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Otto2018 Article BacterialCankerOfCherryTreesPr

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Eur J Plant Pathol (2018) 151:427–438

Bacterial canker of cherry trees, Prunus avium, in South

M. Otto & Y. Petersen & J. Roux & J. Wright &
T. A. Coutinho

Accepted: 7 November 2017 / Published online: 25 November 2017

# Koninklijke Nederlandse Planteziektenkundige Vereniging 2017

Abstract In the 1980’s the causal agents of bacterial study showed a hypersensitive response on tobacco
canker of cherry trees in South Africa was reported to be leaves and were pathogenic on immature cherry fruit
Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae and Pseudomonas and cherry trees. The phenotypic tests and MLSA using
syringae pv. morsprunorum. Subsequently, no further four genes (cts, gapA, gyrB and rpoD) showed pheno-
studies were undertaken on the disease or causal agents. typic and genetic identity with Pseudomonas syringae
The aim of the current study was to conduct field sur- pv. syringae. Selected strains induced a hypersensitive
veys to determine the current situation pertaining to response on tobacco leaves and were pathogenic on
bacterial canker in the major cherry producing areas of immature cherry fruit and green cherry tree shoots.
South Africa. Following isolations from infected trees, The current study shows that P. syringae pv. syringae
strains were characterized using biochemical as well as is responsible for bacterial canker in the Western Cape
multilocus sequence analyses (MLSA). Pathogenicity Province, South Africa.
tests were undertaken with immature cherry fruit as well
as three different cherry cultivars. Although symptoms Keywords Pseudomonas syringae . MLSA . Prunus .
of bacterial canker were present in all areas surveyed, Stone fruit
P. syringae isolates were only isolated from three sites in
the Western Cape Province. The isolates collected in this
M. Otto : T. A. Coutinho (*)
Department of Microbiology and Plant Pathology, Centre for Cherry trees (Prunus avium) are native to the area
Microbial Ecology and Genomics, Forestry and Agricultural between the Black and Caspian seas of Asia Minor,
Biotechnology Institute, University of Pretoria, Private Bag X20, and are commercially grown in many countries
Pretoria 00282, South Africa
(Alonso 2011; Lim 2012). In South Africa, the first
orchard, Nooitgedacht (=Gydo), was established in
Y. Petersen 1890 in the Koue Bokkeveld in the Western Cape
Agricultural Research Council, Infruitec-Nietvoorbij, Private Bag Province (Watson 2016). By 1939, 32 ha of cherry
X5026, Stellenbosch 7599, South Africa
trees had been planted and today Nooigedacht is still
J. Roux one of the major cherry producing farms in the region.
Department of Plant and Soil Sciences, Forestry and Agricultural Cherry trees are also grown commercially in three
Biotechnology Institute, University of Pretoria, Private Bag X20, other provinces, namely, Free State, Mpumalanga
Pretoria 0028, South Africa
and the North-West. In the 2012/13 and 2013/14 sea-
J. Wright sons the Western Cape Province accounted for 74% of
574 Molly Ryde Street, Garsfontein, Pretoria 0181, South Africa the cherry production in South Africa [ca. 691
428 Eur J Plant Pathol (2018) 151:427–438

