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Gsa and The Overstanding

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The document discusses establishing trusts and claiming ownership over securities and one's own body.

The document discusses using GSA forms like Form 28 and Forms 90 and 91 to establish ownership over bonds and property.

Forms 1423, 1424, 1428, 1429, 1435, 1436, 1437, 1438, 1439 and 1440 are mentioned and used for inventory, disposal, and termination of contracts.



For other members I observe that once you have returned to competency, there's nothing THEY can do
that WE can't do. All of the authority granted to the public trust comes from the people. And the people
cannot delegate authority they do not have.

Secondly, like the income tax, only YOU that can assess (i.e. use) the GSA forms. Form 28 and the initial
portion of the 91 and 90 provide an opportunity to establish the record of the birth bond identified by the
BC number as surety for the contract represented by the SSN. So when you list the strawman as the
warranted contracting officer further down on the 90 and 91, it is already conessed to have a warranty in
the form of the birth bond (estate) confessed in the first paragraph. As a subsidiary of the United States
Federal corporation under 28 USC 3002, it is in fact the only officer on the contract. The forms are
handing a remedy on a silver platter to those who will look. Instead of reading GSA's web site, you might
give a look to sections 28 and 53 of 48 CR.

Third, when the County received the birth record it issued a Certificate of Birth. That's the receipt that
proves the delivery (similar to a bill of lading). It is also a security under Title 15 in that it is a certificate of
interest. What many people fail to realize is that the failure to return equity when the COunty registrar
received it comprises a stipulation to the creation of a resulting trust. By definition, THEY are the trustees
on the trust. THEY are holding the instrument. THEY are holding all the equity. That means that THEY, all
of the public officials in total, NOT YOU, are obligated to perform as trustees on the bond according to the
rules of the public trust, namely all of the statutes, codes and regulations that you are so convinced apply
to you. So once you declare the trust, everything you believe goes out the window and is replaced by the
original reality that THEY are the trustees and YOU are the beneficiary.

Fourth, THEY NEVER GAVE YOU EQUITY, so they have no standing to demand equity on any statutes.
On the other hand, YOU have every right to demand satisfaction. In fact, not only are you NOT restricted
from using the 90 and 91, YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE with the authority to release the lien against the
real property (your body) and release the personal property (the bonds) that they concocted in your name
and against your credit. Who else has the Father empowered to nourish your body until he returns to
claim it?

The reality is that they've got you digging through statutes looking for reasons you can't claim your
securities AND YOUR OWN BODY, when the simple truth is that Scripture tells us exactly who enjoys
that exclusive divine right. And that's YOU duquelong.

Statutes and double-entry accrual bookkeeping are Lucifer's tools to entice your consent.

As to me being a GSA employee, all o our strawmen are U.S. employees by definition or they would not
be subject to Title 26.

However, permit me to caution that you are free to comment as you see fit, but this group has a two strike
policy regarding condescension and attacks on people's intentions. We leave that sort of venom to the
politicians and professional agitators who seem to covet it. We will not be adding to the decline of
discourse in society in contravention of Scripture. Thank you for understanding. Bill

28.000 Scope of part.

This part prescribes requirements for obtaining financial protection against losses under
contracts that result from the use of the sealed bid or negotiated methods. It covers bid
guarantees, bonds, alternative payment protections, security for bonds, and insurance.
28.001 Definitions.
As used in this part—

Attorney-in-fact means an agent, independent agent, underwriter, or any other company

or individual holding a power of attorney granted by a surety (see also power of attorneyat

Bid means any response to a solicitation, including a proposal under a negotiated

acquisition. See the definition of “offer” at 2.101.

Bidder means any entity that is responding or has responded to a solicitation, including an
offeror under a negotiated acquisition.

Bid guarantee means a form of security assuring that the bidder (1) will not withdraw a bid
within the period specified for acceptance and (2) will execute a written contract and
furnish required bonds, including any necessary coinsurance or reinsurance agreements,
within the time specified in the bid, unless a longer time is allowed, after receipt of the
specified forms.

Bond means a written instrument executed by a bidder or contractor (the “principal”), and a
second party (“the surety” or “sureties”) (except as provided in 28.204), to assure
fulfillment of the principal's obligations to a third party (the “obligee” or “Government”),
identified in the bond. If the principal's obligations are not met, the bond assures payment,
to the extent stipulated, of any loss sustained by the obligee. The types of bonds and
related documents are as follows:

(1) An advance payment bond secures fulfillment of the contractor's obligations under an
advance payment provision.
(2) An annual bid bond is a single bond furnished by a bidder, in lieu of separate bid
bonds, which secures all bids (on other than construction contracts) requiring bonds
submitted during a specific Government fiscal year.
(3) An annual performance bond is a single bond furnished by a contractor, in lieu of
separate performance bonds, to secure fulfillment of the contractor's obligations under
contracts (other than construction contracts) requiring bonds entered into during a specific
Government fiscal year.
(4) A patent infringement bond secures fulfillment of the contractor's obligations under a
patent provision.
(5) A payment bond assures payments as required by law to all persons supplying labor or
material in the prosecution of the work provided for in the contract.
(6) A performance bond secures performance and fulfillment of the contractor's obligations
under the contract.
Consent of surety means an acknowledgment by a surety that its bond given in connection
with a contract continues to apply to the contract as modified.

Penal sum or penal amount means the amount of money specified in a bond (or a
percentage of the bid price in a bid bond) as the maximum payment for which the surety is
obligated or the amount of security required to be pledged to the Government in lieu of a
corporate or individual surety for the bond.

Reinsurance means a transaction which provides that a surety, for a consideration, agrees
to indemnify another surety against loss which the latter may sustain under a bond which it
has issued.

28.100 Scope of subpart.

This subpart prescribes requirements and procedures for the use of bonds, alternative
payment protections, and all types of bid guarantees.

28.101-1 Policy on use.

(a) A contracting officer shall not require a bid guarantee unless a performance bond or a
performance and payment bond is also required (see 28.102 and 28.103). Except as
provided in paragraph (c) of this subsection, bid guarantees shall be required whenever a
performance bond or a performance and payment bond is required.
(b) All types of bid guarantees are acceptable for supply or service contracts (see annual
bid bonds and annual performance bonds coverage in 28.001). Only separate bid
guarantees are acceptable in connection with construction contracts. Agencies may specify
that only separate bid bonds are acceptable in connection with construction contracts.
(c) The chief of the contracting office may waive the requirement to obtain a bid guarantee
when a performance bond or a performance and payment bond is required if it is
determined that a bid guarantee is not in the best interest of the Government for a specific
acquisition (e.g., overseas construction, emergency acquisitions, sole-source contracts).
Class waivers may be authorized by the agency head or designee.
28.101-2 Solicitation provision or contract clause.
(a) The contracting officer shall insert a provision or clause substantially the same as the
provision at 52.228-1, Bid Guarantee, in solicitations or contracts that require a bid
guarantee or similar guarantee. For example, the contracting officer may modify this
(1) To set a period of time that is other than 10 days for the return of executed bonds;
(2) For use in connection with construction solicitations when the agency has specified that
only separate bid bonds are acceptable in accordance with 28.101-1(b);
(3) For use in solicitations for negotiated contracts; or
(4) For use in service contracts containing options for extended performance.
(b) The contracting officer shall determine the amount of the bid guarantee for insertion in
the provision at 52.228-1 (see 28.102-2(a)). The amount shall be adequate to protect the
Government from loss should the successful bidder fail to execute further contractual
documents and bonds as required. The bid guarantee amount shall be at least 20 percent
of the bid price but shall not exceed $3 million. When the penal sum is expressed as a
percentage, a maximum dollar limitation may be stated.
28.101-2 Solicitation provision or contract clause.
(a) The contracting officer shall insert a provision or clause substantially the same as the
provision at 52.228-1, Bid Guarantee, in solicitations or contracts that require a bid
guarantee or similar guarantee. For example, the contracting officer may modify this
(1) To set a period of time that is other than 10 days for the return of executed bonds;
(2) For use in connection with construction solicitations when the agency has specified that
only separate bid bonds are acceptable in accordance with 28.101-1(b);
(3) For use in solicitations for negotiated contracts; or
(4) For use in service contracts containing options for extended performance.
(b) The contracting officer shall determine the amount of the bid guarantee for insertion in
the provision at 52.228-1 (see 28.102-2(a)). The amount shall be adequate to protect the
Government from loss should the successful bidder fail to execute further contractual
documents and bonds as required. The bid guarantee amount shall be at least 20 percent
of the bid price but shall not exceed $3 million. When the penal sum is expressed as a
percentage, a maximum dollar limitation may be stated.
28.101-3 Authority of an attorney-in-fact for a bid bond.
(a) Any person signing a bid bond as an attorney-in-fact shall include with the bid bond
evidence of authority to bind the surety.
(b) An original, or a photocopy or facsimile of an original, power of attorney is sufficient
evidence of such authority.
(c) For purposes of this section, electronic, mechanically-applied and printed signatures,
seals and dates on the power of attorney shall be considered original signatures, seals and
dates, without regard to the order in which they were affixed.
(d) The contracting officer shall—
(1) Treat the failure to provide a signed and dated power of attorney at the time of bid
opening as a matter of responsiveness; and
(2) Treat questions regarding the authenticity and enforceability of the power of attorney at
the time of bid opening as a matter of responsibility. These questions are handled after bid
(1) If the contracting officer contacts the surety to validate the power of attorney, the
contracting officer shall document the file providing, at a minimum, the following
(i) Name of person contacted.
(ii) Date and time of contact.
(iii) Response of the surety.
(2) If, upon investigation, the surety declares the power of attorney to have been valid at
the time of bid opening, the contracting officer may require correction of any technical
(3) If the surety declares the power of attorney to have been invalid, the contracting officer
shall not allow the bidder to substitute a replacement power of attorney or a replacement
(f) Determinations of non-responsibility based on the unacceptability of a power of
attorney are not subject to the Certificate of Competency process of subpart 19.6 if the
surety has disavowed the validity of the power of attorney.
28.101-4 Noncompliance with bid guarantee requirements.
(a) In sealed bidding, noncompliance with a solicitation requirement for a bid guarantee
requires rejection of the bid, except in the situations described in paragraph (c) of this
subsection when the noncompliance shall be waived.
(b) In negotiation, noncompliance with a solicitation requirement for a bid guarantee
requires rejection of an initial proposal as unacceptable, if a determination is made to
award the contract based on initial proposals without discussion, except in the situations
described in paragraph (c) of this subsection when noncompliance shall be waived. (See
15.306(a)(2) for conditions regarding making awards based on initial proposals.) If the
conditions for awarding based on initial proposals are not met, deficiencies in bid
guarantees submitted by offerors determined to be in the competitive range shall be
addressed during discussions and the offeror shall be given an opportunity to correct the
(c) Noncompliance with a solicitation requirement for a bid guarantee shall be waived in the
following circumstances unless the contracting officer determines in writing that
acceptance of the bid would be detrimental to the Government's interest when—
(1) Only one offer is received. In this case, the contracting officer may require the
furnishing of the bid guarantee before award;
(2) The amount of the bid guarantee submitted is less than required, but is equal to or
greater than the difference between the offer price and the next higher acceptable offer;
(3) The amount of the bid guarantee submitted, although less than that required by the
solicitation for the maximum quantity offered, is sufficient for a quantity for which the
offeror is otherwise eligible for award. Any award to the offeror shall not exceed the
quantity covered by the bid guarantee;
(4) The bid guarantee is received late, and late receipt is waived under 14.304;
(5) A bid guarantee becomes inadequate as a result of the correction of a mistake under
14.407 (but only if the bidder will increase the bid guarantee to the level required for the
corrected bid);
(6) A telegraphic offer modification is received without corresponding modification of the
bid guarantee, if the modification expressly refers to the previous offer and the offeror
corrects any deficiency in bid guarantee;
(7) An otherwise acceptable bid bond was submitted with a signed offer, but the bid bond
was not signed by the offeror;
(8) An otherwise acceptable bid bond is errroneously dated or bears no date at all; or
(9) A bid bond does not list the United States as obligee, but correctly identifies the offeror,
the solicitation number, and the name and location of the project involved, so long as it is
acceptable in all other respects.
28.102 Performance and payment bonds and alternative payment protections for
construction contracts.

