Crude Oil Dewaxing
Crude Oil Dewaxing
Crude Oil Dewaxing
Abstract: In the quest of energy resources, oil exploration temperature gradient over the cross section area of the
and production is in its peak activity during the present era. pipe is established, reaching a minimum value at the
Oil and gas fields worldwide are reaching maturity, pushing pipeline wall. Because the concentration is temperature
operations to more challenging areas. During transportation dependent, a concentration gradient is established by the
of oil through a pipeline, when the oil temperature is higher
temperature gradient. If the temperature of a wax-oil
than the pipe wall temperature, there will be a dissolved wax
concentration gradient between the bulk oil and pipe wall. mixture drops below the solubility limit of wax, also
Crystallization and deposition of waxes occurs if the known as the cloud point or Wax Appearance
wall/interface temperature falls below the wax appearance Temperature (WAT), solid particles start to appear in the
temperature (WAT) of oil being transported. It can affect solution. If the temperature of the bulk reaches the
single wells along with transportation pipelines that are minimum ambient temperature, that is the wall
critical to the safe supply of oil to processing facilities. Wax temperature, there will no longer be a radial temperature
deposition is a very complex phenomenon. Proper pipelines gradient across the pipe section, and the precipitation of
and production equipment is one of the main challenges in wax ceases from this point on. Similarly, if all the wax
Flow Assurance. As remedial costs increase with decreasing
molecules initially dissolved in the solution has
production, wax precipitation and deposition significantly
influence economy for a field.There are several wax precipitated out, further solidification is not possible.
deposition models with different approaches on modeling Wax deposition, or the settling of solid wax particles on
wax deposition. The basic wax deposition models are Rygg, pipelines and equipment, represents an extensive problem
Rydahland Ronningsen (RRR) model, Matzain model, in oil production and transportation. Deposition of wax on
Hydro model and University of Michigan model. The pipeline walls, are causing flow restrictions or might, in
important element is to illustrate how wax deposition models worst case, plug the pipe entirely. The result is a needfor
predict wax build up. The present study intends to analyse intervention and possible shut-down of production. Both
the effect of wax deposition on pipelines by RRR model and are expensive and time consuming affaires, but a
estimate the temperature profile during summer and winters
necessity if reduction in flow rate and production are
in entire length of pipeline using MATLAB software
&compares it with real time SCADA results. It also encountered. To prevent paraffin crystallization or remove
estimates and compares the pressure drop and volume of existing wax deposits, various tools of chemical and
wax deposited along the length of the pipeline. mechanical nature are being used. Chemical methods
include paraffin inhibitors/dispersants applied to inhibit
Keywords: Flow assurance, modelling, wax the formation of deposits or to modify the WAT
preventing agglomeration and deposition, and hot solvents
to remediate the deposits already being formed. Examples
of mechanical methods are pipeline electrical heating and
mechanical scrapping (pigging) which is one of the most Page 52
Volume IV, Issue VI, June 2015 IJLTEMAS ISSN 2278 - 2540
The most effective way to manage wax deposition, would divers. Production losses during a 40 days downtime, due
be to prevent its occurrence in the first place, extensive to a removal operation, are estimates by Elf Aquitaine to
research is going on, trying to predict precipitation, cost $25 Million [29] at an oil price of 128.50 $ per barrel
deposition and growth of paraffin layers [5][30].With [27], and therefore the estimated costs may become even
sufficientknowledge of relevant conditions, the problem higher. Another terrifying example is a platform that had
can be dealt with at an early stage of a fielddevelopment to be abandoned at a cost of $ 100 Million, due to
project, and thermal insulation to prevent deposition can recurring wax deposition problems in the pipelines.[19]
be planned for. Bydoing so, use of expensive chemical
injection and loss of system capacity can be reduced or III. THE WAX DEPOSIT
