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SASREF - EHS - OH - Configuration

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Configuration Document

Configuration Document
Configuration Document

Configuration Request


Module EH&S
Configration ID
Transport Request No Not Applicable

Configuration Document
System ID Client
DEV 555

Creating Work Areas - Header Data

This activity creates header data for the example work areas used in this scenario.

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
SAP Menu Logistics  Environment, Health and Safety  Industrial
Hygiene and Safety  Work Areas  Edit Work Areas
Transaction Code CBIH02

Editing Work Area - Create Description

This activity creates the descriptions for the work areas defined in the previous step.

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

SAP Menu Logistics  Environment, Health and Safety  Industrial Hygiene
and Safety  Work Areas  Edit Work Areas
Transaction Code CBIH02

Exposure Ratings

This activity creates the Exposure Ratings for the amount of exposure. The highest rating is A (reference
value exceeded), the lowest is E (no exposure).


1.Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

SAP Menu SPRO  Environment, Health and Safety  Occupational health
 Basic Data  Agents Specify Exposure Ratings
Transaction Code SPRO
Configuration Document

Exposure Frequencies


This activity creates the Exposure Frequencies. Frequencies range from 1 to 4, where 1 is the lowest
frequency (exposure less than once a month), and 4 the highest (exposure once per shift or more).


1.Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

SAP Menu SPRO  Environment, Health and Safety  Occupational health
 Basic Data  Agents Specify Exposure Frenquencies
Transaction Code SPRO

Exposure Measurement Basis


This activity creates the basis for exposure assessment for agents.
Configuration Document
 Agent assessment based on an actual Quantative environment

 Agent assessment based on an actual Measurement of a person, when the person's job involves
using more than one work area, or when the person is repeatedly exposed to a series of different
agents in one and the same work area.

 Agent assessment based on a Quantitative estimate (for example, in the case of very low
concentrations which estimates show to be far below trigger parameters)


1.Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

SAP Menu SPRO  Environment, Health and Safety  Occupational health
 Basic Data  Agents Specify Exposure Measurement Basis
Transaction Code SPRO

Check Identification Types


This activity is to display the description of the agent when you assign agents to objects.

Check whether the identification category NAM includes the identification type IH (Industrial Hygiene and
Safety), and whether the specification categories HAZARD and SUBSTANCE have been assigned to it. This
identification type must also be entered as the specification header for the agent in specification management
under identifiers.


1.Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

SAP Menu SPRO  Environment, Health and Safety  Basic Data and Tools
 Specification Management  Specification Master  Check
Identification Types
Configuration Document
Configuration Document

Setup Property tree


This activity is to display characteristics in Occupational Health, the measurement items in Industrial Hygiene
and Safety must be linked to the corresponding value assignment types and reference values.

Check Value assignment in the property tree for specification management to see if the characteristics for the
agent are specified with reference values. Apart from a Value assignment, a Source and Usage must also be


1.Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

SAP Menu SPRO  Environment, Health and Safety  Basic Data and Tools
 Specification Management  Specification Database Structure
 Settings for Value AssignmentSet Up Property Trees
Configuration Document

Examination Category

Configuration Document
This activity creates the Examinations grouped into an examination category if they include the same medical


1.Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

SAP Menu SPRO  Environment, Health and Safety  Occupational health
 Basic Data  Examination Categories Specify Examination
Transaction Code SPRO

Examination Types

This activity creates the Categorization of health surveillance protocols using the time intervals stipulated for
performing the necessary services, can also known as frequency type.


1.Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

SAP Menu SPRO  Environment, Health and Safety  Occupational health
 Basic Data  Health Surveillance Protocols  Specify
Examination Types
Transaction Code SPRO
Configuration Document

Protocol Category

This activity creates the group of health surveillance protocols to be performed on the same occasion for a
specific reason


1.Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

SAP Menu SPRO  Environment, Health and Safety  Occupational health
 Basic Data  Health Surveillance Protocols  Specify
Examination Types
Transaction Code SPRO

Protocol Owners

This activity creates the Owners for the Health surveillance protocols

Configuration Document

1.Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

SAP Menu SPRO  Environment, Health and Safety  Occupational health
 Basic Data  Health Surveillance Protocols  Specify Protocol
Transaction Code SPRO

Diagnosis Catalogs

This activity specify the diagnosis catalogs that will be used by your company. The SAP System uses
diagnosis catalog categories to define individual diagnosis catalogs.The International Classification of
Diseases (ICD), published by the World Health Organisation (WHO), is recognized worldwide as a publication
for the classification of medical diagnoses.


