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Ethics in Marketing

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International Journal of Management and Applied Science, ISSN: 2394-7926 Volume-2, Issue-11, Nov.




Abstract— Marketing ethics is an area applied ethics which deals with the moral principles behind the operation and
regulation of Marketing. People are made to participate in research without their knowledge or consent. An individualLooses
his right to choose whether he wants to take part in marketing research or no which unethical and debarring him of his
fundamental rights. Also sometimes employer (marketer) forces his employees(customers) to participate in a research and
thus its amount to coercion which is not ethical for conducting a sound marketing research.
Almost all the theoretical efforts in marketing ethics is normative and not positive. In other words theoretical works have
been focused only on developing guidelines or rules to assist marketers in their efforts to behave in ethical fashion. In
contrast, this article is descriptive and not prescriptive.
The article begins with a discussion and evaluation of two major normative ethical theories in moral philosophy. The article
then develops a positive theory of marketing ethics and uses that theory to explain some of the empirical research that has
been conducted in the area of marketing ethics.
Aim Of the Study:
The aim of the study is how marketer use their dual background to recognize business opportunities. Finding a response to
this research question would not only contribute to the literature by providing empirical data, but also allow us to judge,
whether the marketer background in fact adds value to ones opportunity recognition skill. This research adopts a case study
approach to understand and analyze how the market researcher use their dual-background to evaluate and discover
opportunities for ethical marketing to enhance the business.
The methodology is by collecting both qualitative and quantitative data.
The philosophy of marketing is to win customer loyalty by reinforcing the positive values of the brand, creating a strong
citizen brand. This can happen only through ethical marketing.However ethics in professional life is not a new thing. Ethics
have around ages .Today every profession have its own ethics. Marketers are no exception. So we have to remember that
wherever we go and whatever we do we should follow ethical code of conduct.

Keywords— Descriptive, prescriptive, Business opportunities ,Ethical code of conduct.

I. INTRODUCTION regulations brought into force to improve consumer

welfare. Thus we can define Marketing ethics as the
Ethical Marketing refers to the application of area of applied ethics which deals with the moral
marketing ethics into the marketing principles behind the operation and regulation of
practices.Marketing ethics will help the society as a Marketing.
whole both in short term and long term. Marketing Definition:
ethics had an influence on companies and their Marketing ethics is defined as the basic principles and
response to market their product and services In a values that govern the business that is engaged in
more socially responsible way.Ethical standards promoting products or services to customers.
should not be confused with the government Ethical Marketing

Principles Of ethical Marketing: 3. Marketers should be highlytransparent about

1. All marketing communications share the the people whom they pay to endorse the
common parameter that is truth. products.
2. Marketing Professional is bound by the highest 4. Consumers should be treated fairly based on
standard of personal ethics. the nature of the product and consumer.

Marketing Ethics

International Journal of Management and Applied Science, ISSN: 2394-7926 Volume-2, Issue-11, Nov.-2016

5. The privacy of the consumer should not be improvement and giving back to the communities that
compromised. helped them become who they are.

