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Rob, S - Dragon Magic

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Some of the key takeaways are that dragon magic draws on many different folkloric traditions of dragons and can be used practically to empower one's life. The human soul is also connected to the dragon soul.

Dragons have many different roots in different folklore traditions. They are seen as symbols of power, awe and wonder in some cultures, while also being connected to ideas of royalty in others.

The spell provided attracts wise advisors who can help and counsel the user. It asks the dragon to send advisors who are knowledgeable and can help the user choose helpers well.

Dragon magic

S Rob
Copyright © 2015 Simon Robson

All rights reserved.


I dedicate this book to the reader after all it may be my work but without you it wouldn’t have been worthwhile.

Acknowledgments I

1 Chapter 1 Pg 1

2 Chapter 2 Pg 7

3 Chapter 3 Pg 12

4 Chapter 4 Pg 18

5 Chapter 5 Pg 23

6 Chapter 6 Pg 28

I acknowledge the importance of wise men and women of the past for without you I would not be here.

Dragons themselves produce different reactions in different people: in some people they bring up
images of dinosaurs and even perhaps fear, while to others they produce reactions of wonder and
even awe. The truth is that dragons are far from that simple because the dragon has many
different roots in folklore, and this itself can help people to miss their true power. One thing that
should be remembered about dragons when used in magic is that some royal lines claim their
position because of their position as traditionally being part dragon. Also many people still
believe in dragons and in some eastern parts of the world they still get sightings. This may sound
ridiculous to many people, but part of dragon magic’s power comes from the image that the
dragon has. It could be said that dragon magic is empowered by an idea as much as anything
else. The idea of the dragon is a powerful one and although many different places have different
ideas of what a dragon should look like they still evoke power in people. But also when we use
the magical power of dragons we also summon to use the totality of the various deities and
magical beings which have been represented either wholly or partly by the dragon.

But remember that dragon magic does not seek or in any way ask you to worship anything at all.
Dragon magic is just as open to people with any or no religion, it isn’t a religious practice but a
method of magic. The magic of the dragon also draws on many powers and abilities because it
isn’t limited to any one location or people’s view of the dragon or even what it symbolises. But
remember that the dragon is also a part of you just as much as it is a part of royal lines. In many
ways the reason that people have and do see dragons, is because it still represents part of
humanity and part of what we are. It also is a truth that people’s thought has power and many
take this to mean that we conjure up many magical beings simply by thinking or believing in
them. But this is to miss the rather obvious and this is that it is just as likely that we may be
conjured by them and in this way we are the and everything else just as much as everything else
affects us. But also realise that dragon magic is highly practical, this is magic to be utilised and
to become part of your everyday life. It is here for you when you need it. It is here for you when
you want to use it. I state this because magic is here to be used and dragon magic will improve
your life if you let it: you have to let it because there is always free will, and this is so precious
that I would never attempt to take this from anyone. Dragon magic is empowering and it exists to
expand the range of what you can do, and not to shrink it and for this reason remember that
dragon magic can be utilised alongside any other type of magic, or alone.

I will now move onto showing you how to contact the dragon power within you: yes you have
some already. But what is also important is to remember that the dragon power is not there to
control you, you control it, because you already are it. The reason I felt a need to state this is
because if you think something can control you, then even if it could not before then you will let
the idea control you, when humanity produced ideas we, are them we are never slaves to them.
The dragon within you is also important, but you do not have to be dragon shape, because it is
within us, and also the dragon of myth and magic is not one with solely reptilian concepts but
also is one which encapsulates many other animal types and more importantly powers. To many
people the dragon represented royalty because it represented power, and also the power of magic.
This can mean that to some people dragon magic can feel like being plugged directly into magic
itself but this is not something to worry about because feeling its wondrous power is enhancing:
especially if you have never felt like this before.

Contacting the inner dragon magic

Grant Oh Draco,

Oh Dragon one,

Let me feel you within me,

Let me feel the power that I have inside,

My inner dragon surfaces,

It is within me,

In my eyes, in my heart,

In my muscles and sinews,

In my inner self,

But it is me,

And I it,

And the power I now have,

I have always had,

And now have control of,

And feel within,

So it is and will be.

