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Circular To All Branches and Offices in India: BCC:BR:106/383 01.09.2014

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BCC:BR:106/383 01.09.2014.




Dear Sir,

Re: Master Circular on “Baroda Mortgage Loan”

We are attaching the Master Circular on ‘Baroda Mortgage Loan’ with all the
updated features of the product.

This Master Circular consolidates all the instructions in respect of the following
products under “Baroda Mortgage Loan” issued upto 31.08.2014 by Retail
Banking Department, BCC from time to time.

We are sure this updated master circular will help the branches to update their
awareness of Baroda Mortgage Loan Product and facilitate them as a reference
material, since they will be able to find complete set of guidelines pertaining to
Baroda Mortgage Loan at one place.

Yours Faithfully,

(Usha Khamkar)
General Manager
(Retail Banking)

Master Circular on
Baroda Mortgage Loan

[updated upto 31.08.2014]

Retail Banking Department

Bank of Baroda
Baroda Corporate Center


Sr.No. TOPIC Page No.

(A) Product Profile 4


Annex- 1 Deviation Powers 13

Annex- 2 List of documents to be submitted by the applicant 16

Annex-3 Credit Rating Model for Mortgage Loan 18

Annex-4 Format for seeking activity clearance 21

Annex - 5 (a) Fraud Prevention check list – Pre sanction stage 23

Annex - 5 (b) Fraud Prevention check list – Post sanction stage 24

Annex – 6 Site Verification Report 25

Annex- 7 Application form for Baroda Mortgage Loan 26


1 Purpose For any purpose except for financial speculation of any type.

Proposals from persons involved in Real Estate

Developments, Property Dealers/Brokers, Share/Stock Brokers
and Persons engaged in speculative activities should not be
2. Eligibility:  Individuals

- Salaried Employees/ Professional, Self Employed &

Others, who are income tax assesses for a minimum of
last 3 years.

- Minimum Gross annual income : Rs. 60,000/-

 NRIs
- Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) holding Indian passport
having a regular job abroad in a reputed Indian /
foreign company, organization or government

- Must be holding a valid job contract /work permit for

minimum past 2 years or employed / self-employed or
having a business unit and staying abroad at least for 2

- Minimum gross annual income: Rs 5 lacs.

 Existing staff members are not eligible.

 NRIs are not eligible for Overdraft facility

3. Age Minimum - 21 years

Maximum - 60 years

(Borrower’s/ Co-borrowers’ age + Loan tenure should not

exceed retirement age for salaried class & 65 years for NRIs
& others)
4. Type of Facility  Term Loan/ Demand Loan
 Overdraft

 In case of Overdraft, minimum annual turnover in

the account should be at least 25% of the limit.

 NRIs will be granted Term Loan/Demand Loan only.

(i.e., NRIs are not eligible for Overdraft facility)

5. Limit (a) Minimum : Rs. 1.00 Lacs

(b) Maximum:

For Rural Branches : Rs.10.00 Lacs

For other Branches : Rs. 300.00 Lacs.

Loan to professional : Rs.100.00 Lacs

(Subject to income criteria, repayment capacity and advance

value of the property offered as security)

6. Income criteria Salaried Class: 36 times of Gross Monthly income.

Other Individuals: 5 times of Average (last three years)

annual income.

In case of Loan to Professional: 25% of Average annual

Business Turnover /Professional receipt for last -3- years.

 Income of all the joint owners of the property who are

co-borrowers can be clubbed.

 The facility can be considered against property to be

mortgaged in the personal name of borrower or
his/her close relatives viz. spouse, parents, son,
daughter, brother, sister, brother’s wife who should
stand as a co-borrower.

 If the income of co borrower/s (i.e, close relatives viz.

spouse, parents, son, daughter, brother, sister,
brother’s wife) is accepted for the purpose of addition
of their income to the income of principal borrower
for arriving higher eligible limit, sustainability of
income of co-borrower/s has also to be ensured and
assessed in the same line of salaried/non-
salaried/agriculturist etc as the case may be.

 In case of Agriculturists who are predominantly

dependent on agriculture and not required to file
income tax returns, their income may be assessed by
obtaining income certificate from the local competent
revenue authority only.

- The income mentioned in the certificate must be

assessed properly taking in to consideration land
holding of the Agriculturist, area of land actually
being cultivated by him, cropping pattern and
acreage under different crops together with
number of crops harvested in a year depending on
availability of irrigation facility etc. The assessment
of income so arrived must be properly recorded
with justification in the appraisal note.

7. Repayment Capacity  Total deductions (including proposed EMI/notional

installment) should not exceed 60% of the Gross
Monthly Income. (In case of non-salaried, GMI to be
worked out based on average annual income for
last three years)

 Deductions include Income Tax, PF, Professional Tax,

EMIs of existing borrowings and other deductions, if

 In case of overdraft, repayment capacity norms should

be applied as if a Term Loan is sanctioned for 10

8. Rate of Interest Base Rate + 3.25% (w.e.f. 01.10.2013)

9. Penal Interest 2% p.a. on overdue amount.

10. Prepayment charges Nil. No penalty for part or full pre-payment.

11. Margin 50% of the Distress Sale Value of the immovable property to
be mortgaged.

12. Security Equitable mortgage of :

 Residential (House/Flat) or commercial property

(Building / Land and Building)


 Plot of land allotted/ purchased from any

Development Authority. (The allotment/ sale of
plot/land by such development authorities should not
contain any clause stipulating fixed time limit for
construction of house/commercial building)

 Loan/overdraft against Tenanted property should not

be considered except in case where the property is
given on lease to PSU, Reputed Govt/ Semi Govt
Enterprises, Large Corporates, Banks, Financial
Institutions & Insurance companies.

13. Personal Guarantee. Upto Rs 10 Lacs: Personal Guarantee may not be insisted
Over Rs.10 Lacs: Third party guarantee of an individual
having adequate worth.

