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Soal Mirip Up 2018

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Questions 1– 3 refer to the text below.

Sir Arthur John Evans (1851-1941) was born in Nash Mills, England, and educated at Harrow School, Brasenose College,
the University of Oxford, and the University of Göttingen. From 1884 to 1908 he was curator of the Ashmolean Museum
at Oxford. His interest in early writing led him to Crete in 1894, where he studied inscriptions on ancient sealstones. A year
later he published the results in Cretan Pictographs and Prae-Phoenician Script. Duringc the period 1900-1906 he
unearthed in Crete the palace at Knossos (Knosós), a huge edifice that covers more than 2 hectares (5 acres), and he
continued excavations there until 1935. The labyrinthine ground plan of the palace suggested to him the legend of Minos,
hence his designation of the Cretan civilization as Minoan. Excavations at Knossos also revealed some 3000 clay tablets
inscribed in two scripts later known as Linear A and Linear B. In Scripta Minoa (1952) Evans dealt with the problem of
decipherment of these scripts and the pictorial.

1. The text tells us about ….

A. the life story of a person named Arthur John Evans
B. a curator of the Ashmolean Museum at Oxford
C. Sir Arthur John Evans interest in early writing
D. Evans‗ publication of Cretan Pictographs and Prae-Phoenician Script
E. Evans‗ study on inscriptions on ancient sealstones
pembahasan A/B cuma klo teman teman pilih a berarti klo life story harus ada kehidupannya sejak lahir
hingga meninggal. Klo B secara keseluruhan yang dibahas adalah curator.

2. Sir Arthur John Evans went to Crete in 1894 in order to ….

A. complete information about his museum
B. find ancient writing for the museum
C. cater his thirst of historical writing
D. record the cretan sivilization
E. invent two scripts known as linear a and b
pembahasan his interest in early writing led him…..

3. The word ―unearthed‖ in the passage most nearly means ….

A. found something out of the ground
B. discovered proof after careful searching
C. described a time that is not convenient
D. used something in the past for future uses
E. dug the ground for continued excavations
pembahasan unearthed sama artinya dengan excavation

Questions 4 – 6 refer to the text below.

This stuff is a clever variation on the traditional, meat-based Greek dish that is usually quite high in fat.
2 zucchinis, sliced; 1 eggplant, sliced; 300 g new potatoes, scrubbed and sliced; 2 red capsicums, deseeded and cut into thick
strips; 400 g can borlotti beans, drained and rinsed; 4 ripe tomatoes chopped; 1⁄4 cup (5 g) roughly chopped fresh basil; 2
tablespoons olive oil; 1⁄2 cup low-fat natural yogurt; 1 egg, lightly beaten; 1⁄3 cup grated parmesan
1. Preheat the oven to 180°C. Bring a large saucepan of salted water to the boil. Add the zucchini and cook for 2 minutes.
Drain well on paper towel.
2. Add the eggplant slices to the water and cook for 2 minutes, then remove and drain. Meanwhile, heat a cast-iron,
ridged grill pan over a high heat. Cook the capsicum slices for about 5 minutes.

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3. Combine all the cooked vegetables with the beans, chopped tomatoes and basil in a large baking dish. Drizzle the
olive oil over the top, season to taste and stir together thoroughly.
4. In a bowl, stir together the yogurt, egg and parmesan until blended. Spread this mixture over the top of the
5. Bake the moussaka for 40 minutes or until the vegetables are tender and the topping is golden brown.

4. The word ―drizzle‖ in the passage most nearly means ….

A. allow something to fall
B. move liquid to a lowerlevel
C. pour liquid slowly over something
D. put something in small light drops
E. change liquid to a particular condition
pembahasan oil jadi pour…

5. The ingredients to be sliced for the menu are ….

A. capsicums, borlotti beans, tomatoes
B. zucchinis, eggplant, potatoes
C. zucchinis, basil, parmesan,
D. eggplant, potatoes, capsicums
E. potatoes, borlotti beans, tomatoes
pembahasan ingredients 1st line

6. The best title of the text is ….

A. Meat-Based Greek Dish
B. Zucchini Dish Capu
C. Vegetable Moussaka
D. Sliced Eggplant Moussaka
E. Parmesan Flevoured Vegetable
Pembahasan ada di line pertama

Questions 7 – 9 refer to the graph below.

