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2014 Halt Adpkd

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new england

journal of medicine
established in 1812 december 11, 2014 vol. 371  no. 24

Blood Pressure in Early Autosomal Dominant Polycystic

Kidney Disease
Robert W. Schrier, M.D., Kaleab Z. Abebe, Ph.D., Ronald D. Perrone, M.D., Vicente E. Torres, M.D., Ph.D.,
William E. Braun, M.D., Theodore I. Steinman, M.D., Franz T. Winklhofer, M.D., Godela Brosnahan, M.D.,
Peter G. Czarnecki, M.D., Marie C. Hogan, M.D., Ph.D., Dana C. Miskulin, M.D., Frederic F. Rahbari-Oskoui, M.D.,
Jared J. Grantham, M.D., Peter C. Harris, Ph.D., Michael F. Flessner, M.D., Ph.D., Kyongtae T. Bae, M.D.,
Charity G. Moore, Ph.D., M.S.P.H., and Arlene B. Chapman, M.D., for the HALT-PKD Trial Investigators*


Hypertension is common in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) From the University of Colorado, Denver
and is associated with increased total kidney volume, activation of the renin–angio- (R.W.S., G.B.); University of Pittsburgh
School of Medicine, Pittsburgh (K.Z.A.,
tensin–aldosterone system, and progression of kidney disease. K.T.B., C.G.M.); Tufts Medical Center
METHODS (R.D.P., D.C.M.) and Beth Israel Deacon-
ess Medical Center (T.I.S., P.G.C.) —
In this double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, we randomly assigned 558 hypertensive both in Boston; Mayo Clinic College of
participants with ADPKD (15 to 49 years of age, with an estimated glomerular filtra- Medicine, Rochester, MN (V.E.T.,
tion rate [GFR] >60 ml per minute per 1.73 m2 of body-surface area) to either a stan- M.C.H., P.C.H.); Cleveland Clinic, Cleve-
land (W.E.B.); Kansas University Medical
dard blood-pressure target (120/70 to 130/80 mm Hg) or a low blood-pressure target Center, Kansas City (F.T.W., J.J.G.); Emory
(95/60 to 110/75 mm Hg) and to either an angiotensin-converting–enzyme inhibitor University School of Medicine, Atlanta
(lisinopril) plus an angiotensin-receptor blocker (telmisartan) or lisinopril plus placebo. (F.F.R.-O., A.B.C.); and the National Insti-
The primary outcome was the annual percentage change in the total kidney volume. tutes of Health, Bethesda, MD (M.F.F.).
Address reprint requests to Dr. Schrier at
RESULTS the Division of Renal Diseases and Hy-
The annual percentage increase in total kidney volume was significantly lower in pertension, University of Colorado, Au-
rora, CO 80045, or at robert.schrier@
the low-blood-pressure group than in the standard-blood-pressure group (5.6% vs.
6.6%, P = 0.006), without significant differences between the lisinopril–telmisartan
group and the lisinopril–placebo group. The rate of change in estimated GFR was * A complete list of investigators in the
Halt Progression of Polycystic Kidney
similar in the two medication groups, with a negative slope difference in the short Disease (HALT-PKD) Study Group is
term in the low-blood-pressure group as compared with the standard-blood-pres- provided in the Supplementary Appen-
sure group (P<0.001) and a marginally positive slope difference in the long term dix, available at
(P = 0.05). The left-ventricular-mass index decreased more in the low-blood-pressure This article was published on November 15,
group than in the standard-blood-pressure group (−1.17 vs. −0.57 g per square 2014, at
meter per year, P<0.001); urinary albumin excretion was reduced by 3.77% with the N Engl J Med 2014;371:2255-66.
low-pressure target and increased by 2.43% with the standard target (P<0.001). Diz- DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa1402685
ziness and light-headedness were more common in the low-blood-pressure group than Copyright © 2014 Massachusetts Medical Society.

in the standard-blood-pressure group (80.7% vs. 69.4%, P = 0.002).

In early ADPKD, the combination of lisinopril and telmisartan did not significantly
alter the rate of increase in total kidney volume. As compared with standard blood-
pressure control, rigorous blood-pressure control was associated with a slower increase
in total kidney volume, no overall change in the estimated GFR, a greater decline in
the left-ventricular-mass index, and greater reduction in urinary albumin excretion.
(Funded by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases and
others; HALT-PKD [Study A] number, NCT00283686.)

