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Question Bank- EE 401

Type 1- Multiple Choice Questions

Question Paper Details

Course Stream Semester Subject Paper Code Chapter

B.Tech Electrical 4th Electric EE 401 DC

Engg (EE) Machines- Machines

Paper Setter Details

Name Designation Mobile No. Email ID

Avishek Assistant 9477305685

Dasgupta Professor

Page 1 of 13
Question Bank- EE 401
Type 1- Multiple Choice Questions

MODULE II: DC Machines

1. A 6-pole DC machine has 300 conductors and flux per pole is 15 mWb. If
the machine is driven at 1800 rpm, then the average emf induced per
conductor will be
a. 3.6V
b. 7.2V
c. 9V
d. 162V

2. A commutator with a diameter of 50cm rotates at 1000 rpm. For a brush

width of 1.5cm, the time of commutation is
a. 573µsec
b. 256msec
c. 625 µsec
d. 448msec

3. Match List-I (Tests on DC machines) with List-II (Results) and select the
correct answer:

List-I (Tests on DC machines) List-II (Results)

A] Field test 1] Stray losses in case of DC series

B] Swinburne’s test 2] Constant losses
C] Hopkinson test 3] Performance of machines
regarding commutation and
temperature rise
D] Retardation test 4] Stray losses in case of DC shunt

a. A1 B3 C2 D4
b. A4 B1 C2 D3
c. A1 B2 C3 D4
d. A4 B3 C2 D1

4. At a certain speed and flux, the voltage generated by a DC generator is

230V. If the speed is increased by 20% and the flux is simultaneously
reduced by 10%, the voltage generated will be
a. Decreased by 8%
b. Increased by 10%
c. Decreased by 20%

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Type 1- Multiple Choice Questions

d. Increased by 8%

5. Lap winding is employed in a DC machine of

a. High current and low voltage rating
b. Low current and high voltage rating
c. High current and high voltage rating
d. Low current and low voltage rating

6. Pole shoe of a DC machine is laminated for the purpose of

a. Decreasing hysteresis loss
b. Decreasing eddy current loss
c. Manufacturing ease
d. Decreasing both eddy current and hysteresis loss

7. In a DC motor, the windage loss is proportional to

a. Square of flux density
b. Supply voltage
c. Square of supply voltage
d. Square of armature speed

8. The principle of dynamically induced emf is utilized in

a. Transformer
b. Generator
c. Thermocouple
d. Choke

9. The direction of induced emf in case of a DC machine can be determined

a. Fleming’s left hand rule
b. Faraday’s law of magnetic induction
c. Fleming’s right hand rule
d. Biot-Savart’s law

10.In a DC machine
a. The current and emf in armature conductors are unidirectional
while those at the terminals are alternating.
b. The current and emf in armature conductors and at the terminals
are unidirectional.
c. The emf in armature conductors and at the terminals is alternating
while current is unidirectional.
d. The current and emf in armature conductors are alternating while
those at the terminals are unidirectional.

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Question Bank- EE 401
Type 1- Multiple Choice Questions

11.In a DC machine, the brushes are physically placed in the

a. Interpolar axis and electrically connected to the coils lying in polar
b. Polar axis and electrically connected to the coils lying in the polar
c. Interpolar axis and electrically connected to the coils lying in the
interpolar axis
d. Polar axis and electrically connected to the coils lying in the
interpolar axis

12.A lap wound DC machine has 400 conductors and 8 poles. The voltage
induced per conductor is 2V. The machine generates a voltage of
a. 800V
b. 400V
c. 200V
d. 100V

13.In DC machines, the air gap flux distribution in space at no load is

a. Rectangular
b. Triangular
c. Flat topped
d. Pulsating

14.In a DC machine without any brush shift, the shift of the magnetic neutral
axis owing to armature reaction is
a. Against the direction of rotation for both the generator and the
b. In the direction of rotation for the generator and against the
direction of rotation for the motor
c. In the direction of rotation for both the generator and the motor
d. Against the direction of rotation for the generator and in the
direction of rotation for the motor

15.In a DC machine, the number of mechanical and electrical degrees will be

same when the number of poles of the machine is
a. 8
b. 4
c. 2
d. 1

16.In Swinburne’s method of testing DC machine, the shunt machine is run

as a

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Question Bank- EE 401
Type 1- Multiple Choice Questions

a. Generator at full load at rated speed and rated voltage

b. Generator at no load at near rated speed and rated voltage
c. Motor at no load at rated speed and rated voltage
d. Generator at no load at rated speed and rated terminal voltage

17.A DC shunt generator has full load voltage regulation of 10% at rated
speed of 1000 rpm. If it is now driven at 1250 rpm, then its voltage
regulation at full load would
a. Remain unchanged
b. Be less than 10%
c. Be 12.5%
d. Be more than 10%

18.A DC series motor drives a load. The motor is unsaturated and the load
torque is proportional to speed squared. For a speed of 400 rpm, motor
line current is 20A. For a speed of 800 rpm, the line current will be-
a. 40A
b. 25.25A
c. 60A
d. 20A
19.In a shunt DC machine, the armature and field winding resistance are
a. High and low
b. Low and high
c. Of lower values
d. Of higher values

20.Equalizer rings are required in a lap wound DC machines

a. to improve commutation
b. to filter out harmonics
c. to prevent the flow of circulating currents through brushes
d. to reduce armature reaction

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Question Bank- EE 401
Type 1- Multiple Choice Questions

