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Prediction of Post-Tuberculosis Lung Function Impairment

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American Journal of Internal Medicine

2018; 6(6): 170-181
doi: 10.11648/j.ajim.20180606.14
ISSN: 2330-4316 (Print); ISSN: 2330-4324 (Online)

Prediction of Post-Tuberculosis Lung Function Impairment

Eric Walter Pefura-Yone1, 2, *, Adamou Dodo Balkissou3, Amadou Djenabou4,
Virginie Poka-Mayap2, Boniface Moifo5, Marie-Chantal Madjoumessi6, Brenda Tanyi7,
Christopher Kuaban8, André Pascal Kengne9
Department of Internal medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, The University of Yaounde 1, Yaounde, Cameroon
Pneumology A Service, Yaounde Jamot Hospital, Yaounde, Cameroon
Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences of Garoua, University of Ngaoundéré, Garoua, Cameroon
Approved Treatment Center for HIV, Yaounde Jamot Hospital, Yaounde, Cameroon
Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging, Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, The University of Yaounde 1, Yaounde,
Institut Supérieur de Technologie Médicale, Yaounde, Cameroon
Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, The University of Yaounde 1, Yaounde, Cameroon
Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Bamenda, Bambili, Cameroon
Medical Research Council, Cape Town, South Africa

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To cite this article:

Eric Walter Pefura-Yone, Adamou Dodo Balkissou, Amadou Djenabou, Virginie Poka-Mayap, Boniface Moifo, Marie-Chantal Madjoumessi,
Brenda Tanyi, Christopher Kuaban, André Pascal Kengne. Prediction of Post-Tuberculosis Lung Function Impairment. American Journal of
Internal Medicine. Vol. 6, No. 6, 2018, pp. 170-181. doi: 10.11648/j.ajim.20180606.14

Received: December 9, 2018; Accepted: December 25, 2018; Published: January 18, 2019

Abstract: Objective: The aim of this study was to establish prediction equations for post-tuberculosis residual lung function
in patients successfully treated for pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB). Methods: This study took place at the Yaounde Jamot
Hospital of Yaounde (YJH) and used data from three cross-sectional studies conducted from January to July 2015 (7 months),
December 2015 to May 2016 (6 months) and from January to May 2017 (5 months). Adults successful treated for
bacteriologically proven pulmonary TB were included. Spirometric indices including forced expiratory volume in 1s (FEV1),
forced vital capacity (FVC) and FEV1/FVC ratio were measured using standard methods. Predicted values were estimated
using the reference spirometric equations of the Global Lung Initiative equations (GLI) 2012. General linear models were used
to establish prediction equations of post-tuberculous residual lung function. Internal validation of the derived models used the
bootstrap resampling procedures. A difference was considered significant if p < 5%. Results: In this study, 400 patients (53.5%
men) were included. The median age (25th -75th percentiles) of men was 40 (31-50) years and that of women was 36(27.8-46)
years (p=0.002). Determinants of the post-tuberculosis spirometric indices vary according to each indice and include age,
weight, height, body mass index, smoking, duration of symptoms before TB treatment, persistent of respiratory symptoms after
TB treatment, persistent of cavity lesions and extension of lung sequelae. The prediction equations of the spirometric indices
have been established separately for men and women to account for significant differences in the absolute values of spirometric
parameters in men and women. The prediction equations of residual lung function parameters were in the form: lung function
parameters = Intercept + β1*P1 + β2*P2 +…βn*Pn; βn is regression coefficient for corresponding predictor (Pn), for categorical
variables Pn is 1 if the modality is present and 0 if the modality is absent. For each of the spirometric variable, differences in
performance measures (optimism) were mostly marginal. Conclusion: The equations developed and validated in this study
could help the selection of patients in whom spirometry should be a priority after TB treatment. Like any newly developed
model, results from this study are just preliminary findings. Models will require independent external validation to establish the
performance both in the study setting and in other settings.
171 Eric Walter Pefura-Yone et al.: Prediction of Post-Tuberculosis Lung Function Impairment

Keywords: Tuberculosis, Residual Lung Function, Spirometry, Sequelae, Obstructive Lung Disease, Restrictive Pattern

