Extra Project Ideas
Extra Project Ideas
Extra Project Ideas
Unit 1 Myths and legends from our region Unit 2 The planets in the solar system
Note: Ideally this should be a joint project with the Literature Note: Ideally this should be a joint project with the Physics
teacher. teacher.
For this project, pupils work in pairs or small groups to find out
For this project, pupils work in pairs or small groups to find out about one of the planets in the solar system. They produce a
about myths and legends from their region or country. They focus poster or 3D model of their planet which they display as they
their research either on one myth or legend which has different make their class presentation.
versions, or on one character who appears in different myths or
legends. They present their findings on a poster and then use this Tell pupils what the focus of the project is (one of the planets in
to make an oral presentation to the class. the solar system). Write the steps of the project on the board
for pupils to copy into their notebooks:
Tell pupils what the focus of the project is (researching myths and
legends from their country / region). Brainstorm myths and legends Step 1: Make eight groups (one for each planet). Your teacher
from the country / region with the class. If necessary, add others will give you the name of the planet you are going to research.
to make sure the list is comprehensive. Include at least one myth Step 2: Plan the steps of your project as a group (what to do
or legend which has different versions and one character who runs first, what next, etc.). Think about how you want to display the
through more than one myth or legend. Write the steps of the information: as a poster or a 3D model.
project on the board for pupils to copy into their notebooks: Step 3: Research your planet, finding out as much information as you
can about it. Make notes about what you find out.
Step 1: Make pairs / small groups. Step 4: Share the information and decide what to include in / leave
Step 2: Research the myths and legends from your region using the out from the final presentation. Decide if you are going to make a
reference materials and choose EITHER one myth or one legend which 3D model or a poster. Divide up the tasks.
has different versions OR one character who appears in different myths Step 5: Each person gets on with their task(s). Those who are writing
or legends. swap their texts with each other to check content and grammar.
Step 3: Decide which stories you need to research / re-read and divide Step 6: Make final preparations of the poster or the 3D model. Then
the research and reading amongst the group. Each person reads and prepare the oral presentation, making sure everyone in the group
makes notes. takes a turn talking to the class. Make notes to help you with the
Step 4: Share what you have found out and decide what to include in the presentation.
final poster / presentation. Decide who is going to write what. Step 7: Present your project to the class.
Step 5: Each person writes their information for the poster. This could
be a summary of a story, a description of the main character, etc. Swap Monitor and guide pupils as they are working, making sure they
texts in your group and check for content and grammar. all keep on task, don’t take too long on any one step and don’t
Step 6: As a group, prepare the poster. Then prepare the oral try to be too ambitious, especially with any 3D models. Help
presentation, making sure everyone in the group takes a turn talking to pupils with their drafts. Provide models for texts on the board
the class. Make notes to help you with the presentation. or on paper as appropriate. Encourage pupils to swap their
Step 7: Present your project to the class. work for peer correction at Step 5.
Each group should have time to make their presentation to
Remind pupils that they need to keep the project focused and the rest of the class. Leave the posters / models on display in
quite small in scope. They can’t include too many myths and the classroom. If possible, display them around the school for
legends. Ideally they should focus on something they / the class other pupils, teachers and parents to see.
don’t already know. Monitor and guide pupils as they are working,
making sure they all keep on task, don’t take too long on any If appropriate, groups write up their projects for the class ezine.
one step and don’t try to be too ambitious. Help pupils with
their drafts. Provide models for texts on the board or on paper
as appropriate. Encourage pupils to swap their work for peer
correction at Step 5.
Each group should have time to make their presentation to
the rest of the class. Leave the posters on display in the classroom.
If possible, display them around the school for other pupils,
teachers and parents to see.
Monitor and guide pupils as they are working, making sure they Prepare the lesson carefully, making sure that you have the food
all keep on task, don’t take too long on any one step and don’t items ready, that you have talked through the project with the
try to be too ambitious. Remind them of useful language to Science teacher and that you take time with Step 3. Monitor
describe their paintings. Help pupils with their drafts. Provide and supervise pupils as they are working, making sure they all
models for texts on the board or on paper as appropriate. keep on task and don’t get too excited (or disgusted). Help
Encourage pupils to swap their work for peer correction at pupils with their draft reports. Provide a model on the board or
Step 5. on paper as appropriate. Encourage pupils to check their work
Each group should have time to make their presentation to carefully at Step 5.
the rest of the class. Leave the paintings / texts on display in the There is no formal project presentation to the rest of the
classroom. If possible, display them around the school for other class. Instead, pupils discuss their experiences of doing the
pupils, teachers and parents to see. project and of using microscopes as a class.
If appropriate, groups write up their projects for the class ezine. If appropriate, groups write up their projects for the class ezine.