Question Paper Details

Course Stream Semester Subject Paper Code Chapter

B.Tech Electrical 4th Electric EE 401 3 phase

Engg (EE) Machines- induction
I machines

Paper Setter Details

Name Designation Mobile No. Email ID

Avishek Assistant 9477305685

Dasgupta Professor

Page 6 of 13
Question Bank- EE 401
Type 1- Multiple Choice Questions

MODULE III: 3 Phase Induction Machines

1. A 3-phase, 50Hz induction motor has a full-load speed of 1440rpm. The
number of poles of the motor is
a. 4
b. 5
c. 6
d. None of these

2. The power factor of a delta connected 3-phase 50kW induction machine

is 0.4 when delivering 35% of its rated load. If the stator is reconnected in
star, then its
a. pf is worsened, stator current increases
b. pf is improved, stator current increases
c. pf remains unchanged, stator current decreases
d. pf is improved, stator current decreases

3. The decrease in the number of poles of a 3-phase induction machine

results in
a. Increase in maximum pf
b. No change in maximum pf
c. Decrease in maximum pf
d. Cannot be determined

4. The complete circle diagram for a 3-phase IM can be drawn with the
help of
a. Blocked-rotor test and Stator-resistance test
b. Stator-resistance test and Running-light test
c. Running-light test and Blocked-rotor test
d. Running-light test, Blocked-rotor test and Stator-resistance test

5. A 3-phase IM requires starter

a. Because the motor does not possess an inherent starting torque
b. To increase the starting torque
c. Because the induced secondary voltage and hence the currents in
the windings are abnormally high during starting
d. Because there is no back emf induced in the stator winding during

6. The following starting method for a 3-phase squirrel cage induction

motor is inferior in view of the poor starting torque per ampere of the line

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Question Bank- EE 401
Type 1- Multiple Choice Questions

current drawn
a. Autotransformer method of starting
b. Impedance starting
c. Direct-on-line starting
d. Star-delta starting

7. The stator of a 3-phase, 6-pole slip ring induction motor is connected to

50Hz source but its rotor is energized from 20Hz source. The rotor would
run at a speed of
a. 600rpm or 1400rpm
b. 1600rpm or 400rpm
c. 600rpm or 400rpm
d. 1600rpm or 600rpm

8. A slip ring induction motor drives a constant torque load. If the supply
voltage reduces to (1/√2) times its previous stator voltage, then slip and
current get modified by factors of
a. 2 and 2 respectively
b. √2 and 2 respectively
c. √2 and (1/√2) respectively
d. 2 and √2 respectively

9. A squirrel cage induction motor has a full-load slip of 0.05. The motor
starting current at rated voltage is 6 times its full-load current. What is the
percentage tapping on the autotransformer starter which will give full-
load torque at start?
a. 74.50
b. 33.33
c. 68.90
d. 86.20

10. In a squirrel cage induction motor high starting torque is achieved by

a. High resistance in series with the rotor circuit
b. Double cage rotor
c. Short circuited rotor winding across slip rings
d. None of the above

11. In double cage induction motor the inner cage has

a. High resistance and high leakage reactance
b. High resistance and low leakage reactance
c. Low resistance and low leakage reactance
d. Low resistance and high leakage reactance

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Type 1- Multiple Choice Questions

12. The rotor slots in a 3-phase induction motor are kept inclined. This
phenomenon is known as
a. Crawling
b. Skewing
c. Cogging
d. None of these

13. Presence of 5th harmonics in induction motor causes

a. Cogging
b. Small reverse breaking torque
c. Crawling
d. Hunting

14. The equivalent circuit per phase of a three phase transformer is similar to
that of a three phase induction motor but the transformer does not develop
any torque. This is due to
a. Absence of air gap
b. Low supply voltage
c. Non-fulfilment of condition of space condition of winding
d. None of the above

15. The power factor of a lightly loaded induction motor is quite low
a. of the current due to air gap
b. the current drawn is largely a magnetizing component due to
laminated core
c. the current drawn is largely an energy component due to laminated
d. the current drawn is largely a magnetizing component due to air

16. In a 3-phase induction motor, the maximum torque

a. varies as rotor circuit resistance
b. varies inversely as rotor circuit resistance
c. is independent of rotor circuit resistance
d. is constant

17. The maximum possible speed of a 3-phase squirrel cage induction motor
running at a slip of 4% is
a. 3000rpm
b. 960rpm
c. 1440rpm

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Type 1- Multiple Choice Questions

d. 2880rpm

18. The torque developed by a 3-phase induction motor depends on

a. Speed, frequency and number of poles
b. Voltage, current and stator impedance
c. Synchronous speed, rotor speed and frequency
d. Rotor emf, rotor current and rotor pf

19. In a 3-phase slip ring induction motor, 3-phase balanced supply is given
to the rotor and stator winding is short circuited. The rotor would
a. run at half the synchronous speed
b. run in the direction of rotating field
c. not run
d. run against the direction of rotating field

20. In case of a 3-phase induction motor, shaft power is 2700W and

mechanical losses are 180W. At a slip of 4%, the rotor ohmic loss will be
a. 115.2W
b. 120W
c. 108W
d. 105W

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Question Bank- EE 401
Type 1- Multiple Choice Questions