That last magic spell I have showed you is one which will help you to understand the power
within, and to know the dragon that is inside of us all. It also releases your inner power. It
releases the inner power, or rather lets you know that it exists. It also makes the other dragon
magic in this book easier and although all of the magic within this book is easy to do, this
increases its power. But what is also important is that you realise that the dragon is also an entity
which you yourself can see. The wisdom that the dragon has is great, but it isn’t the same type of
wisdom that humans can possess: but this is what makes it most useful. However to see the
dragon you need to possess certain knowledge. What is most important is that you realise that the
world in which we live is simply one world or one reality of many, and also that not all realities
are of the same nature, and this means that these other realms are quite easy to travel too if you
know how. The best way to see these realms is sometimes visualisation because by the correct
methodology, it is true that these other realms can be travelled to and seen and the entities within
sometimes even be communicated with.

To travel to the dragon’s realm it is best to have a general overview of folklore, and to know the
type of places where dragons were thought to be: because this folklore represents at its core some
part of reality. The dragon was thought to live in caves and underground places and also the
dragon could also be seen as being able to live under water: but only when in bubbles of air
which they themselves could create by their magic. But the most widespread place to find a
dragon at first is to think of the dragon as being in some cave like structure. To see this realm
you need to know that you are going to see it and be there because it is your own mental focus
which allows you to see the dragon and I will now explain a method to see the dragon.

Astral projecting to the dragon realm

What follows should be read first and then you should follow the description with your eyes
closed. You should find a quiet place to lie where you will be undisturbed. Then you should try
to imagine a small bead of light within you and let this small light move outwards from you to
some point you can see about three foot from the floor. Now let this light shape itself into your
shape and imagine it transforming into your human form: clothed. You should now be within the
body and practice walking around from within it. Now imagine a door appear and say to
yourself:”This door leads to the dragon realm”. Now open the door and step through. What you
will probably see will be a cave: but it may look different. Now turn around until you see the
nearest dragon. Walk towards it and you may say to it whatever you want: but be respectful.
Then you can open your eyes.

You have already started to learn dragon magic and should have travelled to the dragon realm. I
understand that to some this astral travel may seem more imaginary than real but this is because
so much fiction has drawn upon the truth from folklore: remember folklore was the ancient’s
history mixed in with some story telling. But this structure allowed them to express truths which
the modern sciences and arts ignore. We should also remember that the modern trend towards
specialisation is also what is new, and still less proven than the more ancient method of having
knowledge from many specialisations: creating a broader individual. But what I want to show
you now is that the dragon magic can protect you. I understand that protective magic seems to
many people as being less positive than that which seems for something: protective magic is
there to stop bad things from happening. But protective magic as well as giving you safe practice
of the methods of dragon magic also illustrate a point. This point is that the actual dragon itself
as a magic being or even idea can be used by you by utilising dragon magic, and although we
always ask we in fact gain in all ways a servitor as well as advisor: the dragon becomes a magic
servant which does as you command it. However when travelling to their realm this is somewhat
different and the dragon servitor which we use and in many ways create is one which is within
our realm: just unseen. Think of it as being some strong magical energy as much as an actual
physical entity. I will now show you how to use protective dragon magic. In this case this
dragon magic will be used against curses and all manner of evil entities such as devils, demonic
entities: those entities which are hellish but are not fallen angels: and also other entities such as
ghosts commanded ancestors or the curse whether humble or otherwise.

Protective dragon magic

Grant Draco,

Oh Dragon one,

Give me your protection,

Be my bodyguard,
Let your power protect me,

Let your fire be my protector,

Let your skin be walls to protect,

So it is and will be.