In case of NRIs:
If spouse / other family members are residing in India,
personal guarantee of one of them, else third party guarantee
of a resident Indian individual having adequate worth.

14. Repayment Period Term Loan : Maximum 84 Months in Equated Monthly

Installments (EMI)

Overdrafts : 12 months subject to annual review

Moratorium period: Maximum 3 months.

Interest to be recovered separately as & when applied in the

account during moratorium period.

For Agriculturists – To be fixed as annual/ Half yearly

repayment for principal and interest considering the
harvesting pattern and / or other sources of income.

In case of Overdrafts:

 Minimum annual turnover in the account should be at

least 25% of the limit.
 Wherever it is observed at the time of review that
stipulation of annual turnover is not complied with, the
limit should be reduced annually as under:
 Maximum period of overdraft: 10 years.
 Reduction in operative limit proportionately by end of
each year, synchronizing with review of the account.

 Alternatively branch may explore the possibility of

converting the overdraft facility into term loan and fix
EMI for recovery of the balance amount.

 The facility may be continued without any condition of

reduction till the maximum age specified above, if
desired by the borrower, subject to:
 Annual review & satisfactory conduct of the account

 Minimum annual turnover in the account is at least

25% of the limit.

 With a view to take care of the periodical reduction in the

operative limit in case of Overdraft facility, following
clause be added in the loan application and sanction (at
the time of initial sanction / review of the facility) letter:
“The Bank shall have the right to progressively reduce the
limit of overdraft sanctioned hereby every year/ month
from time to time during the availment of the OD limit.
However, it is agreed and understood that such
commitment for progressive reduction in the overdraft
limit is and will be without prejudice to the rights of the
Bank to call for accelerate and demand repayment of
entire outstanding amount in overdraft limit at any time
and from time to time”

 Interest to be recovered as and when applied in the


15. Unified Processing Loan:

1% with Minimum Rs. 1000/- and Maximum Rs.1,50,000/-
plus Service Tax.

Unified Processing Charges shall be levied at the time of
Sanction/ Review @ 0.35% plus service tax (Minimum
Rs.1000/- and Maximum Rs.75,000/- plus service tax)

 Processing Charges mentioned above are applicable to

Loan/ Overdraft Limit up to Rs.3 Crore, which is the
maximum ticket size as per the scheme. However, in
certain cases, on the recommendations of the Regions/
Zones, we are approving deviations for sanction of Loan
/Overdraft Limit under the scheme beyond Rs.3 Crore. In
such cases, Processing Charges on limit exceeding Rs.3
Crore be levied on pro rata basis at the above rates.

Eg. : 1. Processing charges for Loan amount of Rs. 4.00

Crores will be as under:
For Rs. 3.00 Crores : Rs. 1,50,000
For additional limit of Rs. 1.00 Crore : Rs.50,000
(Proportionate amount i.e., 1/3 rd of the charges applicable
for 3 Crores). Total: Rs. 2,00,000/-

Same way, processing charges for overdraft limit of Rs.4.00

Crores will be : Rs. 1,00,000/- (75,000+25,000)

16. Valuation of Property  The property being accepted as security should be got
valued by our Banks approved valuer or Govt. approved
valuer as per extant guidelines at the time of considering
the facility.

 In case of properties acquired within last -3- years,
amount of registered sale deed should be taken as value
of property. (In such cases fresh valuation may be
dispensed with if the sanctioning authority is satisfied with
registered value).

 But for any reason, if the present Market Value is higher

than the registered value (registered within last 3 years) it
requires prior permission from Regional Authority to
accept the present Distress Sale as value of property.
Regional authority need not refer this to BCC for

 Similarly, if the present Market Value is lower than the

registered value (registered within 3 years), the present
Distress Sale Value of the property is to be accepted as the
value of the property.

17. Age of building to be  The age of building should not exceed 25 years.
 Building more than 25 years old may be accepted as
security, subject to approval of ***Regional Authority,
who will ascertain structural soundness of the building by
obtaining opinion and certificate from approved engineer,
about structural soundness of the building and its residual
life. The residual life of the building should be at least 5
years more than the term of the loan.

*** Regional authority need not refer this to BCC for


18. Insurance Insurance of the property taken as security for full value. The
charges to be borne by borrower/s.

19. Take over of Mortgage loan taken from other banks/financial institutions
mortgage loan can be taken over by following the extant guidelines in
accounts from other respect of take over of borrowal accounts.

20. Legal opinion about Legal opinion to be obtained from Bank’s approved advocate,
Title Deeds actual legal fees to be borne by the borrower.

21. Lending Powers  Sanctioning authorities upto Grade/Scale III are

authorized to sanction Facilities upto Rs. 25.00 Lacs

 Sanctioning authorities in Grade/Scale IV and above are

authorised to exercise their normal DLPs for sanction.

22. Deviation Powers Financial/non-Financial Deviations/Concessions in respect of
scheme parameters/ guidelines may be considered as per
Annexure- 1(a) & 1 (b)

(Ref Circular No.BCC:BR:106/22 dated 21.01.2014)

Site Verification Report as per Annexure-6 to be enclosed

while submitting deviation proposals to BCC.

23. Documentation Loan:

 D.P Note
 General form of Guarantee (in case of third party
guarantee is stipulated)
 Letter of installments
 Declaration cum undertaking cum authority
 Documents related to mortgage of property


 D.P Note
 General form of Guarantee (in case of third party
guarantee is stipulated)
 Letter of continuing security
 Declaration cum undertaking cum authority
 Documents related to mortgage of property

24. Credit Rating Credit rating will be done as per existing guidelines
under Secured Loan Rating Model and Loan shall not be
extended to the borrowers getting scores below cut-off

Cut off Score is 111 & Investment Grade is SL 7 & above.

