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Chapter 2. Spatially Varied Flow (SVF) PDF

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The key takeaways are that spatially varied flows (SVF) represent gradually varied flows with non-uniform discharge along the channel length due to lateral inflows or outflows. SVF can be classified into those with increasing or decreasing discharge. Common examples of SVF with increasing discharge include side channel spillways and roof gutters.

Spatially varied flows (SVF) represent gradually varied flows with non-uniform discharge along the channel length due to lateral additions or withdrawals. SVF can be classified into two categories: those with increasing discharge and those with decreasing discharge. Common examples of SVF with increasing discharge include side channel spillways, wash-water troughs, roof gutters, and highway gutters.

In deriving the differential equation, the following assumptions are made: the pressure distribution is hydrostatic, one-dimensional flow analysis is used, friction losses are represented by Manning's equation, the effect of air entrainment is neglected, lateral flow does not contribute longitudinal momentum, and the flow and channel are steady and prismatic with small slope respectively.



2.1. Introduction
A steady spatially varied flow represents a gradually-varied flow with non-uniform
discharge. The discharge varies along the length of the channel due to lateral addition or
For examples: side channel spillways, side weirs, channel with permeable boundaries,
gutters for conveying storm water, drop structures in bottom of channels.

side channel spillways Lateral outflow and surface velocity profiles

Roof gutter

gutters for conveying storm water

Thus, spatially varied flow (SVF) can be classified in two categories:

(i) SVF with increasing discharge
(ii) SVF with decreasing discharge

2.2. SVF with increasing discharge
SVF with increasing discharge finds considerable practical applications. Flow in side
channel spillway, wash-water troughs in filter plants, roof gutter, highway gutters are some
typical instances. The lateral flow enters the channel normal to the channel flow direction
causing considerable turbulence. It is difficult to assess the net energy imparted to the flow
and as such the energy equation is not of much use in developing the equation of motion.
2.2.1 Differential Equation of SVF with Increasing Discharges
In applying the momentum equation, the following assumptions are made:
1. The pressure distribution is assumed to be hydrostatic. This amounts to assuming the
water surface curvatures to be moderate.
2. The one-dimensional method of analysis is adopted. The momentum correction factor
 is used to adequately represent the effect of non-uniformity of velocity distribution.
3. The friction losses in SVF are assumed to be adequately represented by a uniform
flow resistance equation, such as Manning’s formula.
4. The effect of air entrainment on forces involved in the momentum equation is
5. It is assumed that the lateral flow does not contribute any momentum in the
longitudinal direction.
6. The flow is considered to be steady
7. The channel is prismatic and is of small slope.

Figure 2.1 Definition sketch of SVF with lateral inflow

Consider a CV formed by two sections 1 and 2, distance x apart, as shown in above

figure. Applying the momentum equation in the longitudinal x direction.

M2 – M1 = P1 – P2 + Wsin - Ff (1-1)
or M = - P + Wsin - Ff (1-1a)
in which M = momentum flux = Q2/A
P = pressure force = Ah

where h = depth of the center of gravity of the flow cross-section from the water
surface; Wsin = component of the weight of the CV in x direction and Ff = frictional force =
dividing eq.(1.1a) by x and taking limits as x  0,
dM dP
  AS0  AS f (2-2)
dx dx
In this:
dM  2Q dQ Q 2 dA 
(i)    2 

dx  A dx A dx 

 2Q Q 2T dh 
  q* 2 
 A A dx 

Where q* = dQ/dx = discharge per unit length entering the channel

dP  dh dA 
(ii)    A h 
dx  dx dx 

By taking moments of the areas about the new water surface after a small change dh in

Figure 2.2 Definition sketch

 
A h  dh  dA

  A  dA h  d h 
Adh   hdA  Ad h  dAd h
By neglecting second-order small quantities:
Ad h  hdA  Adh
dP dh
Thus  A
dx dx
Hence, eq. (2.2) simplifies to
2Qq* Q 2T dh
 

