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Arthroscopic Bankart Repair For The Management of Anterior Shoulder Instability Indications and Outcomes

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Curr Rev Musculoskelet Med (2017) 10:442–451

DOI 10.1007/s12178-017-9435-2


Arthroscopic Bankart Repair for the Management of Anterior

Shoulder Instability: Indications and Outcomes
Steven DeFroda 1 & Steven Bokshan 1 & Evan Stern 1 & Kayleigh Sullivan 2 & Brett D. Owens 1

Published online: 2 October 2017

# Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2017

Abstract Keywords Shoulder instability . Arthroscopy . Bankart .

Purpose of Review Arthroscopic Bankart repair is commonly Hill-Sachs . Bone loss . Outcomes
utilized for shoulder stabilization in patients with anterior
shoulder instability with minimum glenoid bone loss. The
purpose of this review is to provide the indications, surgical Introduction
technique, complications, and recent outcomes in arthroscopic
Bankart repair for shoulder instability. Arthroscopic Bankart repair is currently the most utilized tech-
Recent Findings Improvements in arthroscopic techniques nique in the surgical management of symptomatic shoulder
have led to better patient outcomes, as well as an improved instability. Arthroscopic Bankart repair was first described in
understanding of the pathoanatomy of instability. More recent 1993, with its popularity rapidly increasing over the past sev-
studies have shown that one of the potential failures of prima- eral decades as arthroscopic instrumentation and techniques
ry arthroscopic repair may be due to unaddressed bone loss. have improved [1]. An investigation of the American Board of
This underscores the importance of evaluating glenoid bone Orthopaedic Surgery (ABOS) for surgical trends in Bankart
loss and proper patient selection for this procedure to ensure repair revealed a stark increase in the percentage of the
successful outcome. Bankart repairs done arthroscopically compared to open [2].
Summary When indicated, arthroscopic stabilization is the From 2003 to 2005, 71.2% of repairs were performed
treatment of choice for many surgeons due to its lower mor- arthroscopically, compared with 87.7% from 2006 to 2008
bidity and low overall complication rate. Future work must [2]. With an increase in literature revealing similar clinical
focus on longer-term outcomes in patients undergoing arthro- outcomes between patients undergoing open versus arthro-
scopic Bankart repair, as well as the clinical outcomes of new scopic repair [3–10], there has been a recent shift towards
fixation techniques, augmentation techniques, and the effect arthroscopic stabilization as the first-line in surgical manage-
of glenoid bone loss in outcome. ment of shoulder instability.

This article is part of the Topical Collection on Management of Anterior
Shoulder Instability Arthroscopic Bankart repair is most appropriate in the setting
of a “simple” Bankart lesion without significant glenoid bone
* Steven DeFroda loss (GBL). Balg and Boileau proposed the Instability Severity Index Score (ISIS) as a pre-operative means of
assessing a patient’s likelihood of recurrent instability follow-
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Brown University, Warren ing arthroscopic repair (Table 1) [11]. They reported that pa-
Alpert School of Medicine, 593 Eddy Street, Providence, RI 02903, tients who score 7 or higher on this index have a 70% recur-
USA rence risk, while those who score 6 or less have only a 10%
University Orthopedics Inc., Providence, RI, USA recurrence risk [11]. While overly simplified, the ISIS
Curr Rev Musculoskelet Med (2017) 10:442–451 443

