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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 96 (2018) 440–459

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A review of modelling tools for energy and electricity systems with large T
shares of variable renewables

Hans-Kristian Ringkjøb , Peter M. Haugan, Ida Marie Solbrekke
Geophysical Institute, University of Bergen, Allégaten 70, 5007 Bergen, Norway


Keywords: This paper presents a thorough review of 75 modelling tools currently used for analysing energy and electricity
Renewable energy systems. Increased activity within model development in recent years has led to several new models and
Energy modelling tools modelling capabilities, partly motivated by the need to better represent the integration of variable renewables.
Energy models The purpose of this paper is to give an updated overview of currently available modelling tools, their capabilities
Electricity models
and to serve as an aid for modellers in their process of identifying and choosing an appropriate model. A broad
Energy systems
spectrum of modelling tools, ranging from small-scale power system analysis tools to global long-term energy
models, has been assessed. Key information regarding the general logic, spatiotemporal resolution as well as the
technological and economic features of the models is presented in three comprehensive tables. This information
has been validated and updated by model developers or affiliated contact persons, and is state-of-the-art as of the
submission date. With the available suite of modelling tools, most challenges of today's electricity system can be
assessed. For a future with an increasing share of variable renewables and increasing electrification of the energy
system, there are some challenges such as how to represent short-term variability in long-term studies, in-
corporate the effect of climate change and ensure openness and transparency in modelling studies.

1. Introduction to large scale patterns evolving over several years. The solar radiation is
to some extent more predictable, where the daily and seasonal cycles
Electricity generation from renewable energy sources (RES) is in- are well known components. However, on shorter timescales the solar
creasing in Europe, much of it driven by ambitious targets for emission radiation can be difficult to predict due to the rapid change in cloud
reductions set by the European Commission. In the 2050 Low Carbon cover. In an electricity grid that requires a balance between generation
Economy roadmap, the EU set a goal of reducing emissions to 80% and consumption, larger shares of VRES leads to multiple challenges.
below the 1990 level [1]. The EU also states that all sectors have to On a very short timescale, from sub-seconds to minutes, challenges
contribute to this reduction, but the sector with the highest potential for of VRES integration are related to the operation and management of the
cutting emissions is the power sector. Through increasing the share of grid. The main issues include the reduction of inertia of the power
zero-emitting RES in the electricity mix, the power sector can almost system, the increase of curtailment events, the rate of change of fre-
totally eliminate its emissions by 2050. quency as well as the system reactive power capability [4]. Grid support
Most of the increased RES in the electricity mix has in the latest services such as frequency and voltage regulation, fault ride through,
years been, and is projected to be, solar and wind technologies. Part of spinning reserve and system restoration are currently provided by
this increase is due to the large cost reductions experienced and also conventional technologies (i.e. mostly fossil fuelled power plants and
projected. According to the International Renewable Energy Agency hydropower). However, if solar and wind technologies are to replace
(IRENA), the levelised cost of electricity (LCOE) of solar photovoltaics much of the fossil fuelled capacities, they or new system components
(PV) has halved between 2010 and 2014 [2]. Furthermore, in No- like batteries must be able to provide the required grid support services
vember 2016, the winning bid to build the Danish offshore wind farm in order to maintain a stable and reliable grid. With existing tech-
Kriegers Flak was as low as 49.9 €/MW h [3]. nology, both wind turbines and PV systems are capable of providing
However, solar and wind are variable renewable energy sources grid support services, but limited to some drive-train topologies for
(VRES) whose outputs vary temporally on many scales. This is espe- wind turbines and generally only for large utility-scale PV systems
cially the case for wind, which ranges from local gusts of only seconds [5–7].

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (H.-K. Ringkjøb).
Received 6 April 2017; Received in revised form 11 July 2018; Accepted 3 August 2018
Available online 20 August 2018
1364-0321/ © 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Table 1
List of models included in the review, their full name, who they are developed/published by, availability (AV), necessary software and references. Abbreviations used in the availability column: C – Commercial, D – Free
demo version, F – Free, OS – Open-Source, AC – Free academic version, UN – Unknown (/not yet decided), ED – Free for educational purposes, UR – Upon Request.
Model # Full-name Published/Developed by AV Software Refs.
H.-K. Ringkjøb et al.

AURORAxmp 1 – EPIS C (D, A) Stand-alone [27,28]

BALMOREL 2 – Hans Ravn OS GAMS + Solver [29–31]
Calliope 3 – ETH Zürich - Stefan Pfenninger OS Python [32–34]
CASPOC 4 – Simulation Research Netherlands C (D) Stand-alone [35,36]
COMPETES 5 COmprehensive Market Power in Electricity Transmission Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands Aa AIMMS/GUROBI [37,38]
and Energy Simulator
COMPOSE 6 Compare Options for Sustainable Energy Morten Blarke, ENERGIANALYSE.DK A, C Stand-aloneb [39–41]
CYME 7 – CYME International C (T) Stand-alone [42,43]
DER-CAM 8 Distributed Energy Resources Customer Adoption Model Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory F Online – None, Licensed – GAMS [44–46]
DESSTinEE 9 Demand for Energy Services, Supply and Transmission in Imperial College London - Iain Staffell, Richard Green OS Excel/VBA [47,48]
DIETER* 10 Dispatch and Investment Evaluation Tool with Endogenous DIW Berlin - Alexander Zerrahn & Wolf-Peter Schill OS GAMS + Solver [49,50]
DIgSILENT/PowerFactory 11 DIgital SImuLation of Electrical NeTworks - Power Factory DigSilent GmbH C Stand-Alone [51–53]
EMLab- Generation 12 Energy Modelling Laboratory - Generation TU Delft - Richstein, Chappin, Bhagwat & de Vries OS JAVA & Maven [54,55]
EMMA 13 The European Electricity Market Model Neon Neue Energieökonomik GmbH - Lion Hirth OS GAMS/CPLEX [56–58]
EMPIRE 14 European Model for Power system Investment with NTNU – Christian Skar et al. UN Xpress-Mosel [59]
Renewable Energy
EMPS 15 EFI's Multi-Area Powermarket Simulator SINTEF Energy Research C Stand-alone [60–62]
EnergyPlan 16 – Sustainable Energy Planning Research Group - Aalborg F Stand-alone [63–65]
energyPro 17 – EMD International A/S C Stand-alone [66–69]
Enertilec 18 – Fraunhofer ISI NA Solver (CPLEX) [70–72]
ENTIGRISd 19 – Fraunhofer ISE – Christoph Kost NA GAMS [73,74]

ETM (1) 20 EUROfusion Times Model EUROfusion UN GAMS/CPLEX, VEDA-FE & VEDA-BE [75,76]
ETM (2) 21 Energy Transition Model Quintel Intelligence OS Online tool [77,78]
ETSAP-TIAM 22 The TIMES Integrated Assessment Model ETSAP-IEA Fe GAMS/CPLEX, Excel, VEDA-FE & VEDA- [23,79]
EUCAD 23 European Unit Commitment and Dispatch Univ. Grenoble Alpes – Jacques Després NA GAMS/CPLEX [80,81]
EUPower-Dispatch 24 – Carlo Brancucci Martinez-Anido (European Commission, JRC) UN GAMS/CPLEX (MATLAB) [82–84]
ficus 25 – TUM EI EWK – Dennis Atabay OS Python [85–87]
GCAM 26 Global Change Assessment Model PNNL OS BOOST, XERCES, JAVA, HECTOR [88,89]
GEM-E3 27 General Equilibrium Model for Economy-Energy- European Commission Funded Multinational Collaboration NA GAMS (Solved with PATH) [90–92]
GENESYS 28 Genetic Optimisation of a European Energy Supply System RWTH-Aachen University – Alvarez, Bussar, Cai, Chen, Moraes OS Stand-alone [93,94]
Jr., Stöcker, Thien +
GridLAB-D 29 – U.S Department of Energy OS Stand-alone [95,96]
HOMER 30 Hybrid Optimisation of Multiple Energy Resources NREL – Peter Lilienthal C (T) Stand-alone [97–99]
HYPERSIM 31 – Opal-RT C Stand-alone [100–102]
iHOGA 32 Improved Hybrid Optimisation by Genetic Algorithms Dr. Rodolfo Dufo-López - University of Zaragoza ED (C) (pro Stand-alone [103,104]
IMAKUS 33 Iteratives Modell zur Ausbauplanung von Kraftwerken und Technische Universität München - Philipp Kuhn UN MATLAB/CPLEX MATLAB/GUROBI [105,106]
INVERT/EE-Lab 34 – EEG - Vienna University of Technology NA Python [107–109]
IPSA 2 35 Interactive Power System Analysis IPSA Power C Stand-alone [110,111]
IRiE 36 Integrated Regulating power market in Europe NTNU (within a SINTEF project) UR AMPL - CPLEX/GUROBI & EMPS [112–114]
LEAP 37 Long-range Energy Alternatives Planning Stockholm Environment Institute SA [115,116]
LIBEMOD 38 LIBEralization MODel for the European Energy Markets Frisch Centre & the Research Department at Statistics Norway NA GAMS [117–119]
LIMES-EU 39 Long-term Investment Model for the Electricity Sector Potsdam Institute for Climate Research - Paul Nahmmacher UN GAMS/CPLEX [120–122]
LOADMATCH* 40 LOADMATCH Grid Integration Model M. Z. Jacobson et al. UN UN [123]
LUSYM 41 Leuven University System Modelling K. Van den Bergh et al. UR GAMS (MATLAB) [124]
MARKAL 42 MARKet ALlocation model IEA-ETSAP C (D) GAMS + Solver (VEDA) [125–127]
(continued on next page)
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 96 (2018) 440–459
Table 1 (continued)

Model # Full-name Published/Developed by AV Software Refs.

