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2000 Series Integrated Ultrasonic Plastic Welders
IW/IW+ – 1100 and 2200 Watts 2000
General Description IW/IW+
Branson’s 2000 Series Integrated Welders are 1. On power up,
self-contained ultrasonic plastics assembly systems setting memory for the
that combine a power supply module, process initial weld.
controls, and welding stand in a compact bench 2. Depressing “test” ✓Line Regulation
unit to conserve work space, ease setup, simplify
3. By once/minute timer
✓Load Regulation
operation, facilitate relocation, and make service
convenient. The integrated welder is the ideal to track heating, cool- ✓Auto Seek with
“entry level” system for new users of ultrasonic ing, and other effects.
technology and those with lower production • Operating modes –
requirements. IW models feature ✓High Amplitude
2000 Series Integrated Welders include the welding in time; ultra- Converter
proven technology of the 2000 Series power sup- sonics and force are
ply module and converter, which set the standard applied to parts for a ✓All Units CE
in ultrasonic equipment. Available with power precise, preset time, and
output of 1100 or 2200 Watts, the integrated parts are held under
welder Models IW and IW+ feature digital con- force for a precise hold
trols for accurate and repeatable setups. In addi- time; adjustable after-
tion, the IW+ models enable distance welding in burst delay and dura-
either collapse or absolute modes with limits. tion times may be set, if
required. Display of
When using the welder, the assembly operation time and afterburst
is characterized by simplicity, speed, and efficiency. parameters is digital.
Once the system is programmed for a particular IW+ models give
workpiece, no further adjustments are required. choice of time or
distance modes
Key Features (either absolute
• Line / Load Regulation - Corrects for varia- or collapse).
tions due to power line fluctuations and vary- In absolute,
ing load conditions through Branson’s patent- the weld is
ed closed-loop amplitude control. Output terminated
amplitude is maintained with a variation of at a predeter-
only + 2% with line voltage fluctuations of mined point in the stroke, meas-
ured from the top of the stroke. In collapse,
+10%, regardless of load. It ensures constant
power in welding, and provides greater weld the weld is terminated at a predetermined Technologies
consistency and reliability. point in the stroke after the horn contacts the Group
part and the trigger switch is activated. The
• 2000 Series 20 kHz converter produces 20%
position display is digital. With position
higher output amplitude than its 900 Series 41 Eagle Road
modes, upper and lower limit ranges may be
predecessor for faster weld cycles; in addition, Danbury, CT
this converter is more rugged and has higher 06813-1961
power capacity. • Digital parameter entry with autoranging (203) 796-0349
when entering parameters gives precise settings fax (203) 796-9838
• Auto Seek automatically measures stack fre-
for repeatable accuracy. The autoranged values e-mail: info@bran-
quency and stores it in memory. Three selec-
enable fine resolution and setup accuracy.
table Auto Seek choices are available:

