Estimation of Parameters in Geotechnical Backanalysis - I. Maximum Likelihood Approach
Estimation of Parameters in Geotechnical Backanalysis - I. Maximum Likelihood Approach
Estimation of Parameters in Geotechnical Backanalysis - I. Maximum Likelihood Approach
l-27, 1996
Copyright 0 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd
Printed in Great Britain. All rights reserved
0266-352X(95)ooo21-6 0266-352X/96/$15.00+ 0.00
(Received 9 August 1994; revised version received 27 January 1995; accepted 30 January 1995)
L= w-(x*/P)
(x*-x) =
the vector of differences between measured and computed
values using a fixed model
C, = the measurements covariance matrix, which represents the
structure of the error measurements
m = the number of measurements.
S= -21nL (3)
4 A. Ledesma et al.
Note that the likelihood is a function on the parameters, taking into account
that a model relating state variables x and parameters p has been specified:
x = WP) (4)
On the assumption that the error structure is fixed, only the first term of eqn
(5) has to be minimized, and in this case the objective function becomes:
The case in which the error structure is not fixed is outside the scope of this
paper, and will be treated elsewhere. If the measurements are independent
and its errors have a gaussian distribution of probability with the same var-
iance, the matrix C, has the form:
c, = a21 (7)
where I is the identity matrix. In this case eqn (6) represents a least squares
criterion and the objective function is reduced to the simplest expression:
which is the most general form of the objective function that will be used in
this paper.
where 4 is a scale factor which represents the global variance of the mea-
surements made using the instrument i, and (E& contains the error structure
of the instrument which depends on the apparatus itself. Obviously, if the
measurements are independent and have the same variance, E, is the identity
matrix, as shown in eqn (7).
Sliding micrometer
It is assumed that the line over which the measurements are performed is
divided in p sections of length li. The sliding micrometer will measure the
change of length, ei, between adjacent measuring points. Then, the long-
itudinal displacement of measurement point n, v,, will be
v, =
Ei + A (11)
The inclinometer measures slopes o’i in fixed points along a line, and it is
used to compute the horizontal displacements along a vertical line. The value
ai is assumed to be small. Then the displacement perpendicular to the line
measurement can be computed as
un =
aili + B (15)
i i min(i.i) (16)
= o2c 2 ImlnS*, = o2 c- 1;
m=l n=l m=l
If the integration constant is not fixed, the elements of the E, matrix are
(Y) (17)
The deflectometer can measure slope changes Ki in some points along a line.
Then the displacement perpendicular to this line is given by
Estimation of parameters in geotechnical backanalysis - I I
Invariance of J
Ui = Wijf3j (21)
The two objective functions available for the identification problem will be:
J2 = Ax’($WWt)-‘Ax (24)
8 A. Ledesma et al.
c, = cov[u,ll] = cov[wa,
wa] = WW’cov[a, a] = ww’(u21) = u2WW’
Hence, Ji = J2 and the objective function is invariant with respect to using
any linear combination of measurements. Usually, displacements are taken
as state variables, in order to simplify the coupling of the identification
method with a finite element code and, therefore, the appropriate measure-
ment covariance matrix should be used.
Minimization algorithm
The solution of the identification problem defined above requires the mini-
mization of a suitable function. Without losing generality, we can seek the
minimum of eqn (6) instead of eqn (9). This can be achieved by means of a
wide range of unconstrained optimization algorithms, according to the par-
ticular expression of the objective function. In general it is necessary to
choose between methods that only need evaluations of the function (i.e.
downhill simplex used in [20]) and methods that also require computations
of the derivative of that function. In general, algorithms using the derivative
of the objective function are expected to be more powerful than those using
only the values of the function.
In this work, a Gauss-Newton algorithm has been adopted, because of its
good convergence properties when seeking the minimum of functions such as
eqn (6), and because the derivatives obtained are also useful in providing
information on the reliability of the parameters identified.
Assuming that the relationship between measured variables and para-
meters [eqn (4)] is in general non-linear, the form of a minimization algo-
rithm will be defined in terms of an iterative procedure:
where Apk is the advance vector in the parameters space, computed in itera-
tion k using a suitable algorithm.
