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NCP Proper - Obstructive Jaundice

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NURSING CARE PLAN: Impaired Gas Exchange related to decreased Oxygen carrying capacity of blood

MEDICAL DIAGNOSIS: Obstructive jaundice, etiology to be determined; to be confirmed, cholecystic carcinoma

Diagnosis & Explanation of Actual
Goals and Objectives Interventions Rationale Evaluation Criteria
Assessment Data The Problem Criteria
Nursing Diagnosis: Biliary Goal: Patient maintains optimal STO:
obstruction of gas exchange 1. Assess respiratory rate, 1. Rapid and shallow Goal met with the following
Impaired Gas Exchange related to
depth, and effort, including breathing patterns and criteria if:
decreased Oxygen carrying the essential
use of accessory muscles, hypoventilation affect gas After 8 hours of nursing
flow of bile to STO:
capacity of blood nasal flaring, and abnormal exchange. Increased intervention the patient will
the intestines After 8 hours of nursing be able to:
breathing patterns of the respiratory rate, use of
result to increase intervention the patient will be patient with obstructive accessory muscles, nasal
intrabiliary able to: 1. Verbalize understanding
jaundice. flaring, abdominal of causative factors and
Subjective Cues pressure causes breathing, and a look of appropriate intervention.
“Nahihirapan din siya huminga” intrahepatic bile 1. Verbalize understanding panic in the patient’s eyes
2. Participate in treatment
As verbalized by live-in partner. ducts to of causative factors and may be seen with hypoxia. regimen(e.g, breathing
progressively appropriate exercises, effective
dilate from bile intervention. coughing, use of oxygen)
Objective Cues within level of
engorgement. 2. Participate in treatment 2. Assess the lungs for areas of 2. Any irregularity of breath ability/situation
>episodes of DOB regimen(e.g, breathing decreased ventilation and sounds may disclose the
>Shallowness of breath auscultate presence of cause of impaired gas
This leads to exercises, effective Goal partially met if:
adventitious sounds as the exchange. Presence of
>tachypneic damage to cell coughing, use of After 8 hours of nursing
client may develop crackles and wheezes may intervention the patient will
>clubbed thumbnails wall surrounding, oxygen) within level of pneumonia during hospital alert the nurse to an airway be able to:
damaging the ability/situation. stay. obstruction, which may
VITAL SIGNS (4/20/18) liver (organ with lead to or exacerbate 1. Verbalize understanding
the principle LTO: existing hypoxia. of causative factors and
Vital Value N appropriate intervention
function of iron After 72 hours of nursing Diminished breath sounds
sign are linked with poor
homeostasis). intervention the patient will be Goal not met if:
RR 23 cpm 12-20 able to: ventilation.
SpO2 90% 95-100 Without After 8 hours of nursing
Temp 37.5C 36.5- enough iron, the 1. Demonstrate improved intervention the patient was
3. Monitor patient’s behavior 3. Changes in behavior and NOT be able to:
37.5 body’s red blood ventilation and and mental status for onset mental status can be early
PR 87 bpm 60-100 cells cannot carry adequate oxygenation of restlessness, signs of impaired gas 1. Verbalize understanding
BP 120/80 <120/80 oxygen. of tissues by Hgb’s agitation, confusion, and (in exchange. Cognitive of causative factors and
within client’s normal the late stages) extreme changes may occur with appropriate intervention.
2. Participate in treatment
ABG (04/09/18) limits lethargy in the patient with chronic hypoxia.
regimen(e.g, breathing
obstructive jaundice. exercises, effective
pH 7.56 7.35-7.45
coughing, use of oxygen)
PaO2 78% 80%-100% Source: 4. Monitor for signs and 4. Collapse of alveoli within level of
PaCO2 53 35-45 Smeltzer, S. C. O., symptoms of atelectasis: increases shunting ability/situation
HCO3 38 22-26 Hinkle, J. L. ., bronchial or tubular breath (perfusion without
Cheever, K. H. ., sounds, crackles, diminished
Partially compensated metabolic & Bare, B. G.. chest excursion, ventilation), resulting in
(2010). Brunner limited diaphragmexcursion, hypoxemia. LTO:
alkalosis; moderately hypoxic
& Suddarth's and tracheal shift to
textbook of affected side.
CBC (04/09/18) Goal met with the following
Hgb 109 140-180 medical-surgical criteria if:
5. Observe for signs and 5. Increased dead space and
Hct 0.31 0.40 – 0.54 nursing (12th symptoms of pulmonary reflex bronchoconstriction After 72 hours of nursing
ed.).Preoperative infarction: bronchial breath in areas adjacent to the intervention the patient will
Nursing be able to:
sounds, infarct result to hypoxia
Management consolidation, cough, fever, (ventilation without 1. Demonstrate improved
(pp. 399-414) hemoptysis, pleural perfusion). ventilation and adequate
Philadelphia: effusion, pleuritic pain, and oxygenation of tissues by
Wolters Kluwer pleural friction rub. Hgb’s within client’s
Health/Lippincott normal limits
Williams & 6. Monitor for alteration in BP 6. BP, HR, and respiratory
and HR. rate all increase with initial Goal partially met if:
hypoxia and hypercapnia.
However, when both After 72 hours of nursing
intervention the patient will
conditions become severe,
be able to:
BP and HR decrease, and
dysrhythmias may occur. 1. Demonstrate improved
ventilation and adequate
oxygenation of tissues by
7. Observe for nail beds, Hgb’s however not
cyanosis in skin; especially 7. Central cyanosis of tongue within client’s normal
note color of tongue and and oral mucosa is limits
oral mucous membranes. indicative of serious
hypoxia and is a medical Goal not met if:
emergency. Peripheral
cyanosis in extremities may After 72 hours of nursing
or may not be serious intervention the patient will
be able to:
8. Assess for headaches, 8. These are signs of
dizziness, lethargy, reduced hypercapnia. 1. Demonstrate unchanged
and unimproved
ability to follow instructions,
ventilation and
disorientation, and coma. inadequate oxygenation
of tissues by Hgb’s.
2. Experience pulmonary
9. Monitor oxygen saturation 9. Pulse oximetry is a useful complications such as
continuously, using pulse tool to detect changes in pneumonia
oximeter. oxygenation. An oxygen
saturation of <90%
(normal: 95% to 100%) or a
partial pressure of oxygen
of <80 (normal: 80 to 100)
indicates significant
oxygenation problems.

