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Samir Okasha - Philosophy of Science - Chapt 1 'What Is Science' PDF

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What is science?
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What is science? This question may seem easy to answer: everybody

knows that subjects such as physics, chemistry, and biology
constitute science, while subjects such as art, music, and theology
do not. But when as philosophers we ask what science is, that is not
the sort of answer we want. We are not asking for a mere list of the
activities that are usually called 'science'. Rather, we are asking what
common feature all the things on that list share, i.e. what it is that
makes something a science. Understood this way, our question is
not so trivial.

But you may still think the question is relatively straightforward.

Surely science is just the attempt to understand, explain, and
predict the world we live in? This is certainly a reasonable answer.
But is it the whole story? After all, the various religions also attempt
to understand and explain the world, but religion is not usually
regarded as a branch of science. Similarly, astrology and fortune-
telling are attempts to predict the future, but most people would not
describe these activities as science. Or consider history. Historians
try to understand and explain what happened in the past, but
history is usually classified as an arts subject not a science subject.
As with many philosophical questions, the question 'what is
science?' turns out to be trickier than it looks at first sight.

Many people believe that the distinguishing features ofscience lie in

the particular methods scientists use to investigate the world.
This suggestion is quite plausible. For many sciences do
I too - the "",n'ifi, <evolution dId no'. cornelro~ nowh'",' In
::se earlier periods the dominant world-VIew was Aristotehamsm,
employ distinctive methods of enquiry that are not found in named after the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle, who put
non-scientific disciplines. An obvious example is the use of forward detailed theories in physics, biology, astronomy, and
experiments, which historically marks a turning-point in the cosmology. But Aristotle's ideas would seem very strange to a
development of modern science. Not all the sciences are modern scientist, as would his methods of enquiry. To pick just one
experimental though - astronomers obviously cannot do example, he believed that all earthly bodies are composed ofjust
experiments on the heavens, but have to content themselves with four elements: earth, fire, air, and water. This view is obviously at
careful observation instead. The same is true of many social odds with what modern chemistry tells us.
sciences. Another important feature of science is the construction
of theories. Scientists do not simply record the results of The first crucial step in the development of the modern scientific
experiment and observation in a log book - they usually want to world-view was the Copernican revolution. In 1542 the Polish
explain those results in terms of a general theory. This is not always astronomer Nicolas Copernicus (1473-1543) published a book
easy to do, but there have been some striking successes. One of the attacking the geocentric model of the universe, which placed the
key problems in philosophy of science is to understand how stationary earth at the centre of the universe with the planets and
~ techniques such as experimentation, observation, and theory- the sun in orbit around it. Geocentric astronomy, also known as
~ construction have enabled scientists to unravel so many of nature's Ptolemaic astronomy after the ancient Greek astronomer Ptolemy, ~
OS secrets.
l' lay at the heart of the Aristotelian world-view, and had gone largely iO'
a '"
if The origins of modern science
unchallenged for 1,800 years. But Copernicus suggested an
alternative: the sun was the fixed centre of the universe, and the
planets, including the earth, were in orbit around the sun (Figure 1).
In today's schools and universities, science is taught in a largely 'it On this heliocentric model the earth is regarded as just another
ahistorical way. Textbooks present the key ideas of a scientific planet, and so loses the unique status that tradition had accorded it.
discipline in as convenient a form as possible, with little mention of Copernicus' theory initially met with much resistance, not least
the lengthy and often tortuous historical process that led to their from the Catholic Church who regarded it as contravening the
discovery. As a pedagogical strategy, this makes good sense. But Scriptures and in 1616 banned books advocating the earth's motion.
some appreciation of the history of scientific ideas is helpful for But within 100 years Copernicanism had become established
understanding the issues that interest philosophers of science. scientific orthodoxy.
Indeed as we shall see in Chapter 5, it has been argued that close
attention to the history of science is indispensable for doing good Copernicus' innovation did not merely lead to a better astronomy.
philosophy of science. Indirectly, it led to the development of modern physics, through the
work of Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) and Galileo Galilei (1564-
The origins of modern science lie in a period of rapid scientific 1642). Kepler discovered that the planets do not move in circular
development that occurred in Europe between the years 1500 and orbits around the sun, as Copernicus thought, but rather in ellipses.
1750, which we now refer to as the scientific revolution. Of course This was his crucial 'first law' of planetary motion; his second and
scientific investigations were pursued in ancient and medieval third laws specify the speeds at which the planets orbit the sun.
2 3
freely falling bodies will fall towards the earth at the same rate,
irrespective oftheir weight (Figure 2). (Of course in practice, if you
drop a feather and a cannon-ball from the same height the cannon-
ball will land first, but Galileo argued that this is simply due to air
resistance - in a vacuum, they would land together.) Furthermore,
he argued that freely falling bodies accelerate uniformly, Le. gain
equal increments of speed in equal times; this is known as Galileo's
law of free-fall. Galileo provided persuasive though not totally
conclusive evidence for this law, which formed the centrepiece ofhis
theory of mechanics.

