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Humain Dissonance en v2

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The Human in Cognitive Dissonance

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable man persists and tries to adapt
the world to what he is. Therefore, all progress depends on unreasonable people "
George Bernard Shaw
"Weak coherence is the demon of little minds."
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Firstly, I do not say that you have little minds.
It is to arouse interest.
But when you understand that it is the man and only the man who limits himself and that you will
do the necessary work to break your codes, then your mind will grow.
And when I speak of man, it is all of humanity, of you, only you, all of you.
For that, let's try to explain the mode of operation of our brain using the tools at our disposal. In
psychology we have discovered the principle of automatic coherence or principle of instinctive
We have a number of our behaviors that are conditioned, why?
Because we have learned to respond automatically to certain stimuli because it saves us from
having to think. And even if this leads us to adopt inappropriate behaviors regularly, we accept this
imperfection: we have no choice. Without this, we would spend our time guessing, evaluating and
analyzing instead of acting.
This is our first point, knowing that we operate in this way, it would be wise that at certain times of
our lives, we pause and observe our environment.
By environment, I speak of fauna and flora, but also our friends, our spouse, our material goods,
As I remind you, we think once about a problem, we find a solution at this moment which is
optimal. Then we apply it on a daily basis, it is passed on to our children, and all this is automatic.
What happens if this principle of automatic consistency is no longer adjusted to our environment?
Perhaps the principle of automatic coherence should be adjusted to criteria that have been rationally
and honestly reflected at several points in his life.
To question yourself from time to time.
Moreover, in current opinion, coherence goes hand in hand with intelligence and strength of
character. That's why we have an almost obsessive desire to be and seem consistent in our behavior.
As soon as we have taken a position or opted for a certain attitude, we find ourselves subject to
internal and external pressures which force us to act in line with our original position: we react in
such a way as to justify our previous decisions, by putting our opinions in agreement with our
actions, for example.
Our actions are motivated by the principle of coherence, before making a choice, we hesitate, and
the moment we made the choice we feel better, we convince ourselves of the right choice (trust).
Consistency gives a solid foundation.
Automatic coherence is a rampart for reflection, no need to think otherwise we take the risk to
change your mind.
A commitment taken leads another, if someone makes me accept something, even minimal, the next
time he can make me accept more and so on.
The use of foot-in-the-door can, from small commitments, manipulate the idea that an individual is
self-made. Foot-in-the-door is a technique of making an inexpensive request that will likely be
accepted, followed by a more expensive request.
If the engagement produces a positive self-image, we will want to keep this image.
Second point, law or principle of reciprocity is one of the automatic behaviors (instinctive) that the
human being has unconsciously set up in order to live in society in a harmonious way.
"If a person pardons us from something, we have to give him back."
The employment contract is inspired by the law or principle of reciprocity. I give you a salary and
in exchange you give me your time.
These two pillars in mind, I suggest you take a break and see our environment.
Without going through four paths, let's get into the subject and see the reaction of those around you.
Debt money and interest. We use money-making as a money-creation system, and in order to
remunerate those who create this money-debt, we give them the right to set interest.
In a system with infinite resources, this is not a problem.
The resources available here are set at forty.

