Facts:: Rose Bunagan-Bansig vs. Atty. Rogelio Juan A. Celera A.C. No. 5581. January 14, 2014. Per Curiam
Facts:: Rose Bunagan-Bansig vs. Atty. Rogelio Juan A. Celera A.C. No. 5581. January 14, 2014. Per Curiam
Facts:: Rose Bunagan-Bansig vs. Atty. Rogelio Juan A. Celera A.C. No. 5581. January 14, 2014. Per Curiam
Bansig, sister of Bunagan narrated that, respondent Considering respondent's propensity to disregard
and Grace Marie R. Bunagan, entered into a not only the laws of the land but also the lawful
contract of marriage. However, notwithstanding orders of the Court, it only shows him to be wanting
respondent’s marriage with Bunagan, respondent in moral character, honesty, probity and good
contracted another marriage with a certain Ma. demeanor. He is, thus, unworthy to continue as an
Cielo Paz Torres Alba, as evidenced by a certified officer of the court.
xerox copy of the certificate of marriage.
Bansig stressed that the marriage between grossly immoral conduct and willful
respondent and Bunagan was still valid and in full disobedience of lawful orders rendering him
legal existence when he contracted his second unworthy of continuing membership in the legal
marriage with Alba, and that the first marriage had profession. He is thus ordered DISBARRED
never been annulled or rendered void by any lawful from the practice of law and his name stricken
authority. of the Roll of Attorneys, effective immediately.
Bansig alleged that respondent’s act of contracting SOLIMAN M. SANTOS, JR. vs. ATTY.
marriage with Alba, while his marriage is still FRANCISCO R. LLAMAS
A.C No. 4749. January 20, 2000.
subsisting, constitutes grossly immoral and conduct
unbecoming of a member of the Bar, which renders
him unfit to continue his membership in the Bar. Facts:
Despite repeated summons and resolutions issued This is a complaint for misrepresentation and non-
by the Court, Atty. Celera failed to properly answer payment of bar membership dues filed against
the complaint. The complaint dragged on for over a respondent Atty. Francisco R. Llamas. In a letter-
decade. complaint to this Court dated February 8, 1997,
complainant Soliman M. Santos, Jr., himself a
Issue: member of the bar, alleged that Atty. Llamas, who
for a number of years now, has not indicated the
Whether respondent is still fit to continue to be an proper PTR and IBP OR Nos. and data in his
officer of the court in the dispensation of justice. pleadings. If at all, he only indicated IBP Rizal
259060 but he has been using this for at least 3
Ruling: years already. On the other hand, respondent, who
is now of age, averred that he is only engaged in a
For purposes of this disbarment proceeding, these limited practice of law and under RA 7432, as a
Marriage Certificates bearing the name of senior citizen, he is exempted from payment of
respondent are competent and convincing evidence income taxes and included in this exemption, is the
payment of membership dues.
to prove that he committed bigamy, which renders
him unfit to continue as a member of the Bar Issue:
The Code of Professional Responsibility provides: Whether or not the respondent has misled the court
about his standing in the IBP by using the same
Rule 1.01- A lawyer shall not engage in unlawful, IBP O.R. number in his pleadings of at least 6
dishonest, immoral or deceitful conduct. years and therefore liable for his actions.
Canon 7- A lawyer shall at all times uphold the Whether or not the respondent is exempt from
integrity and dignity of the legal profession, and paying his membership dues owing to limited
support the activities of the Integrated Bar. practice of law and for being a senior citizen.
