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1. Syringe Distroyer

Syringe Distroyer is a tool or machine that serves to destroy syringes after being
used to inject patients. Why is a tool like this needed, this is as management of
hospital waste so as not to cause infection to the environment.

2. Puls Oxymeter

This tool is usually used for patients who need monitoring of oxygen levels in
their blood. This tool serves to measure oxygen levels in the blood or often known
as oxygen saturation. Oxymeter is usually used on the patient's finger (pinned) on
the patient's finger. On the screen of this tool you will see blood oxygen levels in
the form of a percentage.

3. Oxygen Concentrator
This tool serves to supply oxygen which can be directly used for oxygenation
assistance. Unlike the oxygen tube, the Oxygen Concentrator is a machine that
can produce oxygen by taking air around it and then concentrating it into pure
oxygen. The purity level can reach 95%. This tool is suitable for oxygen therapy
when recovering from disease.

4. Ambubag (Pulmonary Resuscitator)

In medical terms this tool is known as the Pulmonary Resuscitator, but in other
terms it is also known as ambubag. The function of this tool is for artificial breath
for patients in critical conditions after an accident, for example, or certain
conditions that require continuous breathing before there is a ventilator.

5. Ventilator

This one tool is more complex because it is very important for those who need it.
A ventilator is a medical device that functions to replace part or all of the work of
the lungs. More from the ambubag, because the ventilator works automatically to
provide ventilation support to maintain the patient's breathing function.

6. Hearing Aid (Alat Bantu Pendengaran)

This tool is usually known as Hearing Aid or hearing aids. The function of this
tool is clear, namely as a hearing aid for people whose ability to hear has been
disturbed. Hearing Aid has several types commonly sold in the market, namely
BTE, ITE, ITC. This hearing aid can be adjusted to the level of hearing loss

7. Suction Pump (Alat Penyedokt Cairan)

Sometimes called suction apparatus, there are also those who call sputum suction
devices and so on. The point is the suction pump is a medical device that
functions to remove fluid or mucus that is not useful in the patient's body.
Examples such as mucus, phlegm, other fluids, blood that comes out during
surgery and so forth.

8. USG (Ultrasonografi)

Ultrasound or ultrasound is a sophisticated tool that serves to image organs in the

human body. Not only see the fetus in the womb, this tool also functions to
examine internal organs such as the heart, liver, kidney, stomach, intestines and so
forth. Ultrasound works by utilizing ultra (high frequency) sound waves such as
bat sonar.

9. X- Ray

X-rays use x-rays or often referred to as rongsen (X-rays). This tool works by
using x-rays to penetrate the human body to take pictures like the photographic
process. However, X-Ray must not be carried out continuously because it contains
radioactive elements which are quite dangerous for the human body if exposed too

10. (Anesthesia Machine)

Anesthesia machine is a tool for removing consciousness during the surgical

process. This tool is a combination of several integrated medical devices so that it
can function properly in the process of anesthesia and control the patient's
consciousness during surgery.

11. Regulator Oksigen

Like most regulators, this tool also functions to regulate or regulate the flow of
oxygen from the tube to the patient's nose.

12. Defibrillator
Defibrillator is a device that functions to restore abnormal heart rhythms due to
one factor. People who drown, shock due to accidents, and because of heart
attacks usually experience heart rhythm disorders. Defibrillator works by
providing a certain amount of electrical energy stimulus to shock the heart so that
it returns to a normal rhythm.

13. ECG (Electrocardiograph)

The function of this medical device is to record the electrical heart muscle to
analyze the presence or absence of heart rhythm disturbances in patients. The
ECG consists of several electrodes that are attached to the patient's chest to take or
record the activity of the heart muscle in the form of an electric voltage.

14. ESU (Electrosurgical Unit)

Another term for this tool is Electrocauter or Electrosurgery. That is an electronic
device equipped with an electronic cutting device with electric power. This tool
serves to perform surgery on the patient's body parts. The aim is to reduce the
discharge of blood which will disrupt the operation process.