Table 1 Instability Severity Index Score (adapted from [11]) inferior bone is lost for the glenoid to assume the shape of a
Criteria # points pear [3]. In a study of 194 patients who underwent arthroscop-
ic Bankart repair, 11 of 18 (61.1%) with inverted pear-shaped
20 years old or younger 2 glenoids experienced recurrent instability [3]. These lesions
Participation in competitive sports 2 may lead to chronic instability if not addressed during the
Hill-Sachs lesion in external rotation on AP radiograph 2 index surgery. So-called subcritical bone loss, bone loss below
Loss of glenoid contour on AP radiograph 2 15%, is an area of controversy. Shaha et al. investigated the
Participation in contact sport or overhead sport 1 clinical outcomes of four subsets of patients with varying de-
Shoulder hyperlaxity anteriorly or inferiorly 1 grees of GBL treated solely with arthroscopic Bankart repair.
The study found that GBL (13.5%) was predictive of outcome
assessed via WOSI score, even in the absence of recurrent
represents a quick way to further risk-stratify patients and aids dislocation. Patients who had greater than 13.5% GBL expe-
in the selection of the appropriate treatment course. The au- rienced significantly higher WOSI scores than would be con-
thors also recommend considering open stabilization or sidered clinically unacceptable with regard to their outcome
Latarjet procedure in individuals with exceptionally high even in the setting of no recurrence of instability. This led the
ISIS scores [11]. Phadnis et al. reported on the utility of the authors to conclude that the threshold for bone loss should be
ISIS in predicting failure of arthroscopic Bankart repair. Out redefined as a value less than 15%, especially in highly active
of 141 patients, 19 (13.5%) experienced recurrence, with their patients [17]. Similarly Dickens et al. investigated subcritical
mean ISI score being significantly higher than those who did bone loss in American football players undergoing arthro-
not recur (5.1 versus 1.7) [12]. GBL carried the highest risk of scopic anterior shoulder stabilization. Their investigation of
failure (70%). Also, patients with an ISIS ≥ 4 had a 70% 50 athletes found a rate of 5.31 cases of recurrent instability
change of failures as opposed to a 4% risk of recurrence with per 1000 athlete exposures for subjects with greater than
a score < 4 [12]. Rouleau et al. assessed the multicenter reli- 13.5% GBL. There were no episodes of recurrence in athletes
ability of the ISS and found that it was very reliable, with an with < 13.5% GBL in 72,000 athlete exposures [18]. The
interclass coefficient of 0.933. Despite this, it is important to authors concluded that arthroscopic Bankart repair was a reli-
note that it did not correlate with quality of life questionnaires able procedure in American football players with up to 13.5%
in patients [12]. GBL. Shin et al. recently evaluated values of critical bone loss
While non-surgical management with physical therapy can in a study of 169 patients. Their statistical analysis defined
be a viable treatment strategy in low-demand patients follow- critical bone loss as 17.3% (sensitivity 75%, specificity
ing first-time instability events, younger, more active patients 86.6%) [3]. In their study, 42.9% (15 of 35) patients with
have a high rate of recurrent instability [13, 14]. Re- critical bone loss experienced failure of their surgery com-
dislocation rates in this high-risk patient population have been pared to 3.7% (5 of 134) in the non-critical group [3]. These
reported as high as 90% after non-operative treatment [3]. two recent studies demonstrate that a gray zone exists between
Robinson et al. reported that out of 252 patients aged 15– 13.5 to 17.3% GBL, thus indications for arthroscopic Bankart
35 years old, 53.2% experienced a repeat dislocation (134 repair versus open glenoid bone grafting should be individu-
patients), or recurrent subluxation (16 (6.5%) patients), after alized based on patient’s activity level, goals, and
a mean of 13.3 months [15]. Some studies have reported even expectations.
lower rates of recurrence in young populations. One review The presence of an engaging HS lesion should also be
article reported that recurrence rates can range anywhere from considered when indicating a patient for arthroscopic
0 to 100% in skeletally immature patients [3]. Cordishi et al. Bankart repair. Wolf et al. investigated the repair of engaging
also reported on recurrence rates following traumatic disloca- HS lesions in patients with < 25% GBL. HS engagement was
tion in 14 patients who were skeletally immature. They found confirmed arthroscopically and managed via lesion filing ar-
that 21.4% of patients experienced recurrent dislocation and throscopic remplissage. At mean patient follow-up of
required surgery [3]. 58 months, only 2/45 experienced re-dislocation, both follow-
In patients with a high risk of recurrent instability or who ing new traumatic events [19]. Itoi et al. examined the effect of
have failed non-operative management, arthroscopic Bankart HS lesions and their relationship to GBL by examining the
repair is the stabilization technique of choice. When indicating glenoid track [20]. The glenoid track is defined as a distance
patients for arthroscopic Bankart repair, it is essential to eval- 84% the width of the glenoid, with the track becoming smaller
uate both the glenoid and humeral bone loss. Arthroscopic in the setting of GBL. If a HS lesion extends medial to the
repair alone is contraindicated when GBL exceeds 25%, or margin of the glenoid track, it is defined as an “off-track”
in the presence of a large, engaging Hill-Sachs (HS) lesion lesion and can be expected to engage on the glenoid rim dur-
[16]. Burkhart first classified significant glenoid bone lose as ing motion causing recurrent dislocation [20]. GBL further
having an “inverted-pear” glenoid, in which enough anterior- reduces the distance the humeral head needs to travel in order
444 Curr Rev Musculoskelet Med (2017) 10:442–451