Megaton (MT) and 499 MT, respectively] followed by Currently, a combination of phenotypic, molecular
the Free State with 23% and 16% in Mpumalanga (ca. and physiological methods are used for the character-
105 MT and 51 MT, respectively) (Potelwa and ization of P. syringae pathogenic to cherry (Kałużna
Ntombela 2015). and Sobiczewski 2009; Vicente et al. 2004). All
As with other agricultural crops, pests and diseases P. syringae pathovars pathogenic to cherry except for
pose serious threats to the production of cherries. One Pseudomonas syringae pv. avii (Psa) produce a fluo-
such disease is bacterial canker, which was first re- rescent pigment which is visible under UV light (King
ported to occur in South Africa on stone fruit trees, et al. 1954) and are Gram negative when tested with
including cherry trees, in 1953 (Doidge et al. 1953). 3% KOH (Suslow et al. 1982). Phenotypic testing
The disease is characterized by the formation of can- methods including the LOPAT (Levan production,
kers on stems and branches, blossom blast, systemic Oxidase test, Potato soft rot, Arginine dihydrolase,
wilting and die-back of branches or the entire tree Tobacco hypersensitive reaction) (Lelliott et al.
(Agrios 2005). The first intensive studies on the dis- 1966), carbon source utilization tests (Young and
ease in South Africa were undertaken in the 1980s Triggs 1994), L-lactate utilization and GATTa tests
(Roos and Hattingh 1986, 1987a, b). Thereafter, no enable the identification of P. syringae pathovars and
further research was undertaken and the disease was races (Latorre and Jones 1979; Lelliott and Stead
considered to be of little economic importance. Infect- 1987). The virulence of P. syringae on cherry can be
ed trees bearing poor yields were removed and assessed by inoculating these strains into susceptible
replaced. cherry tree organs such as immature fruitlets (Kałużna
In the 1980’s, the causal agents of bacterial canker and Sobiczewski 2009). Phenotypic methods are used
of cherry trees in South Africa were identified as in combination with molecular methods in a polypha-
Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae (Pss) and Ps. sic approach for the identification of P. syringae
syringae pv. morsprunorum race 1 (Psm1) and 2 pathovars and races from cherry. A commonly used
(Psm2) (Roos and Hattingh 1986). Psm2 was consid- molecular tool to delineate phylogenetic relationships
ered to be the major pathogen causing bacterial canker within species or genera is Multi Locus Sequence
in the Free State Province while both pathovars were Analyses (MLSA). MLSA studies have been used to
well established in the Western Cape (Roos and delineate the P. syringae strains within the P. syringae
Hattingh 1986). P. syringae pv. avii (Psa) has only complex into 13 phylogroups (Berge et al. 2014;
been isolated from wild cherry in Europe (Ménard Parkinson et al. 2011) corresponding to the
et al. 2003); whilst a new bacterial species, Pseudo- genomospecies derived from DNA:DNA hybridiza-
monas cerasi causing symptoms similar to bacterial tion analyses (Gardan et al. 1999). For MLSA analy-
canker was recently identified as a pathogen of culti- ses of P. syringae pathovars and races from cherry, the
vated cherry trees (Kałużna et al. 2016a, b). Disease housekeeping genes cts, gapA, gyrB, rpoD (Kałużna
outbreaks caused by Pss, Psm1 and Psm2 have been et al. 2010a) and rpoB (Ait Tayeb et al. 2005) are often
reported globally (reviewed by Lamichhane et al. sequenced.
2014), but P. cerasi has only been isolated in Poland Over the past few years South Africa has and is
(Kałużna et al. 2016a). Pss has a broad host range and still experiencing a severe drought and unusually
is pathogenic to pome fruit as well as several cultivat- high temperatures. These abiotic factors have led to
ed stone fruits including cherry, plum, peach and increased reports of bacterial canker in stone fruit tree
apricot (Kałużna et al. 2010a; Karimi-Kurdistani and orchards, including cherry orchards. In spring 2014,
Harighi 2008; reviewed by Lamichhane et al. 2014; trees in several cherry orchards in South Africa
Wenneker et al. 2013). The other P. syringae showed typical symptoms of bacterial canker includ-
pathovars have much narrower host ranges: Psm1 ing stem and branch cankers, die-back of branches
has primarily been isolated from cherry, plum and and leaf spots. The aim of this study was to conduct a
apricot whereas Psm2 and P. cerasi have only been survey in cherry production areas of South Africa to
associated with cherry (reviewed by Bultreys and determine the prevalence of the disease and identify
Kaluzna 2010; Kałużna et al. 2016a). the bacteria associated with the disease symptoms.
Eur J Plant Pathol (2018) 151:427–438 429