avoided [20]. However, the understanding and modeling
of wax deposition is a complex problem. It involves The wax layer found on the pipe wall will never consist of
several disciplines, such as thermodynamics, heat transfer, only wax. A certain fraction will consist of other
mass transfer, crystal growth and fluid dynamics. [5][19]. substances, mainly trapped oil. The oil is trapped in a 3-D
network structure of wax crystals. [14] Most wax
Untreated wax deposition leads to a reduced flow area, deposition models predict the rate of deposition of wax
and in worst case the deposit may even block the pipe. In crystals and is thereafter multiplies by some factor to
order to handle the deposition problem, it is important to account for the trapped oil. In order to predict the wax
know where wax will form, how much wax that will form, deposition accurately, it is necessary to know the
how fast the wax will form and how wax deposition can concentration of oil in the wax deposit. The concentration
be prevented. To accomplish this, wax deposition models of oil in a wax deposit is also called the wax porosity. An
are used. These models predict the wax deposition profile image of a wax deposit is obtained by polarized light
along the pipeline defines potential wax problems and microscopy. The paraffin crystals are observed as white
estimates the pigging frequency before production starts and the trapped oil is black.[13]
up. However, for an operating pipe, the pigging frequency Based on field and pilot loop data, an indication is given
can be determined by Pressure Pulse profiling of deposits that the porosity of the deposit varies from one pipeline to
combined with tracer injection, and this way the location another, due to the type of oil, flow regime, degree of
and extent of the deposit is measured. Usually these data turbulence etc.[3] Typically experimental wax porosity
will be correlated up to field data. values for wax deposition are 0.5-0.9 for turbulent to
laminar flow.[24] High shear rates resulted in a hard and
In a field pipeline, underestimation by a wax deposition brittle deposit, whereas the deposits formed at low shear
model increases the potential risk of a stuck pig during a rates were softer and more elastic. This difference was
pigging operation. On the other hand, overestimation explained by the difference in oil content of the deposits,
results in too high pigging frequency, and thus and based on this it was concluded that wax porosity
unnecessary operational costs.[34] Accurate wax decreases with increasing shear rate.[31]
predictions may lead to suitable pigging programs for Rygg et al. (1998) used 85 % wax porosity for an oil with
pipelines, and less wax inhibitors can be used. From an less than 0.5 % water, and 60 % wax porosity was
economic point of view correct predictions may reduce assumed for an oil-gas turbulent field.[12] As a base case
the pigging frequency, and thereby reduce the expenses. scenario, Statoil Hydro uses a 60 % wax porosity.[18] The
From an environmental point less use of chemicals is wax porosity affects the wax deposition rate, and high
favourable. porosity typically results in a thicker and softer wax
deposit.[3] However, the wax content of the deposit
II. OPERATIONAL CHALLENGES CAUSED BY increases with time, which results in a harder deposit.[16]
WAX DEPOSITION The nature of the deposit layer also depends strongly on
the cooling rate.[14] Higher cooling rate gives a softer and
If deposited wax in a pipeline is left untreated this may thicker deposit. The deposit becomes looser due to a rapid
lead to major consequences on the operational efficiency cooling.
of the pipeline system. Over a period of time wax deposit
on the pipe wall leads to an increase in the surface The wall roughness inside a pipe, due to the formation of
roughness and loss of effective diameter, which will a wax layer in turbulent flow, influences on the pressure
increase the pressure drop. The result is reduction in the loss in the pipe. However, the wax roughness does not
throughput for the system, and thereby lost production. impact on the amount of wax deposited in a pipeline. The
Wax deposit on the wall of a pipeline leads to increases in literature proves that due to the lack of sufficient data, the
pumping pressure due to increase in the wall roughness. wax roughness cannot be estimated accurately and it
[10] A reduced throughput leads to an increased power therefore believed to be an uncertainty factor.