The protective magic spell I have just showed you is one which can be utilised whenever you
want. I would recommend using such protective magic regularly because as much as anything it
will help you to increase the magical knack. But remember that what is most important is what is
important is that you remember that magic such as this works because you want it to. Your own
will power is important because magic is actually partly about will power, or other types of
mental energy as well as such entities as dragons. Also the correct method of using the magic
and of getting the entity or magical effect to work as intended. But the magic which I have
shown you is very easy and although it gives you the power that many other do not possess, it is
simple and easy. But I will now move onto more self serving magic: that which gives you
something besides protection. It is easy for people to think that the magic or mystical always has
to be about the esoteric or unusual when in fact it is there to enhance your life. There are few
ways more potent and popular to improve your life than gaining greater wealth. Yes that’s right
dragon magic can give you wealth too: the wealth however won’t likely as not come from a
lottery win, but will flow from the opportunities which come to you as a result of it. It will also
help you see opportunities to make wealth: yes there is usually something you must do to get
more wealth, but since this is usually the nature of life I will not debate this at length here. But
dragon magic will help, after all this is part of the reason many royalties linked themselves at
least partly with the dragon: for greater wealth and power.

Dragon magic for greater wealth

Grant oh Draco,

Oh Dragon one,

Bring wealth to me,

Use your power to flow it potency to me,

Bring the gold of the past to me,

Bring the wealth of privilege to me,

In all its forms,

And in all ways,

Bring it to me,

Be it company,

Or crown,

Bring it into my life,

And let your power be mine,

So it is and will be.

This magic spell is one which you should use as often as you like, because after all it is
impossible to be too wealthy: or at least something many people need not worry about. But use
the magic spell for wealth and let it help you, because as we all know money and wealth are
facilitators, and they seem to make everything else easier. Yes this is usually quite unfair to some
people, but since you have this book I am on your side. Yes the magic is yours to use and to help
you. But do not limit yourself to purely magical methods and let the dragon within help you. Use
your judgement and let riches rain down upon you. The instincts that magic brings us all may
seem unusual at first, but what is important is that you realise it is part of your everyday life. The
power of magic isn’t really supernatural: it is just natural normal magic power. Everyone can
develop such power, and this is the truth because just as we all have a dragon within, we all have
magic within us. We are power and this is something that once you realise will empower you,
and you will realise that although you have come to believe that you are small, you are actually
powerful and far more important than you realised.

You have magic power, and this means that abilities which were once only perhaps thought by
you as being skin to superheroes, and strangely dresses individuals in comics wearing strangely
clingy clothes at all times. You are a natural superhero, you may dress ordinarily: this is optional:
but you have power and just as important, you know you do and you now know something about
how to use it, and are prepared to do so. You are prepared to use magic to enhance your life, and
this means that you are now not some theoretical theologian: although you can be: but a practical
potent dragon magi and magic comes just as naturally as breathing: or it will do. But you have
been congratulated enough and you must now move onto more powerful potent magic and
methods and progress through the rest of the book. But you are now on the path but this book is a
map: follow me.

It is easy for people to think that magic should always be either for something concrete or else
something internal and instead to forget the importance of good luck. While it is true that good
luck isn’t everything it can raise us up, or crash us down and much of modern existence seems to
be at its core about trying to make things better for everything in spite of bad luck. But good luck
is a positive force which makes everything in life easier and while it is true that no one seems to
want to put any successes they themselves personally have, down to good luck: in many cases it
is a deciding factor. But do not think of good luck in terms of the lottery win, but instead of
something which helps to make life easier. But the many good luck talismans which exist are in
actual fact at times potent while at others they make less sense. This is because the power of such
items only has the power of the magic behind it. But people need good luck magic, simply
because it will make life easier. They need it because we generally come to accept our level of
luck whether good or bad, as being immutable and even normal.

What is important and something which should never be forgotten is that bad luck is supposed to
last for a short time, and it is never supposed to last for any prolonged length or time and
certainly not for a decade or a life time. But you must take matter into your own hand and do
something to make sure that you have good luck, and take control of things so that this positive
force is with you when you need it: which is always: and want it: which should be always. But
dragon magic can help you gain better luck because doing so is well within its powers. But it is
better to think of good luck as an assisting force than to be a force which does everything for
you. I would never lie to you and say that you should limit your efforts to occult only, but yet
good luck actually makes what efforts you do make worth more, and that they be more potent
and that you gain more from them and so have the power to form your own life as you want.
Therefore what follows is a charm it is a magical spell to give you good luck. This means that
this spell cannot be cast too many times, it will enhance your life all the more if you cast it

Dragon magic spell for good luck

Grant Oh Draco,
Oh Dragon,

Bless me with good luck,

May the light of good fortune forever shine upon me,

Give me the power of an easier life,

Give this power to me,

And let it enhance me and my life,

The good luck and the power it holds is mine,

It is mine as a gift from you,

You oh dragon,

Give this to me,

This power you have,

And surround me with fortunate opportunities,

Those which I now possess,

For my benefit,

So it is and will be.

