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Class 5 Marathan Model Paper

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EM 2017-2018
English Marathon
Total Questions : 100 Time Allotted : 1 Hour


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5. There is only one correct answer, hence mark one answer only.
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7. Return the answer sheet along with question paper to the supervisor
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EM – State Level – Class 5 – Model Paper 50


Sr. A B C

1. Praey Predator Planynet

2. Fierce Faether Feirm

3. Tander Trickle Tinne

4. Scattarad Sprase Spear

5. Lambkins Lofhty Laoded

6. Shuon Scampering Siluntil

7. Beneeth Beames Breast

8. Wherring Whisparing Whistling

9. Strategic Scires Steaeded

10. Cereak Clack Krasf


Sr. A B C

11. Persuade Paele Plains

12. Plenty Pluck Polloted

13. Popolation Positive Powdery

14. Preceded Percious Prepare

15. Prevented Preview Pirde

16. Porblem Promise Propped

17. Protected Porvide Paper

18. Realised Recycle Redoced

19. Riens Reply Report

20. Reward Ruogh Remind

EM – State Level – Class 5 – Model Paper 51


Sr. Questions And Options

21. ______________ I liked him well but now I cordially detest him.
A) Former B) On C) Formerly

22. The child slept ________________.

A) soundly B) easy C) brave

23. He could not speak ____________.

A) distinct B) distinctly C) back

24. ______________ you ever hear such stuff?

A) What B) How C) Did

25. The man was _________________ angry.

A) almost B) cold C) and

26. _______________did you contrive it?

A) What B) How C) You

27. He _____________a position of great importance.

A) occupies B) occupy C) occupying

28. The tops of the mountains were _________________ with snow.

A) cover B) covered C) covers

29. ______________ you wait till I return?

A) Will B) We C) It

30. He is a clever but_____________ boy.

A) before B) lazy C) till

31. She is a ____________ and loving mother.

A) kind B) hard C) cook

32. The man ___________ before the doctor arrived.

A) die B) died C) dies

33. Rama ____________ because he was idle.

A) failed B) just C) is

34. The bag was _____________ therefore I could not carry it.
A) heavier B) heavy C) heaviest

35. The mongoose _____________ snakes.

A) eat B) eating C) eats

EM – State Level – Class 5 – Model Paper 52

36. Aladdin had a _________________ lamp.
A) wonder B) wonderful C) wonders

37. The village master ___________ in his little school.

A) teaching B) teaches C) taught

38. __________ that your brother's bat?

A) Is B) Are C) My

39. Rama's words __________ Sita's heart with grief.

A) filling B) fillies C) filled

40. We greatly __________________ the ladies sarees.

A) admired B) admire C) admires


Sr. Questions And Options

41. vaandedc
(Clue : went ahead )
A) advanced B) addvance C) advencad

42. ustg
(Clue : sudden burst )
A) gsut B) gust C) gtsu

43. repsirep
(Clue : sweat profusely )
A) prespire B) pesrpire C) perspire

44. mdeaetrs
(Clue : flowed quietly )
A) streamed B) straemed C) steramed

45. asbk
(Clue : enjoy sitting or lying )
A) bsak B) bask C) bska

46. ecrcsa
(Clue : very little )
A) sacrce B) scrace C) scarce

47. negearte
(Clue : produce )
A) generate B) geenrate C) generate

EM – State Level – Class 5 – Model Paper 53

48. dedetnin
(Clue : meant )
A) intneded B) intended C) inentded

49. rcowed
(Clue : made happy sound )
A) corwed B) crewod C) crowed

50. ungsl
(Clue : made him sit )
A) slung B) sulng C) slnug


Sr. Questions And Options

51. Discovered
A) Look B) Found C) Dust

52. Elegance
A) Small B) Close C) Beauty

53. Forms
A) Makes B) Hot C) Use

54. Fracture
A) Style B) Break C) Collect

55. Gloomy
A) Bright B) Very C) Dark

56. Hazardous
A) Dangerous B) Dug C) Stop

57. Material
A) Huge B) Cloth C) Soft

58. Muddle
A) Ground B) Flow C) Jumble

59. Plenty
A) Enough B) Worry C) Nerve

60. Prevented
A) Stopped B) Open C) Between

EM – State Level – Class 5 – Model Paper 54


Sr. Questions And Options

61. Distant
A) Far B) Near C) Outflow

62. Fragile
A) Dishonest B) Sturdy C) Proud

63. Alive
A) Dead B) Touch C) Pride

64. Twined
A) Turn B) Divide C) Most

65. Harness
A) Unharness B) Rule C) Inharness

66. Mumbling
A) Murmur B) Muttering C) Shouting

67. Perfect
A) Imperfect B) Small C) Right

68. Polluted
A) Dirty B) Foul C) Clean

69. Precede
A) Front B) Succeed C) Right

70. Well
A) Ill B) Dirty C) Good

SECTION – 6 FIND THE WORD (From Meaning)