28.102-1 General.

(a) The Miller Act (40 U.S.C. 3131 et seq.) requires performance and payment bonds for any
construction contract exceeding $150,000, except that this requirement may be waived (1)
by the contracting officer for as much of the work as is to be performed in a foreign
country upon finding that it is impracticable for the contractor to furnish such bond, or (2)
as otherwise authorized by the Miller Act or other law.


(1) Pursuant to 40 U.S.C. 3132, for construction contracts greater than $30,000, but not
greater than $150,000, the contracting officer shall select two or more of the following
payment protections, giving particular consideration to inclusion of an irrevocable letter of
credit as one of the selected alternatives:

(i) A payment bond.

(ii) An irrevocable letter of credit (ILC).

(iii) A tripartite escrow agreement. The prime contractor establishes an escrow account in a
federally insured financial institution and enters into a tripartite escrow agreement with the
financial institution, as escrow agent, and all of the suppliers of labor and material. The
escrow agreement shall establish the terms of payment under the contract and of
resolution of disputes among the parties. The Government makes payments to the
contractor's escrow account, and the escrow agent distributes the payments in accordance
with the agreement, or triggers the disputes resolution procedures if required.

(iv) Certificates of deposit. The contractor deposits certificates of deposit from a federally
insured financial institution with the contracting officer, in an acceptable form, executable
by the contracting officer.
(v) A deposit of the types of security listed in 28.204-1 and 28.204-2.

(2) The contractor shall submit to the Government one of the payment protections selected
by the contracting officer.

(c) The contractor shall furnish all bonds or alternative payment protection, including any
necessary reinsurance agreements, before receiving a notice to proceed with the work or
being allowed to start work.

28.102-2 Amount required.

(a) Definition. As used in this subsection—
Original contract price means the award price of the contract; or, for requirements
contracts, the price payable for the estimated total quantity; or, for indefinite-quantity
contracts, the price payable for the specified minimum quantity. Original contract price
does not include the price of any options, except those options exercised at the time of
contract award.

(b) Contracts exceeding $150,000 (Miller Act).

(1) Performance bonds. Unless the contracting officer determines that a lesser amount is
adequate for the protection of the Government, the penal amount of performance bonds
must equal—
(i) 100 percent of the original contract price; and
(ii) If the contract price increases, an additional amount equal to 100 percent of the
(2) Payment bonds.
(i) Unless the contracting officer makes a written determination supported by specific
findings that a payment bond in this amount is impractical, the amount of the payment
bond must equal—
(A) 100 percent of the original contract price; and
(B) If the contract price increases, an additional amount equal to 100 percent of the
(ii) The amount of the payment bond must be no less than the amount of the performance
(c) Contracts exceeding $30,000 but not exceeding $150,000. Unless the contracting
officer determines that a lesser amount is adequate for the protection of the Government,
the penal amount of the payment bond or the amount of alternative payment protection
must equal—
(1) 100 percent of the original contract price; and
(2) If the contract price increases, an additional amount equal to 100 percent of the
(d) Securing additional payment protection. If the contract price increases, the Government
must secure any needed additional protection by directing the contractor to—
(1) Increase the penal sum of the existing bond;
(2) Obtain an additional bond; or
(3) Furnish additional alternative payment protection.
(e) Reducing amounts. The contracting officer may reduce the amount of security to
support a bond, subject to the conditions of 28.203-5(c) or 28.204(b).

28.102-3 Contract clauses.

(a) Insert a clause substantially the same as the clause at 52.228-15, Performance and
Payment Bonds—Construction, in solicitations and contracts for construction that contain a
requirement for performance and payment bonds if the resultant contract is expected to
exceed $150,000. The contracting officer may revise paragraphs (b)(1) and/or (b)(2) of the
clause to establish a lower percentage in accordance with 28.102-2(b). If the provision at
52.228-1 is not included in the solicitation, the contracting officer must set a period of
time for return of executed bonds.

(b) Insert the clause at 52.228-13, Alternative Payment Protections, in solicitations and
contracts for construction, when the estimated or actual value exceeds $30,000 but does
not exceed $150,000. Complete the clause by specifying the payment protections selected
(see 28.102-1(b)(1)) and the deadline for submission. The contracting officer may revise
paragraph (b) of the clause to establish a lower percentage in accordance with 28.102-2(c).

28.103 Performance and payment bonds for other than construction contracts.

28.103-1 General.
(a) Generally, agencies shall not require performance and payment bonds for other than
construction contracts. However, performance and payment bonds may be used as
permitted in 28.103-2 and 28.103-3.
(b) The contractor shall furnish all bonds before receiving a notice to proceed with the
(c) No bond shall be required after the contract has been awarded if it was not specifically
required in the contract, except as may be determined necessary for a contract
28.103-2 Performance bonds.
(a) Performance bonds may be required for contracts exceeding the simplified acquisition
threshold when necessary to protect the Government's interest. The following situations
may warrant a performance bond:
(1) Government property or funds are to be provided to the contractor for use in
performing the contract or as partial compensation (as in retention of salvaged material).
(2) A contractor sells assets to or merges with another concern, and the Government, after
recognizing the latter concern as the successor in interest, desires assurance that it is
financially capable.
(3) Substantial progress payments are made before delivery of end items starts.
(4) Contracts are for dismantling, demolition, or removal of improvements.
(b) The Government may require additional performance bond protection when a contract
price is increased.
(c) The contracting officer must determine the contractor's responsibility (see subpart 9.1)
even though a bond has been or can be obtained.
28.103-2 Performance bonds.
(a) Performance bonds may be required for contracts exceeding the simplified acquisition
threshold when necessary to protect the Government's interest. The following situations
may warrant a performance bond:
(1) Government property or funds are to be provided to the contractor for use in
performing the contract or as partial compensation (as in retention of salvaged material).
(2) A contractor sells assets to or merges with another concern, and the Government, after
recognizing the latter concern as the successor in interest, desires assurance that it is
financially capable.
(3) Substantial progress payments are made before delivery of end items starts.
(4) Contracts are for dismantling, demolition, or removal of improvements.
(b) The Government may require additional performance bond protection when a contract
price is increased.
(c) The contracting officer must determine the contractor's responsibility (see subpart 9.1)
even though a bond has been or can be obtained.
28.103-3 Payment bonds.
(a) A payment bond is required only when a performance bond is required, and if the use
of payment bond is in the Government's interest.
(b) When a contract price is increased, the Government may require additional bond
protection in an amount adequate to protect suppliers of labor and material.
28.103-4 Contract clause.
The contracting officer shall insert a clause substantially the same as the clause at 52.228-
16, Performance and Payment Bonds—Other than Construction, in solicitations and
contracts that contain a requirement for both payment and performance bonds. The
contracting officer shall determine the amount of each bond for insertion in the clause. The
amount shall be adequate to protect the interest of the Government. The contracting
officer shall also set a period of time (normally 10 days) for return of executed
bonds.Alternate I shall be used when only performance bonds are required.

28.104 Annual performance bonds.

(a) Annual performance bonds only apply to non-construction contracts. They shall provide
a gross penal sum applicable to the total amount of all covered contracts.
(b) When the penal sums obligated by contracts are approximately equal to or exceed the
penal sum of the annual performance bond, an additional bond will be required to cover
additional contracts.
28.105 Other types of bonds.
The head of the contracting activity may approve using other types of bonds in connection
with acquiring particular supplies or services. These types include advance payment bonds
and patent infringement bonds.

28.105-1 Advance payment bonds.

Advance payment bonds may be required only when the contract contains an advance
payment provision and a performance bond is not furnished. The contracting officer shall
determine the amount of the advance payment bond necessary to protect the Government.

28.105-2 Patent infringement bonds.

(a) Contracts providing for patent indemnity may require these bonds only if—
(1) A performance bond is not furnished; and
(2) The financial responsibility of the contractor is unknown or doubtful.
(b) The contracting officer shall determine the penal sum.
28.106 Administration.

28.106-1 Bonds and bond related forms.

The following Standard Forms (SF's) and Optional Forms (OF's) shown in 53.301 and
53.302 shall be used, except in foreign countries, when a bid bond, performance or
payment bond, or an individual surety is required. The bond forms shall be used as
indicated in the instruction portion of each form.

(a) SF 24, Bid Bond (see 28.101).

(b) SF 25, Performance Bond (see 28.102-1 and 28.106-3(b)).
(c) SF 25-A, Payment Bond (see 28.102-1 and 28.106-3(b)).
(d) SF 25-B, Continuation Sheet (for SF's 24, 25, and 25-A).
(e) SF 28, Affidavit of Individual Surety (see 28.203).
(f) SF 34, Annual Bid Bond (see 28.001).
(g) SF 35, Annual Performance Bond (see 28.104).
(h) SF 273, Reinsurance Agreement for a Miller Act Performance Bond (see 28.202(a)(4)).
(i) SF 274, Reinsurance Agreement for a Miller Act Payment Bond (see 28.202(a)(4)).
(j) SF 275, Reinsurance Agreement in Favor of the United States (see 28.202(a)(4)).
(k) SF 1414, Consent of Surety (see 28.106-5).
(l) SF 1415, Consent of Surety and Increase of Penalty (see 28.106-3).
(m) SF 1416, Payment Bond for Other Than Construction Contracts (see 28.103-3 and
(n) SF 1418, Performance Bond for Other Than Construction Contracts (see 28.103-2 and
(o) OF 90, Release of Lien on Real Property (see 28.203-5).
(p) OF 91, Release of Personal Property from Escrow (see 28.203-5).
28.106-2 Substitution of surety bonds.
(a) A new surety bond covering all or part of the obligations on a bond previously approved
may be substituted for the original bond if approved by the head of the contracting
activity, or as otherwise specified in agency regulation.
(b) When a new surety bond is approved, the contracting officer shall notify the principal
and surety of the original bond of the effective date of the new bond.
28.106-3 Additional bond and security.
(a) When additional bond coverage is required and is secured in whole or in part by the
original surety or sureties, agencies shall use Standard Form 1415, Consent of Surety and
Increase of Penalty. Standard Form 1415 is authorized for local reproduction, and a copy of
the form is furnished for this purpose in part 53 of the looseleaf edition of the FAR.
(b) When additional bond coverage is required and is secured in whole or in part by a new
surety or by one of the alternatives described in 28.204 in lieu of corporate or individual
surety, agencies shall use Standard Form 25, Performance Bond; Standard Form 1418,
Performance Bond for Other Than Construction Contracts; Standard Form 25-A, Payment
Bond; or Standard Form 1416, Payment Bond for Other Than Construction Contracts.
28.106-4 Contract clause.
(a) The contracting officer shall insert the clause at 52.228-2, Additional Bond Security, in
solicitations and contracts when bonds are required.
(b) In accordance with Section 806(a)(3) ofPub. L. 102-190, as amended by Sections 2091
and 8105 ofPub. L. 103-355, the contracting officer shall insert the clause at 52.228-12,
Prospective Subcontractor Requests for Bonds, in solicitations and contracts with respect to
which a payment bond will be furnished pursuant to the Miller Act (see 28.102-1), except
for contracts for the acquisition of commercial items as defined in Subpart 2.1.
28.106-5 Consent of surety.
(a) When any contract is modified, the contracting officer shall obtain the consent of surety
(1) An additional bond is obtained from other than the original surety;
(2) No additional bond is required and—
(i) The modification is for new work beyond the scope of the original contract; or
(ii) The modification does not change the contract scope but changes the contract price
(upward or downward) by more than 25 percent or $50,000; or
(3) Consent of surety is required for a novation agreement (See subpart 42.12).
(b) When a contract for which performance or payment is secured by any of the types of
security listed in 28.204 is modified as described in paragraph (a) of this subsection, no
consent of surety is required.
(c) Agencies shall use Standard Form 1414, Consent of Surety, for all types of contracts.
28.106-6 Furnishing information.