Galileo is generally regarded as the first truly modern physicist. He

was the first to show that the language of mathematics could be
used to describe the behaviour of actual objects in the material
world, such as falling bodies, projectiles, etc. To us this seems

j obvious - today's scientific theories are routinely formulated in

mathematical language, not only in the physical sciences but also in i
biology and economics. But in Galileo's day it was not obvious:
i:1. Copernicus' heliocentric model of the universe, showing the planets,
o including the earth, orbiting the sun. mathematics was widely regarded as dealing with purely abstract
~ entities, and hence inapplicable to physical reality. Another
innovative aspect of Galileo's work was his emphasis on the
Taken together, Kepler's laws provided a far superior planetary "l' importance of testing hypotheses experimentally. To the modern
theory than had ever been advanced before, solving problems that scientist, this may again seem obvious. But at the time that Galileo
had confounded astronomers for centuries. Galileo was a life-long was working, experimentation was not generally regarded as a
supporter of Copernicanism, and one of the early pioneers of the reliable means of gaining knowledge. Galileo's emphasis on
telescope. When he pointed his telescope at the heavens, he made a experimental testing marks the beginning of an empirical approach
wealth of amazing discoveries, including mountains on the moon, a to studying nature that continues to this day.
vast array of stars, sun-spots, and Jupiter's moons. All of these
conflicted thoroughly with Aristotelian cosmology, and played a The period following Galileo's death saw the scientific revolution
pivotal role in converting the scientific community to rapidly gain in momentum. The French philosopher,
Copernicanism. mathematician, and scientist Rene Descartes (1596-1650)
developed a radical new 'mechanical philosophy', according to
Galileo's most enduring contribution, however, lay not in which the physical world consists simply of inert particles of matter
astronomy but in mechanics, where he refuted the Aristotelian interacting and colliding with one another. The laws governing the
theory that heavier bodies fall faster than lighter ones. In place of motion of these particles or 'corpuscles' held the key to
this theory, Galileo made the counter-intuitive suggestion that all understanding the structure of the Copernican universe, Descartes
4 5
believed. The mechanical philosophy promised to explain all
observable phenomena in terms of the motion of these inert,

vision ofthe second half of the 17th century; to some extent it is still
with us today. Versions ofthe mechanical philosophy were espoused
, by figures such as Huygens, Gassendi, Hooke, Boyle, and others; its
. widespread acceptance marked the final downfall of the
Aristotelian world-view.

The scientific revolution culminated in the work of Isaac Newton

(1643-1727), whose achievements stand unparalleled in the history
of science. Newton's masterpiece was his Mathematical Principles
ofNatural Philosophy, published in 1687. Newton agreed with the
mechanical philosophers that the universe consists simply of
particles in motion, but sought to improve on Descartes' laws of
motion and rules of collision. The result was a dynamical and
mechanical theory of great power, based around Newton's three
laws of motion and his famous principle of universal gravitation.
According to this principle, every body in the universe exerts a
gravitational attraction on every other body; the strength of the
attraction between two bodies depends on the product of their
masses, and on the distance between them squared. The laws of
motion then specifY how this gravitational force affects the bodies'
motions. Newton elaborated his theory with great mathematical
precision and rigour, inventing the mathematical technique we now
call 'calculus'. Strikingly, Newton was able to show that Kepler's
laws of planetary motion and Galileo's law offree-fall (both with
certain minor modifications) were logical consequences of his laws
of motion and gravitation. In other words, the very same laws would
explain the motions of bodies in both terrestrial and celestial
domains, and were formulated by Newton in a precise quantitative

Newtonian physics provided the framework for science for the next
200 years or so, quickly replacing Cartesian physics. Scientific
2. Sketch ofGalileo's mythical experiment on the velocity of objects
dropped from the Leaning Tower of Pisa. confidence grew rapidly in this period, due largely to the success of

