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IOP Publishing A Review On Copper Adsorption

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Lia Cundari1, Aditia Habibul Akbar2, Ayu Permatasari3, Josua Lazcano Afredo4, Nur
Yulistianto5, and Octavianus Rudy Setiawan 6.

Departement of Chemical Engineering, Universitas of Sriwijaya, Inderalaya, Ogan Ilir 30662



Copper is one of the wastes in the form of heavy metals produced from industrial processes and can pollute the
environment, so copper needs to be reduced in content. One process that can be done to reduce copper content is through
adsorption. Copper adsorption can be done using Sesame Husk, Cassava Starch, DOWEX 550 Ion Exchange Rasin, and Bone
Charcoal. The optimum condition for adsorption copper is pH 6, temperature 298 K, dosis adsorbent 1 g, initial concentration
copper 30 mg/L, and agitation speed 300 rpm. The ability of adsorbents to absorb copper can be known through the
isothermal method and kinetic method. The absorption results with several adsorbents above provide good results in terms of
the Langmuir and Freundlich models. The RL constants as parameters of the Langmuir model for Sesame Husk were 0.008,
0.005, 0.004, 0.003 and 0.002 for concentrations of 30, 40, 50, 70, and 100 mg / L, while those for Cassava Starch were
0.008665. The n value as a Freundlich parameter for Sesame Husk is 8.210, while for Cassava Starch it is 1.35. For the
kinetic method of the Sesame Husk adsorbent and Cassava Starch, it follows the pseudo-second-order-kinetic model.

Keywords: Adsorption, copper, Langmuir, Freundlich, kinetic model, isotermal model.

Introduction wastewater, irrigation, and drinking water resources also

have a high negative impact on human health due to their
Industries in Indonesia are increasing in number as
toxicity. So eliminating these heavy metals from wastewater
demand increases. Industrial growth not only has a positive
is one of the most important environmental problems for
impact, but it also has a negative impact on the environment.
research, engineering, and technology development in water
One of the negative impacts arises from the waste produced
management in the environment. One of the heavy metals
by the industry concerned. Industrial waste is environmental
that usually becomes a waste of industrial processes is
pollution, for example, heavy metals. Heavy metals are
inorganic pollutants which often contained in wastewater
Copper waste is one of the B3 wastes that are harmful
from several industries such as metal coating, mining, metal
to the environment. Copper metal contamination exists in
processing, petroleum refining, textiles, paint manufacturing,
wastewater streams from various industries such as
pesticides, battery manufacturing, pigment-making,
electronics and electricity, metal coating, mining,
photography, and printing industries. These inorganic
manufacturing computer heat sinks, Cu pipes, and biostatic
pollutants have a negative impact on the environment and
surfaces, as components in ceramic glass and glass coloring.
modify the physical and chemical characteristics of water
Unfortunately, Cu is a persistent, bioaccumulating and toxic
and soil, and the properties of water fauna and flora. In
chemical that is not easily biodegradable and is not easily
addition, the presence of heavy metal ions in industrial

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Journal XX (XXXX) XXXXXX Author et al

metabolized. This can accumulate in the human food chain or molecules on the adsorbent surface and there is no significant
ecology through consumption or absorption and can interaction among adsorbed species. Thus, the adsorption
endanger human health or the environment. energy is constant and there is no transmigration of adsorbate
Copper waste can be found as a contaminant in .a in the plane of the adsorbent surface. The Langmuir isotherm
variety of foods, especially in shellfish, liver, mushrooms, represented by the following equation:
and nuts. It has been reported that excessive Cu content 𝐶𝑒 1 1
= + 𝐶
consumed by humans can cause severe mucosal irritation, 𝑞𝑒 𝑞𝑚𝑎𝑥 . 𝑏 𝑞𝑚𝑎𝑥 𝑒
liver and kidney damage, extensive capillary damage and
qe (mg/g) is the equilibrium adsorption capacity of ions on
central nervous system problems. The World Health
the adsorbent, Ce (mg/L) is the equilibrium ion concentration
Organization recommends maximum levels of Cu
in solution, qmax (mg/g) is the maximum capacity of the
concentration that can be received in drinking water 1.5 mg /
adsorbent, which represents monolayer coverage of
L. Therefore, the concentration of this metal must be reduced
adsorbent with adsorbate, b (L/mg) is the Langmuir
to a level that meets national and international environmental
adsorption constant. qmax and b are Langmuir constants
standards for various water quality standards.
related to adsorption efficiency and energy of adsorption
Some of the processing technology available for
removing heavy metals such as Cu ions from water is
chemical precipitation, ion exchangers, coagulation, 1.2. Freundlich Isotherm