 S0  S f 
gA2 gA3 dx dx

 2Qq* 
S 0  S f   
dh  gA2 
or  (2-3)
dx Q 2T
1 
equation (2-3) is the basic differential equation governing the motion in SVF with
increasing discharge.
In general, q* is function of x. However, in lateral spillway channel q* is constant.
In view of the high non-uniform velocity distribution in the channel cross-section, it is
necessary to use proper value of momentum correction factor . In lateral spillway channel,
value of  as high as 1.60 are not uncommon. It may be note that if  = 1.0 and q* = 0, eq.(2-
3) will be the same that of the differential equation of GVF.
Eq. (2-3) is a non-linear equation and is more complex than GVF equation. A numerical
solution of the equation is feasible.
Starting from a section where the flow properties are known (such as control section),
the water surface profile can be computed.

2.2.2 Control point

If the flow is subcritical everywhere in the channel, the control of profile will be located
at the downstream end of the channel. However, for all flow situations other than above, the
determination of the control point is a necessary to start the computations.
In SVF with increasing discharges, the CDL is not a straight line parallel to the bed as in
GVF but is a curve line.
Depending on the combination of the bottom slope, channel roughness and channel
geometry, the critical depth of SVF can occur at a location somewhere between the ends of
channel, giving rise to a profile which may be subcritical during the first part and supercritical
in the subsequent part of the channel.
A method of calculation of critical depth based on transitional profile suggested by
Smith is described below:
Consider eq.(2-3) written as:
Sf 2Qq*
1 
dh S 0 gA2 S 0
 S0 (2-4)
dx Q 2T
1 

Defining Q  K S f = actual discharge

Qn  K S0 = normal discharge in the channel at a depth h

Qc  = critical discharge modified by .
Equation (2-4) reduces to:

K 2Q 2 Q 2  2K 2 q* 
1  2  
dh K 2Qn
Qn  gA2Q 
 S0 2
dx Q
1   
 Qc 
 Q   2K 2 q* 
1    1  
dh  Qn   gA2Q 
 S0 2
dx Q
1   
 Qc 
Redefining Qn1 = modified normal discharge
Qn1 
2K 2 q*
gA2 Q

Equation (2-5) is simplified as:

 Q 
1   
dh  Qn1 
 S0 2
dx Q
1   
 Qc 
1   
dh  Qn 
Equation (2-5a) is of the same form as equation  S0 2
of GVF.
dx Q
1   
 Qc 
The location of the transitional profile at given x would be determined by condition
Qn1 = Qc. The intersection of the transitional profile with the CDL will satisfy the condition
Q = Qn1 = Qc and hence would locate control point, i.e. the section at which the actual flow
would pass at critical depth.
At transitional depth Qn1 = Qc
Qn gA3
i.e. 
2K 2 q* T
gA2 Q

2K 2 q* Qn2T
or  3 1 (2-6)
gA2 Q Ag

Substituting Qn  K S0 and simplifying

q* 1  S 0T gA2 
    (2-7)
Q 2  A K 2 
Which is the equation of the transitional profile for SVF with increasing discharge.
In general SVF with increasing discharge,


Q  Qi  q*dx

Where Qi = channel discharge at x = 0. For lateral spillway channel Qi = 0, and q* =

const, i.e Q = q*x which simplifies eq.(2-7) to
1 1  S 0T gA2 
    (2-8)
xt 2  A K 2 
The suffix “t” denoting the transitional profile. It is interesting to note that in an SVF
due to side channel spillway, the transitional profile is independent of the rate of lateral
To locate control point, the CDL is first calculated and plotted to scale (as shown in
below figure). Note that the CDL for SVF with increasing discharge is to be calculated by
using the relationship Qc  . The transitional profile is to be calculated by eq.(2-7) and
plotted on the same figure and the intersection of the CDL with the transitional profile gives
the location of the control section at which the actual flow passes as a critical depth.