(a) The surety on the bond, upon its written request, may be furnished information on the
progress of the work, payments, and the estimated percentage of completion, concerning
the contract for which the bond was furnished.

(b) When a payment bond has been provided, the contracting officer shall, upon request,
furnish the name and address of the surety or sureties to any subcontractor or supplier
who has furnished or been requested to furnish labor or material for the contract. In
addition, general information concerning the work progress, payments, and the estimated
percentage of completion may be furnished to persons who have provided labor or
materials and have not been paid.

(c) When a payment bond has been provided for a contract, the head of the agency or
designee shall furnish a certified copy of the bond and the contract for which it was given
to any person who makes a request therefor and who furnishes an affidavit that the
requestor has supplied labor or materials for such work and payment therefor has not been
made or that the requestor is being sued on such bond. The person who makes the request
shall be required to pay such costs of preparation as determined by the head of the agency
or designee to be reasonable and appropriate (see 40 U.S.C. 3133).

(d) Section 806(a)(2) ofPub. L. 102-190, as amended by Sections 2091 and 8105 ofPub. L.
103-355, requires that the Federal Government provide information to subcontractors on
payment bonds under contracts for other than commercial items as defined in Subpart 2.1.
Upon the written or oral request of a subcontractor/supplier, or prospective
subcontractor/supplier, under a contract with respect to which a payment bond has been
furnished pursuant to the Miller Act, the contracting officer shall promptly provide to the
requester, either orally or in writing, as appropriate, any of the following:

(1) Name and address of the surety or sureties on the payment bond.

(2) Penal amount of the payment bond.

(3) Copy of the payment bond. The contracting officer may impose reasonable fees to cover
the cost of copying and providing a copy of the payment bond.
28.106-7 Withholding contract payments.

(a) During contract performance, agencies shall not withhold payments due contractors or
assignees because subcontractors or suppliers have not been paid.

(b) If, after completion of the contract work, the Government receives written notice from
the surety regarding the contractor's failure to meet its obligation to its subcontractors or
suppliers, the contracting officer shall withhold final payment. However, the surety must
agree to hold the Government harmless from any liability resulting from withholding the
final payment. The contracting officer will authorize final payment upon agreement
between the contractor and surety or upon a judicial determination of the rights of the

(c) For any withholding incident to the labor standards provisions of the contract, see
part 22.

28.106-8 Payment to subcontractors or suppliers.

The contracting officer will only authorize payment to subcontractors or suppliers from an
ILC (or any other cash equivalent security) upon a judicial determination of the rights of the
parties, a signed notarized statement by the contractor that the payment is due and owed,
or a signed agreement between the parties as to amount due and owed.

28.200 Scope of subpart.

This subpart prescribes procedures for the use of sureties and other security to protect the
Government from financial losses.

28.201 Requirements for security.

(a) Agencies shall obtain adequate security for bonds (including coinsurance and
reinsurance agreements) required or used with a contract for supplies or services
(including construction). Acceptable forms of security include (1) corporate or individual
sureties or (2) any of the types of security authorized in lieu of sureties by 28.204.
(b) Solicitations shall not preclude offerors from using the types of surety or other security
permitted by this subpart, unless prohibited by law or regulation.
28.202 Acceptability of corporate sureties.


(1) Corporate sureties offered for bonds furnished with contracts performed in the United
States or its outlying areas must appear on the list contained in the Department of the
Treasury Circular 570, “Companies Holding Certificates of Authority as Acceptable Sureties
on Federal Bonds and Acceptable Reinsuring Companies.”
(2) The penal amount of the bond should not exceed the surety's underwriting limit stated
in the Department of the Treasury circular. If the penal amount exceeds the underwriting
limit, the bond will be acceptable only if (i) the amount which exceeds the specified limit is
coinsured or reinsured and (ii) the amount of coinsurance or reinsurance does not exceed
the underwriting limit of each coinsurer or reinsurer.

(3) Coinsurance or reinsurance agreements shall conform to the Department of the

Treasury regulations in 31 CFR 223.10 and 223.11. When reinsurance is contemplated, the
contracting office generally shall require reinsurance agreements to be executed and
submitted with the bonds before making a final determination on the bonds.

(4) When specified in the solicitation, the contracting officer may accept a bond from the
direct writing company in satisfaction of the total bond requirement of the contract. This is
permissible until necessary reinsurance agreements are executed, even though the total
bond requirement may exceed the insurer's underwriting limitation. The contractor shall
execute and submit necessary reinsurance agreements to the contracting officer within the
time specified on the bid form, which may not exceed 45 calendar days after the execution
of the bond. The contractor shall use Standard Form 273, Reinsurance Agreement for a
Miller Act Performance Bond, and Standard Form 274, Reinsurance Agreement for a Miller
Act Payment Bond, when reinsurance is furnished with Miller Act bonds. Standard Form
275, Reinsurance Agreement in Favor of the United States, is used when reinsurance is
furnished with bonds for other purposes.

(b) For contracts performed in a foreign country, sureties not appearing on Treasury
Department Circular 570 are acceptable if the contracting officer determines that it is
impracticable for the contractor to use Treasury listed sureties.

(c) The Department of the Treasury issues supplements to Circular 570, notifying all
Federal agencies of (1) new approved corporate surety companies and (2) the termination
of the authority of any specific corporate surety to qualify as a surety on Federal bonds.
Upon receipt of notification of termination of a company's authority to qualify as a surety
on Federal bonds, the contracting officer shall review the outstanding contracts and take
action necessary to protect the Government, including, where appropriate, securing new
bonds with acceptable sureties in lieu of outstanding bonds with the named company.

(d) The Department of the Treasury Circular 570 may be obtained from the U.S.
Department of the Treasury, Financial Management Service, Surety Bond Branch, 3700 East
West Highway, Room 6F01, Hyattsville, MD 20782. Or via the internet
at .

28.203 Acceptability of individual sureties.

(a) An individual surety is acceptable for all types of bonds except position schedule bonds.
The contracting officer shall determine the acceptability of individuals proposed as
sureties, and shall ensure that the surety's pledged assets are sufficient to cover the bond
obligation. (See 28.203-7 for information on excluded individual sureties.)
(b) An individual surety must execute the bond, and the unencumbered value of the assets
(exclusive of all outstanding pledges for other bond obligations) pledged by the individual
surety, must equal or exceed the penal amount of each bond. The individual surety shall
execute the Standard Form 28 and provide a security interest in accordance with 28.203-1.
One individual surety is adequate support for a bond, provided the unencumbered value of
the assets pledged by that individual surety equal or exceed the amount of the bond. An
offeror may submit up to three individual sureties for each bond, in which case the pledged
assets, when combined, must equal or exceed the penal amount of the bond. Each
individual surety must accept both joint and several liability to the extent of the penal
amount of the bond.
(c) If the contracting officer determines that no individual surety in support of a bid
guarantee is acceptable, the offeror utilizing the individual surety shall be rejected as
nonresponsible, except as provided in 28.101-4. A finding of nonresponsibility based on
unacceptability of an individual surety, need not be referred to the Small Business
Administration for a competency review. (See 19.602-1(a)(2)(i) and 61 Comp. Gen. 456
(d) A contractor submitting an unacceptable individual surety in satisfaction of a
performance or payment bond requirement may be permitted a reasonable time, as
determined by the contracting officer, to substitute an acceptable surety for a surety
previously determined to be unacceptable.
(e) When evaluating individual sureties, contracting officers may obtain assistance from the
office identified in 28.202(d).
(f) Contracting officers shall obtain the opinion of legal counsel as to the adequacy of the
documents pledging the assets prior to accepting the bid guarantee and payment and
performance bonds.
(g) Evidence of possible criminal or fraudulent activities by an individual surety shall be
referred to the appropriate agency official in accordance with agency procedures.
28.203-1 Security interests by an individual surety.
(a) An individual surety may be accepted only if a security interest in assets acceptable
under 28.203-2 is provided to the Government by the individual surety. The security
interest shall be furnished with the bond.
(b) The value at which the contracting officer accepts the assets pledged must be equal to
or greater than the aggregate penal amounts of the bonds required by the solicitation and
may be provided by one or a combination of the following methods:
(1) An escrow account with a federally insured financial institution in the name of the
contracting agency. (See 28.203-2(b)(2) with respect to Government securities in book
entry form.) Acceptable securities for deposit in escrow are discussed in 28.203-2. While
the offeror is responsible for establishing the escrow account, the terms and conditions
must be acceptable to the contracting officer. At a minimum, the escrow account shall
provide for the following:
(i) The account must provide the contracting officer the sole and unrestricted right to draw
upon all or any part of the funds deposited in the account. A written demand for
withdrawal shall be sent to the financial institution by the contracting officer, after
obtaining the concurrence of legal counsel, with a copy to the offeror/contractor and to the
surety. Within the time period specified in the demand, the financial institution would pay
the Government the amount demanded up to the amount on deposit. If any dispute should
arise between the Government and the offeror/contractor, the surety, or the subcontractors
or suppliers with respect to the offer or contract, the financial institution would be
required, unless precluded by order of a court of competent jurisdiction, to disburse
monies to the Government as directed by the contracting officer.
(ii) The financial institution would be authorized to release to the individual surety all or
part of the balance of the escrow account, including any accrued interest, upon receipt of
written authorization from the contracting officer.
(iii) The Government would not be responsible for any costs attributable to the
establishment, maintenance, administration, or any other aspect of the account.
(iv) The financial institution would not be liable or responsible for the interpretation of any
provisions or terms and conditions of the solicitation or contract.
(v) The financial institution would provide periodic account statements to the contracting
(vi) The terms of the escrow account could not be amended without the consent of the
contracting officer.
(2) A lien on real property, subject to the restrictions in 28.203-2 and 28.203-3.
28.203-2 Acceptability of assets.
(a) The Government will accept only cash, readily marketable assets, or irrevocable letters
of credit from a federally insured financial institution from individual sureties to satisfy the
underlying bond obligations.
(b) Acceptable assets include—
(1) Cash, or certificates of deposit, or other cash equivalents with a federally insured
financial institution;
(2) United States Government securities at market value. (An escrow account is not required
if an individual surety offers Government securities held in book entry form at a depository
institution. In lieu thereof, the individual shall provide evidence that the depository
institution has (i) placed a notation against the individual's book entry account indicating
that the security has been pledged in favor of the respective agency; (ii) agreed to notify
the agency prior to maturity of the security; and (iii) agreed to hold the proceeds of the
security subject to the pledge in favor of the agency until a substitution of securities is
made or the security interest is formally released by the agency);
(3) Stocks and bonds actively traded on a national U.S. security exchange with certificates
issued in the name of the individual surety. National security exchanges are—(i) the New
York Stock Exchange; (ii) the American Stock Exchange; (iii) the Boston Stock Exchange; (iv)
the Cincinnati Stock Exchange; (v) the Midwest Stock Exchange; (vi) the Philadelphia Stock
Exchange; (vii) the Pacific Stock Exchange; and (viii) the Spokane Stock Exchange. These
assets will be accepted at 90 percent of their 52-week low, as reflected at the time of
submission of the bond. Stock options and stocks on the over-the-counter (OTC) market
or NASDQ Exchanges will not be accepted. Assistance in evaluating the acceptability of
securities may be obtained from the Securities and Exchange Commission, Division of
Enforcement, 450 Fifth Street NW., Washington, DC 20549.
(4) Real property owned in fee simple by the surety without any form of concurrent
ownership, except as provided in paragraph (c)(3)(iii) of this subsection, and located in the
United States or its outlying areas. These assets will be accepted at 100 percent of the
most current tax assessment value (exclusive of encumbrances) or 75 percent of the
properties' unencumbered market value provided a current appraisal is furnished (see
(5) Irrevocable letters of credit (ILC) issued by a federally insured financial institution in the
name of the contracting agency and which identify the agency and solicitation or contract
number for which the ILC is provided.
(c) Unacceptable assets include but are not limited to—
(1) Notes or accounts receivable;
(2) Foreign securities;
(3) Real property as follows:
(i) Real property located outside the United States and its outlying areas.
(ii) Real property which is a principal residence of the surety.
(iii) Real property owned concurrently regardless of the form of co-tenancy (including joint
tenancy, tenancy by the entirety, and tenancy in common) except where all co-tenants
agree to act jointly.
(iv) Life estates, leasehold estates, or future interests in real property.
(4) Personal property other than that listed in paragraph (b) of this subsection (e.g.,
jewelry, furs, antiques);
(5) Stocks and bonds of the individual surety in a controlled, affiliated, or closely held
concern of the offeror/contractor;
(6) Corporate assets (e.g., plant and equipment);
(7) Speculative assets (e.g., mineral rights);
(8) Letters of credit, except as provided in 28.203-2(b)(5).
28.203-3 Acceptance of real property.
(a) Whenever a bond with a security interest in real property is submitted, the individual
surety shall provide—