bioremediation, and adsorption. Of all these techniques, The Freundlich isotherm gives the relationship

adsorption on solid substrates is preferred because of their between equilibrium liquid and solid phase capacity

high efficiency, easy handling, and cost-effectiveness and the consisting of the heterogeneous surface of the adsorbent or

availability of various different adsorbents such as activated surface supporting sites of diverse affinities and this isotherm

carbon, zeolite and so on. is applicable to multilayer sorption. It states that the ratio of
the amount of solute adsorbed onto a given mass of
Adsorption Models
adsorbent to the concentration of the solute in the solution is
1. Adsorption Isothermal
not constant at different concentrations. The logarithmic
Adsorption isotherm usually describes the equilibrium
form of Freundlich is represented by the following Equation:
relationship between adsorbent and adsorbate [1]. The
purpose of adsorption isotherm is to investigate interaction of 1
log (qe ) = log(Kf ) + log (Ce )
adsorbate molecules and adsorbent surface [2]. The
Equilibrium capacity qe and Ce are defined as above while Kf
adsorption model is divided into two, namely isothermal and
is the Freundlich adsorption constant representing the
kinetic adsorption. In various cases, the isothermal
adsorption capacity, n is the empirical parameter relating the
adsorption model is often used with approaches in the
adsorption intensity of the solid adsorbent which varies with
Langmuir, Freundlich, Dubinin-Raduskevich, and Dubinin-
the heterogeneity of material. The magnitude of n gives a
Astakhov models [3].
measure of the favorability of adsorption. If the value of n
1.1. Langmuir Isotherm between 1 and 10 (1/n is lower than 1), this represents that
The Langmuir adsorption isotherm assumes that the surface of the adsorbent was heterogeneous and
adsorption takes place at a totally homogenous adsorption adsorption occurred easily.
surface. A further assumption is that the maximum
1.3. Dubinin-Radushkevich (D-R) Isotherm
adsorption corresponds to a saturated monolayer of adsorbate

Journal XX (XXXX) XXXXXX Author et al

The Dubinin-Radushkevich (D-R) isotherm explains The coefficients of the equation were obtained by the
multilayer formation in microporous solids. The Dubinin- intercept and slope of the linear plot of ln[ln(q0/q)] against
Kaganer-Radushkevich (DKR) equation more general than ln(T/Tsat − 1) [3].
the Langmuir isotherm since it does not assume a
2. Adsorption kinetic
homogeneous surface or constant adsorption potential
Adsorption kinetic models have been used to
whereas it has been widely used to explain energetic
investigate the mechanism of sorption and potential rate
heterogeneity of solid surfaces at low coverage. It was
controlling steps, which is helpful for selecting optimum
applied in order to distinguish between physical and
operating conditions for the full-scale batch process [1]. The
chemical adsorptions. The D-R equation has the following
chemical kinetic describes reaction pathways, along times to
reach the equilibrium whereas chemical equilibrium gives no
ln qe = ln(Xm ) − βε information about pathways and reaction rates. Adsorption

Xm (mg/g) is the theoretical monolayer saturation capacity, β kinetics show large dependence on the physical and/or

(mol2/kJ2) is the activity coefficient related to the mean free chemical characteristics of the adsorbent material, and

energy of adsorption per mole of the adsorbate when it is adsorbate species which also influence the adsorption

transferred from infinity in the solution to the surface of the mechanism [5]. The kinetic adsorption model can be used in

solid and ε (J/mol) is Polanyi potential which is equal to: three types of approaches, namely pseudo-first-order
adsorption, pseudo-second-order adsorption, and the
ε = RT ln (1 + ) intraparticle diffusion models [6].
where R is gas constant (R = 8.314 J/(mol·K)) and T is 2.1. Pseudo-first-order Adsorption
temperature (K).
The adsorption rate constant suggested by Lagergren
E =√ and Ho by applying first-order reaction kinetic is given by