Figure 2.3 Determination of control section through transitional profile

Example 1
A lateral spillway channel is trapezoidal in section with B = 5.0 m, m = 1 and n = 0.015.
The bed slope is 0.10. Find the location of the control point and the critical depth for a lateral
discharge rate of (a) q* = 3.0 m3/s.m; (b) q* = 2.0 m3/s.m; assume  = 1.25.
The computations necessary to plot the CDL and transitional profile are done in tabular
form in below table. Various depth values are assumed and xt and xc the longitudinal
coordinates of the transitional profile and CDL respectively, are calculated by using ea.(2-8)
and xc  where Qc  gA3 / T

Transitional profile and the CDL for given q* are plotted and control point is determined
by the intersection of these two lines as:
q* = 3.0 m3/s.m hc = 4.0 m xc = 56.0 m
q* = 2.0 m3/s.m hc = 2.65 m xc = 40.0 m
h A T Qc P R K 1/xt xt xc = Qc/q*
Qc 
(m) (m 2 ) (m) T (m) (m) m 3 /s eq.(2.8) (m) q * = 3.0 q * = 2.0
1,0 6,00 7,0 15,56 7,828 0,7664 335 0,05707 17,52 5,19 7,78
1,5 9,75 8,0 30,15 9,243 1,0549 674 0,04020 24,87 10,05 15,08
2,0 14,00 9,0 48,92 10,657 1,3137 1120 0,03153 31,72 16,31 24,46
2,5 18,75 10,0 71,93 12,071 1,5533 1677 0,02618 38,20 23,98 35,96
3,0 24,00 11,0 99,31 13,485 1,7797 2350 0,02251 44,43 33,10 49,66
3,5 29,75 12,0 131,23 14,899 1,9967 3145 0,01982 50,46 43,74 65,61
4,0 36,00 13,0 167,83 16,314 2,2067 4068 0,01775 56,34 55,94 83,91
4,5 42,75 14,0 209,28 17,728 2,4115 5125 0,01610 62,11 69,76 104,64
5,0 50,00 15,0 255,73 19,142 2,6120 6322 0,01475 67,78 85,24 127,87
5,5 57,75 16,0 307,36 20,556 2,8094 7665 0,01363 73,37 102,45 153,68
6,0 66,00 17,0 364,31 21,971 3,0040 9161 0,01268 78,89 121,44 182,15
2,65 20,2725 10,3 79,674959 12,4953319 1,62240589 1866,046 0,02494075 40,095 26,5583197 39,8374795

2.3. SVF with decreasing discharges

- SVF with decreasing discharges occurs in variety of field situations, typical examples
being side weirs, bottom racks and siphon tube irrigation systems.
- The abstraction of water from a canal by using the above means is normally achieved
in such a manner as to cause minimum obstruction and with consequent little energy losses in
the parent channel.
- It is usually to assume that energy loss due to diversion of water is zero and the energy
equation is used to derive the basic equation of motion.
2.3.1. Differential equation for SVF with decreasing discharge
a. The assumptions are made:
- The pressure distribution is hydrostatic;
- The one-dimensional method of analysis is used (the energy-correction factor α is used
to adequately represent the no-uniformity of velocity distribution);
- The friction losses are adequately represented by Manning’s equation;
- Withdrawal of water does not affect the energy content per unit mass of water in the
- The flow is steady;
- The channel is prismatic and is of small slope.
b. The derivation of differential equation for SVF with decreasing discharges
Consider the total energy at section x:
V 2
H Z h (2.9)

Differentiating this with respect to x

dH dZ dh d  V 2 
     (2.10)
dx dx dx dx  2 g 

dH dZ
In which:   S f and  S0
dx dx

d  V 2  d  Q 2    2Q dQ 2Q 2 dA dh 
      3 
dx  2 g  dx  2 gA2  2 g  A2 dx A dh dx 

dA dQ
 T and  q*
dh dx
Equation (2.10) simplifies to
S0  S f 
dh gA2
 (2.11)
dx Q 2T