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

utosomal dominant polycystic pressure target (120/70 to 130/80 mm Hg) or a low
kidney disease (ADPKD) is characterized blood-pressure target (95/60 to 110/75 mm Hg),
by gradual cyst enlargement over a period with stratification according to age, sex, race,
of decades before the loss of kidney function.1-3 baseline estimated GFR, and clinical site. The
Total kidney volume in ADPKD is accurately last study visit was in June 2014.
measured with the use of magnetic resonance Participants underwent standardized imag-
imaging (MRI).4-6 ing27 in a 1.5-T MRI scanner to determine total
Hypertension occurs early6,7 and is associat- kidney volume, left-ventricular-mass index, and
ed with progression to end-stage renal disease renal blood flow at baseline and at 24, 48, and
(ESRD) and death from cardiovascular causes in 60 months. Renal vascular resistance was calcu-
patients with ADPKD.8,9 Immunohistologic stud- lated on the basis of blood flow and mean arte-
ies10,11 and clinical studies12,13 support a central rial pressure.28 Image analysis was performed,27
role of the renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system and strict quality-control measures were main-
(RAAS) in the pathogenesis of hypertension in tained throughout the study.
patients with ADPKD. Activation of the RAAS After randomization, treatment with lisino-
may promote renal-cyst growth by means of its pril and the masked study medication (telmisar-
mitogenic effects.14,15 Although this hypothesis tan or placebo) was initiated, and the doses were
has been supported by studies in animals,16-18 it adjusted in a stepwise fashion to achieve the
has not been fully evaluated in patients with desired blood-pressure targets (with the use of
ADPKD. It is unclear whether more aggressive home blood-pressure measures) while the plasma
antihypertensive therapy or an increased use of levels of creatinine and potassium were moni-
RAAS inhibitors delays progression to ESRD in tored. Second-, third-, and fourth-line antihyper-
patients with ADPKD.19-24 tensive agents were added as needed (Table S1 in
In this randomized, double-blind, placebo- the Supplementary Appendix, available at NEJM
controlled clinical trial, we examined the effi- .org). Central measurements of the serum creati-
cacy and safety of combined treatment with an nine level and local measurements of blood urea
angiotensin-converting–enzyme inhibitor (lisin- nitrogen and electrolytes were obtained at all
opril) and an angiotensin-receptor blocker clinical-site visits, and 24-hour urine collections
(telmisartan) versus treatment with lisinopril were obtained for central measurements of albu-
alone, as well as standard versus low blood- min, sodium, potassium, creatinine, and aldoste-
pressure targets, in patients 15 to 49 years of age rone excretion annually. Adherence to therapy was
with ADPKD who had an estimated glomerular calculated as the number of drug cards (32 pills
filtration rate (GFR) of more than 60 ml per per card) given to patients minus the number
minute per 1.73 m2 of body-surface area. The returned unused during the study period, divided
primary outcome was the annual percentage by the number of months of study participation.
change in total kidney volume.
ME THODS The primary outcome was the percentage change
in the total kidney volume over time. The first
TRIAL DESIGN, PARTICIPANTS, AND INTERVENTIONS secondary outcome was the rate of change in the
Detailed information about the trial design has estimated GFR. Other secondary outcomes in-
been published previously.25,26 The study proto- cluded rates of change in urinary aldosterone ex-
col is available with the full text of this article at cretion, urinary albumin excretion, left-ventricu- Eligible participants were enrolled at lar-mass index, and renal blood flow; frequency
seven clinical sites from February 2006 through of hospitalizations for any cause and for cardio-
June 2009. All the participants provided written vascular causes; quality of life; frequency of pain
informed consent. Participants were randomly associated with symptoms of ADPKD; and ad-
assigned in a 1:1 ratio to lisinopril plus telmisar- verse effects related to the study medication.
tan or lisinopril plus placebo. Randomization Hospitalizations were adjudicated by investiga-
was performed centrally with the use of permut- tors who were unaware of the treatment-group
ed blocks. In addition, participants were ran- assignments and who determined the principal
domly assigned in a 1:1 ratio to a standard blood- diagnosis and related procedures, whether hospi-

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Blood Pressure in Early ADPKD