MESSAGE 43 Model for Energy Supply Strategy Alternatives and their IIASA UR GAMS & ORACLE [128–130]
General Environmental Impact
H.-K. Ringkjøb et al.

NEMO 44 National Electricity Market Optimiser UNSW - Ben Elliston OS Python [131,132]
NEMS 45 National Energy Modelling System U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) Fg [133,134]
Oemof (SOLPH) 46 Open Energy Modelling Framework Oemof developing group (Reiner Lemoine Institut/ZNES OS Python + Solver [26,135]
OpenDSS 47 Open Distribution System Simulator Electric Power Research Institute OS Stand-alone [136–138]
OSeMOSYS 48 The Open Source Energy Modelling System KTH - Howells et al. OS GNU MathProg [139–142]
PLEXOS 49 PLEXOS Integrated Energy Model Energy Exemplar - Glenn Drayton C (A) Stand-alone [143–145]
POLES 50 Prospective Outlook on Long-term Energy Systems CNRS (GAEL Energy), Enerdata, JRC-IPTS NA N.A. [146–148]
PowerGAMA 51 Power Grid and Market Analysis SINTEF Energy Research - Harald G. Svendsen OS Python [149–151]
PRIMES* 52 Price-Induced Market Equilibrium System E3MLab/ICCS at the Technical University of Athens NA – [152–154]
ProdRisk 53 – SINTEF Energy Research NA Fortran + COIN-CLP/CPLEX [155–158]
PyPSA 54 Python for Power System Analysis FIAS - Tom Brown et al. OS Python [159–161]
RAPSim 55 Renewable Alternative Powersystems Simulation NES, AUU - Pöchacker, Khatib, Elmenreich et al. OS Stand-alone [162,163]
ReEDS 56 Regional Energy Deployment System NREL NA GAMS (Excel & R) [164–166]
ReMIND 57 Regional Model of Investments and Development Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research NA GAMS/CONOPT [167–169]
REMix 58 Renewable Energy Mix DLR NA GAMS [170,171]
renpass 59 Renewable Energy Pathways Simulation System Frauke Wiese & Gesine Bökenkamp OS MySQL, R, RMySQL [172,173]
RETScreen 60 The RETSCreen Clean Energy Project Analysis Software Natural Resources Canada F Windows with .NET [174,175]
SAM 61 System Advisor Model U.S. Department of Energy and NREL F Stand-alone [176–178]
SIMPOW 62 Simulation of Power Systems Solvina C (D) Stand-alone [179,180]
SIREN 63 "Sustainable Energy Now" Integrated Renewable Energy Sustainable Energy Now Inc. - Angus King OS Stand-alone [181,182]
SNOWi 64 Statistics Norway's World model Statistics Norway F GAMS & MPSGE [183–185]
stELMOD 65 Stochastic Electricity Market Model Jan Abrell (ETH Zürich) & Friedrich Kunz (DIW Berlin) OS GAMS/CPLEX [186–188]

SWITCH 66 Solar, Wind, Transmission, Conventional generation and Fripp, Johnston & Maluenda OS Python [189–191]
Temoa 67 Tools for Energy Model Optimisation and Analysis NC State University - K. Hunter et al. OS Python+ Solver [192–194]
TIMES 68 The Integrated MARKAL-EFOM System IEA-ETSAP C (D) GAMS + Solver (VEDA) [195–197]
TRNSYS18 71 TRaNsient SYstem Simulation TESS, SEL, UW, CSTB, TRANSSOLAR C (D) Stand-alone [200–203]
urbs 7372 – TUM (Hamacher, Huber & Dorfner) OS Python (Solver) [204,205]
WEM* 73 World Energy Model International Energy Agency NA Vensim + others [206–208]
WeSIM 74 Whole-electricity System Investment Model Imperial College of London NA Unknown [209,210]
WITCH 75 World Induced Technical Change Hybrid model FEEM UR GAMS [211–213]

Own tool of ECN used for quantitative analysis for EU or national projects (it could also be freely used for research by academia with whom ECN cooperates).
Good performance open-source MILP solver included (COINMP), commercial solver license recommended (e.g. CPLEX or GUROBI).
Previously called PowerACE.
Previously RESlion.
Free of charge for Institutes appointed by one of the Contracting Partners of ETSAP.
Free for students. Free for country government, NGO or academics in developing countries. Commercial for Academic, non-consulting and consulting in OECD countries.
Excluding IHS Global Insight macro sub-model.
Intel Fortran, Eviews, IHS Global Insight model, OML & Xpress solver, GAMS & Xpress, AIMMS & CPLEX, R, MS Windows OS.
There is both a global version and a Norwegian version of the model (SNOW-NO).
Not available (Except for cooperation with Ph.D. or master students).
Not available (Except for cooperation with Ph.D. or master students).
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 96 (2018) 440–459
H.-K. Ringkjøb et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 96 (2018) 440–459

On an hourly timescale, both wind turbines and photovoltaic sys- models, a criterion was set that each model must have been used in a
tems can shift from generating at nominal power to not generating publication after 2012. The starting point for identifying models was in
anything at all [8]. With a large VRES penetration, this can lead to previous review papers [10–20], but many of the models in these re-
challenging ramping situations, periods of oversupply as well as periods views have not been active since 2012 and are therefore excluded.
where the renewable sources are not able to meet the demand. Future Some of the models were found through the Open Energy Modelling
power systems with high shares of VRES may require increased system Initiative [22], while the majority of models were identified via manual
flexibility through e.g. flexible power plants, energy storage, demand web searches based on keywords and citations.
response and transmission grid extensions [8]. As models are continuously developed and updated, this exercise is
On longer timescales, challenges related to VRES integration include basically shooting at a moving target. Therefore, to ensure that the
identifying pathways to a renewable and emission free energy system, information provided in this paper is state of the art at the time of
assessing different scenarios and testing the effect of various policies. submission, it has been validated and updated through personal com-
For example by assessing the impact of a carbon tax, the future evo- munication with developers or contact persons affiliated with the
lution of electricity and fuel prices or how much the demand of energy models. Out of the 75 models included in the review, 71 are validated.
is going to increase due to population growth and increased standard of Table 1 presents the models included in the study, their developers,
living. Due to the long investment cycles in the energy sector, such availability and the necessary software to run them. Missing replies are
analyses usually cover a time span of several decades [9]. Technological marked by asterisked entries in the “model” column, and might be due
possibilities for more geographically distributed energy production and to wrong contact information.
better control systems suggest that the development of energy pro- It must be noted that this review does not explicitly distinguish
duction, storage and distribution systems in the near future may depend between models and modelling tools. Some models are better regarded
more on consumer or prosumer preferences and multi-level governance as tools or frameworks, where there is no data already in the model, but
in addition to planning and optimisation on a national level. Business with equations and constraints from which a specific model can be
opportunities arising from periodically low electricity prices can sti- built. Such tools are therefore usually highly flexible in the kind of
mulate new technologies and reduce curtailment. It is suggested that systems they can model, where the user can define the spatiotemporal
such factors may be relevant to include in scenario modelling. resolution, horizon, energy carriers, demand sectors etc. An example is
From short-term operation to long-term energy system planning, the MARKAL/TIMES family of models, which have been applied to all
many different models have been developed to assess the numerous from global to isolated island energy systems. In the tables these have
challenges related to energy and electricity systems. Jebaraj and Iniyan been entered with their most typical characteristics. Specific examples
[10] reviewed a spectrum of energy models, including energy planning of models developed by the TIMES modelling framework by adding
models, supply-demand models, forecasting models, renewable energy ETSAP-TIAM, TIMES-Norway and TIMES-Oslo [23–25] are also in-
models, emission reduction, optimisation and even emerging modelling cluded. OEMOF is another such framework [26]. It consists of a toolbox
techniques based on neural networks or fuzzy logic. Connolly et al. [11] where several energy system modelling approaches can be integrated as
looked at 37 models specific for the integration of renewables in energy single libraries. These libraries can then be used in so-called applica-
systems. Their review also considered a large variety of modelling tions to build a computable model. In this review the application of a
types, and was based on communication with the model developers library called SOLPH has been used to illustrate OEMOF's capabilities.
through surveys. Sinha and Chandel [12] had a specific focus on
modelling of hybrid renewable energy systems, mainly focused on 2.2. Model features and properties
stand-alone systems in urban, rural and remote areas. Pfenninger et al.
[13] looked at how energy models face the challenges seen in today's The model categorisation has been structured following the over-
system; resolving time and space, balancing uncertainty and transpar- arching typology presented by Després et al. [15]. This consists of the
ency, addressing growing complexity and integrating human behaviour general logic, the spatiotemporal resolution as well as the technological
and social risks and opportunities. Moreover, Hall and Buckley [14] and economic parameters of the models. Fig. 1 presents an overview of
reviewed and categorised 22 energy models that are used in the United this categorisation, with a simplified flowchart that aims to aid pro-
Kingdom. There are also several other reviews worth mentioning; spective modellers in identifying an adequate modelling tool for their
Després et al. (2015), Mahmud and Town (2016), Hedenus and Jo- needs.
hansson (2013), Foley et al. (2010), Bhattacharyya and Timilsina Starting with the problem statement at hand, the reader can find
(2010) and Van Beuzekom et al. (2015) [15–20]. In addition, The In- comprehensive information about the capabilities of the included
ternational Energy Agency has published an extensive report on the use models in Tables 1–3. Table 1 introduces the reviewed models along-
of energy models, scenarios and their assumptions [21]. side information about their availability, software requirements and
There has been a high level of activity on model development in developers. The general logic and spatiotemporal resolution is pre-
recent years, with many new models and modelling features appearing sented in Table 2, whereas Table 3 contains information about tech-
in the literature. This has partly been motivated by the need to better nological and economic parameters. By assessing the information stored
address the challenges of VRES integration. Many previous reviews are in these tables, the reader should be able to identify and choose a model
restricted to parts of the modelling landscape, e.g. modelling of the capable of giving insights to their specific question, model the involved
transport sector or local energy systems [12,16]. This review seeks to processes with an adequate spatiotemporal resolution, and possess the
cover a wide range of aspects, extending previous reviews, and pro- necessary technological and economic properties.
viding an updated overview of state of art modelling tools by the time The next paragraphs explain the various categories in further detail.
of submission. The aim of the paper is to present an assortment of
models that are capable to assess challenges faced in today's energy 2.2.1. General logic
system, useful for modellers to identify suitable models for their pur- Purpose. Energy and electricity models are usually developed
poses. to solve a problem or to answer a given question. Four different
purposes are identified. Models can fit into several of these categories:
2. Materials and methods Power System Analysis Tools – Tools developed to study power
systems with a high degree of detail, usually dealing with power flows,
2.1. Included models fault level studies, dynamic stability etc. A typical application can be to
study the power electronics in a wind turbine connected to the grid.
In order to include only the most recent and currently active Operation Decision Support – Tools developed to optimise the

