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High Speed Steel Properties

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Tarney 2 8/6/04 9:13 AM Page 54

High Speed Steel Properties:

Different Grades for
Different Requirements
Ed Tarney

H obs, broaches, shaper cutters,

shaver cutters, milling cutters,
and bevel cutters used in the
molybdenum in the appropriate propor-
tions. Most high speed steels feature a
characteristic amount of tungsten and
manufacture of gears are commonly molybdenum, where tungsten may be
made of high speed steel. These special- replaced by about one-half as much
ized gear cutting tools often require molybdenum to achieve the same result.
properties, such as toughness or manu- In traditional high speed steels, this
facturability, that are difficult to achieve amount may be approximated by a
with carbide, despite the developments “tungsten equivalency” (%tungsten +
in carbide cutting tools for end mills, 2x%molybdenum) of about 16%–20%.
milling cutters, and tool inserts. As an example, one of the first high
High performance tools for gear- speed steels invented, T1, contained
manufacturing markets have been 18% tungsten, but no molybdenum. M2
served primarily by developments in (HS 6-5-2)*, one of the most common
Ed Tarney is chief product particle metallurgy (P/M) high speed high speed steels used today, contains
metallurgist for Crucible steels. Given the wide assortment of 6% tungsten and 5% molybdenum, or a
Specialty Metals, a division grades of high speed steels available, tungsten equivalent of about 16%.
of Crucible Materials Corp.,
and the separation between the tool Subsequent development has pro-
which is a leading producer
of P/M high speed steels in users and the raw material manufactur- duced variations on the tungsten and
North America. Tarney pro- ers, it is not surprising that many gear molybdenum balance. Other major ele-
vides technical support for manufacturers are not intimately famil- ments added to high speed steels to
Crucible’s CPM, tool steel iar with the details of selecting a raw enhance specific properties include
and high speed steel product material. vanadium and cobalt.
lines from the division’s
location in Syracuse, NY. He
However, some relatively easy gen- Vanadium is added primarily to
has worked for 16 years in eral guidelines may be used to guide enhance wear resistance, through the
various technical and mar- tool users, whenever operating experi- formation of particularly hard carbide
keting positions in tool steel ence does create some interest in the particles in the microstructure. Cobalt is
product areas. makeup of a tool. added to retard softening of the steel
All high speed steels have the ability when exposed to elevated tempera-
For more information:
Crucible Specialty Metals to reach a high hardness, often exceed- ture—for example, to improve temper
575 State Fair Blvd. ing the mid-60s on the Rockwell C resistance or “red hardness” properties.
Syracuse, NY 13201 hardness (HRC) scale. This characteris- Thus, it is often possible to judge
Phone: (800) 365-1185 tic is the result of the high carbon con- whether a high speed steel is suited
Fax: (315) 470-9220 tent, combined with tungsten and/or more for high cutting speed (temper
* This is a standard European format for designating high speed steels. The numbers signify the nominal tungsten, molybdenum, vanadium, and cobalt percentages, in that order. (M2 contains no


Tarney 2 8/6/04 9:13 AM Page 55

resistance) or tool wear life (abrasion

resistance) by observing the relative
vanadium and/or cobalt contents.
In considering which high speed
steel may be best suited for an applica-
tion, consider the cutting conditions the
tool will encounter.
For general purpose, low-demand or
short-run tools, a simple grade such as
M2 may suffice. It offers the basic high
hardness and wear resistance common
to all high speed steels. Prior to the
development of P/M-manufactured
high speed steels, M2 was the basic
entry-level grade for gear tooling.
For the next step up in tool perform-
ance, especially where improved tough-
ness is required to handle interrupted
cutting, machining under less than ideal
rigidity, or other environments tending Table 1—Grades, Uses and Properties of Steels for Gear Cutting Tools.
to chip or break tools, P/M-manufac-
Gear Cutting
tured M3 (HS 6-5-3) and M4 (HS 6-5- Grade* Tool Toughness
Gear Cutting Typical Wear Red
4) are available. In many cases, M3 has Characteristics Properties Hardness Resistance Hardness
gradually been supplanted by M4 over
the years. M2 * General basic high
(HS 6-5-2) purpose, speed steel
Because of the combination of low-demand or
improved wear resistance over M2 short-run tools

