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Manufacturing Tech. II

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1. What is rake angle? What is the effect of nose radius in tools?

The angle between the tool face and the line parallel to the base of the tool is

known as side rake angle. It is used to control chip flow.

2. What is tool?

The various angles of tools are mentioned in a numerical number in particular

order. That is known as tool signature.

3. Explain the nose radius?

It is the joining of side and end cutting edges by means of small radius in

order to increase the tool life and better surface finish on the work piece.

4. Name the factors that contribute to poor surface finish in cutting?

• Cutting speed

• Feed

• Depth of cut.

5. What is orthogonal cutting?

The cutting edge of tool is perpendicular to the work piece axis

6. Define oblique cutting?

Oblique cutting: - The cutting edge is inclined at an acute angle with normal to

the cutting velocity vector is called oblique cutting process

7. What is cutting force?

The sheared material begins to flow along the cutting tool face in the form of

small pieces . The compressive force applied to form the chip is called cutting


8. What is chip reduction co-efficient ?

The reciprocal of chip thickness ratio is called chip reduction co-

efficient. K=1/r

9. What is the function of chip breakers?

The chip breakers are used to break the chips into small pieces for removal,

safety and to prevent both the machine and work damage

10. Define machinability of metal?

Machinability is defined as the ease with which a material can be satisfactorily


11. How tool life is defined?

Tool life is defined as the time elapsed between two consecutive tool

resharpening. During this period the tool serves effectively and efficiently

12. Write Taylor’s tool life equation?

Taylor’s tool life equation, VT =C
Where, V= Cutting speed in m/min.

T= Tool life in minute

C= Constant

N= Index depends upon tool and work.

13. What are the factors affecting tool life?

Cutting speed

Feed and depth of

cut Tool geomentry

Tool material

Cutting fluid

Work material

Rigidity of work, tool and machine

14.What are the four important characteristics of materials used for cutting


Hot hardness

Wear resistance

High thermal conductivity

Resistance to thermal shock

Easy to grind and sharpen .

Low mechanical and chemical affinity for the work material

15. Name the various cutting tool materials.

Carbon tool steel

High speed steel


carbides Ceramics

16. What are the functions of cutting fluids?

It is used to cool the cutting tool and work piece.

It lubricates the cutting tool and thus reduces the co-efficient of friction

between tool and work.

It improves the surface finish as stated earlier.

It causes the chips to break up into small parts.

It protects the finished surface from corrosion.

It washes away the chips from the tool. It prevents the tool from

fouling. It prevents corrosion of work and machine

17. What are the factors responsible for built-up edge in cutting tools?

During cutting process, the interface temperature and pressure are quite high

and also high friction between tool chip interfaces causes the chip material to

weld itself to the tool face near the nose. This is called built up edge

18. List the essential characteristics of a cutting fluid?

It should have good lubricating properties to reduce frictional forces and to

decrease the power consumption.

High heat absorbing capacity.

It should have a high specific heat, high heat conductivity and high film co-


High flash point.

It should be odorless

It should be non –corrosive to work and tool.
19. What are the causes of wear?

The tool is subjected to three important factors such as force,

temperature and sliding action due tool.

20. Briefly, differentiate between orthogonal cutting and oblique cutting?

Sl. Orthogonal cutting Oblique cutting

1. The cutting edge of the tool is The cutting edge is inclined at an acute
perpendicular to the cutting velocity angle with the normal to the cutting
vector. velocity vector
2. The chip flows over the tool face and the The chip flows on the tool face making an
direction of chip-flow velocity is normal angel with the normal on the cutting edge.
to the cutting edge.
3. The cutting edge clears the width of the The cutting edge may or may not clear the
work piece on either ends.(i.e No side width of the work piece.
4. The maximum chip thickness occurs at its The maximum chip thickness may not
middle. occur at the middle.
21. Give two examples for orthogonal cutting.