demand, and problems in the process equipment are also a
negative factor. In worst case, wax builds up inside the IV. WAX CONTROL MEASURES
pipe results in a totally blocked pipe. Production is then
stopped and the plugged portion of the pipe must be There are several methods of controlling wax deposition,
removed. but most of them have limitations for longer pipelines. In
Approximately $ 5 Million is the estimated cost of general four different methods are used when handling the
removing a blockage from a pipeline with the help of Page 53
Volume IV, Issue VI, June 2015 IJLTEMAS ISSN 2278 - 2540
wax problem. These methods are pigging, pipeline distance log. The location and extent of deposits in a
insulation, chemical injection and active heating.[3] pipeline are given by the pressure-distance log.[4]
For short lines, approximately 30 km long, insulation Pressure Pulse can be used in combination with tracer
limits the temperature loss, which eliminates the need of injection. One TRACERCO DiagnosticsTM technique
continuous wax inhibition or regular pigging.[18] Pipeline offered by Tracerco, uses unsealed radioisotope tracing
insulation can include external insulation coating on technique. Unsealed radioisotopes are radioactive solid,
single pipes or pipe-in-pipe systems.[7] liquid or gas which follow the fluid in the pipeline. Then,
sensitive radiation detectors, which are placed on the
For long distance transport pipelines regular pigging and outside surface of the pipeline, detect the tracer when it
chemical injection should be included. [18] The deposit flows in the pipe. Based on this, the wax volume in the
control strategy often consists frequently pigging which pipeline can be estimated. [5]
leads to a smoothing of the rough wax layer and removes
wax back into the oil. [10] The selection of pig type V. WAX APPEARANCE TEMPERATURE
depends on wax properties and operating parameters,
though it is said to be more an art than science.[1] There Wax precipitation is, as presented initially, a phenomena
is a danger of getting the pig stuck inside the pipeline occurring when the temperature of an oil-wax solution
during pigging. This may be caused by the deposit being drops below the Wax Appearance Temperature (WAT),
too hard or the wax layer is too thick. [33] also known as the cloud point. A solid phase of wax
particles, that was earlier in a purely liquid form, appears
Wax simulations are used to determine the pigging in the system creating a binary mixture of wax and oil.
frequency. The software provides estimates of where wax The WAT is defined at the point where 0.02 mole percent
deposition takes place and approximately how much wax of the liquid has precipitated out of the solution as a solid
that will deposit. In addition, the thickness of the wax state [30]. Since the solubility of the solute is temperature
layer at the pipe wall is predicted. By comparing the dependent, decreasing with decreasing temperature, a
simulation result with an operational criterion, the pigging lower cloud point results in later occurrence of wax
frequency is determined.[18] In the design phase, a precipitation. Experiments have demonstrated that the
maximum wax layer thickness of 2-3 mm is often used as WAT is mainly depended upon temperature and the total
criterion for when a pipeline should be pigged.[5] This wax content of the solution [35].
means that as a simulation runs, the wax layer thickness The WAT determines the onset of wax precipitation, and
builds up in the pipeline with time, and when the wax thus separates a waxy and a waxy-free zone. Below the
thickness reaches 2-3 mm, this gives the time for how WAT there is a region with waxy crystals in a solid phase
frequent pigging should be performed. When the and oil as the liquid phase. Above the WAT a single
thickness reaches 2-3 mm, then the pipe diameter is liquid phase region exists in which the wax has not
reduced by 4-6 mm. precipitated out of the solution yet, and remains dissolved
in the oil [35].The position of the wax appearance
The chemical methods may consist of inhibitors, boundary is, as a result, inferred from the temperature
dispersants and dissolvers.[7] In order to successfully profile [35].
remove a plug, it is vital that the inhibitor has the right Modeling of wax precipitation and deposition is highly
concentration at the right place. Certain chemicals may be sensitive to the WAT prediction ability [25].There are
used for plug melting, because they generate heat when several methods to determine the WAT, among those are
mixed. Combining chemicals with depressurizing or use Cross Polar Microscopy (CPM) and Differential Scanning
of coil tubing may increase the probability for the Calorimetry (DSC). Because of the importance of the
inhibitor to reach the plug.[18] WAT in the modeling, it is recommended to make use of
two independent techniques when determining the WAT
Heating results in increased temperatures, which moves to obtain a sufficient degree of accuracy [33][34].