(from higher vanadium) and the

improved toughness (from the P/M M4 Longer wear life improved
process), M4 has become the common (HS 6-5-4) than M2 under toughness,
similar cutting improved
base grade for many general-purpose conditions wear
gear cutting tools. In addition, its resistance

improved wear properties over M2 have

M3+Co Higher tempera- improved
made it popular for improved broaching (HS 6-5-3-8) ture exposure, temper resis-
performance. Because cutting speeds M4+Co faster cutting tance, slightly
(HS 6-5-4-5) speeds higher
are not extreme, the tempering resis- hardness
tance of cobalt grades is not usually
required, and the longer wear life of the
T15 Machining of high abrasion
higher vanadium M4 is beneficial. (HS 12-1-5-5) cast iron, cutting resistance,
Where faster cutting speeds or more abrasive materi- moderate tem-
als at slower per resistance
difficult cooling conditions may place a speeds
higher thermal load on the cutting tools,
cobalt-bearing high speed steels are
M48 High cutting high hard-
called for. Cobalt adds heat resistance, (~HS 10-5-3-9) speeds, dry or ness, wear
but not significant abrasion resistance. T15 Mod semi-dry cutting, resistance &
(~HS 10-2-5-8) high productivity temper
At one time, M35 (HS 6-5-2-5), similar & tool life resistance
to M2, but with 5% cobalt, was popular.
As the base grade changed from M2
Advanced Highest cutting maximum
to P/M M3 and ultimately to M4, the grades hardness &
speeds, dry &
cobalt-bearing counterpart also changed semi-dry temper
cutting resistance
to M3 or M4 types with 5%–8% cobalt
added (HS 6-5-3-8, HS 6-5-4-5) to help
retain hardness during high temperature *All grades are given using standard industry (AISI or ASTM) designations. All grades, except M2, are
manufactured by P/M steelmaking technology; M2 is manufactured by traditional ingot cast steelmaking.
exposure. They are commonly specified • • GEAR TECHNOLOGY • SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2004 55
Tarney 2 8/6/04 9:14 AM Page 56

High Speed Steel Properties:

Different Grades for Different Requirements

at slightly higher hardness than the non- pering resistance over M3 or M4, but broaching, where abrasion is a more
cobalt-bearing grades. The higher ini- not higher vanadium content, cobalt- common failure mode, they may offer
tial heat-treated hardness contributes to bearing high speed steels are best suited somewhat improved performance over
higher retained hardness at elevated for applications involving higher cut- M3 or M4, but may not be as effective
temperature as well. ting speeds in similar materials. In as higher vanadium grades.
Because they feature improved tem- slower cutting operations, such as T15 (HS 12-1-5-5), with 5% vanadi-
um and 5% cobalt, is sometimes used
where moderate temper resistance but
high abrasion resistance is needed, such