What you can expect from this magic spell I have shown you, is a better life. This doesn’t mean
that it will necessarily bring any one thing such as wealth, because it is simply a good force:
although more money is well within the scope and power of good luck. But good luck can also
stop you getting hurt or even killed. Good luck can also help you be at the right place at the right
time. It can even help you say the right thing. Good luck in many ways is something which flows
through you now, just as bad luck does seem to flow through many other people. It is easy for
the lucky however to forget the importance of good luck: even those that gain it by magical
means. But never forget what bad luck is like because this helps you to realise why the magical
spell should not be forgotten and should be cast regularly. Good luck in some ways seems almost
like the heart of magic itself because it, brings what is positive just as magic does for many
people. Good luck therefore is an empowering force just as magic is: this is the reason why many
people work magic, for the feeling of empowerment that it gives.

But life is not always about good luck and we should not forget that just as bad luck can be an
un-empowering force there are other difficult forces that we must deal with. One such force that
people must deal with is the passage of time. Time can have a wearing effect upon us and can
take its wear upon our faces. Although those that look young are not necessarily those that live
the longest. But also stresses and other negative things take a strain upon us too. But how do we
deal with such negativities? A good way to start is to learn that stress can be removed just as
easily as we may remove our shoes and socks after a wet day. The stress that people carry can
quite easily age us and cause illness and it has been said: and correctly so: that can be a killed
just as certain for some people as if a bullet was moving towards them while they were
inescapable chained to the spot. But magic empowers us, and so the occult can give us solutions
where none other can be seen. This is its power and so it also represents the spirit of placing one
foot in front of the other to get to easier times. Stress of course is both mental and physical and I
will not make any attempt to think of one without the other, because they both are present and
one is there whenever the other is. Of course life does have a certain amount of stress but many
of us aren’t built for more than a certain amount of stress. Therefore to release yourself, from the
dangerous telling effect of stress here is a magic spell.

Dragon magic spell to remove stress

Grant oh Draco,

Oh Dragon,

A better life, and let stress blow off me,

And from within me,

And away from me,

Let it run off me like rainwater,

And never take hold,

I will be physically free of all negativity,

And be free of all stress within my mind,

I will therefore have true freedom,

Freedom within me,

So it is and will be.

The magic that I have just showed you: is very potent, and you should use it when required at the
very least. The thing is this magic cannot have any negativity consequences and many people get
into a regular routine of use. This is especially useful for those people who get very, stressed.
Magic of course exists to be used and so this is the nature of it: to work magic spells have to be
cast. By using this magic when you do get too stressed you will remember that there is a dragon
magic spell to help you, and this is most important that you remember that magic exists as a
solution to your problems. Use the magic and live a better life because as the author this is as
always my aim.


Magic poses one of life’s great riddles people usually do not admit to its existence unless they
themselves learn to use is, to such a degree that people forget and suppress even those memories
which prove its existence and many people only remember such things as ghosts, alien
visitations, devils and shadow beings after hearing someone talk of some such thing. This is
because the strength of the spirit of denial is a strong one. Don’t get me wrong people need to do
what they need to do, to get through the day and sometimes this means not thinking of things. It
isn’t easy for people to think of such things because they think they defy how the world really
works, when in fact what they represent is simply a fuller picture of how things actually happen.
The word paranormal is a little off putting because just because something currently may not
have an explanation known to you, does not mean it does not exist. A great example of this
would be a car, we have all been taught that how a car works is quite normal and straight
forward, and we all accept that cars exist. But an object moving from a static position to starting
to move mathematically should require infinite force which is impossible: but cars work and
move and many other things that seem strange occur too. We as humans have not yet gotten to
anywhere near the explanation of how everything works: in my opinion although many would
disagree, just that if we cannot understand the workings of a car or at least how a static object
starts to move then there must be many other such mysteries in the world. But magic need not be
a mystery and it is easier to not get too fixated upon the nuts and bolts of things, and to simply
learn how to work magic.