These results would then be compared to those ob- suspended in sterile distilled water and the concentra-
tained in the 1980s when identification of bacteria tions were adjusted to approx. 108 CFU/ml (OD600 =
was based solely on chemotaxonomic criteria. 0.3). The sterilized immature cherry fruit were injected
with 20 μl of bacterial suspension using a hypodermic
syringe needle. Immature cherry fruit were treated with
Materials and methods sterile water to serve as a negative control. The inocu-
lated fruits were incubated for 96 h at 24 °C to assess
Surveillance and sampling pathogenicity and the necrotic lesions that formed were
measured from the needle wounds to the widest edge of
Surveys were conducted in 11 sweet cherry orchards in the necrotic lesions. The pathogenicity of the strains was
four provinces (Gauteng, Mpumalanga, Free State and rated according to the following scale modified from
Western Cape) of South Africa in October/November Kałużna and Sobiczewski (2009): non-pathogenic
2014 and 2015. In each orchard, 10% of each cultivar strains = 0–3 mm, moderately pathogenic = 3–6 mm
was randomly surveyed for the presence of bacterial and highly pathogenic= >6 mm. The pathogenicity trial
disease symptoms. Symptoms were noted as being pres- on the immature cherry fruit was repeated. Of all bacte-
ent or absent. Leaves, stem- and branch tissue showing rial isolates, only 31 bacterial isolates belonging to
typical symptoms of bacterial canker were collected. Pseudomonas gave a positive HR result on bean pods
Diseased material was cut from trees using sterile equip- (Phaseolus vularis) an were moderately pathogenic to
ment, placed into polythene bags and kept at 4 °C until immature Bing fruit (Fig. 1). Brown tissue necrosis
analyses were undertaken. developed at the site of infiltration and extended be-
tween four and six millimetre in diameter. No symptoms
Bacterial isolation and growth conditions developed in the fruit treated with sterile water (Fig. 2).

After surface sterilization with 70% ethanol, small Bacterial identification

pieces of tissue (±3 mm) showing symptoms of bacterial
canker were cut from the leading edges of stem- and Phenotypic testing
branch cankers and/or leaf spots, and placed on to
nutrient agar (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany). Isolation Candidate pathogenic Pseudomonas isolates obtained
plates were incubated for 48 h at 28 °C. Pure cultures of from the current study were further characterized using
bacterial isolates were obtained by streaking selected phenotypic tests commonly used to identify P. syringae
colonies onto sterile nutrient agar plates and incubated strains. The available LOPAT and GATTa phenotypic
for 48 h at 28 °C. Pure cultures were streaked onto profile from P. syringae reference strains including Pss
Kings B medium [20 g Difco proteose peptone No. 3 LMG 1247T, Psm1 LMG 2222, Psm2 CFBP 3800 and
(Merck), 15 ml glycerol, 1.5 g K2HPO4, 1.5 g MgSO4 x P. cerasi LMG 28609T was used for comparative
7H2O, 15 g agar and 1 L H2O] (King et al. 1954) and
incubated for 24 h at 28 °C. Strains where examined for
fluorescent pigment production under UV light (King
et al. 1954) and a Gram reaction was performed with
3%KOH (Suslow et al. 1982). All bacterial isolates were
tested for pathogenicity on bean pods (Phaseolus
vulgaris) as described by Latorre and Jones (1979)
followed by the testing of fluorescent Pseudomonas
isolates in triplicate on immature cherry fruit (suscepti-
ble cultivar ‘Bing’). Immature cherry fruit were surface
Fig. 1 Pathogenicity trials with Pseudomonas syringae pv.
sterilized with 70% ethanol and left to air dry. Twenty- syringae strains on Bing immature cherry fruit. All strains were
four hour-old cultures of the Pseudomonas strains were moderately pathogenic, causing between four and six millimetres
grown on King’s B medium and colonies were of tissue necrosis around inoculation site
430 Eur J Plant Pathol (2018) 151:427–438