1.Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

SAP Menu SPRO  Environment, Health and Safety  Occupational health
 Basic Data  Diagnosis Keys  Specify Diagnosis Catalogs
Transaction Code SPRO

Diagnosis Category


This activity serves to break down the diagnosed illnesses into types and sub types for diagnoses categories;
The diagnosis catalog ICD-10 comprises three-digit types and four-digit subtypes in the structure in the

Configuration Document

1.Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

SAP Menu SPRO  Environment, Health and Safety  Occupational health
 Basic Data  Diagnosis Keys  Specify Diagnosis Key
Transaction Code SPRO

Diagnosis Groups


This activity specifies the Diagnosis groups within the SASREF. Possible diagnosis groups are Infectious and
parasitic diseases, Renewals, Diseases of the blood and hemopoietic system


1.Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

SAP Menu SPRO  Environment, Health and Safety  Occupational health
 Basic Data  Diagnosis Keys  Specify Diagnosis Groups
Transaction Code SPRO

Diagnosis Types


This activity specifies the Diagnosis types within the SASREF. These assign a value to Diagnosis; Possible diagnosis types
are Acute, Critical, Permanent apart from Critical diagnosis.

Configuration Document

1.Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

SAP Menu SPRO  Environment, Health and Safety  Occupational health
 Basic Data  Diagnosis Keys  Specify Diagnosis Types
Transaction Code SPRO

Priorities for selecting diagnosis

This activity specifies the key that uniquely identifies the priority of a diagnosis, using diagnosis priorities, you
can restrict the diagnoses displayed to select from. For example, If a diagnosis is given frequently in your
company, enter the diagnosis as Priority 1. If a diagnosis is seldom given in your company, enter the
diagnosis as Priority 2.


1.Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

SAP Menu SPRO  Environment, Health and Safety  Occupational health
 Basic Data  Diagnosis Keys  Specify Priorities for Selecting
Transaction Code SPRO

Assignment Categories

This activity specifies the assignment categories for specific questionnaires. You can specify an assignment
category for each component used in the questionnaires

Configuration Document

1.Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

SAP Menu SPRO  Environment, Health and Safety  Occupational health
 Basic Data  Question Catalogs and Questionnaires Basic
Settings Specify Assignment Categories
Transaction Code SPRO

Form Categories

This activity specifies form categories. The settings are used for both question catalogs and questionnaires.


1.Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

SAP Menu SPRO  Environment, Health and Safety  Occupational health
 Basic Data  Question Catalogs and Questionnaires  Basic
SettingsSpecify Form Categories
Transaction Code SPRO

Answer Types

This activity specifies the answer types for the questionnaires used within SASREF, Answer types can be
enhanced at any point of time accordingly.

Configuration Document

1.Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

SAP Menu SPRO  Environment, Health and Safety  Occupational health
 Basic Data  Question Catalogs and Questionnaires 
Question Catalogs Specify Answer Types
Transaction Code SPRO

Edit Form Texts

This activity specifies the various text elements that will be used in all forms within SASREF. The following
text elements can be specified for general questionnaires:

Header (for example, SASREF Medical Questionnaire); Footer (for example, SASREF medical department);
Positive answers (Yes); Negative answers (No); No answer (No answer); Page (for example, Page)


1.Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

SAP Menu SPRO  Environment, Health and Safety  Occupational health
 Basic Data  Question Catalogs and Questionnaires 
Questionnaires General QuestionnairesEdit Form Texts
Transaction Code SPRO

Forms and Print Programs

Configuration Document
This activity assigns print programs to the forms that you have defined within SASREF. In this way you can
specify which print program is used to format the data for the form.


1.Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

SAP Menu SPRO  Environment, Health and Safety  Occupational health
 Basic Data  Question Catalogs and Questionnaires 
Questionnaires General Questionnaires  Assign Forms and
Print Programs
Transaction Code SPRO

Edit Form Texts for Specific Questionnaires

This activity specifies the various text elements that will remain the same on all the forms. In the case of special
questionnaires, form texts are defined for each assignment category within SASREF.


1.Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

SAP Menu SPRO  Environment, Health and Safety  Occupational health
 Basic Data  Question Catalogs and Questionnaires  Specific
Questionnaires Edit Form Texts for Specific Questionnaires
Transaction Code SPRO
Configuration Document

Forms and Print Programs for specific Questionnaires

This activity assigns print programs to the forms that you have defined within SASREF. In this way you can specify
which print program is used to format the data for the form, print programs are assigned to each individual assignment


1.Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

SAP Menu SPRO  Environment, Health and Safety  Occupational health
 Basic Data  Question Catalogs and Questionnaires  Specific
Questionnaires Assign Forms and Print Programs
Transaction Code SPRO

Number Ranges for Specific Questionnaires

This activity specifies the number ranges for the number range object Questionnaire Number within SASREF. Internal
number range is maintained for all the number ranges within SASREF.