talization was related to ADPKD, and whether 100(e(12 × β) − 1) ,

acute kidney injury occurred during hospitaliza-
tion. Acute kidney injury was defined as an eleva- where e is the base of the natural logarithms.
tion in the serum creatinine level of 0.3 mg per The estimated GFR was calculated by means
deciliter (30 μmol per liter) or more29 from the of the Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology
time of hospital admission or from the most re- Collaboration equation31 with the use of central
cent value obtained at the study site. A discharge serum creatinine measurements at baseline, at
diagnosis of acute kidney injury was accepted if the 4-month and 12-month visits, and at every
no creatinine values were available. subsequent 6-month visit. We used a piecewise
linear mixed model32 with separate slopes for
STUDY OVERSIGHT the short-term phase (baseline to 4 months) and
A steering committee of investigators designed the long-term phase (>4 months) to compare
the trial, and the protocol was approved by the treatment groups. We tested slopes for overall
institutional review board at each study site. Data changes and for changes in the short-term and
collected by site investigative teams were entered long-term phases.
into a central database managed by the data co- Remaining secondary outcomes were ana-
ordinating center and analyzed by study statisti- lyzed with the use of generalized linear mixed
cians. An external advisory committee selected models with either the identity or logit-link
by the National Institute of Diabetes and Diges- function, depending on the measure. We con-
tive and Kidney Diseases and the National Insti- ducted prespecified subgroup analyses accord-
tutes of Health reviewed the protocol and served ing to age at screening, sex, baseline total kid-
as the data and safety monitoring board. Antihy- ney volume, baseline total kidney volume for
pertensive medications were donated by Merck participants younger than 30 years of age, and
(lisinopril) and Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma- baseline estimated GFR.
ceuticals (telmisartan and matched placebo). The data and safety monitoring board per-
Neither company was involved in any aspect of formed yearly reviews, with planned interim
study design, data collection or analysis, or man- analyses for the primary outcome when all im-
uscript preparation. The first author wrote the aging studies were completed at 24 months and
first draft of the manuscript, with substantial again at 48 months. A Haybittle–Peto stopping
contributions from the coauthors, all of whom boundary33,34 was used for each interim analysis
had access to the data and jointly decided to sub- with a nominal significance level of 0.001, and
mit the manuscript for publication. All the au- a two-tailed significance level of 0.05 was used
thors vouch for the accuracy and completeness of for the final analysis.
the reported data, as well as for the fidelity of Assuming no interaction in the 2-by-2 facto-
this report to the study protocol. rial design, we estimated that 466 participants
would need to be enrolled for the study to detect
STATISTICAL ANALYSIS a 25% reduction in the total kidney volume
All the analyses were based on the intention-to- slope, from 5.4 to 4.1% per year, with 90%
treat principle. Owing to the absence of interac- power at a 5% significance level. Accounting for
tion between drug therapy and blood-pressure a 15% withdrawal rate, this number was in-
target (P = 0.30), the analysis of each main effect creased to 548 participants. With the final study
is reported separately. The primary outcome, to- design, the study had more than 95% power to
tal kidney volume, was transformed with the use detect a 25% reduction in the slope.
of the natural logarithm and analyzed with the
use of a linear mixed-effects model30 as a func- R E SULT S
tion of month, month by treatment group, and
month by blood-pressure group, with adjustment PARTICIPANTS
for age, sex, race, baseline estimated GFR, and Of 1156 screened participants, 558 underwent
clinical site. The intercept and slope were al- randomization (Fig. 1). Overall, 423 participants
lowed to vary randomly. We converted the per- (75.8%) completed the trial according to the pro-
month slope (β) into an annual percentage tocol (i.e., full study participation), of whom 37
change according to the following formula: (8.7%) discontinued the study medication before

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

1301 Patients were prescreened

for eligibility

145 Were excluded owing to

absence from prescreening

1156 Patients were assessed for eligibility

598 Were excluded

523 Were eligible for a companion study
43 Were excluded from both studies
26 Did not meet inclusion criteria
6 Declined to participate

558 Underwent randomization

284 Were assigned to standard-blood- 274 Were assigned to low-blood-pressure

pressure group group

140 Were assigned to receive 144 Were assigned to receive 133 Were assigned to receive 141 Were assigned to receive
lisinopril–telmisartan lisinopril–placebo lisinopril–telmisartan lisinopril–placebo
140 Received intervention 142 Received intervention 133 Received intervention 140 Received intervention
2 Did not receive intervention 1 Did not receive intervention
1 Had normal blood owing to withdrawal from
pressure study at baseline
1 Withdrew from study
at baseline

22 Were lost to follow-up 27 Were lost to follow-up 32 Were lost to follow-up 20 Were lost to follow-up
1 Died 1 Died 1 Died 12 Had modified consent to less
7 Had modified consent to less 6 Had modified consent to less 9 Had modified consent to less than full participation at
than full participation at than full participation at than full participation at last visit
last visit last visit last visit 109 Had full participation at
111 Had full participation at 111 Had full participation at 92 Had full participation at last visit
last visit last visit last visit 103 Were receiving medication
95 Were receiving medication 102 Were receiving medication 86 Were receiving medication

139 Were included in the analysis 143 Were included in the analysis 132 Were included in the analysis 139 Were included in the analysis
1 Was excluded owing to lack 1 Was excluded owing to lack 1 Was excluded owing to lack 2 Were excluded owing to lack
of TKV measures of TKV measures of TKV measures of TKV measures

Figure 1. Enrollment, Randomization, and Follow-up of the Study Participants.

We screened 1156 participants, of whom 558 were randomly assigned to receive either lisinopril–telmisartan or lisinopril–placebo. Over-
all, 423 participants completed the trial according to the protocol (i.e., full study participation). Some patients modified their consent to
less than full participation (i.e., discontinued the study drug, reduced the number of study assessments or visits, or both). TKV denotes
total kidney volume.

the end of the trial; 6.1% of the participants reduced the number of study visits or assess-
modified their consent to less than full study ments, or both), and 18.1% were lost to follow-
participation (i.e., discontinued the medication, up, with similar proportions in each study group.

2258 n engl j med 371;24 december 11, 2014

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Blood Pressure in Early ADPKD

Table 1. Demographic, Clinical, and Laboratory Characteristics at Baseline, According to Study Group of the 2-by-2
Factorial Design Trial.*