In this scenario, Alice and Bob remake a loan when they run out of money to pay off their debts and
boost the economy. In green, Alice and Bob pay off their interests in first. In blue they try to pay off
their debts.
Finally neither the debt, nor the interests of are reimbursed. And they last a hell of a time without
resources. I wonder what kind of health the population is.
It's simple, monetary creation if it's not connected to resources is a weapon of mass destruction. Add
to that interests that are based on nothing except erroneous human concepts. I don’t have the word
for this ...
Everyone knows, we've been in a consumer society since time immemorial, it's always been like
that. That's about 100 years.
One day we discover that we are in a finite system, with finite resources and to be clearer resources
that are not limitless.
Our monetary functioning is based on infinite growth, happiness is in consumption, we must work
to achieve happiness, the unemployed are feigners, they are parasites, etc.
Even worse, we discover that we are vulnerable to certain natural laws or principles. Laws /
principles that are, of course, very exploited, like the law of reciprocity.
Thus, we realize that we have plenty of law or principle that applies to us automatically, which are
exploited largely by advertising.
I do not throw a stone at anyone, I point out that we are in a consumer society. We must consume to
be happy (persuasion), publicists have every interest to be experts in the field to provide us
But here we have discovered that what we believe, what we are doing is only chemical reactions
within a terribly complex organ.
Some will say that we are idiots, I think rather that we are terribly powerful. And that we have just
discovered it.
I ask you why we use a system of monetary creation that is incompatible and terribly detrimental to
the environment and humanity.
And why not change the money creation system?
Our principle of coherence, here misguided, but not inactive so far, is facing a monumental mental
conflict ...
In fact, we have no idea why we choose this system and why some still defend it.
It is impossible to repay the debts, otherwise there is no money in circulation. The interests being
outside the available resources inflict a frightening pace of work and a race to overconsumption,
because of the law of reciprocity, one feels obliged to repay his debts and one feels obliged to
refund the interests.
We must also remember that we have just understood that we have limited resources. I do not think
that's the case when we organized ourselves to build the consumer society.
But we use it for years, we operate like that, some will say that we are shameless, I would say that
on the contrary we will not inflict constant questioning. It's unbearable.
But here we are in cognitive dissonance, in incoherence. All our garbage comes back to us in the
We invent the perfect excuse "It's like that.”
It's a natural process, we do not control it. We operate this way.
So as it is more expensive to question our initial choice, we prefer to lie to ourselves.
Then to the one who asks us why we chose this system, and we can begin to strengthen our
commitment to this dangerous system. We are defending the system against all odds, saying that it
works, that it has always been so that it is people who are wise who take the reins, that they know
what they do, they will not let big dramas happen.
It's human. It's more expensive for our brains to question themselves and accept that we're wrong
than lying to ourselves.
And we end up with a 7th continent made of waste, we can put as many locks to the brain, we veil
the face as much as possible, because the human is very strong for that. It works like this.
Our environment pays him the bill, and irreparably we will pay the bill. We talk about life there, not
gadgets, Life.
Let's try to understand why and how.
We have just discovered that certain symbols and techniques stimulate our brain that makes you
believe that because you have a lot of things you are superior to certain people.
But these are just chemical reactions that give us satisfaction, joy, and so on.
And the one who does not know how it works, who is exposed to these symbols and if he does not
know that these are just chemical reactions that make us believe that so-and-so is superior, this
person will never question the authority of the so-called superior.
She will submit, she will give you authority, she makes you what you want to be.
If you have the symbols, the reactions will be triggered in your mind and in the minds of the people
in front of you and all will be persuaded that there is this thing that is called authority.
Symbols can be for example, a suit, a watch, a luxury car. We have programed in our minds that
they are symbols of authority and power.
That's it, you have the necessary tool to hold power to the ignorant. It's up to you to keep some
balance to stay in place the longest. It's a dangerous game the fall can be fatal.

But do not stop here, I'll try to show you how powerful the human is.

You are what others think of you.

If it's a lesson to share it's the one, it's a formidable weapon.
You are what others think of you.

And it is necessary to live in society, it is natural we cannot control it, but it is up to us to be

informed. It is perfectly legitimate to live one's life, to consume, to have fun, but it is necessary not
to forget our way of learning in order to avoid catastrophes.
For those who have great responsibilities, firstly you are needed. For the moment as long as the
human has not completely freed himself from all his locks, you are a necessity.
But I tell you, it is the others who give you the necessary authority to meet your responsibilities.
But you are rich and powerful, and by principles that your brain has set up automatically, you do not
have to change anything.
You're not going to impoverish yourself, that would be stupid, and you're off to the masquerade
good excuses.
So rather than recognizing that there is no longer any valid reason for continuing to do so in many
areas of our society, that is to say, to continue to deny influence, we will invent false justifications.

But you know what it is? This is only the result of a cognitive dissonance. The effort is so important
that our brain protects us.
It is a natural process, there is no need to throw a stone at anyone.
We are in a dissonance, and we transmit a part of our genes and our automatisms to our children,
they are in a dissonance.
It's very difficult to accept.
We must accept that humanity can make bad choices.
And do you know why. Because humanity learns from its mistakes. This is the only way she has to
learn. We are children in a sandbox, but unfortunately there is no one to watch us. It works this
way. We experiment, we look, we discuss, we fall, we get up and we advance.
It is up to humanity to realize that certain symbols; certain codes stimulate us cerebrally whether
these stimuli direct us in this or that direction / choice.
That these stimuli are extremely powerful that can lead to wars, but that they can produce
wonderful things.

It is these stimuli that allow us to define ourselves as individuals and to live in society.
I ask you the question, "why go on living this way?"
The "it,” "because of it,” "it's like that", "it's the other's fault,” "life is like this,” falls into the water.
They do not exist, nothing hides behind.

You are what others think of you.

We are here because we did not know how our brain worked. We did not know it. I want to say
thank you to those who have used cognitive science to make us consume. Thanks to them we know
how our brain works in part.

Rather than seeing problems, we are in the presence of solutions. Thank you guys, without you we
could never have known how it worked. Okay, stop your imbecilities now.

Humanity is in a cognitive dissonance. Inconsistent.

But now you know, you cannot ignore it anymore.