Question Paper Details

Course Stream Semester Subject Paper Code Chapter

B.Tech Electrical 4th Electric EE 401 3 phase

Engg (EE) Machines- transformer

Paper Setter Details

Name Designation Mobile No. Email ID

Avishek Assistant 9477305685

Dasgupta Professor

Page 11 of 13
Question Bank- EE 401
Type 1- Multiple Choice Questions

MODULE IV: 3 Phase Transformer

1. A three phase delta-star transformer has secondary to primary turns ratio
per phase 5. For a primary line current of 10A, the secondary line current
will be
a. 3.464A
b. 50A
c. 1.155A
d. 1.633A

2. Which of the following 3-phase connections of a transformer causes

interference to the nearby communication system
a. Star-delta
b. Star-star
c. Delta-star
d. Delta-delta

3. Scott connected transformers can convert:

i. 3 to 2 phases ii. 2 to 3 phases
iii. 2 to 4 phases iv. 3 to 4 phases

From the above correct answer is-

a. (ii) only
b. (i) and (ii)
c. (iii) and (iv)
d. (i) and (iv)

4. A bank of three identical single-phase 250kVA, 11kV/230V transformer

is used to provide 400V low tension supply from a 11kV, 3-phase sub-
station. The effective kVA rating of the bank will be
a. 250
b. 250√3
c. 500
d. 750

5. Supply to one terminal of a Δ-Y connected 3-phase core type transformer,

which is on no-load fails. Assuming magnetic circuit symmetry, voltages
on the secondary side will be
a. 230, 230, 115
b. 230, 115, 115
c. 345, 115, 115

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Type 1- Multiple Choice Questions

d. 345, 0, 345

6. Keeping in view the requirement of parallel operation, which of the 3-

phase connections given below are possible?
a. Δ-Δ to Y-Y
b. Δ-Δ to Y- Δ
c. Δ-Y to Δ-Y
d. Δ-Y to Y- Δ

Page 13 of 13
Question Bank- EE 401
Type 2- Short Question

Question Paper Details

Course Stream Semester Subject Paper Code Chapter

B.Tech Electrical 4th Electric EE 401 DC

Engg (EE) Machines- Machines

Paper Setter Details

Name Designation Mobile No. Email ID

Avishek Assistant 9477305685

Dasgupta Professor

Page 1 of 11
Question Bank- EE 401
Type 2- Short Question

MODULE II: DC Machines

1. A 4-pole dynamo with wave wound armature has 51 slots containing 20
conductors in each slot. The induced emf is 357V and the speed is
8500rpm. The flux per pole will be _____________

2. A 240V DC shunt motor with an armature resistance of 0.5Ω has a full

load current of 40A. Find the ratio of the stalling torque to the full load
torque when a resistance of 1Ω is connected in series with the armature.

3. A DC shunt motor is running at 1200rpm, when excited with 220V DC.

Neglecting losses and saturation, the speed of the motor when connected
to a 175V DC supply is _____________

4. A 240V DC series motor takes 40A when giving its rated output at 1500
rpm. Its armature resistance is 0.3Ω. What should be the external
resistance required to be added to obtain rated torque at 1000 rpm?

5. A DC shunt generator has a speed of 800 rpm when delivering 20A to

the load at the terminal voltage of 220V. If the same machine is run as a
motor it takes a line current of 20A from 220V supply. Will the machine
have a higher speed while running as motor or as a generator?

6. A DC motor has a no load speed of 6000rpm when connected to a 120V

DC supply. The armature resistance is 2.5Ω and other losses may be
neglected. The speed of the motor with supply voltage of 60V developing
a torque of 0.5Nm is _____________

7. A 200V, 2000rpm, 10A, separately excited DC motor has an armature

resistance of 2Ω. Rated DC voltage is applied to both the armature and
field winding of the motor. If the armature draws 5A from the source, the
torque developed by the motor is _____________

8. A DC series motor driving an electric train faces a constant power load.

It is running at rated speed and rated voltage. If the speed has to be
brought down to 0.25pu, the supply voltage has to be approximately
brought down to _____________

9. The armature resistance of a permanent magnet DC motor is 0.8Ω. At no

load, the motor draws 1.5A from a supply voltage of 25V and runs at
1500rpm. The efficiency of the motor while it is operating on load at

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Question Bank- EE 401
Type 2- Short Question

1500rpm drawing a current of 3.5A from the same source will be


10. A 8-pole DC generator has a wave wound armature containing 32 coils

of 6 turns each. Its flux per pole is 0.06Wb. The machine is running at
250rpm. The induced armature voltage is _____________

11. A 220V DC machine supplies 20A at 200V as a generator. The armature

resistance is 0.2Ω. If the machine is now operated as a motor at same
terminal voltage and current but with the flux increased by 10%, the ratio
of motor speed to generator speed is _____________

12. A 240V DC shunt motor draws 15A while supplying the rated load at a
speed of 80 rad/s. The armature resistance is 0.5Ω and the field winding
resistance is 80Ω. What will be the value of external resistance to be
added in the armature circuit to limit the armature current to 125% of its
rated value?

13. A 220V DC shunt motor is operating at a speed of 1440 rpm. The

armature resistance is 1.0Ω and armature current is 10A. If the excitation
of the machine is reduced by 10%, what is the extra resistance to be put in
the armature circuit to maintain the same speed and torque?

14. A 220V 15kW 1000 rpm shunt motor with armature resistance of 0.25Ω
has a rated line current of 68A and a rated field current of 2.2A. What
will be the change in field flux in order to obtain a speed of 1600 rpm
while drawing a line current of 52.8A and field current of 1.8A?