for the HS to engage, thus decreasing the size of the glenoid Surgical Techniques
track. The authors concluded that in the setting of such lesions,
Bankart repair alone is unlikely to be successful [20]. This The goal of Bankart repair is to appropriately release, mobi-
concept of “bi-polar” bone loss has emerged as a central area lize, and tension the capsulolabral complex at the antero-
in understanding instability of the shoulder. Locher et al. in- inferior aspect of the glenoid. Arthroscopic Bankart repair is
vestigated the recurrence rate in patients with off versus on performed with standard arthroscopic positioning in either the
track HS lesions in 100 patients [3]. In this patient population, beach chair (Fig. 2) or lateral decubitus position, based on
33% (4 of 12) patients with off-track lesions required revision surgeon experience and familiarity. A discussion of the advan-
surgery for recurrent instability compared with 6% (5 of 88) in tages and disadvantages of beach chair versus lateral
patients with on track injuries. decubitus is beyond the scope of this review but has been
Fabricant et al. suggested an algorithm that summarizes well-described in the literature [30]. Following patient posi-
their preferred treatment methods [21]. In patients presenting tioning, the anatomic landmarks of the shoulder are identified
with an initial instability event and who are at low risk for including the borders of the acromion, coracoid process, AC
recurrence, conservative treatment is preferred. In all other joint, and distal clavicle (Fig. 3).
cases, surgery is recommended. Non-contact athletes with less A posterior portal is created for camera insertion approxi-
than 10% GBL are treated arthroscopically with single row mately 2 cm distal and 1 cm medial to the postero-lateral
capsulolabral stabilization. Contact athletes with up to 20% border of the acromion. A diagnostic arthroscopy should then
GBL are recommended arthroscopic repair with double row be performed to confirm the presence of a Bankart lesion and
stabilization. Lastly, patients with greater than 20% GBL are any associated pathology. Diagnostic arthroscopy should in-
recommended open repair with glenoid augmentation and clude evaluation of the labrum, capsular tissue, rotator cuff
bone fragment fixation [21]. Owens et al. proposed an algo- and biceps tendons, humeral head, and assessment and mea-
rithm for the management of instability in the in-season athlete surement of any HS lesion. An arthroscopic “load-shift” test
[22]. Athletes with GBL greater than 13.5 to 17.3%, a large can be performed to measure anterior and posterior transla-
(engaging) HS lesion, or recurrent instability events are rec- tion. In order to communicate the location of a Bankart lesion,
ommended to have immediate season ending surgery [23–25]. the glenoid can be described as a clock face, with 6 o’clock
Patients with an initial instability event at the beginning of the representing the inferior most aspect of the glenoid and 12
season may attempt return to play following 2–3 weeks of o’clock being the superior most aspect [31]. Following diag-
immobilization and physical therapy, if they are able to per- nostic arthroscopy, a low antero-inferior portal within the area
form sport specific activities without pain and instability. of the deltopectorial interval should be created. Needle local-
Athletes who remain symptomatic or those who are injured ization is used to enter the joint just above the subscapularis
near the end of the season are recommended to undergo sur- tendon for improved glenoid instrumentation in the axillary
gical intervention [22]. pouch and at the 6 o’clock position of the glenoid [31]. Next,
Regardless of the indications used, surgical interven- an antero-superior portal is created distal to the antero-
tion is more effective when performed early after injury, superior border of the acromion. Needle localization is used
with a greater number of instability events prior to surgery to create the portal immediately lateral to the biceps tendon
portending a worse outcome due to continued damage to within the rotator interval. Once portals have been established,
the capsulolabral junction with each event [26]. Recurrent the lesion should be aggressively mobilized with an arthro-
instability has also been shown to lead to erosive changes scopic elevator or covator. The donor glenoid area is then
in the glenoid [27]. Krych et al. found that patients with debrided and decorticated with an arthroscopic shaver to allow
increased number of shoulder dislocations were both more for improved soft tissue healing (Fig. 4). The mobility of the
likely to have injury to their glenoid cartilage and more capsulolabral lesion should be addressed with a soft tissue
frequently had high-grade glenoid lesions [28]. A decision grasper, ensuring adequate superior excursion to properly re-
regarding surgical intervention should be made following store the labral bumper. It is essential that the muscle belly of
a discussion of the goals of surgery as well as the poten- the subscapularis is visualized at this step of the case to ensure
tial risks of delaying repair (Fig. 1). Surgical intervention adequate mobilization of the capsulolabral complex prior to
should be completed as quickly as practical once decided the repair. The Bankart lesion should be completely free ante-
upon as the proper course of treatment. Benefits of using riorly before proceeding with fixation (Fig. 5).
an arthroscopic Bankart repair technique include a lower There are numerous techniques available for fixation of
complication rate, smaller incisions, less blood loss, Bankart lesions but most involve the use of suture anchors
shorter operative times, greater range of shoulder motion to repair the labral tissue back to the glenoid. Nho et al. ex-
postoperatively, less postoperative pain, better cosmesis, amined the differences in the biomechanics between repairs
less postoperative shoulder stiffness, and fewer wound with simple stitch, suture anchor with horizontal mattress
infections [4, 29]. stitch, double-loaded suture anchor with simple stich, and
Curr Rev Musculoskelet Med (2017) 10:442–451 445