linear regression analysis, the minimum of subjects to be

1. Introduction included is 180 in each group, considering a maximum of 6
Tuberculosis (TB) remains a major public health problem predictors per dependent variables and 10 subjects for each
in spite of existing prevention and control strategies [1]. The independent variable [16].
most recent World Health Organization (WHO) 2018 global The adults’ patients successfully treated for
TB report estimated a total of 10 million new (incident) TB bacteriologically proven pulmonary TB at the Diagnosis and
cases worldwide in 2017, with a death toll of 1.6 million Treatment Center (DTC) of YJH were included. Patients with
people [2]. In Cameroon, 24905 TB cases including 83% of the following criteria were excluded: comorbidities
pulmonary TB (PTB) were notified in 2017 [3]. (respiratory infection, chronic obstructive airway disease,
Even after a well conducted treatment, pulmonary asthma, interstitial lung disease, lung cancer and lung
tuberculosis (PTB) leaves parenchymal sequelae of variable resection, congestive heart failure); contraindications to PFT
degrees due to its fibrogenic nature [4–6]. A chest X-Ray (recent myocardial infarction, pneumothorax, pregnancy at
(CXR) is the most used exam in the detection of pulmonary third trimester, recent thoracic or abdominal surgery, a
sequelae in PTB. The prevalence of CXR sequelae at the end seriously altered general state or severe dyspnea limiting the
of a TB treatment is elevated, varying between 66.2% and correct execution of the spirometry maneuvers);
88% [6, 7]. These sequelae are dominated by interstitial inappropriate spirometry maneuvers. Ethical clearances were
infiltrates, residual cavities and fibro-nodular opacities [4, 5, obtained from the Institutional Ethics Committee of the
8]. These sequelae can have a permanent repercussion on Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences of the
lung function, altering the quality of life of patients. Lung University of Yaounde I (Data collected from January to July
function impairment observed in sequelae phase are variable, 2015, and from January to May 2017) and from Institutional
with certain authors reporting a predominance of obstructive Ethics Committee of Faculty of Medicine and
disorders [7, 9, 10]; and others, a predominance of restrictive Pharmaceutical Sciences of University of Douala (Data
disorders [11] or mixed disorders [6]. collected from December 2015 to May 2016). A research
Some risk factors for post-tuberculosis lung function authorization was equally obtained from the administrative
impairment (PTB-LFI) have been reported and include authorities of the YJH.
radiographic extension of lesions [12, 13], age [14] and 2.2. Data Collection
duration of symptoms prior to TB treatment [10]. However,
to our knowledge, there is no specific study carried out, 2.2.1. Baseline Data
aiming to predict post-tuberculosis spirometric parameters. The following social and demographic data were collected:
This prediction could be used to select patients with a high age, sex, marital status, place of residence (urban, semi-urban
probability of impaired lung function and requiring and rural), higher level of formal education. Past medical
pulmonary function tests (PFT) as a priority. This should be history and lifestyles included HIV status; history of
particularly relevant in resource-limited settings where there respiratory diseases such as pneumonia, PTB; other
is an inadequacy between the incidence of TB and the comorbidities influencing the respiratory function: diabetes
resources allocated for the management of patients with the mellitus and heart failure; tobacco smoking was evaluated in
condition. packets/years. Categories of tobacco smoking were: former
smokers (stopped smoking for more than 6 months at least),
2. Methods never-smokers; active smokers; concerning alcohol
consumption, patients having stopped drinking for at least 12
2.1. Setting and Participants months were considered former drinkers, occasional drinkers
(alcohol use less than a day/week), regular drinkers and non-
This study used data from three cross-sectional studies drinkers were also distinguished; exposure to biomass,
conducted from January to July 2015 (7 months), from evaluated by the type of fuel or combustible used to cook
December 2015 to May 2016 (6 months) and from January to food in household.
May 2017 (5 months). The study took place at the Yaounde Clinical data comprising duration of symptoms prior to TB
Jamot Hospital (YJH). YJH is the reference center for the treatment and persistence of respiratory symptoms at the end
management of TB and respiratory diseases for Yaounde of TB treatment (cough, expectoration, and dyspnea) were
(capital city of Cameroon) and its surroundings. The collected. The dyspnea was graded according to modified
management of TB in this center is based on the international Medical Research Council Scale [17]. The weight was taken
recommendations [15]. in kilograms with the aid of a CAMRY-branded scale
The data used in the above studies were collected using (CAMRY, Guangzhou, China). The patient was dressed only
non probabilistic, consecutive and exhaustive sampling in light clothing. The height was measured with a measuring
method during the specified period. Using Austin and gauge to the nearest cm in a patient standing straight up, with
Steyerberg rules for a minimum subjects per variables in
American Journal of Internal Medicine 2018; 6(6): 170-181 172

heels joined together and arms along the body. Body mass references value [20]. Quality control was done by regularly
index in kg/m2 was calculated as the ratio of weight (kg) to supervising investigators who performed spirometry.
height squared (squared meter). Spirometric curves were reviewed weekly by one of the
Standard full-size postero-anterior chest X-ray (CXR) was experienced chest physicians working in YJH and feedback
used to quantify the extent of lung remodeling in patients. was made to investigators.
The nature, distribution, and extent of abnormalities were
noted for initial and final CXR. Type of lesions collected 2.3. Data Analysis
include: cavities, infiltrates, nodules, fibrotic lesions, miliary The data was analyzed using IBM-SPSS software for
lesions, patchy or confluent consolidation and associated Windows version 23 (IBM, Chicago, US). Categorical
pleural effusion. Extension of radiographic lesions was variables were expressed as counts and proportions.
appreciated by using total percentage of lung affected by any Quantitative variables were summarized in terms of mean
pathology on the initial and final chest X-ray (at the end of (standard deviation) when the distribution was considered
treatment). To grade the percentage of affected lung, visual normal; otherwise they were expressed in terms of median
estimation of the extent of opacification, cavitation or other (25th -75th percentiles). The groups comparison used Chi-2 or
pathology as a percentage of visible lungs was made. To Fisher exact test for proportions and Student t-test or non-
evaluate this, each lung field was subdivided into three zones parametric equivalent for continuous variables (Mann-
(upper, middle and lower zone) according to the method Whitney U test or median test). Bivariate Pearson’s or
employed by Ralph et al [18]. The delimitation was done by Spearman’s correlation tests and matrix graph were used to
two horizontal lines: the first is the horizontal line passing investigate the shape and significance of the associations of
through the upper border of the chondro-costal junction of quantitative candidate predictors with each of the spirometric
the anterior arch of the second rib to the lateral thoracic wall; indices (FEV1, FVC, FEV1/FVC ratio, % predicted FEV1
the second is the horizontal line passing through the upper and % predicted FVC). General linear models were used to
border of the chondro-costal junction of the anterior arch of establish prediction equations of post-tuberculous spirometric
the 4th rib to the lateral thoracic wall. Dense opacification of parameters.
an entire zone was graded as 100% of that zone, while patchy
consolidation within a zone attracted scores <100% 2.3.1. Prediction Models Development
depending on the extent of consolidation. An average Significant predictors in bivariate association (p-
percentage of lesions per lung field was then evaluated and value<0.10 for the correlation test and for association
an average of the two lung fields deduced to determine the between categorical variables and spirometric parameters)
total percentage of affected lung (% of pulmonary were entered all together in the same multivariable general
tuberculosis lung sequelae). linear models and backward elimination procedures were
used to retain the most significant predictors in the final
2.2.2. Spirometric Data model (based on a p-value<0.05). General linear models were
Spirometry was performed on eligible participants as per used to relate each of the five targeted spirometric variables
standard [19], using a turbine pneumotachograph (spiro USB, with potential predictors, separately in men and women.
care fusion, Yorba Linda-USA), thereby respecting the Candidate continuous predictors included age, weight,
American Thoracic Society (ATS) 1994 standards. The exam height which are all known to be related with the spirometric
was done by pulmonary function test (PFT) technicians or by indices, duration of symptoms and % of lung sequelae.
well-trained final year medical student. Candidate categorical variables included residency, level of
All measurements were performed after at least 15 min formal education, marital status, smoking, persistent of
rest, with the participant in a seated position, the back respiratory symptoms, persistent of cavity lesions.
straight up, and nose clipped to allow air flow only by mouth. Appropriate procedures were used to check the adequacy of
The American Thoracic Society/European Respiratory the final models. These procedures included residuals
Society (ATS/ERS) acceptability and reproducibility criteria analysis (plots analysis), Cook statistics and multicolinearity
were applied [19]. Instructions were explained before every detection (inflation factor of variance).
maneuver; at least three tests were done per participant with
the maximum being eight tests, while observing a rest period 2.3.2. Validation of Prediction Models
of at least one minute between consecutive tests to establish Internal validation of the derived models used the
the forced vital capacity (FVC) curve. Spirometry variables bootstrap resampling procedures, which was based on 2000
measured included: forced expiratory volume in 1s (FEV1), replications. In brief, the population used to derive models
forced vital capacity (FVC) and the FEV1/FVC ratio. was resampled with replacement 2000 times, each sample
FEV1 and FVC values retained were the best out of the being of the same size and sex composition as the original
three tests which fulfilled the acceptability criteria (maximal population. From each bootstrap sample, new sex-specific
difference below 5% or 150 ml). All these measurements models were developed using predictors in the final model.
were expressed in absolute values and as a percentage of the The regression coefficients from each bootstrap sample were
theoretical or predicted value. Predicted or theoretical values then applied both to the relevant bootstrap sample and the
were estimated using Global Lung Initiative (GLI) 2012 original population to predict the spirometric indices of
173 Eric Walter Pefura-Yone et al.: Prediction of Post-Tuberculosis Lung Function Impairment

