Financial
Institution), Jeon Buk Bank (Financial Institution), NH Investment & Securities (Security Financial Institution),
Kyobo Life Insurance (Insurance Financial Institution), JB Woori Capital (Credit Finance Institution) and Hyundai
Card (Credit Finance Institution)
Location 180, Chilgokjungang-daero, Buk-gu, Daegu, Republic of Korea (Room No. 303, Daegu Smart Contents Commercialization Support Center,Taejeon-dong)
Life Guard Inc. aims to raise awareness of proper consumption habit of public by offering a customized personal financial
management software. It provides a platform that automatically collect, categorize, and analyze a person’s financial data,
which in turn suggests financial planning, product recommendation, and investment strategies. It targets middle class
people below who are at risk of bankruptcies and who worry about their life savings after their retirement.
Jan 2016. the incorporation Transition
Jul 2016. the conclusion of agreement for Scraping API with Coocon Inc.
Jul 2016. the acquisition of bigdata analysis technology from Onycom Inc
Jul 2016. Selected as a promising business for NIPA [SW Asset Re-development]
Jan 2017. the conclusion of A.I. technology cooperation agreement with IRIMinds Inc.
Feb 2017. Selected as a promising business for the demonstration project of cloud security (KISA)
Sep 2017. Selected as a promising business for the support of start-up promotion technology development (SMTECH)
Sep 2017. Selected as an occupant company for test bed (KOSCOM Inc.)
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Onycom Inc. (Bigdata Analysis), Coocon Inc. (Scraping API), Koscom Inc. (Financial Institution), KTB Solution
(Smart Sign), Samsung Electronics (IT Company), Stealien (Application Tamper Prevention), Ahnlab (Security
Consulting) and SK Infosec (IT Consulting)
Location 74, Sinbanpo-ro 45-gil, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Room no. 503, Hwashin Building)
Form of
Main Service MDwalks Fintech Area Others B2B
LINEWALKS is a big data system startup company, which provides the machine learning engine to medical, financial
and advertisement industries. Healthcare data for medical field studies millions of medical bills to analyze diagnosis
distribution graphs, medical supply and demand information, and etc. From its machine learning, it connects operations,
treatments, and subscribed medicines to analyze and delivers new expanded information and infographics.
For financial industry, it develops asset management data, credit data, and industry data one step further. It applies
optimized credit analysis model, behavioral data analysis for financial clients group, and industry trend analysis.
For advertisement industry, it offers customer target machine learning engine to maximize profit.
Jan 2014. The foundation of LINEWALKS Inc.
Apr 2014. Selected as the cooperation company for analyzing the public data by Health Insurance Review & Assessment
Nov 2014. The registration as a technology commercialization company in Electronics and Telecommunications Research
Institute (ETRI)
Jun 2015. The launching of medical statement big data service, ‘MDwalks’
Apr 2016. Selected as the TIPS business by Small & Medium Business Administration and developed the big-data lake
for the business of medical data
May 2016. Selected as KB Starters Company by KB Financial Group
Dec 2016. The business promotion of informatization strategic business using intelligence information technology by
Health Insurance Review & Assessment Service
Aug 2017. The establishment of A.I. System Enterprise R&D center.
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Health Insurance Review & Assessment Service (Government Agency), Electronics and Telecommunications
Research Institute (Public Institution), National Information Society Agency (Government Agency), Korea Internet
& Security Agency (Government Agency), Korea Data Agency (Government Agency), Korea Credit Bureau (Credit
Rating), Johnson & Johnson Korea (Pharmaceutical Company) and KB Financial Group Inc. (Financial Institution)
Representative Lee Gwang-hyeon and Jo Gyu-taek Incorporation Date Aug 19th, 2016
Location 108, Seocho-daero 48-gil, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Room No. 301)
Form of
Main Service P2P Security Loan Fintech Area Crowd Funding B2C
Loanpoint is a real estate crowd-funding platform that helps small investors who do not have real estate knowledge to
invest and create a return safely. All investment products of Loanpoint are mortgage-backed investment products, and
it only cover real estate and non-performing loan products. In the event of insolvency, it will be sold to the third bond
buyer in accordance with its own insolvency process, or the investment will be protected through forced sales/auction
transaction process. Loanpoint systematically analyzes safety, profitability, and reimbursement possibility by using a self-
developed assessment system, developed by real estate professionals from real estate, auction, and appraisal industries,
and provides only carefully selected investment products. Investments invested through Loanpoint are managed by
Seyitert and SC First Bank. The system is managed by the Ron Point Risk Management Team, which provides follow-up
management from investment execution to repayment.
Aug 2016. The foundation of Loan Point Inc.
Nov 2016. The launching of No.3 and No.4 Loan Point service.
Feb 2017. The conclusion of strategic business affiliation MOU agreement with Midrate.
Jul 2017. The conclusion of investment cooperation agreement with Fidelis Asset Management.
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Korea P2P Finance Association (Public Institution), Midrate (P2P Loan) and Fidelise Asset Management (Financial
Location 20, Digital-ro 31-gil, Guro-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Room no. 101, Irum Building)
Form of
Main Service LIAPP - Mobile App Protect Fintech Area Security/Authentication B2B
LockIn Company is specialized in mobile security and provides mobile application security solution LIAPP (LockIn
Application Protector, LIAPP). As the importance of an application increasing due to a market where everything is done in
hands, the company focuses on new value in mobile security. It currently protects all smartphones and tablets on Android
operation systems but it will soon begin service to protect iOS operating systems.
Mar 2013. The development of mobile solution, ‘LIMO’.
Sep 2013. The establishment of LockIn Company Inc.
Oct 2014. The launching of source code encrypting solution
Jun 2015. The official launching of integrated application security solution, ‘LIAPP Business’
Oct 2015. The attraction of investment from Korea Development Bank
May 2016. Selected as KB Starters Valley
Dec 2016. The award of Grand Prize in ‘Gyeonggi-do Next Startup Award’
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : KB Kookmin Bank (Financial Institution), SK Telecom (Telecommunication), LG CNS (IT Service), Netmarble (Game
Platform), Korea Financial Telecommunications and Clearings Institute (Government Agency), Hotel Now (Travel
Package Platform), Fujitsu (IT Service), KHNP (Government Agency) and Inter Pay (Payment)
Location 5, Teheran-ro 44-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (9F, Dae-A Building)
M2MCoding develops and provides a Kiosk non-face-to-face financial platform.
M2MCoding has developed its own Kiosk channel to support the Omni-Channel of financial institutions that can
integrate the role of non-facing channels centered on Internet and mobile as well as existing face-to-face channels.
It provides non-face-to-face blindness verification and unmanned automated equipment services to various financial
institutions. It provides Kiosk-based non-face-to-face financial services through collaboration with savings banks.
Dec 2015. The foundation of M2Mcoding
Jan 2016. The development of non-face-to-face self-identification and self-certificate solution
Feb 2016. The conclusion of liability insurance agreement using non-face-to-face real name authentication with Meritz
Fire & Marine Insurance
Jun 2016. The completion of KIOSK installation
Oct 2016. The development of customized solution for savings bank.
Nov 2016. The conclusion of operation and administration agreement for the manless financial automated equipment
with financial companies
Dec 2016. The launching of KIOSK-based non-face-to-face financial service for the cooperation with savings Bank
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Meritz Fire & Marine Insurance (Comprehensive Property Insurance) and Kim & Chang LLC (Legal service)
-Foreign Countries : Focus Company (Market Research)
Madup Inc.
Location 115, Teheran-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (8F, Seorim Building)
Mad-Up is a marketing company derived from a phone application established in 2011. It supports optimal solution based
on accurate analysis stem. With a technology in chatbot and artificial intelligence, Mad-Up develops a solution that helps
users decide financial decision, illustrates optimal marketing solutions, and analyzes data through various analytic tools.
Mad-Up developed a ‘PinCat,’ a mobile financial service which locked screen contains useful financial headlines and
ionformation and offers membership points service, personal financial service, and a advertisement platform for
Feb 2015. The establishment of Madup.
Nov 2015. The opening of advertisement service.
Nov 2015. The launching of lockscreen-based credit card milleage application.
Nov 2016. The development of Finket Chatbot service.
Dec 2016. The conclusion of agreement for the point transfer with Hana Members Co.
Aug 2017. The conclusion of business agreement for the integrated chatbot system.
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Hana Members Co.
Location 306, Teheran-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (8F, KITE TOWER)
Form of
Main Service Makestar Fintech Area Crowd Funding B2C
Makestar provides a rewarding crowd-funding service focused on Entertainment industry. Targeting global users, it allows
investors to achieve various Star projects and it also supports to have special memories with Hanryu celebrities. Makestar
receives interests from over two hundred countries across the globe and received the payment from 91 countries. It
has changed the ecology of entertainment industry by not only showing new experiences to clients but also offering
new funding sources and global marketing tools to businesses. By close cooperation with local contents production
companies and agencies, it continuously special proejcts that celebrities and fans can achieve a goal together.
It was selected as the Global Foundation Revitalization Project in 2015 and attracted investments from Es Investor.
Jan 2015. The foundation of Makestar Inc.
Feb 2015. The attraction of seed money investment (600,000,000 Won) from Coolidge Corner Investment Co.
May 2015. Selected as the Global Foundation Revitalization Project (Small and Medium Business Administration)
Aug 2015. The acquisition of Venture Company Certificate
Dec 2015. The launching of Global Entertainment Crowd Funding Platform, “Makestar”.
Dec 2016. The attraction of 1 billion won investment from ES Investor
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Korea Entertainment Producer’s Association (Entertainment Production Support), Korea Entertainment Schedule
Manager Association (Entertainment Management Support), DSP Entertainment (Entertainment Company),
S.M. Entertainment Co., Ltd (Entertainment Company), YG Entertainment Co., Ltd (Entertainment Company),
Koenstars Co. (Entertainment Company), Well Made (Entertainment Company), JJ Holic Media (Entertainment
Company), IHQ Inc (Entertainment Company) and Cube Entertainment Inc (Entertainment Company).
Form of
Main Service Direct Sale Service of New Car Fintech Area Financial Platform B2B
Manner Car provides services that solve issues resulted from asymmetric information that arises in the process of using
automobile financial products. The automotive aftermarket starts from the fact that the complicated rebate problems
among stakeholders are intertwined, so that transparent automobile transactions become possible from eliminating
complicated distribution processes. Manner Car combines vehicle purchase information, credit information, and discount
information in a non-face-to-face manner to provide vehicle on demand services. Manner Car is creating a transparent
car trading culture by reducing the bubble of car prices through competitive bidding between car dealers and by not
receiving transaction fees for both customers and dealers.
Aug 2015. The establishment of Mannercar.
Aug 2016. Selected as the 1st Wibee Fintech Lab by Woori Bank.
Nov 2016. Selected as the startup customized support business.
Feb 2017. Selected as the new export commercial business (KOTRA)
Apr 2017. Selected as the 1st BNK Creative Lab and the conclusion of MOU agreement.
May 2017. Selected as the JUMP-UP support business.
Jun 2017. The transfer into Mannercar Corp.
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : BNK Financial Group (Financial Institution), BNK Capital (Financial Institution), Meritz Fire & Marine Insurance
(Financial Institution), Small and Medium Business Administration (SME Support), Daejeon Information & Culture
Industry Promotion Agency (Cultural Industry Support), Woori Bank (Financial Institution) and Smart Venture
Institute (Venture Opening Support)
-Foreign Countries : BNP Paribas Cardif Insurance (Financial Institution).
Mibank has established the platform under the goal, “Making uncomfortable financial service more convenient and
easier”, so that clients can use financial services without any problems. Providing the currency exchange comparison
platform for 3 years, the company has hold unique place as the first real-time model to compare the exchange rate of all
Korean banks and main exchanges, expanding the types of foreign currencies through O2O Airport Exchange Service
and offering the benefit of lower exchange rates and convenient services to foreign tourists. Also, it leads the domestic
market by releasing the traveler insurance for foreign tourists; business has been advanced to P2P loan service and it
offers various types of insurance products. It has patents on global remittance and currency exchange platform and also
22 other patents globally.
Nov 2014. The establishment of Mibank Inc.
Jan 2015. The launching of real-time exchange rate platform.
Aug 2015. The launching of O2O Airport Exchange Service.
Aug 2015. The launching of traveler insurance without public certificate.
Oct 2015. The application of patent for the global remittance based on the exchange and the platform
May 2017. The acquisition of 22 patents (18 at home and 4 abroad)
Jul 2017. The registration of patent for the exchange platform based on the appointed exchange rate.
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Shinhan Bank (Financial Institution), BNK Busan Bank (Financial Institution), KB Kookmin Bank (Financial
Institution), Jeon Buk Bank (Financial Institution), Suhyup (Financial Institution), KDB Industrial Bank (Financial
Institution), IBK Industrial Bank (Financial Institution), NH Nonghyup Bank (Financial Institution), Woori Bank
(Financial Institution) and KEB Hana Bank (Financial Institution)
Location 66, Eulji-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (14F, Hana Financial Group)
Form of
Main Service P2P Loan-Investment Fintech Area P2P Finance B2B/B2C
Midrate is a P2P financial company to connect individuals. It provides middle-interest rate financial services, which
combine P2P business models with fintech technologies, that borrowers and investors can be offered the middle-interest
loan and alternative investment products even in the low-interest situation, respectively. In addition to P2P financial
services, the company offers Integrated P2P Schedule Management System ‘ByAllRate’ andP2P Reward Market ‘Lavender’
in order to raise the convenience of users.
Feb 2016. The foundation of Midrate Corp.
Apr 2016. The Introduction of P2P financial open API.
Feb 2017. The conclusion of business cooperation agreement with Shinhan Card Co., Ltd. (Network Connection with
Loan Failed Clients)
Apr 2017. The joint development of third-party API for the P2P fund management.
Jun 2017. The co-foundation of Real Estate NPL Purchase Corp. (Korea Platform Association Asset Loans)
Aug 2017. The launching of Integrated P2P Schedule Management System, ‘ByAllRate’.
Sep 2017. The launching of P2P Reward Market, ‘Lavender’.
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : NH Nonghyup Bank (Financial Institution), Shinhan Card Co., Ltd. (Financial Institution), Korea Credit Bureau
Corp. (Credit Rating), NICE Information Service Co., Ltd. (Credit Rating), Welcome Savings Bank Corp. (Financial
Institution), Korea Fintech Industry Association Corp. (Fintech Company Support), Korea P2P Finance Association
Corp. (P2P Company Support), Korea Technology Finance Corporation (Public Institution), FINDA Inc. (P2P Loan),
and Korea Venture Business Association Corp. (Venture Company Support)
Representative Lee Gul-woo and Park Hoon-jun Incorporation Date Jan 20th, 2011
Form of
Main Service Zummaslide Fintech Area Others B2B/B2C
Mobitle provides a service connecting small businesses and the residents of neighboring apartment. ‘ZoomMaSlide,’ a
mobile application launched by Mobitle, offers more profit to the small businesses and less apartment maintenance costs
to customers who use small businesses through the application.
‘ZoomMaSlide’ is a local advertisement platform, which links apartment maintenance bills to the app, and provides sales,
advertisement, and simple payment system. It made contracts with KB Kookmin Bank, KB Kookmin Card, and Shinhan
Card to expand their services.
Jan 2011. The foundation of MOBITLE
2012. The sales of application production platform in Japan.
2013. The launching of list-typed application advertisement platform service.
2015. The conclusion of MOU agreement with KB Kookmin Bank and JAY (Jeonguk Apartment Yeonhaphui).
2016. The conclusion of MOU agreement with KB Kookmin Card and Shinhan Card respectively.
2017. The conclusion of business cooperation agreement with KONAI, the conclusion of strategic cooperation
agreement with Kodak and selected as the commercialization package business for Korea Institute of Startup
& Entrepreneurship Development.
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : KB Kookmin Bank (Financial Institution), Shinhan Card (Financial Institution), OK Cashbag (Service), KONAI (IT
Company), Korea Institute of Startup & Entrepreneurship Development. (Startup Support) and Hana Members
Co. (Membership)
MOIN, Inc.
Location 22, Seocho-daero 78-gil, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Room No. 613, Hongu 2 Building)
Form of
Main Service Moin Overseas Remittance Fintech Area BlockChain B2B/B2C
The Moin was established in order to provide solutions of problems of existing overseas remittance services. The Moin
provides fast, safe and inexpensive service by developing automated overseas remittance system based on block-
chain. It provides more convenient services for users anywhere and anytime because not only it adopts a transparent
and simple remittance structure so that a user can know moving route of remittance easily but also provides web and
mobile platforms. Based on this competitiveness, the company is currently providing its service to China and Japan and
plan to launch it in south-east Asia region within this year. Finally, the Moin will expand services to all over Asia and be
the representative remittance company of Asia by developing mathematically fully optimized algorithm for overseas
Feb 2016. The award of Demoday hosted by Banks Foundation for Young Entrepreneurs
Mar 2016. The incorporation of MOIN Inc.
Oct 2016. The service launching for Japan Remittance
Nov 2016. The participation of Web Summit 2016 and Selected as Top 15 in the G-Startup Worldwide Seoul
Nov 2016. The service launching for China Remittance
Jan 2017. The launching of MOIN Android Application / Mobile Web
Mar 2017. The participation of 2017 FIBC (Financial Innovation Business Conference)2017 FIBC (Financial Innovation
Business Conference)
May 2017. The launching of MOIN iOS Application
Oct 2017. The award of the Grand Prize in the Hankyung Fin Tech
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : D.CAMP (Youth Startup from banks), Capstone Partners, Bokwang Venture Investment (Startup Investment)
and Daily Financial Group (Financial Institution)
-Foreign Countries : Strong Ventures (Venture Company Support)
Location 5, Nambusunhwan-ro 289-gil, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (1F, Samyoung Building)
MoneyBrain is a specialized firm in developing and delivering chatbot services using artificial intelligence. MoneyBrain
introduces Athena, a corporate chatbot platform, and Playchat, a consumer chatbot platform. It is building corporate
chatbots in the fields of shopping, medical, and public as well as financial institutions. MoneyBrain, which was established
in July 2016, is increasing its presence in the banking sector by offering chatbot services to the NACF and Shinhan Card.
In 2017, it attracted investment from L & S Venture Capital.
Jul 2016. The establishment of Money Brain Inc.
Oct 2016. The launching of Financial Bot for NH Nonghyup Bank.
Nov 2016. The launching of A.I. delivery chatbot, 'YamYam', service.
Apr 2017. The launching of PLAYCHAT platform
Jul 2017. The launching of Chatbot for Shinhan Card.
Jul 2017. The attraction of 1.5 billion won investment from LNS Venture Capital
Aug 2017. The attraction of 0.5 billion won investment from Donghun Investment.
Moneytag Inc.
Location 20, Gukjegeumyung-ro, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (11F, Yulchon Building)
Form of
Main Service ReLe Transfer Fintech Area Payment/Settlement B2C
Moneytag Inc.started from the intrapreneurship department in Finger Inc. and became an independent corporation as
a subsidiary company of Finger Inc. on Aug 2015; it offers various professional services based on financial IT technologies
and solutions to international markets including block chain-based overseas remittance, electronic financial businesses (for
example, virtual account), tax refund, C2C e-commerce and others. In October 2017, it started to provide a remittance
service to Vietnam.
Aug 2015. The foundation of Moneytag Inc.
Aug 2015. The conclusion of fintech mentoring agreement with Nonghyup Bank
Nov 2015. The conclusion of international financial business cooperation agreement with UNITAS
Nov 2016. The co-foundation of block chain-specialized company, “EX CHAIN”, with Fly High Inc.
Jan 2017. The conclusion of MOU agreement for the realization of stable services including AML with GRC Lab.
Sep 2017. The development of overseas remittance application, “ReLe Transfer”.
Oct 2017. The launching of Vietnamese remittance service through ReLe Transfer.
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Finger (Financial Solution), NH Nonghyup Bank (Financial Institution), UNITAS (IT Company) and Fintech (Others)
Location 13, Heungdeok 1-ro, Giheung-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea (Room No. 1207-4, Tower)
Form of
Main Service NFC Payment Fintech Area Payment/Settlement B2B/B2C
Motherteran is a payment service provider using short distance NFC and it aims to connect all small businesses online
through NFC. It supports offline small business to be connected to online market to creat new values and become smart
It holds the patent to complete the settlement by the touch of NFC terminal without executing any application; the
payment completes by touching NFC terminal for the micro payment below 30,000 Won and by getting push message
and executing the application for the payment above 30,000 Won. With its solution, it is possible to pay all through one
NFC terminal; one will process all payment program through one NFC terminal, as one can use all services from 10 card
corporations through one credit card terminal. Now, the company have supplied over 100,000 NFC terminals and will
popularize low-priced NFC readers to create the ecosystem of NFC payment platform in near future.
Nov 2015. The foundation of Mother Terran Inc.
Mar 2016. The development of simple payment service on the line.
May 2016. The test of simple payment service test on the line with LG PAYNOW
Nov 2016. The application of patent for the NFC payment method without executing any application.
Jun 2017. The conclusion of joint business agreement with the first Korean sign-pad company.
Oct 2017. The development of telecommunication payment solution without executing any application through Korea’s
No.1 micro payment corporation
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Shinsegae (General Merchandising), GS Supermarket (Distribution Industry), CU (Distribution Industry),
Shinsegae Duty Free (Duty Free Shop), Tony Mori (Cosmetics), BNK Busan Bank (Financial Institution), Everland
(Amusement Park), E-mart (Distribution Industry), Mischa (Cosmetics) and Skin Good (Cosmetics)
Location 22, Nonhyeon-ro 85-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Room No. 602, DongGyeong Building)
Mouda is a P2P (Peer to Peer) financial platform specialized in medical field. The company consists of data analysts, IT
professionals, financial and legal experts. The P2P platform is developed based on game theories (dynamic negotiation
theory and information asymmetry theory) and statistics on simulations and public polls. Loans are based on rejected
data, which is 10 times more than approved data, and are making sophisticated algorithms by adding unique machine
learning techniques. Mouda proceeds with lending to doctors and clinicians and constructs them as investment products.
It has established a network of hospitals in cooperation with Mouda's shareholders specializing in hospital consulting,
and it is continuing to expand into the medical industry's first and representative P2P platform. On December, 2016,
the company released the first product of its local doctor's primary health care product, and it is steadily introducing the
medical law related product which lends to the local medical doctors and the medical corporations which lend to the
local medicine clinic. In 2016, it won the Korea Best Brand Award.
Jun 2016. The foundation of Mouda Inc.
Sep 2016. The registration as a regular member in Korea P2P Financial Association.
Oct 2016. The award of Grand Prize in the Korea Best Brand Contest
Jun 2016. The application of P2P financial investment deposit management API for NH Nonghyup Bank.
Jul 2017. The conclusion of strategic cooperation agreement with Midrate Corp.
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Korea P2P Finance Association (P2P Company Support) and Midrate (P2P Loan)
Location 30, Gasan digital 1-ro, Geumcheon-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Room No. 711, Ace High End Tower 10(sip)-cha)
Form of
Main Service AdCup and others Fintech Area Financial Platform B2B/B2C
Narae S&C has developed and managed B2B and B2C e-commerce platforms for companies and individuals seeking
to enter the Japanese market. Narae S&C targets Korean manufactures and shopping mall owners who wish to enter
Japanese market by providing an editable website platform by users, direct overseas delivery service, Japanese translation
service, and email & telephone service. In 2015, Narae S&C opened a direct sales website for paper cups in Japan to
witness potential growth market in Japan. Its direct hands-on experience and localized independent market allows it to
pioneer the market with diversified small sized produced products without having a manufacturing facility.