Magdalena and Segundino got acquainted sometime
in October, 1970 at Cebu City. Magdalena was then a Ms. Ma. Theresa B. Espeleta, a staff member of the
medical technology student in the Cebu Institute of Supreme Court, called up the published telephone
Medicine while Segundino was a law student in the
San Jose Recoletos College. They became number and pretended to be an interested party.
sweethearts, on March 1971, Magdalena and She spoke to Mrs. Simbillo, who claimed that her
Segundino had sexual congress. Thereafter, they had husband, Atty. Rizalino Simbillo, was an expert in
repeated acts of cohabitation. Segundino started handling annulment cases and can guarantee a
telling his acquaintances that he and Magdalena were
court decree within four to six months, provided the
secretly married.
case will not involve separation of property or
In 1972 Segundino transferred his residence to custody of children. Mrs. Simbillo also said that her
Padada, Davao del Sur. He continued his studies to husband charges a fee of P48, 000.00, half of
Davao City. Magdalena discovered in January 1973 which is payable at the time of filing of the case and
the other half after a decision thereon has been encroachment on their practice, or dealing directly
rendered. with their clients.
Additional research by the Office of the Court There is no question that respondent committed the
Administrator and the Public Information Office acts complained of. He himself admitted that he
revealed that similar advertisements were caused the publication of the advertisements. The
published in the August 2 and 6, 2000 issues of the Court ruled that respondent RIZALINO T.
Manila Bulletin and August 5, 2000 issue of The SIMBILLO is found GUILTY of violation of Rules
Philippine Star. 2.03 and 3.01 of the Code of Professional
Responsibility and Rule 138, Section 27 of the
On September 1, 2000, Atty. Ismael G. Khan, Jr., in Rules of Court. Also, he is suspended from the
his capacity as Assistant Court Administrator and practice of law for one year.
Chief of the Public Information Office, filed an
administrative complaint against Atty. Rizalino T. LINSANGAN vs TOLENTINO
Simbillo for improper advertising and solicitation of A.C. No. 6672. September 4, 2009.
his legal services, in violation of Rule 2.03 and Rule CORONA, J.
3.01 of the Code of Professional Responsibility and
Rule 138, Section 27 of the Rules of Court.
A complaint for disbarment filed by Pedro
Respondent admitted the acts imputed to him, but
Linsangan of the Linsangan Linsangan &
argued that his acts for advertising and solicitation Linsangan Law Office against Atty. Nicomedes
are not prohibited acts. Tolentino for solicitation of clients and
encroachment of professional services.
Complainant alleged that respondent, with the help
Whether or not respondent’s act was a violation of of paralegal Fe Marie Labiano, convinced his
the Code of Professional Responsibility. clients to transfer legal representation. Respondent
promised them financial assistance and expeditious
RULING: collection on their claims. To induce them to hire
his services, he persistently called them and sent
Yes, Atty. Rizalino Simbillo violated Rule 2.03 and them text messages.
Rule 3.01 of the Code of Professional
Responsibility and Rule 138, Section 27 of the Respondent, in his defense, denied knowing
Rules of Court. Labiano and authorizing the printing and circulation
of the said calling card.
Also, practice of law is not a business. It is a
profession in which duty to public service, not
money, is the primary consideration. Lawyering is
not primarily meant to be a money-making venture, 1. Whether or not Atty. Nicomedes Tolentino
and law advocacy is not a capital that necessarily violated the Code of Professional Responsibility
yields profits. The gaining of a livelihood should be and Rule 138 of the Rules of Court.
a secondary consideration. The duty to public
service and to the administration of justice should RULING:
be the primary consideration of lawyers, who must
Yes. Lawyers are prohibited from soliciting cases
subordinate their personal interests or what they
for the purpose of gain, either personally or through
owe to themselves. The following elements paid agents or brokers. Such actuation constitutes
distinguish the legal profession from a business: malpractice, a ground for disbarment.
1. A duty of public service, of which the emolument Atty. Tolentino violated Rules 1.03, 2.03, and 16.04
is a by-product, and in which one may attain the of the Code of Professional Responsibility and
highest eminence without making much money; Section 27, Rule 138 of the Rules of Court.