Lisinopril– Lisinopril– Standard Low Blood

Telmisartan Placebo Blood Pressure Pressure
Characteristic (N = 273) (N = 285) (N = 284) (N = 274)
Age — yr 37.0±8.3 36.3±8.3 36.3±8.4 36.9±8.2
Male sex — no. (%) 141 (51.6) 142 (49.8) 143 (50.4) 140 (51.1)
Race — no. (%)†
White 255 (93.4) 262 (91.9) 258 (90.8) 259 (94.5)
Black 6 (2.2) 8 (2.8) 7 (2.5) 7 (2.6)
Other 10 (3.7) 17 (6.0) 18 (6.3) 9 (3.3)
Data missing 2 (0.7) 0 2 (0.7) 0
PKD genotype — no./total no. (%)‡
PKD1 190/252 (75.4) 192/260 (73.8) 204/260 (78.5) 178/252 (70.6)
PKD2 42/252 (16.7) 42/260 (16.2) 34/260 (13.1) 50/252 (19.8)
No mutation detected 20/252 (7.9) 26/260 (10.0) 22/260 (8.5) 24/252 (9.5)
Body-mass index§ 27.4±5.2 27.1±5.1 27.3±5.4 27.1±4.9
Estimated GFR — ml/min/1.73 m2¶ 90.4±17.5 92.6±17.4 91.7±17.8 91.4±17.2
Urinary aldosterone — µg/24 hr 12.2±10.0 12.2±9.1 13.0±10.6 11.4±8.2
Urinary albumin — mg/24 hr
Median 19.3 17.6 19.1 17.7
Interquartile range 12.7–35.2 11.7–30.6 12.8–31.8 11.7–33.3
Total kidney volume — ml 1264.6±786.2 1164.0±661.0 1240.6±747.1 1185.2±704.0
Renal blood flow — ml/min/1.73 m2 607.7±195.3 609.2±216.2 592.4±206.1 624.7±205.3
Left-ventricular-mass index — g/m2 64.1±13.2 63.7±12.9 63.8±13.8 63.9±12.2

* Plus–minus values are means ±SD. No significant differences in the baseline characteristics were found between the
lisinopril–telmisartan group and the lisinopril–placebo group or between the low-blood-pressure group and the stan-
dard-blood-pressure group. PKD denotes polycystic kidney disease.
† Race was self-reported. Some participants selected more than one category, so percentages may sum to more than 100.
‡ The mutated genes PKD1 and PKD2 encode polycystin-1 and polycystin-2, respectively.
§ The body-mass index is the weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in meters.
¶ The estimated glomerular filtration rate (GFR) was calculated with the use of the Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology
Collaboration equation.31

The mean (±SD) rate of adherence to treatment found between the low-blood-pressure group
and the standard-blood-pressure group (Fig. S1A
was significantly lower in the lisinopril–telmi­sar­
tan group than in the lisinopril–placebo group in the Supplementary Appendix) and were main-
(72.1±24.9% vs. 79.5±18.6%, P<0.001). Poor im- tained throughout the trial (difference in home
age quality resulting in rescanning requests oc- systolic pressure at 96 months, 13.4 mm Hg; dif-
curred in 1.8% of the measures of total kidney ference in home diastolic pressure at 96 months,
volume (approximately 40% were baseline mea- 9.3 mm Hg). The systolic and diastolic blood pres-
sures). There were no significant differences in sures, as measured at home, were on target
baseline characteristics between the standard- across all study visits in 40 to 66% and 58 to 75%
blood-pressure group and the low-blood-pressure of participants in the low-blood-pressure group,
group or between the lisinopril–telmisartan respectively, and in 32 to 48% and 33 to 52% of
group and the lisinopril–placebo group (Table 1, those in the standard-blood-pressure group, re-
and Tables S2A and S2B in the Supplementary spectively. Urinary aldosterone excretion decreased
Appendix). significantly from baseline throughout the study
in the two groups (P<0.001 for both compari-
LOW VERSUS STANDARD BLOOD-PRESSURE TARGET sons) (Fig. S1B in the Supplementary Appendix).
Significant differences in systolic and diastolic A median of 2.0 open-label medications were
blood-pressure levels, as measured at home, were prescribed in the low-blood-pressure group and