the system out of the wax stable region. This way plugs
may be melted.[18] Such operations can easily be VI. WAX MODELING
performed if bundles or electrical heated flow lines are
installed.[7] Hot flushing consists of hot fluid being
pumped into the pipeline. In order to achieve an efficient In 2011, Aiyejinaet. al. did an extensive examination of
melting of wax, temperatures must be 20 °C higher then the state of research regarding wax formation in oil
WAT. A high inlet temperature is required, because the pipelines. Among others, they identified that many
flushing fluid is also subjected to cooling.[18] existing wax deposition models assumes independence of
In addition, the use of pressure pulse and radioactive temperature and concentration gradients [5][34] noted that
material should be mentioned. Pressure Pulse technology such independency is valid for laminar flow only. For
uses the pressure profile in a pipeline to detect and turbulent flow regimes, as encountered in oil owing
monitor solid deposits. The pressure profile is achieved pipelines, the concentration field is correlated to the
from pressure measurements at a location, immediately temperature field, and must, in order to obtain correct
up-stream of a quick acting valve. The up-stream pressure modeling, be considered [34].
is measured when the valve is activated. This results in a Burger, et al., conducted in 1981 a comprehensive study
pressure-time log, which is converted into a pressure- of wax deposition mechanisms, and their work, is still one
of the most cited references in the field. They identified Page 54
Volume IV, Issue VI, June 2015 IJLTEMAS ISSN 2278 - 2540
molecular diffusion, Brownian diffusion, shear dispersion is the current inner pipe radius (m) and L is the length of
and gravitational settling as the possible mechanisms the pipe section (m). D is the diffusion coefficient, and the
responsible for wax deposition [8]. A review of the Hayduk-Minhas correlation (m2/s) is used to calculate the
modeling of wax deposition mechanisms was done by diffusion coefficient. δ is the thickness of the laminar sub-
Azevedo and Teixeira in 2003. They layer (m).
acknowledgedmolecular diffusion of paraffin‟s, as
described by Burger et al., to be the dominant deposition The thickness of the laminar sub layer in the pipeline is
mechanism, and argued that experimental evidence given by [2] and α is a allowed correction factor for
suggests that gravity settling and shear dispersion do not tuning thickness of the wax layer to experimental data.
contribute significantly in the process [5][1]. However,
they found that there was not enough experimental δ=α×11.6×√2×(D/Re) × (I/√f)
evidence to exclude the possibility of Brownian diffusion …2
of solid wax crystals taking part [5].
In a paper from 2011, Singh et al. states that the overall Given that D is the pipe diameter (m), Re is the Reynolds
consensus in the field, is that the dominant wax deposition number and f is the friction factor.
mechanism is molecular diffusion in viscous sub-layer
driven by the radial diffusion of n-paraffin‟s, following VIII. TEMPERATURE DRIVEN WAX DEPOSITION
Fick's law [10]. Most wax deposition models available in IN PIPELINE
literature make use of molecular diffusion as the sole
mechanism for wax deposition prediction [5]. As the produced fluid enters the well, the reservoir
The model presented in this report, is based upon heat and pressure and temperature gradually decreases. At the
mass transfer analysis. The method is developed by a wellhead the fluid normally has high pressure and a
research group at the University of Michigan [18][14]. moderate temperature. Crude oil from the reservoir will
Molecular diffusion is considered the dominant typically flow into the production pipeline around 60°C.
mechanism for wax deposition. The heat and mass
transfer phenomena are accomplished combined and the Temperature at any distance „x‟ meters [4] from pipeline
precipitation kinetics in theviscous sub-layer is included is given
to describe the wax deposition behaviour in turbulent
flow. The Michigan Wax Predictor (MWP), as the method Tx=Tamb+(Tinlet-Tamb)×℮(-U×π×D×x/(m×Cp))
is called, has shown to be applicable for a range of flow …3
conditions and is recognized as a correct analogy for
correlated heat and mass transfer and therefore chosen in Where Tx is the fluid temperature at any distance x from
this project [18][14][1][33] pipeline, Tamb is the ambient temperature outside of the
pipeline, Tinlet is the fluid inlet temperature,Toutlet is the
VII. RYGG, RYDAHL AND RONNINGSEN (RRR) fluid outlet temperature, L is the length of the pipe, d is
MODEL FOR WAX DEPOSITION the pipe diameter, m is the mass rate flowing fluid inside
the pipe and Cp is the heat capacity fluid. U is the heat
The RRR (Rygg, Rydahl and Rønningsen) model is a transmission coefficient and a large U value leads to a
multi-phase flow wax deposition model which predicts rapid cooling.