(Credit rating model is attached as Annexure-3)

25. Activity Clearance Activity Clearance for Sanctions under this product is required
to be obtained from Regional Heads for facilities upto Rs.3
Crores and for facilities beyond Rs.3 Crores Zonal Heads are
authorized to grant Activity clearance.

Retail Loan Factories have been kept out of purview of

activity clearance.

Format for seeking activity clearance is given in Annexure-4.

10 | P a g e
26. Other conditions In case of NRIs:

 The repayment of the loan may be made by debit to

NRE / FCNR / NRO accounts of the non-resident
borrowers or out of inward remittances by the
 Close relatives of the borrower in India may also
repay the installments loans, interest and other
charges, if any, through their bank account directly
to the borrower's loan account.

 In terms of RBI guidelines, it is to be ensured that

the proceeds of rupee loan are not utilised for any
of the following activities:

o The business of chit fund, or

o Nidhi Company, or
o Agricultural or plantation activities or in real
estate business, or construction of farm houses,
o Trading in Transferable Development Rights
(TDRs), or
o Investment in capital market including margin
trading and derivatives.

An undertaking to this effect must be obtained

and kept on record.

27. Preventive measures  KYC guidelines should be very meticulously and strictly
complied with, which include proper verification / cross
checking of information submitted by the applicants for
their identity. Documents submitted for identity and proof
of residence i.e. copy of ration card/ photo-identity card/
PAN card/ driving license should be properly scrutinized
and also verified with the originals. Noting for having
verified with the originals should be made on relative
documents and report kept on record.

 Evidences of Income of the borrowers and Cash Flow for

the entire loan tenure to be critically examined and
ensured that sufficient surplus is available for meeting
actual /notional loan obligations.

 CIBIL data in respect of applicant should be meticulously

verified leaving no scope for non-detection of identity of
the applicants.

 Market Reports / Credit Information to be obtained and

examined to ensure credit worthiness of the borrower/s.

11 | P a g e
 All the guidelines for creation of valid mortgage issued
from time to time, to be meticulously followed.

 Valuation of property should be justified and realizable in

case of need.

 Check list for various activities (upto sanction stage & post
sanction stage) are required to be prepared by the
Appraising /Recommending Authority and to be verified by
the Branch Head under his signature and to be kept with
the loan documents for its verification by the Inspectors
/Auditors (Check list attached as Annexure- 5(a) & 5 (b)
for ready reference)

 Regular Inspection of securities to be ensured and reports

to may kept on record.

 Accounts are required to be closely monitored and

warning signals, if any, not to be ignored at any cost and
necessary steps must be initiated immediately.


Product Finacle Code Ascrom Code

Baroda Mortgage Loan - General LA201 909

Baroda Mortgage Loan - NRI LA202 910
Baroda Mortgage Loan - Overdraft OD016 911
Baroda Advance Against Property (old) LA118, OD005 231, 232
Baroda Advance Against Property to NRI (old) LA119 234
Baroda Loan to Professionals (old) LA142, LA143 253
Baroda Marriage Loans (old) LA144, LA145 707

12 | P a g e

POWERS for FINANCIAL DEVIATIONS (CONCESSIONS) i.e. Deviations having direct impact on Bank’s Profit
& Loss Account

Parameter for Deviation/ Regional Zonal Committee of General Managers on

Concession Authority Authority Retail Banking & SME Banking

To reduce the Rate of

No Powers No Powers No Powers
To waive Processing
No Powers No Powers Upto 50%
To waive Deviation
No Powers No Powers No Powers

* Deviations for other financial parameters (for which deviation authority is not specified in scheme
profile) if any or deviations beyond the power of Committee of General Managers are to be referred to
Retail Banking Dept., BCC.


POWERS FOR NON-FINANCIAL DEVIATIONS i.e. Deviations not having direct impact on Bank’s Profit &
Loss Account.

Parameter for Deviation Scheme Guidelines Regional Zonal Authority Committee of

Authority General Managers
on Retail Banking
& SME Banking
To exceed maximum For Rural Branches:
ceiling of loan limit: Rs.10/- Lacs Upto Rs.20/- lacs

For other Branches:

No Powers No Powers Upto Rs.500/- lacs
Rs. 300/- Lacs.
Loan to professionals:
Upto Rs.150/- lacs
Rs.100/- Lacs
Margin Norms: 50% of the Distress No Powers Not less than 45% Not less than 40%
market Value on the Distress on the Distress
Market Value Market Value
To deviate from
other terms and conditions
i.e. For other non-financial
deviations not having
direct impact on Bank’s
Profit & Loss Account, for
the following parameters
as under:

1.Maximum Age Maximum Age- No Powers To exceed Present No Powers

60 years. Age of the
applicant +
Applicant’s Age + Overdraft / Loan
Tenure of Overdraft Tenure upto 75
/Loan should not years of applicant’s
exceed 65 years. age.

13 | P a g e
2(a). Eligibility Criteria on the Salaried Class: No Powers To exceed by 25% No Powers
basis of Income 36 times of GMI

Other Individuals:
5 times of Average
Annual Income (Last
3 years)
2(b).To consider last / No Powers No Powers No Powers
current year’s income, as
against last three years’
average income.
3. Eligibility Criteria on the Total Deductions, No Powers No Powers No Powers
basis of Repayment including the
Capacity installment/
Notional installment
/ repayment towards
the proposed facility,
should not exceed
60% of the Gross
4.Extending Mortgage of Regional Heads are Not more Not more than Not more than four
property to secure more authorized to than two three Retail loans Retail loans /other
than one Retail Loan / consider not more Retail loans /other loans loans
other loans. than two retail loans, /other loans
(Subject to obtaining two against the same
Valuation and considering property.
the lowest of the two for
calculation of eligibility)