Turning, facing, thread cutting and parting off



1. Explain orthogonal cutting and oblique cutting with its neat sketches and compare?

Orthogonal metal cutting Oblique metal cutting

Cutting edge of the tool is

perpendicular to the direction The cutting edge is inclined
of tool travel. at an angle less than 90 to
the direction of tool travel.

The direction of chip flow is

perpendicular to the cutting The chip flows on the tool
edge. face making an angle.

The chip coils in a tight flat

The chip flows side ways
in a long curl.

For same feed and depth of

cut the force which shears
The cutting force acts on
the metal acts on smaller
larger area and so tool life
areas. So the life of the tool
is more.
is less.
Produces sharp corners.
Produces a chamfer at the

end of the cut

For the same depth of cut

Smaller length of cutting greater length of cutting
edge is in contact with the edge is in contact with the
work. work.

Generally parting off in This method of cutting is

lathe, broaching and slotting used in almost all
operations are done in this machining operations.
2. What is the tool life equation and state the factor affecting the tool life?

Tool life

Tool wear is a time dependent process. As cutting proceeds, the amount of tool wear
increases gradually. But tool wear must not be allowed to go beyond a certain limit in
order to avoid tool failure. The most important wear type from the process point of
view is the flank wear, therefore the parameter which has to be controlled is the width
of flank wear land, VB. This parameter must not exceed an initially set safe limit,
which is about 0.4 mm for carbide cutting tools. The safe limit is referred to as
allowable wear land (wear criterion),

. The cutting time required for the cutting tool to develop a flank wear land of width
is called tool life, T, a fundamental parameter in machining. The general relationship
of VB versus cutting time is shown in the figure (so-called wear curve). Although the
wear curve shown is for flank wear, a similar relationship occurs for other wear
types. The figure shows also how to define the tool life T for a given wear criterion

3. What is machinability? And explain.


Machinability is a term indicating how the work material responds to the cutting
process. In the most general case good machinability means that material is cut with
good surface finish, long tool life, low force and power requirements, and low cost.

Machinability of different materials

Steels Leaded steels: lead acts as a solid lubricant in cutting to improve considerably

Resulphurized steels: sulphur forms inclusions that act as stress raisers in the chip
formation zone thus increasing machinability.

Difficult-to-cut steels: a group of steels of low machinability, such as stainless steels,

high manganese steels, precipitation-hardening steels.

Other metals

Aluminum: easy-to-cut material except for some cast aluminum alloys with silicon
content that may be abrasive.

Cast iron: gray cast iron is generally easy-to-cut material, but some modifications and
alloys are abrasive or very hard and may cause various problems in cutting.
Cooper-based alloys: easy to machine metals. Bronzes are more difficult to machine
than brass.

Selection of cutting conditions

For each machining operation, a proper set of cutting conditions must be selected
during the process planning. Decision must be made about all three elements of
cutting conditions,

Depth of cut


Cutting speed

There are two types of machining operations:

Roughing operations: the primary objective of any roughing operation is to remove as

much as possible material from the work piece for as short as possible machining
time. In roughing operation, quality of machining is of a minor concern.

4. Explain the various tool materials
Cutting tool materials

Carbon Steels

It is the oldest of tool material. The carbon content is 0.6~1.5% with small quantities of silicon,
Chromium, manganese, and vanadium to refine grain size. Maximum hardness is about HRC 62. This
material has low wear resistance and low hot hardness. The use of these materials now is very limited.

High-speed steel (HSS)

First produced in 1900s. They are highly alloyed with vanadium, cobalt, molybdenum, tungsten and
Chromium added to increase hot hardness and wear resistance. Can be hardened to various depths by
appropriate heat treating up to cold hardness in the range of HRC 63-65. The cobalt component give
the material a hot hardness value much greater than carbon steels. The high toughness and good wear
resistance make HSS suitable for all type of cutting tools with complex shapes for relatively low to
medium cutting speeds. The most widely used tool material today for taps, drills, reamers, gear tools,
end cutters, slitting, broaches, etc.