Oct 2014. The foundation of NARAE S&C Co.
Apr 2015. The launching of internet shopping mall platform service for overseas direct sales.
Oct 2015. The open of website (
Jan 2016. The conclusion of business cooperation agreement with ‘TPS’ in Japan
Mar 2016. The launching of direct delivery service in Japan
May 2016. The open of website (
Oct 2016. The open of website (
Neuro Associates Co., Ltd.
Location 10, Gukjegeumyung-ro, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (18F, Three IFC, IFC Seoul Center)
Nuero Associates Co. Ltd offers digital strategies, and data applications to support global growth and impact of clients.
It started off as a consulting firm for data analysis and business improvement, then it created IRMI (Interactive Real-
time Motion Infographics) category, then it became a leader in data design field. Through its vision as digital innovation
around human, it leads a market by a successive digital transformation by creating many case for government agencies
and companies. Its main business include digital strategy marketing, data software development and supply, visual web
design development, and digital education. Recently, it strengthens in AI consulting business.
Dec 2012. The foundation of Neuro Associates.
July 2015. The Incorporation Transition - Neuro Associates Co., Ltd.
Aug 2015. Transferred into an affiliated company of Yello Financial Group Co., Ltd. (Current Daily Financial Group Co.,
Jan 2017. Changed from Daily Financial Group Co., Ltd. into an affiliated company of Daily Intelligence Co., Ltd.
Affiliated Organization
-Foreign Countries : IBM (Technical Consulting)
Representative Moon Hong-Jib, Moon Kyung-Rok Incorporation Date Jun 13th, 2011
Location 10, Gukjegeumyung-ro, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul (19F, Three IFC, IFC Seoul Center)
Form of
Main Service GenPort Fintech Area Robo-Advisor B2B/B2C
NEWSY STOCK Inc. launched first robo-advisor service in 2012. It provides algorithm based investment service created
by financial IT specialists with experiences from Korea and China region and it thrives to create an environment where
an individual can profit from financial investment. It offers simple and secure way of investment strategies. By offering
systemized analytics and majority knowledge, it helps users to make a better decision in stock investing.
Jun 2011. The incorporation of Newsy Town Inc.
Nov 2011. The change ofcompany name into Newsy Stock Inc.
Apr 2012. The launchingo of Newsy Rank Service
2014. The conclusion of service cooperation agreement with Kiwoom Securities Co., Ltd. and Ebest Securities Co.,
Feb 2015. Merged with Daily Financial Group Inc. (former Yellow Financial Group)
Jan 2017. The service launching of GenPort 2.0
Jan 2017. Selected as one of the top 10 fin tech companies by Tech Bullion in British
Sep 2017. Selected as one of the top 10 fin tech companies by Fintech News in HongKong
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Korea Investment & Securities Co., Ltd. (Financial Institution), Kiwoom Securities Co., Ltd. (Financial Institution),
KB Securities Co., Ltd. (Financial Institution), DAISHIN SECURITIES CO., LTD. (Financial Institution), eBEST
Investment Securities Co., Ltd. (Financial Institution), Hi Investment & Securities (Financial Institution), Eugene
Investment & Securities Co., Ltd. (Financial Institution), Coinone (Exchange for Virtual Money), Koscom (Financial
Institution) and Daily Financial Group (Fintech Company)
Location 201, Teheran-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (17F, Aju Building)
Next Fintech manages Next Funding, a P2P (Peer to Peer) funding platform specialized in investing in non-performing
loans. Next Fintech is comprised of CEO who has vast experiences in domestic and overseas financial system design and
management from a top notch consulting firm in Korea, and executive members who are non-performing loan specialists
from real estate auction industry. Next Fintech supports the successful investment for clients and companies through the
accurate risk assessment and conservative investment of non-performing debt.
Nov 2016. The foundation of NEXT Funding
Dec 2016. The launching of NEXT Funding Service
2016. Concluded a MOU agreement with Fidelis Asset Management Co.
Apr 2017. Participated into the start-up exhibition booth of '2017 Future Financial Forum'.
Dec 2017. Repaid the 5th NPL
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : IBK Industrial Bank of Korea (Financial Institution), BOOKOOK SECURITIES CO., LTD. (Financial Institution), Hana
F&I (Financial Institution) and NH Investment & Securities Co., Ltd. (Financial Institution)
-Foreign Countries : Allianz (Financial Institution)
Location 28, Digital-ro 33-gil, Guro-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Room No. 508, Woorim E-biz Center First)
NHN Korea Cyber Payment introduces integrated settlement services such as electronic payment agency business, on/
offline card value-added communication network business, and mobile payment.
It was established in 1998 by the investment from five credit card companies, including BC Card and Kookmin Card, and
acquired by NHN Entertainment on November 2014. Current company name has been used since March 2016. NHN
Korea Cyber Payment provides VAN (Value Added Network) business, a communication service which relays the payment
data information from credit card companies and franchises using the private network under the online and offline
security, and PG (Payment Gateway) business for several online businesses, including payment agency service, payment
calculation and management. Also, the company thrives to expand into the overseas market by responding actively the
rapidly changing electronic payment market with our own on/offline O2O payment and global e-commerce business.
May 1998. Established based on the investment by five credit card companies, including BC card and Kookmin Card.
Jan 2005. Released Off-line VAN service
Jan 2006. Listed on KOSDAQ
Dec 2011. Established a subsidiary company, KCP Innovation
Nov 2012. Launched ‘Pay On’, a NFC payment service
Nov 2014. Changed the largest shareholder into NHN Entertainment
Jul 2015. Registered the first foreign exchange business in Korea as a PG company
Mar 2016. Changed the company name into NHN Korea Cyber Payment
Jul 2016. Released Ali Pay Real-time Repayment Service
Main Products and Services
NHN Korea Cyber Payment provides the payment gateway business and the value-added network service. In the PG
business, it formed the oligopoly market with LG U+ and KG INICIS; In the VAN business, it accounts for 4 percent of
the whole market in competition with 13 companies (including NICE Information & Telecommunication Inc., Korea
Information & Communication Co., Ltd. and KS Net). It secures more than 70,000 PG client companies and 200,000
offline VAN client companies.
Through electronic payment system, NHN Korea Cyber Payment offers various products and services at the Internet
stores and supports a safe and convenient payment using credit cards and other payment methods for the payment. The
electronic payment has the advantage of establishing the mutual trust between buyers, sellers and financial institutions
and supporting the secure network for financial transactions. In this regard, NHN Korea Cyber Payment has a secure
payment environment and offers the easy and quick payment system and the proven system to 18,000 franchises
in Korea. Also, the company enhances the efficiency by allowing clients to manage the sales through a consolidated
report(s) from the approval to the calculation. In addition, it helps clients to raise the sales through the marketing support
and the risk management. For the value-added communication network business, it provides various optional services,
including the inquiry service and the approval service, to on/offline franchises and internal/external credit card clients
based on the experiences and technical skills accumulated in the whole electronic payment field. This allows clients to
support more comfortable and stable e-commerce system. NHN Korea Cyber Payment provides Payco service, which
allows clients to make payment at any time by registering their own payment method in advance.
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : G Market (Internet Shopping Mall), 11st (Internet Shopping Mall), Naver (Search Engine), Daum (Search Engine),
Coupang (Internet Shopping Mall), Tmon (Internet Shopping Mall), We Make Price (Internet Shopping Mall),
Tourbaksa (Travel Package Sales), Nexon (Game) and Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education (Government
Location 12, Daewangpangyo-ro 645beon-gil, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do (Room No. c01, 4F, Convergence Security Support Center)
Form of
Main Service Trusted Pass Fintech Area Security/Authentication B2B
NSbeyond introduces password less authentication technology that can be applied to not only Fin-tech industries but also
all industries where authentication is needed.
‘Password-less’ authentication solution is a solution to a problem of eliminating users from entering password every time
to access to internet shopping or mobile finance services. It registered a patent on controlling and storing a security of
target device through security tunnel.
NSbeyond was selected as the third ‘Shinhan Futures’ Lap’ by Shinhan Financial Group, and it attracted investment from
it on August 2017. It made cooperation with Koscom in Fin-tech sector, and it proceeded authentication related proof of
the concept with KB Kookmin Bank.
Aug 2015. The foundation of NSBEYOND Inc.
Nov 2015. The patent application of Security Tunnel-based Authentication Method and Device.
Dec 2015. The conclusion of MOU agreement for the cooperation of fintech business with Coscom.
Sep 2016. The conclusion of POC agreement with KB Kookmin Bank
Nov 2016. The patent application of target device security control using the security tunnel.
Jan 2017. The participation into the Hong Kong Fintech Final 17 (Hong Kong)
Aug 2017. The attraction of investment from Shinhan Financial Group.
Jan 2018. The supply of Trusted Pass Solution to Nex G.
Location 19, Yeoksam-ro 63-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (4F, Woohee Building)
Form of
Main Service Share@ Fintech Area Payment/Settlement B2B/B2C
Nuvent Inc. is a start-up company established in 2014 by professionals of at least 10 years of work experiences from
Naver, LG CNS, Korea Smart Card, and Ticketmonster. Its vision is a freedom from “instant information” which targets to
advertise or other means, and it offers differentiated information. It provides offline store utilization information in real
time, and it is a building a relationship where stores and clients can co-exist. Employees from various fields with various
experiences thrive to provide more authentic, and trustworthy information.
Nuvent Inc. shares and utilizes clients’ store information, and it has own payment system which allows clients to make
payment easily. Also. It provides risk management services, marketing, and major insights that can be used in financial
Oct 2014. The foundation of NuVent Inc.
Feb 2015. The acquisition of venture company certificate (Korea Technology Finance Corporation), the registration as
online marketing business and the acquisition of exclusive research department certificate.
Jun 2015. The investment attraction of 400 million Wonfrom Daum Young Man Startup Fund (East Gate Partners Corp.)
and the increase of capital.
Aug 2015. Selected as ‘Application of this Month’ in ‘Korea Mobile App Award 2015’.
Sep 2015. Selected as “The 2d Development Support Business for Business Service Model” by Seoul Industry Promotion
Aug 2016. The 2nd investment attraction (from Samsung Venture Investment Corp. and Seoul Industry Promotion
Agency) and the increase of capital.
2017 Apr. The 3rd investment attraction (from Funple Works Corp.) and the increase of capital.
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Welcomebank (Financial Institution), KB Kookmin Card Co., Ltd. (Financial Institution), Ediya Coffee (Franchise
Cafe), Kkanbu (Restaurant Business), Bulgogibros (Restaurant Business), Sulbing (Dessert Coffee Franchise), Todai
(Restaurant Business), Drop Top (Franchise Cafe), Manoffin (Franchise Cafe) and Funplecorp (O2O Platform).
Octatco Co., Ltd.
Location 65, Digital-ro 9-gil, Geumcheon-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Room No. 905)
Form of
Main Service Biometric authentication Fintech Area Security/Authentication B2B/B2C
Octatco is a biometric-based solution and service provider.
It solves problems of inconvenience in inputting ID, passwords, PIN numbers as well as the risk of theft, loss, and leakage
and it provides a fast and convenient biometrics authentication products and services.
Octatco is engaged in discussions for domestic and external security and service products, including domestic banks and
Singapore telecom operators and Japanese manufacturers.
Apr 2016. The foundation of Octatco Co., Ltd.
Oct 2016. The development of Mobile Fintech Iris Recognition Dongle prototype version.
Nov 2016. The membership in Korean FIDO Forum.
Jan 2017. The launching of Mobile Fintech Iris Dongle OID-P1
Affiliated Organization
-Overseas : Fido Aalliance (Biometric Technology Council)
Location 10, Gukjegeumyung-ro, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (18F, Three IFC)
Form of
Main Service Olleyfunding Fintech Area P2P Finance B2C
OLLEYFUNDING Inc. manages a brokerage platform to connect investors and borrowers online. It offers the loan product
at a lower interest rates than existing nonmonetary institutions by the judgement on loan based on financial transaction
data for personal borrowers and based on financial statements, business value and provision of collateral for corporates.
The loan is financed from the investment of various investors attracted on online platform without raising interest; the
investors can get investment returns from the repayments of borrowers.
Oct 2015. The foundation of OlleyFunding Inc.
Mar 2016. The launching of corporation loan service.
May 2016. The participation into Maeil Business Money Show. The conclusion of MOU agreement with Together Funding Inc.
Jun 2016. The launching of Sunlight Generation Loan Service and Real Estate Mortgage Service.
Nov 2016. The conclusion of Association Agreement with REEBONZ.
Dec 2016. The launching of Luxury Loan Service.
Jan 2017. The launching of P2P joint consortium product.
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Yellow Data Works (AI), PayGate (Electronic Payment), Banseok Accounting Corporation (Accounting Service),
NICE Information Service Co., Ltd (Credit Information), Korea Credit Bureau (Credit Information), Midrate (P2P
loan), Together Funding (P2P loan) and SODIT (P2P loan)
Location 288, Digital-ro, Guro-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Room No. 307, 3F, 1st Daeryung Post Tower)
OmniNetworks is a mobile platform operator.
The mobile platform provided by OmniNetworks is designed for the field of media, finance and accelerator.
It also operates terrestrial-based mobile broadcasting and Smart DMB, an online video platform. In December 2015,
the company established a subsidiary, OmniBank, and it merged with it in May 2017. OmniNetworks cooperated with
KEB Hana Bank, KB Kookmin Bank and others in the overseas remittance business and entered into an alliance with
Merchantrade, a Malaysian operator.
Jun 2008. The foundation of Omninetworks
Dec 2015. The establishment of Omnibank for the expansion into the mobile foreign remittance business (a subsidiary of
Mar 2016. The conclusion of MOU agreement for the small money foreign currency transfer business with KEB Hana
May 2016. The conclusion of MOU agreement for the small money foreign currency transfer business with KB Kookmin
Oct 2016. The conclusion of remittance service affiliation agreement with Merchantrade, a overseas currency transfer
business in Malaysia.
May 2017. The merger with Omnibank
Sep 2017. The completion of approval for the change of biggest investor in Korea DMB Corp.
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : KBS (Broadcasting), MBC (Broadcasting), SBS (Broadcasting), JTBC (Broadcasting), SK Telecom (Mobile
Communication), Samsung Electronics (Electronic Products Manufacturing), LG Electronics (Electronic Products
Manufacturing), KB Kookmin Bank (Financial Institution), KEB Hana Bank (Financial Institution) and Electronic
Newspaper (Newspaper Publication)
Location 26, Eonju-ro 81-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (4F, Bukchon Seoho Building)
Opentrade operates an equity-based crowdfunding platform. Opentrade utilizes equity investment-type crowdfunding
as a means of financing startups. It aims at a platform that mediates social impact investment that strives for the success
of a company that has a socially and environmentally meaningful influence. It signed a cooperation agreement with
Seoul City to promote investment by start-up companies and was selected as a crowdfunding platform of the Ministry of
Agriculture and Food. The company has signed a business agreement with K-TYPE Partners, a Singapore-based venture
finance and consulting firm, to help attract foreign investment in domestic start-ups.
May 2012. The foundation of Open Trade Inc. The attraction of seed funding from Seed Funding of Coolidge Corner
Dec 2014. The award of Special Prize in Creative Enonomic Contest (Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning)
Mar 2015. Selected as “Startup Investment Promotion Agreement” (Seoul Metropolitan Office)
May 2016. Selected as the Crowd Funding Platform (Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food)
Jan 2017. The progress of “Manchester by the Sea”, a bond-typed funding.
Jun 2017. The conclusion of MOU agreement with K&T Partners Inc. in Singapore
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Hanyang University (Educational Institution), Technology Guarantee Fund (Public institution), Creative Economy
Town (Government Institution), Seoul City Hall (Government Institution), KB Financial Group (Financial
Institution), Seoul Business Agency (Government Institution), Woori Bank (Financial Institution) Tec & Law
LLC. (Legal Service), Ministry of Agriculture Food and Rural Affairs (Government Institution) and Korea Credit
Guarantee Fund(Public Institution)
Location 98, Hannam-daero, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (1F, Ilsan Building)
Form of
Main Service Owin Beacon Fintech Area FInance Platform B2B/B2C
Owin is a start-up, which develops commerce solutions and platforms for Connected Car.
It provides Beacon, the hardware that connects cars and mobile platforms, and the Internet platform of things, consisting
of service applications, security and easy payment systems.
Owin was selected by Google for its launch support program in 2015 and has signed a partnership with an Israeli
In 2016, it has formed a business alliance with Shinhan Card in the field of commercial platforms based on connected cars
and have established a subsidiary in Singapore. Owin filed more than 170 patents. It is applying for patents in Korea and
the United States to protect technical ideas and designs related to its products and services. It is applying for an overall
technology related patent for building a ‘Connected Car Commerce’ platform such as control communication payment
related to car cigar jack car ID (car ID).
Feb 2015. The foundation
Aug 2015. The conclusion of business cooperation agreement for the protection of intellectual property rights with
Nov 2015. Selected as the GCP for Startup program, a startup support program by Google
Feb 2016. The conclusion of MOU agreement for the parking business with Isracore Ltd. in Israel
Sep 2016. The participation into the acceleration program by Airmaker in Singapore
Sep 2016. The establishment of OWinAuto Asia PTE Ltd. (Singapore Branch)
Oct 2016. The conclusion of business cooperation agreement for the ‘Conencted Car Commerce Platform’ market
development with Shinhan Card
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Shinhan Card (Financial Institution), Biz Model Line (Patent Investment), LG U+ (Mobile Communication), IBK
Financial Group (Financial Institution), GS Caltex (Crude Oil Refining) and HanBul Motors (Peugeot Formal
-Foreign Countries : First Data (Credit Card Terminal), Adwares (Marketing), and Islas Core (Investment Company)
Passsign Inc. is a biometric signature authentication technology developer.
It was established on September 2000 in response to the rapid growth of security market by offering the biometric
authentication globally. Passsign Inc. has the source technology for dynamic biometric signature, which is a technique
for confirming the identity of user by manually making a handwritten signature on a touchpad of a smartphone and
comparing the registered original information with information input in real time. It registered for domestic patents in
Sep 2000. The establishment of Pass Sign
Oct 2000. The application of patent for "Electronic Signature Certificate Method using Dynamic Program and Neural
Jan 2001. The development of FIDO log-in program for the PDA 'PS2001CE'
Jun 2001. The supply of PDA log-in programs to Samsung Electronic 'PS2001CE'
Sep 2002. The conclusion of MOU agreement for joint product development and marketing with Fujitsu Korea
Aug 2003. The application of BM patent for "Credit Card Statement Processing System using Electronic Signature"
Jan 2004. The supply of signature capturing system to Daegu Buk-gu Office.
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Samsung Electronics (Electronic Equipment), Korea Information Certificate Authority (Information
Authentication), Nongsim Mega Mart (Distribution), E-mart (Distribution) and Lotte Mart (Distribution)
-Foreign Countries : Fujitsu (ICT Company)
PaxMone Inc.
Location 16, Digital-ro 32ga-gil, Guro-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Room No. 1206, Partners Tower 2-Cha)
CrePas Form of
Main Service (Payment Between Fintech Area Payment/Settlement B2B/B2C
Credit Card Members) Business
PaxMone is a Fintech startup that develops P2P payment systems.
Crepas, a payment service between credit card members developed by PaxMone, was registered for original technology
patents in US, Japan, Singapore, and Malaysia as well as Korea.
The key to technology is to cash in credit card points that are not shared. The company established a settlement system
so that it can be used like cash in connection with the nationwide franchisees owned by credit card companies.
Nov 2007. Registration of patent for P2P Payment system in Korea
Mar 2010. Registration of patent in Singapore
Nov 2010. Conclusion of service launching agreement with BC card
Jul 2013. Registration of patent in Japan (金融取引方法)
Oct 2013. Registration of patent in Malaysia (System and method for financial transaction)
Dec 2013. Registration of patent in US (System and method for financial transaction)
Location 258, Seokchonhosu-ro, Songpa-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (2F, Art Nouveau Palace)
Form of
Main Service Openpay Fintech Area Payment/Settlement B2B/B2C
Pay Gate is an electronic payment service provider.
It started with providing credit card payment services, and it evolved to providing services based on bank-based accounts
transfer service, mobile payment services, and web standard technology-based advanced services. Pay Gate has acquired
the 'Multi-Payment Gateway' patent and applied it to payment methods in China, Japan, and Europe.
Since 2016, a Fin-tech platform, 'Seyfert', has been introduced to UK, USA and Luxembourg. Seyfert is a web standard
Fin-tech platform based on a block-chain using global financial accounts. Even if a user does not install a special plug-in,
he/she can transfer funds, withdraw money, and transfer money in foreign currency.
Feb 1999. The promotion of personal electronic payment trial service.
Feb 2001. The acquisition of ISO 9001 certificate
Oct 2002. The launching of PDA payment service
Sep 2011. The launching of global payment service for P&C in USA
Dec 2012. The acquisition of PCIDSS v.2.0 certificate
Dec 2013. The launching of global payment service for Shinsaegae Payments
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Bugs Music (Music Provider), KBS (News Media), KT Music (Music Provider), Aladdin (Internet Bookstore),
Shinsegae Mall (Distribution) and Neowiz (Online Game)
-Foreign Countries : Visa (Financial Institution), Master Card (Financial Institution), Union Pay (Financial Institution) and
SoftBank (Financial Institution)
Pay’s service Korea Corp.
Form of
Main Service Mobile Gift Card Publication Fintech Area Payment/Settlement B2B/B2C
Pay’s service Korea Corp. is a provider of new mobile voucher services. It was established in June 2014 as a subsidiary
of Coup Marketing, a mobile payment company. Pay’s presented by Pay’s service Korea Corp. publishes digital product
rights based on the platform that enables direct payment of electronic payment and integrated management. It also
provides a value-added mobile voucher that provides a service to broker a barcode issued by a financial company with
a brand company. Pay’s service Korea Corp. provides the easy and convenient access to consumers through settlement
intermediary services. In addition, there are more than 90 B2C media and many B2B integrated operations. It is expanding
business to mobile and gift cards.
Jun 2014. the establishment of Pay’s service Korea Corp.
Dec 2014. the application of patent for ‘Electronic Payment Method Integration Management System’.
Aug 2016. Selected by Korea Technology Finance Corporation – the acquisition of venture company certificate.
Apr 2017. the opening of direct service for KB Live Mate
May 2017: the opening of cash direct service for NH Nonghyup App.
Jul 2017: the opening of direct service for Woori Wibee Members
Sep 2017: the opening of direct service for Hana Members.
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : BC Card (Financial Institution), Lotte Card (Financial Institution), Daum (IT Company), KT (Telecommunication
Company), Kakao (IT Company), Shinhan Card (Financial Institution), Auction (E-Commerce), WeMakePrice
(E-Commerce), Coupang (E-Commerce) and KEB Hana Bank (Financial Institution)
Location 16, Daewangpangyo-ro 645beon-gil, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea (Play Museum, Sampyeong-dong) (Zip-code: 13487)
Form of
Main Service Electronic finance Fintech Area Payment/Settlement B2B/B2C
NHN PayCo is a mobile payment service provider.