Newton's theory, which was widely believed to have revealed the a brief description of modern science's origins would be incomplete
true workings of nature, and to be capable of explaining everything, ifit omitted all mention ofthe non-physical sciences.
in principle at least. Detailed attempts were made to extend the
Newtonian mode of explanation to more and more phenomena. In biology, the event that stands out is Charles Darwin's discovery
The 18th and 19th centuries both saw notable scientific advances, of the theory of evolution by natural selection, published in The
particularly in the study of chemistry, optics, energy, Origin ojSpecies in 1859. Until then it was widely believed that
thermodynamics, and electromagnetism. But for the most part, the different species had been separately created by God, as the
these developments were regarded as falling within a broadly Book of Genesis teaches. But Darwin argued that contemporary
Newtonian conception of the universe. Scientists accepted species have actually evolved from ancestral ones, through a
Newton's conception as essentially correct; all that remained to be process known as natural selection. Natural selection occurs when
done was to fill in the details. some organisms leave more offspring than others, depending on
their physical characteristics; if these characteristics are then
Confidence in the Newtonian picture was shattered in the early inherited by their offspring, over time the population will become
years of the 20th century, thanks to two revolutionary new better and better adapted to the environment. Simple though this
developments in physics: relativity theory and quantum process is, over a large number of generations it can cause one
~ mechanics. Relativity theory, discovered by Einstein, showed that species to evolve into a wholly new one, Darwin argued. So
~ Newtonian mechanics does not give the right results when persuasive was the evidence Darwin adduced for his theory that by
'Ci applied to very massive objects, or objects moving at very high the start of the 20th century it was accepted as scientific
_!... velocities. Quantum mechanics, conversely, shows that the orthodoxy, despite considerable theological opposition (Figure 3).
Newtonian theory does not work when applied on a very small Subsequent work has provided striking confirmation of Darwin's
scale, to subatomic particles. Both relativity theory and quantum theory, which forms the centrepiece of the modern biological
mechanics, especially the latter, are very strange and radical 't. world-view.
theories, making claims about the nature of reality that many
people find hard to accept or even understand. Their emergence The 20th century witnessed another revolution in biology that is
caused considerable conceptual upheaval in physics, which not yet complete: the emergence of molecular biology, in particular
continues to this day. molecular genetics. In 1953 Watson and Crick discovered the
structure of DNA, the hereditary material that makes up the genes
So far our brief account of the history of science has focused mainly in the cells ofliving creatures (Figure 4). Watson and Crick's
on physics. This is no accident, as physics is both historically very discovery explained how genetic information can be copied from
important and in a sense the most fundamental of all scientific one cell to another, and thus passed down from parent to offspring,
disciplines. For the objects that other sciences study are themselves thereby explaining why offspring tend to resemble their parents.
made up of physical entities. Consider botany, for example. Their discovery opened up an exciting new area of biological
Botanists study plants, which are ultimately composed of molecules research. In the 50 years since Watson and Crick's work, molecular
and atoms, which are physical particles. So botany is obviously less biology has grown fast, transforming our understanding ofheredity
fundamental than physics - though that is not to say it is any less and of how genes build organisms. The recent attempt to provide a
important. This is a point we shall return to in Chapter 3. But even molecular-level description of the complete set of genes in a human
8 9
MR. BlmGB TO ':$!I RBSClUlI. 4. James Watson and Francis Crick with the famous 'double helix'-
Man wutatOeIainl ,:m,.Pedi~
THE DEFRAUDED GOIULLA.u'.I'ha.t u. their molecular model of the structure of DNA, discovered in 1953.
of my Descendants."
Mr. BERGH. "Now, Mr. DARWIIl1,howtouldyott insult him so?"

3. Darwin's suggestion that humans and apes have descended from

common ancestors caused consternation in Victorian England. which studies various aspects of human cognition such as
perception, memory, learning, and reasoning, and has transformed
traditional psychology. Much of the impetus for cognitive science
being, known as the Human Genome Project, is an indication of comes from the idea that the human mind is in some respects
how far molecular biology has come. The 21st century will see similar to a computer, and thus that human mental processes can be
further exciting developments in this field. understood by comparing them to the operations computers carry
out. Cognitive science is still in its infancy, but promises to reveal
More resources have been devoted to scientific research in the last much about the workings of the mind. The social sciences,
hundred years than ever before. One result has been an explosion of especially economics and sociology, have also flourished in the 20th
new scientific disciplines, such as computer science, artificial century, though many people believe they still lag behind the
intelligence, linguistics, and neuroscience. Possibly the most natural sciences in terms of sophistication and rigour. This is an
significant event of the last 30 years is the rise of cognitive science, issue we shall return to in Chapter 7.