The mean free energy E (kJ/mol) is calculated using the
relationship [4]. dqt
= k1 (qe − qt )
1.4. Dubinin-Astakhov Isothrem
where k1 is the adsorption rate constant for the first order
The modified Dubinin-Astakhov equation is given as:
adsorption, qt (mg/g) is the amount of Cu (II) metal adsorbed
T 𝑛
q = q0 exp [−k ( − 1) ] at time t and qe (mg/g) is the amount of heavy metal

where q represents the amount adsorbed (kg/kg), q0 is the adsorbed at saturation.

maximum amount adsorbed (kg/kg), T is the adsorption The integration of the Equation gives the following

temperature (K), Tsat is the saturation temperature of expression:

refrigerant (K), n and k are coefficients. Equation x can be ln (qe − qt ) = −k1 𝑡 + 𝐶1

linearly rewritten in the following form with a logarithmic
where C1 is the integration constant for first-order reaction
q T
ln [ln ( 0 )] = ln k + n ln ( −1) If it is supposed that q = 0 at t = 0, then the pseudo
q Tsat
first-order kinetic model is expressed by:

Journal XX (XXXX) XXXXXX Author et al

ln (qe − qt ) = ln qe − k1 𝑡 particle diffusion constant mg/g (C, intercept) related to the

where qe and qt (mg/g) are the amounts of Cu (II) ions thickness of the boundary layer: the larger the intercept [4].

adsorbed onto adsorbent at equilibrium and at time t, Copper Adsorption

respectively and k1 (min−1) is the rate constant of pseudo The copper adsorption process can be carried out with
first-order kinetic model. various kinds of adsorbents, including the following:

2.2. Pseudo-second-order adsorption 1. Adsorption Copper (II) Ions on Aqeous Solution with
The pseudo second-order model based on equilibrium Sesame Husk
adsorption is evaluated using the relationship: On the research was to do it by El-Araby, et al the

t 1 1 process of adsorption use many parameters such as pH,

= + t
qt k2 q2e qe contact time, adsorbent dosage, adsorbate concentration,
temperature, and agitation speed. In the research conducted,
where k2 is the rate constant of pseudo-second-order kinetic
an increase in pH gave better copper (II) adsorption results.
model (g/(mg.min)). The straight line plots of t/qt against t
pH 6 is the maximum pH for copper (II) ion adsorption based
were used to determine the k2 and qe,calc. This model was
on research conducted by El-Araby et al. Rising pH value
more likely to predict the behavior over the whole range of
above pH 6 causes precipitation and hampers the adsorption
contact time.
where copper(II) ions will form the insoluble Cu(OH)2
In general, the adsorption process on a porous
precipitate [7,8], so pH 6 was chosen as optimum pH for
adsorbent will have four main stages. These stages involve:
Cu(II) adsorption. The decrease of removal efficiency at low
the movement of the adsorbate from the bulk solution to the
pH is due to:
exterior film surrounding the adsorbent particle (bulk
1. The existence of higher concentration of . hydronium
solution transport), the transport of adsorbate across the
ions in the solution which compete with the Cu(II)
external liquid film to the external surface sites on the
ions for the binding sites of adsorbent [9].
adsorbent particle (film diffusion transport), migration of
2. At low pH, the sesame husk surface is positively
adsorbate within the pores of the adsorbent by intra-particle
charged due to protonation which is obvious at low
diffusion (pore diffusion) and finally adsorption of adsorbate
pH values due to the presence of high concentration
at internal surface sites.
of H+ ions in the solution. Thereafter, electrostatic
2.3. Intraparticle Diffusion Models repulsion between the positively charged adsorbent
The description of the adsorption process in a well- surface and the metal ions in solution is engendered
stirred batch adsorption system which occurs on a porous and the adsorption of Cu(II) becomes more
adsorbent is rebated by applying the intra-particle diffusion unfavorable [10,11].
model. The formation of this model is as follows: 3. The Cl− species in solution which comes from