5.Fresh Valuation of In case of Property Full powers Full powers ---------

immovable property in purchased within
case of purchase within last 3 years, the
last 3 years amount of Registered
(Subject to obtaining two Sale Deed may be
Valuation and considering taken as value of the
the lowest of the two for Property.
calculation of eligibility)

6.To reduce the periodicity

of – 3- years for Valuation Full Powers Full Powers ---------
of immovable property, in
case of existing accounts
(Subject to obtaining two
Valuation and considering
the lowest of the two for
calculation of eligibility)

7. Age of Property Not more than 25

(Subject to compliance of years. Full Powers -------- --------
extant guidelines)

9. To consider Baroda Loan / Overdraft

Mortgage Loan / against tenanted No Powers No Powers Full Powers
Overdraft against property should not

14 | P a g e
tenanted property where be considered except
the property is given on in case where the
lease to other than PSUs, property is given on
Govt./Semi Govt. lease to other than
Enterprises, Large PSUs, Govt./Semi
Corporates, Banks, Govt. Enterprises,
Financial Institutions & Large Corporates,
Insurance Companies. Banks, Financial
Institutions &
Insurance Companies.
10.To accord Activity
Clearance in case of For limit upto Full Powers ------------
Baroda Mortgage Loan. Rs.300/- lacs

NOTE: (Retail Loan

Factories have been
kept out of purview of
Activity Clearance)

 Deviations for other non-financial parameters (for which deviation authority is not specified in
scheme profile) if any or deviations beyond the power of Committee of General Managers are to
be referred to Retail Banking Dept., BCC.

15 | P a g e

List of Documents to be submitted by the Applicant

1. Application Form duly filled and signed by applicant/guarantor (Annexure -7)

(Separate Form No. 135 is not required)
2. Two Passport Size Photograph of applicant/co-applicant/guarantor.
3. Bank A/c Statement for last 6 months.
4. Personal Identification Proof (Any one)
 Photo Identity Card issued by present employer
 Electoral I-Card
 Passport
 Driving License
 PAN Card
 Aadhar Card

5. Residential address Proof (Any one)

 Electricity Bill
 Telephone Bill (Land Line)
 Electoral/Voters ID Card
 Passport
6. For Salaried Class:
 Latest salary slips for the last 3 months with break up and duly attested by the
employer and countersigned by the applicant.
 Income Tax Returns along with Form No. 16 for last 3 years.
7. For Agriculturists:
 Income certificate from appropriate authority like Tehsildar/SDO/BDO etc
8. For Others:
 Income Tax Returns for last 3 years duly acknowledged by income tax authorities.
9. For Self Employed/ Professional:
 Balance sheets and profit & loss accounts of the business/profession along with
copies of individual income-tax returns for the last three years, certified by a
chartered accountant.
 A note giving information on the nature of business /profession, form of
organization, clients, suppliers etc.

In case of NRIs:

1. Copy of the employment Contract (If the contract is in any language other than
English, the same has to be translated into English and attested by Employer / Indian
2. For Salaried: Certified copy of the latest salary slips for the past 6 months.
For Self Employed/ Professional:
 Balance sheets and profit & loss accounts of the business/profession along with
copies of individual income-tax returns for the last three years, certified by a
chartered accountant.
 A note giving information on the nature of business /profession, form of
organization, clients, suppliers etc.
3. Copy of the Identity card issued by the current Employer.
4. Copy of latest work permit.

16 | P a g e
5. Copy of the Visa stamped on the passport.
6. NRE Bank account pass book or statement of account.
7. Overseas Bank Account Statement for the last 6 months.
8. Bio-data covering educational qualifications, age, job experience, nature of profession/
business etc., with necessary proof.
9. Guarantor forms along with net worth proof / income proof.
10. Undertaking from the employer for remittance of monthly installment, wherever
feasible, if stipulated in the sanction.
11. A salary certificate / income statement duly attested by our foreign office (including
subsidiary office) or certified by the competent authority available in the country may
be produced. This may also include Chartered / Certified Accountants, officials of
Inland Revenue Dept. (similar to Income Tax Authorities in India) or any other agency
specified for the purpose. Wherever attestation is not possible, this may be submitted
duly notarized.

Property Related Documents:

 Original title deeds of the property offered for mortgage along with complete chain of
title deeds
 Latest maintenance, Water Tax, Municipal Tax and any other such taxes paid receipt.
 Non encumbrance letter from Co-op Society (wherever applicable)
 Permission to create Equitable Mortgage from society / Development Authorities.
(wherever applicable)
 Confirmation of society that Bank’s lien on society records is noted. (wherever
 Any other documents specified by Bank’s panel advocate in the legal opinion/ title
clearance report.

17 | P a g e
Annexure - 3 : Credit Rating Model for Baroda Mortgage Loan (Secured
Loan Model)

Sl.No Variable Score Explanation MAX MIN

1 Borrower Age (in years) 5 -1

1 from 0 to 29 -1
2 above 29 - upto 42 2
3 above 43 - upto 55 5
4 above 55 1
2 Educational Qualification 17 0
1 Doctorate / Post Graduate 17
3 Graduate 12
4 Diploma 3
5 Higher Secondary 2
6 < Higher Secondary 0
3 Marital Status 5 2
1 Married 5
2 Single 2
4 Mobility of Individual - Location 12 0
1 Has not changed location in past 3 years 12
2 Changed location once in past 3 years 5
3 Changed location more than once in past 3 years 0
5 Number of dependents 10 -6
1 Zero 10
Dependents should include
2 One 5
dependent spouses
3 Two -3
4 More than two -6
6 Relationship with Bank 15 -5
1 All banking done through Bank 15
2 Good track record 10
3 Short term relationship 0
4 No existing relationship -5
7 Employer Type 15 -3
1 Govt/Public sector 15
2 MNC 12
3 Listed private sector companies 10
4 Professional 5
5 Unlisted private companies 7
6 Pensioners drawing pension from Bank of Baroda 7