Fig. 1 Proposed algorithm for the management of anterior instability based on patient pathology

knotless suture anchors [32]. This study found that all four more likely to fail [34]. Boileau et al. also found that patients
constructs displayed less than 2-mm displacement when who underwent repair with three or less suture anchors were at
25 N of cyclical load was applied; however, the knotless de- a higher risk of failure [35].
vice exhibited significantly less force to ultimate failure while When repairing the capsulolabral complex to the glenoid,
the other three constructs performed similarly [32]. While per- many authors advocate for single row repair of the labrum 1 to
formance under cyclic loading is clinically important when 2 mm onto the articular surface, or at the articular edge, fol-
considering daily tasks, ultimate load to failure may be impor- lowing full release and mobilization from the glenoid neck
tant to consider when performing repair on contact athletes. [36]. Other authors argue that repair to the articular surface
Additionally, with regardless to knotless fixation versus tied does not facilitate healing and alters the native anatomy of the
knots, biomechanical studies have shown that modes and rates capsulolabral complex and instead support double row repair
of failure have been found to be equivalent [33]. Regardless of [31, 37, 38]. Moran et al. recommend double row repair in the
construct, it is important to consider the number of suture case of recurrent instability, for a first-time dislocation who are
anchors when performing Bankart repair. Shibata et al. found high risk for recurrence, males under age 25, patients who
that repairs using less than four anchors were significantly have had more than three dislocations requiring reduction, or
contact athletes [21, 31]. It is important to note that these
studies have mostly been performed in a laboratory setting
and that there are no randomized clinical studies evaluating
the differences in clinical outcomes between singe versus dou-
ble row fixation. For this reason, fixation should be individu-
alized based on patient pathology, with single row fixation
being the current accepted standard for repair.
The authors preferred technique is a single row repair per-
formed in the beach chair position. Positioning in beach chair
allows for ease of orientation for both the surgical team as well
as trainees; ease of treatment of concomitant shoulder pathol-
ogy; ease of conversion to open surgery such as Latarjet pro-
cedure, or humeral avulsion of the glenohumeral ligament
(HAGL) repair; and the improved ability to assess the
glenohumeral joint through a complete range of motion (range
of motion). A suture passer, typically a 45 or 90° angled to the
Fig. 2 Patient in beach chair position, the operative arm is held by a ipsilateral side, is introduced through the low anterior portal
pneumatic arm holder and is used to shuttle suture through the avulsed capsulolabral
446 Curr Rev Musculoskelet Med (2017) 10:442–451