Equation (2.11) is the basic differential equation governing the motion of SVF with
decreasing discharges.
Note the difference between eq. 2.11 and eq. 2.3:
- When q* = 0, eq. 2.11 will be the same differential equation of GVF; unlikely the SVF
with increasing discharges, in this case q* is not externally controlled but will be implicitly
governed by the flow conditions.
c. Computations
- The determination of the critical-flow control point in the SVF with decreasing
discharge is difficult as q* is not explicitly known. Normally, SVF with lateral out flow occurs
in a relatively small portion of length of canals and the upstream or downstream depth,
depending upon the flow, is known through the characteristics of the outflow structure and
main channel, this forms, the starting point for the SVF computations.
- It is necessary to establish a relationship for q* as a function of the relevant flow
conditions. The SVF profile is then computed by using a numerical procedure. The method if
approach depends upon the understanding of the particular flow phenomenon.
- A few specific examples of flow situation where SVF with lateral outflow occurs are
described below.
2.4. Side weir
2.4.1 General concepts

A side weir, also known as a lateral

weir, is a free-overflow set into the side of a
channel, which allows a part of the liquid to
spill over the side when the surface of the
flow in channel rises above the weir crest.
Side weirs are extensively used as a
means of diverting excess storm water from
urban drainage system and as water level
control devices in flood control works.
In irrigation engineering, side weirs of
broad crest are used as head regulators of
distributaries and escapes. Lateral outflow and surface velocity profiles

Definition of Sketch of side weir flow
- The above figure is a definition of the flow over a side weir. Side weirs are usually
short structures with L/B  3.
- The longitudinal water surface should increase in the downstream direction when the
main channel flow is subcritical throughout.
- The water profile would be a decreasing curve for supercritical flow in the channel.
- The possible flow profiles can be broadly classified into the following three
Type 1: the channel is on mild slope and the weir heights s > hc1 where hc1 is the critical depth
corresponding to the incoming discharge Q1 at section 1 (fig. a). At the downstream end the
normal depth corresponding to discharge Q2 will prevail. Thus h2 = ht, the tail depth. At the
section 1, the depth h1 will be such that hc1 < h1 < h0, where h0 = normal depth for Q0 = Q1.
Along the weir the depth increases from h1 to h2. Upstream of section 1 will be an M2 curve
from h0 to h1. The control for the SVF will be the downstream depth h2 = ht.

Type 2: The channel is on mild slope (h0 > hc1) and with s < hc1 (fig.b). If the weir is long,
flows below critical depth are possible. At the upstream end of weir, the depth h1 can be
considered to be equal to hc1. At the downstream end the depth h2 will rise to the tailwater
depth ht through a jump. Depending upon the tailwater depth, the jump can also advance into
the weir portion. The control point for this type 2 profile is at section 1.
Type 3: The channel is on steep slope (h0 < hc1) and with s < hc1 (fig.c). The upstream depth
h1 = h0 decreasing depth water profile will start from Section 1. At section 2 the depth reaches
a minimum value and in the downstream channel the water surface rises through an S 2 curve
to meet the tailwater depth ht. The control for this profile is h1 = h0 at section 1.