15. A 15kW, 230V DC shunt motor has armature circuit resistance of 0.4Ω
and field circuit resistance of 230Ω. At no load and rated voltage, the
motor runs at 1400 rpm and the line current drawn by the motor is 5A. At
full load, the motor draws a line current of 70A. Neglect armature
reaction. The full load speed of the motor in rpm is _____________

16. A DC shunt generator delivers 45A at a terminal voltage of 220V. The

armature and the shunt field resistances are 0.01Ω and 44Ω respectively.
The stray losses are 375W. The percentage efficiency of the DC generator
is _____________

17. A DC motor has following specifications:

10HP, 37.5A, 230V;
Flux/pole= 0.01 Wb
Number of poles= 4

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Question Bank- EE 401
Type 2- Short Question

Number of conductors= 666

Number of parallel paths= 2
Armature resistance= 0.267Ω
The armature reaction is negligible and rotational losses are 600W. The
motor operates from a 230V DC supply. If the motor runs at 1000 rpm,
the output torque produced (in Nm) is _____________

18. The no load speed of a 230V separately excited DC motor is 1400rpm.

The armature resistance drop and the brush drop are neglected. The field
current is kept constant at rated value. The torque of the motor (in Nm)
for an armature current of 8A is _____________

19. A separately excited 300V DC shunt motor under no load runs at 900rpm
drawing an armature current of 2A. The armature resistance is 0.5Ω and
leakage inductance is 0.01H. When loaded, the armature current is 15A.
Then, the speed in rpm is _____________

20. At a certain speed and flux, the voltage generated by a DC generator is

230V. If the speed is increased by 20% and the flux is simultaneously
reduced by 10%, by what percentage will the voltage generated change?

Page 4 of 11
Question Bank- EE 401
Type 2- Short Question

Question Paper Details

Course Stream Semester Subject Paper Code Chapter

B.Tech Electrical 4th Electric EE 401 3 phase

Engg (EE) Machines- induction
I machine

Paper Setter Details

Name Designation Mobile No. Email ID

Avishek Assistant 9477305685

Dasgupta Professor

Page 5 of 11
Question Bank- EE 401
Type 2- Short Question

MODULE III: 3 Phase Induction Machine

1. A 4-pole, 3-phase induction motor operates from a supply whose
frequency is 50Hz.

a. The speed at which the magnetic field of the stator is rotating is


b. When the slip is 0.04, the speed of the rotor is _____________

c. When the slip is 0.03, the frequency of the rotor current will be

d. The frequency of the rotor current at standstill will be


2. A small 3-phase induction motor has short circuit current equal to 3.5
times the full load current. Determine the starting torque as a fraction of
full-load torque if the slip at full load is 0.03pu

3. When started by means of an autotransformer with 50% tapping, supply

current at start of an induction motor is reduced to _____________ of that
when started by means of a star-delta starter.

4. An induction motor having full load torque of 60Nm when delta

connected, develops a starting torque of 120Nm. For the same supply
voltage if the motor is changed to star connection the starting torque
developed will be _____________

5. An induction motor is to be started directly from the mains. If the starting

torque is equal to the full load torque, find the starting current in terms of
full load current if the slip of the motor at full load is 4%.

6. The power input to a 415V, 50Hz, 6-pole, 3-phase induction motor

running at 975rpm is 40kW. The stator losses are 1kW and friction and
windage losses total 2kW. The efficiency of the motor is _____________

7. The synchronous speed for the 7th space harmonic mmf wave of a 3-
phase, 8-pole, 50Hz induction machine is _____________ in the
_____________ (forward/reverse) direction.

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Question Bank- EE 401
Type 2- Short Question

8. A 400V, 15kW, 4 pole, 50Hz, Y-connected induction motor has full load
slip of 4%. The output torque of the machine at full load is

9. A 4-pole 50Hz 3-phase induction motor has rotor resistance and standstill
rotor reactance of 0.04Ω and 0.16Ω per phase respectively. Calculate the
value of the external rotor resistance per phase to be inserted to obtain
70% of maximum torque at starting.

10.A 3-phase cage rotor induction motor is started with direct-on-line (DOL)
switching at the rated voltage. If the starting current drawn is 6 times the
full load current, and the full load slip is 4%, then the ratio of the starting
torque to the full load torque is approximately _____________

11. A 3-phase squirrel cage induction motor has a starting torque of 150%
and a maximum torque of 300% with respect to rated torque at rated
voltage and rated frequency. Neglect the stator resistance and rotational
losses. The value for slip for maximum torque is _____________

12. A 400V, 50Hz, 30HP, 3-phase induction motor is drawing 50A current at
0.8 power factor lagging. The stator and rotor copper losses are 1.5kW
and 900W respectively. The friction and windage losses are 1050W and
the core losses are 1200W. The air gap power of the motor will be

13. A 3-phase, 10kW, 400V 4-pole, 50Hz star connected induction motor
draws 20A on full load. Its no load and blocked rotor test data are given
No load test: 400V, 6A, 1002W
Blocked rotor test: 90V, 15A, 762W
Neglecting copper loss in no load test and core loss in blocked rotor test,
estimate the full load efficiency of the motor.