Fig. 3 a Anterior landmarks of

the shoulder, coracoid (blue
arrow), antero-inferior portal, and
antero-superior portal (green
arrows). b Posterior portal (green
arrow), an accessory 5 o’clock
portal (blue arrow) can be made
inline with the posterior border of
the clavicle (dotted line) if
posterior pathology is present. c
Antero-lateral (white arrow) and
posteriolateral (green arrow)
corner of the acromion

tissue, with care being taken to capture at least 1 cm of cap- been reported as long-term complications of arthroscopic
sular tissue in addition to the labrum. The antero-superior Bankart repair, primarily due to intra-articular pain pumps,
portal allows for the usage of instrumentation such as an ar- which have since fallen out of favor. Postoperative OA in
throscopic grasper to reduce the labral tissue, as well as for arthroscopic Bankart repairs has not been as extensively stud-
suture retrieval. Anchors are placed from inferior to superior ied; however, the few long-term studies published have report-
on the glenoid rim, allowing for reduction of the Bankart ed rates of postoperative OA to be as high as 26% [41].
lesion, with the first suture being passed as inferior as possible Development of OA, however, is likely due to the initial in-
at approximately the 5:30 or 6:30 position [39]. If visualiza- stability event itself. Hovelius et al. reported an 11% rate of
tion is difficult, the 30° scope can be inserted into the antero- mild and a 9% rate of moderate OA 10 years following pri-
lateral portal or alternatively, a 70° scope can be used in the mary dislocation [42]. One study found mild to severe OA in
posterior viewing portal to improve the visualization for 50 out of 74 shoulders [43]. In an 8-year follow-up study by
repair. Francheschi et al., the most common risk factors for OA after
arthroscopic Bankart repairs were older age at first dislocation,
increased length of time from first injury to surgery, increased
Complications number of anchors used, and the degenerative state of the
labrum at time of surgery, indicating that factors other than
Arthroscopic Bankart repair is considered a safe and effective quality of repair likely contribute to development of OA [44].
procedure, with a lower complication rate compared to open As with most arthroscopic shoulder surgeries, there is al-
repair [2]. Implant selection plays an important role in poten- ways the potential for infection and nerve injury. Data from
tial complications. Anchor usage can lead to significant pain, the American Board of Orthopedic Surgery has shown that the
decreased ROM, and failure if they are not positioned proper- infection rate in arthroscopic Bankart repair is 0.22% [2].
ly during the initial procedure [40]. Degenerative joint condi- Despite this low rate, it is important to evaluate patient risk
tions, such as chondrolysis and osteoarthritis (OA), have also factors for infection as a preventative measure. Nerve injury
occurs more frequently than infection (0.3%) and most often

Fig. 4 The arthroscopic shaver is used to debride the zone of injury,

assist in mobilization of the Bankart lesion, and decorticate bone on the
glenoid for improved healing prior to repair. Glenoid (G), humeral head Fig. 5 Fully mobilized Bankart lesion (B), glenoid (G), humeral head
(HH) (HH)
Curr Rev Musculoskelet Med (2017) 10:442–451 447