10. Note client’s blood gas 10. Increasing PaCO2 and

(ABG) results as available decreasing PaO2are signs of
and note changes. respiratory acidosis and
hypoxemia. As the
patient’s condition
deteriorates, the
respiratory rate will
decrease and PaCO2 will
begin to increase. Some
patients, such as those
with obstructive juandice,
have a significant decrease
in pulmonary reserves, and
physiological stress may
result in acute respiratory

11. Monitor the effects of 11. Putting the most

position changes on compromised lung areas in
oxygenation (ABGs, venous the dependent position
oxygen saturation [SvO2], (where perfusion is
and pulse oximetry. greatest) potentiates
ventilation and perfusion

12. Consider the patient’s 12. Certain conditions affect

nutritional status. lung expansion.
Obstructive jaundice may
restrict downward
movement of
the diaphragm, increasing
the risk for atelectasis,
hypoventilation, and
respiratory infections.
Labored breathing is
present in severe obesity
as a result of excessive
weight of the chest wall.
Malnutrition may also
reduce respiratory mass
and strength,
affecting muscle function.

13. Check on Hgb levels. 13. Low levels reduce the

uptake of oxygen at the
membrane and
oxygen delivery to the

14. Monitor chest x-ray reports. 14. Chest x-ray studies reveal
the etiological factors of
the impaired gas exchange.

15. Assess the patient’s ability 15. Retained secretions

to cough out secretions. weaken gas exchange.
Take note of the quantity,
color, and consistency of
the sputum.

16. Position patient with head 16. Upright position or semi-

of bed elevated, in a semi- Fowler’s position allows
Fowler’s position (head of increased thoracic
bed at 45 degrees capacity, full descent
when supine) as tolerated. of diaphragm, and
increased lung expansion
preventing the abdominal
contents from crowding.

17. Regularly check the 17. Slumped positioning causes

patient’s position so that he the abdomen to compress
or she does not slump down the diaphragmand limits
in bed. full lung expansion.

