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Randazza Arbitration Testimony

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Case 15-01193-abl Doc 144-3 Entered 04/07/17 10:04:43 Page 1 of 239

Arbitration Proceedings ~ Volume II ~ February 10, 2015

***Marc J. Randazza vs. Excelsior Media Corporation***
Page 436

1 A. Yes.

2 Q. Short version: Liberty feels entitled to

3 any extra, so the 75K goes to them.

4 Do you see that?

5 A. I do.

6 Q. That's the new ethical problem that

7 you've developed, correct?

8 A. That's how I communicated it to

9 Mr. Gurvits.

10 Q. Are you trying to say now that that

11 statement to Mr. Gurvits is untrue?

12 A. It's -- in part, it is, because I had a

13 conversation with Mr. Gurvits earlier, and I don't

14 recall precisely when or which date, but I told

15 him that I wanted whatever he paid to go to the

16 company. And for some reason, Oron insisted,

17 according to Val, that the maximum amount of money

18 that would ever go to Liberty would be 600,000.

19 At this point, we were dancing around and

20 getting close to the money being transmitted, and

21 I didn't feel like I should continue to BS Val

22 that it was going to go to me as a settlement or

23 some other way that I could then essentially

24 divert it to Liberty.

25 Q. So --

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***Marc J. Randazza vs. Excelsior Media Corporation***
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1 A. I was -- I was confessing to him that the

2 75 has to go to them.

3 Q. So Val, up to this point, believed that

4 he -- the $75,000 was going to you; is that what

5 you are saying?

6 A. I was leading him to believe that. I

7 don't know if he actually believed me or not.

8 Q. Now, Mr. Gurvits responds and he says,

9 Liberty has another problem. It's past Monday.

10 That ship has sailed.

11 Do you see that?

12 A. I do.

13 Q. Mr. Gurvits had previously expressed to

14 you that the settlement offer was only good if it

15 was executed by both parties by August 13th,

16 correct?

17 A. His proposed settlement agreement, yes.

18 That was his stated position at the time.

19 Q. Now, it's your contention in this

20 arbitration that by early August 2012, even before

21 the August 13th meeting when you gave Jason the

22 Oron settlement with the bribe in it, that your

23 relationship with Jason was really bad?

24 A. Yes. I would say it was quite bad by

25 then.

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1 Q. Can you please turn to Exhibit 365?

2 A. I can. I'm there.

3 Q. I'm just going to ask you, Mr. Randazza,

4 about the first e-mail on this page. It's from

5 you to Mr. Gibson on Sunday, August 5th, 2012.

6 A. Yes.

7 Q. You say to Mr. Gibson, Also, I am sorry

8 that I have not provided you with such up-to-date

9 information on what is going on lately. As I have

10 been in the "heat of battle."

11 Do you see that?

12 A. Yes.

13 Q. And then in the last paragraph of your

14 e-mail, you say, Over the next few days, I will be

15 in complete "war mode," but I will still endeavor

16 to keep you better informed about what's going on.

17 Do you see that?

18 A. I do.

19 Q. So it appears that early August, you were

20 very busy with handling the day-to-day of the Oron

21 litigation; is that true?

22 A. That among other things for the company,

23 yes.

24 Q. Can you please go to Exhibit 331?

25 A. Okay. I'm there.

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***Marc J. Randazza vs. Excelsior Media Corporation***
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1 Q. And I want to ask you first about

2 three-quarters of the way down on the first page

3 of Exhibit 331, which is EMC466.

4 A. Okay. I'm there.

5 Q. So August 7th, in the evening, you text

6 Jason, and you ask him to have dinner, correct?

7 A. Yep.

8 Q. And then Jason responds, he tells you

9 he's at the hair salon, correct?

10 A. Yes.

11 Q. You respond, When you are done, if you

12 want to get some dinner, I'm stag tonight. Don't

13 forget Sunday is Antonio's birthday party, and you

14 are invited.

15 Do you see that?

16 A. Yes.

17 Q. So August 7th, you invite Mr. Gibson to

18 dinner, and you also remind him that he's invited

19 to your son's birthday party that weekend,

20 correct?

21 A. Yes.

22 Q. If you would turn to the next page,

23 EMC467.

24 A. Yes.

25 Q. On August 8th, Mr. Gibson texted you and

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1 said he will be there with JD and Cody. He also

2 says, I'd like you and Erika, if her back allows

3 it, to join us on the lake tomorrow afternoon,

4 since the hearing has been rendered moot.

5 And you respond, I would love to be

6 there. If it is required that I stick around here

7 to get you your Oron money, though, but I bet I

8 can do it on my phone.

9 And Jason responds, There is excellent

10 signal out over the lake. And you respond, Great?

11 Do you see that?

12 A. Yes.

13 Q. So that's the part where Jason invited

14 you out to the houseboat outing on August -- that

15 happened on August 9th, 2012, correct?

16 A. Yes.

17 Q. Going down a little bit further, also on

18 August 8th, there is a text from Jason at 6:36

19 where he says, Would you prefer Rhythm Kitchen

20 instead? And you respond, No difference to me. I

21 like both. But off the Strip is sort of our

22 neighborhood joint. Let's support them. Jason

23 says, Okay. And he says, We are here.

24 Do you recall that you had dinner on

25 August 8th with Mr. Gibson?

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1 A. I don't deny it, but I have no specific

2 recollection of it.

3 Q. And at 6:54 you say, On my way, on the

4 next page, which is EMC468.

5 Do you see that?

6 A. Yes.

7 Q. And then at 8:21 p.m., you text Jason and

8 say, What's the code? And going to change.

9 Do you see that?

10 A. Uh-huh, yes.

11 Q. And then Jason responds, and he says,

12 Garage door is open. I don't know gate code.

13 Do you recall that after having dinner on

14 August 8th, you went to Jason's home?

15 A. Again, I have no specific recollection of

16 that, but I don't deny that I did.

17 Q. And you respond, and you say, Okay, I'll

18 get it. Am I on your permanent list? Jason says,

19 Yeah, I re-added you, with a winky face.

20 Do you see that?

21 MR. WHITE: I'm sorry. What page are you

22 reading from, Ms. Krincek?

23 MS. KRINCEK: 468.

24 MR. WHITE: Thank you very much.

25 ///

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2 Q. On August 9th, further down on the page,

3 you texted Jason, and you said, Sorry I forgot to

4 close your garage door last night. I was wicked

5 high.

6 Do you see that?

7 A. Yes.

8 Q. And Jason responds, I figured as much.

9 And this is August 9th. Again he says, I need to

10 put my gun in your car while we are on the boat,

11 if that's okay. You say, Of course.

12 And that's -- he stored his gun in your

13 boat (sic) while the houseboat outing on Lake Mead

14 was happening, correct?

15 A. He stored his gun in my car.

16 Q. I'm sorry. In your car.

17 Later on August 9th, you text Jason, you

18 say, Guess what, Oron is fucking around again.

19 And then you texted him, I'm glad that I did not

20 slack off on the motion for fees or the execution

21 of judgment. These fucking Russian pieces of

22 shit, correct?

23 A. Yes.

24 Q. Then you text Jason, you said, We should

25 have killed them all during the Cold War.

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1 If you move on to the next page, 469.

2 A. Yep.

3 Q. You say, Now I'm going to destroy them.

4 I'm shopping around for a plaintiff who wants to

5 piggyback on our work in Hong Kong and pay up a

6 little bit for it.

7 And then the next day, August 10th, Jason

8 texts you and asks for the Oron status, correct?

9 A. Yes.

10 Q. And then it looks like you exchange some

11 more texts on August 10th, correct?

12 A. Yep.

13 Q. And then August 11th, Jason texts you and

14 he says, Going to go out on the boat later this

15 morning with JD and Cody. Would you, slash,

16 Natalia care to join us, slash, meet up with us

17 out there? You say -- you texted him back, When

18 are you leaving? And he texts you back and says,

19 Flexible. We can leave in 20 minutes or 60 to

20 90 minutes. You are welcome to meet us out there,

21 too. We can pick you up and drop you off if you

22 need to be back earlier.

23 Do you see that?

24 A. I do.

25 Q. So Jason invited you out on his boat on

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1 Lake Mead on August 11th, you and your daughter,

2 and offered to drive you out there, correct?

3 A. I -- yes.

4 Q. Do you recall that you joined Jason and

5 his friends on Jason's boat on Lake Mead on

6 August 11th?

7 A. I do.

8 Q. If you will turn to the next page, 470,

9 we're still on August 11th, about three-quarters

10 of the way down, at 6:09 you text Jason after the

11 boat outing, you say, Thank you. We had a great

12 time. Jason texted you back saying, It was cute

13 seeing Natalia drive the boat.

14 Do you see that?

15 A. Yes.

16 Q. Did Natalia get a chance to drive the

17 boat when you guys were out on Lake Mead that day?

18 A. Yes.

19 Q. If you flip over to August -- or, I'm

20 sorry, to EMC471.

21 A. 471, yep.

22 Q. Over the course of the day on

23 August 12th, you and Jason exchange several texts

24 during that day, correct?

25 A. Correct.

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***Marc J. Randazza vs. Excelsior Media Corporation***
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1 Q. Anything hostile about the e-mails that

2 you and Jason exchange that day?

3 A. No.

4 Q. Can you turn to Exhibit 337, please?

5 A. I'm there.

6 Q. The first page of Exhibit 337, which is

7 Bates stamped EMC793, that's a photograph of you

8 and your kids taken while you were out on the boat

9 with Jason on August 11th, 2012, correct?

10 A. Correct.

11 Q. And Page 2 of that exhibit, which is

12 Bates stamped EMC774, that's a photograph of you

13 from the houseboat party on Lake Mead that

14 Mr. Gibson was also at on August 9th, 2012,

15 correct?

16 A. I believe it is. I believe it is, yes.

17 Q. And do you recall that Jason attended

18 your son's birthday party on August 12th?

19 A. He did stop by, yes.

20 Q. If I could have you go back to the text

21 exchanges with Jason, which are Exhibit 331,

22 please.

23 A. Okay.

24 Q. If you'll go to page EMC472.

25 A. Okay.

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1 Q. About a third of the way down on the

2 right, Jason has a text to you on August 12th,

3 2012, at 8:23, and then the next e-mail -- or the

4 next text is from you to Jason on August 14th.

5 Do you see that?

6 A. Yes.

7 Q. So there's no text exchanges between you

8 and Jason on August 13th, correct?

9 A. Not on this printout, no.

10 Q. You said on this printout. Are you aware

11 of other text exchanges on a different printout?

12 A. I just don't know if there -- you know,

13 if -- it would seem strange that a whole day would

14 go by that we wouldn't text message with each

15 other, so I don't know if any are -- have been

16 deleted before this was printed out.

17 Q. Well, you had presented Mr. Gibson on

18 August 13th with the version of the Oron

19 settlement agreement that had a $75,000 bribe in

20 it, correct?

21 A. I don't agree with your characterization,

22 but I understand what you are saying.

23 Q. So August 14th, you text Jason, you say,

24 Ugh, Antonio has it, too, 103 temp. And Jason

25 responds, That sucks.

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1 Do you see that?

2 A. Yeah, that's what leads me to believe

3 there is something -- there may have been some

4 communications there that aren't there anymore,

5 because what am I saying, Antonio has it, too.

6 But I don't recall anything here.

7 Q. And on August 14th, you also text Jason,

8 you say, He just went into tremors. Jennifer is

9 soaking him in cold water prior to taking him to

10 ER. And there is no responsive text from

11 Mr. Gibson to that, correct?

12 A. Not on this printout, no.

13 Q. August 15th, you text Jason, and you say,

14 Lamb chops and filet mignon on the grill. You and

15 Cody like to join us?

16 Do you see that?

17 A. Yes.

18 Q. So on August 15th, you invited Mr. Gibson

19 to dinner, and he did not respond. There is no

20 responsive text, correct?

