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Potential Magic Items - Wfu Campaign

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Potential Magic Items for HotDQ

Blessed Holy Symbol

Requires attunement.

Grants a cleric an additional Channel Divinity per rest

Elemental Transmutation Bow

Requires attunement.

This bow was created as an homage to Rillifane Rallathil and Solonor Thelandira. The bow has the ability
to magically transmute arrows into bolts of natural energy (acid, cold, fire, lightning, poison, or thunder).
Once per day at dawn (end of a long rest) the wielder can set the type of energy transmutation. The
type cannot be change until the next dawn.

Once per round as a free action, the archer can mentally charge one arrow on the draw (must declare
before rolling). If hit, the arrow’s piercing damage is changed to the designated energy type. A mundane
arrow that has been transmuted is considered magical for the purposes of overcoming DR. Transmuting
the arrow does not alter any other properties or abilities of an arrow.

Unlock: transmute multiple arrows in a round. PreReq: Lv 5 or better after a kill with transmuted bow

Kinetic armor
Requires attunement

The armor magically stores kinetic energy equal to 10% of amount of physical damage (not Psychic,
Poison, Necrotic, Thunder, or Radiant) you take over the course of the day. As a bonus action by
speaking the command word “Rumpo”, you can release the stored energy as a blast of light in a 5’
surrounding radius. Any other creatures in the blast take the stored energy as psychic damage and must
make a CON save vs your spell DC or be stunned for one round.

If you fall unconscious due to damage (0 hp), the armor triggers automatically as above and grants the
wearer temporary hit points equal to half the stored damage.

Any stored energy dissipates at the end of a long rest.

Kit of Sustenance
The kit consists of a jug, a dutch oven, and a serving spork. The jug has a stopper. Remove the stopper
and tap it with the spork while saying “victus” and and the jug will produce a gallon of water (fresh or
salt). The jug can produce up to 10 gallons of water per day. Place the lid on the dutch oven, tap it with
the spork while saying “victus” and it will produce a basic rations sufficient for a medium sized creature
for a day. The dutch oven can produce up to 10 rations per day. The kit recharges at the end of a long
Combat Bracelet
Requires attunement.

The bracelet normally appears to be a simple leather bracelet. Activating the device with the code word
"proelium" as a bonus action converts it to a gauntlet that magically makes the best use of your strength
and dexterity.

The gauntlet has retractable knuckle spikes for piercing damage and a small, retractable dagger-like
blade for slashing damage. You choose which feature to use when you activate the weapon and it is
bonus action to switch types

Knuckle Spike attack - Prof+ STR+DEX to attack, 2d4+STR+DEX+1 piercing

Blade attack - Prof+STR+DEX to attack, 2d4+STR+STR+1 slashing

Punch attack - Prof+STR+Dex to attack, 2d4+str+dex+1 bludg

Because the gauntlet magically hardens the leather and locks down your hand, wrist, and forearm, you
cannot use other weapons or shields with that hand while it is activated. That also means that an enemy
can't pull the gauntlet off you by most means while it is activated. The codeword deactivates the
gauntlet as a bonus action and the item transforms back into the bracelet.

Wand of Negotiations
Requires a full round action to cast and is concentration-based. A charge allows the user to use a
modified combination of Unseen Servant and Message as a proxy.

Changes to the spells:

The range is 1 mile and the duration is 1 hour. The caster can Activate, Suspend or Dismiss the Servant
as a bonus action during the 1 hour duration.

Activating the Servant allows the caster to see and hear thru the Servant, like a wizard's familiar (use
caster's stats/abilities for any checks related to sight or hearing). It also lets the caster speak thru the
Servant. Suspending stops the caster from being able to see, hear, and speak thru the Servant, but does
not dismiss it. The Servant glows brighter when Activated and is noticeably dimmed when Suspended.
Dismissing the servant ends the spell

The Servant speaks in the casters voice and the same level volume. While active, everything the caster
says is transmitted. The Servant is generally humanoid-shaped in the outline of the caster but it has no
discernible features. Physically the Servant has an AC10, 1 HP, STR 3, DEX 5, movement of 15’ and
cannot attack. Dropping to 0hp ends the spell.

The wand holds 3 charges. It regains 1d2 charges at dawn. If you expend all three charges, roll a d20. 1-5
results in the wand crumbling to ashes and it destroyed.

Muffled Plate
Your Plate mail has a minor enchantment. Once per day, speak the code words "experiri tacet" and it
increases your ability to move stealthily for 1 minute.

Roll stealth normally, not at disadvantage, during the duration of the effect. This is a spell-like effect.
Does not require attunement.

Level2 requires attunement – additionally, you gain the ability to cast Pass Without Trace once per day

Level2 Unlock Prereq - Lev5 or above, failed stealth check

Golden Stag Antler Shard

Requires attunment.

After spending an uninterrupted hour concentrating on the Shard, it transforms into the +1
weapon of your choice. Henceforth, you are able to summon the weapon to your hand so long
as you both are on the same plane of existence and neither is magically bound or blocked.

It requires 2 full rounds of uninterrupted concentration to summon the weapon. Typically this
requires standing still and mentally focusing on the weapon. Taking damage or making a saving
throw typically interrupts your concentration. Opponents may also attempt to verbally or
physically interrupt your concentration, which will require a Concentration check.

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