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

1.0 in the standard-blood-pressure group. The (−3.77% per year [95% CI, −5.71 to −1.78] vs.
proportion of patients who used various medica- 2.43% per year [95% CI, 0.48 to 4.41], P<0.001)
tions was significantly greater in the low-blood- (Fig. S2A in the Supplementary Appendix). The
pressure group than in the standard-blood- low-blood-pressure group had a greater reduc-
pressure group, including diuretics (44.9% vs. tion in the left-ventricular-mass index than the
26.8%, P<0.001), beta- or alpha-blockers (31.4% standard-blood-pressure group did (−1.17 vs.
vs. 14.4%, P<0.001), and calcium-channel block- −0.57 g per square meter per year, P<0.001) (Fig.
ers (10.2% vs. 5.3%, P = 0.03) (Table S3 in the S2B in the Supplementary Appendix). Renal
Supplementary Appendix). The mean daily lisino­ blood flow declined similarly in the two groups
pril dose was more than 8 mg per day greater in (Fig. S2C in the Supplementary Appendix), but
the low-blood-pressure group than in the stan- renal vascular resistance increased more in the
dard-blood-pressure group throughout the study standard-blood-pressure group than in the low-
(Table S4 in the Supplementary Appendix). blood-pressure group (P<0.001) (Fig. S2D in the
Supplementary Appendix).
Primary Outcome The physical component scores on the 36-
Participants in the low-blood-pressure group had Item Short Form General Health Survey (SF-36)
a 14.2% slower annual increase in total kidney did not differ significantly between the two
volume, as compared with those in the standard- groups, and the mental component scores im-
blood-pressure group (5.6% vs. 6.6%, P = 0.006) proved significantly in the standard-blood-pres-
(Fig. 2A). The total kidney volume increased by sure group, as compared with the low-blood-
38.0% from baseline in the low-blood-pressure pressure group (Fig. S2E and S2F in the
group and by 44.2% from baseline in the stan- Supplementary Appendix). The proportion of
dard-blood-pressure group (total kidney volume patients with one or more episodes of dizziness
at 60 months, 1636 ml [95% confidence interval and light-headedness at the end of the study was
{CI}], 1489 to 1782] and 1788 ml [95% CI, 1639 to greater in the low-blood-pressure group than in
1938], respectively). Forest plots showed signifi- the standard-blood-pressure group (80.7% vs.
cant subgroup interactions: the effect of low 69.4%, P = 0.002) (Table S5 in the Supplementary
blood pressure on the rate of increase in total Appendix). The frequencies of death, serious car-
kidney volume was greatest for men, participants diovascular or renal events, hyperkalemia, acute
with a baseline total kidney volume greater than kidney injury, and cancer did not differ signifi-
the median, and those with large kidneys (≥75th cantly between the two groups (Table 2, and Ta-
percentile) who were younger than 30 years of ble S6 in the Supplementary Appendix).
age (Fig. 2C).
Secondary Outcomes PLACEBO
The overall change in the estimated GFR was Although the trajectory of the systolic and dia-
similar in the low-blood-pressure group and the stolic blood-pressure levels, as assessed at home,
standard-blood-pressure group (−2.9 and −3.0 ml during the long-term phase differed between the
per minute per 1.73 m2 per year, respectively; lisinopril–telmisartan group and the lisinopril–
P = 0.55). The decline in the estimated GFR in the placebo group (P<0.001), the lisinopril–telmisar-
short-term phase was significantly greater in the tan group had significantly lower blood pres-
low-blood-pressure group than in the standard- sures than the lisinopril–placebo group at the
blood-pressure group (−3.1 vs. 0.5 ml per minute 4-month and 12-month visits only (Fig. S3A in
per 1.73 m2 per 4 months, P<0.001) (Fig. 2B). In the the Supplementary Appendix). The reduction in
long-term phase, the slope of the estimated GFR urinary aldosterone excretion was similar in the
did not differ significantly between the two groups two groups (Fig. S3B in the Supplementary Ap-
(−2.7 and. −3.1 ml per minute per 1.73 m2 per pendix). Diuretic use was significantly greater in
year, respectively; difference, 0.4 ml per minute the lisinopril–placebo group than in the lisino-
per 1.73 m2 per year [95% CI, 0.0 to 0.9]; P = 0.05). pril–telmisartan group (41.4% vs. 29.7%, P = 0.004)
Urinary albumin excretion decreased in the (Table S3 in the Supplementary Appendix). The
low-blood-pressure group, as compared with an mean lisinopril dose was more than 5 mg per day
increase in the standard-blood-pressure group lower in the lisinopril–telmisartan group than in

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Blood Pressure in Early ADPKD

A Changes in Total Kidney Volume over Time B Changes in eGFR over Time
7.4 Standard blood pressure Standard blood pressure
Low blood pressure 90 Low blood pressure

Observed eGFR (ml/min/1.73 m2)

Ln Total Kidney Volume (ml)

Low blood pressure, 5.6%/yr Low blood pressure, −2.9 ml/min/1.73 m2/yr
Standard blood pressure, Standard blood pressure, −3.0 ml/min/1.73 m2/yr
6.6%/yr 50 Difference, −0.1 ml/min/1.73 m2/yr (95% CI, −0.3 to 0.6)
Difference, −1.0 percentage P=0.55
points/yr (95 % CI,−1.6 to −0.2)
P=0.006 40
0 24 48 60 0 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96
Follow-up (mo) Follow-up (mo)

No. of No. of
Patients Patients
Standard blood 280 247 228 224 Standard blood 283 251 251 239 232 226 159 90 15
pressure pressure
Low blood 271 236 216 213 Low blood 274 243 239 224 217 202 137 81 9
pressure pressure

C Subgroup Analyses for Total Kidney Volume

Absolute Blood-Pressure Effect Relative Blood- Slope
Subgroup (percentage points/yr) Pressure Effect (%) (%/yr) P Value
Low Standard
Blood Blood
Pressure Pressure
Age 0.89
≤30 yr −10.51 6.80 7.63 0.27
>30 yr −14.52 5.33 6.26 0.02
Sex 0.03
Male −20.35 6.45 8.16 0.001
Female −5.73 4.68 4.97 0.53
Baseline total kidney volume 0.01
≤Median −0.50 5.20 5.22 0.95
>Median −22.19 6.05 7.84 0.001
Baseline total kidney volume 0.05
in patients <30 yr old
<75th percentile −7.28 5.53 5.98 0.30
≥75th percentile −24.17 5.75 7.65 0.001
Baseline eGFR 0.91
<80 ml/min/1.73 m2 −14.71 5.75 6.78 0.10
≥80 ml/min/1.73 m2 −14.05 5.57 6.51 0.03
Overall −14.20 5.62 6.58 0.006
−2 −1 0 1 2