21 A. Again, it appears to me that there are

22 messages that have been deleted.

23 Q. Well, do you have them?

24 A. I don't.

25 Q. So what are you basing -- have you seen

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***Marc J. Randazza vs. Excelsior Media Corporation***
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1 any of these possibly missing texts? Do you know

2 where we could find them?

3 A. No. Jason would have them. I didn't

4 regularly maintain my texts with Jason because he

5 told me not to.

6 Q. And you -- you turned over your iPhone

7 for forensic examination in this case, correct?

8 A. I did.

9 Q. And the forensic examiner downloaded all

10 the text messages and even jail broke it so he

11 could recover some of the deleted text messages;

12 is that your understanding?

13 A. I guess so, yes.

14 Q. And have you seen any texts in there from

15 that examination?

16 A. I haven't reviewed that.

17 Q. August 16th, you text Jason and say,

18 Breakfast, question mark.

19 Do you see that?

20 A. Yes.

21 Q. And Jason responds, he says, I already

22 ate. Thanks.

23 A. Yes.

24 Q. And later on August 16th, you text Jason,

25 you say, Speed trap on Valley View. If you're

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1 still at home.

2 And there's no responsive text to that,

3 correct?

4 A. Not here, no.

5 Q. Later on August 16th, you text Jason, and

6 you say, You have five minutes? And Jason

7 responds, I do not. And then he responds, Hence

8 the do not disturb sign on my door.

9 Do you see that?

10 A. I do.

11 Q. There is a noticeable change in the tenor

12 of your text exchanges between yourself and

13 Mr. Gibson after August 13th; wouldn't you agree?

14 A. He does appear to be less responsive.

15 Q. And the issue that you and Jason are

16 having at this time is that he is upset about the

17 $75,000 payment, correct?

18 A. I don't believe that.

19 Q. Can you turn to Exhibit 327?

20 A. I see it.

21 Q. This is an e-mail from yourself to

22 Mr. Gibson on August 16th, the same date as those

23 texts we were just looking at.

24 Do you understand that?

25 A. Yes.

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Arbitration Proceedings ~ Volume II ~ February 10, 2015

***Marc J. Randazza vs. Excelsior Media Corporation***
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1 Q. Can you read to me the first sentence of

2 your e-mail communication to Jason that day?

3 A. I know you are chafing about that 75K.

4 Q. Thank you. Can you also read for me the

5 second to the last paragraph of the e-mail that

6 you wrote to Jason on August 16th that starts off,

7 Honestly?

8 A. Honestly, if you thought I'd screw you in

9 any way, do you think that I'd have advised you,

10 the other night, that you were not contractually

11 obligated to give me a raise? Remember that? You

12 told me that you thought that, and I was the one

13 who corrected you? I've made about a million

14 bucks here since you hired me. You think I'd put

15 that at risk for a measly 75K?

16 Q. So you state here to Mr. Gibson that you

17 advised him the other night that you were not

18 contractually obligated to give -- he was not

19 contractually obligated to give you a raise,

20 correct?

21 A. Right. He had an option that he didn't

22 have to do it then, as long as he lived up to

23 other conditions. And I made sure he was aware of

24 that.

25 Q. And how did you make sure he was aware of

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***Marc J. Randazza vs. Excelsior Media Corporation***
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1 that?

2 A. Well, he brought up to me, you know, we

3 were talking about a raise, and he said, Well,

4 aren't I obliged -- I'm obliged to give you one.

5 And I said, Well, technically you are not. There

6 are -- there's an out for you in the contract.

7 And it was something like he had to give me a

8 written reason why not, and then some other --

9 some other conditions, which I can't recall right

10 now, but I'm sure we can go back to the contract

11 and look at them if it's relevant.

12 Q. Do you recall telling Mr. Gibson that he

13 had to execute a written memorandum of

14 understanding in order to not give you a raise?

15 A. I don't recall telling him precisely

16 those words, but I think I did tell him that that

17 was the option.

18 Q. Do you think it is appropriate for you to

19 be providing the company legal advice on its

20 contractual obligations towards you?

21 A. Well, as I understood it at that point,

22 he was getting advice from you, so he had separate

23 counsel.

24 Q. When did your conversation about the

25 raise occur?

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1 A. I don't remember the exact evening.

2 Q. When did you find out that he had legal

3 representation?

4 A. Andrew told me at some point in August.

5 Q. So your testimony right now is that you

6 already knew he had legal representation when you

7 had the conversation about the raise, that's not

8 correct?

9 A. I'm sorry. I don't understand the --

10 Q. You just testified --

11 A. -- question.

12 Q. You just testified that at the point

13 where you had the conversation with Jason about

14 the five percent raise --

15 A. Right.

16 Q. -- that you were aware that the company

17 had legal representation through me?

18 A. I suspected that, yes.

19 Q. You didn't know that for sure?

20 A. I didn't have any proof of that, no.

21 Q. And --

22 A. Andrew had just told me that he was

23 meeting with attorneys.

24 Q. Do you know that text exchange about --

25 with Andrew where he told you that the company was

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1 meeting with attorneys occurred on August 30th,

2 after you resigned your employment?

3 A. Well, he told me that before, while I

4 still worked there, in his office.

5 Q. Okay.

6 A. So I think that was a second meeting that

7 he was talking about.

8 Q. Do you have any documentation showing

9 that Andrew told you prior to August 30th that the

10 company had retained counsel?

11 A. No. He just told me that there had been

12 a number of meetings with attorneys about me.

13 Q. August 17th, do you recall you attended

14 an executive meeting, and you were asked to

15 compile financial documentation from the legal

16 department, correct?

17 A. I remember a meeting in August. I don't

18 remember -- I can't tell you exactly that date,

19 but --

20 Q. And do you recall being asked at that

21 meeting to compile financial documentation from

22 the legal department?

23 A. Yes, I remember being asked, among other

24 things, for a complete list of all of my clients

25 for RLG.

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1 Q. You refused to provide that list of

2 clients?

3 A. I did.

4 Q. You claimed that was confidential and you

5 couldn't disclose it?

6 A. I said that I would disclose the clients

7 that I had represented in matters of public

8 record, but nobody that I hadn't represented in a

9 matter of public record.

10 And, yes, it was my position that the

11 mere fact that they had retained me was

12 confidential.

13 Q. During the company happy hour on

14 August 17th, you backed your car up to the door of

15 the building and took personal belongings out of

16 your office and loaded them into the trunk of your

17 car, correct?

18 A. Yes.

19 Q. And that was on August 17th?

20 A. I think it was before the happy hour,

21 but, yes.

22 Q. You don't deny that on August 17th at the

23 office you said, Fuck this shit, I quit, or

24 something similar to that; do you?

25 A. I do deny that.

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1 Q. Can you go back to Exhibit 331, which is

2 your texts with Mr. Gibson?

3 A. Yes.

4 Q. Can you go to the page Bates stamped

5 EMC473?

6 A. I'm there.

7 Q. August 18th, towards the bottom, at 7:44,

8 you texted Jason.

9 Do you see which text I'm referring to?

10 A. Yes.

11 Q. You say, I want to have a talk about the

12 terms of my departure and what we can do to

13 preserve the friendship, if anything.

14 And that's on August 18th --

15 A. Yep.

16 Q. -- do you see that?

17 A. I do.

18 Q. You then text, It doesn't have to be now.

19 And then you texted, But I don't think it's

20 appropriate or constructive for it to wait until

21 the end of the shoot. That's just going to make

22 it stew, which I don't think helps either of us.

23 Do you see that?

24 A. Yep.

25 Q. You were considering quitting,

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1 correctly -- I'm sorry.

2 You were considering quitting, correct?

3 A. I was considering it, yes.

4 Q. On the next page, EMC474, Jason responds,

5 and he says, Let's talk Monday. That okay? I

6 have two important scenes to film tomorrow and had

7 two today, which went well. In the interim, I

8 would ask that you please quit assuming the worst

9 and give me the benefit of the doubt, as you are

10 expecting of me, and enjoy your weekend. Of

11 course, any future arrangements, should one be

12 necessary, will be completely amicable to both of

13 us. And you respond, Yes, Monday is fine. Let's

14 have a real conversation then. Glad to hear the

15 above, correct?

16 A. Yes.

17 Q. On August 29th, Mr. Randazza, you were

18 able to get PayPal to transfer the $550,000 of

19 Oron's funds into your trust account, which is the

20 settlement from the July 1st settlement agreement,

21 correct?

22 A. Yeah, they finally did that.

23 Q. Can you go to Exhibit 328?

24 A. I am there.

25 THE WITNESS: Before we start this, can I

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1 take a bathroom break?

2 MS. KRINCEK: Sure.


4 recess. Ten minutes.

5 (Whereupon, a recess was taken.)


7 record.

8 Ms. Krincek?


10 Q. Mr. Randazza, prior to taking the break

11 one of the questions I had asked you was whether

12 you deny that on August 16th, 2012, you said, Fuck

13 this shit, I quit.

14 Do you recall that?

15 A. Yes, I recall denying it.

16 Q. You deny it. Can you turn to Page 191 of

17 your deposition transcript?

18 A. Yes.

19 Q. Lines 2 to 8. Question: Do you recall

20 saying, Fuck this shit, I quit once or twice

21 during the course of that evening?

22 Answer: I do not.

23 Question: Do you deny that you said

24 that?

25 Answer: No. I just don't recall saying

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1 exactly those words.

2 Do you see that?

3 A. Uh-huh.

4 Q. Are you changing your testimony today to

5 deny that you said that?

6 A. I still don't recall saying those words,

7 so --

8 Q. But you do deny it today?

9 A. Yes. I can specifically deny saying, I

10 quit.

11 Q. Can you turn to Exhibit 328?

12 A. Yes, I'm there.

13 Q. Exhibit 328, and I want to start at the

14 fourth page, which is EMC179.

15 A. All right. I'm there.

16 Q. The middle e-mail, it appears that you

17 had forwarded to Mr. Gibson some correspondence

18 from the Hong Kong counsel, and Jason e-mailed you

19 and said, Gall says in his letter to S.T. Poon

20 that you have already received the $550,000 in

21 your trust account. I'm happy to read that. We

22 need the settlement money wired into the Liberty

23 account today.

24 A. Yes, I see that here.

25 Q. And then you responded on that page,

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1 EMC179, you said, I can't do that today. The

2 settlement terms have not been fully executed, and

3 until they are, I am personally liable for the

4 money plus $55,000 extra. I'm doing what I can to

5 get it all done, correct?

6 A. Yes.

7 Q. And then on Page 178, Jason responds, and

8 one of the things he asks is, What are the terms

9 that haven't been executed?

10 Do you see that at the bottom of the

11 page?

12 A. Yes.

13 Q. And then in your responsive e-mail, you

14 explain to him about how the money got released,

15 and then you tell him about what's left to be done

16 to execute the terms of the settlement, correct?

17 A. Yes.

18 Q. And in Jason's response to you, which

19 starts on the first page of Exhibit 328, Jason

20 says, Thanks for the update. Two questions need

21 to be answered first: How soon can the HK legal

22 fees be frozen? And how soon can the NV legal

23 fees be frozen?

24 Do you see that?

25 A. Yes.

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1 Q. And he says, From what you have said in

2 the past and considering how desperately the

3 company needs the funds, I see three conditions of

4 the settlement agreement that need to be met ASAP,

5 and then he discusses those three conditions.

6 And then at the bottom of Mr. Gibson's

7 response, he says, This is your priority. How

8 soon can you get items 1, 2 and 3 taken care of

9 and forward the 550K to the company account, with

10 the legal fee amounts in Hong Kong and Nevada

11 frozen?

12 Do you see that?

13 Mr. Gibson has told you that getting the

14 remaining settlement terms executed is your

15 priority?

16 A. He's -- I'm sorry. I might not be

17 reading the same place. Okay. Yeah. At the

18 bottom?