7 Own business 0
8 Others/Pensioners drawing pension from others -3
8 Designation 10 0
1 Senior Management 10
2 Middle Management 8
3 Junior/ Clerical / pensioners 0
4 Self - Employed 3
9 Stability of Income 10 -5
1 Income has been steadily increasing over the last 3 10
2 Income has been almost the same over the last 3 5
3 Income has been unstable over the last 3 years -1
4 Income has been steadily decreasing over the last 3 -5
10 Proof of income of borrower 6 0
1 Income tax returns 6
2 Salary slip 5
3 Letterhead 2
4 No proof 0
11 Net worth to Loan Ratio Net worth = Movable + 10 0
immovable assets - liabilities

1 from 0 to less than 0.50 0

2 from 0.5 to 0.75 4
3 above 0.75 - upto 1.00 8
4 above 1.00 10
12 Net annual income of the borrower (in Rupees) Gross monthly income*12 - 12 0
(monthly PF deduction*12 +
1 from 0.00 to less than 100000 0 professional tax - tax rebates)
For self-employed borrowers,
2 from 100000 to 200000 3
avg annual income over last 3
3 above 200000 - upto 500000 7
4 above 500000 12
13 Fixed Obligations to Income Ratio FO = Monthly repayment of any 15 0
o/s loans + emi of the proposed
1 from 0.00 to less than 0.30 15 loan + Maintenance + property
taxes. In case of more than one
2 from 0.30 to 0.50 10
borrower, use sum of numerator
3 above 0.50 to 0.70 5 by sum of denominator method
4 above 0.70 0 to determine FOIR
14 Borrower / Guarantor also a guarantor for someone else 3 -2
1 No 3
2 Yes -2
15 Type of Collateral (% of Liquid Security to Total Coll. 20 10
1 above 75% Liquid securities & remaining 20
Immovable collateral
2 from 50 to 75% Liquid securities & remaining 15
Immovable collateral
3 from 25 - to less than 50% Liquid securities & 12
remaining Immovable collateral
4 less than 25% liquid securities & remaining 10
Immovable collateral.
16 Price volatility (to be scored for > 75% Liquid securities 10 -10
1 Highly volatile -10
2 Somewhat volatile 0
3 Stable 10
17 Price volatility & Marketability (to be scored for 25 -
1 Liquid securities Highly or somewhat volatile & -10
Immovable collateral with low or average
2 If Liquid securities between 50-75% & Liquid 0
securities highly or somewhat volatile but Only one of these three
Immovable collateral with high marketability. parameters 16/17/18 (Price
3 If Liquid securities between 50-75% & Liquid 5 Volatility, Price Volatility &
securities stable but Immovable collateral with low Marketability & Marketability)
or average marketability. can be scored for a borrower
4 If Immovable collateral between 50-75% & 5
based on the level of liquid vs
Immovable collateral with high marketability but
immovable collateral provided).
Liquid collateral highly or somewhat volatile.
5 If Immovable collateral between 50-75% & 0
Immovable collateral with low or average
marketability but Liquid collateral stable.
6 Liquid securities stable & Immovable collateral with 10
high marketability
18 Marketability (to be scored for > 75% of Immovable
1 Low -10
2 Average 0
3 High 10
19 Coverage provided by collateral Amt of Security over Loan 25 0

1 from 0 to less than 0.25 0

2 from 0.25 to 0.50 5
3 above 0.50 to 1.00 10
4 above 1.00 to 1.50 20
5 above 1.50 25
20 Number of Guarantors 13 0
1 Above 2 13
2 from 1 to 2 6
3 0 0
21 Guarantor's Net worth to Loan Ratio 3 0

1 from 0 to less than 0.50 0

2 from 0.5 to 0.75 1
3 above 0.75 to 1.00 2
4 above 1.00 3
22 Fixed Obligations to Income Ratio of Guarantor 3 0
In case of more than one
guarantor, use sum of numerator
by sum of denominator method
to determine FOIR

1 from 0. to less than 0.30 3

2 from 0.30 to 0.50 2
3 above 0.5 to 0.70 1
4 above 0.70 0

Sum 219 -20

Grade and Cut off Score

Score Grad
0-70 SL-10
71-90 SL-9
91-110 SL-8
111-120 SL-7
121-130 SL-6
131-140 SL-5
141-150 SL-4
151-160 SL-3
161-170 SL-2
171-219 SL-1
Cut-off score is 111 and investment grade is SL-7
Annexure-4 (Format for seeking activity clearance for Baroda Mortgage Loan)

Note to :


Issue for consideration: Activity Clearance- Fresh Proposal under Baroda Mortgage

Branch: ________________________________________

Name of the account/
Borrower (s)
Type of Applicant Service / Business / Professional/NRI
Type of facility & Limit Term Loan Rs.
Proposed Overdraft Limit Rs.
Income : as per salary Gross Monthly Income of Gross Annual Income of
certificate or IT applicant (s). (In case of applicant (s) for last three years.
Returns, as the case salaried Persons) (In case of others)
may be
Loan Eligibility
Type of property House Commercial Residential plot Commercial Plot
offered as security and Property Building (whether whether purchased
original cost of with with age purchased from from Development
acquiring the property age development authority)
authority with

Value as per latest Market Value:

valuation report and Realisable Market Value:
date of valuation Distress Sale Value:
Whether property
already mortgaged?
Whether Fresh/
Dealing with us since

21 | P a g e
Details of existing Date of Limit Limit now requested (TL/OD)
Facilities under original originally
Mortgage Loan sanction sanctioned
(Whether Term or (TL/OD)