H.-K. Ringkjøb et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 96 (2018) 440–459

Fig. 1. Flowchart illustrating the model cate-

gorisation followed in this paper, where this
information can be found, and how it can be
applied in a process to identify a specific model
for a given use. The abbreviations Conv. Gen.
and Ren. Gen. refer to conventional and re-
newable generation technologies, and DR re-
fers to demand response.

operation/dispatch of the energy/electricity system, considering for of optimising several aspects simultaneously. The majority of optimi-
example unit commitment. Such models operate on short-term time- sation models use a linear programming (LP) approach, with an ob-
scales, but on a larger scale than power system analysis tools e.g. on a jective function which is either maximised or minimised (e.g. mini-
national or European scale. mising the total system cost), subject to a set of constraints (e.g.
Investment Decision Support – Tools that optimise the invest- balancing the supply and demand in the grid). Mixed-integer linear
ments in the energy/electricity system. Due to the long investment programming (MILP) forces certain variables to be integral, which can
cycles in the energy sector, such models are usually long-term models. be useful when for example optimising how many power plants or the
Investment modelling can be done either with a myopic or a perfect number of wind turbines one should invest in. Optimisation models can
foresight approach. With a perfect foresight approach, the system is also be non-linear, i.e. the objective function or constraints are non-
optimised for the whole study-period simultaneously, with complete linear. Heuristic optimisation models differ from traditional optimi-
knowledge of how market parameters will evolve across the planning sation modelling as they do not necessarily find the optimum solution
horizon [196]. For the myopic approach, investments are made se- [215]. By simple and fast methods, such as the Covariance Matrix
quentially, only based on information from the current investment Adaption Evolution Strategy (CMA-ES) [216], the optimal solution can
period. be approximated.
Scenario – Such tools investigate future long-term scenarios in the Equilibrium models take an economic approach, modelling the
energy/electricity sector. They can for example be used to evaluate the energy sector as a part of the whole economy and studies how it relates
impact of various policies. to the rest of the economy. Such models are therefore often used to
evaluate the impact of various policies on the economy as a whole. Approach. Energy models generally follow two approaches; General equilibrium models, or computable general equilibrium
either a top-down or a bottom-up approach. Often referred to as the models (CGE), consider the whole economy. They determine the
engineering approach, bottom-up models are based on detailed equilibrium across all markets, and determine important economic
technological descriptions of the energy system. On the other hand, parameters such as the gross domestic product (GDP) endogenously.
top-down models follow the economic approach, considering Partial equilibrium models (PE) focus on balancing one market, in
macroeconomic relationships and long-term changes [21]. this case the energy or electricity market, with the rest of the economy
In many cases, particularly when assessing the integration of vari- not modelled.
able renewables, both long-term changes and technological properties
are of high importance. To capture both, models can be combined in 2.2.2. Spatiotemporal resolution
hybrid approaches [214]. The spatiotemporal resolution of a model is particularly important,
as it sets limitations to which processes can be appropriately modelled. Methodology. The methodologies of energy and electricity This is especially important in systems with a large share of VRES, as
models are generally divided into three main categories; simulation, the variability of the solar and wind resources must be captured. This is
optimisation or equilibrium models. further discussed in Section 4.1.
Simulation models simulate an energy-system based on specified Time-steps can vary from milliseconds in power system analysis
equations and characteristics. They are often bottom-up models, with a tools to several decades in long term economic equilibrium models. In
detailed technological description of the energy system. Simulation some models time-steps are fixed, while in others the time-step is given
models allow the testing of various system topologies, as well as im- by the input data. Likewise, the geographical scope can vary from
pacts and developments of various scenarios. Agent-based simulation analysing single projects or individual buildings to modelling the en-
is a specific case of models where actors participating in e.g. the elec- ergy system of the whole world.
tricity market are modelled explicitly as agents with distinct strategies
and behaviour. 2.2.3. Technological and economic properties
Optimisation models optimise a given quantity. When modelling Measures such as grid development, energy storage and demand
energy and electricity systems this quantity is usually related to the side management have been identified as some of the key contributors
system operation or investment, while some models have the capability for successfully building an energy system containing large shares of

H.-K. Ringkjøb et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 96 (2018) 440–459

