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Canon 6 - Canon 11 Rule 11.02

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EN BANC The Court deferred Respondent's Oath-taking and "d.

#39;s Oath-taking and "d. For (sic) guilty of deception for the reason that he
required him to answer the Complaint. deceived me into signing the affidavit of desistance and
[ Adm. Case No. 2505, February 21, 1992 ] the conformity to his explanation and later on the
Respondent filed his "Explanation," dated 26 May 1982 comment to his motion to dismiss, when in truth and in
which was received on 7 June 1982. Said "Explanation" fact he is not sincere, for he only befriended me to
EVANGELINE LEDA, COMPLAINANT, VS. ATTY. carries Complainant's conformity (Records, p. 6). resume our marriage and introduced me to his family,
TREBONIAN TABANG, RESPONDENT. Therein, he admitted that he was "legally married" to friends and relatives as his wife, for a bad motive that is
Complainant on 3 October 1976 but that the marriage he wanted me to withdraw my complaint against him
DECISION "was not as yet made and declared public" so that he with the Supreme Court."
could proceed with his law studies and until after he
PER CURIAM: could take the Bar examinations "in order to keep stable Attached to Complainant's Petition for Disbarment, as
our future." He also admitted having indicated that he Annex "F," is an undated and unsigned letter addressed
Complainant, Evangeline Leda, squarely puts in issue was "single" in his application to take the Bar "for reason to Complainant, allegedly written by Respondent after
respondent Atty. Trebonian Tabang's good moral that to my honest belief, I have still to declare my status he had already taken his Oath stating, among others,
character, in two Complaints she had filed against him, as single since my marriage with the complainant was that while he was grateful for Complainant's help, he
one docketed as Bar Matter No. 78 instituted on 6 not as yet made and declared public." He further averred "could not force myself to be yours," did not love her
January 1982, and the present Administrative Case No. that he and Complainant had reconciled as shown by her anymore and considered her only a friend. Their
2505, which is a Petition for Disbarment, filed on 14 conformity to the "Explanation," for which reason he marriage contract was actually void for failure to comply
February 1983. prayed that the Complaint be dismissed. with the requisites of Article 76 of the Civil Code, among
them the minimum cohabitation for five (5) years before
It appears that on 3 October 1976, Respondent and Respondent also filed a Motion to Dismiss, dated 2 June the celebration of the marriage, an affidavit to that effect
Complainant contracted marriage at Tigbauan, Iloilo. 1982. Attached to it was Complainant's Affidavit or by the solemnizing officer, and that the parties must be
The marriage, solemnized by Judge Jose T. Tavarro of Desistance, which stated that Bar Matter No. 78 arose at least twenty-one (21) years of age, which they were not
Tigbauan, was performed under Article 76 of the Civil out of a misunderstanding and communication gap and as they were both only twenty years old at the time. He
Code[1] as one of exceptional character (Annex "A," that she was refraining from pursuing her Complaint advised Complainant not to do anything more so as not
Petition). against Respondent. to put her family name "in shame." As for him, he had
The parties agreed to keep the fact of marriage a secret Acting on the aforesaid Motion and Comment, the Court "attain(ed) my goal as a full-pledge (sic) professional and
until after Respondent had finished his law studies dismissed Bar Matter No. 78 and allowed Respondent to there is nothing you can do for it to take away from me
(began in 1977), and had taken the Bar examinations (in take his Oath in a Resolution dated 20 August 1952. even (sic) you go to any court." According to
1981), allegedly to ensure a stable future for them. Com- Complainant, although the letter was unsigned,
plainant admits, though, that they had not lived together On 14 February 1983, however, Complainant filed this Respondent's initials appear on the upper left-hand
as husband and wife (Letter-Complaint, 6 January Administrative Case, this time praying for Respondent's corner of the airmail envelope (Exh. "8-A-1").
1982). disbarment based on the following grounds:
Respondent denies emphatically that he had sent such a
Respondent finished his law studies in 1981 and "a. For having made use of his legal knowledge to letter contending that it is Complainant who has been
thereafter applied to take the Bar. In his application, he contract an invalid marriage with me assuming that our indulging in fantasy and fabrications.
declared that he was "single." He then passed the marriage is not valid, and making a mockery of our
marriage institution. In his Comment in the present case, Respondent avers
examinations but Complainant blocked him from taking
that he and Complainant had covenanted not to disclose
his Oath by instituting Bar Matter No. 78, claiming that
"b. For having misrepresented himself as single when in the marriage not because he wanted to finish his studies
Respondent had acted fraudulently in filling out his
truth he is already married in his application to take the and take the Bar first but for the reason that said
application and, thus, was unworthy to take the lawyer's
bar exam. marriage was void from the beginning in the absence of
Oath for lack of good moral character. Complainant also
the requisites of Article 76 of the Civil Code that the
alleged that after Respondent's law studies, he became "c. For being not of good moral character contrary to the contracting parties shall have lived together as husband
aloof and "abandoned" her (Petition, par. 5). certification he submitted to the Supreme Court;
and wife for at least five (5) years before the date of the was void from the beginning, are mere afterthoughts Fourthly, the factual scenario gathered from the records
marriage and that said parties shall state the same in an absolutely wanting of merit. Respondent can not assume shows that Respondent had reconciled with
affidavit before any person authorized by law to that his marriage to Complainant is void. The Complainant and admitted the marriage to put a quick
administer oaths. He could not have abandoned presumption is that all the requisites and conditions of a finish to Bar Matter No. 78 to enable him to take the
Complainant because they had never lived together as marriage of an exceptional character under Article 76 of lawyer's Oath, which otherwise he would have been
husband and wife. When he applied for the 1981 Bar the Civil Code have been met and that the Judge's official unable to do. But after he had done so and had become a
Examinations, he honestly believed that in the eyes of duty in connection therewith has been regularly "full-fledge (sic) lawyer," he again refused to honor his
the law, he was single. performed. marriage to Complainant.
On 7 May 1984, the Court referred the Complaint to the Secondly, Respondent's conduct in adopting conflicting Respondent's lack of good moral character is only too
Solicitor General for investigation, report and positions in the various pleadings submitted in Bar evident. He has resorted to conflicting submissions
recommendation. On 5 March 1990, the Solicitor Matter No. 78 and in the case at bar is duplicitous and before this Court to suit himself. He has also engaged in
General submitted his Report, with the recommendation deplorable. devious tactics with Complainant in order to serve his
that Respondent be exonerated from the charges against purpose. In so doing, he has violated Canon 10 of the
him since Complainant failed to attend the hearings and The records show that in Bar Matter No. 78, Respondent Code of Professional Responsibility, which provides that
to substantiate her charges but that he be reprimanded had submitted an "Explanation," in paragraph 1, page 1 "a lawyer owes candor, fairness and good faith to the
for making inconsistent and conflicting statements in the of which he admits having been "legally married" to court" as well as Rule 1001 thereof which states that "a
various pleadings he had filed before this Court. Complainant. Yet, during the hearings before the lawyer should do no falsehood nor consent to the doing
Solicitor General, he denied under oath that he had of any in Court; nor shall he mislead, or allow the court
On 26 March 1990, the Court referred the Solicitor submitted any such pleading (t.s.n., p. 21) contending to be misled by any artifice." Courts are entitled to
General's Report to the Bar Confidant for evaluation, instead that it is only the second page where his expect only complete candor and honesty from the
report and recommendation. In an undated Report, the signature appears that he meant to admit and not the lawyers appearing and pleading before them (Chavez v.
latter recommended the indefinite suspension of averments on the first page which were merely of Viola, Adm. Case No. 2152, 19 April 1991, 196 SCRA 10).
Respondent until the status of his marriage is settled. Complainant's own making (ibid., pp. 59-60). However, Respondent, through his actuations, has been lacking in
in his Comment in this Administrative Case, he admits the candor required of him not only as a member of the
Upon the facts on record, even without testimonial and makes reference to such "Explanation" (pars. 3[f])
evidence from Complainant, we find Respondent's lack Bar but also as an officer of the Court.
and [g]; 4[b]).
of good moral character sufficiently established. It cannot be overemphasized that the requirement of
Again, while in said "Explanation" he admitted having good moral character is not only a condition precedent
Firstly, his declaration in his application for admission been "legally married" to Complainant (par. 1), in this
to the 1981 Bar Examinations that he was "single" was a to admission to the practice of law; its continued
case, however, he denies the legality of the marriage and, possession is also essential for remaining in the practice
gross misrepresentation of a material fact made in utter instead, harps on its being void ab initio. He even denies
bad faith, for which he should be made answerable. Rule of law (People v. Tuanda, Adm. Case No. 3360, 30
his signature in the marriage contract. January 1990, 181 SCRA 622). As so aptly put by Mr.
7.01, Canon 7, Chapter II of the Code of Professional
Responsibility explicitly provides: "A lawyer shall be In Bar Matter No. 78, Respondent also averred that the Justice George A. Malcolm: "As good character is an
answerable for knowingly making a false statement or fact of marriage was not to be made public so as to allow essential qualification for admission of an attorney to
suppression of a material fact in connection with his him to finish his studies and take the Bar. In this case, practice, when the attorney's character is bad in such
application for admission to the bar." That false however, he contends that the reason it was kept a secret respects as to show that he is unsafe and unfit to be
statement, if it had been known, would have disqualified was because it was "not in order from the beginning." entrusted with the powers of an attorney, the courts
him outright from taking the Bar Examinations as it retain the power to discipline him (Piatt v. Abordo, 58
indubitably exhibits lack of good moral character. Thirdly, Respondent denies that he had sent the Phil. 350 [1933]).
unsigned letter (Annex "F," Petition) to Complainant.
Respondent's protestations that he had acted in good However, its very tenor coincides with the reasons that WHEREFORE, finding respondent Trebonian C.
faith in declaring his status as "single" not only because he advances in his Comment why the marriage is void Tabang grossly unfit and unworthy to continue to be
of his pact with Complainant to keep the marriage under from the beginning, that is, for failure to comply with the entrusted with the duties and responsibilities belonging
wraps but also because that marriage to the Complainant requisites of Article 76 of the Civil Code. to the office of an attorney, he is hereby SUSPENDED
from the practice of law until further Orders, the
suspension to take effect immediately.
Copies of this Decision shall be entered in his personal
record as an attorney and served on the Integrated Bar of
Philippines and the Court Administrator who shall
circulate the same to all Courts in the country for their
information and guidance.

Narvasa, C.J., Melencio-Herrera, Gutierrez, Jr., Cruz,

Paras, Feliciano, Padilla, Bidin, Grino-Aquino,
Medialdea, Regalado, Davide, Jr., Romero, and Nocon,
JJ., concur.

ART. 76. No marriage license shall be necessary


when a man and a woman who have attained the age of

majority and who, being unmarried, have lived together
as husband and wife for at least five years, desire to
marry each other. The contracting parties shall state the
foregoing facts in anaffidavit before any person
authorized by law to administer oaths. The official, priest
or minister who solemnized the marriage shall also state
in an affidavit that he took steps to ascertain the ages
and other qualifications of the contracting parties and
that he found no legal impediment to the marriage.
to define or fix the limits or scope of the phrase "interest of GIVEN AND CONDUCTED. — Under constitutional provision,
the state;" but we can say that the phrase "interest of the Article VIII, section 13, Constitution of the Philippines, the
state" cannot be confined and limited to the "security of the Supreme Court takes charge of the admission of members to
state" or to "public safety" alone. These synonymous phrases, the Philippine Bar. By its Rules of Court, it has prescribed the
— "security of the state" and "public safety," — are not qualifications of the candidates to the Bar Examinations, and
uncommon terms and we can well presume that the it has equally prescribed the subjects of the said Bar
legislators were familiar with them. The phrase "public Examinations. Every year, the Supreme Court appoints the Bar
safety," is used in Article III, section 1(5) of the Constitution of Examiners who prepare the questions, then correct the
EN BANC the Philippines, where it says that "the privacy of examination papers submitted by the examinees, and later
communications and correspondence shall be inviolable make their report to the Supreme Court. Only those Bar
[G.R. No. 120348. December 3, 1948.] except upon lawful order of the court or when public safety Examination candidates who are found to have obtained a
and order require otherwise;" and Article VII, section 10(2) of passing grade are admitted to the Bar and licensed to practice
In re Investigation of ANGEL J. PARAZO for alleged leakage of the same Constitution provides that the President may law.
questions in some subjects in the 1948 Bar Examinations. suspend the privileges of the writ of habeas corpus, in case of
invasion, insurrection, etc., when the public safety requires it. 6. SUPREME COURT; MAINTENANCE OF HIGH STANDARD OF
Felixberto M. Serrano for Respondent. THE LEGAL PROFESSION. — The Supreme Court and the
3. ID.; ID.; ID. — If, as contended, the Philippine Congress, Philippine Bar have always tried to maintain a high standard
Enrique M. Fernando and Francisco A. Rodrigo, Abelardo particularly the Philippine Senate, had meant to limit the for the legal profession, both in academic preparation and
Subido, and Arturo A. Alafriz (for the Philippine Lawyers’ exception to the immunity of newspapermen only to cases legal training, as well as in honesty and fair dealing. The Court
Association) as amici curiæ. where the "security of the state," i. e., "national security" is and the licensed lawyers themselves are vitally interested in
involved, it could easily and readily have used such phrase or keeping this high standard; and one of the ways of achieving
SYLLABUS any one of similar phrases like "public safety," "national this end is to admit to the practice of this noble profession
security," or "public security" of which it must have been only those persons who are known to be honest, possess
familiar. Since it did not do so, there is valid reason to believe good moral character, and show proficiency in and knowledge
that that was not in the mind and intent of the legislators, of the law by the standard set by this Court by passing the Bar
and that, in using the phrase "interest of the state," it Examinations honestly and in the regular and usual manner.
— Section 13, Article VIII of the Constitution of the Philippines
extended the scope and the limits of the exception when a
authorizes this Court to promulgate rules concerning
newspaperman or reporter may be compelled to reveal the 7. ID.; LEGAL PROFESSION AS THE MOST POPULAR IN THIS
admission to the practice of law, and pursuant to that
authority, Rule 127 of the Rules of Court was promulgated,
under which rule, this Court conducts the Bar Examinations
4. ID.; ID.; ID. — The phrase "interest of the state" is quite is of public knowledge that perhaps by general inclination or
yearly, appoints a Committee of Bar Examiners to be presided
broad and extensive. It is of course more general and broader the conditions obtaining in this country, or the great demand
by one of the Justices, to serve for one year, acts on the
than "security of the state." Although not as broad and for the services of licensed lawyers, law as compared to other
report of the committee and finally, admits to the Bar and to
comprehensive as "public interest" which may include most professions, is the most popular in these islands. The
the practice of law, the candidates and examinees who have
anything though of minor importance, but affecting the predominantly greater number of members of the Bar,
passed the examinations.
public. schools and colleges of law as compared to those of other
learned professions, attest to this fact. And one important
thing to bear in mind is that the Judiciary, from the Supreme examinations came close on the heels of the revelations in
Court down to the Justice of the Peace Courts, provincial the Philippine Collegian, official organ of the student body of
The present case had its origin in a story or news item
fiscalships and other prosecuting attorneys, and the legal the University of the Philippines, on recent government tests
prepared and written by the defendant, Angel J. Parazo, a
departments of the Government, draw exclusively from the wherein the questions had come into the possession of nearly
duly accredited reporter of the Star Reporter, a local daily of
Bar to fill their positions. Consequently, any charge or all the graduates of some private technical schools."cralaw
general circulation, that appeared on the front page of the
insinuation of anomaly in the conduct of Bar Examinations, of virtua1aw library
issue of September 14, 1948. The story was preceded by the
necessity is imbued with wide and general interest and
headline in large letters — "CLAIM ’LEAK’ IN LAST BAR TESTS,"
national importance. To the publication, evidently, the attention of the Supreme
followed by another in slightly smaller letters — "Applicants
Court must have been called, and Mr. Justice Padilla, who had
In Uproar, Want Anomaly Probed; One School Favored,"
8. ID.; BAR EXAMINATIONS ANOMALY AS WITHIN THE previously been designated Chairman of the Committee of
under the name — "By Angel J. Parazo of the Star Reporter
MEANING OF "INTEREST OF THE STATE." — The present case Bar Examiners for this year, by authority of the Court,
Staff." For purposes of reference we quote the news item in
falls and may be included within the meaning of the phrase instructed Mr. Jose de la Cruz as Commissioner with the
"interest of the state," involving as it does, not only the assistance of Mr. E. Soriano, Clerk of Court to cite Mr. Parazo
interests of students and graduates of the law schools and for questioning and investigation. In this connection, and for
"Leakage in some subjects in the recent bar examinations
colleges, and of the entire legal profession of this country as purposes of showing the interest of the Supreme Court in the
were denounced by some of the law graduates who took part
well as the good name and reputation of the members of the news item and its implications, it may here be stated that this
in the tests, to the Star Reporter this morning.
Committee of Bar Examiners, including the employees of the Court is and for many years has been, in charge of the Bar
Supreme Court having charge of and connection with said Examinations held every year, including that of this year, held
"These examinees claim to have seen mimeograph copies of
examinations, but also the highest Tribunal of the land itself in August, 1948. Section 13, Article VIII of the Constitution of
the questions in one subject, days before the tests were
which represents one of the three coordinate and the Philippines authorizes this Court to promulgate rules
given, in the Philippine Normal School.
independent branches or departments of the Philippine concerning admission to the practice of law, and pursuant to
Government. that authority, Rule 127 of the Rules of Court was
"Only students of one private university in Sampaloc had
promulgated, under which rule, this Court conducts the Bar
those mimeographed questions on said subject fully one
9. ID.; JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT, SUPREME COURT AS; DUTY Examinations yearly, appoints a Committee of Bar Examiners
week before the tests.
AND NECESSITY TO ADOPT MEASURES TO PRESERVE to be presided by one of the Justices, to serve for one year,
INTEGRITY OF LEGAL PROFESSION. — In support of if not in acts on the report of the committee and finally, admits to the
"The students who made the denunciation to the Star
addition to the power granted by section 1 of Republic Act Bar and to the practice of law, the candidates and examinees
Reporter claim that the tests actually given were similar in
No. 53 to this Court, we have the inherent power of courts in who have passed the examinations.
every respect to those they had seen students of this private
general, specially of the Supreme Court as representative of
university holding proudly around the city.
the Judicial Department, to adopt proper and adequate The investigation of Mr. Parazo was conducted on September
measures to preserve their integrity, and render possible and 18, 1948, on which occasion he testified under oath and,
"The students who claim to have seen the tests which leaked
facilitate the exercise of their functions, including, as in the answering questions directed to him by Messrs. Cruz and
are demanding that the Supreme Court institute an
present case, the investigation of charges of error, abuse or Soriano admitted that he was the author of the news item;
immediate probe into the matter, to find out the source of
misconduct of their officials and subordinates, including that he wrote up the story and had it published, in good faith
the leakage, and annul the test papers of the students of the
lawyers, who are officers of the Court. and in a spirit of public service; and that he knew the persons
particular university possessed of those tests before the
who gave him the information which formed the basis of his
DECISION examinations.
publication but that he declined to reveal their names
MONTEMAYOR, J.: because the information was given to him in confidence and
"The discovery of the alleged leakage in the tests of the bar
his informants did not wish to have their identities revealed.
The investigators informed Parazo that this was a serious consideration of this Court. furnished him the information and who could give the court
matter involving the confidence of the public in the regularity the necessary data and evidence, the Court could not even
and cleanliness of the Bar Examinations and also in the "From the record of said investigation, it is clear that Mr. begin the investigation because there would be no basis from
Supreme Court which conducted said examinations, and Parazo has deliberately and consistently declined and refused which to start, not even a clue from which to formulate a
repeatedly appealed to his civic spirit and sense of public to reveal the identity of the persons supposed to have given theory. Lastly, Parazo was told that under the law he could be
service, pleading with and urging him to reveal the names of him the data and information on which his news item was punished if he refused to make the revelation, punishment
his informants so that the Supreme Court may be in a position based, despite the repeated appeals made to his civic spirit, which may even involve imprisonment.
to start and conduct the necessary investigation in order to and for his cooperation, in order to enable this Court to
verify their charge and complaint and take action against the conduct a thorough investigation of the alleged bar Because of the seriousness of the matter, Parazo was advised
party or parties responsible for the alleged irregularity and examination anomaly, Resolved, to authorize Mr. Justice to think it over and consider the consequences, and if he
anomaly, if found true, but Parazo consistently refused to Montemayor to cite Mr. Parazo before him, explain to him need time within which to do this and so that he might even
make the revelation. that the interests of the State demand and so this Court consult the editor and publisher of his paper, the Star
requires that he reveal the source or sources of his Reporter, he could be given an extension of time, and at his
In the meantime, the writer of this opinion who was information and of his news item, and to warn him that his request, the investigation was postponed to October 15,
appointed to the Supreme Court as associate Justice in the refusal to make the revelation demanded will be regarded as 1948. On that date he appeared, accompanied by his counsel,
latter part of August, 1948, was designated to succeed Mr. contempt of court and penalized accordingly. Mr. Justice Atty. Felixberto M. Serrano. The writer of this opinion in the
Justice Padilla as Chairman of the Committee of Bar Montemayor will advise the Court of the result."cralaw presence of his counsel, several newspapermen, Clerk of
Examiners when the said Justice was appointed Secretary of virtua1aw library Court Soriano, Deputy Clerk of Court Cruz, and Mr.
Justice. The writer of this opinion was furnished a copy of the Chanliongco made a formal demand on Mr. Parazo to reveal
transcript of the investigation conducted on September 18, Acting upon this resolution, the writer of this opinion cited the identities of his informants, under oath, but he declined
1948, and he made a report thereof to the Court in banc, Mr. Parazo to appear before him on October 13, 1948. He and refused to make the revelation. At the request of his
resulting in the issuance of the resolution of this Court dated appeared on the date set and it was clearly explained to him counsel, that before this Court take action upon his refusal to
October 7, 1948, which reads as that the interest of the State demands and this court requires reveal, he be accorded a hearing, with the consent of the that he reveal the source or sources of his information and of Court first obtained, a public hearing was held on the same
his news item; that this was a very serious matter involving day, October 15, 1948 in the course of which, Attorney
"In relation with the news item that appeared in the front the confidence of the people in general and the law Serrano extensively and ably argued the case of his client,
page of the Star Reporter, issue of September 14, 1948, practitioners and bar examinees in particular, in the regularity invoking the benefits of Republic Act No. 53, the first section
regarding alleged leakage in some bar examination questions, and cleanliness of the bar examinations; that it also involves of which reads as
which examinations were held in August 1948, Mr. Jose de la the good name and reputation of the bar examiners who
Cruz, as Commissioner, and Mr. E. Soriano, as Clerk of Court, were appointed by this Court to prepare the bar examinations "SECTION 1. The publisher, editor or duly accredited reporter
were authorized by Mr. Justice Sabino Padilla then chairman questions and later pass upon and correct the examination of any newspaper, magazine or periodical of general
of the committee of bar examiners to conduct an papers; and last but not least, it also involves and is bound to circulation cannot be compelled to reveal the source of any
investigation thereof, particularly to receive the testimony of affect the confidence of the whole country in the very news-report or information appearing in said publication
Mr. Angel J. Parazo, the reporter responsible for and author of Supreme Court which is conducting the bar examinations. It which was related in confidence to such publisher, editor or
said news item. An investigation was conducted on was further explained to him that the Supreme Court is reporter, unless the court or a House or committee of
September 18, 1948; stenographic notes were taken of the keenly interested in investigating the alleged anomaly and Congress finds that such revelation is demanded by the
testimony of Mr. Parazo, and Mr. Justice Marceliano R. leakage of the examination questions and is determined to interest of the state."cralaw virtua1aw library
Montemayor, the new chairman of the committee of bar punish the party or parties responsible therefor but that
examiners, has submitted the transcript of said notes for the without his help, specially the identities of the persons who This Court has given this case prolonged, careful and mature
consideration, involving as it does interesting and important exception embodied in the amendment introduced by the two of the Senators, who took part in the discussion, about
points of law as well as questions of national importance. Committee, consisting in the clause: "unless the court finds the similarity or interchangeability of the two phrases "public
Counsel contends that the phrase "interest of the state" that such revelation is demanded by the public interest," said interest" and "interest of the state," may account for the
found at the end of section 1 of Republic Act No. 53 means that the Committee could not accept the Sotto amendment readiness or lack of objection on the part of the Senate, after
and refers only to the security of the state, that is to say — because there may be cases, perhaps few, in which the it had rejected the first Sotto amendment, to accept the
that only when national security or public safety is involved, interest of the public or the interest of the state requires that second Sotto amendment, changing the phrase "public
may this Court compel the defendant to reveal the source or the names of the informants be published or known. He gave interest" to "interest of the state."cralaw virtua1aw library
sources of his news report or information. We confess that it as one example a case of a newspaperman publishing
was not easy to decide this legal question on which the information referring to a theft of the plans of forts or In referring to a case wherein the security of the state or
conviction or acquittal of Parazo hinges. As a matter of fact, fortifications. He argued that if the immunity accorded a public safety was involved, such as the theft of the plans of
the vote of the Justices is not unanimous. newspaperman should be absolute, as sought by the Sotto fortifications, Senator Cuenco was obviously giving it only as
amendment, the author of the theft might go scott-free. an example of what he meant by "interest of the state;" it was
In an effort to determine the intent of the Legislature that When the Sotto amendment was put to a vote, it was not meant to be the only case or example. We do not propose
passed Republic Act No. 53, particularly the Senate where it disapproved. Finally, Senator Sotto proposed another to define or fix the limits or scope of the phrase "interest of
originated, we examined the record of the proceedings in said amendment by changing the phrase "public interest" at the the state;" but we can say that the phrase "interest of the
legislative body when this Act, then Senate Bill No. 6 was end of section 1 as amended by the Committee be changed to state" can not be confined and limited to the "security of the
being discussed. We gathered from the said record that the and substituted by the phrase "interest of the state," claiming state" or to "public safety" alone. These synonymous phrases,
original bill prepared by Senator Sotto provided that the that the phrase public interest was too elastic. Without much — "security of the state" and "public safety," — are not
immunity to be accorded a publisher, editor, or reporter of discussion this last amendment was approved, and this uncommon terms and we can well presume that the
any newspaper was absolute and that under no circumstance phrase is now found in the Act as finally approved. legislators were familiar with them. The phrase "public
could he be compelled to reveal the source of his information safety," is used in Article III, section 1(5) of the Constitution of
or news report. The committee, however, under the In view of the contention now advanced, that the phrase the Philippines, where it says that "the privacy of
chairmanship of Senator Cuenco inserted an amendment or "interest of the state" is confined to cases involving the communications and correspondence shall be inviolable
change, by adding to the end of section 1 of the clause "security of the state" or "public safety," one might wonder or except upon lawful order of the court or when public safety
"unless the court finds that such revelation is demanded by speculate on why the last amendment proposed by Senator and order require otherwise;" and Article VII, section 10(2) of
the public interest."cralaw virtua1aw library Sotto, changing the phrase "public interest" to "interest of the the same Constitution provides that the President may
state," was approved without much discussion. But we notice suspend the privileges of the writ of habeas corpus, in case of
When the bill as amended was recommended for approval on from the records of the deliberations on and discussion of the invasion, insurrection, etc., when the public safety requires it.
second reading, Senator Sotto, the author of the original bill bill in the Senate that the phrase "public interest" was used
proposed an amendment by eliminating the clause added by interchangeably by some Senators with the phrase "interest The phrase "national security" is used at the beginning of
the committee — "unless the court finds that such revelation of the state." For instance, although the bill, as amended by Book II of the Revised Penal Code, thus: Title I, — Crimes
is demanded by the public interest," claiming that said clause the Committee presided by Senator Cuenco, used the words against National Security and the law of Nations, Chapter I, —
would kill the purpose of the bill. This amendment of Senator "public interest," when Senator Cuenco sponsored the bill Crimes against National Security. Then, more recently, the
Sotto was discussed. Various Senators objected to the before the Senate he used in his speech or remarks the phrase "national security" was used in section 2, and the
elimination of the clause already referred to on the ground phrase "interest of the state" (interes del Estado). Again, phrase "public security" was equally used in section 19, of
that without such exception and by giving complete immunity although the bill, as sponsored by the Cuenco Committee and Commonwealth Act No. 682 creating the People’s Court,
to editors, reporters, etc., many abuses may be committed. discussed by the Senate, used the words "public interest," promulgated on September 25, 1945. If, as contended, the
Senator Cuenco, Committee chairman, in advocating the Senator Sebastian referred to the exception by using the Philippine Congress, particularly the Philippine Senate, had
disapproval of the Sotto amendment, and in defending the phrase "interest of the state." This understanding of at least meant to limit the exception to the immunity of
newspapermen only to cases where the "security of the Examinations. Every year, the Supreme Court appoints the Bar another, find their way out and get into the hands of Bar
state," i.e., "national security" is involved, it could easily and examiners who prepare the questions, then correct the examinees before the examinations are actually given, and as
readily have used such phrase or any one of similar phrases examination papers submitted by the examinees, and later a result thereof some examinees succeed in illegally and
like "public safety," "national security," or "public security" of make their report to the Supreme Court. Only those Bar improperly obtaining passing grades and are later admitted to
which it must have been familiar. Since it did not do so, there Examination candidates who are found to have obtained a the Bar and to the practice of law, when otherwise they
is valid reason to believe that that was not in the mind and passing grade are admitted to the Bar and licensed to practice should not be, then the present members of the legal
intent of the legislators, and that, in using the phrase "interest law. There are now thousands of members of the Philippine profession would have reason to resent and be alarmed; and
of the state," it extended the scope and the limits of the Bar, scattered all over the Philippines, practising law or if this is continued it would not be long before the legal
exception when a newspaperman or reporter may be occupying important Government posts requiring profession will have fallen into disrepute. The public would
compelled to reveal the sources of his information. membership in the Bar as a prerequisite, and every year, quite naturally lose confidence in the lawyers, specially in the new
a number, sometimes several hundreds, are added to the ones, because a person contemplating to go to court to seek
The phrase "interest of the state" is quite broad and legal fold. The Supreme Court and the Philippine Bar have redress or to defend himself before it would not know
extensive. It is of course more general and broader than always tried to maintain a high standard for the legal whether a particular lawyer to whom he is entrusting his case
"security of the state." Although not as broad and profession, both in academic preparation and legal training, has legally passed the Bar Examinations because of sufficient
comprehensive as "public interest" which may include most as well as in honesty and fair dealing. The Court and the and adequate preparation and training, and that he is honest,
anything though of minor importance, but affecting the licensed lawyers themselves are vitally interested in keeping or whether he was one of those who had succeeded in
public, such as for instance, the establishment and this high standard; and one of the ways of achieving this end getting hold of Bar Examination questions in advance, passed
maintenance of barrio roads, electric light and ice plants, is to admit to the practice of this noble profession only those the Bar Examinations illegally, and then started his legal
parks, markets, etc., the phrase "interest of the state" even persons who are known to be honest, possess good moral career with this act of dishonesty. Particularly, the Bar
under a conservative interpretation, may and does include character, and show proficiency in and knowledge of the law examinees who, by intense study and conscientious
cases and matters of national importance in which the whole by the standard set by this Court by passing the Bar preparation, have honestly passed the Bar Examinations and
state and nation, not only a branch or instrumentality thereof Examinations honestly and in the regular and usual manner. It are admitted to practice law, would be affected by this
such as a province, city or town, or a part of the public, is is of public knowledge that perhaps by general inclination or anomaly, because they would ever be under a cloud of
interested or would be affected, such as the principal the conditions obtaining in this country, or the great demand suspicion, since from the point of view of the public, they
functions of Government like administration of justice, public for the services of licensed lawyers, law as compared to other might be among those who had made use of Bar Examination
school system, and such matters like social justice, scientific professions, is the most popular in these islands. The questions obtained before hand. And, incidentally, the morale
research, practice of law or of medicine, impeachment of high predominantly greater number of members of the Bar, of the hundreds of students and graduates of the different
Government officials, treaties with other nations, integrity of schools and colleges of law as compared to those of other law schools, studying law and later preparing for the Bar
the three coordinate branches of the Government, their learned professions, attest to this fact. And one important Examinations, would be affected, even disastrously, for in
relations to each other, and the discharge of their functions, thing to bear in mind is that the Judiciary, from the Supreme them may be born the idea that there is no need of much law
etc. Court down to the Justice of the Peace Courts, provincial study and preparation inasmuch as it is possible and not
fiscalships and other prosecuting attorneys, and the legal difficult to obtain copies of questions before the examinations
We are satisfied that the present case easily comes under the departments of the Government, draw exclusively from the and pass them and be admitted to the Bar.
phrase "interest of the state." Under constitutional provision, Bar to fill their positions. Consequently, any charge or
Article VIII, section 13, Constitution of the Philippines, the insinuation of anomaly in the conduct of Bar Examinations, of The cloud of suspicion would, equally, hang over the Bar
Supreme Court takes charge of the admission of members to necessity is imbued with wide and general interest and examiners themselves, eight eminent lawyers who in a spirit
the Philippine Bar By its Rules of Court, it has prescribed the national importance. of public service and civic spirit, have consented to serve on
qualifications of the candidates to the Bar Examinations, and the Committee of Examiners at the request and designation
it has equally prescribed the subjects of the said Bar If it is true that Bar Examination questions, for some reason or of this Court. They would be suspected, — one or two or
more of them — that through negligence, or connivance, or necessary to the investigation of the charge contained in the Examinations held in August, 1948, approximately nine
downright corruption, they have made possible the release if publication already mentioned. hundred candidates took them, each candidate writing his
they have not themselves actually released, before answers in a book for each subject. There were eight subjects,
examination day, the questions they had prepared. The It will be noticed from Parazo’s news item as quoted in the each subject belonging to and corresponding to each one of
employees of the Supreme Court in charge of the Bar first part of this decision, that, his informants, law graduates the eight bar examiners. There were therefore eight sets of
Examinations, specially those who copy or mimeograph the and bar examinees, were denouncing the supposed anomaly bar examination questions, and multiplying these eight sets of
original copies furnished by the Bar examiners, would all be — consisting of the alleged leakage of the Bar Examination questions by nine hundred candidates, gives a total of seven
under suspicion. And, lastly, and more important still, the questions — to the Supreme Court for due investigation. If thousand two hundred (7,200) examination papers involved,
Supreme Court itself which has the overall supervision and those persons really meant and intended to make a bona fide in the hands of eight different examiners. The examination
control over the examinations, would share the suspicion, as and effective denunciation, with expectation of results, the books or papers bear no names or identifications of their
a result of which the confidence of the people in this High right place to air their grievance was the Supreme Court itself, writers or owners and said ownership and identification will
Tribunal, which public confidence, the members of this Court not a newspaper; and if they truly wanted an investigation, not be known until the books or papers are all corrected and
like to think and believe, it still enjoys, might be affected and they should have come forward and furnished or stood ready graded. Without definite assurance based on reliable
shaken. All these considerations of vital importance, in our to furnish the facts on which to base and from which to start witnesses under oath that the alleged anomaly had actually
opinion, can and will sufficiently cause the present case to fall an investigation, instead of concealing themselves behind the been committed, - evidence on the identity of the persons in
and be included within the meaning of the phrase "interest of curtain of press immunity. possession of the alleged copies of questions prematurely
the state," involving as it does, not only the interests of released or illegally obtained and made use of, the law
students and graduates of the law schools and colleges, and Examining the news item in question, it is therein claimed and subjects or subjects involved, the university from which said
of the entire legal profession of this country as well as the assured that Bar Examination questions in at least one subject persons come, this Court does not feel capable of or
good name and reputation of the members of the Commitee had been obtained and used by bar examinees coming from a warranted in taking any step, such as blindly and desperately
of Bar Examiners, including the employees of the Supreme certain university, one week before the examinations were revising each and every one of the 7,200 examination books
Court having charge of and connection with said actually held. Parazo in his statements and answers during the with the fond but forlorn hope of finding any similarity or
examinations, but also the highest Tribunal of the land itself investigation said that examination questions in several identity in the answers of any group of examinees and basing
which represents one of the three coordinate and subjects were involved in the anomaly. But no copy or copies thereon any definite finding or conclusion. Apart from the
independent branches or departments of the Philippine of said examination questions were furnished us. No one is enormity of the task and its hopelessness, this Court may not
Government. willing to testify that he actually saw said alleged copies of and cannot base its findings and conclusions, especially in any
examination questions; that they were actually and carefully serious and delicate matter as is the present, on that kind of
In support of if not in addition to the power granted by compared with the legitimate examination questions given evidence. Under these circumstances, this Court, for lack of
section 1 of Republic Act No. 53 to this Court, we have the out on the day of the examination and found to be identical; basis, data and information, is unable to conduct, nay, even
inherent power of courts in general, specially of the Supreme no one is ready and willing to reveal the identity of the start, an investigation; and, unless and until the respondent
Court as representative of the Judicial Department, to adopt persons or bar examinees said to have been seen with the herein reveals the identities of his informants, and those
proper and adequate measures to preserve their integrity, said Bar Examination questions, although they as well as the informants and or others with facts and reliable evidence, aid
and render possible and facilitate the exercise of their university where they came from, was known; and even the and cooperate with the Court in its endeavor to further
functions, including, as in the present case, the investigation law subjects to which the questions pertained are not examine and probe into the charges contained in the news
of charges of error, abuse or misconduct of their officials and disclosed; and, lastly, we are not allowed to know even the item, said charges are considered and held to be without
subordinates, including lawyers, who are officers of the Court. identity of respondent Parazo’s informants who claim to have basis, proof or foundation.
(Province of Tarlac v. Gale, 26 Phil., 350; 21 C.J.S. 41, 138.) As seen all these things.
we have previously stated, the revelation demanded of the When the Supreme Court decided to demand of the
respondent, of the identity of his informants, is essential and In this connection it may be stated that in the last Bar respondent herein that he reveal the names of his
informants, it was not impelled or motivated by mere idle lawyer, and so he may raise his standard and become more
curiosity. It truly wanted information on which to start an strict in his correction of the papers and his appreciation of
investigation because it is vitally interested in keeping the Bar the answers. So, in a case where examinees, especially if
Examinations clean and above board and specially, not only to many, succeed in getting hold of questions long before
protect the members of the Bar and those aspiring for examination day, and study and prepare the answers to those
membership therein and the public dealing with the questions, it may result that when the examiner finds that
members thereof and the Bar Examiners who cooperate with many of the examinees have easily and correctly answered
and act as agents of this Court in preparing the examination the questions, he may think that said questions were too
questions and correcting the examination papers, but also, as easy, raise the standard by being strict in his correction of the
already stated, to keep the confidence of the people in this papers, thereby giving a grade below passing to a number of
High Tribunal as regards the discharge of its function relative examinees who otherwise would have validly passed the
to the admission to the practice of law. These, it can only do examinations.
by investigating any Bar Examination anomaly, fixing
responsibility and punishing those found guilty, even In conclusion, we find that the interest of the state in the
annulling examinations already held, or else declaring the present case demands that the respondent Angel J. Parazo
charges as not proven, if, as a result of the investigation, it is reveal the source or sources of his information which formed
found that there is insufficiency or lack of evidence. In the basis of his news item or story in the September 14, 1948
demanding from the respondent that he reveal the sources of issue of the Star Reporter, quoted at the beginning of this
his information, this Court did not intend to punish those decision, and that, in refusing to make the revelation which
informants or hold them liable. It merely wanted their help this Court required of him, he committed contempt of Court.
and cooperation. In this Court’s endeavor to probe thoroughly The respondent repeatedly stated during the investigation
the anomaly, or irregularity allegedly committed, it was its that he knew the names and identities of the persons who
intention not only to adopt the necessary measures to punish furnished him the information. In other words, he omitted
the guilty parties, if the charges are found to be true, but also and still refuses to do an act commanded by this Court which
even to annul the examinations themselves, in justice to the is yet in his power to perform. (Rule 64, section 7, Rules of
innocent parties who had taken but did not pass the Court.) Ordinarily, in such cases, he can and should be
examinations. We say this because in every examination, imprisoned indefinitely until he complied with the demand.
whether conducted by the Government or by a private However, considering that cases like the present are not
institution, certain standards are unconsciously adopted on common or frequent, in this jurisdiction, and that there is no
which to base the passing grade. For instance, if, as a result of reason and immediate necessity for imposing a heavy penalty,
the correction of many or all of the examination papers, it is as may be done in other cases where it is advisable or
found that only very few have passed it, the examiner might necessary to mete out severe penalties to meet a situation of
reasonably think that the questions he gave were unduly an alarming number of cases of a certain offense or a crime
difficult or hard to understand, or too long, as a result of wave, and, considering further the youthful age of the
which he may be more liberal and be more lenient and make respondent, the majority of the members of this Court have
allowances. On the other hand, if too many obtain a passing decided to order, as it hereby orders, his immediate arrest
grade, the examiner may think that the examination and confinement in jail for a period of one (1) month, unless,
questions were too easy and constitute an inadequate before the expiration of that period he makes to this Court
measure of the legal knowledge and training required to be a the revelation demanded of him. So ordered.
Nelbert T. Paculan for respondent. They alleged that respondent had
deliberately and maliciously excluded
Moises B. Boquia for himself and Herve Dagpin. them in his Petition of 28 June 1988.
That, of course, is without merit
RESOLUTION considering that in his Petition of 28 June
1988, respondent had discussed said
cases quite lengthily.

On 27 April 1989, Complainant Tan also

manifested that Complainant Benjamin
Cabigon in BM No. 59 and Complainant
On 29 November 1983, * this Court sustained the Cornelio Agnis in SBC No. 624, had
charge of unauthorized practice of law filed against passed away so that they are in no
respondent Sabandal and accordingly denied the latter's position to submit their respective
petition to be allowed to take the oath as member of the Comments.
Philippine Bar and to sign the Roll of Attorneys.

Republic of the Philippines One of the considerations we had taken

From 1984-1988, Sabandal filed Motions for into account in allowing respondent to
SUPREME COURT Reconsideration of the aforesaid Resolution, all of which
Manila take his oath, was a testimonial from the
were either denied or "Noted without action." The Court, IBP Zamboanga del Norte Chapter,
however, on 10 February 1989, after considering his dated 29 December 1986, certifying that
EN BANC plea for mercy and forgiveness, his willingness to reform respondent was "acting with morality and
and the several testimonials attesting to his good moral has been careful in his actuations in the
character and civic consciousness, reconsidered its community."
earlier Resolution and finally allowed him to take the
B.M. No. 44 February 24, 1992 lawyer's oath "with the Court binding him to his
Complainant Tan maintains that said IBP
assurance that he shall strictly abide by and adhere to
testimonial was signed only by the then
EUFROSINA Y. TAN, complainant, the language, meaning and spirit of the Lawyer's Oath
President of the IBP, Zamboanga del
vs. and the highest standards of the legal profession" (Yap
Norte Chapter, Atty. Senen O. Angeles,
NICOLAS EL. SABANDAL, respondent. Tan v. Sabandal, 10 February 1989, 170 SCRA 211).
without authorization from the Board of
Officers of said Chapter; and that Atty.
SBC No. 609 February 24, 1992 However, before a date could be set for Sabandal's Angeles was respondent's own counsel
oath-taking, complainants Tan, Dagpin and Boquia each as well as the lawyer of respondent's
filed separate motions for reconsideration of the parents-in-law in CAR Case No. 347,
MOISES B. BOQUIA, complainant,
Resolution of 10 February 1989. These were acted upon Ozamiz City. Attached to Complainant's
in the Resolution of 4 July 1989 hereunder quoted, in Motion for Reconsideration was a
part, for ready reference: Certification, dated 24 February 1989,
SBC No. 616 February 24, 1992 signed by the IBP Zamboanga del Norte
On 7 April 1989, Complainant Herve Chapter President, Atty. Norberto L.
Dagpin in SBC No. 616, and Nuevas, stating that "the present Board
HERVE DAGPIN, complainant, Complainant Moises Boquia in SBC No. of Officers with the undersigned as
vs. 609 also filed a Motion for President had not issued any testimonial
NICOLAS EL. SABANDAL, respondent. Reconsideration of our Resolution attesting to the good moral character and
allowing respondent to take his oath.
civic consciousness of Mr. Nicolas him from admission to the Bar. It might We required the complainants to comment on the
Sabandal." be relevant to mention, however, that aforesaid IBP Certification and to reply to Executive
there is Civil Case No. 3747 entitled Judge Pelagio Lachica's comment in our Resolution of
In his Comment, received by the Court Republic of the Philippines, Represented 15 February 1990.
on 27 March 1989, respondent states by the Director of Lands, Plaintiff, versus
that the IBP testimonial referred to by Nicolas Sabandal, Register of Deeds of On 17 April 1990, after taking note of the unrelenting
Complainant Tan must have been that Zamboanga del Norte and Rural Bank of vehement objections of complainants Tan (in BM 44) and
signed by the former IBP Zamboanga del Pinan, (Zamboanga del Norte), Inc., for Boquia (in SBC 616) and the Certification by Executive
Norte Chapter President, Atty. Senen O. Cancellation of Title and/or Reversion Judge Lachica, dated 4 August 1989, that there is a
Angeles, addressed to the Chief Justice, pending in this Court in which said pending case before his Court involving respondent
dated 29 December 1986, and that he respondent, per complaint filed by the Sabandal, this Court resolved to DEFER the setting of a
himself had not submitted to the Court Office of the Solicitor General, is alleged date for the oath-taking of respondent Sabandal and
any certification from the IBP to have secured a free patent and later a required Judge Lachica to inform this Court of the
Zamboanga del Norte Chapter Board of certificate of title to a parcel of land outcome of the case entitled Republic v. Sabandal, (Civil
Officers of 1988-1989. which, upon investigation, turned out to Case 3747), pending before his "Sala" as soon as
be a swampland and not susceptible of resolved.
Under the circumstances, the Court has acquisition under a free patent, and
deemed it best to require the present which he later mortgaged to the Rural In the meantime, on 18 April 1990, the Court received
Board of Officers of the IBP, Zamboanga Bank of Pinan (ZN) Inc. The mortgage another Comment, dated 13 March 1990, by
del Norte Chapter, to MANIFEST was later foreclosed and the land sold at complainant Herve Dagpin in SBC 609, vehemently
whether or not it is willing to give a public auction and respondent has not objecting to the oath-taking of respondent Sabandal and
testimonial certifying to respondent's redeemed the land until the present. describing his actuations in Civil Case 3747 as
good moral character as to entitle him to (Emphasis Supplied) manipulative and surreptitious. This comment was Noted
take the lawyer's oath, and if not, the in the Resolution of 22 May 1990.
reason therefor. The Executive Judge of The IBP Zamboanga del Norte Chapter also submitted a
the Regional Trial Court of Zamboanga Certification, dated 2 February 1990, signed by its In a letter, addressed to the Chief Justice, dated 15
del Norte is likewise required to submit a Secretary Peter Y. Co and attested to by its President Gil August 1990, complainant Tan in Bar Matter 44,
COMMENT on respondent's moral L. Batula, to wit: informed the Court that her relationship with Sabandal
fitness to be a member of the Bar. has "already been restored," as he had asked
This is to certify that based on the forgiveness for what has been done to her and that she
Compliance herewith is required within certifications issued by the Office of the finds no necessity in pursuing her case against him.
ten (10) days from notice. Clerk of Court—Municipal Trial Court in Complainant Tan further stated that she sees no further
the City of Dipolog; Regional Trial Court reason to oppose his admission to the Bar as he had
Pursuant to the aforesaid Resolution, Judge Pelagio R. of Zamboanga del Norte and the Office shown sincere repentance and reformation which she
Lachica, Executive Judge of the Regional Trial Court of of the Provincial and City Prosecutors, believes make him morally fit to become a member of
Zamboanga del Norte, filed his Comment, dated 4 Mr. Nicolas E. Sabandal has not been the Philippine Bar. "In view of this development," the
August 1989, and received on 25 August 1989, convicted of any crime, nor is there any letter stated, "we highly recommend him for admission to
pertinently reading: pending derogatory criminal case against the legal profession and request this Honorable Court to
him. Based on the above findings, the schedule his oath-taking at a time most convenient."
Board does not find any acts committed This letter was Noted in the Resolution of 2 October
The undersigned, who is not well
by the petitioner to disqualify him from 1990, which also required a comment on Tan's letter
acquainted personally with the
admission to the Philippine Bar. from complainants Boquia and Dagpin.
respondent, is not aware of any acts
committed by him as would disqualify
Moises Boquia, for himself, and complainant Dagpin, in principal parties, approved by the Trial Court, and No. 3747 is "proof of Sabandal's sincere reformation, of
their comment, dated 5 November 1990, stated thus: conformed to by the counsel for defendant Rural Bank of his repentance with restitution of the rights of
Pinan. complainants he violated," and that "there is no more
Eufrosina Yap Tan's letter dated 15 reason to oppose his admission to the Bar." This was
August 1990 is a private personal Briefly, the said amicable settlement cancelled the "Noted" in the Resolution of 24 September 1991.
disposition which raises the question Original Certificate of Title under Free Patent in
whether personal forgiveness is enough Sabandal's name and the latter's mortgage thereof in In a Manifestation, dated 6 December 1991, Sabandal
basis to exculpate and obliterate these favor of the Rural Bank of Pinan; provided for the reiterates his plea to be allowed to take the Lawyer's
cases. On our part, we believe and surrender of the certificate of title to the Register of Oath.
maintain the importance and finality of Deeds for proper annotation; reverted to the mass of
the Honorable Supreme Court's public domain the land covered by the aforesaid His plea must be DENIED.
resolutions in these cases. . . . Certificate of' Title with defendant Sabandal refraining
from exercising acts of possession or ownership over In our Resolution of 10 February 1989, Sabandal was
It is not within the personal competence, said land; caused the defendant Sabandal to pay allowed to take the oath, ten (10) years having elapsed
jurisdiction and discretion of any party to defendant Rural Bank of Pinan the sum of P35,000 for from the time he took and passed the 1976 Bar
change or amend said final resolutions the loan and interest; and the Rural Bank of Pinan to examinations, after careful consideration of his show of
which are already res judicata. Viewed in waive its cross-claims against defendant Nicolas contrition and willingness to reform. Also taken
the light of the foregoing final and Sabandal. cognizance of were the several testimonials attesting to
executory resolutions, these cases his good moral character and civic consciousness. At
therefore should not in the least be Judge Pacifico Garcia's letter and the afore-mentioned that time, we had not received the objections from
considered as anything which is subject Judgment were NOTED in our Resolution of 29 January complainant Tan to Sabandal's taking the oath nor were
and subservient to the changing moods 1991. In the same Resolution, complainants Tan, Boquia we aware of the gravity of the civil case against him.
and dispositions of the parties, devoid of and Dagpin were required to comment on the same.
any permanency or finality. Respondent's It turns out that Civil Case No. 3747 entitled "Republic of
scheming change in tactics and strategy Upon request of Sabandal, a certification, dated 20 the Philippines v. Nicolas Sabandal" was instituted by
could not improve his case. December 1990, was sent by Executive judge Jesus the Government in 1985 and was brought about
Angeles of the RTC of Zamboanga del Norte, certifying because of respondent's procurement of a certificate of
The above was "Noted" in the Resolution of 29 that Sabandal has no pending case with his Court and free patent over a parcel of land belonging to the public
November 1990. that he has no cause to object to his admission to the domain and its use as security for a mortgage in order to
Philippine Bar. This was "Noted" in the Resolution of 26 obtain a loan. At that time, Sabandal was an employee
In compliance with the Resolution of 2 October 1990, February 1991. of the Bureau of Lands. He did not submit any defense
Judge Pacifico M. Garcia, Regional Trial Court Judge of and was declared it default by order of the RTC dated 26
Branch 8, Dipolog City (who apparently succeeded Meanwhile, Sabandal reiterated his prayer to be allowed November 1986. The controversy was eventually settled
Judge Pelagio Lachica, the latter having availed of to take the lawyer's oath in a Motion dated 8 June 1991. by mere compromise with respondent surrendering the
optional retirement on 30 June 1990) submitted to this In our Resolution of 1 August 1991, we deferred action bogus certificate of title to the government and paying-off
Court, on 17 December 1990, a copy of the "Judgment," on the aforesaid Motion pending compliance by the the mortgagor, "to buy peace and forestall further
dated 12 December 1990, in Civil Case 3747, entitled complainants with the Resolution of 29 January 1991 expenses of litigation incurred by defendants" (Rollo,
"Republic of the Philippines v. Nicolas Sabandal et al" for requiring them to comment on the letter of Judge Judgment in Civil Case No. 3747). The Office of the
Cancellation of Title and/or Reversion, which, according Pacifico M. Garcia. Solicitor General interposed no objection to the approval
to him, was already considered closed and terminated. of the said amicable settlement and prayed that
To date, only complainant Tan has complied with the judgment be rendered in accordance therewith, "as the
Said judgment reveals that an amicable settlement, said Resolution by submitting a Comment, dated 29 amicable settlement may amount to a confession by the
dated 24 October 1990, had been reached between the August 1991, stating that the termination of Civil Case defendant" (Rollo, supra). It must also be stressed that
in 1985, at the time said case was instituted, Sabandal's
petition to take the lawyer's oath had already been not, therefore, outweigh nor smother his acts of Resolution, dated 10 February 1989 is RECALLED and
denied on 29 November 1983 and he was then dishonesty and lack of good moral character. his prayer to be allowed to take the lawyer's oath is
submitting to this Court motions for reconsideration hereby denied.
alleging his good moral character without, however, That the other complainants, namely, Moises Boquia (in
mentioning the pendency of that civil case against him. SBC 606) and Herve Dagpin (in SBC 619) have not SO ORDERED.
submitted any opposition to his motion to take the oath,
In view of the nature of that case and the circumstances is of no moment. They have already expressed their
attending its termination, the Court now entertains objections in their earlier comments. That complainant
second thoughts about respondent's fitness to become a Tan has withdrawn her objection to his taking the oath
member of the Bar. can neither tilt the balance in his favor, the basis of her
complaint treating as it does of another subject matter.
It should be recalled that Sabandal worked as Land
Investigator at the Bureau of Lands. Said employment Time and again, it has been held that the practice of law
facilitated his procurement of the free patent title over is not a matter of right. It is a privilege bestowed upon
property which he could not but have known was public individuals who are not only learned in the law but who
land. This was manipulative on his part and does not are also known to possess good moral character:
speak well of his moral character. It is a manifestation of
gross dishonesty while in the public service, which can The Supreme Court and the Philippine
not be erased by the termination of the case filed by the Bar have always tried to maintain a high
Republic against him where no determination of his guilt standard for the legal profession, both in
or innocence was made because the suit had been academic preparation and legal training
compromised. Although as the Solicitor General had as well as in honesty and fair dealing.
pointed out, the amicable settlement was tantamount to The Court and the licensed lawyers
a confession on his part. What is more, he could not but themselves are vitally interested in
have known of the intrinsic invalidity of his title and yet keeping this high standard; and one of
he took advantage of it by securing a bank loan, the ways of achieving this end is to admit
mortgaging it as collateral, and notwithstanding the to the practice of this noble profession
foreclosure of the mortgage and the sale of the land at only those persons who are known to be
public auction, he did not lift a finger to redeem the same honest and to possess good moral
until the civil case filed against him was eventually character. . . . (In re Parazo, 82 Phil.
compromised. This is a sad reflection on his sense of 230).
honor and fair dealing. His failure to reveal to this Court
the pendency of the civil case for Reversion filed against Although the term "good moral character" admits of
him during the period that he was submitting several broad dimensions, it has been defined as "including at
Motions for Reconsideration before us also reveal his least common honesty" (Royong v. Oblena, Adm. Case
lack of candor and truthfulness. No. 376, April 30, 1963, 7 SCRA 859; In re Del Rosario,
52 Phil. 399 [1928]). It has also been held that no moral
There are testimonials attesting to his good moral qualification for bar membership is more important than
character, yes. But these were confined to lack of truthfulness or candor (Fellner v. Bar Association of
knowledge of the pendency of any criminal case against Baltimore City, 131 A. 2d 729).
him and were obviously made without awareness of the
facts and circumstances surrounding the case instituted WHEREFORE, finding respondent Sabandal to be unfit
by the Government against him. Those testimonials can to become a member of the BAR, this Court's
PER CURIAM: complete the investigation of the administrative case and
to render his report and recommendation thereon within
In a sworn complaint1 dated 25 September 1979, the thirty (30) days from notice.
spouses Erlinda Dalman and Narciso Melendrez
charged Reynerio I. Decena, a member of the Philippine On 19 July 1988, the Solicitor General submitted his
Bar, with malpractice and breach of trust. The Report and Recommendation 2 dated 21 June 1988. In
complainant spouses alleged, among others, that as Report, after setting out the facts and proceedings
respondent had, by means of fraud and deceit, taken held in the present case, the Solicitor General presented
advantage of their precarious financial situation and his the following:
knowledge of the law to their prejudice, succeeded in
divesting them of their only residential lot in Pagadian FINDINGS
City; that respondent, who was their counsel in an estafa
case against one Reynaldo Pineda, had compromised Complainants allege that on August 5,
that case without their authority. 1975, they obtained from respondent a
loan of P 4,000.00. This loan was
In his answer dated 18 March 1980, respondent denied secured by a real estate mortgage
all the charges levelled against him and prayed for the (Annex C, Complainants' Complaint, p.
dismissal of the complaint. 16, records).lâwphî1.ñèt In the said Real
Estate Mortgage document, however, it
By resolution dated 14 April 1980, the administrative was made to appear that the amount
complaint was referred to the Office of the Solicitor borrowed by complainants was
General for investigation, report and recommendation. P5,000.00. Confronted by this
discrepancy, respondent assured
Accordingly, the Solicitor General forthwith deputized the complainants that said document was a
City Fiscal of Pagadian City, Jorge T. Almonte, to mere formality, and upon such
conduct the necessary investigation, with instructions to assurance, complainants signed the
submit thereafter this report and recommendation same. The document was brought by
thereon. Fiscal Almonte held several hearings on the complainant Narciso Melendres to a
Republic of the Philippines Notary Public for notarization. After the
SUPREME COURT administrative case until 15 July 1982, when he
requested the Solicitor General to release him from the same was notarized, he gave the
Manila document to respondent. Despite the
duty of investigating the case.
assurance, respondent exacted from
EN BANC complainants P500.00 a month as
On 10 September 1982, the Solicitor General granted
Fiscal Almonte's request and in his stead appointed the payment for what is beyond dispute
A. M. No. 2104 August 24, 1989 Provincial Fiscal of Zamboanga del Sur, Pedro S. usurious interest on the P5,000.00 loan.
Jamero, who resumed hearings on 15 June 1983. Complainants religiously paid the
NARCISO MELENDREZ and ERLINDA obviously usurious interest for three
DALMAN, complainants, months: September, October and
Respondent filed with this Court on 9 June 1987, a
vs. November, 1975. Then they stopped
motion seeking to inhibit Fiscal Jamero from hearing the
ATTY. REYNERIO I. DECENA, respondent. paying due to financial reverses. In view
case followed by an urgent motion for indefinite
of their failure to pay said amounts as
postponement of the investigation. Both motions were
interest, respondent prepared a new
denied by the Court in a Resolution dated 21 September
document on May 7, 1976, a Real Estate
1987 with instructions to the Solicitor General to
Mortgage (Annex D, Complaint, p. 18,
records) over the same lot 3125-C, sold the involved property to Trinidad 7,1976, is allegedly the truth, and claims
replacing the former real estate Ylanan for P12,000.00. that he in truth delivered the alleged
mortgage dated August 5, 1975, but this amount of P5,000.00 to complainants
time the sum indicated in said new When informed of the above by one and not P4,000.00. With respect to the
contract of mortgage is P 10,000.00, Salud Australlado on the first week of second loan, respondent claims that he
purportedly with interest at 19% per March 1979 (see Sworn Statement of delivered to complainants P8,000.00,
annum. In this new Real Estate complainant Narciso Melendres, p. 6, plus the P2,000.00 loan previously
Mortgage, a special power of attorney in Folder No. 2 of case), and not having extended [to] complainants [by] one
favor of respondent was inserted, known the legal implications of the Regino Villanueva, which loan had been
authorizing him to sell the mortgaged provisions of the second Real Estate indorsed to respondent for collection,
property at public auction in the event Mortgage which they had executed, thus making a total of P10,000.00, as
complainants fail to pay their obligation complainants could not believe that title appearing on said document.
on or before May 30, 1976. Without to their lot had already been transferred Respondent denies that he exacted
explaining the provisions of the new to respondent and that respondent had usurious interest of 10% a month or
contract to complainants, respondent already sold the same to a third person. P500.00 from complainants. He asserts
insisted that complainants sign the same, that the fact that complainants were able
again upon the assurance that the Upon learning of the sale in March, 1979, to secure a loan from the Insular Bank of
document was a mere formality. complainants tried to raise the amount of Asia and America (IBAA) only proves the
Unsuspecting of the motive of P10,000.00 and went to respondent's truth of his allegation that the title of the
respondent, complainants signed the house on May 30, 1979 to pay their property, at the time complainants
document. Complainants Narciso obligation, hoping that they could redeem obtained a loan from IBAA on April 1976,
Melendres again brought the same their property, although three years had was clear of any encumbrance, since
document to a Notary Public for already lapsed from the date of the complainants had already paid the
notarization. After the document was mortgage. original loan of P5,000.00 obtained from
notarized, he brought the same to respondent; that complainants knew fully
respondent without getting a copy of it. well all the conditions of said mortgage;
Respondent did not accept the proffered
and that his acquisition of the property in
P10,000.00, but instead gave
Complainants, relying on the assurance question was in accordance with their
complainants a sheet of paper (Annex B,
of the respondent that the second Real contract and the law on the matter. Thus,
Complainants' Position Paper), which
Estate Mortgage was but a formality, he denies that he has violated any right
indicated that the total indebtedness had
neither bothered to ask from respondent of the complainants.
soared to P20,400.00. The computation
the status of their lot nor tried to pay their was made in respondent's own
obligation. For their failure to pay the handwriting. Complainants went home After weighing the evidence of both
obligation, the respondent on October with shattered hopes and with grief in complainants and respondent, we find
12, 1976, applied for the extrajudicial their hearts. Hence, the instant against respondent.
foreclosure of the second real estate competent for disbarment against
mortgage (Exhibit 16, Respondent's respondent filed on October 5, 1979. While complainants are correct in their
Position Paper). All the requirements of claim that they actually obtained an
Act No. 3135, as amended, re actual cash of P4,000.00, they are only
Respondent DENIES all the allegations
extrajudicial sale of mortgage were partly correct in the claim that out of the
of complainants. He maintains that what
ostensibly complied with by respondent. P10,000.00 appearing in the second
appears on the two documents allegedly
Hence, finally, title was transferred to Real Estate Mortgage, P6,000.00 was
executed by complainants, i.e., that they
him, and on June 20, 1979, respondent applied to interest considering that not all
obtained a loan of P5,000.00 on August
5, 1975 and another P10,000.00 on May the P6,000.00 but only P4,000.00 was
applied to interest, computed as follows: Mortgages covering the supposed proceed to sell the lot at public auction
the first loan of P5,000.00 was original loan of P5,000.00 and the as per their contract. This respondent
supposedly due on August 31, 1975. inflated P10,000.00, respectively, were failed to do, despite the fact that he knew
Complainants paid 10% monthly interest voluntarily signed by the complainants. fully wen that complainants were trying
or P500.00 on September 30, 1975, The general rule is that when the parties their best to raise money to be able to
October 31, 1975 and November 30, have reduced their agreement to writing, pay their obligation to him, as shown by
1975. Consequently, beginning it is presumed that they have made the the loan obtained by complainants from
December 31, 1975 up to May 31, 1976 writing the only repository and memorial the IBAA on April 8, 1976. In this
(the date of the execution of the second of the truth, and whatever is not found in connection, it may be stated that
Real Estate Mortgage) a total of six (6) the writing must be understood to have complainants, per advice of respondent
months lapsed. Six (6) months at been waived and abandoned. himself, returned the proceeds of the
P500.00 equals P 3,000.00, which IBAA loan to the bank immediately on
amount plus the P2,000.00 complainants' However, the rule is not absolute as it April 30, 1976, considering that the net
loan to one Engr. Villanueva (indorsed to admits of some exceptions, as proceeds of the loan from said bank was
respondent for collection) totals aforequoted. One of the exceptions, that only P4,300.00 and not enough to pay
P5,000.00. Adding this amount to the is, failure to express the true intent and the indicated loan from respondent of
previous P5,000.00 indicated loan agreement of the parties, applies in this P5,000.00, which per computation of
secured by the first mortgage results in case. From the facts obtaining in the respondent would already have earned
P10,000.00, the amount appearing in the case, it is clear that the complainants interest of P2,500.00 for five (5) months
second Real Estate Mortgage. Section 7, were induced to sign the Real Estate (December 1975 to April, 1976).
Rule 130 of the Rules of Court provides: Mortgage documents by the false and
fraudulent representations of respondent Respondent claims that complainants
SEC. 7. Evidence of written agreements. that each of the successive documents had paid him the original loan of
— When the terms of an agreement was a are formality. P5,000.00, and that this was the reason
have been reduced to writing, it is to be why complainants were able to mortgage
considered as complaining all such While it may be true that complainants the lot to the bank free from any
terms, and, therefore, there can be, as are not at all illiterate, respondent, being encumbrance. This claim is incorrect.
between the parties and their successors a lawyer, should have at least explained The reason why the title (T-2684) was
in interest, no evidence of the terms of to complainants the legal implications of free from any encumbrance was simply
the agreement other than the contents of the provisions of the real estate because of the fact that the first Real
the writing, except in the following cases: mortgage, particularly the provision Estate Mortgage for the indicated loan of
appointing him as the complainants' P5,000.00 (the actual amount was only P
(a) Where a mistake or imperfection of attorney-in-fact in the event of default in 4,000.00) had not been annotated at the
the writing, or its failure to express the payments on the part of complainants. back of the title (see Annex B, p. 14,
true intent and agreement of the parties, While it may be conceded that it is rec.).
or the validity of the agreement is put in presumed that in practice the notary
issue by the pleadings; public apprises complainants of the legal Respondent also denies that
implications of the contract, it is of complainants offered to him the amount
(b) Where there is an intrinsic ambiguity common knowledge that most notaries of Pl0,000. 00 as payment of the loan,
in the writing. The term "agreement" public do not go through the desired alleging that if the offer were true, he
includes wills. practice. Respondent at least could have could have readily accepted the same
informed the complainants by sending a since he sold the lot for almost the same
There is no dispute that the two demand letter to them to pay their amount, for only P12,000.00, a
documents denominated Real Estate obligation as otherwise he would
difference of a few thousand pesos. Admittedly, respondent is in a better We are inclined to believe the version of
Respondent's denial is spacious. position financially, socially and the complainants.
intellectually. To the mind of the
Indeed, complainants made the offer, but undersigned, complainants were only It is admitted that complainants were not
respondent refused the same for the compelled to file the above entitled interested in putting the accused
simple reason that the offer was made complaint against the respondent Reynaldo Pineda to jail but rather in
on May 30,1979, three (3) years after the because they felt that they are so merely recovering their money of
execution of the mortgage on May 31, aggrieved of what the respondent has P2,000.00. At this stage, relationship
1976. With its lapse of time, respondent done to them. It is for this reason between complainants and respondent
demanded obviously the payment of the therefore that the undersigned is inclined was not yet strained, and respondent, as
accumulated substantial interest for three to believe the version of the counsel of the complainants in this case,
years, as shown by his own computation complainants rather than of the knew that complainants were merely
in as own handwriting on a sheet of respondent. In addition thereto, the interested in said recovery. Knowing this,
paper (Annex C, Complainants' Position respondent as a lawyer could really see respondent on his own volition talked to
Paper, Folder No. 2).lâwphî1.ñèt to it that the transaction between the accused and tried to settle the case
complainants and himself on papers amicably for P2,000.00. He accepted the
In view of all the foregoing, the appear legal and in order. Besides, there amount of P500.00 as advance payment,
observation made by the Hearing Officer is ample evidence in the records of its being then the only amount carried by
is worth quoting: case that respondent is actually engaged the accused Pineda. A receipt was
in lending money at least in a limited way signed by both respondent and accused
and that the interest at the rate of ten per Pineda (Annex M, p. 34, record).
In the humble opinion of the undersigned
cent a month is but common among However, respondent did not inform
the pivotal question with respect to this
money lenders during the time of the complainants about this advance
particular charge is whose version is to
transactions in question' payment, perhaps because he was still
be believed. Is it the version of the
complainants or the version of the waiting for the completion of the payment
respondent. Going now into the second charge, of P2,000.00 before turning over the
complainants alleged that respondent, whole amount to complainants.
who was their counsel (private
In resolving this issue the possible
prosecutor) in Criminal Case No. 734, for At any rate, complainants saw accused
motive on the part of the complainants in
estafa, against accused Reynaldo Pineda give the abovementioned
filing the present complaint against the
Pineda, compromised the case with the P500.00 to respondent, but they were
respondent must be carefully examined
accused without their consent and ashamed then to ask directly of
and considered. At the beginning there
received the amount of P500.00 as respondent what the money was all
was a harmonious relationship between
advance payment for the amicable about.
the complainants and the respondent so
settlement, without however, giving to the
much so that respondent was even
complainants the Id amount nor On June 27, 1979, barely a month after
engaged as counsel of the complainants
informing them of said settlement and May 30, 1979, when the complainants
and it is but human nature that when
payment. had already lost their trust and respect
respondent extended a loan to the
complainants the latter would be grateful and/or confidence in respondent upon
to the former. However, in the case at Again, respondent denies the allegation knowing what happened to their lot and,
bar, complainants filed a complaint and claims that the amicable settlement more so, upon respondent's refusal to
against the respondent in spite of the was with the consent of complainant wife accept the Pl0,000.00 offered by
great disparity between the status of the Erlinda Dalman Melendre[z]. complainants to redeem the same,
complainants and the respondent. Narciso Melendre[z] saw the accused
Pineda on his way home and confronted complainants? Why is it that it was not Complainants should likewise be blamed
him on the P500.00 that had been given the complainants who signed the receipt for trusting the respondent too much.
to respondent. Accused then showed for the said amount? How come that as They did not bother to keep a copy of the
complainant Melendres the receipt soon as complainants knew that the said documents they executed and
(Annex M, Id.) showing that the P500.00 amount was given to the respondent, the considering that they admitted they did
was an advance payment for the former filed a motion in court to relieve not understand the contents of the
supposed settlement/dismissal of the respondent as their counsel on the documents, they did not bother to have
case filed by complainants against him. ground that they have lost faith and them explained by another lawyer or by
confidence on him? If it is really true that any knowledgeable person in their
Sensing or feeling that respondent was complainants have knowledge and have locality. Likewise, for a period of three
fooling them, complainants then filed a consented to this amicable settlement years, they did not bother to ask for
motion before the court which was trying they should be grateful to the efforts of respondent the status of their lot and/or
the criminal case and relieved their private prosecutor yet the fact is their obligation to him. Their
respondent as their counsel. that they resented the same and went to complacency or apathy amounting
the extent of disqualifying the respondent almost to negligence contributed to the
The Investigating Fiscal, who heard the as their private prosecutor. Reynaldo expedient loss of their property thru the
case and saw the demeanor of the Pineda himself executed an affidavit legal manuevers employed by
witnesses in testifying, had this to say: belying the claim of the respondent.' respondent. Hence, respondent's liability
merits mitigation. (Emphasis supplied)
With respect to the second charge, the Clearly, the complained acts as
fact that respondent received P500.00 described and levelled against and made the following recommendation:
from Reynaldo Pineda is duly respondent Decena are contrary to
established. Both the complainants and justice, honesty, modesty, or good WHEREFORE, it is respectfully
the respondent agreed that the said morals for which he may be suspended. recommended that Atty. Reynerio I.
amount was given to the respondent in The moral turpitude for which an Decena be suspended from the practice
connection with a criminal case wherein attorney may be disbarred may consist of law for a period of five (5) years. 3
the complainants were the private of misconduct in either his professional
offended parties: that Reynaldo Pineda is or non- professional attitude (Royong v. The Office of the Solicitor General, through Fiscals
the accused and that the respondent is Oblena, 7 SCRA 859). The complained Almonte and Jamero, held several hearings during the
the private prosecutor of the said case. acts of respondent imply something investigation of the present administrative case: City
The pivotal issue in this particular charge immoral in themselves, regardless of the Fiscal Jorge T. Almonte was able to hold six (6) actual
is whether the respondent received the fact whether they are punishable by law. hearings out of twenty-five (25) resettings 4 While only
amount of P500.00 from Reynaldo The doing of the act itself, and not its five (5) actual hearings, out of forty (40) resettings 5 were
Pineda as an advance payment of an prohibition by statute, fixes the moral held under Provincial Fiscal Pedro S. Jamero. In those
amicable settlement entered into by the turpitude (Bartos vs. U.S. Dist. Court for hearings, the complainants presented a number of
complainants and the accused or the District of Nebraska C.C.C. Neb] 19 F witnesses who, after their direct testimony, were cross-
respondent received said amount from [2d] 722). examined by the counsel for respondent; complainant
the accused without the knowledge and Narciso Melendrez also testified and was accordingly
consent of the complainants. If it is true A parting comment. cross-examined. Considering the long delay incurred in
as alleged by the respondent that he only the investigation of the administrative case and having
received it for and in behalf of the All the above is not to say that been pressed by the Solicitor General immediately to
complainants as advance payment of an complainants themselves are faultless. complete the investigation, Fiscal Jamero posed a
amicable settlement why is it that the change of procedure, from trial type proceedings to
same was questioned by the requiring the parties to submit their respective position
papers. The complainants immediately filed their position waived in his order of 17 December 1986. Respondent constitute deception and dishonesty and conduct
paper which consisted of their separate sworn can not now claim that he had been deprived below of unbecoming a member of the Bar. We agree with the
statements, (that of Narciso Melendrez was in a the opportunity to confront the complainants and their Solicitor General that the acts of respondent "imply
question and answer form), their documentary exhibits witnesses. something immoral in themselves regardless of whether
and an affidavit of one Jeorge G. Santos. Respondent they are punishable by law" and that these acts
also filed his counter-affidavit and affidavits of his After carefully going through the record of the constitute moral turpitude, being "contrary to justice,
witnesses, with several annexes in support thereof In the proceedings as well as the evidence presented by both honesty, modesty or good morals." The standard
healing of 28 October 1987, which had been set for the parties, we agree with the findings and conclusions of required from members of the Bar is not, of course,
cross examination of the complainants and their the Solicitor General. satisfied by conduct which merely avoids collision with
witnesses by respondent, the complainants refused to our criminal law. Even so, respondent's conduct, in fact,
submit themselves to cross-examination on the ground The following acts of respondent: may be penalizable under at least one penal statute —
that the order of the hearing officer dated 17 December the anti-usury law.
1986 declaring respondent's right of cross examination
1. making it appear on the 5 August 1975
as having been waived, had become final and executory. The second charge against respondent relates to acts
real estate mortgage that the amount
Respondent questions now the evidentiary value of the done in his professional capacity, that is, done at a time
loaned to complainants was P5,000.00
complainants' position paper, not having passed through when he was counsel for the complainants in a criminal
instead of P4,000.00;
any cross-examination and argues that the non- case for estafa against accused Reynaldo Pineda. There
submission of the complainants and their witnesses to are two (2) aspects to this charge: the first is that
cross-examination constitutes a denial of his right to due 2. exacting grossly unreasonable and
respondent Decena effected a compromise agreement
process. usurious interest;
concerning the civil liability of accused Reynaldo Pineda
without the consent and approval of the complainants;
We do not think respondent's right to confront the 3. making it appear in the second real the second is that, having received the amount of
complainants and their witnesses against him has been estate mortgage of 7 May 1976 that the P500.00 as an advance payment on this "settlement," he
violated, Respondent in fact cross-examined loan extended to complainants had failed to inform complainants of that advance payment
complainant Narciso Melendrez and some of the escalated to P10,000.00; and moreover, did not turn over the P500.00 to the
witnesses which complainants had presented earlier. As complainants. The facts show that respondent "settled"
pointed out by the Solicitor General, the record of the 4. failing to inform complainants of the the estafa case amicably for P2,000.00 without the
proceedings shows that respondent had all the import of the real mortgage documents knowledge and consent of complainants. Respondent
opportunity to cross-examine the other witnesses of the and inducing them to sign those informed complainants of the amicable "settlement" and
complainants (those whose affidavits were attached to documents with assurances that they of the P500.00 advance payment only after petitioner
complainants' position paper) had he wanted to, but had were merely for purposes of "formality"; Narciso Melendrez had confronted him about these
forfeited such opportunity by asking for numerous matters. And respondent never did turn over to
continuances which indicated a clear attempt on his part 5. failing to demand or refraining from complainants the P500.00. Respondent is presumed to
to delay the investigation proceedings. Respondent had demanding payment from complainants be aware of the rule that lawyers cannot "without special
in fact requested a total of twenty three (23) resettings before effecting extrajudicial foreclosure authority, compromise their clients' litigation or receive
during the investigation proceedings: he had eight (8) of the mortgaged property; and anything in discharge of a client's claim, but the full
under Fiscal Almonte and fifteen (15) under Fiscal amount in cash.6 Respondent's failure to turn over to
Jamero. There were also instances where respondent 6. failing to inform or refraining from complainants the amount given by accused Pineda as
asked for postponement and at the same time reset the informing complainants that the real partial "settlement" of the estafa case underscores his
hearing to a specific date of his choice on which neither estate mortgage had already been lack of honesty and candor in dealing with his clients.
he nor as counsel would appear. That attitude of foreclosed and that complainants had a
respondent eventually led the hearing officer to declare right to redeem the foreclosed property Generally, a lawyer should not be suspended or
his (respondent's) right to cross-examine the within a certain period of time. disbarred for misconduct committed in his personal or
complainants and their witnesses as having been non-professional capacity. Where however, misconduct
outside his professional dealings becomes so patent and
Complainant narrates that she and respondent met
so gross as to demonstrate moral unfitness to remain in Present:
the legal profession, the Court must suspend or strike sometime in December 2000 when she was looking for a
out the lawyer's name from the Rollo of Attorneys. 7 The QUISUMBING, J.,
lawyer to assist her in suing Arnulfo Aquino (Aquino), the
nature of the office of an attorney at law requires that he - versus - Chairperson,
shall be a person of good moral character. This CARPIO, biological father of her minor daughter, for support. Her
qualification is not only a condition precedent to CARPIO MORALES,
former classmate who was then a Barangay Secretary referred
admission to the practice of law; its continued TINGA, and
possession is also essential for remaining in the practice VELASCO, JR. her to respondent. After several meetings with complainant,
of law, in the exercise of privileges of members of the ATTY. DIOSDADO M. respondent sent a demand letter[2] in her behalf to Aquino
Bar. Gross misconduct on the part of a lawyer, although RONGCAL,
not related to the discharge of professional duties as a Respondent. Promulgated: wherein he asked for the continuance of the monthly child
member of the Bar, which puts his moral character in September 7, 2006 support Aquino used to give, plus no less than P300,000.00 for
serious doubt, renders him unfit to continue in the
practice of law. 8 x------------------------------------------------------------------------------ the surgical operation their daughter would need for her
------x congenital heart ailment.
In the instant case, the exploitative deception exercised
by respondent attorney upon the complainants in his DECISION
private transactions with them, and the exacting of At around this point, by complainants own admission,
unconscionable rates of interest, considered together
with the acts of professional misconduct committed by TINGA, J.: she and respondent started having a sexual relationship. She
respondent attorney, compel this Court to the conviction narrates that this twist in the events began after respondent
that he has lost that good moral character which is The allegations raised in this complaint for
indispensable for continued membership in the Bar. started calling on her shortly after he had sent the demand
disbarment are more sordid, if not tawdry, from the usual. As letter in her behalf. Respondent allegedly started courting her,
WHEREFORE, respondent Reynerio I. Decena is such, close scrutiny of these claims is called for. Disbarment giving her financial aid. Soon he had progressed to making
hereby DISBARRED and his name shall be stricken from
the Rollo of Attorneys. Let a copy of this Resolution be and suspension of a lawyer, being the most severe forms of sexual advances towards complainant, to the accompaniment
FURNISHED each to the Bar Confidant and spread on disciplinary sanction, should be imposed with great caution of sweet inducements such as the promise of a job, financial
the personal records of respondent attorney, and to the
Integrated Bar of the Philippines. and only in those cases where the misconduct of the lawyer as security for her daughter, and his services as counsel for the
an officer of the court and a member of the bar is prospective claim for support against Aquino. Complainant
established by clear, convincing and satisfactory proof.[1] acknowledges that she succumbed to these advances, assured
Under consideration is the administrative complaint for by respondents claim that the lawyer was free to marry her, as
disbarment filed by Catherine Joie P. Vitug (complainant) his own marriage had already been annulled.
against Atty. Diosdado M. Rongcal (respondent). A classic
case of he said, she said, the parties conflicting versions of the On 9 February 2001, respondent allegedly convinced
facts as culled from the records are hereinafter presented. complainant to sign an Affidavit of Disclaimer [3] (Affidavit)
categorically stating that even as Aquino was denoted as the
Complainant, father in the birth certificate[4] of her daughter, he was, in truth,
not the real father. She was not allowed to read the contents of Sometime in 2002, assisted by Atty. Tolentino, Bansil Morales, who was also his fellow barangay official,
the Affidavit, she claims. Respondent supposedly assured her complainant filed a criminal case for child abuse as well as a referred her to him. He admits sending a demand letter to her
that the document meant nothing, necessary as it was the only civil case against Aquino. While the criminal case was former lover, Aquino, to ask support for the child.
way that Aquino would agree to give her daughter medical and dismissed, the civil case was decided on 30 August 2004 by Subsequently, he and Aquino communicated through an
educational support.Respondent purportedly assured virtue of a compromise agreement. It was only when said emissary. He learned that because of Aquinos infidelity, his
complainant that despite the Affidavit, she could still pursue a cases were filed that she finally understood the import of the relationship with his wife was strained so that in order to settle
case against Aquino in the future because the Affidavit is not a Affidavit. things the spouses were willing to give complainant a lump
public document.Because she completely trusted him at this sum provided she would execute an affidavit to the effect that
Complainant avers that respondent failed to protect
point, she signed the document without even taking a glance at Aquino is not the father of her daughter.
her interest when he personally prepared the Affidavit and
caused her to sign the same, which obviously worked to her
Respondent relayed this proposal to complainant who
On 14 February 2001, respondent allegedly advised disadvantage. In making false promises that all her problems
asked for his advice. He then advised her to study the proposal
complainant that Aquino gave him P150,000.00 cash would be solved, aggravated by his assurance that his
thoroughly and with a practical mindset. He also explained to
and P58,000.00 in two (2) postdated checks to answer for the marriage had already been annulled, respondent allegedly
her the pros and cons of pursuing the case. After several days,
medical expenses of her daughter. Instead of turning them deceived her into yielding to his sexual desires. Taking
she requested that he negotiate for an out-of-court settlement
over to her, respondent handed her his personal check [6] in the advantage of the trust and confidence she had in him as her
of no less than P500,000.00. When Aquino rejected the
amount of P150,000.00 and promised to give her the balance counsel and paramour, her weak emotional state, and dire
amount, negotiations ensued until the amount was lowered
of P58,000.00 soon thereafter. However, sometime in April or financial need at that time, respondent was able to appropriate
to P200,000.00. Aquino allegedly offered to issue four
May 2001, respondent informed her that he could not give her for himself money that rightfully belonged to her
postdated checks in equal amounts within four
the said amount because he used it for his political campaign daughter. She argues that respondents aforementioned acts
months. Complainant disagreed. Aquino then proposed to
as he was then running for the position of Provincial Board constitute a violation of his oath as a lawyer as well as the
rediscount the checks at an interest of 4% a month or a total
Member of the 2nd District of Pampanga. Code of Professional Responsibility (Code), particularly Rule
of P12,000.00. The resulting amount was P188,000.00.
1.01, Rule 1.02, Rule 16.01, Rule 16.02, and Canon 7.
Complainant maintains that inspite of their sexual [8]
Hence, she filed the instant complaint [9] dated 2 February Complainant finally agreed to this arrangement and
relationship and the fact that respondent kept part of the
2004. voluntarily signed the Affidavit that respondent prepared, the
money intended for her daughter, he still failed in his promise
same Affidavit adverted to by complainant. He denies forcing
to give her a job. Furthermore, he did not file the case against
Expectedly, respondent presents a different her to sign the document and strongly refutes her allegation
Aquino and referred her instead to Atty. Federico S. Tolentino,
version. According to him, complainant needed a lawyer who that she did not know what the Affidavit was for and that she
Jr. (Atty. Tolentino).
would file the aforementioned action for signed it without even reading it, as he gave her the draft
support. Complainants former high school classmate Reinilda before the actual payment was made. He notes that
complainant is a college graduate and a former bank employee Pampanga. He ran for the position of Provincial Board asked for financial assistance for the last time, which he
who speaks and understands English. He likewise vehemently Member in 2001. Thus, he was known in his locality and it turned down. Since then he had stopped communicating to
denies pocketing P58,000.00 of the settlement proceeds. When was impossible for complainant not to have known of his her.
complainant allegedly signed the Affidavit, the emissary marital status especially that she lived no more than three (3)
Sometime in January 2004, complainant allegedly
handed to her the sum of P150,000.00 in cash and she kilometers away from his house and even actively helped him
went to see a friend of respondent. She told him that she was
allegedly told respondent that he could keep the in his campaign.
in need of P5,000.00 for a sari-sari store she was putting up
remaining P38,000.00, not P58,000.00 as alleged in the
Respondent further alleges that while the demand for and she wanted him to relay the message to
complaint. Although she did not say why, he assumed that it
support from Aquino was being worked out, complainant respondent. According to this friend, complainant showed him
was for his attorneys fees.
moved to a rented house in Olongapo City because a suitor a prepared complaint against respondent that she would file
As regards their illicit relationship, respondent admits had promised her a job in the Subic Naval Base. But months with the Supreme Court should the latter not accede to her
of his sexual liaison with complainant. He, however, denies passed and the promised job never came so that she had to request. Sensing that he was being blackmailed, respondent
luring her with sweet words and empty promises.According to return to Lubao, Pampanga. As the money she received from ignored her demand. True enough, he alleges, she filed the
him, it was more of a chemistry of (sic) two consensual (sic) Aquino was about to be exhausted, she allegedly started to instant complaint.
adults,[11] complainant then being in her thirties. He denies that pester respondent for financial assistance and urged him to file
On 21 July 2004, the case was referred to the
he tricked her into believing that his marriage was already the Petition for Support against Aquino. While respondent
Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP) for investigation,
annulled. Strangely, respondent devotes considerable effort to acceded to her pleas, he also advised her to look for the right
report and recommendation.[13] After the parties submitted
demonstrate that complainant very well knew he was married man[12] and to stop depending on him for financial
their respective position papers and supporting documents, the
when they commenced what was to him, an extra-marital assistance. He also informed her that he could not assist her in
Investigating Commissioner rendered his Report and
liaison. He points out that, first, they had met through his filing the case, as he was the one who prepared and notarized
Recommendation dated 2 September 2005. After presenting
colleague, Ms. Morales, a friend and former high school the Affidavit. He, however, referred her to Atty. Tolentino.
the parties conflicting factual versions, the Investigating
classmate of hers. Second, they had allegedly first met at his
In August 2002, respondent finally ended his Commissioner gave credence to that of complainant and
residence where she was actually introduced to his
relationship with complainant, but still he agreed to give her concluded that respondent clearly violated the Code, reporting
wife. Subsequently, complainant called his residence several
monthly financial assistance of P6,000.00 for six (6) in this wise, to wit:
times and actually spoke to his wife, a circumstance so
months.Since then, they have ceased to meet and have
disturbing to respondent that he had to beg complainant not to Respondent, through the above
communicated only through an emissary or by cellphone. In mentioned acts, clearly showed that he is
call him there. Third, he was the Punong Barangay from 1994
wanting in good moral character, putting in
2003, complainant begged him to continue the assistance until
to 2002, and was elected President of the Association of doubt his professional reputation as a
June when her alleged fianc from the United States would member of the BAR and renders him unfit
Barangay Council (ABC) and as such was an ex-
and unworthy of the privileges which the law
have arrived. Respondent agreed. In July 2003, she again
officio member of the Sangguniang Bayan of Guagua, confers to him. From a lawyer, are (sic)
expected those qualities of truth-speaking,
relationship and the financial and emotional problem of his
high sense of honor, full candor, intellectual
On the charge of immorality, respondent does not
honesty and the strictest observance of client and attempting to mislead the Commission,
fiduciary responsibility all of which [17] deny that he had an extra-marital affair with complainant,
respondent was meted out the penalty of suspension for one
throughout the passage of time have been
albeit brief and discreet, and which act is not so corrupt and
compendiously described as MORAL (1) year with a stern warning that a repetition of similar acts
CHARACTER. false as to constitute a criminal act or so unprincipled as to be
will merit severe sanctions. He was likewise ordered to
reprehensible to a high degree[20] in order to merit disciplinary
Respondent, unfortunately took return P58,000.00 to complainant.
advantage and (sic) every opportunity to sanction. We disagree.
entice complainant to his lascivious Respondent filed a Motion for Reconsideration with
hungerness (sic). On several occasions[,]
respondent kept on calling complainant and Motion to Set Case for Clarificatory Questioning [18] (Motion) One of the conditions prior to admission to the bar is
dropped by her house and gave P2,000.00 as dated 9 March 2006 with the IBP and a Motion to that an applicant must possess good moral character. Said
aid while waiting allegedly for the reply of
(sic) their demand letter for support. It Reopen/Remand Case for Clarificatory Questioning dated 22 requirement persists as a continuing condition for the
signals the numerous visits and regular calls March 2006 with the Supreme Court. He reiterates his own
all because of [l]ewd design. He took enjoyment of the privilege of law practice, otherwise, the loss
advantage of her seeming financial woes and version of the facts, giving a more detailed account of the
emotional dependency. thereof is a ground for the revocation of such privilege. [21] As
events that transpired between him and
officers of the court, lawyers must not only in fact be of good
xxxx complainant. Altogether, he portrays complainant as a shrewd
and manipulative woman who depends on men for financial moral character but must also be seen to be of good moral
Without doubt, a violation of the
high moral standards of the legal profession support and who would stop at nothing to get what she character and leading lives in accordance with the highest
justifies the impositions (sic) of the wants. Arguing that the IBP based its Resolution solely on moral standards of the community. [22] The Court has held that
appropriate penalty, including suspension and
disbarment. x x x[15] complainants bare allegations that she failed to prove by clear
to justify suspension or disbarment the act complained of must
and convincing evidence, he posits the case should be re-
not only be immoral, but grossly immoral. [23] A grossly
opened for clarificatory questioning in order to determine who
immoral act is one that is so corrupt and false as to constitute a
It was then recommended that respondent be between them is telling the truth.
criminal act or so unprincipled or disgraceful as to be
suspended from the practice of law for six (6) months and that
he be ordered to return to complainant the amount In a Resolution[19] dated 27 April 2006, the IBP denied reprehensible to a high degree.[24] It is a willful, flagrant, or
of P58,000.00 within two months. The IBP Board of the Motion on the ground that it has no more jurisdiction over shameless act that shows a moral indifference to the opinion
Governors adopted and approved the said Report and the case as the matter had already been endorsed to the
of the good and respectable members of the community.[25]
Recommendation in a Resolution[16] dated 17 December 2005, Supreme Court.
finding the same to be fully supported by the evidence on While it is has been held in disbarment cases that the
While we find respondent liable, we adjudicate the
record and the applicable laws and rules, and considering mere fact of sexual relations between two unmarried adults is
matter differently from what the IBP has recommended.
Respondents obviously taking advantage of the lawyer-client not sufficient to warrant administrative sanction for such illicit
behavior,[26] it is not so with respect to betrayals of the marital complainant do not necessarily prove that he took advantage required in disbarment cases.[31] We are left with the
vow of fidelity.[27] Even if not all forms of extra-marital of her. At best, it proves that he courted her despite being a most logical conclusion that she freely and wittingly entered
relations are punishable under penal law, sexual relations married man, precisely the fact on which the finding of into an illicit and immoral relationship with respondent sans
outside marriage is considered disgraceful and immoral as it immorality is rooted. Moreover, the circumstance that he gave any misrepresentation or deceit on his part.
manifests deliberate disregard of the sanctity of marriage and her P2,000.00 as aid does not induce belief that he fueled her
the marital vows protected by the Constitution and affirmed by financial dependence as she never denied pleading with, if not Next, complainant charged respondent of taking
our laws.[28] badgering, him for financial support. advantage of his legal skills and moral control over her to

force her to sign the clearly disadvantageous Affidavit without

By his own admission, respondent is obviously guilty Neither does complainants allegation that respondent
letting her read it and without explaining to her its
of immorality in violation of Rule 1.01 of the Code which lied to her about his marital status inspire belief. We find
states that a lawyer shall not engage in unlawful, dishonest, credence in respondents assertion that it was impossible for repercussions. While acting as her counsel, she alleged that he

immoral or deceitful conduct. The next question to consider is her not to have known of his subsisting marriage. She herself likewise acted as counsel for Aquino.
whether this act is aggravated by his alleged deceitful conduct admitted that they were introduced by her friend and former
in luring complainant who was then in low spirits and in dire classmate, Ms. Morales who was a fellow barangay official of We find complainants assertions dubious. She was
financial need in order to satisfy his carnal desires. While the respondent. She admitted that she knew his residence phone clearly in need of financial support from Aquino especially
IBP concluded the question in the affirmative, we find number and that she had called him there. She also knew that that her daughter was suffering from a heart ailment. We
otherwise. respondent is an active barangay official who even ran as cannot fathom how she could abandon all cares to respondent
Provincial Board Member in 2001. Curiously, she never who she had met for only a couple of months and thereby risk
Complainants allegations that she succumbed to refuted respondents allegations that she had met and talked to the welfare of her child by signing without even reading a
respondents sexual advances due to his promises of financial his wife on several occasions, that she lived near his residence, document she knew was related to the support case she
security and because of her need for legal assistance in filing a that she helped him in his campaign, or that she knew a lot of intended to file. The Affidavit consists of four short sentences
case against her former lover, are insufficient to conclude that his friends, so as not to have known of his marital contained in a single page. It is unlikely she was not able to
complainant deceived her into having sexual relations with status. Considering that she previously had an affair with read it before she signed it.
her. Surely, an educated woman like herself who was of Aquino, who was also a married man, it would be unnatural
Likewise obscure is her assertion that respondent did
sufficient age and discretion, being at that time in her thirties, for her to have just plunged into a sexual relationship with
not fully explain to her the contents of the Affidavit and the
would not be easily fooled into sexual congress by promises of respondent whom she had known for only a short time without
consequences of signing it. She alleged that respondent even
a job and of free legal assistance, especially when there is no verifying his background, if it were true that she preferred to
urged her to use her head as Arnulfo Aquino will not give the
showing that she is suffering from any mental or physical change [her] life for the better, [30] as alleged in her
money for Alexandras medical and educational support if she
disability as to justify such recklessness and/or helplessness on complaint. We believe that her aforementioned allegations of
will not sign the said Affidavit of Disclaimer. [32] If her own
her part.[29] Respondents numerous visits and regular calls to deceit were not established by clear preponderant evidence
allegation is to be believed, it shows that she was aware of the have complainants bare allegations that cannot be considered issued by Aquino in the amount of P58,000.00. On the other
on-going negotiation with Aquino for the settlement of her hand, respondent admits that there is actually an amount
evidence.[34] Suspicion, no matter how strong, is not
claim for which the latter demanded the execution of the of P38,000.00 but presented no evidence of an agreement for
enough. In the absence of contrary evidence, what will prevail
Affidavit. It also goes to show that she was pondering on attorneys fees to justify his presumption that he can keep the
is the presumption that the respondent has regularly performed
whether to sign the same. Furthermore, she does not deny same. Curiously, there is on record a photocopy of a check
being a college graduate or that she knows and understands his duty in accordance with his oath. issued by respondent in favor of complainant
English. The Affidavit is written in short and simple sentences for P150,000.00. It was only in his Motion for
Complainant further charged respondent of
that are understandable even to a layman. The inevitable Reconsideration where respondent belatedly proffers an
misappropriating part of the money given by Aquino to her
conclusion is that she signed the Affidavit voluntarily and explanation. He avers that he cannot recall what the check was
daughter. Instead of turning over the whole amount, he
without any coercion whatsoever on the part of respondent. for but he supposes that complainant requested for it as she
allegedly issued to her his personal check in the amount
did not want to travel all the way to Olongapo City with a
The question remains as to whether his act of of P150,000.00 and pocketed the remaining P58,000.00 in
huge sum of money.
preparing and notarizing the Affidavit, a document violation of his fiduciary obligation to her as her counsel.

disadvantageous to his client, is a violation of the Code. We We find the circumstances rather suspicious but
The IBP did not make any categorical finding on this
rule in the negative. evidence is wanting to sustain a finding in favor of either party
matter but simply ordered respondent to return the amount
in this respect. We cannot and should not rule on mere
of P58,000.00 to complainant. We feel a discussion is in order.
It was not unlawful for respondent to assist his client conjectures. The IBP relied only on the written assertions of
in entering into a settlement with Aquino after explaining all We note that there is no clear evidence as to how the parties, apparently finding no need to subject the veracity

available options to her. The law encourages the amicable much Aquino actually gave in settlement of complainants of the assertions through the question and

claim for support. The parties are in agreement that answer modality. With the inconclusive state of the evidence,
settlement not only of pending cases but also of disputes
complainant received the amount of P150,000.00. However, a more
which might otherwise be filed in court. [33] Moreover, there is
complainant insists that she should have received more as in-depth investigation is called for to
no showing that he knew for sure that Aquino is the father of
there were two postdated checks amounting to P58,000.00 that ascertain in whose favor the
complainants daughter as paternity remains to be proven. As
respondent never turned over to her. Respondent essentially
complainant voluntarily and intelligently agreed to a agrees that the amount is in fact more than P150,000.00 but
settlement with Aquino, she cannot later blame her counsel only P38,000.00 more and complainant said he could have it substantial evidence level tilts. Hence, we are constrained to
when she experiences a change of heart. Besides, the record is and he assumed it was for his attorneys fees. remand the case to the IBP for further reception of evidence
bereft of evidence as to whether respondent also acted as solely on this aspect.
We scrutinized the records and found not a single
Aquinos counsel in the settlement of the case.Again, we only evidence to prove that there existed two postdated checks
We also are unable to grant complainants prayer for Respondents misconduct is of considerable We note that from the very beginning of this case,

respondent to be made liable for the cost of her childs DNA gravity. There is a string of cases where the Court meted out herein respondent had expressed remorse over his indiscretion

test absent proof that he misappropriated funds exclusively the extreme penalty of disbarment on the ground of gross and had in fact ended the brief illicit relationship years
earmarked for the purpose. immorality where the respondent contracted a bigamous ago. We take these as signs that his is not a character of such

marriage,[40] abandoned his family to cohabit with his severe depravity and thus should be taken as mitigating

Neither shall we entertain complainants claim for paramour,[41] cohabited with a married woman,[42] lured an circumstances in his favor. [48] Considering further that this is

moral damages and attorneys fees. Suffice it to state that an innocent woman into marriage,[43] or was found to be a his first offense, we believe that a fine of P15,000.00 would

administrative case against a lawyer is sui generis, one that is womanizer.[44] The instant case can be easily differentiated suffice. This, of course, is without prejudice to the outcome of

distinct from a civil or a criminal action. [36] It is an from the foregoing cases. the aspect of this case involving the alleged misappropriation

investigation by the Court into the fitness of a lawyer to We, therefore, heed the stern injunction on decreeing of funds of the client.

remain in the legal profession and be allowed the privileges as disbarment where any lesser penalty, such as temporary WHEREFORE, premises considered, we find Atty.
Diosdado M. Rongcal GUILTY of immorality and impose on
such.Its primary objective is to protect the Court and the suspension, would accomplish the end desired. [45] In Zaguirre
him a FINE of P15,000.00 with a stern warning that a
public from the misconduct of its officers with the end in view v. Castillo,[46] respondent was found to have sired a child with
repetition of the same or similar acts in the future will be dealt
of preserving the purity of the legal profession and the proper another woman who knew he was married. He therein sought
with more severely.
and honest administration of justice by requiring that those understanding from the Court pointing out the polygamous

who exercise this important function shall be competent, nature of men and that the illicit relationship was a product of The charge of misappropriation of funds of the client

honorable and reliable men and women in whom courts and mutual lust and desire. Appalled at his reprehensible and is REMANDED to the IBP for further investigation, report
and recommendation within ninety (90) days from receipt of
clients may repose confidence.[37] As such, it involves no amoral attitude, the Court suspended him
this Decision.
private interest and affords no redress for private grievance. indefinitely. However, in Fr. Sinnott v. Judge Barte,[47] where
The complainant or the person who called the attention of respondent judge consorted with a woman not his wife, but

the court to the lawyers alleged misconduct is in no sense a there was no conclusive evidence that he sired a child with

party, and has generally no interest in the outcome except as her, he was fined P10,000.00 for his conduct unbecoming a

all good citizens may have in the proper administration of magistrate despite his retirement during the pendency of the Let a copy of this decision be entered in the personal record of
justice. case. respondent as an attorney and as a member of the Bar, and
furnished the Bar Confidant, the Integrated Bar of
The following statements, so the Solicitor General avers,
the Philippines and the Court Administrator for circulation to
are set forth in the memoranda personally signed by
all courts in the country. Atty. Jose Beltran Sotto:

a. They (petitioners, including the

SO ORDERED. Executive Secretary) have made these
false, ridiculous and wild statements in a
desperate attempt to prejudice the courts
against MacArthur International. Such
efforts could be accurately called
"scattershot desperation" (Memorandum
for Respondents dated March 27, 1968,
pp. 13-14, three lines from the bottom of
Republic of the Philippines page 13 and first line page 14).
Manila b. Such a proposition is corrupt on its
face and it lays bare the immoral and
EN BANC arrogant attitude of the petitioners.
(Respondents' Supplemental
G.R. No. L-27072 January 9, 1970 Memorandum and Reply to Petitioner's
Memorandum Brief, dated April 13, 1968,
SURIGAO MINERAL RESERVATION BOARD, ET p. 16, last two lines on bottom of the
AL., petitioners, page).
HON. GAUDENCIO CLORIBEL ETC., ET c. The herein petitioners ...
AL., respondents, In Re: Contempt Proceedings opportunistically change their claims and
Against Attorneys Vicente L. Santiago, Jose Beltran stories not only from case to case but
Sotto, Graciano C. Regala and Associates, Erlito R. from pleading to pleading in the same
Uy, Juanito M. Caling; and Morton F. Meads. case. (Respondents' Supplemental
Memorandum, Ibid., p.17, sixth, seventh
RESOLUTION and eighth lines from bottom of the
MacArthur's third motion for reconsideration signed by
After the July 31, 1968 decision of this Court adverse to Atty. Vicente L. Santiago, on his behalf and purportedly
respondent MacArthur International Minerals Co., the for Attys. Erlito R. Uy, Graciano Regala and Associates,
Solicitor General brought to our attention statements of and Jose B. Sotto, the Solicitor General points out,
record purportedly made by Vicente L. Santiago, Erlito contain the following statements:
R. Uy, Graciano Regala, and Jose Beltran Sotto,
members of the Bar, with the suggestion that disciplinary d. ... ; and [the Supreme Court] has
action be taken against them. On November 21, 1968, overlooked the applicable law due to the
this Court issued a show-cause order. misrepresentation and obfuscation of the
petitioners' counsel. (Last sentence, par.
1, Third Motion for Reconsideration 1968 decision. It enumerates "incidents" which, "right to reject any or all bids" is being
dated Sept. 10, 1968). according to the motion, brought about respondent treated on a double standard basis by
MacArthur's belief that "unjudicial prejudice" had been the Honorable Supreme Court.
e. ... Never has any civilized, democratic caused it and that there was "unjudicial favoritism" in
tribunal ruled that such a gimmick favor of "petitioners, their appointing authority and a (h) the fact that respondent believes that
(referring to the "right to reject any and favored party directly benefited by the said decision." the Honorable Supreme Court knows
all bids") can be used by vulturous The "incidents" cited are as follows: better and has greater understanding
executives to cover up and excuse than the said decision manifests.
losses to the public, a government (a) said decision is in violation of the law,
agency or just plain fraud ... and it is thus which law has not been declared (i) the public losses (sic) one hundred
difficult, in the light of our upbringing and unconstitutional. and fifty to two hundred million dollars by
schooling, even under many of the said decision — without an effort by the
incumbent justices, that the Honorable (b) said decision ignores totally the Honorable Supreme Court to learn all the
Supreme Court intends to create a applicable law in the above-entitled case. facts through presentation through the
decision that in effect does precisely that trial court, which is elementary.
in a most absolute manner. (Second (c) said decision deprives respondent of
sentence, par. 7, Third Motion for due process of law and the right to On November 21, 1968, Atty. Vicente L. Santiago, again
Reconsideration dated Sept. 10, 1968). adduce evidence as is the procedure in for himself and Attys. Erlito R. Uy and Graciano Regala
all previous cases of this nature. and Associates, in writing pointed out to this Court that
The motion to inhibit filed on September 21, 1968 — the statements specified by the Solicitor General were
after judgment herein was rendered — and signed by (d) due course was given to the either quoted out of context, could be defended, or were
Vicente L. Santiago for himself and allegedly for Attys. unfounded certiorari in the first place comments legitimate and justifiable. Concern he
Erlito R. Uy, and Graciano Regala and Associates, when the appeal from a denial of a expressed for the fullest defense of the interests of his
asked Mr. Chief Justice Roberto Concepcion and Mr. motion to dismiss was and is neither new clients. It was stressed that if MacArthur's attorney could
Justice Fred Ruiz Castro to inhibit themselves from nor novel nor capable of leading to a not plead such thoughts, his client would be deprived of
considering, judging and resolving the case or any issue wholesome development of the law but due process of law. However, counsel sought to change
or aspect thereof retroactive to January 11, 1967. The — only served to delay respondent for the words "Chief Justice" to "Supreme Court" appearing
motion charges "[t]hat the brother of the Honorable the benefit of the favored party. on line 7, paragraph 2 of the motion to inhibit. Atty.
Associate Justice Castro is a vice-president of the Santiago also voluntarily deleted paragraph 6 of the said
favored party who is the chief beneficiary of the false, motion, which in full reads:
(e) the preliminary injunction issued
erroneous and illegal decision dated January 31, 1968"
herein did not maintain the status
and the ex parte preliminary injunction rendered in the 6. Unfortunately for our people, it seems
quo but destroyed it, and the conclusion
above-entitled case, the latter in effect prejudging and that many of our judicial authorities
cannot be avoided that it was destroyed
predetermining this case even before the joining of an believe that they are the chosen
for a reason, not for no reason at all.
issue. As to the Chief Justice, the motion states "[t]hat messengers of God in all matters that
the son of the Honorable Chief Justice Roberto come before them, and that no matter
Concepcion was given a significant appointment in the (f) there are misstatements and
misrepresentations in the said decision what the circumstances are, their
Philippine Government by the President a short time judgment is truly ordained by the
before the decision of July 31, 1968 was rendered in this which the Honorable Supreme Court has
refused to correct. Almighty unto eternity. Some seem to be
case." The appointment referred to was as secretary of constitutionally incapable of considering
the newly-created Board of Investments. The motion that any emanation from their mind or
presents a lengthy discourse on judicial ethics, and (g) the two main issues in the said
pen could be the product of unjudicial
makes a number of side comments projecting what is decision were decided otherwise in
prejudice or unjudicial sympathy or
claimed to be the patent wrongfulness of the July 31, previous decisions, and the main issue
favoritism for a party or an issue.
Witness the recent absurdity of Judge On the part of Atty. Jose Beltran Sotto, it must be stated authorship of any pleading or any other document in
Alikpala daring to proceed to judge a that as early as October 7, 1968, he insisted in connection with this case.
motion to hold himself in contempt of withdrawing his appearance in this case as one of the
court — seemingly totally oblivious or lawyers of MacArthur. His ground was that he did not On February 4, 1969, Atty. Erlito R. Uy explained his
uncomprehending of the violation of agree with the filing of the motion to inhibit the two side of the case. In brief, he denied participation in any
moral principle involved — and also of justices. According to him, "[t]he present steps (sic) now of the court papers subject of our November 21, 1968
Judge Geraldez who refuses to inhibit being taken is against counsel's upbringing and judicial order; claimed that he was on six months' leave of
himself in judging a criminal case against conscience." absence from July 1, 1968 to December 31, 1968 as
an accused who is also his one of the attorneys for MacArthur but that he gave his
correspondent in two other cases. What In Atty. Jose Beltran Sotto's return of November 29, permission to have his name included as counsel in all
is the explanation for such mentality? Is it 1968, he took pains to say that the questioned of MacArthur's pleadings in this case (L-27072), even
outright dishonesty? Lack of intelligence? statements he made were also taken out of context and while he was on leave of absence.
Serious deficiency in moral were necessary for the defense of his client MacArthur.
comprehension? Or is it that many of our He made the admission, though, that those statements Hearing on this contempt incident was had on March 3,
government officials are just amoral? lifted out of context would indeed be sufficient basis for a 1969.
finding that Section 20(f), Rule 138, had been violated.
And, in addition, he attempted to explain further A second contempt proceeding arose when, on July 14,
subparagraphs (f) and (h) of paragraph 7 thereof. On January 8, 1969, additional arguments were filed by 1969, respondent MacArthur, through new counsel, Atty.
Atty. Jose Beltran Sotto. He there averred that the Juanito M. Caling who entered a special appearance for
It was on December 2, 1968 that Atty. Vicente L. Supreme Court had no original jurisdiction over the the purpose, lodged a fourth motion for reconsideration
Santiago filed his compliance with this Court's resolution charge against him because it is one of civil contempt without express leave of court. Said motion reiterated
of November 21, 1968. He there stated that the motion against a party and the charge is originally cognizable by previous grounds raised, and contained the following
to inhibit and third motion for reconsideration were of his the Court of First Instance under Sections 4 and 10, paragraphs:
exclusive making and that he alone should be held Rule 71 of the Rules of Court. He also stressed that said
responsible therefor. He further elaborated on his charge was not signed by an "offended party or witness", 4. The said decision is illegal because it
explanations made on November 21, 1968. as required by law; and that the Solicitor General and his was penned by the Honorable Chief
assistants could not stand in the stead of an "offended Justice Roberto Concepcion when in fact
On December 5, 1968, he supplemented his Party or witness." he was outside the borders of the
explanations by saying that he already deleted Republic of the Philippines at the time of
paragraph 6 of the Motion to Inhibit heretofore quoted We now come to Atty. Graciano C. Regala. In his the Oral Argument of the above-entitled
from his rough draft but that it was still included through explanation of December 2, 1968, as further clarified by case — which condition is prohibited by
inadvertence. a supplemental motion of December 27, 1968, he the New Rules of Court — Section 1,
manifested that the use of or reference to his law firm in Rule 51, and we quote: "Justices; who
On March 1, 1969, Atty. Vicente L. Santiago, as counsel this case was neither authorized nor consented to by may take part. — ... . only those
for MacArthur, registered an amended motion to inhibit. him or any of his associates; that on July 14, 1967, one members present when any matter is
While it repeats the prayer that Mr. Chief Justice Morton F. Meads, in MacArthur's behalf, offered to retain submitted for oral argument will take part
Concepcion and Mr. Justice Castro inhibit themselves, it his services, which was accepted; that Meads inquired in its consideration and adjudication ..."
left but three paragraphs of the original motion to inhibit, from him whether he could appear in this case; that he This requirement is especially significant
taking out the dissertation on judicial ethics and most of advised Meads that this case was outside his in the present instance because the
the comments attacking the decision of this Court of July professional competence and referred Meads to another member who penned the decision was
31, 1968. lawyer who later on likewise turned down the offer; that the very member who was absent for
in view of the rejection, Meads and he agreed to approximately four months or more. This
terminate their previous retainer agreement; that he had provision also applies to the Honorable
not participated in any manner in the preparation or
Justices Claudio Teehankee and Antonio allegations in said motion were subsequently explained Caling whose office was on the same floor. Santiago
Barredo. to the undersigned counsel together with the introduced Meads to Caling at the same time handing
background of the case involved by Atty. Vicente L. the fourth motion to Caling. While Caling was reading
xxx xxx xxx Santiago and by one Morton F. Meads"; that upon the document, Santiago left. After reading the motion,
assurance that there was nothing wrong with the motion Caling gave his go-signal. He signed the same after his
6. That if the respondent MacArthur he was persuaded in good faith to sign the same; that he name was typed therein. The motion was then filed.
International Minerals Company was misled in so signing and the true facts of the According to Meads, from the time he entered the office
abandons its quest for justice in the allegations were not revealed to him especially the oral of Santiago to the time the motion was filed, the period
Judiciary of the Philippine Government, it argument allegedly made in the case. that elapsed was approximately one hour and a half.
will inevitably either raise the graft and Santiago was with Caling for about three minutes and
corruption of Philippine Government Because of the foregoing explanation by Atty. Caling, Meads was with Caling for about fifteen minutes.
officials in the bidding of May 12, 1965, this Court, on August 4, 1969, resolved "to require Atty.
required by the Nickel Law to determine Vicente L. Santiago and Morton Meads to file in writing In defending himself from the contempt charge, Meads
the operator of the Surigao nickel their answer to the said return [of Atty. Caling] and at the asserts that the quotation from the Rules of Court set
deposits, to the World Court on grounds same time to show cause why they, Atty. Vicente L. forth in the fourth motion for reconsideration has not
of deprivation of justice and confiscation Santiago and Morton Meads, should not be dealt with for been taken out of context because said quotation is
of property and /or to the United States contempt of court, on or before August 16, 1969; and ... precisely accurate; that the "xs" indicate that it is not a
Government, either its executive or to direct that the three, Atty. Juanita M. Caling, Atty. complete quotation and that it is a common practice in
judicial branches or both, on the grounds Vicente L. Santiago, and Morton Meads, personally court pleadings to submit partial quotations. Meads
of confiscation of respondent's appear Before this Court on Thursday, August 27, 1969, further contends that the announced plan to bring the
proprietary vested rights by the at 9:30 a.m., on which date the contempt proceedings case to the World Court is not a threat. In fact, his
Philippine Government without either against all of them will be heard by this Court." answer also included a notice of appeal to the World
compensation or due process of law — Court.
and invoking the Hickenlooper On August 13, 1969, Atty. Vicente L. Santiago gave his
Amendment requiring the cutting off of all explanation. He disavowed the truth of Atty. Caling's On August 27, 1969, this Court heard Attys. Vicente L.
aid and benefits to the Philippine statement that he (Santiago) convinced Caling to sign Santiago and Juanito Caling and Morton Meads in oral
Government, including the sugar price the motion. The truth, according to Santiago, is that one argument with respect to the second contempt incident.
premium, amounting to more than fifty day Morton Meads went to his office and asked him if he We shall now discuss the first and second contempt
million dollars annually, until restitution or knew of a lawyer nearby who could help him file another incidents seriatim.
compensation is made. motion for reconsideration, and he (Santiago) mentioned
Atty. Caling; he there upon accompanied Meads to 1. We start with the case of Atty. Vicente L. Santiago. In
This elicited another resolution from this Court on July Caling, told Caling of Meads' desire and left Meads with his third motion for reconsideration, we, indeed, find
18, 1969, requiring Atty. Juanito M. Caling "to show Caling. Santiago insists that he never prepared the language that is not to be expected of an officer of the
cause within five (5) days from receipt of notice hereof motion and that he never even read it. courts. He pictures petitioners as "vulturous executives".
why he should not be dealt with for contempt of court." He speaks of this Court as a "civilized, democratic
On August 15, 1969, Morton Meads answered. Meads' tribunal", but by innuendo would suggest that it is not.
On July 30, 1969, Atty. Juanita M. Caling filed his return. version is as follows: On July 14, 1969, he went to Atty.
He there alleged that the said fourth motion for Santiago's office with the fourth motion for In his motion to inhibit, his first paragraph categorizes
reconsideration was already finalized when Atty. Vicente reconsideration which he himself prepared. Santiago our decision of July 31, 1968 as "false, erroneous and
L. Santiago came to his office and requested him to started to read the motion and in fact began to make illegal" in a presumptuous manner. He there charges
accommodate MacArthur by signing the motion; that he some changes in Pencil in the first or second paragraph that the ex parte preliminary injunction we issued in this
turned down said request twice on the ground that he when Meads told him that MacArthur wanted a new case prejudiced and predetermined the case even
did not know anything about the case, much less the lawyer, not Santiago, to file the same. Meads asked before the joining of an issue. He accuses in a reckless
truth of the allegations stated in the motion; that "the Santiago if he could recommend one. They then went to manner two justices of this Court for being interested in
the decision of this case: Associate Justice Fred Ruiz are, their judgment is truly ordained by the Almighty unto concealed effort on the part of a losing litigant's attorney
Castro, because his brother is the vice president of the eternity." It depicts them as seemingly "incapable of to downgrade this Court.
favored party who is the chief beneficiary of the decision, considering that any emanation from their mind or pen
and Chief Justice Roberto Concepcion, whose son was could be the product of unjudicial prejudice or unjudicial The mischief that stems from all of the foregoing gross
appointed secretary of the newly-created Board of sympathy or favoritism for a party or an issue." After disrespect is easy to discern. Such disrespect detracts
Investments, "a significant appointment in the Philippine citing acts of two judges of first instance, he paused to much from the dignity of a court of justice. Decidedly not
Government by the President, a short time before the ask: "What is the explanation for such mentality? Is it an expression of faith, counsel's words are intended to
decision of July 31, 1968 was rendered." In this outright dishonesty? Lack of intelligence? Serious create an atmosphere of distrust, of disbelief. We are
backdrop, he proceeds to state that "it would seem that deficiency in moral comprehension? Or is it that many of thus called upon to repeat what we have said in Rheem
the principles thus established [the moral and ethical our government officials are just amoral?" of the Philippines vs. Ferrer (1967), 20 SCRA 441, 444,
guidelines for inhibition of any judicial authority by the as follows: "By now, a lawyer's duties to the Court have
Honorable Supreme Court should first apply to itself." He Paragraph 7 also of the motion to inhibit repeated become common place. Really, there could hardly be
puts forth the claim that lesser and further removed mention of "unjudicial prejudice" against respondent any valid excuse for lapses in the observance thereof.
conditions have been known to create favoritism, only to MacArthur and spoke of "unjudicial favoritism" for Section 20(b), Rule 138 of the Rules of Court, in
conclude that there is no reason for a belief that the petitioners, their appointing authority and a favored party categorical terms, spells out one such duty: 'To observe
conditions obtaining in the case of the Chief Justice and directly benefited by the decision. Paragraph 8 is a and maintain the respect due to the courts of justice and
Justice Castro "would be less likely to engender lecture on judicial ethics. Paragraph 9 is a warning to judicial officers.' As explicit is the first canon of legal
favoritism or prejudice for or against a particular cause this Court about loss of confidence, and paragraph 10 ethics which pronounces that '[i]t is the duty of the
or party." Implicit in this at least is that the Chief Justice makes a sweeping statement that "any other justices lawyer to maintain towards the Courts a respectful
and Justice Castro are insensible to delicadeza, which who have received favors or benefits directly or indirectly attitude, not for the sake of the temporary incumbent of
could make their actuation suspect. He makes it plain in from any of the petitioners or members of any board- the judicial office, but for the maintenance of its supreme
the motion that the Chief Justice and Justice Castro not petitioner, or their agents or principals, including the importance.' That same canon, as a corollary, makes it
only were not free from the appearance of impropriety President", should also inhibit themselves. peculiarly incumbent upon lawyers to support the courts
but did arouse suspicion that their relationship did affect against 'unjust criticism and clamor.' And more. The
their judgment. He points out that courts must be above What is disconcerting is that Atty. Santiago's accusations attorney's oath solemnly binds him to a conduct that
suspicion at all times like Caesar's wife, warns that loss have no basis in fact and in law. The slur made is not should be 'with all good fidelity ... to the courts.' Worth
of confidence for the Tribunal or a member thereof limited to the Chief Justice and Mr. Justice Castro. It remembering is that the duty of an attorney to the courts
should not be allowed to happen in our sweepingly casts aspersion on the whole court. For, can only be maintained by rendering no service involving
country, "although the process has already begun." inhibition is also asked of, we repeat, "any other justices any disrespect to the judicial office which he is bound to
who have received favors or benefits directly or indirectly uphold.' "
It is true that Santiago voluntarily deleted paragraph 6 from any of the petitioners or any members of any
which contained language that is as disrespectful. But board-petitioner or their agents or principals, including A lawyer is an officer of the courts; he is, "like the court
we cannot erase the fact that it has been made. He the president." The absurdity of this posture is at once itself, an instrument or agency to advance the ends of
explained that, he deleted this paragraph in his rough apparent. For one thing, the justices of this Court are justice."1 His duty is to uphold the dignity and authority of
draft, which paragraph was included in the motion filed appointed by the President and in that sense may be the courts to which he owes fidelity, "not to promote
in this Court only because of mere inadvertence. This considered to have each received a favor from the distrust in the administration of justice."2 Faith in the
explanation does not make much of a distinguishing President. Should these justices inhibit themselves courts a lawyer should seek to preserve. For, to
difference; it erects no shield. Not only because it was every time a case involving the Administration crops up? undermine the judicial edifice "is disastrous to the
belatedly made but also because his signature appeared Such a thought may not certainly be entertained. The continuity of government and to the attainment of the
on the motion to inhibit which included paragraph 6. And consequence thereof would be to paralyze the liberties of the people."3 Thus has it been said of a
this paragraph 6 describes with derision "many of our machinery of this Court. We would in fact, be wreaking lawyer that "[a]s an officer of the court, it is his sworn
judicial authorities" who "believe that they are the havoc on the tripartite system of government operating and moral duty to help build and not destroy
chosen messengers of God in all matters that come in this country. Counsel is presumed to know this. But unnecessarily that high esteem and regard towards the
before them, and that no matter what the circumstances why the unfounded charge? There is the not-too-well
courts so essential to the proper administration of a desperate attempt to prejudice the courts against under the circumstances. For, inherent in courts is the
justice."4 MacArthur." He brands such efforts as "scattershot power "[t]o control, in furtherance of justice, the conduct
desperation". He describes a proposition of petitioners of its ministerial officers, and of all other persons in any
It ill behooves Santiago to justify his language with the as "corrupt on its face", laying bare "the immoral and manner connected with a case before it, in every
statement that it was necessary for the defense of his arrogant attitude of the petitioners." He charges manner appertaining thereto." 11
client. A client's cause does not permit an attorney to petitioners with opportunistically changing their claims
cross the line between liberty and license. Lawyers must and stories not only from case to case but from pleading We, accordingly, hold that Atty. Jose Beltran Sotto has
always keep in perspective the thought that "[s]ince to pleading in the same case. Such language is not misbehaved, under Section 3 (a), Rule 71 of the Rules
lawyers are administrators of justice, oath-bound arguably protected; it is the surfacing of a feeling of of Court, as an officer of the court in the performance of
servants of society, their first duty is not to their clients, contempt towards a litigant; it offends the court before his official duties; and that he too has committed, under
as many suppose, but to the administration of justice; to which it is made. It is no excuse to say that these Section 3 (d) of the same rule, improper conduct tending
this, their clients' success is wholly subordinate; and statements were taken out of context. We have analyzed to degrade the administration of justice. He is, therefore,
their conduct ought to and must be scrupulously the lines surrounding said statements. They do not in guilty of contempt.
observant of law and ethics."5As rightly observed by Mr. any manner justify the inclusion of offensive language in
Justice Malcolm in his well-known treatise, a judge from the pleadings. It has been said that "[a] lawyer's 3. Not much need be said of the case of Atty. Graciano
the very nature of his position, lacks the power to defend language should be dignified in keeping with the dignity C. Regala. It was improper for Atty. Santiago to have
himself and it is the attorney, and no other, who can of the legal profession."9 It is Sotto's duty as a member included the name of the firm of Atty. Regala without the
better or more appropriately support the judiciary and of the Bar "[t]o abstain from all offensive personality and latter's knowledge and consent. Correctly did Regala
the incumbent of the judicial position. 6 From this, Mr. to advance no fact prejudicial to the honor or reputation insist — and this is confirmed by the other lawyers of
Justice Malcolm continued to say: "It will of course be a of a party or witness, unless required by the justice of respondents — that he had not participated in any way
trying ordeal for attorneys under certain conditions to the cause with which he is in the pleadings of the above-entitled case. Regala did
maintain respectful obedience to the court. It may charged." not even know that his name was included as co-
happen that counsel possesses greater knowledge of counsel in this case. He is exonerated.
the law than the justice of the peace or judge who Not far from the case of Atty. Sotto is People vs. Young,
presides over the court. It may also happen that since no 83 Phil. 702, 708, where counsel for the accused 4. Last to be considered with respect to the first
court claims infallibility, judges may grossly err in their convicted of murder made use of the following raw contempt incident is the case of Atty. Erlito R. Uy. Borne
decisions. Nevertheless, discipline and self-restraint on language in his brief : "The accused since birth was a out by the record is the fact that Atty. Uy was not also
the part of the bar even under adverse conditions are poor man and a son of a poor farmer, that since his involved in the preparation of any of the pleadings
necessary for the orderly administration of boyhood he has never owned a thousand pesos in his subject of the contempt citation. He should be held
justice."7 own name. Now, here comes a chance for him. A cold exempt from contempt.
fifty thousand bucks in exchange of a man's life. A
The precepts, the teachings, the injunctions just recited simple job. Perhaps a question of seconds' work and
5. We now turn our attention to the second contempt
are not unfamiliar to lawyers. And yet, this Court finds in that would transform him into a new man. Once in a
incident. The fourth motion for reconsideration is,
the language of Atty. Santiago a style that undermines small nipa shack, now in a palatial mansion! This poor
indeed, an act of contumacy.
and degrades the administration of justice. The stricture ignorant man blinded by the promise of wealth,
in Section 3 (d) of Rule 71 of the Rules — against protection and stability was given to do the forbidden
deed." We there held that "[s]uch a plea is a disgrace to First. It was filed without express leave of court. No
improper conduct tending to degrade the administration
the bar and an affront to the court." explanation has been made why this has been done.
of justice8— is thus transgressed. Atty. Santiago is guilty
of contempt of court.
It will not avail Sotto any to say that the Solicitor General Second. It lifted Section 1. Rule 51, Rules of Court, out
or his assistants may not be considered offended parties of context. Said Section 1 was quoted as follows:
2. We next take the case of Atty. Jose Beltran Sotto. We
in this case. This Court may motu proprio start "Justices; who may take part. — ... only those members
analyze the statements pointed out to us by the Solicitor
proceedings of this nature. There should be no doubt present when any matter is submitted for oral argument
General hereinbefore quoted. Sotto accuses petitioners
about the power of this Court to punish him for contempt will take part in its consideration and adjudication ..."
of having made "false, ridiculous and wild statements in
However, the provision in its entire thought should be the motion announced that MacArthur "will inevitably ... friendship with Santiago, he would not have signed the
read thus — raise the graft and corruption of [the] Philippine motion. On the other hand, Meads states that Santiago
government officials in the bidding of May 12, 1965 ... to began to read the fourth motion for reconsideration and
SECTION 1. Justices; who may take the World Court" and would invoke "the Hickenlooper even started to make changes thereon in pencil. We
part. — All matters submitted to the court Amendment requiring the cutting off of all aid and must not forget, too, that according to Meads himself, he
for its consideration and adjudication will benefits to the Philippine Government, including the spent, on July 14, 1969, quite some time with Santiago
be deemed to be submitted for sugar price premium, amounting to more than fifty before they proceeded to Caling. It is highly improbable
consideration and adjudication by any million dollars annually ... ." that Santiago did not read the fourth motion for
and all of the Justices who are members reconsideration during all that time.
of the division of the court at the time This is a clear attempt to influence or bend the mind of
when such matters are taken up for this Court to decide the case in its favor. A notice of Furthermore, Santiago is a lawyer of record for
consideration and adjudication, whether appeal to the World Court has even been embodied in respondent MacArthur in this case. He has not resigned
such Justices were or were not present Meads' return. There is a gross inconsistency between from his position as such lawyer. He has control of the
at the date of submission; however, only the appeal and the move to reconsider the decision. An proceedings. Whatever steps his client takes should be
those members present when any matter appeal from a decision presupposes that a party has within his knowledge and responsibility. Indeed, Canon
is submitted for oral argument will take already abandoned any move to reconsider that 16 of the Canons of Legal Ethics should have reminded
part in its consideration and decision. And yet, it would appear that the appeal to the him that "[a] lawyer should use his best efforts to restrain
adjudication, if the parties or either of World Court is being dangled as a threat to effect a and to prevent his clients from doing those things which
them, express a desire to that effect in change of the decision of this Court. Such act has no the lawyer himself ought not to do, particularly with
writing filed with the clerk at the date of aboveboard explanation. reference to their conduct towards courts, judicial
submission. 12 officers, jurors, witnesses and suitors. If a client persists
6. Atty. Caling has not shown to the satisfaction of this in such wrongdoing the lawyer should terminate their
Atty. Caling, who was admitted to the Bar in 1966, did Court that he should be exempted from the contempt relation."
not attempt to explain this point. charge against him. He knows that he is an officer of this
Court. He admits that he has read the fourth motion for The dignity of the Court, experience teaches, can never
Meads, however, for his part tried to reason out why reconsideration before he signed it. While he has been be protected where infraction of ethics meets with
such a distorted quotation came about — the portion left dragged in only at the last minute, still it was plainly his complacency rather than punishment. The people should
out was anyway marked by "XS" which is a common duty to have taken care that his name should not be not be given cause to break faith with the belief that a
practice among lawyers. Canon 22 of the Canons of attached to pleadings contemptuous in character. judge is the epitome of honor amongst men. To preserve
Legal Ethics reminds the lawyer to characterize his its dignity, a court of justice should not yield to the
conduct with candor and fairness, and specifically states 7. As for Morton F. Meads, he had admitted having assaults of disrespect. Punctilio of honor, we prefer to
that "it is not candid nor fair for the lawyer knowingly to prepared the fourth motion for reconsideration. He think, is a standard of behavior so desirable in a lawyer
misquote." While Morton Meads is admittedly not a cannot beg off from the contempt charge against him pleading a cause before a court of justice.
lawyer, it does not take a lawyer to see the deliberate even though he is not a lawyer. He is guilty of contempt.
deception that is being foisted upon this Court. There 9. One last word. It would seem apropos to say again
was a qualification to the rule quoted and that 8. We go back to Atty. Vicente L. Santiago. His that, if only for one reason, this Court had really no
qualification was intentionally omitted. insistence that he had nothing to do with the fourth alternative but to decide the main case against
motion for reconsideration and that he had not even respondent MacArthur. As we held in our decision of July
Third. The motion contained an express threat to take read the same is too transparent to survive fair 31, 1968, MacArthur did not even adhere to the terms
the case to the World Court and/or the United States appraisal. It goes against the grain of circumstances. and conditions of the invitation to bid. For, this invitation
government. It must be remembered that respondent Caling represents before us that it was Santiago who to bid explicitly warned that "bids not accompanied by
MacArthur at that time was still trying to overturn the convinced him to sign the motion, who with Meads bid bonds will be rejected. And We repeat, "[a]dmittedly,
decision of this Court of July 31, 1968. In doing so, explained to him the allegations thereof and the the bid of the Company [MacArthur] had been
unnecessary statements were injected. More specifically, background of the case. Caling says that if not for his submitted without the requisite bond." 13 It would not
require the adroit mind of a lawyer to say that a bid RESOLUTION
unaccompanied by a bond., contrary to the instructions
to bidders, is not entitled to any consideration.

It should be emphasized, too, that because the decision CASTRO, J.:

herein was by a unanimous Court, even if the Chief
Justice and Mr. Justice Fred Ruiz Castro had not taken Before us is Atty. Vicente Raul Almacen's "Petition to
part in the decision on the merits of this case, the result Surrender Lawyer's Certificate of Title," filed on
would have been the same: MacArthur's cause would September 25, 1967, in protest against what he therein
just the same have failed. asserts is "a great injustice committed against his client
by this Supreme Court." He indicts this Court, in his own
For the reasons given, this Court hereby finds: phrase, as a tribunal "peopled by men who are calloused
to our pleas for justice, who ignore without reasons their
1. On the first contempt charge, Atty. Vicente L. Santiago own applicable decisions and commit culpable violations
and Atty. Jose Beltran Sotto guilty of contempt of court, of the Constitution with impunity." His client's he
and fines Atty. Santiago in the sum of P1,000, and Atty. continues, who was deeply aggrieved by this Court's
Sotto, P100; and holds Attys. Graciano C. Regala and "unjust judgment," has become "one of the sacrificial
Associates and Atty. Erlito R. Uy not guilty of contempt of victims before the altar of hypocrisy." In the same breath
court; and that he alludes to the classic symbol of justice, he
ridicules the members of this Court, saying "that justice
2. On the second contempt charge, Atty. Vicente L. as administered by the present members of the
Santiago, Morton F. Meads and Atty. Juanita M. Caling Supreme Court is not only blind, but also deaf and
guilty of contempt of court, and fines Atty. Vicente L. dumb." He then vows to argue the cause of his client "in
Santiago, an additional P1,000, Morton F. Meads, the people's forum," so that "the people may know of the
P1,000, and Atty. Juanito M. Caling, P200. silent injustice's committed by this Court," and that
Republic of the Philippines "whatever mistakes, wrongs and injustices that were
Let a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the SUPREME COURT committed must never be repeated." He ends his petition
Honorable, the Secretary of Justice, for whatever action Manila with a prayer that
he may deem proper to take in the premises against
Morton F. Meads who is an alien. EN BANC ... a resolution issue ordering the Clerk of
Court to receive the certificate of the
Let another copy of this resolution be forwarded to the undersigned attorney and counsellor-at-
Honorable, the Solicitor General, for such action as he law IN TRUST with reservation that at
may deem proper in relation to the disbarment or any time in the future and in the event we
G.R. No. L-27654 February 18, 1970 regain our faith and confidence, we may
suspension of Attys. Vicente L. Santiago, Jose Beltran
Sotto and Juanito M. Caling. retrieve our title to assume the practice
IN THE MATTER OF PROCEEDINGS FOR of the noblest profession.
The Clerk of this Court is hereby directed to append a RAUL ALMACEN In L-27654, ANTONIO H. CALERO,
copy of this decision to the personal records of Attorneys He reiterated and disclosed to the press the contents of
Vicente L. Santiago, Jose Beltran Sotto and Juanito M. the aforementioned petition. Thus, on September 26,
Caling. So ordered. vs. 1967, the Manila Times published statements attributed
to him, as follows:
Vicente Raul Almacen, in an was quoted by columnist Vicente Albano Pacis in the the motion for reconsideration dated July
unprecedented petition, said he did it to issue of the Manila Chronicle of September 28, 1967. In 5, 1966 (pp. 90-113, printed record on
expose the tribunal's "unconstitutional connection therewith, Pacis commented that Atty. appeal) does not contain a notice of time
and obnoxious" practice of arbitrarily Almacen had "accused the high tribunal of offenses so and place of hearing thereof and is,
denying petitions or appeals without any serious that the Court must clear itself," and that "his therefore, a useless piece of paper
reason. charge is one of the constitutional bases for (Manila Surety & Fidelity Co., Inc. vs.
impeachment." Batu Construction & Co., G.R. No. L-
Because of the tribunal's "short-cut 16636, June 24, 1965), which did not
justice," Almacen deplored, his client was The genesis of this unfortunate incident was a civil case interrupt the running of the period to
condemned to pay P120,000, without entitled Virginia Y. Yaptinchay vs. Antonio H. Calero, 1 in appeal, and, consequently, the appeal
knowing why he lost the case. which Atty. Almacen was counsel for the defendant. The was perfected out of time.
trial court, after due hearing, rendered judgment against
xxx xxx xxx his client. On June 15, 1966 Atty. Almacen received a Atty. Almacen moved to reconsider this resolution, urging
copy of the decision. Twenty days later, or on July 5, that Manila Surety & Fidelity Co. is not decisive. At the
There is no use continuing his law 1966, he moved for its reconsideration. He served on same time he filed a pleading entitled "Latest decision of
practice, Almacen said in this the adverse counsel a copy of the motion, but did not the Supreme Court in Support of Motion for
petition, "where our Supreme Court is notify the latter of the time and place of hearing on said Reconsideration," citing Republic of the Philippines vs.
composed of men who are calloused to motion. Meanwhile, on July 18, 1966, the plaintiff moved Gregorio A. Venturanza, L-20417, decided by this Court
our pleas for justice, who ignore without for execution of the judgment. For "lack of proof of on May 30, 1966, as the applicable case. Again, the
reason their own applicable decisions service," the trial court denied both motions. To prove Court of Appeals denied the motion for reconsideration,
and commit culpable violations of the that he did serve on the adverse party a copy of his first thus:
Constitution with impunity. motion for reconsideration, Atty. Almacen filed on August
17, 1966 a second motion for reconsideration to which Before this Court for resolution are the
he attached the required registry return card. This motion dated May 9, 1967 and the
xxx xxx xxx
second motion for reconsideration, however, was supplement thereto of the same date
ordered withdrawn by the trial court on August 30, 1966, filed by defendant- appellant, praying for
He expressed the hope that by divesting upon verbal motion of Atty. Almacen himself, who, reconsideration of the resolution of May
himself of his title by which he earns his earlier, that is, on August 22, 1966, had already 8, 1967, dismissing the appeal.
living, the present members of the perfected the appeal. Because the plaintiff interposed no
Supreme Court "will become responsive objection to the record on appeal and appeal bond, the
to all cases brought to its attention Appellant contends that there are some
trial court elevated the case to the Court of Appeals. important distinctions between this case
without discrimination, and will purge
itself of those unconstitutional and and that of Manila Surety and Fidelity
But the Court of Appeals, on the authority of this Court's Co., Inc. vs. Batu Construction &
obnoxious "lack of merit" or "denied
decision in Manila Surety & Fidelity Co., Inc. vs. Batu Co., G.R. No. L- 16636, June 24, 1965,
resolutions. (Emphasis supplied)
Construction & Co., L-16636, June 24, 1965, dismissed relied upon by this Court in its resolution
the appeal, in the following words: of May 8, 1967. Appellant further states
Atty. Almacen's statement that
that in the latest case, Republic vs.
Upon consideration of the motion dated Venturanza, L-20417, May 30, 1966,
... our own Supreme Court is composed March 27, 1967, filed by plaintiff-appellee decided by the Supreme Court
of men who are calloused to our pleas of praying that the appeal be dismissed, concerning the question raised by
[sic] justice, who ignore their own and of the opposition thereto filed by appellant's motion, the ruling is contrary
applicable decisions and commit defendant-appellant; the Court to the doctrine laid down in the Manila
culpable violations of the Constitution RESOLVED TO DISMISS, as it hereby Surety & Fidelity Co., Inc. case.
with impunity dismisses, the appeal, for the reason that
There is no substantial distinction Nonetheless we decided by resolution dated September At the start, let me quote passages from
between this case and that of Manila 28, 1967 to withhold action on his petition until he shall the Holy Bible, Chapter 7, St. Matthew:
Surety & Fidelity Co. have actually surrendered his certificate. Patiently, we —
waited for him to make good his proffer. No word came
In the case of Republic vs. Venturanza, from him. So he was reminded to turn over his "Do not judge, that you
the resolution denying the motion to certificate, which he had earlier vociferously offered to may not be judged. For
dismiss the appeal, based on grounds surrender, so that this Court could act on his petition. To with what judgment you
similar to those raised herein was issued said reminder he manifested "that he has no pending judge, you shall be
on November 26, 1962, which was much petition in connection with Case G.R. No. L- judged, and with what
earlier than the date of promulgation of 27654, Calero vs. Yaptinchay, said case is now final and measure you measure, it
the decision in the Manila Surety Case, executory;" that this Court's September 28, 1967 shall be measured to you.
which was June 24, 1965. Further, the resolution did not require him to do either a positive or But why dost thou see
resolution in the Venturanza case was negative act; and that since his offer was not accepted, the speck in thy brother's
interlocutory and the Supreme Court he "chose to pursue the negative act." eye, and yet dost not
issued it "without prejudice to appellee's consider the beam in thy
restoring the point in the brief." In the In the exercise of its inherent power to discipline a own eye? Or how can
main decision in said case (Rep. vs. member of the bar for contumely and gross misconduct, thou say to thy brother,
Venturanza the Supreme Court passed this Court on November 17, 1967 resolved to require "Let me cast out the
upon the issue sub silencio presumably Atty. Almacen to show cause "why no disciplinary action speck from thy eye"; and
because of its prior decisions contrary to should be taken against him." Denying the charges behold, there is a beam
the resolution of November 26, 1962, contained in the November 17 resolution, he asked for in thy own eye? Thou
one of which is that in the Manila Surety permission "to give reasons and cause why no hypocrite, first cast out
and Fidelity case. Therefore Republic vs. disciplinary action should be taken against him ... in an the beam from thy own
Venturanza is no authority on the matter open and public hearing." This Court resolved (on eye, and then thou wilt
in issue. December 7) "to require Atty. Almacen to state, within see clearly to cast out the
five days from notice hereof, his reasons for such speck from thy brother's
Atty. Almacen then appealed to this Court by certiorari. request, otherwise, oral argument shall be deemed eyes."
We refused to take the case, and by minute resolution waived and incident submitted for decision." To this
denied the appeal. Denied shortly thereafter was his resolution he manifested that since this Court is "the "Therefore all that you
motion for reconsideration as well as his petition for complainant, prosecutor and Judge," he preferred to be wish men to do to you,
leave to file a second motion for reconsideration and for heard and to answer questions "in person and in an even to do you also to
extension of time. Entry of judgment was made on open and public hearing" so that this Court could them: for this is the Law
September 8, 1967. Hence, the second motion for observe his sincerity and candor. He also asked for and the Prophets."
reconsideration filed by him after the Said date was leave to file a written explanation "in the event this Court
ordered expunged from the records. has no time to hear him in person." To give him the xxx xxx xxx
ampliest latitude for his defense, he was allowed to file a
It was at this juncture that Atty. Almacen gave vent to his written explanation and thereafter was heard in oral
Your respondent has no intention of
disappointment by filing his "Petition to Surrender argument.
disavowing the statements mentioned in
Lawyer's Certificate of Title," already adverted to — a his petition. On the contrary, he refirms
pleading that is interspersed from beginning to end with His written answer, as undignified and cynical as it is the truth of what he stated, compatible
the insolent contemptuous, grossly disrespectful and unchastened, offers -no apology. Far from being contrite with his lawyer's oath that he will do no
derogatory remarks hereinbefore reproduced, against Atty. Almacen unremittingly repeats his jeremiad of falsehood, nor consent to the doing of
this Court as well as its individual members, a behavior lamentations, this time embellishing it with abundant any in court. But he vigorously DENY
that is as unprecedented as it is unprofessional. sarcasm and innuendo. Thus: under oath that the underscored
statements contained in the CHARGE things, is now in the attempt to inflict truth and his Constitutional right of free
are insolent, contemptuous, grossly punishment on your respondent for acts speech.
disrespectful and derogatory to the he said in good faith.
individual members of the Court; that xxx xxx xxx
they tend to bring the entire Court, Did His Honors care to listen to our
without justification, into disrepute; and pleadings and supplications for The INJUSTICES which we have
constitute conduct unbecoming of a JUSTICE, CHARITY, GENEROSITY and attributed to this Court and the further
member of the noble profession of law. FAIRNESS? Did His Honors attempt to violations we sought to be prevented is
justify their stubborn denial with any impliedly shared by our President. ... .
xxx xxx xxx semblance of reason, NEVER. Now that
your respondent is given the opportunity xxx xxx xxx
Respondent stands four-square that his to face you, he reiterates the same
statement is borne by TRUTH and has statement with emphasis, DID YOU? Sir.
What has been abhored and condemned, are the very
been asserted with NO MALICE Is this. the way of life in the Philippines
things that were applied to us. Recalling Madam
BEFORE AND AFTER THOUGHT but today, that even our own President, said:
Roland's famous apostrophe during the French
mainly motivated with the highest interest — "the story is current, though
revolution, "O Liberty, what crimes are committed in thy
of justice that in the particular case of our nebulous ,is to its truth, it is still being
name", we may dare say, "O JUSTICE, what
client, the members have shown circulated that justice in the Philippines
technicalities are committed in thy name' or more
callousness to our various pleas for today is not what it is used to be before
appropriately, 'O JUSTICE, what injustices are
JUSTICE, our pleadings will bear us on the war. There are those who have told
committed in thy name."
this matter, ... me frankly and brutally that justice is a
commodity, a marketable commodity in
the Philippines." xxx xxx xxx
xxx xxx xxx

xxx xxx xxx We must admit that this Court is not free
To all these beggings, supplications, from commission of any abuses, but who
words of humility, appeals for charity, would correct such abuses considering
generosity, fairness, understanding, We condemn the SIN, not the SINNER.
that yours is a court of last resort. A
sympathy and above all in the highest We detest the ACTS, not the ACTOR.
strong public opinion must be generated
interest of JUSTICE, — what did we get We attack the decision of this Court, not
so as to curtail these abuses.
from this COURT? One word, DENIED, the members. ... We were provoked. We
with all its hardiness and insensibility. were compelled by force of necessity.
We were angry but we waited for the xxx xxx xxx
That was the unfeeling of the Court
towards our pleas and prayers, in simple finality of the decision. We waited until
word, it is plain callousness towards our this Court has performed its duties. We The phrase, Justice is blind is symbolize
particular case. never interfered nor obstruct in the in paintings that can be found in all
performance of their duties. But in the courts and government offices. We have
end, after seeing that the Constitution added only two more symbols, that it is
xxx xxx xxx
has placed finality on your judgment also deaf and dumb. Deaf in the sense
against our client and sensing that you that no members of this Court has ever
Now that your respondent has the guts to heard our cries for charity, generosity,
have not performed your duties with
tell the members of the Court that fairness, understanding sympathy and
"circumspection, carefulness, confidence
notwithstanding the violation of the for justice; dumb in the sense, that
and wisdom", your Respondent rise to
Constitution, you remained unpunished, inspite of our beggings, supplications,
claim his God given right to speak the
this Court in the reverse order of natural and pleadings to give us reasons why
our appeal has been DENIED, not one exhibit a first-impression cogency, but fail to, withstand the Court in concluding that a particular
word was spoken or given ... We refer to critical scrutiny. By and large, this Court has been case at a particular time makes review
no human defect or ailment in the above generous in giving due course to petitions for certiorari. undesirable.
statement. We only describe the.
impersonal state of things and nothing Be this as it may, were we to accept every case or write Six years ago, in Novino, et al., vs. Court of Appeals, et
more. a full opinion for every petition we reject, we would be al., 1,21098, May 31, 1963 (60 O.G. 8099), this Court,
unable to carry out effectively the burden placed upon us through the then Chief Justice Cesar Bengzon,
xxx xxx xxx by the Constitution. The proper role of the Supreme articulated its considered view on this matter. There, the
Court, as Mr. Chief Justice Vinson of the U.S. Supreme petitioners counsel urged that a "lack of merit" resolution
As we have stated, we have lost our faith Court has defined it, is to decide "only those cases violates Section 12 of Article VIII of the Constitution.
and confidence in the members of this which present questions whose resolutions will have Said Chief Justice Bengzon:
Court and for which reason we offered to immediate importance beyond the particular facts and
surrender our lawyer's certificate, IN parties involved." Pertinent here is the observation of Mr. In connection with identical short
TRUST ONLY. Because what has been Justice Frankfurter in Maryland vs. Baltimore Radio resolutions, the same question has been
lost today may be regained tomorrow. As Show, 94 L. ed 562, 566: raised before; and we held that these
the offer was intended as our self- "resolutions" are not "decisions" within
imposed sacrifice, then we alone may A variety of considerations underlie the above constitutional requirement.
decide as to when we must end our self- denials of the writ, and as to the same They merely hold that the petition for
sacrifice. If we have to choose between petition different reasons may read review should not be entertained in view
forcing ourselves to have faith and different justices to the same result ... . of the provisions of Rule 46 of the Rules
confidence in the members of the Court of Court; and even ordinary lawyers have
but disregard our Constitution and to Since there are these conflicting, and, to all this time so understood it. It should be
uphold the Constitution and be the uninformed, even confusing reasons remembered that a petition to review the
condemned by the members of this for denying petitions for certiorari, it has decision of the Court of Appeals is not a
Court, there is no choice, we must been suggested from time to time that matter of right, but of sound judicial
uphold the latter. the Court indicate its reasons for denial. discretion; and so there is no need to
Practical considerations preclude. In fully explain the court's denial. For one
But overlooking, for the nonce, the vituperative chaff order that the Court may be enabled to thing, the facts and the law are already
which he claims is not intended as a studied disrespect discharge its indispensable duties, mentioned in the Court of Appeals'
to this Court, let us examine the grain of his grievances. Congress has placed the control of the opinion.
Court's business, in effect, within the
He chafes at the minute resolution denial of his petition Court's discretion. During the last three By the way, this mode of disposal has —
for review. We are quite aware of the terms the Court disposed of 260, 217, as intended — helped the Court in
criticisms2 expressed against this Court's practice of 224 cases, respectively, on their merits. alleviating its heavy docket; it was
rejecting petitions by minute resolutions. We have been For the same three terms the Court patterned after the practice of the U.S.
asked to do away with it, to state the facts and the law, denied, respectively, 1,260, 1,105,1,189 Supreme Court, wherein petitions for
and to spell out the reasons for denial. We have given petitions calling for discretionary review. review are often merely ordered
this suggestion very careful thought. For we know the If the Court is to do its work it would not "dismissed".
abject frustration of a lawyer who tediously collates the be feasible to give reasons, however
facts and for many weary hours meticulously marshalls brief, for refusing to take these cases. We underscore the fact that cases taken to this Court on
his arguments, only to have his efforts rebuffed with a The tune that would be required is petitions for certiorari from the Court of Appeals have
terse unadorned denial. Truth to tell, however, most prohibitive. Apart from the fact that as had the benefit of appellate review. Hence, the need for
petitions rejected by this Court are utterly frivolous and already indicated different reasons not compelling reasons to buttress such petitions if this
ought never to have been lodged at all.3 The rest do infrequently move different members of Court is to be moved into accepting them. For it is
axiomatic that the supervisory jurisdiction vested upon As a law practitioner who was admitted to the Bar as far made sure that he assumed the posture of a martyr,
this Court over the Court of Appeals is not intended to back as 1941, Atty. Almacen knew — or ought to have and, in offering to surrender his professional certificate,
give every losing party another hearing. This axiom is known — that for a motion for reconsideration to stay the he took the liberty of vilifying this Court and inflicting his
implied in sec. 4 of Rule 45 of the Rules of Court which running of the period of appeal, the movant must not exacerbating rancor on the members thereof. It would
recites: only serve a copy of the motion upon the adverse party thus appear that there is no justification for his scurrilous
(which he did), but also notify the adverse party of the and scandalous outbursts.
Review of Court of Appeals' decision time and place of hearing (which admittedly he did not).
discretionary.—A review is not a matter This rule was unequivocally articulated in Manila Surety Nonetheless we gave this unprecedented act of Atty.
of right but of sound judicial discretion, & Fidelity vs. Batu Construction & Co., supra: Almacen the most circumspect consideration. We know
and will be granted only when there are that it is natural for a lawyer to express his
special and important reasons therefor. The written notice referred to evidently is dissatisfaction each time he loses what he sanguinely
The following, while neither controlling prescribed for motions in general by Rule believes to be a meritorious case. That is why lawyers
nor fully measuring the court's discretion, 15, Sections 4 and 5 (formerly Rule 26), are given 'wide latitude to differ with, and voice their
indicate the character of reasons which which provides that such notice shall disapproval of, not only the courts' rulings but, also the
will be considered: state the time, and place of hearing and manner in which they are handed down.
shall be served upon all the Parties
(a) When the Court of Appeals has concerned at least three days in Moreover, every citizen has the right to comment upon
decided a question of substance, not advance. And according to Section 6 of and criticize the actuations of public officers. This right is
theretofore determined by the Supreme the same Rule no motion shall be acted not diminished by the fact that the criticism is aimed at a
Court, nor has decided it in a way upon by the court without proof of such judicial authority,4 or that it is articulated by a
probably not in accord with law or with notice. Indeed it has been held that in lawyer.5 Such right is especially recognized where the
the applicable decisions of the Supreme such a case the motion is nothing but a criticism concerns a concluded litigation,6 because then
Court; useless piece of paper (Philippine the court's actuations are thrown open to public
National Bank v. Damasco, I,18638, Feb. consumption.7 "Our decisions and all our official actions,"
(b) When the Court of Appeals has so far 28, 1963; citing Manakil v. Revilla, 42 said the Supreme Court of Nebraska, 8 "are public
departed from the accepted and usual Phil. 81; Roman Catholic Bishop of Lipa property, and the press and the people have the
course of judicial proceedings, or so far v. Municipality of Unisan, 41 Phil. 866; undoubted right to comment on them, criticize and
sanctioned such departure by the lower and Director of Lands vs. Sanz, 45 Phil. censure them as they see fit. Judicial officers, like other
court, as to call for the exercise of the 117). The reason is obvious: Unless the public servants, must answer for their official actions
power of supervision. movant sets the time and place of before the chancery of public opinion."
hearing the Court would have no way to
determine whether that party agrees to The likely danger of confusing the fury of human
Recalling Atty. Almacen's petition for review, we found,
or objects to the motion, and if he reaction to an attack on one's integrity, competence and
upon a thoroughgoing examination of the pleadings. and
objects, to hear him on his objection, honesty, with "imminent danger to the administration of
records, that the Court of Appeals had fully and correctly
since the Rules themselves do not fix justice," is the reason why courts have been loath to
considered the dismissal of his appeal in the light of the
any period within which he may file his inflict punishment on those who assail their
law and applicable decisions of this Court. Far from
reply or opposition. actuations.9 This danger lurks especially in such a case
straying away from the "accepted and usual course of
judicial proceedings," it traced the procedural lines as this where those who Sit as members of an entire
etched by this Court in a number of decisions. There If Atty. Almacen failed to move the appellate court to Court are themselves collectively the aggrieved parties.
was, therefore, no need for this Court to exercise its review the lower court's judgment, he has only himself to
supervisory power. blame. His own negligence caused the forfeiture of the Courts thus treat with forbearance and restraint a lawyer
remedy of appeal, which, incidentally, is not a matter of who vigorously assails their actuations. 10 For
right. To shift away from himself the consequences of his courageous and fearless advocates are the strands that
carelessness, he looked for a "whipping boy." But he weave durability into the tapestry of justice. Hence, as
citizen and officer of the court, every lawyer is expected opportunities for observing and forming a respect to courts. It is Such a misconduct that subjects a
not only to exercise the right, but also to consider it his correct judgment. They are in constant lawyer to disciplinary action.
duty to expose the shortcomings and indiscretions of attendance on the courts. ... To say that
courts and judges. 11 an attorney can only act or speak on this For, membership in the Bar imposes upon a person
subject under liability to be called to obligations and duties which are not mere flux and
Courts and judges are not sacrosanct. 12 They should account and to be deprived of his ferment. His investiture into the legal profession places
and expect critical evaluation of their performance. 13 For profession and livelihood, by the judge or upon his shoulders no burden more basic, more
like the executive and the legislative branches, the judges whom he may consider it his duty exacting and more imperative than that of respectful
judiciary is rooted in the soil of democratic society, to attack and expose, is a position too behavior toward the courts. He vows solemnly to
nourished by the periodic appraisal of the citizens whom monstrous to be conduct himself "with all good fidelity ... to the
it is expected to serve. entertained. ... . courts; 14 and the Rules of Court constantly remind him
"to observe and maintain the respect due to courts of
Well-recognized therefore is the right of a lawyer, both Hence, as a citizen and as Officer of the court a lawyer justice and judicial officers." 15 The first canon of legal
as an officer of the court and as a citizen, to criticize in is expected not only to exercise the right, but also to ethics enjoins him "to maintain towards the courts a
properly respectful terms and through legitimate consider it his duty to avail of such right. No law may respectful attitude, not for the sake of the temporary
channels the acts of courts and judges. The reason is abridge this right. Nor is he "professionally answerable incumbent of the judicial office, but for the maintenance
that for a scrutiny into the official conduct of the judges, of its supreme importance."
which would not expose him to legal animadversion as a
An attorney does not surrender, in citizen." (Case of Austin, 28 Am. Dee. 657, 665). As Mr. Justice Field puts it:
assuming the important place accorded
to him in the administration of justice, his Above all others, the members of the bar ... the obligation which attorneys
right as a citizen to criticize the decisions have the beat Opportunity to become impliedly assume, if they do not by
of the courts in a fair and respectful conversant with the character and express declaration take upon
manner, and the independence of the efficiency of our judges. No class is less themselves, when they are admitted to
bar, as well as of the judiciary, has likely to abuse the privilege, as no other the Bar, is not merely to be obedient to
always been encouraged by the courts. class has as great an interest in the the Constitution and laws, but to maintain
(In re Ades, 6 F Supp. 487) . preservation of an able and upright at all times the respect due to courts of
bench. (State Board of Examiners in Law justice and judicial officers. This
Criticism of the courts has, indeed, been an important v. Hart, 116 N.W. 212, 216) obligation is not discharged by merely
part of the traditional work of the bar. In the prosecution observing the rules of courteous
of appeals, he points out the errors of lower courts. In To curtail the right of a lawyer to be critical of the foibles demeanor in open court, but includes
written for law journals he dissects with detachment the of courts and judges is to seal the lips of those in the abstaining out of court from all insulting
doctrinal pronouncements of courts and fearlessly lays best position to give advice and who might consider it language and offensive conduct toward
bare for -all to see that flaws and inconsistence" of the their duty to speak disparagingly. "Under such a rule," so judges personally for their judicial acts.
doctrines (Hill v. Lyman, 126 NYS 2d 286). As aptly far as the bar is concerned, "the merits of a sitting judge (Bradley, v. Fisher, 20 Law. 4d. 647, 652)
stated by Chief Justice Sharswood in Ex Parte may be rehearsed, but as to his demerits there must be
Steinman, 40 Am. Rep. 641: profound silence." (State v. Circuit Court, 72 N.W. 196) The lawyer's duty to render respectful subordination to
the courts is essential to the orderly administration of
No class of the community ought to be But it is the cardinal condition of all such criticism that it justice. Hence, in the — assertion of their clients' rights,
allowed freer scope in the expansion or shall be bona fide, and shall not spill over the walls of lawyers — even those gifted with superior intellect are
publication of opinions as to the capacity, decency and propriety. A wide chasm exists between fair enjoined to rein up their tempers.
impartiality or integrity of judges than criticism, on the One hand, and abuse and slander of
members of the bar. They have the best courts and the judges thereof, on the other. Intemperate
and unfair criticism is a gross violation of the duty of
The counsel in any case may or may not that "any conduct of a lawyer which brings into scorn We are aware that there is a line of
be an abler or more learned lawyer than and disrepute the administration of justice demands authorities which place no limit to the
the judge, and it may tax his patience condemnation and the application of appropriate criticism members of the bar may make
and temper to submit to rulings which he penalties," adding that: regarding the capacity, impartiality, or
regards as incorrect, but discipline and integrity of the courts, even though it
self-respect are as necessary to the It would be contrary to, every democratic extends to the deliberate publication by
orderly administration of justice as they theory to hold that a judge or a court is the attorney capable of correct reasoning
are to the effectiveness of an army. The beyond bona fide comments and of baseless insinuations against the
decisions of the judge must be obeyed, criticisms which do not exceed the intelligence and integrity of the highest
because he is the tribunal appointed to bounds of decency and truth or which courts. See State Board, etc. v. Hart. 116
decide, and the bar should at all times be are not aimed at. the destruction of N.W. 212, 17 LRA (N.S.) 585, 15 Ann
the foremost in rendering respectful public confidence in the judicial system Cas 197 and note: Ex parte Steinman 95
submission. (In Re Scouten, 40 Atl. 481) as such. However, when the likely Pac. 220, 40 Am. Rep. 637. In the first
impairment of the administration of case mentioned it was observed, for
We concede that a lawyer may think justice the direct product of false and instance:
highly of his intellectual endowment That scandalous accusations then the rule is
is his privilege. And he may suffer otherwise. "It may be (although we
frustration at what he feels is others' lack do not so decide) that a
of it. That is his misfortune. Some such 2. In In Re Glenn, 130 N.W. 2d 672, an attorney was libelous publication by an
frame of mind, however, should not be suspended for putting out and circulating a leaflet attorney, directed against
allowed to harden into a belief that he entitled "JUSTICE??? IN OTUMWA," which accused a a judicial officer, could be
may attack a court's decision in words municipal judge of having committed judicial error, of so vile and of such a
calculated to jettison the time-honored being so prejudiced as to deny his clients a fair trial on nature as to justify the
aphorism that courts are the temples of appeal and of being subject to the control of a group of disbarment of its author."
right. (Per Justice Sanchez in Rheem of city officials. As a prefatory statement he wrote: "They
the Philippines vs. Ferrer, L-22979. June say that Justice is BLIND, but it took Municipal Judge Yet the false charges made by an
26, 1967) Willard to prove that it is also DEAF and DUMB!" The attorney in that case were of graver
court did not hesitate to find that the leaflet went much character than those made by the
In his relations with the courts, a lawyer may not divide further than the accused, as a lawyer, had a right to do. respondent here. But, in our view, the
his personality so as to be an attorney at one time and a better rule is that which requires of those
mere citizen at another. Thus, statements made by an The entire publication evidences a desire who are permitted to enjoy the privilege
attorney in private conversations or communications 16 or on the part Of the accused to belittle and of practicing law the strictest observance
in the course of a political, campaign, 17 if couched in besmirch the court and to bring it into at all times of the principles of truth,
insulting language as to bring into scorn and disrepute disrepute with the general public. honesty and fairness, especially in their
the administration of justice, may subject the attorney to criticism of the courts, to the end that the
disciplinary action. 3. In In Re Humphrey, 163 Pac. 60, the Supreme Court public confidence in the due
of California affirmed the two-year suspension of an administration of justice be upheld, and
Of fundamental pertinence at this juncture is an attorney who published a circular assailing a judge who the dignity and usefulness of the courts
examination of relevant parallel precedents. at that time was a candidate for re-election to a judicial be maintained. In re Collins, 81 Pac. 220.
office. The circular which referred to two decisions of the
1. Admitting that a "judge as a public official is neither judge concluded with a statement that the judge "used 4. In People ex rel Chicago Bar Asso. v. Metzen, 123
sacrosanct nor immune to public criticism of his conduct his judicial office to enable -said bank to keep that N.E. 734, an attorney, representing a woman who had
in office," the Supreme Court of Florida in State v. money." Said the court: been granted a divorce, attacked the judge who set
Calhoon, 102 So. 2d 604, 608, nevertheless declared aside the decree on bill of review. He wrote the judge a
threatening letter and gave the press the story of a 5. In a public speech, a Rhode Island lawyer accused caused by what he considered grave injustice. The Court
proposed libel suit against the judge and others. The the courts of the state of being influenced by corruption said:
letter began: and greed, saying that the seats of the Supreme Court
were bartered. It does not appear that the attorney had We cannot shut our eyes to the fact that
Unless the record in In re Petersen v. criticized any of the opinions or decisions of the Court. there is a growing habit in the profession
Petersen is cleared up so that my name The lawyer was charged with unprofessional conduct, of criticising the motives and integrity of
is protected from the libel, lies, and and was ordered suspended for a period of two years. judicial officers in the discharge of their
perjury committed in the cases involved, The Court said: duties, and thereby reflecting on the
I shall be compelled to resort to such administration of justice and creating the
drastic action as the law allows and the A calumny of that character, if believed, impression that judicial action is
case warrants. would tend to weaken the authority of the influenced by corrupt or improper
court against whose members it was motives. Every attorney of this court, as
Further, he said: "However let me assure you I do not made, bring its judgments into contempt, well as every other citizen, has the right
intend to allow such dastardly work to go unchallenged," undermine its influence as an unbiased and it is his duty, to submit charges to
and said that he was engaged in dealing with men and arbiter of the people's right, and interfere the authorities in whom is vested the
not irresponsible political manikins or appearances of with the administration of justice. ... power to remove judicial officers for any
men. Ordering the attorney's disbarment, the Supreme conduct or act of a judicial officer that
Court of Illinois declared: Because a man is a member of the bar tends to show a violation of his duties, or
the court will not, under the guise of would justify an inference that he is false
... Judges are not exempt from just disciplinary proceedings, deprive him of to his trust, or has improperly
criticism, and whenever there is proper any part of that freedom of speech which administered the duties devolved upon
ground for serious complaint against a he possesses as a citizen. The acts and him; and such charges to the tribunal, if
judge, it is the right and duty of a lawyer decisions of the courts of this state, in based upon reasonable inferences, will
to submit his grievances to the proper cases that have reached final be encouraged, and the person making
authorities, but the public interest and the determination, are not exempt from fair them
administration of the law demand that the and honest comment and criticism. It is protected. ... While we recognize the
courts should have the confidence and only when an attorney transcends the inherent right of an attorney in a case
respect of the people. Unjust criticism, limits of legitimate criticism that he will be decided against him, or the right of the
insulting language, and offensive held responsible for an abuse of his Public generally, to criticise the decisions
conduct toward the judges personally by liberty of speech. We well understand of the courts, or the reasons announced
attorneys, who are officers of the court, that an independent bar, as well as for them, the habit of criticising the
which tend to bring the courts and the independent court, is always a vigilant motives of judicial officers in the
law into disrepute and to destroy public defender of civil rights. In Re Troy, 111 performance of their official duties, when
confidence in their integrity, cannot be Atl. 723. 725. the proceeding is not against the officers
permitted. The letter written to the judge whose acts or motives are criticised,
was plainly an attempt to intimidate and 6. In In Re Rockmore, 111 NYS 879, an attorney was tends to subvert the confidence of the
influence him in the discharge of judicial suspended for six months for submitting to an appellate community in the courts of justice and in
functions, and the bringing of the court an affidavit reflecting upon the judicial integrity of the administration of justice; and when
unauthorized suit, together with the write- the court from which the appeal was taken. Such action, such charges are made by officers of the
up in the Sunday papers, was intended the Court said, constitutes unprofessional conduct courts, who are bound by their duty to
and calculated to bring the court into justifying suspension from practice, notwithstanding that protect the administration of justice, the
disrepute with the public. he fully retracted and withdrew the statements, and attorney making such charges is guilty of
asserted that the affidavit was the result of an impulse professional misconduct.
7. In In Re Mitchell, 71 So. 467, a lawyer published this law itself, as well as to the ethics of the "criminal prosecution," "calculated brutality," "a corrupt
statement: profession. ... deadfall," and similar phrases, was considered conduct
unbecoming of a member of the bar, and the name of
I accepted the decision in this case, The right of free speech and free the erring lawyer was ordered stricken from the roll of
however, with patience, barring possible discussion as to judicial determination is attorneys.
temporary observations more or less of prime importance under our system
vituperative and finally concluded, that, and ideals of government. No right 10. In State Board of Examiners v. Hart, 116 N.W. 215,
as my clients were foreigners, it might thinking man would concede for a the erring attorney claimed that greater latitude should
have been expecting too much to look for moment that the best interest to private be allowed in case of criticism of cases finally
a decision in their favor against a widow citizens, as well as to public officials, adjudicated than in those pending. This lawyer wrote a
residing here. whether he labors in a judicial capacity or personal letter to the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
otherwise, would be served by denying of Minnesota impugning both the intelligence and the
The Supreme Court of Alabama declared that: this right of free speech to any individual. integrity of the said Chief Justice and his associates in
But such right does not have as its the decisions of certain appeals in which he had been
... the expressions above set out, not corollary that members of the bar who attorney for the defeated litigants. The letters were
only transcend the bounds of propriety are sworn to act honestly and honorably published in a newspaper. One of the letters contained
and privileged criticism, but are an both with their client and with the courts this paragraph:
unwarranted attack, direct, or by where justice is administered, if
insinuation and innuendo, upon the administered at all, could ever properly You assigned it (the property involved) to
motives and integrity of this court, and serve their client or the public good by one who has no better right to it than the
make out a prima facie case of improper designedly misstating facts or carelessly burglar to his plunder. It seems like
conduct upon the part of a lawyer who asserting the law. Truth and honesty of robbing a widow to reward a fraud, with
holds a license from this court and who is purpose by members of the bar in such the court acting as a fence, or umpire,
under oath to demean himself with all discussion is necessary. The health of a watchful and vigilant that the widow got
good fidelity to the court as well as to his municipality is none the less impaired by no undue
client. a polluted water supply than is the health advantage. ... The point is this: Is a
of the thought of a community toward the proper motive for the decisions
judiciary by the filthy wanton, and discoverable, short of assigning to the
The charges, however, were dismissed after the attorney
malignant misuse of members of the bar court emasculated intelligence, or a
apologized to the Court.
of the confidence the public, through its constipation of morals and faithlessness
duly established courts, has reposed in to duty? If the state bar association, or a
8. In State ex rel. Dabney v. Breckenridge, 258 Pac. 747, them to deal with the affairs of the private committee chosen from its rank, or the
an attorney published in a newspaper an article in which individual, the protection of whose rights faculty of the University Law School,
he impugned the motives of the court and its members he lends his strength and money to aided by the researches of its hundreds
to try a case, charging the court of having arbitrarily and maintain the judiciary. For such conduct of bright, active students, or if any
for a sinister purpose undertaken to suspend the writ on the part of the members of the bar the member of the court, or any other
of habeas corpus. The Court suspended the respondent law itself demands retribution — not the person, can formulate a statement of a
for 30 days, saying that: court. correct motive for the decision, which
shall not require fumigation before it is
The privileges which the law gives to 9. In Bar Ass'n of San Francisco v. Philbrook, 170 Pac. stated, and quarantine after it is made, it
members of the bar is one most 440, the filing of an affidavit by an attorney in a pending will gratify every right-minded citizen of
subversive of the public good, if the action using in respect to the several judges the terms the state to read it.
conduct of such members does not criminal corrupt, and wicked conspiracies,," "criminal
measure up to the requirements of the confederates," "colossal and confident insolence,"
The Supreme Court of Minnesota, in ordering the wholly different principles are applicable rulings of the court in actions which are
suspension of the attorney for six months, delivered its thereto. ended, it held that one might be
opinion as follows: summarily punished for assaulting a
The conduct of the accused was in every judicial officer, in that case a
The question remains whether the way discreditable; but so far as he commissioner of the court, for his rulings
accused was guilty of professional exercised the rights of a citizen, in a cause wholly concluded. "Is it in the
misconduct in sending to the Chief guaranteed by the Constitution and power of any person," said the court, "by
Justice the letter addressed to him. This sanctioned by considerations of public insulting or assaulting the judge because
was done, as we have found, for the very policy, to which reference has been of official acts, if only the assailant
purpose of insulting him and the other made, he was immune, as we hold, from restrains his passion until the judge
justices of this court; and the insult was the penalty here sought to be enforced. leaves the building, to compel the judge
so directed to the Chief Justice To that extent his rights as a citizen were to forfeit either his own self-respect to the
personally because of acts done by him paramount to the obligation which he had regard of the people by tame submission
and his associates in their official assumed as an officer of this court. to the indignity, or else set in his own
capacity. Such a communication, so When, however he proceeded and thus person the evil example of punishing the
made, could never subserve any good assailed the Chief Justice personally, he insult by taking the law in his own
purpose. Its only effect in any case would exercised no right which the court can hands? ... No high-minded, manly man
be to gratify the spite of an angry recognize, but, on the contrary, willfully would hold judicial office under such
attorney and humiliate the officers so violated his obligation to maintain the conditions."
assailed. It would not and could not ever respect due to courts and judicial
enlighten the public in regard to their officers. "This obligation is not That a communication such as this,
judicial capacity or integrity. Nor was it an discharged by merely observing the rules addressed to the Judge personally,
exercise by the accused of any of courteous demeanor in open court, but constitutes professional delinquency for
constitutional right, or of any privilege it includes abstaining out of court from all which a professional punishment may be
which any reputable attorney, insulting language and offensive conduct imposed, has been directly decided. "An
uninfluenced by passion, could ever toward the judges personally for their attorney who, after being defeated in a
have any occasion or desire to assert. official acts." Bradley v. Fisher, 13 Wall. case, wrote a personal letter to the trial
No judicial officer, with due regard to his (U.S.) 355, 20 L. Ed. 646. And there justice, complaining of his conduct and
position, can resent such an insult appears to be no distinction, as regards reflecting upon his integrity as a justice,
otherwise than by methods sanctioned the principle involved, between the is guilty of misconduct and will be
by law; and for any words, oral or written, indignity of an assault by an attorney disciplined by the court." Matter of
however abusive, vile, or indecent, upon a judge, induced by his official act, Manheim 133 App. Div. 136, 99 N.Y.
addressed secretly to the judge alone, he and a personal insult for like cause by Supp. 87 The same is held in Re Griffin
can have no redress in any action triable written or spoken words addressed to the (City Ct.) 1 N.Y. 7 and in Re Wilkes (City
by a jury. "The sending of a libelous judge in his chambers or at his home or Ct.) 3 N.Y. In the latter case it appeared
communication or libelous matter to the elsewhere. Either act constitutes that the accused attorney had addressed
person defamed does not constitute an misconduct wholly different from criticism a sealed letter to a justice of the City
actionable publication." 18 Am. & Eng. of judicial acts addressed or spoken to Court of New York, in which it was
Enc. Law (2d Ed.) p. 1017. In these others. The distinction made is, we think stated, in reference to his decision: "It is
respects the sending by the accused of entirely logical and well sustained by not law; neither is it common sense. The
this letter to the Chief Justice was wholly authority. It was recognized in Ex result is I have been robbed of 80." And it
different from his other acts charged in parte McLeod supra. While the court in was decided that, while such conduct
the accusation, and, as we have said, that case, as has been shown, fully was not a contempt under the state, the
sustained the right of a citizen to criticise matter should be "called to the attention
of the Supreme Court, which has power sustained as to make it our duty to and in the orderly administration of justice, constitute
to discipline the attorney." "If," says the impose such a penalty as may be grave professional misconduct which may be visited with
court, "counsel learned in the law are sufficient lesson to him and a suitable disbarment or other lesser appropriate disciplinary
permitted by writings leveled at the warning to others. ... sanctions by the Supreme Court in the exercise of the
heads of judges, to charge them with prerogatives inherent in it as the duly constituted
ignorance, with unjust rulings, and with 11. In Cobb v. United States, 172 F. 641, the court guardian of the morals and ethics of the legal fraternity.
robbery, either as principals or affirmed a lawyer's suspension for 18 months for
accessories, it will not be long before the publishing a letter in a newspaper in which he accused a Of course, rarely have we wielded our disciplinary
general public may feel that they may judge of being under the sinister influence of a gang that powers in the face of unwarranted outbursts of counsel
redress their fancied grievances in like had paralyzed him for two years. such as those catalogued in the above-cited
manner, and thus the lot of a judge will jurisprudence. Cases of comparable nature have
be anything but a happy one, and the 12. In In Re Graves, 221 Pac. 411, the court held that an generally been disposed of under the power of courts to
administration of justice will fall into bad attorney's unjustifiable attack against the official acts and punish for contempt which, although resting on different
repute." decisions of a judge constitutes "moral turpitude." There, bases and calculated to attain a different end,
the attorney was disbarred for criticising not only the nevertheless illustrates that universal abhorrence of
The recent case of Johnson v. judge, but his decisions in general claiming that the such condemnable practices.
State (Ala.) 44 South. 671, was in this judge was dishonest in reaching his decisions and unfair
respect much the same as the case at in his general conduct of a case. A perusal of the more representative of these instances
bar. The accused, an attorney at law, may afford enlightenment.
wrote and mailed a letter to the circuit 13. In In Re Doss, 12 N.E. 2d 659, an attorney published
judge, which the latter received by due newspaper articles after the trial of cases, criticising the 1. In Salcedo vs. Hernandez, 61 Phil. 724, where
course of mail, at his home, while not court in intemperate language. The invariable effect of counsel branded the denial of his motion for
holding court, and which referred in this sort of propaganda, said the court, is to breed reconsideration as "absolutely erroneous and
insulting terms to the conduct of the disrespect for courts and bring the legal profession into constituting an outrage to the rigths of the petitioner
judge in a cause wherein the accused disrepute with the public, for which reason the lawyer Felipe Salcedo and a mockery of the popular will
had been one of the attorneys. For this it was disbarred. expressed at the polls," this Court, although conceding
was held that the attorney was rightly that
disbarred in having "willfully failed to
14. In State v. Grimes, 354 Pac. 2d 108, an attorney,
maintain respect due to him [the judge]
dissatisfied with the loss of a case, prepared over a It is right and plausible that an attorney,
as a judicial officer, and thereby
period of years vicious attacks on jurists. The Oklahoma in defending the cause and rights of his
breached his oath as an attorney." As
Supreme Court declared that his acts involved such client, should do so with all the fervor
recognizing the same principle, and in
gross moral turpitude as to make him unfit as a member and energy of which he is capable, but it
support of its application to the facts of
of the bar. His disbarment was ordered, even though he is not, and never will be so for him to
this case, we cite the following: Ex
expressed an intention to resign from the bar. exercise said right by resorting to
parte Bradley, 7 Wall (U.S.) 364, 19 L.
intimidation or proceeding without the
Ed. 214; Beene v. State, 22 Ark.
The teaching derived from the above disquisition and propriety and respect which the dignity of
149; Commonwealth v. Dandridge, 2 Va.
impressive affluence of judicial pronouncements is the courts requires. The reason for this is
Cas. 408; People v. Green, 7 Colo 237,
indubitable: Post-litigation utterances or publications, that respect for the courts guarantees the
244, 3 Pac. 65, 374, 49 Am. Rep. 351;
made by lawyers, critical of the courts and their judicial stability of their institution. Without such
Smith's Appeal, 179 Pa. 14, 36 Atl. 134;
actuations, whether amounting to a crime or not, which guaranty, said institution would be resting
Scouten's Appeal, 186 Pa. 270, Atl. 481.
transcend the permissible bounds of fair comment and on a very shaky foundation,
legitimate criticism and thereby tend to bring them into
Our conclusion is that the charges
disrepute or to subvert public confidence in their integrity
against the accused have been so far
found counsel guilty of contempt inasmuch as, in its the decision of the Parazo case, which confidence in the honesty and integrity of
opinion, the statements made disclosed was then and still is pending the members of this Court and believe
consideration by this Court upon petition that they cannot expect justice therefrom,
... an inexcusable disrespect of the of Angel Parazo. He not only intends to they might be driven to take the law into
authority of the court and an intentional intimidate the members of this Court with their own hands, and disorder and
contempt of its dignity, because the court the presentation of a bill in the next perhaps chaos might be the result. As a
is thereby charged with no less than Congress, of which he is one of the member of the bar and an officer of the
having proceeded in utter disregard of members, reorganizing the Supreme courts, Atty. Vicente Sotto, like any other,
the laws, the rights to the parties, and 'of Court and reducing the number of is in duty bound to uphold the dignity and
the untoward consequences, or with Justices from eleven, so as to change authority of this Court, to which he owes
having abused its power and mocked the members of this Court which decided fidelity according to the oath he has
and flouted the rights of Attorney Vicente the Parazo case, who according to his taken as such attorney, and not to
J. Francisco's client ... . statement, are incompetent and narrow promote distrust in the administration of
minded, in order to influence the final justice. Respect to the courts guarantees
2. In In re Sotto, 82 Phil. 595, counsel, a senator and the decision of said case by this Court, and the stability of other institutions, which
author of the Press Freedom Law, reaching to, the thus embarrass or obstruct the without such guaranty would be resting
imprisonment for contempt of one Angel Parazo, who, administration of justice. But the on a very shaky foundation.
invoking said law, refused to divulge the source of a respondent also attacks the honesty and
news item carried in his paper, caused to be published in integrity of this Court for the apparent Significantly, too, the Court therein hastened to
i local newspaper a statement expressing his regret "that purpose of bringing the Justices of this emphasize that
our High Tribunal has not only erroneously interpreted Court into disrepute and degrading the
said law, but it is once more putting in evidence the administration. of justice ... . ... an attorney as an officer of the court is
incompetency or narrow mindedness of the majority of under special obligation to be respectful
its members," and his belief that "In the wake of so many To hurl the false charge that this Court in his conduct and communication to the
blunders and injustices deliberately committed during has been for the last years committing courts; he may be removed from office or
these last years, ... the only remedy to put an end to go deliberately so many blunders and stricken from the roll of attorneys as
much evil, is to change the members of the Supreme injustices, that is to say, that it has been being guilty of flagrant misconduct (17
Court," which tribunal he denounced as "a constant peril deciding in favor of Que party knowing L.R.A. [N.S.], 586, 594.)
to liberty and democracy" and "a far cry from the that the law and justice is on the part of
impregnable bulwark of justice of those memorable the adverse party and not on the one in 3. In Rheem of the Philippines vs. Ferrer: In re
times of Cayetano Arellano, Victorino Mapa, Manuel whose favor the decision was rendered, Proceedings against Alfonso Ponce Enrile, et al., supra,
Araullo and other learned jurists who were the honor and in many cases decided during the last where counsel charged this Court with having
glory of the Philippine Judiciary." He there also years, would tend necessarily to "repeatedly fallen" into ,the pitfall of blindly adhering to
announced that one of the first measures he would undermine the confidence of the people its previous "erroneous" pronouncements, "in disregard
introduce in then forthcoming session of Congress would in the honesty and integrity of the of the law on jurisdiction" of the Court of Industrial
have for its object the complete reorganization of the members of this Court, and consequently Relations, our condemnation of counsel's misconduct
Supreme Court. Finding him in contempt, despite his to lower ,or degrade the administration of was unequivocal. Articulating the sentiments of the
avowals of good faith and his invocation of the justice by this Court. The Supreme Court Court, Mr. Justice Sanchez stressed:
guarantee of free speech, this Court declared: of the Philippines is, under the
Constitution, the last bulwark to which
As we look back at the language
But in the above-quoted written the Filipino people may repair to obtain
(heretofore quoted) employed in the
statement which he caused to be relief for their grievances or protection of
motion for reconsideration, implications
published in the press, the respondent their rights when these are trampled
there are which inescapably arrest
does not merely criticize or comment on upon, and if the people lose their
attention. It speaks of one pitfall into
which this Court has repeatedly against scurrilous remarks or malicious innuendoes administer justice in the decision of a
fallen whenever the jurisdiction of the while a court mulls over a pending case and not after the pending case. In the second kind of
Court of Industrial Relations comes into conclusion thereof, 19 Atty. Almacen would now seek to contempt, the punitive hand of justice is
question. That pitfall is the tendency of sidestep the thrust of a contempt charge by his studied extended to vindicate the courts from any
this Court to rely on its own emphasis that the remarks for which he is now called act or conduct calculated to bring them
pronouncements in disregard of the law upon to account were made only after this Court had into disfavor or to destroy public
on jurisdiction. It makes a sweeping written finis to his appeal. This is of no moment. confidence in them. In the first there is no
charge that the decisions of this contempt where there is no action
Court, blindly adhere to earlier rulings The rule that bars contempt after a judicial proceeding pending, as there is no decision which
without as much as making any has terminated, has lost much of its vitality. For might in any way be influenced by the
reference to and analysis of the pertinent sometime, this was the prevailing view in this newspaper publication. In the second,
statute governing the jurisdiction of the jurisdiction. The first stir for a modification thereof, the contempt exists, with or without a
industrial court. The plain import of all however, came when, in People vs. Alarcon, 20 the then pending case, as what is sought to be
these is that this Court is so patently Chief Justice Manuel V. Moran dissented with the protected is the court itself and its dignity.
inept that in determining the jurisdiction holding of the majority, speaking thru Justice Jose P. Courts would lose their utility if public
of the industrial court, it has committed Laurel, which upheld the rule above-adverted to. A confidence in them is destroyed.
error and continuously repeated that complete disengagement from the settled rule was later
error to the point of perpetuation. It to be made in In re Brillantes, 21 a contempt proceeding, Accordingly, no comfort is afforded Atty. Almacen by the
pictures this Court as one which refuses where the editor of the Manila Guardian was adjudged in circumstance that his statements and actuations now
to hew to the line drawn by the law on contempt for publishing an editorial which asserted that under consideration were made only after the judgment
jurisdictional boundaries. Implicit in the the 1944 Bar Examinations were conducted in a farcical in his client's appeal had attained finality. He could as
quoted statements is that the manner after the question of the validity of the said much be liable for contempt therefor as if it had been
pronouncements of this Court on the examinations had been resolved and the case closed. perpetrated during the pendency of the said appeal.
jurisdiction of the industrial court are not Virtually, this was an adoption of the view expressed by
entitled to respect. Those statements Chief Justice Moran in his dissent in Alarcon to the effect More than this, however, consideration of whether or not
detract much from the dignity of and that them may still be contempt by publication even after he could be held liable for contempt for such post
respect due this Court. They bring into a case has been terminated. Said Chief Justice Moran litigation utterances and actuations, is here immaterial.
question the capability of the members in Alarcon: By the tenor of our Resolution of November 17, 1967,
— and some former members of this we have confronted the situation here presented solely
Court to render justice. The second A publication which tends to impede, in so far as it concerns Atty. Almacen's professional
paragraph quoted yields a tone of obstruct, embarrass or influence the identity, his sworn duty as a lawyer and his fitness as an
sarcasm which counsel labelled as "so courts in administering justice in a officer of this Court, in the exercise of the disciplinary
called" the "rule against splitting of pending suit or proceeding, constitutes power the morals inherent in our authority and duty to
jurisdiction." criminal contempt which is 'summarily safeguard and ethics of the legal profession and to
punishable by courts. A publication which preserve its ranks from the intrusions of unprincipled and
Similar thoughts and sentiments have been expressed in tends to degrade the courts and to unworthy disciples of the noblest of callings. In this
other cases 18 which, in the interest of brevity, need not destroy public confidence in them or that inquiry, the pendency or non-pendency of a case in court
now be reviewed in detail. which tends to bring them in any way into is altogether of no consequence. The sole objective of
disrepute, constitutes likewise criminal this proceeding is to preserve the purity of the legal
Of course, a common denominator underlies the contempt, and is equally punishable by profession, by removing or suspending a member whose
aforecited cases — all of them involved contumacious courts. What is sought, in the first kind of misconduct has proved himself unfit to continue to be
statements made in pleadings filed pending litigation. So contempt, to be shielded against the entrusted with the duties and responsibilities belonging
that, in line with the doctrinal rule that the protective influence of newspaper comments, is the to the office of an attorney.
mantle of contempt may ordinarily be invoked only all-important duty of the courts to
Undoubtedly, this is well within our authority to do. By behavior and the exercise of a just and The virulence so blatantly evident in Atty. Almacen's
constitutional mandate, 22 our is the solemn duty, sound judicial discretion. 24 petition, answer and oral argumentation speaks for itself.
amongst others, to determine the rules for admission to The vicious language used and the scurrilous
the practice of law. Inherent in this prerogative is the Indeed, in this jurisdiction, that power to remove or innuendoes they carried far transcend the permissible
corresponding authority to discipline and exclude from suspend has risen above being a mere inherent or bounds of legitimate criticism. They could never serve
the practice of law those who have proved themselves incidental power. It has been elevated to an express any purpose but to gratify the spite of an irate attorney,
unworthy of continued membership in the Bar. Thus — mandate by the Rules of Court. 25 attract public attention to himself and, more important of
all, bring ;this Court and its members into disrepute and
The power to discipline attorneys, who Our authority and duty in the premises being destroy public confidence in them to the detriment of the
are officers of the court, is an inherent unmistakable, we now proceed to make an assessment orderly administration of justice. Odium of this character
and incidental power in courts of record, of whether or not the utterances and actuations of Atty. and texture presents no redeeming feature, and
and one which is essential to an orderly Almacen here in question are properly the object of completely negates any pretense of passionate
discharge of judicial functions. To deny disciplinary sanctions. commitment to the truth. It is not a whit less than a
its existence is equivalent to a classic example of gross misconduct, gross violation of
declaration that the conduct of attorneys the lawyer's oath and gross transgression of the Canons
The proffered surrender of his lawyer's certificate is, of
towards courts and clients is not subject of Legal Ethics. As such, it cannot be allowed to go
course, purely potestative on Atty. Almacen's part.
to restraint. Such a view is without unrebuked. The way for the exertion of our disciplinary
Unorthodox though it may seem, no statute, no law
support in any respectable authority, and powers is thus laid clear, and the need therefor is
stands in its way. Beyond making the mere offer,
cannot be tolerated. Any court having the unavoidable.
however, he went farther. In haughty and coarse
right to admit attorneys to practice and in language, he actually availed of the said move as a
this state that power is vested in this vehicle for his vicious tirade against this Court. The We must once more stress our explicit disclaimer of
court-has the inherent right, in the integrated entirety of his petition bristles with vile insults immunity from criticism. Like any other Government
exercise of a sound judicial discretion to all calculated to drive home his contempt for and entity in a viable democracy, the Court is not, and should
exclude them from practice. 23 disrespect to the Court and its members. Picturing his not be, above criticism. But a critique of the Court must
client as "a sacrificial victim at the altar of hypocrisy," he be intelligent and discriminating, fitting to its high
This, because the admission of a lawyer to the practice categorically denounces the justice administered by this function as the court of last resort. And more than this,
of law is a representation to all that he is worthy of their Court to be not only blind "but also deaf and dumb." With valid and healthy criticism is by no means synonymous
confidence and respect. So much so that — unmitigated acerbity, he virtually makes this Court and to obloquy, and requires detachment and
its members with verbal talons, imputing to the Court the disinterestedness, real qualities approached only
... whenever it is made to appear to the perpetration of "silent injustices" and "short-cut justice" through constant striving to attain them. Any criticism of
court that an attorney is no longer worthy while at the same time branding its members as the Court must, possess the quality of judiciousness and
of the trust and confidence of the public "calloused to pleas of justice." And, true to his must be informed -by perspective and infused by
and of the courts, it becomes, not only announced threat to argue the cause of his client "in the philosophy. 26
the right, but the duty, of the court which people's forum," he caused the publication in the papers
made him one of its officers, and gave of an account of his actuations, in a calculated effort ;to It is not accurate to say, nor is it an obstacle to the
him the privilege of ministering within its startle the public, stir up public indignation and exercise of our authority in ;the premises, that, as Atty.
bar, to withdraw the privilege. Therefore disrespect toward the Court. Called upon to make an Almacen would have appear, the members of the Court
it is almost universally held that both the explanation, he expressed no regret, offered no apology. are the "complainants, prosecutors and judges" all rolled
admission and disbarment of attorneys Instead, with characteristic arrogance, he rehashed and up into one in this instance. This is an utter
are judicial acts, and that one is admitted reiterated his vituperative attacks and, alluding to the misapprehension, if not a total distortion, not only of the
to the bar and exercises his functions as Scriptures, virtually tarred and feathered the Court and nature of the proceeding at hand but also of our role
an attorney, not as a matter of right, but its members as inveterate hypocrites incapable of therein.
as a privilege conditioned on his own administering justice and unworthy to impose
disciplinary sanctions upon him.
Accent should be laid on the fact that disciplinary Finally, the power to exclude persons from the practice suspension should last and, accordingly, we are impelled
proceedings like the present are sui generis. Neither of law is but a necessary incident of the power to admit to decree that the same should be indefinite. This, we
purely civil nor purely criminal, this proceeding is not — persons to said practice. By constitutional precept, this are empowered to do not alone because jurisprudence
and does not involve — a trial of an action or a suit, but power is vested exclusively in this Court. This duty it grants us discretion on the matter 33 but also because,
is rather an investigation by the Court into the conduct of cannot abdicate just as much as it cannot unilaterally even without the comforting support of precedent, it is
its officers. 27 Not being intended to. inflict punishment, it renounce jurisdiction legally invested upon it. 31 So that obvious that if we have authority to completely exclude a
is in no sense a criminal prosecution. Accordingly, there even if it be conceded that the members collectively are person from the practice of law, there is no reason why
is neither a plaintiff nor a prosecutor therein It may be in a sense the aggrieved parties, that fact alone does not indefinite suspension, which is lesser in degree and
initiated by the Court motu proprio. 28 Public interest is its and cannot disqualify them from the exercise of that effect, can be regarded as falling outside of the compass
primary objective, and the real question for power because public policy demands that they., acting of that authority. The merit of this choice is best shown
determination is whether or not the attorney is still a fit as a Court, exercise the power in all cases which call for by the fact that it will then be left to Atty. Almacen to
person to be allowed the privileges as such. Hence, in disciplinary action. The present is such a case. In the determine for himself how long or how short that
the exercise of its disciplinary powers, the Court merely end, the imagined anomaly of the merger in one entity of suspension shall last. For, at any time after the
calls upon a member of the Bar to account for his the personalities of complainant, prosecutor and judge is suspension becomes effective he may prove to this
actuations as an officer of the Court with the end in view absolutely inexistent. Court that he is once again fit to resume the practice of
of preserving the purity of the legal profession and the law.
proper and honest administration of justice by purging Last to engage our attention is the nature and extent of
the profession of members who by their misconduct the sanctions that may be visited upon Atty. Almacen for ACCORDINGLY, IT IS THE SENSE of the Court that
have proved themselves no longer worthy to be his transgressions. As marked out by the Rules of Court, Atty. Vicente Raul Almacen be, as he is hereby,
entrusted with the duties and responsibilities pertaining these may range from mere suspension to total removal suspended from the practice of law until further orders,
to the office of an attorney. 29 In such posture, there can or disbarment. 32 The discretion to assess under the the suspension to take effect immediately.
thus be no occasion to speak of a complainant or a circumstances the imposable sanction is, of course,
prosecutor. primarily addressed to the sound discretion of the Court Let copies of this resolution. be furnished the Secretary
which, being neither arbitrary and despotic nor motivated of Justice, the Solicitor General and the Court of Appeals
Undeniably, the members of the Court are, to a certain by personal animosity or prejudice, should ever be for their information and guidance.
degree, aggrieved parties. Any tirade against the Court controlled by the imperative need that the purity and
as a body is necessarily and inextricably as much so independence of the Bar be scrupulously guarded and
against the individual members thereof. But in the the dignity of and respect due to the Court be zealously
exercise of its disciplinary powers, the Court acts as an maintained.
entity separate and distinct from the individual
personalities of its members. Consistently with the That the misconduct committed by Atty. Almacen is of
intrinsic nature of a collegiate court, the individual considerable gravity cannot be overemphasized.
members act not as such individuals but. only as a duly However, heeding the stern injunction that disbarment FIRST DIVISION
constituted court. Their distinct individualities are lost in should never be decreed where a lesser sanction would
the majesty of their office. 30So that, in a very real sense, accomplish the end desired, and believing that it may
if there be any complainant in the case at bar, it can only [A.C. No. 2339. February 24, 1984.]
not perhaps be futile to hope that in the sober light of
be the Court itself, not the individual members thereof — some future day, Atty. Almacen will realize that abrasive
as well as the people themselves whose rights, fortunes JOSE M. CASTILLO, Complainant, v. ATTY.
language never fails to do disservice to an advocate and
and properties, nay, even lives, would be placed at grave that in every effervescence of candor there is ample SABINO PADILLA, JR., Respondent.
hazard should the administration of justice be threatened room for the added glow of respect, it is our view that
by the retention in the Bar of men unfit to discharge the suspension will suffice under the circumstances. His Jose M. Castillo for complainant.
solemn responsibilities of membership in the legal demonstrated persistence in his misconduct by neither
fraternity. manifesting repentance nor offering apology therefor Anselmo M. Carlos for Respondent.
leave us no way of determining how long that
RESOLUTION included in the present complaint for ejectment
was because defendant Erlinda Castillo wife of
SYLLABUS this representation called up this representation
PLANA, J.: at his house and crying over the phone, claiming
that Atty. Sabino Padilla was harassing her and
1. JUDICIAL ETHICS; ATTORNEYS; DUTIES. — immediately, this representation like any good
Among the duties of an attorney are: (1) to Atty. Jose M. Castillo, complainant, seeks the husband would do in the defense of his wife
observe and maintain the respect due to the suspension of respondent from the practice of immediately went to the school and confronted
courts of justice; and (2) to abstain from all law for the use of insulting language in the Atty. Sabino Padilla, Jr. with a talk and asked for
offensive personality and to advance no fact course of judicial : a yes or no answer if he harassed the wife of this
prejudicial to the honor or reputation of a party virtual law library representation and if yes, right then and there l
or witness unless required by the justice of the would sock his face."cralaw virtua1aw library
cause with which he is charged. The Canons of As the material facts are not in dispute, we have
Professional Ethics likewise exhort lawyers to deemed the case submitted for resolution on the Among the duties of an attorney are: (1) to
avoid all personalities between counsel. basis of the pleadings of the parties. observe and maintain the respect due to the
courts of justice; and (2) to abstain from all
2. ID.; ID.; ID.; USE OF INTEMPERATE Complainant was the counsel for the defendants offensive personality and to advance no fact
LANGUAGE UNCALLED FOR IN THE CASE AT BAR; (and at the same time, one of the defendants) in prejudicial to the honor or reputation of a party
PENALTY. — Whether directed at the person of Criminal Case No. 13331 for forcible entry before or witness unless required by the justice of the
complainant or his manner of offering evidence, the Metropolitan Trial Court of Caloocan. cause with which he is charged. (Rules of Court,
the remark "bobo" or "Ay, que bobo" was Respondent was counsel for the plaintiff. At the Rule 138, Sec. 20 (b) and (f). The Canons of
offensive and uncalled for. Respondent had no hearing of the case on November 19, 1981, while Professional Ethics likewise exhort lawyers to
right to interrupt complainant which such cutting complainant was formally offering his evidence, avoid all personalities between counsel. (Canon
remark while the latter was addressing the court. he heard respondent say "bobo." When 17.)
In so doing, he exhibited lack of respect not only complainant turned toward respondent, he saw
to a fellow lawyer but also to the court. By the the latter looking at him (complainant) Whether directed at the person of complainant or
use of intemperate language, respondent failed menacingly. Embarrassed and humiliated in the his manner of offering evidence, the remark
to measure up to the norm of conduct required of presence of many people, complainant was "bobo" or "Ay, que bobo" was offensive and
a member of the legal profession, which all the unable to proceed with his offer of evidence. The uncalled for. Respondent had no right to interrupt
more deserves reproach because this is not the court proceedings had to be suspended. complainant which such cutting remark while the
first time that respondent has employed offensive latter was addressing the court. In so doing, he
language in the course of judicial proceedings. He While admitting the utterance, respondent denied exhibited lack of respect not only to a fellow
has previously been admonished to refrain from having directed the same at the complainant, lawyer but also to the court. By the use of
engaging in offensive personalities and warned to claiming that what he said was "Ay, que bobo", intemperate language, respondent failed to
be more circumspect in the preparation of his referring to "the manner complainant was trying measure up to the norm of conduct required of a
pleadings. Respondent is hereby reprimanded for to inject wholly irrelevant and highly offensive member of the legal profession, which all the
his misbehavior. He is directed to observe proper matters into the record" while in the process of more deserves reproach because this is not the
decorum and restraint and warned that a making an offer of evidence. The statement of first time that respondent has employed offensive
repetition of the offense will be dealt with more Atty. Castillo referred to by respondent language in the course of judicial proceedings. He
severely. has previously been admonished to refrain from
engaging in offensive personalities and warned to
". . . The only reason why Atty. Jose Castillo was be more circumspect in the preparation of his
pleadings. (CA-G.R. No. 09753-SP, Court of
Appeals; Civil Case No. C-7790 CFI of Caloocan.)

The Court, however, notes that in the case at

bar, respondent’s actuation was triggered by
complainant’s own manifest hostility and
provocative remarks. Complainant is therefore
not entirely free from blame when respondent
unleashed his irritation through the use of
improper words.

WHEREFORE, respondent is hereby reprimanded

for his misbehavior. He is directed to observe
proper decorum and restraint and warned that a
repetition of the offense will be dealt with more
severely.chanrobles virtualawlibrary

Republic of the Philippines for entering an appearance at such a late date. He itself and an unwarranted annoyance to the court which
SUPREME COURT forthwith came with a recital of the circumstances under pronounced the judgment, is a sore deviation from
Manila which he had agreed to have his services retained by normal judicial processes. It detracts heavily from the
the respondents Tiburcio, et al. faith which should be accorded final judgments of courts
EN BANC of justice, generating as it does in the minds of the
He alleged that sometime during the first week of litigants, as well as of the public, an illusory belief that
G.R. No. L-24114 June 30, 1970 October 1969, the respondent Marcelino Tiburcio, in his something more can be done toward overturning a final
own behalf and as attorney-in-fact of the other judicial mandate.
IN THE MATTER OF PROCEEDINGS FOR respondents, went to him to engage his professional
DISCIPLINARY ACTION AGAINST ATTY. CLEMENTE services in two cases, to wit: this terminated case (L- In the incident before us, we find Atty. Soriano grossly
M. SORIANO IN L-24114, People's Homesite and 24114), and the case entitled "Varsity Hills vs. Hon. remiss and inexcusably precipitate in putting an officious
Housing Corporation and University of the Herminio C. Mariano, etc., et al." (L-30546). At their finger into the vortex of the case. He was wanting in the
Philippines, conference, Marcelino Tiburcio supposedly informed reasonable care which every member of the Bar must
vs. Atty. Soriano of the precise status of each of the two needs exercise before rushing into the midst of a case
HON. EULOGIO MENCIAS, ELPIDIO TIBURCIO, cases, thus: that the Varsity Hills case was set for already litigated or under litigation.
MARCELINO TIBURCIO, ET AL. hearing by this Court on October 27, 1969, while the
present case was still pending and the date of hearing Before taking over a case handled by a peer in the Bar,
thereof was yet undetermined. In addition to Marcelino a lawyer is enjoined to obtain the conformity of the
Tiburcio's representations, Atty. Soriano allegedly relied counsel whom he would substitute. And if this cannot be
upon the assurance of a mutual acquaintance, Atty. had, then he should, at the very least, give notice to
Antonio J. Dalangpan — that indeed these two cases such lawyer of the contemplated substitution. 2 Atty.
were pending in this Court. And so Atty. Soriano Soriano's entry of appearance in the present case as
prepared a letter-contract dated October 8, 1969, by "chief counsel of record" for the respondents in effect
CASTRO, J.: virtue of which he agreed to render professional services sought to preempt the former counsel, Atty. Nemesio
in the two cases in consideration of a contingent fee of Diaz, of the premier control over the case. Although at
By virtue of a pleading entitled "Appearance" filed with 143.33 hectares of land out of the 430 hectares (more or the hearing of the present incident he averred that he
this Court on October 10, 1969, Clemente M. Soriano, a less) involved in the two cases. It was on the same date, exerted efforts to communicate with Atty. Diaz to no
member of the Philippine Bar since January 19, 1954, October 8, 1969, that he then caused the preparation of avail, we are far from being convinced that he really did
entered his appearance in the present case (L-24114, his written appearance in the present case. so. Nowhere in his written manifestations to this Court
PHHC and U.P. vs. Mencias, Tiburcio, et al.) as "chief did he make mention of such efforts on his part. His
counsel of record" for the respondents Marcelino Parenthetically, it is interesting to note that the subsequent assertions to the contrary are plainly mere
Tiburcio, et al. This act in itself would have been contingent fee of 143.33 hectares of land would find no after thoughts.
innocuous were it not for the fact that it was done one justification if Atty. Soriano were to render his
year and eight months after the decision in this case professional services solely in the Varsity Hills case, for Furthermore, we note that Atty. Soriano has joined one
became final. Wittingly or unwittingly, therefore, Atty. in this latter case, the records of which we are in a Atty. Bonifacio T. Doria as counsel for the respondents in
Soriano was in effect asking this Court to exhume this position to take judicial notice, an area of only about 19 the Varsity Hills case now pending before this Court.
case from the archives. We thus considered it needful hectares is involved, 1 the bulk of the property claimed Atty. Doria, who was counsel of record in that case even
that he explain in full and in writing his unprecedented, if by the respondents having been litigated in the present prior to October 10, 1969, certainly knew the status of
not altogether bizzare behavior. case. the present case since the scope of our decision in the
latter is a prime issue raised in the Varsity Hills case.
His subsequent explanation did not, however, serve to The entry of appearance of a counsel in a case which Clearly, therefore, when Atty. Soriano accepted the two
dissuade this Court from requiring him to show cause has long been sealed and terminated by a final cases for the respondents, especially the Varsity
why disciplinary action should not be taken against him judgment, besides being an unmitigated absurdity in Hills case, he had not bothered at all to communicate
with Atty. Doria, as is the befitting thing to do when a Let a copy of this resolution be attached to the personal
lawyer associates with another in a pending cause. 3 He record of Atty. Clemente M. Soriano on file in the Bar
did not bother either to comprehend the substance of Division of this Court.
the Varsity Hills case before accepting the said case,
something which is elementary in the lawyer's trade.
Had he been less precipitate in his actions, he would
have surely detected the existence of a final judgment in
the present case. Further still, if it were true, as claimed
by Atty. Soriano at the hearing of this incident, that his
clients complained to him about having been left out in
the cold by their former lawyer, then that circumstance of
itself should have indicated to him the imperative need
for verification of the true status of the present case. Atty.
Soriano cannot lean on the supposed assurance of Atty.
Dalangpan that the case was still pending with his Court
— which assurance Atty. Dalangpan, at the hearing of
this incident, categorically denied having given. What
Atty. Soriano should have done, in keeping with the
reasonable vigilance exacted of members of the legal
profession, was to pay a verification visit to the records
section of this Court, which is easily and quickly
accessible by car or public conveyance from his office
(May Building, Rizal Avenue, Manila). If this office were
situated in the province and he did not have the time to
come to the Supreme Court building in Manila, he could
have posed the proper query to the Clerk of Court by
registered mail or by telegram.

We find Atty. Clemente M. Soriano guilty of gross

negligence in the performance of his duties as a lawyer
and as an officer of this Court. This inexcusable
negligence would merit no less than his suspension from
the practice of the law profession, were it not for his
candor, at the hearing of this incident, in owning his
mistake and the apology he made to this Court. It is the
sense of this Court, however, that he must be as he is
hereby severely censured. Atty. Soriano is further
likewise warned that any future similar act will be met
with heavier disciplinary sanction.

Atty. Soriano is hereby ordered, in the present case, to

forthwith withdraw the appearance that he has entered
as chief counsel of record for the respondents Marcelino
Tiburcio, et al.
consultation and office work relating to Spanish agents amounts to a signing by non-qualified
law. The paper was headed "Law Office - Ney & attorneys, the office of attorney being originally
Bosque. Juan G. Bosque, jurisconsulto español - one of agency. ( In re Cooper, 22 N.Y., 67.) We
C.W. Ney, abogado americano." do not, however, mean to discountenance the
use of a suitable firm designation by partners, all
Since that time the defendant Bosque has not of whom have been duly admitted to practice.
personally appeared in the courts, and with one
exception, occuring through an inadvertance, It is to be noted that we are not now considering
papers from the office were signed not with the an application for the suspension or removal of
firm name alone nor with any designation of the the defendant Ney from his office as attorney.
EN BANC firm as attorneys, but with the words "Ney & The defendant Bosque, not being an officer of the
Bosque - C.W. Ney, abogado." court, could not be proceeded against in that
G.R. No. 3593 March 23, 1907 way, and probably for that reason the Attorney-
On two occasions, one on May 1, 1905, and the General instituted this form of proceeding.
THE UNITED STATES, plaintiff, vs. C.W. NEY other on September 15, 1906, this court refused
and JUAN GARCIA BOSQUE,defendants. to consider petitions so singed with the names of Should either of these defendants be thus
the defendants and the practice being repeated, punished for contempt? Section 232 of the Code
Attorney-General Araneta for plaintiff. on the 2nd day of October, 1906, ordered the of Civil Procedure describes contempt as follows:
C.W. Ney for defendants. papers sent to the Attorney-General to take
appropriate action thereon, and he thereupon 1. Disobedience of or resistance to a lawful writ,
TRACEY, J.: instituted this proceeding. The defendants process, order, judgment, or command of a
disclaim any intentional contempt, and defend court, or injunction granted by a court or judge;
This proceeding is to punish the defendants for their acts as being within the law. Section 102 of
the Code of Civil procedure, providing that every 2. Misbehavior of an officer of the court in the
pleading must be subscribed by the party or his performance of his official duties or in his official
attorney, does not permit, and by implication transactions.
In the year 1902 this court decided that the
prohibits, a subscription of the names of any
defendant, J. Garcia Bosque, was not entitled to
other persons, whether agents or otherwise; Where the law defines contempt, the power of
admission to practice law in the Philippine
therefore a signature containing the name of one the courts is restricted to punishment for acts so
Islands, upon the ground that after the change of
neither a party nor an attorney was not a defined. ( Ex parte Robinson, 86 U.S., 505.) As
sovereignty he had elected to remain a Spanish
compliance with this section, nor was it aided by to the first subdivision of this section, no direct
subject and as such was not qualified for
the too obvious subterfuge of the addition of the order or command of this court has been
admission to the bar ( In re Bosque, 1 Phil. Rep.,
individual name of a licensed attorney. The disobeyed or resisted by the defendant Ney. The
88), and an order was entered accordingly.
illegality in this instance was aggravated by the only order that the defendant Bosque can have
fact that one of the agents so named was a disobeyed is the one denying him the right to
In the year 1904 he made an arrangement with person residing in these Islands to whom this
the defendant Ney, a practicing attorney, to carry practice law. This order, however, was directly
court had expressly denied admission to the bar. binding upon him, notwithstanding proceedings
on business together, sending out a circular The papers in question were irregular and were
signed "Ney & Bosque," stating that they had taken for its review, and any hope on his part of
properly rejected. We refuse to recognize as a ultimately reversing it furnished no excuse for its
established an office for the general practice of practice any signature of names appended to
law in all the courts of the Islands and that violation. Even had he been entitled under the
pleadings or other papers in an action other than statute to practice law without any license from
Bosque would devote himself especially to those specified in the statute. A signature by
the court and without an application to it, yet its responsible. It is impossible to say that the
order made on his own petition. A mandate of signature itself was a violation of the law, and yet
the court, while in force, must be obeyed. The hold guiltless the man who repeatedly wrote it.
irregular signature to papers, though affixed by Moreover we regret to add that his persistent and
his associate, had his authorization and rash disregard of the rulings of the court has not
constitutes a substantial attempt to engage in commended him to our indulgence, while the
practice. Moreover the firm circular in setting offensive character of certain papers recently
forth the establishment of an office for the filed by him forbids us from presuming on the
general practice of law in all the courts of the hope of his voluntarily conforming to the
Islands, amounted to an assertion of his right customary standard of members of the bar.
and purpose, not effectively qualified by the
addition that he would devote himself to The judgment of the court is that each of the
consultation and office work relating to Spanish defendants is fined in the sum of 200 pesos, to
law. Spanish law plays an important part in the be paid into the office of the clerk of this court
equipment of a lawyer in the Archipelago, within ten days, with the costs de oficio. So
standing on a different footing from the law of ordered.
other foreign countries, in regard to which a
skilled person might as a calling, advise without
practicing law. The fact stated on the circular that
he was a Spanish lawyer did not amount to a
disclaimer of his professional character in the
Islands. Independent of statutory provisions, a
foreigner is not by reason of his status
disqualified from practicing law. One of the most
eminent American advocates was an alien
barrister admitted to the bar after a contest in
the court of New York State. ( In re Thomas
Addis Emmett, 2 Cain's Cases, 386.)
Consequently the conduct of the defendant
Bosque amounts to disobedience of an order
made in a proceeding to which he was a party.

Under the second subdivision of the section cited,

Bosque is obviously not answerable, inasmuch as
he was not an officer of the court. On the other
hand, under this subdivision, the defendant Ney,
as an admitted attorney, is liable if his conduct
amounted to misbehavior. We are of the opinion
that it did. In the offense of Bosque in holding
himself out as a general practitioner Ney
participated, and for the improper signature of
the pleadings he was chiefly and personally
practices filed against them by Nehimias Divinagracia, of the Ombudsman dismiss the cases for falsification of
Jr. (Divinagracia), a co-employee in the Sugar public document and dishonesty filed against him by
Regulatory Administration. The Complaint1 dated 31 Rustia and Atty. Bancolo and to revive the original
August 2004 was allegedly signed on behalf of Complaint for various offenses that he filed against
Divinagracia by one Atty. Charlie L. Bancolo of the Tapay and Rustia.
Jarder Bancolo Law Office based in Bacolod City,
Negros Occidental. In a Resolution dated 19 September 2005, the Office of
Republic of the Philippines
SUPREME COURT the Ombudsman dismissed the criminal case for
Manila When Atty. Bancolo and Rustia accidentally chanced falsification of public document (OMB-V-C-05-0207-E)
upon each other, the latter informed Atty. Bancolo of the for insufficiency of evidence. The dispositive portion
case filed against them before the Office of the states:
Ombudsman. Atty. Bancolo denied that he represented
Divinagracia since he had yet to meet Divinagracia in WHEREFORE, the instant case is hereby DISMISSED
A.C. No. 9604 March 20, 2013 person. When Rustia showed him the Complaint, Atty. for insufficiency of evidence, without prejudice to the re-
Bancolo declared that the signature appearing above his filing by Divinagracia, Jr. of a proper complaint for
RODRIGO E. TAPAY and ANTHONY J. name as counsel for Divinagracia was not his. Thus, violation of RA 3019 and other offenses against Rustia
RUSTIA, Complainants, Rustia convinced Atty. Bancolo to sign an affidavit to and Tapay.
vs. attest to such fact. On 9 December 2004, Atty. Bancolo
ATTY. CHARLIE L. BANCOLO and ATTY. JANUS T. signed an affidavit denying his supposed signature SO ORDERED.4
JARDER, Respondents. appearing on the Complaint filed with the Office of the
Ombudsman and submitted six specimen signatures for
The administrative case for dishonesty (OMB-V-A-05-
DECISION comparison. Using Atty. Bancolo’s affidavit and other
0219-E) was also dismissed for lack of substantial
documentary evidence, Tapay and Rustia filed a
evidence in a Decision dated 19 September 2005.
CARPIO, J.: counter-affidavit accusing Divinagracia of falsifying the
signature of his alleged counsel, Atty. Bancolo.
On 29 November 2005, Tapay and Rustia filed with the
The Case Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP) a complaint 5 to
In a Resolution dated 28 March 2005, the Office of the
disbar Atty. Bancolo and Atty. Jarder, Atty. Bancolo’s law
This administrative case arose from a Complaint tiled by Ombudsman provisionally dismissed the Complaint
partner. The complainants alleged that they were
Rodrigo E. Tapay (Tapay) and Anthony J. Rustia since the falsification of the counsel’s signature posed a
subjected to a harassment Complaint filed before the
(Rustia), both employees of the Sugar Regulatory prejudicial question to the Complaint’s validity. Also, the
Office of the Ombudsman with the forged signature of
Administration, against Atty. Charlie L. Bancolo (Atty. Office of the Ombudsman ordered that separate cases
Atty. Bancolo. Complainants stated further that the
Bancolo) and Atty. Janus T. larder (Atty. Jarder) for for Falsification of Public Document2 and Dishonesty3 be
signature of Atty. Bancolo in the Complaint was not the
violation of the Canons of Ethics and Professionalism, filed against Divinagracia, with Rustia and Atty. Bancolo
only one that was forged. Complainants attached a
Falsification of Public Document, Gross Dishonesty, and as complainants.
Report6 dated 1 July 2005 by the Philippine National
Harassment. Police Crime Laboratory 6 which examined three other
Thereafter, Divinagracia filed his Counter-Affidavit dated letter-complaints signed by Atty. Bancolo for other
The Facts 1 August 2005 denying that he falsified the signature of clients, allegedly close friends of Atty. Jarder. The report
his former lawyer, Atty. Bancolo. Divinagracia presented concluded that the questioned signatures in the letter-
Sometime in October 2004, Tapay and Rustia received as evidence an affidavit dated 1 August 2005 by Richard complaints and the submitted standard signatures of
an Order dated 14 October 2004 from the Office of the A. Cordero, the legal assistant of Atty. Bancolo, that the Atty. Bancolo were not written by one and the same
Ombudsman-Visayas requiring them to file a counter- Jarder Bancolo Law Office accepted Divinagracia’s case person. Thus, complainants maintained that not only
affidavit to a complaint for usurpation of authority, and that the Complaint filed with the Office of the were respondents engaging in unprofessional and
falsification of public document, and graft and corrupt Ombudsman was signed by the office secretary per Atty. unethical practices, they were also involved in
Bancolo’s instructions. Divinagracia asked that the Office
falsification of documents used to harass and persecute October 2006 and respondents’ position paper dated 23 On the other hand, Atty. Janus T. Jarder, a senior partner
innocent people. October 2006. of the law firm Jarder Bancolo and Associates Law
Office, failed to exercise certain responsibilities over
On 9 January 2006, complainants filed a Supplement to The IBP’s Report and Recommendation matters under the charge of his law firm. As a senior
the Disbarment Complaint Due to Additional Information. partner[,] he failed to abide to the principle of "command
They alleged that a certain Mary Jane Gentugao, the On 11 April 2007, Atty. Lolita A. Quisumbing, the responsibility". x x x.
secretary of the Jarder Bancolo Law Office, forged the Investigating Commissioner of the Commission on Bar
signature of Atty. Bancolo. Discipline of the IBP, submitted her Report. Atty. xxxx
Quisumbing found that Atty. Bancolo violated Rule 9.01
In their Answer dated 26 January 2006 to the disbarment of Canon 9 of the Code of Professional Responsibility Respondent Atty. Janus Jarder after all is a seasoned
complaint, respondents admitted that the criminal and while Atty. Jarder violated Rule 1.01 of Canon 1 of the practitioner, having passed the bar in 1995 and
administrative cases filed by Divinagracia against same Code. The Investigating practicing law up to the present. He holds himself out to
complainants before the Office of the Ombudsman were the public as a law firm designated as Jarder Bancolo
accepted by the Jarder Bancolo Law Office. The cases Commissioner recommended that Atty. Bancolo be and Associates Law Office. It behooves Atty. Janus T.
were assigned to Atty. Bancolo. Atty. Bancolo alleged suspended for two years from the practice of law and Jarder to exert ordinary diligence to find out what is
that after being informed of the assignment of the cases, Atty. Jarder be admonished for his failure to exercise going on in his law firm, to ensure that all lawyers in his
he ordered his staff to prepare and draft all the certain responsibilities in their law firm. firm act in conformity to the Code of Professional
necessary pleadings and documents. However, due to Responsibility. As a partner, it is his responsibility to
some minor lapses, Atty. Bancolo permitted that the In her Report and Recommendation, the Investigating provide efficacious control of court pleadings and other
pleadings and communications be signed in his name by Commissioner opined: documents that carry the name of the law firm. Had he
the secretary of the law office. Respondents added that done that, he could have known the unethical practice of
complainants filed the disbarment complaint to retaliate his law partner Atty. Charlie L. Bancolo. Respondent
x x x. In his answer, respondent Atty. Charlie L. Bancolo
against them since the cases filed before the Office of Atty. Janus T. Jarder failed to perform this task and is
admitted that his signature appearing in the complaint
the Ombudsman were meritorious and strongly administratively liable under Canon 1, Rule 1.01 of the
filed against complainants’ Rodrigo E. Tapay and
supported by testimonial and documentary evidence. Code of Professional Responsibility.7
Anthony J. Rustia with the Ombudsman were signed by
Respondents also denied that Mary Jane Gentugao was
the secretary. He did not refute the findings that his
employed as secretary of their law office. On 19 September 2007, in Resolution No. XVIII-2007-
signatures appearing in the various documents released
from his office were found not to be his. Such pattern of 97, the Board of Governors of the IBP approved with
Tapay and Rustia filed a Reply to the Answer dated 2 malpratice by respondent clearly breached his obligation modification the Report and Recommendation of the
March 2006. Thereafter, the parties were directed by the under Rule 9.01 of Canon 9, for a lawyer who allows a Investigating Commissioner. The Resolution states:
Commission on Bar Discipline to attend a mandatory non-member to represent him is guilty of violating the
conference scheduled on 5 May 2006. The conference aforementioned Canon. The fact that respondent was RESOLVED to ADOPT and APPROVE, as it is hereby
was reset to 10 August 2006. On the said date, busy cannot serve as an excuse for him from signing ADOPTED and APPROVED, with modification, the
complainants were present but respondents failed to personally. After all respondent is a member of a law firm Report and Recommendation of the Investigating
appear. The conference was reset to 25 September composed of not just one (1) lawyer. The Supreme Court Commissioner of the above-entitled case, herein made
2006 for the last time. Again, respondents failed to has ruled that this practice constitute negligence and part of this Resolution as Annex "A"; and, finding the
appear despite receiving notice of the conference. undersigned finds the act a sign of indolence and recommendation fully supported by the evidence on
Complainants manifested that they were submitting their ineptitude. Moreover, respondents ignored the notices record and the applicable laws and rules, and
disbarment complaint based on the documents sent by undersigned. That showed patent lack of respect considering Respondent Atty. Bancolo’s violation of Rule
submitted to the IBP. Respondents were also deemed to to the Integrated Bar of the Philippines’ Commission on 9.01, Canon 9 of the Code of Professional
have waived their right to participate in the mandatory Bar Discipline and its proceedings. It betrays lack of Responsibility, Atty. Charlie L. Bancolo is hereby
conference. Further, both parties were directed to submit courtesy and irresponsibility as lawyers. SUSPENDED from the practice of law for one (1) year.
their respective position papers. On 27 October 2006,
the IBP received complainants’ position paper dated 18
However, with regard to the charge against Atty. Janus T. This rule was clearly explained in the case of Cambaliza former law partner, Atty. Jarder. However, Atty. Bancolo
Jarder, the Board of Governors RESOLVED as it is v. Cristal-Tenorio,9 where we held: did not take any steps to rectify the situation, save for
hereby RESOLVED to AMEND, as it is hereby the affidavit he gave to Rustia denying his signature to
AMENDED the Recommendation of the Investigating The lawyer’s duty to prevent, or at the very least not to the Complaint filed before the Office of the Ombudsman.
Commissioner, and APPROVE the DISMISSAL of the assist in, the unauthorized practice of law is founded on Atty. Bancolo had an opportunity to maintain his
case for lack of merit.8 public interest and policy. Public policy requires that the innocence when he filed with the IBP his Joint Answer
practice of law be limited to those individuals found duly (with Atty. Jarder) dated 26 January 2006. Atty. Bancolo,
Tapay and Rustia filed a Motion for Reconsideration. qualified in education and character. The permissive however, admitted that prior to the preparation of the
Likewise, Atty. Bancolo filed his Motion for right conferred on the lawyer is an individual and limited Joint Answer, Atty. Jarder threatened to file a disbarment
Reconsideration dated 22 December 2007. Thereafter, privilege subject to withdrawal if he fails to maintain case against him if he did not cooperate. Thus, he was
Atty. Jarder filed his separate Consolidated proper standards of moral and professional conduct. The constrained to allow Atty. Jarder to prepare the Joint
Comment/Reply to Complainants’ Motion for purpose is to protect the public, the court, the client, and Answer. Atty. Bancolo simply signed the verification
Reconsideration and Comment Filed by Complainants the bar from the incompetence or dishonesty of those without seeing the contents of the Joint Answer.
dated 29 January 2008. unlicensed to practice law and not subject to the
disciplinary control of the Court. It devolves upon a In the Answer, Atty. Bancolo categorically stated that
In Resolution No. XX-2012-175 dated 9 June 2012, the lawyer to see that this purpose is attained. Thus, the because of some minor lapses, the communications and
IBP Board of Governors denied both complainants’ and canons and ethics of the profession enjoin him not to pleadings filed against Tapay and Rustia were signed by
Atty. Bancolo’s motions for reconsideration. The IBP permit his professional services or his name to be used his secretary, albeit with his tolerance. Undoubtedly, Atty.
Board found no cogent reason to reverse the findings of in aid of, or to make possible the unauthorized practice Bancolo violated the Code of Professional Responsibility
the Investigating Commissioner and affirmed Resolution of law by, any agency, personal or corporate. And, the by allowing a non-lawyer to affix his signature to a
No. XVIII-2007-97 dated 19 September 2007. law makes it a misbehavior on his part, subject to pleading. This violation Is an act of falsehood which IS a
disciplinary action, to aid a layman in the unauthorized ground for disciplinary action.
The Court’s Ruling practice of law.
The complainants did not present any evidence that Atty.
After a careful review of the records of the case, we In Republic v. Kenrick Development Corporation, 10 we Jarder was directly involved, had knowledge of, or even
agree with the findings and recommendation of the IBP held that the preparation and signing of a pleading participated in the wrongful practice of Atty. Bancolo in
Board and find reasonable grounds to hold respondent constitute legal work involving the practice of law which allowing or tolerating his secretary to sign pleadings for
Atty. Bancolo administratively liable. is reserved exclusively for members of the legal him. Thus, we agree with the finding of the IBP Board
profession. Atty. Bancolo’s authority and duty to sign a that Atty. Jarder is not administratively liable.
pleading are personal to him. Although he may delegate
Atty. Bancolo admitted that the Complaint he filed for a
the signing of a pleading to another lawyer, he may not In sum, we find that the suspension of Atty. Bancolo from
former client before the Office of the Ombudsman was
delegate it to a non-lawyer. Further, under the Rules of the practice of law for one year is warranted. We also
signed in his name by a secretary of his law office.
Court, counsel’s signature serves as a certification that find proper the dismissal of the case against Atty. larder.
Clearly, this is a violation of Rule 9.01 of Canon 9 of the
(1) he has read the pleading; (2) to the best of his
Code of Professional Responsibility, which provides:
knowledge, information and belief there is good ground WHEREFORE, we DISMISS the complaint against Atty.
to support it; and (3) it is not interposed for delay.11 Thus, Janus T. larder for lack of merit.
CANON 9 by affixing one’s signature to a pleading, it is counsel
A LAWYER SHALL NOT, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, alone who has the responsibility to certify to these
ASSIST IN THE UNAUTHORIZED PRACTICE OF LAW. We find respondent Atty. Charlie L. Bancolo
matters and give legal effect to the document.1âwphi1
administratively liable for violating Rule 9.01 of Canon 9
Rule 9.01 - A lawyer shall not delegate to any unqualified of the Code of Professional Responsibility. He is hereby
In his Motion for Reconsideration dated 22 December SUSPENDED from the practice of law for one year
person the performance of any task which by law may 2007, Atty. Bancolo wants us to believe that he was a
only be performed by a member of the Bar in good effective upon finality of this Decision. He is warned that
victim of circumstances or of manipulated events
standing. because of his unconditional trust and confidence in his
a repetition of the same or similar acts in the future shall
be dealt with more severely.

Let a copy of this Decision be attached to respondent

Atty. Charlie L. Bancolo's record in this Court as
attorney. Further, let copies of this Decision be furnished
to the Integrated Bar of the Philippines and the Office of
the Court Administrator, which is directed to circulate
them to all the courts in the country for their information
and guidance.

Not long afterwards, or more precisely on contract with Villarosa & Co.; and asking for cancellation
December 15, 1995, Alauya addressed a letter to the of his housing loan in connection therewith, which was
President of Villarosa & Co. advising of the termination payable from salary deductions at the rate of P4,338.00
of his contract with the company. He wrote: a month. Among other things, he said:

" ** I am formally and officially withdrawing from and " ** (T)hrough this written notice, I am terminating, as I
notifying you of my intent to terminate the hereby annul, cancel, rescind and voided, the 'manipulated
Contract/Agreement entered into between me and your contract' entered into between me and the E.B. Villarosa &
company, as represented by your Sales Agent/Coordinator, Partner Co., Ltd., as represented by its sales agent/coordinator,
SOPHIA ALAWI, of your company's branch office here in SOPHIA ALAWI, who maliciously and fraudulently
Cagayan de Oro City, on the grounds that my consent was manipulated said contract and unlawfully secured and pursued
vitiated by gross misrepresentation, deceit, fraud, dishonesty the housing loan without my authority and against my will.
and abuse of confidence by the aforesaid sales agent which Thus, the contract itself is deemed to be void ab initio in view
THIRD DIVISION made said contract void ab initio. Said sales agent acting in of the attending circumstances, that my consent was vitiated
bad faith perpetrated such illegal and unauthorized acts which by misrepresentation, fraud, deceit, dishonesty, and abuse of
made said contract an Onerous Contract prejudicial to my confidence; and that there was no meeting of the minds
rights and interests." between me and the swindling sales agent who concealed the
[A.M. SDC-97-2-P. February 24, 1997] real facts from me."
He then proceeded to expound in considerable detail
and quite acerbic language on the "grounds which could And, as in his letter to Villarosa & Co., he narrated in
evidence the bad faith, deceit, fraud, misrepresentation, some detail what he took to be the anomalous
SOPHIA ALAWI, complainant, vs. ASHARY M. dishonesty and abuse of confidence by the actuations of Sophia Alawi.
ALAUYA, Clerk of Court VI, Shari'a District unscrupulous sales agent ** ;" and closed with the plea
Court, Marawi City, respondent. that Villarosa & Co. "agree for the mutual rescission of Alauya wrote three other letters to Mr. Arzaga of the
our contract, even as I inform you that I categorically NHMFC, dated February 21, 1996, April 15, 1996, and
DECISION state on record that I am terminating the contract **. I May 3, 1996, in all of which, for the same reasons
hope I do not have to resort to any legal action before already cited, he insisted on the cancellation of his
NARVASA, C.J.: housing loan and discontinuance of deductions from his
said onerous and manipulated contract against my
interest be annulled. I was actually fooled by your sales salary on account thereof.a He also wrote on January 18,
Sophia Alawi was (and presumably still is) a sales 1996 to Ms. Corazon M. Ordoez, Head of the Fiscal
agent, hence the need to annul the controversial
representative (or coordinator) of E. B. Villarosa & Management & Budget Office, and to the Chief, Finance
Partners Co., Ltd. of Davao City, a real estate and Division, both of this Court, to stop deductions from his
housing company. Ashari M. Alauya is the incumbent Alauya sent a copy of the letter to the Vice- salary in relation to the loan in question, again asserting
executive clerk of court of the 4th Judicial Shari'a District President of Villarosa & Co. at San Pedro, Gusa, the anomalous manner by which he was allegedly duped
in Marawi City. They were classmates, and used to be Cagayan de Oro City. The envelope containing it, and into entering into the contracts by "the scheming sales
friends. which actually went through the post, bore no stamps. agent."b
Instead at the right hand corner above the description of
It appears that through Alawi's agency, a contract The upshot was that in May, 1996, the NHMFC
the addressee, the words, "Free Postage PD 26," had
was executed for the purchase on installments by wrote to the Supreme Court requesting it to stop
been typed.
Alauya of one of the housing units belonging to the deductions on Alauya's UHLP loan "effective May 1996,"
above mentioned firm (hereafter, simply Villarosa & Co.); On the same date, December 15, 1995, Alauya also and began negotiating with Villarosa & Co. "for the buy-
and in connection therewith, a housing loan was also wrote to Mr. Fermin T. Arzaga, Vice-President, Credit & back of ** (Alauya's) mortgage, and ** the refund of **
granted to Alauya by the National Home Mortgage Collection Group of the National Home Mortgage (his) payments."c
Finance Corporation (NHMFC). Finance Corporation (NHMFC) at Salcedo Village,
Makati City, repudiating as fraudulent and void his
On learning of Alauya's letter to Villarosa & Co. of the District Judge, the Court Administrator or the Chief have a rightful claim, adding that he prefers the title of
December 15, 1995, Sophia Alawi filed with this Court a Justice, and voiced the suspicion that the Resolution "attorney" because "counsellor" is often mistaken for
verified complaint dated January 25, 1996 -- to which was the result of a "strong link" between Ms. Alawi and "councilor," "konsehal or the Maranao term "consial,"
she appended a copy of the letter, and of the above Atty. Marasigan's office. He also averred that the connoting a local legislator beholden to the mayor.
mentioned envelope bearing the typewritten words, complaint had no factual basis; Alawi was envious of him Withal, he does not consider himself a lawyer.
"Free Postage PD 26."[1] In that complaint, she accused for being not only "the Executive Clerk of court and ex-
Alauya of: officio Provincial Sheriff and District Registrar," but also He pleads for the Court's compassion, alleging that
"a scion of a Royal Family **."[4] what he did "is expected of any man unduly prejudiced
and injured."[10] He claims he was manipulated into
1. "Imputation of malicious and libelous charges with no solid
In a subsequent letter to Atty. Marasigan, but this reposing his trust in Alawi, a classmate and friend. [11] He
grounds through manifest ignorance and evident bad faith;"
time in much less aggressive, even obsequious tones, was induced to sign a blank contract on Alawi's
Alauya requested the former to give him a copy of the assurance that she would show the completed
2. "Causing undue injury to, and blemishing her honor and complaint in order that he might comment thereon. [6] He document to him later for correction, but she had since
established reputation;" stated that his acts as clerk of court were done in good avoided him; despite "numerous letters and follow-ups"
faith and within the confines of the law; and that Sophia he still does not know where the property -- subject of
3. "Unauthorized enjoyment of the privilege of free postage Alawi as sales agent of Villarosa & Co. had, by falsifying his supposed agreement with Alawi's principal, Villarosa
**;" and his signature, fraudulently bound him to a housing loan & Co. -- is situated; [12]He says Alawi somehow got his
contract entailing monthly deductions of P4,333.10 from GSIS policy from his wife, and although she promised to
4. Usurpation of the title of "attorney," which only regular his salary. return it the next day, she did not do so until after several
members of the Philippine Bar may properly use. months. He also claims that in connection with his
And in his comment thereafter submitted under date contract with Villarosa & Co., Alawi forged his signature
of June 5, 1996, Alauya contended that it was he who on such pertinent documents as those regarding the
She deplored Alauya's references to her as had suffered "undue injury, mental anguish, sleepless
"unscrupulous, swindler, forger, manipulator, etc." down payment, clearance, lay-out, receipt of the key of
nights, wounded feelings and untold financial suffering," the house, salary deduction, none of which he ever saw.
without "even a bit of evidence to cloth (sic) his considering that in six months, a total of P26,028.60 had [13]
allegations with the essence of truth," denouncing his been deducted from his salary. [7] He declared that there
imputations as irresponsible, "all concoctions, lies, was no basis for the complaint; in communicating with Averring in fine that his acts in question were done
baseless and coupled with manifest ignorance and Villarosa & Co. he had merely acted in defense of his without malice, Alauya prays for the dismissal of the
evident bad faith," and asserting that all her dealings rights. He denied any abuse of the franking privilege, complaint for lack of merit, it consisting of "fallacious,
with Alauya had been regular and completely saying that he gave P20.00 plus transportation fare to a malicious and baseless allegations," and complainant
transparent. She closed with the plea that Alauya "be subordinate whom he entrusted with the mailing of Alawi having come to the Court with unclean hands, her
dismissed from the service, or be appropriately certain letters; that the words: "Free Postage PD 26," complicity in the fraudulent housing loan being apparent
disciplined (sic) ** " were typewritten on the envelope by some other person, and demonstrable.
The Court resolved to order Alauya to comment on an averment corroborated by the affidavit of Absamen C.
Domocao, Clerk IV (subscribed and sworn to before It may be mentioned that in contrast to his two (2)
the complaint. Conformably with established usage that letters to Assistant Clerk of Court Marasigan (dated April
notices of resolutions emanate from the corresponding respondent himself, and attached to the comment as
Annex J);[8] and as far as he knew, his subordinate 19, 1996 and April 22, 1996), and his two (2) earlier
Office of the Clerk of Court, the notice of resolution in letters both dated December 15, 1996 -- all of which he
this case was signed by Atty. Alfredo P. Marasigan, mailed the letters with the use of the money he had
given for postage, and if those letters were indeed mixed signed as "Atty. Ashary M. Alauya" -- in his Comment of
Assistant Division Clerk of Court.[2] June 5, 1996, he does not use the title but refers to
with the official mail of the court, this had occurred
Alauya first submitted a "Preliminary Comment"[3] in inadvertently and because of an honest mistake.[9] himself as "DATU ASHARY M. ALAUYA."
which he questioned the authority of Atty. Marasigan to The Court referred the case to the Office of the
require an explanation of him, this power pertaining, Alauya justified his use of the title, "attorney," by the
assertion that it is "lexically synonymous" with Court Administrator for evaluation, report and
according to him, not to "a mere Asst. Div. Clerk of Court recommendation.[14]
investigating an Executive Clerk of Court." but only to "Counsellors-at-law," a title to which Shari'a lawyers
The first accusation against Alauya is that in his that "the conduct and behavior of every official and "counsellors," in the sense that they give counsel or
aforesaid letters, he made "malicious and libelous employee of an agency involved in the administration of advice in a professional capacity, only the latter is an
charges (against Alawi) with no solid grounds through justice, from the presiding judge to the most junior clerk, "attorney." The title of "attorney" is reserved to those
manifest ignorance and evident bad faith," resulting in should be circumscribed with the heavy burden of who, having obtained the necessary degree in the study
"undue injury to (her) and blemishing her honor and responsibility. Their conduct must at all times be of law and successfully taken the Bar Examinations,
established reputation." In those letters, Alauya had characterized by, among others, strict propriety and have been admitted to the Integrated Bar of the
written inter alia that: decorum so as to earn and keep the respect of the Philippines and remain members thereof in good
public for the judiciary."[18] standing; and it is they only who are authorized to
1) Alawi obtained his consent to the contracts in question "by practice law in this jurisdiction.
Now, it does not appear to the Court consistent with
gross misrepresentation, deceit, fraud, dishonesty and abuse of
good morals, good customs or public policy, or respect Alauya says he does not wish to use the title,
for the rights of others, to couch denunciations of acts "counsellor" or "counsellor-at-law," because in his
believed -- however sincerely -- to be deceitful, region, there are pejorative connotations to the term, or
2) Alawi acted in bad faith and perpetrated ** illegal and fraudulent or malicious, in excessively intemperate. it is confusingly similar to that given to local legislators.
unauthorized acts ** ** prejudicial to ** (his) rights and insulting or virulent language. Alauya is evidently The ratiocination, valid or not, is of no moment. His
interests;" convinced that he has a right of action against Sophia disinclination to use the title of "counsellor" does not
Alawi. The law requires that he exercise that right with warrant his use of the title of attorney.
3) Alawi was an "unscrupulous (and "swindling") sales agent" propriety, without malice or vindictiveness, or undue
who had fooled him by "deceit, fraud, misrepresentation, harm to anyone; in a manner consistent with good Finally, respecting Alauya's alleged unauthorized
dishonesty and abuse of confidence;" and morals, good customs, public policy, public order, supra; use of the franking privilege, the record contains no
or otherwise stated, that he "act with justice, give evidence adequately establishing the accusation.
4) Alawi had maliciously and fraudulently manipulated the everyone his due, and observe honesty and good WHEREFORE, respondent Ashari M. Alauya is
contract with Villarosa & Co., and unlawfully secured and faith."[19] Righteous indignation, or vindication of right hereby REPRIMANDED for the use of excessively
pursued the housing loan without ** (his) authority and cannot justify resort to vituperative language, or intemperate, insulting or virulent language, i.e., language
against ** (his) will," and "concealed the real facts **." downright name-calling. As a member of the Shari'a Bar unbecoming a judicial officer, and for usurping the title of
and an officer of a Court, Alawi is subject to a standard attorney; and he is warned that any similar or other
Alauya's defense essentially is that in making these of conduct more stringent than for most other impropriety or misconduct in the future will be dealt with
statements, he was merely acting in defense of his government workers. As a man of the law, he may not more severely.
rights, and doing only what "is expected of any man use language which is abusive, offensive, scandalous,
unduly prejudiced and injured," who had suffered menacing, or otherwise improper.[20] As a judicial SO ORDERED.
"mental anguish, sleepless nights, wounded feelings and employee, it is expected that he accord respect for the
untold financial suffering," considering that in six months, person and the rights of others at all times, and that his
a total of P26,028.60 had been deducted from his salary. every act and word should be characterized by
[15] prudence, restraint, courtesy, dignity. His radical
deviation from these salutary norms might perhaps be
The Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for mitigated, but cannot be excused, by his strongly held
Public Officials and Employees (RA conviction that he had been grievously wronged.
6713) inter alia enunciates the State policy of promoting
a high standard of ethics and utmost responsibility in the As regards Alauya's use of the title of "Attorney,"
public service.[16] Section 4 of the Code commands that this Court has already had occasion to declare that
"(p)ublic officials and employees ** at all times respect persons who pass the Shari'a Bar are not full-fledged
the rights of others, and ** refrain from doing acts members of the Philippine Bar, hence may only practice
contrary to law, good morals, good customs, public law before Shari'a courts.[21] While one who has been
policy, public order, public safety and public admitted to the Shari'a Bar, and one who has been
interest."[17] More than once has this Court emphasized admitted to the Philippine Bar, may both be considered
ATTY. EDGARDO O. ERA and ATTY. DIANE KAREN likewise issued.6 Two alias writs dated May 8, 20087 and
B. BRAGAS, Respondents April 16, 20138were later on issued, directing the sheriff
to collect the sum of ₱4,012,166.43, representing the
DECISION judgment award plus interest and attorney's fees.

TIJAM, J.: Meanwhile, an administrative complaint was filed against

Atty. Era for representing conflicting interests
This administrative case arose from a verified Affidavit- entitled Ferdinand A. Samson v. Atty.
Complaint1 filed before the Integrated Bar of the Edgardo 0. Era, docketed as A.C. No. 6664. 9 In a July
Philippines (IBP) by complainant Joaquin G. Bonifacio 16, 2013 Decision, this Court found Atty. Era guilty of the
(Bonifacio) against respondents Atty. Edgardo O. Era charge and imposed the penalty of suspension from the
(Atty. Era) and Atty. Diane Karen B. Bragas (Atty. practice of law for two years, the dispositive portion of
Bragas) for violating the Code of Professional which reads:
Responsibility (CPR).
The Facts Atty. EDGARDO O. ERA guilty of violating Rule 15.03 of
Canon 15, and Canon 17 of the Code of Professional
Responsibility; and SUSPENDS him from the practice of
Sometime in 2003, an illegal dismissal case was lodged
law for two years effective upon his receipt of this
against Bonifacio and his company, Solid Engine
decision, with a warning that his commission of a similar
Rebuilders Corporation entitled Gil Abucejo, Edgar
offense will be dealt with more severely.
Besmano, Efren Sager, Darlito Sosa, Gerardo G.
Talosa, and Salvador Villanueva v. Solid Engine
Rebuilders Corporation and/or Let copies of this decision be included in the personal
Joaquin G. Bonifacio, docketed as NLRC NCR Case No. record of Atty. EDGARDO O. ERA and entered m [sic]
00-05- 05953-03. Complainants therein (Abucejon his file in the Office of the Bar Confidant.
Group) were represented by Era and Associates Law
Office through Atty. Era.2 Let copies of this decision be disseminated to all lower
courts by the Office of the Court Administrator, as well as
On June 15, 2004, the Labor Arbiter found Bonifacio and to the Integrated Bar of the Philippines for its guidance.
the corporation liable for illegal dismissal and,
consequently, ordered them to pay Abucejo Group their SO ORDERED.10
separation pay, full backwages and pro-rated 13th month
pay. More specifically, Bonifacio and his corporation On November 28, 2013, the scheduled public auction
were ordered to pay a partially computed amount of over Bonifacio's and/or the corporation's properties in
EN BANC ₱674,128 for the separation pay and full backwages, the business establishment was conducted to implement
and ₱16,050.65 for the 13th month pay. 3 Bonifacio and the alias writ. Atty. Era actively participated therein. He
October 3, 2017 the corporation brought their case up to the Supreme attended the public auction and tendered a bid for his
Court but they suffered the same fate as their appeals clients who were declared the highest bidders. On the
A.C. No. 11754 and motions were decided against them.4 same day, a certificate of sale was issued, which Atty.
Era presented to the corporation's officers and
JOAQUIN G. BONIFACIO, Complainant Thus, on January 26, 2006, a Writ of Execution5 was employees who were there at that time. Armed with such
vs. issued to implement the June 15, 2004 Decision. A documents, Atty. Era led the pulling out of the subject
Notice of Garnishment dated February 6, 2006 was properties but eventually stopped to negotiate with
Bonifacio's children for the payment of the judgment implementation of the alias writ. He added that he never listed in the certificate of sale; (3) an Omnibus Motion
award instead of pulling out the auctioned properties. signed any document or pleading on behalf of his clients with Entry of Appearance (Motion to Withdraw and
Atty. Era summoned Bonifacio's children to continue with during his suspension. For Atty. Bragas, being an Motion to Reiterate Motion to Close and Terminate Case
the negotiation in his law office. On behalf of his clients, associate of Era and Associates Law Firm, she was and release of TRO Bond25 dated February 4, 2014; (4)
their counter-offer for the satisfaction of the judgment merely representing the Abucejo Group as said law A Motion for Consignation with Motion to Lift
award went from ₱6 Million to ₱9 Million.11 firm's clients. Anent the Php 6 Million to 9 Million Levy26 dated October 29, 2014; and (5) a Motion to
counter-offer that they made, Attys. Era and Bragas Withdraw Complaint27 dated December 10, 2013 on the
As the parties were not able to settle, on December 3, explained that the parties were still on negotiation, criminal case for Malicious Mischief, Robbery, and
2013, Attys. Era and Bragas went back to Bonifacio's hence, both parties are free to have their own Trespassing against Attys. Era and Bragas. In fine, the
business establishment together with their clients and computations, which they could respectively accept or Investigating Commissioner ratiocinated that in
several men, and forced open the establishment to pull otherwise.21 acknowledging the satisfaction of the judgment in the
out the auctioned properties. This was evidenced by the labor case and withdrawing the criminal case that he
videos presented by Bonifacio in the instant In his Report and Recommendation22 dated March 17, filed against Attys. Era and Bragas with regard to the
administrative complaint.12 2015, Investigating Commissioner Jose Villanueva implementation of the said judgment, complainant
Cabrera recommended the dismissal of the instant contradicted and demolished his own allegation that the
This prompted Bonifacio to file a criminal complaint for administrative complaint for insufficiency of evidence. satisfaction of the judgment was improperly and
malicious mischief, robbery, and trespassing with the unlawfully implemented.28
Office of the City Prosecutor, Pasay City. In its The Investigating Commissioner found nothing wrong
Resolution13 dated March 31, 2014, the Office of the City with the indication of a suspended lawyer's name in a Thus, the Investigating Commissioner recommended
Prosecutor found probable cause to indict Attys. Era and pleading considering that the same was not signed by that the administrative charges against Attys. Era and
Bragas for grave coercion.14 the latter. There was also no proof that a pleading was Bragas be dismissed for insufficiency of evidence. 29
prepared by Atty. Era. On the other hand, there was no
Meanwhile, Atty. Era's name remains to appear in impediment against Atty. Bragas to sign the pleadings. The IBP Board of Governors (Board), in its Resolution
pleadings filed before the NLRC and this Court There was also no proof that in doing so, Atty. Bragas No. XXI- 2015-27030 dated April 18, 2015 reversed and
sometime in February and April, 2014 with regard to the was assisting suspended Atty. Era in filing a pleading. set aside the Investigating Commissioner's findings and
subject labor case.15 Neither the presence of Atty. Era during the public conclusions:
auction and the negotiations was an implication or proof
On August 8, 2014, Bonifacio filed the instant that Atty. Era was engaging in the practice of law during RESOLUTION No. XXI-2015-270 CBD Case No. 14-
administrative complaint.16 his suspension. According to the Investigating 4300 Joaquin G. Bonifacio vs. Atty. Edgardo O. Era and
Commissioner, anybody, not exclusively lawyers, can be Atty. Diane Karen B. Bragas
present at an auction sale or negotiation.
In their Answer,17 Attys. Era and Bragas alleged that
Bonifacio has no personal knowledge as to what RESOLVED to REVERSE as it is hereby REVERSED
transpired on November 28, 2013 and December 3, As to whether Attys. Era and Bragas violated any and SET ASIDE, the Report and Recommendation of
2013 as the latter was not present therein at that rules/laws in the implementation of the judgment by the Investigating Commissioner in the above-entitled
time.18 Hence, his allegations of force, threat, and using force, threat, and intimidation, the Investigating case, herein made part of this Resolution as Annex "A",
intimidation in the execution of the judgment is without Commissioner noted that complainant contradicted such and considering Atty. Era's continuedengagement in the
basis.19 In his defense, Atty. Era further argued that he imputations by filing the following pleadings, to wit: (1) a practice of law during the period of his suspension by
did not violate the Court's order of suspension from the Motion to Close and Terminate Case 23 dated December admittedly participating in the negotiation for the
practice of law as he merely acted as his clients' 18, 2013, acknowledging the full satisfaction of the payment of money judgment including pegging of
attorney-in-fact pursuant to a Special Power of judgment award and even prayed for Attys. Era and interest he acted as his clients advocate instead as an
Attomey20 (SPA) dated May 3, 2006. It is Atty. Era's Bragas' clients to take possession of the remaining agent in view of the presence also of his client in the
theory that with such SP A, he was not engaged in the machines in his business establishment; (2) a negotiation, for holding office and admittedly summoned
practice of law in representing his clients in the Manifestation24 dated March 12, 2014, wherein the complainant's children to determine the money
complainant stated that he has surrendered the vehicles judgment. Hence, Atty. Edgardo O. Era is hereby
SUSPENDED from the practice of law for three (3) being: (1) Did Atty. Era engage in the practice of law "xxx for valuable consideration engages in the business
years. during his suspension therefrom that would warrant of advising person, firms, associations or corporations
another disciplinary action against him?; and (2) In the as to their rights under the law, or appears in a
RESOLVED FURTHER, for her assistance in the affirmative, is Atty. Bragas guilty of directly or indirectly representative capacity as an advocate in proceedings
unauthorized practice of law of Atty. Edgardo O. Era, assisting Atty. Era in his illegal practice of law that would pending or prospective, before any court, commissioner,
Atty. Diane Karen B. Bragas is hereby SUSPENDED likewise warrant this Court's exercise of its disciplining referee, board, body, committee, or commission
from the practice of law for one (1) month. authority against her? constituted by law or authorized to settle controversies
and there, in such representative capacity performs any
In its Extended Resolution 31 dated October 17, 2016, the We sustain the findings and recommendations of the act or acts for the purpose of obtaining or defending the
IBP Board of Governors found Atty. Era's argument that Board of Governors. rights of their clients under the law. Otherwise stated,
he merely acted pursuant to an SP A given to him one who, in a representative capacity, engages in
untenable. The Board explained that the invoked SP A Atty. Era's acts constituted ''practice of law". the business of advising clients as to their rights
gave Atty. Era the authority to appear and represent the under the law, or while so engaged performs any act
Abucejo Group only on the May 4, 2006 auction and did or acts either in court or outside of court for that
On this matter, Our pronouncement in the landmark
not include the November 28, 2013 auction. Also, while purpose, is engaged in the practice of law." (State
case of Renato L. Cayetano v. Christian Monsod, et.
he was authorized to receive payment on behalf of his ex. rel. Mckittrick v. CS. Dudley and Co., 102 S.W. 2d
al. 36 is on point. Thus, We quote herein the relevant
clients, the SP A specifically stated that said payments 895, 340 Mo. 852).
portions of the said Decision, viz.:
should be made in the form of checks and not machinery
or property. Thus, Atty. Era had no authority under the This Court in the case of Philippine Lawyers Association
Black defines "practice of law" as:
SP A to represent his clients during the November 28, v. Agrava, (105 Phil. 173, 176-177) stated:
2013 auction and to pull out and receive the
"The rendition of services requiring the knowledge and
corporation's machines as payment of the judgment "The practice of law is not limited to the conduct of cases
the application of legal principles and technique to serve
award. At any rate, according to the Board, Atty. Era's or litigation in court; it embraces the preparation of
the interest of another with his consent. It is not limited
clients relied on his legal knowledge in having the pleadings and other papers incident to actions and
to appearing in court, or advising and assisting in the
judgment award satisfied. Clearly, Atty. Era violated special proceedings, the management of such actions
conduct of litigation, but embraces the preparation of
Section 28,32 Rule 138 of the Rules of Court.33 and proceedings on behalf of clients before judges and
pleadings, and other papers incident to actions and
courts, and in addition, conveying. In general, all advice
special proceedings, conveyancing, the preparation of
Corollary to this, the Board also found Atty. Bragas liable to clients, and all action taken for them in
legal instruments of all kinds, and the giving of all legal
for allowing and assisting Atty. Era to engage in an matters connected with the law incorporation services,
advice to clients. It embraces all advice to clients and all
unauthorized practice of law. The Board concluded that assessment and condemnation services contemplating
actions taken for them in matters connected with the law.
Atty. Bragas ought to know that Atty. Era's acts during an appearance before a judicial body, the foreclosure of
An attorney engages in the practice of law by
the satisfaction of the alias writ could be performed only a mortgage, enforcement of a creditor's claim in
maintaining an office where he is held out to be an
by a member of the bar in good standing.34 bankruptcy and insolvency proceedings,
attorney, using a letterhead describing himself as an
and conducting proceedings in attachment, and in
attorney, counseling clients in legal matters, negotiating
Pursuant to Section 12(b),35 Rule 139-B of the Rules, the matters of estate and guardianship have been held to
with opposing counsel about pending litigation, and
records of the instant case were transmitted to this constitute law practice, as do the preparation and
fixing and collecting fees for services rendered by his
Court. drafting of legal instruments, where the work done
associate." (Black's Law Dictionary, 3rd ed.)
involves the determination by the trained legal mind
of the legal effect of facts and conditions." (5 Am.
No motion for reconsideration or petition for review was The practice of law is not limited to the conduct of cases Jur. pp. 262, 263).
filed by either party as of June 29, 2017. in court. (Land Title Abstract and Trust Co. v.
Dworken, 129 Ohio St. 23, 193 N .E. 650) A person is
Necessarily, the Court will now proceed to give its final also considered to be in the practice of law when he:
action on the instant administrative case, the issues
The University of the Philippines Law Center in (6) negotiated with Bonifacio's children in his law office maneuver to circumvent the suspension order not only
conducting orientation briefing for new lawyers (1974- as regards the payment of the judgment award with reflects his insubordination to authority but also his
1975) listed the dimensions of the practice of law in even interest instead of pulling out the properties.40 disrespect to this Court's lawful order which warrants
broader terms as advocacy, counselling and public reproach. Members of the bar, above anyone else, are
service. It is true that being present in an auction sale and called upon to obey court orders and
negotiating matters relating to the same may not be processes.45 Graver responsibility is imposed upon a
"One may be a practicing attorney in following any line of exclusively for lawyers, as opined by the Investigating lawyer than any other to uphold the integrity of the
employment in the profession. If what he does exacts Commissioner. However, in this case, as aptly put by the courts and to show respect to their processes.46
knowledge of the law and is of a kind usual for attorneys Board in its Resolution, Atty. Era's acts clearly involved
engaging in the active practice of their profession, and the determination by a trained legal mind of the legal This case is not novel. We had previously disciplined
he follows some one or more lines of employment such effects and consequences of each course of action in erring lawyers who continue in their practice despite
as this he is a practicing attorney at law within the the satisfaction of the judgment award. 41 Precisely, this is being suspended by the Court. In Rodrigo A. Molina v.
meaning of the statute." (Barr v. Cardell, 155 NW 312) why his clients chose Atty. Era to represent them in the Atty. Ceferino R. Magat,47this Court suspended Atty.
public auction and in any negotiation/settlement with the Magat from the practice of law for practicing his
Practice of law means any activity, in or out of court, corporation arising from the labor case as stated in the profession despite this Court's previous order of
which requires the application of law, legal procedure, SPA being invoked by Atty. Era.42 Such trained legal suspension. Likewise in another case, We suspended a
knowledge, training and experience.1âwphi1 "To engage mind is what his clients were relying upon in seeking lawyer for continuing in her practice despite the clear
in the practice of law is to perform those acts which are redress for their claims. This is evident from the fact that language of this Court's suspension order.48
characteristics of the profession. Generally, to practice they agreed not to enter into any amicable settlement
law is to give notice or render any kind of service, which without the prior written consent of Atty. Era, the latter In view of the foregoing, We agree with the Board of
device or service requires the use in any degree of legal being their lawyer.43 It could readily be seen that the said Governors' Resolution, finding Atty. Era guilty of willfully
knowledge or skill." (111 ALR 23)37 (Emphasis supplied) SPA was executed by reason of Atty. Era being their disobeying the lawful order of this Court warranting the
legal counsel. Thus, We are one with the Board's exercise of Our disciplining authority. We also adopt the
In Atty. Edita Noe-Lacsamana v. Atty. Yolando F. submission that the said SPA cannot be invoked to Board's recommendation as to the penalty to be
Bustamante,38We succinctly ruled that the term practice support Atty. Era's claim that he was not engaged in the imposed upon Atty. Era, i.e., three years suspension
of law implies customarily or habitually holding oneself practice of law in performing the acts above-cited as from the practice of law, taking into account that this is
out to the public as a lawyer for compensation as a such SP A cunningly undermines the suspension his second infraction.
source of livelihood or in consideration of services. ordered by this Court against Atty. Era, which We cannot
Holding one's self out as a lawyer may be shown by acts countenance. Atty. Bragas is guilty of assisting Atty. Era in his
indicative of that purpose, such as identifying oneself as unauthorized practice of law and, thus, must likewise be
an attorney, appearing in court in representation of a Atty. Era was engaged in an unauthorized practice of reproved.
client, or associating oneself as a partner of a law office law during his suspension
for the general practice of law.39 There is no question that Atty. Bragas has knowledge of
As mentioned, Atty. Era was suspended from the Atty. Era's suspension from the practice of law and yet,
In this case, it is undisputed that Atty. Era committed the practice of law for a period of two years in this Court's she allowed herself to participate in Atty. Era's
following acts: (1) appeared on behalf of his winning Decision dated July 16, 2013. He performed the above- unauthorized practice. Clearly, Atty. Bragas violated the
clients in the public auction of the condemned cited acts on the same year, specifically November to CPR, specifically:
properties; (2) tendered bid in the auction for his clients; December 2013. Indubitably, Atty. Era was engaged in
(3) secured the certificate of sale and presented the said an unauthorized law practice. CANON 9 - A lawyer shall not, directly or indirectly,
document to the corporation's officers and employees assist in the unauthorized practice of law.
present in the premises at that time; (4) insisted that his Atty. Era's acts constitute willful disobedience of the
clients are now the new owners of the subject lawful order of this Court, which under Section 27, 44 Rule Indeed, it is a lawyer's duty to prevent, or at the very
properties, hence, should be allowed entry in the 138 of the Rules of Court is a sufficient cause for least not to assist in, the unauthorized practice of law.
premises; (5) initiated the pull out of the properties; and suspension or disbarment. Further, Atty. Era's intentional
Such duty is founded upon public interest and policy, SO ORDERED.
which requires that law practice be limited only to
individuals found duly qualified in
education and character.49

As correctly observed by the Board, Atty. Bragas ought

to know that Atty. Era's acts constitutive of law practice
could be performed only by a member of the Bar in good
standing, which Atty. Era was not at that time. Hence,
she should have not participated to such transgression.

Being an associate in Atty. Era's law firm cannot be used

to circumvent the suspension order. The factual
circumstances of the case clearly shows that Atty.
Bragas did not act to replace Atty. Era as counsel for his
and/or the law firm's clients during the latter's
suspension. Atty. Bragas merely assisted Atty. Era, who
admittedly was the one actively performing all acts
pertaining to the labor case he was handling.

Considering the foregoing, We also adopt the Board's

recommendation as regards Atty. Bragas' guilt in the
violation of the CPR.

WHEREFORE, premises considered, Atty. Edgardo O.

Era is found GUILTY of willfully disobeying this Court's
lawful order and is hereby SUSPENDED from the
practice of law for a period of three (3) years, while Atty.
Diane Karen B. Bragas is likewise found GUILTY of
violating CANON 9 of the Code of Professional
Responsibility and is hereby SUSPENDED from the
practice of law for one (1) month, effective immediately
from receipt of this Decision. Also, both Attys. Era and
Bragas are WARNED that a repetition of the same or
similar offense, or a commission of another offense will
warrant a more severe penalty.

Let a copy of this Decision be entered in the personal

records of respondents as members of the Bar, and
copies furnished the Office of the Bar Confidant, the
Integrated Bar of the Philippines, and the Office of the
Court Administrator for circulation to all courts in the
JOSE GUBALLA, petitioner, a. That the Hon. Court erred in denying
vs. defendant Jose Guballa his day in Court
THE HON. EDUARDO P. CAGUIOA, RICARDO G. by declaring him in default, it being
CARLOS and DOMINGO FORTEZA, JR., respondents. contrary to applicable law and
jurisprudence on the matter;

b. That this Hon. Court has no

SANTOS, J: jurisdiction to hear and decide the case;

In this petition for certiorari with Preliminary Injunction, c. Award of damages in favor of plaintiff,
petitioner seeks to set aside the Order of respondent more particularly award of moral
Judge dated July 12, 1977, denying his Petition for damages is contrary to law; and
Relief from Judgment and allowing a writ of execution to
issue in Civil Case No. 680-V of the Court of First d. Defendant has valid, legal and
Instance of Bulacan. justiciable defenses.2

The factual antecedents may be recited as follows: The appealed case was handled by Atty. Benjamin
Bautista, an associate of the same law firm. The
Petitioner is an operator of a public utility vehicle which decision appealed from was affirmed in toto by the Court
was involved, on October 1, 1971, in an accident of Appeals in CA-G.R. No. 52610R. A Motion for
resulting to injuries sustained by private respondent Reconsideration was filed by petitioner, through a
Domingo Forteza Jr. As a consequence thereof, a different counsel, Atty. Isabelo V.L. Santos II. However
complaint for damages was filed by Forteza against the same was denied and the decision became final on
petitioner with the Court of First Instance of Bulacan June 29, 1977 and was then remanded to the lower
(Branch VIII), docketed as Civil Case No. 680-V. An Court, presided by respondent Judge for execution. 3
Answer thereto was filed on behalf of petitioner by Irineo
W. Vida Jr., of the law firm of Vida Enriquez, Mercado & A Motion for Execution was thereafter filed by private
Associates. 1 respondent with the lower Court which was granted by
respondent Judge. 4
Because petitioner and counsel failed to appear at the
pretrial conference on April 6, 1972, despite due notice, On July 6, 1977, petitioner, through Atty. Isabelo V.L.
petitioner was treated as in default and private Santos 11, filed a Petition for Relief from Judgment
respondent was allowed to present his evidence ex alleging his discovery that Irineo W. Vida Jr., who
parte. A decision was thereafter rendered by the trial prepared his Answer to the Complaint is not a member
Republic of the Philippines court in favor of private respondent Forteza Jr. A Motion of the Philippine Bar and that consequently, his rights
SUPREME COURT for Reconsideration was then filed by petitioner seeking had not been adequately protected and his properties
Manila the lifting of the order of default, the reopening of the are in danger of being confiscated and/or levied upon
case for the presentation of his evidence and the setting without due process of law. 5
SECOND DIVISION aside of the decision. Said Motion for Reconsideration
was signed by Ponciano Mercado, another member of In an Order dated July 12, 1977, respondent Judge
G.R. No. L-46537 July 29, 1977 the law firm. The same was denied by the lower Court denied the Petition and directed the issuance of a writ of
and petitioner appealed to the Court of Appeals execution for the reasons that said Petition is ". . a clear
assigning the following alleged errors, to wit: case of dilatory tactic on the part of counsel for
defendant-appellant ..." herein petitioner, and, that the
grounds relied upon ". . . could have been ventilated in
the appeal before the Court of Appeals ... " 6

On July 19, 1977, respondent Deputy Sheriff Ricardo G.

Carlos, acting upon the writ of execution, issued by
respondent Judge, levied on three motor vehicles, of
petitioner for the satisfaction of the judgment. 7

Hence the instant Petition.

Respondent Judge's forthright denial of the Petition for

Relief to frustrate a dilatory maneuver is well-taken; and
this Petition must be denied for lack of merit. The alleged
fact that the person who represented petitioner at the
initial stage of the litigation, i.e., the filing of an Answer
and the pretrial proceedings, turned out to be not a
member of the Bar 8 did not amount to a denial of
petitioner's day in court. It should be noted that in the
subsequent stages of the proceedings, after the
rendition of the judgment by default, petitioner was duly
represented by bona fide members of the Bar in seeking
a reversal of the judgment for being contrary to law and
jurisprudence and the existence of valid, legal and
justifiable defenses. In other words, petitioner's rights
had been amply protected in the proceedings before the
trial and appellate courts as he was subsequently
assisted by counsel. Moreover, petitioner himself was at
fault as the order of treatment as in default was
predicated, not only on the alleged counsel's failure to
attend the pretrial conference on April 6, 1972, but
likewise on his own failure to attend the same, without
justifiable reason. To allow this petition due course is to
countenance further delay in a proceeding which has
already taken well over six years to resolve,

WHEREFORE, for lack of merit, the Petition for certiorari

with Preliminary Injunction is hereby dismissed. The law
firm "Vida, Enriquez, Mercado & Associates" of 209
Sampaguita Bldg., Cubao, Quezon City, is hereby
ordered to explain, within ten (10) days from notice this
Resolution, why Irineo W. Vida Jr. was permitted to sign
the Answer in Civil Case No. 680-V of CFI, Bulacan,
when he is not a member of the Bar.
FIVE J TAXI and/or JUAN S. required to pay P20.00 for car washing, and to further
ARMAMENTO, petitioners, make a P15.00 deposit to answer for any deficiency in
vs. their "boundary," for every actual working day.
DOMINGO MALDIGAN and GILBERTO In less than 4 months after Maldigan was hired as an
SABSALON, respondents. extra driver by the petitioners, he already failed to report
for work for unknown reasons. Later, petitioners learned
Edgardo G. Fernandez for petitioners. that he was working for "Mine of Gold" Taxi Company.
With respect to Sabsalon, while driving a taxicab of
R E SO L U T I O N petitioners on September 6, 1983, he was held up by his
armed passenger who took all his money and thereafter
stabbed him. He was hospitalized and after his
discharge, he went to his home province to recuperate.
In January, 1987, Sabsalon was re-admitted by
petitioners as a taxi driver under the same terms and
Petitioners Five J Taxi and/or Juan S. Armamento filed
conditions as when he was first employed, but his
this special civil action for certiorari to annul the
working schedule was made on an "alternative basis,"
decision 1 of respondent National Labor Relations
that is, he drove only every other day. However, on
Commission (NLRC) ordering petitioners to pay private
several occasions, he failed to report for work during his
respondents Domingo Maldigan and Gilberto Sabsalon
their accumulated deposits and car wash payments, plus
interest thereon at the legal rate from the date of
promulgation of judgment to the date of actual payment, On September 22, 1991, Sabsalon failed to remit his
and 10% of the total amount as and for attorney's fees. "boundary" of P700.00 for the previous day. Also, he
abandoned his taxicab in Makati without fuel refill worth
P300.00. Despite repeated requests of petitioners for
We have given due course to this petition for, while to
him to report for work, he adamantly refused. Afterwards
the cynical the de minimis amounts involved should not
it was revealed that he was driving a taxi for "Bulaklak
impose upon the valuable time of this Court, we find
therein a need to clarify some issues the resolution of
which are important to small wage earners such as
taxicab drivers. As we have heretofore repeatedly Sometime in 1989, Maldigan requested petitioners for
demonstrated, this Court does not exist only for the rich the reimbursement of his daily cash deposits for 2 years,
or the powerful, with their reputed monumental cases of but herein petitioners told him that not a single centavo
national impact. It is also the Court of the poor or the was left of his deposits as these were not even enough
Republic of the Philippines underprivileged, with the actual quotidian problems that to cover the amount spent for the repairs of the taxi he
SUPREME COURT beset their individual lives. was driving. This was allegedly the practice adopted by
Manila petitioners to recoup the expenses incurred in the repair
of their taxicab units. When Maldigan insisted on the
Private respondents Domingo Maldigan and Gilberto
SECOND DIVISION refund of his deposit, petitioners terminated his services.
Sabsalon were hired by the petitioners as taxi
Sabsalon, on his part, claimed that his termination from
drivers 2 and, as such, they worked for 4 days weekly on
employment was effected when he refused to pay for the
a 24-hour shifting schedule. Aside from the daily
washing of his taxi seat covers.
"boundary" of P700.00 for air-conditioned taxi or
G.R. No. 111474 August 22, 1994 P450.00 for non-air-conditioned taxi, they were also
On November 27, 1991, private respondents filed a Article 114 of the Labor Code against requiring 1989 686.00 130.00 1,500.00
complaint with the Manila Arbitration Office of the employees to make deposits, and that there is no
National Labor Relations Commission charging showing that the Secretary of Labor has recognized the 1990 605.00 570.00
petitioners with illegal dismissal and illegal deductions. same as a "practice" in the taxi industry. Consequently,
That complaint was dismissed, the labor arbiter holding the deposits made were illegal and the respondents 1991 165.00 2,300.00
that it took private respondents two years to file the must be refunded therefor.
same and such unreasonable delay was not consistent
———— ———— ————
with the natural reaction of a person who claimed to be Article 114 of the Labor Code provides as follows:
unjustly treated, hence the filing of the case could be
interpreted as a mere afterthought. P 3,579.00 P 4,327.00 P 2,700.00
Art. 114. Deposits for loss or damage. —
No employer shall require his worker to
Respondent NLRC concurred in said findings, with the The foregoing accounting shows that from 1987-1991,
make deposits from which deductions
observation that private respondents failed to controvert Sabsalon was able to withdraw his deposits
shall be made for the reimbursement of
the evidence showing that Maldigan was employed by through vales or he incurred shortages, such that he is
loss of or damage to tools, materials, or
"Mine of Gold" Taxi Company from February 10, 1987 to even indebted to petitioners in the amount of P3,448.00.
equipment supplied by the employer,
December 10, 1990; that Sabsalon abandoned his With respect to Maldigan's deposits, nothing was
except when the employer is engaged in
taxicab on September 1, 1990; and that they voluntarily mentioned questioning the same even in the present
such trades, occupations or business
left their jobs for similar employment with other taxi petition. We accordingly agree with the recommendation
where the practice of making deposits is
operators. It, accordingly, affirmed the ruling of the labor of the Solicitor General that since the evidence shows
a recognized one, or is necessary or
arbiter that private respondents' services were not that he had not withdrawn the same, he should be
desirable as determined by the Secretary
illegally terminated. It, however, modified the decision of reimbursed the amount of his accumulated cash
of Labor in appropriate rules and
the labor arbiter by ordering petitioners to pay private deposits. 5
respondents the awards stated at the beginning of this
resolution. On the matter of the car wash payments, the labor
It can be deduced therefrom that the said article
arbiter had this to say in his decision: "Anent the issue of
provides the rule on deposits for loss or damage to tools,
Petitioners' motion for reconsideration having been illegal deductions, there is no dispute that as a matter of
materials or equipments supplied by the employer.
denied by the NLRC, this petition is now before us practice in the taxi industry, after a tour of duty, it is
Clearly, the same does not apply to or permit deposits to
imputing grave abuse of discretion on the part of said incumbent upon the driver to restore the unit he has
defray any deficiency which the taxi driver may incur in
public respondent. driven to the same clean condition when he took it out,
the remittance of his "boundary." Also, when private
and as claimed by the respondents (petitioners in the
respondents stopped working for petitioners, the alleged
present case), complainant(s) (private respondents
This Court has repeatedly declared that the factual purpose for which petitioners required such
herein) were made to shoulder the expenses for
findings of quasi-judicial agencies like the NLRC, which unauthorized deposits no longer existed. In other case,
washing, the amount doled out was paid directly to the
have acquired expertise because their jurisdiction is any balance due to private respondents after proper
person who washed the unit, thus we find nothing illegal
confined to specific matters, are generally accorded not accounting must be returned to them with legal interest.
in this practice, much more (sic) to consider the amount
only respect but, at times, finality if such findings are
paid by the driver as illegal deduction in the context of
supported by substantial evidence. 3 Where, however, However, the unrebutted evidence with regard to the the law." 6 (Words in parentheses added.)
such conclusions are not supported by the evidence, claim of Sabsalon is as follows:
they must be struck down for being whimsical and
capricious and, therefore, arrived at with grave abuse of Consequently, private respondents are not entitled to the
YEAR DEPOSITS SHORTAGES VALES refund of the P20.00 car wash payments they made. It
discretion. 4
will be noted that there was nothing to prevent private
1987 P 1,403.00 P 567.00 P 1,000.00 respondents from cleaning the taxi units themselves, if
Respondent NLRC held that the P15.00 daily deposits
they wanted to save their P20.00. Also, as the Solicitor
made by respondents to defray any shortage in their
1988 720.00 760.00 200.00 General correctly noted, car washing after a tour of duty
"boundary" is covered by the general prohibition in
is a practice in the taxi industry, and is, in fact, dictated SPS. THELMA R. MASINSIN and MIGUEL MASINSIN, land is actually vacated, and the costs of
by fair play. SPS. GILBERTO and ADELINA, ROLDAN, petitioners, suit. 1
On the last issue of attorney's fees or service fees for THE HON. ED VINCENT ALBANO, Presiding Judge No appeal having been taken therefrom, the judgment
private respondents' authorized representative, Article of the Metropolitan Trial Court of Manila, Branch X, became final and executory. On 22 August 1985,
222 of the Labor Code, as amended by Section 3 of DEPUTY SHERIFF JESS ARREOLA, VICENTE petitioners filed a petition for certiorari before the
Presidential Decree No. 1691, states that non-lawyers CAÑEDA and THE HON. LEONARDO CRUZ, in his Regional Trial Court of Manila (Branch XXXII) seeking
may appear before the NLRC or any labor arbiter only capacity as Presiding Judge Regional Trial of Manila, the annulment of the aforesaid decision in the ejectment
(1) if they represent themselves, or (2) if they represent Branch XXV, respondents. case and to set aside an order of its execution. The
their organization or the members thereof. While it may petition was in due time dismissed. Again, no appeal
be true that Guillermo H. Pulia was the authorized Gregorio T. Fabros for petitioners. was taken therefrom.
representative of private respondents, he was a non-
lawyer who did not fall in either of the foregoing Isidro F. Molina for private respondent. On 07 October 1985, a complaint for "Annulment of
categories. Hence, by clear mandate of the law, he is not Judgment, Lease Contract and Damages" was filed by
entitled to attorney's fees. RESOLUTION petitioners before the Regional Trial Court of Manila
(Branch XLI) asking, in main, for the nullification of the
Furthermore, the statutory rule that an attorney shall be VITUG, J.: judgment in the ejectment case. The complaint was
entitled to have and recover from his client a reasonable dismissed on the ground of res judicata. This time,
compensation for his services 7 necessarily imports the petitioners appealed the dismissal to the Court of
Spouses Miguel and Thelma Masinsin, et al., instituted
existence of an attorney-client relationship as a condition Appeals. Meanwhile, a writ of execution was issued by
this petition for certiorari, prohibition, relief from
for the recovery of attorney's fees, and such relationship the MTC for the enforcement of its decision. The writ,
judgment, as well as declaratory relief, with prayer for
cannot exist unless the client's representative is a however, was held in abeyance when petitioners
preliminary mandatory injunction, asking us to order the
lawyer. 8 deposited with the Court of Appeals the sum of
Metropolitan Trial Court ("MTC") of Manila, Branch X, to
P3,000.00 in cash plus an amount of P100.00 to be paid
cease and desist from further proceeding with Civil Case
WHEREFORE, the questioned judgment of respondent every month beginning February 1987. On 11 March
No. 107203-CV.
National Labor Relations Commission is hereby 1987, the Court of Appeals affirmed the order of
MODIFIED by deleting the awards for reimbursement of dismissal of the lower court. Petitioners' recourse to this
This case emerged from an ejectment suit (docketed Court was to be of no avail. The petition was denied, and
car wash expenses and attorney's fees and directing
Civil Case No. 107203-CV) filed by private respondent an entry of judgment was made on 14 July 1987.
said public respondent to order and effect the
Vicente Cañeda ("Cañeda"), then as plaintiffs, against
computation and payment by petitioners of the refund for
herein petitioners, as defendants, with the Metropolitan
private respondent Domingo Maldigan's deposits, plus Accordingly, the records were remanded to the MTC for
Trial Court of Manila (Branch X). After trial, the MTC, on
legal interest thereon from the date of finality of this execution. When petitioners refused to remove their
01 July 1985, rendered judgment; thus:
resolution up to the date of actual payment thereof. house on the premises in question, upon motion of
private respondent, an order of demolition was issued.
PREMISES CONSIDERED, judgment is Shortly thereafter, the demolition began. Before the
Republic of the Philippines
hereby rendered ordering the defendants completion of the demolition, a restraining order was
and all persons claiming right under them issued by the Regional Trial Court of Manila (Branch
to vacate the premises and to remove XIX) following a petition for certiorari, with preliminary
their house/apartment and surrender injunction and restraining order, filed by petitioners. On
THIRD DIVISION possession of the subject land to the 23 February 1988, the trial court dismissed the petition.
plaintiff; to pay to the plaintiff the sum of
G.R. No. 86421 May 31, 1994 P100.00 a month from January 1987 as
Unfazed by the series of dismissals of their complaints
the reasonable compensation for the use
and petitions, petitioners assailed anew the MTC
and occupation of the premises until the
decision in a petition for certiorari, with preliminary
injunction, and for declaratory relief (docketed Civil Case There is a prejudicial issue the answer to Presidential Commission
No. 88-43944) before the Regional Trial Court of Manila which hangs the resolution of this case. on Urban Poor (PCUP)
(Branch XXV), which, again, issued a restraining order. 2 On May 20, 1992, this Court required the for acquisition and
National Housing Authority to submit a upgrading. (Emphasis
Private respondent then filed a motion for an alias writ of Comment on the status of the program of Supplied.)
execution with the MTC. An ex-parte motion of acquisition by the Government of the
petitioners for the issuance of a second restraining order land area which includes the disputed The above information answers the
was this time denied by the RTC (Branch XXV). 3 On 23 property, as part of the Areas for Priority uncertainty concerning the status of the
August 1990, 4 the trial court, ultimately, dismissed the Development (APD), under the alleged negotiation for the acquisition by
petition with costs against petitioners. aforementioned decrees and the government of certain areas in Metro
proclamations. Manila. The NHA is definitely NOT
In this petition, petitioners contend that the MTC of acquiring the said lot for its program.
Manila (Branch X) has lost jurisdiction to enforce its In compliance with said order of this
decision, dated 01 July 1985, in Civil Case No. 107203, Court, Mr. Andres C. Lingan, Manager of It appearing that the purpose of this
when the property in question was proclaimed an area the Metro Manila Project Department of Petition for Review is to set aside the
for priority development by the National Housing the National Housing Authority, submitted decision of the respondent Court of
Authority on 01 December 1987 by authority of the following report on the status of Lot Appeals which affirmed the decision of
Presidential Decree 2016. 6-A, Block 1012, located at No. 1890 the lower courts, in order to avoid
Obesis Street, Pandacan, Manila, known eviction from the disputed premises and
The petition is totally without merit. as the Carlos Estate, an APD site. to be allowed to acquire the same
Pertinent portions of the report read: allegedly under the Community Mortgage
In resolving this issue, we only have to refer to our Program of the National Housing
resolution of 01 February 1993 in G.R. No. 98446, Please be informed that Authority, we find the petition without
entitled, "Spouses Thelma R. Masinsin, et al. vs. Court Lot 6-A, Block 1012 merit and deny the same. Consequently,
of Appeals, et al.," to which this case is intimately located at No. 1890 the petition is DISMISSED. 5
related, where we ruled: Obesis St., Pandacan,
Manila which is the What immediately catches one's attention to this case is
subject matter of the case the evident predilection of petitioners, through different
. . . The singular question common to
and located within the counsel, to file pleadings, one after another, from which
both cases submitted for resolution of
Carlos Estate declared as not even this Court has been spared. The utter lack of
this court is the implication of
APD site pursuant to merit of the complaints and petitions simply evinces the
Presidential Decree No. 1517, otherwise
Presidential Proclamation deliberate intent of petitioners to prolong and delay the
known as the "Urban Land Reform Law,"
No. 1967, is not for inevitable execution of a decision that has long become
and its amendments or ramifications
acquisition by NHA. final and executory.
embodied in Proclamation No. 1893, as
amended by Proclamation No. 1967 and
Presidential Decree No. 2016. All the The Carlos Estate is Four times did the petitioners, with the assistance of
above statutes are being implemented by located outside of the counsel, try to nullify the same MTC decision before
the Housing and Land Use Regulatory NHA projects under the different branches of the court, trifling with judicial
Board, and the Housing and Urban Zonal Improvement processes. Never, again, should this practice be
Development Coordinating Council, Project (ZIP) and countenanced. 6
Office of the President. Community Mortgage
Program (CMP). The site, The lawyer's oath to which we have all subscribed in
however, is under the solemn agreement in dedicating ourselves to the pursuit
administration of the
of justice, is not a mere fictile of words, drift and hollow, SO ORDERED.
but a sacred trust that we must uphold and keep
inviolable. Perhaps, it is time we are here reminded of
that pledge; thus -


I, . . ., do solemnly swear that I will

maintain allegiance to the Republic of the
Philippines; I will support and defend its
Constitution and obey the laws as well as
the legal orders of the duly constituted
authorities therein; I will do no falsehood
nor consent to its commission; I will not
wittingly or willingly promote or sue any
groundless, false or unlawful suit nor
give aid nor consent to the same; I will
not delay any man's cause for money or
malice and will conduct myself as a
lawyer according to the best of my
knowledge and discretion with all good
fidelity as well to the courts as to my
clients and I impose upon myself this
obligation voluntary, without any mental
reservation or purpose of evasion.

SO HELP ME GOD. (Emphasis


We have since emphasized in no uncertain terms that

any act on the part of a lawyer, an officer of the court,
which visibly tends to obstruct, pervert, impede and
degrade the administration of justice is contumacious
calling for both an exercise of disciplinary action and
warranting application of the contempt power. 7

WHEREFORE, the petition is DISMISSED. Petitioners'

counsel of record is hereby strongly CENSURED and
WARNED that a similar infraction of the lawyer's oath in
the future will be dealt with most severely. Double costs
against petitioners.

This resolution is immediately executory.

NATASHA HUEYSUWAN-FLORIDO, complainant, examined the resolution closely and noted that it bore
vs. ATTY. JAMES BENEDICT C. two dates: November 12, 2001 and November 29, 2001.
FLORIDO, respondent. Sensing something amiss, she refused to give custody
of their children to respondent.
DECISION In the mid-morning of January 15, 2002, while
YNARES-SANTIAGO, J.: complainant was with her children in the ABC Learning
Center in Tanjay City, respondent, accompanied by
This is an administrative complaint for the armed men, suddenly arrived and demanded that she
disbarment of respondent Atty. James Benedict C. surrender to him the custody of their children. He
Florido and his eventual removal from the Roll of threatened to forcefully take them away with the help of
Attorneys for allegedly violating his oath as a lawyer by his companions, whom he claimed to be agents of the
manufacturing, flaunting and using a spurious and bogus National Bureau of Investigation.
Court of Appeals Resolution/Order.[1] Alarmed, complainant immediately sought the
In her Complaint-Affidavit, Natasha V. Heysuwan- assistance of the Tanjay City Police. The responding
Florido averred that she is the legitimate spouse of policemen subsequently escorted her to the police
respondent Atty. James Benedict C. Florido, but that station where the matter could be clarified and settled
they are estranged and living separately from each peacefully. At the police station, respondent caused to
other. They have two children namely, Kamille Nicole H. be entered in the Police Blotter a statement that he,
Florido, five years old, and James Benedict H. Florido, assisted by agents of the NBI, formally served on
Jr., three years old both of whom are in complainants complainant the appellate courts resolution/order. [3] In
custody. Complainant filed a case for the annulment of order to diffuse the tension, complainant agreed to allow
her marriage with respondent, docketed as Civil Case the children to sleep with respondent for one night on
No. 23122, before the Regional Trial Court of Cebu City, condition that he would not take them away from Tanjay
Branch 24. Meanwhile, there is another case related to City. This agreement was entered into in the presence of
the complaint for annulment of marriage which is Tanjay City Chief of Police Juanito Condes and NBI
pending before the Court of Appeals and docketed as Investigator Roger Sususco, among others.
CA-G.R. SP No. 54235 entitled, James Benedict C. In the early morning of January 16, 2002,
Florido v. Hon. Pampio Abarientos, et al. complainant received information that a van arrived at
Sometime in the middle of December 2001, the hotel where respondent and the children were
respondent went to complainants residence in Tanjay staying to take them to Bacolod City. Complainant
City, Negros Oriental and demanded that the custody of rushed to the hotel and took the children to another
their two minor children be surrendered to him. He room, where they stayed until later in the morning.
showed complainant a photocopy of an alleged On the same day, respondent filed with the
Resolution issued by the Court of Appeals which Regional Trial Court of Dumaguete City, Branch 31, a
supposedly granted his motion for temporary child verified petition[4] for the issuance of a writ of habeas
custody.[2]Complainant called up her lawyer but the latter corpus asserting his right to custody of the children on
informed her that he had not received any motion for the basis of the alleged Court of Appeals resolution. In
EN BANC temporary child custody filed by respondent. the meantime, complainant verified the authenticity of
Complainant asked respondent for the original copy the Resolution and obtained a certification dated
of the alleged resolution of the Court of Appeals, but January 18, 2002[5] from the Court of Appeals stating that
[A.C. No. 5624. January 20, 2004] respondent failed to give it to her. Complainant then no such resolution ordering complainant to surrender
custody of their children to respondent had been issued.
At the hearing of the petition for habeas corpus on Candor and fairness are demanded of every lawyer. Respondents actions erode the public perception of
January 23, 2002, respondent did not appear. The burden cast on the judiciary would be intolerable if it the legal profession. They constitute gross misconduct
Consequently, the petition was dismissed. could not take at face value what is asserted by counsel. and the sanctions for such malfeasance is prescribed by
The time that will have to be devoted just to the task of Section 27, Rule 138 of the Rules of Court which states:
Hence, complainant filed the instant complaint verification of allegations submitted could easily be
alleging that respondent violated his attorneys oath by imagined. Even with due recognition then that counsel is SEC. 27. Disbarment and suspension of attorneys by Supreme
manufacturing, flaunting and using a spurious Court of expected to display the utmost zeal in the defense of a Court, grounds therefore.- A member of the bar may be
Appeals Resolution in and outside a court of law. clients cause, it must never be at the expense of the disbarred or suspended from his office as attorney by the
Furthermore, respondent abused and misused the truth.[8] Thus, the Code of professional Responsibility Supreme Court for any deceit, malpractice or other gross
privileged granted to him by the Supreme Court to states: misconduct in such office, grossly immoral conduct or by
practice law in the country.
reason of his conviction of a crime involving moral turpitude,
After respondent answered the complaint, the CANON 10. A LAWYER OWES CANDOR, or for any violation of the oath which he is required to take
matter was referred to the IBP-Commission on Bar FAIRNESS AND GOOD FAITH TO before the admission to practice, or for a willful disobedience
Discipline for investigation, report and recommendation. THE COURT. appearing as attorney for a party without authority to do so.
The IBP-CBD recommended that respondent be
suspended from the practice of law for a period of three Rule 10.01 - A lawyer shall not do any falsehood; Considering the attendant circumstances, we agree
years with a warning that another offense of this nature nor consent to the doing of any in with the recommendation of the IBP Board of Governors
will result in his disbarment. [6] On June 23, 2003, the IBP court; nor shall he mislead, or allow that respondent should be suspended from the practice
Board of Governors adopted and approved the Report the Court to be misled by any of law. However, we find that the period of six years is
and recommendation of the Commission with the artifice. too harsh a penalty. Instead, suspension for the lesser
modification that the penalty of suspension be increased period of two years, which we deem commensurate to
to six years. Rule 10.02 - A lawyer shall not knowingly misquote the offense committed, is hereby imposed on
or misrepresent the contents of a respondent.
The issue to be resolved is whether or not the
respondent can be held administratively liable for his paper, the language or the argument
WHEREFORE, in view of all the foregoing, Atty.
reliance on and attempt to enforce a spurious Resolution of an opposing counsel, or the text of
James Benedict C. Florido is SUSPENDED from the
of the Court of Appeals. a decision or authority, or knowingly
practice of law for a period of two (2) years.
cite as a law a provision already
In his answer to the complaint, respondent claims rendered inoperative by repeal or Let copies of this resolution be entered in the
that he acted in good faith in invoking the Court of amendment, or assert as a fact that personal record of respondent as a member of the Bar
Appeals Resolution which he honestly believed to be which has not been proved. and furnished the Bar Confidant, the Integrated Bar of
authentic. This, however, is belied by the fact that he the Philippines (IBP) and the Court Administrator for
used and presented the spurious resolution several Moreover, the records show that respondent used circulation to all courts of the country.
times. As pointed out by the Investigating Commissioner, offensive language in his pleadings in describing
the assailed Resolution was presented by respondent on SO ORDERED.
complainant and her relatives. A lawyers language
at least two occasions: first, in his Petition for Issuance should be forceful but dignified, emphatic but respectful
of Writ of Habeas Corpus docketed as Special Proc. as befitting an advocate and in keeping with the dignity
Case No. 3898,[7] which he filed with the Regional Trial of the legal profession. [9] The lawyers arguments
Court of Dumaguete City; and second, when he sought whether written or oral should be gracious to both court
the assistance of the Philippine National Police (PNP) of and opposing counsel and should be of such words as
Tanjay City to recover custody of his minor children from may be properly addressed by one gentlemen to
complainant. Since it was respondent who used the another.[10] By calling complainant, a sly manipulator of
spurious Resolution, he is presumed to have truth as well as a vindictive congenital prevaricator,
participated in its fabrication. hardly measures to the sobriety of speech demanded of
a lawyer.
EDUARDO R. SANTOS, Petitioner, vs. JUDGE deciding or ordering something to be done, it
ORLANDO C. PAGUIO, MTC, Meycauayan, merely prays that judgment be rendered.
Bulacan, Respondent.
but despite this, the respondent still "changed
Eduardo R. Santos for and in his own behalf. and amended [his] final decision [of 28 June
1991] in order to nullify the order of a superior
DAVIDE, JR., J.: Court, the RTC of Bulacan" via a new decision in
Civil Case No. 90-1706 3 promulgated on 25
The complainant herein is the lawyer for the January 1993. The dispositive portion of this new
defendants in Civil Case No. 90-1706, an action decision reads as follows:
for unlawful detainer commenced on 5 May 1990
with the Municipal Trial Court of Meycauayan, WHEREFORE, in view of all the foregoing,
Bulacan while the respondent is the presiding judgment is hereby rendered in favor of the
Judge of the said court. In his verified complaint plaintiff by:
filed through the Office of the Court
Administrator on 18 March 1993, the complainant 1. Ordering defendants and persons claiming any
charges the respondent with gross ignorance of rights under them to vacate the premises
the law and gross incompetence. The occupied by them, more particularly the portion
complainant supports his charge with the on which are erected their respective dwelling
allegation that after the answer in the said case structure/unit, at 117 Bayugo, Meycauayan,
was filed and "without notice and hearing," the Bulacan (or lot of plaintiff aforementioned) and to
latter rendered a decision on 28 June 1991, 1the remove said dwelling structure/units from said
decretal portion of which reads as follows: subject premises of plaintiff;

WHEREFORE, in view of all the foregoing 2. Ordering defendants individually to pay the
considerations, it is hereby respectfully prayed sum of P350.00 Philippine Currency, per month
that judgment be rendered in accordance with by way of monthly rental commencing from May
plaintiff's prayer in their Complaint in the above- 16, 1990, and thereafter until they shall have
entitled case. SO ORDERED. vacated the premises of the plaintiff;

He further alleges that Branch 18 of the Regional 3. Ordering the defendants to pay jointly and
Trial Court (RTC) of Bulacan, in its Order of 19 severally the sum of P2,000.00, Philippine
January 1993 in Sp. Civil Action No. 03-M-93 2 - a currency, on account of plaintiff's attorney's fees
petition for certiorari filed by the defendants in (retainer) and P500.00, Philippine Currency, for
Civil Case No. 90-1706 - had already opined that every hearing/trial attended by said attorney
the said decision is void upon its face because it: before this Honorable Court; and

. . . would be impossible to be implemented for 4. Ordering the defendants to pay costs.

FIRST DIVISION the simple or obvious reason that the same
cannot be considered a decision at all. Instead of SO ORDERED.
A.M. No. MTJ-93-781 November 16, 1993
According to the complainant, the dispositive was no valid pre-trial order; (4) on 4 December that "he could correct the decision after its
portion of the 28 June 1991 Decision exhibits the 1991, the plaintiff's motion for execution was finality" and after the RTC of Bulacan had
respondent's gross ignorance in "decision granted and a writ of execution was issued, a declared it to be null and void upon its face
preparation," and that respondent's "haste to copy of which was sent to the Clerk of Court of clearly manifests his "patent ignorance of our
amend the same to favor plaintiff was both the RTC of Malolos for service; (5) on 5 January laws and jurisprudence."
appalling (sic) and downright improper." The 1991, 5 he received an order from Branch 18 of
complainant then prays that the respondent "be the RTC of Bulacan directing him to desist from In his Sur-Rejoinder filed on 13 July 1993, 7 the
removed from office if only to save the integrity implementing the writ of execution; (6) the respondent argues that while the 28 June 1991
of the judiciary." presiding judge of said Branch 18, Judge Decision "could hardly be enforced for the reason
Demetrio B. Macapagal, Sr., issued on 19 that there is some sort of ambiguity or omission
In his Comment filed on 2 July 1993, 4 the January 1993 its order disposing of Sp. Civil (sic) in its dispositive portion," he was not
respondent denies the imputations and Action No. 03-M-93; (7) thereafter, he prohibited from having the defect "timely
alleges, inter alia, that: (1) the complainant was (respondent) handed down a new decision in Civil corrected and clarified," which was what he had
not the original counsel for the defendants but Case No. 90-1706 on 25 January 1993 that in fact done, and that the "clarified decision" did
one Atty. Adriano Javier, Sr. who represented the contained "completely the missing sentences not prejudice "the substantial rights of the
latter until the time that the parties were directed needed in the dispositive portion" of its earlier parties" since they "were given their day in court
to file their respective position papers, decision; (8) instead of appealing therefrom, the and passed through the usual course of the
specifically until 29 November 1991 when Atty. defendants filed on 4 February 1993 a motion to proceedings." Accordingly, he could not be guilty
Javier filed a motion to withdraw his appearance set aside the decision, which the court set for its of gross ignorance of the law and of lack of
and the complainant filed his notice of consideration and to which the plaintiff filed its competence.
appearance as counsel for the defendants; (2) opposition on 8 February 1993 together with a
the Decision of 28 June 1991 was rendered only motion for immediate execution; (9) on 22 March Wanting to have the last word, the complainant
after a preliminary conference was held where 1993, the complainant filed a motion to inhibit filed a Reply to Sur-rejoinder and Manifestation
the parties with their respective counsels the respondent by the former did not appear on on 28 July 1993. 8 Not to be outdone, the
discussed the possibility of an amicable the date it was set for consideration. He finally respondent filed a Manifestation to Reply on 9
settlement and after the defendants failed to contends that the issue regarding the dispositive August 1993. 9chanrobles virtual law library
comply with the 16 November 1990 Order for the portion of the 28 June 1991 Decision was
parties to submit in writing their "respective rendered moot and academic by the corrections The Court referred this to the Office of the Court
position statements setting forth the law and the made in the Decision of 25 January 1993; that Administrator for evaluation, report and
facts relied upon by them and to submit the the charge of gross ignorance is contemptuous recommendation.
affidavits of their witnesses and other evidences and unfounded; and the complainant's sweeping
in support thereof within fifteen (15) days from conclusions show his disrespectful attitude. On 31 August 1993, the Office of the Court
receipt" thereof, prompting the plaintiff to file on Administrator submitted its Memorandum
5 April 1991 an ex-parte motion praying that In his 17 June 1993 Rejoinder filed on 7 July containing its evaluation, report and
judgment be rendered in this case; (3) the 1993, 6 the complainant reiterates his charge that recommendation. After summarizing the
defendants did not appeal from the 28 June 1991 the respondent is incompetent because he lacks antecedent facts, the said office submitted that
Decision, hence the plaintiff filed a motion for the "ability to prepare a sensible and credible the instant complaint is meritorious, and made
execution on 2 September 1991, which the decision," and maintains that the respondent's the following findings:
defendants did not oppose; instead they filed a attempt to convince this Court that the
motion for reconsideration and to declare the dispositive portion of the 28 June 1991 Decision It is quite unbelievable, nay, impossible for
decision null and void on the ground that the is permissible and proper shows "gross respondent to have overlooked the missing
plaintiff did not file her pre-trail brief and there ignorance." Further, that the respondent believes
dispositive portion of his original decision which is 2. For a more vivid explanation showing parte manifestation and motion praying that
considered the executory portion thereof. The the incidental facts (Ibid); judgment be rendered filed after the defendants
only ineluctable conclusion is that respondent failed to file their position paper, although not
never read said decision before he signed the 3. And defendants seems that they are not from the complaint as suspected by the Court
same. If only he devoted even only a little time really sincere (Ibid); Administrator. How it gained entry into what
to read the same, such a missing portion should have been the fallo is an arcanum. Any
considered to be the most important part of a 4. But nothing has been done by the latter to attempt to unravel the mystery may only
decision could not have escaped his attention. renew such contract of lease of which right complicate the matter against the respondent
The alleged dispositive portion was a prayer. It becomes one of a detainer plain and who is only charged herein with gross ignorance
did not have the effect of finally disposing the simple (page 6, Ibid); or incompetence.
case. Presumably, this must have been simply
copied from plaintiff's complaint. 5. That being the case to allow them will mean There can, however, be no dispute behind the
ownership over the property (Ibid). errors of grammar and syntax and the fatally
True, it was legally permissible for respondent to infirmed "dispositive portion" is the inefficiency,
amend his original defective decision since the It is possible that this is not the usual language neglect of duty or carelessness on the part of the
RTC dismissed the petition for certiorarialthough of the Judge, for their fractured constructions respondent betraying the absence of due care,
Judge Perfecto Macapagal found that what was have no place in a court decision. Careful editing diligence, conscientiousness and thoroughness -
rendered by Judge Paguio "can not be considered and rewriting should have been done. qualities which Judges must, among others,
a decision at all." It took respondent Judge 1-1/2 possess. Respondent could have easily avoided
years to discover and correct his error; the error and recommends that: the errors and defects had he taken a little more
could have easily been discovered at the time the time and effort to at least read its original copy
Motion for Execution was filed on September 2, before he finally affixed his signature thereon.
. . . a fine of P5,000.00 be imposed upon
1991. But the writ was nonetheless issued on While this Court cannot expect every Judge to be
respondent with a warning that any repetition of
December 4, 1991. Hence, the belated correction an expert on the English language or an authority
the same or similar infraction shall be meted with
would not mitigate his liability. There is no in grammar, he must, however, do everything he
a more severe penalty of dismissal from the
denying that the quality of a decision rendered by can, through constant study, extraordinary
service. He is also admonished to exhibit greater
the judge such as herein respondent, is a diligence, and passion for excellence, to produce
care in the writing of his decisions.
reflection on the integrity of the court in a decision which fosters respect for and
dispensing justice to whom it is due. Respondent encourages obedience to it and enhances the
We find the above observations of the Office of
was at the very least careless in failing to read prestige of the court.
carefully the decision that he signed. In fact, both the Court Administrator to be sufficiently
supported by the pleadings submitted by the
the original and amended decisions still contained As we see it then, the respondent failed to
errors in grammar and syntax indicating that parties in this case.
comply with two standard of conduct prescribed
there was no adequate editing of the decision by the Canons of Judicial Ethics, namely: that
that was signed by him. If he had been more After a careful examination of the respondent's
"[h]e should exhibit an industry and application
careful, he would have avoided such fractured "Decision" of 28 June 1991, we do find its body commensurate with the duties imposed upon
phrases as: to be flawed with grammatical and syntactic
him" 10 and that he should be conscientious,
errors. Its "dispositive portion" disposes of, studious and thorough. 11chanrobles virtual law
resolves or decrees nothing. It cannot even be
1. Plaintiff on being opposed to this motion, library
countered as follows: (Page 5, Decision, June 28, called a dispositive or decretal portion at all. It is
obviously a prayer lifted from a pleading of the
1991); Moreover, the respondent did not only issue a
plaintiff, such as the Memorandum or the ex-
manifestly infirmed "decision," he even granted
the motion for its execution and issued the legal intents and purposes, it had no fallo and counterclaim was admitted by the court, the case
corresponding writ with full knowledge that there could not attain finality, hence the respondent was set for preliminary conference and thereafter
was nothing to execute. He could not have had the power to amend it to make it the parties were required to submit their position
feigned ignorance of such nothingness for it is conformable to law and papers and the affidavits of their witnesses and
embarrassingly self-evident. He nevertheless justice. 13 It is not therefore correct to say, as the other evidence. We find that the case was
ordered its execution, exhibiting once more his complainant suggested, that the order of the RTC properly placed and considered under the Rule on
inefficiency, carelessness, negligence, or even his of Bulacan in Sp. Civil Action No. 03-M-93 stating Summary Procedure and, accordingly, the court
incompetence. that the respondent's Decision of 28 June 1991 is could decide the case on the basis of the
"void upon its face" forever bars the respondent submitted position papers, affidavits and other
We must add, however, that it is not the from rendering a new or amended decision in the pieces of evidence. Complainant further
respondent alone who must be blamed for such ejectment case. suppressed the fact that he entered his
unmitigated faux pas. The counsel for the parties appearance as counsel for the defendants only
in the case knew or ought to have known the We take this opportunity to stress once again after the court had conducted the preliminary
fatal defect of the dispositive portion and the that the administration of justice is a sacred task conference and issued the order for the
obvious inefficacy of any writ of execution, yet, and all those involved in it must faithfully adhere submission of the foregoing pleadings and
the plaintiff's counsel still filed a motion for to, hold inviolate, and invigorate the principle documents. He was not, therefore, entitled to
execution, while the counsel for the defendants - solemnly enshrined in the Constitution that a any notice before then.
the complainant herein - merely filed a motion public office is a public trust and all public officers
for reconsideration based solely on the ground and employees must at all times be accountable The failure to divulge the foregoing facts may
that the plaintiff did not file her pre-trial brief and to the people, serve them with utmost have been intended by the complainant to give
that there was no valid pre-trial order. Obviously, responsibility, integrity, loyalty and efficiency, his complaint a strong prima facie case against
the complainant initially believed in and act with patriotism and justice and lead the respondent. While he was entitled to adopt
the completeness of the decision. As a matter of modest lives. 14 Every Judge should never forget certain strategies in his pleadings, he forgot that
fact, when he assailed the 25 January 1993 that he is the visible representation of the law he owes to this Court absolute candor, fairness
Decision, he alleged that what was amended was and, more importantly, of justice. 15 Therefore, and good faith. This Court can neither condone
a " final decision," a position totally inconsistent he must constantly be the embodiment of nor tolerate attempts to mislead it through
with his claim that the latter was void as declared competence, diligence, conscientiousness, suppression of important facts which would have
by the RTC of Bulacan. As officers of the court thoroughness, efficiency, and integrity so as to a bearing on its initial action. Complainant
who owe to it candor, fairness and good preserve, promote and enhance the people's should, therefore, be admonished to faithfully
faith, 12 both attorneys should have called the confidence in the Judiciary. adhere to the Code of Professional Responsibility.
court's attention to the glaring defect of the
"dispositive portion" of the 28 June 1991 A few words must also be made of record
Decision. regarding the complainant. We note that in his
complaint in this case he alleged under oath that WHEREFORE, for inefficiency and neglect of duty
We thus conclude that the respondent Judge is after the defendants filed their answer, the amounting to a violation of Canons 5 and 31 of
guilty of, in the very least, inefficiency, neglect of respondent "without any hearing, or at least this the Canons of Judicial Ethics, respondent Judge
duty and the violation of Canons 5 and 31 of the counsel was never notified of any such hearing," ORLANDO C. PAGUIO is hereby sentenced to pay
Canons of Judicial Ethics. He could not, however, rendered the 28 June 1991 Decision. This is of a FINE of Five Thousand Pesos (P5,000.00). He is
be liable for ignorance of law and jurisprudence course inaccurate, if not outright false. What the further warned that a repetition of the same or
or for incompetence when he handed down complainant conveniently left out in his complaint similar infractions shall be dealt with more
a new decision on 25 January 1993. The 28 June was that, as disclosed in the Comment which he severely.
1991 Decision was "incomplete" since, for all did not refute, after the defendants' answer with
Complainant is hereby ADMONISHED to be more during the hearing of the aforesaid Civil
careful in the drafting of pleadings, always Case thereby impending and/or
keeping in mind his duty under Canon 10 of the A.C. No. 2837 October 7, 1994 obstructing the speedy administration
Code of Professional Responsibility.\ and/or dispensation of Justice. (p. 2,
ESTEBAN M. LIBIT, complainant, Final Report, ff. p. 69, Record.)
ATTYS. EDELSON G. OLIVA and FLORANDO A. Respondents in their respective answers denied having
UMALI, respondent. any hand in the falsification of the said sheriff's return.

RESOLUTION Pursuant to Rule 139-B of the Rules of Court and the

resolution of the Court En Banc of April 12, 1988, the
PER CURIAM: case was referred to the Commission on Bar Discipline
of the Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP) for
investigation, report, and recommendation.
In civil Case No. 84-24144 of the Court of First Instance
of Manila, entitled "Pedro Cutingting, plaintiff versus
Alfredo Tan, defendant", the Honorable Presiding Judge In view, however, of the report of the National Bureau of
Domingo Panis issued the following order: Investigation to the effect that the signature above the
typewritten name Florando Umali on the last page of the
complaint in said civil case is not his signature,
The Director of the National Bureau of
complainant, through counsel, agreed to the dismissal of
Investigation (NBI) is hereby ordered to
the case with respect to Atty. Umali.
conduct an investigation with the end in
view of determining the author of the
Sheriff's Return which appears to have With respect to Atty. Edelson G. Oliva, the IBP submitted
been falsified and to institute such the following report and recommendation:
criminal action as the evidence will
warrant. (p. 1, Final Report.) There is ample evidence extant in the
records to prove that
After conducting the necessary investigation, the Atty. Oliva has something to do with the
National Bureau of Investigation (NBI), through herein falsification of the Sheriff's Return on the
complainant, charged respondents as follows: Summons in said Civil Case No. 84-
That sometime in May 1984 in the City of
Manila, at the Regional Trial Court, The oral and documentary evidence of
Branch XLI, Manila, Philippines, the the complainant strongly tend to show
above-named Respondents, as the following: (1) The Sheriff's Return of
Counsels for PEDRO CUTINGTING in the Summon in the said civil case was
Civil Case No. 84-24144, entitled falsified as it was not signed by Deputy
PEDRO CUTINGTING, Plaintiff vs. Sheriff Rodolfo Torella (Exh. "J" — Sworn
Republic of the Philippines Statement of Rodolfo Torella dated
SUPREME COURT ALFREDO TAN, Defendant, did then and
there, knowingly, willfully February 1, 1985, and Exh. "S", which is
Manila the falsified Sheriff's Return); (2) The
introduced/presented in evidence before
the aforesaid Regional Trial Court, a summons was received from the clerk of
EN BANC the Court of the Manila
falsified Sheriff's Return of Summons
RTC-Branch LXI by Ronaldo Romero, a misconduct which warrant the exercise by the Court of Accordingly, the Court resolved to impose upon Atty.
messenger in the law office of Attys. its disciplinary powers. The facts, as supported by the Edelson Oliva the supreme penalty of DISBARMENT.
Umali and Oliva and said messenger evidence, obtaining in this case indubitably reveal His license to practice law in the Philippines is
brought the summons to the law office of respondent's failure to live up to his duties as a lawyer in CANCELLED and the Bar Confidant is ordered to strike
the respondents (Exh. "H" — consonance with the strictures of the lawyer's oath, the out his name from the Roll of Attorneys.
Sinumpaang Salaysay ni Ronaldo Code of Professional Responsibility, and the Canons of
Romero, and Exh. "G", Exh. "I" — Sworn Professional Ethics. A lawyer's responsibility to protect The case is ordered dismissed as against Atty. Florando
Statement dated February 28, 1985 of and advance the interests of his client does not warrant Umali.
Mariano Villanueva, Chief Staff Asst. 2, a course of action propelled by ill motives and malicious
RTC, Manila; (3) On the basis of the intentions against the other party. SO ORDERED.
falsified Sheriff's Return on the
Summons, Atty. Oliva, counsel for the At this juncture, it is well to stress once again that the
defendant [should be plaintiff] in said civil practice of law is not a right but a privilege bestowed by
case, filed a typewritten Motion to the State on those who show that they possess, and
Declare Defendant in Default (Exh.) "R" continue to possess, the qualifications required by law
— Motion to Declare Defendant In for the conferment of such privilege. One of these
Default in said civil case signed and filed requirements is the observance of honesty and candor.
by Atty. Oliva); It can not be gainsaid that candidness, especially
(4) On March 29, 1984, Atty. Oliva, in his towards the courts, is essential for the expeditious
capacity as Operations Manager of administration of justice. Courts are entitled to expect
Judge Pio R. Marcos Law Office, sent a only complete candor and honesty from the lawyers
final demand letter on Alfredo Tan, the appearing and pleading before them. A lawyer, on the
defendant in said Civil case, for payment other hand, has the fundamental duty to satisfy the
of the sum of P70,174.00 (Exh. "T" — expectation. It is essential that lawyers bear in mind at
Demand Letter dated March 28, 1984 of all times that their first duty is not to their clients but
Atty. Oliva addressed to Alfredo Tan); (5) rather to the courts, that they are above all court officers
The demand letter of Atty. Oliva (Exh. sworn to assist the courts in rendering justice to all and
"T"), the complaint in said civil case (Exh. sundry, and only secondarily are they advocates of the
"Q", "Q-1", and "Q-2"), the falsified exclusive interests of their clients. For this reason, he is
Sheriff's Return on the Summons (Exh. required to swear to do no falsehood, nor consent to the
"S"), the Motion To Declare Defendant In doing of any in court (Chavez vs. Viola, 196 SCRA 10
Default dated October 30, 1984 signed [1991].
and filed by
Atty. Oliva (Exh. "R" and "R-1") were In this case, respondent Atty. Edelson Oliva has
typed on one and the same typewriter, as manifestly violated that part of his oath as a lawyer that
shown in the Questioned Document he shall not do any falsehood. He has likewise violated
Report No. 198-585 dated 19 June 1985 Rule 10.01 of the Code of Professional Responsibility
(Exh. "Q", "Q-1" and "Q-2"; Exh. "V", "V- which provides:
1" and
A lawyer shall not do any falsehood, nor
consent to the doing of any in court nor
After the careful review of the record of the case and the shall he mislead or allow the court to be
report and recommendation of the IBP, the Court finds misled by any artifice.
that respondent Atty. Edelson G. Oliva committed acts of
61 Phil. 820
The established facts show that the respondent Arayata
IMPERIAL, J.: is the son of Arcadio Arayata who died on November 5,
It is alleged in the charges filed against Attorney Eusta 1916, leaving a widow and five children; that Arcadio Ara
quio V. Arayata (1) that on August 27, 1931, while prac yata in life, purchased from the Bureau of Lands lot No.
ticing his profession, he prepared and drew up in his 3448' of the Hacienda de Santa Cruz de Malabon, for
favor a deed of sale of the land described in transfer which transfer certificate of title No. 7591 was issued to
certificate of title No. 7591, for the sum of P4,000, him; that on August 27, 1931, many years after Arcadio
stating therein that the person who executed the Arayata's death, the respondent attorney prepared the
document and sold the land to him was his father, deed, Exhibit A, stating therein that his father sold the
Arcadio Arayata, when he knew positive ly that this land in question to him for the sum of ?4,000; that after
alleged vendor had already died on November 5, 1916; affixing the names of the alleged vendor and the two
that knowing the document to be fictitious, he appear ed witnesses, the respondent brought an old man and the
before notary public Tereso Ma. Montoya and made the two witnesses before notary public Tereso Ma. Montoya
latter legalize said document and state that Arcadio Ara and requested the1 latter to ra tify said document,
yata personally appeared before him, although said fact assuring him that the old man was the grantor and
was not true; and he later succeeded in having the vendor and the other two were the instru mental
register of deeds cancel the transfer certificate of title witnesses thereto; that the notary honestly believing said
issued to Ar cadio Arayata and issue transfer certificate information, legalized and registered the document after
of title No. 8370 in his favor; and (2) that on June 5, verifying from the old man that he ratified the con tents
1933, being legally married to Aurora L. Saguil, he filed thereof; that the transfer was invalid and the docu ment
an application to marry Engracia F. Ortega, stating not genuine because another, not Arcadio Arayata,
therein under oath that he was single when in fact he signed it; that the respondent later applied for and ob
was married, said marriage not having been dissolved. tained transfer certificate of title No. 8370 of said land
from the registry of deeds of Cavite after the former title
The charge filed against attorney and notary public Te was cancelled; that sometime later, or on April 11, 1933,
reso Ma. Montoya consists in having ratified the deed of the respondent sold a portion of said land having an area
sale and having stated that Arcadio Arayata personally of two and one-half (2½) hectares to Sinforosa Torres,
ap peared before him and confirmed the sale, knowing mar ried to Basilio Sorosoro, for the sum of P500.
fully well that said person is already dead and therefore
could do neither the one nor the other. With regard to the second charge, it likewise appears
established that on June 5, 1933, the respondent, being
The investigation was finally conducted by the Judge of le gally married to Aurora L. Saguil and said marriage
the Court of First Instance of the Province of Cavite, who not having been dissolved, signed under oath an
recommended "that a disciplinary action be taken application to marry Engracia F. Ortega stating therein
against Arayata and that Montoya be exonerated, it that he was single, he being in fact married; the
having been clearly established that the latter, in application was reg istered and duly considered and on
ratifying the document, acted in good faith and relied on September 25, 1933, the register of the Province of
Arayata's assurance that the old man then with him was Cavite issued the corre sponding license upon payment
really the vendor Arcadio Arayata who ratified all the by the respondent of the sum of P2; for some unknown
contents of the instrument. We concur in the reasons the marriage applied for was not solemnized; the
appreciation of the facts and we are of the opinion that respondent's wife, neverthe less, filed a complaint for
JUSTA MONTEREY v. EUSTAQUIO V. ARAYATA + bigamy against the former, which is now pending in the
said notary public and attorney should really be
exonerated^and held innocent. justice of the peace court of Santa Rosa, Laguna, lor
DECISION which reason the investigator is of the opinion, and so
recommends, tnat no action should be taken on the Republic of the Philippines Co., Ltd. and the FGU Insurance Group (hereinafter
second charge. The recommendation is well founded and SUPREME COURT referred to as the Companies).
has our approval. Manila
Two of the lawyers of the Unions then were Felipe Enaje
In his first answer, respondent Arayata admitted that the EN BANC and Ramon Garcia; the latter was formerly the
sale had been made by his father who was his true pre secretary-treasurer of the FFW and acting president of
decessor in interest, but alleged that nobody, including G.R. No. L-25291 January 30, 1971 the Insular Life/FGU unions and the Insular Life Building
the complainant, could complain of the transfer because Employees Association. Garcia, as such acting
none was prejudiced, he being the true and only heir. In president, in a circular issued in his name and signed by
his second answer, however, and in the course of the THE INSULAR LIFE ASSURANCE CO., LTD.,
EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION-NATU, FGU him, tried to dissuade the members of the Unions from
investiga tion, he set up another defense alleging that the disaffiliating with the FFW and joining the National
person who had really sold him the land was his uncle INSURANCE GROUP WORKERS and EMPLOYEES
ASSOCIATION-NATU, and INSULAR LIFE BUILDING Association of Trade Unions (NATU), to no avail.
Januario Arayata who, in the deed and relative to the
land, assumed the name of Arcadio Arayata. He further EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION-NATU, petitioners,
vs. Enaje and Garcia soon left the FFW and secured
alleged that it was his said uncle who signed the deed of
THE INSULAR LIFE ASSURANCE CO., LTD., FGU employment with the Anti-Dummy Board of the
transfer and ratified it before notary Montoya. We find
INSURANCE GROUP, JOSE M. OLBES and COURT Department of Justice. Thereafter, the Companies hired
this second new defense improbable and unestablished.
OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS, respondents. Garcia in the latter part of 1956 as assistant corporate
secretary and legal assistant in their Legal Department,
The acts committed by the respondent Arayata relative
to the deed of sale Exhibit A, and his statements to Lacsina, Lontok and Perez and Luis F. Aquino for and he was soon receiving P900 a month, or P600 more
notary Montoya with regard to said document, constitute petitioners. than he was receiving from the FFW. Enaje was hired on
malprac tice and unprofessional conduct under the or about February 19, 1957 as personnel manager of the
provisions of section 21 of the Code of Civil Procedure, Companies, and was likewise made chairman of the
Francisco de los Reyes for respondent Court of
meriting for him a disciplinary action mitigated in this negotiating panel for the Companies in the collective
Industrial Relations.
case by the circum stance that he was apparently the heir bargaining with the Unions.
entitled to the ownership of the land and that the Araneta, Mendoza and Papa for other respondents.
complainant has neither real nor direct interest in the In a letter dated September 16, 1957, the Unions jointly
transaction complained of by her. submitted proposals to the Companies for a modified
renewal of their respective collective bargaining
For the foregoing reasons, we hold Attorney Eustaquio contracts which were then due to expire on September
V. Arayata guilty of malpractice and suspend him from CASTRO, J.: 30, 1957. The parties mutually agreed and to make
the practice of his profession for one (1) month, hereby whatever benefits could be agreed upon retroactively
repri manding him for having prepared and executed the Appeal, by certiorari to review a decision and a effective October 1, 1957.
deed of sale in question. So ordered. resolution en banc of the Court of Industrial Relations
dated August 17, 1965 and October 20, 1965, Thereafter, in the months of September and October
Avanceña, C.J., Malcolm, Villa-Real, Abad Santos, Hull, respectively, in Case 1698-ULP. 1957 negotiations were conducted on the Union's
Vickers, Butte, Goddard, and Diaz, JJ., concur. proposals, but these were snagged by a deadlock on the
The Insular Life Assurance Co., Ltd., Employees issue of union shop, as a result of which the Unions filed
Respondent suspended for one month and Association-NATU, FGU Insurance Group Workers & on January 27, 1958 a notice of strike for "deadlock on
reprimanded. Employees Association-NATU, and Insular Life Building collective bargaining." Several conciliation conferences
Employees Association-NATU (hereinafter referred to as were held under the auspices of the Department of
the Unions), while still members of the Federation of Labor wherein the conciliators urged the Companies to
Free Workers (FFW), entered into separate collective make reply to the Unions' proposals en toto so that the
bargaining agreements with the Insular Life Assurance said Unions might consider the feasibility of dropping
their demand for union security in exchange for other
benefits. However, the Companies did not make any On May 21, 1958 the Companies through their acting management men tried to break thru the Unions' picket
counter-proposals but, instead, insisted that the Unions manager and president, the respondent Jose M. Olbes lines. Thus, on May 21, 1958 Garcia, assistant corporate
first drop their demand for union security, promising (hereinafter referred to as the respondent Olbes), sent to secretary, and Vicente Abella, chief of the personnel
money benefits if this was done. Thereupon, and prior to each of the strikers a letter (exhibit A) quoted verbatim records section, respectively of the Companies, tried to
April 15, 1958, the petitioner Insular Life Building as follows: penetrate the picket lines in front of the Insular Life
Employees Association-NATU dropped this particular Building. Garcia, upon approaching the picket line,
demand, and requested the Companies to answer its We recognize it is your privilege both to tossed aside the placard of a picketer, one Paulino
demands, point by point, en toto. But the respondent strike and to conduct picketing. Bugay; a fight ensued between them, in which both
Insular Life Assurance Co. still refused to make any suffered injuries. The Companies organized three bus-
counter-proposals. In a letter addressed to the two other However, if any of you would like to loads of employees, including a photographer, who with
Unions by the joint management of the Companies, the come back to work voluntarily, you may: the said respondent Olbes, succeeded in penetrating the
former were also asked to drop their union security picket lines in front of the Insular Life Building, thus
demand, otherwise the Companies "would no longer causing injuries to the picketers and also to the strike-
1. Advise the nearest police officer or
consider themselves bound by the commitment to make breakers due to the resistance offered by some
security guard of your intention to do so.
money benefits retroactive to October 1, 1957." By a picketers.
letter dated April 17, 1958, the remaining two petitioner
unions likewise dropped their demand for union shop. 2. Take your meals within the office.
Alleging that some non-strikers were injured and with the
April 25, 1958 then was set by the parties to meet and use of photographs as evidence, the Companies then
discuss the remaining demands. 3. Make a choice whether to go home at filed criminal charges against the strikers with the City
the end of the day or to sleep nights at Fiscal's Office of Manila. During the pendency of the
From April 25 to May 6, 1958, the parties negotiated on the office where comfortable cots have said cases in the fiscal's office, the Companies likewise
the labor demands but with no satisfactory result due to been prepared. filed a petition for injunction with damages with the Court
a stalemate on the matter of salary increases. On May of First Instance of Manila which, on the basis of the
13, 1958 the Unions demanded from the Companies 4. Enjoy free coffee and occasional pendency of the various criminal cases against striking
final counter-proposals on their economic demands, movies. members of the Unions, issued on May 31, 1958 an
particularly on salary increases. Instead of giving order restraining the strikers, until further orders of the
counter-proposals, the Companies on May 15, 1958 5. Be paid overtime for work performed said court, from stopping, impeding, obstructing, etc. the
presented facts and figures and requested the Unions to in excess of eight hours. free and peaceful use of the Companies' gates, entrance
submit a workable formula which would justify their own and driveway and the free movement of persons and
proposals, taking into account the financial position of 6. Be sure arrangements will be made for vehicles to and from, out and in, of the Companies'
the former. Forthwith the Unions voted to declare a strike your families. building.
in protest against what they considered the Companies'
unfair labor practices. The decision to make is yours — On the same date, the Companies, again through the
whether you still believe in the motives of respondent Olbes, sent individually to the strikers a letter
Meanwhile, eighty-seven (87) unionists were reclassified the strike or in the fairness of the (exhibit B), quoted hereunder in its entirety:
as supervisors without increase in salary nor in Management.
responsibility while negotiations were going on in the The first day of the strike was last 21
Department of Labor after the notice to strike was The Unions, however, continued on strike, with the May 1958.
served on the Companies. These employees resigned exception of a few unionists who were convinced to
from the Unions. desist by the aforesaid letter of May 21, 1958. Our position remains unchanged and the
strike has made us even more convinced
On May 20, 1958 the Unions went on strike and picketed From the date the strike was called on May 21, 1958, of our decision.
the offices of the Insular Life Building at Plaza Moraga. until it was called off on May 31, 1958, some
We do not know how long you intend to office. Subsequently, when practically all the strikers had complaint for lack of merit. On August 31, 1965 the
stay out, but we cannot hold your secured clearances from the fiscal's office, the Unions seasonably filed their motion for reconsideration
positions open for long. We have Companies readmitted only some but adamantly refused of the said decision, and their supporting memorandum
continued to operate and will continue to readmission to 34 officials and members of the Unions on September 10, 1965. This was denied by the Court of
do so with or without you. who were most active in the strike, on the ground that Industrial Relations en banc in a resolution promulgated
they committed "acts inimical to the interest of the on October 20, 1965.
If you are still interested in continuing in respondents," without however stating the specific acts
the employ of the Group Companies, and allegedly committed. Among those who were refused Hence, this petition for review, the Unions contending
if there are no criminal charges pending readmission are Emiliano Tabasondra, vice president of that the lower court erred:
against you, we are giving you until 2 the Insular Life Building Employees' Association-NATU;
June 1958 to report for work at the home Florencio Ibarra, president of the FGU Insurance Group 1. In not finding the Companies guilty of
office. If by this date you have not yet Workers & Employees Association-NATU; and Isagani unfair labor practice in sending out
reported, we may be forced to obtain Du Timbol, acting president of the Insular Life Assurance individually to the strikers the letters
your replacement. Co., Ltd. Employees Association-NATU. Some 24 of the marked Exhibits A and B;
above number were ultimately notified months later that
Before, the decisions was yours to make. they were being dismissed retroactively as of June 2,
2. In not finding the Companies guilty of
1958 and given separation pay checks computed under
unfair labor practice for discriminating
Rep. Act 1787, while others (ten in number) up to now
So it is now. against the striking members of the
have not been readmitted although there have been no
Unions in the matter of readmission of
formal dismissal notices given to them.
Incidentally, all of the more than 120 criminal charges employees after the strike;
filed against the members of the Unions, except three
On July 29, 1958 the CIR prosecutor filed a complaint
(3), were dismissed by the fiscal's office and by the 3. In not finding the Companies guilty of
for unfair labor practice against the Companies under
courts. These three cases involved "slight physical unfair labor practice for dismissing
Republic Act 875. The complaint specifically charged the
injuries" against one striker and "light coercion" against officials and members of the Unions
Companies with (1) interfering with the members of the
two others. without giving them the benefit of
Unions in the exercise of their right to concerted action,
investigation and the opportunity to
by sending out individual letters to them urging them to
At any rate, because of the issuance of the writ of present their side in regard to activities
abandon their strike and return to work, with a promise
preliminary injunction against them as well as the undertaken by them in the legitimate
of comfortable cots, free coffee and movies, and paid
ultimatum of the Companies giving them until June 2, exercise of their right to strike; and
overtime, and, subsequently, by warning them that if
1958 to return to their jobs or else be replaced, the they did not return to work on or before June 2, 1958,
striking employees decided to call off their strike and to they might be replaced; and (2) discriminating against 4. In not ordering the reinstatement of
report back to work on June 2, 1958. the members of the Unions as regards readmission to officials and members of the Unions, with
work after the strike on the basis of their union full back wages, from June 2, 1958 to the
However, before readmitting the strikers, the Companies membership and degree of participation in the strike. date of their actual reinstatement to their
required them not only to secure clearances from the usual employment.
City Fiscal's Office of Manila but also to be screened by On August 4, 1958 the Companies filed their answer
a management committee among the members of which denying all the material allegations of the complaint, I. The respondents contend that the sending of the
were Enage and Garcia. The screening committee stating special defenses therein, and asking for the letters, exhibits A and B, constituted a legitimate
initially rejected 83 strikers with pending criminal dismissal of the complaint. exercise of their freedom of speech. We do not agree.
charges. However, all non-strikers with pending criminal The said letters were directed to the striking employees
charges which arose from the breakthrough incident individually — by registered special delivery mail at that
After trial on the merits, the Court of Industrial Relations,
were readmitted immediately by the Companies without — without being coursed through the Unions which were
through Presiding Judge Arsenio Martinez, rendered on
being required to secure clearances from the fiscal's representing the employees in the collective bargaining.
August 17, 1965 a decision dismissing the Unions'
The act of an employer in notifying practices because they tend to undermine the concerted strike started, to a group of strikers in a restaurant to the
absent employees individually during a activity of the employees, an activity to which they are effect that if the strikers returned to work, they would
strike following unproductive efforts at entitled free from the employer's molestation.1 receive new benefits in the form of hospitalization,
collective bargaining that the plant would accident insurance, profit-sharing, and a new building to
be operated the next day and that their Moreover, since exhibit A is a letter containing promises work in.2
jobs were open for them should they of benefits to the employees in order to entice them to
want to come in has been held to be an return to work, it is not protected by the free speech Citing paragraph 5 of the complaint filed by the acting
unfair labor practice, as an active provisions of the Constitution (NLRB v. Clearfield prosecutor of the lower court which states that "the
interference with the right of collective Cheese Co., Inc., 213 F2d 70). The same is true with officers and members of the complainant unions decided
bargaining through dealing with the exhibit B since it contained threats to obtain to call off the strike and return to work on June 2, 1958
employees individually instead of through replacements for the striking employees in the event by reason of the injunction issued by the Manila Court of
their collective bargaining they did not report for work on June 2, 1958. The free First Instance," the respondents contend that this was
representatives. (31 Am. Jur. speech protection under the Constitution is inapplicable the main cause why the strikers returned to work and not
563, citing NLRB v. Montgomery Ward & where the expression of opinion by the employer or his the letters, exhibits A and B. This assertion is without
Co. [CA 9th] 133 F2d 676, 146 ALR agent contains a promise of benefit, or threats, or merit. The circumstance that the strikers later decided to
1045) reprisal (31 Am. Jur. 544; NLRB vs. Clearfield Cheese return to work ostensibly on account of the injunctive writ
Co., Inc., 213 F2d 70; NLRB vs. Goigy Co., 211 F2d issued by the Court of First Instance of Manila cannot
Indeed, it is an unfair labor practice for an employer 533, 35 ALR 2d 422). alter the intrinsic quality of the letters, which were
operating under a collective bargaining agreement to calculated, or which tended, to interfere with the
negotiate or to attempt to negotiate with his employees Indeed, when the respondents offered reinstatement and employees' right to engage in lawful concerted activity in
individually in connection with changes in the attempted to "bribe" the strikers with "comfortable cots," the form of a strike. Interference constituting unfair labor
agreement. And the basis of the prohibition regarding "free coffee and occasional movies," "overtime" pay for practice will not cease to be such simply because it was
individual bargaining with the strikers is that although the "work performed in excess of eight hours," and susceptible of being thwarted or resisted, or that it did
union is on strike, the employer is still under obligation to "arrangements" for their families, so they would abandon not proximately cause the result intended. For success
bargain with the union as the employees' bargaining the strike and return to work, they were guilty of strike- of purpose is not, and should not, be the criterion in
representative (Melo Photo Supply Corporation vs. breaking and/or union-busting and, consequently, of determining whether or not a prohibited act constitutes
National Labor Relations Board, 321 U.S. 332). unfair labor practice. It is equivalent to an attempt to unfair labor practice.
break a strike for an employer to offer reinstatement to
Indeed, some such similar actions are illegal as striking employees individually, when they are The test of whether an employer has
constituting unwarranted acts of interference. Thus, the represented by a union, since the employees thus interfered with and coerced employees
act of a company president in writing letters to the offered reinstatement are unable to determine what the within the meaning of subsection (a) (1)
strikers, urging their return to work on terms inconsistent consequences of returning to work would be. is whether the employer has engaged in
with their union membership, was adjudged as conduct which it may reasonably be said
constituting interference with the exercise of his Likewise violative of the right to organize, form and join tends to interfere with the free exercise
employees' right to collective bargaining (Lighter labor organizations are the following acts: the offer of a of employees' rights under section 3 of
Publishing, CCA 7th, 133 F2d 621). It is likewise an act Christmas bonus to all "loyal" employees of a company the Act, and it is not necessary that there
of interference for the employer to send a letter to all shortly after the making of a request by the union to be direct evidence that any employee
employees notifying them to return to work at a time bargain; wage increases given for the purpose of was in fact intimidated or coerced by
specified therein, otherwise new employees would be mollifying employees after the employer has refused to statements of threats of the employer if
engaged to perform their jobs. Individual solicitation of bargain with the union, or for the purpose of inducing there is a reasonable inference that anti-
the employees or visiting their homes, with the employer striking employees to return to work; the employer's union conduct of the employer does have
or his representative urging the employees to cease promises of benefits in return for the strikers' an adverse effect on self-organization
union activity or cease striking, constitutes unfair labor abandonment of their strike in support of their union; and and collective bargaining. (Francisco,
practice. All the above-detailed activities are unfair labor the employer's statement, made about 6 weeks after the Labor Laws 1956, Vol. II, p.
323, citing NLRB v. Ford, C.A., 1948, 170 of the Department of Labor, the respondents adamantly readmitted were Generoso Abella, Enrique Guidote,
F2d 735). refused to answer the Unions' demands en toto. Emilio Carreon, Antonio Castillo, Federico Barretto,
Incidentally, Enage was the chairman of the negotiating Manuel Chuidian and Nestor Cipriano. And despite the
Besides, the letters, exhibits A and B, should not be panel for the Companies in the collective bargaining fact that the fiscal's office found no probable cause
considered by themselves alone but should be read in between the former and the Unions. After the petitioners against the petitioning strikers, the Companies
the light of the preceding and subsequent circumstances went to strike, the strikers were individually sent copies adamantly refused admission to them on the pretext that
surrounding them. The letters should be interpreted of exhibit A, enticing them to abandon their strike by they committed "acts inimical to the interest of the
according to the "totality of conduct doctrine," inducing them to return to work upon promise of special respondents," without stating specifically the inimical
privileges. Two days later, the respondents, thru their acts allegedly committed. They were soon to admit,
... whereby the culpability of an president and manager, respondent Jose M. Olbes, however, that these alleged inimical acts were the same
employer's remarks were to be evaluated brought three truckloads of non-strikers and others, criminal charges which were dismissed by the fiscal and
not only on the basis of their implicit escorted by armed men, who, despite the presence of by the courts..
implications, but were to be appraised eight entrances to the three buildings occupied by the
against the background of and in Companies, entered thru only one gate less than two Verily, the above actuations of the respondents before
conjunction with collateral meters wide and in the process, crashed thru the picket and after the issuance of the letters, exhibit A and B,
circumstances. Under this "doctrine" line posted in front of the premises of the Insular Life yield the clear inference that the said letters formed of
expressions of opinion by an employer Building. This resulted in injuries on the part of the the respondents scheme to preclude if not destroy
which, though innocent in themselves, picketers and the strike-breakers.lâwphî1.ñèt Then the unionism within them.
frequently were held to be culpable respondents brought against the picketers criminal
because of the circumstances under charges, only three of which were not dismissed, and To justify the respondents' threat to dismiss the strikers
which they were uttered, the history of these three only for slight misdemeanors. As a result of and secure replacements for them in order to protect
the particular employer's labor relations these criminal actions, the respondents were able to and continue their business, the CIR held the petitioners'
or anti-union bias or because of their obtain an injunction from the court of first instance strike to be an economic strike on the basis of exhibit 4
connection with an established collateral restraining the strikers from stopping, impeding, (Notice of Strike) which states that there was a
plan of coercion or interference. obstructing, etc. the free and peaceful use of the "deadlock in collective bargaining" and on the strength of
(Rothenberg on Relations, p. 374, and Companies' gates, entrance and driveway and the free the supposed testimonies of some union men who did
cases cited therein.) movement of persons and vehicles to and from, out and not actually know the very reason for the strike. It should
in, of the Companies' buildings. On the same day that be noted that exhibit 4, which was filed on January 27,
the injunction was issued, the letter, Exhibit B, was sent 1958, states, inter alia:
It must be recalled that previous to the petitioners'
— again individually and by registered special delivery
submission of proposals for an amended renewal of their
mail — to the strikers, threatening them with dismissal if
respective collective bargaining agreements to the TO: BUREAU OF LABOR
they did not report for work on or before June 2, 1958.
respondents, the latter hired Felipe Enage and Ramon RELATIONS
But when most of the petitioners reported for work, the
Garcia, former legal counsels of the petitioners, as DEPARTMENT OF
respondents thru a screening committee — of which
personnel manager and assistant corporate secretary, LABOR
Ramon Garcia was a member — refused to admit 63
respectively, with attractive compensations. After the MANILA
members of the Unions on the ground of "pending
notice to strike was served on the Companies and
criminal charges." However, when almost all were
negotiations were in progress in the Department of Thirty (30) days from receipt of this
cleared of criminal charges by the fiscal's office, the
Labor, the respondents reclassified 87 employees as notice by the Office, this [sic] unions
respondents adamantly refused admission to 34 officials
supervisors without increase in salary or in responsibility, intends to go on strike against
and union members. It is not, however, disputed that all-
in effect compelling these employees to resign from their
non-strikers with pending criminal charges which arose
unions. And during the negotiations in the Department of THE INSULAR LIFE
from the breakthrough incident of May 23, 1958 were
Labor, despite the fact that the petitioners granted the ASSURANCE CO., LTD.
readmitted immediately by the respondents. Among the
respondents' demand that the former drop their demand Plaza Moraga, Manila
non-strikers with pending criminal charges who were
for union shop and in spite of urgings by the conciliators
THE FGU INSURANCE respondents six (6) months to consider the petitioners' The respondents did not merely discriminate against all
GROUP proposals, their only excuse being that they could not go the strikers in general. They separated the active from
Plaza Moraga, Manila on with the negotiations if the petitioners did not drop the the less active unionists on the basis of their militancy, or
demand for union shop (exh. 7, respondents' letter dated lack of it, on the picket lines. Unionists belonging to the
INSULAR LIFE April 7, 1958); (2) when the petitioners dropped the first category were refused readmission even after they
BUILDING demand for union shop, the respondents did not have a were able to secure clearances from the competent
ADMINISTRATION counter-offer to the petitioners' demands. Sec. 14 of authorities with respect to the criminal charges filed
Plaza Moraga, Manila . Rep. Act 875 required the respondents to make a reply against them. It is significant to note in this connection
to the petitioners' demands within ten days from receipt that except for one union official who deserted his union
for the following reason: DEADLOCK IN thereof, but instead they asked the petitioners to give a on the second day of the strike and who later
COLLECTIVE BARGAINING... "well reasoned, workable formula which takes into participated in crashing through the picket lines, not a
account the financial position of the group companies." single union officer was taken back to work.
(tsn., Sept. 8, 1958, p. 62; tsn., Feb. 26, 1969, p. 49.) Discrimination undoubtedly exists where the record
However, the employees did not stage the strike after
shows that the union activity of the rehired strikers has
the thirty-day period, reckoned from January 27, 1958.
II. Exhibit H imposed three conditions for readmission of been less prominent than that of the strikers who were
This simply proves that the reason for the strike was not
the strikers, namely: (1) the employee must be denied reinstatement.
the deadlock on collective bargaining nor any lack of
economic concessions. By letter dated April 15, 1958, interested in continuing his work with the group
the respondents categorically stated what they thought companies; (2) there must be no criminal charges So is there an unfair labor practice where
was the cause of the "Notice of Strike," which so far as against him; and (3) he must report for work on June 2, the employer, although authorized by the
material, reads: 1958, otherwise he would be replaced. Since the Court of Industrial Relations to dismiss
evidence shows that all the employees reported back to the employees who participated in an
work at the respondents' head office on June 2, 1953, illegal strike, dismissed only the leaders
3. Because you did not see fit to agree
they must be considered as having complied with the of the strikers, such dismissal being
with our position on the union shop, you
first and third conditions. evidence of discrimination against those
filed a notice of strike with the Bureau of
dismissed and constituting a waiver of
Labor Relations on 27 January 1958,
Our point of inquiry should therefore be directed at the employer's right to dismiss the
citing `deadlock in collective bargaining'
whether they also complied with the second condition. It striking employees and a condonation of
which could have been for no other issue
is not denied that when the strikers reported for work on the fault committed by them." (Carlos
than the union shop." (exhibit 8, letter
June 2, 1958, 63 members of the Unions were refused and Fernando, Labor and Social
dated April 15, 1958.)
readmission because they had pending criminal Legislation, p. 62, citing Phil. Air Lines,
charges. However, despite the fact that they were able Inc. v. Phil. Air Lines Emloyees
The strike took place nearly four months from the date Association, L-8197, Oct. 31, 1958.)
to secure their respective clearances 34 officials and
the said notice of strike was filed. And the actual and
union members were still refused readmission on the
main reason for the strike was, "When it became crystal
alleged ground that they committed acts inimical to the It is noteworthy that — perhaps in an anticipatory effort
clear the management double crossed or will not
Companies. It is beyond dispute, however, that non- to exculpate themselves from charges of discrimination
negotiate in good faith, it is tantamount to refusal
strikers who also had criminal charges pending against in the readmission of strikers returning to work — the
collectively and considering the unfair labor practice in
them in the fiscal's office, arising from the same respondents delegated the power to readmit to a
the meantime being committed by the management
incidents whence the criminal charges against the committee. But the respondent Olbes had chosen
such as the sudden resignation of some unionists and
strikers evolved, were readily readmitted and were not Vicente Abella, chief of the personnel records section,
[who] became supervisors without increase in salary or
required to secure clearances. This is a clear act of and Ramon Garcia, assistant corporate secretary, to
change in responsibility, such as the coercion of
discrimination practiced by the Companies in the screen the unionists reporting back to work. It is not
employees, decided to declare the strike." (tsn., Oct. 14,
process of rehiring and is therefore a violation of sec. difficult to imagine that these two employees — having
1958, p. 14.) The truth of this assertion is amply proved
4(a) (4) of the Industrial Peace Act. been involved in unpleasant incidents with the picketers
by the following circumstances: (1) it took the
during the strike — were hostile to the strikers. Needless
to say, the mere act of placing in the hands of the respondents contend was the basis for either The respondents, however, admitted that the alleged
employees hostile to the strikers the power of reinstatement or discharge, is completely shattered upon "acts of misconduct" attributed to the dismissed strikers
reinstatement, is a form of discrimination in rehiring. a cursory examination of the evidence on record. For were the same acts with which the said strikers were
with the exception of Pascual Esquillo whose dismissal charged before the fiscal's office and the courts. But all
Delayed reinstatement is a form of sent to the other strikers cited the alleged commission these charges except three were dropped or dismissed.
discrimination in rehiring, as is having the by them of simple "acts of misconduct."
machinery of reinstatement in the hands Indeed, the individual cases of dismissed officers and
of employees hostile to the strikers, and III. Anent the third assignment of error, the record shows members of the striking unions do not indicate sufficient
reinstating a union official who formerly that not a single dismissed striker was given the basis for dismissal.
worked in a unionized plant, to a job in opportunity to defend himself against the supposed
another mill, which was imperfectly charges against him. As earlier mentioned, when the Emiliano Tabasondra, vice-president of the petitioner
organized. (Morabe, The Law on Strikes, striking employees reported back for work on June 2, FGU Insurance Group Workers & Employees
p. 473, citing Sunshine Mining Co., 7 1958, the respondents refused to readmit them unless Association-NATU, was refused reinstatement allegedly
NLRB 1252; Cleveland Worsted Mills, 43 they first secured the necessary clearances; but when because he did not report for duty on June 2, 1958 and,
NLRB 545; emphasis supplied.) all, except three, were able to secure and subsequently hence, had abandoned his office. But the overwhelming
present the required clearances, the respondents still evidence adduced at the trial and which the respondents
Equally significant is the fact that while the management refused to take them back. Instead, several of them later failed to rebut, negates the respondents' charge that he
and the members of the screening committee admitted received letters from the respondents in the following had abandoned his job. In his testimony, corroborated by
the discrimination committed against the strikers, they stereotyped tenor: many others, Tabasondra particularly identified the
tossed back and around to each other the responsibility management men to whom he and his group presented
for the discrimination. Thus, Garcia admitted that in This will confirm the termination of your themselves on June 2, 1958. He mentioned the
exercising for the management the authority to screen employment with the Insular Life-FGU respondent Olbes' secretary, De Asis, as the one who
the returning employees, the committee admitted the Insurance Group as of 2 June 1958. received them and later directed them — when Olbes
non-strikers but refused readmission to the strikers (tsn., refused them an audience — to Felipe Enage, the
Feb. 6, 1962, pp. 15-19, 23-29). Vicente Abella, The termination of your employment was Companies' personnel manager. He likewise
chairman of the management's screening committee, due to the fact that you committed acts of categorically stated that he and his group went to see
while admitting the discrimination, placed the blame misconduct while picketing during the Enage as directed by Olbes' secretary. If Tabasondra
therefor squarely on the management (tsn., Sept. 20, last strike. Because this may not were not telling the truth, it would have been an easy
1960, pp. 7-8, 14-18). But the management, speaking constitute sufficient cause under the law matter for the respondents to produce De Asis and
through the respondent Olbes, head of the Companies, to terminate your employment without Enage — who testified anyway as witnesses for the
disclaimed responsibility for the discrimination. He pay, we are giving you the amount of respondents on several occasions — to rebut his
testified that "The decision whether to accept or not an P1,930.32 corresponding to one-half testimony. The respondents did nothing of the kind.
employee was left in the hands of that committee that month pay for every year of your service Moreover, Tabasondra called on June 21, 1958 the
had been empowered to look into all cases of the in the Group Company. respondents' attention to his non-admission and asked
strikers." (tsn., Sept. 6, 1962, p. 19.) them to inform him of the reasons therefor, but instead of
Kindly acknowledge receipt of the check doing so, the respondents dismissed him by their letter
Of course, the respondents — through Ramon Garcia — we are sending herewith. dated July 10, 1958. Elementary fairness required that
tried to explain the basis for such discrimination by before being dismissed for cause, Tabasondra be given
testifying that strikers whose participation in any alleged "his day in court."
Very truly yours,
misconduct during the picketing was not serious in
nature were readmissible, while those whose At any rate, it has been held that mere failure to report
participation was serious were not. (tsn., Aug. 4, 1961, for work after notice to return, does not constitute
President, Insurance Life
pp. 48-49, 56). But even this distinction between acts of abandonment nor bar reinstatement. In one case, the
Acting President, FGU.
slight misconduct and acts of serious misconduct which U.S. Supreme Court held that the taking back of six of
eleven men constituted discrimination although the five only on January 21, 1962, per its Circular 133 516, 547, 65 Sup. Ct. 315, 89 L. Ed.
strikers who were not reinstated, all of whom were (Notification to Authorized Agent Banks), that the Central 430.) (Mathews, Labor Relations and the
prominent in the union and in the strike, reported for Bank lifted the exchange controls. Tongos could not Law, p. 591.)
work at various times during the next three days, but therefore have revealed an amount bigger than the
were told that there were no openings. Said the Court: above sum. And his competence in figures could not be The respondents also allege that in revealing certain
doubted considering that he had passed the board confidential information, Tongos committed not only a
... The Board found, and we cannot say examinations for certified public accountants. But betrayal of trust but also a violation of the moral
that its finding is unsupported, that, in assuming arguendo that Tongos indeed revealed the principles and ethics of accountancy. But nowhere in the
taking back six union men, the true expenses of Gonzales' trip — which the Code of Ethics for Certified Public Accountants under
respondent's officials discriminated respondents never denied or tried to the Revised Rules and Regulations of the Board of
against the latter on account of their disprove — his statements clearly fall within the sphere Accountancy formulated in 1954, is this stated.
union activities and that the excuse given of a unionist's right to discuss and advertise the facts Moreover, the relationship of the Companies with Tongos
that they did not apply until after the involved in a labor dispute, in accordance with section was that of an employer and not a client. And with
quota was full was an afterthought and 9(a)(5) of Republic Act 875 which guarantees the regard to the testimonies of Juan Raymundo and Antolin
not the true reason for the discrimination untramelled exercise by striking employees of the right Carillo, both vice-presidents of the Trust Insurance
against them. (NLRB v. Mackay Radio & to give "publicity to the existence of, or the fact involved Agencies, Inc. about the alleged utterances made by
Telegraph Co., 304 U.S. 333, 58 Sup. Ct. in any labor dispute, whether by advertising, speaking, Tongos, the lower court should not have given them
904, 82 L. Ed. 1381) (Mathews, Labor patrolling or by any method not involving fraud or much weight. The firm of these witnesses was newly
Relations and the Law, p. 725, 728) violence." Indeed, it is not only the right, it is as well the established at that time and was still a "general agency"
duty, of every unionist to advertise the facts of a dispute of the Companies. It is not therefore amiss to conclude
The respondents' allegation that Tabasondra should for the purpose of informing all those affected thereby. In that they were more inclined to favor the respondents
have returned after being refused readmission on June labor disputes, the combatants are expected to expose rather than Tongos.
2, 1958, is not persuasive. When the employer puts off the truth before the public to justify their respective
reinstatement when an employee reports for work at the demands. Being a union man and one of the strikers, Pacifico Ner, Paulino Bugay, Jose Garcia, Narciso Daño,
time agreed, we consider the employee relieved from Tongos was expected to reveal the whole truth on Vicente Alsol and Hermenigildo Ramirez, opined the
the duty of returning further. whether or not the respondent Companies were justified lower court, were constructively dismissed by non-
in refusing to accede to union demands. After all, not readmission allegedly because they not only prevented
being one of the supervisors, he was not a part of Ramon Garcia, assistant corporate secretary, and
Sixto Tongos was dismissed allegedly because he
management. And his statement, if indeed made, is but Vicente Abella, chief of the personnel records section of
revealed that despite the fact that the Companies spent
an expression of free speech protected by the the Companies, from entering the Companies' premises
more than P80,000 for the vacation trips of officials, they
Constitution. on May 21, 1958, but they also caused bruises and
refused to grant union demands; hence, he betrayed his
trust as an auditor of the Companies. We do not find this abrasions on Garcia's chest and forehead — acts
allegation convincing. First, this accusation was Free speech on both sides and for every considered inimical to the interest of the respondents.
emphatically denied by Tongos on the witness stand. faction on any side of the labor relation is The Unions, upon the other hand, insist that there is
Gonzales, president of one of the respondent to me a constitutional and useful right. complete lack of evidence that Ner took part in pushing
Companies and one of the officials referred to, took a trip Labor is free ... to turn its publicity on any Garcia; that it was Garcia who elbowed his way through
abroad in 1958. Exchange controls were then in force, labor oppression, substandard wages, the picket lines and therefore Ner shouted "Close up,"
and an outgoing traveller on a combined business and employer unfairness, or objectionable which the picketers did; and that Garcia tossed Paulino
vacation trip was allowed by the Central Bank, per its working conditions. The employer, too, Bugay's placard and a fight ensued between them in
Circular 52 (Notification to Authorized Agent Banks) should be free to answer and to turn which both suffered injuries. But despite these conflicting
dated May 9, 1952, an allocation of $1,000 or only publicity on the records of the leaders of versions of what actually happened on May 21, 1958,
P2,000, at the official rate of two pesos to the dollar, as the unions which seek the confidence of there are grounds to believe that the picketers are not
pocket money; hence, this was the only amount that his men ... (Concurring opinion of Justice responsible for what happened.lâwphî1.ñèt The
would appear on the books of the Companies. It was Jackson in Thomas v. Collins, 323 U.S. picketing on May 21, 1958, as reported in the police
blotter, was peaceful (see Police blotter report, exh. 3 in therein should be construed so as to [W]here the misconduct, whether in
CA-G.R. No. 25991-R of the Court of Appeals, where interfere with or impede or diminish in reinstating persons equally guilty with
Ner was acquitted). Moreover, although the Companies any way the right to strike. If this were those whose reinstatement is opposed,
during the strike were holding offices at the Botica Boie not so, the rights afforded to employees or in other ways, gives rise to the
building at Escolta, Manila; Tuason Building at San by the Act would indeed be illusory. We inference that union activities rather than
Vicente Street, Manila; and Ayala, Inc. offices at Makati, accordingly recently held that it was not misconduct is the basis of his [employer]
Rizal, Garcia, the assistant corporate secretary, and intended by the Act that minor disorders objection, the Board has usually required
Abella, the chief of the personnel records section, of this nature would deprive a striker of reinstatement." (Teller, supra, p.
reported for work at the Insular Life Building. There is the possibility of reinstatement. (Republic 853, citing the Third Annual Report of
therefore a reasonable suggestion that they were sent to Steel Corp. v. N. L. R. B., 107 F2d NLRB [1938], p. 211.)
work at the latter building to create such an incident and 472, cited in Mathews, Labor Relations
have a basis for filing criminal charges against the and the Law, p. 378) Lastly, the lower Court justified the constructive
petitioners in the fiscal's office and applying for injunction dismissal of Florencio Ibarra allegedly because he
from the court of first instance. Besides, under the Hence the incident that occurred between Ner, et al. and committed acts inimical to the interest of the
circumstances the picketers were not legally bound to Ramon Garcia was but a necessary incident of the strike respondents when, as president of the FGU Workers
yield their grounds and withdraw from the picket lines. and should not be considered as a bar to reinstatement. and Employees Association-NATU, he advised the
Being where the law expects them to be in the legitimate Thus it has been held that: strikers that they could use force and violence to have a
exercise of their rights, they had every reason to defend successful picket and that picketing was precisely
themselves and their rights from any assault or unlawful Fist-fighting between union and non-union employees in intended to prevent the non-strikers and company clients
transgression. Yet the police blotter, about adverted to, the midst of a strike is no bar to reinstatement. (Teller, and customers from entering the Companies' buildings.
attests that they did not resort to violence. Labor Disputes and Collective Bargaining, Vol. II, p. Even if this were true, the record discloses that the
855 citing Stackpole Carbon, Co. 6 NLRB 171, enforced picket line had been generally peaceful, and that
The heated altercations and occasional blows 105 F2d 167.) incidents happened only when management men made
exchanged on the picket line do not affect or diminish incursions into and tried to break the picket line. At any
the right to strike. Persuasive on this point is the Furthermore, assuming that the acts committed by the rate, with or without the advice of Ibarra, picketing is
following commentary: . strikers were transgressions of law, they amount only to inherently explosive. For, as pointed out by one author,
mere ordinary misdemeanors and are not a bar to "The picket line is an explosive front, charged with the
We think it must be conceded that some reinstatement. emotions and fierce loyalties of the union-management
disorder is unfortunately quite usual in dispute. It may be marked by colorful name-calling,
any extensive or long drawn out strike. A intimidating threats or sporadic fights between the
In cases involving misdemeanors the board has
strike is essentially a battle waged with pickets and those who pass the line." (Mathews, Labor
generally held that unlawful acts are not bar to
economic weapons. Engaged in it are Relations and the Law, p. 752). The picket line being the
reinstatement. (Teller, Labor Disputes and Collective
human beings whose feelings are stirred natural result of the respondents' unfair labor practice,
Bargaining, Id., p. 854, citing Ford Motor Company, 23
to the depths. Rising passions call forth Ibarra's misconduct is at most a misdemeanor which is
NLRB No. 28.)
hot words. Hot words lead to blows on not a bar to reinstatement. Besides, the only evidence
the picket line. The transformation from presented by the Companies regarding Ibarra's
Finally, it is not disputed that despite the pendency of participation in the strike was the testimony of one
economic to physical combat by those
criminal charges against non-striking employees before Rodolfo Encarnacion, a former member of the board of
engaged in the contest is difficult to
the fiscal's office, they were readily admitted, but those directors of the petitioner FGU Insurance Group Workers
prevent even when cool heads direct the
strikers who had pending charges in the same office and Employees Union-NATU, who became a "turncoat"
fight. Violence of this nature, however
were refused readmission. The reinstatement of the and who likewise testified as to the union activities of
much it is to be regretted, must have
strikers is thus in order. Atty. Lacsina, Ricardo Villaruel and others (annex C,
been in the contemplation of the
Congress when it provided in Sec. 13 of Decision, p. 27) — another matter which emphasizes the
Act 29 USCA Sec. 163, that nothing respondents' unfair labor practice. For under the
circumstances, there is good ground to believe that they were discriminatorily dismissed. The members and improper conduct was an initial cause of
Encarnacion was made to spy on the actvities of the officials of the Unions therefore are entitled to the strike, all the strikers are entitled to
union members. This act of the respondents is reinstatement with back pay. reinstatement and the dismissal of
considered unjustifiable interference in the union replacement employees wherever
activities of the petitioners and is unfair labor practice. [W]here the strike was induced and necessary; ... . (Id., p. 422 and cases
provoked by improper conduct on the cited.)
It has been held in a great number of part of an employer amounting to an
decisions at espionage by an employer 'unfair labor practice,' the strikers are A corollary issue to which we now address ourselves is,
of union activities, or surveillance entitled to reinstatement with back pay. from what date should the backpay payable to the
thereof, are such instances of (Rothenberg on Labor Relations, p. 418.) unionists be computed? It is now a settled doctrine that
interference, restraint or coercion of strikers who are entitled to reinstatement are not entitled
employees in connection with their right [A]n employee who has been dismissed to back pay during the period of the strike, even though
to organize, form and join unions as to in violation of the provisions of the Act is it is caused by an unfair labor practice. However, if they
constitute unfair labor practice. entitled to reinstatement with back pay offer to return to work under the same conditions just
upon an adjudication that the discharge before the strike, the refusal to re-employ or the
... "Nothing is more calculated to interfere was illegal." (Id., citing Waterman S. S. imposition of conditions amounting to unfair labor
with, restrain and coerce employees in Corp. v. N. L. R. B., 119 F2d 760; N. L. practice is a violation of section 4(a) (4) of the Industrial
the exercise of their right to self- R. B. v. Richter's Bakery, 140 F2d 870; Peace Act and the employer is liable for backpay from
organization than such activity even N. L. R. B. v. Southern Wood Preserving the date of the offer (Cromwell Commercial Employees
where no discharges result. The Co., 135 F. 2d 606; C. G. Conn, Ltd. v. N. and Laborers Union vs. Court of Industrial Relations, L-
information obtained by means of L. R. B., 108 F2d 390; N. L. R. B. v. 19778, Decision, Sept. 30, 1964, 12 SCRA 124; Id.,
espionage is in valuable to the employer American Mfg. Co., 106 F2d 61; N. L. R. Resolution on motion for reconsideration, 13 SCRA
and can be used in a variety of cases to B. v. Kentucky Fire Brick Co., 99 F2d 99.) 258; see also Mathews, Labor Relations and the Law, p.
break a union." The unfair labor practice 730 and the cited cases). We have likewise ruled that
is committed whether the espionage is And it is not a defense to reinstatement for the discriminatorily dismissed employees must receive
carried on by a professional labor spy or respondents to allege that the positions of these union backpay from the date of the act of discrimination, that
detective, by officials or supervisory members have already been filled by replacements. is, from the date of their discharge (Cromwell
employees of the employer, or by fellow Commercial Employees and Laborers Union vs. Court of
employees acting at the request or Industrial Relations, supra).
[W]here the employers' "unfair labor
direction of the employer, or an ex- practice" caused or contributed to the
employee..." (Teller, Labor Disputes and strike or where the 'lock-out' by the The respondents notified the petitioner strikers to report
Collective Bargaining, Vol. II, pp. 765- employer constitutes an "unfair labor back for work on June 2, 1958, which the latter did. A
766, and cases cited.) . practice," the employer cannot great number of them, however, were refused
successfully urge as a defense that the readmission because they had criminal charges against
IV. The lower court should have ordered the striking or lock-out employees position them pending before the fiscal's office, although non-
reinstatement of the officials and members of the has been filled by replacement. Under strikers who were also facing criminal indictments were
Unions, with full back wages from June 2, 1958 to the such circumstances, if no job sufficiently readily readmitted. These strikers who were refused
date of their actual reinstatement to their usual and satisfactorily comparable to that readmission on June 2, 1958 can thus be categorized as
employment. Because all too clear from the factual and previously held by the aggrieved discriminatorily dismissed employees and are entitled to
environmental milieu of this case, coupled with settled employee can be found, the employer backpay from said date. This is true even with respect to
decisional law, is that the Unions went on strike because must discharge the replacement the petitioners Jose Pilapil, Paulino Bugay, Jr. and Jose
of the unfair labor practices committed by the employee, if necessary, to restore the Garcia, Jr. who were found guilty only of misdemeanors
respondents, and that when the strikers reported back striking or locked-out worker to his old or which are not considered sufficient to bar reinstatement
for work — upon the invitation of the respondents — comparable position ... If the employer's (Teller, Labor Disputes and Collective Bargaining, p.
854), especially so because their unlawful acts arose Finally, we do not share the respondents' view that the employees, should the
during incidents which were provoked by the findings of fact of the Court of Industrial Relations are act upon which the
respondents' men. However, since the employees who supported by substantial and credible proof. This Court criminal charged was
were denied readmission have been out of the service of is not therefore precluded from digging deeper into the based constitute
the Companies (for more than ten years) during which factual milieu of the case (Union of Philippine Education nevertheless an activity
they may have found other employment or other means Employees v. Philippine Education Company, 91 Phil. inimical to the employer's
of livelihood, it is only just and equitable that whatever 93; Lu Do & Lu Ym Corporation v. Philippine-Land-Air- interest... The act of the
they may have earned during that period should be Sea Labor Union, 11 SCRA 134 [1964]). employees now under
deducted from their back wages to mitigate somewhat consideration may be
the liability of the company, pursuant to the equitable V. The petitioners (15 of them) ask this Court to cite for considered as a
principle that no one is allowed to enrich himself at the contempt the respondent Presiding Judge Arsenio misconduct which is a
expense of another (Macleod & Co. of the Philippines v. Martinez of the Court of Industrial Relations and the just cause for dismissal.
Progressive Federation of Labor, 97 Phil. 205 [1955]). counsels for the private respondents, on the ground that (Lopez, Sr., et al. vs.
the former wrote the following in his decision subject of Chronicle Publication
The lower court gave inordinate significance to the the instant petition for certiorari, while the latter quoted Employees Ass'n. et al.,
payment to and acceptance by the dismissed employees the same on pages 90-91 of the respondents' brief: . G.R. No. L-20179-81,
of separation pay. This Court has ruled that while December 28, 1964.)
employers may be authorized under Republic Act 1052 ... Says the Supreme Court in the (emphasis supplied)
to terminate employment of employees by serving the following decisions:
required notice, or, in the absence thereof, by paying the The two pertinent paragraphs in the above-cited
required compensation, the said Act may not be invoked In a proceeding for unfair decision * which contained the underscored portions of
to justify a dismissal prohibited by law, e.g., dismissal for labor practice, involving a the above citation read however as follows:
union activities. determination as to
whether or not the acts of Differently as regard the dismissal of
... While Republic Act No. 1052 the employees concerned Orlando Aquino and Carmelito Vicente,
authorizes a commercial establishment justified the adoption of we are inclined to uphold the action
to terminate the employment of its the employer of taken by the employer as proper
employee by serving notice on him one disciplinary measures disciplinary measure. A reading of the
month in advance, or, in the absence against them, the mere article which allegedly caused their
thereof, by paying him one month fact that the employees dismissal reveals that it really contains
compensation from the date of the may be able to put up a an insinuation albeit subtly of the
termination of his employment, such Act valid defense in a supposed exertion of political pressure
does not give to the employer a blanket criminal prosecution for by the Manila Chronicle management
authority to terminate the employment the same acts, does not upon the City Fiscal's Office, resulting in
regardless of the cause or purpose erase or neutralize the the non-filing of the case against the
behind such termination. Certainly, it employer's right to employer. In rejecting the employer's
cannot be made use of as a cloak to impose discipline on said theory that the dismissal of Vicente and
circumvent a final order of the court or a employees. For it is Aquino was justified, the lower court
scheme to trample upon the right of an settled that not even the considered the article as "a report of
employee who has been the victim of an acquittal of an employee some acts and omissions of an Assistant
unfair labor practice. (Yu Ki Lam, et al. v. of the criminal charge Fiscal in the exercise of his official
Nena Micaller, et al., 99 Phil. 904 [1956].) against him is a bar to functions" and, therefore, does away with
the employer's right to the presumption of malice. This being a
impose discipline on its proceeding for unfair labor practice, the
matter should not have been viewed or consideration may be considered as a the same word-for-word and punctuation mark-for-
gauged in the light of the doctrine on a misconduct which is a just cause for punctuation mark. Indeed, there is a salient and salutary
publisher's culpability under the Penal dismissal.** (Emphasis ours) reason why they should do this. Only from this Tribunal's
Code. We are not here to determine decisions and rulings do all other courts, as well as
whether the employees' act could stand It is plain to the naked eye that the 60 un-underscored lawyers and litigants, take their bearings. This is
criminal prosecution, but only to find out words of the paragraph quoted by the respondent Judge because the decisions referred to in article 8 of the Civil
whether the aforesaid act justifies the do not appear in the pertinent paragraph of this Court's Code which reads, "Judicial decisions applying or
adoption by the employer of disciplinary decision in L-20179-81. Moreover, the first underscored interpreting the laws or the Constitution shall form a part
measure against them. This is not sentence in the quoted paragraph starts with "For it is of the legal system of the Philippines," are only those
sustaining the ruling that the publication settled ..." whereas it reads, "For it must be remembered enunciated by this Court of last resort. We said in no
in question is qualified privileged, but ...," in this Court's decision. Finally, the second and last uncertain terms in Miranda, et al. vs. Imperial, et al. (77
even on the assumption that this is so, underlined sentence in the quoted paragraph of the Phil. 1066) that "[O]nly the decisions of this Honorable
the exempting character thereof under respondent Judge's decision, appears not in the same Court establish jurisprudence or doctrines in this
the Penal Code does not necessarily paragraph of this Court's decision where the other jurisdiction." Thus, ever present is the danger that if not
erase or neutralize its effect on the sentence is, but in the immediately succeeding faithfully and exactly quoted, the decisions and rulings of
employer's interest which may warrant paragraph. this Court may lose their proper and correct meaning, to
employment of disciplinary measure. For the detriment of other courts, lawyers and the public who
it must be remembered that not even the This apparent error, however, does not seem to warrant may thereby be misled. But if inferior courts and
acquittal of an employee, of the criminal an indictment for contempt against the respondent members of the bar meticulously discharge their duty to
charges against him, is a bar to the Judge and the respondents' counsels. We are inclined to check and recheck their citations of authorities culled not
employer's right to impose discipline on believe that the misquotation is more a result of clerical only from this Court's decisions but from other sources
its employees, should the act upon ineptitude than a deliberate attempt on the part of the and make certain that they are verbatim reproductions
which the criminal charges was based respondent Judge to mislead. We fully realize how down to the last word and punctuation mark, appellate
constitute nevertheless an activity saddled with many pending cases are the courts of the courts will be precluded from acting on misinformation,
inimical to the employer's interest. land, and it is not difficult to imagine that because of the as well as be saved precious time in finding out whether
pressure of their varied and multifarious work, clerical the citations are correct.
In the herein case, it appears to us that errors may escape their notice. Upon the other hand, the
for an employee to publish his respondents' counsels have the prima facie right to rely Happily for the respondent Judge and the respondents'
"suspicion," which actually amounts to a on the quotation as it appears in the respondent Judge's counsels, there was no substantial change in the thrust
public accusation, that his employer is decision, to copy it verbatim, and to incorporate it in their of this Court's particular ruling which they cited. It is our
exerting political pressure on a public brief. Anyway, the import of the underscored sentences view, nonetheless, that for their mistake, they should be,
official to thwart some legitimate of the quotation in the respondent Judge's decision is as they are hereby, admonished to be more careful
activities on the employees, which substantially the same as, and faithfully reflects, the when citing jurisprudence in the future. ACCORDINGLY,
charge, in the least, would sully the particular ruling in this Court's decision, i.e., that "[N]ot the decision of the Court of Industrial Relations dated
employer's reputation, can be nothing but even the acquittal of an employee, of the criminal August 17, 1965 is reversed and set aside, and another
an act inimical to the said employer's charges against him, is a bar to the employer's right to is entered, ordering the respondents to reinstate the
interest. And the fact that the same was impose discipline on its employees, should the act upon dismissed members of the petitioning Unions to their
made in the union newspaper does not which the criminal charges were based constitute former or comparatively similar positions, with
alter its deleterious character nor shield nevertheless an activity inimical to the employer's backwages from June 2, 1958 up to the dates of their
or protect a reprehensible act on the interest." actual reinstatements. Costs against the respondents.
ground that it is a union activity, because
such end can be achieved without resort Be that as it may, we must articulate our firm view that in
to improper conduct or behavior. The act citing this Court's decisions and rulings, it is the bounden
of the employees now under duty of courts, judges and lawyers to reproduce or copy










x- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x

ATTY. LEON L. ASA, Complainant,





Complainants, DECISION


Subject of the present Decision are four
administrative cases, docketed by the Integrated Bar of the
Philippines (IBP) as Commission on Bar Discipline (CBD)
x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -x
Case Nos. 03-1076,03-1108,03-1109, and 03-1125.

I. CBD Case No. 03-1076

an administrative complaint[3] against Castillo and Ginger be deposited at the Trust Department of the UCPB Head
In 1996, Atty. Pablito M. Castillo (Castillo), then an Anne, for gross violation of the lawyers oath and the Code of Office. Dr. Laurel, Cassiday and Asa thus filed with the
associate of the Laurel Law Offices of which Attorneys Leon Professional Responsibility. The case was docketed as CBD Angeles City trial court an Urgent Motion for
L. Asa (Asa) and Jose A. Oliveros (Oliveros) are partners, Case No. 03-1076. Reconsideration[6] of the March 2, 2000 Angeles RTC Order in
endorsed to the law firm a guardianship case, Special order to have the funds deposited at the RCBC transferred to
Proceeding No. 5222, In re: Guardianship of the In their complaint, Asa and Oliveros also charged the RTC, as previously agreed upon. This motion was granted.
Minors Honeylyn, Alexandra and Jerill Nonan, which was Castillo with machinations and deceit arising from the
pending before the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Angeles following alleged incidents: Still in the same complaint, Asa and Oliveros alleged
City, Branch 59. Castillo appeared as counsel of record for the that in a Reply to Answer[7] dated June 25, 2001 filed by
therein petitioner, Dr. Salvador H. Laurel, guardian ad litem of In a conference held at the Laurel Law Offices prior Castillo with the RTC of Makati City, Branch 145 in Civil
the minors Nonan who appear to have inherited a sizeable to January 20, 2000 attended by Dr. Laurel, the Nonan minors Case No. 01-506, Atty. P.M. Castillo v. United Coconut
amount of US dollars. counsel abroad Atty. Benjamin Cassiday III Planters Bank, Lorenzo V. Tan and Angelica S. Hernandez,
(Cassiday), Asa and Castillo, it was agreed that the amount to Castillo again committed a clear falsehood when he therein
A misunderstanding later occurred between Asa and be received by Dr. Laurel in trust for the Nonan heirs would stated that:
Castillo as regards their sharing in the attorneys fees in the be deposited at the Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation
On the other hand, retired Justice
guardianship case. (RCBC), St. Francis Square Branch, Pasig City under Dollar
Felipe Kalalo of the Court of Appeals who
Savings Account No. 8-250-00043-0. Castillo, however, personally knew the plaintiff [Castillo] was
also profuse in extolling his academic
On page 6 of a pleading entitled Reply to Petitioner- proposed that the funds be deposited instead at the United
credentials and accomplishments as a Trial
Guardians Comment/Opposition, ETC. dated July 19, 2002 Coconut Planters Bank (UCPB), he explaining that he knew lawyer as follows:
filed before Branch 59 of the Angeles RTC and signed by an employee there who could facilitate the transaction. Dr.
Q: Do you know the claimant Atty.
Castillos daughter Ginger Anne Castillo (Ginger Anne) as Laurel rejected this proposition and instead instructed Castillo P.M. Castillo?
counsel for Castillo who filed a Notice Ad Cautelam, it was to file the appropriate motion to have the funds deposited at
A: Yes sir, because we were both
alleged that, inter alia, Asa wants to be paid an additional the RCBC.[4] active Senior Trial lawyers
$75,000.00 for his services in providing coffee and opening of the Laurel Law Offices,
(Underscoring supplied),
doors whenever there is a conference at the Laurel Law Without showing to Dr. Laurel the motion he was
Offices.[2] instructed to prepare, Castillo filed the same with the Angeles
trial court. Dr. Laurel subsequently received a copy of a March he knowing that retired Justice Kalalo had never been at any
Finding the above statement of Castillo and Ginger 2, 2000 RTC Order signed by the then trial Judge Eliezer R. time a lawyer at the Laurel Law Offices. In support of this
Anne to be a brazen falsehood concocted to De los Santos granting his motion and accordingly directing allegation, they appended to the complaint a certified true
besmirch Asas reputation, Asa and Oliveros filed before IBP that the funds to be held in trust for the Nonanchildren
copy of the Service Record[9] of Justice Kalalo which does not As regards the assailed June 25, 2001 Reply to filed a groundless administrative complaint against him and
show that he was ever connected with the Laurel Law Office.
Answer filed with the Makati RTC in Civil Case No. 01-506, Ginger Anne.

the Castillos asserted that Castillo had no control nor influence

over the voluntary and spontaneous testimony of retired In his Answer[14] to the Complaint in CBD Case No.
In their Answer[10] to the complaint, Castillo and
Ginger Anne declared: Justice Kalalo in his favor during the proceedings adverted to. 03-1108, Oliveros, decrying the allegations against him as
patently false, baseless and malicious, claimed that the
There is nothing wrong or objectionable to the complaint was Castillos way of retaliating against him for
statement that Asas services in the guardianship case consisted
II. CBD Case No. 03-1108 having joined Asa in filing the administrative complaint
in providing coffee and opening doors whenever there was a
against him and Ginger Anne (CBD Case No. 03-1076).
conference at the Laurel Law Offices, as this was in fact the
Castillo subsequently filed
truth, the comportment being strictly in accordance with long
cherished Filipino hospitality, and he [Castillo] would have a complaint[13] against Oliveros before the IBP, docketed III. CBD Case No. 03-1109

done the same with his own visitors.[11] In any event, they as CBD Case No. 03-1108, for gross violation of lawyers oath
claim that the assailed factual narration was material and and the Code of Professional Responsibility. Castillo also filed an administrative
relevant to Castillos question why Asa was given the lions
complaint[15] against Asa before the IBP, charging him with
share of attorneys fees when he had not rendered any known
embezzlement, dishonesty, betrayal of trust, grave abuse of
material service which redounded to the benefit of
Castillo alleged that: (1) Oliveros assisted Cassiday in confidence and violation of the lawyers oath and the Code of
the Nonan children.
embezzling US $950,000 representing the share adjudicated to Professional Responsibility. The case was docketed as CBD

Moreover, the Castillos declared that the deposit of the Nonan heirs; (2) in conspiracy with Dr. Laurel and a Case No. 03-1109.

the Nonan funds at the UCPB was not attended with malice or certain Atty. Douglas Cushnie, Oliveros resorted to forum

bad faith, nor was it intended to benefit them as the funds shopping to undermine and defeat the jurisdiction of the Castillo alleged that (1) Asa, Cassiday and Dr. Laurel

could only be withdrawn by Dr. Laurel who had exclusive Philippine court in the guardianship proceedings; (3) Oliveros, scandalously mismanaged the estate of the Nonan heirs, the

access to all the information pertaining to the interest and along with Asa, Dr. Laurel and Cassiday, perpetuated other bulk of which they indiscriminately pocketed;

benefits accruing thereto. acts of fraud in the guardianship proceedings; and (2) Asaand Oliveros filed a groundless administrative

(4) Oliveros, together with Asa, deliberately and maliciously complaint against him and Ginger Anne to compel him to

withdraw his claim for attorneys fees against Dr. Laurel and
his bid to replace the latter as guardian of the Nonan heirs; (3) As regards the $24,500 that he allegedly secretly Dollar Account No. 8-250-00047-3 in RCBC. Dr. Laurel,

despite an Agreement[16] dated February 16, 2000 between him pocketed, Asa explained that several days prior to April 18, however, withdrew $160,000.00 the following day from

and Asa that the latter would receive only 25% of whatever he 2000, Dr. Laurel and Atty. Cassiday fixed the attorneys fees of RCBC and placed it in his own Dollar Time Deposit Account
(Castillo) would receive as attorneys fees, Asa secretly both Castillo and Asa at $100,000 each, based on the amount for which $500.00 was spent for the purpose. A

pocketed the amounts of $24,500 and $160,500 from the to be paid by the four heirs or $25,000 per heir. When the first Certification[20] to this effect, issued by

guardianship case on April 18, 2000; (4) Asa refused to heir Merceditas Feliciano (Merceditas) paid $1,150,000 on RCBC Ortigas Business Center Manager Dolores L. Del Valle,

account for and turn over the amount of $130,000 in attorneys April 18, 2000, he deposited $24,500 of this amount in his and was appended to AsasAnswer.

fees which belonged to him (Castillo); and (5) Asa embarked his wifes joint Dollar Account No. 247-702-9275 at the

on a scheme to force him into resigning as counsel for Dr. Philippine National Bank (PNB), OrtigasBranch as his share Finally, Asa declared that Castillos claim for

Laurel to enable them to exercise absolute control over the in the attorneys fees, while he opened a new account in the $130,000 in attorneys fees is baseless and unconscionable, and

guardianship case and appropriate for themselves the attorneys name of Dr. Laurel to which he deposited the amount of that Castillo filed the complaint merely to harass him in

fees allocated for him. $160,500. retaliation for the complaint he and Oliveros priorly filed

against him and Ginger Anne.

In his Answer to the Complaint[17] in CBD Case No. Asa went on to declare that Castillo received his own

03-1109, Asa alleged as follows: It was in fact Castillo who $25,000 plus interest amounting to $25,023.13 representing IV. CBD Case No. 03-1125

reneged on their February 16, 2000 Agreement as the latter full payment of his attorneys fees from Merceditas, as

had earlier bluntly told him that he changed his mind and that evidenced by a Receipt[19] dated May 2, 2000 signed by On August 25, 2003, Asa filed yet another

he would not give him (Asa) any share in the attorneys fees he Castillo. administrative complaint,[21] against Castillo before the

would receive from the guardianship case, Castillo reasoning IBP, for disbarment/suspension, docketed as CBD Case No.

that he was the therein counsel of record and had endorsed the Continuing, Asa declared that of the $160,500 03-1125, charging him with deceit, malpractice, gross

case to the Laurel Law Offices. He thus reported the matter to belonging to Dr. Laurel, $100,000 represented partial payment misconduct in office, immoral conduct, violation of the

Dr. Laurel and informed him that he would likewise not give for his consenting to be the guardian ad litem of lawyers oath and the Code of Professional Responsibility in

Castillos share in the attorneys fees he [Asa] might receive the Nonanheirs and $60,000 represented reimbursement for light of his baseless, malicious and derogatory allegations in

because [Castillo] has no word of honor.[18] expenses incurred over several years by Dr. Laurel, the total of CBD Case No. 03-1109 which were founded on deceit and

which was placed temporarily on April 18, 2000 in his (Asas)

deliberate falsehood, and of promoting a groundless, false and 2004 Report and Recommendation and dismissed the

unlawful suit. consolidated cases for lack of merit. THIS COURTS RULING


The records of the cases were then forwarded for final In his questioned Reply to Petitioner-Guardians

By Report and Recommendation[22] of February 27, action to this Court. Comment/Opposition, Castillos statement reads:

2004, the IBP CBD, through Commissioner Rebecca

x x x Atty. Leon Asa wants to be
Villanueva-Maala, recommended the dismissal of the Asa filed with this Court an August 2, 2004 a Motion paid an additional $75,000.00 for his services
in providing coffee and opening the doors
consolidated cases in this wise. for Reconsideration[25] in CBD Case No. 03-1125. He too,
whenever there is a conference at the Laurel
together with Oliveros, filed on August 3, 2004 a Motion for Law Offices. He also conveniently provides
From the facts and evidence himself with the Nonan expediente to give
presented, what have been shown by the Reconsideration[26] in CBD Case No. 03-1076. assistance to the parties during their so-called
counsels are mutual bickerings, unjustified conferences. Worse, his express reluctance to
recriminations and offensive personalities appear before this Honorable Court was
between brother lawyers which detract from Castillo likewise filed with this Court a Consolidated repeatedly announced by Atty.
the dignity of the legal profession and do not Jose Oliveros because of his so-called failing
deserve the attention of the Commission. The Omnibus Motion for Partial Reconsideration [27] dated August health x x x[30]
voluminous case record contains but personal
peculiarities and idiosyncrasies hurled by the 9, 2004 in CBD Case No. 03-1108 and CBD Case No. 03-
counsels against each other which constitute 1109.
highly unprofessional conduct. A great part Canon 8 of the Code of Professional Responsibility
of mans comfort, as well as of his success at
the bar, depends upon his relations with his mandates that a lawyer shall conduct himself with courtesy,
professional brethren. With them he is in On January 12, 2005, Asa filed his Comment[28] on
daily necessary intercourse, and he must have fairness and candor toward his professional colleagues and
their respect and confidence, if he wishes to Castillos Consolidated Omnibus Motion for Partial
shall avoid harassing tactics against opposing counsel. Rule
sail along in smooth waters. Hence, the Reconsideration in CBD Case No. 03-1109 while
parties are advised to conduct themselves 8.01 of the same Canon mandates that a lawyer shall not, in
honorably, fairly and candidly toward each also Oliverosfiled his Comment on the same motion
other and try to maintain the dignity of the his professional dealings, use language which is abusive,
legal profession.[23] (Underscoring supplied) on February 28, 2005.
offensive or otherwise improper.

On March 16, 2005, Castillo filed his Consolidated

By Resolution[24] of April 16, 2004, the Board of That a member of the bar is enjoined to observe
Reply to the Comments of Asa and Oliveros, with Omnibus
Governors of the IBP adopted and approved the February 27, honorable, candid and courteous dealing with other
Motion to Appoint a Commissioner.[29]
immunity from civil and criminal liability
lawyers[31] and employ respectful and restrained language is in arising from any speech or debate delivered filed the Motion to deposit the funds at UCPB. It simply stated
in the Batasan or in any committee thereof,
keeping with the dignity of the legal profession. [32] It is that:
but nevertheless remains subject to the
through a scrupulous preference for respectful language that a disciplinary authority of the legislature for
said speech or debate, a lawyer equally Considering the present raging
lawyer best demonstrates his observance or respect due to the remains subject to this Courts supervisory controversy arising from the P50 Billion
and disciplinary powers for lapses in the coconut levy funds, the stability of the United
courts and judicial officers.[33] observance of his duty as a member of the Coconut Planters Bank (UCPB), Head Office
legal profession.[36] (Underscoring supplied) at Makati, may be seriously affected x x x

In the case at bar, Castillo and Ginger Annes choice of The Petitioner-Guardian can best
protect the deposits of the Nonan children if
words manifestly falls short of this criterion. Their disparaging the proceeds of the settlement will be
Castillo and Ginger Anne are thus ADMONISHED to
statements in the pleading referred to above belie their deposited with a solvent and more
exercise greater care and circumspection in the preparation of conservative bank like the RIZAL
proffered good intention and exceed the bounds of civility and COMMERCIAL BANKING
their pleadings and refrain from using offensive or otherwise CORPORATION (RCBC) x x x[37]
improper language.

Castillos claim that the statement about Asas services In administrative cases against lawyers, the quantum
In support of Asa and Oliveros allegation that Castillo
is relevant and pertinent to the claim for attorneys fees and of proof required is clearly preponderant evidence and the
employed deceit and falsehood in attempting to change the
was, for all legal intents and purposes, a privileged burden of proof rests upon the complainant. Moreover, an
depositary bank for the funds to be held in trust by Dr. Laurel
communication[34] deserves short shrift. Indulging in offensive administrative case against a lawyer must show the dubious
for the Nonan heirs, they presented the March 2, 2000 RTC
personalities in the course of judicial proceedings constitutes character of the act done as well as the motivation thereof.
Order directing Dr. Laurel and his principal counsel Castillo to
unprofessional conduct subject to disciplinary action, even if [38]
In the case at bar, Asa and Oliveros failed to present clear
deposit the balance of the proceeds of the settlement with any
the publication thereof is privileged.[35] and preponderant evidence to show that Castillo willfully and
and all of the adjudicated heirs with UCPB and the March 14,
deliberately resorted to deceit and falsehood in filing the
x x x this Court will not be inhibited 2000 RTC Order directing the deposit of the settlement
from exercising its supervisory authority over Motion to have the funds deposited at UCPB.
proceeds with the RCBC.
lawyers who misbehave or fail to live up to
that standard expected of them as members of
the Bar.Indeed, the rule of absolute privileged Respecting Castillos June 25, 2001 Reply to Answer
communication absolves beforehand the A perusal of the Urgent Motion for Reconsideration
lawyer from civil and criminal liability based in the Makati RTC Civil Case No. 01-506, he therein alleged:
dated March 8, 2000 signed by Dr. Laurel, however, fails to
on the statements made in the pleadings. But
like the member of the legislature who enjoys establish any wrongdoing on the part of Castillo in having
On the other hand, retired Justice was No. 15 among the
Felipe Kalalo of the Court of Appeals who bar topnotchers. This is not earlier filed by Castillo with the Pasig RTC, Branch 154 in
personally knew the plaintiff, was also to mention his impressive
connection with his claim for attorneys fees in Civil Cases
profuse in extolling his academic credentials and highly (sic) batting
and accomplishments as a Trial lawyer, as average of winning about Nos. 43049 and 56637 which affidavit was subsequently
follows: 80% to 90% of his load
cases and work. He was also withdrawn,[42] however, as it was unsigned and unsubscribed.
Q: Do you know the claimant one of the busy lawyers of
Atty. P.M. Castillo? our office, until he went on
private practice and excelled Canon 10 of the Code of Professional Responsibility
A: Yes sir, because we were both as one of the more
active Senior Trial lawyers successful and respected provides that a lawyer owes candor, fairness and good faith to
at the Laurel Law Offices. trial practitioners.
(Underscoring supplied) the courts. Rule 10.01 of said Canon specifically commands
Q: How could you characterize
and rate the trial that a member of the bar shall not do any falsehood, nor
competency, performance consent to the doing of any in court; nor shall he mislead, or
and expertise of Atty. P.M.
To Asa, by the foregoing allegation, Castillo
Castillo? allow the court to be misled by any artifice. Rule 10.02 of the
committed clear falsehood for Justice Kalalo had never been a
A: He is highly competent, low same Canon provides that a member of the bar shall not
key, aggressive and very lawyer at any time at the Laurel Law Offices.
knowingly misquote or misrepresent the contents of a paper or
brilliant in the conduct of
trial, as well as, in the assert as a fact that which has not been proved.
formulation of courtroom Castillo explained, however, that he can only say that
strategies. His pleadings are
also very well written, direct he has no control, nor influence on the voluntary and
to the point, convincing, And Section 20(d), Rule 138 of the Rules of Court
scholarly and exhaustive. To spontaneous declaration and testimony of Retired Justice
directs that a lawyer must employ such means only as are
be sure, he is one of the
popular trial lawyers of our Felipe Kalalo of the Court of Appeals in his favor during the
consistent with truth and honor, and never seek to mislead the
firm (The Laurel Law highly adversarial proceedings. [40]
Offices), not only because judge or any judicial officer by any artifice or false statement
he came from an exclusive
school, but also because of of fact or law.[43]
his scholastic records Castillos explanation does not impress, however. The
at Ateneo de Manila was
records show that the above-quoted statements attributed by
also impressive. That is why Complete candor or honesty is thus expected from
he was taken in by former Castillo to Justice Kalalo were lifted from an unsigned and
VP Salvador H. Laurel even lawyers, particularly when they appear and plead before the
before the release of the unsubscribed affidavit entitled Question and Answer Format in
1964 bar where he was also courts.[44] They have an obligation to the court as well as to the
No. 2 among the Ateneo bar Lieu of Direct Testimony of Justice
opposing party to make only truthful statements in their
candidates for the year. He [41]
Felipe Kalalo dated January 21, 1993. This affidavit was
guardian ad litem of the Nonan children and
pleadings.[45] The burden cast on the judiciary would be accepting all responsibilities attached to said
position .US$100,000.00
intolerable if it could not take at face value what is asserted by
and Dr. Laurel Partial Inventory, Account and Report of
counsel. The time that will have to be devoted just to the task (8) Reimbursement to Salvador H.
Guardian [48]
dated February 13, 2002 filed with the Angeles Laurel for expenses incurred during the last
of verification of allegations submitted could easily be six (6) years for airfare, car rentals, overseas
City RTC, Branch 59 in Sp. Proc. No. 5222 stating that: calls, and representation and other incidental
imagined.[46] expenses while in the various states in the
United States in order to pursue the claim of
3. On April 18, 2000, the Nonan children against
Guardian Ad Litem Salvador H. Laurel and the Hillblom estate .US$60,000.00
In light of the above findings reflecting Castillos
his Principal Foreign Legal Counsel, Atty.
administrative culpability, his charge Benjamin Cassiday III received by way of x x x x[49] (Underscoring supplied),
settlement from one of the duly adjudicated
against Asa and Oliveros of filing groundless disbarment cases heirs of Larry
Lee Hillblom, Mercedita Feliciano, by and
against him and Ginger Anne necessarily fails. through her Guardian Ad Litem, Milagros
Feliciano, the amount of ONE MILLION validate Asas explanation that the amount of $160,500
belonged to Dr. Laurel but was merely temporarily placed in
As regards Castillos claim that Asa secretly pocketed DOLLARS (US$1,150,000.00) which was
deposited with the Rizal Commercial his (Asas) account.
$24,500 and $160,500, the undated certification issued by Banking Corporation (RCBC), St. Francis
Square Branch, Ortigas Center, Pasig City
RCBC Branch Operation Head Dolores del Valle reading: under Dollar Savings Account No. 8-250-
000430-ABA. Routing No. RCBC PH MM in The Partial Inventory, Account and Report of
This is to certify that on April 18, the name of Salvador H. Laurel, in trust
Guardian shows that $12,500 was received by Asa as attorneys
2000, Mr. Leon L. Asa opened a Dollar for Honeylyn, Alexandra and Jeril Nonan, in
Savings Account at our Business Center. A compliance with the Order of this Honorable fees for assisting Dr. Laurel and Castillo from 1996 to 2000.
credit was made to his assigned Dollar Court dated April 26, 2000;
Savings Account Number 8-250-00047-3 in Confirming such disbursement is a Receipt [51] dated April
the amount of US Dollars: One Hundred 4. Pursuant to the above-stated
Orders of this Honorable Court, the Guardian 18, 2000 signed by Asa. The remaining $12,500 of the
Sixty Thousand Five Hundred
(USD: 160,500.00) as initial transaction. We Ad Litem and Atty. Benjamin Cassiday III $25,000 attorneys fees of Asa per heir (as priorly agreed upon
further certify that on April 19, 2000, there disbursed the following amounts for the
was a debit made for said account in the purposes indicated: by Dr. Laurel and Cassiday) were remitted by Asa to the
amount of US Dollars: One Hundred Sixty
A. ATTORNEYS FEES & OTHER Laurel Law Offices as Official Receipt No. 1766 [52] issued by
Thousand (USD: 160,000.00) and that same
amount was placed in the Dollar Time NECESSARY LEGAL EXPENSES:
the treasurer/cashier of the Laurel Law Offices dated April 19,
Deposit Account of Salvador H. Laurel. Mr.
Leon Asa left the amount of USD: Five xxxx 2000 shows:
Hundred in his account to serve as the
maintaining balance requirement. Subject (7) Partial payment of the fee of
Dollar Savings Account had closed already,[47] Salvador H. Laurel for consenting to be the
RECEIVED from Atty. Leon L. Asa the sum [56]
of Twelve thousand five hundred US Dollars strategy to spite, insult and provoke him to ostracize him and Personal colloquies between counsels which promote
US$12,500.00 as fifty percent (50%) share of
make him feel unwanted to continue as [Dr. Laurels] lawyer in unseemly wrangling should thus be carefully avoided.[57]
LLO [Laurel Law Offices] in attorneys fees
of US$25,000 of Atty. Asa in SP Proc. 5222 furtherance of their conspiracy to force him into resignation
of RTC Angeles City, Br. 59.
Cash.US$12,500- for them to replace him and have absolute control over the It appears that Castillo had previously been suspended

By: Sgd. guardianship case, the funds of the estate and the attorneys for Six (6) Months by this Court in CBD Case No.
Treasurer/Cashier fees, the same is unsubstantiated, hence, deserves no further 176, Bongalonta v. Castillo,[58] for committing falsehood in

consideration. violation of his lawyers oath and of the Code of Professional

Responsibility. He was then warned that commission of the

On Asas alleged unjust refusal to turn over Castillos
As to Castillos charge against Asa and Oliveros of same or similar offense in the future would call for the
attorneys fees: It appears that Asa and Castillo each received
embezzlement due to alleged scandalous mismanagement of imposition of a more severe penalty. This Court thus imposes
$25,000 as attorneys fees but pursuant to their February 2000
the estate of the Nonan heirs, premised on the October 13, upon him a penalty of suspension from the practice of law for
Agreement, the aggregate amount of $50,000 would be
2003 RTC Order[54] in SP No. 5222, this Court finds the a period of One (1) year.
divided between them, and Castillo would receive 75% thereof
evidence presented insufficient to warrant the imposition of WHEREFORE, the administrative cases filed
or $37,500, while Asa would receive 25% or $12,500. The
sanctions against them. against Atty. Leon L. Asa and Atty. Jose
records show that Asa kept only $12,500 for himself, he
A. Oliveros are DISMISSED.
having remitted, as reflected above, the remaining $12,500 to
Finally, on Castillos Omnibus Motion to Appoint a
the Laurel Law Offices.
Commissioner, the matters raised therein[55] being entirely Atty. Ginger Anne Castillo is found GUILTY of

inappropriate, to say the least, for consideration in these breach of Canon 8 of the Code of Professional Responsibility
Dr. Laurel eventually gave Castillo $10,000 out of the
administrative proceedings, the same is denied. and is hereby admonished to refrain from using offensive and
$12,500 which Asa remitted to the Laurel Law Offices, as
improper language in her pleadings.
reflected in the Partial Inventory, Account and Report of
A final word. The spectacle of members of the bar
being engaged in bickering and recrimination is far from Atty. Pablito M. Castillo is likewise

edifying. Mutual bickerings and unjustified recriminations found GUILTY of breach of Canons 8, as well as Canon 10 of
Respecting Castillos claim that, in violation of the
between brother attorneys detract from the dignity of the legal the Code of Professional Responsibility, and
Code of Professional
profession and will not receive any sympathy from this Court.
Responsibility, Asa and Oliveros embarked on another sinister
G.R. No. L-35469 October 9, 1987
is SUSPENDED from the practice of law for a period of One

(1) Year, effective upon receipt of this Decision. ENCARNACION BANOGON, ZOSIMA MUNOZ, and
DAVIDINA MUNOZ, petitioners,
Let copies of this Decision be entered in the CORNELIO, FRANCISCO ZERNA, and the HON.
CIPRIANO VAMENTA, JR., Judge of the Court of
respective personal records of Atty. Ginger Anne Castillo and
First Instance of Negros Oriental (Branch III).
of Atty. Pablito M. Castillo in the Office of the Bar

Confidant.Let copies too be furnished the Integrated Bar of

the Philippines. CRUZ, J.:

It's unbelievable. The original decision in this case was

rendered by the cadastral court way back on February 9,
SO ORDERED. 1926, sixty one years ago. A motion to amend that
decision was filed on March 6, 1957, thirty one years
later. This was followed by an amended petition for
review of the judgment on March 18, 1957, and an
opposition thereto on March 26, 1957. On October 11,
1971, or after fourteen years, a motion to dismiss the
petition was filed. The petition was dismissed on
December 8, 1971, and the motion for reconsideration
was denied on February 14, 1972. 1 The petitioners then
came to us on certiorari to question the orders of the
respondent judge.2

These dates are not typographical errors. What is

involved here are errors of law and lawyers.

The respondent court dismissed the petition for review of

the decision rendered in 1926 on the ground that it had
been filed out of time, indeed thirty one years too late.
Laches, it was held, had operated against the
petitioners. 3

The petitioners contend that the said judgment had not

Republic of the Philippines yet become final and executory because the land in
SUPREME COURT dispute had not yet been registered in favor of the
Manila private respondents. The said judgment would become
so only after one year from the issuance of the decree of
FIRST DIVISION registration. If any one was guilty of laches, it was the
private respondents who had failed to enforce the that the petition for review cannot be should frown upon any attempt to
judgment by having the land registered in their the presented until the final decree has been prolong them."8
pursuant thereto.4 entered. But on further reflection, it is
obvious that such could not have been There should be a greater awareness on
For their part, the private respondents argue that the the intention of the Legislature and that the part of litigants that the time of the
decision of February 9, 1926, became final and what it meant would have been better judiciary, much more so of this Court, is
executory after 30 days, same not having been expressed by stating that such too valuable to be wasted or frittered
appealed by the petitioners during that period. They petitioners must be presented before the away by efforts, far from commendable,
slept on their rights for thirty one years before it occurred expiration of one year from the entry of to evade the operation of a decision final
to them to question the judgment of the cadastral court. the decree. Statutes must be given a and executory, especially so, where, as
In fact, their alleged predecessor-in-interest, Filomeno reasonable construction and there can shown in this case, the clear and
Banogon, lived for nineteen more years after the 1926 be no possible reason for requiring the manifest absence of any right calling for
decision and did not see fit to challenge it until his death complaining party to wait until the final vindication, is quite obvious and
in 1945. The herein petitioners themselves waited decree is entered before urging his claim indisputable. 9
another twelve years, or until 195 7, to file their petition of fraud. We therefore hold that a petition
for review. 5 for review under section 38, supra, may This appeal moreover, should fail,
be filed at any time the rendition of the predicated as it is on an insubstantial
While arguing that they were not guilty court's decision and before the expiration objection bereft of any persuasive force.
of laches because the 1926 decision had not yet of one year from the entry of the final Defendants had to display ingenuity to
become final and executory because the land subject decree of registration. conjure a technicality. From Alonso v.
thereof had not yet been registered, the petitioners (Emphasissupplied). Villamor, a 1910 decision, we have left
rationalize: "If an aggrieved party is allowed the remedy no doubt as to our disapproval of such a
of re-opening the case within one year after the issuance A reading thereof will show that it is against their practice. The aim of a lawsuit is to render
of the decree, why should the same party be denied this contentions and that under this doctrine they should not justice to the parties according to law.
remedy before the decree is issued? 6 have delayed in asserting their claim of fraud. Their Procedural rules are precisely designed
delay was not only for thirty one days but for thirty to accomplish such a worthy objective.
Why not indeed? Why then did they not file their petition one years. Laches bars their petition now. Their position Necessarily, therefore, any attempt to
earlier? Why do they now pretend that they have all the is clearly contrary to law and logic and to even ordinary pervert the ends for which they are
time in the world because the land has not yet been common sense. intended deserves condemnation. We
registered and the one-year reglementary period has not have done so before. We do so again. 10
yet expired? This Court has repeatedly reminded litigants and
lawyers alike: Regarding the argument that the private respondents
Thinking to support their position, the petitioners took fourteen years to move for the dismissal of the
cite Rivera v. Moran 7 where it was held: "Litigation must end and terminate petition for review, it suffices to point out that an
sometime and somewhere, and it is opposition thereto had been made as early as March 26,
... It is conceded that no decree of assent essential to an effective and 1957, or nine days after the filing of the
registration has been entered and efficient administration of justice that, petition. 11 Moreover, it was for the petitioners to move
section 38 of the Land Registration Act once a judgment has become final, the for the hearing of the petition instead of waiting for the
provides that a petition for review of such winning party be not, through a mere private respondents to ask for its dismissal. After all,
a decree on the grounds of fraud must subterfuge, deprived of the fruits of the they were the parties asking for relief, and it was the
be filed "within one year after entry of the verdict. Courts must therefore guard private respondents who were in possession of the land
decree." Giving this provision a literal against any scheme calculated to bring in dispute.
interpretation, it may first blush seem about that result. Constituted as they are
to put an end to controversies, courts
One reason why there is a degree of public distrust for G.R. No. L-22320 July 29, 1968
lawyers is the way some of them misinterpret the law to
the point of distortion in a cunning effort to achieve their MERCEDES RUTH COBB-PEREZ and DAMASO P.
purposes. By doing so, they frustrate the ends of justice PEREZ, petitioners,
and at the same time lessen popular faith in the legal vs.
profession as the sworn upholders of the law. While this HON. GREGORIO LANTIN, Judge of the Court of
is not to say that every wrong interpretation of the law is First Instance of Manila,
to be condemned, as indeed most of them are only RICARDO P. HERMOSO and the CITY SHERIFF OF
honest errors, this Court must express its disapproval of MANILA, respondents.
the adroit and intentional misreading designed precisely
to circumvent or violate it. Crispin D. Baizas and Associates for petitioners.
Isidro T. Almeda for respondents.
As officers of the court, lawyers have a responsibility to
assist in the proper administration of justice. They do not CASTRO, J.:
discharge this duty by filing pointless petitions that only
add to the workload of the judiciary, especially this Court,
This is a motion for partial reconsideration of this Court's
which is burdened enough as it is. A judicious study of
decision of May 22, 1968, specifically directed against
the facts and the law should advise them when a case,
the following observation therein made:
such as this, should not be permitted to be filed to
merely clutter the already congested judicial dockets.
They do not advance the cause of law or their clients by We feel compelled to observe that during the
commencing litigations that for sheer lack of merit do not protracted litigation below, the petitioners
deserve the attention of the courts. resorted to a series of actions and petitions, at
some stages alternatingly, abetted by their
counsel, for the sole purpose of thwarting the
This petition is DISMISSED, with costs against the
execution of a simple money judgment which
petitioners. This decision is immediately executory. It is
has long become final and executory. Some of
so ordered.
the actions were filed, only to be abandoned or
withdrawn. The petitioners and their counsel, far
from viewing courts as sanctuaries for those who
seek justice, have tried to use them to subvert
the very ends of justice.

Corollarily, this Court assessed treble costs against the

petitioners, to "be paid by their counsel.".

The herein movants, Attys. Crispin D. Baizas and A. N.

Bolinas, counsels for the petitioners, while submitting to
the judgment on the merits, seek reconsideration of the
Republic of the Philippines decision in so far as it reflects adversely upon their
SUPREME COURT "professional conduct" and condemns them to pay the
Manila treble costs adjudged against their clients.

At first blush, the motion for reconsideration presents a Manila (Branch VII presided by the respondent Judge from Branch XXII of the Court of First Instance of Manila
semblance of merit. After mature deliberation and patient Lantin), which latter court was the proper forum for any (not the same Branch which issued the controverted writ
reprobing into the records of the case, however, we are action relative to the execution. Judge Eulogio Mencias of execution), in connection with civil case 7532, then
of the firmer conviction that the protracted litigation, of the Court of First Instance of Rizal, looking to Acosta still pending in the Court of First Instance of Rizal. As
alluded to in the above-quoted portion of our decision, vs. Alvendia (L-14598, October 31, 1960), which held most probably anticipated anew by the Perez spouses
was designed to cause delay, and the active that courts of first instance have no power to restrain and their counsels, Judge Alikpala, presiding judge of
participation of the petitioners' counsels in this adventure acts outside their territorial jurisdictions, lifted on October Branch XXII, on November 8, 1963 denied the
is patent. 4, 1963 the ex parte writ which he previously issued preliminary injunction sought, on the ground, among
enjoining the respondent sheriff from carrying out the others, that he had no power to interfere by injunction
After November 15, 1962 when the Court of Appeals execution sale. It is clear, however, that Mrs. Perez and with the judgment or decree of a court of concurrent or
rendered judgment sustaining Damaso Perez' position her counsels, the movants, knew or ought to have coordinate jurisdiction. On the very day the injunction
with respect to the extent of the levy, the subsequent known beforehand that the Court of First Instance of was denied, Damaso Perez, as if expecting the reversal
proceedings interposed alternatingly by the petitioner Rizal did not have jurisdiction to issue the writ which from Judge Alikpala, was already prepared with another
spouses were obviously quixotic maneuvers expected to Mrs. Perez herself sought, and, anticipating the recall of "remedy," as in fact on that day, November 8, 1963, he
be overthrown by the courts but calculated to delay an the writ improvidently issued, on September 3, 1963, a filed in the basic civil case 39407 an "Urgent Motion for
execution long overdue. month before the said writ was actually lifted, filed in the Reconsideration" of the order of October 19, 1963,
basic civil case 39407 an urgent motion to lift the writ of which denied his wife's above-mentioned motion to
Had the petitioners and their counsels seriously believed execution issued on August 15, 1961, alleging as recall the controverted writ of execution.
that the levied shares of stock were conjugal property, justification the conjugal nature of the levied shares of
why did they not adopt this position from the very start, stock and the personal nature of Damaso Perez' The foregoing motion, far from seriously seeking the
or, at the latest, in CA-G.R. 29962-R, wherein Damaso judgment debt, the very same reasons advanced in civil reconsideration of the order of October 19, 1963, which
Perez challenged the legality of the levy's coverage, in case 7532 which was then still pending in the Court of in the first place Damaso Perez could not legally do for
order to end the litigation with reasonable dispatch? First Instance of Rizal. Incidentally, Mrs. Perez failed to he was not even a party to the denied "Urgent Motion to
They chose, however, to attack the execution in a adduce any evidence in support of her aforesaid urgent Recall Writ of Execution" (filed by his wife alone), was
piecemeal fashion, causing the postponement of the motion, as in fact neither she nor her counsels appeared merely an offer to replace the levied stocks with
projected execution sale six times. More than eight during the scheduled hearing, prompting the respondent supposed cash dividends due to the Perez spouses as
years after the finality of the judgment have passed, and judge to issue the following order: stockholders in the Republic Bank.1 As a matter of fact,
the same has yet to be satisfied. when the motion was set for hearing on December 21,
When the urgent motion to recall or lift writ of 1963, the counsels for Damaso Perez promised to
In a determined effort to prolong the litigation, the Perez execution was called this morning for hearing, produce the said cash dividends within five days, but the
spouses, as represented by their counsels, sought the counsel for the movant did not appear despite promise was never fulfilled.2 Consequently, the
issuance of preliminary injunctions to restrain the the fact that he had been duly notified of the respondent Judge on January 4, 1964, denied the said
execution of the final judgment in civil case 39407 from motion for hearing. In view thereof the court motion for reconsideration.
courts which did not have jurisdiction and which would, assumes that he is waiving his right to present
as expected, initially or ultimately deny their prayer. For evidence in support of his urgent motion to recall The above exposition of the circumstances relative to
instance, after Damaso Perez bowed out temporarily or lift writ of execution. Said urgent motion is the protracted litigation clearly negates the avowal of the
from the scene following the rendition of the therefore deemed submitted for resolution. movants that "in none of the various incidents in the
aforementioned Court of Appeals decision, his wife, case at bar has any particular counsel of petitioners
Mercedez, Ruth Cobb-Perez, intruded into the Despite the recall of the aforementioned writ of acted with deliberate aforethought to delay the
controversy and asked for an ex parte writ of preliminary injunction by Judge Mencias on a disclaimer of enforcement of the judgment in Civil Case No. 39407."
injunction from the Court of First Instance of Rizal in jurisdiction (since the execution sought to be enjoined From the chronology of antecedent events, the fact
connection with civil case 7532 which she filed with the was ordered by another tribunal), Mrs. Perez, now becomes inescapable that the Perez spouses, coached
said court, knowing fully well that the basic civil case assisted by her husband who had staged a comeback, by their counsels, had sallied forth on a strategem of
39407 was decided by the Court of First Instance of prayed for the issuance of another injunction, this time "remedies" projected to foil the lawful execution of a
simple money judgment. It is equally obvious that they execution, they accidentally stumbled on the suggested It is the duty of a counsel to advise his client, ordinarily a
foreshadowed their own reversals in the "remedies" they remedy. But the said civil cases were definitely not the layman to the intricacies and vagaries of the law, on the
ventured to adopt, such that even before, one remedy "proper remedy" in so far as they sought the issuance of merit or lack of merit of his case. If he finds that his
had been exhausted, they interposed another until the writs of preliminary injunction from the Court of First client's cause is defenseless, then it is his bounden duty
case reached this Court for the second time. 3 Instance of Rizal and the Court of First Instance of to advise the latter to acquiesce and submit, rather than
Meanwhile, justice was delayed, and more than one Manila (Branch XXII) where civil cases 7532 and 55292 traverse the incontrovertible. A lawyer must resist the
member of this Court are persuaded that justice was were filed respectively, for the said courts did not have whims and caprices of his client, and temper his client's
practically waylaid. jurisdiction to restrain the enforcement of the writ of propensity to litigate. A lawyer's oath to uphold the cause
execution issued by the Court of First Instance of Manila of justice is superior to his duty to his client; its primacy
The movants also contend that even this Court (Branch VII) under the settled doctrines that Courts are is indisputable.
sanctions the aforesaid civil cases 7532 and 55292 as without power to restrain acts outside of their territorial
the "proper remedy" when we said that. jurisdiction 4 or interfere with the judgment or decree of The movants finally state that the "Petitioners have
a court of concurrent or coordinate jurisdiction. 5 several counsel in this case but the participation of each
In reality, what they attacked is not the writ of However, the recall and the denial of the writs of counsel was rather limited implying that the decision of
execution, the validity and regularity of which are preliminary injunction in civil cases 7532 and 55292 did this Court ordering that "treble costs are assessed
unchallenged, but the levy made by the not amount to the termination or dismissal of the against the petitioners, which shall be paid by their
respondent Sheriff. In this regard, the remedy is principal action in each case. Had the Perez spouses counsel" is not clear. The word "counsel" may be either
not the recall of the writ, but an independent desired in earnest to continue with the said cases they singular or plural in construction, so that when we said
action to enjoin the Sheriff from proceeding with could have done so. But the fact is that Mrs. Perez "counsel" we meant the counsels on record of the
the projected sale, in which action the conjugal practically abandoned civil case 7532 when she petitioners who were responsible for the inordinate delay
nature of the levied stocks should be established instituted the above mentioned urgent motion to recall in the execution of the final judgment in the basic civil
as a basis for the subsequent issuance of a writ of execution in the basic civil case 39407, anchored case 39407, after the Court of Appeals had rendered its
permanent injunction, in the event of a on the same grounds which she advanced in the former aforementioned decision of November 15, 1962. And it is
successful claim. Incidentally, in the course of case, until the said civil case 7532 was dismissed on on record that the movants are such counsels. Atty.
the protracted litigation, the petitioners had November 9, 1963, upon her own motion. Anent civil Bolinas, upon his own admission, "entered his
already availed of this remedy in civil cases case 55292, the Perez spouses virtually deserted the appearance in the case at bar about the time the Court
7532 and 55292, only to abandon it as they same when they instituted the herein petition of First Instance of Manila dismissed the petitioners'
incessantly sought other, and often for certiorari with urgent writ of preliminary injunction Petition for Relief in Civil Case No. 39407," or about
simultaneous, devices of thwarting satisfaction of based on the same grounds proffered in the said civil August 3, 1961 and even prior to the Court of Appeals
the judgment debt. (Emphasis supplied) . case — until the latter was also dismissed on March 20, decision above-mentioned. Atty. Baizas claims that he
1964, with the consent of the parties because of the "became petitioners' counsel only in October, 1963 when
pendency then of the aforesaid petition for certiorari. he filed, with Atty. A.N. Bolinao, Jr. Civil Case No. 55292
And because of this statement, they now counter that
the said cases could not be branded as having been before the Court of First Instance of Manila presided by
instituted for delay. The movants further contend that "If there was delay, it the Hon. Judge Alikpala although it appears on record
was because petitioners' counsel happened to be more that the urgent motion to recall writ of execution filed by
assertive ... a quality of the lawyers (which) is not to be Mrs. Perez in the basic civil case 39407 on September
The reference we made to civil cases 7532 and 55292 in
condemned." 3, 1963, was over the signature of one Ruby Zaida of
the above-quoted statement must not be considered out
the law firm of "Crispin Baizas & Associates" as counsel
of context. We said that the petitioners incidentally had
A counsel's assertiveness in espousing with candour for Mrs. Perez. It is to be recalled that the said urgent
already availed of the suggested remedy only in the
and honesty his client's cause must be encouraged and motion is the same motion discussed above, which,
sense that said civil cases 7532 and 55292
is to be commended; what we do not and cannot curiously enough, antedated by at least one month the
were apparently instituted to prove the conjugal nature
countenance is a lawyer's insistence despite the patent lifting of the writ of preliminary injunction issued in civil
of the levied shares of stocks in question. We used the
futility of his client's position, as in the case at bar. case 7532.
word incidentally advisedly to show that in their
incessant search for devices to thwart the controverted
ACCORDINGLY, the motion for partial reconsideration is G.R. No. L-77691 August 8,1988
denied. Our decision of May 22, 1968 is hereby modified
in the sense that Attys. Crispin D. Baizas and A.N. PATERNO R. CANLAS, petitioner,
Bolinao, Jr. shall pay jointly and severally the treble vs.
costs assessed against the petitioners. HON. COURT OF APPEALS, and FRANCISCO
HERRERA, respondents.

Paterno R. Canlas Law Offices for petitioner.

Abalos, Gatdula & Bermejo for private respondent.


The case dramatizes the unpleasant spectacle of a

lawyer tangling with his own client, more often than not,
in the matter of fees. The lawyer, the petitioner himself,
would have his petition decided on pure questions of
procedure, yet, the Court cannot let pass unnoticed the
murkier face of the controversy, wherein the law is
corrupted to promote a lawyer's selfseeking ends, and
the law profession, debased into a simple business
dealing. Accordingly, we resolve it on the basis not only
of the questions raised by the petitioner pertaining to
procedure, but considering its serious ethical
implications, on its merits as well.

We turn to the facts.

The private respondent was the registered owner of

eight (six, according to the petitioner) parcels of land
located in Quezon City. 1 Between 1977 and 1978, 2 he
obtained various loans from the L & R Corporation, a
financing institution, in various sums totalling
P420,000.00 As security therefor, he executed deeds of
mortgage in favor of the corporation over the parcels
aforesaid. On August 28,1979, and upon the maturing of
Republic of the Philippines said loans, the firm caused an extrajudicial foreclosure
SUPREME COURT of mortgage following his failure to pay, as a
Manila consequence of which, the said eight (six, according to
the petitioner) parcels of land were disposed of at public
auction, and in which L & R Corporation was itself the The records further show that the parties, pursuant to sold at public auction by the Sheriff of
highest bidder. their agreement, executed a "Deed of Sale and Transfer Quezon City and subject matter of the
of Rights of Redemption and/or to Redeem," a document above Compromise Agreement in Civil
Pending redemption, the private respondent filed a that enabled the petitioner, first, to redeem the parcels in Case No. Q30679. . .10
complaint for injunction against L & R Corporation, to question, and secondly, to register the same in his
enjoin consolidation of title in its name, in which he name. The private respondent alleges that he As a consequence, the private respondent caused the
succeeded in obtaining preliminary injunctive relief. He subsequently filed loan applications with the Family annotation of an adverse claim upon the respective
was represented by the petitioner. Two years later, and Savings Bank to finance a wet market project upon the certificates of title embracing the properties. Upon
with no imminent end to the litigation in sight, the parties subject premises to find, according to him, and to his learning of the same, the petitioner moved for the
entered into a compromise agreement whereby L & R dismay, the properties already registered in the name of cancellation of the adverse claim and for the issuance of
Corporation accorded the private respondent another the petitioner. He likewise contends that the "Deed of a writ of possession. The court granted both motions.
year to redeem the foreclosed properties subject to Sale and Transfer of Rights of Redemption and/or to The private respondent countered with a motion for a
payment of P600,000.00, with interest thereon at one Redeem" on file with the Register of Deeds (for Quezon temporary restraining order and later, a motion to recall
per cent per month. They likewise stipulated that the City) had been falsified as follows: the writ of possession. He likewise alleges that he
petitioner shall be entitled to attorney's fees of commenced disbarment proceedings before this Court
P100,000.00. On November 19, 1982, the WHEREFORE, for and in full settlement against the petitioner 11 as well as various criminal
court 3 approved the compromise. of the attorney's fees of TRANSFEREE complaints for estafa, falsification, and "betrayal of
in the amount of ONE HUNDRED trust" 12 with the Department of Justice. On December 1,
The private respondent, however, remained in dire THOUSAND PESOS (Pl00,000.00) I, 1983, finally, he instituted an action for reconveyance
financial straits — a fact the petitioner himself FRANCISCO HERRERA, hereby and reformation of document, 13praying that the
concede 4 — for which reason he failed to acquire the transfer, assign and convey unto certificates of title issued in the name of the petitioner be
finding to repay the loans in question, let alone the sum TRANSFEREE, Atty. Paterno R. Canlas, cancelled and that "the Deed of Sale and Transfer of
of P100,000.00 in attorney's fees demanded by the any and all my rights of the real Rights of Equity of Redemption and/or to Redeem dated
petitioner. That notwithstanding, the petitioner moved for properties and/or to redeem from the May 3, 1983 ... be reformed to reflect the true agreement
execution insofar as his fees were concemed. The court Mortgagee, L & R Corporation my of Francisco Herrera and Paterno R. Canlas, of a
granted execution, although it does not appear that the mortgaged properties foreclosed and mortgage." 14 He vehemently maintains that the
sum was actually collected. 5 sold at public auction by the Sheriff of petitioner's "agreement with [him] was that the latter
Quezon City and subject matter of the would lend the money to the former for a year, so that
Sometime thereafter, the petitioner and the private above Compromise Agreement in Civil [petitioner] would have time to look for a loan for the wet
respondent met to discuss relief for the latter with Case No. Q30679 ... 9 market which [the petitioner] intended to put up on said
respect to his liability to L & R Corporation on the one property." 15 Predictably, the petitioner moved for
hand, and his obligation to the petitioner on the other. whereas it originally reads: dismissal.
The petitioner contends that the private respondent
"earnestly implored" 6 him to redeem the said properties; WHEREFORE, for and in full settlement The trial court, however, denied the private respondent's
the private respondent maintains that it was the of the attorney's fees of TRANSFEREE petition. It held that the alteration complained of did not
petitioner himself who 'offered to advance the in the amount of ONE HUNDRED change the meaning of the contract since it was "well
money," 7 provided that he, the private respondent, THOUSAND PESOS (P100,000.00), I, within [the petitioner's] rights" 16 "to protect and insure his
executed a "transfer of mortgage" 8 over the properties in FRANCISCO HERRERA, hereby interest of P654,000.00 which is the redemption price he
his favor. Who implored whom is a bone of contention, transfer, assign and convey unto has paid;" 17 secondly, that the petitioner himself had
but as we shall see shortly, we are inclined to agree with TRANSFEREE, Atty. Paterno R. Canlas, acquired an interest in the properties subject of
the private respondent's version, considering primarily any and all my rights of equity of reconveyance based on the
the petitioner's moral ascendancy over his client and the redemption and/or to redeem from the compromise agreement approved by Judge Castro in
private respondent's increasing desperation. Mortgagee, L & R Corporation my the injunction case, pursuant to Section 29(b), of Rule
mortgaged properties foreclosed and 39, of the Rules of Court, that had, consequently, made
him a judgment creditor in his own right; thirdly, that the II. It is only extrinsic or collateral fraud, as
private respondent had lost all rights over the same distinguished from intrinsic fraud,
arising from his failure to redeem them from L & R THE RESPONDENT COURT GRAVELY ABUSE [sic] however, that can serve as a basis for
Corporation within the extended period; and finally, that ITS DISCRETION IN NOT DISMISSING AC G.R. NO. the annulment of judgment. Fraud has
the petitioner cannot be said to have violated the ban 07860 ON THE GROUND OF RES JUDICATA been regarded as extrinsic or collateral,
against sales of properties in custodia legis to lawyers within the meaning of the rule, "where it
by their clients pendente lite, since the sale in question III. is one the effect of which prevents a
took place after judgment in the injunction case party from having a trial, or real contest,
abovesaid had attained finality. The complaint was or from presenting all of his case to the
consequently dismissed, a dismissal that eventually court, or where it operates upon matters
attained a character of finality. pertaining, not to the judgment itself, but
of the manner in which it was procured
Undaunted, the private respondent, on December 6, so that there is not a fair submission of
1985, filed a suit for "Annulment Of Judgment 18 in the the controversy." In other words, extrinsic
respondent Court of Appeals, 19 praying that the orders fraud refers to any fraudulent act of the
IV prevailing party in the litigation which is
of Judge Castro: (1). granting execution over the portion
of the compromise agreement obliging the private committed outside of the trial of the case,
respondent to pay the petitioner P100,000.00 as THE RESPONDENT COURT GRAVELY ABUSED ITS whereby the defeated party has been
attorney's fees; (2) denying the private respondent's DISCRETION IN NOT DENYING PETITIONER'S prevented from exhibiting fully his side of
prayer for a restraining order directed against the MOTION TO DISMISS SOLELY ON THE GROUND the case, by fraud or deception practiced
execution: and (3) denying the motion to recall writ of THAT THE ARGUMENT RAISED THEREIN ARE BUT on him by his opponent. 24
possession, all be set aside. REHASH OF THE ARGUMENTS IN HIS COMMENT TO
THE PETITION. 21 A perusal of the petition of therein private respondent
The petitioner filed a comment on the petition, but Herrera pending before the respondent Court reveals no
followed it up with a motion to dismiss. On December 8, The petitioner argues that the petition pending with the cause of action for annulment of judgment. In the first
1986, the respondent Court of Appeals promulgated the respondent court "is actually a petition for place, and as herein petitioner Canlas correctly points
first of its challenged resolutions, denying the motion to certiorari," 22disguised as a pleading for annulment of out, the judgment itself is not assailed, but rather, the
dismiss. On March 3, 1987, the Appellate Court denied judgment and that in such a case, it faces alleged legal orders merely implementing it. Secondly, there is no
reconsideration. 20 impediments (1) It had been filed out of time, allegedly showing that extrinsic fraud, as Makabingkil defines it,
two years from the issuance of the assailed orders, and indeed vitiated the proceedings presided over by Judge
(2) It was not preceded by a motion for reconsideration. Castro. On the contrary, Herrera's petition in the
Hence the instant petition.
He adds that assuming annulment of judgment were respondent court will show that he was privy to the
proper, no judgment allegedly exists for annulment, the incidents he complains of, and in fact, had entered
As we stated, the petitioner assails these twin aforesaid two orders being in the nature of interlocutory timely oppositions and motions to defeat Atty. Canlas'
resolutions on grounds of improper procedure. issuances. claims under the compromise agreement.
Specifically, he assigns the following errors:
On purely technical grounds, the petitioner's arguments What he objects to is his suspected collusion between
I. are impressive. Annulment of judgment, we have had Atty. Canlas and His Honor to expedite the former's
occasion to rule, rests on a single ground: extrinsic collection of his fees. He alleges that his counsel had
THE RESPONDENT COURT GRAVELY ABUSE [sic] fraud. What "extrinsic fraud" means is explained deliberately, and with malevolent designs, postponed
ITS DISCRETION IN NOT DISMISSING AC G.R. NO. in Macabingkil v. People's Homesite and Housing execution to force him (Herrera) to agree to sell the
07860 ON THE GROUND THAT IT IS IN REALITY A Corporation : 23 properties in controversy to him (Atty. Canlas) subject to
PETITION FOR CERTIORARI FILED OUT OF TIME redemption. ("...[I]t was understandable that respondent
AND SHOULD NOT BE GIVEN DUE COURSE. xxx xxx xxx Atty. Paterno R. Canlas did not implement the writ of
execution, instead he contacted petitioner in order that Art. 1330. A contract where consent is By Atty. Canlas' own account, "due to lack of paying
petitioner would sign the questioned documents. This given through mistake, violence, capacity of respondent Herrera, no financing entity was
was the clincher of the plan of respondent Atty, Paterno intimidation, undue influence, or fraud is willing to extend him any loan with which to pay the
R. Canlas to divest petitioner of his properties. For this voidable. redemption price of his mortgaged properties and
purpose, it is obvious that respondent Atty. Paterno R. petitioner's P100,000.00 attorney's fees awarded in the
Canlas had to conspire with the respondent court judge in relation to its provisions on avoidance Compromise Judgment," 34 a development that should
to achieve his plan." 25) Aside from being plain of'contracts. 30 The court notes that he had, for this have tempered his demand for his fees. For obvious
speculation, it is no argument to justify annulment. purpose, gone to the Regional Trial Court, a vain effort reasons, he placed his interests over and above those of
Clearly, it does not amount to extrinsic fraud as the term as we stated, and in which the decision had become his client, in opposition to his oath to "conduct himself as
is defined in law. final. a lawyer ... with all good fidelity ... to [his] clients." 35 The
Court finds the occasion fit to stress that lawyering is not
Neither is it proper for the extraordinary remedy of We, however, sustain Atty. Canlas' position-on matters of a moneymaking venture and lawyers are not merchants,
certiorari. Certiorari presupposes the absence of an procedure — for the enlightenment solely of the bench a fundamental standard that has, as a matter of judicial
appeal 26 and while there is no appeal from execution of and the bar. It does not mean that we find merit in his notice, eluded not a few law advocates. The petitioner's
judgment, appeal lies in case of irregular implementation petition. As we have intimated, we cannot overlook the efforts partaking of a shakedown" of his own client are
of the writ. 27 In the case at bar, there is no irregular unseemlier side of the proceeding, in which a member of not becoming of a lawyer and certainly, do not speak
execution to speak of As a rule, "irregular execution" the bar would exploit his mastery of procedural law to well of his fealty to his oath to "delay no man for
means the failure of the writ to conform to the decree of score a "technical knockout" over his own client, of all money." 36
the decision executed. 28 In the instant case, respondent people. Procedural rules, after all, have for their object
Herrera's charges, to wit, that Judge Castro had erred in assistance unto parties "in obtaining just, speedy, and It is true that lawyers are entitled to make a living, in
denying his motions for temporary restraining order and inexpensive determination of every action and spite of the fact that the practice of law is not a
to recall writ of possession, or that His Honor had acted proceeding." 31If procedure were to be an impediment to commercial enterprise; but that does not furnish an
hastily (". . . that respondent court/judge took only one such an objective, "it deserts its proper office as an aid excuse for plain lust for material wealth, more so at the
[1) day to resolve petitioner's motion for issuance of [a] to justice and becomes its great hindrance and chief expense of another. Law advocacy, we reiterate, is not
[restraining] order. . ." 29) in denying his twofold motions, enemy." 32 It was almost eight decades ago that the capital that yields profits. The returns it births are simple
do not make out a case for irregular execution. The Court held: rewards for a job done or service rendered. It is a calling
orders impugned are conformable to the letter of the that, unlike mercantile pursuits which enjoy a greater
judgment approving the parties'compromise agreement. ... A litigation is not a game of deal of freedom from government interference, is
technicalities in which one, more deeply impressed with a public interest, for which it is subject to
The lengths the private respondent, Francisco Herrera, schooled and skilled in the subtle art of State regulation. 37 Anent attomey's fees, section 24, of
would go to in a last-ditch bid to hold on to his lands and movement and position, entraps and Rule 138, of the Rules, provides in part as follows:
constraints of economic privation have not been lost on destroys the other. It is, rather, a contest
us. It is obvious that he is uneasy about the judgment on in which each contending party fully and SEC. 24. Compensation of attorneys,
compromise itself, as well as the subsequent contract fairly lays before the court the facts in agreement as to fees. — An attorney
between him and his lawyer. In such a case, Article 2038 issue and then, brushing aside as wholly shall be entitled to have and recover
of the Civil Code applies: trivial and indecisive all imperfections of from his client no more than a
form and technicalities of procedure, reasonable compensation for his
Art. 2038. A compromise in which there asks that justice be done upon the services, with a view to the importance of
is mistake, fraud, violence intimidation, merits. Lawsuits, unlike duels, are not to the subject matter of the controversy, the
undue influence, or falsity of documents, be won by the a rapier's thrust ... 33 extent of the services rendered, and the
is subject to the provisions of article 1330 professional standing of the attorney... A
of this Code ... It is a ruling that almost eight decades after it was written contract for services shall control
rendered, holds true as ever. the amount to be paid therefor unless
in relation to Article 1330 thereof:
found by the court to be unconscionable extent, we reverse Judge Pedro Santiago's ruling in Civil to all intents and purposes, acquire ownership thereof.
or unreasonable. Case No. 40066, recognizing Atty. Canlas' "legal right, As we have earlier averred, the private respondent, by
independent of the questioned deed of sale and transfer reason of bankruptcy, had become an easy quarry to his
So also it is decreed by Article 2208 of the Civil Code, which was executed subsequently on May 3, 1983, to counsel's moral influence and ascendancy. We are hard
reproduced in part, as follows: redeem the subject realty from the L & R Corporation put to believe that it was the private respondent who
pursuant to Sec. 29 (b), Rule 39 of the Rules of "earnestly implored" 42 him to undertake the redemption
Art. 2208 ... Court." 39 Whatever right he had, it was, arguably with amid the former's obstinate attempts to keep his lands
respect alone to his renumeration. It did not extend to that have indeed led to the multiple suits the petitioner
the lands. now complains of, apart from the fact that the latter
In all cases, the attorney's fees and
himself had something to gain from the transaction, as
expenses of litigation must be
Secondly, and assuming that such a right exists, it must alluded to above. We are of the opinion that in ceding his
be in proportion to the "just fees and right of redemption, the private respondent had intended
disbursements" 40 due him. It is still subject to the merely to forestall the total loss of the parcels to the
We do not find the petitioner's claim of attorney's fees in mortgagee upon the understanding that his counsel shall
tempering hand of this Court.
the sum of P100,000.00 reasonable. We do not believe acquire the same and keep them therefore within reach,
that it satisfies the standards set forth by the Rules. The subject to redemption by his client under easier terms
extent of the services he had rendered in Civil Case No. The Court notes a hidden agenda in the petitioner's
haste to execute the compromise agreement and and conditions. Surely, the petitioner himself would
30679, and as far as the records will yield, is not maintain that he agreed to make the redemption"in order
impressive to justify payment of such a gargantuan subsequently, to force the transfer of the properties to
himself. As we have observed, in spite of the issuance of that [he] may already be paid the P100,000.00 attorney's
amount. The case itself moreover did not involve fees awarded him in the Compromise Agreement," 43 and
complex questions of fact or law that would have the writ of execution, it does not appear that the
petitioner took pains to implement it. We find this if his sole concern was his fees, there was no point in
required substantial effort as to research or leg work for keeping the properties in their entirety.
the petitioner to warrant his demands. The fact that the perplexing given his passionate and persistent pleas that
properties subject thereof commanded quite handsome he was entitled to the proceeds. There can indeed be no
plausible explanation other than to enable him to keep The Court simply cannot fag for the petitioner's
prices in the market should not be a measure of the
an "ace" against the private respondent that led finally, to pretensions that he acquired the properties as a gesture
importance or non-importance of the case. We are not
the conveyance of the properties in his favor. To be sure, of magnanimity and altruism He denies, of course,
likewise persuaded that the petitioner's stature warrants
he would have us beheve that by redeeming the same having made money from it, but what he cannot dispute
the sum claimed.
from the mortgagee and by in fact parting with his own is the fact that he did resell the properties. 44
money he had actually done the private respondent a
All things considered, we reduce the petitioner's fees, on
favor, but this is to assume that he did not get anything But if he did not entertain intents of making any profit,
a quantum meruit basis, to P20,000.00.
out of the transaction. Indeed, he himself admits that why was it necessary to reword the conveyance
"[t]itles to the properties have been issued to the new document executed by the private respondent? It shall
It is futile to invoke the rule granting attorneys a lien owners long before the filing of private respondents [sic] be recalled that the deed, as originally drafted, provided
upon the things won in litigation similar to that vested petition for annulment." 41 To say that he did not profit for conveyance of the private respondent's "rights of
upon redemptioners. 38 To begin with, the rule refers to therefrom is to take either this Court or the petitioner for equity of redemption and/or redeem" 45 the properties in
realty sold as a result of execution in satisfaction of naive, a proposition this Court is not prepared to accept his favor, whereas the instrument registered with the
judgment. In this case, however, redemption was under the circumstances. Register of Deeds purported to transfer "any and all my
decreed by agreement (on compromise) between the rights of the real properties and/or to redeem," 46 in his
mortgagor and mortgagee. It did not give the petitioner favor. He admits having entered the intercalations in
We are likewise convinced that it was the petitioner who
any right to the properties themselves, much less the question but argues that he did so "to facilitate the
succeeded in having the private respondent sign the
right of redemption, although provisions for his registration of the questioned deed with the Register of
"Deed of Sale and Transfer of Rights of Equity of
compensation were purportedly provided. It did not Deeds" 47 and that it did not change the meaning of the
Redemption and/or to Redeem," a pre-prepared
make him a redemptioner for the plain reason that he paper, for which Judge Santiago acquitted him of any
document apparently, that allowed him (the petitioner) to
was not named one in the amicable settlement. To this falsification charges. 48 To start with, the Court is at a
exercise the right of redemption over the properties and
loss how such an alteration could "facilitate" registration. who, in any manner whatsoever, take proceeding; (2) an extrajudicial foreclosure of mortgage
Moreover, if it did not change the tenor of the deed, why part in the sale; of real property; (3) in a judicial foreclosure of property
was it necessary then? And why did he not inform his provided that the mortgagor has possession and no third
client? At any rate, the agreement is clearly a contract of (5) Justice judges prosecuting attorneys party has intervened; and (4) in execution sales. 52 It is
adhesion. Its provisions should be read against the party clerks of superior and inferior courts, and noteworthy that in this case, the petitioner moved for the
who prepared it. other officers and employees connected issuance of the writ pursuant to the deed of sale
with the administration of justice, the between him and the private respondent and not the
But while we cannot hold the petitioner liable for property and rights in litigation or levied judgment on compromise. (He was, as we said, issued a
falsification — this is not the proper occasion for it — we upon an execution before the court writ of execution on the compromise agreement but as
condemn him nonetheless for infidelity to his oath "to do within whose jurisdiction or territory they we likewise observed, he did not have the same
no falsehood" 49 exercise their respective functions; this enforced. The sale agreement between the parties, it
prohibition includes the act of acquiring should be noted, superseded the compromise.) The writ
This brings us to the final question: Whether or not the by assignment and shall apply to does not lie in such a case. His remedy is specific
conveyance in favor of the petitioner is subject to the lawyers, with respect to the property and performance.
ban on acquisition by attorneys of things in litigation. The rights which may be the object of any
pertinent provisions of the Civil Code state as follows: litigation in which they may take part by At any rate, the transfer, so we hold, is not subject to the
virtue of their profession. injunction of Article 1491 of the Civil Code. But like all
Art. 1491. The following persons cannot voidable contracts, it is open to annulment on the ground
acquire by purchase, even at a public or (6) Any others specially disqualified by of mistake, fraud, or undue influence, 53 which is in turn
judicial action, either in person or through law.** subject to the right of innocent purchasers for value. 54
the mediation of another:
In Rubias v. Batiller, 50 we declared such contracts to be For this reason, we invalidate the transfer in question
(1) The guardian, the property of the void by force of Article 1409, paragraph (7), of the Civil specifically for undue influence as earlier detailed. While
person or persons who may be under his Code, defining inexistent contracts. In Director of Lands the respondent Herrera has not specifically prayed for
guardianship; v. Ababa 51 however, we said that the prohibition does invalidation, this is the clear tenor of his petition for
not apply to contingent contracts, in which the annulment in the Appellate Court. It appearing, however,
conveyance takes place after judgment, so that the that the properties have been conveyed to third persons
(2) Agents, the property whose
property can no longer be said to be "subject of whom we presume to be innocent purchasers for value,
administration or sale may have been
litigation." the petitioner, Atty. Paterno Canlas, must be held liable,
intrusted to them, unless the consent of
by way of actual damages, for such a loss of properties.
the principal have been given;
In the instant case, the Court observes that the "Deed of
Sale and Transfer of Rights of Equity of Redemption We are not, however, condoning the private
(3) Executors and administrators, the
and/or to Redeem" was executed following the finality of respondent's own shortcomings. In condemning Atty.
property of the estate under
the decision approving the compromise agreement. It is Canlas monetarily, we cannot overlook the fact that the
actually a new contract — not one in pursuance of what private respondent has not settled his hability for
had been agreed upon on compromise — in which, as payment of the properties. To hold Atty. Canlas alone
(4) Public officers and employees, the liable for damages is to enrich said respondent at the
we said, the petitioner purportedly assumed redemption
property of the State or of any expense of his lawyer. The parties must then set off their
rights over the disputed properties (but in reality,
subdivision thereof, or of any obligations against the other. To obviate debate as the
acquired absolute ownership thereof). By virtue of such
government owned or controlled actual amounts owing by one to the other, we hold
a subsequent agreement, the lands had ceased to be
corporation, or institution, the Francisco Herrera, the private respondent, liable to Atty.
properties which are "the object of any litigation."
administration of which has been Paterno Canlas, the petitioner, in the sum of
Parenthetically, the Court states that a writ of possession
instrusted to them; this provision shall P654,000.00 representing the redemption price of the
is improper to eject another from possession unless
apply to judges and government experts properties, 55 in addition to the sum of P20,000. 00 as
sought in connection with: (1) a land registration
and for attomey's fees. We order Atty. Canlas, in turn, to after which the same will be consolidated with AC No.
pay the respondent Herrera the amount of 2625;
P1,000,000.00, the sum he earned from the resale
thereof, 56 such that he shall, after proper adjustments, 3. DISMISSING this petition and REMANDING the case
be indebted to his client in the sum of P326,000.00 as to the respondent Court of Appeals for execution; and
and for damages.
4. ORDERING the petitioner to pay costs.
Needless to say, we sustain the action of the respondent
Court of Appeals in taking cognizance of the petition SO ORDERED.
below. But as we have stated, we are compelled, as the
final arbiter of justiciable cases and in the highest
interests ofjustice, to write finis to the controversy that SECOND DIVISION
has taxed considerably the dockets of the inferior courts. [G.R. No. 112869. January 29, 1996]

Let the Court further say that while its business is to KELLY R. WICKER and ATTY. ORLANDO A.
settle actual controversies and as a matter of general RAYOS, petitioners, vs. HON. PAUL T.
policy, to leave alone moot ones, its mission is, first and ARCANGEL, as Presiding Judge of the RTC,
foremost, to dispense justice. At the outset, we have Makati, Branch 134, respondent.
made clear that from a technical vantage point,
certiorari, arguably lies, but as we have likewise stated, DECISION
the resolution of the case rests not only on the mandate
of technical rules, but if the decision is to have any real
meaning, on the merits too. This is not the first time we
would have done so; in many cases we have eschewed This is a petition for certiorari, assailing the orders
the rigidity of the Rules of Court if it would establish a dated December 3, 1993 and December 17, 1993 of
barrier upon the administration ofjustice. It is especially respondent Judge Paul T. Arcangel of the Regional Trial
so in the case at bar, in which no end to suit and Court, Branch 134 of Makati, finding petitioners guilty of
counter-suit appears imminent and for which it is high direct contempt and sentencing each of them to suffer
time that we have the final say. We likewise cannot, as imprisonment for five (5) days and to pay a fine of
the overseer of good conduct in both the bench and the P100.00.
bar, let go unpunished what convinces us as serious The antecedent facts are as follows:
indiscretions on the part of a lawyer.
Kelly Wicker, with his wife Wynee Dieppe and the
WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered. Tectonics Asia Architects and Engineering Co., brought
suit in the Regional Trial Court of Makati against the LFS
Enterprises, Inc. and others, for the annulment of certain
1. ORDERING the petitioner, Atty. Patemo Canlas, to
deeds by which a house and lot at Forbes Park, which
pay to the private respondent, Francisco Herrera, the
the plaintiffs claimed they had purchased, was allegedly
sum of P326,000.00, as and for damages;
fraudulently titled in the name of the defendant LFS
Enterprises and later sold by the latter to codefendant
2. ORDERING the petitioner to SHOW CAUSE why no Jose Poe. The case, docketed as Civil Case No. 14048,
disciplinary action may be imposed on him for violation was assigned to Branch 134 formerly presided over by
of his oath, as a lawyer, within ten (10) days from notice, Judge Ignacio Capulong who later was replaced by
respondent Judge Paul T. Arcangel.
It appears that on November 18, 1993, Wickers November 26, 1993 and to show cause why they should and not because, as petitioners alleged, he was
counsel, Atty. Orlando A. Rayos, filed a motion seeking not be cited for contempt of court.[2] personally recruited from the South by Atty. Santos
the inhibition of respondent judge from the consideration and/or his wife, Atty. Ofelia Calcetas-Santos; that he
of the case.[1] The motion alleged in pertinent part: In a pleading entitled Opposition to and/or assumed his new office on October 11, 1993 and started
Comment to Motion to Cite for Direct Contempt Directed holding sessions on October 18, 1993; that when all
Against Plaintiff Kelly R. Wicker and his Counsel, Atty. male personnel of his court were presented to petitioner
1. That before the Acting Presiding Judge took over, defendant
Rayos claimed that the allegations in the motion did not Kelly Wicker he failed to pick out the young man who
LFS Enterprises, Inc. was able to maneuver the three (3)
necessarily express his views because he merely signed was the alleged source of the remarks prompting the
successive postponements for the presentation for cross-
the motion in a representative capacity, in other words, filing of the motion for inhibition; that he was not
examination of Mrs. Remedios Porcuna on her 10 August
just lawyering, for Kelly Wicker, who said in a note to him vindictive and that he in fact refrained from implementing
1992 Affidavit, but eventually, she was not presented;
that a young man possibly employed by the Court had the execution of his order dated December 3, 1993 to
advised him to have the case reraffled, when the enable petitioners to avail themselves of all possible
2. Meantime, Judge [Ignacio] Capulong who had full grasp of opposing counsel Atty. Benjamin Santos and the new
this case was eased out of his station. In one hearing, the remedies; that after holding petitioners in contempt, he
judge both failed to come for a hearing, because their issued an order dated December 8, 1993 inhibiting
Acting Presiding Judge had not yet reported to his station and absence was an indication that Atty. Santos knew who
in that set hearing, counsel for defendant LFS Enterprises, Inc. himself from trying Civil Case No. 14048; that Atty.
the judge may be and when he would appear. Wickers Rayos claim that he was just lawyering and acting as the
who must have known that His Honor was not reporting did sense of disquiet increased when at the next two
not likewise appear while other counsels were present; vehicle or mouthpiece of his client is untenable because
hearings, the new judge as well as Atty. Santos and the his (Atty. Rayos) duties to the court are more important
latters witness, Mrs. Remedios Porcuna, were all than those which he owes to his client; and that by
3. Plaintiffs have information that the Acting Presiding Judge absent, while the other counsels were present.[3] tendering their profuse apologies in their motion for
was personally recruited from the south by Atty. Benjamin
Finding petitioners explanation unsatisfactory, reconsideration of the December 3, 1993 order,
Santos and/or his wife, Atty. Ofelia Calcetas-Santos, one time
respondent judge, in an order dated December 3, 1993, petitioners acknowledged the falsity of their accusations
member of the Judicial and Bar Council, against whom
held them guilty of direct contempt and sentenced each against him; and that the petitioners have taken
plaintiff Kelly R. Wicker filed Administrative Case No. 3796,
to suffer imprisonment for five (5) days and to pay a fine inconsistent positions as to who should try Civil Case
and although said case was dismissed, nevertheless, plaintiffs
of P100.00. No. 14048 because in their Motion for Inhibition dated
feel that it was the reason for Atty. Ofelia Calcetas-Santos
November 18, 1993 they asked that the case be
relief; Petitioners filed a motion for reconsideration, which reraffled to another sala of the RTC of Makati, while in
respondent judge denied for lack of merit in his order their petition dated November 29, 1993, which they filed
4. Plaintiffs have reason to doubt the partiality and integrity of of December 17, 1993. In the same order respondent with the Office of Court Administrator, petitioners asked
His Honor and to give a fighting chance for plaintiffs to prove judge directed petitioners to appear before him that Judge Capulong be allowed to continue hearing the
their case, since this will be the last case to recover the on January 7, 1994 at 8:30 a.m. for the execution of their case on the ground that he had a full grasp of the case.
partnership property, plaintiffs feel that His Honor inhibit sentence.
himself and set this case for re-raffle; In reply to the last allegation of respondent judge,
In their petition[4] before this Court, Kelly Wicker and petitioners claim that although they wanted a reraffle of
5. This move finds support in the Rules of Court and Atty. Orlando A. Rayos contend that respondent judge the case, it was upon the suggestion of respondent
jurisprudence that in the first instance that a litigant doubts the committed a grave abuse of his discretion in citing them judge himself that they filed the petition with the Court
partiality and integrity of the Presiding Judge, he should for contempt. They argue that when a person, impelled Administrator for the retention of Judge Capulong in the
immediately move for his inhibition. by justifiable apprehension and acting in a respectful case.
manner, asks a judge to inhibit himself from hearing his
case, he does not thereby become guilty of contempt. What is involved in this case is an instance of direct
The motion was verified by Kelly Wicker. contempt, since it involves a pleading allegedly
In his comment,[5] respondent judge alleges that he containing derogatory, offensive or malicious statements
Considering the allegations to be malicious,
took over as Acting Presiding Judge of the Regional Trial submitted to the court or judge in which the proceedings
derogatory and contemptuous, respondent judge
Court of Makati, Branch 134 by virtue of Administrative are pending, as distinguished from a pleading filed in
ordered both counsel and client to appear before him on
Order No. 154-93 dated September 2, 1993 of this Court another case. The former has been held to be equivalent
to misbehavior committed in the presence of or so near set hearing, counsel for defendant LFS Enterprises, Inc. who To be sure, what Wicker said in his note to Atty.
a court or judge as to interrupt the proceedings before must have known that His Honor was not reporting did not Rayos was that he had been told by an unidentified
the same within the meaning of Rule 71, 1 of the Rules likewise appear while other counsels were present; young man, whom he thought to be employed in the
of Court and, therefore, direct contempt.[6] court, that it seemed the opposing counsel, Atty. Santos,
3. Plaintiffs have information that the Acting Presiding Judge knew who the replacement judge was, because Atty.
It is important to point out this distinction because in Santos did not show up in court on the same days the
was personally recruited from the south by Atty. Benjamin
case of indirect or constructive contempt, the contemnor new judge failed to come. It would, therefore, appear
Santos and/or his wife, Atty. Ofelia Calcetas-Santos, one time
may be punished only [a]fter charge in writing has been that the other allegations in the motion that respondent
member of the Judicial and Bar Council, against whom
filed, and an opportunity given to the accused to be judge had been personally recruited by the opposing
plaintiff Kelly R. Wicker filed Administrative Case No. 3796,
heard by himself or counsel, whereas in case of direct counsel to replace Judge Capulong who had been
and although said case was dismissed, nevertheless, plaintiffs
contempt, the respondent may be summarily adjudged eased out were Atty. Rayos and not Wickers. Atty. Rayos
feel that it was the reason for Atty. Ofelia Calcetas-Santos
in contempt. Moreover, the judgment in cases of indirect is thus understating his part in the preparation of the
contempt is appealable, whereas in cases of direct motion for inhibition.
contempt only judgments of contempt by MTCs, MCTCs
and MeTCs are appealable.[7] leads to no other conclusion than that respondent judge Atty. Rayos, however, cannot evade responsibility
was beholden to the opposing counsel in the case, Atty. for the allegations in question. As a lawyer, he is not just
Consequently, it was unnecessary in this case for Benjamin Santos, to whom or to whose wife, the judge an instrument of his client. His client came to him for
respondent judge to hold a hearing. Hence even if owed his transfer to the RTC of Makati, which professional assistance in the representation of a cause,
petitioners are right about the nature of the case against necessitated easing out the former judge to make room and while he owed him whole-souled devotion, there
them by contending that it involves indirect contempt, for such transfer. were bounds set by his responsibility as a lawyer which
they have no ground for complaint since they were he could not overstep.[11] Even a hired gun cannot be
afforded a hearing before they were held guilty of These allegations are derogatory to the integrity
and honor of respondent judge and constitute an excused for what Atty. Rayos stated in the motion.
contempt. What is important to determine now is Based on Canon 11 of the Code of Professional
whether respondent judge committed grave abuse of unwarranted criticism of the administration of justice in
this country. They suggest that lawyers, if they are well Responsibility, Atty. Rayos bears as much responsibility
discretion in holding petitioners liable for direct for the contemptuous allegations in the motion for
contempt. connected, can manipulate the assignment of judges to
their advantage. The truth is that the assignments of inhibition as his client.
We begin with the words of Justice Malcolm that the Judges Arcangel and Capulong were made by this Atty. Rayos duty to the courts is not secondary to
power to punish for contempt is to be exercised on the Court, by virtue of Administrative Order No. 154-93, that of his client. The Code of Professional
preservative and not on the vindictive principle. Only precisely in the interest of an efficient administration of Responsibility enjoins him to observe and maintain the
occasionally should it be invoked to preserve that justice and pursuant to Sec. 5 (3), Art. VIII of the respect due to the courts and to judicial officers and [to]
respect without which the administration of justice will Constitution.[10] This is a matter of record which could insist on similar conduct by others [12] and not [to]
fail.[8] The contempt power ought not to be utilized for the have easily been verified by Atty. Rayos. After all, as he attribute to a Judge motives not supported by the record
purpose of merely satisfying an inclination to strike back claims, he deliberated for two months whether or not to or have materiality to the case.[13]
at a party for showing less than full respect for the file the offending motion for inhibition as his client
dignity of the court.[9] allegedly asked him to do. After the respondent judge had favorably responded
to petitioners profuse apologies and indicated that he
Consistent with the foregoing principles and based In extenuation of his own liability, Atty. Rayos claims would let them off with a fine, without any jail sentence,
on the abovementioned facts, the Court sustains Judge he merely did what he had been bidden to do by his petitioners served on respondent judge a copy of their
Arcangels finding that petitioners are guilty of contempt. client of whom he was merely a mouthpiece. He was just instant petition which prayed in part that Respondent
A reading of the allegations in petitioners motion for lawyering and he cannot be gagged, even if the Judge Paul T. Arcangel be REVERTED to his former
inhibition, particularly the following paragraphs thereof: allegations in the motion for the inhibition which he station. He simply cannot do in the RTC of Makati where
prepared and filed were false since it was his client who more complex cases are heared (sic) unlike
2. Meantime, Judge Capulong who had full grasp of this case verified the same. in Davao City. If nothing else, this personal attack on the
was eased out of his station. In one hearing, the Acting judge only serves to confirm the contumacious attitude,
Presiding Judge had not yet reported to his station and in that
a flouting or arrogant belligerence first evident in the Philippines chose him as one of the most
petitioners motion for inhibition belying their outstanding City Judges and Regional Trial Court
protestations of good faith. Judges in 1979 and 1988 respectively and that he is a
1963 graduate of the U.P. College of Law.
Petitioners cite the following statement in Austria v.
Masaquel:[14] In Ceniza v. Sebastian,[15] which likewise involved a
motion for inhibition which described the judge corrupt,
Numerous cages there have been where judges, and even the Court, while finding counsel guilty of direct contempt,
members of the Supreme Court, were asked to inhibit removed the jail sentence of 10 days imposed by the
themselves from trying, or from participating in the trial court for the reason that
consideration of a case, but scarcely were the movants
punished for contempt, even if the grounds upon which they Here, while the words were contumacious, it is hard to resist
based their motions for disqualification are not among those the conclusion, considering the background of this occurrence
provided in the rules. It is only when there was direct that respondent Judge in imposing the ten-day sentence was
imputation of bias or prejudice, or a stubborn insistence to not duly mindful of the exacting standard [of] preservation of
disqualify the judge, done in a malicious, arrogant, belligerent the dignity of his office not indulging his sense of grievance
and disrespectful manner, that movants were held in contempt sets the limits of the authority he is entitled to exercise. It is
of court. the view of the Court that under the circumstances the fine
Republic of the Philippines
imposed should be increased to P500.00.
It is the second sentence rather than the first that applies Manila
to this case. The same justification also holds true in this case.
Be that as it may, the Court believes that consistent WHEREFORE, the order of December 3, 1993 is SECOND DIVISION
with the rule that the power to cite for contempt must be MODIFIED by DELETING the sentence of imprisonment
exercised for preservative rather than vindictive principle for five (5) days and INCREASING the fine from P G.R. No. L-42032 January 9, 1976
we think that the jail sentence on petitioners may be 100.00 to P200.00 for each of the petitioners.
dispensed with while vindicating the dignity of the IN THE MATTER OF THE PRODUCTION OF THE
court. In the case of petitioner Kelly Wicker there is SO ORDERED.
greater reason for doing so considering that the HABEAS CORPUS. MANUEL DE GRACIA, petitioner,
particularly offending allegations in the motion for vs.
inhibition do not appear to have come from him but were THE WARDEN, MUNICIPAL JAIL, Makati, Rizal; THE
additions made by Atty. Rayos. In addition, Wicker is PROVINCIAL WARDEN, PROVINCIAL JAIL, Pasig,
advanced in years (80) and in failing health (suffering Rizal; HON. REYNALDO P. HONRADO, Judge of the
from angina), a fact Judge Arcangel does not dispute. Court of First Instance of Rizal, Branch XXV, Pasig,
Wicker may have indeed been the recipient of such a Rizal; and MARCIANO P. STA. ANA, Assistant
remark although he could not point a court employee Provincial Fiscal, Pasig, Rizal, respondents.
who was the source of the same. At least he had the
grace to admit his mistake both as to the source and
truth of said information. It is noteworthy Judge Arcangel
was also willing to waive the imposition of the jail
sentence on petitioners until he came upon petitioners
description of him in the instant petition as a judge who
cannot make the grade in the RTC of Makati, where It is settled law-that habeas corpus is the appropriate
complex cases are being filed. In response to this, he remedy for release from confinement of a person who
cited the fact that the Integrated Bar of has served his sentence. 1 It i s on such a doctrine that
reliance is placed by petitioner Manuel de Gracia in this On December 8, 1975, this Court issued the following filing of a new information for homicide upon the
application for the issuance of such a writ. It is resolution: "The Court [issued] the writ of habeas corpus authority of this Honorable Court's ruling in People v.
undisputed that while the information against petitioner returnable to this Court on Friday, December 12, 1975 Manolong, and It is similar cases. 8
charged him with the commission of frustrated homicide and required the respondents to make a [return] of the
to which he pleaded not guilty, it was later amended to writ not later than the aforesaid date. The Court further As no return of the writ had been filed on the date set for
one of serious physical injuries. It is to such lesser Resolved: (a) to set this case for hearing on Monday, hearing by respondent wardens, a resolution of the
offense that on September 10, 1971, he entered a plea December 15, 1975 at 10:30 a.m.; and (b) to [grant] the following tenor was adopted by this Court: "When this
of guilty. On the very same day, respondent Judge motion of petitioner to litigate as pauper in this case was called for hearing this morning, Atty. Salvador
Reynaldo P. Honrado imposed upon him the penalty of case." 6 On the date set for hearing, respondent Judge N. Beltran appeared for the petitioner while Assistant
four months and one day of arrests mayor without Reynaldo P. Honrado filed his return, worded as follows: Provincial 'Fiscal Marciano P. Sta. Ana, Jr. and Major o
subsidiary imprisonment in case of insolvency. That "1. That the petitioner Manuel de Gracia has already Maristela appeared for the respondents. Thereafter, the
period of confinement he had duly served by November been ordered released by this court per order dated Court Resolved (a) to require Assistant Provincial Fiscal
10, 1975, considering that he had been under detention December 11, 1975, in view of the fact that Trial Fiscal Marciano P. Sta. Ana, Jr. to file a [return] of the writ for
since July 18, 1975. 2 This notwithstanding, the petition Marciano P. Sta. Ana, Jr. has not as of this time filed the the respondent wardens not later than 10:30 a.m. of
alleged that he was not set free, the reason being that amended information for Homicide after the death of Wednesday, December 17, 1975; and (b) to [reset] the
on November 19, 1975, the last day of the prison term Florante Valenzuela, the offended party in this case, hearing of this case on the aforesaid date and time. 9 It
imposed upon him, "respondent Assistant Provincial notwithstanding his motion entitled 'Motion to Order the should be stated likewise that Major Edgardo Maristela
Fiscal Marciano P. Sta. Ana filed with the respondent Warden to hold the Release of Manuel de Gracia dated assured the Court that petitioner had been release What
Judge, in the very same case where your petitioner was November 19, 1975, ...; 2. That in view of the release was declared orally by him was thereafter set forth in
convicted and for which he served sentence, Criminal from custody of Manuel de Gracia, the present petition writing in accordance with his return dated December
Case No. 15289, a 'Motion to Order the Warden to Hold for habeas corpus has become moot and 16, 1975: II That on Sept. 18, 1975, the Office of the
the Release of Manuel de Gracia (your petitioner)' academic. ..." 7 Fiscal of Rizal, did likewise. The return Provincial Warden received a commitment order issued
alleging as a ground that the 'father of the victim, stated: "1. That the Respondent Marciano P. Sta. Ana, by Judge Reynaldo Honrado, dated 16 September 1975,
Gilberts Valenzuela, informed the movant (respondent Jr., the Assistant Provincial petitioner is not in his ...; IV. That by virtue 6f that commitment order which the
Asst. Fiscal, not the People of the Philippines), that the custody or power although, as alleged in the petition, it petitioner was sentenced to suffer the penalty of from
victim in the above-entitled case died and for this reason was upon his motion that the respondent Judge issued four (4) months and one (1) day, he was transferred to
the undersigned will file an amended information. 3 Then the Order ... ordering the warden to hold the release of Makati Municipal Jail, on Sept. 18, 1975, to service his
came this paragraph in the petition: "That on the the accused (herein petitioner). 2. That the reason for his prison term thereat pursuant to Presidential Decree No.
following day, November 20, 1975, the respondent said motion ... is, as stated therein, that he was informed 29 as said prisoner is classified as Municipal prisoner; V
Judge, despite the clear and incontrovertible fact that he of the death of the victim and he was going to file an That the petitioner was brought back and confined again
had no jurisdiction to act on said motion because the amended information. 3. That because of the necessity to the Rizal Provincial Jail on Dec. 3, 1975, by virtue of
case had long been terminated and his decision therein for immediate action so as to avoid the accused being Remittance order issued by Judge Pedro Revilla,
had already been executed, and, further, even assuming released so that he could be held to answer for a crime Executive Judge CFI Rizal dated Dec. 3, 1975, ...; VI.
that the respondent Judge could still act in the case, he of homicide, and in the honest belief at that time that the That on December 12, 1975, the Office of the Provincial
could not and should not act on the Fiscal's motion proper remedy was the filing of an amended information Warden of Rizal received an Order from the Court of
because the same was not set for hearing and no copy for homicide, the undersigned filed the motion on said First Instance of Rizal presided by Honorable Judge
thereof was furnished to your petitioner whose very ground. The information concerning the death of the Reynaldo Honrado, directing him to release Manuel de
liberty was being sought to be deprived, still [he] victim was given to the undersigned by the victim's Gracia, the petitioner in this case; VII. That by virtue of
persisted in acting upon the Fiscal's motion and granted father only on November 19, 1975, the last day of odd order ... and the Order of Release, ... the
the same 'in the interest of justice,' not at all minding that confinement of the accused. However, after being able undersigned respondent released on said date the
your petitioner, while maybe a convict in the eyes of the to study the applicable rule and jurisprudence, the petitioner as evidenced by certificate of discharge from
respondent Judge, is still entitled to due process of law undersigned concluded that the proper remedy is not prison and that is the reason why he cannot produce the
and to some justice; ...." 4 There was a motion for amendment of the information because judgment had body of said person before this Honorable Court; VIII
reconsideration, but it was fruitless. 5 Hence this petition. already been rendered on the first information, but the That he was not able to make the return of the writ
immediately on the ground that he was at that time
confined in the hospital, and he was d only on December
13, 1975." 10 There was likewise a return of the writ on
such a date on behalf of respondent Cresencio T.
Pimentel, Municipal Warden of Makati, Rizal. It was
therein declared: "1. That the petitioner was not in his
custody when he received copy of the petition as the
petitioner was transferred to 'the Rizal Provincial Jail on
December 3, 1975, as he was going to be charged with
the crime of homicide and 'therefore, his confinement
has to be in the Rizal Provincial Jail and that by virtue of
said transfer, respondent Municipal Warden could not
produce the body of the 'petitioner before this-
Honorable Court."11

On the morning Deeember 17, 1975, respondent

Assistant Provincial Fiscal Marciano P. Sta. Ana, Jr. and
the two aforesaid wardens appeared. Neither petitioner
nor his counsel, Salvador N. Beltran, was present. There
was this manifestation though: '[Petitioner thru counsel,
respectfully manifests that he has already been released
from confinement, for which reason the present petition
has been rendered moot and academic .... 12 It would
appear, therefore, that with the release of petitioner, the
matter had indeed become moot and academic. That
disposes of this petition, except for one final note. There
was a lapse in judicial propriety by counsel Salvador N.
Beltran who did not even take the trouble of appearing in
Court on the very day his own petition was reset for
hearing, a lapse explicable, it may be assumed, by his
comparative inexperience and paucity of practice before
this Tribunal. it suffices to call his attention to such failing
by way of guidance for his future actuations as a
member of the bar.

WHEREFORE, the petition for habeas corpus is

dismissed for being moot and academic.

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