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DAVIDE; May 5, 1997


Petition for review on certiorari.


 The lease contract executed by petitioner and private respondents Raymundos

on November 18, 1985, reads in part as follows:

1. TERM OF LEASE - 5 years, commencing on the date of issuance of the

industrial clearance by the Ministry of Human Settlements (MHS),
renewable for 5 years or other period at the option of the Lessee under the
same terms and conditions.

2. RATE OF RENT - monthly rate of P20,000, to be increased yearly by 5%

based on the agreed monthly rate of P20,000.00 as follows: P21,000
starting on the 2nd year; P22,000 starting on the 3rd year; P23,000
starting on the 4th year; P24.000 starting on the 5th year

3. TERMS OF PAYMENT - The rent stipulated shall be paid yearly in advance.

The first annual rent of P240,000.00 shall be due and payable upon the
execution of this Agreement and the succeeding annual rents shall be
payable every 12 months thereafter during the effectivity of this

4. USE OF LEASED PROPERTY - Property shall be used as the site, grounds

and premises of a rock crushing plant and field office, sleeping quarters
and canteen/mess hall.

xxx xxx xxx

11. TERMINATION OF LEASE - This Agreement may be terminated by mutual

agreement of the parties. Upon the termination or expiration of the period
of lease without the same being renewed, the Lessee shall vacate the
Leased Property at its expense.

 On 7 January 1986, petitioner obtained from the MHS a Temporary Use Permit
for the proposed rock crushing project, valid for 2 years unless sooner revoked
by MHS.

 On 16 January 1986, private respondents wrote petitioner requesting payment

of the first annual rental in the amount of P240,000 which was due and payable
upon the execution of the contract. They also assured the latter that they had
already stopped considering the proposals of other aggregates plants to lease the
property because of the existing contract with petitioner.
 Petitioner argued that under paragraph 1 of the lease contract, payment of rental
would commence on the date of the issuance of an industrial clearance by the
MHS, and not from the date of signing of the contract. It then expressed its
intention to terminate the contract, as it had decided to cancel or discontinue
with the rock crushing project "due to financial, as well as technical, difficulties."

 Private respondents refused to accede to petitioner's request for the

pretermination of the lease contract. They insisted on the performance of
petitioner's obligation and reiterated their demand for the payment of the first
annual rental.

 Petitioner objected to private respondents' claim and argued that it was "only
obligated to pay the amount of P20,000.00 as rental payments for the one-month
period of lease, counted from January 7, 1986 when the Industrial Permit was
issued by the MHS up to February 7, 1986 when the Notice of Termination was
served on private respondents.

 On 19 May 1986, private respondents instituted an action against petitioner for

Specific Performance with Damages.

 On 12 April 1989, the trial court rendered a decision ordering petitioner to pay
private respondents the amount of P492,000 which represented the rentals for
two years, with legal interest from January 7,1986 until the amount was fully
paid, plus attorney's fees in the amount of P20,000 and costs.

 Upon appeal by petitioner, the CA affirmed the trial court’s decision.


1. WON the Temporary Use Permit is the Industrial Clearance referred to in the
2. WON the suspensive condition -issuance of an industrial clearance- has been
3. WON Article 1266 and the principle of rebus sic stantibus apply to this case
4. WON the award of P492,000.00 representing the rent for two years is excessive,
considering that PNCC did not benefit from the property


1. NO
 The Temporary Use Permit is not the industrial clearance referred to in the
contract, for the said permit requires that a clearance from the National
Production Control Commission be first secured. However, petitioner is estopped
from claiming that the Temporary Use Permit was not the industrial clearance
contemplated in the contract. In its letter dated 24 April 1986, petitioner states:

“We wish to reiterate PNCC Management's previous stand that it is only obligated
to pay your clients the amount of P20,000.00 as rental payments for the one-
month period of the lease, counted from January 7, 1986 when the Industrial
Permit was issued by the MHS up to February 7, 1986 when the Notice of
Termination was served on your clients”. The Industrial Permit mentioned in the
said letter could only refer to the Temporary Use Permit issued by the MHS
January 7, 1986. And it can be gleaned from this letter that petitioner has
considered the permit as industrial clearance; otherwise, petitioner could have
simply told private respondents that its obligation to pay rentals has not yet
arisen because the Temporary Use Permit is not the industrial clearance
contemplated by them. Instead, petitioner recognized its obligation to pay rentals
counted from the date the permit was issued.