qt = kp t1/2 + C adjusting the solution pH value using HCl, leads to

decreasing of the free Cu(II) ions and increasing in
where qt (mg/g) is the amount of Cu (II) ions adsorbed onto
the formation of the chloro complex CuCl+. The
adsorbent at time t , and kp (mg/(g·min )) is the intra-
molecular size of this complex is larger than that of
particle diffusion rate constant. The straight line plots of qt
the free Cu(II) and is affect inversely on the
against t1/2 were used to determine the intra-particle diffusion
adsorption, resulting decrease in copper uptake but
rate (kp, slope), correlation coefficient R2 and the intra-
this effect is very limited [12].

Journal XX (XXXX) XXXXXX Author et al

In the research conducted, the results obtained with It can be observed that the copper(II) ions removal
increasing contact time caused more Cu(II) ions to be rate decreases with the increase of the initial concentration.
adsorbed. The results showed that at the contact time 10-15 The percent adsorption (%) shows that the percentage of Cu
minutes had reached an equilibrium. The lower contact time sorption on sesame husk decreased from 62.53% to 21.01%
to reach equilibrium observed in this study indicates that the as the initial Cu(II) concentration increased from 30 mg/L to
adsorption process is quite fast. A two-stage manner was 100 mg/L respectively. This is because at low concentration
observed: firstly a highly fast stage, followed by a second the sorbent has enough active sites which could be easily
slow stage of adsorption. The initial increase in the occupied by metal ions since the ratio of available adsorption
percentage adsorption of metal ions is attributed to the binding sites to the initial number of Cu(II) metal ions is
existence of a large number of active sites on the SH surface large. Whereas at higher concentration, there are no more
that were swiftly occupied by a significant amount of copper active sites to be occupied and the ratio of available
ions. The second stage of low sorption rate until saturation adsorption active sites become fewer. That’s why; Cu ions
process occurred due to two reasons: 1) the adsorbent pores are left unadsorbed in solution and the percentage removal of
become saturated at the initial stage of adsorption where the Cu(II) ions which depends upon the initial concentration,
metal ions are adsorbed. Thus, a few numbers of ions are decreases [24].
attached on the surface due to slower diffusion of solute into Upon rising the temperature from 298 to 313 K, the
the interior of the adsorbent [13], 2) The binding sites were adsorption removal percentage decreased from 95.33% to
shortly become limited and the remaining unoccupied 83.13% respectively. In the same manner, adsorption
surface sites are hard to be occupied by copper ions due to capacity of copper(II) metal ions onto SH decreased from
the arising of repulsive forces between the copper on the 2.862 mg/g at 298 K to be 2.508 mg/g at 313 K. When the
solid surface and the residual copper in the liquid phase. temperature is increased, degradation of the adsorbent and
For varies of adsorbent dose, results show that with alteration of active functional groups take place which will
the increase in adsorbent dose from 0.2 to 1.0 g, the vary the surface chemistry of sorbent and the number of
percentage removal of copper ions rose from 63.50% to active functional groups available for adsorption of heavy
95.13% then it decreases to be 90.27% with the consequent metal ions decreases. Besides, bonds are ruptured at a higher
increase in dose up to 1.4 g respectively. This rising in the temperature so desorption is favored [25]. Additionally, on
heavy metal percentage removal with increasing the increasing the temperature, the thickness of the boundary
adsorbent dosage is plausible because of the increase in layer decreases because the metal ions tend increasingly to
adsorbent surface area and the availability of more flee from the biomass surface to the solution phase which
exchangeable binding sites on the surface which are ready limits the adsorption capacity [26] [27]. Moreover, at higher
for metal ion uptake [14] [15] [16] [17] [18]. Decreasing the temperatures the surface activity of the biomass decreases
adsorption efficiency with further increase in dose above 1.0 [28] [29], even there is a possibility of damaging the surface
g could be interpreted as a result of a partial overlapping or active sites which reduces the sorption ability of the
aggregation of adsorbent active sites as a result of materials [30]. Eventually, the loss in the adsorption capacity
overcrowding of adsorbent particles [19] [20] [21], which is caused by the change in the texture of the sorbent and as a
results in interaction of active site with adsorbent atoms result of the material deterioration [31].
rather than adsorbate and thus, the total adsorption area The effect of agitation speed on adsorption of copper
decreases [22] [23]. was studied over the range 100 - 500 rpm for 30 minutes
with 100 ml solution containing 30 mg/L copper metal ions