Province, were subjected to MLSA analyses. Geno-

mic DNA of the bacterial strains was extracted using
the Zymo Research Quick gDNA™ MiniPrep DNA
extraction kit (Inqaba Biotech, South Africa). Purified
DNA was quantified using a NanoDrop 2000 (Thermo
Fischer Scientific, Waltham, Massachusetts, USA).
The DNA was stored at −20 °C for further analysis.
Four housekeeping genes including cts (citrate syn-
thase), rpoD (sigma factor), gyrB (DNA gyrase B) and
Fig. 2 Pathogenicity trials with Pseudomonas syringae pv. gapA (glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate) were amplified
syringae strains on Bing immature cherry fruit. No symptoms using primers designed by Hwang et al. (2005) and
developed on control fruit treated with sterile water
Sarkar and Guttman (2004) (Table 1). PCR amplifica-
tion was performed as previously described by Morris
purposes (Kałużna et al. 2010b, 2016a). LOPAT tests et al. (2008). All PCR products were visualized on 2%
including the production of levan (L), oxidase activity agarose gels at 90 V for 30 min, and purified by using
(O), pectolytic activity on potato slices (P), arginine ExoSAP PCR clean-up reagent as described by the
utilization (A) and production of a hypersensitive reac- manufacturer (Affymetrix, Santa Clara, CA, USA).
tion (HR) on tobacco (T) (Nicotiana tabacum) were Sequencing of the PCR amplification products was
determined for each bacterial strain as described by performed as described by Yan et al. (2008) by Inqaba
Lelliott et al. (1966). Utilization of carbon sources in- Biotechnology (Pretoria, South Africa). All partial
cluding erythritol, inositol, sorbitol, sucrose and manni- sequences of the P. syringae strains used for MLSA
tol was performed according to Young and Triggs analyses were deposited into the National Centre of
(1994). To differentiate between P. syringae pathovars Biotechnology Information (NCBI). GenBank data-
syringae and morsprunorum, GATTa tests were carried base, and accession numbers are available for four
out with all isolates and gelatine hydrolysis (G); aesculin DNA regions sequenced for each strain (Table 2).
hydrolysis (A); tyrosinase activity (T) and utilization of
tartaric acid (Ta) were measured as described by Phylogenetic analyses
Goszczynska et al. (2000).
For MLSA analyses, reference sequences of other
MLSA analyses P. syringae strains belonging to various pathovars and
PG’s were obtained from the Plant Associated and En-
31 bacterial isolates characterized as Pss by biochem- vironmental Microbes database (PAMDB) (Almeida
ical testing, all of which were isolated from three et al. 2010) and the NCBI database (https://www.ncbi.
farms (farm A, B and C) in the Western Cape for comparative purposes with the

Table 1 Multilocus sequencing analyses (MLSA) primers used in this study to amplify housekeeping genes from bacterial strains isolated
from cherry trees with symptoms of bacterial canker in South Africa

Primers Sequence Reference

cts-p 5′-GCCTCBTGCGAGTCGAAGATCACC −3’ Hwang et al. 2005

cts-s 5′-CGAAGATCACGG TGAACATGCTGG-3’ Hwang et al. 2005
gapA-p 5′-CCGGCSGARCTGCCSTGG-3’ Hwang et al. 2005
gapA-s 5′-TCGARTGCACSGGBCTSTTCACC-3’ Hwang et al. 2005
gyrB-p 5′-TCBGCRGCVGARGTSATCATGAC-3’ Hwang et al. 2005
gyrB-s 5′-TTGTCYTTGGTCTGSGAGCTGAA-3’ Hwang et al. 2005
rpoD-p 5′-AAGGCGARATCGAAATCGCCAAGCG-3’ Sarkar and Guttman 2004
rpoD-s 5′-GGAACWKGCGCAGGAAGTCGGCACG −3’ Sarkar and Guttman 2004
Eur J Plant Pathol (2018) 151:427–438 431

Table 2 GenBank accession numbers of the DNA sequences of cherry trees in three farms (farm A, B and C) located in the
four housekeeping genes amplified from Pseudomonas strains and Western Cape Province of South Africa
used for phylogenetic analysis of bacteria isolated from diseased

Location Strain number cts gapA gyrB rpoD

Farm A 132 KY594935 KY594967 KY594999 KY595031

154 KY594936 KY594968 KY595000 KY595032
166 KY594937 KY594969 KY595001 KY595033
168 KY594938 KY594970 KY595002 KY595034
181 KY594939 KY594971 KY595003 KY595035
Farm B 190 KY594940 KY594972 KY595004 KY595036
201 KY594941 KY594973 KY595005 KY595037
203 KY594942 KY594974 KY595006 KY595038
215 KY594943 KY594975 KY595007 KY595039
216 KY594944 KY594976 KY595008 KY595040
245 KY594945 KY594977 KY595009 KY595041
260 KY594946 KY594978 KY595010 KY595042
301 KY594947 KY594979 KY595011 KY595043
305 KY594948 KY594980 KY595012 KY595044
Farm C 38 KY594918 KY594950 KY594982 KY595014
41 KY594919 KY594951 KY594983 KY595015
42 KY594920 KY594952 KY594984 KY595016
48 KY594921 KY594953 KY594985 KY595017
52 KY594922 KY594954 KY594986 KY595018
53 KY594923 KY594955 KY594987 KY595019
56 KY594924 KY594956 KY594988 KY595020
66 KY594925 KY594957 KY594989 KY595021
68 KY594926 KY594958 KY594990 KY595022
72 KY594927 KY594959 KY594991 KY595023
78 KY594928 KY594960 KY594992 KY595024
81 KY594929 KY594961 KY594993 KY595025
82 KY594930 KY594962 KY594994 KY595026
83 KY594931 KY594963 KY594995 KY595027
101 KY594932 KY594964 KY594996 KY595028
126 KY594933 KY594965 KY594997 KY595029
127 KY594934 KY594966 KY594998 KY595030