19 Q. Yes.

20 A. He asks, How soon can I get 1, 2, and 3

21 taken care of and forward the 550 to the company

22 account?

23 Q. Right.

24 A. Yes, I see that.

25 Q. He's not -- Mr. Gibson is not demanding

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1 that you wire the $550,000 to the company before

2 the remaining settlement terms are executed, he

3 just wants you to expedite getting the remaining

4 settlement terms executed; is that fair?

5 A. Yes.

6 Q. And Mr. Gibson, in his responsive e-mail,

7 also provided a breakdown of how he thought the

8 $550,000 settlement funds would be distributed,

9 and you take issue with that because that has you

10 getting a bonus based upon the net amount, rather

11 than the gross amount; is that fair?

12 A. Yes, that's -- I think that's a fair

13 assessment.

14 Q. And in response on the first page of 328

15 to Mr. Gibson's e-mail, you respond and you say,

16 I'm not forwarding $550,000.

17 Do you see that?

18 A. Yes, yes.

19 Q. You say, I'm taking out my share, the

20 costs we owe to outside parties, and paying myself

21 back the 25,000 I advanced. Then I'm giving you

22 your net, which is more than you expected.

23 And you provide your own breakdown,

24 correct?

25 A. Correct.

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1 Q. Now, that's not how settlements had

2 worked in the past for the company; is it? In the

3 past, you would remit the settlement amounts to

4 the company, and the company would pay vendors?

5 A. There may have been some sporadic

6 situations when it was done that way, but that

7 would have been unusual, so, no, normally I would

8 put the money into the funds -- into the company's

9 account, and then the company would disburse.

10 Q. Was it normal, Mr. Randazza, for you to

11 withhold your own bonus from a settlement payment?

12 A. It was not.

13 Q. Was it normal for you to take out payment

14 for attorney's fees to your firm?

15 A. No. That was very unusual.

16 Q. Can I have you turn to Exhibit 329?

17 A. I'm there.

18 Q. Can you turn to Page 2, which is Bates

19 stamped EMC186?

20 A. Yes, I'm there.

21 Q. Bottom half of the page, you e-mailed

22 Mr. Gibson, copied Henry Leonard and Brian

23 Lowderman on this e-mail, correct?

24 A. Correct.

25 Q. You send it at 3:10 p.m.; is that

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1 correct?

2 A. That's correct.

3 Q. And you say to Jason, Given our now

4 openly adversarial relationship, it seems

5 appropriate that I withdraw from representing

6 Liberty in any further matters. There might be a

7 way that I continue to wind down existing matters,

8 but it's going to require a call to discuss it.

9 When are you free?

10 Correct?

11 A. Correct.

12 Q. And your subject line was: My continued

13 representation of the company, correct?

14 A. Yep.

15 Q. Is it your position that this is not your

16 resignation from the company?

17 A. That is my position.

18 Q. Is it your contention that your reference

19 to Liberty, specifically, as opposed to Excelsior

20 is significant in any way?

21 A. Yes.

22 Q. What significance does that have?

23 A. Well, I only filed lawsuits on behalf of

24 Liberty, so I didn't think that I should start any

25 new cases.

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1 Q. You would -- you testified at the start

2 of your direct testimony that the vast majority of

3 your work was for Liberty Media, correct?

4 A. Yes, yes. So I didn't want to start any

5 new litigation.

6 Q. Well, you don't just say litigation, you

7 say, Any further matters; is that correct?

8 A. Yeah. This was a very quick e-mail

9 whipped off from my iPhone. It wasn't exactly

10 spelling out a contract.

11 Q. Can you turn to Exhibit 306, please?

12 A. Sure.

13 Q. Exhibit 306 is the sworn declaration to

14 the arbitrator that you submitted from March 2013

15 when you were arguing to the arbitrator that

16 Excelsior, Liberty, and Mr. Gibson were all alter

17 egos of each other.

18 Can you please turn to Page 7?

19 A. I'm there.

20 Q. Paragraph 25.

21 A. Okay.

22 Q. Can you please read the first two

23 sentences of your declaration?

24 A. Throughout my time at Excelsior, I

25 observed Mr. Gibson giving orders and directing

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1 business on behalf of Excelsior, Liberty, Becar,

2 and HMF. I did not observe any particular

3 attention being paid to the separate identities of

4 those entities when it came to who directed the

5 business of each or how money moved among them.

6 Mr. Gibson gave orders --

7 Q. That's fine. I just wanted the first two

8 sentences. Thank you.

9 A. Oh, sorry.

10 Q. Now, the day before you sent the e-mail

11 that we just looked at regarding your continuing

12 representation of the company, you did wipe your

13 company-issued laptop, correct?

14 A. Correct.

15 Q. You wiped your company laptop on

16 August 28th, 2012, at 12:08 p.m.; is that correct?

17 A. Yes. And can I clarify? Because there's

18 been some apparent discussion of this being

19 inconsistent. I directed Nick Mosier to help me

20 do it. I still say I did it. Nick was merely

21 executing that for me. But in the interest of

22 being completely thorough and accurate, I want to

23 make that clear. I'm not claiming, No, Nick went

24 and did it. I'm claiming I did it, but I had Nick

25 help me.

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1 Q. You are claiming, I think you testified

2 on direct, that Nick remotely accessed your laptop

3 using something called TeamViewer and initiated

4 the wiping?

5 A. At my request, yes.

6 Q. Is that -- you are not changing that

7 testimony, are you?

8 A. No. I just -- I know that there's been

9 some back and forth that I -- that there was some

10 inconsistency when I said I did it, and I said

11 Nick did it. I want to make sure we're very

12 clear. I'm not claiming this was Nick's idea.

13 Q. And you had a part in it. He did it at

14 your request?

15 A. That's correct.

16 Q. At your deposition, you actually

17 testified that Nick just verbally told you how to

18 initiate the wiping, and you did it.

19 Do you recall that?

20 A. I do recall that.

21 Q. But now you are saying Nick got on the

22 computer and initiated the wiping?

23 A. I have recalled additional details,

24 including the use of TeamViewer software.

25 Q. Did he also still verbally tell you how

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1 to do it, or were you able to watch how he did it

2 when he did it on TeamViewer?

3 A. I don't remember that detail. I mean, I

4 saw the mouse moving around a little bit, but I

5 was off doing other things.

6 Q. So you did agree that you wiped your

7 company laptop on August 28th, 2012, at 12:08.

8 Do you recall that you initiated the

9 wiping feature again on August 29th at 5:40 a.m.?

10 A. I don't recall specifically when it was

11 done. That doesn't sound right. That may be a

12 time zone issue, because I doubt I was up that

13 early in Massachusetts.

14 Q. You are aware the computer forensic

15 examination and the report that we had

16 commissioned for this case shows that the wiping

17 feature was initiated four times on your laptop;

18 once on August 28th, and then three additional

19 times on August 29th, at 5:40 a.m. -- I'm sorry.

20 Twice on August 29th, once in the morning at

21 5:40 a.m., once in the afternoon at 4:11 p.m., and

22 then a fourth time the wiping was initiated on

23 August 30th at 5:41?

24 A. Yeah, I remember seeing that.

25 ARBITRATOR HABERFELD: 5:41 a.m. or p.m.?

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1 MS. KRINCEK: I don't have it. I didn't

2 put the a.m. or p.m.


4 MS. KRINCEK: We are submitting the

5 report into evidence with the expert testimony.

6 THE WITNESS: I recall seeing that, yes.


8 Q. So do you admit that you initiated the

9 wiping feature four times on your laptop?

10 A. I remember doing -- I remember doing it

11 again because it had hung up. It seemed like the

12 computer had frozen. I don't personally remember

13 how many times I did it or how many times Nick did

14 it, but I do remember it looking like the computer

15 had frozen a few times.

16 Q. And you initiated the wiping feature more

17 than once because you were deleting things on your

18 laptop, and each time you moved over -- you

19 deleted things, you would initiate the wiping

20 feature. And then when you had a chance to go to

21 your laptop and delete more things, then you would

22 initiate the wiping feature again; is that

23 correct?

24 A. No. I don't know where you are getting

25 that narrative.

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1 Q. No one from Excelsior told you to wipe

2 the laptop, correct?

3 A. No one instructed me to wipe it.

4 Q. No one told Nick from the company to wipe

5 the laptop, correct?

6 A. Only me.

7 Q. As an attorney, you are aware of the

8 obligation to preserve potentially relevant

9 evidence, correct?

10 A. Correct.

11 Q. You mentioned a few times yesterday

12 prevailing on a case against an entity known as

13 GLBT for discovery abuses; do you recall

14 referencing that?

15 A. I do.

16 Q. The discovery abuse was a spoliation of

17 evidence issue; is that correct?

18 A. I think it was that they refused to turn

19 over evidence when ordered, but I don't recall the

20 exact details.

21 Q. Could it have been that they hadn't

22 preserved or had deleted e-mails or other

23 electronic evidence?

24 A. Again, I don't remember the exact details

25 of that case.

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1 Q. Yourself and Mr. Sperlein accused GLBT of

2 spoliating evidence.

3 Do you recall that?

4 A. I don't remember the exact details of

5 that case, but that sounds -- sounds right.

6 Q. You had concerns about personal

7 information on your iPhone, correct?

8 A. I did.

9 Q. And when you had personal -- concerns

10 about personal information on your iPhone, instead

11 of wiping your iPhone, you refused to turn it over

12 to the company, correct?

13 A. Correct.

14 Q. And then you were able to put into place

15 a protocol with the arbitrator where there was a

16 forensic examination of your iPhone, and you were

17 allowed to keep out certain personal information

18 from the production.

19 Do you recall that?

20 A. Vaguely, yes.

21 Q. That's also a procedure that would have

22 been available to use with your laptop, correct?

23 A. Yeah. At that point, I didn't think we

24 would be in litigation.

25 Q. On August 30th, after you were already

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1 aware that the company had retained an attorney,

2 you communicated that you had retained an

3 attorney?

4 A. Yeah. I assumed at that point that Jason

5 and I could work it out. I didn't think there was

6 going to be any fisticuffs.

7 Q. There hasn't been any fisticuffs, have

8 there been?

9 A. Well, that's a colloquial expression for

10 where we are right now, so I didn't expect that

11 there would be litigation or arbitration, or it

12 would get really past us sitting down and having a

13 conversation.

14 Q. Can you go to Exhibit 76 of

15 Complainant's, your exhibits?

16 A. Okay.

17 Q. On Page 2 of this e-mail chain, which is

18 Bates stamped EMC3882, this is an e-mail chain

19 that Mr. White asked you about on direct

20 examination, and he pointed out to you that on

21 Thursday, August 30th, you e-mailed Kirk Addison

22 at the company and said, Okay, I'll try to log in.

23 Do you know my employee number? It was on my

24 computer, which has been wiped.

25 Do you see where I'm referring?

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1 A. Yeah, I remember this e-mail from

2 yesterday.

3 Q. And then Mr. White asked you if

4 Mr. Addison ever responded and told you, Don't

5 wipe your computer.

6 Do you recall that?

7 A. Yes.

8 Q. You had already told him that the

9 computer was wiped, right? So there is no point

10 in him telling you not to wipe the computer?

11 A. I don't know. He could have responded

12 any way he wanted, but --

13 Q. Can you turn to Exhibit 421, please?

14 A. Do I have that volume? Yes.

15 Q. Mr. Randazza, Exhibit 421 are a series of

16 text messages that were produced by Erika Dillon,

17 your former paralegal --

18 A. Uh-huh.

19 Q. -- at Excelsior --

20 A. Yeah, I see them.

21 Q. -- when she was subpoenaed for

22 deposition.

23 On the first -- on the first page, I just

24 wanted you to note the date before we look at the

25 texts on the following page.

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1 But the first page is dated August 24th,

2 2012.