NHN PayCo is expanding its business area with mobile payment service, mobile payment service, big data-based
advertisement support service, and mobile security service.
In 2017, it attracted 125 billion won from GS Home Shopping and Hanhwa Investment.
It has a settlement partnership with Google.
Aug 2015. The official launching of service
Mar 2016. The launching of offline payment
Jun 2016. The launching of simple remittance service
Apr 2017. The establishment of HNH Payco
Sep 2017. The attraction of 125 billion won investment (GS Shop and Hanwha Investment)
Oct 2017. The conclusion of payment partnership agreement with Google
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : NHNKCP Corp. (PG), KG Inicis (PG), Lotte Card (Credit Card Company) and Samsung Card (Credit Card
Company) and KB Kookmin Card (Credit Card Company).
Location 32, Bongeunsa-ro 114-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (2F, Woonam Building)
Form of
Main Service Software Application Supply Fintech Area Payment/Settlement B2B/B2C
Paycock Inc. is specialized in developing a payment solution and distributing for serllers. Founded as a Fin-tech start-up
on July 2015, its company name means the combination of payment (pay) and finger tap sound (coq) under the goal to
make sellers offer the fast, easy and safe payment solution. It has concluded MOU agreement with Shinhan Card, and it
made a ‘Smart Sign’ service contract with KTB Solution. It was selected as a operator for Seoul Citiy’s simple payment, and
also made a contract with Korea Financial Telecommunications & Clearings Institute. Moreover, in order to expand into
Eurasia financial market, it has concluded MOU agreement with AEB IT, a Russia’s financial IT company.
Jul 2015. The foundation of Paycock Inc.
Apr 2016. The conclusion of ‘Smart Sign’ service agreement with KTB Solution
Jun 2016. The conclusion of MOU agreement with three East African countries.
Aug 2016. Selected as the National Support Project of Fintech Company Security
Nov 2016. The conclusion of MOU agreement with IDX in U.S.A.
Dec 2016. Selected as K-Camp Global
Apr 2017. Selected as the Seoul Simple Payment Licensee. The conclusion of business cooperation agreement with
Korea Financial Telecommunications and Clearings Institute
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : KB Financial Group (Financial Institution), Korea financial telecommunications & clearings institute (Financial
Institution), KSNET (Electronics), KG Inicis (Payment Service), Shinhan Card (Financial Institution), Dongbu
(Financial Institution), Seoul Special City (Seoul City Hall), Kumkang Shoes (Shoemaking), Jjamppong Time
(Restaurant) and L. POINT (Financial Institution)
Location 22, Seocho-daero 78-gil, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (6F, Hongwoo 2 Building)
PAYMINT is a specialized in consulting, designing, developing, and managing services for simple payment.
Founded on Mar 2014, PAYMINT has participated in constructing Kakao Pay, Syrup Pay, SSGPAY, L.Pay and others.
PAYMENT focuses on security authentication related to payment service, linkage to financial institutions, and electronic
financial services.
For many years, It has established the core engines and systems of main simple payment services released in the market
now; also, it possesses many essential technologies necessary for all types of payment businesses including integrated on/
offline payment and O2O payment.
Mar 2014. The foundation of Paymint Inc.
Sep 2014. The development of Kakao Pay (LG CNS)
Mar 2015. The development of App Card Shared Module (NICE Inc.)
Oct 2016. The development of ‘Danchoo’ One Button I.o.T Payment service.
Dec 2016. The development of Pocket Money Management Application (Shinhan Bank)
Feb 2017. Selected as the business of Information Security Source Core Technology Development (Ministry of Science,
ICT and Future Planning)
Jul 2017. The development of LINQ Omni-Channel Simple Payment
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : NICE Information Service Co., Ltd. (Credit Rating), KIS Information and Communication (IT Company), KG Inicis
(Payment Service), LG U+ (Telecommunication), PayCo (Electronic Payment), Korea Fintech Industry Association
(Public Agency), Kongju National University (Educational Institution), Kakao (IT Company), Shinhan Card (Financial
Institution) and Hyundai Card (Financial Institution)
PayupCo., Ltd.
Location 114, Beobwon-ro, Songpa-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Room No. 411, 4F, Tower B, M-State Building, Munjeong-dong)
Form of
Main Service Mobile Payment Fintech Area Payment/Settlement B2B/B2C
Payup is an integrated online/offline payment service provider.
Based on its own technology patent, it provides a customized electronic payment service and it makes the payment
environment more convenient and safer in response to changing environment of market.
Oct 2016. The foundation of Payup Co., Ltd.
Jan 2017. The launching of Card Mobile service
May 2017. The technology transfer of “block chain-based transaction monitoring system” from Sogang University’s
Industrial University Institute.
Jun 2017. The conclusion of “The Development of Mobile Payment Platform Technology in association with Social
Network Services” agreement with Ministry of SMEs and Startups.
Sep 2017. The achievement of more than 500 Card Mobile affiliates
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : KG Inicis (Payment Service), Galaxia Communications Inc. (Electronic Payment), Danal (Payment Service) and
C’SQUARE Software (Electronic Payment)
Location 25, Gukjegeumyung-ro 2-gil, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (20F, Hanjin Shipping Building)
Form of
Main Service D'Amo, WAPPLES Fintech Area Security/Authentication B2B
Penta Security System is a specialist in information security software based on cryptographic technology.
It provides solutions in authentication security, web security, and data encryption areas, which are the three main
elements of corporate information security. The Penta Security System has developed a database encryption product
from 2004 and has been continuously expanding its supply of encryption solutions for the banking sector as encryption
becomes a requirement in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act of 2012. Penta Security System
provides core solutions such as Intelligent Web Firewall WAPPLES, Password Platform D'Amo and Certification Platform
ISign + in the next generation information system construction business of financial sector. It was named 'Best Security
Company of 2016' by consulting firm Frost & Sullivan.
Jul 1997. Establishment of Penta Security System
Jul 1999. The launching of first DB security business in Korea
Aug 2003. The acquisition of FIPS cipher certificate by CIS and US National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST)
Jul 2008. The acquisition of CIS-CC cryptographic module certificate (National Intelligence Service)
Apr 2009. The award of ‘Embedded SW Grand Prize’ in the New Software Product Contest (The Ministry of Knowledge
Oct 2015. Selected as the champion of CloudbricNCSAM (US National Cyber Security Association)
Jun 2016. The award of ‘2016 Best Security Enterprise' Prize in the 13th Asia-Pacific ICT Award.
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Korea Tourism Organization (Public Agency), Ministry of National Defense (Public Agency), Ministry of Foreign
Affairs (Public Agency), KOREA POST (Public Agency), Korea Expressway Corporation (Public Agency), Samsung
Securities (Financial Institution) and Hyundai Securities (Financial Institution)
-Foreign Countries : Nike (Sports Equipment Brand), SoftBank (Telecommunication) and BMW (Automobile and
Motorcycle Manufacturing)
Location 29, Teheran-ro 87-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (10F, M Tower)
Peoplefund is a P2P-based financial services provider. Unlike other P2P financial platforms, it provides funds through
banks when making loans.
Peoplefund was conducted a formal review by the Financial Supervisory Service (FSS) in April 2016 and is currently
negotiating the handling and examination of individual loan receivables under an agreement with JB Financial Group,
which currently has about 50 trillion won in assets. In April 2016, it launched a Peoplefund loan to expand into limited-
risk, high-yielding short-term products such as NPL bond funds, real estate brokerage, and other small-to-medium-sized
investors. The Peoplefund has attracted 1.5 billion won from 500 Startups, Start Up Accelerator (500Startups), Jubilee
and Daily Financial Group.
Feb 2015. The establishment of Peoplefund
May 2015. The award of grand prize in Fintech Contest (JB Finance Group)
Jul 2015. The attraction of investment from 500startups, D3 Jubilee, Daily Finance Group and others
Jun 2016. The launching of bank integrated P2P financial platform
Nov 2016. The launching of of real estate mortgage investment product
Feb 2017. The launching of cultural contents bond investment product
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Jeonbuk Financial Holdings (Financial Institution)
Location 2, Toegye-ro 36-gil, Jung-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Room No. 201, New Chungmuro Building, Dongguk University)
Form of
Main Service Pon gift Fintech Area Others B2B
PLATFOS is a cloud-based mobile voucher platform operator.
As online and offline linkage and omni channel services are becoming essential survival strategies for retailers, large retail
brands (commodity suppliers), local businesses such as restaurants, apps that want new revenue models, and blog web
operators want to introduce their own mobile gift vouchers.
PLATFOS aims to grow as a platform company that can transmit and use mobile products between countries and is
working with some of the world's leading global companies.
Oct 2015. Establishment of Platfos
Jul 2016. Moved into the Startup Center of Dongguk University
Jul 2016. The acquisition of technology certificate (Korea Technology Finance Corporation)
Nov 2016. Selected as 'First Penguin-type' company : 1 year support of the First Penguin (Korea Credit Guarantee Fund)
Nov 2016. Selected as the promising startup - intellectual property commercialization certificate (Korea Credit Guarantee
Nov 2016. The launching of investment option guarantee (Korea Credit Guarantee Fund)
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : A Twosome Place (Food and Beverage), CU (Distribution), CoffeeBene (Food and Beverage), Aqua Planet
(Aquarium), Mr.Pizza (Food and Beverage) and Cocomong Adventure (Internal Playground)
-Foreign Countries : Smoothie King (Food and Beverage), Domino's Pizza (Food and Beverage), Starbucks (Food and
Beverage) and Outback Steak House (Food and Beverage)
Representative Hwang Chang-yeon and Kim Yeong-bin Incorporation Date Jan 25th, 2017
Location 14, Dogok-ro 1-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Room No. 1113)
Form of
Main Service Pocket Funding Fintech Area P2P Finance B2C
Pocketfintech is a real estate-mortgage P2P platform service provider that connects personal and corporate investors
with real estate mortgage holders who need funds.
Pocketfintech pursues a space where borrowers and investors can coexist. It provides alternatives to real estate-linked
investment products that offer convenience and reasonable interest rates to borrowers and are affordable for investors.
In the case of borrowers, even if there is a collateral, it will be possible to use fast and convenient high-speed lending
services when the financing is not easy due to the conservative lending practices of banks and the difficulty of proof of
income. Investors, who can’t find a suitable investment destination, can find various products from low-risk first-rate
secured bonds to high-yield subordinated secured bonds
Jan 2017. Establishment of Pocketfintech
Feb 2017. The conclusion of MOU agreement for the development of website and operation system with Funny Pig
May 2017. The promotion of securities appraisal and the attraction of investor
Jun 2017. Registration into P2P Financial Association
Jul 2017. The conclusion of MOU agreement with Fidelis Asset Management
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Isin Law Office (Law Office), NICE Information Service Co., Ltd (Credit Rating), Fidelis Asset Management
(Asset Management), Korea P2P Financial Association (Financial Association), PayGate (Payment Service), Hana
Accounting Firm (Accounting Firm), U&Yeon Tax Office (Tax Office) and Korea Economy TV (Newspaper)
Location 242, Digital-ro, Guro-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Room No. 312, Hanhwa Biz Metro 1(il)-cha)
Form of
Main Service Secretary Kim Fintech Area FInance Platform B2B/B2C
Popcorn Bankers is a solution provider to solve asymmetric problems between information providers and consumers.
Popcorn Bankers provides a set of services to increase satisfaction of both sides by connecting consumer and sales person
directly. The business operators are engaged in marketing, advertising, design, software development and others from
financing experts (such as deposits, loans, and insurance) to legal dealers (such as automobile dealers, lawyers and
lawyers), housing related businesses (such as interior and repair) and transportation companies.
Jun 2015. The establishment of Popcon Bankers
Jul 2015. The application of patent for Seller Link System
Jul 2015. The application of patent for 'Electronic Payment Certificate System and Methodology of Electronic Payment
Jul 2015. The application of trademark rights
Location 16, Daewangpangyo-ro 645beon-gil, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea (3F, NHN Play Museum)
Form of
Main Service P2P Platform Fintech Area P2P Finance B2B/B2C
Pop funding is a peer-to-peer (P2P) loan platform operator.
It provides reasonable financial services to investors who have spare funds borrowers who need funds. Pop funding has
a diverse lineup of products such as home shopping vendors and undeclared sales loans, mortgage loans, real estate
insolvency bonds, performance and sound related loan services. NHN Entertainment is the largest shareholder and
attracts investment from the Silver Horn Fund in Luxembourg.
Consequently, it received '2017, Best P2P Lending Platform in South Korea' from The Asian Banker magazine, a global
financial magazine.
2007. The launching of Popfunding
2012. The change of company name from Korea Internet Finance to PopFunding
2015. The launching of Dongsan Secured Loan. The acquisition of venture company certificate
2016. The conclusion of fund investment agreement with SilverHorn in Luxemburg
2017. The establishment of LK Jasmin Fund. The attraction of investment from 4 PDFs. The promotion of Moonjaein
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : NH Nonghyup Bank (Financial Institution), GP Savings Bank (Financial Institution), Hansung Savings Bank (Financial
Institution), NHN Entertainment (Remittance/Payment), SHN@KIM LLC (Legal Advise) and T&S Tax Accounting
Firm (Tax Consulting)
Location 288, Digital-ro, Guro-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Room No. 1708, Daeryung Post Tower 1(il)-cha)
Form of
Main Service POPPAY Fintech Area Payment/Settlement B2B/B2C
Poppay provides a payment service using a sound wave technology.
By transmitting a bill to customer’s mobile phone using a sound wave, the customer can check the bill on mobile and
settles a payment.
By inputting a table number on POPCON developed by Popay, it can transmit a bill to a customer’s bill, then it pops up
automatically on the customer’s mobile phone.
It developed Poppay Kitchen monitor software, which is supplied to store owners, and it helps the store owners can
operate their stores more effectively with a fewer labors.
Sep 2015. Established POPPAY INC.
Jan 2016. Participated into the Fintech Final 2016 Hongkong
Feb 2016. Selected as a participating company in MWC 2016 Barcelona exhibition
Dec 2016. Winning third prize in the G-Startup Worldwide Seoul
Sep 2017. Selected as a participating company in the Global Mobile Vision 2017 (Gyeonggi Creative Economy Innovation
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : SKY C&S (Payment Device), ZOO COFFEE (Coffee Shop) and Nice Pay (Electronic Payment)
Power voice
Location 397, Seokcheon-ro, Bucheon-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea (Room No. 1004, 302-dong, Bucheon Techno Park Ssanyong 3(sam)-cha)
Power Voice is specialized in speech technology, such as speech recognition and speaker identification and
authentication. It is supplying the commercial technology to the world's leading electronic companies for the first time
in the world. Power Voice has proven to be one of the most advanced voice recognition technologies in domestic and
overseas major smart appliances, mobile phones and mobile phones. Recently, it has attracted attention as a new device
communication (M2M) in various home appliances, mobile and automobile environments based on the sound QR (Sound
QR) technology, which is a communication technology using a sound wave. It was awarded the "Mobile Technology
Grand Prize" by the Ministry of Creation Science in 2014 and is providing a new user experience that matches the Internet
of Things.
Jan 2002. The establishment of Power Voice
Jun 2004. The export of speaker identification/certificate service ('Voice K') to Japan
Jul 2008. Selected as the excellent product of innovative small business by Bucheon-si
Jan 2013. The development and supply of SK T-map voice recognition
Nov 2014. The award of KT Prize in Korea Mobile Technology Contest (SendToCar service)
Jan 2016. The establishment of Power Voice in ShenZhen, China (Changed into FOSHAN POWERVOICE)
Oct 2017. The conclusion of exclusive agency agreement for the speaker identification/recognition service in Central and
South America
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Shinhan Financial Group (Financial Institution), Shinhan Card (Financial Institution), BC Card (Financial Institution),
K Bank (Financial Institution), KB Kookmin Bank (Financial Institution), Olleh KT (Telecommunication) and
Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning (Government Agency)
Location 535, Samseong-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Room No. 305)
Form of
Main Service P2P finance platform service Fintech Area P2P Finance B2B/B2C
Pro:fit is a P2P financial platform operator.
It is composed of financial experts from the first financial sectors such as Citibank and provides financial services suitable
for customers.
Based on accumulated know-how, it is carefully selecting the products and making sure to follow-up management. Since
the commencement of the loan service in December 2016, Pro:fit has been mainly engaged in real estate mortgage
products for Meritz Asset Management, Fidelis Asset Management, and others, and attracted the investment from
Dong-A Chemical, Korea Risk Management and others.
Apr 2016. The foundation of Lending Plaza (Changed the company name into Pro:fit)
May 2016. The foundation of WELEND Social Loan (Changed company name into Pro:fit Loan)
Dec 2016. The launching of Pro:fit service
Mar 2017. The attraction of investment from DongO Chemicals and others
May 2017. The attraction of investment from Korea Risk Management and others
Sep 2017. The conclusion of MOU agreement with Meritz Asset Management
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : PayGate (Payment Service), Meritz Asset Management (Financial Institution), Fidelis Asset Management (Asset
Management), SCI Credit Rating (Claim Collection), NICE Information Service Co., Ltd. (Credit Rating), Dongin
LLC. (Law Firm) and Onnuri Appraisal Firm (Appraisal Assessment)
QARASoft, Inc
Representative Byun Chang-hwan, Son Bo-Mi Incorporation Date Mar 20th, 2014
Location 50, 63-ro, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (4F, Hanhwa Financial Center 63, Yeouido-dong)
Robo-Advisor/ Form of
Main Service Financial AI Software Fintech Area B2B/B2C
Asset Management Business
QARASoft Inc. is a Fin-tech company that develops online asset management platforms.
The goal of the company is ‘popularization of asset management’ by robo-advisor technology and it provides online
investment advisory service and asset management platform service.
By applying deep-learning technology to the financial market, it provides market analysis, euity market grpahs, and etc.
to clients and it is striving to create new utility by collaborating with financial institutions such as KB Financial Group,
Hanwha Financial Group, and etc.
We have stabilized the technology and implemented the service for more than three years since its establishment.
QARASoft Inc. judges the financial market and recommend customized financial products that fit the customers' risk
profile by using the financial AI technology.
Mar 2014. The establishment of QARASoft, Inc.
Jul 2014. The foundation of QARASoft Hongkong branch.
Jul 2016. The registration of patents for P2P fund structure and BM
Oct 2016. The award of Grand Prize in the Open API-based Fintech Contest (KOSCOM)
Jan 2017. The application of patent for the domestic PCT technology in U.S.A.
Jul 2017. Selected as the first fintech company to apply Open API (KOSCOM)
Sep 2017. Selected as the fintech IR in Singapore (Seoul Metropolitan Office)
Oct 2017. Selected as the Fintech Accelorator Program (KIC SV)
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : NAVER (IT Service), KB Asset Management (Financial Institution), Hanwha Asset Management (Financial
Institution), Hanwha Life Co. (Financial Institution), KOSCOM (Financial Institution) and Gyeonggi Center for
Creative Economy & Innovation (Government Agency)
-Foreign Countries : LINE (Mobile Messenger Service)
Location 58, Wangsimni-ro, Seongdong-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Room No.517, Seoul Forest ForHu Knowledge Industrial Center)
Form of
Main Service A.I. Product/Solution Fintech Area Robo-Advisor B2B/B2C
Craft Technologies is a specialist in researching technologies that effectively apply deep learning to the financial sector.
Craft Technologies is developing application services such as artificial intelligence fund solutions and artificial intelligence
robo-adviser solutions. It has applied for a number of patents related to the Deep Learning AI portfolio engine. As a
member of 'Mirae Asset Intelligent Finance Research Center', the first artificial intelligence research institute in Korea,
the company is working with Korea University and Mirae Asset Finance Group, to develop A.I. technology that can be
commercialized in financial sector right away.
Large financial companies such as Mirae Asset Securities, Hana Bank, Samsung Securities, and Thomson-Reuters are
building successful B2C services through Kraft's AI solutions.
Jan 2016. The incorporation of Qraft Technologies
Oct 2016. The patent application of deep learning portfolio engine technology
Nov 2016. The development of the robo advior for the foreign futures (B2B2C)
Dec 2016. The development of customer data learning and analysis system for the Samsung Securities
Jan 2017. The market launching of 2 public offering funds that are Mirae Asset Daewoo and Craft A.I
Oct 2017. The development of AI ETF for Horizons ETFs (B2B) Horizons
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Mirae Asset Daewoo, Korea, Samsung Securities, Korea, DB Financial Investment, Korea, Ebest Investment &
Securities, Korea, Korea Investment & Securities, Korea, KB Securities, Korea, KEB Hana Bank, Korea, IBK Bank,
Korea. KOREA POST (Office of Postal Service), Korea, Thomson Reuters Group, Korea
Quarterback Investments
Location 10, Gukjegeumyung-ro, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (18F, Three IFC)
Quarterback Investments Inc. is an asset management company for the asset allocation, which invests in diversified asset
classes such as stocks, bonds, commodities, currencies and real estate using global ETF / ETN.
Quarterback Asset Management and KB Kookmin Bank launched robo-advisor trust products. Through Robo-Adviser,
it strives to create more systematic and stable profits by maximizing the emotions of people and allocating global assets
based on financial data. Currently, QBB Asset Management is an asset allocation company based on data analysis as a
robo-advisor company, and is investing about 160 billion won in individual and institutional funds. Since its establishment
in June 2015, it has expanded into securities companies, banks, and insurance through the verification of institutional
investors and domestic financial institutions.
Jun 2015. The establishment of Quarterback Investments
Dec 2015. The conclusion of MOU agreement with KOSCOM
Feb 2016. The conclusion of MOU agreement with NH Investment & Securities
Apr 2016. The launching of ‘POP Robo Beta Type’ lab for Samsung Securities
Apr 2016. The launching of ‘Korea Investment Robo Lab R3, R5’ for the Korea Investment & Securities
May 2017. The conclusion of MOU agreement for the asset management service development with KOREA POST
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Mirae Asset Daewoo Co., Ltd. (Financial Institution), Samsung Securities Co., Ltd. (Financial Institution), KB
Kookmin Bank (Financial Institution), SK Securities (Financial Institution) and Korea Post (Transport)
Location 10, Gukjegeumyung-ro, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea(18F, Three IFC, International Finance Centre Seoul)
Form of
Main Service Asset management platform Fintech Area FInance Platform B2B
Quarterback Technologies is a provider of robo-advisor asset management platform services. Robo-advisor includes
an algorithm-based automated personal portfolio service and personal finance design service. In August 2015,
Quarterback Technologies launched asset advisory services for the first time in Korea, providing asset allocation
strategies for a variety of products including global ETFs, funds, and structured products. Quarterback Technologies
is a combination of developers and financial engineers, wealth managers, quant analysts, and data scientists, who
have a high level of understanding of technology and finance. Hybrid asset management service that includes life asset
and liability management functions. It includes personal financial status analysis, goal-based risk allocation, portfolio
recommendation, rebalancing and reporting functions in addition to automation port policy services.
Jul 2014. The foundation of Quarterback Technologies
Aug 2015. The launching of first Korean Robo-Advisor Web Service
Oct 2016. The conclusion of Advisory Agreement for hedge funds KOREA ASSET INVESTMENT SECURITIES CO.,LTD.
Oct 2016. The supply of Robo-Advisor Platform to SK Securities Co., Ltd.