bacterial strains obtained in the current study (Table 3). data set, to determine the best-fit evolutionary model to
The dataset was aligned using the MAFFT (Version 7) apply to each gene and the concatenated dataset. The
online alignment tool (Katoh and Standley 2013) and model score was evaluated with the hierarchical likeli-
trimmed at both ends using BioEdit Sequence Alignment hood ratio (hLRT) and the standard Akaike Information
Editor (Hall 1999). Partition-homogeneity tests were per- criterion (AIC). Neighbour-joining (NJ) trees were drawn
formed in PAUP 4.0b10 (Swofford 2002) to establish if for each gene and the concatenated data by using MEGA
the four genes could be combined to form a single (Version 6) and PhyML (Version 3.1) respectively. Boot-
concatenated data set. JModelTest (Posada 2008) was strap analysis with 1000 replicates was performed on all
applied to all four data sets, as well as the concatenated five trees to assess the reliability of the clusters generated.
432 Eur J Plant Pathol (2018) 151:427–438

Table 3 Pseudomonas reference strains used for multilocus se- (PAMDB) (Almeida et al. 2010) and from reference strains in
quence analysis (MLSA). All the sequences were obtained from the NCBI database (
the Plant Associated and Environmental Microbes database

Strain number Strain name Host Phylogroup Database

CFBP 3846PT Pseudomonas syringae pv. avii Prunus avium (cherry) 1 NCBI
CFBP 2212PT Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato Solanum lycopersicum (tomato) 1 PAMDB
CFBP 2351PT Pseudomonas syringae pv. morsprunorum Prunus domestica (plum) 1 NCBI
MAFF 302280 Pseudomonas syringae pv. morsprunorum Prunus domestia (plum) 1 NCBI
BPIC 631 T Pseudomonas avellanae Corylus avellana (hazel) 1 NCBI
LMG 3487 Pseudomonas syringae pv. avellanae Corylus avellana (hazel) 1 NCBI
HRI-W 7872 Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae Prunus domestica (plum cv. Opal) 2 NCBI
LMG 1247T Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae Syringa vulgaris (lilac) 2 PAMDB
58 T Pseudomonas cerasi Prunus avium (cherry) 2 NCBI
Cit7 Pseudomonas syringae Citrus sinensis (navel orange) 2 PAMDB
M301765 Pseudomonas syringae pv. glycinea Glycine max (soybean) 3 PAMDB
B076 Pseudomonas syringae pv. glycinea Glycine max (soybean) 3 NCBI
R4_A29–2 Pseudomonas syringae pv. glycinea Glycine max (soybean) 3 PAMDB
CFBP 5067 Pseudomonas syringae pv. nerii Nerium oleander (oleander) 3 NCBI
NCPPB 3335 Pseudomonas syringae pv. savastanoi Olea europea (olive tree) 3 NCBI
ATCC 11528 Pseudomonas syringae pv. tabaci Nicotiana tabacum (tobacco) 3 NCBI
6605 Pseudomonas syringae pv. tabaci Nicotiana tabacum (tobacco) 3 NCBI
CFBP 4389T Pseudomonas palleroniana Oryza sativa (rice) Outgroup NCBI
CFBP 2022T Pseudomonas salomonii Allium sativum (garlic) Outgroup NCBI
DSM18862 Pseudomonas azotoformans Oryza sativa (rice) Outgroup NCBI