Low Blood Standard Blood

Pressure Better Pressure Better

Figure 2. Changes in Total Kidney Volume and Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR) during Follow-up and Subgroup Analyses,
According to Blood-Pressure Group.
The logarithm-transformed total kidney volume (Panel A) and eGFR (Panel B) over time according to blood-pressure group and prespec-
ified subgroup analyses (Panel C) are presented. In Panels A and B, symbols represent means, and I bars 95% confidence intervals (CI);
the solid lines (standard blood pressure) and dashed lines (low blood pressure) represent model-based trajectories. In Panel C, the ab-
solute treatment effect is the between-group difference in the annual slope. P values associated with overall subgroups correspond to
interactions of subgroup by month by study group; all other P values correspond to interactions of month by study group within a partic-
ular subgroup. The slope estimates for the total kidney volume were based on linear mixed-effects models with natural log transforma-
tions on the outcome and were converted to the annual percentage change. Follow-up time ranged from 5 to 8 years.

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Table 2. Adverse Events in the 2-by-2 Factorial-Design Trial.*

Lisinopril– Lisinopril– Standard Low

Telmisartan Placebo Blood Pressure Blood Pressure
Event (N = 273) (N = 285) (N = 284) (N = 274)
Mean follow-up — yr 5.6 5.7 5.7 5.6
Acute kidney injury
No. of events 15 19 17 17
No. of participants — % 13 (4.8) 16 (5.6) 13 (4.6) 16 (5.8)
No. of events 13 6 11 8
No. of participants — % 11 (4.0) 5 (1.8) 9 (3.2) 7 (2.6)
No. of events 85 128 120 93
Incidence — no. of events/100 person-yr 5.55 7.92 7.43 6.07
Cardiac-related hospitalization
No. of events 13 9 13 9
Incidence — no. of events/100 person-yr 0.85 0.56 0.80 0.59
No. of events 4 4 2 6
No. of participants — % 4 (1.5) 4 (1.4) 2 (0.7) 6 (2.2)
Serious adverse event
Death — no. of participants (%)† 1 (0.4) 1 (0.4) 2 (0.7) 0
Cardiac disorder
No. of events 9 6 12 3
No. of participants — % 6 (2.2) 5 (1.8) 8 (2.8) 3 (1.1)
Gastrointestinal disorder
No. of events 11 17 21 7
No. of participants — % 8 (2.9) 12 (4.2) 16 (5.6)‡ 4 (1.5)
Abdominal pain
No. of events 3 9 7 5
No. of participants — % 3 (1.1) 6 (2.1) 6 (2.1) 3 (1.1)
Nervous system disorder
No. of events 10 12 14 8
No. of participants — % 8 (2.9) 10 (3.5) 11 (3.9) 7 (2.6)
Renal or urinary system disorder
No. of events 14 15 16 13
No. of participants — % 12 (4.4) 14 (4.9) 14 (4.9) 12 (4.4)
Nephrolithiasis or renal colic
No. of events 3 4 7 0
No. of participants — % 3 (1.1) 4 (1.4) 7 (2.5)‡ 0

* All serious adverse events were classified with the use of the Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events,
version 4.0.
† The causes of death were cardiac arrest (in one patient in the lisinopril–placebo group) and a neurologic event (in one
patient in the lisinopril–telmisartan group).
‡ P<0.05 for the comparison with the low-blood-pressure group.

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Blood Pressure in Early ADPKD