2.4.2 De Marchi Equation for side weirs

Referring to the definition of sketch of side weir, to derive an equation to side weir
flow, the following assumptions are made:
- The channel is rectangular and prismatic;
- The side weir is short length and the specific energy is taken to be constant between
section 1 and 2. This is equivalent to assuming (S0 = Sf) = 0 or (S0 = 0 and Sf = 0).
Experimental studies have shown that this is a reasonable assumption.
- The side weir is assumed to be sharp-edged weir;
- Kinetic energy correction factor α is taken as unity.
The SVF differential equation (2.11) with above assumptions would become:
 dQ 
Q   / gB h
2 2
  dx 
dx Q2
1 3 2
gh B

 dQ 
Qh  
  dx 
dx gh3 B 2  Q 2

The outflow rate = discharge over the side weir per unit length
 dQ  2
=    CM 2 g h  s 
3/ 2
 dx  3
In which CM = a discharge coefficient known as the De Marchi coefficient. Also, since
the specific energy E is assumed to be constant, the discharge in the channel at any cross-
section is given by:
Q  Bh 2 g ( E  h) (2.14)
From eq. 2.12, 2.13 and 2.14:

dh 4 CM E  hE  h3
 (2.15)
dx 3 B 3h  2 E
Assuming that CM is independent of x, on integration,

M h, E , s   const
x (2.16)

In which
2 E  3s Eh Eh
M h, E, s    3 sin 1
Es hs Es
Equation 2.16 is known as the De Marchi equation and the function M h, E, s  is known
as the De Marchi varied flow function. Applying eq. 2.16 to section 1 and 2:

x2  x1  L 
M 2  M 1  (2.17)

Knowing L, s and (Q and h) at either 2 or 1, the discharge over side weir Qs can be
computed by eq. 2.17 and by the continuity equation
Qs = Q1 – Q2 (2.18)
De Marchi coefficient CM
- In subcritical approaching flow: the major flow parameter affecting CM is the
Froude number of the approaching flow:

CM  0,611 1 
Fr12  2  (2.19)

Where Fr1  and equation 2.19 can be simplified as:

1  Fr12
CM  0,864 (2.20)
2  Fr12

- In supercritical approaching flow: the effect of approach Froude number is

insignificant and the variation of CM for Fr1 > 2 is obtained as:
CM  0,36  0,008Fr1 (2.21)
2.4.3 Computations
The design of a side weir or calculation of the side weir discharge can be accomplished
by use of appropriate eq. 2.17 through 2.21 along with the selection of the proper control
depth. In using De Marchi equation since it is assumed that Sf = S0 = 0, the controls would be
h1 = h0 for flow type 1 and type 3. However, for type 2 flows, the coefficient C M is calculated
by taking F1 = F0 and for calculations of discharge and depth profile the depth at section 1 is
assumed as h1 = hc1. The downstream depth h2, in all types of flows, be determined by the

condition of constancy of specific energy (E = constant). It is apparent that iterative
procedures have to be adopted in the calculation of Qs or L.
Example 1
A rectangular channel, b = 2.0 m, n = 0.014, is laid on as slope S0 = 0.001. A side weir
is required at a section such that it comes into operation when the discharge is 0.6 m 3/s and
divers 0.15 m3/s when the canal discharge us 0.9 m3/s. Design the elements of the side weir.
The normal depths at the two discharges are found by referring to the following table:
Applying the Chezy’s equation:
 bh0 
Q  A.V  bh0  R 2 / 3 S 01/ 2  bh0 
1 1
 S 01/ 2
n n  b  2h0 
2/3 2/3
Qn  bh0   2h0 
 bh0    2h0  
 b  2h0   2  2h0 
1/ 2

By using trial and error method, the normal depth can be obtained for each case:
For Q = 0.6 m3/s => h0 = 0.33 m
For Q = 0.9 m3/s => h0 = 0.44 m
- The height of weir crest: s = 0.33 m
- For discharge of 0.9 m /s:
1/ 3 1/ 3
 Q2   0.9 2 
The critical depth hc1   2    2 
  0.274 m
b g   2 9.81 
Because s > hc1 and h0 = 0.45 m > hc1 => the flow is of type 1
By using the De Marchi equation: h1 = h0 = 0.45 m
Q1 0.9 V1 1
V1    1,023m / s Fr1    0.4924
bh1 2  0.45 gh1 9.81 0.45