Journal XX (XXXX) XXXXXX Author et al

and 1.0 g of sesame husk. Percent removal of adsorption with the value of n produced at 8.210 causes the surface of
increased from 87.81 to be maximum of 95.33% upon the adsorbent to be heterogeneous and adsorption occurs
increasing the agitation speed from 100 rpm to 300 rpm. This easily so that the process runs well.
agitation speed (300 rpm) was chosen as an optimum speed If the magnitude of E is between 8 and 16 kJ/mol, it is
to be applied for other experiments. The Low speed cannot indicated that the adsorption process is chemical adsorption,
distribute the particles properly in the metal solution but while for value of E < 8 kJ/mol; the adsorption process is
accumulated [32]. This will bury some of the binding active physical in nature. The E value for Cu(II) on the sesame husk
sites of the adsorbent layer and not all of the adsorbent active is 0.316 kJ/mol. The value of E is below 8 kJ/mol which
sites can adsorb the metal ions. That’s why the agitation rate indicates that physical adsorption is involved in the
should be sufficient enough to assure that all the surface adsorption process.
binding sites are already available for metal uptake [33]. Judging from kinetic adsorption, the process of
However, increasing the agitation speed beyond 300 rpm will absorption of Cu ions by one another follows the pseudo-
affect negatively on the Cu(II) ions percent removal where it second-order kinetic model. This is because the value of
decreased from 95.33% at 300 rpm to 90.39% at 500 rpm. qe,calc on pseudo-second-order approaches the qe,exp wherein
This is attributed to an increase in the desorption tendency of for the value of qe,calc for the pseudo-second-order kinetic
adsorbate ions [33]. model, with Cu concentrations of 30, 40, 50, 70, and 100
Cu adsorption process with sesame husk, when mg/L produce qe,calc at 9,066, 10.19, 10.79, 13.11, and 10.53,
viewed from Langmuir Isotherm it works well. This is while the qe,calc values generated in the pseudo-first-order in
evidenced by the value of dimensionless constant separation the kinetic model amounted to 1.371, 1.782, 0.746, 0.800,
factor (RL) produced. With different initial Cu and 1.521. While for the qe,exp has been set at 8.704, 9.954,
concentrations, namely 30, 40, 50, 70, and 100 mg/L, the R L 10.72, 12.94, and 10.35 from each concentration.
values are 0.008, 0.005, 0.004, 0.003 and 0.002 as a result of
2. Adsorption of Copper from an Aqueous Solution by
the search process. Based on the value of RL that has been
Chemically Modified Cassava Starch
determined in RL > 1 process indicates that the adsorption
The present research work demonstrated removal of
that occurs is not going well (Unfavorable); RL = 1 process
Copper (II) ions from an aqueous solution by grafting
indicates that Linear occurs; 0 < RL < 1 indicates the
cassava starch with 5-chloromethyl-8-hydroxyquinoline
adsorption process is going well (Favorable); Whereas for R L
(CMQ). A copolymer was prepared by grafting CMQ on
= 0 the process indicates that the adsorption that irreversible.
cassava starch and was characterized by Scanning Electron
Then it can be seen from the dimensionless constant
Microscopy (SEM), Energy Dispersive X-Ray (EDX) and
separation factor that is produced, is at point 0 < RL < 1 so
Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) [34]. The study was
that the process can be obtained properly.
performed under different experimental conditions of initial
When viewed from Freundlich isotherm, the Cu
metal ion concentrations, adsorbent dose, time and pH. The
adsorption process with fellow husbands can be said to run
maximum adsorption was found to occur at pH value of 6.0
well. Judging from the resulting n value of 8.210, it shows
and within 90 min of contact time. The adsorption has been
that the adsorption intensity is advantageous. This is because
explained in the terms of Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm.
the size of the empirical parameter (n) gives the desired size
The experimental data was found to obey with the Langmuir
of the adsorption. If the value of n is between 1 and 10 (1/n
adsorption isotherm. Although the R2 value for both the
lower than 1), state that the surface of the adsorbent is
isotherms were close to unity the low chi square value for
heterogeneous and adsorption occurs easily. So from that