the lisinopril–placebo group at all visits (Table S7 who had one or more serious adverse events and
in the Supplementary Appendix). symptoms was similar in the two groups (Table
2, and Tables S5 and S6 in the Supplementary
Primary Outcome Appendix). The risk of having kidney stones was
The total kidney volume increased at similar decreased each month in the lisinopril–telmisar-
rates in the lisinopril–telmisartan group and the tan group (odds ratio, 0.99; 95% CI, 0.98 to
lisinopril–placebo group (6.0% per year and 6.2% 1.00), as compared with virtually no change each
per year, respectively; P = 0.52) (Fig. 3A). The total month in the lisinopril–placebo group (odds ra-
kidney volume increased by 40.5% in the lisino- tio, 1.00; 95% CI, 0.99 to 1.01) (P = 0.048).
pril–telmisartan group and by 42.2% in the lisin-
opril–placebo group (total kidney volume at 60 DISCUSSION
months, 1777 ml [95% CI, 1617 to 1937] and
1655 ml [95% CI, 1518 to 1792], respectively). This study involved young hypertensive patients
Forest plots showed no significant subgroup in- (15 to 49 years of age) with ADPKD, who had
teractions, with the exception of a marginal ben- relatively preserved kidney function and were at
efit for patients with a baseline estimated GFR of risk for progression to ESRD.9 The safety of both
less than 80 ml per minute in the lisinopril– dual blockade of the RAAS and rigorous blood-
telmisartan group (5.7% per year, vs. 6.9% per pressure control was excellent, although dizzi-
year in the lisinopril–placebo group, P = 0.06) ness and lightheadedness occurred more often in
(Fig. 3C). the low-blood-pressure group than in the stan-
dard-blood-pressure group.
Secondary Outcomes Lisinopril–telmisartan treatment did not
The estimated GFR declined similarly in the show a benefit, as compared with lisinopril
lisinopril–telmisartan group and in the lisino- alone, with regard to the change in total kidney
pril–placebo group (−3.00 ml per minute per 1.73 volume or estimated GFR. Urinary aldosterone
m2 per year and −2.86 ml per minute per 1.73 m2 levels declined similarly in the two medication
per year, respectively; P = 0.55) (Fig. 3B). Urinary groups, and diuretics and vasodilators were used
albumin excretion remained unchanged in the more often in the lisinopril–placebo group than
two treatment groups (Fig. S4A in the Supple- in the lisinopril–telmisartan group, differen-
mentary Appendix). A significant and similar de- tially affecting the level of RAAS suppression in
cline from baseline in the left-ventricular-mass the two treatment groups.
index occurred in the two groups (Fig. S4B in the Rigorous blood-pressure control attenuated
Supplementary Appendix). Renal blood flow de- the annual rate of increase in total kidney vol-
creased and renal vascular resistance increased ume by 14.2% and was associated with reduced
similarly in the two groups (Fig. S4C and S4D in urinary albumin excretion. The rates of urinary
the Supplementary Appendix). albumin excretion are typically low, and eleva-
No significant differences in the physical tions occur in less than 30% of patients with
component scores of the SF-36 were found be- ADPKD. However, urinary albumin excretion is
tween the lisinopril–telmisartan group and the associated with increased total kidney volume35
lisinopril–placebo group, although the mental and is an independent predictor of faster pro-
component scores were significantly better in gression to ESRD.9 Patients younger than 30
the lisinopril–telmisartan group (P = 0.02) (Fig. years of age with the largest kidneys were more
S4E and S4F in the Supplementary Appendix). likely to benefit from rigorous blood-pressure
Hyperkalemia, acute kidney injury, and cancer control than were patients of similar age with
occurred at similar, low rates in the two groups smaller kidneys. Men, but not women, also had
(Table 2, and Table S6 in the Supplementary Ap- evidence of a benefit from low blood pressure.
pendix). The risk of hospitalization was lower in The overall rate of change in the estimated
the lisinopril–telmisartan group than in the GFR was similar in the two blood-pressure
lisinopril–placebo group (hazard ratio, 0.71; groups, with a negative slope difference in the
95% CI, 0.53 to 0.95). The proportion of patients short term in the low-blood-pressure group, as

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

A Changes in Total Kidney Volume over Time B Changes in eGFR over Time
Lisinopril–telmisartan Lisinopril–telmisartan
Lisinopril–placebo 90 Lisinopril–placebo

Observed eGFR (ml/min/1.73 m2)

Ln Total Kidney Volume (ml)


7.0 Lisinopril–telmisartan, 6.0%/yr
Lisinopril–placebo, 6.2%/yr 50 Lisinopril–telmisartan, −3.0 ml/min/1.73 m2/yr
Difference, −0.2 percentage Lisinopril–placebo, −2.9 ml/min/1.73 m2/yr
6.9 points/yr (95 % CI,−0.8 to 5.0) Difference, −0.1 ml/min/1.73 m2/yr (95% CI, −0.6 to 0.3)
P=0.52 40 P=0.55
0 24 48 60 0 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96
Follow-up (mo) Follow-up (mo)

No. of No. of
Patients Patients
Lisinopril– 270 237 212 211 Lisinopril– 273 241 240 221 218 207 142 81 11
telmisartan telmisartan
Lisinopril– 281 246 232 226 Lisinopril– 284 253 250 242 231 221 154 90 13
placebo placebo

C Subgroup Analyses for Total Kidney Volume

Absolute Treatment Effect Relative Treatment Slope
Subgroup (percentage points/yr) Effect (%) (%/yr) P Value
Lisinopril– Lisinopril–
Telmisartan Placebo
Age 0.86
≤30 yr −0.48 7.20 7.23 0.96
>30 yr −3.03 5.71 5.89 0.63
Sex 0.63
Male −1.61 7.24 7.36 0.79
Female −8.34 4.61 5.04 0.36
Baseline total kidney volume 0.97
≤Median −3.00 5.13 5.29 0.73
>Median −2.59 6.85 7.04 0.69
Baseline total kidney volume 0.95
in patients <30 yr old
<75th percentile −5.04 5.60 5.91 0.48
≥75th percentile −3.73 6.56 6.82 0.65
Baseline eGFR 0.06
<80 ml/min/1.73 m2 −16.70 5.68 6.85 0.06
≥80 ml/min/1.73 m2 3.51 6.14 5.93 0.61
Overall −3.47 5.99 6.21 0.52
−2 −1 0 1 2

Lisinopril–Telmisartan Lisinopril–Placebo
Better Better

Figure 3. Changes in Total Kidney Volume and eGFR during Follow-up, and Subgroup Analyses, According to Treatment Group.
The logarithm-transformed total kidney volume (Panel A) and eGFR (Panel B) over time according to treatment group and prespecified
subgroup analyses (Panel C) are presented. In Panels A and B, symbols represent means, and I bars 95% confidence intervals; the solid
lines (lisinopril–telmisartan) and dashed lines (lisinopril–placebo) represent model-based trajectories. In Panel C, the absolute treat-
ment effect is the between-group difference in the annual slope. P values associated with overall subgroups correspond to interactions
of subgroup by month by study group; all other P values correspond to interactions of month by study group within a particular sub-
group. The slope estimates for total kidney volume were based on linear mixed-effects models with natural log transformations on the
outcome and were converted to annual percentage change. Follow-up time ranged from 5 to 8 years.