VRES. When modelling the impact of increased shares of VRES in the Demand sectors – End-use sectors have been split in the building,
European energy system, some properties and features of a model are industry and transport sectors. This means that commercial and re-
therefore crucial. Model components and properties are categorized as sidential buildings are combined in the building sector, and likewise
follows: agriculture is included in the industrial sector. Many models concerns
Conventional Generation – Modelling of conventional generation only the electricity systems and uses an aggregated demand/load based
technologies such as thermal generation, nuclear and bioenergy can be on the consumption of electricity in all of the sectors combined.
done in various ways, for example by modelling each power plant in- Demand Elasticity – A measure of how the demand changes due to
dividually or by aggregating all power plants of a technology within a price fluctuations. E.g. the demand of electricity might decrease if the
region. prices become higher.
Renewable Generation – Whereas conventional generation is dis- Demand Side Management – Demand side management (DSM)
patchable, renewable generation (except geothermal & tidal) depends concerns measures taken on the consumers’ side of the energy system,
on meteorological conditions. These conditions, and thus the genera- including improvements in energy efficiency, energy conservation and
tion, can be modelled by meteorological data (e.g. wind speed data in demand response (DR) [23].
combination with a power curve for wind production), by stochastic Demand Response (DR) is the procedure of shifting certain loads
methods (e.g. stochastic inflow modelling for hydropower scheduling) from hours when the demand is higher than the supply to hours with
or not modelled at all (e.g. by deriving capacity factors from historical surplus generation. This helps balancing the fluctuating output from
data). The renewable generation technologies considered are: wind, PV, variable renewables, and is a good complement to energy storage. It
solar thermal, concentrated solar power, hydropower with reservoir, also reduces the highest load peaks for which the electrical grid is de-
run-of-the-river hydropower, geothermal energy, wave power and tidal signed, thus reducing the need of expensive grid-development. As an
energy. example, the charging of electric vehicles can be shifted from the peak
Energy Storage – Due to the fluctuating output from solar and wind in demand usually experienced in the afternoon to the night when the
that does not necessarily comply well with the demand, means of consumption is much lower.
storing energy is important. Pumped hydropower storage (PHS) is the In terms of modelling, DR can be treated as a negative storage, by
only large-scale energy storage technology widely available today, and “storing” the demand rather than excess energy. It can also be modelled
amounts about 96% of the storage capacity in Europe [217]. Due to by shifting unmet flexible loads (e.g. charging EVs) to following time-
limited available locations for further PHS expansions and increasing steps. A third possibility is to model DR as a negative generating unit,
need for energy storage, other solutions such as hydrogen, thermal with associated maximum capacities, costs etc.
energy storages, batteries, or compressed air energy-storage (CAES) Costs – Although very difficult to model accurately, costs are crucial
may be increasingly important in the future. for the modelling results. Investment, operation & maintenance, fuel,
Grid – Power system analysis tools apply detailed modelling of CO2, taxes and balancing costs (start-up, shut-down and ramping costs)
power systems, including power flows, short-circuit analyses, harmo- are included in the model categorisation.
nics, stability and so on. In models which mainly are concerned with Market – Most of the models assessed treat the market by simply
load flow between regions, three approaches with decreasing com- balancing supply and demand under perfect market conditions.
plexity are followed. These are AC (alternating current) flow, DC (direct However, some models have no market modelling at all, whilst other
current) flow or by net transfer capacities (NTC). models can treat the spot market (merit-order modelling), the reserve
Modelling a grid with N nodes using AC power flow results in 2N market or even the balancing market.
non-linear equations that must be solved iteratively for each time step Emissions – Some models include modelling of various greenhouse
[218]. Understandably, this is computationally demanding, and there- gases and pollutants such as CO2, NOx, SOx or CH4, often as a side
fore in many cases a simplified linearised power flow is preferred (often product of generation from various fuel types. In some models, any
referred to as DC-modelling). Studies have shown that the error of using pollutant can be modelled as its own commodity whereas some models
the DC simplification is only in the order of a few percent, except at treat greenhouse gas emissions by CO2 equivalents.
very high loadings [219,220]. At high loadings the reactive power
consumption increases by the power of two, thus making the DC sim- 3. Results
plification less accurate as it does not represent reactive power. How-
ever, Brown et al. [219] limited the loading of their modelled power Table 1 presented the 75 models included in this review, their
lines due to n-1 security and to allow for extra reactive power flows, availability, developers and software requirements. In this section,
thus avoiding this issue in all but a few instances (they allowed some Tables 2, 3 extends this information by presenting the specific cap-
overloading in order to avoid unnecessary grid expansions). abilities of each of the models.
The NTC approach considers transfer capacities, often interregional The general logic and the spatiotemporal resolution of the models
exchange capacities between countries. Studies have shown that the are presented in Table 2. Most of the models are bottom-up optimisa-
NTC approach shows small differences compared to the linearised load tion models with the purpose of giving investment and/or operation
flow [9]. Due to its simplicity and overall high accuracy, modelling decision support. Such models work on several timescales and model-
with the NTC approach is highly popular and used in many of the ling horizons, and can analyse small scale energy systems as well as
models. systems on the scale of the whole of Europe. Thirteen power system
Commodities – Whilst many models have a specific focus on the analysis tools are included in this review, all of which are bottom-up
power sector alone, some models also include other commodities. This simulation models. There are also some hybrid models and one pure
can be beneficial, as various forms of energy can be able to complement top-down model. These are mainly long-term and large-scale models
each other (see Section 4.2). The focus is on commodities which are focusing on scenario analysis.
believed to be the most important for a 100% renewable energy system, Fig. 2 illustrates the relationship between the geographical coverage
namely electricity, heat and hydrogen. In addition all commodities and the temporal resolution of the reviewed models. Panel a) presents
related to fossil fuels have been classified simply as fuels without spe- models with pure bottom-up and top-down approaches, whereas panel
cifying which specific fuels are modelled. b) presents hybrid models. Each model has been assigned a model ID

H.-K. Ringkjøb et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 96 (2018) 440–459

Table 2
General logic and spatiotemporal resolution. Abbreviations used in the table: Purpose: IDS – Investment Decision Support, ODS – Operation Decision Support, S –
Scenario, PSAT – Power System Analysis Tool, A – Analysis; Approach: BU – Bottom-up, TD – Top-down, H – Hybrid; Methodology: S – Simulation, LP – Linear
Programming, MIP – Mixed Integer Programming, PE – Partial Equilibrium, A- Accounting, ABS – Agent-based Simulation, MIQCP – Mixed Integer Quadratically
Constrained Programming, CGE – Computable General Equilibrium, E – Equilibrium, CMA-ES – Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy, HO – Heuristic
Optimisation, ECE – Economic Computable Equilibrium, SDDP – Stochastic Dual Dynamic Programming; Temporal Resolution/Modelling Horizon/Geographical
Coverage: UD – user-defined, NL – No limitations.
Models # Purpose Appr. Methodology Temporal resolution Modelling horizon Geographical coverage

AURORAxmp 1 I & ODS, S, BU S, LP, MIP, PE UD (Hourly) UD (50+ years) Single project → Global
BALMOREL 2 I & ODS H PE/LP (MIP) Hourly/Aggregate 50 years (UD) Regional → International
Calliope 3 I & ODS BU LP (MIP under UD UD UD
CASPOC 4 PSAT BU S UD µs to 1 year Single-System/Local
COMPETES 5 I & ODS BU LP (In.), MIP (Op.) Hourly UD National (Europe)
COMPOSE 6 ODS & S BU A (In.), MIP(Op.) UD (Usually hourly) UD Single-Project/System
CYME 7 PSAT BU S UD (Usually ms) UD Single-System → Regional
DER-CAM 8 I & ODS BU MIP Hourly (In.) & Minutes (Op.) Up to 20 years Single-Project → Regional
DESSTinEE 9 S, I & ODS BU S Hourly 2050 National (Europe)
DIETER* 10 I & ODS BU LP Hourly 1 year Calibrated to Germany
DIgSILENT/ 11 PSAT BU S UD UD Power Systems
EMLab-Generation 12 IDS H ABS Yearly 2050 Two Markets/Countries
EMMA 13 I & ODS BU LP Hourly Long-term economic National (Europe)
EMPIRE 14 IDS H LP (Multi-horizon 5 y (In.), UD time-slices per year (Op.) Typically 40–50 y National (Europe)
EMPS 15 I & ODS BU LPa Weeklyb 25 years Regional → Continental
EnergyPlan 16 S, IDS BU S Hourly 1 year Local → Continental
energyPro 17 I & ODS BU AOc Minutes Max 40 years Local → Regional
Enertile 18 I & ODS BU LP Hourly Usually 2050 EUMENA (National)
ENTIGRIS 19 I & ODS BU LP Hourly (Op.), 5 y (In.) 2050 Regional → International
ETM (1) 20 S BU PE & LP Six time slices: three seasons (winter, 2100 Global (17 regions)
summer and intermediate), & day/
ETM (2) 21 S H S 15-min (+ Hourly & Yearly) 2050 Community →
ETSAP-TIAM 22 I & ODS, S BU LP, PE Yearly (seasons & day-night hours) 2100 Global (15 regions)
EUCAD 23 ODS BU MIQCP Hourly Yearly National (Europe)
EUPower-Dispatch 24 ODS BU MIP Hourly Yearly National (Europe)
ficus 25 I & ODS BU MIP Typically 15 min 1 year Local → National
GCAM 26 S H PE 5 years 2100 Global (Regional)
GEM-E3 27 S TD CGE 5 years 2030 and 2050 Global (38 regions)
GENESYS 28 IDS BU CMA-ES & HO Hourly 2050 EUMENA (National)
GridLAB-D 29 PSAT BU ABS Sub-seconds – Years 3–5 Years Local → National
HOMER 30 I & ODS BU S&O Minutes Multi-Year Local
HYPERSIM 31 PSAT BU S 10 μs UD Single-System → Regional
iHOGA 32 I & ODS BU HO Hourly Yearly Local
IMAKUS 33 I & ODS BU LP Hourly Several decades Germany
INVERT/EE-Lab 34 S BU S Y (In), Monthly (Op) 2030/2050/2080 Buildings
d e
IPSA 2 35 PSAT BU S Power Systems
IRiE 36 ODS BU MIP 15-min Yearly 26 areas in Northern
LEAP 37 S H S & LP Yearly Usually 20–50 years Local → Global
LIBEMOD 38 S H ECE Yearly (El split in summer and winter 1 → 20 years National (Europe)
season; one day split into day and
LIMES-EU 39 S, I & ODS H LP 5/10 y (6 rep. days per year, 8 time 2050 National (Europe)
slices per day)
LOADMATCH* 40 S BU S 30 s 6 years (2050–2055) CONUS (4° × 5° WWS
LUSYM 41 ODS BU MIP 15 min/Hourly & Daily (UC)/Weekly Daily/Weekly (UC) & National
(Scheduling) Yearly (Scheduling)
MARKAL 42 S BU LP/MIP, PE Multiple years (UD time-slices within Long-term (UD) Local → Regional
a year)
MESSAGE 43 S, IDS H LP UD (Multiple years) Long-term (50–100+ Global (11 Regions)
NEMO 44 I & ODS BU CMA-ES & S Hourly Typically 1 year National
NEMS 45 S H S, O, PE Yearly 2050 Regional/National (U.S.)
Oemof (SOLPH) 46 S, I & ODS All LP, MILP, PE Seconds to years UD UD
OpenDSS 47 PSAT BU S UD (1 s to 1 h) UD Distribution feeders/areas
OSeMOSYS 48 IDS BU LP UD (intra-annual) UD (10–100 y) Community → Continental
PLEXOS 49 I & ODS, S, BU UD up to 1 min (Usually hourly) UD (1 day to 50 + years) Single project→ Global
POLES 50 S, I & ODS H PE/S Yearly (Sectoral load shape for two 2050 (2100) Global (66 regions)
typical days with two-hour resolution)
PowerGAMA 51 S (IDS) BU S, LP Usually hourly Usually 1 year Regional/National
(continued on next page)

H.-K. Ringkjøb et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 96 (2018) 440–459

Table 2 (continued)