Ethical Values in Marketing : III. CHARACTERISTICS OF SOCIALLY

There are six marketing ethics where the marketers RESPONSIBLE MARKETING
are supposed to follow:
Honesty – Be forthright in dealings and offer value Marketers need to get the right products to the right
and integrity. people at the right time. Ethical marketers ensure that
Responsibility – Accept consequences of marketing the products are meet and exceed their needs. A
practices and serve the needs of customers of all company that uses ethical and socially responsible
types, while being good stewards of the environment. marketing strategy will gain the respect and trust of
Fairness – Balance buyer needs and seller interest the customers they target and interact with. Over long
fairly, and avoid manipulation in all forms while term, this will translate to greater benefits all round.
protecting the information of the consumers. Today’s firms can make their practices more ethical
Respect – Acknowledge basic human dignity of all and responsible by perfecting the following
the people involved through efforts to communicate, characteristics.
understand and meet needs and appreciate Safety: Any product or service that could be
contributions of others. hazardous to the health conditions of people, animals
Transparency – Create a spirit of openness in the or the environment should have clear advisories and
practice of marketing through communication, warnings. Once the problem is identified the
constructive criticism, action, and disclosure. company can collect data to help improve the product
Citizenship – Fulfill all legal, economic, and reduce or eliminate the danger. An example
philanthropic and societal responsibilities to all would be fast food restaurants eliminating the use of
stakeholders as well as giveback to the community hydrogenated oils even before trans fats were banned.
and protect the ecological environment. Honesty: Ensuring a product satisfies a need it
promises to, or aids in providing a lifestyle it
II. MAIN ASPECTS OF SOCIALLY advertises. Advertising should be transparent about
RESPONSIBLE MARKETING possible side effects and not puff up results, so clients
come to respect the honesty of your advertising.
Consumer Orientation: Transparency: Any techniques to manipulate and
This is a socially responsible practice teaches that hide facts and information customers need could
companies should base policies and operations on a harm a company. Just think of the way people regard
consumer perspective. It is not onlythe marketer will a company such as Enron that hid information and
discover the customers’ needs, but also look at their was not open to the stakeholders about what was
plans who are the users happening.
Innovation: Data Collection methods:
Improving products and services improves the The methodology of data collection is Qualitative and
experience for users. And improving marketing Quantitative techniques.
strategies, polices, and brand personality, on an Quantitative techniques : To test hypothesis and
ongoing basis will position company as an determine causality, measure the extent of problems.
innovative experience to be repeated and passed on. Experiments best for establishing the causality. The
Value of the product ethical issues in selecting the control group ,to use or
A company that produces valuable products and not to use the placebo etc.
focuses on customer pricing.Excellent experiences Sample Surveys : Types of questionnaires and ethics
and great customer service will not have to resort to ,Sample size estimation -sampling and non sampling
pushy sales tactics and gimmicks. Apple brand is errors.
famous for having people happily wait in line Qualitative techniques : The most common
overnight to be first to own an upgraded product. qualitative techniques used in this article is purposive
Sense of Mission sampling and quota sampling.
A clearly defined corporate mission help the Importance Of Ethics :
companies be clear about their plans, goals, and Satisfying Basic Human Needs: Being fair, honest
practices. By putting the good of the community and and ethical is one the basic human needs.
associates over profit, companies will indeed see an Every employee wants himself to work for an
increase in the number of consumers willing to pay organization in fair and ethical in its practices.
premium prices for their products. Creating Credibility: An organization that is driven
Impact on Society by moral values is respected in the society.
Unlike traditional marketing focus, which was cost Improving Decision Making: A man’s destiny is the
reduction and profit increase, socially responsible sum total of all the decisions that he/she takes in
marketers are more focused on providing goods and course of his life. The same holds true for
services consumers want, gaining feedback for organizations. Decisions are driven by values.

Marketing Ethics

International Journal of Management and Applied Science, ISSN: 2394-7926 Volume-2, Issue-11, Nov.-2016

Long Term Gains: Organizations guided by ethics 3. H3:Marketing professionals with business
and values are profitable in the long run, though in degrees will report to intentions to behave less
the short run they may seem to lose money. ethically than their peers with non business
Example,Tata group, one of the largest business degrees.
conglomerates in India was seen on the verge of 4. H4:Marketing professionals with higher level
decline at the beginning of 1990’s, which soon turned of education will report intentions to behave
out to be otherwise. The same company’s Tata more ethically than with less educated persons.
NANO car was predicted as a failure, and failed to do
well but the same is picking up fast now. REFERENCES

Findings: 1. American Marketing Association Statement of

Ethics (2004)
The purpose of the study is to empirically examine
the level and type of education are related to ethics arch.htm
among marketing professionals.This Study focuses on 3. S.Gilman, Ethics Today Newsletter, September 17, 2003
two components of Marketing ethics. 4. Liberation Marketing and Consumer Society, KLM Inc.,
1. The study attempts to identify whether the
5. Definition of marketing ethics (in German), excerpted
level and type of education are related to from: Bruhn, M., Homburg, C.: GablerMarketing
ethical standards. .Lexikon, Wiesbaden 2001.
2. It attempts to evaluate whether level and type
of education are related to stated intentions to BIBLIOGRAPHY
behave ethically and unethically.
 Davidson, D. Kirk (2002). The Moral Dimension of
To investigate the links between the ethics and Marketing: Essays on Business Ethics. South-Western
education, the following hypothesis are tested: Educational. ISBN 0-87757-300-X.
1. H1: Marketing professionals with business  Kelly, B. (2010). Television Food Advertising to Children: A
Global Perspective. American Journal of Public Health ,
degrees will have low ethical standards than 1730-1736. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2009.179267
their peers with non business degrees.  Gupta, S., &Pirsch, J. (2014). Consumer Evaluation of
2. H2:Marketing professionals with higher level Target Marketing to the Bottom of the Pyramid. Journal of
of education will have higher ethical standards International Consumer Marketing , 58-74. doi:
than their less educated peers.


Marketing Ethics


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