interest. The difference in the performance measures of the performance on the derivation sample that should be
model on the bootstrap sample and the original population expected when the model is tested on a new sample.
was then recorded and averaged across the 2000 replicates to On the basis of these prediction equations, it will be
characterize the optimism. A prediction model would always possible to know if a given patient has a high probability of
tend to perform better when it is tested on the same sample presenting a PTB-LFI, by comparing the value of the
used to develop the model (self-fulfilling prophecy), as spirometric parameter found with the prediction equations
opposed to when the same model is tested on a new sample. with the theoretical threshold (LLN or fixed threshold).
Optimism reflects the drop in the observed models’

3. Results
3.1. Study Population

Figure 1. Flow diagram of participant’s inclusion.

A total of 513 patients were invited to participate in the men than in women (35% vs 4.3%, p<0.001). Regular
study. Seventy six patients were excluded for unavailability alcohol consumption was also more prevalent among men
of lung function testing and 37 patients for unusable than women (29.1% vs 4.3%, p<0.001). The previous history
spirometry curves. In overall, 400 participants were of TB was found in 25 (11.7%) men and in 11 (5.9%) women
definitively included in the study. The flow chart of (p=0.044). The median (25th -75th percentiles) duration of
participant’s inclusion is shown on the figure 1. symptoms before TB treatment was 8 (4-16) weeks in total
group. The prevalence of HIV infection was 35.5% for
3.2. Baseline Characteristics of Study Participants women and 31.6% for men (p = 0.081). In overall sample,
The baseline characteristics of participants are shown in 70.5% of the participants had a least one type of radiographic
Table 1. In this study, 214 (53.5%) men and 186 (46.5%) sequelae of TB. Persistent cavity lesions and parenchymal
women were included. The median age (25th -75th lung destruction were respectively found in 21.3% and 3.5%
percentiles) of men was 40 (31-50) years and that of women of participants. There was no significant difference between
was 36 (27.8-46) years (p=0.002). The majority of men and women concerning the frequency and type of
participants had reached the secondary school level of radiographic sequelae of TB. The median (25th -75th
education (274 participants, 68.5%). In this study, 100 (25%) percentiles) proportion of extension of pulmonary TB
participants were active smokers and 70 (17.6%) consumed sequelae was 5% (0.8-15.8%) in total sample with no
alcohol regularly. The prevalence of smoking was higher in significant difference between men and women.
American Journal of Internal Medicine 2018; 6(6): 170-181 174

Table 1. Demographic and radio-clinical data of participants.

Characteristics Overall N=400 (%) Men N=214 (%) Women N=186 (%) p-value
Age, years 38(29-49) 40(31-50) 36 (27.8-46)
Urban 314 (78.5) 167 (78) 147 (79) 0.967
Semi-urban 49 (12.3) 20(9.3) 17 (9.1)
Rural 37 (9.3) 27 (12.6) 22 (11.8)
Level of education
No formal education 19 (4.8) 7 (3.3) 12 (6.5) 0.143
Primary 107 (26.8) 51 (23.8) 56 (30.1)
Secondary 198 (49.5) 110 (51.4) 88 (47.3)
University 76 (19) 46 (21.5) 30 (16.1)
Marital Status
Non-unionized 226/398 (56.8) 112 (52.6) 114 (61.6) 0.069
Unionized 172/398 (43.2) 101 (47.4) 71 (38.4)
Current 83 (20.8) 75 (35) 8 (4.3) <0.001
Ex-smokers 14 (3.5) 12 (5.6) 2 (1.1)
Non smokers 303 (75.8) 127 (59.3) 176 (94.6)
Biomass exposure 148/397 (37.3) 82/212 (38.7) 66/185 (35.7) 0.537
Alcohol consumption
Regular 70/398 (17.6) 62 (29.1) 8 (4.3) <0.001
Occasional 124/398 (31.2) 71 (33.3) 53 (28.6)
Ex-drinker 87/398 (21.9) 45 (21.1) 42 (22.7)
Non drinker 117/398 (29.4) 35 (16.4) 82 (44.3)
Previous history of TB 36(9) 25(11.7) 11(5.9) 0.044
Past history of pneumonia 5(1.3) 0(0) 5(2.7) 0.021
Duration of respiratory symptoms, weeks, m (25th -75th percentiles) 8(4-16) 8(4-12) 8(4-16) 0.017
Persistent respiratory symptoms 111(27.8) 56(26.2) 55(29.6) 0.449
Weight, kg, m (25th -75th percentiles) 62(56-69.8) 65(59.6-72) 58(54-64) <0.001
Height, cm, m (25th -75th percentiles) 168(163-173.8) 168(164-178) 160(156-167) <0.001
BMI, Kg/m2 , m (25th -75th percentiles) 22 (20.2-24.1) 22.1(20.4-24.1) 220(20.2-24.2) 0.836
HIV infection 141/397 (35.5) 67(31.6) 141(35.5) 0.081
Radiographic sequelae
No sequelae 118 (29.5) 58 (27.1) 60 (32.3) 0.259
Significant pleural thickness 11 (2.8) 8 (3.7) 3 (1.6) 0.195
Fibro-nodular sequelae 212 (53) 118 (55.1) 94 (50.5) 0.358
Persistent cavity lesions 85 (21.3) 46 (21.5) 39 (21) 0.898
Parenchymal destruction 14 (3.5) 8 (3.7) 6 (3.2) 0.781
Extension of pulmonary sequelae, %, m (25th -75th percentiles) 5 (0.8-15.8) 5.81 (1-16.2) 5 (0.7-15.3) 0.306