Jun 2017. The conclusion of MOU agreement for the Robo-Advisor asset management with KOREA POST
Oct 2017. The launching of Syrup Wealth Robo-Advisor Service.
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : SK Securities Co., Ltd., KOREA POST
Rainist Inc.
Robo-Advisor/ Form of
Main Service Bank Salad Fintech Area B2C
Asset Management Business
Rainist Inc. is a fintech start-up which provides a service to solve imbalance of financial information. It offers a Bank
Salad Service, which can accumulate all parts of individual finance information from asset management and customized
financial details to offer customized financial products and provides a consolidated asset management service, based on
data, algorithm, and IT.
Bank Salad service, started as a personalized credit card recommendation service in 2014, evolved to be individual’s
financial advisor analyzing nation’s biggest financial data.
It won the grand prize for Fintech Challenge Business Section by KOSCOM, and it was selected as ‘2016 Innovative
application of the year’ by Google.
Jun 2012. Establishment of Rainist Inc.
Jun 2014. Launching of customized credit card recommendation service, ‘Bank Salad WEB’.
Dec 2014. Conclusion of Card Recommendation Solution Agreement with IBK Industrial Bank.
Apr 2015. Award of grand prize for the Fintech Challenge Business Section (KOSCOM)
Jun 2015. Co-development of KT Mobile Wallet Application service, ‘Clip Service’.
Dec 2016. Selected as “2016 Innovative APP of the year” (GOOGLE)
Sep 2017. The expansion of Banksalad WEB recommendation product category into the investment, the loan, the
insurance, the pension and others.
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Hyundai Card Co., Ltd. (Financial Institution), KB Kookmin Card Co., Ltd. (Financial Institution), NH Nonghyp Card
(Financial Institution), Lotte Card Co., Ltd. (Financial Institution), Woori Card (Financial Institution), SAMSUNG
CARD Co., Ltd. (Financial Institution), Shinhan Card Co., Ltd. (Financial Institution), IBK Industrial Bank (Financial
Institution) and KT (Financial Institution)
-Foreign Countries : Citi Bank (Financial Institution)
Location 160, Seoun-ro, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Room No.902, Palace Building)
Form of
Main Service P2P Finance Fintech Area P2P Finance B2B/B2C
Real Funding is a P2P financial platform company. Based on its professional financial knowledge, it offers safe investment
and loan services. It simplifies loan process to borrowers to make it a faster transaction.
In an era of low interest rate of 1% savings, the company can provide more than 12% annual return on investment by
investing in various projects from real esate, credit, and mortgages.
To safeguard invester’s investments, Real Funding sets up various tools such as putting up mortgage, transferring
ownership, registering the creditor, and etc. It manages thorough credit management processes and in case of default, it
also has a system that protects principals by auction, and etc.
Feb 2015. The foundation of Real Funding Inc.
May 2017. The development of P2P financial platform
Jun 2017. The launching of service
Real Identity
Location 212, Gasan digital 1-ro, Geumcheon-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Room No.304-2, Kolon Digital Tower Aston)
Real Identity is a biometric authentication technology specialized company. The company has a security enhanced
technology that using biometric characteristics in which living tissue only expresses micro sweat, it features fingerprint
sensor security on smart devices such as smart phones, watches, bands, notes and pads, ID cards, and credit cards
equipped with a fingerprint sensor.
Equipped with False Biological Identification Software algorithm technology and hardware technology, Real Identity is
a pure native technology company that has been certified with about 40 patents and new technologies. In cooperation
with Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, it has a patent on a technology that induces a micro sweat in a
human and a technology that detects and matches biometric characteristics.
It provides biometric authentication technology to Hyundai Motor and Samsung Electronics smartphone, and are
working on a project to install technology on Apple iPhone and Huawei smartphone.
May 2014. The foundation of Real Identity Inc.
Mar 2015. The application of patent for the first step of Biometric Fingerprint Certificate.
May 2015. Selected as the 1st Shinhan Futures Lab
Jan 2016. The approval of enterprise R&D center
Nov 2016. The development of biometric certificate RFID card
Mar 2017. Selected as the invested company and the finals for TIPS by POSCO
Jun 2017. The application of patent for the next generation technology 'EIS sensor' (design) technology.
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Shinhan Card (Financial Institution), Shinhan Bank (Financial Institution), Samsung Electronics (IT Company),
Hyundai Motor Company (Automobile Manufacturing and Sales), POSCO (Steel Industry) and Dream Tec
(Electronics Manufacturing)
-Foreign Countries : Egis Technology (Security)
Form of
Main Service BOMAPP Fintech Area Others B2B/B2C
Redvelvet Ventures Corp. is an insurtech company providing a service called Bomapp, which delivers lacking information
to insured clients to improve satisfaction and reliability.
Bomapp is a total insurance management application that allow clients to mange different insurances one contracted
in one application. It allows users to check and contents of each insurance from life insurance, liability insurance, car
insurance, and etc.
The company was selected as a one of the 6 Month Challenge platform businesses (Seoul Creative Economic Innovation
Center), and it received the award of Grand Prize in the Insurance Management Section (Mobile Award Korea Finance
The company doesn’t sale any specific insurance to provide the neutral service unbiased of any insurance. It launched a
paid service for insurance planners for its profitability.
Nov 2015. The foundation of Redvelvet Ventures Inc.
Apr 2016. The launching of Red Box (BOMAPP MVP Model)
Aug 2016. Selected as a foundation support business for leading venture company
Sep 2016. Selected as a beneficiary in the Fintech Center by DREAMPLUS 63 project of Hanwha Life Corp.
Nov 2016. Selected as one of the 6 Month Challenge platform businesses (Seoul Creative Economic Innovation Center)
Apr 2017. The award of Grand Prize in the Insurance Management Section (Mobile Award Korea Finance Area)
Jul 2017. The launching of charged service for BOMAPP design.
Sep 2017. The award of Minister Prize for the Korea Digital Business Innovation Contest (Minister of Smali and Venture
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Hanwha General Insurance Co., Ltd. (Financial Institution)
Location 189, Seongam-ro, Mapo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Room No. 1605, 16F, SME DMC Tower)
Form of
Main Service Rencar Fintech Area Others B2B/B2C
Rencar developed and offers a service for O2O rental cars brokerage platform. Started off as car insurance debit and
credit brokerage service, it now expands to automobile aftermarket and general short-term rental business. It is becoming
a bridge between small and medium-sized rental car companies lacking sales force and mobile and web-based users who
need rental cars on insurance after incidents by reverse auction style.
In 2016, it launched Rencar, insured rental cars direct transaction platform, and signed a partnership with the National
Bus Mutual Aid Association. It also made a partnership with AXA Non-Life Insurance and Meritz Insurance. It also signed
a contract with the Insurance Development Agency to provide car history information.
Nov 2015. The establishment of Rencar.
Apr 2016. The launching of direct rental car platform, 'Rencar', for the insurance rental service.
Jun 2016. The conclusion of partnership agreement with National Bus Mutual-Aid Association
Sep 2016. The presentation in the Fintech Demoday (Financial Supervisory Service)
Jan 2017. The promotion of early reward team pilot test for Samsung Fire Insurance.
Mar 2017. The conclusion of partnership agreement with AXA Direct and Meritz Fire & Marine Insurance.
May 2017. The conclusion of “car record data supply” agreement with Korea insurance development institute.
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : National Bus Mutual-Aid Association (Association), Korea Taxi Mutual-Aid Association (Association) and Meritz
Fire & Marine Insurance (Financial Institution)
-Foreign Countries : AXA Direct (Financial Institution)
Location 41, Sejong-daero 9-gil, Jung-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (3 ~ 8F, Pacific Tower)
Rich& Co., Inc. is an insurtech company, focusing on insurance related service. It also has network with 30 domestic
insurance companies, 500 professional counselors (RM) and 1,500 large-scale design personnel (RP). In addition to
insurance comparisons, Rich& Co. Inc Which aims to become a comprehensive financial services company through
individual and corporate financial consulting, changed its name from 'Rich Planner Consulting' to ‘Rich& Co.’ in February
2016. By renaming the company, it declared its vision as a Korea’s top fintech centered comprehensive financial services
company. Launched in September 2016, Good Rich App allows you to view and manage all your insurance products at a
glance and lead you to a wise and correct insurance life through various marketing campaigns. In 2018, the company will
renew the “Good Rich app” to adjust to the fintech era where all financial businesses can be done in a phone. Through
the renewed Goodrich app will provide consumers with a variety of technical cooperation with Big Data such as auto
insurance, general insurance integrated management, simplified insurance claim service, and customized insurance life
Feb 2006. Establishment of Rich & Co. Inc.
May 2006. Launched the online insurance comparison & sales business
Mar 2015. Won the grand prize in the Korea Customer Satisfaction Brand
Jun 2016. Officially launched an investment service, Good Rich Plan 20
Sep 2016. Officially launched an insurance billing service.
May 2017. Opened the O2O Insurance Service Lounge, "The first Good Rich Lounge in Gangnam”
Jul 2017. Launched the comparison application for Good Rich Direct Car Insurance
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : JTBC (Broadcasting Company), OBS (Broadcasting Company), SBS SNBC (Broadcasting Company), Kakao (IT
Service), Zoom Internet (Search Engine), NHN Entertainment (IT Company), Viva Republica (Fintech Platform)
and My Real Plan (O2O Service)
Ripple4y Ltd.
Location 21, Baekbeom-ro 31-gil, Mapo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Room No. 804, Seoul Startup Hub)
Form of
Main Service Ripple Exchange Fintech Area Blockchain B2C
Ripple4y Ltd., established in April 2014, it operates an exchange for cryptocurrency, Ripple. It started from the question
‘how to send a hunk of bread wholly to African boys and girls without high remittance charge.’, which becomes new
technology innovation of fintech. Ripple4y Ltd. can provide the same ‘remittance service’ as commercial banks, as
Ripple is a competitive currency especially in the remittance system. Block Chain 2.0 (For Bit Coin, Block Chain 1.0),
upon which Ripple currency is based, can make quick remittance within 2 to 3 secs. Ripple4y Ltd. will advance into the
payment market so that we will offer the total service of block chain consisting of a combination of virtual currency multi-
exchange, overseas remittance service and O2O payment platform. In 2016, it has acquired a venture capital certificate
and it has received the award of grand prize in 2017 Korean Frontier Award.
In 2017, it attracted investments of 250 million won by crowd-funding.
Apr 2014. The establishment of Ripple4y Ltd.
Mar 2015. The launching of Ripple Exchange Service.
Jun 2015. The official registration in the International Ripple Business Association.
Nov 2015. The award of grand prize in the International e-Business Academy Technical Innovation Award
Feb 2016. The acquisition of Venture Company Certificate.
Nov 2016. The award of grand prize in Seoul Foundation Expo.
Feb 2017. The award of grand prize in 2017 Korean Frontier Award.
May 2017. The attraction of 250 million won investment through the crowd fund.
Affiliated Organization
-Foreign Countries : Ripple Co. (Virtual Currency)
Location 108, Bongeunsa-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (13F, Glaston Building)
Form of
Main Service Roof Funding Fintech Area P2P Finance B2C
Roof Funding is a peer-to-peer (P2P) platform that focuses on real estate development and provides capital and
investment opportunities to businesses and investors. Established in 2015 by experts from Goldman Sachs and LG
Electronics and others, the company has established a close relationship with financial experts with extensive experience
in various fields of global financial markets and senior partners of Kim & Chang Law Office, one of the top legal advisors
in Korea. Real estate investment products on Roof Funding are making return rate of investment on average 18%, and
by 2017, the default rate is 0%. Roof Funding is committed to managing safe investments so that there are no investors
who suffer losses. In addition, investors will be able to invest in high-quality products with little investment, starting from
100,000 won, which breaks a general belief that investment is only for high asset owners.
Oct 2015. The foundation of Roof Funding.
Sep 2016. The capital increase into 23 million won.
Sep 2016. The award of first rank for the service innovation brand in ‘The Customer Preference Brand Index’ (The Kukmin
Oct 2016. The capital increase into 3,001 million won.
Oct 2016. The attraction of 5 billion Won from KIPVC, K Venture Group and others.
Jul 2017. The launching of first ‘Speed Smart Phone Investment’.
Sep 2017. The achievement of total 140 billion investment.
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Korea P2P Finance Association (Public Institution)
Location 28, Digital-ro 30-gil, Guro-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Room No. 819, Mario Tower, Guro 3-dong)
Form of
Main Service Fintech Log-in/Security Fintech Area Security/Authentication B2B/B2C
ROUM IT is a login-related platform development company, offering safe and convenient log-in solutions to relieve
inconvenience for users. It helps users easily retrieve forgotten IDs and passwords, which in turn also saves unnecessary
expenses especially to companies. ROUM IT issued many patents, including 'Login Authentication Server and its
Operation Method' and 'Virtual Keypad Domestic Patent and Messenger Service PCT'. The company launched the official
version of LoginTalk 1.0 on January 2018.
Jan 2016. The foundation of RoumIT
Feb 2017. The participation into Seoul Venture Incubator (SVI Venture Company Association)
Feb 2017. The application of patent for Log-in Talk
Aug 2017. The runner-up in 2017 Venture Summer Forum
Aug 2017. Selected as one of the excellent patect technology companies (IP Narae)
Sep 2017. The establishment of enterprise R&D center.
Nov 2017. The registration of patent (How to share the security of computer).
Nov 2017. The registration of trademark for Login Talk
Nov 2017. The application of 5 patents and trademarks for virtual keypad and others.
Jan 2018. The release of Log-in Talk Ver. 1.0
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Cocoon (Financial Institution), Softzion (CRM Solution and Company Marketing Alliance), Galaxiacommunications
(PG and Payment), Sejong Telecom (Telecommunication), Rehobot (Incubating) and others.
Location 12, Gukhoe-daero 70-gil, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (5F, Daesan Building)
Form of
Main Service Investing Master Fintech Area Robo-Advisor B2B/B2C
SBCN is a start-up offering robo-advisor and a platform based on the analysis of big data and AI. It provides Robo-
Advisor services for diverse client groups from securities corporations, management companies and others. It has been
recognized for the stability and technology of algorithm by passing the Test Bed held by Financial Services Commission.
It has developed global version of Robo-Advisor to advance into the global service market and expanded the business
Jul 2014. The foundation of SBCN Inc.
Jan 2016. The application of 2 patents for Investment Management and Auto Sales Module System
Jun 2016. The supply of signal maker overseas futures algorithm to Hana Financial IT.
Aug 2016. The development of DNN-based asset management robo-advisor system for M Asset Management
Feb 2017. The release of ‘Investing Master’, an A.I. and Big data-based Securities Information Supply’ service for Kiwoom
Apr 2017. The pass of government authentication robo-advisor testbed
May 2017. The release of overseas ETF robo-advisor product for Hangaram Investment Advisor.
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Shinhan Financial Group Co., Ltd. (Financial Institution), Kiwoom Securities (Financial Institution), Hana Financial
Investment (Financial Institution), E-best Investment Securities (Financial Institution), Mirae Asset Management
(Financial Institution), Hanhwa (Manufacturing), Koscom (Securities Computerization) and DIREA (IT Company)
SBI Cosmoney
Location 8, Teheran-ro 98-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (2F, KT&G Daechi Tower)
Form of
Main Service SBI Cosmoney Fintech Area Remittance (Overseas) B2B/B2C
SBI Cosmoney is an overseas remittance service provider; SBI Cosmoney was established on Aug, 2017 by SBI Remit, a
Japanese overseas remittance company, and Coin Plug, a cryptocurrency and block-chain company in a form of joint
Also, it is a subsidiary of SBI Fintech Solutions, a Fin-tech solution provider which provides the payment, the social loan,
the international remittance, the unified management of online asset information and others.
Aug, 2017. The foundation of SBI Cosmoney
Jan, 2018. The completion of registration for overseas remittance service.
Location 3, Hangang-daero 98-gil, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (11F, KCC IT Tower)
IT Security Form of
Main Service (Consulting/Control/Solution), Fintech Area Security/Authentication B2B
Virtualization and Data Backup Business
Secureone is a security service provider in the information technology infrastructure. The integrated security control
center is responsible for the security of the customer's information technology infrastructure in real time, 24 hours a day,
365 days a year. It provides leasing and construction services for integrated security management services and security
equipment. It also provides various solutions and technology bases for efficient operation of our customers' systems. In
line with rapidly changing information technology trends, including ubiquitous computing, the company is diversifying its
business to support customers in a stable information technology operating environment.
Feb 2005. The foundation of Secureone
Jan 2006. The extension of Security Control Center and the launching of security control service brand (SecureOne).
Apr 2007. The launching of analysis service for web/network vulnerable point.
Aug 2011. The launching of PIMS development consulting for Social Security Information Service.
Apr 2012. Selected as a security control company by Ministry of Knowledge Economy.
Mar 2014. Selected as a data security consulting company by Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning.
Jul 2015. The launching of electronic government data security consulting for Korea Internet & Security Agency.
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Korea KCC Information & Communication (SI Solution Supply), SysOne (System Consulting), KCC Motors
(Automobile Sales and Maintenance), Jongha E&C (Building Construction), Jongha Scholarship Committee
(Scholarship), Younglimwon Softlab (ERP Solution Supply) and Sysware (Software Development)
SendBird Co.
Form of
Main Service SendBird Chat API Fintech Area Others B2B
SendBird is a software service provider which develops Chat API and Chat SDK. Headquartered in Silicon Valley, R&D
center is operated in Seoul. It provides all services that corporations need in order to load premium messengers such
as Kakao Talk or WeChat to their own messenger service while maintaining their brand and user experiences. It also
supports expandability and premium chatting function.
In 2016, it participated in Y Combinator program, a Global Startup Accelerators, and attraced investments.
Oct 2014. The foundation of SendBird Corp.
Jan 2015. The launching of SendBird Chat API
Dec 2015. The award of Great Startup Prize in Creative Economy Company Contest
Feb 2016. The participation into Y Combinator Winter 2016 and the investement attraction
May 2016. Selected as the 10th KB Starters
Jan 2017. Selected as the 2016 top new development tool by StackShare
Mar 2017. Selected as the member company of K-ICT BornToGlobal Center for a second time.
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : KB Kookmin Bank (Financial Institution) and Katenoid (Online Video)
-Foreign Countries : Bright Cove (Online Video) and Amazon Web Service (IT Company)
Location 45, Centum dong-ro, Haeundae-gu, Busan, Republic of Korea (Room No. 101)
Form of
Main Service Sentbe Fintech Area Remittance (Overseas) B2B/B2C
Sentbe is a specialist in providing overseas remittance service established in September 2015. Sentbe’s overseas
remittance service is up to 95% cheaper than existing banks. You can request a remittance anytime, anywhere, and you
can receive in various ways including from banks. Overseas remittances are available by either virtual money transaction
method or pooling and free pooling method, with an average of one hour depending on each method. So far, the
company provides services in Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia, Japan and China. It is preparing to expand to Thailand and
Malaysia. The company participated in Chungnam Creation Economic Innovation Center 's overseas commercialization
program and was selected as a Fin-tech demonstration business by Seoul Special City. In December 2017, it acquired a
license from the government for a small amount overseas remittance business.
Sep 2015. Selected as the 6th Global Accelerator Spark Labs and the investment attraction of starting capital
Nov 2015. Selected as the 2nd 1QLab by KEB Hana Bank and the conclusion of MOU agreement
Mar 2016. The attraction of angel investment from WiseWide Inc.
Aug 2016. The award of Grand Prize in Fintech Award hosted by Maeil Economy
Sep 2016. Selected as the occupant of DreamPlus 63 for the fintech encouragement by Hanhwa Group
Nov 2016. Selected as Global Enterprise Promotion (GEP) program by Chungnam Creative Economy and Innovation
Mar 2017. Selected as a fintech demonstration business by Seoul Special City.
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : KEB Hana Bank (Financial Institution), KOBIT (Virtual Money Exchange), Coinone (Virtual Money Exchange) and
Bithumb (Virtual Money Exchange)
-Foreign Countries : Garuda Indonesia (Airline), Philippine Airplane (Airline), Coin Check (Virtual Money Exchange) and (Virtual Money Exchange)
Representative Choi Gyeong-il and Lee Gyeong-min Incorporation Date Oct 19th, 2000
Settlebank specializes in electronic payment services. Started with virtual accounts relay service, it now provides services
throughout the integrated payment area. It supports virtual accounts, firm banking, simple account settlement, electronic
settlement, local specialization services, and school banking services. It is ranked first in terms of virtual accounts market
share and is leading the market by introducing the account-based payment service for the first time in the industry.
Settlebank provides virtual accounts and firm banking services to government agencies such as the National Tax Service,
the Korea Customs Service, the Supreme Court, the Korean Intellectual Property Office, KT and KEPCO, and 190
municipalities including Seoul City and electronic commerce companies such as Gimarket, Auction and Coupang.
Oct 2000. The establishment of SettleBank
Oct 2000. The service launching of NH virtual account
Nov 2003. The launching of integrated relay system for the virtual account service
Aug 2007. The development of local tax receipt system for the virtual account
Sep 2011. The open of PG service
Apr 2015. The service launching of simple account payment (for Ebay)
Jun 2017. The service launching of Firm Banking service for NH Investment & Securities
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Payco (Simple Remittance/Payment), Kakao Pay (Simple Remittance/Payment), Interpark (IT Company), National
Tax Service (Public Institution), MND Welfare Agency (Public Institution), KEPCO (Public Institution), Supreme
Court (Public Institution), SK Telecom (Telecommunication Company), KT (Telecommunication Company) and LG
U+ (Telecommunication Company)
Robo-Advisor/ Form of
Main Service Financial Service Fintech Area B2B/B2C
Asset Management Business
Shinhung, which had been focusing on manufacturing business, has started securities information service since 2016 to
expand its business in purpose of seeking new growth power.
‘Masters Investment Formulas,’ securities information service launched by Shinhung, provides mobile based services
utilizing strategies of investment experts.
Through its service, it supports everyone to gain experts’ investment know-hows and invest in stock on their own. It has
entered into a partnership with investment related corporations as well as personal investors.
Jan 2015. The company division of Sinheung Inc.
Dec 2015. The foundation of Fintech TF team
Aug 2016. The beta service of application, ‘Masters’ Investment Secrets’.
Nov 2016. The launching of ‘Masters’ Investment Secrets’
Sep 2017. The broadcast of Stock Market Travel ‘Masters’ Portfolio’ in Korean Economy TV
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : WOW Korean Economy TV (Financial Information Supply) and E-tomato (Financial Information Supply)
Smart Fintech
Location 10, Hakdong-ro 24-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Room No. 702, Sewang Building)
Form of
Main Service Smart Funding Fintech Area P2P Finance B2B/B2C
Smart Fintech provides a P2P (peer to peer) loan type brokerage platform service by combining the finance and the
information technology. The company established Smart Fintech Corp., (a platform management corporation) which
offers P2P real estate mortgage crowd funding services via online in January 2016 and Smart Funding Corp. (a credit
finance company), which works for the online sales of loan on May 2016, respectively.
In cooperation with external specialists, who will support the evaluation of business value and the analysis and appraisal
of property ownership based on the exact business feasibility analysis of real estate financing experts, the company has
selected only those whose repayment finances are considered reliable from the bond of investors to the bond maturity.
Jan 2016. Established Smart Fintech Corp.