Models # Purpose Appr. Methodology Temporal resolution Modelling horizon Geographical coverage

PRIMES* 52 S, IDS H PE Yearly Long-term National (Europe)

ProdRisk 53 ODS BU LP (SDDP) Usually 5–25 weekly periods Usually 3–10 years Local → National
PyPSA 54 I & ODS, BU LP Hourly 1 year Local → Continental
RAPSim 55 PSAT BU S Minutes Multiple days Local
g h
ReEDS 56 S (& IDS) BU LP & PE 2050
ReMIND 57 S H NLP 2150 Global (11 regions)
REMix 58 I & ODS H LP Hourly Typically 1 year Regional (Germany) →
National (Europe)
renpass 59 ODS, S BU S (In) & O (Op) Typically Hourly 1 year Regional/National
(Western Europe)
RETScreen 60 IDS, S H S Monthly/Yearly/Daily Max 100 years Single-system → Global
SAM 61 IDS BU S Sub-Hourly 1 year (/Lifetime for e.g. Single system
batteries + PV)
SIMPOW 62 PSAT BU S Milliseconds Seconds Single-system → Local
SIREN 63 S BU S Hourly 1 year Regional/National
SNOW 64 S H CGE Yearly UD (1–100 years)
stELMOD 65 ODS BU MIP Hourly 1 year National (Europe)
SWITCH 66 I & ODS BU MIP Hourly Dispatch/Decadal Investment UD (2050) Regional/Nationalk
Temoa 67 S BU LP Yearly (With UD time-slices) UD Regional (UD)
TIMES 68 I & ODS H/BU LP/MIP, PE Multiple years - with UD time-slices Long-term (UD) Local - Global
within a year
TIMES-Norway 69 S, IDS (& BU LP Multiple years – 260 time-slices per 2050 Norway (Sweden optional)
ODS) year
TIMES-Oslo 70 S, IDS (& BU LP Multiple years – 260 time-slices per 2050 Oslo (Norway optional)
ODS) year
TRNSYS18 71 PSAT BU S & L/NLP 0.01 s to 1 h Multiple years Single Project → Local
urbs 72 I & ODS BU LP UD (Hourly) UD (Yearly) Local → National
WEM* 73 S H S Yearlyl 2040 Global (25 Regions)
WeSIM 74 I & ODS H LP Hour or half-hourly 1 h – multi years National → Continental
WITCH 75 S, IDS H NLP, E 5 years 150 years Global (13 regions (UD))

The model includes stochastic optimisation (Stochastic Dynamic Programming (SDP)), linear programming and simulation. In the strategy evaluation, SDP is
used to calculate incremental water values and heuristics is used to treat the interaction between areas. In the simulation part of the model, total system costs are
minimised in a linear problem formulation.
In the strategy evaluation the resolution is weekly. In the simulation it can be weekly with a load-duration curve within the week or with hourly resolution.
Analytical optimisation [69].
30 min (Load flow analysis), Usually Milliseconds (Fault Level & Transient Stability).
About 1-year (Load flow), Fault levels (hundreds of milliseconds), Transient (seconds).
Optimisation (Mixed-Integer, Linear and Non-Linear)/Partial Equilibrium (e.g. solving Nash-Cournot with integer problems uses Mixed Integer Quadratic
Programming (MIQP)).
Sequential 2-year periods, 17 seasonal/diurnal blocks of non-chronological aggregate hours.
U.S. (+ Canada & Mexico) – (134 Supply/demand balancing areas (+ 20 CA/+ 49 ME) & 356 renewable resource regions (+ 47 CA/+ 49 ME).
5 years until 2060, 10 until 2110, 20 until 2150.
Global version: Flexible, typically 2–10 regions, National version: Norway and rest of the world.
Models typically have 1–50 load zones; models have been created for California, Western U.S., Hawaii, Chile, Nicaragua, China and other regions.
A new feature in WEM 2016 is the inclusion of a more detailed power market module with hourly resolution.

and is represented by a rectangle spanning the range of typical re- emissions etc. The categories have been thoroughly explained in
solutions the model can possess. The transparency of the rectangles is Section 2.2.3.
only added to improve visual representation, and the position of the None of the models can tackle all challenges of today's energy
boxes have been modified to ensure readability. The figure should system, but all challenges are covered by at least one of the models.
therefore be regarded as an illustration of the modelling landscape ra- There is generally a good coverage of the various technological and
ther than an exact representation. economic features, and modellers should be able to identify a model
The illustration shows that the geographical scope, the temporal that can analyse most challenges related to VRES integration.
resolution and the approach are all related. Hybrid and top-down As previously mentioned, grid expansion, energy storage and de-
models populate the upper right side of Fig. 2, whereas bottom-up mand side management are measures poised to be critical for the in-
models are spread over the whole range. Top-down and hybrid models tegration of VRES. Some earlier studies have assessed all these features,
generally have large geographical scales and long time-steps, with the but most studies address the individual impact of one of the measures.
long-term development of the energy system in focus. The operation From this review, one can identify several tools that may be used to
and technical details are usually omitted and replaced by macro- study the effect of combining multiple measures.
economics, thus making such models top-down or hybrid. Simple supply/demand modelling or spot (merit-order) of the en-
The technological and economic features of the models are pre- ergy/electricity market is the most common amongst the tools.
sented in Table 3. This includes features such as conventional and re- However, a few of the models also have the capability to model the day-
newable generation, storage, grid, demand response, market modelling, ahead market, reserve or balancing market.

Table 3
Technological and economic parameters. Abbreviations used in the table: Ren. Gen: HP – Hydropower, ROR – Run-of-river, SP – Solar Power, WP – Wind Power, ST – Solar Thermal, WaP – Wave Power, GT –
Geothermal, CSP – Concentrated Solar Power, TP – Tidal Power; Storage: PHS - Pumped Hydro Storage, CAES – Compressed Air Energy Storage, B – Batteries, H – Hydrogen, TES – Thermal Energy Storage; Grid: NTC –
Net Transfer Capacity; Cost: I – Investment, O&M – Operation & Maintenance, F – Fuel, CO2 – Carbon cost, T – Taxes, B – Balancing costs.
Models # Conv. Gen. Ren. Gen. Storage Grid Commodities Demand sectors Demand DR Costs Market Emissions
H.-K. Ringkjøb et al.


AURORAxmp 1 All All All (Generic) Import/Export, Electricity, Heat Electricity (with Elastic Yes I, O&M, F, All Any Pollutant
NTC, DC Load Heat), interface to CO2, B
Flow (SCUC/ gas models
BALMOREL 2 All HP, ROR, SP, All NTC Electricity, Heat, Aggregated Elastic Yes I, O&M, F, Spot CO2, SO2 and
WP, ST, WaP Hydrogen & Fuels (Separate for CO2, T, B NOx
Electricity and
Calliope 3 All All All NTC Electricity, Aggregated Inelastic Yes I, O&M, F, Supply/Demand Any pollutant
Hydrogen, Heat & CO2
CASPOC 4 All All All Power Electronics Electricity Aggregated Inelastic No NA NA No
& Circuit
COMPETES 5 All HP, SP, WP, GT PHS, CAES NTC/DC Electricity Aggregated Inelastic/ Yes I, O&M, F, Spot/Balancing (Short-term) CO2
Simplification Elastic CO2, B, T
COMPOSE 6 All All All None (Constraints Electricity, Heat & Buildings, Inelastic Noa I, O&M, F, Spot, Balancing Markets CO2
can be Fuels Transport & CO2, T, B
parametrised) Industry (User-
CYME 7 All SP, WP (All) B Detailed Power Electricity Aggregated NA No NA NA NA

DER-CAM 8 All (Except All All Import/Export, Electricity & Heat Aggregated, Elastic Yes I, O&M, F, Supply/Demand, Spot, Balancing CO2
Nuclear) Power Flow Electricity, CO2, T Markets
DESSTinEE 9 All All PHS NTC Electricity Buildings, Inelastic No I, O&M, F, Spot (Merit-order) CO2
Transport & CO2
DIETER* 10 All (Except WP, SP B, H, PHS, CAES None Electricity Aggregated Inelastic Yes I, O&M, F, Spot No
Nuclear & CO2, B
DIgSILENT/ 11 All All All (Generic) Detailed Power Electricity Aggregated Inelastic NA NA NA No
PowerFactory Flow
EMLab- 12 All WP, SP (Generic) All (Generic) NTC Electricity Aggregated Inelastic No I, O&M, F, Spot + CO2 market CO2
Generation CO2
EMMA 13 All WP, SP, HP, ROR PHS NTC Electricity & Heat Aggregated Inelastic Yes I, O&M, F, Spot No
CO2, B
EMPIRE 14 All All (Except All (Generic) NTC Electricity Aggregated Inelastic Yes I, O&M, F, Supply/Demand CO2
Tidal) CO2
EMPS 15 All All PHS NTC (Full Load Electricity Aggregated Elastic Yes I, O&M, F, Spot CO2
Flow possible) CO2, B
EnergyPlan 16 All All All Import/Export Electricity, Heat, Buildings, Elastic No I, O&M, F, Spot CO2
Hydrogen & Fuels Transport & CO2, T
energyPro 17 All (Except All PHS, CAES, B, None Electricity and Aggregated Elastic No I, O&M, F, Spot CO2, SO2 &
nuclear) TES Heat CO2, B, T NOx
Enertile 18 All All PHS, TES, B NTC Electricity & Heat Buildings, Elastic for Yes I, O&M, F, Supply/demand CO2
Transport & P2H, CO2
Industry Inelastic
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 96 (2018) 440–459

(continued on next page)

Table 3 (continued)

Models # Conv. Gen. Ren. Gen. Storage Grid Commodities Demand sectors Demand DR Costs Market Emissions

ENTIGRIS 19 All HP, WP, SP, CSP PHS, B, TES NTC Electricity Aggregated Inelastic Yes I, O&M, F, Supply/Demand CO2
H.-K. Ringkjøb et al.