(1) A mortgagee title insurance policy, in an insurance amount equal to the amount of the
lien, or other evidence of title that is consistent with the requirements of Section 2 of the
United States Department of Justice Title Standards
at . This title evidence
must show fee simple title vested in the surety along with any concurrent owners; whether
any real estate taxes are due and payable; and any recorded encumbrances against the
property, including the lien filed in favor of the Government under paragraph (d) of this
subsection. Agency contracting officers should request the assistance of their designated
agency legal counsel in determining if the title evidence is consistent with the Department
of Justice standards;

(2) Evidence of the amount due under any encumbrance shown in the evidence of title;

(3) A copy of the current real estate tax assessment of the property or a current appraisal
dated no earlier than 6 months prior to the date of the bond, prepared by a professional
appraiser who certifies that the appraisal has been conducted in accordance with the
generally accepted appraisal standards as reflected in the Uniform Standards of
Professional Appraisal Practice as promulgated by the Appraisal Foundation, 1029 Vermont
Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20005.

(b) Failure to provide evidence that the lien has been properly recorded will render the
offeror nonresponsible.

(c) The individual surety is liable for the payment of all administrative costs of the
Government, including legal fees, associated with the liquidation of pledged real estate.

(d) The following format, or any document substantially the same, shall be signed by all
owners of the property and used by the surety and recorded in the local recorder's office
when a surety pledges real estate on Standard Form 28, Affidavit of Individual Surety.

Lien on Real Estate

I/we agree that this instrument constitutes a lien in the amount of $____ on the property
described in this lien. The rights of the United States Government shall take precedence
over any subsequent lien or encumbrance until the lien is formally released by a duly
authorized representative of the United States. I/we hereby grant the United States the
power of sale of subject property, including the right to satisfy its reasonable
administrative costs, including legal fees associated with any sale of subject property, in
the event of contractor default if I/we otherwise fail to satisfy the underlying () bid
guarantee, () performance bond, () or payment bond obligations as an individual surety on
solicitation/contract number ____. The lien is upon the real estate now owned by me/us
described as follows: (legal description, street address and other identifying description)

IN WITNESS HEREOF, I/we have hereunto affixed my/our hand(s) and seal(s) this __ DAY OF
___________ 20__.



I, ___, a Notary Public in and for the (CITY) ___, (STATE) ___, do hereby certify that ___, a
party or parties to a certain Agreement bearing the date ___ day of ______ 20_, and
hereunto annexed, personally appeared before me, the said ___ being personally well
known to me as the person(s) who executed said lien, and acknowledged the same to be
his/her/their act and deed. GIVEN under my hand and seal this ___ day of _____ 20__.


My Commission expires:

28.203-4 Substitution of assets.

An individual surety may request the Government to accept a substitute asset for that
currently pledged by submitting a written request to the responsible contracting officer.
The contracting officer may agree to the substitution of assets upon determining, after
consultation with legal counsel, that the substitute assets to be pledged are adequate to
protect the outstanding bond or guarantee obiligations. If acceptable, the substitute assets
shall be pledged as provided for in subpart 28.2.

28.203-5 Release of lien.

(a) After consultation with legal counsel, the contracting officer shall release the security
interest on the individual surety's assets using the Optional Form 90, Release of Lien on
Real Property, or Optional Form 91, Release of Personal Property from Escrow, or a similar
release as soon as possible consistent with the conditions in subparagraphs (a) (1) and (2)
of this subsection. A surety's assets pledged in support of a payment bond may be
released to a subcontractor or supplier upon Government receipt of a Federal district court
judgment, or a sworn statement by the subcontractor or supplier that the claim is correct
along with a notarized authorization of the release by the surety stating that it approves of
such release.
(1) Contracts subject to the Miller Act. The security interest shall be maintained for the
later of (i) 1 year following final payment, (ii) until completion of any warranty period
(applicable only to performance bonds), or (iii) pending resolution of all claims filed against
the payment bond during the 1-year period following final payment.
(2) Contracts subject to alternative payment protection (28.102-1(b)(1)).The security
interest shall be maintained for the full contract performance period plus one year.
(3) Other contracts not subject to the Miller Act. The security interest shall be maintained
for 90 days following final payment or until completion of any warranty period (applicable
only to performance bonds), whichever is later.
(b) Upon written request, the contracting officer may release the security interest on the
individual surety's assets in support of a bid guarantee based upon evidence that the offer
supported by the individual surety will not result in contract award.
(c) Upon written request by the individual surety, the contracting officer may release a
portion of the security interest on the individual surety's assets based upon substantial
performance of the contractor's obligations under its performance bond. Release of the
security interest in support of a payment bond must comply with the subparagraphs (a) (1)
through (3) of this subsection. In making this determination, the contracting officer will
give consideration as to whether the unreleased portion of the lien is sufficient to cover the
remaining contract obligations, including payments to subcontractors and other potential
liabilities. The individual surety shall, as a condition of the partial release, furnish an
affidavit agreeing that the release of such assets does not relieve the individual surety of
its obligations under the bond(s).
28.203-6 Contract clause.
Insert the clause at 52.228-11 in solicitations and contracts which require the submission
of bid guarantees, performance, or payment bonds.

28.203-7 Exclusion of individual sureties.

(a) An individual may be excluded from acting as a surety on bonds submitted by offerors
on procurement by the executive branch of the Federal Government, by the acquiring
agency's head or designee utilizing the procedures in subpart 9.4. The exclusion shall be
for the purpose of protecting the Government.
(b) An individual may be excluded for any of the following causes:
(1) Failure to fulfill the obligations under any bond.
(2) Failure to disclose all bond obligations.
(3) Misrepresentation of the value of available assets or outstanding liabilities.
(4) Any false or misleading statement, signature or representation on a bond or affidavit of
individual suretyship.
(5) Any other cause affecting responsibility as a surety of such serious and compelling
nature as may be determined to warrant exclusion.
(c) An individual surety excluded pursuant to this subsection shall be included in the
Excluded Parties List System. (See 9.404.)
(d) Contracting officers shall not accept the bonds of individual sureties whose names
appear in the Excluded Parties List System (see 9.404) unless the acquiring agency's head
or a designee states in writing the compelling reasons justifying acceptance.
(e) An exclusion of an individual surety under this subsection will also preclude such party
from acting as a contractor in accordance with subpart 9.4.
28.204 Alternatives in lieu of corporate or individual sureties.
(a) Any person required to furnish a bond to the Government may furnish any of the types
of security listed in 28.204-1 through 28.204-3 instead of a corporate or individual surety
for the bond. When any of those types of security are deposited, a statement shall be
incorporated in the bond form pledging the security in lieu of execution of the bond form
by corporate or individual sureties. The contractor shall execute the bond forms as the
principal. Agencies shall establish safeguards to protect against loss of the security and
shall return the security or its equivalent to the contractor when the bond obligation has
(b) Upon written request by any contractor securing a performance or payment bond by any
of the types of security listed in 28.204-1 through 28.204-3, the contracting officer may
release a portion of the security only when the conditions allowing the partial release of
lien in 28.203-5(c) are met. The contractor shall, as a condition of the partial release,
furnish an affidavit agreeing that the release of such security does not relieve the
contractor of its obligations under the bond(s).
(c) The contractor may satisfy a requirement for bond security by furnishing a combination
of the types of security listed in 28.204-1 through 28.204-3 or a combination of bonds
supported by these types of security and additional surety bonds under 28.202 or 28.203.
During the period for which a bond supported by security is required, the contractor may
substitute one type of security listed in 28.204-1 through 28.204-3 for another, or may
substitute, in whole or combination, additional surety bonds under 28.202 or 28.203.
28.204-1 United States bonds or notes.

Any person required to furnish a bond to the Government has the option, instead of
furnishing a surety or sureties on the bond, of depositing certain United States bonds or
notes in an amount equal at their par value to the penal sum of the bond (the Act of
February 24, 1919 (31 U.S.C. 9303) and Treasury Department Circular No. 154 dated July
1, 1978 (31 CFR part 225)). In addition, a duly executed power of attorney and agreement
authorizing the collection or sale of such United States bonds or notes in the event of
default of the principal on the bond shall accompany the deposited bonds or notes. The
contracting officer may (a) turn securities over to the finance or other authorized agency
official, or (b) deposit them with the Treasurer of the United States, a Federal Reserve Bank
(or branch with requisite facilities), or other depository designated for that purpose by the
Secretary of the Treasury, under procedures prescribed by the agency concerned and
Treasury Department Circular No. 154 (exception: The contracting officer shall deposit all
bonds and notes received in the District of Columbia with the Treasurer of the United

28.204-2 Certified or cashiers checks, bank drafts, money orders, or currency.