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Blood Pressure in Early ADPKD

compared with the standard-blood-pressure group Dr. Moore, DK62408 to Dr. Chapman, and DK62401 to Washing-
ton University in St. Louis) and the National Center for Research
(P<0.001), and a marginally positive slope differ- Resources General Clinical Research Centers (RR000039 to
ence in the long term (P = 0.05). The evaluation Emory University, RR000585 to the Mayo Clinic, RR000054 to
of change in the estimated GFR was hampered by Tufts Medical Center, RR000051 to the University of Colorado,
RR023940 to the University of Kansas Medical Center, and
the decline in the short-term phase and the lack RR001032 to Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center), National
of creatinine measure at the end of the study, after Center for Advancing Translational Sciences Clinical and Trans-
the study drug had been discontinued. A beneficial lational Science Awards (RR025008 and TR000454 to Emory
University, RR024150 and TR00135 to the Mayo Clinic,
effect on cyst burden (rate of total kidney-volume RR025752 and TR001064 to Tufts University, RR025780 and
growth) was not associated with an improvement TR001082 to the University of Colorado, RR025758 and
in the slope of the estimated GFR. Whether a TR001102 to Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, RR033179
and TR000001 to the University of Kansas Medical Center, and
time lag between the therapeutic effect on total RR024989 and TR000439 to Cleveland Clinic), by funding from
kidney volume and stabilization of the estimated the Zell Family Foundation (to the University of Colorado), and
GFR occurs in patients with ADPKD is not yet by a grant from the PKD Foundation.
Dr. Schrier reports receiving fees for serving on advisory
known. Given the combination of the decline in boards from Otsuka Pharmaceuticals, Janssen Pharmaceuticals,
the estimated GFR in the short-term phase and and Ikaria; Dr. Perrone, consulting fees from Sanofi–Genzyme
a potential temporal delay between the change and Vertex Pharmaceuticals and consulting fees and grant sup-
port through his institution from Otsuka Pharmaceuticals; Drs.
in total kidney volume and the change in the es- Torres and Harris, grant support from Otsuka Pharmaceuticals;
timated GFR, this study was not of sufficient size Dr. Braun, grant support from Wyeth–Pfizer; Dr. Steinman,
or duration to show a potential benefit of blood- grant support from Otsuka Pharmaceuticals and Kadmon; Dr.
Hogan, grant support from Novartis and Otsuka Pharmaceuti-
pressure control on kidney function. cals;. Dr. Rahbari-Oskoui, fees for serving on advisory boards
In conclusion, the rate of total kidney-volume from Otsuka Pharmaceuticals; Dr. Bae, consulting fees from
growth and the slope of the estimated GFR were Otsuka Pharmaceuticals; and Dr. Chapman, consulting fees
from Kadmon, Otsuka Pharmaceuticals, and Pfizer and grant
not affected by dual blockade of the RAAS. Ag- support from Otsuka Pharmaceuticals. No other potential con-
gressive blood-pressure control was safe in young, flict of interest relevant to this article was reported.
hypertensive patients with ADPKD and preserved Disclosure forms provided by the authors are available with
the full text of this article at
kidney function. This level of blood-pressure con- We thank the participants for taking part in the study, the
trol, as compared with standard blood-pressure research program coordinators and program managers at Wash-
control, was associated with a modest reduction ington University (Gigi Flynn and Robin Woltman) and the Uni-
versity of Pittsburgh (Susan Spillane and Patty Smith), the staff
in total kidney volume over time, without differ- at the Image Analysis Center (Johana Schafer and Cheng Tao),
ences in the slope of the estimated GFR. Improve- the study coordinators at the clinical centers (Sabira Bacchus,
ment in markers of the secondary outcomes, in- Rita Brienza, Sheri Copeland, Elizabeth Courtney, Maria Fish-
man, Michelle Garcia, Diana George, Amy Haun, Carol Horner,
cluding the left-ventricular-mass index and Cathy Jackman, Andee Jolley, Pamela Lanza, Barbara Maxwell,
urinary albumin excretion, also suggests a bene- Pamela Morgan, Sarah Nicholls, Troy Ofstie, Kristine Otto,
fit of aggressive blood-pressure control. Heather Ondler, Sue Saunders, Gertrude Simon, Rita Spirko,
Lydia Sweeney, Veronika Testa, and Diane Watkins), and all the
Supported by grants from the National Institute of Diabetes other members of the Halt Progression of Polycystic Kidney Dis-
and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (DK62402 to Dr. Schrier, ease teams at the study sites, including those who left before the
DK62411 to Dr. Perrone, DK62410 to Dr. Torres, DK082230 to end of the study.

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