Conduct of account in Annual Turnover in the

case of facility with us account
or other bank: EMI/Interest is serviced Yes/No
Overdue EMI, if any Rs.
Date of last review
Any other information
Branch/Region would
like to furnish
irregularities as per
latest inspection
Whether all the
stipulated terms and
conditions are
complied with
Portfolio details under Outstanding at Branch Outstanding at RO level
Advances Against level
No Amt in lacs No Amt in lacs

Out of above NPA at Out of above NPA at Regional

branch level Level
No Amt in lacs No Amt in lacs

and comments of the
sponsoring authority
Decision of the
competent authority:
Sanction No & Date

22 | P a g e


(Pre sanction Stage)

Name of Branch:
Name of Account:

S. Guidelines Compliance Comments of

No. Branch Head
1 KYC Compliance Details of the Confirmed or any
Document and other comment
Date of verification
1.1 Address of Borrowers and Guarantors verified
1.2 Identity of the Borrower /Guarantor verified
1.3 Occupation and address of working place verified
2 Pre-Sanction Inspection
2.1 Date of Pre sanction Inspection
2.2 Name of Officer who carried out Pre Sanction Inspection
and the date
2.3 Whether Pre-Sanction Inspection Report kept on record
2.4 Whether CIBIL verification carried out
2.5 Whether verified from ASCROM Report
2.6 Whether Credit rating done and the score is above the
cut off point.
3 Verification of ITR/ Form No. 16/ Salary Slips
3.1 ITR Verified
3.2 Form No. 16 / Salary Slip verified from the employers
record (Date of verification and name of officer)
4 Verification of Banking Relationship
4.1 Existing Loan Accounts of the borrower with our Bank
/other Banks examined (Yes /No)
4.2 Statement of Accounts of other Banks obtained and
examined and nothing adverse found (Yes/No)
5 Valuation Report of the Property Offered as security
obtained and the same is not more than 3 years old
and there is no abnormal increase in value during last
3 years. Please give Date of Valuation and value of
6 Legal Opinion and NEC for creation of mortgage is
obtained (Yes/No)
If yes
6.1 Whether Legal Opinion is in prescribed format also give
the date of opinion and NEC
6.2 Whether all the observations /suggestion of advocate are
complied with
7 Whether Deviations if any have been approved by the
competent authority
8 Whether detailed Sanction Letter Issued providing the
information about all type of Charges e.g. Processing
Charges, Review Charges, LAD Charges, etc.
8.1 Whether terms of sanction have been accepted by the
borrower and guarantor both

We confirm having verified the above information.

(Signature of Branch Head)

23 | P a g e


(Post Sanction stage)

Name of Branch:
Name of Account:

S. Guidelines Compliance Comments of Branch

No. Head
1 All the Documents have been executed as per
terms of sanction (Date and name of the Officer in
whose presence the documents are executed)
1.1 Whether proper Mortgage has been created as per
terms of sanction along with complete chain of title
deeds and relevant documents as per opinion of
1.2 Whether a notice of creation of mortgage has been
sent to Sub-Registrar/Talati/ Tehsildar /Revenue
Authorities for noting Bank’s lien over the property.
1.3 Whether Documents have been vetted by Legal
Advisor other than who has given NEC (or the Zonal
Legal Cell as the case may be (date of vetting)

1.4 All the observation made in document verification

report have been complied with (Yes /no)
2 Disbursement of Loan
2.1 Whether pre-disbursement inspection carried out and
authority for disbursement from sanctioning authority
2.2 Whether disbursement of loan is made directly to the
Builder/Supplier of good
2.3 Disbursement is made by DD/BC mentioning his Bank
account details after verifications of the credentials of
the Builder /seller/Dealer of the goods to be supplied.
2.4 Duly acknowledged Receipt of the payment made to
builder/seller/ dealer is received and kept on record.
3 Post Disbursement Verification:
3.1 Name of Officer carried our Post Disbursement
Inspection/Asset Verification and Date of verification
3.2 Whether any adverse feature observed, if yes whether
necessary steps initiated.
3.3 Whether Insurance cover for securities obtained

We confirm having verified the above information.

(Signature of Branch Head)


24 | P a g e
Annexure -6 (To be submitted along with deviation proposals)

Format for site verification of property mortgaged to Bank.

(Details of Housing Loan/Baroda Traders Loan/ Mortgage Loan)

Branch: ____________________ Housing Loan/Overdraft a/c.No.________________

Limit Sanctioned: Rs._______Lac. Value as per Record: Rs._______Lac
Name of the borrower_____________________________________________________________________
Address as per records___________________________________________________________________
Present address of the Borrower/s:________________________________________________________

Sr.No. Particulars Details/Response

1. Detailed address of property with
boundaries and landmark.

2. Type of property i.e. Open plot, Residential

house, Commercial, Factory, Godown

3 Date of acquisition of property and

Registration value of the same
4. Type of Construction(semi finished/under
construction /stage of completion) and
other description of property

5. How property is in use i.e. self occupied,

rented out, leased.
6. In case, not self occupied, details of the
occupant/s (with period of occupancy),
rent paid/leased amount and the modus of
7. Detail of chain of valuation of the
property : Date /Amount /Valuer
8. Dispute in regard to payment of
rent/lease amount , if any
9. Any attachment notice, Recovery Notice
received from unicipal/Revenue/State
Govt/Court/Bank/Financial Institution

10. In whose name, the electricity, water,

telephone, municipal taxes/bills are
being received
12. Any other Information e.g. for deviation
in age relaxation, names of legal heir
with age must be stated.

Date: (Name of Officer)
EC No:________

25| P a g e
Please affix

I/We request you to grant me/us a Loan/Overdraft facility of Rs. ________________________________

under Baroda Mortgage Loan Scheme.

To enable you to consider the proposal, I/We submit the following particulars.