18. If patient has unilateral lung 18. Gravity and hydrostatic

disease, position the patient pressure cause the
properly to promote dependent lung to become
ventilation-perfusion. better ventilated and
perfused, which increases
oxygenation. When the
patient is positioned on the
side, the good side should
be down (e.g., lung with
pulmonary embolus or
atelectasis should be up).
However, when conditions
like lung hemorrhage and
abscess is present, the
affected lung should be
placed downward to
prevent drainage to the
healthy lung.
19. Turn the patient every 2 19. Turning is important to
hours. Monitor mixed prevent complications of
venous oxygen saturation immobility, but in critically
closely after turning. If it ill patients with
drops below 10% or fails to low hemoglobin levels
return to baseline promptly, or decreased cardiac
turn the patient back into output, turning on either
a supineposition and side can result in
evaluate oxygen status. desaturation.

20. Encourage or assist with 20. Ambulation facilitates lung

ambulation as per expansion, secretion
physician’s order. clearance, and stimulates
deep breathing.

21. Consider positioning the 21. Partial pressure of arterial

patient pronewith upper oxygen has been shown to
thorax and pelvis increase in
supported, allowing the the proneposition, possibly
abdomen to protrude. because of greater
Monitor oxygen saturation, contraction of
and turn back if the diaphragm and
desaturation occurs. Do not increased function of
put in prone position if ventral lung regions. Prone
patient has multisystem positioning improves
trauma. hypoxemia significantly.

22. If the patient is permitted to 22. More oxygen will be

eat, provide oxygen to the consumed during the
patient but in a different activity. The original
manner (changing from oxygen delivery system
mask to a nasal cannula). should be returned
immediately after every
23. When patient is able to be 23. These measures may
ambulatory, provide improve exercise tolerance
extension tubing or a by maintaining adequate
portable oxygen apparatus oxygen levels during

24. Help patient deep breath 24. This technique can help
and perform controlled increase sputum clearance
coughing. Have patient and decrease cough
inhale deeply, hold breath spasms. Controlled
for several seconds, and coughing uses the
cough two to three times diaphragmatic muscles,
with mouth open while making the cough more
tightening the upper forceful and effective.
abdominal muscles as

25. Encourage slow deep 25. These technique promotes

breathing using an deep inspiration, which
incentive spirometer as increases oxygenation and
indicated. prevents atelectasis.

26. For postoperative patients, 26. Splinting optimizes deep

assist with splinting the breathing and coughing
chest. efforts.

27. Provide reassurance and 27. Anxiety increases dyspnea,

reduce anxiety. respiratory rate, and work
of breathing.

28. Pace activities and schedule 28. Activities will increase

rest periods to oxygen consumption and
prevent fatigue. Assist with should be planned so the
ADLs. patient does not become

29. Administer medications as 29. The type depends on the

prescribed. etiological factors of the
problem (e.g., antibioticsfor
pneumonia, bronchodilators
for COPD, anticoagulants
and thrombolytics for
pulmonary embolus,
analgesics for thoracic pain).

30. Monitor the effects of 30. Both analgesics and

sedation and analgesics on medications that cause
patient’s respiratory sedation can depress
pattern; use judiciously. respiration at times.
However, these medications
can be very helpful for
decreasing the sympathetic
nervous system discharge
that accompanies hypoxia.

31. Consider the need for 31. Early intubation and

intubation and mechanical mechanical ventilation are
ventilation. recommended to prevent
full decompensation of the
patient. Mechanical
ventilation provides
supportive care to maintain
adequate oxygenation and

32. Schedule nursing care to 32. The hypoxic patient has

provide rest and limited reserves;
minimize fatigue. inappropriate activity can
increase hypoxia.

33. Assess the home 33. Irritants in the environment

environment for irritants decrease the patient’s
that impair gas exchange. effectiveness in accessing
Help the patient to adjust oxygen during breathing.
home environment as
necessary (e.g., installing air
filter to decrease presence
of dust).

34. Instruct patient to limit 34. This is to reduce the

exposure to persons with potential spread of droplets
respiratory infections. between patients.

35. Instruct family in 35. Knowledge of the family

complications of disease about the disease is very
and importance of
maintaining medical important to prevent
regimen, including when to further complications.
call physician.
36. Support family of patient 36. Severely compromised
with chronic illness. respiratory functioning
causes fear and anxiety in
patients and their families.
Reassurance from the nurse
can be helpful.

Doenges, M., Moorhouse,

M., & Murr, A. (2009).
Nursing care plans:
Guidelines for
Kozier, B., Erb, G., Berman, individualizing client care
A., Snyder, S. J., Bouchal, D. across the life span (8th
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