welding • staking • insertion • swaging • forming • spot welding • degating • cutting & sealing
• A linear optical encoder (IW+ models only) benefits of this feature are to avoid equipment failures and to provide
measures weld “distance.” The resolution on greater weld accuracy and repeatability.
the encoder is 0.0001 inch (0.0025 mm). • Automatic pretriggering is available to provide pretriggering without a
• Afterburst with variable delay and duration is mechanical switch to wear, adjust, or fail.
available to dislodge a part or material adher- • Dynamic Triggering provides consistent weld quality by initiating
ing to the horn face. (triggering) ultrasonic vibrations after a preset force, ranging from 15-200
• Individual select keys allow easy selection of lbs. (67 - 890 N), is applied to the part. As melting of the plastic occurs,
parameters to be modified. Active choice is dynamic follow-through ensures the smooth, efficient transmission of
lighted. ultrasonic energy into the part by maintaining horn/part contact and
• Sequence of operation is displayed in the force. The range of dynamic follow-through is from 15 - 200 lbs. (67 N
digital LED window during the welding cycle. to 890 N). The Dynamic Trigger mechanism of the 2000 Series includes a
• Self-diagnostics and cycle monitoring features 48 position control dial for greater accuracy and control, and a self-con-
and capabilities provide fast, accurate trou- tained optical switch for accurate repeatability and long-term reliability.
bleshooting and minimize downtime. During • Rugged construction and durability—Rigidity and consistent, precise
initial power-up, the unit completes a self- alignment of the horn and parts during welding is provided by linear ball
check and identifies any fault conditions or bearing slides. The slide system incorporates a rail in linear motion guides
parameter errors before indicating that the with four sets of preloaded, permanently pre-lubricated bearings. This
system is “ready” for operation. design ensures long-term reliability (less wear, less binding), and allows
• Visual and audible alarms, and external out- smooth linear motion and well-balanced stiffness against loads applied
puts identify overload, machine faults and from any direction. (For applications involving severe side loading, check
setup errors (e.g., emergency stop engaged). with Branson before operation.) Preload is built into the bearings and
• Fast-response LED storage meter displays does not depend on actuator assembly.
power loading in 5% increments, and pro- The 1100-Watt model has a 2.5" cylinder, and the 2200-Watt model has
vides storage of the peak power achieved dur- a 3" cylinder.
ing the weld cycle as well as better visibility; • Ease of setup and changeover – The converter/booster/horn stack is easily
100% of rated output of the power supply is installed and removed from the front of the carriage assembly without
delivered at full meter reading. repositioning the actuator. The stack may be rotated a full 360° in the
• Peak power reading from the last welding carriage for horn alignment with the workpiece.
cycle is available on the digital LED display by • Versatility—2000 Series Integrated Welders are capable of welding, stak-
depressing the “reset” switch. Similarly, power ing, inserting, swaging, spot welding, and degating thermoplastics and can
in the tuning mode is digitally displayed when also seal synthetic fabrics, films, and other thin thermoplastic materials.
the “test” switch is depressed. A 4" stroke (102 mm) accommodates parts with deep cavities. The weld-
• LED readouts display parameter settings dur- ing head can be rotated on the column; height is adjusted by turning a
ing setup and operation for easy reference and handwheel on the side of the unit. The system is compatible with auto-
monitoring. LEDs are large and easy to read mated systems and most material handling devices.
in most light conditions. • Adjustable 20 tpi locking mechanical stop with an adjustment knob.
• Lockout of front panel switches is provided When properly set, the stop prevents the horn from touching the fixture
by and internal dip switch, preventing unau- or nest when no workpiece is in place.
thorized parameter changes to the setup. • Upper limit switch causes the power supply to produce a “ready” signal
• Nonvolatile storage of cycle parameters pro- when the carriage has fully retracted. The ready signal is used as a safety
vides storage of last-used cycle parameters interlock switch on automated systems to prevent the movement of material
even if the system is shut off or a power inter- handling equipment (indexing) when the horn is down or the welder is in
ruption occurs. error. An optical switch is used to provide reliable, wear-free operation.
• Stroke indicator allows quick identification of the operating stroke length.
Standard 2000 Series Equipment • Convenient Pneumatic Controls
Features • Flush-mounted 2" diameter pressure gauge provides excellent visibili-
• Autotune plus Memory (AT/M) – Provides ty for ease of setup; calibration is in both USCS (English) and metric
fully-automatic tuning in a range of + 500 Hz (SI) units.
centered around 19.950 kHz for 20 kHz • High-precision regulator provides accuracy and repeatability. Included
horns and stores horn frequency at the end of is a locking feature—pull to set, push to lock—that enables consisten-
each weld cycle. cy of operation once the unit is set up.
• System Protection Monitor (SPM) – Five • Calibrated flow control valve for downspeed gives accuracy, consistency,
levels of power supply protection are provid- and repeatability machine to machine. A locking mechanism is built in.
ed: 1) phasing, 2) over voltage, 3) over cur- • “Horn down” key on front panel facilitates setup allowing alignment
rent, 4) over temperature, and 5) power. The of the horn with parts during setup without activating ultrasonics.