Magic is real and I will now work onto showing you how best to show that magic is real to you. I
will do this by the more subtle method of improving your life. This is true magic and while not
as obvious as what you may expect this is true magic, because magic is often not like the stage
magic of trickery and is often subtle but powerful. We all have within ourselves weaknesses, and
when I say this I do not mean such things as mercy or other good things or even the negative
such as anger. No when I mention weaknesses I mean that those small flaws which we all
possess. However removing weaknesses is difficult and people rarely manage to remove them all
because some of these weaknesses are us. But still the continual working of magic: to remove
weaknesses has many beneficial effects and it should be thought of as being akin to yoga or
meditation in terms of its effects. But do not think of this as being some fluffy magic just that it
is quite well rounded and is magic for life and not just for the short term. Money can come and
go, so can love sometimes, but a better you: is something which is more long lasting. What we
also need to remember is that the world in which we live and the life we live can make flaws and
weaknesses, and our flaws are sometimes a part of the environment in which we live. This is the
nature of the world and something which we should not forget, and which we sometimes need to
fight against: however this does not mean that we should wear our bodies out, which people can
if they try although doing nothing isn’t great either. But this isn’t an exercise books and I talk in
more general terms. But because of its importance here is magic to remove weaknesses.

Dragon magic to remove weaknesses

Fine a quiet place to sit or lie and close your eyes: after you have read what follows and then
repeat all steps. You should imagine that you can still see through your eye lids and then imagine
you are in another body outside of your physical body. Now think of an imaginary door and
bring this into bring so that you can see it. Now walk through the door which you know will take
you to the dragon realm. Look around for a dragon and say to it:”Oh Dragon I have weaknesses
within me, and also in my physical self. I seek perfection but will settle for the removal of some
flaws in such a way as you can.” Then walk back through the door and open your eyes and you
will be back where you started. This however is only the first stage and after this you should say
the following magic spell.

Dragon magic spell for the removal of weaknesses

Grant of Draco,

Oh Dragon,

A better me,

By removing weaknesses that I possess,

Weaknesses which are within me,

And flaws,

Let me become stronger,

And be strengthened by this,

Do this for me oh Dragon one,

So it is and will be.

Now close your eyes and imagine a dragon flying and keep concentrating upon a dragon. Once
you have done this for a short while then start to imagine that you are looking from the dragon’s
eyes: as if you are within the dragon. Keep doing this and them imagine that you move its wings
and that these wings are yours too, and its front feet and rear feet. Even move its tail. Moving the
dragon’s wings and tail is very important because humans do not have wings and tails, and this
gives you a great benefit, but it is not necessary to do this too much just enough so that you come
to understand that you are not bound completely to a physical form. This is a way of
understanding that your mind and other aspect of your nature have the ability to go past what
your physical body can do. This is the nature of magic that it is not bound by the physical body
completely and can reach out well outside of its reach. This is why magic has power because it
can do what otherwise cannot.

But do not think of magic as a mystery and instead think of it as a set of methods that exist for
your benefit, and yes I understand that this puts magic and occultism alongside the many other
human subjects and I feel this gives a better understanding of it. But also magic does flows from
you too, and it isn’t always about some external entity because we as humans have the ability to
form better ways of seeing things and doing things. Magic is a power we have and it is only the
true occultist that realises the full scope of how this affects human discovery. The reason for this
is that we understand how it can guide us even without us knowing, and can help us feel where to
reach out to the world and what is beyond it. Our mind does not just see what is beyond us, and
behind us: but has the power to create what was not there. But this means that in an army of
different magical beings, we may count ourselves as one: although a rather unusual one due to
our largely physical nature. It may be true that we could be magic’s greatest ever creation;
although this does not exclude evolution or science just that thought may have come first:
although before time all would be at once. We come from thought as does everything else and
maybe even our own thought.

