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The Preventive Theory of Punishment

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If the deterrent theory tries to put an end to the crime by causing fear of the punishment in the
mind of the possible crime-doer, the preventive theory aims at preventing crime by disabling
the criminal, for example, by inflicting the death penalty on the criminal, or by confining him
in prison, or by suspending his driving license, as the case may be. Thus, the extreme penalty,
the death sentence, ensures that, once and for all, the offender will be prevented from
repeating the heinous act. In the past, maiming was considered an effective method of
preventing the wrong-doer from committing 130 the same crime in the future, by
dismembering the offending part of the body. Thus, a thief's hand would be cut off, or a
sexual off. In the ultimate analysis, the preventive mode of punishment works in three ways,
a) by inspiring all prospective wrong-doers with the fear of punishment;

b) by disabling the wrong-doer from immediately committing any crime;

c) by transforming the offender, by a process of reformation and reeducation, so that he

would not commit crime again.

In this connection, the following extract from Rule 58 of the International Standard
Minimum Rules is illuminative: "The purpose and justification of a sentence of imprisonment
or a similar measure derivative of liberty is ultimately to protect society against crime. This
end can only be achieved if the period of imprisonment is used to ensure, so far as possible,
that upon his return to society, the offender is not only willing, but also able, to lead a law –
abiding and self-supporting life."


According to the reformative theory, a crime is committed as a result of the conflict Between
the character and the motive of the criminal. One may commit a crime either because the
temptation of the motive is stronger or because the restraint 131 imposed by character is
weaker. The deterrent theory, by showing that crime never pays, seeks to act on the motive of
the person, while the reformative theory aims at strengthening the character of the main, so
that he may not become an easy victim to his own temptation. This theory would consider
punishment to be curative or to perform the function of a medicine. According to this theory,
crime is like a disease. This theory maintains that "you cannot cure by killing". The
exponents of the reformative theory believe that a wrong-doers stay in prison should serve to
re-educate him and to re-shape his personality in a new mould. They believe that though
punishment may be severe, it should never be degrading. To the followers of this theory,
execution, solitary confinement and maiming are relics ofthe past and enemies of
reformation. Thus, the ultimate aim of the reformists is to try to bring about a change in the
personality and character of the offender, so as to make him a useful member of society. The
reformists argue that if criminals are to be sent to prison in order to be transformed into law-
abiding citizens, prisons must be turned into comfortable, dwelling houses.

This argument is, however, limited in its application, and it must be remembered that in a
country like India, where millions live below the poverty line, it may even act as an
encouragement to the commission of crimes. Lamenting on the conditions prevailing in jails
in India, Justice Krishna lyer opens his judgment in Rakesh Kaushik Vs Superintendent,
Central Jail (1980 Supp. S.C.C. 183) with the following poignant question : "Is a prison term
in Tihar Jail a post-graduate course in crime ?" In Sunil Batra (II) V. Delhi Administration
(1980 3 S.C.C. 488), the Supreme Court regarded a simple letter from a co-prisoner as
sufficient to invoke proceedings by way of habeas corpus. The judgment deals at length with
the shocking conditions prevailing in Indian prisons and suggests a series of prison reforms.
Lamenting on the atrocities prevailing in Delhi's Tihar Jail, Justice Krishna lyer, in the course
of his learned judgment, observes a follows.


discussing the history of the administration of justice, it was seen that punishment by the
State is a substitute for private vengeance. In all healthy communities, any crime or injustice
stirs up the retributive indignation of the people at large. Retribution basically means that the
wrongdoer pays for his wrongdoing, since a person who is wronged would like to avenge
himself, the State considers it necessary to inflict some pain or injury on the wrongdoer in
order to otherwise prevent private vengeance. Whereas other theories regard punishment as a
means to some other end the retributive theory looks on it as an end in itself. It regards it as
perfectly legitimate that evil should be returned for evil, and that a man should be dealt with
the manner in which he deals with others. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth is deemed
to be the rule of natural justice. Though the system of private revenge has been suppressed,
the instincts and emotions that lay at the root of these feelings are yet present in human
nature. Therefore, according to this theory, the moral satisfaction that society obtain from
punishment cannot be ignored. On the other hand, if the criminal is treated very leniently, or
even in the midst of luxury, as the reformative theory would have it. (and as actually happens
in some prisons of the world, which are equipped with airconditioning, private toilets, TV
sets etc.), the spirit of vengeance would not be satisfied, and it might find its way through
private vengeance. Therefore, punishmentinstead of preventing a crime, might indirectly
promote it. Unfortunately, the retributive theory ignores the causes of the crime, and it does
not strike at the removal of the causes. A mere moral indignation can hardly 134 prev4nt
crime. It is quite possible that the criminal is as much a victim of circumstances as the victim
himself might have been. It is also unfortunate that this theory overlooks the fact that two
wrongs do not really make a right. The theory also seems to ignore that if vengeance is the
spirit of punishment, violence will be a way of prison life.

KINDS OF PUNISHMENT :The following seven kinds of punishment are

discussed below, namely,-

(1) Capital punishment

(2) Deportation

(3) Corporal punishment

(4) Imprisonment
(5) Solitary confinement

(6) Indeterminate sentence

(7) Fine.

In the history of punishments, capital punishment has always occupied a very important
place. In ancient times, and even in the middle ages, sentencing offenders to death was a very
common kind of punishment. Even what might be considered as minor offences in modern
criminal law, attracted the death penalty in those days. In England, there was a time when
there were as many as 200 felonies for which the punishment was death. Even the offence of
theft of property worth more than two shillings would attract the penalty of death. Till the
middle of the seventeenth century in England, even the penalty for the offence of forgery was
death. Then there arose a movement in the 18th century, which raised its voice of protest
against the in human of punishment. Bentham can be considered as the spearhead of this
movement. He analysed the causes of crime, and showed how punishment would serve its
purpose. According to him, punishment itself was an evil, but a necessary evil. No
punishment was to be inflicted unless it brought greater good. The object of capital
punishment is said to be two-fold. By putting the offender to death, it may instill fear in the
minds of others and teach them a lesson. Secondly, if the offender is an incorrigible one, by
putting him to death, it prevents the repetition of the crime by that person on a permanent
basis. But it is evident that this punishment is not based on the reformative object of
punishment, in the sense that it is a step of despair.

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