Jul 2016. Concluded a business cooperation agreement for platform management with interagency institutions (credit-
rating agency, trust company, virtual account service company and others)
Jul 2016. Completed to develop the platform and opened the 1st investment product
May 2017. Opened the 25th investment product (the completion of totally 300 million won funding)
Representative Jung Sung-mo and Park Chun-seon Incorporation Date Jun 29th, 2016
Location 16, Maeheon-ro, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (4F, Hybrid Fashion Center)
Form of
Main Service P2P Finance Fintech Area P2P Finance B2C/B2C
Smart Crowd is a P2P (Peer to Peer) financial platform, which provides proven investment products decided carefully
by financial and real estate professionals. Based on 30 years of real estate development and investment experience and
commercial real estate analysis expertise, it has provided various real estate loan products.
It reduces the risk of principal loss by offering only collateral investment products and at the same time increases the
return on investment stably.
Also, to support more professional and safer services, it has concluded a business cooperation agreement with Draju LLC,
Daeil Appraisal Firm, Jungjin Accounting Firm and others, respectively.
Jun 2016. Established Smart Crowd Inc.
Aug 2016. Launched officially Smart Crowd Platform
Aug 2016. Concluded a business cooperation agreement with Draju LLC
Aug 2016. Concluded a business cooperation agreement with Daeil Appraisal Firm
Aug 2016. Concluded a business cooperation agreement with Jungjin Accounting Firm
Apr 2017. Became a regular member in Korea P2P Financial Association
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Draju LLC (Legal Service), Pay Gate (Electronic Payment Service), Daeil Appraisal Firm (Appraisal), Mugunghwa
Trust (Trust Business), Jungjin Accounting Firm (Accounting and, KODA (Training for Staff in Real Estate
Location 19, Bongeunsa-ro 68-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (2F, Building 209)
Form of
Main Service Bigta and Comma Fintech Area Others B2B/B2C
Smartforecast is a Fin-tech company, which analyzes and predicts various big data. The company has developed Bigta,
a service which predicts the timing of stock buying and selling based on the sentiment analysis of big data including
financial data, social networking service and news. Also, it introduced Comma, which creates a portfolio of how many
and what stock is bought or sold within a limited amount of money. Smartforecast helps general investors to manage
their assets better. In order to increase the accuracy of prediction for the price of stock, whose variables are so different,
the company has utilized big data analysis and machine learning technique.
Also, it is providing big data analysis contents to Shinhan Financial Investment.
Oct 2015. The service launching of Bigta 2.0.
Nov 2015. The foundation of Smart Forecast Inc.
Dec 2015. The conclusion of industry-university collaboration agreement with the graduate school of financial
mathematics in the Catholic University and the supply of HTS customer contents connection service for
Shinhan Investment
Jan 2016. The development of portfolio optimization model.
Mar 2016. The achievement of total 100,000 download and installation 'Bigta'.
Aug 2016. The supply of big data analysis contents to Shinhan Investment.
Nov 2016. The launching of customized portfolio management service, 'Comma'.
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Shinhan Financial Group (Financial Institution), EBest Investment Securities (Financial Institution), Korea Securities
Depository (Other Public Institutions), Maeil Economy (Press), Korea Economic TV (Press), Leaders Economic
Newspaper (Press), Asia Economy (Press), Focus News (Press), Catholic University (Educational Institution) and
Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (Educational Institution).
Location 201, Mok-dong, Yangcheon-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (24F, KT Computing & Information Center)
Smartro is an electronic payment service provider, a financial and telecommunication subsidiary of the KT Group. Smartro
offers reliable and convenient credit card VAN services, PG services and payment services in new business areas based on
Fin-tech. It has built its own refrigerator billing system for GS25 in 2016, and it is currently offering Alifay and Wichetpay,
which are Chinese simplified payment services since 2017.
1998. Established Smartro Inc.
2003. Advanced into Credit Card VAN Business
2007. Acquired the certificate of RFID terminal TTA for U-SCM.
Jun 2010. Transferred into BC Card Group
Sep 2011. Advanced into PG business
Nov 2011. Transferred into KT Group
Sep 2013. Opened a franchise service platform, SALT
Jan 2016. Constructed the payment system of MY REFRIGERATOR for GS25
Sep 2017. Opened Simple Payment Service in China (Alipay and WeChatpay)
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : BC Card (Financial Institution) and Shinhan Card (Financial Institution)
-Foreign Countries : Foreign Countries: Alipay (Simple Remittance/Payment) and WeChatpay (Simple Remittance/
Sodifunding Inc.
Location 40, Teheran-ro 39-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (4F, Jeil Building)
Form of
Main Service Funding Fintech Area Crowd Funding B2C
Sodifunding is P2P Crowd funding company focusing on real estate industry. It bridges between developers who require
funding in real estate development and construction and peronal investors. Experts from real estate development,
construction, finance, and appraisal offer loans at reasonable interest rate to borrowers and offer high profitability rates
to investors. SODI, which is the English company name of Sodifunding, is an abbreviation of “SO DO I”, meaning that
Sodifunding shall be a P2P company to sympathize and communicate with investors. The company aims at supplying win-
win deal which selects only financial products with excellent profitability, marketability and stability from the perspective
of investors.
Dec 2016. The establishment of Sodifunding Inc.
Jul 2017. The launching of first product
Jul 2017. The registration as a regular member in Korea Fintech Industry Association
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Korea Fintech Industry Association (Government Interagency)
Location 50, Digital-ro 33-gil, Guro-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Room No. 1301, Byucksan Digital 7 Cha Valley)
Form of
Main Service Sodit Fintech Area P2P Finance B2C
SODIT Inc. offers the financial intermediation service between individuals, which is made by auction specialists for the real
estate P2P loan platform. The company seeks the platform service which connects the small investing public and those
needing the real estate mortgage loan at a reasonable medium interest rate.
With a slogan ‘Everyone Can Smile,’ it brokerages safe estate mortgage loans. By providing a simple method for loan
applicants and 12% investment return rate for investors, it provides a service that both borrowers and investors can
be satisfied with. In December 2016, it attracted Pre-Series A investments from Capstone, Krun Venture, and Strong
Dec 2015. The foundation of SODIT Inc.
Feb 2016. The establishment of affiliated company for SODIT Inc.
Feb 2016. The launching of service.
Dec 2016. The attraction of Pre-series A Investment from Capstone Asset Management Co., Ltd., Krun Venture and
Strong Venture.
May 2017. Selected as the Main Business Company in 2017 K-Global Re-Startup (Ministry of Science, ICT and Future
Nov 2017. The registration of loan screening algorithm development patent
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : NH Nonghyp Bank (Financial Institution), Ecube Solutions (Electronic Electricity), Sazze Partners (Investment
Company) and K-Run Venture (Venture Capital)
-Foreign Countries : Strong Ventures (Investment Attraction)
Solidware Inc.
Form of
Main Service DAVinCi Labs Fintech Area Others B2B
Solidware is a specialized company in machine learning based big data analysis. Solidware utilizes artificial intelligence
analysis engine and visualization solution Davinci Labs to provide a variety of big data-based predictive analysis and
modeling services including credit rating, underwriting, targeted marketing, fraud detection, anomaly detection, and
CRM. It managed projects with AXA Direct Automobile Insurance, SBI Savings Bank, and worked POC with TP Bank in
It registered a patent on ‘cluster formation system and formation methods through machine learning.’
Aug 2014. The establishment of Solidware Inc.
Dec 2014. The development of Costumer Loss Prediction Solution for AXA Direct Automobile Insurance
May 2016. Entered the final round in a global tech conference, ‘ICT Spring 2016 Europe’, for the first time in Asia.
Sep 2016. The Advancement Project of Credit Rating Model for SBI Savings Bank.
Feb 2017. Worked POC with TP Bank in Vietnam.
Feb 2017. The launching of AI Analysis Solution.
May 2017. The application of patent for automatic cluster generation system and generation method using machine
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Hyundai Card (Financial Institution), Welcome Financial Group (Financial Institution), KB Capital (Financial
Institution) and SBI Savings Bank (Financial Institution)
-Foreign Countries : Countries: AXA Direct (Financial Institution)
Location 40, Cheonggyecheon-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Room no. 1307, CKL Business Support Center)
Form of
Main Service Soundlly Fintech Area Payment/Settlement B2B
Soundly is a company specialized in sound wave communication technology that transmits data via inaudible sounds.
Currently, the company has commercialized and operates ‘TV matching mobile Ads’ that provides additional related
information to mobile users who watch TV ads, home Shopping channels, and dramas. In the future, it plans to launch a
platform business where it provides additional advertisements on financial applications on mobile and connects all steps
to simple payment at one.
Jun 2015. Selected as a technology business by K-ICT (Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning), Seoul National
University and Hanyang University.
Jul 2015. T
he attraction of total 1.3 billion won investment from Changtu company
Oct 2015. The award of Grand Prize, Overseas Expansion Prize and Special Prize in K-Global Startup Contest (Ministry of
Science, ICT and Future Planning)
Dec 2015. The release of TV-Mobile Connection advertisement service with AKABNK in Turkey
Sep 2016. The launching of Theater Advertisement connection service with Lotte Cinema.
Nov 2016. The launching of Table Order Service with Dalcom Coffee.
Sep 2017. The conclusion of supply agreement for SDK installation on Cash Slide application with NBT Corp.
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : KB Kookmin Card (Financial Institution) and Samsung Electronic Creative Square (Others)
Representative Kwak Jung-hyeon and Kwon Yeon-hyeon Incorporation Date May 11th, 2016
Location 660, Daewangpangyo-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea (5F, A Sector, Building A, U-space 1)
Form of
Main Service Multi-Platform Service Fintech Area Payment/Settlement B2B/B2C
Srook is a multi-platform provider that makes contents more valuable. In 2017, it entered the Fin-tech industry by
launching Srookpay, a payment service. Srookpay is aiming for a new platform that is deviant from traditional shopping
platform concepts like open market and social commerce. Srookpay provides a service that enables online purchases and
payments without shopping malls in various social networking services.
Jan 2016. The application of second patent and the conclusion of MOU agreement with Digitalzone Co., Ltd, Finotek
Corp. and Innotree Co, Ltd.
Feb 2014. The official service launching of Srook
Aug 2015. The merger of B2oneKorea Inc and Srook.
Oct 2015. The registration of Srook copyright, trademark and software copyright.
Nov 2015. The copyright registration of program and the copyright registration of Srook conversion module and viewer
Nov 2015. The establishment of enterprise R&D center (the final approval from B2oneKorea)
Jan 2016. The demonstration service for Korea University and Eulji University
Mar 2017. The launching of Srookpay Srookpay
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : KG Inicis Co., Ltd. (Online Payment), Public Net (Beauty Up), MP Interactive (Online Advertisement), Play Auto
(Online Sales Solution) and Trendy Shop
Representative Yu Chang-hoon and Lee Jun-ho Incorporation Date Nov 17th, 2015
Form of
Main Service Security Authentication S/W Fintech Area Security/Authentication B2B/B2C
SSenStone is a a technology development company specialized in developing new type of authentication solution.
Comprised of security experts, the company was established in 2015 in purpose of providing simpler and safer
authentication solution. By compensating shortcomings of traditional authentication technology, it has developed and
launched next generation’s technology StonePASS.
It cooperated with Irience for iris scanning solution, and Winningi for non-contact fingerprint scanning solution.
By providing an integrated authentication platform by L.Pay and L.POINT, and Hanwha Life’s simple authentication
system, it is expanding its business clients.
Nov 2015. The establishment of SSenStone Corp. and the application of first patent
Jan 2016. The application of second patent and the conclusion of MOU agreement with Digitalzone Co., Ltd, Finotek
Corp. and Innotree Co, Ltd.
Mar 2016. The registration of first patent and the conclusion of MOU agreement with Lotte Card Co., Ltd.
Jun 2016. The conclusion of technology application agreement for ‘The Next Generation of Electronic Trial System’with
Constitutional Court.
Aug 2016. The acquistion of FIDO UAF Server/Client(iOS/Android) Certification.
Dec 2016. The conclusion of technology supply agreement for the Integrated Recuitment Organization Management
System with Korea Life Insurance Association
Feb 2017. The completion of patent application in foreign countries (Japan, China, Singapore, U.S.A. and Europe)
May 2017. The conclusion of supply agreement for simple authentication system with Hanwha General Insurance Co.,
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Sarklabs (IT Company), Lotte Accelerator (IT Company), Fintech Support Center (Government Interagency),
Gyeonggi Creative Economy & Innovation Center (SME support), Korea Technology Finance Corporation
(Government Agency), KODIT (Government Agency), Constitutional Court (Constitutional Court), National Health
Insurance Service (Public Institution), Korea Life Insurance Association (Insurance Statistics) and SBI Savings Bank
(Financial Institution)
Location 165, Gasan digital 1-ro, Geumcheon-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Room No.1202, 12F)
Stock Link is a company, which deals with credit loan products linked to securities firms. Specifically, it provides RMS (Risk
Management System) that allows individual investors to employ investment funds up to 4 times than their own capital in
connection with securities companies, savings banks, and capital agencies. Its affiliated companies consist of 6 securities
firms (including NH Investment Securities, Daishin Securities, Hana Financial Investment, eBEST Investment Securities,
Dongbu Securities and KB Investment Securities) and 6 credit agencies (including IBK Savings bank, IBK Capital, BNK
Capital, SBI Savings Bank, Dongbu Savings Bank and DGB Capital). Also, it concluded an industry-university cooperation
agreement for the development of technology and the promotion of human resources with Yuhan University in 2016.
Feb 2016. Established Stocklink
2016~2017 C oncluded a business cooperation agreement with 6 trust companies including NH Investment & Securities
and DGB Capital.
Oct 2016. Concluded an industry-university cooperation agreement with Yuhan University
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : NH Investment & Securities (Financial Institution), Hana Financial Investment Co., Ltd. (Financial Institution),
Dongbu Savings Bank (Financial Institution), IBK Savings Bank (Financial Institution). SBI Savings Bank (Financial
Institution), GB Capital (Financial Institution), BNK Capital (Financial Institution), Daesin Securities (Financial
Institution), KB Investment & Securities (Financial Institution) and Dongbu Securities (Financial Institution)
Streami is a block-chain technology specialized company and aims to provide cheaper and more convenient financial
services by using block-chain technologies. Streami manages a cryptocurrency exchange and develops overseas
remittance solutions and others. The company has attracted investments from Blue Point Partners, ICB, Penbush Capital,
Digital Currency Group, Shinhan Bank and others. In addition, Streami is a member company of Enterprise Etherium
Alliance, a global Etherium association.
Jul 2015. The establishment of Streami Inc.
Dec 2015. The attraction of investment from Bluepoint Partners and ICB
Dec 2015. The attraction of investment from Shinhan Data System and Shinhan Bank
May 2016. The attraction of investment from Fenbushi Capital and Digital Currency Group.
Jul 2017. The registration as a regular member in EEA
Aug 2017. The service launching of Cryptopic Information Platform service
Nov 2017. The service launching of GOPAX exchange.
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Shinhan Bank (Financial Institution) and Shinhan Data System (Financial Network Solution Company)
-Foreign Countries : ICB (Payment Service), Ethereum Enterprise Alliance (International Consortium) and Bluepoint
Partners (Bitcoin Exchange)
Location 156, Yanghwa-ro, Mapo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Room No. 1817, LG Palace Building)
Sunfunding is a P2P (peer to peer) platform for individuals to conduct financial transactions between individuals, and
it plays a role in connecting consumers and suppliers efficiently. It provides business funds with reasonable low interest
rates to customers who want to borrow from real estate collateral, and intermediates investment products with annual
return rate of 12 ~ 20%. Sunfunding provides reliable products through a systematic assessment and evaluation system
of experts and legal advisors from the first financial sector.
Feb 2017. The establishment of Sun Funding Inc.
Jun 2017. The release of Sun Funding service
Jul 2017. The pre-registration of DDoS Cyber Shelter from Korea Internet and Security Agency.
Sep 2017. The participation into 2017 Dong-A Investment Techniques-Fintech Show.
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Korea: Korea P2P Finance Association (P2P Company Support)
Location 335, Sapyeong-daero, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Room No. 309, 3F, Kum Sung Building)
Form of
Main Service FCC and KFP Fintech Area Financial Platform B2B
Superstring is a Fin-tech start-up that designs financial services from a consumer-centered perspective and implements
services using patents and technology. It is developing its own service and providing global Fin-tech solution as well as
service consulting and it manages Next Money Seoul branch, a global Fin-tech community.
It provides Fin-tech solution consulting to major financial institutions and it has developed and launched ‘Moser,’ an on-
demand financial service platform.
Feb 2015. The establishment of SettleBank
Jun 2015. The award of Grand Prize for the business section in Fintech Dream Contest (IBK Industrial Bank) and the
conclusion of business cooperation agreement
Aug 2015. The global (USA, China and EU) and domestic patent application of card benefit solution
Sep 2015. The acquisition of agent license from an internet-specialized bank solution company, 'Moven(US)'
Oct 2015. The acquisition of Korean operation right from a global fintech community, 'NEXT MONEY'
May 2016. The fintech solution consulting for domestic major financial institutes
Oct 2016. The development of prototype for Mosher (an on-demand financial service company)
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : IBK Industrial Bank (Financial Institution)
-Foreign Countries : Moven (Mobile Application Platform)
Representative Park Hye-jung and Go Sung-yeop Incorporation Date Jun 11th, 2015
Location 419, Teheran-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Room No. 1524, 15F, Gangnam Finance Plaza)
Form of
Main Service Sysmetic Matching Platform Fintech Area Financial Platform B2B/B2C
SYSMETIC is a company providing a matching platform based on big data analysis. It matches financial product investor,
product manager, and investment advisor. It provides proper financial product for investors, optimal product development
for managers, and sales solutions to advisors. Through its service, it solves asymmetry between financial institutions and
personal investors, provides new tools for personal investors who lack specialized investment tools, and offers new sales
environment and opportunities to create Win-win platform.
SYSMETIC acquired a patent on matching platform for financial investments.
Jun 2015. The foundation of Sysmetic Inc.
Oct 2015. The conclusion of Comprehensive Business Cooperation Agreement for financial contents with Hyundai
Futures Inc.
Nov 2016. The conclusion of Online Education Joint Cooperation Agreement for Airklass Online Video Knowledge
Dec 2016. The establishment of Capital Market Stock Network API for KOSCOM Corp. and the participation into Test
Bed T/F
Jun 2017. The supply of Sysmetic Account Statstics Analysis Web Service to Hyundai Futures Inc.
Aug 2017. The conclusion of Business Cooperation Agreement for News Searching API Provision with Uberple Co.
Aug 2017. The conclusion of Business Cooperation Agreement for Data Visualization Big Data Analysis with Funex Co.
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Eugene Investment & Futures Co., Ltd. (Financial Institution), Hyundai Futures Inc. (Financial Institution), KOSCOM
Corp. (Securities Business Computerization) and Hana Financial Investment Co., Ltd (Financial Institution)
Location 35, Pangyo-ro 255beon-gil, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea 5F, A)
Form of
Main Service - Fintech Area FInance Platform B2B
TA Networks is a specialized company that develops and supplies various financial supplementary services centered
on financial service channels. TA Networks is aiming to revitalize the service channels of financial services through
convergence of data and voice channels, enhance service channels of financial services using crowdcomputing-based
technology, and activate affiliate marketing services using financial customer information. It is recognized as a financial-
based medium. TA Networks has supplied financial software to its own services or external sources, and it has a number
of related patents. TA Networks is developing a model for expanding into online non-face-to-face channels and non-face-
to-face contact centers for non-face-to-face channels of existing financial institutions.
2002. Establishment of TA Networks
2003. The development of component-based financial framework with HP
2006. Acquisition of venture company certificate and selected as a technology innovative small business by the Small
and Medium Business Administration
2007. The development of mobile-charging type account and payment service – Shinhan Bank
2009. Acquisition of venture company certificate and selected as a technology innovative small business by the Small
and Medium Business Administration
2010. The conclusion of MOU agreement for intelligent finance channel system with Hyundai Information Technology
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Hyundai IT (IT coporate), Shinhan Bank(Financial Insitution)
-Foreign Countries : HP(IT corporate)
Location 63, Dongsomun-ro, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Room No.31, 6F)
Form of
Main Service Waitee Fintech Area Others B2B/B2C
Takit is an application provider that one can order and make payments at stores one frequently visits. Takit is introducing
‘waitee,’ a mobile kiosk service. You do not need to stand in a long waiting line, and you can simply order seated using a
Customers who visit the store is designed to use apps for customer, and store owners are able to use app for storefront.
Aug 2016. The foundation of Takit
Form of
Main Service P2P Crowd Funding Platform Fintech Area P2P Finance B2C
Tankerfund is a P2P crowdfunding platform operator. A former deputy chairman from Shinhan Bank, and KAIST
researchers have set up to "build a safe P2P financial platform."
Tankerfund has been selected by a retail finance specialist who has a long history of loan review, and KAIST researchers
designed automated loan assessment system. The basic policy of Tankerfund is to create a platform where the borrower
collects money and a platform that investors do not lose money. Tankerfund secured 850 investors with an operating
capital of 9.2 billion won within six months of its launch.
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Korea P2P Finance Association, Korea
Location 146, Teheran-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (5F, Hyeonik Building, Yeoksam-dong)
Form of
Main Service TERA Funding Fintech Area FInance Platform B2B/B2C
TERA FINTECH Co., Ltd. is real estate P2P financial platform operator.
Established in December 2014, based on specialists from real estate, IT, and financial and online P2P financial platform, it
offers real estate mortgage loan and investment services.
TERAFUNDING differentiates itself from competitors by its data valuation system. By analyzing real estate related data,
it valuates real estate’s business value. TERA FINTECH Co., Ltd. developed and operates its own data valuation system
based on public data that are available from the government.
In October 2017, it attracted 8.25 billion won in investment from Bon Angels Venture Partners, Atinum Investment, SBI
Investment, and others.
Dec 2014. Establishment of Corporation
Apr 2015. The launching of TERA FINTECH Co., Ltd. service
Jan 2016. Attracted invesment from venture capital,Bon Angels Venture Partners Co., Ltd.,
May 2017. Business alliance with Viva Republica Co., Ltd. -Attract investment members
Oct 2017. Attracted investment from venture capitalAtinum Investment Co., Ltd. and SBI InvestmentCo., Ltd.
Form of
Main Service Impact Donation Fintech Area Crowd Funding B2C
Established in 2014, The Bridge is founded to sustainably address social issues in developing countries. It targets locating
and nurturing corporates from developing countries which are interested in social issues and with co-work from those
corporates, it thrives to find solutions to their local social issues. The goal of the company is to restore the dignity of
human beings, which are often distorted by capitalism.