We should not forget that the dragon is at the root of many eastern royal families and it is part of
their claim for power over others. This is because they claimed: or still do: that they are part
dragon. This claim however should be taken not necessarily physically for instance it could be
taken to mean that these families are either part of a line of non-humans alien dragons, or to be
possessed by a dragon: but actually it is simply a way of signifying that there were chosen by
these dragons to take power. But there are many other people who have power now who aren’t
royalty and yet still have power. This brings us up to the modern times where people still can be
chosen by these dragon magical entities: sometimes without knowing it. But also remember that
dragon magic can call upon these entities and gain power from them. But what I talk of now is
not simply to be powerful but to be chosen by them. It should be mentioned that these entities
can still choose not to give you the almost absolute power which can exist upon this planet when
given to you by dragon magic, but it will at the vest least empower you, and therefore what
follows isn’t just magic for power, but magic to be chosen to lead over others.

Leadership has been given many different names at different times. Perhaps known as kings or
queens, caesars, or even perhaps CEO the power which is given is life altering. However things
can seem to work very subtly and so things will just start to work your way, and the power of the
dragon is one which can facilitate many other things. We should remember that such power
although ancient power isn’t antiquated and also is quite modern because it has such power over
the modern world as over the old. But remember that this power is deep rooted and runs so deep
that it can be difficult to see. But also this can help you to understand the power of the dragon
and also the potent power that it still has today. There still are people who fear dragons and their
magic: without understanding that it is our magic and that largely they are merely a conduit for
what others want: sort of like a magical telephone line. They are almost the air we breathe and
the water we drink. But also sometimes the best way to get power over these entities and get
what we want is to simply use our human will to command them because as humans we have this
power, and when we all do this we gain in power immensely and power is what helps humanity
remain alive and well and grow and develop. I will therefore now move onto showing you how
to gain leadership from the dragon.
Dragon magic to gain power of leadership over many others

Grant oh Draco,

Oh Dragon,

Let me have the power of leadership,

Let me be the one, who is chosen,

To lead over many others,

Let me be the one with the power,

Let me have the power of command,

The power over others,

To lead the world,

Into better times,

So it is and will be.

The magic spell I have just showed you is one which is one which is wide ranging, but also
which is likely to affect others too and many people would consider the power you gain to be a
privilege and a responsibility, but that would also to forget that such power has many advantages
over not having it. The potency of such power is difficult for some people to get their minds
around, and yet it is ever so easy because such power is quite natural because we are all made for
it by definition of being human. I suppose one great advantage of such power is that you get to
choose your direction more than any other time in your life. People get fooled into thinking that
power is a straight jacket when it is not. It is a freedom, and it is a lack of it that takes away
choice. But most of all realise that what is within you is not all that gains what is around you.
One very approach to magic is to realise that it can affect the inside and the out, but not just of
you but also of other people. In this way magic can bring people to you.

Many people have a difficult time getting their head around love and people when in fact they
are a general requirement for life. We need magic for these things, because they are so important.
But love isn’t the only thing which people magic can give us; it can also give us friendship too.
These things may seem to be similar but magically they are usually quite separate. But magic can
attract love and sex into your life, and this is also another advantage of dragon magic: that it can
help you to get the partner of partners you want. It is all very well being powerful if you do not
have love around you, and we should not forget that some people judge people not by wealth,
apparent wealth, or success but by how easily they get partners or even how many they have at
any one time. This is not as strange as it sounds because in the animal kingdom, pack animals are
frequently split up onto ranks with the alpha or top male mating with all other females, and so it
has become to some a sign of power and distinction to have many mating partners: although
some others see this in a negative way.

Dragon magic spell to attract love and sex

Grant Oh Draco,

Oh Dragon,

Attract love to me,

Let those attractive want me to be with them,

Those I want will want sex with me,

I will have this power,

And this power will flow from me,

So it is and will be.

The magic that I have just showed you is one which is based upon pleasure but also this magic
spell can be cast as many times as you want. It also is for you and other people, because they will
like pleasure and love too. The magic may not give you power as such, it may not make you
wealthy but it can give you what others want, and a life of love is what people want. The world
which is around you, and the love you want is not far away and this magic spell will bring this to
you. We all have the traits we need to get love in life and dragon magic can bring this out of us.
It can show to others what we have within. But remember that this magic used in conjunction
with the other magic so far shown in this book is actually more powerful and dynamic because in
life it is easier to get everything, than a little, and in life it is a fact that people get almost nothing
or everything, and so here is where you get everything just cast the spells and help yourself.