14. A 3-phase 400V, 6-pole, 50Hz squirrel cage induction motor is running
at a slip of 5%. The speed of stator magnetic field with respect to rotor
magnetic field and speed of rotor with respect to stator magnetic field are
_____________ and _____________

15. The locked rotor current in a 3-phase star-connected 15kW, 4-pole,

230V, 50Hz induction motor at rated conditions is 50A. Neglecting losses
and magnetizing current, the approximate locked rotor line current drawn
when the motor is connected to a 236V, 57Hz supply is _____________

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Type 2- Short Question

16. A 4-pole induction motor, supplied by a slightly unbalanced 3-phase

50Hz source, is rotating at 1440rpm. The electrical frequency in Hz of the
induced negative sequence current in the rotor is _____________

17. A 4-pole 50Hz, 3-phase induction motor has rotor resistance and
standstill rotor reactance of 0.025Ω and 0.1Ω per phase respectively.

a. The speed at which maximum torque occurs is _____________

b. The value of external rotor resistance per phase to be inserted to

obtain 80% of maximum torque at starting is _____________

18. A 3-phase, 50Hz, 6-pole induction motor has a rotor resistance of 0.1Ω
and reactance of 0.92Ω. Neglect the voltage drop in stator and assume
that the rotor resistance is constant. Given that the full load slip is 3%.
The ratio of maximum torque to full load torque is _____________

19. The starting line current of a 415V, 3-phase, delta connected induction
motor is 120A, when the rated voltage is applied to its stator winding.
The starting line current at a reduced voltage of 110V is _____________

20. A 3-phase squirrel cage induction motor has a starting current of 7 times
the full load current and full load slip of 5%

a. If an autotransformer is used for reduced voltage starting to

provide 1.5 per unit starting torque, the autotransformer ratio (%)
will be _____________

b. If a star-delta starter is used to start this induction motor, the per

unit starting torque will be _____________

c. If a starting torque of 0.5 per unit is required then the per unit
starting current should be _____________

Page 8 of 11
Question Bank- EE 401
Type 2- Short Question

Question Paper Details

Course Stream Semester Subject Paper Code Chapter

B.Tech Electrical 4th Electric EE 401 3 phase

Engg (EE) Machines- transformer

Paper Setter Details

Name Designation Mobile No. Email ID

Avishek Assistant 9477305685

Dasgupta Professor

Page 9 of 11
Question Bank- EE 401
Type 2- Short Question

MODULE IV: 3 Phase Transformer

1. A 3-phase transformer bank consists of three identical 2300/230V,
15kVA single phase transformers connected in Δ-Δ. The bank supplies a
20kVA, unity power factor 3-phase load. If one of the single phase
transformer develops a fault and is removed, the load carried by each of
the transformers now operating in open delta will be _____________

2. A 3-phase Δ/Y transformer is supplied 6000V on delta connected side.

The terminal voltage on the secondary side when supplying full load at
0.8 lagging power factor is 415V. The equivalent resistance and reactance
drops for the transformer are 1% and 5% respectively. What is the turns
ratio of the transformer?

3. In a single phase 3 winding transformer the turns ratio for primary:

secondary: tertiary windings is 20:4:1 with the lagging currents of 50A at
a power factor of 0.6 in the tertiary winding. Find the primary current and
power factor.


A 400V/200V/200V, 50Hz three

winding transformer is connected
as shown in figure. The reading of
the voltmeter will


The following figure shows a Δ-Y

connected 3-phase distribution
transformer used to step down the
voltage from 11000V to 415V line-
to-line. It has two switches S1 and
S2. Under normal conditions S1 is
closed and S2 is open. Under
certain conditions, when S1 is open
and S2 is closed, the magnitude of
voltage across LV terminals a and c
will be _____________

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Question Bank- EE 401
Type 2- Short Question


The following figure shows an

ideal three winding transformer.
Windings are wound on the same
core as shown. The turns ratio
N1:N2:N3 is 4:2:1. A resistor of
10Ω is connected across winding-2.
A capacitor of reactance 2.5Ω is
connected across winding-3.
Winding-1 is connected across a
400V supply. If the supply voltage
phasor V1= 400∠00, the supply
current phasor I1 is given by

7. The resistance and reactance of a 100kVA 11000/400V, Δ-Y distribution

transformer are 0.02 and 0.07 pu respectively. The phase impedance of
the transformer referred to the primary is _____________

8. Three single phase transformers are connected to form a Δ-Y three phase
transformer 110kV/11kV. The transformer supplies at 11kV a load of
8MW at 0.8 pf lagging to a nearby plant. Neglect the transformer losses.
What will be the ratio of phase currents in delta side to star side?

Page 11 of 11
Question Bank- EE 401
Type 3- Subjective Question

Question Paper Details

Course Stream Semester Subject Paper Code Chapter

B.Tech Electrical 4th Electric EE 401 DC

Engg (EE) Machines- Machines

Paper Setter Details

Name Designation Mobile No. Email ID

Avishek Assistant 9477305685

Dasgupta Professor

Page 1 of 9
Question Bank- EE 401
Type 3- Subjective Question

MODULE II: DC Machines

1. Why does a DC shunt motor run at a constant speed?

2. Show that the effect of armature mmf on the main field/field flux is
entirely cross-magnetizing in an unsaturated DC machine.

3. What will result if the field circuit of a DC motor is opened?

4. Why are the pole shoes in a DC machine laminated though the field
winding carries a direct current and not an alternating current?

5. Describe the different types of excitation of DC machines.

6. Explain the voltage build up process of a DC shunt generator.

7. Mention the different reasons behind failure to build up voltage in a DC

shunt generator.