affects the axillary nerve [2, 45]. Anatomically, the axillary recurrence rate after arthroscopic Bankart repair ranges from
nerve courses around the inferior aspect of the glenoid from 4 to 19% [65]; in newer literature, the risk is increased by
anterior-to-posterior and is at risk during aggressive mobiliza- participation in contact sports [66]. Additionally, the average
tion of the Bankart lesion as well as during anchor placement. amount of time prior to another instability event is less with
Hill et al. reviewed 15,000 patients undergoing shoulder ar- arthroscopic than open Bankart repair (12.6 versus
throscopy for any reason and found a 30-day readmission rate 34.2 months, respectively) [9]. Patients who desire to return
of only 0.98%. The most common causes for readmission was to contact sports should be counseled on the higher recurrent
pulmonary embolism (0.09%), with surgery > 1.5 h, age 40– instability rate after arthroscopic repair and weigh this risk
65, ASA class 3 or greater, and chronic steroid use being against the benefits of this technique, including a faster return
predictors for readmission [46]. to activity, as well as a greater likelihood that they will be able
to do so [5]. With regard to open versus arthroscopic repair,
Fabbriciani et al. concluded that open Bankart repair does not
Outcomes offer significantly better 2-year results in terms of stability
than arthroscopic repair and may negatively affect the recov-
Following arthroscopic Bankart repair, clinical outcomes may ery of full range of motion [67]. Kim et al. reported that 95%
be assessed by several clinical metrics including recurrence of of a 167 patient cohort who underwent arthroscopic Bankart
shoulder instability, ROM, return to work or sport, complica- repair for traumatic recurrent instability of the anterior shoul-
tion rate including reoperation, and various patient reported der scored good (17%) to excellent (78%) on the Rowe score
outcome measures (PROMs) (Table 2). scale at a mean follow-up of 44 months [68]. One study found
that recurrent dislocation rates of shoulders repaired
Recurrence of Shoulder Instability arthroscopically versus open procedure were comparable at
13-year follow-up [3].
While a large number of studies have looked at recurrence of
shoulder instability following arthroscopic Bankart repair, a Range of Motion (ROM)
large degree of variability exists ranging from 3.4 to 33.3%
lifetime recurrence rate, with an average rate of 13.1% when Following arthroscopic Bankart repair, average external rota-
pooling 12 high-quality trials [8, 57–64]. The reported tion is commonly decreased, both with the arm at the side

Table 2 Recent clinical studies and outcomes on arthroscopy instability repair

Authors Journal (year) N Mean follow-up in months Outcomes Recurrence rate

Castagna et al. [47] Am J Sports Med (2010) 31 130.8 Rowe score, 80.1 19.4%
UCLA score, 32.1
71% returned to activity
Voos et al. [48] Am J Sports Med (2010) 73 33 ASES score, 94.9 9.6%
Cho et al. [49] Clin Orthop Surgery (2010) 62 15 ASES score, 91.8 NA
Rowe, 94.1
Zhu et al. [50] Am J Sports Med (2011) 49 29 ASES score, 96 8.2%
Rowe score, 89.8
Constant score, 97.8
Millett et al. [51] Am J Sports Med (2013) 15 32.4 ASES score, 98 7%
quickDASH, 2.8
Jiang et al. [52] Am J Sports Med (2013) 50 32.5 ASES score, 95.7 8%
Rowe score, 91.4
Maiotti et al. [53] J Shoulder Elbow Surg (2016) 89 31.5 ASES score, 95.5 3.3&
Rowe score, 94.1
Milchteim et al. [54] Arthroscopy (2016) 94 60 ASES score, 91.5 6.4%
Rowe score, 84.3
Satisfaction, 8.8/10
Maiotti et al. [55] Arthroscopy (2016) 110 40.5 ASES score, 96.5 2.7%
Rowe score, 95.3
VAS score, 0.5
Bionna et al. [5] Am J Sports Med (2016) 60 63.6 SPORTS score, 8 10%
Aboalata et al. [3] Am J Sports Med (2017) 180 156 Satisfied, 92.3% 18.2%
Return to sport, 49.5%
Nakagawa et al. [56] Am J Sports Med (2017) 172 24 NA 29.4%
448 Curr Rev Musculoskelet Med (2017) 10:442–451