(Please complete all sections in BLOCK LETTERS and tick  options wherever applicable)

Name: _______________________ _______________________ __________________________

(First name) (Middle name) (Last name)
Present address:
PAN/GIR No. : ____________________ Address: __________________________________
Date of Birth : ______ ____ ______ __________________________________
(DD) (MM) (YYYY) _______________________________ __
Age: _______ (years) City: ______________ State: ________________
Sex : Male/Female Pin code: ___________ ___
Marital Status: Phone number: (O)_____________(R) __________
Single/Married/Divorced/Widowed Years in current address: _________________
E-mail: Mobile phone no: _______________
___________________________________ Fax no: ___________________
Employment status (tick mark): Changed Residence in past 3 years :
 Salaried Not Changed Once More than Once
 Self-employed Permanent address:
 Professional Address: __________________________________
 House wife __________________________________
 Others _______________________________ __
Previous address: City: ______________ State: ________________
Address: ______________________________ Pin code: ___________ ___
_____________________________________ Phone number: ________________
City: ___________ State: _______________
Pin code: ___________ ___

Father's/Husband's Education (tick mark): Banking with us (Y/N): ______

name:  Matric or below matric If yes, then fill the following:
____________________  Under Graduate/Higher Banking with us since: _______
____________________ secondary (YYYY)
 Graduate Account type: _____________________
 Post-graduate Account number: ___________________
 Doctorate Branch name: _____________________
Are you a BOB staff Category: No. of dependents (excluding spouse):
(Y/N): _____ SC/ST/OBC/OTHERS/MINORITY ________
COMMUNITY No. of children: ________
Earning member in family,
if any (Y/N): __________
Mention branch where loan account should be opened:
Reason for choosing the branch  Near location of property
(tick mark)  Near place of work/business
 Near place of present residence
 Branch maintains salary account
 Other: __________________
Income and expenses
Primary monthly income Other income details Monthly expenditure
Gross income: ______________ Rent received: ______________ Loan repayment: ____________
Deduction: ______________ Agriculture: ______________ Rent paid: _____________
Others: _______________ Others: _____________
Description: _______________

Salaried: Please tell about your work: Self-employed/Professionals: Please tell about
Employer name: ___________________________ your work:
Department: ___________________________ Name of company/firm:
Address: _________________________________ _____________________________________
_________________________________ Activity: _______________________________
City: ____________ State: _____________ Address: _________________________________
Country:____________________ _________________________________
Pin/Postal code: _________ City: ____________ State: _____________
Phone no: ______________ Extn No: ________ Country:_________________
Fax no: ____________________ Pin /Postal code: _________
Company email: ___________________________ Phone no: __________________ Extn No._______
Designation: Executive/Managerial/Clerk Mobile No.:________________________________
Years with employer: _________ Fax no: ____________________
Contact person: __________________ Company email: ___________________________
Name of previous employer: _________________ Designation: Executive/Managerial/Professional
Retirement age: ____ If professional, then choose one of the following:
Working with: Doctor Architect CA
 Govt./Public sector Engineer Lawyer Others: ________
 Public Ltd Years in business/profession: _________
 Private Ltd Contact person: __________________
 Partnership Retirement age: ____
 Proprietorship Business details:
 MNC  Private Ltd Partnership
 Proprietorship Others: _______________
Established since: ________________
Credit card details Passport Details
Credit Cards Owned : ______ PASSPORT No.:
Card Issuer: ________ Place of Issue :
Date of Issue :
Card No. : _____________________________
Valid upto :
Date of Visa granted / work permit :
Valid upto :

Page | 2
About bank accounts (including credit facilities, if any):
Name of Branch Branch Number of Account Account Account As on
Bank telephone years type Number balance date
number account held (Rs.)

Outstanding Loan details in individual name :

Source Purpose Date of Loan Outstanding EMI Overdue Overdue
sanction Amount amount, if any since

Income Details: Details of other present immovable Properties

(Other than proposed as security for Mortgage Loan)
1. Gross Monthly Income (Rs.) : _________
Nature of properties:
2. Salaried Person
Plot of Land Agricultural Land
(I) Monthly Basic (Rs.) : _________
House/ Godowns Others
(ii) % of PF deduction : _________
Location: Survey / House No.__________
3. Annual Professional Tax : ________
Street / locality_______________ ______
4. For Tax Purpose
(i) Total Annual Savings under s/88:__________
Property in whose name?____________
(ii) 100% Rebate Amount : __________
Area / Size of the property:
(iii) Deduction under chapter VI A : __________
Cost (at the time of purchase): Rs._______
(iv) Other Rebate /Deduction claimed: _________
Present estimated market value: Rs.
5. Net Annual Income of other Family members:
Whether encumbered: If yes, give detail:
(Excluding co applicant & Guarantor)
Information on Guarantor/Co-applicant (if present)
About your Co-applicant: About your Guarantor:
Name : _______________________ Name : _______________________
Date of birth: _________________ (DD/MM/YYYY) Date of birth: _________________ (DD/MM/YYYY)
Father’s/husband’s name: ___________________ Father’s/husband’s name: ___________________
Relation with Applicant: _____________________ Relation with Applicant: _____________________
Address: ____________________________ Address: ____________________________
____________________________ ____________________________
____________________________ ____________________________
City: __________ Pin code: _________ City: __________ Pin code: _________
State: _______________ State: _______________
Occupation: _______________________ Occupation: _______________________
Phone/Fax: _______________________ Phone/Fax: _______________________
Email: ________________________ Email: ________________________
PAN/GIR Number:________________________ PAN/GIR Number:________________________
Net Annual Income (Rs.): ____________________ Net Annual Income (Rs.): ____________________
Page | 3
Net worth
In Rs. Applicant Co-applicant, if present Guarantor, if present
1. Total movable
2. Total immovable
3. Total assets (1+2)
4. Total liabilities
5. Net assets (3-4)
6. Amount of collaterals
Proposed Loan Details:
Details of immovable Properties offered as security for the Loan
Loan Amount requested
(Rs):_______________________ Nature of the property (mark √ )
 Residential Building  Commercial Building
Tenure in Months: ___________  Plot of Land  Godown  Others (specify)________