8. Why are DC series motors used in trains?

9. Write down the function of carbon brushes used in DC machines.

10. Briefly explain the factors that prevent sparkless commutation in a DC


11. Draw the flux distribution, mmf distribution due to armature conductors
carrying current along with the flux distribution due to the main poles of
a DC machine.

12. Explain clearly the functions of interpoles in DC machines.

13. Explain clearly the functions of compensating windings in DC machines.

14. What are commutating poles? Why are they used?

15. Describe Swinburne’s test with the help of a neat diagram to find out the
efficiency of a DC machine. What are the main advantages and
disadvantages of this test?

16. Explain the principle of torque production in a DC motor.

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Question Bank- EE 401
Type 3- Subjective Question

17. What are the critical field resistance and critical speed of a DC shunt
generator? Explain their significance?

18. Define the term “SPEED REGULATION” of a DC motor. What is

meant by good speed regulation?

19. Draw and explain the speed-armature current characteristics of a DC

shunt motor.

20. Draw and explain the speed- armature current characteristics of a DC

series motor.

Page 3 of 9
Question Bank- EE 401
Type 3- Subjective Question

Question Paper Details

Course Stream Semester Subject Paper Code Chapter

B.Tech Electrical 4th Electric EE 401 Three

Engg (EE) Machines- phase
I induction

Paper Setter Details

Name Designation Mobile No. Email ID

Avishek Assistant 9477305685

Dasgupta Professor

Page 4 of 9
Question Bank- EE 401
Type 3- Subjective Question

MODULE III: Three Phase Induction Machines

1. Explain the working principle of a 3-phase induction motor.

2. Define slip in an induction motor. Can it be negative? Can its value be

more than 1?

3. Why is it not possible to run an induction motor at synchronous speed?

4. What factors determine the direction of rotation of induction machine?

5. What will happen if single phasing occurs while working of a 3-phase

induction motor?

6. What is the condition for maximum starting torque of an induction


7. Draw the equivalent circuit of a 3-phase induction motor.

8. Draw and explain how the torque-speed curve of an induction motor will
vary with varying supply voltage.

9. Discuss about the effect of rotor resistance on the torque speed

characteristics of a 3-phase induction motor.

10. Show that the mechanical power developed in a 3-phase induction motor
can be represented by a pure resistance in the rotor circuit.

11. Explain the phenomenon “COGGING” in an induction motor.

12. Derive the expression for developed torque in a 3-phase induction motor.

13. Draw the torque-slip curve of a 3-phase induction motor. Indicate clearly
in the diagram full-load torque, starting torque, maximum torque, stable
and unstable zone.

14. Explain why the no load current of an induction motor is much higher
than that of an equivalent transformer.

15. Explain the phenomenon “CRAWLING” in an induction motor.

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Question Bank- EE 401
Type 3- Subjective Question

16. Draw the phasor diagram of a 3-phase induction motor when it is

operating on load.

17. Why the rotor bar is skewed in case of squirrel cage induction motor?

18. Classify 3-phase induction motor on the basis of rotor construction.

Describe the constructional features of each type with necessary diagram.

19.Why is the rotor of a 3-phase induction motor forced to rotate in the same
direction as the rotating magnetic field?

20.State under what conditions in a 3-phase induction motor

i. The rotor and stator frequencies are the same.
ii. The rotor frequency is smaller than the stator frequency.
iii. The rotor frequency is greater than the stator frequency.

Page 6 of 9
Question Bank- EE 401
Type 3- Subjective Question

Question Paper Details

Course Stream Semester Subject Paper Code Chapter

B.Tech Electrical 4th Electric EE 401 3 phase

Engg (EE) Machines- transformer

Paper Setter Details

Name Designation Mobile No. Email ID

Avishek Assistant 9477305685

Dasgupta Professor

Page 7 of 9
Question Bank- EE 401
Type 3- Subjective Question

MODULE IV: 3 Phase Transformer

1. Explain the use of tertiary winding in a Y-Y transformer.

2. What are the differences between an autotransformer and an induction


3. What are the reasons for higher efficiency of autotransformers as

compared to conventional transformers?

4. Explain with reasons why a Δ-Δ transformer cannot be paralleled with a

Δ-Y transformer.

5. Show that open delta connection of a 3-phase transformer delivers only

57.7% of the VA rating of its normal Δ-Δ connection.

6. What are the different phasor groups? Why are phasor groups mentioned
in the name plate of a transformer?

7. State the condition of parallel operation of 3-phase transformers.

8. What are the advantages of V-V connections of transformer?

9. On the parallel operation of two transformers-

i. Unequal per unit impedance
ii. Unequal X/R ratio

10. What are the utilities of different phasor groups of 3-phase transformers?

11. What schemes of connections are commonly used for 3-phase to 6-phase

12. Draw the Scott connection of transformers and mark the terminals and
turns ratio. What are the applications of Scott connection?

13. Describe the function of the closed delta tertiary winding employed in
some three phase transformers.

14. Give the equivalent circuit and applications of a 3-winding transformer.

Explain how the parameters can be determined experimentally.

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Question Bank- EE 401
Type 3- Subjective Question

15. Draw and explain the circuit diagram of a transformer arrangement for
converting a 3-phase to 2-phase supply

16. Draw the connection and phasor diagram of a three phase Dz6

17. Draw the connection and phasor diagram of a three phase Yz11

18. What are the different phasor groups and what is their utility?

19. In a Scott connected transformer, why does the teaser winding have
86.6% of number of turns compared to the main winding?