Any person required to furnish a bond has an option to furnish a certified or cashier's
check, bank draft, Post Office money order, or currency, in an amount equal to the penal
sum of the bond, instead of furnishing surety or sureties on the bonds. Those furnishing
checks, drafts, or money orders shall draw them to the order of the appropriate Federal

28.204-3 Irrevocable letter of credit (ILC).

(a) Any person required to furnish a bond has the option to furnish a bond secured by an
ILC in an amount equal to the penal sum required to be secured (see 28.204). A separate
ILC is required for each bond.

(b) The ILC shall be irrevocable, require presentation of no document other than a written
demand and the ILC (and letter of confirmation, if any), expire only as provided in
paragraph (f) of this subsection, and be issued/confirmed by an acceptable federally
insured financial institution as provided in paragraph (g) of this subsection.

(c) To draw on the ILC, the contracting officer shall use the sight draft set forth in the
clause at 52.228-14, and present it with the ILC (including letter of confirmation, if any) to
the issuing financial institution or the confirming financial institution (if any).

(d) If the contractor does not furnish an acceptable replacement ILC, or other acceptable
substitute, at least 30 days before an ILC's scheduled expiration, the contracting officer
shall immediately draw on the ILC.

(e) If, after the period of performance of a contract where ILCs are used to support payment
bonds, there are outstanding claims against the payment bond, the contracting officer
shall draw on the ILC prior to the expiration date of the ILC to cover these claims.

(f) The period for which financial security is required shall be as follows:

(1) If used as a bid guarantee, the ILC should expire no earlier than 60 days after the close
of the bid acceptance period.

(2) If used as an alternative to corporate or individual sureties as security for a performance

or payment bond, the offeror/contractor may submit an ILC with an initial expiration date
estimated to cover the entire period for which financial security is required or an ILC with
an initial expiration date that is a minimum period of one year from the date of issuance.
The ILC shall provide that, unless the issuer provides the beneficiary written notice of non-
renewal at least 60 days in advance of the current expiration date, the ILC is automatically
extended without amendment for one year from the expiration date, or any future
expiration date, until the period of required coverage is completed and the contracting
officer provides the financial institution with a written statement waiving the right to
payment. The period of required coverage shall be:

(i) For contracts subject to the Miller Act, the later of—

(A) One year following the expected date of final payment;

(B) For performance bonds only, until completion of any warranty period; or

(C) For payment bonds only, until resolution of all claims filed against the payment bond
during the one-year period following final payment.

(ii) For contracts not subject to the Miller Act, the later of—

(A) 90 days following final payment; or

(B) For performance bonds only, until completion of any warranty period.

(g) Only federally insured financial institutions rated investment grade or higher shall issue
or confirm the ILC. Unless the financial institution issuing the ILC had letter of credit
business of at least $25 million in the past year, ILCs over $5 million must be confirmed by
another acceptable financial institution that had letter of credit business of at least $25
million in the past year.

(1) The offeror/contractor shall provide the contracting officer a credit rating from a
recognized commercial rating service as specified in Office of Federal Procurement Policy
Pamphlet No. 7 (see 28.204-3(h)) that indicates the financial institution has the required
rating(s) as of the date of issuance of the ILC.

(2) If the contracting officer learns that a financial institution's rating has dropped below
the required level, the contracting officer shall give the contractor 30 days to substitute an
acceptable ILC or shall draw on the ILC using the sight draft in paragraph (g) of the clause
at 52.228-14.


(1) Additional information on credit rating services and investment grade ratings is
contained within Office of Federal Procurement Policy Pamphlet No. 7, Use of Irrevocable
Letters of Credit. This pamphlet may be obtained by calling the Office of Management and
Budget's publications office at (202) 395-7332.
(2) A copy of the Uniform Customs and Practice (UCP) for Documentary Credits, 1993
Revision, International Chamber of Commerce Publication No. 500, is available from: ICC
Publishing, Inc., 156 Fifth Avenue, New York NY, 10010, Telephone: (212) 206-1150,
Telefax: (212) 633-6025, E-mail:

28.204-4 Contract clause.

Insert the clause at 52.228-14, Irrevocable Letter of Credit, in solicitations and contracts
for services, supplies, or construction, when a bid guarantee, or performance bonds, or
performance and payment bonds are required.

28.301 Policy.

Contractors shall carry insurance under the following circumstances:


(1) The Government requires any contractor subject to Cost Accounting Standard (CAS) 416
(48 CFR 9004.416 (appendix B, FAR loose-leaf edition)) to obtain insurance, by purchase or
self-coverage, for the perils to which the contractor is exposed, except when (i) the
Government, by providing in the contract in accordance with law, agrees to indemnify the
contractor under specified circumstances or (ii) the contract specifically relieves the
contractor of liability for loss of or damage to Government property.

(2) The Government reserves the right to disapprove the purchase of any insurance
coverage not in the Government's interest.

(3) Allowability of the insurance program's cost shall be determined in accordance with the
criteria in 31.205-19.

(b) Contractors, whether or not their contracts are subject to CAS 416, are required by law
and this regulation to provide insurance for certain types of perils (e.g., workers'
compensation). Insurance is mandatory also when commingling of property, type of
operation, circumstances of ownership, or condition of the contract make it necessary for
the protection of the Government. The minimum amounts of insurance required by this
regulation (see 28.307-2) may be reduced when a contract is to be performed outside the
United states and its outlying areas. When more than one agency is involved, the agency
responsible for review and approval of a contractor's insurance program shall coordinate
with other interested agencies before acting on significant insurance matters.

(c) Contractors awarded nonpersonal services contracts for health care services are
required to maintain medical liability insurance and indemnify the Government for liability
producing acts or omissions by the contractor, its employees and agents (see 37.400).
28.302 Notice of cancellation or change.
When the Government requires the contractor to provide insurance coverage, the policies
shall contain an endorsement that any cancellation or material change in the coverage
adversely affecting the Government's interest shall not be effective unless the insurer or
the contractor gives written notice of cancellation or change as required by the contracting
officer. When the coverage is provided by self-insurance, the contractor shall not change or
decrease the coverage without the administrative contracting officer's prior approval (see

28.303 Insurance against loss of or damage to Government property.

When the Government requires or approves insurance to cover loss of or damage to
Government property (see 45.104, Responsibility and liability for Government property), it
may be provided by specific insurance policies or by inclusion of the risks in the
contractor's existing policies. The policies shall disclose the Government's interest in the

8.304 Risk-pooling arrangements.

Agencies may establish risk-pooling arrangements. These arrangements are designed to
use the services of the insurance industry for safety engineering and the handling of claims
at minimum cost to the Government. The agency responsible shall appoint a single
manager or point of contact for each arrangement.

28.305 Overseas workers' compensation and war-hazard insurance.

(a) Public-work contract, as used in this subpart, means any contract for a fixed
improvement or for any other project, fixed or not, for the public use of the United States
or its allies, involving construction, alteration, removal, or repair, including projects or
operations under service contracts and projects in connection with the national defense or
with war activities, dredging, harbor improvements, dams, roadways, and housing, as well
as preparatory and ancillary work in connection therewith at the site or on the project.

(b) The Defense Base Act (42 U.S.C. 1651 et seq.) extends the Longshoremen's and Harbor
Workers' Compensation Act (33 U.S.C. 901) to various classes of employees working
outside the United States, including those engaged in performing—

(1) Public-work contracts; or

(2) Contracts approved or financed under the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 (Pub. L. 87-
195) other than (i) contracts approved or financed by the Development Loan Fund (unless
the Secretary of Labor, acting upon the recommendation of a department or agency,
determines that such contracts should be covered) or (ii) contracts exclusively for materials
or supplies.
(c) When the Defense Base Act applies (see 42 U.S.C. 1651 et seq.) to these employees, the
benefits of the Longshoremen's and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act are extended
through operation of the War Hazards Compensation Act (42 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) to
protect the employees against the risk of war hazards (injury, death, capture, or detention).
When, by means of an insurance policy or a self-insurance program, the contractor
provides the workers' compensation coverage required by the Defense Base Act, the
contractor's employees automatically receive war-hazard risk protection.

(d) When the agency head recommends a waiver to the Secretary of Labor, the Secretary
may waive the applicability of the Defense Base Act to any contract, subcontract, work
location, or classification of employees.

(e) If the Defense Base Act is waived for some or all of the contractor's employees, the
benefits of the War Hazards Compensation Act are automatically waived with respect to
those employees for whom the Defense Base Act is waived. For those employees, the
contractor shall provide workers' compensation coverage against the risk of work injury or
death and assume liability toward the employees and their beneficiaries for war-hazard
injury, death, capture, or detention. The contract shall provide either that the costs of this
liability or the reasonable costs of insurance against this liability shall be allowed as a cost
under the contract.

28.306 Insurance under fixed-price contracts.

(a) General. Although the Government is not ordinarily concerned with the contractor's
insurance coverage if the contract is a fixed-price contract, in special circumstances
agencies may specify insurance requirements under fixed-price contracts. Examples of
such circumstances include the following:
(1) The contractor is—or has a separate operation—engaged principally in Government
(2) Government property is involved.
(3) The work is to be performed on a Government installation.
(4) The Government elects to assume risks for which the contractor ordinarily obtains
commercial insurance.
(b) Work on a Government installation.
(1) When the clause at 52.228-5, Insurance—Work on a Government Installation, is
required to be included in a fixed-price contract by 28.310, the coverage specified in
28.307 is the minimum insurance required and shall be included in the contract Schedule
or elsewhere in the contract. The contracting officer may require additional coverage and
higher limits.
(2) When the clause at 52.228-5, Insurance—Work on a Government Installation, is not
required by 28.310 but is included because the contracting officer considers it to be in the
Government's interest to do so, any of the types of insurance specified in 28.307 may be
omitted or the limits may be lowered, if appropriate.
28.307 Insurance under cost-reimbursement contracts.
Cost-reimbursement contracts (and subcontracts, if the terms of the prime contract are
extended to the subcontract) ordinarily require the types of insurance listed in 28.307-2,
with the minimum amounts of liability indicated. (See 28.308 for self-insurance.)

28.307-1 Group insurance plans.