The Gaus-Newton method [21, 221 is based on an expansion of the
objective function into a Taylor series, and gives the value of Ap in each
iteration according to:
Ap = (Atc;'A)-'~tC;lA~ (28)
is called the sensitivity matrix. If the number of measures is m and the number
of parameters is n, the size of this matrix is m x n.
In general Gauss-Newton algorithm tends to exhibit a rapid convergence in
this kind of problem, although it can be unstable sometimes. In those cases, an
improvement of the algorithm proposed by Levenberg and Marquardt [23]
has been used, in which eqn (28) is changed into:
Ap = (AT;*A+ $'A~C$AX
this approach, the finite element method has been coupled to the identifica-
tion techniques described above.
We assume that the measured values are nodal displacements. The process
can be generalized to the case in which relative displacements between two
arbitrary points are considered.
The finite element method formulated in terms of displacements gives a
linear system of equations:
Kx = f (31)
where K is the global stiffness matrix, x the vector of nodal displacements,
and f the nodal forces vector. The K matrix can be computed as
K= B’DBdV (32)
where B is the geometry matrix relating strains and nodal displacements and
D contains the constitutive law as a relationship between stresses and strains.
The vector of nodal forces is defined as
J s
N’odS (33)
Note that computation of A = ax/ap is needed in step (e) - eqn (28). One
possibility for determining it is to apply a finite differences technique. Alter-
natively, an “exact” procedure to evaluate the sensitivity matrix, using the
Estimation of parameters in geotechnical backanalysis - I 11
It is assumed that the materials involved in the problem are linear isotropic
elastic. The parameters to be identified are the Young’s modulus E, the
Poisson’s ratio v and the coefficient of lateral pressure at rest Kc,. For the
Young’s modulus and the Poisson’s ratio [lo], af/ap = 0, and
dp=. J dp
dD 1 l-v V 0
ilE (1 + v)(l - 2~) 0” l-v 0 (37a)
0 ?
2V(2 - V) 1+2.7? 0
-= 1+2v2 2V(2 - V) 0 ) (37b)
au (l+G)(l-22y)2 0 0
-- (l-2v)
aK0 0
0 (3%
where erg = (&$, c$, 0), CJ~is the initial vertical stress at depth y and
0; = (o$O,O) (40)
Note that to calculate dx/aKo, the finite element routines used to find
nodal forces due to excavation are employed to compute af/G’& by chang-
ing only the initial stress field from CO to o$.
This procedure allows us the direct use of the finite element approximation
in the computation of the sensitivity matrix, which is expected to reduce the
numerical errors. Also it is generally more efficient than a finite differences
technique which requires to solve n + 1 direct problems to estimate y1deriva-
tives, whereas here no additional systems have to be solved if the model is
linear elastic.
It should be pointed out that the evaluation of A in step (e) of the iteration
procedure requires to K-’ to be known which has already been computed in (c).
Actually, steps (d) to (f) are very fast, especially if the Poisson’s ratio v is not
identified (that means, if it is assumed constant), and only the Young’s modulus
E, and the K. parameter are involved in the process. For this particular case,
K=Ek (41)
where the k matrix depends on the geometry and boundary conditions of the
problem, and it is constant in the iterative process. E is the Young’s modulus
which changes in each iteration. Using eqns (36) and (38), it can be seen:
ax x ax 1 1 af
FE=2 ’ -=Ek-
r3Ko -~Ko (42)
Ax = AAp (43)
can represent a least squares problem defined by the objective function (8)
[24,25]. A general decomposition of a m x n matrix can be made in the form
A = UAV’ (44)
Xi=Xj, i=j, i<k; Xi=xj=O, i>k, j>k
H = VK’U’ (46)
and therefore,
Ap = HAx = VA-‘UtAx (47)
This is, in fact, a lower bound, because of the linearity assumed in the cal-
culation of the variances. Using the decomposition of matrix A shown in eqn
(44), eqn (51) can be written as
where varAp and varAx are vectors of variances of Api and Axi, respectively.
The factorization of the sensitivity matrix A and the results shown above
can be generalized if the maximum likelihood criterion is used. In this case
matrix A’ instead of A is used, computed from the factorization:
C, = (AC-‘A)-’ (55)
This matrix agrees with the inverse of the Fisher information matrix [26], and
represents the reliability of the parameters estimated in terms of their covar-
iances. It is again a lower bound of the variances, because of the linearity
assumed in its computation.