TB, tuberculosis; m, median; BMI, body mass index; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; PA, pack-years; BMI, body mass index; HIV, human
immunodeficiency virus.

3.3. Spirometric Data predicted values (% predicted), no difference was found

between men and women. The mean (SD) of % predicted
The absolute values of FEV1 of FVC were higher in men FEV1 was 74.6% (22.9%) in men and 75.6% (19%) in women
than in women (p<0.001). Mean (standard deviation: SD) of (p=0.835). The equivalents figure for FVC were 75.8% (21.3%)
FEV1/FVC ratio was 0.80 in men and 0.83 in women in men and 76.2 (17.2%) in women (p=0.889), Table 2.
(p=0.002). However, when FEV1 and FVC were related to
Table 2. Spirometric data of the study population.

Variables Overall Men Women p-value

Absolute values
FEV1,L, m(25th -75th percentiles) 2.22 (1.72-2.72) 2.51 (1.88-3.08) 2.04 (1.59-2.39) <0.001
EV1, L, M(SD) 2.26 (0.75) 2.48 (0.83) 2.00 (0.53) <0.001
FVC , L, m(25th -75th percentiles) 2.71 (2.18-3.31) 3.13 (2.41-3.73) 2.44 (2.04-2.81) <0.001
FVC, L, M(SD) 2.77 (0.85) 3.08 (0.93) 2.40 (0.56) <0.001
FEV1/FVC, m(25th -75th percentiles) 0.83 (0.78-0.88) 0.82 (0.76-0.87) 0.85 (0.79-0.89) 0.002
FEV1/FVC, M(SD) 0.82 (0.10) 0.80 (0.10) 0.83 (0.09) 0.002
% predicted
FEV1, %, m(25th -75th percentiles) 76.8 (61.1-89.2) 76.6 (58.9-92.3) 77.9 (62.8-87.6) 0.616
FEV1, %, M(SD) 75.1 (21.2) 74.6 (22.9) 75.6 (19.0) 0.835
FVC, %, m(25th -75th percentiles) 76.1 (64.2-88.8) 75.7 (62.5-91.5) 76.4 (65.5-87.6) 0.764
FVC, %, M(SD) 75.9 (19.5) 75.8 (21.3) 76.2 (17.2) 0.889

FEV1, forced expiratory volume in 1st second; FVC, forced vital capacity; m, median, M, mean, SD, standard deviation.
175 Eric Walter Pefura-Yone et al.: Prediction of Post-Tuberculosis Lung Function Impairment

3.4. Determinants of Post-Tuberculosis Residual Lung cavity lesions.

Function Association between spirometric parameters and
categorical predictors in women is presented in
We found a low to moderate negative correlation between Supplementary Table A4. Absolute value of FEV1 was
spirometric parameters and age in men. A low to moderate significantly associated with level of formal education,
positive correlation was also found between weight and biomass exposure, previous history of PTB, persistent
spirometric parameters in men. In women, we found a low to respiratory symptoms and persistent cavity lesions. Absolute
moderate negative correlation between absolute values of value of FVC was significantly associated with previous
FEV1 and FVC with age. FEV1 and FVC were positively history of pulmonary TB, persistent respiratory symptoms
correlated with weight in women. Correlation coefficients and persistent cavity lesions. FEV1/FVC ratio was associated
and accompanied p-values for correlation between with level of education, previous history of PTB, persistent
spirometric parameters and age, and anthropometric respiratory symptoms and persistent cavity lesions.
predictors are summarized in supplementary Table A1.
Spirometric parameters were negatively associated to 3.5. Prediction Models of Post-Tuberculosis Residual Lung
duration of symptoms prior to TB treatment and to Function Parameters
proportion of extension of lung sequelae except for
association between FEV1/FVC ratio and duration of Using linear general models, the prediction equations of
symptoms. The correlation was moderate-to-high between residual lung function parameters were in the form: lung
FEV1 or FVC and extension of lung TB sequelae function parameters = Intercept + β1*P1 + β2*P2 +…βn*Pn ;
(Supplementary Table A2). βn is regression coefficient for corresponding predictor (Pn),
Association between spirometric parameters and for categorical variables Pn is 1 if the modality is present and
categorical predictors in men is presented in supplementary 0 if the modality is absent.
Table A3. Absolute value of FEV1 was significantly 3.5.1. Prediction Models of Post-Tuberculosis Residual
associated with residency, level of formal education, marital Lung Function Parameters in Men
status, previous history of PTB, smoking, biomass exposure, Regression coefficients for different predictors of each
alcohol use, persistent respiratory symptoms and persistent spirometric parameter in men are shown in Table 3. For
cavity lesions. Absolute value of FVC was significantly example the prediction equation of absolute value of FEV1 in
associated to residency, level of education, marital status, men was: FEV1(L) = 1.987 – 0.017 * age(years) + 0.025 *
smoking, biomass exposure, persistent respiratory symptoms weight(kg) - 0.004 * duration of symptoms – 0.028 * % lung
and persistent cavity lesions. FEV1/FVC ratio was associated sequelae (%) – 0.238 (if smoking).
to level of education, previous history of pulmonary TB,
smoking, persistent respiratory symptoms and persistent
Table 3. Prediction of post-tuberculosis residual spirometric parameters in men.