Sr. Questions And Options

71. Kept safely to be used again

A) odd B) even C) preserved

72. Was amazed by the speech and admired the orator

A) power B) impressed C) law

73. A formal speech given to an audience

A) late B) address C) felt

74. A feeling of defeat and loss

A) despair B) quiet C) assembly

EM – State Level – Class 5 – Model Paper 55

75. Changed it so that it could be used differently
A) cellars B) glorious C) converted

76. Movement of hands or head while giving a speech

A) gestures B) breathe C) shy

77. The reason for which something is done

A) express B) purpose C) trained

78. Very pleasing in appearance

A) attractive B) flytrap C) liquid

79. To move without any thing stopping it over a surface

A) weather B) slide C) hunted

80. Easily affected or changed by something

A) shut B) able C) sensitive

81. To produce and release a liquid

A) secrete B) food C) exist

82. An animal that is hunted and killed for food by other animal
A) hunter B) prey C) animal

83. Enjoyable, interesting things which people do

A) action B) camp C) activities

84. A good feature something has

A) advantage B) watch C) adventure

85. A being from outer space

A) canoed B) alien C) old

86. Sport of shooting arrows from a bow

A) old B) doubt C) archery

87. To feel guilty or embarrassed about something

A) ashamed B) advice C) angry

88. People who watch e.g. play, event

A) play B) audience C) help

89. To keep your body steady without falling over

A) large B) keep C) balance

90. Old and slightly damaged

A) battered B) area C) bad

EM – State Level – Class 5 – Model Paper 56


Passage – 1

Jess didn't concern himself with what would become of it. For the first time in
his life he got up every morning with something to look forward to. Leslie was more
than his friend. She was his other, more exciting self - his way to Terabithia and all
the worlds beyond. Terabithia was their secret, which was a good thing, for how
could Jess have ever explained it to an outside? Just walking down the hill towards
the woods made something warm and liquid steal through his body. The closer he
came to the dry creek bed and the crab apple tree rope the more he could feel the
beating of his heart. He grabbed the end of the rope and swung out towards the
other bank with a kind of wild exhilaration and landed gently on his feet, taller and
stronger and wiser in that mysterious land. Leslies favourite place besides the castle
stronghold was the pine forest. There the tree grew so thick at the top that sunshine
was veiled. No low bush or grass could grow in that dim light, so the ground was
carpeted with golden needles. 'I used to think this place haunted, ' Jess had
confessed to Leslie the first afternoon he had revved up his courage to bring her
there. 'Oh, but it is, ' she said. 'But you don't have to be scared. It’s not haunted with
evil things.'

Sr. Questions And Options

91. What was their secret?

a) Terabithia
b) Jungle
c) Castle

92. What was Leslies favourite place beside castle?

a) Flower garden.
b) Beside castle was lakes.
c) Beside the castle was the pine forest.

93. Give meaning of : Veiled

a) Covered
b) Space
c) Gone

94. The opposite of : Thick

a) Thin
b) Board
c) Fat

95. The closer he came to the __________ bed and crab the apple tree.
a) dry creek
b) slant slope
c) woods

EM – State Level – Class 5 – Model Paper 57

96. Why the ground was carpeted with golden needle ?
a) So they could grow in fresh light.
b) Because they were playing.
c) As no low bush or grass could grow in that dim light.

97. He grabbed the end of the rope and __________ out towards the other bank.
a) swing
b) swings
c) swung

98. Give the Comparative degree of : ‘Strong’

a) Stronghold
b) Stronger
c) Strongest

99. Just walking down the hill towards the woods made ___________.
a) something warm and liquid steal through his body.
b) something cool and liquid thrown in his body.
c) him stronger and happy.

100. Give synonym: Mysterious

a) Deep
b) Few
c) Long


EM – State Level – Class 5 – Model Paper 58

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