2. YES
 Aside from the letter mentioned in no. 1, it can be deduced from another letter
by petitioner that the suspensive condition - issuance of industrial clearance -
has already been fulfilled and that the lease contract has become operative. The
letter states: “Please be advised of PNCC Management's decision to cancel or
discontinue with the rock crushing project due to financial as well as technical
difficulties. In view thereof, we would like to terminate our Lease Contract dated
18 November, 1985. Should you agree to the mutual termination of our Lease
Contract, kindly indicate your conformity hereto by affixing your signature on the
space provided below.” If petitioner thought otherwise, it did not have to solicit
the conformity of private respondents to the termination of the contract for the
simple reason that no juridical relation was created because of the non-
fulfillment of the condition.
 Moreover, the reason of petitioner in discontinuing with its project and in
consequently cancelling the lease contract was "financial as well as technical
difficulties," not the alleged insufficiency of the Temporary Use Permit.

3. NO
 The fundamental rule that contracts, once perfected, bind both contracting
parties, and obligations arising therefrom have the force of law between the
parties and should be compiled with in good faith, recognizes exceptions. One
exception is laid down in Article 1266 of the Civil Code, which reads: 'The debtor
in obligations to do shall also be released when the prestation becomes legally or
physically impossible without the fault of the obligor.’ However, petitioner cannot
successfully take refuge in the said article, since it is applicable only to
obligations "to do," and not to obligations "to give". The obligation to pay rentals
or deliver the thing in a contract of lease falls within the prestation "to give";
hence, it is not covered within the scope of Article 1266. At any rate, the
unforeseen event and causes mentioned by petitioner are not the legal or physical
impossibilities contemplated in the said article. Besides, petitioner failed to state
specifically the circumstances brought about by 'the abrupt change in the
political climate in the country" except the alleged prevailing uncertainties in
government policies on infrastructure projects.

 The principle of rebus sic stantibus neither fits in with the facts of the case. Under
this theory, the parties stipulate in the light of certain prevailing conditions, and
once these conditions cease to exist, the contract also ceases to exist. This theory
is said to be the basis of Article 1267 of the Civil Code, which provides: When the
service has become so difficult as to be manifestly beyond the contemplation of the
parties, the obligor may also be released therefrom, in whole or in part. This article,
which enunciates the doctrine of unforeseen events, is not, however, an absolute
application of the principle of rebus sic stantibus, which would endanger the
security of contractual relations. The parties to the contract must be presumed
to have assumed the risks of unfavorable developments. It is therefore only in
absolutely exceptional changes of circumstances that equity demands assistance
for the debtor.

 This Court cannot subscribe to the argument that the abrupt change in the
political climate of the country after the EDSA Revolution and its poor financial
condition "rendered the performance of the lease contract impractical and
inimical to the corporate survival of the petitioner." PNCC entered into the
contract of lease with private respondents with open eyes of the deteriorating
conditions of the country.

 Anent petitioner's alleged poor financial condition, the same will neither release
petitioner from the binding effect of the contract of lease. Mere pecuniary inability
to fulfill an engagement does not discharge a contractual obligation, nor does it
constitute a defense to an action for specific performance.

 With regard to the non-materialization of petitioner's particular purpose in

entering into the contract of lease, i.e., to use the leased premises as a site of a
rock crushing plant, the same will not invalidate the contract. The cause or
essential purpose in a contract of lease is the use or enjoyment of a thing. As a
general principle, the motive or particular purpose of a party in entering into a
contract does not affect the validity nor existence of the contract; an exception is
when the realization of such motive or particular purpose has been made a
condition upon which the contract is made to depend.24 The exception does not
apply here.

4. NO
 Petitioner cannot be heard to complain that the award is excessive. The
temporary permit was valid for two years but was automatically revoked because
of its nonuse within one year from its issuance. The non-use of the permit and
the non-entry into the property subject of the lease contract were both imputable
to petitioner and cannot, therefore, be taken advantage of in order to evade or
lessen petitioner's monetary obligation. The damage or prejudice to private
respondents is beyond dispute. They unquestionably suffered pecuniary losses
because of their inability to use the leased premises. Thus, in accordance with
Article 1659 of the Civil Code, they are entitled to indemnification for damages;
and the award of P492,000 is fair and just under the circumstances of the case.

Disposition Petition is DENIED.

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