○ Rented ○ Self occupied

 Purchased  Inherited

If a Plot of Land, whether it is purchased from any Development

authorities: Yes / No / Not applicable
If yes, Name of the Development Authority:
Location: Survey / House No._______________________
Street / locality___________________________________
Village/ Town_____________________________________
Distt:____________ State:__________________________
Property in whose name?: _________________________
Area / Size of the property:
Date of Purchase/acquiring:
Cost (at the time of purchase): Rs._______
Present estimated market value: Rs.
Whether encumbered:

Details of Movable Assets in my name:

(A) Life insurance Policies
Policy No. Date of Sum Co. & Branch Annual Premium paid or
issuance Assured name Premium surrender value

(B) Shares/ Debentures/ Term deposits / Govt Securities (NSC etc)

Co./ Bank/ Post Office Date of Face Value Present value Due date Whether
Instrument encumbered

Page | 4
(C) Other movable assets:
Descriptions Year of acquiring Purchase price Market Value Valuation date

(D) Details of Liabilities:

Details Of Loan In Firms Name/ Company’s Name where you are interested as Prop, Partner/ Director
a) Name of the Bank/ institution and its branch :______________________
b) Purpose and amount of loan/ credit facilities :______________________
c) Security / Repayment schedule :________________________________
d) Present outstanding :________________________________
e) Liabilities other than to Bank and Financial Institutions: ________________
Details of Personal Guarantee given for any person/firm. If yes, furnish details (i.e. Name of the
Bank/ Institutions, on whose behalf, amount of guarantee, present status of a/c etc.)
I enclose / Submit documentary proof in support of the above submissions.

The loan applied for as above for Rs………….(Rupees…………………………………………………………) under Mortgage Loan Scheme is
repayable in …………..monthly instalments of Rs……………….each. I / We note that the rate of interest applicable on the loan will be at ……..%
p.a. which would be applied at quarterly / monthly interval or as applicable from time to time.

Further I give below particulars about myself, dependants & legal heirs
Name/Age of dependents/ Relationship with Address Occupation / Vocation
Legal heirs the borrower of Legal heirs

I/We hereby declare that all the particulars and information furnished in the application form are true, correct and complete and up-to-date in all
respects. I/We have not withheld any information. I/We confirm that I/We have had no insolvency proceedings initiated against me/us nor have
I/We ever been adjudicated insolvent. I/We also authorize Bank of Baroda or its agent to make references and enquiries relative to information in
this application which Bank of Baroda considers necessary. I/We also authorize Bank of Baroda to exchange, share, part with all information
relating to my/our loan details and repayment history information to other Banks/Financial institutions/ Credit Bureaus/Agencies as may be
required and shall not hold Bank of Baroda liable for use of this information. I/We undertake to inform Bank of Baroda regarding any change in
my/our residence/employment/Occupation/Transfer and to provide any other information that Bank of Baroda may require. I/We further agree that
my/our loan shall be governed by the rules of Bank of Baroda which may be in force from time to time. Bank of Baroda reserves the right to reject
any application without providing any reason.

I further declare that I am not a Director in any Bank. There is no litigation against the firm or me / co. in which I am the proprietor / a
partner/ a Director.

I am / was not interested as Proprietor / partner/ Director in any firm/ company whose name is listed in caution list of RBI/ ECGC.
I/we under take to bear processing, service, documentation charges etc. stipulated by the bank from time to time. I/we agree, note and
understand that Bank of Baroda shall be entitled at its sole discretion to call back, the entire loan/advance whether due and payable or not
at any time without assigning any reason and enforce its rights, remedies and securities.
Yours faithfully,

Place : __________________________________
Date __________________________________ Signature of the Applicant/s / Co - Applicant

I am willing to stand as guarantor for the above loan ( details as per enclosed sheet)

Place : ______________________________
Date : _____________________________ Signature of the Guarantor/s

Page | 5
Particulars about Co- Borrower / Guarantor (wherever applicable)

Name: Mr./Mrs/Ms.____________________________________________________________________

Father’s / Husband’s Name:____________________________________________________________

Present Address: ____________________________________________________________________


Phone No: ______________________________ Mobile No.____________________________________

Details of other present immovable properties (Other than proposed as security for Mortgage Loan in
case of co borrower)

Nature of properties: Plot of Land / Agricultural Land / House/ Godowns / Others

Location: Survey / House No.__________Street / locality_________________ _________

Village/ Town___________ Distt:____________

Area / Size of the property: Present market value: Rs.

Whether encumbered: If yes, give detail:

Details of Movable Assets in my name:

(A) Life insurance Policies
Policy No. Maturity Sum Co. & Last premium Total Premium paid
Date Assured Branch name paid up to or surrender value

(B) Investments(Shares/ Debentures/ Term deposits / Govt Securities like,NSC etc)

Description Face value No of units Present market value

(C) Other movable assets:

Descriptions Purchase price Market value Valuation date

(D) Details of liabilities:

Details Of Loans / advances availed from Bank’s / Institutions & other liabilities:
Name of Bank/ Institution: Purpose :
Amount of Loan P/O ___________ overdue if any.
Details of Personal Guarantee given, if any:
Name of the person on whose behalf ________________ Bank / Institution
Amount of commitment _____________ Overdue if any_____________-
Page | 6
Particulars of Legal Heirs:
Sr. No. Name Relationship Age Present Address

I enclose / submit documentary proof in support of the above submissions.

I further declare that the information submitted above is true and correct to best of my knowledge and

Date: Signature

-------------------------------------------------------------------------For office use only------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Warm lead No: ______________ Sales executive code:

Borrower number:_______________ Branch name and alpha code where parked :

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