(a) Prior approval requirement. Under cost-reimbursement contracts, before buying
insurance under a group insurance plan, the contractor must submit the plan for approval,
in accordance with agency regulations. Any change in benefits provided under an approved
plan that can reasonably be expected to increase significantly the cost to the Government
requires similar approval.
(b) Premium refunds or credits. The plan shall provide for the Government to share in any
premium refunds or credits paid or otherwise allowed to the contractor. In determining the
extent of the Government's share in any premium refunds or credits, any special reserves
and other refunds to which the contractor may be entitled in the future shall be taken into
28.307-2 Liability.
(a) Workers' compensation and employer's liability. Contractors are required to comply with
applicable Federal and State workers' compensation and occupational disease statutes. If
occupational diseases are not compensable under those statutes, they shall be covered
under the employer's liability section of the insurance policy, except when contract
operations are so commingled with a contractor's commercial operations that it would not
be practical to require this coverage. Employer's liability coverage of at least $100,000
shall be required, except in States with exclusive or monopolistic funds that do not permit
workers' compensation to be written by private carriers. (See 28.305(c) for treatment of
contracts subject to the Defense Base Act.)
(b) General liability.
(1) The contracting officer shall require bodily injury liability insurance coverage written on
the comprehensive form of policy of at least $500,000 per occurrence.
(2) Property damage liability insurance shall be required only in special circumstances as
determined by the agency.
(c) Automobile liability. The contracting officer shall require automobile liability insurance
written on the comprehensive form of policy. The policy shall provide for bodily injury and
property damage liability covering the operation of all automobiles used in connection with
performing the contract. Policies covering automobiles operated in the United States shall
provide coverage of at least $200,000 per person and $500,000 per occurrence for bodily
injury and $20,000 per occurrence for property damage. The amount of liability coverage
on other policies shall be commensurate with any legal requirements of the locality and
sufficient to meet normal and customary claims.
(d) Aircraft public and passenger liability. When aircraft are used in connection with
performing the contract, the contracting officer shall require aircraft public and passenger
liability insurance. Coverage shall be at least $200,000 per person and $500,000 per
occurrence for bodily injury, other than passenger liability, and $200,000 per occurrence
for property damage. Coverage for passenger liability bodily injury shall be at least
$200,000 multiplied by the number of seats or passengers, whichever is greater.
(e) Vessel liability. When contract performance involves use of vessels, the contracting
officer shall require, as determined by the agency, vessel collision liability and protection
and indemnity liability insurance.
28.308 Self-insurance.
(a) When it is anticipated that 50 percent or more of the self-insurance costs to be incurred
at a segment of a contractor's business will be allocable to negotiated Government
contracts, and the self-insurance costs at the segment for the contractor's fiscal year are
expected to be $200,000 or more, the contractor shall submit, in writing, information on
its proposed self-insurance program to the administrative contracting officer and obtain
that official's approval of the program. The submission shall be by segment or segments of
the contractor's business to which the program applies and shall include—
(1) A complete description of the program, including any resolution of the board of
directors authorizing and adopting coverage, including types of risks, limits of coverage,
assignments of safety and loss control, and legal service responsibilities;
(2) If available, the corporate insurance manual and organization chart detailing fiscal
responsibilities for insurance;
(3) The terms regarding insurance coverage for any Government property;
(4) The contractor's latest financial statements;
(5) Any self-insurance feasibility studies or insurance market surveys reporting
comparative alternatives;
(6) Loss history, premiums history, and industry ratios;
(7) A formula for establishing reserves, including percentage variations between losses
paid and losses reserved;
(8) Claims administration policy, practices, and procedures;
(9) The method of calculating the projected average loss; and
(10) A disclosure of all captive insurance company and re-insurance agreements, including
methods of computing cost.
(b) Programs of self-insurance covering a contractor's insurable risks, including the
deductible portion of purchased insurance, may be approved when examination of a
program indicates that its application is in the Government's interest. Agencies shall not
approve a program of self-insurance for workers' compensation in a jurisdiction where
workers' compensation does not completely cover the employer's liability to employees,
unless the contractor—
(1) Maintains an approved program of self-insurance for any employer's liability not so
covered; or
(2) Shows that the combined cost to the Government of self-insurance for workers'
compensation and commercial insurance for employer's liability will not exceed the cost of
covering both kinds of risk by commercial insurance.
(c) Once the administrative contracting officer has approved a program, the contractor
must submit to that official for approval any major proposed changes to the program. Any
program approval may be withdrawn if a contracting officer finds that either (1) any part of
a program does not comply with the requirements of this subpart and/or the criteria at
31.205-19 or (2) conditions or situations existing at the time of approval that were a basis
for original approval of the program have changed to the extent that a program change is
(d) To qualify for a self-insurance program, a contractor must demonstrate ability to
sustain the potential losses involved. In making the determination, the contracting officer
shall consider the following factors:
(1) The soundness of the contractor's financial condition, including available lines of credit.
(2) The geographic dispersion of assets, so that the potential of a single loss depleting all
the assets is unlikely.
(3) The history of previous losses, including frequency of occurrence and the financial
impact of each loss.
(4) The type and magnitude of risk, such as minor coverage for the deductible portion of
purchased insurance or major coverage for hazardous risks.
(5) The contractor's compliance with Federal and State laws and regulations.
(e) Agencies shall not approve a program of self-insurance for catastrophic risks (e.g., see
50.104-3, Special procedures for unusually hazardous or nuclear risks). Should
performance of Government contracts create the risk of catastrophic losses, the
Government may, to the extent authorized by law, agree to indemnify the contractor or
recognize an appropriate share of premiums for purchased insurance, or both.
(f) Self-insurance programs to protect a contractor against the costs of correcting its own
defects in materials or workmanship shall not be approved. For these purposes, normal
rework estimates and warranty costs will not be considered self-insurance.
28.309 Contract clauses for workers' compensation insurance.
(a) The contracting officer shall insert the clause at 52.228-3, Workers' Compensation
Insurance (Defense Base Act), in solicitations and contracts when the Defense Base Act
applies (see 28.305) and—
(1) The contract will be a public-work contract performed outside the United States; or
(2) The contract will be approved or financed under the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961
(Pub. L. 87-195) and is not excluded by 28.305(b)(2).
(b) The contracting officer shall insert the clause at 52.228-4, Workers' Compensation and
War-Hazard Insurance Overseas, in solicitations and contracts when the contract will be a
public-work contract performed outside the United States and the Secretary of Labor
waives the applicability of the Defense Base Act (see 28.305(d)).
28.310 Contract clause for work on a Government installation.
(a) Insert the clause at 52.228-5, Insurance—Work on a Government Installation, in
solicitations and contracts if a fixed-price contract is contemplated, the contract amount is
expected to exceed the simplified acquisition threshold, and the contract will require work
on a Government installation, unless—
(1) Only a small amount of work is required on the Government installation (e.g., a few
brief visits per month); or
(2) All work on the Government installation will be performed outside the United States and
its outlying areas.
(b) The contracting officer may insert the clause at 52.228-5 in solicitations and contracts
described in (a)(1) and (2) above if it is in the Government's interest to do so.
28.311 Solicitation provision and contract clause on liability insurance under cost-
reimbursement contracts.

28.311-1 Contract clause.

In accordance with agency acquisition regulations, the contracting officer shall insert the
clause at 52.228-7, Insurance—Liability to Third Persons, in solicitations and contracts,
other than those for construction contracts and those for architect-engineer services, when
a cost-reimbursement contract is contemplated.

28.311-2 Agency solicitation provisions and contract clauses.

Agencies may prescribe their own solicitation provisions and contract clauses to implement
the basic policies contained in this subpart 28.3.

28.312 Contract clause for insurance of leased motor vehicles.

The contracting officer shall insert the clause at 52.228-8, Liability and Insurance—Leased
Motor Vehicles, in solicitations and contracts for the leasing of motor vehicles (see subpart

28.313 Contract clauses for insurance of transportation or transportation-related services.

(a) The contracting officer shall insert the clause at 52.228-9, Cargo Insurance, in
solicitations and contracts for transportation or for transportation-related services, except
when freight is shipped under rates subject to released or declared value.
(b) The contracting officer shall insert a clause substantially the same as that at 52.228-10,
Vehicular and General Public Liability Insurance, in solicitations and contracts for
transportation or for transportation-related services when the contracting officer
determines that vehicular liability or general public liability insurance required by law is not

53.000 Scope of part.

This part (a) prescribes standard forms (SF's) and references optional forms (OF's) and
agency-prescribed forms for use in acquisition, (b) contains requirements and information
generally applicable to the forms, and (c) illustrates the forms.

53.001 Definitions.
Exception, as used in this part, means an approved departure from the established design,
content, printing specifications, or conditions for use of any standard form.

53.100 Scope of subpart.

This subpart contains requirements and information generally applicable to the forms
prescribed in this regulation.

53.101 Requirements for use of forms.

The requirements for use of the forms prescribed or referenced in this part are contained
in parts 1 through 52, where the subject matter applicable to each form is addressed. The
specific location of each requirement is identified in subpart 53.2.

53.102 Current editions.

The form prescriptions in subpart 53.2 and the illustrations in subpart 53.3 contain current
edition dates. Contracting officers shall use the current editions unless otherwise
authorized under this regulation.

53.103 Exceptions.
Agencies shall not (a) alter a standard form prescribed by this regulation, or (b) use for the
same purpose any form other than the standard form prescribed by this regulation without
receiving in advance an exception to the form.

53.104 Overprinting.
Standard and optional forms (obtained as required by 53.107) may be overprinted with
names, addresses, and other uniform entries that are consistent with the purpose of the
form and that do not alter the form in any way. Exception approval for overprinting is not

53.105 Computer generation.

(a) The forms prescribed by this part may be computer generated—without exception
approval (see 53.103), provided—
(1) There is no change to the name, content, or sequence of the data elements, and the
form carries the Standard or Optional Form number and edition date (see 53.111); or
(2) The form is in an electronic format covered by the American National Standards
Institute (ANSI) X12 Standards published by the Accredited Standards Committee X12 on
Electronic Data Interchange or a format that can be translated into one of those standards.
(b) The standards listed in paragraph (a)(2) of this section may also be used for submission
of data set forth in other parts for which specific forms have not been prescribed.
53.106 Special construction and printing.
Contracting offices may request exceptions (see 53.103) to standard forms for special
construction and printing. Examples of common exceptions are as follows:

Standard Forms Special Construction and Printing

(1) With vertical lines omitted (for listing of supplies and
(a) SF 18— services, unit, etc.);

(2) As reproducible masters; and/or

(3) In carbon interleaved pads or sets.

(b) SF's
26,30,33,1447— As die-cut stencils or reproducible masters.
(1) With serial numbers and contracting office name and
(c) SF 44— address; and/or
(2) On special weight of paper and with the type of
construction, number of sets per book, and number of parts
per set as specified by the contracting officer. (Executive
agencies may supplement the administrative instructions on
the inside front cover of the book.)
(d) SF 1442— (1) As die-cut stencils or reproducible masters; and/or
(2) With additional wording as required by the executive
agency. (However, the sequence and wording of the items
appearing on the prescribed form should not be altered.)
53.107 Obtaining forms.

(a) Executive agencies shall obtain standard and optional forms from the General Services
Administration (GSA) by using GSA Supply Catalog - Office Products (see 41 CFR101-
26.302). Standard forms adapted for computer preparation (see 53.105) or with special
construction and printing (see 53.106) that are not available from GSA may be ordered
directly from the Government Printing Office (GPO).

(b) Contractors and other parties may obtain standard and optional forms from the
Superintendent of Documents, GPO, Washington, DC 20402. Standard and optional forms
not available from the Superintendent of Documents may be obtained from the prescribing

(c) Agency forms may be obtained from the prescribing agency.

53.108 Recommendations concerning forms.

Users of this regulation may recommend new forms or the revision, elimination, or
consolidation of the forms prescribed or referenced in this regulation. Recommendations
from within an executive agency shall be submitted to the cognizant council in accordance
with agency procedures. Recommendations from other than executive agencies should be
submitted directly to the FAR Secretariat.

53.109 Forms prescribed by other regulations.

Certain forms referred to in Subpart 53.2 are prescribed in other regulations and are
specified by the FAR for use in acquisition. For each of these forms, the prescribing agency
is identified by means of a parenthetical notation after the form number. For example, SF
1165, which is prescribed by the Government Accountability Office (GAO), is identified as
SF 1165(GAO).

53.110 Continuation sheets.

Except as may be otherwise indicated in the FAR, all standard forms prescribed by the FAR
may be continued on (a) plain paper of similar specification, or (b) specially constructed
continuation sheets (e.g., OF 336). Continuation sheets shall be annotated in the upper
right-hand corner with the reference number of the document being continued and the
serial page number.