Oct 2013. The establishment of NGO 'The Bridge'
May 2015. The change from NGO to corporation
Aug 2015. The establishment of The Bridge American branch
Sep 2015. The designation of selected donation organization
May 2016. The completion of 14 self-reliance projects
May 2016. The conclusion of MOU agreement with 70 related organizations inside and outside Korea
Jan 2017. The approval of entry into UN DPI cooperative NGO
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Merry Year Foundation (Donation), Korea Social Enterprise Promotion Agency (Company Foundation
Management & Support) and Sharing and Technologies Incorporated (Donation)
-Foreign Countries : Goelcommunity (Social Enterprise), Hana MFI (Micro Finance), Coopec comicoka (Micro Finance) and
Foundation Builder Enterprise (Cooperative Society)
Form of
Main Service D.o.T Fintech Area Others B2B/B2C
The Coder, beyond IoT(Internet of Things), provides a DoT(Data of Things) solution, which applies more, cheaper, and
faster to all things and sounds. Object data is one of the next generation technologies for various business fields including
invisible and inaudible digital smart image, sound, security, web solution and fintech. The Coder, a software company,
has the technology of data insert into the surface or sound of objects. Its technologies can be applied to almost all types
of information and communication fields, including the verification and media contents. The Coder won the contract
of upgrading the document management system from Hyundai Engineering & Construction and concluded a MOU
agreement for the big data business with Chosangwagi in China. Hyundai Engineering & Construction. On July 2017, the
company were selected as the 2nd Wibi Fintech Lab, a Fintech Accelerator program of Woori Bank.
Aug 2016. The establishment of The Coder Inc.
Jan 2017. The acquisition of enterprise R&D center certificate (Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning) and the
conclusion of agreement for image recognition technique-based O2O busienss with Sekwang Electronics
Mar 2017. The conclusion of CMS maintenance agreement with Korea Herald and Kyunghyang Shinmun
Apr 2017. Selected as the 2nd Wibee Fintech Lab by Woori Bank
May 2017. The conclusion of big data business MOU agreement with Chosangwagi in China
Sep 2017. The conclusion of Site Drawings / Document Management System RMS upgrading agreement with Hyundai
Engineering & Construction
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Amore Pacific Corporation (Cosmetics), LG CNS (Information Solution), POSCO ICT (IT Service), POSTECH
(Educational Institution), Brain Core (Virtual Money), Woori Bank (Financial Institution) and Ministry of Maritime
Affairs and Fisheries (Government Agency)
-Foreign Countries : Midea (Appliance) and Tagtime (Brand Identity)
Location 343, Samil-daero, Jung-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (12F, Daeshin Finance Tower)
Loopchain-Private Form of
Main Service Block-chain Solution, Fintech Area BlockChain B2B
Loopcoin-Digital Currency Business
The LOOP is a subsidiary of DAYLI Inteligence, which is the financial innovation infrastructure division of Daily Financial
Group. Based on its own distributed ledger technology, the company thrives for a hyper-connected society through
block-chain infrastructure.
The LOOP supplies loopchain, a block-chain solution, and develops loopcoin platform business. It is preparing to launch a
block-chain based digital currency platform.
Currently, the company participates as a technology partner in the consortium of the block-chain financial corporation,
Kyobo Life Consortium, and P-HIS consortium.
May 2016. The foundation of The Loop Inc.
Jun 2016. The PoC completion of blockchain-based platform for trading unlisted stocks and bonds.
Aug 2016. The PoC completion of blockchain-based digital currency 'SogangCoin' in Sogang University
Oct 2016. The host of education seminar ‘Financial Innovation Specialist Course #1 Block Chain’
Nov 2016. The conclusion of MOU agreement for the digital currency business with Korea University Technology
Dec 2016. The participation into 'Financial Investment Blockchain Consortium' as a technology partner company
Aug 2017. The conclusion of ‘blockchain and digital currency business agreement’ with Woori Bank and Daily Intelligence
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Korea Financial Investment Association (Financial Institution), Kyobo Securities (Financial Institution), Samsung
Securities (Financial Institution), Shinhan Financial Investment (Financial Institution), Hana Financial Investment
(Financial Institution), KB Securities (Financial Institution), KTB Investment & Securities (Financial Institution), SK
Securities (Financial Institution) and Sogang University (Educational Institution)
The Pay Inc.
Location 464, Gangnam-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Room No. 601, 6F)
The Pay Inc. is a simple mobile payment service provider, which relieves the burden of receipt work at a lower fee for
franchisees and provides the payment convenience in a more useful way. Established in 2013 under name of PLC, then it
changed its name to The Pay Inc. in Januray 2017.
It consists of employees including a CEO, who have work experiences in the payment and settlement sector from card
companies. It offers market friendly O2O (online to offline) payment and membership service based on a philosophy that
beginning of FinTech is financial sharing. It was selected as KB Starters Valley by KB Financial Group, and it has moved into
KB Innovation Hub since September 2017.
Mar 2013. The Establishment of The PLC Inc.
Jun 2014. The Release of payment/membership card
Nov 2014. The Acquisition of Korean Venture Company Certificate
Mar 2016. The Attraction of Open Trade Crowd Funding Investment
Nov 2016. Opening of text alarm payment service of tuition fee and tourism fee
Jan 2017. Change of Company Name from The PLC into The Pay
Mar 2017. The Conclusion of ‘text alarm payment service of tourism fee’ agreement with Naeil Tour and Dae-myeong
Tour Mall
Aug 2017. The Attraction of Angel Investment Matching Fund from Korea Venture Investment
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Shinhan Card Co., Ltd. (Financial Institution), SAMSUNG CARD CO., LTD. (Financial Institution), KB Kookmin Card
Co., Ltd. (Financial Institution), Jeon Buk Bank (Financial Institution), BC Card (Financial Institution), Hyundai Card
Co., Ltd. (Financial Institution), Okay POS (POS Business) and Naeil Tour (Tourist Business)
Location 72, Digital-ro 26-gil, Guro-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Room No. 503, Berdi Tower)
Form of
Main Service TheCheat Fintech Area Security/Authentication B2B/B2C
THECHEAT launched a website in January 2006 in order to share fraud cases, prevent from recurrence of it, and to act as
a group to mediate fraud cases. It aims to reduce 50% of all financial fraud loss, and it is trying to build a social platform
to prevent fraud by cooperating with financial markets and telecommunication corporates. In 2011, THECHEAT received
a letter of appreciation from the chief of the National Police Agency. After incorporated in 2012, it won the grand prize at
the Young Entrepreneurship Competition held in Seoul the same year and attracted investment capital from Primer, Dithi
Jubilee, and Root Impact. Currently, it provides financial fraud prevention services to financial companies such as Industrial
Bank of Korea and telecommunication companies such as SK Telecom.
Mar 2012. The foundation of The Cheat Inc.
Mar 2012. The attraction of investment from Primer Inc.
Nov 2012. The award of Grand Prize in Seoul Metropolitan Youth Foundation Contest
Nov 2014. The attracttion of investment from d3jubilee Inc. and Rootimpact Co.
May 2015. The conclusion of MOU agreement for Fraud Protection Business with IBK (Industrial Bank of Korea) and
Woori Bank
Dec 2015. The service offer of Finance Fraud Protection to SKT
Aug 2016. The service offer of Finance Fraud Protection to IBK
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Naver (IT Service), SKT (Telecommunication), IBK Industrial Bank of Korea (Financial Institution), Toss (Fintech
Platform), Itembay Co. (Game Item Exchange), IMI Co. (Internet Game), Quick Get (E-commerce), Turk &
Company (E-commerce), Finnq (Financial IT) and Finger (Financial Solution)
Form of
Main Service Crowd Funding Fintech Area Crowd Funding B2C
The Zone Fund operates real estate and asset back mortgage based crowd funding platform. The sudden change of
financial environment requires a social response to the consumer-oriented innovative financial system and the abolished
financial resources. In response, better funds have started to be attractive to investors. Crowd funding, a collective
mindset, starts with a win-win financial investment platform for both the consumer and the participant. The Zone Fund
is based on faith and transparency to create a new history in the p2p industry. The essence of finance is trust, and our
members are fully aware of their importance through decades of financial power. Professional committee members
are passionate about safeguarding the investor's property. The Zone Fund thrives to contribute to the interests of the
participants and society.
Apr 2017. Established The Zone Fintech (Platform) and The Zone Loan (Loan)
Apr 2017. Concluded a MOU agreement for technology exchange with Pay Gate
Jun 2017. Concluded a MOU agreement for business cooperation with Altos Business Group
Jun 2017. Selected as a regular member in Korean P2P Financial Association
Aug 2017. Concluded a business cooperation agreement with Fidelis Asset Management Co.
Aug 2017. Achieved the 1st Rank in Korean Customer Satisfaction Index (Customer Satisfaction Brand)
Nov 2017. Achieved 10 billion won of total investment.
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Kukje Asset Trust., Ltd. (Estate), Mirae Credit Information (Credit Information), Sehoon LLC (Law Firm), Pay Gate
(Financial IT Company), Hana Accounting Corporation (Accounting Firm) and Korea P2P Finance Association
(Business Owners’ Organization)
Location 70, Gukjegeumyung-ro, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (15F, Miwon Building)
Thinkpool offers various services by interlocking finance and information technology. Solutions that Thinkpool varies from
RM (Risk Management), A.I. based Robotization, LBS (Location Based Service), NFC (Near Field Communication) and
Deep Learning.
Thinkpool sets up a principal that it develops a product or service based on its patented technologies. It owns numerous
intellectual property rights such as 91 cases of patent registers and 167 cases of patent applications( domestic 142 cases,
foreign 5 cases, PCT 20 cases)
Jan 1994. The foundation Thinkpool Co., Ltd.
Sep 1999. The launching of Online Securities and Economic Information Service
Dec 2006. The launching of AI System-based News, ‘Time and Point’
Dec 2014. The approval of ‘Card Touch Verification’ as an additional verification method for the electronical bank fraud
protection (the Financial Supervisory Service)
Jun 2015. The service launching of ‘Auto Quant Trading System’ for Daewoo Securities Co., Ltd.
Jul 2015. T
he acquisition of excellent firm certificate in ‘the compensation for employee’s invention’ (the Korean
Intellectual Property Office)
Mar 2016. The construction of Integrated Stock Investment Robot System ‘RASSI’
Mar 2017. The launching of ‘Share Wise Korea Website’ for the international stock investment information.
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Korea: NH INVESTMENT & SECURITIES CO., LTD (Financial Institution), KB Securities Co., Ltd (Financial
Institution), Mirae Asset Daewoo Co., Ltd (Financial Institution), Kiwoom Securities Co., Ltd (Financial Institution),
DAISHIN SECURITIES CO., LTD (Financial Institution), Korea Investment & Securities Co., Ltd (Financial
Institution), Dongbu Securities CO., Ltd (Financial Institution), KT (Telecommunication Company), SKT Telecom
(Telecommunication Company), LG U+ (Telecommunication Company) and Korean Railroad Corporation (Public
Location 288, Digital-ro, Guro-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea(Room No. 1602, 1, DaeRyung post tower)
Tilon is a developer of cloud software, providing digital asset management and security services based on cloud, on-
offline linking, and block-chain.
Tilon supplies cloud and Fin-tech products with pure domestic capital and technology, and has won a number of
domestic references based on its technology awarded by IR52 Jang Young-sil.
From 2015, the company is expanding its business scope by acquiring Inc., a specialist company for non-face-to-
face authentication and PDF-based electronic document creation management solutions.
Sep 2015. The establishment of Paycon
Nov 2015. The registration into exchange business by the Bank of Korea
Jan 2016. The conclusion of development agreement for the settlement system with OWRAInfo
Apr 2016. The completion of official registration into electronic payment settlement agency services
May 2016. The conclusion of PG affiliation agreement with all card companies
Sep 2016. The conclusion of foreign exchange agreement with KEB Hana Bank
Nov 2017. The conclusion of agreement for a facial recognition (OEZ SOFT)
Dec 2017. The completion of development and application of ‘Market Pay’, integrated payment system for affiliated
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : NH Investment & Securities Co. Ltd.(Financial Insitution), Credit Finance Association(Credit Agency), Tong Yang
Insurance(Financial Insitution), KB Kookmin Card(Financial Insitution), Woori Bank (Financial Insitution), Korea
Workers’ Compensation & Welfare Service (Public Angecy), KDB Mirae Daewoo Securities Co. Ltd. (Financial
Insitution), Samsung Card (Financial Insitution), Seogang Univeristy (Educational Institution)
TITANINVEST is a real estate P2P specialist.
It provides easy loan for business who need a mortgage loan and safe investment opportunities for investors. In
addition, construction experts and financial experts in the region have established know-hows to manage risk, improve
profitability, and become a safe investment destination. As a platform for connecting borrowers and investors, it provides
brokerage services for cloud funding and P2P platform services. It provides low interest rates and high accessibility for
borrowers, and easy investment for investors with high returns
Jun 2017. The foundation of TITANINVEST
Jun 2017. The promotion of deposit separating-storage system
Aug 2017. The launching of 1st TITANINVEST product funding
Sep 2017. The registration into Korea P2P Financial Association
Oct 2017. The launching of 2nd TITANINVEST product funding
Location 67, Yeouinaru-ro, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (15F, Sansong building)
TKon is a specialized company in financial services, offering electronic financial services and IT solutions. TKon is an
electronic payment agent that provides integrated payment solutions to its merchants. In addition to existing payment
methods, QR payment, NFC payment, and face recognition payment using biometric information are supported. TKon
has a high level of security to provide various payment solutions with marketing support and point linkage system. TKon
will also carry out public interest projects through a combination with public works.
Aug 2014. Sep 2015. The establishment of Paycon
Nov 2015. The registration into exchange business by the Bank of Korea
Jan 2016. The conclusion of development agreement for the settlement system with OWRAInfo
Apr 2016. The completion of official registration into electronic payment settlement agency services
May 2016. The conclusion of PG affiliation agreement with all card companies
Sep 2016. The conclusion of foreign exchange agreement with KEB Hana Bank
Nov 2017. The conclusion of agreement for a facial recognition (OEZ SOFT)
Dec 2017. The completion of development and application of ‘Market Pay’, integrated payment system for affiliated
Location 86, Mapo-daero, Mapo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (6F, ChanggangBuilding, Dohwa-dong22)
TMONET Inc. is specialized in mobile payment solution.
TMONET develops payment system (online T-money recharge, payment, USIM Applet, smart card), and supplies them to
the market. In order to capture mobile business opportunities, acquire related technologies, and expand its business area,
TMONET has spun off from in-company venture of Korean Smart Card on 2007. After spun-off, it developed T-Money
and operates T-Money and many other related businesses.
TMONET expands its area from mobile payment solution specialist to IoT based car sharing business and security
authentication technology based financial security token business.
Oct 2007. Establishment of Timonet
2007. Launching of Mobile T-money service
2010. Opening of Android-based Smartphone T-money Service
2013. Web2.0 Smart creative city NFC special enterprise certification
2015. Opening of Payco/Samsung Pay and T-money service and the development of NFC Security Token Service
2016. Opening of NFC charge/payment integrated APP service
2017. Development and commercialization of Cloud Security Token.
Location 34, Teheran-ro 25-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (4F, Sambo Building, Yeoksam-dong)
Form of
Main Service Online Loan Brokerages Service Fintech Area P2P Finance B2B/B2C
TogetherApps is a provider of real estate mortgage brokerage services using P2P (Peer to Peer) method.
Financial professionals, dvelopers, planners, designers, and marketers with more than 10 years of experience operate
TogetherApps has launched more than 650 loan products within two years of its establishment, and cumulative lending
has exceeded 80 billion won. The repayment amount is more than 40 billion won and the number of investors is about
In September 2017, it acquired a Series A investment of 3 billion won from Korea Investment Partners.
Jan 2017. The industry’s first acquisition of ‘ISO 9001’ certificate for the quality management system
Jan 2017. The conclusion of consignment contract for the examination and monitoring service with Mirae Credit
Information Co., Ltd.
Apr 2017. The change of brand name from TOGETHER into TOGETHER FUNDING.
May 2017. The conclusion of P2P-matched financial service contract with JB Financial Group
Sep 2017. The investment attraction of 3,000,000,000 Won (Series A) from Korea Investment Partners (Acquisition of
Preferred Stock)
Location 32, Yanghwajin 4-gil, Mapo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (4F, E-Tomato Building)
Form of
Main Service IT's me Fintech Area Others B2C
Tomato Partner is a provider of risk management solutions to the financial markets.
Tomato partner has various business divisions such as telecommunication, mobile (securities brokerage) business,
insurance (GA), securities contents centering around RMS (Risk Management System) business. It has 6 domestic
subsidiaries and 2 overseas networks (Shanghai, Yanbian) and its business area is expanding.
Tomato partner is Tomato Media Group's holding company.
Aug 2005. The foundation of Tomato partner
Sep 2008. The launching of the stock loan business
May 2009. The conclusion of RMS development launching and PR agreement for AzaAzaLoan (eTrade Securities-Dongbu
Mutual Savings Bank)
Mar 2010. The launching of the Korean first stock application 'JeungGwonTong' that confirms stock quotations without
logging in
Nov 2011. The patent registration of 'Information Provider System combining IPTV with Smart Phone'
Apr 2012. The merger of RMS business of NwithInfo and the extension of RMS business
Jan 2013. The conclusion of RMS development launching and PR agreement for Tomato Stock Loan (Hana Daetoo
Securities-Debec Savings Bank)
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : ETrade Securities, Korea, Hana Financial Investment, Korea, Debec Savings Bank, Korea
Tomato Pay Inc.
Location 32, Yanghwajin 4-gil, Mapo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (5F, E-Tomato Building)
Jumuntong Form of
Main Service Fintech Area Payment/Settlement B2B
(under development) Business
Tomato Pay is a provider of electronic payment and VAN services.
It introduces various services in order to develop domestic electronic financial industry and to provide better services to
small business owners. In order to play a leading role in the emerging online and offline market, it engages in various
businesses such as settlement agency, online card VAN, and others.
Tomato Pay plans to expand its payment methods and consolidate online and offline payment services in the future.
2010. The transfer into Tomato Media Group
2011. The development of HTS (Home Trading System) for a simulated investment of stocks and futures
2012. The development of RMS (Risk Management System) for Debek Bank
2012. The merger with business division of NWith
2013. The development of RMS (Hana Capital, Hanwha Savings Bank, Hana Capital and Dongbu Savings Bank)
2015. Change company name from TomTom to Tomato Pay
2015. The conclusion of representative affiliation agreement with BC Card, Samsung Card, Shinhan Card, Lotte Card,
Hyundai Card and Hana SK Card
Form of
Main Service Cocktail Funding Fintech Area P2P Finance B2C
Trigger Partners operates cocktail funding, a P2P investment platform created by the fund manager. Cocktail funding is a
P2P investment platform that connects investors and borrowers directly. It is a platform to invest in small to mid-size PFs,
which is good for business but difficult to invest in financial institutions. It focuses on the business feasibility of individual
businesses, not the controversial postwar rhetoric. As the cocktail funding progresses, the creditworthiness of the
contractor can be trusted, and the trust company acts as the proprietor. There is no construction risk, and after thorough
review of business feasibility, perfect fund control is realized to minimize investor risk.
Jan 2017. The foundation of Triggerpartners
Jun 2017. The conclusion of MOU agreement with Moin Company
Jun 2017. The conclusion of MOU agreement with Haemin Appraisal Co., Ltd.
Jun 2017. 'Martini Fund 2nd' sold out in one day
Jun 2017. The conclusion of MOU agreement with GoldenWired, big data company
Sep 2017. The launching of ‘Board Ca-lender Beta’, P2P product schedule calendar sharing system
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Korea P2P Finance Association(P2P Corporate Support), Haemin Appraisal(A[ppraisal), Golden Wired (big data)
TriWorldHoldings Inc.
Location 14-8, Teheran-ro 70-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (9F, ls 24)
Form of
Main Service Auto On Net Fintech Area Ohters B2B/B2C
TriWorldHoldings is specialized in providing a warranty service for domestic and imported cars.
For cars that are out of free warranty period, it introduces ‘Extended Car Warranty’ service by developing a Fin-tech
product, which is combination of financing a car repair through European reinsurance companies and auto mechanic
Since 2016, it started offering membership for domestic and imported cars, and as of October 2017 it has acquired 2,000
members. By providing P2P based auto direct deal service in domestic’s dealer oriented used cars market, it is leading a
used cars market based on Woori Bank’s Auto Loan.
TriWorldHoldings are partners with various auto service companies.
Apr 2015. Foundation of TriWorldHoldings
Dec 2015. Opening of Imported Car Warranty Cooperation Service with Samsung Card Co., Ltd.
Oct 2016. Conclusion of European Reinsurance Warranty Service Agreement (100th service store opened)
Mar 2017. Opening of Domestic Car Warranty Service (Totally 1,500 service customers)
May 2017. Conclusion of Car Import Agreement with TIRE PRO (50 stores opened around the country)
Aug 2017. Supply of Car Investment Warranty Service to Shinhan Card (Car Investment Warranty)
Sep 2017. Opening of Wivimobile Auto Loan (220th Service center opened) (Totally 1,500 service customers)
Location 1, Mandeok 3-ro 16beon-gil, Buk-gu, Busan, Republic of Korea(Room No. 301)
Form of
Main Service T-square service Fintech Area FInance Platform B2C
T-square is a peer to peer (P2P) platform operator focused on real estate.
‘Many a mickle makes a mucle,’ a real estate P2P financial platform service in T-square, examines the business plan, land
valuation, and refund ability of clients who need building funds, and collects funds from investors through P2P method
It lends building funds to the owner. ‘Many a mickle makes a mucle’ operates a construction management system that
transparently discloses the whole process of construction, such as financial direct transactions, competitive bidding,
site and construction fee management, which directly connects building owners with investors who need construction
Dec 2015. Establishment of T-square
Feb 2016. The launching of ‘Little by little’, real estate P2P financial platform service
Jul 2016. The award of grand prize on Fintech Creative Idea Contest
Mar 2017. The patent registration of ‘Little by little’ for safety
Oct 2017. Registration into Korea P2P Financial Association
Nov 2017. Acquisition of venture company certificate
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Korea P2P Finance Association(P2PCorporate Support), barun Law ofice(legal service), Baek Hong Ki judicial
scrivener (legal service)
Location 200, Yeongdeungpo-ro, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (2F, Wibee Fintech Lab)
TurnOn is a start-up that develops a platform for popularization of automatic transfer. TurnOn is thriving to realize an idea
that everyone needs but no one could think of, and developing a service by utilizing unexercised ideas. TurnOn improved
turn-by-turn automatic transfer service, which is a platform for activating automatic transfers, and provides services for
small and medium-sized businesses that are not equipped with automatic transfer systems, as well as from billing to
settlement. In May, 2017, it received a prize for preliminary founder start-up challenge section in the idea competition of
the Fin-tech support center. It was selected as 2nd Woori Bank’s Weebee Fin-tech Lab, and it made business alliance with
Woori Bank for product service development agreement.
Apr 2017. Selected as the 2nd Wibee Fintech Lab
May 2017. The award of Grand Prize in the Pre-Entrepreneur and Startup part of the 17th Fintech Center IDEA Contest
Jul 2017. The establishment of TurnOn Inc.
Aug 2017. The conclusion of service agreement with 3 companies including HandsomeBox
Sep 2017. Selected as the 1st venture company of Korea Technology Finance Corporation
Sep 2017. The award of Grand Prize in 2017 G Valley Startup Competition
Nov 2017. The launching of '' beta version
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Shinhan Card, Korea, Samsung Card, Korea, KB Kookmin Card, Korea, Hana Card, Korea, BC Card , Korea, Lotte
Card, Korea. Woori Bank, Korea, KSNet, Korea, Danal, Korea, Settlebank, Korea
Location 397, Seocho-daero, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Room No.2403, Building B, Boutique Monaco)
Robo-Advisor/ Form of
Main Service Investment Advisor Fintech Area B2B/B2C
Asset Management Business
Turtles Asset Investment Management is an asset management company that manages hedge funds, and is building
statistical arbitrage trading, algorithm trading, and HFT (High Frequency Trading) systems. Specialized in futures, options,
and ELW, Turtles Asset Investment Management provides algorithmic trading advisory services to securities firms, asset
management companies, and other corporations.