Journal XX (XXXX) XXXXXX Author et al

Langmuir isotherm indicate the applicability of this Cassava well the adsorption of Cu(II) onto CSCMQ copolymer
Starch CMQ copolymer (CSCMQ) for Cu removal in because the experimental qe values were very close to the
monolayer with several possible functional groups calculated qe values for pseudo-second-order rate model. As
responsible for sorption of the metal ions. RL values for shown in table the values of the rate constant k2 decreases
adsorption with Cassava Starch CMQ copolymer (CSCMQ) with increasing initial Cu(II) metal ion concentration because
are 0.008665 for the initial Cu(II) concentration of 50 mg/L. higher metal ion concentration corresponds to higher surface
This work suggests that the present CMQ starch copolymer loading which decreases the diffusion efficiency.
can be more useful for the removal of copper from effluents
3. Adsorption of Copper from Ammonia-Thiosulfate
discharged by industries.
Media using DOWEX 550A Ion Exchanger Rasin
The isotherm studies is the adsorption isotherm data
The study of copper adsorption onto ion exchange resins of
were analyzed with Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms. The
anionic type is part of the gold recovery from ammonia-
most widely used isotherm models for solid–liquid
thiosulfate solutions, where copper is the main impurity of
adsorption are the Langmuir and Freundlich. This model
the system because it acts as a catalyst of gold dissolution
assumes that the adsorptions occur at specific homogeneous
reaction. The adsorption of copper on ion exchange resins in
sites on the adsorbent and is used successfully in many
thiosulfate ammonia medium has not been studied
monolayer adsorption processes. The Langmuir model
extensively. Dreisinger and Zhang determined that with
assumes that the each adsorbate molecule is located at
strong base anion exchange resins there is a high gold load
specific homogenous sites within the adsorbent. From the
on the resin, with a high adsorptionrate due to the alkaline
result indicates that the maximum adsorption capacity of
character of the solutions coming from the leaching [35].
CSCMQ copolymer was 28.75 mg/g . which is equivalently
Most information is aimed at finding the complexes formed

high and can be compared with previously reported

in the copper(I/II)-thiosulfate-ammonia system by means of
adsorbents. Freundlich adsorption isotherm defines the
speciation diagrams. On the research was to do it by Vargas
adsorption onto the adsorbent with heterogeneous surface. n
and Navarro the different variables such as pH, thiosulfate,
value for adsorption Cu with Cassava Starch CMQ
ammonia and copper concentrations in the adsorption of
copolymer (CSCMQ) are 1.35. The value indicates that the
copper complexes in the Cu (S2O3)23- form on the DOWEX
adsorption intensity is advantageous. This is because the size
550A ion exchange resin can affect the adsorption process.
of the empirical parameter (n) gives the desired size of the
The ion exchange resin used was DOWEX 550A
adsorption. If the value of n is between 1 and 10 (1/n lower
(Dow Chemical Company), classified as a type 1 strong base.
than 1), state that the surface of the adsorbent is
In its internal structure it has a quaternary amine functional
heterogeneous and adsorption occurs easily. So from that
group, and its outer appearance is as gel-type uniform
with the value of n produced at 1.35 causes the surface of the
particles with an average size of 590 ± 50 μm. For the
adsorbent to be heterogeneous and adsorption occurs easily
preparation of the copper solution and the eluting solutions
so that the process runs well.
double distilled and deionized water was used and analytical
The result from kinetic studies, the rate constants
grade reagents, such as copper (II) sulfate pentahydrate
were calculated by using pseudo-first-order and pseudo-
[CuSO4∙5H2O], sodium thiosulfate [Na2S2O3∙5H2O],
second-order kinetic equations. It is observed that the values
ammonium hydroxide [NH4OH], sodium hydroxide [NaOH],
of the correlation coefficient for both the pseudo-first-order
sodium perchlorate [NaClO4∙2H2O], and sodium sulfite
and pseudo-second-order rate models were closer to unity.
[Na2SO3]. The adsorption tests were carried out in 500-mL
However, the pseudo-second-order model described very