V12 1.0232
Specific energy E1  h1   0.44   0.4933m  E2
2g 2  9.81
Discharge over the side weir Qs = 0.15 m3/s => Discharge at the end of the weir:
Q2 = 0.90 – 0.15 = 0.75 m3/s
V22 Q22
At section 2, E2  h2   h2   E1
2 g bh2 

h2   0.4933
2  9.812  h2 

By using trial and error method, finding the depth at the section 2: h2 = 0.46 m
Q2 0.75 V2 0.815
V2    0.815m / s Fr2    0.384
bh2 2  0.46 gh2 9.81 0.46

De Marchi’s function:

2 E  3s Eh Eh
M h, E , s    3 sin 1
Es hs Es
2 E  3s 2  0.4933 3  0.33
  0.02082
Es 0.4933 0.33
0.4933 0.44 0.4933 0.44
M 1  0.02082  3 sin 1  1.840
0.44  0.33 0.4933 0.33

0.4933 0.46 0.4933 0.46

M 2  0.02082  3 sin 1  1.416
0.46  0.33 0.4933 0.33
Calculating the De Marchi Coefficient: from eq. (2.19):
3  0.49242
CM  0,611 1   0.502
0.49242  2 
From eq. (2.17): L 
M 2  M 1   3  2  1.416  (1.840)  2.534m
2CM 2  0.502

Answer: elements of side weir: s = 0.33 m; L = 2.534 m.

Example 2:
In the example 1, if the length of side weir provided is 4.20 m with s = 0.33 m. Find the
discharge over the side weir and the depth at section 2.
CM = 0.502 E1 = E2 = 0.4933
h1 = 0.44 m and M1 = -1.840
From eq. (2.17):
3 2
4.20  M 2  (1.840)  M 2  1.1372
2  0.502
By the trial and error method, the depth at the end of the weir h2 = 0.471 m.
The discharge at the end of the side weir Q2:
Q2  Bh2 2 g ( E  h2 )  2  0.471 2  9.81 0.4933 0.471  0.623m3 / s

The discharge over the side weir Qs = Q1 - Q2 = 0.900 – 0.623 = 0.277 m3/s

2.1. Show that the following equation is applicable to a control section where critical depth
occurs in a frictionless lateral spillway channel:
S 02 gAcTc
2.2. A side spillway channel is 100 m long and is rectangular in cross-section with b = 5 m, n
= 0.020,  = 1.30 and S0 = 0.15. If the lateral inflow rate is 1.75 m3/s.m, find the critical depth
and its location.
Answer: hc = 3.14 m xc = 43.7 m

2.3. A lateral spillway channel is trapezoidal in cross-section with b = 10.0 m, side slope m =
0.5, and Manning’s roughness n = 0.018. The bed slope is 0.08. If the lateral inflow rate is 2.5
m3/s.m length, find the critical depth and its location. Assume  = 1.20.
Answer: hc = 3.30 m xc = 74.75 m
2.4. A 3.0 m wide rectangular channel can carry a discharge of 3.6 m3/s at a normal depth of
1.20 m. Design a side weir so that it will pass all the flow in the canal when the discharge is
2.0 m3/s and will divert 0.6 m3/s when canal discharge is 3.6 m3/s.
Answer: L = 1.353 m s = 0.79 m
2.5. A rectangular canal of 2.0 m width carries a flow with a velocity of 8.75 m/s and depth of
1.25 m. A side weir of height 0.75 m and length 1.20 m is provided in one of it walls. Find the
quantity of flow diverted by the side weir.
Answer: Qs = 0.206 m3/s
2.6. A rectangular channel is 2.0 m wide and carries a flow of 3.0 m3/s at a Froude number of
0.3. A uniformly discharging side weir having contouring on the sides only is set at a height
of 0.4 m above the bed with it crest horizontal. If the length of the side weir is 1.80 m,
estimate the total flow diverted by side weir.
Answer: Qs = 0.206 m3/s


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