10 11
What is philosophy of science? said, it must be admitted that many scientists today take little
interest in philosophy of science, and know little about it. While this
The principal task of philosophy of science is to analyse the is unfortunate, it is not an indication that philosophical issues are
methods of enquiry used in the various sciences. You may wonder no longer relevant. Rather, it is a consequence of the increasingly
why this task should fall to philosophers, rather than to the specialized nature of science, and of the polarization between the
scientists themselves. This is a good question. Part of the answer is sciences and the humanities that characterizes the modern
that looking at science from a philosophical perspective allows us to education system.
probe deeper - to uncover assumptions that are implicit in scientific
practice, but which scientists do not explicitly discuss. To illustrate, You may still be wondering exactly what philosophy of science is all
consider scientific experimentation. Suppose a scientist does an about. For to say that it 'studies the methods of science', as we did
experiment and gets a particular result. He repeats the experiment above, is not really to say very much. Rather than try to provide a
a few times and keeps getting the same result. After that he will more informative definition, we will proceed straight to consider a
probably stop, confident that were he to keep repeating the typical problem in the philosophy of science.
experiment, under exactly the same conditions, he would continue
to get the same result. This assumption may seem obvious, but as
Science and pseudo-science
~ philosophers we want to question it. H'hy assume that future
~ repetitions of the experiment will yield the same result? How do we Recall the question with which we began: what is science? Karl ~
Popper, an influential 20th-century philosopher of science, thought ;;'
'Q know this is true? The scientist is unlikely to spend too much time
puzzling over these somewhat curious questions: he probably has
better things to do. They are quintessentially philosophical
that the fundamental feature of a scientific theory is that it should
be falsifiable. To call a theory falsifiable is not to say that it is false.
if questions, to which we return in the next chapter. Rather, it means that the theory makes some definite predictions
that are capable of being tested against experience. If these
So part of the job of philosophy of science is to question predictions turn out to be wrong, then the theory has been falsified,
assumptions that scientists take for granted. But it would be wrong or disproved. So a falsifiable theory is one that we might discover to
to imply that scientists never discuss philosophical issues be false - it is not compatible with every possible course of
themselves. Indeed, historically, many scientists have played an experience. Popper thought that some supposedly scientific theories
important role in the development of philosophy of science. did not satisfY this condition and thus did not deserve to be called
Descartes, Newton, and Einstein are prominent examples. Each science at all; rather they were merely pseudo-science.
was deeply interested in philosophical questions about how science
should proceed, what methods of enquiry it should use, how much Freud's psychoanalytic theory was one of Popper's favourite
confidence we should place in those methods, whether there are examples of pseudo-science. According to Popper, Freud's theory
limits to scientific knowledge, and so on. As we shall see, these could be reconciled with any empirical findings whatsoever.
questions still lie at the heart of contemporary philosophy of Whatever a patient's behaviour, Freudians could find an
science. So the issues that interest philosophers of science are not explanation of it in terms of their theory - they would never admit
'merely philosophical'; on the contrary, they have engaged the that their theory was wrong. Popper illustrated his point with the
attention of some of the greatest scientists of all. That having been following example. Imagine a man who pushes a child into a river