• Base with ergonomic low-force palm buttons, built-in emergency stop External inputs/outputs:
button. Mounting holes provided for attaching welder to work bench. The following signals are available:
Bolt holes for fixture mounting have M10 x1.5 metric threads. An
Ready signal Both 24V DC and dry (clean)
optional self-leveling fixture plate for use with Branson Ergo base speeds
contact closure available.
setup and simplifies changeover of tooling. For automation or close
General alarm

mounting of welders, an optional mounting hub is available.
Molded thermoplastic structural foam housing (Noryl®) - all internal Weld on } 2524VmADC,max.negative logic
electronic components are enclosed in a housing that is durable, compact, External reset +24V DC, 25 mA max.
lightweight, non-conducting, and non-corrosive; single door access is The Branson 2000 Series IW/IW+ Integrated
provided to most internal components. Welders comply with FCC rules and regulations
governing radio frequency interference. All models
Automation Interfacing are CE compliant.
Branson’s 2000 Series Integrated Welders can be interfaced with external
* Note: With autoranging, the power supply will auto-
devices and controls (e.g., PLCs). This will require both a J971 alarm cable matically display settings in the next range with the
and a J911 start cable (optional). A user I/O is built in. appropriate increments when the extremes of a range are
• Select faults or weld errors sensed by the system can be communicated reached.
outside the welder for monitoring and sorting suspect parts. Front panel
or external reset access is provided. All units are CE compliant and comply with FCC
• General alarm and weld on outputs are available for customer access rules and regulations governing radio frequency
through 24V DC negative logic devices. The ready signal is both a 24V interference.
DC and and isolated contact closure.
• External reset is available for customer access as a 24V DC input. A 24V
Mechanical Specifications
source is provided by the welder. Pneumatic requirement:
Clean (5 micron, filtered),
Electrical Specifications dry, non-lubricated air at
100 psi (690 kPa)
Power requirements: 1100 Watts 2200 Watts Maximum force on part:
Line voltage: 100-120V AC 200-240 V AC
1100W models: 440 lbs. at 100 psig (1.96
50/60 Hz, 1∅ 50/60 Hz, 1∅
Input current: 13 amps 14 amps kN at 690 kPa)(2.5" cyl.)
2200W models: 630 lbs. at 100 psig (2.8
Electrical connection: kN at 690 kPa)(3" cyl.)
100-120 V models: NEMA 5-15P plug provided; requires
Dynamic Triggering range:
NEMA 5-15R receptacle.
15-200 lbs. (67-890 N) max.
200-240 V models: Supplied by user.
Dynamic Follow-through range:
Note: 1100-Watt model also available in 200-240 V; contact Branson, 15-200 lbs. (67-890 N) max.
Danbury, for information.
Stroke length: 4" (102 mm)
Output power: 1100 watts 2200 watts
Cycle rate: IW = 90 CPM,
Frequency: 20 kHz 20 kHz IW+ = 65 CPM at 1"
Parameter ranges: Range * Increment/step stroke length, 50 psig
(345kPa), 50 ms weld,
Weld & hold time range: 50-1,000 1 millisecond
50 ms hold.
(1 sec.) Weight: 145 lbs. (66 kg)
1-10 seconds 10 milliseconds Note: All specifications subject to change without notice.

Afterburst delay and duration: “Off ” or 50-

1,000 milli- Warranty
seconds (1 sec.) 1 millisecond Branson 2000 Series Integrated Welders carry a
1-10 seconds 10 milliseconds three-year warranty on all parts and workmanship.
Note: this warranty applies to welders purchased
Position (IW+ only): 0.0001"- 4.0" Slow up/down key: and operated in the United States, Canada, and
(0.0025 - 101.6 mm) 0.0001"(0.0025 mm) Mexico. For warranty information on units pur-
Fast up/down chased and/or operated outside North America,
key: 0.01"(0.25 mm) contact your local representative.
Ambient temperature: 41-122° F (5-50° C)