53.111 Contract clause.

Contracting officers shall insert the clause at 52.253-1, Computer Generated Forms, in
solicitations and contracts that require the contractor to submit data on Standard or
Optional Forms prescribed by this regulation; and, unless prohibited by agency regulations,
forms prescribed by agency supplements.

53.200 Scope of subpart.

This subpart prescribes standard forms and references optional forms and agency-
prescribed forms for use in acquisition. Consistent with the approach used in subpart 52.2,
this subpart is arranged by subject matter, in the same order as, and keyed to, the parts of
the FAR in which the form usage requirements are addressed. For example, forms
addressed in FAR part 14, Sealed Bidding, are treated in this subpart in section 53.214,
Sealed Bidding; forms addressed in FAR part 43, Contract Modifications, are treated in this
subpart in section 53.243, Contract modifications. The following example illustrates how
the subjects are keyed to the parts in which they are addressed:
53.201 Federal acquisition system.

53.201-1 Contracting authority and responsibilities (SF 1402).

SF 1402 (10/83), Certificate of Appointment. SF 1402 is prescribed for use in appointing
contracting officers, as specified in 1.603-3.

53.204 Administrative matters.

53.204-1 Safeguarding classified information within industry (DD Form 254, DD Form
The following forms, which are prescribed by the Department of Defense, shall be used by
agencies covered by the Defense Industrial Security Program if contractor access to
classified information is required, as specified in subpart 4.4 and the clause at 52.204-2:

(a) DD Form 254 (Department of Defense (DOD)), Contract Security Classification

Specification. (See 4.403(c)(1).)
(b) DD Form 441 (DOD), Security Agreement. (See paragraph (b) of the clause at 52.204-2.)
53.205 Publicizing contract actions.

53.205-1 Paid advertisements.

SF 1449, prescribed in 53.212, shall be used to place orders for paid advertisements as
specified in 5.503.

53.209 Contractor qualifications.

53.209-1 Responsible prospective contractors.

(a) SF 1403 (Rev. 9/88), Preaward Survey of Prospective Contractor (General).SF 1403 is
authorized for local reproduction and a copy is furnished for this purpose in part 53 of the
looseleaf edition of the FAR.
(b) SF 1404 (Rev. 9/88), Preaward Survey of Prospective Contractor—Technical. SF 1404 is
authorized for local reproduction and a copy is furnished for this purpose in part 53 of the
looseleaf edition of the FAR.
(c) SF 1405 (Rev. 9/88), Preaward Survey of Prospective Contractor—Production. SF 1405 is
authorized for local reproduction and a copy is furnished for this purpose in part 53 of the
looseleaf edition of the FAR.
(d) SF 1406 (Rev. 11/97), Preaward Survey of Prospective Contractor—Quality Assurance. SF
1406 is authorized for local reproduction and a copy is furnished for this purpose in part
53 of the looseleaf edition of the FAR.
(e) SF 1407 (Rev. 9/88), Preaward Survey of Prospective Contractor—Financial Capability. SF
1407 is authorized for local reproduction and a copy is furnished for this purpose in part
53 of the looseleaf edition of the FAR.
(f) SF 1408 (Rev. 9/88), Preaward Survey of Prospective Contractor—Accounting System. SF
1408 is authorized for local reproduction and a copy is furnished for this purpose in part
53 of the looseleaf edition of the FAR.
53.212 Acquisition of commercial items.
SF 1449 (Rev. 2/2012), Solicitation/Contract/Order for Commercial Items. SF 1449 is
prescribed for use in solicitations and contracts for commercial items. Agencies may
prescribe additional detailed instructions for use of the form.

53.213 Simplified acquisition procedures (SF's 18, 30, 44, 1165, and 1449, and OF's 336,
347, and 348).
The following forms are prescribed as stated in this section for use in simplified acquisition
procedures, orders under existing contracts or agreements, and orders from required
sources of supplies and services:

(a) SF 18 (Rev. 6/95), Request for Quotations, or SF 1449 (Rev. 2/2012),

Solicitation/Contract/Order for Commercial Items. SF 18 is prescribed for use in obtaining
price, cost, delivery, and related information from suppliers as specified in 13.307(b). SF
1449, as prescribed in 53.212, or other agency forms/automated formats, may also be
used to obtain price, cost, delivery, and related information from suppliers as specified in
(b) SF 30 (Rev. 10/83), Amendment of Solicitation/Modification of Contract.SF 30,
prescribed in 53.243, may be used for modifying purchase orders, as specified in
(c) SF 44 (Rev. 10/83), Purchase Order Invoice Voucher. SF 44 is prescribed for use in
simplified acquisition procedures, as specified in 13.306.
(d) SF 1165 (6/83 Ed.), Receipt for Cash-Subvoucher. SF 1165 (GAO) may be used for
imprest fund purchases, as specified in 13.307(e).
(e) OF 336 (4/86 Ed.), Continuation Sheet. OF 336, prescribed in 53.214(h), may be used as
a continuation sheet in solicitations, as specified in 13.307(c)(1).
(f) SF 1449 (Rev. 2/2012), Solicitation/Contract/Order for Commercial Items prescribed in
53.212, OF 347 (Rev. 2/2012), Order for Supplies or Services, and OF 348 (Rev. 4/06),
Order for Supplies or Services-Schedule Continuation. SF 1449, OF's 347 and 348 (or
approved agency forms/automated formats) may be used as follows:
(1) To accomplish acquisitions under simplified acquisition procedures, as specified in
(2) To establish blanket purchase agreements (BPA's), as specified in 13.303-2, and to
make purchases under BPA's, as specified in 13.303-5.
(3) To issue orders under basic ordering agreements, as specified in 16.703(d)(2)(i).
(4) As otherwise specified in this chapter (e.g., see 5.503(a)(2), 8.406-1, 36.701(b), and
53.214 Sealed bidding.

The following forms are prescribed for use in contracting by sealed bidding (except for
construction and architect-engineer services):

(a) SF 26 (Rev. 5/2011), Award/Contract. SF 26 is prescribed for use in awarding sealed bid
contracts for supplies or services in which bids were obtained on SF 33, Solicitation, Offer
and Award, as specified in 14.408-1(d)(1). Block 18 may only be used for sealed-bid

(b) SF 30, Amendment of Solicitation/Modification of Contract. SF 30, prescribed in 53.243,

shall be used in amending invitations for bids, as specified in 14.208(a).

(c) SF 33 (Rev. 9/97), Solicitation, Offer and Award. SF 33 is prescribed for use in soliciting
bids for supplies or services and for awarding the contracts that result from the bids, as
specified in 14.201-2(a)(1), unless award is accomplished by SF 26.

(d) SF 1447 (Rev. 2/2012), Solicitation/Contract. SF 1447 is prescribed for use in soliciting
supplies or services and for awarding contracts that result from the bids. It shall be used
when the simplified contract format is used (see 14.201-9) and may be used in place of the
SF 26 or SF 33 with other solicitations and awards. Agencies may prescribe additional
detailed instructions for use of the form.

(e) [Reserved]

(f) SF 1409 (Rev. 9/88), Abstract of Offers, and SF 1410 (9/88), Abstract of Offers-
Continuation. SF 1409 and SF 1410 are prescribed for use in recording bids, as specified in

(g) OF 17 (Rev. 12/93), Offer Label. OF 17 may be furnished with each invitation for bids to
facilitate identification and handling of bids, as specified in 14.202-3(b).

(h) OF 336 (Rev. 3/86), Continuation Sheet. OF 336 may be used as a continuation sheet in
solicitations, as specified in 14.201-2(b).

[48 FR 42637, Sept. 19, 1983]

Editorial Note:

For Federal Register citations affecting § 53.214, see the List of CFR Sections Affected,
which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at

53.215 Contracting by negotiation.

53.215-1 Solicitation and receipt of proposals.
The following forms are prescribed, as stated in the following paragraphs, for use in
contracting by negotiation (except for construction, architect-engineer services, or
acquisitions made using simplified acquisition procedures):

(a) SF 26 (Rev. 5/2011), Award/Contract. SF 26, prescribed in 53.214(a), may be used in

entering into negotiated contracts in which the signature of both parties on a single
document is appropriate, as specified in 15.509. Block 18 may not be used for negotiated
(b) SF 30 (Rev. 10/83), Amendment of Solicitation/Modification of Contract.SF 30,
prescribed in 53.243, may be used for amending requests for proposals and for amending
requests for information, as specified in 15.210(b).
(c) SF 33 (Rev. 9/97), Solicitation, Offer and Award. SF 33, prescribed in 53.214(c), may be
used in connection with the solicitation and award of negotiated contracts. Award of such
contracts may be made by either OF 307, SF 33, or SF 26, as specified in 53.214(c) and
(d) OF 17 (Rev. 12/93), Offer Label. OF 17 may be furnished with each request for
proposals to facilitate identification and handling of proposals, as specified in 15.210(c).
(e) OF 307 (9/97), Contract Award. OF 307 may be used to award negotiated contracts as
specified in 15.509.
(f) OF 308 (9/97), Solicitation and Offer-Negotiated Acquisition. OF 308 may be used to
support solicitation of negotiated contracts as specified in 15.210(a). Award of such
contracts may be made by OF 307, as specified in 15.509.
(g) OF 309 (9/97), Amendment of Solicitation. OF 309 may be used to amend solicitations
of negotiated contracts, as specified in 15.210(b).
53.216 Types of contracts.

53.216-1 Delivery orders and orders under basic ordering agreements (OF 347).
OF 347, Order for Supplies or Services. OF 347, prescribed in 53.213(f), (or an approved
agency form) may be used to place orders under indefinite delivery contracts and basic
ordering agreements, as specified in 16.703(d)(2)(i).

53.219 Small Business Programs.

(a) The following form may be used in reporting small disadvantaged business contracting
data: OF 312 (10/00), Small Disadvantaged Business Participation Report. (See subpart

(b) The following standard form is prescribed for use in reporting small business (including
Alaska Native Corporations and Indian tribes), veteran-owned small business, service-
disabled veteran-owned small business, HUBZone small business, small disadvantaged
business (including Alaska Native Corporations and Indian tribes) and women-owned small
business subcontracting data, as specified in part 19: SF 294, (Rev. 1/2010) Subcontracting
Report for Individual Contracts. SF 294 is authorized for local reproduction.

53.222 Application of labor laws to Government acquisitions (SF's 308, 1093, 1413, 1444,
1445, 1446, WH-347).
The following forms are prescribed as stated below, for use in connection with the
application of labor laws:

(a) [Reserved]
(b) [Reserved]
(c) SF 308 (DOL) (Rev. 5/85), Request for Wage Determination and Response to
Request. (See 22.404-3 (a) and (b).)
(d) SF 1093 (GAO) (10/71), Schedule of Withholdings under the Davis-Bacon Act and/or the
Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act. (See 22.406-9(c)(1).)
(e) SF 1413 (Rev. 7/2005), Statement and Acknowledgment. SF 1413 is prescribed for use
in obtaining contractor acknowledgment of inclusion of required clauses in subcontracts,
as specified in 22.406-5.
(f) Form SF 1444 (10/87), Request for Authorization of Additional Classification and
Rate. (See 22.406-3(a) and 22.1019.)
(g) SF 1445 (12/96), Labor Standards Interview. (See 22.406-7(b).)
(h) SF 1446 (10/87), Labor Standards Investigation Summary Sheet. (See 22.406-8(d).)
(i) Form WH-347 (DOL), Payroll (for Contractor's Optional Use). (See 22.406-6(a).)
53.228 Bonds and insurance.