Parameters FEV1, L % predicted FEV1 FVC, L % predicted FVC FEV1/FVC

Intercept 1.987 54.104 2.576 88.294 0.888
β1 age, years -0.017 0 -0.019 0 -0.001
β2 weight, kg 0.025 -0.531 0.025 0 0
β3 height, cm 0 0 0 0 0
β4 body mass index, kg/m2 0 3.116 0 0 0
β5 duration of symptoms, weeks -0.004 -0.168 0 -0.115 -0.001
β6 % lung sequelae, % -0.028 -0.871 -0.029 -0.837 -0.001
β7 smoking -0.238 0 0 0 -0.033
β8 persistent respiratory symptoms 0 -7.182 -0.264 -7.465 0
β9 persistent cavities 0 0 0 0 -0.052
RSD 0.57925 16.99827 0.68467 17.50059 0.09348
R2 0.516 0.433 0.450 0.328 0.167
Adjusted R2 0.504 0.419 0.439 0.318 0.143

FEV1, forced expiratory volume in 1 s FVC, forced vital capacity; TB, tuberculosis, RSD, residual standard deviation; R2, determination coefficient,
Parameters estimation = Intercept + β1*P1 + β2*P2 +…βn*Pn, βn, regression coefficient for corresponding predictor (Pn)

3.5.2. Prediction Models of Post-Tuberculosis Residual Lung Function Parameters in Women

Regression coefficients for different predictors of each spirometric parameter in women are shown in Table 4. For example
the prediction equation of predicted FVC in women was:
% predicted FVC = 197.969 + 0.516 * weight (kg) - 0.890 * % height (cm) – 0.467 * % lung sequelae (%) – 12.712 (if
smoking) – 5.403 (if persistent respiratory symptoms).
American Journal of Internal Medicine 2018; 6(6): 170-181 176

Table 4. Prediction of post-tuberculosis residual spirometric parameters in women.

Parameters FEV1, L % predicted FEV1 FVC % predicted FVC FEV1/FVC

Intercept 1.763 191.676 1.935 197.969 0.843
β1 age, years -0.012 0 -0.013 0 0
β2 weight, kg 0.015 0.503 0.019 0.516 0
β3 height, cm 0 -0.854 0 -0.890 0
β4 body mass index, kg/m2 0 0 0 0 0
β5 duration of symptoms, weeks 0 0 0 0 0
β6 % lung sequelae, % -0.015 -0.621 -0.017 -0.467 -0.001
β7 smoking 0 0 0 -12.712 0
β8 persistent respiratory symptoms -0.203 0 0 -5.403 0
β9 persistent cavities 0 0 0 0 0
RSD 0.40475 15.66114 0.44079 13.63932 0.09118
R2 0.408 0.323 0.381 0.368 0.028
Adjusted R2 0.394 0.312 0.371 0.347 0.023

FEV1, forced expiratory volume in 1 s FVC, forced vital capacity; TB, tuberculosis, RSD, residual standard deviation; R2, determination coefficient,
Parameters estimation = Intercept + β1*P1 + β2*P2 +…βn*Pn,
βn, regression coefficient for corresponding predictor (Pn)

3.5.3. Models Validation

The summary statistics for internal validation of models using boostrap procedure are provides in Table 5. For each of the
spirometric variable, differences in performance measures (optimism) were mostly marginal. Indeed, the average of the
regression coefficients across boostrap samples was not appreciably different from those obtained on the original population,
indicating that any gain from shrinking those coefficients would be marginal.

Table 5. Optimism in bootstrap internal validation of prediction models in men and women.

Parameters FEV1, L % predicted FEV1 FVC, L % predicted FVC FEV1/FVC

Intercept 0.009 -0.018 -0.004 0.048 <0.001
β1 age <0.001 / <-0.001 / <0.001
β2 weight <0.001 -0.002 <0.001 / /
β3 height / / / / /
β4 body mass index / 0.019 / / /
β5 duration of symptoms -0.001 -0.021 / -0.012 <-0.001
β6 % lung sequelae <0.001 <0.001 <-0.001 0.003 <0.001
β7 smoking -0.001 / / / <-0.001
β8 persistent respiratory symptoms / 0.108 -0.001 -0.039 <0.001
β9 persistent cavities / / / /
Intercept <0.001 -1.494 0.002 -2.109 <0.001
β1 age <-0.001 / <-0.001 / /
β2 weight <0.001 -0.001 <-0.001 0.006 /
β3 height / 0.009 / 0.011 /
β4 body mass index / / / / /
β5 duration of symptoms / / / / /
β6 % lung sequelae <-0.001 0.001 <0.001 0.001 <-0.001
β7 smoking / / / 0.034 /
β8 persistent respiratory symptoms -0.003 / / 0.324 /

FEV1, forced expiratory volume in 1 s FVC, forced vital capacity.

mass index), behavioral (smoking) and clinical (duration of

4. Discussion symptoms before TB treatment, persistence of respiratory
The purpose of this study was to establish the prediction signs after TB treatment) and chest X-ray data (persistence of
equations of residual spirometric indices FEV1, FVC and cavities and extension of lung sequelae); 3) The equations
FEV1/FVC ratio in patients treated for pulmonary were developed for absolute values and for predicted values
tuberculosis. The main findings resulting from this study are: estimated from theoretical norms for the blacks using the
1) the prediction equations of the spirometric indices have Global Lung Initiative equations 2012 [20].
been established separately for men and women to account The prediction equations for post-tuberculous residual lung
for significant differences in the absolute values of function developed and validated in our study are applicable to
spirometric parameters in men and women; 2) post- Cameroonian men aged 18 to 83 and women aged 18 to 70
tuberculosis spirometric indices can be estimated from years. Similarly, weight and height ranged respectively from 45
demographic (age) and anthropometric (weight, height, body to 95 kg and 152 to 191 cm for men. In women, values ranged
177 Eric Walter Pefura-Yone et al.: Prediction of Post-Tuberculosis Lung Function Impairment