Pathogenicity testing on P. avium shoots into each of the three upper internodes of two sep-
arate shoots on each tree. Each bacterial strain was
Pathogenicity trials on P. avium shoots were con- injected into three trees of each cultivar, resulting in
ducted as previously described by Latorre and Jones six replicates for each isolate. Control shoots were
(1979), Roos and Hattingh (1983) and Roos (1986). treated with sterilized water. All inoculated sites
The vegetative shoots on two-year-old cherry trees were covered with parafilm. Lesion lengths were
of three different cultivars (Bing, Giant Heidelfinger measured after four weeks. The identity of re-
and Stella) grown under field conditions were inoc- isolated bacterial isolates from branch cankers that
ulated with three pathogenic strains of Pseudomo- had formed was verified by oxidase, GATTa, and
nas, as established from the immature cherry fruit HR tests. The pathogenicity trial on the cherry trees
inoculations. The strains used were Pss 38, 190 and was conducted twice.
154 and were representative of three different farms
surveyed (farm A, B and C). Twenty-four hour-old Statistical analyses
cultures of the three P. syringae strains grown on
King’s B medium were suspended in sterile distilled The cherry tree inoculation data were analysed by
water and the concentration adjusted to approx. 108 one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). Mean sep-
CFU/ml (OD600 = 0.3). After surface sterilization of arations were performed by Tukey’s test using R
the vegetative shoots of seedlings, a 1–2 mm deep software to determine if there was a significant
hole was made into the vegetative shoots of seed- difference in pathogenicity between the respective
lings by puncturing the cortex and phloem using a P. syringae strains and susceptibility of different
sharp scalpel. A hypodermic syringe was then used cherry tree cultivars. Differences at p ≤ 0.01 were
to inject 10 μl of a standardized bacterial suspension considered significant.
Eur J Plant Pathol (2018) 151:427–438 433

Results was confirmed with GATTa tests as all strains could

liquefy gelatine (G), hydrolyse aesculin (A), but did
Surveillance and sampling not have tyrosinase (T) activity nor could they utilize
tartrate (Ta). Based on biochemical tests, 31 isolates
Trees showing symptoms characteristic of bacterial can- collected in this study represented Pss. The phenotyp-
ker were found on all the cherry farms surveyed. These ic profile of these strains was identical to the reference
symptoms included leaf spots, branch and stem cankers strain Pss LMG 1247T. Even though all reference
and die-back. No blossom blast or disease symptoms on strains had the same LOPAT profile, a difference in
cherry fruits were observed. The highest prevalence of the GATTa tests was noted. Psm1 LMG 2222 could
bacterial disease symptoms was in the Western Cape not liquefy gelatine (G) nor could it hydrolyse
with the most conspicuous symptom being branch can- aesculin (A). It could, however, show tyrosinase ac-
kers (Fig. 3). Cankers in all provinces were associated tivity (T) and could utilize tartrate (Ta). Psm2 CFBP
with gummosis except for one farm in the Free State 3800 could liquefy gelatine (G) but was negative for
where the cherry trees had dry cankers. The latter was the other GATTa tests. P. cerasi LMG 28609T was
occasionally associated with fungal fruiting bodies. similar to Pss LMG 1247T, but could not hydrolyse
Bacterial isolates (31) were obtained from only 5% of Aesculin (A).
620 samples that were collected and only from three
farms (farm A, B and C) in the Western Cape Province. MLSA analyses
The isolates were obtained from different plant parts and
from a variety of cultivars (Table 4). Based on the MLSA analyses, all 31 bacterial isolates
were confirmed to be Pss. The analyses shows the
Bacterial identification well-supported partitioning of P. syringae strains into
three phylogroups (PG) 1,2 and 3 as shown by Nowell
Phenotypic testing et al. 2016. The 31 isolates grouped into PG 2, specif-
ically with Pss B728A and Pss HRI-W7872 with
The 31 bacterial strains from the current study tested strong bootstrap support. There was no correlation
positive for levan production, gave a positive HR between the strains and host (cultivar, host origin or
reaction on tobacco and were negative for oxidase plant organ) but a correlation to geographic origin
and arginine dihydrolase and potato rot. This indicat- could be observed. The 31 strains formed two groups:
ed that they were all P. syringae. The carbon utiliza- fourteen identical isolates obtained from farm A and B
tion tests showed that they could utilize erythritol, grouped together (group 1), while 17 identical isolates
inositol, sorbitol, sucrose and mannitol, thus further obtained from farm C grouped together (group 2).
characterizing them as Pss (Young and Triggs 1994). Since the strains from each group (group 1 and group
The latter identification of the current strains as Pss 2) were identical, three reference strains from each
group (Pss 38, 82 and 83 from group 2 and Pss 56,
126 and 127 from group 1) were included in the
phylogenetic tree (Fig. 4).