Chart 1 British Emigration to selected destinations 2004 – 2007

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7. The chart shows that the favorite destination of British emigration was….
A. Australia
B. America
C. France
D. Spain
Pembahasan kelihatan dari grafiknya paling tinggi

8. During the period of 2004-2007, British emigration to New Zealand….

A. changed very slowly
B. turned down steeply
C. went down steadily
D. declined gradually
E. slow down readily
pembahasan kelihatan dari grafik turun nya perlahan

9. It can be inferred from the chart that the British emigration to any destination was….
A. relatively stable
B. sloping up steeply
C. tumbling down continuously
D. sloping down slowly
E. sloping up and down
kelihatan dari grafiknya udah turun naik

Questions 10 – 12 refer to the text below.

Stepping Out, With Pencil
He used a pencil to say goodbye. Maybe that would make it less permanent. Words are only as strong as their intent and he
didn‗t want to leave.
His parents had once hinted that they knew the truth. But by the end of the day their heads were back in The Good Book —
their eyes on everything but him.
So with a whisper he crafted his goodbye on paper.
He made the sentences sharp. His points were daggers. An eraser could make them go away. But he knew his parents wouldn‗t
see that.
―That‗s why I have to go in the first place,‖ he thought.
And when he took his first step into the world as an honest man he felt fixed. He‗d left the
note next to the TV. Burnable, tearable. Erasable.
Maybe after they did all that, they‗d remember he was just their son.

10. The story is about ….

A. the way a boy appreciating his parents
B. the way parents saying goodbye
C. the powerful use of a pencil to write
D. the utilization of a pencil to say goodbye
E. the relations between a pencil and an eraser
pembahasan klo c (dari judul lebih ke generalsedangkan pertanyaannya adalah cerita ini)
klo d (dia menjelaskan secara spesik ada kata say goodbye)

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11. It is implied in the story that the story writer ….
A. has a hobby in reading and writing
B. bears no relation to his parents
C. believes in the power of pencil
D. bears close relation to his father
E. loves his parents till the end of their lives
pembahasan their eye on everything but him

12. We learn from the story that ….

A. words are as strong as their intent
B. words may be used to conceal the truth
C. eraser could make pencil writing go away
D. a pencil is a means of expressing wise words
E. pencil writing may keep memories long lasting

13. The best arrangement of these sentences to make a logical paragraph is…
1. Other small training institutes also provide education to enhance the skill level in particular fields.
2. Education plays a paramount role in the modern technological world.
3. Education is not so costly anymore; anyone one with less money may study continuously.
4. Furthermore, the whole criteria of education have been changed now.
5. We can get admission in the big and popular universities with fewer fees through the distance learning.
6. We can study through the distance learning programmes after the 12th standard together with the job.
7. Now-a-days, there are many ways to enhance the education level.

A. 6–7–4–3–1–5–2
B. 2–6–7–4–3–5–1
C. 2–7–4–6–3–5–1
D. 1–6–4–7–2–3–5
E. 3–5–7–4–6–2–1

14. Owning a very expensive car for an ordinary person will be….
A. a wet blanket =merusak kesenangan orang lain
B. a queer fish = seseorang yang sangat aneh
C. a past master = orang hebat dimasa lalu
D. a white elephant = sesuatu yang mahal
E. a knowing look = orang yang mengerti / tahu sesuatu

15. Upon approval on their research topic by their advisor, students need to … immediately their proposal
writing in order to have an earlier proposal seminar.
A. show up = muncul
B. work out = mengerti / memahami
C. set off = berangkat
D. get by = menyelesaikan

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E. boot up =memulai

16. These two researchers have stuck by each other …. In fact, they have become almost inseparable in
conducting academic works.
A. through thick and thin = keadaan baik dan buruk
B. fair and square = jujur
C. meek and mild = lemah lembut
D. short and sweet = sigkat mudah dimengerti
E. free and easy = bebas dan gampang

17. The class was chaotic in laughter when a student make a pronounciation mistake. To put the
class back in the learning course, Ms. Dewanti should have warned the class empathetically
by saying ...
A. ―Hi class, I want all of you to be quiet please.‖
B. ―class, can we go back to our topic, please?‖
C. ―please, do not laugh at your class mate!‖
D. “Please appreciate you classmate!”
E. ―shut up!, please listen to me!‖
Pembahasan lebih polite. Empathetically menempatkan diri kita pada seseorang

18. The term “Notions” used in the area of notional functional curriculum refers to abstract
concepts such as existence, space, time, quality, and ...
A. Contexts of situations / masuk ke space
B. Natural circumtances
C. Various language functions
D. Communicative competence
E. Patternsof expressions
Keywordnya notion konsep abstrak.