Although Atty. Tolentino initially denied knowing
2. A relation as an officer of the court to the Labiano, he admitted he actually knew her later in
administration of justice involving thorough the proceedings. It is thus clear that Labiano was
sincerity, integrity and reliability; connected to his law office. Through Labiano’s
actions, Atty. Tolentino’s law practice was
3. A relation to clients in the highest degree of benefited.
Moreover, Atty. Tolentino violated Rule 8.02
4. A relation to colleagues at the bar characterized of the Code of Professional Responsibility. A
lawyer should not steal another lawyer’s client nor
by candor, fairness, and unwillingness to resort to
induce the latter to retain him by a promise of better
current business methods of advertising and service, good result or reduced fees for his
services. By recruiting Atty.Linsangan’s clients,
Atty. Tolentino committed an unethical, Rule 1.01 - A lawyer shall not engage in unlawful,
predatory overstep into another’s legal practice. dishonest, immoral or deceitful conduct.
The Court ruled that respondent Atty. Nicomedes CANON 7 - A lawyer shall at all times uphold the
Tolentino violated Rules 1.03, 2.03, 8.02 and 16.04 integrity and dignity of the legal profession, and
and Canon 3 of the Code of Professional support the activities of the Integrated Bar.
Responsibility and Section 27, Rule 138 of the Rule 7.03 - A lawyer shall not engage in conduct
Rules of Court and he was suspended from the that adversely reflects on his fitness to practice law,
practice of law for a period of one year. nor should he, whether in public or private life,
behave in a scandalous manner to the discredit of
the legal profession.
CASTILLO The Court found that Castillo’s show of repentance
A.C. No. 4921. March 6, 2003. and active service to the community is a just and
PER CURIAM reasonable ground to convert the original penalty of
indefinite suspension to a definite suspension of
Facts: two years. Furthermore, the Court noted that
Zaguirre’s further claim for the support of her child
Atty. Alfredo Castillo was already married with three should be addressed to the proper court in a proper
children when he had an affair with Carmelita case.
Zaguirre. This occurred sometime from 1996 to
1997, while Castillo was reviewing for the bar and FEDERICO N. RAMOS vs. ATTY. PATRICIO A.
before the release of its results. Zaguirre then got NGASEO
pregnant allegedly with Castillo’s daughter. The A.C. No. 6210. December 9, 2004.
latter, who was already a lawyer, notarized an YNARES-SANTIAGO, J.
affidavit recognizing the child and promising for her
support which did not materialize after the birth of Facts:
the child. The Court found him guilty of Gross
Immoral Conduct to which Castillo filed a motion for This is a complaint for suspension of respondent Atty.
reconsideration. Patricio A. Ngaseo for violation of the Code of
Professional Responsibility and Article 1491 of the
The IBP commented that until Castillo admits the Civil Code by demanding from his client, complainant
paternity of the child and agrees to support her. In Federico N. Ramos, the delivery of 1,000 square
his defense, the latter presented different meters of land, a litigated property, as payment for his
appearance fees.
certificates appreciating his services as a lawyer
and proving his good moral character. His wife
Sometime in 1998, complainant Federico Ramos
even submitted a handwritten letter stating his went to respondent Atty. Patricio Ngaseo’s Makati
amicability as a husband and father despite the office to engage his services as counsel in a case
affair. More than a year since the original decision involving a piece of land in San Carlos, Pangasinan.
rendered by the Court, Castillo reiterated his Respondent agreed to handle the case for an
willingness to support the child to the Court and acceptance fee of P20, 000.00, appearance fee of P1,
attached a photocopy of post-dated checks 000.00 per hearing and the cost of meals,
addressed to Zaguirre for the months of March to transportation and other incidental expenses.