CO2, B
ETM (1) 20 All All TES Import/Export Electricity, Heat, Buildings, Elastic No I, O&M, F, Supply/Demand CO2
Hydrogen & Fuels Transport & CO2, T
ETM (2) 21 All All (Except TP & PHS, B, H, TES Import/Export, Electricity, Heat, Buildings, Inelastic Yes I, O&M, F, Supply/Demand, Spot, Balancing CO2
WaP) NTC Hydrogen & Fuels Transport & CO2, T Markets
ETSAP-TIAM 22 All HP, ROR, WP, PHS Import/Export Any commodity Buildings, Elastic No I, O&M, F, Supply/Demand CO2, CH4,
SP, ST, CSP,GT Transport, & CO2, T NOx, SOx
EUCAD 23 All All PHS, CAES, B, H NTC Electricity & Aggregated Inelastic Yes O&M, F, B, T Supply/Demand None
EUPower- 24 All All PHS NTC Electricity Aggregated Inelastic Yes O&M, F, CO2 Supply/Demand CO2
ficus 25 All All All (Generic) Import/Export Any commodity Aggregated Inelastic No I, O&M, F, Supply/Demand Any Pollutant
GCAM 26 All HP, SP, CSP, WP, PHS, H None Any Buildings, Elastic No I, O&M, F, Supply/Demand CO2 (Any)
GT Transport, CO2
GEM-E3 27 All HP, WP, SP None Export/Import Any Commodity Buildings, Elastic No I, O&M, F, Supply/Demand Any Pollutant
Transport & CO2
GENESYS 28 None (Included All All NTC Electricity Aggregated Inelastic No I, O&M, F, Supply/Demand None (CO2 in
in next version) CO2 next version)

GridLAB-D 29 Diesel Generators WP, SP B Detailed Power Electricity Aggregated Elastic Yes NA Uniform Price Auction NA
HOMER 30 All (Except All CAES, B, H Import/Export Electricity & Heat Aggregated Inelastic No I, O&M, F, Supply/Demand Any Pollutant
nuclear) CO2
HYPERSIM 31 All All B Detailed Power Electricity Aggregated NA No NA NA NA
iHOGA 32 Diesel/Petrol WP, HP, SP H, B Import/Export Electricity & Aggregated Inelastic No I, O&M, F, Supply/Demand CO2
Generators Hydrogen CO2
IMAKUS 33 All All (Exogenous) All Import/Export Electricity & Aggregated Inelastic Yes I, O&M, F, Supply/Demand CO2
Hydrogen CO2
INVERT/EE-Lab 34 Small-scale CHP PV None None Electricity & Heat Buildings Elastic No I, O&M, F Supply/Demand CO2
IPSA 2 35 All All All Detailed Power Electricity Aggregated Inelastic Yes NA NA NA
IRiE 36 All HP, WP, SP None NTC Electricity Aggregated Inelastic No O&M, F, CO2, Reserve and Balancing market None
LEAP 37 All All All None Electricity & Heat Buildings, Elastic No I, O&M, F, Supply/Demand Any Pollutant
Transport & CO2
LIBEMOD 38 All HP, ROR, WP, SP PHS NTC Electricity, Heat & Buildings, Elastic No I, O&M, F, Supply/Demand, National Capacity CO2
Fuels Transport & CO2, T, B Markets
LIMES-EU 39 All HP, WP, SP, CSP All (Generic) NTC Electricity Aggregated Inelastic No I, O&M, F, Supply/Demand CO2
LOADMATCH* 40 None All PHS, TES, H None (Losses are Electricity, Heat & Buildings, Inelastic Yes I, O&M, F, Supply/Demand None
taken into Hydrogen Transport & (+ Health
account) Industry and climate
LUSYM 41 All All All (Generic) Linearised DC Electricity Aggregated Inelastic Yes O&M, F, CO2, Supply/Demand CO2
Power Flow B
(continued on next page)
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 96 (2018) 440–459
Table 3 (continued)

Models # Conv. Gen. Ren. Gen. Storage Grid Commodities Demand sectors Demand DR Costs Market Emissions

MARKAL 42 All HP, WP, SP, GT PHS, (night-day NTC Any commodity Buildings, Elastic Yes I, O&M, F, Supply/Demand (Competitive, Any
H.-K. Ringkjøb et al.

storages) Transport & CO2, T perfect foresight)

MESSAGE 43 All All All Import/Export Any commodity Buildings, Elastic Yes I, O&M, F, Supply/Demand Any Pollutant
Transport & CO2, T
NEMO 44 OCGT, CCGT, HP, WP, PV, PHS, B None Electricity Aggregated Inelastic Yes I, O&M, F, Spot CO2
Coal (CCS) CST, GT CO2
NEMS 45 All All (except TP & PHS, B, TES Import/Export Electricity & Heat Buildings, Elastic No I, O&M, F, Supply/Demand CO2, SO2 and
WaP) (Partly Hydrogen Transport & CO2, T NOx
in transport) Industry
Oemof (SOLPH) 46 All All All Import/Export, Electricity, Heat, Buildings, Inelastic Yes I, O&M, F, Supply/Demand Any pollutant
NTC Hydrogen & Fuels Transport & CO2, T, B
OpenDSS 47 All (Generic) SP (Others All (Generic) Full Multiphase Electricity Aggregated Inelastic Yes NA NA NA
Generic) AC Load Flow; (optionally
Dynamics disaggregated)
OSeMOSYS 48 All All All None Electricity Aggregated Inelastic Yes I, O&M, F, Supply/Demand Any Pollutant
CO2, B
c d
PLEXOS 49 All All All (Generic) Electricity (with Buildings, Elastic Yes I, O&M, F, All (Generic)
Heat), Gas and Transport & CO2, B
Water Industry
POLES 50 All (25 explicit All (16 explicit PHS None (Import/ Electricity, Fuels Buildings, Elastic No I, O&M, F, Supply/Demand (Carbon price) GHG
technologies) technologies) Export) Transport & CO2, T

PowerGAMA 51 All (Generic) All (Generic) All (Generic) Linearised DC Electricity Aggregated Inelastic Noe Marginal Supply/Demand (Perfect) None
Power Flow Costs
PRIMES* 52 All All All DC linearised Electricity, Heat & Buildings, Elastic Yes I, O&M, F, Supply/Demand CO2
Optimal Power Hydrogen Transport & CO2, T
Flow Industry
ProdRisk 53 Thermal Power HP, WP PHES None (Exists a Electricity Aggregated Yes No No fixed Spot (Capacity Market under None
Plants prototype with price development)
detailed grid)
PyPSA 54 All All All (Generic) Non-linear/Linear Any commodity Aggregated Inelastic Yes Capital Cost Supply/Demand CO2
Power Flow, NTC & Marginal
RAPSim 55 None (Under WP, SP None (Under Detailed Power Electricity Building Inelastic No None None None
development) development) Flow
ReEDS 56 All All (Except All (Except Linearised DC Electricity Aggregated Inelastic Yes I, O&M, F, CO2, SO2,
Tidal) Hydrogen) Power Flow CO2, T NOx
+ Mercury
ReMIND 57 All (Coal, Oil, HP, SP, WP, GT All (Generic) None Electricity, Heat, Buildings, Elastic Yes I, O&M, F, Supply/Demand (Pareto/Nash) Any Pollutant
Gas, Uranium, Hydrogen & Fuels Transport & CO2
Biomass) Industry
REMix 58 All All All NTC, DC Electricity, Heat & Aggregated Inelastic Yes I, O&M, F, Supply/Demand CO2
simplification Hydrogen CO2
renpass 59 All HP, WP, SP, GE, PHS, CAES, B NTC Electricity Aggregated Inelastic No I, O&M, F, Spot CO2
RETScreen 60 All All B Central/Isolated/ Electricity & Heat Buildings & Inelastic No I, O&M, F, Supply/Demand GHG
Off-Grid (Import/ Industry CO2, T
SAM 61 Conventional SP, ST, CSP, WP, B, TES None Electricity Aggregated Inelastic No I, O&M, F, T None (E.G. Power Purchase None
Thermal & GT Agreement))
(continued on next page)
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 96 (2018) 440–459
Table 3 (continued)

Models # Conv. Gen. Ren. Gen. Storage Grid Commodities Demand sectors Demand DR Costs Market Emissions

SIMPOW 62 All All None Detailed Power Electricity Aggregated Inelastic NA NA NA NA

H.-K. Ringkjøb et al.