19. Young children, especially those up to the ages of nine or ten, lear differently from older
children in the following ways, except ...
A. They respond to meaning
B. They are engaged with abstract thought
C. They display enthusiasms for learning
D. They often learn indirectly rather than directly
E. Their understanding comes from what they see and hear
Ada kata pengecualian ypung children berfikir konkrit bukan abstrak

20. To get the most out of the potential of extroverted student, Mr. Marrina will set up learning
activities that alleow them to do a lot of ...
A. Listening and reading
B. Speaking and listening
C. Reading and writing
D. Writing and speaking
E. Speaking and reading
Pembahasan extrovert lebih ke output

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21. Everyone present in the seminar was ……… petrified seeing that Raisha answered the
examiner‘s questions brilliantly.
a. massively
b. completely
c. extremely
d. wholly
e. fully
ada jawabannya di akun ppg pada lptk lain.

The text for question no. 22

Natural language processing is important for different reasons to different people. For some, it offers
the utility of automatically harvesting arbitrary bits of knowledge from vast information resources that
have only recently emerged. To others, it is a laboratory for the investigation of the human use of
language- a primary cognitive ability—and its relation to thought.
22. The underlined part bits of knowledge in the passage may be best rephrased as….
a. Portions of material
b. Bits of evidence
c. Reports of facts
d. Pieces of data
e. Facts of news

The text for question no. 23-24

Most kind of tea go through a long process. Before tea can be processed, (1) . . . . . . . . Only the bud
and two small leaves are plucked from the best tea plant to ensure the best tasting tea. After are tea
pickled, (2) . . . in large in-door areas where heated air is forced over them if the climate is to cool to
heat the leaves naturally. This withering and steaming process reduces water content and makes the
leaves pliable enough to move to the next step in process, rolling.
23. The sentences that best complete the blank spaces in (2) is ….
a. There is a process of leave drying
b. Natural drying is an essential step
c. They are laid out to dry naturally
d. The leaves are ready for the next step
e. Tea makers need to prepare the leaves
Pembahasan key wordnya adalah in door, dan perhatikan kata setelahnya

24. The sentences that best complete the blank spaces in (1) is ….
a. Tea leaves must be pickled
b. Only good leaves are identified
c. There is a process of tea growing
d. Pickling time should be considered
e. Selecting tea leaves is an key process
Pembahasan a dan e bias benar. Tapi di e ada kata an

25. The experiment result indicate that the short period . . . the PQRST strategy is implemented to
college students allows them to yield significant effects on reading comprehension of academic
a. Within which
b. From which

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c. At which
d. By which
e. Of which
Pembahasan within lebih mengarah ke durasa

26. ... all the examiners are questioning you thesis fiercely, you need to remain calm during the thesis
a. Even if
b. Supposing
c. Now that
d. Whenever
e. While

27. The meaning that best expresses these two sentences:

‗The facilitator taught me a teaching technique.‘ It was practical to me.‘ Is ….
a. The facilitator taught me a teaching technique that I found it practical
b. The facilitator taught me a teaching technique I found it was practical
c. The facilitator taught me a teaching technique which I found practical
d. The facilitator taught me a teaching technique that I found was practical
e. The facilitator taught me a teaching technique, which was I found it practical
Pembahasan secara structural c benar dan d kurang tepat karena found disini
difungsikan sebagai verb, sedangkan was juga verb.

28. Everyone knows that he is a good public speaker. So, whenever he is there on the stage, he is
always ready to ….
a. deliver his speech vibrantly
b. burst into his vibrant speech
c. say his speech vibrantly
d. utter his vibrant speech
e. state his speech vibrantly

29. Friends in need are friends indeed. Many are, but some are just …. one taking the advantage
of us when we are winning.
a. a closefisted = kikir
b. a fair-weather = tidak setiaa kawan
c. an absent minded = pelupa
d. an argus-eyed =penuh perhatian
e. a bad sheep = orang yang berbeda dikelompoknya

30. A student like her who is …… motivated to learn something new in her field will be
successful in her future career.
a. Powerfully
b. Forcefully
c. Violently
d. Strongly
e. Highly

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31. To some students, writing a thesis is a challenging job. As a result, some of them
…….Although their capability in completing their thesis is undeniable and their research
topic is interesting.
a. are afraid of their own shadow =
b. make their blood run cold
c. are a bundle of nerves
d. are out of the left side = keluar dari zonanya
e. are like a silly goose = suka bertindak konyol

32. ………Representative of the students of high-level achievers, the subject of the experiment
will be students drawn randomly out of the 5 classes as the accessible population.
a. Be considered
b. To be considered
c. Being considered
d. Having considered
e. They were considered
Pembahasan sama persis soal yang akun ppg lptk lain dan jawabannya valid benar