3 Do you see that?

4 A. I do.

5 Q. So on August 24th, 2012, on Page 2, you

6 texted Erika Dillon, your paralegal at Excelsior,

7 and you said, BTW, which I presume means by the

8 way, if I get my severance, which I might, you are

9 not taking a pay cut of any significance, if at

10 all.

11 Do you see that?

12 A. I do.

13 Q. Now, you are not entitled to severance if

14 you resign, correct?

15 A. Actually, there are conditions under

16 which I would be.

17 Q. If it's on a constructive discharge. If

18 it's a voluntary resignation, you don't get

19 severance; is that your understanding of the

20 contract?

21 A. If it's a voluntary non-coercive

22 resignation, yes.

23 Q. Erika responded, and she said, That would

24 certainly be awesome.

25 Do you see that?

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1 A. Yes.

2 Q. So you and Erika already had an

3 arrangement where Erika knew that she was going to

4 be going to work for you at your firm at Randazza

5 Legal Group as of August 24th, 2012, correct?

6 A. Erika and I had discussed it, yes.

7 Q. And on the bottom of that page, on

8 August 27th, 2012, you texted Erika Dillon and you

9 said, Dictation goes to EED at

10 Do you see that?

11 A. I do.

12 Q. So there had been an e-mail address for

13 Erika set up at Randazza Legal Group, your law

14 firm, by August 27th, 2012, correct?

15 A. Yes, in anticipation if my employment

16 ended.

17 Q. If you can move forward to the first page

18 that's time stamped at the top 10:40 a.m.

19 A. I'm there.

20 MS. KRINCEK: The first text, Your Honor,

21 on that page says, Nerd up. Need disk info to

22 finalize.


24 Q. Incidentally, before I ask you about

25 August 29th, on August 24th, you filed Articles of

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1 Incorporation for your law firm, Randazza Legal

2 Group, with the Secretary of State here in Nevada;

3 is that correct?

4 A. That sounds right.


6 question and answer again, please?

7 (Whereupon, the pertinent part of the record

8 was read back by the court reporter.)

9 THE WITNESS: That was actually for a new

10 Nevada entity. At the time I already had a

11 Florida entity in existence.


13 Q. Your law firm was only registered to do

14 business in Nevada, not incorporated in Nevada up

15 until August 24th, 2012, correct?

16 A. Correct.

17 Q. On August 29th at 12:19 p.m., you texted

18 Erika, you said, Hey, in my review folder in Oron

19 I have a settlement of account document. E-mail

20 it to me, not as an attachment. Use your gmail.

21 Do you see that?

22 A. Yes.

23 Q. So you are having -- asking Erika Dillon

24 to send you something using her personal e-mail

25 address instead of the company e-mail address,

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1 correct?

2 A. Correct.

3 Q. If you'll turn the page, and on -- on

4 this page, just to make sure we're all on the same

5 document, the very top text says. On it. Docs

6 have been filed. Both motions.

7 A. Yeah.

8 Q. Halfway down on that page, on

9 August 29th, 2012, at 12:32, you text Erika, and

10 you say, Get ready. And then you text her, Make

11 sure to log out of servers.

12 Do you see that?

13 A. I do.

14 Q. Now, this is at 12:32 p.m., and your

15 resignation e-mail is not until 3:10 p.m.

16 Do you agree with that?

17 A. No. You -- I think you are confused

18 about time zones, because I think this is her.

19 I'm on the East Coast when I send my e-mails.

20 And, again, I don't agree that it's a resignation

21 e-mail, but I think we should be clear that she is

22 on Pacific time at that time, and I'm on Eastern

23 time at that time.

24 Q. So are you disputing that your e-mail was

25 sent at 3:10 p.m. Pacific time zone?

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1 A. I'm pretty -- can you tell me, just to be

2 clear, which exact e-mail we're talking about?

3 Q. Sure. It is Exhibit 329.

4 A. I mean, I don't know if this makes a

5 difference, but I want to make sure.

6 Q. I have looked, and I do not believe it

7 does off the e-mails regardless of who they're

8 coming from, on what coast, they are all the same

9 time zone, but feel free to prove me wrong.

10 A. I am -- I am certain that the e-mail

11 where it says on -- in Exhibit EMC00186, where it

12 says, Given our now openly adversarial

13 relationship, and that says 3:10 p.m., it is my

14 testimony that that was sent 3:10 p.m. Eastern

15 time, and I -- I have enough signals of

16 recollection to say that, because I remember where

17 I was and who I was with.

18 Q. So it's your testimony that it would have

19 been 12:10 p.m. Pacific time when you sent that

20 e-mail?

21 A. Yes.

22 Q. And then it's your testimony, then, that

23 Excelsior did not respond until 4:04 p.m.,

24 four hours later?

25 A. Yes. No. Wait. What? No. 3:10 p.m.,

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1 I sent something, and then 4:04 p.m. I got my

2 response. So it is my testimony that I got the

3 response approximately 50 minutes later.

4 Q. And you are saying that the company sent

5 you their response at 4:04 p.m. --

6 A. Eastern time.

7 Q. -- Eastern time? Okay.

8 Isn't it true that the time on e-mails

9 are all from the same server, that is the

10 company's server?

11 A. Well, if you are asking me as an expert,

12 I'm not qualified to tell you that, but I can tell

13 you with absolute certainty that this was -- if

14 this was 3:10 p.m. Pacific time, then that would

15 have meant 6:10 p.m. Eastern time, and that

16 wouldn't make any sense.

17 Because I remember we were out wedding

18 dress shopping with my sister at the time, and we

19 wouldn't have been there at that time.

20 Q. Wouldn't have been where?

21 A. At the store. I remember standing

22 outside the store when this happened, and it was

23 mid afternoon.

24 Q. We can establish --

25 A. Again, I don't know --

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1 Q. We can establish the server time, and if

2 you are saying you are certain that is all Eastern

3 time --

4 A. I'm certain that's Eastern time, and I'm

5 relatively certain, although I don't know where

6 Erika was at 12:32 p.m. on August 29th, I'm pretty

7 sure she was in Vegas, which would mean that this

8 was -- that her phone was logging things on

9 Pacific time.

10 Q. Correct. So you are not disputing the

11 times on Exhibit 421 are Pacific time, because

12 this is Erika Dillon's phone?

13 A. I have no basis to dispute that that is

14 the time -- that that is Pacific time there.

15 Q. Okay.

16 A. Correct.

17 Q. So 12:32 p.m. on August 29th, you text

18 Erika, and you say, Get ready. Make sure to log

19 out of servers.

20 Do you see that?

21 A. Yes.

22 Q. And then she responds, and she says, Oh

23 jeeze. Really? Hold on. I have some shit I

24 still need to wipe delete. Give me 15?

25 Do you see that?

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1 A. Yes.

2 Q. And you say, K. Just be ready, correct?

3 A. Yes.

4 Q. And she says, Yeah. I just want to make

5 sure I have everything together.

6 Do you see that?

7 A. I do.

8 Q. On the next page Erika texts you and

9 says, Hey, I need a little more time. I've got

10 the disk stuff transferring now. It's segregated

11 on the CF legal, but it's not done transferring to

12 the shared admin.

13 Do you see that?

14 A. I do.

15 Q. And Erika was in the process of removing

16 information or documents off of the company server

17 and moving it onto a cloud service between two

18 different files, one called the CF legal file and

19 another called a shared admin file for your firm,

20 Randazza Legal Group?

21 A. Yeah, I don't think you have that

22 accurate.

23 Q. What's inaccurate about it?

24 A. What it sounds like she's doing here is

25 she's moving stuff from her laptop to CF legal, if

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1 it was legal files for them. And then shared

2 admin was kind of administrative files that were

3 used for RLG, but like, for example, one of the

4 things that was kept on that shared admin file was

5 the RLG letterhead that we used in correspondence

6 with -- well, for example, with Oron.

7 So I think what she was doing was taking

8 those things that were not Corbin Fisher files and

9 putting them there. She may have also been

10 putting personal documents there, which was her

11 right to do.

12 So it looks to me, if I interpret this,

13 as she was saving files from her laptop.

14 Q. Well, on the day of August 29th, 2012,

15 prior to sending the e-mail, which Liberty

16 construed as a resignation, you had Erika Dillon

17 transfer anything that had to do with Excelsior

18 and Liberty to a cloud-based storage, and cut off

19 the company's access so that they could only have

20 access to it through you, correct?

21 A. Not just that, I wanted her to cut off --

22 Jungle Disk has a number of drives on it that we

23 were using.

24 Q. Can I just stop you for a minute and get

25 an answer to my question? The answer to my

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1 question is, yes, you did have Erika do that move,

2 anything related to Excelsior or Liberty to a

3 cloud-based storage system and cut off the

4 company's access to it so they couldn't access it

5 except through you?

6 A. If you want to break that down into its

7 constituent parts, I can answer each part.

8 Q. Okay.


10 THE WITNESS: But if you want a global

11 answer to the whole thing --


13 it's Mr. Randazza's way without objecting as

14 counsel, saying you are asking a couple -- it's

15 compound.

16 MS. KRINCEK: I can break it down.

17 ARBITRATOR HABERFELD: If you'd break it

18 down for him.

19 MS. KRINCEK: Okay.

20 ARBITRATOR HABERFELD: Maybe if you would

21 for the arbitrator's benefit get answers to those,

22 unless you wish to jump to something else.

23 MS. KRINCEK: No, that's fine. I can

24 break -- I can break it down.

25 ///

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2 Q. So on August 29th, 2012 -- are you with

3 me?

4 A. I am.

5 Q. Before you send the e-mail to Liberty

6 that it construes as a resignation, you had Erika

7 Dillon transfer anything that had to do with

8 Excelsior and Liberty to a cloud-based storage

9 system, correct?

10 A. I don't know if it was before. I don't

11 think so. I think we're still having some

12 confusion here on the time here.

13 And this seems like it was something she

14 was telling me she was doing, not something that I

15 told her to do.

16 Q. Can you please turn to Page 338 of your

17 deposition?

18 A. Sure. Okay. I'm there.

19 Q. Page 338, Lines 13 to 22. Question:

20 You're having Erika transfer a lot of stuff over

21 to Jungle Disk and then cutting off the Liberty

22 and Excelsior access to that information?

23 Answer: Yes. I wanted all -- all of

24 them -- all documents that had anything to do with

25 them to be preserved.

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1 Question: And they wouldn't have access

2 to those documents?

3 Answer: Not without asking me for them.

4 Do you see that?

5 A. I do.

6 Q. Are you disputing your sworn deposition

7 testimony today?

8 A. No.

9 Q. Back to Exhibit 421 and the texts you and

10 Erika are exchanging on August 29th, 2012.

11 12:45 Erika texts you and says, There are

12 still some personal things in your office; tools,

13 shoes, guns, boxes. Should I be trying to take

14 all of that with me?

15 Do you see that?

16 A. I do.

17 Q. And you respond, Ya, correct?

18 A. It doesn't show here, but I believe that

19 looks like the top of a Y.

20 Q. If you turn to the next page, your text

21 is there.

22 Do you see that?

23 A. I don't see it, actually.

24 Q. Oh, in your book we printed out two pages

25 and reversed?

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1 A. Okay. So let me switch these around.

2 And, yep, I say, Ya.

3 Q. And then Erika texts you and says, Okay.

4 Then I have a lot of stuff to get out of here.

5 Would it be possible for me to walk t-m-r-w, I'm

6 presuming that means tomorrow.

7 Is that your understanding?

8 A. Yes.

9 Q. So I can come in early and clear this all

10 out, or is that not going to happen?

11 And you say, Yep?

12 A. Right.

13 Q. And you tell Erika at the bottom of the

14 page, You can boogie tomorrow?

15 A. Right.

16 Q. Now, at this point are you contending

17 that you haven't sent the e-mail that Liberty

18 construes as a resignation yet?

19 A. I'm really not sure, because I'm confused

20 about the time here. But it's easy to figure that

21 out. Yeah, I sent that at 12:00 -- I think at

22 12:10 p.m. Pacific time, so, yes, that would have

23 already been sent.