12 13
with the intention of murdering him, and another man who deflected by the sun, this would have showed that Einstein was
sacrifices his life in order to save the child. Freudians can explain wrong. So Einstein's theory satisfies the criterion offalsifiability.
both men's behaviour with equal ease: the first was repressed, and
the second had achieved sublimation. Popper argued that through Popper's attempt to demarcate science from pseudo-science is
the use of such concepts as repression, sublimation, and intuitively quite plausible. There is certainly something fishy about
unconscious desires, Freud's theory could be rendered compatible a theory that can be made to fit any empirical data whatsoever. But
with any clinical data whatever; it was thus unfalsifiable. some philosophers regard Popper's criterion as overly simplistic.
Popper criticized Freudians and Marxists for explaining away any
The same was true of Marx's theory of history, Popper maintained. data that appeared to conflict with their theories, rather than
Marx claimed that in industrialized societies around the world, accepting that the theories had been refuted. This certainly looks
capitalism would give way to socialism and ultimately to like a suspicious procedure. However, there is some evidence that
communism. But when this didn't happen, instead of admitting this very procedure is routinely used by 'respectable' scientists -
that Marx's theory was wrong, Marxists would invent an ad hoc whom Popper would not want to accuse of engaging in pseudo-
explanation for why what happened was actually perfectly science - and has led to important scientific discoveries.
consistent with their theory. For example, they might say that the
.. inevitable progress to communism had been temporarily slowed Another astronomical example can illustrate this. Newton's
I by the rise of the welfare state, which 'softened' the proletariat
'0 and weakened their revolutionary zeal. In this sort of way, Marx's
gravitational theory, which we encountered earlier, made
predictions about the paths the planets should follow as they orbit
... theory could be made compatible with any possible course of the sun. For the most part, these predictions were borne out by ~
_a events, just like Freud's. Therefore neither theory qualifies as observation. However, the observed orbit of Uranus consistently ~
if genuinely scientific, according to Popper's criterion. differed from what Newton's theory predicted. This puzzle was
solved in 1846 by two scientists, Adams in England and Leverrier
Popper contrasted Freud's and Marx's theories with Einstein's~' .... in France, working independently. They suggested that there was
theory of gravitation, also known as general relativity. Unlike another planet, as yet undiscovered, exerting an additional
Freud's and Marx's theories, Einstein's theory made a very definite gravitational force on Uranus. Adams and Leverrier were able to
prediction: that light rays from distant stars would be deflected by calculate the mass and position that this planet would have to have,
the gravitational field of the sun. Normally this effect would be if its gravitational pull was indeed responsible for Uranus' strange
impossible to observe - except during a solar eclipse. In 1919 the behaviour. Shortly afterwards the planet Neptune was discovered,
English astrophysicist Sir Arthur Eddington organized two almost exactly where Adams and Leverrier had predicted.
expeditions to observe the solar eclipse of that year, one to Brazil
and one to the island of Principe off the Atlantic coast ofAfrica, Now clearly we should not criticize Adams' and Leverrier's
with the aim of testing Einstein's prediction. The expeditionsfuund" behaviour as 'unscientific' - after all, it led to the discovery of a new
that starlight was indeed deflected by the sun, by almost exactly the planet. But they did precisely what Popper criticized the Marxists
amount Einstein had predicted. Popper was very impressed by this. for doing. They began with a theory - Newton's theory of gravity-
Einstein's theory had made a definite, precise prediction, which was which made an incorrect prediction about Uranus' orbit. Rather
confirmed by observations. Had it turned out that starlight was not than concluding that Newton's theory must be wrong, they stuck by

14 15
the theory and attempted to explain away the conflicting
observations by postulating a new planet. Similarly, when
capitalism showed no signs ofgiving way to communism, Marxists
did not conclude that Marx's theory must be wrong, but stuck by the
theory and tried to explain away the conflicting observations in
other ways. So surely it is unfair to accuse Marxists of engaging in
not. The philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein argued that there is no
fixed set of features that define what it is to be a 'game'. Rather,
there is a loose cluster offeatures most of which are possessed by
most games. But any particular game may lack any ofthe features in
the cluster and still be a game. The same may be true of science. If
so, a simple criterion for demarcating science from pseudo-science
pseudo-science if we al10w that what Adams and Leverrier did is unlikely to be found.
counted as good, indeed exemplary, science?

This suggests that Popper's attempt to demarcate science from

pseudo-science cannot be quite right, despite its initial plausibility.
For the Adams/Leverrier example is by no means atypical. In
general, scientists do not just abandon their theories whenever they
conflict with the observational data. Usually they look for ways of
eliminating the conflict without having to give up their theory; this
is a point we shal1 return to in Chapter 5. And it is worth

remembering that virtually every theory in science conflicts with

'l5 some observations - finding a theory that fits al1 the data perfectly is
extremely difficult. Obviously if a theory persistently conflicts with
more and more data, and no plausible ways of explaining away the
f conflict are found, it wil1 eventual1y have to be rejected. But little
progress would be made if scientists simply abandoned their '''r
theories at the first sign of trouble.

The failure of Popper's demarcation criterion throws up an

important question. Is it actual1y possible to find some common
feature shared by al1 the things we call 'science', and not shared by
anything else? Popper assumed that the answer to this question was
yes. He felt that Freud's and Marx's theories were clearly
unscientific, so there must be some feature that they lack and that
genuine scientific theories possess. But whether or not we accept
Popper's negative assessment of Freud and Marx, his assumption
that science has an 'essential nature' is questionable. After al1,
science is a heterogeneous activity, encompassing a wide range of
different disciplines and theories. It may be that they share some
fixed set offeatures that define what it is to be a science, but it may

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