wax deposition in wells and pipelines. The multi-
component wax model continuously estimates the wax
precipitation along the pipeline and the viscosity of the
composition. The wax deposition is then estimated from As we move along length of pipeline, more wax is
the diffusion of wax from the bulk towards the surface of pressure deposited due to decreasing temperature. Darcy
the pipeline, due to temperature gradients and shear Weisbach equation is used in this study to compute
dispersion effect. The inner pipe wall friction is varied pressure drop along length of pipeline.
due to wax deposition.[1]
Deposition in the RRR model is based on molecular …4
mechanisms which enhance the wax deposition. The
volume rate of wax deposition by molecular diffusion [1] Where f is given as friction factor of pipeline,L is length
for a wax forming composition i is found from of pipeline in meter,V is velocity of flow in m/s,ρ is
density of oil in kg/m3,D is diameter of pipe in meter.
The fluid flow in a pipeline is either in laminar flow
…1 throughout the pipe, or just in the thin laminar sub-layer
Where cib&ciw the molar concentrations of the wax close to the pipe wall. During the cooling process of the
component i dissolved in the oil phase in the bulk and at pipeline, there is a temperature gradient across the laminar
the wall respectively (mole/m3), Swet is the fraction of the sub-layer.[13]
wetted circumference, NWAX is the number of wax The solubility of wax is strongly dependent on
components, MWI is the molar weight of wax component temperature. [1] When the oil temperature is above the
i (kg/mole), Di the density of wax component i (kg/m3), r WAT, oil is not saturated with dissolved wax, and Page 55
Volume IV, Issue VI, June 2015 IJLTEMAS ISSN 2278 - 2540
therefore the concentration gradient of dissolved wax is Physical properties of crude and pipeline dimensions is
effectively zero. [10] The first wax crystals start to form given in table 1.
at the Wax Appearance Temperature. Keep in mind that
wax deposition only occurs when the temperature of the Present study helps to analyze the temperature, pressure
deposition surface in a pipe, not the average oil drop and volume of wax deposited in particular length of
temperature, is below the oil WAT.[8] pipeline by molecular diffusion. MATLAB software is
used for modeling the temperature profile as well as the
With turbulent flow, lateral motion of the fluid eddies lead pressure drop along length of pipeline during summer and
to rapid transport of precipitated or dissolved waxy winter season.
crystals. Along the pipeline there will be an essentially
uniform lateral concentration of precipitated and dissolved XI. RESULTS
materials throughout the turbulent core and the buffer
layer. The transport across the laminar sub layer is slower. Temperature profile of pipeline is given in fig. 5 during
In this area the net rate of transport is controlled. Wax summer (refer annexure 1 for MATLAB codes). Ambient
deposition mechanisms contribute to the lateral transport temperature is reached at 13058 m and WAT at distance
of material.[13] Some wax deposition mechanisms help of 720 m. Temperature profile of pipeline during winter is
deposit grow, other mechanisms do the opposite. given in fig. 6 (refer annexure 2 for MATLAB codes).
Ambient temperature is reached at 14118 m and WAT at
As the cooling continues, the gradient increases until it
reaches a steady value. Decreasing temperature in the 580 m. Pour point is reached at 2185 m. Pressure drop in
pipeline leads to decreasing radial temperature coefficient the pipeline is received from fig 7 (refer annexure 3 for
and diffusion coefficient. Just below the WAT the wax MATLAB codes). Pressure drop experienced is 47
deposition rate rises to a maximum value. Less wax is kg/cm2. So along 25 km pipeline the pressure drop is 1.88
dissolved as the temperature decreases, and as the kg/cm2.Volume rate of wax deposited by molecular
temperature in the pipeline becomes closer to ambient
dispersion by RRR model is also calculated as 6.08×10 -8
temperature the wax deposit rate gradually falls off. [10]
The wax deposition disappears when there is no m3/s and implies total volume of 5.25×10-3 m3/day. Total
temperature difference between the oil and the wall, even mass of wax deposited is 4.78 kg/day and 143.4
if the oil temperature is far below WAT.[7] kg/month.The modeling results prove the amount of wax
It should be mentioned that the wax deposition rate which is deposited in the pipeline is very high and it‟s
depends on oil composition, oil temperature, ambient given in fig.8 (refer annexure 4 for MATLAB codes).