24 Q. You are saying your resignation e-mail

25 was sent already, or what we call your resignation

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1 e-mail?

2 A. Yes. I decline to refer to it as a

3 resignation e-mail, but that e-mail was sent prior

4 to that.

5 Q. Erika texts you back and says, Phew.

6 Sweet. I'm going to run to lunch while this

7 finishes transferring. And you respond, Just log

8 out of Jungle Disk when you leave today. And

9 erase any e-mails that have the keys in them. Put

10 them in your gmail, correct?

11 A. Correct.

12 Q. And then she e-mails (sic) you, and she

13 says, I've already removed any e-mails with your

14 PW or links.

15 Does PW mean passwords?

16 A. It does.

17 Q. And you say, Okay. Good?

18 A. Yes.

19 Q. And then Erika texts you, and she says,

20 I'll check the e-mail again tonight, and I'll get

21 Nick to help me finish a wipe of everything. And

22 you say, Okay, correct?

23 A. Right.

24 Q. And on August 29th, 2012, at 1:06 p.m.

25 Pacific time, you text Erika, and you say, It

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1 might be today?

2 A. Yes.

3 Q. What are you referring to? What might be

4 today?

5 A. That I might be fired that day.

6 Q. Okay.

7 A. Because I knew I was about to send that

8 e-mail, and I thought Jason might erupt into a

9 fury and fire me.

10 Q. Now, Erika responds, and she says, Okay.

11 I just might have a hard time getting all of your

12 stuff out if they object.

13 Do you see that?

14 A. I do.

15 Q. You say okay?

16 A. Yep.

17 Q. And then at 3:14 p.m., which on the time

18 stamp on your e-mail that Liberty construed as a

19 resignation, the time is 3:10 p.m. So on this

20 text is at 3:14 p.m., you text Erika, and you say,

21 Anything going on?

22 Do you see that?

23 A. Again, I mean, I -- we keep going back to

24 these. These are hours apart, not minutes apart.

25 Q. Okay. The next page, Erika texts you

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1 back, and says, Yeah. We should talk when you

2 have a minute. You respond, you say, Okay. So

3 they are making it out to be like it might all get

4 worked out?

5 Do you see that?

6 A. Yes.

7 Q. And then you text Erika and say, Call me.

8 She responds and says, Hey. Can d-e-f -- I assume

9 means definitely not call you ATM.

10 Is that at the moment?

11 A. At this moment, yeah.

12 Q. And you respond, Okay. Pull the trigger.

13 Do you see that?

14 A. Yes.

15 Q. Does "pull the trigger" mean she should

16 quit?

17 A. Yes.

18 Q. Or does "pull the trigger" mean she

19 should cut off the company's access to the Jungle

20 Disk file?

21 A. It was she should quit.

22 Q. So you say, Okay. Pull the trigger. And

23 then you say, Right away.

24 And then she responds, and she says, Hold

25 on. I want to make sure the Jungle Disk is

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1 offline. And you say, It is.

2 Do you see that?

3 A. Yes.

4 Q. Fischer killed it?

5 A. Yes.

6 Q. That's Jason Fischer, an employee of

7 Randazza Legal Group?

8 A. Yes.

9 Q. He cut off the company's access to the

10 Jungle Disk drive where their documents had been

11 moved?

12 A. He changed all of the passwords for all

13 the drives on Jungle Disk, yes.

14 Q. And then you text Erika and say, Report

15 to RLG office tomorrow with a smiley face,

16 correct?

17 A. Correct.

18 Q. Can you turn to be Exhibit 375?

19 A. All right. I'm there.

20 Q. This, Mr. Randazza, is a document that

21 was Bates stamped EMC1979, and it's a portion of

22 Skype exchanges by yourself and Erika Dillon?

23 A. Yes.

24 Q. Let me direct your attention to a little

25 more than halfway down, there is a Skype exchange

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1 on August 29th, 2012, at 9:22:57 a.m.

2 Do you see that?

3 A. 9:22:57?

4 Q. 57.

5 A. Yes.

6 Q. Marc Randazza, so this is you Skyping

7 Erika, you say, Make a folder in the shared admin

8 drive and move anything remotely personal from the

9 CF drive into it.

10 Do you see that?

11 A. Yes.

12 Q. And then on August 29th, 2012, further

13 down, at 9:26:23 a.m. --

14 A. Yes.

15 Q. -- you Skype Erika, and you say, Today

16 may be D-Day. And she responds, It shall be done,

17 correct?

18 A. Yes.

19 Q. And then at 8/29/2012 at 9:28:56 a.m. --

20 A. Uh-huh.

21 Q. -- you Skype Erika, and you say, When you

22 do quit, make sure you delete your Jungle Disk

23 program, and Erika responds, Roger?

24 A. Right.

25 Q. So in the morning of -- in the morning of

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1 August 29th, 2012, you already knew that Erika

2 would be quitting, correct?

3 A. We were planning for that contingency.

4 Q. Well, you don't say, If you do quit, you

5 say, When you do quit, correct?

6 A. Well, that may be what I say in a very

7 brief Skype from a phone, but, yeah, that's -- it

8 was a contingency. I presumed that while I was

9 away on vacation, Jason would use that opportunity

10 to fire me.

11 Q. I'm going to switch topics now and talk

12 about some of your other allegations.

13 Your amended arbitration claim --

14 THE WITNESS: If we're -- excuse me, if

15 you don't mind. If we're changing topics, can we

16 take a five-minute, not a ten-minute?

17 ARBITRATOR HABERFELD: There really is no

18 such thing in my history, unless you are really

19 warranting that it's truly going to be a

20 five-minute break.

21 In fact, you can go take care of your

22 things, and we'll all stay in place, otherwise

23 it's probably a ten-minute break for everybody.

24 THE WITNESS: You've been doing this

25 longer than I have.

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2 take a ten-minute recess.

3 MR. WHITE: Your Honor, may I inquire?

4 The witness who is next for me, Mr. Green, is

5 across town, and I'm just wondering whether I

6 should be calling him over this afternoon.

7 I will have maybe a half an hour of

8 redirect after Ms. Krincek is finished, so I'm

9 just not sure whether I should call him over here

10 today or not.


12 discuss that off the record during this break?

13 MR. WHITE: Yes, sir.

14 (Whereupon, a recess was taken.)


16 record.

17 Ms. Krincek?


19 Q. Mr. Randazza, your Amended Arbitration

20 Claim sets forth a cause of action as Claim 1 for

21 reimbursement of expenses under California Labor

22 Code Section 2802. And in your Amended

23 Arbitration Complaint, that claim refers to

24 expenses that you allegedly weren't reimbursed for

25 in the amount of $1,103.70, and you are no longer

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1 pursuing that portion of the claim, correct?

2 A. I don't recall. But if that's -- has

3 that been stipulated to?


5 MR. WHITE: We did stipulate to drop that

6 portion of it.

7 MS. KRINCEK: Okay.


9 Q. And then it also refers to the 25,000

10 payment to Gall in Hong Kong that you contributed.

11 Did you reside and work in Nevada at the

12 time you contributed $25,000 to Gall for the Oron

13 litigation?

14 A. I wouldn't call it a contribution, but

15 when I advanced that money out of my own pocket,

16 yes.

17 Q. You lived and worked in Nevada at that

18 time, correct?

19 A. Yes.

20 Q. In Claim 2 of your Amended Arbitration

21 Demand, which is for unpaid wages and vacation

22 time under California Labor Code Sections 201 to

23 203 --

24 A. Can you tell me what exhibit you're

25 referring to? I mean, I know --

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1 Q. If you want to follow along, it's your

2 Amended Arbitration Demand.

3 A. I have a lot of binders in front of me,

4 if there is any way I can --

5 ARBITRATOR HABERFELD: Do you have your

6 own numbering for that?


8 Q. You can look at 302.

9 A. 302, thanks. Counsel, what page would

10 you like me to look at?

11 Q. I'm on Claim Number 2.

12 ARBITRATOR HABERFELD: Showing that it's

13 starting at Page 18; is that correct?

14 MS. KRINCEK: Yes.

15 THE WITNESS: Thank you. Okay. I'm

16 there.


18 Q. So that claim for unpaid wages and

19 vacation time under California Labor Code Sections

20 201 to 203; do you see that?

21 A. I do.

22 Q. You are alleging that Excelsior

23 improperly prorated your salary for your final

24 week of employment in violation of those statutes,

25 correct?

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1 A. Yes.

2 Q. And you resided and worked in Nevada at

3 the time of your separation from employment with

4 Excelsior, correct?

5 A. Yes.

6 Q. And you're alleging that you were owed a

7 five percent raise effective July 1st, 2012, that

8 you were not paid; is that correct?

9 A. Correct.

10 Q. And you lived in and worked in Nevada at

11 that time, correct?

12 A. Correct.

13 Q. Do you recall when you relocated to

14 Nevada; was it mid 2011, approximately?

15 A. Yes.

16 Q. Do you know how much money you are

17 currently holding in your trust account as

18 disputed funds of Liberty's?

19 A. I don't know that number off the top of

20 my head.

21 Q. It's more in excess of $275,000, though,

22 correct?

23 A. I can't give you an exact number. I know

24 it's 200-something thousand.

25 Q. Do you know it's more than 275,000?

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1 A. I don't know the exact figure.

2 Q. Well, you are holding the $275,000 that's

3 remaining from the settlement that was made with

4 Oron, correct?

5 A. Yes, whatever -- whatever is left from

6 what I transmitted is in there. I mean, I can

7 look it up if you would like me to get the exact

8 number.

9 Q. Well, you received, Mr. Randazza,

10 $550,000 into your trust account wired from Oron,

11 correct?

12 A. Yes. I'm -- I'm not trying to be

13 difficult. I just don't remember the exact

14 number.

15 Q. I'm not asking you for the exact number

16 right now. And then you agreed to the release of

17 $275,000 of that to Liberty when they resettled

18 the Oron case, correct; do you recall that?

19 A. I agreed to release a certain portion of

20 it. I remember that was upwards of $200,000.

21 Again, I don't know the exact number. I would be

22 delighted to look it up for you if you would like

23 me to testify to the exact number.

24 Q. Okay.

25 A. Would you like me to look it up?

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1 Q. No, that's okay.

2 If you were going to look it up right

3 now, how would you look it up?

4 A. I would call my office and ask somebody

5 to look at my trust report.

6 Q. Do you agree that the employment

7 agreement does not specifically address the issue

8 of whether your bonus is paid upon the gross or

9 net amount of a settlement?

10 A. No, I wouldn't agree with that. I think

11 it strongly -- I think the totality of it is that

12 it would be gross.

13 Q. Can you please turn to Exhibit 383?

14 A. Okay. I'm there.

15 Q. On Page 2 of that exhibit, which is Bates

16 stamped 4090, Mr. Randazza, the very bottom text

17 on February 9th, 2010, Jason Gibson e-mailed you

18 and said, I've been wondering about a hypothetical

19 question. Say, for example, we spend 100K in

20 local counsel, expert witness fees, and fees other

21 than your salary and Eric's, and we get 100K

22 judgment that we collect on, does that mean that

23 we owe you 25 percent of the judgment, even though

24 Brian, Andrew, and I end up with nothing? Did we

25 account for external legal slash suit related

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1 expenses in the lengthy agreement you and I

2 signed.

3 Do you see that?

4 A. Yes.

5 Q. And you responded, the first sentence of

6 your response, is, We didn't account for that.

7 Do you see that?

8 A. Yes.

9 Q. Thank you. The agreement for you to put

10 $25,000 towards legal fees to Hong Kong is

11 something that you drafted, correct?

12 A. What exhibit are we talking about?

13 Q. Well, did you draft the promissory note

14 for $25,000?