December 2005 in the amount of Php 2,000.00 Complainant alleges that he did not promise to pay
each. the respondent 1,000 sq. m. of land as appearance
On September 16, 1999, complainant went to the
Whether or not Atty. Alfredo Castillo is guilty of respondent’s office to inquire about the status of the
gross immoral conduct, making him punishable of case. Respondent informed him that the decision was
Indefinite Suspension. adverse to them because a congressman exerted
pressure upon the trial judge. Respondent however
Ruling: assured him that they could still appeal the adverse
judgment and asked for the additional amount of P3,
850.00 and another P2, 000.00 on September 26,
2000 as allowance for research made.
Yes. The Supreme Court ruled that the respondent,
Atty. Alfredo Castillo, is guilty of gross immoral
Although an appeal was filed, complainant however
conduct and should be punished with the penalty of charges the respondent of purposely failing to submit
Indefinite Suspension. The attempt of respondent a copy of the summons and copy of the assailed
to renege on his notarized statement recognizing decision. Subsequently, complainant learned that the
and undertaking to support his child by Carmelita respondent filed the notice of appeal 3 days after the
demonstrates a certain unscrupulousness on his lapse of the reglementary period.
part which is highly censurable, unbecoming a
member of a noble profession, tantamount to self- On January 29, 2003, complainant received a
stultification. demand-letter from the respondent asking for the
delivery of the 1,000 sq. m. piece of land which he
The Code of Professional Responsibility provides: allegedly promised as payment for respondent’s
appearance fee.
The family of the complainant and that of the
Respondent further contends that he can collect the respondent were very close and intimate with each
unpaid appearance fee even without a written other. Complainant, as well as two of her sisters, had
contract on the basis of the principle of quantum served respondents family as household helpers for
meruit. He claims that his acceptance and many years when they were still in Manila. Grupo also
appearance fees are reasonable because a Makati stated that the basis of his rendering legal services
based legal practitioner, would not handle a case for was purely gratuitous or “an act of a friend for a
an acceptance fee of only P20,000.00 and P1,000.00 friend” with “consideration involved.” He concluded
per court appearance. that there was no atty-client relationship existing
between them.
Rrespondent Atty. Patricio A. Ngaseo is found Yes. There was an attorney-client relationship
guilty of conduct unbecoming a member of the between Junio and Grupo. A lawyer shall not borrow
legal profession in violation of Rule 20.04 of money from his client unless the client’s interests are
Canon 20 of the Code of Professional fully protected by the nature of the case or by
Responsibility. He is REPRIMANDED with a independent advice (Rule 16.04, Code of Professional
warning that repetition of the same act will be Responsibility).This rule is intended to prevent the
dealt with more severely. lawyer from taking advantage of his influence over the
ROSARIO JUNIO vs ATTY. SALVADOR M. GRUPO Having gained dominance over Junio by virtue of
A.C. No. 5020. December 18, 2001 such long relation of master and servant, Grupo took
MENDOZA, J. advantage of his influence by not returning the
money. Grupo has committed an act which falls short
of the standard conduct of an attorney. If an ordinary
Facts: borrower of money is required by law to repay his
loan, it is more so in the case of a lawyer whose
This is a complaint for disbarment filed against conduct serves as an example.
Atty. Salvador M. Grupo for malpractice and gross
misconduct. WHEREFORE, the Court finds petitioner guilty of
violation of Rule 16.04 of the Code of Professional
Rosario N. Junio alleged that sometime in 1995, she Responsibility and orders him suspended from
engaged the services of Atty. Grupo for the the practice of law for a period of one (1) month
redemption of a parcel of land covered by Transfer and to pay to respondent, within 30 days from
Certificate of Title No. 20394 registered in the name notice, the amount of P25,000.00 with interest at
of her parents, spouses Rogelio and Rufina Nietes, the legal rate, computed from December 12,1996.
and located at Concepcion, Loay, Bohol.
In Re: Atty. David Briones
On 21 August 1995, Junio entrusted to respondent A.C. No. 5486. August 15, 2001
the amount of P25,000.00 in cash to be used in the PUNO, J.
redemption of the aforesaid property.