SIREN 63 All All All (Generic) NTC Electricity Aggregated Inelastic No I, O&M, F Supply/Demand CO2
SNOW 64 All All None Import/Export Any commodity 46 industries, Elastic No I, O&M, F, Supply/Demand Any Pollutant
households & CO2, T
public sector
stELMOD 65 All HP, WP, ROR & PHS NTC, DC Electricity, Heat Aggregated Inelastic No O&M, F, CO2, Spot, Intra-day, Reserve-Market CO2
SP simplification B
SWITCH 66 All All (Generic) All Electricity (Partly Aggregated Elastic/ Yes I, O&M, F Supply/Demand CO2
transport) Inelastic
Temoa 67 All All All NTC Any commodity Buildings, Inelastic No I, O&M, F Supply/Demand Any Pollutant
Transport &
TIMES 68 All All All NTC Any commodity Buildings, Elastic Yes I, O&M, F, Any
Transport & CO2, T, B
TIMES-Norway 69 All (Except Coal) All (Except GT B, TES NTC Any commodity Buildings, Inelastic Noi I, O&M, F, CO2
(for el), CSP, Transport & CO2, T
WaP & T) Industry
TIMES-Oslo 70 All (Except Coal All (Except GT None NTC Any commodity Buildings, Inelastic No I, O&M, F, CO2
& Nuclear) (for el), CSP, Transport & CO2, T
WaP & T) Industry
TRNSYS17 71 All (Except SP, WP, ST, CSP, B, H, TES Electricity, Heat, Building and Inelastic NA NA NA NA
Nuclear) GT Hydrogen & Fuels Industry
urbs 72 All All All (Generic) NTC (+ Linearised Any Commodity Aggregated Inelastic Yes I, O&M, F, None Any Pollutant

Load Flow) CO2, B
WEM* 73 All All All None Electricity, Heat, Building, Elastic Yes I, O&M, F, Supply/Demand (+ Spot) CO2
Hydrogen & Fuels Transport & CO2, B
WeSIM 74 All All All NTC Electricity, Heat & Aggregated Inelastic Yes I, O&M, F, Supply/Demand CO2
Gas CO2, B
WITCH 75 All HP, WP, SP, CSP TES, B NTC Any commodity Aggregated Elastic Yes I, O&M, F, Supply/Demand + CO2-Market Any Pollutant
CO2, B

Can be parametrised.
Can model controllable loads in a variety of ways.
Import/Export, NTC, DC Load Flow, AC Load Flow (linearised approximation using Fixed or Variable Shift Factors - PTDFs), SCOPF and FBMC.
Physical & Financial Forward Power Markets (Year-Ahead, Month Ahead, Spot, Intra-day) Balancing Market, All Reserve-Markets, Capacity Market, Gas Market, Water Market, Perfect Competition, Nash-Cournot
market modelling or Bertrand pricing.
A simplified model for flexible demand is included.
Energy market (supply/demand balance), Capacity market (planning reserve margin requirement), Ancillary Service market (operating reserves), Renewable Energy Credit (REC) market (state Renewable Portfolio
SWITCH uses a simplified transport model for investment planning, but can also use security-constrained AC power flow for production cost modelling.
Supply-Demand (Competitive with perfect foresight or n-period myopic).
Will be implemented In next version.
Usually treats the grid as an infinite power source/sink, but has models for transmission losses and grid outages.
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 96 (2018) 440–459
H.-K. Ringkjøb et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 96 (2018) 440–459

Fig. 2. Illustration of geographical coverage vs temporal resolution in the assessed models. The modelling approach is indicated by the colour of the rectangles, with
transparency added for visual representation only. Panel A shows pure bottom-up and top-down models, and panel B shows hybrid models. For full interpretation of
the figure, the reader is referred to the web version of this article. The rectangle marked with an asterisk (*), corresponds to models number 5, 9, 18, 23, 63 and 65.

4. Discussion and conclusions equilibrium models, often with yearly aggregated data.
In long-term energy models, which are usually used to define the
This review has shown that there are numerous energy modelling composition of and pathways to a future energy system, the temporal
tools currently available, capable of serving most needs from modelling variability is often underrepresented [226]. A too coarse time-step can
of small-scale power systems to the global energy system. Grid expan- give poor estimation of the operation of the system, leading to un-
sion, energy storage and demand side management were earlier men- favourable investments, overestimation of the share of VRES and an
tioned as key technologies and measures for a successful integration of underestimation of the costs.
VRES in the grid. Among the reviewed models, these measures are well Welsch et al. used OSeMOSYS and a combined TIMES-PLEXOS
represented. There are, however, some challenges faced by current model to study the Irish electricity system [142]. The medium to long-
modelling tools as well as future modelling needs. term energy model OSeMOSYS was first set up using 12 time periods
each year, and was compared to a soft-linked combination of TIMES-
PLEXOS using 8784 time periods over one year. Analysis of 2020
4.1. Representation of variability
showed that the OSeMOSYS model allocated 21.4% of the dispatch to
wrong generation capacities, by for example overestimating the use of
Many studies have looked into the effect and possibility of in-
wind energy. However, Welsch et al. further shows that by adding
tegrating wind and solar into the existing, fossil fuel dominated energy
operational constraints in an enhanced OSeMOSYS model, without in-
system. They all represent the geophysical data in distinct ways:
creasing the temporal resolution, the results from the TIMES-PLEXOS
Timescales ranging from seconds to several years, spatial resolutions
model were reproducible. They also extended the analysis to 2050,
ranging from a few kilometres to several latitudes, as well as the use of
showing that the simple OSeMOSYS model, whose results are re-
statistical representations [221–225]. The coarsest representation of
presentative of conventional long-term energy models, invested in
variability is found in computable general equilibrium or partial

H.-K. Ringkjøb et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 96 (2018) 440–459

14.1% less capacity and led to 14.5% lower investments than the en- fuelled power generators with already mature and increasingly cost-
hanced model. They did not, however, extend the use of TIMES-PLEXOS competitive renewable technologies. The transport, heating and in-
to 2050, as computational costs become too high over such a long time- dustrial sectors, however, are not that straight forward. One possible
horizon with a high resolution and operational detail. solution is to use different types of fuels, such as hydrogen or biofuels.
Similarly, Poncelet et al. used TIMES to evaluate the impact of Another possible solution is electrification, through for example
utilising long-term energy models with a low temporal resolution switching to electric vehicles, electric water heaters, heat pumps,
[227]. Their version of the TIMES model was calibrated to Belgium and electric induction stoves, electrifying industrial equipment and so on.
used 12 representative time-slices per year. It was compared to a unit- Switching from fossil fuelled vehicles to electric vehicles will not only
commitment (UC) model (mixed-integer linear formulation based on enable decarbonisation of transport, but also lead to a lower primary
Van den Bergh et al. [228], later named LUSYM [124]) with an hourly energy demand as electric vehicles are much more efficient than their
resolution. They showed that the TIMES model invested in less VRES fossil fuelled counterparts [233]. This is also the case for other appli-
capacity than the UC model towards 2050, but their electricity gen- ances, such as electric heat pumps for space and water heating with
eration shares were equal; showing once again that a low temporal efficiencies of 200–300% [234]. The extent of future electrification is
resolution leads to an overestimation of VRES penetration and thus and uncertain, but it can be hypothesized to lead to a significant increase in
underestimation of the necessary investment. the electricity demand.
LEAP, MARKAL/TIMES and EnergyPLAN were used by Haydt et al. A more interconnected energy system, where the power, heat, in-
[229] to study the island of Flores (Azores) in the Atlantic Ocean dustrial and transport sectors are closely linked, can help accommodate
through three different balancing methods (integral with load-curve of generation from variable renewables as well as abate emissions.
9 time slices, semi-dynamic with 288 time periods and a dynamic ap- Connolly et al. [235] recommends avoiding the traditional one-sided
proach with hourly modelling). Haydt et al. found that the models focus on how the power-sector alone can integrate VRES, and rather
which did not consider the variability well enough overestimated the look into the synergies that can be achieved by merging the power,
generation of VRES, therefore underestimating the necessary installed heating and transport sectors through a “Smart Energy Systems ap-
capacity as well as CO2 emissions. proach”. They argue that measures such as battery electric vehicles,
Tackling both the operational and planning issues of energy systems thermal storage, heat pumps and various types of fuel storage could
can, as has been shown above, be done by either linking models with provide increased flexibility for VRES, and thus enable higher pene-
different features or by adding capabilities within a model itself. As an tration rates and even 100% renewable energy systems. A first step
example of the latter, Seljom et al. [230] developed a stochastic TIMES towards a 100% renewable-based Irish energy system was investigated
model, that dealt with the short-term uncertainty experienced in elec- by the use of EnergyPLAN [236], a modelling tool that can take into
tricity generation and heat demand in buildings. Similarly, the EMPIRE account the coupling between the electricity, heat and transport sectors
model is a stochastic optimisation model, which simultaneously deals [64]. Similarly, in a study combining the LOADMATCH grid integration
with the long-term evolution of the European electricity system as well model and the GATOR-GCMOM global climate/weather model, Ja-
as its operation [59]. Després [81] combined two models, EUCAD and cobson et al. [225] assessed the energy system of the contiguous United
POLES, respectively a power system optimisation model and a long- States in 2050–2055 consisting of 100% renewable energy for all sec-
term energy model. EUCAD optimises the operation of the European tors (electricity, transportation, heating/cooling, and industry). They
power system every 24 h, taking into account the power system bal- showed that the system is delivered at a low cost and is reliable with no
ance, international exchanges and system constraints such as operating load loss for the six simulated years. One of the main factors for the
points, on- and off-time, ramping and frequency reserves. This detailed success of this system was the interplay between the various sectors,
representation of the power system was then combined with POLES, with hydrogen and heat as major contributors. Due to the importance of
which covers the long-term evolution of demand, costs, and technolo- sector coupling in integrating large amounts of VRES, it is suggested
gical evolution and makes investment decisions for generation, storage that this is given more attention in future modelling studies.
and grid capacities. In addition, Jaehnert et al. has coupled the day-
ahead market model EMPS with IRIE, a model that concerns reserve 4.3. Impacts and links beyond the energy system
procurement and system balancing [231].
It is evident that considerations regarding VRES variability and Agenda 2030 [237], including its 17 Sustainable Development
operation are key aspects in present modelling, and represent chal- Goals and 169 targets, constitutes a global framework for sustainable
lenges that become more and more important the larger the share of development. In order to find a sustainable path forward, there is a
VRES in the energy mix becomes. need to address the interaction between different goals and solutions
for energy supply, food production, protection of climate, the en-
4.2. Consumer participation, electrification and sector coupling vironment and ecosystem functions and many other aspects relevant to
the livelihoods of people. This requires knowledge about the potential
Through distributed generation and demand side management, impacts and the links between them. Possible impacts of different en-
consumers are to an increasing extent becoming involved in the elec- ergy systems are numerous and diverse including climate impacts due
tricity system. More and more consumers are becoming prosumers, to CO2 emissions, impacts on human health and the environment due to
delivering power to the grid through distributed generation units as emissions of pollutants, impacts on changing land use e.g. for produc-
well as drawing power from the grid when local production is not tion of biofuels, local environmental impacts of hydropower dams, and
sufficient. This affects both the distribution grids and the whole energy impacts on availability of water and scarce resources [238,239].
system on a larger scale. Consumers will also have to participate in Several studies have assessed external impacts of present and future
demand response, which involves an intelligent management of their energy systems through linking electricity or energy systems models
flexible loads. It will thus be important to capture consumer responses with other types of models. Berrill et al. [240], Rauner and Budzinski
to changes in electricity and policies in energy modelling tools. Rai and [241], and Garcia-Gusano et al. [242] all couple some form of life cycle
Henry [232] modelled consumer energy choices using an agent-based analysis modelling tool to their energy system models. E.g. Berrill et al.
simulation model. They show that such models can increase our un- [240] coupled the energy model REMix with the integrated life cycle
derstanding of consumer choices, knowledge that will be increasingly analysis modelling framework THEMIS to study different electricity
important as consumers become more involved in the energy system. scenarios for Europe towards 2050 and their impacts on climate
Decarbonisation of the electricity sector is a challenge that can, in change, freshwater ecotoxicity, particulate matter formation, mineral
theory, relatively easily be solved by replacing conventional fossil resource depletion and land occupation. They find that impacts of wind