33. Considering the positive impact, we do hope that the government program o the school literacy
movement will be blooming, … the near future.
a. fair and square = adil jujur
b. hale and hearty= sehat dan kuat
c. alive and kicking = bersemangat
d. on cloud nine = sangat bahagia
e. in hot water = kondisi yang sulit

Text for question no. 34-36

This popular South-East Asian noodle soup is very versatile.
150 g packet rice vermicelli noodles; 1 tablespoon peanut oil; 3 tablespoons ready-made laksa paste; 3
cups (750 ml) salt-reduced chicken stock; 400 ml can coconut milk; 500 g boneless skinless chicken
breasts, thinly sliced; ½ teaspoon salt; 1 heaped cup (100 g) bean sprouts, tails trimmed; 3 tablespoons
chopped fresh Vietnamese mint or regular mint; 2/3 cup (20g) fresh coriander leaves; 1 small red
chili, seeded and sliced; lime wedges, to serve.
1. Place noodle in a heatproof bowl and pour enough boiling water over to over. Leave to soak
for 5 minutes, or according to the packet instructions.
2. Meanwhile, in a wok or large heavy-based saucepan, heat the oil over medium heat. Add the
laksa paste and fry until fragrant, about 1 minute. Stir in stock and bring to a boil.
3. Add the coconut milk and simmer for 2 to 3 minutes. Add the chicken and simmer for 5
minutes, or until it is just cooked through. Add the salt.
4. Drain the noodle and divide among serving bowls. Then, top each with bean sprouts,
Vietnemese mint and coriander.
5. Garnish with chili and serve immediately, with lime wedges.

34 The word ―wedges” in the passage most nearly means . . . .

a. Triangular-shaped pieces of food

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b. A part of a plant that is beginning to grow
c. Large fruits like with a thick brown shell
d. A deep round pan with straight sides
e. Long thin strips made from flour or rice

35 The best title of the text is . . . .

a. Quick Chicken Laksa
b. Rice Vermicelli Noodle
c. Boneless fried Chicken
d. Ready-made Laksa Paste
e. Salt-Reduced Chicken Stock

36 How long does it take to make the food stuff ready to serve?
a. Less than 12 minutes
b. Exactly 13 minutes
c. More than 14 minutes
d. More or less 15 minutes
e. Appropriately 21 minutes

37 None of the students is willing to act out a brief monolog on the danger of mobile phone use
in the classroom when Ms. Ramiga asks anyone to come forward. The empathetic
communication strategy she may use to make students secure is to….
A. tell the class it is OK to make pronunciation mistakes
B. remind the class to practice again before acting out
C. warrant the class mispronunciation is unavoidable
D. ask the class not to be afraid to be laughed at
E. advise the class not to be shy to practice

38 Consider the following dialog between a teacher and a student in a writing class:
T: ―Next week, please do task 5 in groups of 3, OK?‖
S: ‖Mam, do you will have no class again?‖
In response to the student‘s question, the teacher should respond by saying ….
A. ―Class, is Don‘s English correct?‖
B. ―What did you say, Don? Say it again.‖
C. ―Your answer is grammatically wrong.‖
D. ―No. Say please – will you have no class.‖
E. ―No for sure. But, did you say – do you will?‖

39 Integratedness in assessment means that ….

A. assessment is aligned to not just teaching but also planning and objectives
B. eliciting is essentially a holistic process as competences differ in nature
C. assessment is directed not only to language components but also skills
D. instruments used to reveal competences should be varied in formats
E. any assessment should include not just tests but also non-tests
40 As the counterbalance to linguistic competence, formulaic competence refers to chunks of
language that speakers use heavily in everyday interactions. It includes the following EXCEPT

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A. idioms
B. routines
C. turn-taking
D. collocations
E. lexical frames

41 Among the areas where our behavior can directly influence our students‘ motivation to continue
participation in EFL classes is determining short-term goals which include the following
A. the successful writing of an essay
B. the ability to partake in a discussion
C. the possibility of a better job in the future
D. the learning of a small amount of new language
E. the passing of the progress test at the end of the week

42 Applying the humanistic approach, the teacher should encourage supportive atmosphere in the
classroom by means of the following acts EXCEPT ….
A. listening to the students
B. encouraging them to share their feelings
C. accepting their comments without judgment
D. fixing the aims for the course or for one lesson
E. obliging students to do what they plan to do that day

43 In designing a curriculum, a designer is concerned not just with lists of what will be taught and in
what order, but also with the following EXCEPT ….
A. the planning
B. the implementation
C. the management
D. the supervision
E. the evaluation

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