15 A. Yes.

16 Q. Can you turn to Exhibit 373?

17 A. Okay. I'm there.

18 Q. This is the promissory note that you

19 drafted regarding the $25,000, correct?

20 A. Yes.

21 Q. You believed obtaining a Mareva

22 injunction would either assist obtaining a

23 settlement with Oron or potentially assist

24 obtaining an even bigger settlement with Oron,

25 correct?

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1 A. I did believe that that would happen.

2 Q. Because if you got the Mareva injunction,

3 then you would be tying up Oron's money on two

4 fronts. You already had it tied up by virtue of

5 the Nevada litigation in the PayPal account, and

6 if you got the Mareva injunction, you would have

7 the Hong Kong money tied up, as well, correct?

8 A. I'm not entirely sure that that timeline

9 is accurate. I mean, it may be, but I thought we

10 did both of them virtually simultaneously.

11 Q. Do you know whether or not the money in

12 the PayPal account was already frozen at the time

13 you had the meeting with the company where you

14 agreed to put in $25,000?

15 A. I don't remember, but I'm sure that's

16 quite well-documented in our -- in our papers

17 here.

18 Q. Do you recall, Mr. Randazza, how much

19 monies of Oron's you were able to have frozen in

20 their PayPal account?

21 A. I could guess about around $2 million,

22 but I didn't know exactly where. And that was

23 just of the money that I knew where it was. I

24 didn't know where all of their money was.

25 Theoretically, the Mareva injunction would lock up

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1 their money anywhere that had a British flag over

2 it.

3 Q. You received a bonus on settlement

4 amounts pursuant to your settlement -- or your

5 employment agreement, correct?

6 A. Yes.

7 Q. So obtaining a settlement with Oron or

8 obtaining an even larger settlement with Oron

9 would both be of benefit to you personally,

10 because you would be getting a bonus or getting a

11 bigger bonus; is that fair?

12 A. Yes.

13 Q. Did Mr. Gibson say to you that you were

14 going to be fired if you didn't contribute

15 $25,000?

16 A. He did not say those exact words.

17 Q. Did you ever advise Liberty in writing of

18 the desirability of consulting with independent

19 counsel about entering this transaction with you?

20 A. I did not.

21 ARBITRATOR HABERFELD: Which transaction?

22 MS. KRINCEK: The $25,000 promissory

23 note.


25 THE WITNESS: No, because I had -- I

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1 think this was based on an exact promissory note

2 that the company had me write for another employee

3 that was borrowing money from the company.

4 Q. But when you presented this promissory

5 note to the company for execution, you did not

6 advise them that they should consult with

7 independent counsel, correct?

8 A. I have no recollection of doing so.

9 Q. And did you ever explain to Liberty in

10 writing your role as a lender with respect to this

11 promissory note?

12 A. I didn't look at myself as a lender.

13 Q. But you had no discussions with Liberty

14 whether or not you were a lender and what your

15 responsibilities as a lender would be towards

16 them; is that correct?

17 A. Well, I wouldn't say that. We had

18 always -- in the course of my employment, I had

19 often advanced money that I got reimbursed for.

20 But this time it was the biggest amount of money

21 that I had ever advanced, and I was very nervous

22 about it, so I don't think it was -- it was not a

23 lender relationship here. This was just an

24 advance of funds.

25 Q. Did you ever, prior to presenting Liberty

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1 with this promissory note for execution, enter

2 another promissory note with the company?

3 A. No.

4 Q. I'm going to move on to a different topic

5 now. It's an entity called XNXX.

6 What is XNXX?

7 A. It's an adult Website.

8 MS. KRINCEK: And so the arbitrator

9 understands, Mr. Randazza was not asked about XNXX

10 at his deposition because we were not aware that

11 XNXX was a client of his until the retainer

12 agreement with XVideos was unredacted and the

13 reference -- we could see the references to XNXX

14 being his client.


16 Q. XNXX is a tube site, correct?

17 A. Actually, that's not how I understand it.

18 Q. What type of entity do you understand

19 them to be?

20 A. I understand it to be a framing site,

21 which is a -- it's a -- it's a species of Website.

22 The most famous one is Vidster or MyVidster, where

23 the videos are actually not uploaded to or present

24 on the Website, they are present on other

25 Websites, and it just provides a frame around it.

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1 Really interesting legal issue there,

2 but -- that the Seventh Circuit went through in a

3 not too recent opinion. Vidster or MyVidster is

4 really the paradigm.

5 But it puts a frame around a video that

6 is hosted on another Website.

7 Q. Is XNXX sometimes accused of copyright

8 infringement because pirated materials are found

9 on it?

10 A. See, that's the problem, they are not

11 found on it, they are on another Website that,

12 then, XNXX frames. However --

13 ARBITRATOR HABERFELD: Do you want to --

14 no pun intended -- reframe the question?


16 Q. Well, I asked if they were ever accused

17 of it, I believe?

18 A. Yeah. And I was going to say -- I just

19 wanted to be thorough in my answer -- that,

20 however, they do receive accusations of it, as

21 you've asked.

22 Q. Is XVideos a tube site?

23 A. Yes.

24 Q. Can you turn to Exhibit 316?

25 A. All right. I am there.

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1 Q. On this is an e-mail from you to Jason

2 Gibson dated January 27th, 2010.

3 Do you see that?

4 A. Yep.

5 Q. You say, Jason, Gill Sperlein is bringing

6 a lawsuit against XVideos, which was a target I

7 had in my cross hairs.

8 So you were considering bringing suit

9 against XVideos on behalf of Liberty Media,

10 correct?

11 A. Yes.

12 Q. He's gathered a consortium of adult

13 companies to join in. He would like us to join

14 in. We would have to kick in 5K for costs.

15 The last paragraph you say, I think it --

16 that it has a good chance of making more than that

17 in net profit. Even if it does not, XVideos and

18 XNXX will probably be destroyed by the litigation,

19 and I think that 5K to have our name on that

20 result will be worth it.

21 Do you see that?

22 A. Yes.

23 Q. So it appears from the last paragraph

24 that you believed at this time that XVideos and

25 XNXX were affiliated, correct?

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1 A. Yes. On that date, yes, and thereafter.

2 Q. Can you turn to Exhibit 394?

3 A. Okay. I'm looking at it.

4 Q. Exhibit 394 is billing records for Corbin

5 Fisher from Randazza Legal Group that you produced

6 in this arbitration proceeding.

7 Please turn your attention to the middle

8 billing entries under where it says

9 A. I'm looking at it.

10 Q. February 15th, 2010?

11 A. Yes.

12 Q. It appears that you reported billing

13 2.3 hours to research and drafting documents to be

14 used to expose owner of presumed to be

15 the same as XVideos.

16 Do you see that?

17 A. I do.

18 Q. So you spent time researching the

19 connection between XVideos and XNXX on behalf of

20 Liberty Media, correct?

21 A. Yes, because at the time, I didn't -- I

22 saw the framing site, and it confused me, the same

23 way it confused -- confused -- it may have

24 confused you.

25 Q. Can you please turn to Exhibit 420?

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1 A. Okay. I'm there.

2 Q. This is a legal services fee agreement

3 that you entered with XVideos and also with XNXX,

4 correct?

5 A. Yes.

6 Q. And you entered this fee agreement with

7 XVideos and XNXX on June 19th, 2010, according to

8 the last page of the document; is that correct?

9 A. Yes.

10 Q. So in February 2010, you were researching

11 pursuing XVideos, XNXX. In June 2010, you take on

12 XNXX and XVideos as your client, correct?

13 A. Correct.

14 Q. Under Scope of Services, which was also a

15 portion that was previously redacted, it appears

16 that you were being retained by XVideos and XNXX

17 for prelitigation informal and formal mediation

18 that they were going to engage in with several

19 different entities, Digital Playground, LPF Video

20 Group, IO Group DBA Titan Media, et cetera.

21 What type of entities are those,

22 generally?

23 A. Those were Gill's clients.

24 Q. Do they produce pornography?

25 A. Yes.

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1 Q. And they were accusing XVideos and XNXX

2 of copyright infringement?

3 A. They were.

4 Q. And they're companies like Liberty Media,

5 that produce and sell pornography, correct?

6 A. I don't know if they are like Liberty

7 Media.

8 Q. But they produce and sell pornography?

9 A. They do.

10 Q. And Liberty Media produces and sells

11 pornography?

12 A. Yes, it does.

13 Q. They were represented by Gill Sperlein,

14 correct?

15 A. They were.

16 Q. Is this the matter that you e-mailed

17 Jason about in January when you said Gill Sperlein

18 was putting together a consortium?

19 A. Yes.

20 Q. So when you e-mailed Jason in January,

21 you were proposing that Liberty Media join this

22 group of entities that was pursuing XVideos and

23 XNXX, correct?

24 A. Yes.

25 Q. And now instead of being on that side of

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1 the fence, you are going to represent XVideos and

2 XNXX, correct?

3 A. Correct.

4 Q. And you received a $35,000 retainer from

5 XVideos and XNXX for your representation, correct?

6 A. We did.

7 Q. And there is no conflict waiver from XNXX

8 or XVideos in its retainer agreement that would

9 allow you to sue them on behalf of Liberty,

10 correct?

11 A. I saw no need for one.

12 Q. Did you obtain written consent from

13 Excelsior or Liberty to represent XNXX in

14 June 2010?

15 A. No, I saw no need for it.

16 Q. Did you ever, during the course of your

17 employment with Excelsior, obtain written consent

18 to represent XNXX?

19 A. Again, I never saw a conflict by this

20 point. Had this happened in February, I probably

21 would have. But after doing my due diligence, I

22 didn't see a conflict.

23 Q. Let me have you actually answer the

24 question that I asked. Did you ever, during the

25 course of your employment with Excelsior, obtain

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1 written consent to represent XNXX?

2 A. No.

3 Q. Did you ever, during the course of your

4 employment, disclose to Excelsior or Liberty in

5 any fashion that XNXX was a client of yours?

6 A. I can't testify that I recall doing so,

7 but there may be something that refreshes my

8 recollection of that.

9 Q. You were able to settle this matter with

10 Mr. Sperlein on behalf of XNXX and XVideos,

11 correct?

12 A. I was.

13 Q. And what amount of monetary payments did

14 the plaintiffs receive as part of that settlement?

15 A. I don't recall the exact amount, but I do

16 recall it being quite small. It was something

17 around -- I want to say around $100,000, but I

18 don't have the settlement agreement. And even if

19 I did, I'm not sure if I'm able to disclose that

20 information.

21 Q. Well, you already disclosed to the XNXX

22 and XVideos installed -- installation -- installed

23 Vobile as part of the settlement, so you've

24 already disclosed some of the terms of the

25 settlement.

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1 A. That was actually public, publicly

2 disclosed.

3 Q. It was publicly disclosed that they

4 install Vobile or publicly disclosed they

5 installed it as a result of a settlement?

6 A. I don't recall, but I recall that being a

7 public term.

8 Q. So you are not sure of the exact monetary

9 amount as you sit here today that the matter with

10 XNXX and XVideos resolved for, but you believe it

11 was in the six figures?

12 A. The very low six figures, maybe 100 to

13 125,000.

14 Q. When you took on XNXX as a client, you

15 were aware that infringing material belonging to

16 Liberty was being located on that Website; is that

17 correct?

18 A. No. That's the thing, it's a framing

19 site.

20 Q. Can you go to Exhibit 422?

21 A. Yes. I see it.

22 Q. You've referenced several times that it's

23 a framing site, but Mr. Sperlein brought claims

24 against XNXX and XVideos, notwithstanding the fact

25 that it's a framing site, correct?

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1 A. Yes.

2 Q. Exhibit 422.

3 A. Okay. I'm looking at it.

4 Q. Somebody e-mails into the company and

5 says, Below, please find a link to your

6 copyrighted content, Josh's First Time on


8 Do you see that?

9 A. Yes.

10 Q. And that was forwarded to your attention

11 on October 9th, 2009, correct?