(ranging between 3.5 and 9°) and with the arm abducted to 90° concept following Bankart repair with and without remplissage
(ranging between 3.5 and 7°) [8, 57–59, 68]. Similarly, a small of the HS lesion [71]. The authors found that the addition of
degree of average loss of forward flexion is to be expected, remplissage prevented HS engagement in all shoulders with large
ranging 1–3° [57]. Despite this, some studies have suggested lesions which were not otherwise stabilized with Bankart repair
that arthroscopic repair has a lower rate of postoperative stiff- alone [71]. Ko et al. examined the clinical outcomes of concom-
ness compared to open repair [10, 65]. A meta-analysis by itant remplissage in patients with engaging HS lesions undergo-
Wang et al. analyzed four studies with ROM outcomes after ing Bankart repair [72]. Forty-eight patients with engaging HS
open and arthroscopic Bankart repairs. Patients surgically lesions underwent surgical stabilization, 24 with Bankart repair
treated by arthroscopic repair had significantly better range alone, and 24 with Bankart combined with remplissage. Five
of motion than those treated by open repair [10]. Stiffness patients in the Bankart group experienced recurrent dislocation
can be due to excess immobilization after surgery and can compared to zero in the combined group. ASES and Rowe score
often be treated conservatively with physical therapy and cor- were also significantly better in the combined procedure group
ticosteroid injections into the glenohumeral joint. In extreme [72]. Also, the remplissage group experienced less loss of motion
cases, arthroscopic capsular release can be performed after in external rotation and abduction than the isolated Bankart repair
conservative approaches have been exhausted [45]. group, potentially alleviated concerns of over constraint when
addressing engaging HS lesions [72]. As the understanding of
Return to Work/Sport bi-polar bone loss continues to evolve, future studies are required
to determine the long-term clinical outcomes of patients treated
Return to previous level of work ranges from 46 to 97% fol- with Bankart repair combined with remplissage. Additionally,
lowing arthroscopic Bankart repair with an average rate of arthroscopic Bankart repair in patients with less than 13.5% bone
70.7% when pooling data from six high-quality studies [57, loss will result in successful outcome and in patients with more
58, 61, 62, 64, 69]. Recent long-term data have shown that than 17.3% bone loss, addressing the anterior glenoid with bone
return to previous athletic level is possible in as few as 49.5% grafting is essential to ensure success [3]. The gray zone is be-
of patients, although return to play has been shown to be as tween 13.5 to 17.3% and in these patients, indications for arthro-
high as 90% in other studies [3, 70]. scopic Bankart repair vs. open glenoid bone grafting (Latarjet,
etc.) should be individualized based on patient’s activity level,
Functional Outcomes goals, and expectations.

In a study of 180 patients seen at average follow-up of 13 years

following arthroscopic Bankart repair, overall long-term patient Conclusion
satisfaction was 92.3% [11]. With regard to patient recorded
outcomes scales, the ASES (American Shoulder and Elbow Arthroscopic Bankart repair is currently the preferred method
Surgeons) shoulder score and the Rowe score are frequently used for surgical management of anterior shoulder instability in a
methods of assessment following arthroscopy Bankart repair. majority of patients with minimum GBL based its growth in
While the ASES score focuses on pain level and functional abil- popularity due to its relative lack of invasiveness and low
ity both at work and leisure activity, the Rowe score is based overall complication rate. Arthroscopic Bankart repair is an
stability, motion, and function. ASES scores following arthro- ideal method of stabilization in patients with an injury to the
scopic Bankart repair have ranged from 87 to 98 while Rowe inferior labrum without significant osseous injury (large bony
scores generally range from 77 to 97 at a minimum follow-up of Bankart or HS lesion). Overall, when performed for the cor-
2 years, indicating a high level of motion and function following rect indications, arthroscopic repair results in a low risk for
arthroscopic repair (Table 1) [5, 47–56]. recurrent instability and a high return to sport or work. Future
work must focus on longer-term outcomes and rate of
glenohumeral arthritis in patients undergoing arthroscopic
Future Directions Bankart repair. Additionally, further work is needed to inves-
tigate the clinical outcomes in patients with larger bony de-
Future increased understanding of the effects of new repair tech- fects and those undergoing concomitant stabilization proce-
niques, bi-polar bone loss, and adjuvant procedures should help dures such as arthroscopic remplissage.
improve outcomes when managing shoulder instability. Studies
investigating the consequences of humeral bone loss, such as
Compliance with Ethical Standards
those by Itoi et al. [20], have led to innovation in arthroscopic
stabilization by identifying a potential cause of failure following
Conflict of Interest Brett D. Owens reports non-financial support from
“simple” Bankart repair. Hartzler et al. further explored this the- MTF/CONMED and Mitek, outside the submitted work. The rest of the
ory by performing a biomechanical analysis of the glenoid track authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.
Curr Rev Musculoskelet Med (2017) 10:442–451 449

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