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Sebi Guidelines Related To Green Shoe Option

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|   denotes an option of allocation of shares, in excess of shares included

in the public issue. W.e.f 28.05.07, the concept of Green Shoe option has been extended to all
public issue in accordance with the provision of chapter VIII A of SEBI Guidelines. SEBI
introduced this option with a view to boost investor¶s confidence by arresting the speculative
force, which work immediately after listing and thus result in short term votality in post listing
price. It ensures price stability.


0 An issuer company making a public offer of equity shares can avail of green shoe option

--Stabilizing the post-listing price of its shares.

--Possibility of allotment for the shares to the stabilizing agent at the end of stabilizing period

0 A company shall appoint one of the merchant bankers from amongst the issue
management team, as a stabilizing agent who will be responsible for the price
stabilization process.

0 ›he stabilizing agent (SA) shall enter into an agreement with the promoters or pre-issue
shareholders who will be lend their shares specifying the max. no of shares shall not be in
excess of 15% of total issue size.

0 ›he details of the agreement shall be disclosed in the draft prospectus, draft red herring
prospectus, red herring prospectus and final prospectus.

0 ?ead Merchant bankers by constitutions with stabilizing agent, shall determine the
amount of shares to overalloted with public issue.
0 ›he draft prospectus, draft red herring prospectus, red herring prospectus and final
prospectus shall contain following additional disclosures:-

--Name of Stability agent.

--›he max. no of shares proposed to be overalloted by company.

--›he period for which the company propose to avail of the stabilizing mechanism.

--›he max. increase in capital of company and the shareholding pattern, post issue, is
required to allot for the shares to the extend of over allotment in the issue.

--›he max amount of fund to be received by company in case of further allotment and the use
of these funds in final document to be filled with ROC.

0 In the case of initial public offer by the unlisted company, the promoter and the pre issue
share holders or incase of listed company having shareholding more than 5 % shares ,
may lend the shares subject to provision of SEBI. ›he Stabilizing Agent shall borrow
shares from the promoters or prs issue share holding to extend of proposed over
0 ›he allocation of these shares shall be on pro rata basis.

0 ›he stabilization mechanism shall be available for the period, which shall not exceed 30
days from the date of trading permission, was given by exchange(s).

0 ›he SA shall open a special account with the bank to be called ! "#"!!$
forGSO proceeds of ««..Company. For the money received from applicants against
over-allotments in GSO shall be kept in GSO bank A/c for the purpose of buying shares
from market during stabilization period, credited to the GSO Demat A/c(shares brought
from markets by SA)
0 ›he share brought from market and lying in GSO Demat A/c shall be return to promoter
immediately in any case not later than 2 working days after the close of the stabilization

0 ›he Prime-responsibility of SA shall be stabilizing post-listing price of share. ›he SA

shall determine the timing of buying the shares, quantity to be brought and the prices at
which the shares are to be brought.

0 On the expiry of stabilization period, in case of SA does not buy shares, the issuer
company shall allot shares to the extend of shortfalls in dematerialization form to GSO
Demat A/c with in 5 days of closer of Stabilization period.

0 ›he shares returned to promoter shall be subject to remaining lock in period as applicable
to promoters holding.

0 ›he SA shall remit an amount equal to issuer company from GSO Bank A/c. ›he amount
left in this account shall be transferred to investor¶s protection fund.

0 ›he SA shall submit a report to stock exchange on daily basis during the stabilization
period. ›he SA shall also submit a final report to SEBI in specified format. ›he SA and
the company shall sign this report

0 ›he SA shall maintain the register in respect of each issue and must retained for the
period at least 3 years from the date of end of stabilization period. ›he register contains
1. Each transaction effective.
2. Details of Promoters from whom the shares are to be brought.
3. Details of allotments.

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