Turtles Asset Investment Management’s representative service is ‘TAS,’ a robo-advisor algorithm trading system.
Jun 2009. The foundation of Turtles Asset Investment Management
Jan 2010. The registration as the investment advisor company in Financial Supervisory Service
Jan 2014. The operation of arbitrage trading system
Jan 2015. The operation of derivative product long-shot system and fare system
Mar 2016. The capital increase by issuing new stocks to 2.35 billion
Mar 2016. The operation of the scaling system
Location 8, Nonhyeon-ro 102-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Room No. 301)
Robo-Advisor/ Form of
Main Service Stockking Fintech Area B2C
Asset Management Business
Twotonine is a stock information provider.
Stockking, operated by Twotonine, is a service that allows consumers to obtain information on stock investment and
receive recommendations from stock experts. The goal is to provide differentiated services from other companies that
are already opaque. It is committed to providing transparent and reliable information at a reasonable price, making it a
service that individual investors can trust and use.
Jun 2016. The foundation of TwoToNine Inc.
Aug 2017. The beta service of Stockking
Sep 2017. The conclusion of real-time market information with KOSCOM
Oct 2017. The official launching of Stockking(Schedueled)
Nov 2017. The conclusion of marketing association contract with Yuanta Securities Korea Co., Ltd. (Schedueled)
Location 3, Hwangsaeul-ro 240beon-gil, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea (10F, Hyundai Office Building)
Form of
Main Service Mobile Network Fintech Area Financial Platform B2B
Uangel is a mobile solution developer.
Since the establishment in 1999, Uangel has played a key role in promoting SMS services and wireless data services in the
local mobile communication market, as an essential partner of local mobile communication service providers. With its
proven technologies and commercialization know-hows, it is now providing solutions to 20 telecommunication operators
in 16 countries.
Based on world class ICT technology and insight into markets, it constantly adds values to its customers. Uangel provides
smart banking solutions and non-contact authentication solutions to financial institutions.
1999. The establishment of Uangel Inc.
2001. The first expansion into the overseas market (Mongol)
2003. Listed on the Korea stock exchange
2004. Diversified the expansion into overseas markets (USA, Europe, Russia and Asia)
2004. The conclusion of agreement for ringtone service with DTAC in Thailand
2010. The launching of I.o.T business. The supply of fintech solution to Industrial Bank of Korea
2015. The supply of 4G core network & convergence solution in Indonesia
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : KT Powertel (wireless communication), CJ E&M (cultural contents), Samsung SDS (programming service),
Cheongho Nice (household goods rental), The Industrial Bank of Korea (financial institution), KB Kookmin Bank
Korea (financial institution), NH Nonghyup Bank (financial institution), Mirae Asset Daewoo Co., Ltd. (stock
broking), Hanwha Investment & Securities Co., Ltd. (securities brokerage) and Korea Rail Network Authority
(public institution)
Uberple, Inc
Location 165, Yeoksam-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (2F, Haesung Building, Yeoksam-dong)
Web Page E-mail Contact +82-70-8711-3338
Enquiry Contact +82-10-4554-0498 Enquiry E-mail
Form of
Main Service Investment Research Fintech Area Others B2B/B2C
Uberple is a technology company that understands customer’s investment decision making process and develops
solutions that meet customer needs.
Uberple solves your difficult investment decision making problems by searching, analyzing and calculating billions of
financial big data. It developed financial calculation engine for financial AI.
It has made cooperation with Korea Securities Depository, Koscom, and KB securities for financial big data. SNEK, an
investment research assist platform that helps users can analyze companies of interest in depth, has been qualified for its
contents service quality by Korea Data Agency.
Jan 2013. The establishment of Uberple Inc.
May 2014. Launched SNEK 1.0 and the investment attration from Future Play
2014. Concluded a financial big data business agreement with KOREA SECURITIES DEPOSITORY and Coscom.
Selected as the TIPS Business
Dec 2015. Launched SNEK 2.0 (Web, Android, iOS)
Apr 2016. Selected as the market-linked R&D business. Developed the financial calculation engine for financial AI
Feb 2017. Concluded a financial big data search service agreement with KB Securities Co., Ltd.
2017. Acquired the quality certificate of contents from Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning and Data
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Shinhan Investment Corp. (Asset Management), KB Securities Co., Ltd., NH Investment & Securities Co., Ltd.
(Securities Brokerage), Samsung Asset Management (Asset Management), Samsung Life Insurance Co., Ltd.
(Insurance), NICE Information Service Co., Ltd. (Credit information), Koscom (Securities computing) and Korea
Securities Depository (Public institution)
-Foreign Countries : Thompson Reuters (Media)
Location 27, Eonju-ro 148-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (4F, JeongEun Building)
UcanStart operates a crowdfunding platform.
Arts, cultural creators, or prototype companies can attract funding through the crowdfunding system. From 2016, it
added securities-type crowdfunding. It secured seed investments in October 2015, It co-founded ‘Riceclay’ crowd funding
with NH RB Bank.
Aug 2015. The establishment of Ucanstart
Oct 2015. The attraction of seed investment
Jan 2016. Selected as the approved securities-type crowd funding
Apr 2016. The first agecy succeess of securities-type crowd funding from Frigatebird (approximately 100 million won)
Jun 2016. The conclusion of strategic agreement with Maeil Business Newspaper
Jul 2017. The launching of crowd funding 'Rice Clay' with NH Bank
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Chung-Ang University (Industry-University Cooperation), Kookmin University (Industry-University Cooperation),
Korea Mobile Game Association (Association), NH Nonghyup Bank (Financial Institution) and Africa TV
(Streaming Broadcast)
Location 597, Gangnam-daero, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Room No.303, 3F)
Form of
Main Service P2P Platform Fintech Area P2P Finance B2B/B2C
UNIfunding is a peer to peer (P2P) platform operator.
UNIfunding is a safe, high-return investment platform provider for individuals and corporate investors who have not
found a suitable investment destination. It is win-win for both building owners and investors.
UNIfunding selects profitable real estate investment projects that are reviewed and evaluated by real estate professionals,
helping even small investors who lack real estate knowledge to generate profits.
Jun 2016. The registration as a telecommunication retail business
Dec 2016. The registration into NICE Investors Service Co.
May 2017. The conclusion of legal consulting agreement with Cheonyul LLC.
Apr 2017. The conclusion of MOU agreement with Korea Trust
Jun 2017. The registration into Korea P2P Financial Association
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Korea Trust (Real Estate Trust), NICE Information Service Co., Ltd (Credit Information), SC First Bank (Financial
Institution), NH Nonghyup Bank (Financial Institution), Paygate Bank (Electronic Payment), and Chunyul LLC (Legal
Unius is an online peer to peer (P2P) platform operator.
It introduces potential companies with competitive technologies in need of funding to investors so that those companies
can attract investments.
All investments are made through the online homepage. Investors' investment is managed separately through a virtual
account linked to SC First Bank, and monthly interest income is provided to investors. It provides various information such
as investment details by investor, repayment plan, repayment history through homepage.
Dec 2015. he establishment of Unius
Jan 2016. The launching of online P2P investment service
Apr 2017. The award on Korea Customer Satisfaction Brand hosted by Weekly DongA
Jul 2017. The launching of new web site following guideline of Financial Services Commission
Jul 2017. The conclusion of business partnership agreement for deposit management system with SC Bank Korea
Sep 2017. The conclusion of MOU agreement with Fidelis Asset Management
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Paygate Co., Ltd. (Electronic payment), FIDELIS (Asset management), Standard Chartered (SC) First Bank Korea
Ltd., (Financial institution) and Webloom (Web-site production)
Location 253, Pangyo-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea (Room No. 701-2, Tower B, Pangyo Inovalley)
Go Pangyo Form of
Main Service Fintech Area Payment/Settlement B2C
(Local Website for Pangyo) Business
Up operates a 'Go Pangyo', a community service that links companies located in Pangyo. The goal of ' Go Pangyo
' is to bring the introduction and technology of over 1,500 companies in Pangyo to the platform and to encourage
collaborations among companies. It plans to support public relations for companies in Pangyo, and to provide mentoring
services for investment and sales support. The company plans to use ‘Go Pangyo ' as a model to spread the second and
third 'Go Pangyo' model throughout the country.
Dec 2016. The open of website (
Jul 2017. Selected as an honorary ambassador by KT WIZ
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : BC Card (Financial Institution), Lotte Card (Financial Institution) and IBK Industrial Bank (Financial Institution)
Location 20, Dosan-daero 16-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Dream Plus Center)
Form of
Main Service Villy Fintech Area P2P Finance B2B
Villy operates an online P2P (peer-to-peer) loan-type crowd-funding platform that relays individual investors and
borrowers. Villy provides a safer lending service than any other P2P platform. The borrower can borrow at a minimum
annual interest rate of 5%, and investors can earn up to 15% annual return on investment. It provides broader loan
opportunities with the 'Villy Rating', a lender evaluation system designed to evaluate more realistic customer value by
combining credit information, repayment ability, and repayment history. The company has partnered with the big data
analysis company, RYWORKS, and is expanding cooperation with financial institutions such as KEB Hana Bank.
Apr 2015. The foundation of Villy Inc.
May 2015. The conclusion of business cooperation agreement with Pay Gate and NICE Information Service Co., Ltd.
Oct 2015. The foundation of Korea P2P Finance Association
Dec 2015. The conclusion of MOU agreement with LineWorks (a big data analysis company) and Korea University
Multimedia Security Lab.
Jan 2016. The conclusion of business cooperation agreement for small business loan with PayGate
Jul 2016. The conclusion of MOU agreement with KEB Hana Bank
May 2017. The achievement of total 70 billion won loan.
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Pay Gate (Electronic Payment), Korea P2P Financial Association (P2P Company Support), Line Works (IT
Company), Korea University (Educational Institution) and KEB Hana Bank (Financial Institution)
Viva Republica Inc.
Location 142, Teheran-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (12F, Capital Tower)
Viva Republica presented Toss, a simple remittance service that will allow you to send money without a certificate in
2015. As of December 2017, Toss has been a pioneer in the domestic remittance service market, leading 13 million
cumulative downloads and cumulative remittances of 10 trillion won. Starting from the simple remittance, Toss is
continuing to show various financial services that consumers need such as integration account retrieval, credit rating
inquiry and management, CMA linked account and real estate small investment service and others. Viva Republica is
providing financial services that have not been experienced through Toss and are growing into a financial platform. In
March 2017, it attracted $ 48 million (about 55 billion won) from PayPal, Bessemer Ventures Partners, Good Water
Capital, Altos Ventures and Partech Ventures. KPMG International, a global consulting firm, and H2 Ventures, a Fin Tech
Venture Investment Company, selected Viva Republica as one of the "Global Top 50 Leading Fintech Companies" on
November 2017.
Feb 2015. Launched Easy Remittance Service, Toss’.
Sep 2016. Opened Integrated Deposit/Withdrawal Account lookup service
Dec 2016. Awarded ‘Grand Prize’ in ‘2016 Best Application of The Year’ (Goggle Play)
Feb 2017. Opened Free Credit Rating lookup/management service
Mar 2017. Attracted 48 million dollar investment from Paypal and others.
Jun 2017. Opened Real Estate Small Investment service
Jul 2017. Opened CMA-linked Toss Main Account Plus service
Oct 2017. Achieved the totally 11 million downloads of TOSS.
Nov 2017. Selected as 35th rank in the top 100 global fintech companies.
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Shinhan Bank (financial institution), BNK Busan Bank (financial institution), KB Kookmin Bank (financial
institution), Jeonbuk (financial institution), National Federation of Fisheries Cooperatives (financial institution),
KDB Industrial Bank (financial institution), IBK Industrial Bank (financial institution) and NH Nonghyup Bank
(financial institution)
Location 12, Digital-ro 33-gil, Guro-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (5F, Woorim EBIZ 2-cha)
Voim Technology is a specialized provider of scan-based imaging systems in the financial and public sectors since 1976.
It is a leader in various industries from financial and computing office equipment, imaging solutions and check and
to identification information. Voim Technology provides scan imaging and OCR character recognition as key services.
Based on information recognition of the scanned image, it is the main technology to discriminate the image from the
information. The mobile identity verification service is introduced based on the information recognition, the personal
authentication and the personal information masking technology by the mobile ID photographing. In 2016, it launched
mobile identification authentication and self-certification and mobile document recognition services.
Mar 1976. The establishment of Voim Technologies Inc.
Mar 1976. The conclusion of Korea exclusive distribution agreement for the Micro Imaging & Digital Imaging with Canon
Feb 1994. The conclusion of Korea exclusive distribution agreement for Micro Imaging & Digital Imaging with Eastman
Jun 2005. Selected as an ID card tester business for the self-certificate (Ministry of Government Administration and
Home Affairs).
Nov 2010. Selected as a self-certificate ID scanner business for the financial service (Ministry of Government
Administration and Home Affairs)
Sep 2013. Selected as an early voting self-certificate tester business (National Election Commission)
Oct 2016. The launching of mobile ID self-certificate, mobile document recognition and personal data masking.
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Gwangju Bank (Financial Institution), SK Telecom (Telecommunication Company), Olleh KT (Telecommunication
Company), LG U+ (Telecommunication Company), Shinhan Bank (Financial Institution), KEB Hana Bank (Financial
Institution), NH Nonghyup Bank (Financial Institution), IBK Industrial Bank (Financial Institution), KB Kookmin
Bank (Financial Institution) and KDB Industry Bank (Financial Institution).
Location 242, Pangyo-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea (Room No. 402, 4F, Tower A, Pangyo Digital Center)
Form of
Main Service Crowd Funding Fintech Area Crowd Funding B2C
Wadiz is a crowd funding provider, the first company to be registered to the Financial Services Commission after
implementing online small investment brokerage system.
Established in May 2012, Wadiz is the first company to pioneer the domestic crowdfunding market and launched Korea's
first equity investment type crowd funding. It accounts for more than 50% of the securities-type crowd funding market.
Wadiz is positioning itself as a new alternative investment market place beyond crowd funding, and it is preparing to
enter Southeast Asian markets such as Singapore and Malaysia. In September 2017, it attracted 11 billion won series B
investment from Smile Gate Investment, Korea Investment Partners, Stick Investment, and Shinhan Bank.
May 2012. The foudnation of Wadiz Corp.
Jan 2014. The official launching of reward type crowd funding
Sep 2015. The conclusion of partnership agreement for the promotion of venture company with NH Investment
Jan 2017. The award of Man of Merit Prize from the chairman of Financial Services Commission in the 1st year of
Security-typed Crowd Funding
Sep 2017. The attraction of series B investment (11 billion) from Shinhan Bank and others
Jan 2018. The support for the promotion of excellent technology startup with Korea Enterprise Data Corp.
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Shinhan Financial Investment (financial institution), Seoul Business Agency (public institution), Korea Institute of
Start-up and Entrepreneurship Development (public institution), Gyeonggi Contents Agency (public institution),
NH Investment & Securities (Financial Institution), Korea Credit Guarantee Fund (Public Institution), Korea
Foundation for the Advancement of Science and Creativity (Public Institution), SBC Young Entrepreneurship
School (public institution) and Daejeon Technopark (public institution)
Location 8, Banga-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea (4F, Maesong Building)
Form of
Main Service Owner’s App Fintech Area Financial Platform B2B
Waldlust developed and launched the "Paperlot", a stamp card application platform for smartphones. Waldlust is a
compound word of a Wald(forest) and Lust(joy), and is also name of a region that goes into the forests around Frankfurt,
Germany. It implies the hope that the relationship between the forest and people will continue to carry over. Waldlust's
first paperlot application platform is the result of the combination of nature and technology. Waldlust provides 'Owner's
App', which makes individual store's membership service application.
Sep 2013. The foundation of WaldLust
Sep 2016. The launching of Touch Stamp business.
Webcash Corp.
Location 220, Yeongsin-ro, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (20F, KNK Digital Tower)
Form of
Main Service B2B Fin Tech Service Fintech Area FInance Platform B2B
WebCash is specialized in financial business software. Established in July 1999 by specialists from Dongnam Bank, it has
introduced numerous “the first” services in financial industry.
In February 2015, for the first time in the industry, it has established B2B Fin-tech Research Center and has provided
Fin-tech related strategic consulting services to financial institutions. In 2016, it launched an open platform for financial
industry to harmonize financial companies with Fin-tech companies.
WebCash has branches in China, Cambodia, and Japan, and it runs software business in global markets.
Jul 1999. The foundation of WebCash Corp.
Apr 2000. The launching of the first Korean ATM service in the convenience store and the virtual account.
Apr 2001. The launching of the first electronic banking for corporations in Korea.
Jul 2006. The launching of the first ‘Digital Fund Management (In-House Bank) for the major enterprise’ in Korea.
Dec 2008. The award of President’s Prize in the ‘2008 Korea IT Innovation Contest’.
Aug 2013. The launching of Cambodia HRD Center and the conclusion of MOU agreement with WING company in
Feb 2015. The construction of B2B Fin Tech Research Center and the launching of Joint Financial Open API with NH
Feb 2017. The launching of IBK Mobile Fund Management and KT & WebCash Financial Security Data Center
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : IBK Industrial Bank (financial institution), KB Kookmin Bank (financial institution), NH Nonghyup Bank (financial
institution), KEB Hana Bank (financial institution), KDB Bank (financial institution), DGB Daegu Bank (financial
institution), BNK Busan Bank (financial institution) and BNK Kyungnam Bank (financial institution)
-Foreign Countries : CITIBANK (Finance) and Standard Chartered (Finance)
Location 419, Teheran-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (17F, Samsung Finance Plaza)
Wefunding is a P2P (Peer to Peer) financial platform that focuses on real estate. An investment adviser from an appraisal
firm selects structured real estate secured bonds to minimize principal loss. Wefunding’s services help anyone to easily
invest complex and difficult real estate investments with professional help. Wefunding filed a patent for the online-based
asset management system in May 2015.
May 2015. The patent application of online-based asset management system
Jun 2015. The establishment of Wefunding
Jun 2016. The launching of online real estate investment service
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : NH Nonghyup Bank (Financial Institution), Olle KT Corp. (Mobile Communication), Finotek (Application Software
Development), Valueupsystems (Market Price Provider) and FIDELIS (Asset Management)
-Foreign Countries : Amazon Web Services (Web Service)
Location 229, Seokjeong-ro, Nam-gu, Incheon, Republic of Korea (Room No. 913, 9F, Administration Town and JST)
WHO’S GOOD is a service platform development company that analyzes big data to discover companies and encourage
'good investment' to make companies sustainable. WHO’S GOOD provides data mining services that analyzes companies'
non-financial risks, including governance (public management), information disclosure, social contribution and
environment, and provides scored information. They also receive public data with the help of government departments.
In October 2016, it provided analytics to institutional investors worldwide through a web-based system. In October
of 2016, it was awarded the Grand Prize at the Fin-Tech Contest hosted by Koscom. In December of the same year,
it was selected as the Multinational Star Enterprise Encouragement Prize of the Ministry of Creation Science and the
K-Global Start-up 300 of the Future Creation Science Department. In 2017, it won the Demonstration Day of the Banking
Foundation Young Entrepreneurship Foundation.
Sep 2014. The establishment of Enterprise R&D Center (Big Data Technology Center)
Oct 2014. The acquisition of Venture Company Certification
Nov 2014. The award in Public Data Foundation Competitive Exhibition
Dec 2015. The foundation of U.S.A branch
Oct 2016. The award of Grand Prize in the Competitive Exhibition for Open API Platform-based Fintech Service (Koscom
Nov 2016. The award of Excellence Prize in Multinational Star Venture Competitive Exhibition.
Nov 2016. The award of Participation Prize in Big Data Startup Contest
Feb 2017. The award of First Prize in D.CAMP Demoday
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : KOSCOM (Financial Institution) and Korea Securities Depository
-Foreign Countries : connect4climate (Climate Change Communication), FACT SET (Financial Data) and Microsoft
BizSpark (Startup Support)
Location 606, Seobusaet-gil, Geumcheon-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Room No. 525, Daesung D-POLIS)
Form of
Main Service PayAt and 1 Minute Fintech Area Payment/Settlement B2C
Whooper is a company that is making Fin-tech innovation by combining financial settlement and IT services. It launched
'1 minute' service to enable online payment service by accumulating know-how of settlement business starting from
'Pay-At', which was developed to be used in offline payment by combining online payment service with smart phone.
Developed in partnership with domestic PG company Aegis Enterprise, Pay-At is a payment service that attaches a dongle
that can read a card to a smart phone and communicates the card signal to a payment server through a smart phone.
Based on this know-how, it has developed a one-minute service that enables users to experience more payment services
in an online environment. Whooper seeks first and foremost the needs of consumers and franchisees in the payment
market, and it provides more advanced payment services.
Jul 2010. The establishment of Whooper Soft
Oct 2012. The launching of mobile payment system 'Payat'
Sep 2013. The launching of free cash receipt dispenser application for SMEs
May 2017. The launching of integrated payment service, ‘1 minute’, alpha version.
The promotion of API linked payment with domestic major companies including Hyundai Livart and DHL
Nov 2017. The launching of integrated payment service, ‘1 minute’, beta version
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : NICE Payments (Simple Remittance / Payment) and Payletter (Overseas Payment Service)
Winningi Inc.
Location 419, Teheran-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (17F, Samsung Financial Plaza)
Form of
Main Service Contactless Biometrics Fintech Area Security/Authentication B2B
Winningi is a biometrics authentication solution developer.
It offers the non-face-to-face bio-verification service using smart phone camera. Winningi introduces a new form
of identification authentication service through reading palm patters and face recognition, which is ideal for mobile
Its non-contact fingerprint identification solution was approved by Korea Internet & Security Agency for its fingerprint
recognition algorithm efficiency assessment, and it won 2nd price from the Global Bio-verification Contest in May 2016.
In cooperation with SK Telecom, it has launched a hand geometry-based mobile verification security for additional
Oct 2015. The establishment of Winningi Inc.
Mar 2016. The launching of AEROX(users’ non-contact fingerfrint identification solution) v1.0
Mar 2016. The registration of patent in the core technology (10-1596298)
Apr 2016. The development of Fingerprint Identification Algorithm Evaluation Authentication(KISA)
May 2016. The participation in the Global Bio-verification Contest: 2nd in the hand geometry field
Dec 2016. The conclusion of Domestic Exclusive Agreement with Hancom Secure Inc.
2017. The launching of hand geometry-based mobile verification security for the additional services of SKT telecom
Co., Ltd.
Dec 2017. The supply of AEROX to the bio-certification cooperation application of Korea Financial Telecommunications
and Clearings Institute
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : J.B.B. Financial Holding (financial institution), Gwangju Bank (financial institution), Jeonbuk Bank (financial
institution), KEB Hana Bank (financial institution), IBK Enterprise Bank (financial institution), BNK Busan Bank
(financial institution), Financial Telecommunications Corporation (financial institutions), Hancom Secure (security
solution), SK Telecom (telecommunications) and Ministry of Foreign Affairs (government agency)
Location 77, Seongsuil-ro, Seongdong-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Room No. 511, Seoul Forest IT Valley)
Form of
Main Service WIGLE Fintech Area Payment/Settlement B2B
WiOn develops and services low-power-bluetooth (BLE)-based simple payment infrastructure.
