Summative Assessment PDF
Summative Assessment PDF
Summative Assessment PDF
Statement of Inquiry: Revolutions are turning points in human history when conditions cause
people to rise up and seek a fundamental change in society.
• Choose one of the revolutions above
• Formulate a research question related to the revolution and our statement of inquiry
• Create an action plan for your investigation
• Investigate your research question, keeping all research in your research journal
• Present your findings in newspaper format, which must include:
All aspects listed above must be written as if you were publishing this
newspaper at the time of the revolution. They should present the causes
from the point of view of the revolutionaries, and written in first person
The student: Through your articles and manifesto, you provide accurate
descriptions and explanations of the causes of the revolution
ii:demonstrates substantial knowledge and and the concept of change
5-6 understanding of content and concepts
through accurate descriptions, explanations and
The student: Through your articles and manifesto, you provide thorough
and accurate descriptions and explanations of the causes of
ii: demonstrates excellent knowledge and the revolution and the concept of change.
understanding of content and concepts
7-8 through thorough, accurate descriptions,
explanations and examples.
Criterion B: Investigating
The student:
• Question description is too simple, irrelevant or
i: formulates a research question that is unclear.
clear or focused and describes its relevance • Plan is superficial, unclear or too simple. Missing
ii: formulates a limited action plan to investigate a aspects of the investigation.
research question or does not follow a plan • Limited information found from limited sources
iii: collects and records limited information, not always (some
1-2 consistent with the research question • information is off-topic).
iv: makes a limited evaluation of the process and
results of the investigation.
The student:
i: formulates a research question that • Question is relevant but easily answered /too basic.
is clear and focused and describes its relevance in Its relevance is described.
detail • Plan is somewhat followed. Starts to outline what
ii: formulates and somewhat follows a partial action needs to be done at each step but needs more detail.
3-4 plan to investigate a research question • Some information found from just one type of source.
iii: uses a research method(s) to collect and Recording method is somewhat clear.
record mostly relevant information. • Answers most parts of the research question with
some evidence, examples and detail.
The student:
The student:
i: formulates a clear and focused research Clear and concise research question that is focused and
question, thoroughly justifying its relevance with thoroughly justified
7-8 appropriate evidence Plan is well-structured and clear, includes all steps of
ii: formulates and effectively follows investigation in detail, that are effectively followed
a comprehensive action plan to investigate a research Appropriate and varied information found from a variety
question of types of sources. Recording method is clear.
iii: uses research methods to collect and
record appropriate, varied and relevant information
iv: thoroughly evaluates the investigation process and
Criterion C: Communicating
The student:
The student: