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Preoperative risk prediction of surgical site infection

requiring hospitalization or reoperation in patients

undergoing vascular surgery
Surbhi Leekha, MBBS, MPH,a Brian D. Lahr, MS,b Rodney L. Thompson, MD,c
Priya Sampathkumar, MD,c Audra A. Duncan, MD,d and Robert Orenstein, DO,e Baltimore, Md;
Rochester, Minn; and Scottsdale, Ariz

Objective: The objective of this study was to develop a surgical site infection (SSI) prediction score for risk assessment
before elective vascular surgery.
Methods: We conducted a nested case-control study among patients who underwent elective vascular (abdominal aortic and
peripheral arterial) surgery from January 1, 2003, to December 31, 2007, at Mayo Clinic (Rochester, Minn) an academic
tertiary surgical center. Cases were patients with SSI requiring hospitalization; controls (one or two per case) were
matched on type of procedure and date of surgery. Clinical data were collected by chart review. A risk score based on
preoperative variables was developed using multivariable logistic regression and bootstrap resampling. The C statistic,
equivalent to the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve, was used to assess discrimination. Calibration was
assessed by plotting percentile risk groups of model-predicted values against observed proportions of subjects with SSI.
Results: Eighty-four cases were compared with 160 controls. Preoperative variables independently associated with SSI risk
were critical limb ischemia, previous SSI, prior revascularization procedure, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
A prediction model containing these variables was developed (model and risk score C statistic of 0.737 and 0.727,
respectively). The calibration curve did not appear to deviate appreciably from the 45-degree line of identity.
Conclusions: We developed an SSI risk score based on noninvasive preoperative variables with acceptable discrimination
and calibration. This tool needs prospective and external validation. (J Vasc Surg 2016;64:177-84.)

A variety of patient, procedural, and provider-related before surgery. Only a few studies report scoring systems
factors contribute to the development of surgical site infec- based on preoperative variables alone for SSI risk prediction
tion (SSI). Using these risk factors, investigators have after major surgery.2,7,11,12
attempted to develop scoring systems to help predict and Despite advances in SSI prevention, the rates of SSI af-
to stratify patients’ risk of SSI after surgery.1-11 The ter vascular surgical procedures remain high. Based on the
primary limitation of these scoring systems (including the 2009 NHSN surveillance data, the median SSI rate after
recently modified Centers for Disease Control and Preven- peripheral vascular bypass in the United States was 4.6
tion’s National Healthcare Safety Network [NHSN] risk (interquartile range, 2.8-8.5) per 100 surgeries. Therefore,
models10) is that most are based on combinations of a preoperative SSI risk stratification system could be useful
preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative factors. in vascular surgery, in which SSI rates are significantly
Because of their reliance on variables that can be assessed higher than in other “clean” procedures, infection can
only during or after surgery, such tools do not help with result in loss of limb or life, and nonoperative options exist
prediction and potential modification of infection risk for patients deemed to be at high SSI risk.
We undertook this study to develop a prediction score
From the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, University of
based on preoperative factors that could serve as a simple
Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimorea; the Division of Biomedical SSI risk assessment tool before elective vascular surgery.
Statistics and Informatics,b Division of Infectious Diseases,c and Division
of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery,d Mayo Clinic, Rochester; and the METHODS
Division of Infectious Diseases, Mayo Clinic, Scottsdale.e
This study was supported by the Small Grants Program at Mayo Clinic,
Study design and setting. We conducted a nested
Rochester, Minn. case-control study among patients undergoing elective
Author conflict of interest: none. vascular surgery involving the abdominal aorta or periph-
Presented in a poster at the Fifth Decennial International Conference on eral arteries (including endovascular procedures requiring
Healthcare-Associated Infections, Atlanta, Ga, March 18-22, 2010.
surgical incisions but excluding thoracic aortic, upper limb,
Correspondence: Surbhi Leekha, MBBS, MPH, 110 S Paca St, 6th Fl, Bal-
timore, MD 21201 (e-mail: and carotid procedures and percutaneous endovascular
The editors and reviewers of this article have no relevant financial relationships procedures) during a 5-year period between January 1,
to disclose per the JVS policy that requires reviewers to decline review of any 2003, and December 31, 2007, at Mayo Clinic in
manuscript for which they may have a conflict of interest. Rochester, Minnesota. Mayo Clinic is a tertiary care
Copyright Ó 2016 by the Society for Vascular Surgery. Published by
medical center with a high vascular surgery volume
Elsevier Inc. (>800 cases per year) and an active infection prevention program that oversees routine surveillance for SSI after all

178 Leekha et al July 2016

vascular surgical procedures. No significant changes in using univariable logistic regression, with only those
surveillance methods occurred during the study period. detected at an a level of .1 carried forward in multivariable
The study was approved by the Mayo Clinic Institutional analysis. These screened variables were then entered in a
Review Board as a minimal risk protocol with waiver of multivariable logistic regression model, which was reduced
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act to the most important predictors using stepwise variable
authorization and informed consent. selection with backwards elimination (a level of .05). Both
Case and control selection. All patients who under- regular logistic and conditional logistic regression were
went vascular surgery involving the abdominal aorta or pe- used and yielded very similar results; therefore, uncondi-
ripheral arteries (excluding thoracic aortic, upper limb, and tional logistic regression was used to minimize loss of infor-
carotid procedures) during the study period were identified mation due to missing data. We performed tests of both
through the Mayo Clinic Surgical Information Recording discrimination and calibration to assess the predictive accu-
System that routinely captures data on all surgical cases in racy of the model. Discrimination was assessed using the C
both the inpatient and outpatient settings in a prospective statistic, which is the area under the receiver operating char-
manner. All patients are seen by the surgeon in follow-up acteristic (ROC) curve, a plot of sensitivity vs 1  specificity
within the first few weeks of surgery, and most patients of the model; a value of 0.5 indicates random predictions,
with infections would return to Mayo Clinic for manage- and a value of 1.0 indicates perfect predictions. To internally
ment of complications. Cases of SSI were identified using validate the fit and performance of the model, bootstrap
data collected by trained infection preventionists for resampling was used. For each of 400 bootstrap resamples
routine SSI surveillance. This surveillance is performed by (selected through random sampling with replacement from
monitoring all hospital admissions, surgical case listings, the original set of patients, each of an equal sample size),
microbiology reports, and infectious diseases consultations, the modeling procedure was repeated with the same stepwise
using NHSN criteria to define infections.13 Postdischarge criteria so that variability in the automated variable selection
questionnaires were not routinely sent during the study could be assessed. By repeatedly fitting the model selection
period, but the surgeon or the infection prevention and in a bootstrap resample and evaluating the performance of
control department would usually be notified of hospitali- the model on the original sample (in terms of the model C
zations at other facilities. The time period for SSI surveil- statistic), bias due to overfitting was estimated as the average
lance was up to 30 days for surgeries without implant of difference in the performance between the bootstrap and test
foreign material and up to 1 year for surgeries in which models across all resamples. A bias-corrected C statistic was
foreign material was implanted, per NHSN criteria.13 We then obtained by subtracting the optimism bias from the
included all deep and organ/space SSIs as cases, consistent index derived on the original sample. Furthermore, the
with the recommendations of the National Quality Forum frequency of “selected” variables was summarized as a
for public reporting, because these infections often require percentage across all bootstrap resamples, and only
hospitalization and are associated with significant morbidity predictors consistently retained in the modeling ($60% of
and mortality, in comparison with superficial infections, samples) were included in the risk score.
which are often treated in outpatient settings, have low To assess calibration, which is the model’s ability to
inter-rater reliability, and are difficult to validate.14,15 predict accurately the absolute level of risk that is subse-
However, to capture more serious superficial SSIs, we quently observed, the matched cases and controls were
also included those superficial SSIs that required hospital weighted inversely to their original sampling frame, thereby
stay for intravenous antibiotics and wound care or operative rescaling the model predictions to the entire cohort at risk.
intervention during the index admission or readmission. The accuracy of model-predicted values relative to
From the remaining cohort of patients who did not develop observed values was assessed visually by plotting percentile
SSI during the surveillance period, we individually matched risk groups against observed proportions of subjects with
two controls per case, based on date of surgery (62 weeks) SSI, with a nonlinear calibration curve using the nonpara-
and type of procedure (in three broad categories of pro- metric loess smooth estimator.
cedures involving the abdominal aorta, peripheral vascular From the final selected model, regression coefficients
bypass, and nonbypass lower limb arterial procedures). were used to derive a preoperative risk score for predicting
Patients who had previously denied research authorization SSI. In particular, points were assigned for the presence of
were excluded from both the case and control groups, in each risk factor in the model, weighted according to the
accordance with Minnesota state law. respective regression coefficient rounded to the nearest
Exposure assessment. We performed detailed chart re- integer. Using these point values, a subject’s risk score is
view to collect information on several preoperative variables simply computed as the aggregate number of points from
to evaluate their association with SSI and for assessment as the risk factor profile, with higher scores corresponding
candidates for inclusion in the prediction model (Table I). to increased risk of SSI.
Statistical analyses. Descriptive statistics on pre-
operative variables are presented as median (range or RESULTS
interquartile range), mean (standard deviation), or count Between January 1, 2003, and December 31, 2007, a
(percentage) as appropriate. All candidate risk factors were total of 4302 surgical procedures involving the abdominal
tested individually for an association with SSI case status aorta and peripheral arteries (excluding thoracic aortic,
Volume 64, Number 1 Leekha et al 179

Table I. Distribution of candidate preoperative variables for vascular surgical site infection (SSI) risk prediction models
between cases and controls

No. with Univariable result

Variable missing data Cases (n ¼ 84) Controls (n ¼ 160) OR (95% CI) P valuea

Age 68.8 6 11.8 68.6 6 11.3 1.01 (0.80-1.27) .936

Female gender 30 (36) 51 (32) 1.19 (0.68-2.07) .545
Body mass index 1
<20 5 (6) 9 (6) 1.44 (0.42-4.91) F test, P ¼ .702
20-25 17 (20) 44 (28) 1.0 (ref)
25-30 32 (38) 61 (38) 1.36 (0.67-2.75)
30þ 30 (36) 45 (28) 1.73 (0.84-3.57)
Smoking status
Never smoker 13 (15) 27 (17) 1.0 (ref) F test, P ¼ .711
Current smoker 29 (35) 47 (29) 1.28 (0.57-2.87)
Past smoker 42 (50) 86 (54) 1.01 (0.48-2.16)
Functional statusb
Difficulty preparing meals 132 5 (13) 9 (13) 1.00 (0.31-3.22) 1.000
Difficulty feeding 11 0 (0) 6 (4) 0.23 (0.00-1.22) .155
Difficulty dressing 11 5 (6) 10 (7) 0.95 (0.31-2.89) .933
Difficulty using toilet 11 2 (3) 5 (3) 0.76 (0.14-4.00) .745
Difficulty housekeeping 11 18 (23) 26 (17) 1.42 (0.72-2.78) .309
Difficulty climbing stairs 11 42 (53) 55 (36) 1.97 (1.14-3.41) .016
Difficulty bathing 11 8 (10) 9 (6) 1.78 (0.66-4.80) .256
Difficulty walking 11 35 (44) 55 (36) 1.39 (0.80-2.41) .246
Difficulty using 11 11 (14) 22 (14) 0.95 (0.44-2.07) .897
Difficulty getting in or out 129 1 (3) 1 (1) 1.90 (0.12-31.17) .654
of bed
Difficulty managing 12 6 (8) 11 (7) 1.06 (0.38-2.99) .910
Use of assistive device for 4 44 (53) 53 (34) 2.21 (1.29-3.81) .004
Congestive heart failure 5 (6) 10 (6) 0.95 (0.31-2.87) .927
Current aspirin use 51 (61) 110 (69) 0.70 (0.40-1.22) .209
Current warfarin use 21 (25) 33 (21) 1.28 (0.69-2.40) .435
Current statin use 45 (54) 95 (59) 0.79 (0.46-1.34) .384
Diabetes mellitus
No 48 (57) 99 (62) 1.0 (ref) F test, P ¼ .057
Yes, insulin requiring 19 (23) 28 (18) 1.40 (0.71-2.75)
Yes, on oral agents 14 (17) 14 (9) 2.06 (0.91-4.67)
Yes, diet controlled 3 (4) 19 (12) 0.33 (0.09-1.15)
Hyperlipidemia 59 (70) 115 (72) 0.92 (0.52-1.65) .788
Active or untreated 2 (2) 3 (2) 1.28 (0.21-7.79) .791
malignant disease
Recent chemotherapy 0 (0) 0 (0) d
Radiation therapy at surgical 2 (2) 4 (3) 0.95 (0.17-5.30) .955
COPD 27 (32) 29 (18) 2.14 (1.16-3.94) .014
On any oxygen at home? 4 (5) 3 (2) 2.62 (0.57-11.97) .215
Chronic liver disease 5 (6) 2 (1) 5.00 (0.95-26.35) .058
Chronic kidney disease (GFR <60 on $2 occasions over 3 months in last year or diagnosis in chart)
No 63 (75) 121 (76) 1.0 (ref) F test, P ¼ .411
Yes, not on dialysis 14 (17) 32 (20) 0.84 (0.42-1.69)
Yes, on dialysis 7 (8) 7 (4) 1.92 (0.65-5.72)
Immunosuppressive 7 (8) 11 (7) 1.23 (0.46-3.30) .679
medication including
corticosteroid use in last
6 months
Recent weight loss (>10 lb 2 11 (13) 13 (8) 1.72 (0.73-4.02) .214
in last 3 months or >10%
body weight within last
6 months)
Recent (in last month) 2 (2) 6 (4) 0.63 (0.12-3.17) .572
infection at another body
(Continued on next page)
180 Leekha et al July 2016

Table I. Continued.

No. with Univariable result

Variable missing data Cases (n ¼ 84) Controls (n ¼ 160) OR (95% CI) P valuea

Recent (in last month) 7 (8) 14 (9) 0.95 (0.37-2.45) .913

limb gangrene
Skin ulcers at time of surgery 28 (33) 35 (22) 1.79 (0.99-3.22) .053
Chronic skin condition 4 (5) 12 (8) 0.62 (0.19-1.98) .416
(eg, psoriasis)
Critical limb ischemia 43 (51) 41 (26) 3.04 (1.75-5.31) <.001
Previous surgery at same site 36 (43) 50 (31) 1.65 (0.96-2.85) .072
Previous surgical or 66 (79) 90 (56) 2.85 (1.55-5.24) <.001
interventional radiology-
guided peripheral
Previous SSI 28 13 (18) 5 (4) 5.84 (1.99-17.10) .001
ASA score
2 4 (5) 10 (6) 1.0 (ref) F test, P ¼ .221
3 70 (83) 141 (88) 1.24 (0.38-4.10)
4 10 (12) 9 (6) 2.78 (0.64-12.06)
Recent hospitalization 30 (36) 47 (29) 1.34 (0.76-2.34) .312
(within 3 months)
Residence in nursing home 3 (4) 3 (2) 1.94 (0.38-9.82) .424
before surgery
Fasting glucose morning of 70 123.0 (102.0-146.0) 120.0 (103.0-140.0) 1.29 (0.42-3.96) .651
Fasting glucose (highest 41 114.0 (93.0-143.0) 106.5 (93.0-138.0) 1.21 (0.50-2.92) .673
value) in last 3 monthsc
Highest serum creatinine in 86 1.2 (1.0-1.5) 1.2 (1.0-1.5) 0.92 (0.49-1.75) .807
last weekc
Highest serum creatinine in 1.2 (1.0-1.5) 1.2 (1.0-1.5) 1.10 (0.66-1.83) .716
last 3 monthsc
Highest WBC count in last 91 8.1 6 2.3 8.0 6 2.6 1.01 (0.88-1.15) .906

ASA, American Society of Anesthesiologists; CI, confidence interval; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; GFR, glomerular filtration rate; OR, odds
ratio; WBC, white blood cell.
Categorical variables are presented as number (%). Continuous variables are presented as mean 6 standard deviation or median (interquartile range).
Effects for all variables tested using logistic regression.
Effect measured from exact logistic regression because of sparse data.
Estimated effect from logistic regression based on log-transformed data.

carotid, and upper limb procedures) were performed at our in a future independent validation. Using a smoothing
institution. Of these, 150 (3.5%) resulted in SSI based on estimator relating observed outcomes to predicted values
NHSN criteria (32 organ/space infections, 19 deep inci- (rescaled to convey absolute risk of SSI), the calibration
sional, and 99 superficial incisional infections). Of these, curve of the preoperative model did not appear to deviate
84 infections met criteria for inclusion as cases in this study appreciably from the 45-degree line of identity (ie, ideal
and were compared with 160 matched controls. The distri- calibration), suggesting acceptable calibration (Fig 1).
bution of potential SSI risk predictor variables between On the basis of the final multivariable prediction
cases and controls is summarized in Table I. model, regression coefficients were used to derive a preop-
SSI risk scores. Using multivariable logistic regression erative risk score for development of SSI after vascular
and stepwise variable selection with backwards elimination, surgery. Points were assigned for the presence of each
the following preoperative variables were consistently risk factor, weighted in magnitude by the corresponding
selected across the bootstrap resamples ($60%) and thus regression coefficients rounded to the nearest integer,
deemed robust predictors of SSI: critical limb ischemia, and summed together to define an individual’s risk score.
previous SSI, prior revascularization procedure, and For example, a patient with COPD and critical limb
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The C ischemia but no previous revascularization procedure or
statistic for the selected preoperative model based on the history of SSI would have a preoperative risk score of
original fit was 0.737, which represents fairly good discrim- 2 of 5 possible points. From a logistic model with risk score
ination (Table II). However, the estimated optimism bias included as a continuous variable, an ROC curve was
due to variability in the automated model selection was derived and superimposed over the ROC curve from
0.047, and thus a bias-corrected estimate of 0.690 would the corresponding multivariable model for comparison.
provide a reasonable approximation of the model C statistic In Fig 2, the ROC curves from the multivariable prediction
Volume 64, Number 1 Leekha et al 181

Table II. Preoperative risk factors for surgical site

infection (SSI) after vascular surgery and development of
preoperative SSI risk score

Multivariable result
OR (95% CI) Cb
Variable [P value] b (C ¼ 1) Points

Critical ischemia 2.91 (1.61-5.27) 1.07 1.07 1

COPD 2.10 (1.07-4.09) 0.74 0.74 1
Prior revascularization 2.68 (1.38-5.22) 0.99 0.99 1
procedure [.004]
Previous SSI
Yes 6.56 (2.08-20.65) 1.88 1.88 2
No 1.0 (reference) d d 0
No previous surgery 1.63 (0.63-4.24) 0.49 0.49 0
Model C statistic 0.737
Bias-corrected 0.690
C statistic

CI, Confidence interval; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease;

OR, odds ratio. Fig 1. Calibration plot of the preoperative multivariable predic-
tion model. SSI, Surgical site infection.

model and risk score models are similar (C statistic, or area

under the ROC curve, of 0.737 vs 0.727, respectively),
showing that the risk score adequately summarizes the
multivariable model. The bubble plot in Fig 3 displays
the range of preoperative scores in relation to absolute
risk of SSI, with the size of the bubble proportional to
the frequency observed in the analysis set.

In this study, we have developed a simple SSI risk strat-
ification model with acceptable discrimination and calibra-
tion for use before elective vascular surgery. This
preoperative score has the distinct advantage of providing
risk prediction before elective surgery.
The variables in our prediction model, namely, critical
limb ischemia, prior revascularization procedure, COPD,
and previous SSI, are easily identified in patients, and the
resulting risk score can be easily calculated during an office
visit. Further, these variables have biologic plausibility as
risk factors for SSI. Both COPD and critical limb ischemia
are associated with tissue hypoxia and have previously been
identified as risk factors for SSI after lower extremity vascular
Fig 2. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve plot of the
surgery.16,17 Prior revascularization might be a marker of the
preoperative prediction model and its derived risk score model.
severity of vascular disease and also indicate tissue ischemia or
confer higher risk if the index surgery was a revision of a prior
procedure, as revision surgeries have previously been the preoperative and perioperative period, such as chlor-
described to be higher risk for SSI after orthopedic proce- hexidine bathing, skin preparation, antibiotic prophylaxis,
dures.18,19 Whereas diabetes had a marginally significant as- and glucose control. Although it can be argued that all
sociation with SSI in the univariate analysis, it was not an SSI prevention measures should be universally adopted,
independent predictor in our multivariable analysis, in which real-world infection prevention practice is resource-
other risk factors had stronger associations. intensive and difficult to implement.20,21 Therefore, tar-
A clinical tool that quantifies SSI risk in this manner geted implementation of certain measures in high-risk
can potentially provide an impetus for strict adherence to patients could have potential to improve compliance with
evidence-based recommendations for SSI prevention in best practice, particularly in resource-limited settings.22
182 Leekha et al July 2016