H.-K. Ringkjøb et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 96 (2018) 440–459

and solar energy do not significantly compromise the climate benefits of 4.5. Future modelling needs
utilising these energy resources, but that VRES-based systems require
more infrastructure leading to much larger mineral resource depletion Forecasting of VRES, in particular of wind, is a challenging task. The
impacts than fossil fuel systems, and greater land occupation impacts motion in the atmosphere is chaotic and hard to predict accurately.
than systems based on natural gas. Only a small change in the initial conditions in a weather model can
Buonocore et al. [243] developed a linked electric dispatch and change its predicted outcome completely. The electricity market is
public health impact assessment model (EPSTEIN), in order to assess highly dependent on accurate forecasts of wind and solar energy pro-
the public health benefits of displacing emissions from fossil-fuelled duction, both in day-ahead markets, for balancing and reserves plan-
power plants through energy efficiency and renewable energy. Fur- ning as well as for longer-term forecasts (i.e. months and seasons).
thermore, Abel et al. [244] investigated future health impacts of power Pineda et al. [251] showed for example that not taking into account
sector-related air pollution in the eastern United States, resulting from forecast errors in expansion planning models can lead to highly sub-
increased air conditioning usage in a warming climate. By using a optimal planning in terms of cost efficiency or penetration of renew-
comprehensive modelling system consisting of five linked models to ables.
assess the meteorology (WRF), building electricity demand (RBESS), The present review has shown that only a few current modelling
power sector (MyPower), air quality (CMAQ), and health impacts (Ben- tools take into account the uncertainty of VRES generation. Most tools
MAP), they estimated that increased air conditioning potentially can are deterministic and VRES generation is based on historical meteor-
cause up to a thousand PM2.5- and O3-related deaths. Also looking at the ological data. Some examples of models taking into account uncertainty
United States, Wiser et al. [245] used ReEDS to estimate the benefits of are; EMPS, which considers uncertainty in hydro inflow and market
increased penetration of solar energy in the United States on green- conditions [156]; E2M2, which considers uncertainty in VRES power
house gas emissions, air pollutants and water usage. production by using a multi-stage stochastic program including a re-
While it may not be desirable or even possible to attempt to quantify combining tree formulation [252]; and in [230] stochasticity and un-
all impacts of an energy system in modelling exercises, in view of certainty were included for PV production, wind production, hydro
Agenda 2030 [237] it seems reasonable to expect that energy system production, heat demand in buildings and electricity prices.
modellers in the future need to be aware of and in some cases include Climate change can be responsible for altering energy demand or
external impacts in their modelling tools. the resource potential of renewable energies in the long-term
[253,254]. Barstad et al. [255] looked at the present and future offshore
wind power potential in northern Europe based on downscaled (high
4.4. Validation and transparency resolution) global climate runs. They found that a power reduction of
2–6% is expected in most areas. Similarly, Jerez et al. [256] in-
One of the strengths of power system analysis tools is that, unlike vestigated future solar power outputs in Europe using the EURO-
long-term energy models, their results are in fact directly testable and CORDEX ensemble of high resolution climate projections together with
verifiable. E.g. IPSA 2 has been developed for over 30 years and has a PV production model. They showed that future European PV pro-
gone through extensive testing and validation against real life results to duction would lie in the range of − 14 to + 2% compared to today.
ensure accurate modelling results [246]. Lammert et al. [53] im- However, the largest decrease is seen in Northern Europe where much
plemented a generic PV system model in DIgSILENT PowerFactory, PV development is not expected, and in Southern Europe the results
achieving perfectly matching results in comparison with a Renewable even show a slight positive trend. Similarly, increased temperatures
Energy Model Validation tool that had been validated against real from global warming can lead to changes in the electricity demand
measurements. On a larger scale, the model HYPERSIM was tested and [257,258]. This raises the question whether effects of climate change on
validated on the large AC/DC transmission network of Hydro-Québec regional resource potential should be taken into account in long-term
[101], SIMPOW performed validation through the Gotland HVDC energy modelling tools.
project [180] and PowerGAMA validated its power flow results of most With increased development of offshore wind farms in particular,
of the European transmission network by comparison to actual data interaction between the farms themselves is an increasing concern.
from ENTSO-E [151]. Similarly to the wake effect within a farm, the farm itself can lie in the
On the other hand, neither long-term energy tools nor general “shadow” of another farm and thus generate less electricity. Studies
computable equilibrium models can be properly validated [13,247]. performed at the FINO-1 research platform showed that the effect from
Their long time horizons make it practically impossible to compare the closely placed Alpha Ventus wind farm was responsible for a tur-
their outcomes with real-world observations, and changes happening bulence intensity increase and a wind speed reduction of up to 50%
through time and external events not taken into account in the model [259]. With increased offshore development this effect should be ac-
can alter the structure of the system [248]. For example, it can not be counted for when modelling.
excluded that political events or unforeseen major technological
breakthroughs greatly change how the future energy system will look
like. Nonetheless, such models give valuable insight on a multitude of 4.6. Conclusion
aspects; such as the composition of the future energy systems and
possible pathways of how to get there, the effect of various policies, This paper reviews 75 state of the art energy and electricity mod-
changes in market dynamics etc. elling tools, ranging from small-scale power system analysis tools to
Modelling tools may be highly sensitive and dependent on their global long-term energy models. The reviewed models offer a broad
assumptions and data used. In many current models, source-code, as- range of capabilities, aiding modellers in identifying suitable models for
sumptions and data are not accessible, making it impossible for in- their own purposes. The models are categorized by their general logic,
dependent actors to reproduce the work. Transparency and openness in spatiotemporal resolution and technological and economic parameters,
energy modelling should be encouraged, especially since many mod- with validated information as of the date of submission for 95% of the
elling tools play important roles in policy-making processes. NEMS and models.
PRIMES have for example been used for policy making respectively in Although this paper shows the massive capabilities of the current
the U.S. and for the European Commission [134,249]. As underlined by landscape of modelling tools, there are still some challenges related to
Pfenninger et al. [250], increased openness leads to improved quality of representation of spatiotemporal variability and openness as well as the
research, more effective links between science and policy, increased demand side that should be addressed in future model development and
productivity and also increased relevance to important societal debates. application.

H.-K. Ringkjøb et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 96 (2018) 440–459

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