There is no need to panic either, these are natural processes.
Humanity learns from its mistakes, so much to enjoy.
Now, what does it mean?
You have to come up with ideas and I have some.
But how to be heard by those who have authority, those who hold "power".
Concerns that are justified.

Tell them what you want, and if they do not listen to you, they are in dissonance.
Tell them that you give up the game.
That's enough, I take back the power that I granted you, I do not listen anymore.

It seems to me that there are now much better tools to manage our economy.
The current system is a spreadsheet with databases relying on nothing, and you want to know its
I am going to advance some sums which are only estimations, I leave the purists and experts care to
make their contributions World debts 192 000 billion (324% of global GDP), we will smooth the
key rate of 1.2%.

2304 billion euros is the price of our spreadsheet that is not based on anything …

It's a good way to remind you too, or perhaps to learn what bitcoin is.
Bitcoin is simply a currency trading system. Stop pushing yourself into some lie and stop asking for
support from the banks.
They understood what it was and they do everything to spray it, cognitive dissonance gentlemen.
The price of the world trading system is 2304 billion euros, we divide by 21 million bitcoins, we get
€ 109,714 per bitcoin. Comparison of two systems having the same utility.
This is for speculators, gift.
Now a centralized monetary exchange system in the hands of a caring government is a solution that
can be put in place.
A benevolent government to its people who gave them authority. You are what others think of you.
A decentralized system is also a reminder to the authorities that they are not alone and that
they do not have full powers.
If you stumble into your lies, I can abandon you and there you will see who has the authority.
A government for the people. We get the excuse of a global crisis, it's fear, your fear. We are
confronted with our actions, our incoherence is everything.
A currency exchange system is a system that allows trading, not speculation, or making money.
By looking for speculative bubbles everywhere, take a break and look. We are in it, the whole
system is a bubble.
324% of global GDP and we just discovered that we have finite resources! (around the 1970s, it
seems to me)
I leave you free to leave a lot of justifications that are only the result of a natural reaction in our
brain that seeks to protect you from yourself.

But we are not weak, we will look in the face. The greatest judge for oneself is ... even. When one is
no longer lying, one is alone with one's actions. We fall. But this fall allows us to rise, and we rise
much more powerful.
We can change, we can do everything, we can build a society as we wish.
Rather than looking for false excuses and justifications. Let's move.
Offer a system of mutual aid for funding.
And if ever some refuse, no worries, stay between you. Society can organize itself without you. You
are not indispensable.
These are just chemical reactions of our brain.
We live in a group, we build societies. We are human, we just have to stop from time to time and
raise our heads.
Now is it reasonable to give up others?
Would not that be a protection? A false justification to find a responsible other than be? Again, to
protect ourselves from ourselves?
Are we not smart enough to organize ourselves and everyone to be part of it? There is room for
We have access to a wealth of information. Rather than erase everything, and start from scratch.
Why not make an inventory of all that we have and look to the future taking into account all that we
have discovered.
Our universities are filled with gray matter, we all have something special. Let's stop comparing
each other. It only serves to hurt oneself.
And for those who think they are weak. Listen carefully.
Take a break and look at everything you support. How do you support all this? You must not be
weak to live like this. You have to be strong, you are strong, but you have put in a cage around you.
Is it not your own strength that scares you?
Money does not bring anything, it allows to do things that's all. Things that cause chemical
reactions that boost the brain. Sadly, by doing things we are stimulated and we adopt behaviors that
are no longer in line with our environment if we do not question ourselves from time to time.
We are doped, the brain releases a lot of things that only make us feel emotions. Yes, but now, we
are destroying everything. Billions of years of evolution to destroy everything in 1 century. If it's
not a proof of our power that ...
Look at all the justifications that come to your mind. It's your brain that protects you from yourself.
True power and intelligence are not stubbornness and especially not now, it is sometimes able
to give up the game and look elsewhere.
And it's within everyone's reach, alone or in a group, discuss, share and observe what comes to your
mind. There is no limit. We impose this limit.
Let's place human genius at the center of our society. We do not have to pay or support that
anymore. It's just a natural law that forces us to believe that we are indebted. But it is not so. Let's
not forget respect, we are all on the same boat. The natural law is not that we are indebted, it is the
process of automating a query that seems optimal at a given moment.
It's up to us to use our own genius to make reason hear and to radically change society.
And you know the best. We can create it in boarding everyone. Everyone can come, there is room
for everyone rich and less rich.
We have just discovered that the only rules of the game that exist is that we have the power to
limit ourselves.
If it's not power and strength in the human, I'd love to know what it is.
The creative power perhaps? And you, what do you think?
Anyway I come to understand that I do not know anything, that it's a dangerous game called
And of course, it's not going to be easy. But is this a problem?

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