15. Pasien Monitor

Some patients who are being treated in the ICU have very unstable conditions.
This of course requires very intensive monitoring. Therefore this room is called
the ICU (Intensive Care Unit). One of the medical devices in this room is Patient
Monitor. This tool serves to monitor the patient's health condition in realtime that
can be observed from the monitor screen. Parameters that can be observed from
within this tool are heart rhythm, blood pressure, body temperature, oxygen levels
in the blood and others.

16. Hematology Analyzer

Hematology Analyzer is a medical device that is very important in hospitals and
clinics. The function of this tool is to analyze blood cells including the number
and condition. Hematology Analyzer acts as a diagnostic tool that has a special
function as an analyzer to analyze the number of human blood cells to determine
what diseases are likely to be suffered by patients. This tool is in the medical
laboratory of a hospital or clinic.

17. Chemistry Analyzer (Photometer)

Indeed there are several names of medical devices in hospitals that use the word
Analyzer. Besides Hematology there is also a Chemistry Analyzer or also called
Photometer which is taken from the working principle of the tool. This tool serves
to analyze chemicals in the blood such as glucose levels, cholesterol, uric acid,
liver enzymes and so on. The sample used in the examination is blood serum, not
pure blood as the Hematology Analyzer tool.

18. Centrifuge
Centrifuge is actually not a tool that is directly related to medical or health. But
this tool is used as an important support in the health laboratory. The function of
this tool is to separate the components or particles of dissolved substances and
deposits. With the principle of Centrifugal force this tool can collect particles that
are heavier at the bottom of the tube. The application of this tool is in a clinical
laboratory to separate serum from pure blood.

19. EEG (Electroencepalograph)

This tool is used for the head. EEG or Electroencephalograph is a medical device
that serves to record the electrical activity of the human brain. EEG uses the
principle of emissions and ultrasound transmission in the frequency range 2 to 15
MHz. This examination is usually done to find out how nerve conditions are in the
patient's head. So far the EEG examination does not cause side effects because it
is quite safe using ultra sound waves.
20. Lampu Operasi

There are several medical devices in the form of lights including Operation
Lights. Lights as we know are one instrument that serves to provide lighting.
Similar to operating lights, the basic function is to provide lighting in the
operating room when a team of doctors is carrying out surgery on a patient. But
this lamp is designed in such a way that the light does not glare in the eyes.

21. Lampu Periksa

This lamp is also specifically designed so that it can be used easily. There are also
other lights, namely Check Lights. Has the same function, namely as a lighting
device during a patient's physical examination. Usually this lamp is of the type of
halogen or LED that is not hot. So the function is only for illumination during a
physical examination so that the conditions are clearer.

22. Lampu Terapi Inframerah

Lights that can emit infrared waves function as therapeutic devices. Infrared is
different from the light coming out of the check or operating lights. Infrared has a
higher energy so that when you are exposed to radiation our body will feel warm.
This warm sensation is responded to comfortably by our body and has the effect
of improving blood circulation.

23. Autoclave
Autoclave is a sterilizer (sterilizer) that uses hot pressurized steam. Autoclave
made of stainless steel equipped with heating elements inside. Hot steam under
high pressure inside the autoclave has been proven to be effective in killing micro-
organisms down to the spores.

24. Dry Heat Sterilisator

Dry Heat Sterilizer or often known as dry sterilizer, which is a sterilizer that
works with high temperature infrared radiation. Named dry sterilizers because
they do not involve liquid substances in the sterilization process. This tool is
suitable for sterilizing medical devices made of metal that is not sharp or medical
equipment from glass and cramps.

25. UV Sterilisator

This tool is specifically for sterilizing rooms in hospitals such as ICU rooms,
Operating Rooms, NICU Rooms and so on. This room sterilizer uses UV
(Ultraviolet) light which is quite dangerous for the human eye. The process of
sterilizing the room with UV lights is done using a remote that we can turn on
from the outside. Or you can also use a timer.

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