Cemented Carbides

Introduced in the 1930s. These are the most important tool materials today because of their high hot
hardness and wear resistance. The main disadvantage of cemented carbides is their low toughness.
These materials are produced by powder metallurgy methods, sintering grains of tungsten carbide
(WC) in a cobalt (Co) matrix (it provides toughness). There may be other carbides in the mixture, such
as titanium carbide (TiC) and/or tantalum carbide (TaC) in addition to WC.


Ceramic materials are composed primarily of fine-grained, high-purity aluminum oxide (Al2O3),
pressed and sintered with no binder. Two types are available:

White, or cold-pressed ceramics, which consists of only Al2O3 cold pressed into inserts and sintered
at high temperature.

5. Write short notes on surface finish?

Surface finish
The machining processes generate a wide variety of surface textures. Surface texture consists
of the repetitive and/or random deviations from the ideal smooth surface. These deviations are

Roughness: small, finely spaced surface irregularities (micro irregularities)

Waviness: surface irregularities of grater spacing (macro irregularities)

Lay: predominant direction of surface texture

Three main factors make the surface roughness the most important of these parameters:

Fatigue life: the service life of a component under cyclic stress (fatigue life) is much shorter if
the surface roughness is high

Bearing properties: a perfectly smooth surface is not a good bearing because it cannot maintain
a lubricating film.

6. What are the different types of cutting fluids used in machining process?

Cutting fluids

Cutting fluid (coolant) is any liquid or gas that is applied to the chip and/or cutting tool to
improve cutting performance. A very few cutting operations are performed dry, i.e., without
the application of cutting fluids. Generally, it is essential that cutting fluids be applied to all
machining operations.

Cutting fluids serve three principle functions:

To remove heat in cutting: the effective cooling action of the cutting fluid depends on the
method of application, type of the cutting fluid, the fluid flow rate and pressure. The most
effective cooling is provided by mist application combined with flooding. Application of fluids
to the tool flank, especially under pressure, ensures better cooling that typical application to the
chip but is less convenient.

7. Write short notes tool wear?

Tool wear
The life of a cutting tool can be terminated by a number of means, although they fall broadly into
two main categories:
Gradual wearing of certain regions of the face and flank of the cutting tool, and abrupt tool
failure. Considering the more desirable case the life of a cutting tool is therefore determined
by the amount of wear that has occurred on the tool profile and which reduces the efficiency of
cutting to an unacceptable level, or eventually causes tool failure.

Gradual wear occurs at three principal locations on a cutting tool. Accordingly, three main
types of tool wear can be distinguished,

1. Crater wear

2. Flank wear

3. Corner wear

Crater wear: consists of a concave section on the tool face formed by the action of the chip sliding on
the surface. Crater wear affects the mechanics of the process increasing the actual rake angle of the
cutting tool and consequently, making cutting easier. At the same time, the crater wear weakens the
tool wedge and increases the possibility for tool breakage. In general, crater wear is of a relatively
small concern.

Flank wear: occurs on the tool flank as a result of friction between the machined surface of the
workpiece and the tool flank. Flank wear appears in the form of so-called wear land and is measured
by the width of this wear land, VB, Flank wear affects to the great extend the mechanics of cutting.
Cutting forces increase significantly with flank wear. If the amount of flank wear exceeds some
critical value (VB > 0.5~0.6 mm), the excessive cutting force may cause tool failure.

Corner wear: occurs on the tool corner. Can be considered as a part of the wear land and respectively
flank wear since there is no distinguished boundary between the corner wear and flank wear land. We
consider corner wear as a separate wear type because of its importance for the precision of machining.
Corner wear actually shortens the cutting tool thus increasing gradually the dimension of machined
surface and introducing a significant dimensional error in machining, which can reach values of about
0.03~0.05 mm.

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