data on organ/space infection and surgeries with implant

placement. Similarly, van Walraven and Musselman
recently analyzed National Surgical Quality Improvement
Program data to develop a risk score to predict the risk
of SSI across a broad number of surgeries.25 Although their
score had a very good C statistic of 0.8, it uses both preop-
erative and intraoperative factors. Moreover, whereas the
overall discrimination of this score across various types of
surgical procedures is good, it is unclear how the score
would perform within specific procedures including
vascular surgery.
A second utility of risk stratification models is for
interhospital comparisons of SSI rates. As public reporting
of health care-associated infections is increasing, a number
of SSIs are being included in Centers for Medicare and
Medicaid Services’ hospital report cards as markers of
Fig 3. Bubble plot of absolute risk of surgical site infection (SSI) health care quality.26 In the past decade, it became amply
across the range of preoperative model risk scores. clear that not all surgical procedures were similar, and the
existing NHSN risk index was inadequate for risk stratifica-
In addition, rates of vascular SSI have remained high na- tion across the spectrum of surgical procedures reported to
tionally despite near-universal compliance with measures the NHSN.18 Investigators from the Centers for Disease
outlined by the Surgical Care Improvement Project,23 sug- Control and Prevention attempted to improve risk stratifi-
gesting that additional patient-centered approaches might cation for public reporting by developing procedure-
be necessary. Knowledge of SSI risk could also help sur- specific models based on NHSN data, including vascular
geons and patients more accurately weigh the risks and surgery.19 These updated models developed for abdominal
benefits of options, such as use of prosthetic material and aortic aneurysm repair and peripheral vascular bypass
nonoperative interventions. Providers can also be more included had C statistics of 0.63 and 0.60, respectively,
vigilant in monitoring high-risk patients for development corresponding to a limited discriminatory ability. Although
of SSI in the postoperative period. Last, the benefit of addi- the models were based on a large data set from facilities
tional measures, such as supplemental oxygenation and across the United States, the primary limitation was lack
maintenance of normothermia, which has been found to of information on several important patient-specific charac-
be helpful in decreasing SSI risk in certain surgeries,24 teristics, such as those used in the present study. Our study
needs to be studied in this population, in which critical illustrates the importance of collecting more patient-
limb ischemia and COPD were strong independent predic- specific information for improving risk stratification.
tors of SSI. Further, whereas the NHSN models may have utility in
Other studies have developed prediction scores for SSI interfacility comparison of publicly reported data, they
after specific surgical procedures. In a study of patients in cannot be used for preoperative risk prediction.
the Society of Thoracic Surgeons National Cardiac Finally, studies among patients with chronic diseases
Database undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting,7 have shown that patient education and empowerment in-
Fowler et al developed two different scoring systems for terventions can improve management of several medical
major infection risk after surgery: one based on preopera- conditions.27-29 However, patient engagement in infection
tive factors alone, and the other using a combination of prevention has been studied to a limited extent, primarily
preoperative and intraoperative factors. Notably, inclusion in reminding health care personnel to practice hand hy-
of intraoperative factors added minimal predictive ability giene.30-32 A recent study suggests that patients would
to their model using preoperative factors alone. In a study like to be more informed about health care-associated in-
conducted in French hospitals among patients undergoing fections and appear willing to assist with the prevention
abdominal noncolorectal surgery,2 Pessaux et al used pre- of infections in the hospital setting.33 A tool that predicts
operative variables to develop a scoring system to stratify patient-specific risk for infection after surgery could be
patients into those who would or would not benefit from used to engage patients in infection risk modification
antimicrobial prophylaxis. In another multicenter study both before and after surgery.
using data from the National Surgical Quality Improve- Strengths of our study include utilization of prospectively
ment Program during a 3-year period,4 Neumayer et al collected infection data in a large cohort and comprehensive
developed a scoring system that could be used by surgeons evaluation of a large number of preoperative variables as
to assess patient risk of SSI after general and vascular predictive factors for SSI. Major limitations of this study
surgery, using preoperative clinical and laboratory data. include the following: data are from a single center, we
This tool was found to be a better predictor of SSI were unable to blind investigators to case or control status
risk compared with the existing National Nosocomial as that became apparent during chart review of historical
Infections Surveillance risk index, but the study lacked data, and missing data elements could have limited the
Volume 64, Number 1 Leekha et al 183

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AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS infection after open lower extremity revascularization. J Vasc Surg
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Analysis and interpretation: SL, BL, RT, PS, AD, RO Factors associated with surgical site infection after lower extremity
bypass in the Society for Vascular Surgery (SVS) Vascular Quality
Data collection: SL, RT, PS, RO
Initiative (VQI). J Vasc Surg 2014;60:1238-46.
Writing the article: SL, BL, RT, PS, AD, RO 18. Leekha S, Sampathkumar P, Berry DJ, Thompson RL. Should national
Critical revision of the article: SL, BL, RO standards for reporting surgical site infections distinguish between
Final approval of the article: SL, BL, RT, PS, AD, RO primary and revision orthopedic surgeries? Infect Control Hosp Epi-
Statistical analysis: BL demiol 2010;31:503-8.
19. Mu Y, Edwards JR, Horan TC, Berrios-Torres SI, Fridkin SK.
Obtained funding: SL, RO
Improving risk-adjusted measures of surgical site infection for the
Overall responsibility: SL National Healthcare Safety Network. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol
20. Ranji SR, Shetty K, Posley KA, Lewis R, Sundaram V, Galvin CM, et al.
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