The following standard forms are prescribed for use for bond and insurance requirements,
as specified in part 28:

(a) SF 24 (Rev. 10/98) Bid Bond. (See 28.106-1.) SF 24 is authorized for local reproduction
and a copy is furnished for this purpose in Part 53 of the looseleaf edition of the FAR.

(b) SF 25 (Rev. 5/96) Performance Bond. (See 28.106-1(b).) SF 25 is authorized for local
reproduction and a copy is furnished for this purpose in Part 53 of the looseleaf edition of
the FAR.

(c) SF 25-A (Rev. 10/98) Payment Bond. (See 28.106-1(c).) SF 25-A is authorized for local
reproduction and a copy is furnished for this purpose in Part 53 of the looseleaf edition of
the FAR.

(d) SF 25-B (Rev. 10/83), Continuation Sheet (For Standard Forms 24, 25, and 25-A). (See
(e) SF 28 (Rev. 6/03) Affidavit of Individual Surety. (See 28.106-1(e) and 28.203(b).) SF 28
is authorized for local reproduction and a copy is furnished for this purpose in Part 53 of
the looseleaf edition of the FAR.

(f) SF 34 (Rev. 1/90), Annual Bid Bond. (See 28.106-1(f).) SF 34 is authorized for local
reproduction and a copy is furnished for this purpose in part 53 of the looseleaf edition of
the FAR.

(g) SF 35 (Rev. 1/90), Annual Performance Bond. (See 28.106-1.) SF 35 is authorized for
local reproduction and a copy is furnished for this purpose in part 53 of the looseleaf
edition of the FAR.

(h) SF 273 (Rev. 10/98) Reinsurance Agreement for a Miller Act Performance Bond. (See
28.106-1(h) and 28.202-1(a)(4).) SF 273 is authorized for local reproduction and a copy is
furnished for this purpose in Part 53 of the looseleaf edition of the FAR.

(i) SF 274 (Rev. 10/98) Reinsurance Agreement for a Miller Act Payment Bond.(See 28.106-
1(i) and 28.202-1(a)(4).) SF 274 is authorized for local reproduction and a copy is
furnished for this purpose in Part 53 of the looseleaf edition of the FAR.

(j) SF 275 (Rev. 10/98) Reinsurance Agreement in Favor of the United States. (See 28.106-
1(j) and 28.202-1(a)(4).) SF 275 is authorized for local reproduction and a copy is
furnished for this purpose in Part 53 of the looseleaf edition of the FAR.

(k) SF 1414 (Rev. 10/93), Consent of Surety. SF 1414 is authorized for local reproduction
and a copy is furnished for this purpose in part 53 of the looseleaf edition of the FAR.

(l) SF 1415 (Rev. 7/93), Consent of Surety and Increase of Penalty. (See 28.108-1(l).) SF
1415 is authorized for local reproduction and a copy is furnished for this purpose in part
53 of the looseleaf edition of the FAR.

(m) SF 1416 (Rev. 10/98) Payment Bond for Other than Construction Contracts. (See
28.106-1(m).) SF 1416 is authorized for local reproduction and a copy is furnished for this
purpose in Part 53 of the looseleaf edition of the FAR.

(n) SF 1418 (Rev. 2/99) Performance Bond For Other Than Construction Contracts. (See
28.106-1(n).) SF 1418 is authorized for local reproduction and a copy is furnished for this
purpose in Part 53 of the looseleaf edition of the FAR.

(o) OF 90 (Rev. 1/90), Release of Lien on Real Property. (See 28.106-1(o) and 28.203-5(a).)
OF 90 is authorized for local reproduction and a copy is furnished for this purpose in part
53 of the looseleaf edition of the FAR.
(p) OF 91 (Rev. 1/90), Release of Personal Property from Escrow. (See 28.106-1(p) and
28.203-5(a).) OF 91 is authorized for local reproduction and a copy is furnished for this
purpose in part 53 of the looseleaf edition of the FAR.

53.229 Taxes (SF's 1094, 1094-A).

SF 1094 (Rev. 12/96), U.S. Tax Exemption Form, and SF 1094-A (Rev. 12/96), Tax
Exemption Forms Accountability Record. SF's 1094 and 1094-A are prescribed for use in
establishing exemption from State or local taxes, as specified in 29.302(b).

53.232 Contract financing (SF 1443).

SF 1443 (JUL 2009), Contractor's Request for Progress Payment. SF 1443 is prescribed for
use in obtaining contractors' requests for progress payments.

53.235 Research and Development Contracting (SF 298).

SF 298 (2/89), Report Documentation Page. SF 298 is prescribed for use in submitting
scientific and technical reports to contracting officers and to technical information
libraries, as specified in 35.010.

53.236 Construction and architect-engineer contracts.

53.236-1 Construction.
The following forms are prescribed, as stated below, for use in contracting for
construction, alteration, or repair, or dismantling, demolition, or removal of improvements.

(a) -(c) [Reserved]

(d) SF 1442 (4/85), Solicitation, Offer and Award (Construction, Alteration, or Repair). SF
1442 is prescribed for use in soliciting offers and awarding contracts expected to exceed
the simplified acquisition threshold for (1) construction, alteration, or repair, or (2)
dismantling, demolition, or removal of improvements (and may be used for contracts
within the simplified acquisition threshold), as specified in 36.701(b).
(e) OF 347 (Rev. 2/2012), Order for Supplies or Services. OF 347, prescribed in 53.213(f),
(or an approved agency form) may be used for contracts under the simplified acquisition
threshold for (1) construction, alteration, or repair, or (2) dismantling, demolition, or
removal of improvements, as specified in 36.701(c).
(f) OF 1419 (11/88), Abstract of Offers-Construction, and OF 1419A (11/88), Abstract of
Offers-Construction, Continuation Sheet. OF's 1419 and 1419A are prescribed for use in
recording bids (and may be used for recording proposal evaluation information), as
specified in 36.701(d).
53.236-2 Architect-engineer services (SF's 252 and 330).
The following forms are prescribed for use in contracting for architect-engineer and
related services:
(a) SF 252 (Rev. 10/83), Architect-Engineer Contract. SF 252 is prescribed for use in
awarding fixed-price contracts for architect-engineer services, as specified in 36.702(a).
[Pending issuance of a new edition of the form, Block 8, Negotiation Authority, is deleted.]
(b) SF 330 (1/04), Architect-Engineer Qualifications. SF 330 is prescribed for use in
obtaining information from architect-engineer firms regarding their professional
qualifications, as specified in 36.702(b)(1) and (b)(2).
53.242 Contract administration.

53.242-1 Novation and change-of-name agreements (SF 30).

SF 30, Amendment of Solicitation/Modification of Contract. SF 30, prescribed in 53.243,
shall be used in connection with novation and change of name agreements, as specified in

53.243 Contract modifications (SF 30).

SF 30 (Rev. 10/83), Amendment of Solicitation/Modification of Contract. SF 30 is
prescribed for use in amending invitation for bids, as specified in 14.208; modifying
purchase and delivery orders, as specified in 13.302-3; and modifying contracts, as
specified in 42.1203(h), 43.301, 49.602-5, and elsewhere in this chapter. The form may
also be used to amend solicitations for negotiated contracts, as specified in 15.210(b).
Pending the publication of a new edition of the form, Instruction (b), Item 3 (effective date),
is revised in paragraphs (3) and (5) as follows:

(b) Item 3 (effective date).

(3) For a modification issued as a confirming notice of termination for the convenience of
the Government, the effective date of the confirming notice shall be the same as the
effective date of the initial notice.
(5) For a modification confirming the termination contracting officer's previous letter
determination of the amount due in settlement of a contract termination for convenience,
the effective date shall be the same as the effective date of the previous letter
53.245 Government property.

The following forms are prescribed, as specified in this section, for use in reporting,
reutilization, and disposal of Government property and in accounting for this property:

(a) SF 120 (GSA), Report of Excess Personal Property, and SF 120-A (GSA), Continuation
Sheet (Report of Excess Personal Property). See 45.602-3 and 41 CFR 102-36.215.)

(b) SF 126 (GSA), Report of Personal Property for Sale, and SF 126-A (GSA), Report of
Personal Property for Sale (Continuation Sheet). See FPMR 101-45.303 (41 CFR 101-
(c) SF 1423 (Rev. 5/04), Inventory Verification Survey. (See 45.602-1(b)(1).)

(d) SF 1424 (Rev. 5/04), Inventory Disposal Report (See 45.605). SF 1424 is authorized for
local reproduction.

(e) SF 1428 (Rev. 6/2007), Inventory Disposal Schedule, and SF 1429 (Rev. 5/04), Inventory
Disposal Schedule—Continuation Sheet. (See 45.602-1, 49.303-2, 52.245-1), and
53.249(b).) SF's 1428 and 1429 are authorized for local reproduction.

53.247 Transportation (U.S. Commercial Bill of Lading).

The commercial bill of lading is the preferred document for the transportation of property,
as specified in 47.101.

53.249 Termination of contracts.

(a) The following forms are prescribed for use in connection with the termination of
contracts, as specified in subpart 49.6:
(1) SF 1034 (GAO), Public Voucher for Purchases and Services Other Than Personal. (See
(2) SF 1435 (Rev. 9/97), Settlement Proposal (Inventory Basis). (See 49.602-1(a).) Standard
Form 1435 is authorized for local reproduction and a copy is furnished for this purpose in
part 53 of the looseleaf edition of the FAR.
(3) SF 1436 (Rev. 5/04), Settlement Proposal (Total Cost Basis). (See 49.602-1(b).) Standard
Form 1436 is authorized for local reproduction.
(4) SF 1437 (Rev. 9/97), Settlement Proposal for Cost-Reimbursement Type Contracts. (See
49.602-1(c) and 49.302.) Standard Form 1437 is authorized for local reproduction and a
copy is furnished for this purpose in part 53 of the looseleaf edition of the FAR.
(5) SF 1438 (Rev. 5/04), Settlement Proposal (Short Form). (See 49.602-1(d).) Standard
Form 1438 is authorized for local reproduction.
(6) SF 1439 (Rev. 7/89), Schedule of Accounting Information. (See 49.602-3.) Standard
Form 1439 is authorized for local reproduction and a copy is furnished for this purpose in
part 53 of the looseleaf edition of the FAR.
(7) SF 1440 (Rev. 7/89), Application for Partial Payment. (See 49.602-4.) Standard Form
1440 is authorized for local reproduction and a copy is furnished for this purpose in part
53 of the looseleaf edition of the FAR.
(b) SF 1428 (Rev. 6/2007), Inventory Disposal Schedule, and Standard Form 1429 (Rev.
5/04), Inventory Disposal Schedule—Continuation Sheet, shall be used to support
termination settlement proposals listed in paragraph (a) of this section, as specified in
53.251 Contractor use of Government supply sources (OF 347).
OF 347, Order for Supplies or Services. OF 347, prescribed in 53.213(f), may be used by
contractors when requisitioning from the VA, as specified in 51.102(e)(3)(ii).
53.300 Scope of subpart.
This subpart contains illustrations of forms used in acquisitions.

53.301 Standard forms.

This section illustrates the standard forms that are specified by the FAR for use in
acquisitions. The forms are illustrated in numerical order. The subsection numbers
correspond with the standard form numbers (e.g., Standard Form 18 appears as 53.301-

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