TAKE A BITE OUT OF YOUR GEAR COSTS as in machining of cast iron, or in

broaching of difficult machining mate-
WITH TEETH LIKE THESE. rials. The high vanadium content pro-
vides improved wear life, and the
attainable hardness—higher than M2 or
M4—can improve cutting edge integri-
For highest productivity, or for par-
ticularly abrasive cutting conditions,
various highly alloyed “super-high
speed steel” grades, such as M48 (~HS
10-5-3-9), have been developed. These
steels combine very high attainable
hardness (usually over 67/68 HRC)
with either very high wear resistance,
improved tempering resistance, or both.
These steels are used for high cutting
speeds, dry or semi-dry cutting, or sim-
ply to provide the maximum in tool life.
Because of their high hardness and
Are you interested in reducing your gear costs while increasing wear resistance, some of these grades
their quality? Presrite hot-forges intricate gears to net and near-net
are considered to provide a bridge
shapes, so little or no hobbing is required.
between high speed steels and carbides.
We’ve invested millions to save you money and PRESRITE NEAR-NET GEARS GIVE YOU THE
improve the performance of the gears you buy. In particular, developments in P/M high
Our dedicated gear-forging facility is equipped
STRENGTH OF A FORGING WITH speed steels in recent years have pro-
with a state-of-the-art gear lab, high-capacity LITTLE OR NO MACHINING. duced several advanced specialty
presses, and the latest in sophisticated machinery.
grades, often capable of hardnesses
See why customers from a wide range of industries and countries
reaching—or in some cases exceed-
come to Presrite for forged gears. Contact us now for more
information or a quote. ing—70 HRC, further extending the
reach of high speed steels into high per-
Weight Savings – As a blank, this large spur gear weighed 55 lbs. formance applications.
As a forged tooth gear with 1 millimeter of stock on the tooth profile
Of course, there is also a firm market
for hobbing, it weighs just 37 lbs.
for solid carbide cutting tools of various
Q S - 9 0 0 0 a n d I S O 9 0 0 2 types. Despite the advances in alloy
Presrite Corporation composition of high speed steels, the
3665 E. 78th St. • Cleveland, OH 44105
Phone: (216) 441-5990 wear resistance of carbide remains
Fax: (216) 441-2644 superior. In applications where machine
© 2004, Presrite Corporation We’re as NEAR as the NET! Visit our Web site at rigidity and tool design permit their use,
and cost can be rationalized, carbide
Tarney 2 8/6/04 12:42 PM Page 57

...but can they slice a tomato?

• Economical Precision stock spiral
Savvy gear manufacturers alternative to bevel gears Q-9 to Q-13
custom gears
will discuss operating con-
ditions, common modes of
• Sizes up to • Easily
tool failure, and desired per- 16 inches modified
formance results with their
tool manufacturers to find • Engineering
the best material for a given assistance • Ground tooth
available sets available
• Carburized, hardened
tools can offer certain performance ben- and matched in sets
efits over any high speed steel, such as
high hardness at elevated temperature Arrow Gear engineers don’t suggest using our stock gears for cutting
and long term abrasion resistance. tomatoes, but, if you need an economical gear solution, we’re ready to
The cost of the raw material and the assist you. For more information visit
difficulty of fabricating the cutting tool
2301 Curtiss Street
both tend to increase with the more Downers Grove, IL 60515
highly alloyed steels. However, in most 630-969-7640
cases, improvements in productivity or
tool life would pay for the additional
tool cost many times over.
Heat treatment, surface finish and
coatings can have a major impact on
tool performance. In some cases, these
factors may be more inportant than the
choice of substrate material. The great
majority of gear cutting tools are PVD-
coated, with coatings such as TiN,
TiAlN or other ceramic-type coatings
that offer reduced coefficients of fric-
tion and enhanced wear resistance. E I


These factors are integral in the man-

S.A with precision
ufacture of any cutting tool. Savvy gear
Quality Gear & Machine Inc., a name synonymous with
manufacturers will discuss operating expertise in the manufacturing of precision gears. We create
conditions, common modes of tool fail- new or replacements for your particular needs and can
ure, and desired performance results help you develop specialty gears from your design.
with their tool manufacturers to find the Ring Gears Spiral Bevels Worm Gears
best material for a given operation. r Compound Gears Splines Spur Gears
Straight Bevel Rack Helical Gears
- From your Sample or Drawing -

Tell Us What You Think . . .

The source you have been looking for.
E-mail to
• Rate this article Quality Gear & Machine, Inc.
531 Mulberry Avenue Punxsutawney, PA 15767
Or call (847) 437-6604 to talk to one of Telephone (814) 938-5552 FAX (814) 938-5592
our editors! • • GEAR TECHNOLOGY • SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2004 57

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