1.Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

SAP Menu SPRO  Environment, Health and Safety  Occupational health
 Basic Data  Question Catalogs and Questionnaires  Specific
QuestionnairesSpecify Number Ranges for Specific
Configuration Document
Transaction Code SPRO

Number Ranges for Medical Service

This activity specifies the number ranges for the number range object service number within SASREF. The
service numbers are assigned when you create a medical service in schedule planning. The Internal number
range option default is selected, the number ranges will not start at the beginning again each year, and is
created a number range with the year 9999 (default)


1.Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

SAP Menu SPRO  Environment, Health and Safety  Occupational health
 Scheduling  Specify Number Ranges for Medical Service
Transaction Code SPRO
Configuration Document
Forms and Print Programs

This activity specifies the print programs to the forms that you have defined within SASREF. In this way you
can specify which print program is used to format the data for the form. One print programs can be defaulted
to be run automatically for the respective form, A4 invitation is set active indicator in this case.


1.Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

SAP Menu SPRO  Environment, Health and Safety  Occupational health
 Scheduling  InvitationsAssign Forms and Print Programs
Transaction Code SPRO

Integration of Medical Practice Calendar

This Business Add-In (BAdI) is used in the Occupational Health (EHS-HEA) component and the standard
BAdI is active in the standard system and executes the default code. With this you can implement the medical
practice calendar according to your requirements. The BAdI is executed when you open the medical practice

The persons that require an appointment are selected in the scheduling dialog and the medical practice
calendar is opened. Then the individual patients are assigned their own appointments. The data for the
appointments is written back to scheduling.

1.Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
SAP Menu SPRO  Environment, Health and Safety  Occupational health
 Scheduling  Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) BAdI: Integration of
Medical Practice Calendar
Transaction Code SPRO
Configuration Document

Follow-Up Activities


This activity specifies which follow-up activity is necessary after a medical service defined within SASREF.
The follow-up activities defined for SASREF are:

 Referral to a specialist

 Corrective safety measures at the workplace

 Hygiene measures at the workplace


1.Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

SAP Menu SPRO  Environment, Health and Safety  Occupational health
 Medical Service  Basic Settings Specify Follow-Up Activities
Transaction Code SPRO
Configuration Document

Check Criteria


This activity specifies specify the check criteria for the medical service within SASREF. This check criteria
Indicates whether all the examinations required for the medical service have been performed or not


1.Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

SAP Menu SPRO  Environment, Health and Safety  Occupational health
 Medical Service  Basic Settings Specify Check Criteria
Transaction Code SPRO

Reservations about Health


This activity specifies the reservations about health that the authorized physician may express owing to the
examination results obtained for the person examined and can assess whether the person examined is fit for
the task they are doing or can be restricted to that particular task.


1.Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

SAP Menu SPRO  Environment, Health and Safety  Occupational health
 Medical Service  Basic Settings Specify Reservations About
Transaction Code SPRO
Configuration Document


This activity specifies the restrictions that may apply to the task performed by the person examined within the
SASREF and can specifies which agents the person must not be exposed to, based on examination results.
like examples of restrictions: No noise exposure; No overhead work; No climbing stairs


1.Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

SAP Menu SPRO  Environment, Health and Safety  Occupational health
 Medical Service  Basic Settings Specify Restrictions
Transaction Code SPRO
Configuration Document

Consultation Categories


This activity specifies the different consultation categories within SASREF. Consultation categories are relevant
for health center services. Categorizes the different kinds of consultation available in the health center
likeDietary consultation and Vaccination consultation.


1.Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

SAP Menu SPRO  Environment, Health and Safety  Occupational health
 Medical Service  Basic Settings Specify Consultation
Transaction Code SPRO
Configuration Document

Medical Measures


This activity specifies the necessary medical measures and medical measure categories, and assign the
measures to the categories within SASREF. Medical measures are relevant for health center services.


1.Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

SAP Menu SPRO  Environment, Health and Safety  Occupational health
 Medical Service  Basic Settings Specify Medical Measures
Transaction Code SPRO
Configuration Document

Case History Types

This activity specifies the types of case history you want to enter in the system within SASREF.


1.Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

SAP Menu SPRO  Environment, Health and Safety  Occupational health
 Medical Service  Basic Settings Specify Case History Types
Transaction Code SPRO

Causes of Illness

This activity specifies the causes of Illness, the key that uniquely defined the cause of an illness within
The physician responsible can specify for what reason an illness occurred.


