Nitoseal 290: Constructive Solutions
Nitoseal 290: Constructive Solutions
Nitoseal 290: Constructive Solutions
In the case of sawn cable grooves with no movement the Joint preparation
cable should be totally sealed and encapsulated within the
Nitoseal 290 to the top of the groove. Concrete and asphalt
Where movement is anticipated in the sawn joint, cables After cutting the required groove, all laitance or slurry from
should be laid free at the base of the saw cut. An oversized the water lubricated saw blade must be completely blown
closed-cell foamed polyethylene cord should be located out whilst wet using oil-free compressed air. Flush grooves
above the cables acting as a bond breaker and gasket with with clean water prior to blowing if required. It is not
the upper joint then sealed using Nitoseal 290. necessary to completely dry the groove. Any slurry that
The same details should apply to movement joints around has been allowed to dry, or powdered dust from dry cutting
airfield lights using an oversized closed-cell foamed operations should be power wire brushed or abrasive
polyethylene cord as a bond breaker and gasket with the blasted from the groove, followed by blowing with oil free
upper joint then sealed using Nitoseal 290. compressed air. This also applies to concrete or asphalt
faces around lighting units that have been formed
previously using a water lubricated diamond coring tool.
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Nitoseal 290
Steel Technical support
If bare metal, the joint faces around lighting units or posts Fosroc offers a comprehensive range of high performance,
should be abrasive blasted to remove all traces of corrosion. high quality repair, maintenance and construction
If aluminium, alloy or coated metals are to be sealed, the products. In addition, Fosroc offers a technical support
surfaces should be degreased using Fosroc Solvent 102* package to specifiers, end-users and contractors, as well
and allowed to dry for 5 minutes before sealing. as on-site technical assistance in locations all over the
The correct width/depth profile may be achieved by the
installation of a foam backing cord. Alternatively, sand may
Typical Joint Details
be used to encapsulate loop wire whilst acting as a bond
breaker for the joint sealant.
Groove sealing
Important note:
Fosroc products are guaranteed against defective materials and manufacture and are sold subject to its standard Conditions
for the Supply of Goods and Services, copies of which may be obtained on request. Whilst Fosroc endeavours to ensure that
any advice, recommendation, specification of information it may give is accurate and correct, it cannot, because it has no direct
or continuous control over where or how its products are applied, accept any liability either directly or indirectly arising from the
use of its products, whether or not in accordance with any advice, specification, recommendation of information given by it. Khamis Mushayt Tel: (07) 250 0469 Fax: (07) 250 0469 CSD Tel: (02) 608 0999 Fax: (02) 638 0693
Registered Office: Industrial Area, Phase 4, Road No. 414, Street No. 407
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