20. In a Scott connected transformer, why is the teaser winding connected at

the center of the main winding?

Page 9 of 9
Question Bank- EE 401
Type 4- Broad Questions

Question Paper Details

Course Stream Semester Subject Paper Code Chapter

B.Tech Electrical 4th Electric EE 401 DC

Engg (EE) Machines- Machines

Paper Setter Details

Name Designation Mobile No. Email ID

Avishek Assistant 9477305685

Dasgupta Professor

Page 1 of 10
Question Bank- EE 401
Type 4- Broad Questions

MODULE II: DC Machines

1. What is armature reaction in a DC machine? How does it affect
commutation? What steps are taken to have effective commutation?

2. Derive the torque equation of a DC series motor. Sketch the speed-torque

characteristics of a DC series motor after deriving the necessary relation.

3. Explain the nature of no-load and external characteristics of a DC shunt


4. A 240V DC short shunt compound generator is supplying a load of 100A

at 240V. The resistance of its armature, series field and shunt field
windings are 0.1Ω, 0.5Ω and 50Ω respectively. Find the induced emf and
the armature current.

5. What are the essential conditions for ‘building up’ of voltage of a DC

shunt generator? What are critical resistance and critical speed? Explain
these with the help of the external characteristics of the generator and
building up process.

6. Sketch the speed-torque characteristics of a DC shunt motor after

deriving the necessary relation.

7. A DC generator has an armature emf of 100V when the useful flux per
pole is 20mWb and the speed is 800rpm. Calculate the generated emf
a. With same flux and speed of 1000rpm.
b. With a flux per pole of 24mWb and speed 900rpm.

8. A 10kW 250V DC shunt generator having an armature resistance of

0.1Ω and field resistance of 250Ω delivers full load at rated speed of
800rpm and at rated voltage of 250V. Machine now runs as motor while
taking 10kW at 250V. Find the speed of the machine as motor. Neglect
brush contact drop.

9. A DC shunt generator delivers 40kW to 240V when running at 450rpm.

The armature and field resistances are 0.03Ω and 60Ω respectively.
Calculate the speed of the machine running as a shunt motor and taking
40kW input at 240V. Allow 1V drop per brush.

Page 2 of 10
Question Bank- EE 401
Type 4- Broad Questions

10. Write a short note on Hopkinson’s test of DC machines.

11. Write a short note on Swinburne test of DC machines.

12. Write a short note on commutation in DC machines.

13. With neat diagram, explain the function of compensating windings in

large DC machines. Show the physical location of this winding in a DC

14. “A self-excited DC generator fails to build up its voltage”

-Explain. How can this issue be rectified?

15. “When a DC shunt generator is loaded its terminal voltage falls”

-Explain with the help of external characteristics of the generator.

16. Two identical DC shunt machines when tested by Hopkinson’s method,

gave the following data:
Line voltage= 230V
Line current excluding both field current= 30A
Motor armature current= 230A
Field currents= 5A and 4A
If the armature resistance of each machine (including brushes) is 0.025Ω,
calculate the efficiencies of both the machines.

17. A belt-driven 60kW DC shunt generator running at 500rpm is supplying

full load to a bus bar at 200V. At what speed will it run if the belt breaks
and the machine continues to run taking 5kW from the bus bar? The
armature and field resistances are 0.1Ω and 100Ω respectively. Brush
contact drop may be taken as 2V. Neglect armature reaction.

18. Explain briefly the bad effects of armature reaction and mention steps
which should be taken at design and construction stage of a DC machine
for minimizing armature reaction.

19. Explain the following:

a. Period of commutation
b. Reactance voltage during commutation
c. EMF commutation
d. Resistance commutation

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Question Bank- EE 401
Type 4- Broad Questions

20. In a DC machine, what do you understand by-

a. Linear commutation
b. Under commutation
c. Over commutation

Page 4 of 10
Question Bank- EE 401
Type 4- Broad Questions

Question Paper Details

Course Stream Semester Subject Paper Code Chapter

B.Tech Electrical 4th Electric EE 401 3 phase

Engg (EE) Machines- induction
I machines

Paper Setter Details

Name Designation Mobile No. Email ID

Avishek Assistant 9477305685

Dasgupta Professor

Page 5 of 10
Question Bank- EE 401
Type 4- Broad Questions

MODULE III: Three Phase Induction Machines

1. Show that the ratio of torque T at any slip s of a 3-phase induction motor
to its maximum torque Tm can be derived as

Where Sm is the slip at maximum torque. Make necessary assumptions.

2. No load and blocked rotor test of a 415V, 3-phase, 50Hz star connected
induction motor gave the following results
i. No-load test (line values): 415V, 3.5A, 250W
ii. Blocked rotor test (line values): 115V, 13A, 1660W
Stator resistance per phase is 1.5Ω
Calculate equivalent circuit parameters.

3. Explain the phenomena “COGGING” and “CRAWLING” in a three

phase squirrel cage induction motor.

4. Write a short note on different methods of starting of a 3-phase induction


5. Show that slip at which maximum torque of a polyphase induction motor

occurs is directly proportional to the rotor resistance r2 but the maximum
torque TEM is independent of r2.

6. Explain the principle of rotor resistance starting of slip-ring type

induction motors.