12 A. Yes.

13 Q. And if you turn the page to EMC4999.

14 A. Yes.

15 Q. January 1, 2010, someone forwards to you

16 a link to XNXX to alert you that that and several

17 other Corbin Fisher clips are found on this tube

18 site.

19 Do you see that?

20 A. I'm sorry. Give me the Bates number

21 again, please.

22 Q. 4999.

23 A. Okay. I'm there. Yes.

24 Q. January 1, 2010, somebody alerts you to

25 other videos on, correct?

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1 A. Yes.

2 Q. And you respond, you say, Lucas, thank

3 you very much. I knew of this site, but had no

4 idea they were hitting us. Thanks a whole ton,

5 correct?

6 A. Yes.

7 Q. If you turn the page to EMC5000.

8 A. Okay. I'm there.

9 Q. March 27th, 2010, another alert is sent

10 about XNXX having Corbin Fisher content on it,

11 correct?

12 A. Yes.

13 Q. And you were notified of that, that

14 e-mail was forwarded to you on March 28th, 2010,

15 it looks like, correct?

16 A. Yes.

17 Q. Can you turn the page? This page is

18 Bates stamped MJR59781, so it's a document that

19 you produced in this litigation, and it's dated

20 September 19, 2010. June 2010 is when XNXX and

21 XVideos signed the retainer agreement with you.

22 An alert had come in about more Corbin Fisher

23 content being found on, correct?

24 A. Yes.

25 Q. The next page, 59781, is a duplicate that

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1 I included by accident, so I'm not going to ask

2 you about that.

3 A. Okay.

4 Q. But the page after that, MJR65307.

5 A. Okay.

6 Q. December 8, 2007, you receive an e-mail

7 that says, Here you go. I watch way too much

8 porn. And there is links to XNXX and Corbin

9 Fisher, movies available on it, correct?

10 A. Correct.

11 Q. And you respond and say, Thank you,

12 correct?

13 A. Yes.

14 Q. Next page, MJR66782, this is from

15 January 3rd, 2011, and a report is received that

16 this site is full of your videos, and it's a

17 link -- or the Website identified as,

18 correct?

19 A. Yes.

20 Q. Next page, MJR67961, January 20th, 2011,

21 somebody e-mails and says, Brian, I caught this,

22 and it's another link to Corbin Fisher videos on

23 XNXX.

24 Which is then forwarded to you, correct?

25 A. Correct.

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1 Q. Next page, MJR73603, it's an alert that

2 comes in on April 4th, 2011, showing that more --

3 another video is found on of Corbin

4 Fisher's, correct?

5 A. I don't know if this came to me.

6 Q. Well, it's coming to the

7 e-mail address, correct?

8 A. Correct.

9 Q. You had access to that e-mail address,

10 correct?

11 A. I think I was copied on these e-mails,

12 but most of them would go into a folder that I

13 only looked through periodically, so it didn't

14 come directly into my inbox.

15 Q. You produced these e-mails in this case,

16 correct?

17 A. I don't know.

18 Q. They have your Bates stamp on it.

19 A. Okay.

20 Q. So you are not disputing that you

21 produced them, are you?

22 A. No, I'm not.

23 Q. Okay.

24 A. But we -- we produced everything that we

25 had, whether I had clicked it open or not at the

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1 time.

2 Q. Please look at the next page, MJR74236.

3 April 26th, 2011, another alert is

4 received of Corbin Fisher material being found on

5, correct?

6 A. I see it.

7 Q. Next page, MJR74391, April 30th, 2011,

8 another report is received of Corbin Fisher

9 material on, correct?

10 A. Yes, that's what the e-mail says.

11 Q. The next page, MJR76662. It appears in

12 this e-mail, Ms. Randazza, that Brian Dunlap of

13 Excelsior sent a takedown request to XNXX, and the

14 e-mail was returned as not being able to be

15 delivered.

16 A. Uh-huh.

17 Q. Do you see that?

18 A. Yes.

19 Q. And so then at the top, it says, From:

20 Marc Randazza, To: Randazza Legal Group, and then

21 BCC: Marc J. Randazza.

22 You forwarded the e-mail to your law firm

23 address, correct?

24 A. Yes.

25 Q. Can you turn to MJR77883?

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1 A. Yes.

2 Q. This is an e-mail from Cameron Frost to

3 Jason Gibson, you are copied on it, from

4 August 23rd, 2011. And Mr. Frost is reporting

5 Corbin Fisher material found on, correct?

6 A. Correct.

7 Q. And then at the bottom of that e-mail,

8 Cameron says, They claim that they're sponsored

9 and provide a link to CF, but the clips are three

10 minutes long and certainly enough for people to

11 get off to.

12 Do you see that?

13 A. Yes.

14 Q. And on the next page, MJR77903.

15 A. Yes.

16 Q. This is a continuation of the e-mail from

17 Cameron Frost. On Page 1 at the bottom, you

18 respond to Mr. Frost's e-mail on August 23rd,

19 2011, and you say, They, referring to XNXX, are

20 "sort of" sponsored. These are part of the FSC's

21 Vobile network. The system truncates them to

22 three minutes because that is what we set our

23 rules to. We can change them at any time.

24 Do you see that?

25 A. Yes.

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1 Q. And the top e-mail is Mr. Gibson

2 e-mailing you that same day, August 23rd, 2011,

3 and he says to you, You just proved that Vobile is

4 shit.

5 Do you see that?

6 A. Yes.

7 Q. Says, Get us out of it. Get our content

8 off that site and sue the fuck out of them, if we

9 can.

10 Do you see that?

11 A. Yes.

12 Q. He's asking you to sue XNXX, correct?

13 A. Yes.

14 Q. Did you ever sue XNXX on behalf of

15 Liberty?

16 A. I did not.

17 Q. With respect to tube sites, is it

18 significant when you find a copyright infringer

19 that does not have a registered DMCA agent?

20 A. It is a factor.

21 Q. That makes them an easier target to sue,

22 correct?

23 A. It is one factor among many under the

24 DMCA's absolute immunity. If they have that, then

25 they have absolutely immunity. So if they don't

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1 have it, they don't have absolutely immunity.

2 Q. So that's a good thing if you find

3 someone that is infringing your material and they

4 don't have a DMCA agent, it's easier for you to

5 get liability, correct?

6 A. No, you don't understand how it works.

7 Q. I'll withdraw the question.

8 But it's preferable for -- if you are

9 pursuing a copyright infringer, it's better for

10 the plaintiff if they don't have a DMCA agent?

11 A. No, it is not. It's better if, as I was

12 commanded by Jason, to get links down, it's better

13 if they have an agent, because then they take

14 everything down when they get the notice.

15 Q. That's not what I'm asking. If you are

16 suing a tube site for copyright infringement, it's

17 preferable that they not have a DMCA agent,

18 correct?

19 A. No.

20 Q. Okay.

21 A. I don't know why you are raising your

22 voice to make that point, but it's not.

23 Q. I don't think I'm raising my voice, but I

24 don't mean to.

25 So XVideos and XNXX agree to use Vobile

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1 as part of the settlement on the matter that you

2 represented them on, correct?

3 A. Correct.

4 Q. Can you go to -- can you go to

5 Exhibit 389?

6 A. I'm there.

7 Q. If you go to Page 2 of Exhibit 389, which

8 is Bates stamped 4578.

9 A. Yes, I'm there.

10 Q. There's a report at the very first e-mail

11 on the bottom of the page on 4578, it says, We

12 have identified a Website stealing Corbin Fisher

13 videos, full videos stolen from you, and in use on

14 the site.

15 And that is an e-mail that comes into the

16 company, and then it is forwarded to you from the

17 Corbin Fisher

18 e-mail address, correct?

19 A. Correct.

20 Q. And then on the first page, Brian Dunlap

21 then e-mails Corbin Fisher e-mail address and

22 copies you, and says is the actual

23 site, correct?

24 A. Correct.

25 Q. And Jason e-mails and asks you, Are we

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1 pursuing these guys? And you respond, and you

2 say, I am pursuing them, yes. But, this guy, I'm

3 building a little trap around. Jason responds and

4 say, Just a little one? And you respond and say,

5 Just big enough to snap a nasty metal bar across

6 his wiener.

7 Do you see that?

8 A. Yes.

9 Q. And that's on February 15th, 2010,

10 correct?

11 A. Correct.

12 Q. And you are referring to,

13 correct?

14 A. Correct. I was investigating them at

15 that point.

16 Q. Can you go to Exhibit 410?

17 A. Okay.

18 Q. The first page of Exhibit 410 is Bates

19 stamped MJR46321. This is the report of Corbin

20 Fisher material found on that came in

21 on March 24th, 2010, correct?

22 A. Correct.

23 Q. Next page, MJR52478, this is a report of

24 Corbin Fisher material found on that

25 came in on March 25th, 2010, correct?

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1 A. Correct.

2 Q. Next page, MJR52479, March 25th, 2010,

3 another report of Corbin Fisher material found on

4, correct?

5 A. Correct.

6 Q. Next page, MJR46930, May 11th, 2010,

7 another report of Corbin Fisher material being

8 found on comes in, correct?

9 A. Correct.

10 Q. MJR47020, May 19th, 2010, another report

11 of Corbin Fisher material found on XVideos comes

12 in, correct?

13 A. Yes.

14 Q. June 21st, 2010, another report of

15 XVideos material being found on Corbin -- another

16 report of Corbin Fisher material being found on

17 comes in, correct?

18 A. Correct.

19 I'd ask you to turn your attention to who

20 these are from and to, though. Some of these are

21 forwarded back and forth amongst the same e-mail

22 address.

23 So, again, I'm not saying that I read any

24 of these at the time. They were in my --

25 essentially in my Spam folder.

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1 Q. You don't know whether or not you read

2 these; is that what you are saying?

3 A. The majority of these that came in, I did

4 not read.

5 Q. Okay.

6 A. Because I was not the only person that

7 they went to.

8 Q. You were aware at this time that Corbin

9 Fisher material was being found on

10 A. I was aware that third parties were

11 uploading Corbin Fisher videos to XVideos, yes.

12 Q. Next page, MJR55477, June 21st, 2010,

13 this is another report of Corbin Fisher material

14 being found on, correct?

15 A. Correct.

16 Q. And the next page, MJR55478, another

17 report of having copyrighted material

18 of Corbin Fisher on it on June 21st, 2010,

19 correct?

20 A. Yes.

21 Q. MJR55480, the next page, another report

22 from June 21st of more Corbin Fisher material

23 being found on, correct?

24 A. Correct.

25 Q. MJR55481, also on June 21st, 2010,

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1 another report of Corbin Fisher material being

2 found on, correct?

3 A. Yes.

4 Q. MJR47906, July 8th, 2010, another report

5 of Corbin Fisher material being found on

6, correct?

7 A. Yep.

8 Q. Next page, 48026, another report is

9 received of Corbin Fisher material received --

10 being -- sorry -- being found on on

11 July 10th, 2010, correct?

12 A. Correct.

13 Q. Next page, MJR48302, July 22nd, 2010,

14 another report of Corbin Fisher material being

15 found on, correct?

16 A. Correct.

17 Q. Next page, MJR48303, July 22nd, 2010,

18 another report of Corbin Fisher material on

19, correct?

20 A. Which Bates are we on? I'm lost.

21 Q. 48303.

22 A. Correct.

23 Q. Let me have you, if you could page

24 through, there is a lot more reports of Corbin

25 Fisher material being found on, but

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1 we'll skip over them so we can move on a little

2 bit.

3 Can you move forward to the page that's

4 Bates stamped MJR61169?

5 A. I'm there.

6 Q. Bottom of this e-mail looks like a report

7 comes in, and says, There are a ton of your videos

8 on this site. We just had ours taken down, but

9 usually they go back up under a different name.

10 And there's a link to,

11 correct; do you see that?