The following chart gives a comparison of the 2000IW/IW+ systems with 900 Series IW/IW+ systems.
900 IW/IW+ 2000 IW/IW+ Benefits
Power levels (Watts):1000, 2000 Power levels (Watts): 1100, 2200 Faster weld cycles.
Autotune Autotune plus Memory Consistency and improved performance; less likely to
require manual adjustment.
Power transformer (req.tap selection) No power transformer Easier setup (no tap selection required).
Line/load regulation Consistency and improved performance; can use less force
and amplitude and lower gain booster (lower stress).
AutoSeek automatically tracks horn Consistent and trouble-free operation.
frequency and compensates for
temperature variations
Single high-amplitude 20% higher output amplitude for faster weld cycles; more
converter for all models rugged, with higher power capacity. Proven 2000 Series
All units CE approved All available for worldwide usage.
Built-in harness kit for use with external Easier setup for automation.
devices and controls
2000 Series power supply module Proven technology with improved reliability.

Ordering Information Boosters Horn End Drill and Tap

1/2-20 3/8-24*
2000 Series Integrated Welders – on base; include converter and choice of Aluminum
1:0.6 (Purple) 101-149-055 101-149-090
aluminum booster.
1:1 (Green) 101-149-051 101-149-093
Note: All sales shall be subject to the Supplier’s terms and conditions of sale as 1:1.5 (Gold) 101-149-052 101-149-092
described in Branson’s quotations and sales contracts.
Branson EDP No. 1:2 (Silver) 101-149-053 101-149-094
Model 2000 IW, 1100 Watts, 100-120V, 50/60 Hz 101-162-116 Titanium
1:0.6 (Purple) 101-149-060 ---
Model 2000 IW+, 1100 Watts, 100-120V, 50/60 Hz 101-162-117 1:1 (Green) 101-149-056 ---
Model 2000 IW, 2200 Watts, 200-240V, 50/60 Hz 101-162-118 1:1.5 (Gold) 101-149-057 ---
Model 2000 IW+, 2200 Watts, 200-240V, 50/60 Hz 101-162-115 1:2 (Silver) ) 101-149-058 ---
1:2.5 (Black) 101-149-059 101-149-091
Model 2000 IW, 1100 Watts, 200-240V, 50/60 Hz (option) 101-162-120 __________________
Model 2000 IW+, 1100 Watts, 200-240V, 50/60 Hz (option) 101-162-119 *IMPORTANT: Use with 1100-Watt models only.
With 2200-Watt models, use 1/2-20 boosters (preferred
for all units).
Note: All models available with 1.5" cylinder or 2" cylinder (factory installed
only). Contact Branson, Danbury, to order. Other System Cables
Start Cable, J911 8' 101-240-020
Optional Columns–Integrated welders include a 40" long column with 1/4" (Requires Product 15' 101-240-015
wall, standard. (Note: longer columns should be factory installed.) Longer Liability Agreement) 25' 101-240-010
columns will increase overall height. Alarm, J971 8' 101-240-021
Branson EDP No.
15' 101-240-016
3.5" O.D., 4' (1/2" wall)* 100-028-004 25' 101-240-011
3.5" O.D., 5' (1/2" wall)* 100-028-008
Options and Accessories
3.5" O.D., 6' (1/2" wall)* 100-028-005
_______________ Ground detect kit (for IW only) 101-063-343
*Note: When ordering 1/2" wall columns, spacer EDP No. 100-094-107 is required and Self-leveling fixture plate for use with Branson
must also be ordered.
Ergo base, speeds setup and simplifies
changeover of tooling.
Hub - Used in automation with column in place of base
assembly. 101-063-071 USCS (inch) model 101-063-358
Metric model 101-063-444
Converter (one included with welder) Model CJ20: 101-135-059

2000IW/IW+ Branson 41 Eagle Road Danbury, CT 06813-1961

(203) 796-0349 • FAX (203) 796-9838 • E-mail:
2000IW/IW+ © Branson Ultrasonics Corporation, 2003. Printed in U.S.A. 3/2003

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