Journal XX (XXXX) XXXXXX Author et al

reactors with mechanical stirring, keeping constant the than with perchlorate ions. A good elution with sulfite is
following experimental parameters: contact time: 3 h, beneficial because this anion is part of the thiosulfate
temperature: 298 K, aqueous solution volume: 400 mL, oxidation system. Elution with sulfite ion is more sensitive to
solution/resin ratio: 833.3 mL/g. In this stage the percentage changes in concentration, achieving 100% elution for a 0.5
of copper adsorbed and the resin’s copper load (g Cu/kg M and 84.79% elution for 0.2 M, while elution was 53.65%
resin) as a function of time were measured for the different at 0.5 M perchlorate concentration and 51.59% at 0.2 M
experimental conditions. concentration.
The experimental method used in each experiment
4. Copper Adsorption from Wasterwater Using Bone
was the same, varying only the specific conditions for each Charcoal
case. The following stages were used: In adsorption kinetic model shows the effect of
 The aqueous solution was added to the reactor, and contact time (t) on the removal of 50 mg/L of Cu by Bone
the temperature and the pH were adjusted. Charcoal (BC). The adsorption of Cu increases with time to

 The resin was added to the solution and the system reach an equilibrium after 10 min of mixing and agitation.

was stirred mechanically in order to work with a The three kinetic models explained the correlation coefficient

perfect mixture. for the pseudo-second-order kinetic model is higher than

 Samples of 3 mL were removed occasionally from the both other models. This result indicates that the copper

aqueous phase for the chemical analysis. adsorption is controlled by a chemisorption process at the

 The pH and the temperature of the aqueous solution surface of BC. The rate constant of pseudo-second-order

were measured continuously. adsorption (K2), represents the number of exchanges between
Ca ions in BC and Cu ions present in aqueous solution [6].
 After 3 h the stirring was stopped, the resin was
filtered from the aqueous solution, and it was washed Conclusion
for its later chemical analysis by atomic absorption, 1. Copper adsorption process can be done using several
and the copper load on the resin was determined from types of adsorbents, namely Sesame Husk, Cassava
the copper balance present in the solutions. Starch, DOWEX 550A Ion Exchanger Rasin, and
bone charcoal.
Under different experimental conditions the Cu
2. Increasing pH affects the absorption process of
(S2O3)23- complex can be adsorbed by a strong base ion
copper. The higher the pH of the solution causes an
exchange resin like DOWEX 550A. In the pH range studied,
increase in copper absorption
increasing this parameter from 9 to 11 favors the adsorption
3. The higher the dose of the adsorbent used the better
of copper, reaching a load of 5.86 kg Cu/ton resin at pH 9
the absorption of copper.
and 60 minutes of solution-resin contact, and 16.91 kg
4. The higher the concentration at first the adsorbate
Cu/ton resin at pH 11 after 90 minutes of contact. Increasing
causes a decrease in the effectiveness of the copper
the concentration of thiosulfate in the aqueous solution (0.1
adsorption process.
M to 0.5 M) decreases the adsorption of the Cu (S2O3)23-
5. Increased temperature in the adsorption process will
complex. Increasing the ammonia content in the solution
cause a decrease in adsorption capacity.
increases the stability of the cuprotetramine, decreasing the
6. The stirring speed affects the copper adsorption
amount of copper-thiosulfate complex, producing a lower
process, where the increase in stirring speed increases
adsorption of copper on the resin. Elution of the copper
the adsorption capacity.
complexes from the resin with sulfite ions is better and faster

Journal XX (XXXX) XXXXXX Author et al

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