Pathogenicity testing on P. avium shoots

Thirty days after inoculation, sunken, black lesions

developed from the inoculation site on succulent
shoots of cherry trees (Fig. 5). No symptoms devel-
oped on shoots treated with sterile water. There was a
significant difference (p ≤ 0.01) in pathogenicity be-
tween Pss 38, 190 and 154, the latter being more
pathogenic than the other two strains on the cultivar
Fig. 3 Cankers associated with gummosis, the most conspicuous Bing in both trials. There was a significant difference
symptom observed on cherry farms in the Western Cape Province in susceptibility of the three cherry tree cultivars to the
434 Eur J Plant Pathol (2018) 151:427–438

Table 4 Cherry tree cultivars

from which Pseudomonas Source of isolates
syringae pv. syringae was isolat-
ed. All isolates were obtained Sampling site Cultivar Leaves Stems Branches Number of isolates
from three sweet cherry farms
(farm A, B and C) located in the Farm A Royal Dawn 0 0 3 3
Western Cape Province Lapins 1 1 0 2
Subtotal 1 1 3 5
Farm B Bing 0 3 4 7
Royal Dawn 0 0 1 1
Van 0 1 0 1
Subtotal 0 4 5 9
Farm C Royal Dawn 1 0 2 3
Sweet heart 0 1 6 7
Star King 2 1 1 4
Stella 0 0 3 3
Subtotal 3 2 12 17
Total 4 7 20 31

Pss strains. The cultivar Bing was significantly more Discussion

resistant than the Giant Heidelfinger and Stella culti-
vars but there was no significant difference in suscep- Pseudomonas syringae is an economically important
tibility between Giant Heidelfinger and Stella cultivar pathogen of a wide range of crops including both stone
in both trials (Fig. 6). and pome fruit (Sholberg and Quamme 1999;

Fig. 4 Concatenated neighbour-

joining (NJ) phylogenetic tree
based on cts, gapA, gyrB and
rpoD gene sequences showing
three representative strains of the
14 strains isolated from farm A
and B (group1: Pseudomonas
syringae pv. syringae 38, 82 and
83) and three representative
strains from the 17 strains isolated
from farm C (group 2:
Pseudomonas syringae pv.
syringae 56, 154 and 190). All
strains group together with
Pseudomonas syringae pv.
syringae B728A and HRI-W7872
(Phylogroup 2)
Eur J Plant Pathol (2018) 151:427–438 435

years ago at a time when bacterial pathogens were

predominantly characterized by biochemical testing.
Thus, the present study served to identify
P. syringae associated with bacterial canker in cher-
ry production areas of South Africa using both bio-
chemical as well as modern molecular typing
methods. The failure in this study to detect Psm
was interesting. The reasons for this result are varied
Fig. 5 Pathogenicity trials with Pseudomonas syringae pv.
and may be due to the time of the year and differ-
syringae strains on Stella cherry tree shoots. Sunken, black lesions ences in cultivars planted in 1980’s compared to the
that developed from inoculation site could be observed on succu- current situation, and the modern technology now
lent shoots 30 days post-inoculation available to accurately identify bacteria.
The lack of any P. syringae isolates from the Free
Lamichhane et al. 2014). As a growing industry, cherry State, Gauteng and Mpumalanga could be attributed
farming in South Africa can ill-afford losses as a result to environmental factors, including the prevailing dry
of disease. The extreme drought and high temperatures environmental conditions at the time of sampling.
currently being experienced in South Africa, particularly Alternatively, it could mean that the cause of the
in the Western Cape, are exacerbating symptoms caused observed symptoms of bacterial canker was not due
by opportunistic pathogens, such as Pss. This has led to to P. syringae. Symptoms of bacterial canker can
an increased interest in the disease by the stone fruit tree resemble those caused by other pathogens such as:
industry. Leucostoma, Monilinia, Prunus necrotic ring spot
The last study of bacterial canker on cherry trees virus (PNRSV) or Blumeriella jaapii (Annesi et al.
in South Africa was conducted more than thirty 1997; Barakat and Johnson 1997; Casals et al. 2015;