This is the final chapter but there are still great wondrous magic to come. The thing about dragon
magic is that not just can it get you want you want, but also get people to help you gain more too.
Friendship is by its nature a potent force in that it allows people to see things from different
positions. Different people perceive things differently and may also act as advisors. But advisors
can also be quite different people and many people seek those which are the most qualified in
terms of what qualities are required for their role. The great and the good have always had
advisors, and this is partly because they knew it made their lives easier. But also we should
remember that having advisors isn’t everything and just because a person gains your trust does
not always make them suitable, and just because a person looks as though they know what they
are doing doesn’t necessarily mean they do: not that these things are not important. But it is
important to realise that some people who are advisors are just out for themselves and not you,
and you and your well being may not even be that important to them.

But dragon magic can help you gain good advisors and can attract them to you: however always
make sure you feel certain that they are the best advisors for you. You are ultimately the one who
choose whether a person or persons can advise you well. There are many names for advisors and
many areas have sets of qualifications or grades for such advisors, or they may become
chartered. But remember that you also need certain characteristics to be able to choose the
correct advisor and the magic that follows is for that too: it doesn’t just attract them it also helps
you choose one. But dragon magic can help you form a good team of people to help you make
the correct decisions at the right time, but you must remember that you are in charge. You have
the power and do not forget that you can choose what you want to do, and to an extent you must
choose what to do to protect yourself and make sure that what occurs are in your best interests.

Dragon magic to attract advisors and to help you choose them wisely

Grant oh Draco,

Oh Dragon,

I need wisdom,
And so attract the wise to me,

Let me be surrounded by those that can advise me,

Let me be surrounded by advisors which seek to help me,

And are cautious and wise,

And well versed in all areas that are needed,

Send them to me,

And let me see their nature,

And have judgement,

So that I can choose well,

Those that should help me,

So it is and will be.

But I also realise that sometimes all that is needed are real friends; those which are around me,
and which help me. These people will also want friendship from me and the more of this you
give the more you seem to have. But magic can bring friends because people want friends and to
be friends, humans are pack animals and so we desire company. There is much benefit in being a
friend to someone, the main one is friendship itself. But also there is benefit in having friends
and we cannot have one without the other. A firm friend is someone who also helps us to keep or
gain perspective even in difficult times. The most important thing however is that friendship isn’t
something which you must wait for, it is something which you can make happen. Magic has
power even over friendship, and so here is magic for friendship.

Dragon magic to attract friendship

Grant oh Draco,

Oh Dragon,

Friends to me,

Let these friends want as a friend me,

Let those that are around me,

Want to be around me,

And others come as friends for friendship with me,

Friendliness is something which is around me,

And firm allies friends I have,

Always they will be,

So it is and will be.

The magic spell for friendship leaves out one thing: deliberately so: that dragon magic can be the
greatest friend you have. It can help you with everything which you do, and everything which
you do: it can help you. Dragon magic isn’t just a servant; it can be an ally too. But I hope that
you realise that the greatest friend to you, is you because you always have your best interests in
mind and never will sell yourself away for another: hurt you. But we need others and the
aforementioned spell will bring these to you. But remember that friendship is a real thing, just as
all the other things in this book are real and so use dragon magic. All magic is meant to be used
and there is no power in unused magic. The occult helps people, to live a better life and
sometimes through this all of civilization. But when we all do dragon magic something very
special occurs, the human race increases in power and wisdom: it releases what was already
within, and so let dragon magic take away some of your doubts about yourself: but still use
judgement too. Nothing in the world ever seems to be about one thing. But we at times need to
be empowered and to feel more than we are and at times like this you should cast all the magic
spells in this book, simply to empower your life and you. You will get the benefit of all spells,
but also you will begin to feel the dragon power directly. But I hope you know by now that the
reason that people seem to connect so well with dragons and their idea are that they are one type
of entities which seem to possess the same soul. The human soul is also the dragon soul and the
soul of some other entities too, and where one soul stops and the other begins, can be difficult to
tell. But most of all let out the magic within you, and live the life you want.

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