Wipay, developed by WiOn, is a simple payment platform for smart payment.
Rather than the contact payment methods such as credit card and NFC, its platform is a non-contact situation recognition
payment system platform.
It is currently applied to TPay by SK telecom, being used over 30,000 stores nationwide. It is offering trial services and
commercial services in Phillipine, China, and Indonesia.
Aug 2006. The establishment of Wion Inc.
Feb 2008. The development of STMS, a multi-national language system for tourism. The establishment of ASP, a KIOSK
guidance system.
Nov 2013. The development and design of automatic dispensers for the Incheon Asian Games.
May 2014. The development and establishment of automatic KIOSK prototype version for Lotteria Co.
Dec 2015. The development of BLE electronic card.
Mar 2016. The launching and management of Tpay service for SK Telecom.
Jun 2017. The establishment of Finnet (Indonesia), a KIOSK mobile phone fee service.
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : SK Telecom Co., Ltd. (Mobile Communication) and Credit Guaranty Funding (public institution)
-Foreign Countries : Filipino Inquirer (newspaper publication), Finnet (Electronic Payment), Alfamart (convenience store)
and DOKU (electronic payment)
WireBarley Corp.
Location 42, Seolleung-ro 111-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (4F, Song Jung Building)
WireBarley Form of
Main Service Fintech Area Payment/Settlement B2C
(Overseas Remittance) Business
WireBarley is was founded on March 2016 as a Fintech-based start-up offering overseas small remittance service. It
provides services to those who are foreign workers all over Asia, international students and families living across Asia that
they can remit payments online more easily and rapidly at a more reasonable price.
It has acquired all legal positions to be licensed to offer overseas remittance service, and its Australia branch is
authenticated by its local government for its license to do overseas remittance business.
Including Korea, it is rapidly expanding its service coverage to New Zealand, Vietnam, Philippine, Hong Kong, Japan, and
Mar 2016. The foundation of WireBarley Corp.
Oct 2016. The foundation of WireBarley Austraila Corp.
Feb 2017. The development of WireBarley Overseas Remittance Web and Application Service (iOS and Android version)
Apr 2017. The launching of WireBarley Overseas Remittance service in Vietnam by WireBarley Austraila Corp.
Jun 2017. The launching of WireBarley Overseas Remittance service in the Philippinesby WireBarley Austraila Corp.
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : KEB Hana Bank (financial institution)
-Foreign Countries : AUSTRAC (Financial Authority), BDO (Finance), DongA Money Transfer (Remittance) and POLI
(Internet Banking)
Location 10, Seongnam-daero 43beon-gil, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea (Room No. 701, Hana EZ Tower)
FOCUST, Form of
Main Service Fintech Area Robo-Advisor B2B
IPIntellisource and PTR Business
Wisdomain Inc. is a information service provider specialized in domestic and global patents information.
Wisdomain Inc. started out as a patent search/analysis system, FOCUST in 2000, and now it introduces a specialized
product such as IPIntellisource which is a patented technology that provides automatically analyzed reports on patents. It
also new forms of models: Patent Valuation Engine and PTR (Price Technology Ratio).
It offers in-house solutions for patents search and analysis to Samsung Electronics.
1999. Established Wisdomain Inc, a patent search and analysis solution developer
2004. Established Hewlett Packard’s patent analysis system in USA
2006. Established Tokyo branch in Japan and secured client companies including Hitachi, Panasonic and Sharp.
2006. Developed automatic patent rating calculation solution (without the subjectivity of person) based on the analysis
technology of patent.
2011. Supplied Wisdomain’s search and analysis solution in an In-house method to Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
2014. Developed the world's first robot that evaluates the value of a patent as an amount rather than a grade
2016. Developed "Wisbot", a smart phone-equipped technology stock value investment robot adviser for individual
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Hyundai Securities Co., Ltd. (Stockbroking) and The Korea Development Bank (Financial institution)
-Foreign Countries : cean tomo (Knowledge Asset Trading)
Wisecare Corp.
Location 670, Daewangpangyo-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea (Room No.509, Tower B, U-space 2)
Wisecare is an electronic payment agency. It provides ‘Smartpay,’ which is an integrated payment service for both online
and offline, ‘Wise Plan,’ a payment/settlement in instalments service, and ‘Wharton Pay,’ an e-commerce service between
In 2016, Wisecare was recognized as a promising Fin-tech company by KB Financial Group and had attracted equity
investment. Wisecare was registered in KRX Startup Market (KSM) in January 2017.
Dec 2007. The promotion of joint business with Hana Finance Group
Jan 2011. The conclusion of supply agreement for Wise Plan Device with SK Broadband
Jan 2012. The launching of Wise Plan Service for Hyundai Card
Jun 2012. The conclusion of MOU agreement with Samsung Card
Dec 2014. Selected as the Pangyo Software Fusion Cluster R&D Support Business
Jan 2014. The equity investment attration of fintech promising company from KB Financial Group
Jan 2017. Listed on KSM (KRX Startup Market) in Korea Exchange
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : NHN Korea Cyber Payment (Electronic Payment), BC Card (Credit Card), Samsung Card (Credit Card), Shinhan
Card (Credit Card), NH Nonghyup Card (Credit Card), KB Kookmin Card (Credit Card), Hyundai Card (Credit
Card), KEB Hana Card (Credit Card) and Lotte Card (Credit Card)
Location 146, Teheran-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (2F, Hyunik Building, Yeoksam-dong)
Form of
Main Service Financial service Fintech Area Payment/Settlement B2B/B2C
Withfund is a peer-to-peer (P2P) integrated investment platform provider.
An integrated investment platform connects investors with many P2P companies. Withfund developed a wide-range API
in cooperation with PayGate, which owns more than 90% of the virtual account system of domestic P2P companies.
It supports interconnection between a P2P company’s individual platform which use virtual accounts by PayGate and
Withfund platform.
Feb 2017. The establishment of WithFund
Mar 2017. The development of wide API by cooperating with PayGate
Nov 2017. The launching of integrated platform beta service
Dec 2017. Applied to opening a P2P business
Mar 2018. The launching of WithFund service (Scheduled)
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : IBlue Fund (P2P finance), Kocatfunding (P2P finance), SoFun (P2P finance), Ozle Fund (P2P finance), Limpidfund
(P2P finance), Unius Fund (P2P finance), Money-Line (P2P finance), Catchfunding (P2P finance), and JD Crowd
Funding (P2P finance)
World Funding
Representative Lee Ji-soo and Im Soon-gyu Incorporation Date Jan 18th, 2017
Location 110, Bongeunsa-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (7F, Yeonwoo Building)
Form of
Main Service Real Estate Mortgage Loan Fintech Area P2P Finance B2C
World funding is a peer to peer (P2P) funding platform operator.
World funding specializes in real estate mortgage loans. Established as a core company by information technology
experts, it has rigorous verification and screening system in the process required by business agreements with Aone
appraisal corporation, legal affairs corporation Medilaw, Korea trust, tax law firm Gadeok, and judicial scrivener. It’s
primary goal is to prevent insolvency and overdue products through diverse and differentiated investor protection.
Jan 2017. The foundation of World Funding
Apr 2017. The launching of 1st funding product
Sep 2017. The registration in Korea P2P Financial Association
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Korea trust (real estate trust), Paygate (electronic settlement), NICE Investors Service (credit information rating),
Gadeok Tax Firm (tax service), Nanum Law Firm (legal service) and Aone Appraisal Co., Ltd. (appraisal and
Location 14, Daewangpangyo-ro 645beon-gil, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea (2F, Neowiz Pangyo Tower)
Form of
Main Service Spend Wallet Fintech Area Payment/Settlement B2C
X Engineering is a startup, which develops simple payment technologies and manufactures the hardware for IoT.
It was selected as the excellent Fin-tech startup by Korea Internet Promotion Agency and the Fin-tech promotion
company in the Fintech Lab of IBT Industrial Bank, respectively. Also, it has attracted the investment from Neowiz
Investment and others. In addition, X Engineering developed ‘Spend Wallet’ with the new concept of payment
technology and is receiving its pre-order in Indiegogo, a global crowdfunding web site. This service will be launched to
the public from the second half of 2018.
Feb 2015. The establishment of X Engineering
Jun 2015. The acquisition of Venture Company Certificate
Sep 2015. The participation into Startup Alliance Korean Startup Demoday in Tokyo
Sep 2015. The participation into GSC (Global Startup Conference)
Dec 2015. Selected as the excellent fintech startup by Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning and Korea Internet &
Security Agency
Jan 2016. The attraction of 360 million won investment from Neowiz Investment and others.
Sep 2016. Selected as the fintech promotion company in the Fintech Lab of IBK Industrial Bank.
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Neowiz Investment (Investment Company), SOQRI (Consulting) and Neofly (Accelerator)
-Foreign Countries : SL Square Investment (Investment Company)
XENO SolutionCo.,Ltd.
Location 201, Songpa-daero, Songpa-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (12F, K&K Digital Tower)
XENOSolutionco is a provider of financial solutions.
XENOSolutionco develops Portable Smart Branch services and provides them to financial institutions. It is also working
with KT to build a financial security crowd and provide solutions to financial institutions.
It has provided Portable Smart Branch solutions to Busan Bank, Woori Bank, NH Nonghyup Bank, IBK Industrial Bank, and
KB Kookmin Bank.
It has built and operate the Fin-Tech Crowd Center at NH Nonghyup Bank and established a financial security data center.
Oct 2010. The establishment of Xeno Solution Co., Ltd.
Dec 2012. The establishment of Smart Learning for IBK Industrial Bank.
May 2013. The supply of PSB to Busan Bank, Woori Bank, NH Nonghyup Bank, IBK Industrial Bank and KB Kookmin
Dec 2015. The establishment of Cloud Network for MWI Scraping Center in Japan
Feb 2016. The conclusion of MOU agreement for the financial cloud business with KT Corp. and WebCash Corp.
Apr 2016. The establishment and management of Fintech Cloud Center for NH Nonghyup Bank.
Jun 2017. The establishment and management of FSDC (Financial Security Data Center)
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Olleh KT (mobile communication), Webcash (electronic financial solution) and Elimnet (SW development)
-Foreign Countries : MicroSoft (SW development)
Location 6, Yulgok-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (16-17F, Tower A, Twin Tree Building)
Form of
Main Service Location-based O2O Fintech Area Others B2B/B2C
Yap Company is introducing 'Yap,' which is a connected commercial application for online and offline. Yap applies
location-based services to help users experience the right consumer lifestyle they need at where they are. Based on smart
phone user location, it offers various coupon benefits and restaurant recommendations, membership management,
and payment services. Hybrid beacon, which combines Bluetooth and high frequency, automatically sends a message
containing useful information when the user enters a certain space. In July 2017, it signed a partnership with Korea
Broadcast Advertising Promotion Corporation and applied beacon related technology to provide brand communication
experiences complementing elements such as time, place and situation.
Jun 2014. The launching of YAP Beta version and the commercialization of first Korean beacon-based O2O commerce
Jul 2014. The launching of ‘KAYO’ application for Chinese tourists.
Aug 2015. The official launching of YAP
Dec 2015. The establishment of transportation-based infrastructure by the YAP beacon installation in Seoul city bus
Apr 2016. The merger of iPopcorn Corp.
Oct 2016. The launching of battery-typed Bluetooth beacon
Jul 2017. The conclusion of business cooperation agreement with : Korea Broadcast Advertising Corporation
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Korea Broadcast Advertising Corporation (Advertisement Research) and Asiana Airline (Transportation)
-Foreign Countries : Starbucks Coffee (Food and Beverage)
Yesstock Inc.
Form of
Main Service Wealthmentor and Yes Trader Fintech Area Robo-Advisor B2B/B2C
Yesstock is specialized in developing trading solutions in financial products such as equities, futures, options, and others.
Led by securities investment analysis software development team from Sansung Electronics, they established C-DIC
Computer Inc. in 1991. It launched Korea’s first automated system trading solution ‘YesTrader.’ It also provides various
solutions such as ‘Wealth Mentor,’ a robo-advisor platform, futures & options simulation programs, and etc.
Oct 1991. The foundation of C-DIC Computer Inc.
Apr 1992. The development of Investment Information System for 22 domestic securities firms including COSCOM Corp.
Apr 2000. The change of company name into YesStock Inc.
Oct 2004. The launching of System Trading Program (YesTrader) for HI Investment & Securities Co., Ltd.
Apr 2007. The development and management of HTD (LeadingStarPlus) for Leading Investment & Securities Co., Ltd.
Sep 2010. The launching of System Trading Program for Korea Investment & Securities Co., Ltd., NH Futures Co., Ltd. and
Hyundai Futures Corp.
Jan 2011. The launching of System Trading Program for Chinese Futures Trading Company (20 companies including
Haitong Futures Co., Ltd.)
Aug 2014. The launching of ‘Hyundai YesTrader’ service for Hyundai Futures Corp.
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : HI Investment & Securities Co., Ltd. (Securities Company), NH INVESTMENT & SECURITIES CO., LTD. (Securities
Company), Korea Investment & Securities Co., Ltd. (Securities Company), NH Futures Co., Ltd. (Futures Brokerage
Services), Hyundai Futures Corp. (Futures Brokerage Services), Korea Corp. (Futures Brokerage Services), and
Eugene Investment & Futures Co., Ltd. (Futures Brokerage Services)
Location 33, Jong-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (1Q Lab, 19F, Grand Seoul Building Tower 1)
YINC operates a platform that allows private companies to attract angel investments from the public. Based on the mass
collective intelligence of public, YINC has efficiently distributed the capital; efforts are being made to form a financial
ecosystem in which investors and companies co-exist together. YINC was established in 2015; YINC funded its own
crowd funding and attracted 300 million won on January 2016. It was selected as the 3rd participant in KEB Hana Bank's
fintech Incubating One Cue (1Q Lab).
Oct 2015. The establishment of YINC
Jan 2016. The success of our own crowd funding (small money offer, 112 minority shareholders)
Jan 2016. The registration into the online small money investment agency business (Financial Services Commission)
Jan 2016. The first success of crowd funding - Shinsun Corp.
Jul 2016. Selected as the 3rd Fintech Incubating 1QLab by KEB Hana Bank
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Daeshin Asset Management (financial institution), Yuanta Securities (financial institution), DSC investment
(investment company), Dity & Investment (investment company), Soorim Venture Capital (investment company),
Venture Square (Media), Korea Securities Finance Corporation (fiduciary management services), FastFive (office
sharing) and Platum (Startup Media)
Form of
Main Service Crowd Funding Platform Fintech Area Crowd Funding B2C
ZCROWD is a provider of P2C (corporate loan) funding platforms.
ZCROWD introduces a funding platform that is accessible to all social members who are social impact-oriented. It also
serves as a funding source for companies aiming to solve various social issues. ZCROWD supports partners' business
by encouraging investors who are looking for positive social change to participate in funding. The goal is to build an
ecosystem that shares the social, economic and cultural impact created by the growth of funding partners with all
May 2016. The promotion of joint reward event with Socar
May 2017. The application of P2P guideline of Financial Services Commission
Aug 2017. The completion of registration into DDos Cyber Shelter (Korea Internet & Security Agency)
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Korea P2P Finance Association (Interagency), BENEFIT, SOPOONG and ENACTUS
ZikBank Inc. is a system software developer and supplier.
ZikBank Inc. is introducing a safe settlement service that improves the problem of cash settlement and billing system
used in various industries such as construction, manufacturing and distribution. It is a method of securely depositing the
customer's service money (cash) and issuing virtual money for the deposited amount to pay the virtual money to the
participating companies first. The company provides a service to exchange coins, expired from contracted period or paid
after successful execution of pojects, with deposited cash. It holds patents related to payment solutions.
Apr 2016. Established ZikCompany Inc.
May 2016. Applied for 2 patents in Korea and PCT abroad (Payment Solution)
Oct 2016. Selected as a Fintech Promising Company in the 12th Fintech Demoday
Dec 2016. Selected as a Fintech Technological Innovation Company in the 2016 Creative Korea Expo
Jul 2017. Acquisition of venture company certificate
Aug 2017. Registeration of domestic patent for payment solution
Aug 2017. Changed the company name from ZikCompany Inc. into ZikBank Inc
Location 20, Banpo-daero 28-gil, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (3F, DUWON Building)
Form of
Main Service Mobile game Fintech Area Blockchain B2B/B2C
Zoniworks is a mobile game developer.
Zoniworks has developed 'LINE Puzzle Friends', a puzzle RPG game for the Japanese instant messenger service, and 'Dig
Land', a password-linked game. Zoniworks was founded in 2014 by developers who developed the Japanese national
online game "Pangya" and the "DJMAX series", which sold the highest number of domestic console games. In 2016, it
has attracted investment from Korea Investment Partners and Naver.
Oct 2014. The establishment of Zoniworks
May 2015. The conclusion of Line Publishing agreement (Line Puzzle Friends)
Feb 2016. The attraction of investment from Korea Investment Partners
Mar 2016. The attraction of private investment from Naver
Aug 2017. Selected as a Mobile Game Global Publishing Support Business by KOCCA
Dec 2017. Selected as a SBA G-Ward High-Performing Company
Dec 2017. The launching of ‘Mystic Marble’ in Philippines and Indonesia
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : Naver (IT Company), IGS (Game Consulting), Korea Creative Content Agency (Public Institution) and KIPVC
(Investment Agency)
-Foreign Countries : LINE (IT Company) and Metaps Plus (Mobile Marketing)
Location 272, Sadang-ro, Dongjak-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (2F, Sadang-dong, Sambo Building)
Form of
Main Service Zoom Fund Fintech Area P2P Finance B2B/B2C
Zoom Fund is a provider of P2P financial services. Zoom Fund is a member of the KTB Financial Group, a wholly owned
subsidiary of KTB Credit Information, which has been in charge of debt management and collection services of Korea
Deposit Insurance Corporation and Korea Asset Management Corporation. Zoom Fund, a Fintech financial platform,
features a model in which borrowers analyze financial and non-financial transaction information on a large data base and
uses it for credit evaluation. Unlike general financial institutions, it plays a role as a tool for peer-to-peer finance that uses
digital and fintech to efficiently connect funds suppliers and consumers. In order to succeed, it is important to develop a
credit sourcing function and a credit evaluation and risk management system to reliably link it to investors in order to find
good credit.
Jan 2014. The Change into the company name (The Zoom Fund)
Oct 2016. The Launching of Zoom Fund Service (P2P Financial Platform)
Apr 2017. The Appointment of Representative Hong Seung-uk (Former Director in Dau Kiwoom Group)
May 2017. The Conclusion of Business Cooperation Agreement for the Joint Development of P2P Principal and Interest
Receipt Rights Purchase Model with JB Financial Group Kwangju bank.
Affiliated Organization
-Korea : KTB Credit Information (Financial Institution), Samjung KPMG (Accounting Firm), Duhyeon LLC (Law Firm),
FINTECH (Credit Appraisal Model), The First Appraisal & Consulting Co. (Property Appraisal), Finotek (Fintech
Platform) and WEIN TECHNOLOGY (IT Solution)
Form of
Main Service Bufit Fund Fintech Area Others B2C
Jupiter is a developer and supplier of applications for mobile applications, web development, supply and advertising,
public relations, event planning, agency and graphic design.
It is a company that continues to grow in defiance based on challenging corporate spirit and innovation for a more
convenient life. 'Small Change, Big Difference' is a company motto and it aims to lead change in 'More Better Life'. It
is actively pursuing localization strategies with the desire to export outstanding IT technology to major countries in
Southeast Asia including Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam.
Aug 2012. The establishment of Zoopiter
Dec 2012. The acquisition of venture company certificate
Jan 2013. The launching of ShowDown application. The achievement of total 500 thousand members.
Sep 2014. Selected as the cooperation company (Youth Entrepreneur Association)
Dec 2015. The development of website for Gyeongi-do provincial office
May 2016. The design of Bufit fund structure
Investment Overseas
Space Number of Technical
Incubator Mentoring Attraction Expansion Address Inquiry
Availiability Occupants Support
Links Support
Korea Internet & Accounting,
Provides 10th Floor, IT Venture Tower,
Security Agency Taxes, +82-2-405-6789
O 18 test External O 135 Jungdae-ro, Songpa-gu,
Fintech Technical Patents,
platforms Seoul, Korea
Support Center Security,
Neowiz Pangyo Tower ,14
IBK Financial Legal, Within
Daewangpangyo-ro 645beon- +82-2-2031-5421
Group O 10 X Accounting, Group, O
gil, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si,
Fintech Dreamlab Investment, External
KB Financial Provides Legal, Within 6th Floor, FastFive Shin nonhyun
Group O 16 test Patents, Group, O branch, 464 Gangnam daero,
Innovation Hub platforms Taxes, External Gangnam-gu, Seoul
KEB Hana Bank Within Hana Financial Group Bldg, 66 +82-2-3788-5087
O 11 X Taxes, O
1Q Agile Lab Group Euljiro Joong-gu, Seoul
NH Nonghyup Financial,
Provides Within 9th Floor, Westgate Tower, 70
Bank Fintech Taxes, +82-2-392-0746
O 8 test Group, X Chungjeongnog, Seodaemoon-
Revoluionary Legal,
platforms External gu, Seoul
Center Patents
Provides Within
Shinhan Financial Legal, 8th Floor, Shinhan L Tower, 358 +82-2-6250-8901
O 21 test Group, O
Group Futures Lab Investment, Samildaero, Joong-gu, Seoul
platforms External
Woori Bank Provides
Legal, 2nd Floor, Youngdeungporo +82-2-2002-4683
Weebee Fintech O 5 test External O
Accounting, 200, Youngdeungpo-gu, Seoul
Lab platforms
Hanhwa Life Taxes, 4th Floor, 50 Hanhwa Financial
IT Technology, +82-2-520-1500
Dreamplus 63 O 10 Legal, External O Center 63, 63ro Youngdengpo-
Fin-tech Center Accounting, gu, Seoul
Ministry of Science and ICT and Korea Internet & Security Agency has opened ‘Fin-tech
Technology Support Center’ (May 2016) in order to invigorate Fin-tech industry, which is a next
generation growth power for national economy, and obtain global competitiveness. It carries
forward various support businesses to support growth of Fin-tech companies and its industry.
We like to draw lots of attention from Fin-tech companies and please do not hesitate to reach
us at below contact details if you have any inquiry in detail.
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Security check and improvement support con ndat of ba
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eng ity
Fou ment
Ind of
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Contact Information
Telephone +82-2-405-6789
Address 10th Floor, IT Venture Tower, 135 Jungdae-ro, Songpa-gu, Seoul, Korea
Homepage(Facebook) (
•Ministry of Science and ICT and Korea Internet & Security Agency hold the copyright of 2017
Republic of Korea Fin-tech Businesses Handbook, and reprinting without notice is strictly
prohibited. If in need of citation, please refer to mention ‘Ministry of Science and ICT and Korea
Internet & Security Agency 2017 Republic of Korea Fin-tech Businesses Handbook.’
•If you have an inquiry on any content or information on this handbook, please contact Korea
Internet & Security Agency (tel : +82-2-405-6789). E-book service of ‘2017 Republic of Korea
Fintech Company Handbook’ can be found on internet(