Fig. 6 Difference in canker

length of cherry tree cultivars
30 days post-inoculation with
Pseudomonas syringae pv.
syringae strains. Pseudomonas
syringae pv. syringae 154 was
significantly more pathogenic
(p ≤ 0.01) on the Bing cultivar
than the other two strains and a
significant difference (p ≤ 0.01) in
cultivar susceptibility was also
observed, with Bing being the
most resistant in both experiments
436 Eur J Plant Pathol (2018) 151:427–438

Chandel et al. 2011). The difficulty in isolation of Pss has certainly changed in the 35 years since the last
(isolation success of 5%) corresponds to Vicente et al. survey conducted by Roos and Hattingh (1986). Not
(2004), who had an isolation success of 18%. It is only has the major cherry production areas shifted, but
speculated that the latter could possibly have been so have the predominant bacterial species responsible
due to the time of sampling. In the current study, it for canker symptoms on cherry trees and the cultivars
was probably due to the method of isolation that was planted. Roos and Hattingh (1986, 1987a) reported the
used. Crushing diseased woody tissue with a mortar prevalence of Psm1 in the Free State Province and
and pestle in a drop of sterile water followed by occurrence of Pss, Psm1 and Psm2 in the Western Cape.
streaking on to agar as performed by Balaž et al. The current study, however, showed only the presence
(2016) would probably have yielded a higher isolation of a homogenous Pss population in the Western Cape,
rate. which is becoming the major cherry producing region of
The MLSA provided an accurate approach for phy- South Africa. In the 1980s the cultivars BCorum^ and
logenetic affiliation of the 31 Pss which grouped into BEmperor Francis^ were well established (Roos and
two clades. The geographic separation between the Hattingh 1986) whereas today neither cultivar is grown
farms where the respective isolates were obtained might and new cultivars such as BBlack Star^ occur. Further
provide a reason for the existence of two separate groups studies are needed to clarify whether all symptoms
within the Pss strains from this study. Farm A and B are observed in this study are in fact as a result of bacterial
situated next to each other in an area which experiences canker, or if other causal agents are of importance. This
lower temperatures than farm C which is 22 km further is critical for implementing effective management and
away. Even though there are two separate groups within the fine-tuning management strategies to ensure higher
the Pss isolates, the analyses showed that the strains are production from cherry farming.
highly similar. This is interesting as it is known that Pss
is heterogenous (Abbasi et al. 2013; Kałużna et al.
2010a; Khayamie et al. 2009; Iličić et al. 2016), Acknowledgements The Horticultural Knowledge Group
(HORTGRO) and National Research Foundation (NRF) are ac-
attacking various hosts and is dispersed in several ways knowledged for funding this research. In addition, the cherry
including aerosols, water and aphids (Crosse 1966; farmers are acknowledged for access to their farms and informa-
Morris et al. 2008; Stavrinides et al. 2009). Similar tion provided.
results of homo-genetic isolates have, however, recently
been reported for Pss (Balaž et al. 2016), Psm1 and Compliance with ethical standards
P. cerasi (Kałużna et al. 2016b). The high level of
Conflict of interest The authors declare no conflict of interest.
identity of the strains shows that the Pss isolates evolved
in a specific association with the cherry trees or could Human participants and animal studies No humans or ani-
possibly be due to pathogen spread. It could, however, mals were involved in the execution of this research. All authors
also point out a common source of inoculum. The latter have consented to the submission of this manuscript to EJPP.
is probably the case for the South African Pss strains as
the cherry trees from which they were isolated were
obtained roughly at the same time from the same nurs-
ery. The spread of bacterial canker though nurseries has
been reported by several authors (Bultreys and Kaluzna
2010; Luz 1997; Vicente et al. 2004). Insight into the
populations structure of the current Pss strains provides Abbasi, V., Rahimian, H., & Tajick-Ghanbari, M. A. (2013).
Genetic variability of Iranian strains of Pseudomonas
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also be used for breeding and resistance to the pathogen, stone fruits. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 135,
which is currently considered to be the most effective 225–235.
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Elsevier Academic Press.
gy (Bassi 1999).
Ait Tayeb, L., Ageron, E., Grimont, F., & Grimont, P. A. (2005).
This study shows the current status with respect to Molecular phylogeny of the genus Pseudomonas based on
the prevalence of bacterial canker and the causal agent, rpoB sequences and application for the identification of
Pss, in cherry orchards in South Africa. The situation isolates. Research in Microbiology, 156, 763–773.
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