from 44 to 100 kg for weight and 140 to 183 cm for height. The impairment: restrictive pattern, airflow limitation or
estimation of post-tuberculosis spirometric indices should take obstructive lung disease, and the mixed pattern associating
into account the limits of validity of the anthropometric restrictive pattern and obstructive lung disease [32]. The
parameters. In fact, the normal spirometric indices depend on pathogenic and pathophysiology mechanisms explaining these
these parameters [20–24]. These equations should not be applied alterations are not completely understood. Anatomically, the
to people who do not have the characteristics of the population restrictive pattern is due to pulmonary fibrotic lesions, loss of
studied, in the absence of validation of these equations in these parenchymal elasticity, broncho-vascular distortion and pleural
groups. Application outside populations with similar sequelae. Obstructive post-tuberculous lung disease may be
characteristics to those used for development may be misleading. related to bronchial stenosis, diffuse bronchial inflammation,
The absolute values of FEV1 and FVC found in this study para-cicatricial emphysema, or bronchiectasis [32].
are higher in men than in women. These findings corroborate Progress has been made in understanding the inflammatory
the variation of these indices when they are obtained in mechanisms that are likely responsible for tissue damage and
healthy subjects. Indeed, in black, Caucasian, Asian or mixed impairment of lung function. Inflammatory mediators involved
populations, the normative absolute values of FEV1 and FVC in cavity formation and airflow obstruction are tumor necrosis
are higher in men than in women even if the other parameters factor-α (TNF-α), interleukins 1β, 6, 8, 12, hypoxia inducible
(age, height) are otherwise identical [25, 26]. In contrast, the factor (HIF), nuclear factor (NF) , matrix metalloproteinases 1,
mean FEV1/FVC ratio was 0.80 in men and 0.83 in women 3, 8, 9, 12 and interferon γ. The immune factors associated with
with a significant difference. This difference is explained by fibrosis and restriction include transforming growth factor β
a larger decline in FVC compared to FEV1 in men. (TGF-β), TNF-α, and interleukins-1 β, 6, 8, 12 [32].
The other main predictors of each spirometric indice are The equations developed for FEV1 and FVC can be used
variable and include: smoking, clinical and radiographic data. in two ways. The first way is to determine the residual
Tobacco use was associated with a lower FEV1 and absolute value of FEV1 and FVC and then compare these
FEV1/FVC for men, as well as a lower FVC as a percentage values to normative values using specific prediction
of predicted value (% predicted FVC). In fact, smoking has a equations. This method can be used regardless of the set of
known deleterious effect on the decline of lung function and reference equations chosen. The second way is to use
is the main risk factor for the occurrence of chronic equations based on the predicted values (% predicted) to
obstructive pulmonary disease, COPD [27]. In a study directly obtain FEV1 and FVC values based on the
conducted in a low-smoking Indian women population theoretical values for blacks according to the 2012 GLI
(smoking prevalence at 5% and 73.6% of participants reference equations [20]. For the FEV1/FVC ratio, the
cumulating less than 2.5 pack-years), smoking was absolute value found from the prediction equations will be
associated with lower FEV1 [28]. compared to the lower limit of the expected normal value to
A longer duration of respiratory symptoms before TB define post-tuberculous airflow obstruction.
treatment was associated with a lower spirometric parameters For example, considering a 30-year-old smoking man with
in men but not in women. Indeed, a longer duration of the following characteristics after treatment of PTB: duration
symptoms of PTB is associated with larger radiographic of symptoms= 9 weeks, no persistence of symptoms after
lesions, sources of pulmonary sequelae [29]. The persistence treatment, height = 170 cm, weight = 60 kg, persistence of a
of respiratory symptoms at the end of TB treatment was also pulmonary cavity, extension of pulmonary sequelae = 10%.
associated with a decrease in FEV 1 and FVC. This persistence His residual post-tuberculosis FEV1 will be 2.42 L. Using
of respiratory symptoms should prompt an investigation of the 2012 GLI equations; the normal theoretical FEV1 value
impaired respiratory function. Persistence of respiratory signs will be 3.47 L. He has a predicted post-tuberculosis residual
in patients treated for PTB is associated with distal obstruction, FEV1 of 70% (2.42 L/3.47 L). Similarly, the other values are:
indicating distal lung function impairment in subjects with no post-tuberculous FVC = 3.22 L, % predicted FVC post-
proximal airflow limitation [30]. tuberculosis = 78% (3.22 L/4.13 L), FEV1/FVC = 0.75
In this study, the radiographic extension of sequelae of TB (compared to the predicted value of 0.84). This patient should
summarized in terms of the proportion of radiographic perform lung function test to investigate possible ventilatory
sequelae is negatively correlated with all spirometric abnormalities, in particular the airflow obstruction given a
parameters in men and women with correlation coefficients low value of post-tuberculosis FEV1/FVC ratio.
ranging from -0.173 to - 0.608. Few studies have investigated For a non-smoking 40 years old female patient, with
the association between the extent of initial radiographic symptoms of pulmonary tuberculosis lasting for 16 weeks,
lesions or radiographic sequelae and impaired lung function. persistence of respiratory signs at the end of tuberculosis
Radovic et al. on a small sample size (n = 40 patients) treatment, height = 1.60 m, weight = 60 kg, absence of residual
showed that initial radiographic extension is associated with cavity, extension of pulmonary sequelae = 30%: post-
low FEV1 and post-tuberculous airflow obstruction [31]. In tuberculosis FEV1 = 1.53L, post-tuberculosis FVC = 2.05 L,
another study, including 591 patients in 21 hospitals in South FEV1/FVC = 0.81. Using the 2012 GLI standards, the following
Korea, the number of pulmonary lobes affected by TB values are obtained: % predicted post-tuberculosis FEV1 =
sequelae was negatively correlated with FEV1 and FVC [31]. 61%, % predicted post-tuberculosis FVC = 67%. The predicted
There are three types of post-tuberculosis lung function values of FEV 1 and FVC found in this patient would encourage
American Journal of Internal Medicine 2018; 6(6): 170-181 178