1.Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

SAP Menu SPRO  Environment, Health and Safety  Occupational health
 Medical Service  Diagnoses Specify Causes of Illness
Configuration Document
Transaction Code SPRO

Effects of a Diagnosed Illness

This activity specifies the effects a diagnosed illness can have with in SASREF, the key that uniquely identifies
the effects of a diagnosed illness and it describe the consequences of the diagnosed illness on the activities
of the person examined


1.Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

SAP Menu SPRO  Environment, Health and Safety  Occupational health
 Medical Service  Diagnoses Specify Effects of a Diagnosed
Transaction Code SPRO

Diagnosis Ratings

This activity specifies specify the primary and secondary diagnosis ratings for the medical service within
SASREF, the Key that uniquely identifies the rating of a diagnosis. Any diagnosis rating provides information
about primary and secondary disorders


1.Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

SAP Menu SPRO  Environment, Health and Safety  Occupational health
 Medical Service  Diagnoses Specify Diagnosis Ratings
Transaction Code SPRO
Configuration Document

Sources of Diagnosis

This activity specifies source of Diagnosis like own diagnosis or confirmed external diagnosis or external


1.Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

SAP Menu SPRO  Environment, Health and Safety  Occupational health
 Medical Service  Diagnoses Specify Sources of Diagnosis
Transaction Code SPRO

Value Assignments of Examination Results

This activity specifies specify the value assignment of the examination results


1.Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

SAP Menu SPRO  Environment, Health and Safety  Occupational health
 Medical Service  Examination Results Specify Value
Assignments of Examination Results
Transaction Code SPRO
Configuration Document

Value Assignments of Test Results

This activity specifies specify the value assignment of the Laboratory test results


1.Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

SAP Menu SPRO  Environment, Health and Safety  Occupational health
 Medical Service  Examination Results Specify Value
Assignments of Test Results
Transaction Code SPRO

Reasons for Significant Results

This activity specifies specify the possible reasons for a significant test results like Age or Gender etc.

Configuration Document

1.Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

SAP Menu SPRO  Environment, Health and Safety  Occupational health
 Medical Service  Examination Results Specify Reasons for
Significant Results
Transaction Code SPRO

Status of Test Results

This activity specifies the possible statuses of test results like Preliminary result, revised result or final result etc.


1.Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

SAP Menu SPRO  Environment, Health and Safety  Occupational health
 Medical Service  Examination Results Specify Status of
Test Results
Transaction Code SPRO

References for Importing Medical Data

Configuration Document
This activity specifies the object to which the system assigns the test results when data is imported. To do
this, you assign a reference ID to an examination category (audiogram or laboratory, for example).

This enables you to assign the imported test results to the corresponding personnel number or medical
service number. When data is imported, the data record that is uploaded is the one whose key (personnel
number, for example) matches the key entered in the SAP System. If this is not the case, an error occurs and
the record is not imported


1.Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

SAP Menu SPRO  Environment, Health and Safety  Occupational health
 Medical Service  Import Medical Data Specify References
for Importing Medical Data
Transaction Code SPRO

Number Ranges for Injury/Illness Log Entries

This activity specifies the number ranges that you use when you assign keys for injury/illness log entries within
SASREF. A number range interval is assigned to each number range and defines the character strings that are permitted
when assigning keys. Both internal and external number range is maintained.


1.Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

SAP Menu SPRO  Environment, Health and Safety  Occupational health
 Injury/Illness Log  Basic Settings Specify Number Ranges
for Injury/Illness Log Entries
Transaction Code SPRO
Configuration Document

Injury/Illness Log Entry Types

This activity specifies the types of injury/illness log entries. You assign each entry type the correct control indicator for
transferring the relevant injury/illness log entry data to the Industrial Hygiene and Safety incident/accident log. This means
that you use the control indicator for the type of injury/illness log entry to specify what data is to be transferred to the
incident/accident log.


1.Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

SAP Menu SPRO  Environment, Health and Safety  Occupational health
 Injury/Illness Log  Basic Settings Specify Injury/Illness Log
Entry Types
Transaction Code SPRO

Locations Where Injury/Illness Log Entries Made

Configuration Document
This activity specifies the locations where injury/illness log entries are made within SASREF. The entry locations are
assigned to a plant. This enables you to identify not just the exact location where the entry was made, but also the plant
as well.


1.Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

SAP Menu SPRO  Environment, Health and Safety  Occupational health
 Injury/Illness Log  Basic Settings Specify Locations Where
Injury/Illness Log Entries Made
Transaction Code SPRO

Types of Aid Given

This activity specifies the various types of aid that can be given in SASREF. These include not just the immediate aid
given to the person in question at the scene of the accident, but also any follow-up treatment


1.Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

SAP Menu SPRO  Environment, Health and Safety  Occupational health
 Injury/Illness Log  Basic Settings Specify Types of Aid
Transaction Code SPRO
Configuration Document

Roles for Persons

This activity specifies the roles the various persons can assume in an event or as a contact within SASREF. The
following settings are obligatory for events and can be added to but not changed:

 Person affected

 Eye witness


1.Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

SAP Menu SPRO  Environment, Health and Safety  Occupational health
 Injury/Illness Log  Basic Settings Specify Roles for Persons
Transaction Code SPRO
Configuration Document

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