temperature around the pipe, flow conditions, pipeline
size, insulation, and the system pressure. CONCLUSION
X. CASE STUDY Despite the fact that crude is being heated to 60 oC during
winter and 50oC during summer season, wax deposition is
ABC field was put on production in early 1990‟s. on a higher side & is the main reason for pressure drop.
Presently the production from ABC field is about 550 So it is suggested that to maintain this temperature and if
m3/D. At ABC Group Gathering Station (GGS) the entire possible further increase temperature up to 65oC.
crude is heated up to 60oC during winter and 50oC during MATLAB & SCADA results are in very good agreement
summer and pumped in crude dispatch line. Due to with each other with minimal error (fig 1-4).
viscous nature of crude, high pressure drop is observed It is observed that chemical injection during winters has
during winters. Chemical treatment with xylol and Pour considerably reduced the wax formation thereby reducing
Point Dispersants (PPD) is being done to keep the crude back pressures.
above its pour point.
Increasing the pigging frequency during winters helps to
Chemical treatment during winters in addition to routine avoid wax deposition.
heating before pumping the ABC GGS crude to XYZ
GGS is done to maintain its viscosity within desirable
limits for back pressure reduction. Intermittent pumping REFERENCES
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48 44
45 42
43 39
40 38 Matlab
40 35 35.5 35.5 35.5 35.5 35.4 35.4 35.4 35.4 35.3 35.3 35.3 35.3 35.3 35.3 35.3 35.3 35.3 35.3 35.3
36 35.9 35.8 35.7 35.6 35.5
35.4 35.3 35.2 35.1 35 34.9
34.8 34.7 34.6 34.5 34.4 34.3
34.2 34.1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Length of pipeline in KM Page 57
Volume IV, Issue VI, June 2015 IJLTEMAS ISSN 2278 - 2540
50 60
40 29
24 23 24 21.9 21.9 21.9 21.9 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 24 24 24 24 24 24
30 40
20 30
25 24 23 22.9 22.9 22.8 22.8 22.7 22.7 22.6 22.6 22.5 22.5 22.4 22.4 22.3 22.3 22.3 22.3 22.3 22.3 22.3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Length of pipeline in KM
2.7 2.7 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8
3 2.5 2.5 2.6 2.6
2 1.5
2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 Matlab
1.3 1.4
1 1.1 1.2 2.2 2.2
0.8 1.8 SCADA
1 0.4 1.4 1.5
0.2 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.3 1.2
0 0.5
0.2 0.3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Length of Pipeline in km
6 5.3 5.5
Volumetric rate of wax
4.8 5
5 4.3 4.5
3.8 4 5.5 5.5
3.3 3.5 5.2
4 2.8 3 4.6 4.5 4.8
2.3 2.5 4.2
3 2 3.6 3.8
3.2 Matlab
2 1.3 1.5 2.9
0.6 0.8 2.4 2.4 2.4
1 0.2 0.4 1.9
0 1.6 1.7
0 0.5 0.5 0.7
0 0.1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Length of pipeline in km Page 58
Volume IV, Issue VI, June 2015 IJLTEMAS ISSN 2278 - 2540
WAT reached at 720 m
Ambient temperature reached at 13058 m
X = 26
Y = 35
5 10 15 20 25
X = 26
Y = 21
5 10 15 20 25
5 10 15 20 25
5 10 15 20 25
WAT Page 59
Volume IV, Issue VI, June 2015 IJLTEMAS ISSN 2278 - 2540
Table 1: Physical properties of crude and pipeline dimensions Page 60