clinicians to perform spirometry to investigate possible function have been established in this study. Determinants of
restrictive pattern. In this case, FEV1/FVC ratio approaches the the post-tuberculosis spirometric indices vary according to
expected value (0.83) and airflow obstruction is unlikely the each indice and include age, weight, height, body mass
main type of lung function impairment. index, smoking, duration of symptoms before TB treatment,
Overall, the coefficient of determination (R2) is higher for persistent of respiratory symptoms after TB treatment,
FEV1 and FVC than for FEV1/FVC ratio. Thus, the equations persistent of cavity lesions and extension of lung sequelae.
developed in this work are more robust for FEV 1 and FVC. The equations developed and validated in this study could
Obtaining an abnormal FEV1 or FVC value regardless of the help the selection of patients in whom spirometry should be a
value of the FEV1/ FVC ratio should prompt clinicians to priority after TB treatment. The models had good
request functional lung investigations for their patients. performance in the derivation sample and during internal
The boostrap method was used to validate the prediction validation using bootstrap resampling methods.
equations. The boostrap validation method is validated and These prediction equations can be used to select patients in
allows the use of the entire sample available for whom PFT should be a priority. Successful application of the
development. The validation is done by a multiple replication models in routine TB care settings can assist the
of random choice of subsamples (n = 2000) to check the identification of a group of patients whose risk of
stability of the developed model. A weak and non-significant development of lung function impairment is high. Therefore
optimism makes it possible to conclude on the stability of the corrective measures will be taken to treat the observed
model in spite of the multiple replications [33]. deteriorations and improve the quality of life of these
patients. Like any newly developed model, results from this
5. Conclusions study are just preliminary findings. Models will require
independent external validation to establish the performance
The prediction equations for post-tuberculous residual lung both in the study setting and in other settings including.

Supplementary Tables (Prediction of Post-Tuberculosis Lung Function Impairment)

Table A1. Correlation coefficients (r) and p-values between spirometric parameters, and age/anthropometric predictors.

Age Weight Height BMI

r (p-value) r (p-value) r (p-value) r (p-value)
FEV1, L -0.404(<0.001) 0.451(<0.001) 0.208(0.002) 0.358(<0.001)
FEV1, % predicted -0.110(0.277) 0.312(<0.001) -0.106(0.123) 0.420(<0.001)
FVC, L -0.370(<0.001) 0.435(<0.001) 0.235(0.001) 0.326(<0.001)
FVC, % predicted -0.128(0.061) 0.274(<0.001) -0.114(0.097) 0.387(<0.001)
FEV1/FVC -0.188(0.006) 0.136(0.046) -0.049(0.473) 0.146(0.033)
FEV1, L -0.296(<0.001) 0.333(<0.001) 0.119(0.105) 0.279(<0.001)
FEV1, % predicted 0.021(0.781) 0.270(<0.001) -0.149(0.042) 0.371(<0.001)
FVC, L -0.286(<0.001) 0.363(<0.001) 0.152(0.039) 0.286(<0.001)
FVC, % predicted -0.067(0.360) 0.256(<0.001) -0.178(<0.015) 0.367(<0.001)
FEV1/FVC -0.133(0.071) -0.040(0.586) -0.019(0.801) -0.014(0.852)

r, correlation coefficient; FEV1, forced expiratory volume in 1 s FVC, forced vital capacity.

Table A2. Correlation coefficient (r) and p-values between spirometric parameters and continuous clinical and radiological predictors.

Duration of symptoms % lung TB sequelae

r (p-value) r (p-value)
FEV1, L -0.325(<0.001) -0.575(<0.001)
FEV1, % predicted -0.322(<0.001) -0.608(<0.001)
FVC, L -0.297(<0.001) -0.557(<0.001)
FVC, % predicted -0.282(<0.001) -0.583(<0.001)
FEV1/FVC -0.198(0.004) -0.173(0.011)
FEV1, L -0.223(0.002) -0.466(<0.001)
FEV1, % predicted -0.148(0.044) -0.428(<0.001)
FVC, L -0.224(0.002) -0.455(<0.001)
FVC, % predicted -0.140(0.058) -0.415(<0.001)
FEV1/FVC -0.052(0.423) -0.187(0.011)

r, correlation coefficient; FEV1, forced expiratory volume in 1 s FVC, forced vital capacity; TB, tuberculosis.
179 Eric Walter Pefura-Yone et al.: Prediction of Post-Tuberculosis Lung Function Impairment

Table A3. Association between spirometric parameters and categorical predictors in men.

Parameters, mean (standard deviation)