7. Explain how a balanced 3-phase supply applied to a 3-phase stator

winding (balanced) can produce a rotating magnetic field of constant
magnitude in an induction motor.

8. Derive an expression for the torque developed by the rotor in an

induction motor. Also determine an expression for the mechanical power

9. Draw the torque-speed characteristics of a 3-phase induction motor and

discuss about the effect of rotor resistance.

10. Write a short note on star-delta starting of a 3-phase induction motor.

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Question Bank- EE 401
Type 4- Broad Questions

11. Write a short note on autotransformer starting of a 3-phase induction


12. Determine the parameters of equivalent circuit of a 3-phase, 50Hz

induction motor from the following test results-
i. No-load test: 400V, 9.5A, 1400W
ii. Blocked rotor test: 200V, 50A, 7000W

13. Classify the 3-phase induction motor on the basis of its rotor
construction. Describe the constructional features of each type with the
necessary diagram.

14. A 400V, 50Hz, 4-pole 3-phase induction motor has a rotor resistance
0.04Ω per phase. The maximum torque occurs at a speed of 1200rpm.
Calculate the ratio of the starting torque to the maximum torque.

15. Show that a star-delta started 3-phase induction motor is equivalent to an

autotransformer started 3-phase induction motor with 58% tapping.

16. A 400V, 50Hz, 4-pole, 3-phase induction motor has a rotor resistance of
0.04Ω per phase. The maximum torque occurs at a speed of 1200rpm.
Calculate the ratio of starting torque to maximum torque.

17. Write a short note on speed control of 3-phase induction motor.

18.The power input to a three phase induction motor is 60kW. Total stator
losses are 1kW. Find the total mechanical power developed and the rotor
copper loss per phase if the motor is running with a slip of 3%.

19. A 3-phase, 6-pole, 50Hz star connected induction motor delivers useful
power 25kW while running at a speed of 950rpm. It is connected to a
supply of 400V and takes a current of 60A. Its stator resistance per phase
is 0.14Ω. Mechanical losses are 900W. Calculate-
i. Rotor copper loss
ii. Stator copper loss
iii. Overall efficiency

20. The power input to a 6-pole, 50Hz, 3-phase induction motor is 700W at
no-load and 10kW at full-load. The no-load copper losses may be
assumed negligible, while the full load stator and rotor copper losses are
295W and 310W respectively. Find the full-load speed, shaft torque and
efficiency of the motor assuming rotational and core losses to be equal.

Page 7 of 10
Question Bank- EE 401
Type 4- Broad Questions

Question Paper Details

Course Stream Semester Subject Paper Code Chapter

B.Tech Electrical 4th Electric EE 401 3 phase

Engg (EE) Machines- transformer

Paper Setter Details

Name Designation Mobile No. Email ID

Avishek Assistant 9477305685

Dasgupta Professor

Page 8 of 10
Question Bank- EE 401
Type 4- Broad Questions

MODULE IV: 3 Phase Transformer

1. State and explain the conditions of parallel operation of two 3-phase

2. Show when the magnetizing current of a transformer is sinusoidal, the

flux produced is non-sinusoidal and when the magnetizing current is non-
sinusoidal, the flux produced is sinusoidal.

3. Why are harmonics generated in a transformer although you impress

sinusoidal voltage at the terminals of the primary?

4. Derive an expression for saving in conductor material in an

autotransformer on a two winding transformer of equal rating.

5. State the different forms of connections used in 3-phase transformers.

6. Write a short note on three winding transformers.

7. Explain the effect of the unbalanced loading of a three phase


8. Write a short note on autotransformer.

9. Draw the connection and phasor diagram of the following three phase
i. Dy11
ii. Yy6

10. Write a short note on oscillating neutral in a transformer.

11. Explain the tests to be conducted on three isolated secondary windings of

a three phase transformer for connecting them
i. In star
ii. In delta

12. Three single phase transformers are connected in delta. If one of the
transformers is found faulty and removed, what will be the reduction in
kVA supplied and why?

13.Write a short note: On-load tap changer of a transformer.

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Question Bank- EE 401
Type 4- Broad Questions

14. Write a short note: 3-phase to 2-phase conversion

15. A set of Scott connected transformers is supplying two single phase

loads at 100V. Load across teaser secondary is 350kW at unity power
factor and the load across main secondary is 250kW at 0.8 pf lagging. For
three phase line-to-line voltage of 6600V, calculate primary line currents.
Neglect magnetizing current and leakage impedance drops.

16. “In three phase shell type transformers, a considerable economy is

achieved in the core material if the middle phase winding is wound in the
reversed direction as compared with the outer two phase windings”
- Explain

17. Compare a single three phase transformer with 3 single phase

transformers forming a three phase transformer.

18. How will you check the polarity of transformer windings before
connecting them in star connections.

19. A 2-winding 10 kVA 440/110V transformer is reconnected as a step-

down 550/440V autotransformer. Compare the voltampere rating of the
autotransformer with that of original 2-winding transformer. Calculate the
power transferred to the load:
i. Inductively and
ii. Conductively

20. Two single phase furnaces A and B are supplied at 80V by means of a
Scott-connected transformer combination from a 6600V, 3-phase system.
The voltage of furnace A is leading. Calculate the line currents on the 3-
phase side when the furnaces take 500kW and 800kW respectively
i. at unity power factor;
ii. Furnace A at unity power factor, furnace B at 0.7 power factor
lagging. Draw the corresponding phasor diagrams

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