The information density matrix can be defined as Q = AH in the least
squares case or Q = A’H’ if the generalization to the maximum likelihood
criterion is used. The information density matrix represents the inter-
dependency of the observations established by the model and the redundancy
of the data. When the number of measurements coincides with the number of
parameters, Q becomes the identity matrix.
Matrices C, and Q are very useful to assess the reliability of the identifi-
cation result and to examine the relation between measurements and para-
meters defined by the structure of the model.
Estimation of parameters in geotechnical backanalysis - I 15
I 135 nl I
Computed Displacements Used as Measurements in the Synthetic Example
1 0.316 8 -3.598
2 0.556 9 -3.905
3 2.038 IO -4.935
4 3.550 11 -6.321
5 4.550 12 -7.048
6 3.920
7 2.421
0 p=o 0 pi=10
Fig. 2. Contours of the objective function and paths of the iterative procedure. VI and V2 are
the directions of the sensitivity matrix eigenvectors in the minimum.
Estimation of parameters in geotechnical backanalysis - I 17
matrix. The effect of the error structure on the identification process will be
considered later.
Starting with the p. values: E = 5 MPa and & = 0.5 the identification
procedure has achieved the minimum in 4 or 5 iterations. Figure 2 shows the
iterative process on the objective function J(E,&), using both, the Gauss-
Newton algorithm (p = 0) and the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm (initial
value of p = 10).
Figures 3 and 4 show the evolution of the iteration procedure. It can be
seen that, in this simple case, there are not too many differences between the
algorithms. In general, the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm is slower but
more robust than the Gauss-Newton, especially if the number of parameters
to be identified is large.
Finally, Fig. 5 shows the coefficients of the information density matrix of
some measurements. The importance of the measurements 5 (maximum hori-
zontal movement) and 12 (maximum vertical movement) is clearly shown,
0 0 J Gauss-Newton
t. D-----13 J Marquardt
p Marquardt
1o-3 =
lo-‘+, , , , , , ,
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Fig. 3. Evolution of objective function in the iterative process using Gauss-Newton and
Marquardt algorithms.
18 A. Ledesma et al.
8 0.8
w 0.7
m K, v=O
o---+ E pi=10
1 d
I/ c-----a K, pi=10
5 II
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0
Fig. 4. Evolution of the parameters in the iterative process using Gauss-Newton and Mar-
quardt algorithms.
which means they are the observations that provide more information in this
particular case. The study of this matrix can be useful to check which mea-
surements are more important, and at what points the field instrumentation
should be installed. It must be noticed, however, that the components of this
matrix depend on the value of the parameters. Therefore, it is necessary to
have some suitable prior information about the parameters involved in the
-0 1
ex 0.3
2 02
= 0.1
z 0
z -01
i= /]
g 0:
z 0.1
I- 0
b -0’
E 0.:
g 0.2
-0 (
I 1 I I , I I I I I I I
1234567 8 9 10 11 12
Horizontal Vertical
Fig. 5. Coefficients of the information density matrix for some measurements in the minimum
of the objective function.
Fig. 6. Position of the measurement points in the synthetic examples (c) and (d).
Estimation of parameters in geotechnical backanalysis - I 21
100 ;
‘\ l .
\ b’
n- ----- KO 10
------ --a
2 12 24 55
Fig. 7. Standard deviations of E and KO for different numbers of measurements used in the
analysis. Values are proportional to the measurement’s standard deviation.
Fig. 8(a). Coefficients of the information density matrix in the minimum corresponding to
point ‘A’, for different numbers of measurements.
22 A. Ledesma et al.
. 212
55 measurements
measurements 7I
1 15 16 30 31 39 LO 55
IncLtnometer Contour Extensometer Contour
Fig. 8(b). Coefficients of the information density matrix in the minimum corresponding to
point ‘B’, for different numbers of measurements.
Fig. 9(a). Contour lines of the objective function using the full measurements covariance
1 1.5
Fig. 9(b). Contour lines of the objective function using the identity measurements covariance
24 A. Ledesma et al.
6 o----o C, diagonal
1 2 3 4 5 6-
12 3 4 5 6
Fig. 10. Evolution of the parameters during the iterative process using full and identity
measurements covariance matrices.
Estimation of parameters in geotechnical backanalysis - Z 25
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26 A. Ledesma et al.