Urban 2.52(0.86) 75.0(25.5) 3.12(1.0) 76.2(21.9) 0.80(0.11)
Semi-urban 2.63(0.70) 77.41(20.3) 3.20(0.7) 78.6(19.1) 0.81(0.06)
Rural 2.15(0.66) 70.0(21.4) 2.70(0.8) 71.2(19.1) 0.79(0.11)
p-value 0.052 0.373 0.060 0.466 0.893
Level of education
< secondary 2.22(0.81) 69.9(23.5) 2.85(0.90) 73.3(22.0) 0.77(0.12)
≥ secondary 2.58(0.82) 76.3(22.6) 3.17(0.92) 76.8(21.1) 0.81(0.09)
p-value 0.009 0.091 0.043 0.360 0.020
Marital Status
Non-unionized 2.65(0.85) 76.2(76.3) 3.26(0.92) 77.6(20.6) 0.81(0.09)
Unionized 2.28(0.77) 72.7(23.4) 2.89(0.90) 73.9(22.2) 0.79(0.11)
p-value 0.002 0.312 0.006 0.349 0.288
Previous history of PTB
Yes 2.2250.84) 65.5(21.6) 2.91(0.95) 70.3(21.1) 0.75(0.11)
No 2.52(0.83) 75.8(22.9) 3.11(0.93) 76.5(21.3) 0.81(0.10)
p-value 0.086 0.027 0.312 0.172 0.009
Non -smoker 2.63(0.85) 77.9(23.2) 3.22(0.98) 78.2(22.1) 0.82(0.10)
Smokers/Ex-smokers 2.26(0.76) 69.8(21.8) 2.89(0.83) 72.4(19.9) 0.78(0.11)
p-value 0.002 0.008 0.011 0.033 0.001
Biomass exposure
Yes 2.21(0.79) 70.5(23.6) 2.77(0.94) 71.8(23.2) 0.80(0.10)
No 2.66(0.82) 77.2(22.4) 3.28(0.88) 78.4(19.9) 0.80(0.10)
p-value <0.001 <0.001 0.029 0.028 0.711
Alcohol consumption
Regular 2.32(0.75) 72.6(22.0) 2.90(0.83) 74.1(20.7) 0.80(0.11)
Occasional 2.51(0.90) 74.7(23.7) 3.08(1.02) 75.1(22.1) 0.81(0.10)
Ex-drinker 2.64(0.80) 77.3(22.7) 3.31(0.88) 79.3(20.0) 0.79(0.11)
Non drinker 2.51(0.87) 74.3(24.3) 3.09(0.95) 75.8(23.2) 0.80(0.10)
p-value 0.167 0.637 0.114 0.535 0.757
Persistent respiratory symptoms
Yes 2.02(0.89) 62.6(26.9) 2.59(0.94) 65.2(23.5) 0.77(0.13)
No 2.65(0.75) 78.9(19.7) 3.26(0.86) 79.6(19.2) 0.81(0.09)
p-value <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001
HIV status
Positive 2.51(0.67) 76.6(20.2) 3.12(0.77) 77.6(19.0) 0.80(0.09)
Negative 2.48(0.89) 73.8(24.1) 3.08(0.99) 75.3(22.3) 0.80(0.11)
p-value 0.608 0.423 0.669 0.628 0.662
Persistent cavity lesions
Yes 2.19(0.79) 63.2(23.5) 2.86(0.86) 70.0(22.1) 0.76(0.11)
No 2.56(0.83) 77.3(22.1) 3.14(0.94) 77.6(20.9) 0.81(0.09)
p-value 0.009 <0.001 0.083 0.006 <0.001

FEV1, forced expiratory volume in 1 s FVC, forced vital capacity; TB, tuberculosis.

Table A4. Association between spirometric parameters and categorical predictors in women.

Parameters, mean (standard deviation)

Urban 2.02(0.55) 75.2(19.3) 2.42(0.58) 75.6(17.6) 0.84(0.09)
Semi-urban 2.00(0.48) 76.3(19.8) 2.45(0.54) 78.1(18.0) 0.82(0.08)
Rural 1.82(0.39) 78.2(16.9) 2.25(0.43) 78.8(13.8) 0.81(0.09)
p-value 0.195 0.297 0.980 0.806 0.172
Level of education
< secondary 1.80(0.51) 74.0(20.2) 2.21(0.57) 74.1(18.4) 0.82(0.09)
≥ secondary 2.11(0.50) 76.6(18.45) 2.51(0.53) 77.4(16.4) 0.84(0.09)
p-value <0.001 <0.001 0.354 0.165 0.113
Marital Status
Non-unionized 1.98(0.53) 75.1(18.6) 2.37(0.56) 75.5(16.8) 0.84(0.09)
Unionized 2.02(0.52) 76.4(19.9) 2.45(0.56) 77.3(17.8) 0.82(0.09)
p-value 0.999 0.555 0.976 0.665 0.406
Previous history of PTB
Yes 1.62(0.50) 64.8(18.8) 2.16(0.50) 71.9(18.2) 0.74(0.12)
American Journal of Internal Medicine 2018; 6(6): 170-181 180

Parameters, mean (standard deviation)

No 2.02(0.52) 76.3(18.9) 2.42(0.56) 76.5(17.1) 0.84(0.09)
p-value 0.016 0.150 0.059 0.554 0.017
Non -smoker 2.01(0.52) 76.1(68.0) 2.42(0.55) 76.8(16.8) 0.83(0.09)
Smokers/Ex-smokers 1.77(0.63) 68.0(22.9) 2.04(0.67) 65.8(20.9) 0.86(0.08)
p-value 0.252 0.077 0.296 0.091 0.235
Biomass exposure
Yes 1.88(0.52) 74.9(19.9) 2.30(0.55) 76.3(17.9) 0.82(0.10)
No 2.06(0.52) 76.0(18.7) 2.45(0.56) 76.1(16.9) 0.84(0.10)
p-value 0.049 0.093 0.866 0.805 0.173
Alcohol consumption
Regular 1.92(0.55) 75.5(21.4) 2.27(0.53) 73.4(15,1) 0.85(0.14)
Occasional 1.99(0.48) 74.9(17.5) 2.41(0.52) 75.8(16.7) 0.82(0.08)
Ex-drinker 1.95(0.58) 75.6(20.9) 2.39(0.59) 77.2(17.5) 0.81(0.01)
Non-drinker 2.03(0.53) 76.0(19.2) 2.04(0.58) 76.2(17.8) 0.86(0.09)
p-value 0.758 0.988 0.916 0.965 0.032
Persistent respiratory symptoms
Yes 1.74(0.50) 67.1(18.2) 2.16(0.56) 69.6(17.7) 0.80(0.10)
No 2.11(0.50) 79.2(18.3) 2.50(0.53) 79.0(16.2) 0.84(0.09)
p-value <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.008
HIV status
Positive 1.98(0.51) 76.8(18.5) 2.35(0.57) 76.1(17.2) 0.84(0.10)
Negative 2.00(0.54) 74.8(19.5) 2.43(0.55) 76.2(17.2) 0.82(0.09)
p-value 0.743 0.394 0.428 0.880 0.070
Persistent cavity lesions
Yes 1.74(0.48) 66.5(17.8) 2.16(0.60) 68.2(18.1) 0.82(0.09)
No 2.06(0.51) 78.1(18.7) 2.47(0.53) 78.3(16.3) 0.83(0.09)
p-value 0.001 <0.001 0.004 0.002 0.094

FEV1, forced expiratory volume in 1 s FVC, forced vital capacity; TB, tuberculosis.

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