12 A. From Randy Blue, yeah.

13 Q. And then Brian Dunlap forwarded that to

14 you with an FYI September 28th, 2010, correct?

15 A. Correct.

16 Q. Let's skip the next two pages.

17 Can you go to the page that Bates stamped

18 MJR62013?

19 A. Yeah, I'm there.

20 Q. Report came in on October 9th, 2010, of

21 Corbin Fisher material being found on XVideos.

22 Do you see that?

23 A. Yes.

24 Q. And you forwarded that report to your

25 client at XVideos, correct?

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1 A. I did.

2 Q. So you did see that

3 report, correct?

4 A. Yes. When I saw them, and the video was

5 live still and hadn't been already suppressed by

6 them, I would forward it to them, and they would

7 take care of it for me.

8 Q. And then XVideos responded to you, and

9 said, Hi, the video is being deleted?

10 A. Correct.

11 Q. It's the next page, EMC4583.

12 A. Yeah.

13 Q. On January 17th, 2011, Andrew Rasmus

14 wrote to you, he included a link to XVideos, and

15 he says, Does not have a registered DMCA agent.

16 Do you see that?

17 A. Yeah. He was actually incorrect about

18 that.

19 Q. And then he included a link to a Corbin

20 Fisher video on XVideos, and he said, Can we go

21 after them?

22 Do you see that?

23 A. Yep.

24 Q. XVideos is your client at this time,

25 correct?

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1 A. Yes.

2 Q. And you respond to Mr. Rasmus, and you

3 say, They actually got on board with the FSC's

4 Vobile program that should, if we do our business

5 rules correctly, turn into a trailer for us; is

6 that correct?

7 A. That was the deal we made with Vobile.

8 Q. Can you flip through a few pages until

9 you are at MJR74331?

10 A. I don't think I have it.

11 Q. MJR74331.

12 A. There it is. These are a little out of

13 order. Yep.

14 Q. A report of Corbin Fisher material came

15 into the piracy e-mail address at Corbin Fisher

16 about Corbin Fisher material being found on

17 on April 27th, 2011, correct?

18 A. Yes.

19 Q. And you forward it to Jason Fischer,

20 who's an attorney for Randazza Legal Group,

21 correct?

22 A. I did.

23 Q. And you tell Jason Fischer, send a

24 warning, bill at least .4.

25 A. Yep.

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1 Q. So you are telling Jason Fischer to send

2 a warning to XVideos about Corbin Fisher content

3 being found on it and to bill XVideos four-tenths

4 of an hour for that; is that correct?

5 A. Well, he would be sending them a written

6 warning with an explanation of the deal that we

7 had with them, that they would take everything

8 down. I think that would take him at least that

9 much time.

10 Q. But that bill at least .4 is your

11 direction to Jason Fischer to bill XVideos?

12 A. Right.

13 Q. Not to bill Liberty?

14 A. Oh, yeah.

15 Q. Can you turn to Exhibit 378?

16 A. Okay.

17 Q. So when Andrew Rasmus e-mailed you on

18 January 17th, 2011, and provided the link to the

19 XVideos Website and said, It does not have a

20 registered DMCA agent, you responded to Andrew and

21 you said, Plus there's a complication. As an

22 alternative avenue of trying to get tube sites to

23 behave themselves, as opposed to suing every one

24 of them, Jessica Christensen and I personally

25 shoved Vobile down their throat for the Free

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1 Speech Coalition, thus making it an ethical

2 problem if we sue this particular tube site.

3 Do you see that?

4 A. I do.

5 Q. When you told Andrew Rasmus this Jessica

6 Christensen and yourself personally shoved Vobile

7 down their throats for the Free Speech Coalition,

8 that wasn't true, correct?

9 Vobile was adopted by XVideos as part of

10 the settlement with Gill Sperlein's clients that

11 you represented them in, correct?

12 A. Well, that coalition was the Free Speech

13 Coalition.

14 ARBITRATOR HABERFELD: I think you should

15 listen to the question one more time.

16 MS. KRINCEK: Okay.


18 accurate, but let's make sure everybody hears the

19 question, please. Please listen carefully,

20 Ms. Krincek.

21 (Whereupon, the pertinent part of the record

22 was read back by the court reporter.)

23 ARBITRATOR HABERFELD: Was the "them" --

24 do you understand what I'm saying?

25 MS. KRINCEK: Yeah. So let me -- let me

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1 just withdraw that and rephrase it.


3 Q. So you're representing here that you and

4 Jessica shoved Vobile down XVideos' throat for the

5 Free Speech Coalition, correct?

6 A. Yes.

7 Q. In fact, XVideos agreed to adopt Vobile

8 as part of the settlement with Mr. Sperlein's

9 clients in the matter that you represented them on

10 in mediation, correct?

11 A. As part of it, yes.

12 Q. The last paragraph of your e-mail to

13 Andrew Rasmus you say regarding XVideos, Naturally

14 there is this particular fuck up on their part.

15 But let's set the ethical issue aside. The fact

16 that they have installed Vobile creates a strong

17 defense on their part, correct?

18 A. Correct.

19 Q. You're advising Andrew Rasmus about the

20 strength of XVideos' defenses to a claim against

21 them by Liberty Media, correct?

22 A. That's correct.

23 Q. Now, on this e-mail, you told Andrew that

24 Vobile was shoved down XVideos' throat for the

25 Free Speech Coalition because you didn't want to

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1 disclose to the company that XVideos was a client

2 you had represented, correct?

3 A. No.

4 Q. Can you turn to Exhibit 390?

5 A. Yes. I remember this from yesterday.

6 Q. This is the e-mail where somebody has

7 sent a report of Corbin Fisher material being

8 found on

9 A. Yes.

10 Q. And you respond, and you say, This is a

11 good example of fair use of our materials. I see

12 the reporter's point, but using parts of our films

13 for a compilation is likely to be held as fair

14 use.

15 Do you see that?

16 A. I do.

17 Q. And further down you say, However, if we

18 brought a claim against this, and you're referring

19 to the video that was found on XVideos, correct?

20 A. If we brought a claim against the user

21 who uploaded it, yes, that's exactly what I'm

22 referring to.

23 Q. We would look bad.

24 A. Yes.

25 Q. Do you see that?

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1 A. Yes.

2 Q. If we did a DMCA takedown, we would be

3 subject to counter-notification and attorney's

4 fees.

5 Do you see that?

6 A. I do.

7 Q. A DMCA takedown would be going to

8 XVideos; do you -- is that correct?

9 A. That would be the first place it would

10 go.

11 Q. Right.


13 convenient break point, or getting to one?

14 MS. KRINCEK: Yes. Let me just ask a few

15 more question.


17 more minutes?

18 MS. KRINCEK: Sure.


20 Q. So you -- you also say in this e-mail, So

21 this is a very good example of us needing to be

22 careful. Please do not file a takedown request on

23 this video.

24 That was your instruction, correct?

25 A. Yes.

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1 Q. Now, you never disclosed to any of the

2 individuals on this e-mail that XVideos was a

3 client of yours, correct?

4 A. It wasn't relevant, no.

5 Q. And you didn't disclose to Jason Gibson

6 that XVideos was a client of yours, correct?

7 A. Correct.

8 Q. You understood when you took on XVideos

9 as a client, that you and your firm could not now

10 be adverse to them in a lawsuit initiated by

11 Liberty Media, correct?

12 A. Correct.

13 Q. Did you ever make any written disclosure

14 to Liberty Media or Excelsior that XVideos was

15 your client?

16 A. No.

17 Q. Did you ever obtain written consent from

18 Liberty Media or Excelsior to represent XVideos?

19 A. No.

20 MS. KRINCEK: Now is a good point to

21 stop.


23 minutes, please.

24 (Whereupon, an off-record

25 discussion was had.)

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2 record.

3 Ms. Krincek?


5 Q. Mr. Randazza, can you please turn to

6 Exhibit 414?

7 A. Okay.

8 Q. Exhibit 414, Mr. Randazza, are billing

9 records of your time billed to XVideos that were

10 produced in this arbitration, correct?

11 A. Uh-huh.

12 Q. And they do not include time billed by

13 other attorneys at RLG to XVideos, correct?

14 A. Correct.

15 Q. Just for -- if you look at the last page

16 of this exhibit.

17 A. Okay.

18 Q. Just for your time, you invoiced XVideos

19 over $44,000 during the time that you were

20 employed by Excelsior Media, correct?

21 A. Yes.

22 I would like to clarify something, a

23 question you asked me from before. When you asked

24 me if there was any disclosure, I thought you

25 meant formal disclosure.

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1 Q. Your attorney can ask you questions on

2 redirect or recross-examination.

3 A. Well, it occurred to me, so --

4 Q. Okay.


6 for then.



9 Q. I wanted to ask you about some specific

10 entries. The first entry that you had for

11 XVideos.

12 A. Okay.

13 Q. First page of the exhibit.

14 A. Yes.

15 Q. And it's on 6/20/2010.

16 A. Yes.

17 Q. Review of strategy plan and assignment of

18 research projects to lower cost attorneys.

19 Do you see that?

20 A. I do.

21 Q. And then in the next day, 6/21/2010, you

22 have an entry for exchange calls with co-counsel

23 and e-mails with client, and e-mails with opposing

24 counsel.

25 Do you see that?

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1 A. I see that.

2 Q. Is all your -- are those entries and your

3 initial work for XVideos related to the mediation

4 matter you were representing them in with Gill

5 Sperlein on the opposing side?

6 A. The first two?

7 Q. Uh-huh. Yes.

8 A. I think so.

9 Q. Okay.

10 A. They seem to be mischaracterized as far

11 as matter goes, if that's the case, but --

12 Q. But you have a matter that's called

13 negotiation of suit, correct?

14 A. Yeah. I've got general advice, and then

15 negotiation of suit.

16 Q. Can you turn to the next page? There is

17 an entry for July 15th, 2010. And you say, Back

18 and forth e-mails with co-counsel and client,

19 settlement discussions with opposing counsel.

20 Is that related to the mediation matter

21 with Gill Sperlein?

22 A. I imagine so, yes.

23 Q. On the next page for July -- 7/20/2010.

24 A. Yes.

25 Q. Billed to the matter general advice, your

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1 description is exchange e-mails regarding DMCA

2 issue with client and with co-counsel, correct?

3 A. Correct.

4 Q. Further down on the page, August 29th,

5 2010 you have an entry to general advice,

6 telephone call with JMD regarding strategy for

7 client future compliance with US laws.

8 Do you see that?

9 A. Yes.

10 Q. So you had a call with your associate Jay

11 DeVoy regarding XVideos' strategy for future

12 compliance with US law, correct?

13 A. Yes.

14 Q. September 7th, 2010, you billed time to

15 the general advice matter for XVideos for receipt

16 and review of DMCA complaints and analysis of same

17 in transmission of same to client.

18 Do you see that?

19 A. Yes.

20 Q. So you were reviewing DMCA complaints

21 that were received by XVideos, correct?

22 A. Yes. They may have even come directly to

23 me. I think we were their DMCA agent at that

24 time, but I don't -- I can't -- I'm not precisely

25 sure.

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1 Q. You were the DMCA agent for

2 A. I think so. I would have to look in my

3 records to confirm that.

4 Q. When did you become the DMCA agent for

5 XVideos?

6 A. Like I said, I'm not even sure we ever

7 were. I --

8 Q. Well, you wouldn't --

9 A. I would have to look that up.

10 Q. Well, you wouldn't have been the DMCA

11 agent prior to June of 2010, when they retained

12 you as an attorney, correct?

13 A. No.

14 Q. So sometime after June 2010, you might

15 have become the DMCA agent for

16 A. Might have been.

17 Q. So when Corbin Fisher, Liberty Media is

18 sending DMCA takedown notices to XVideos, they are

19 potentially coming to you; is that correct?

20 A. You know, like I said, I'm not sure.

21 You know, that wouldn't make any sense at

22 that time.

23 Q. Could you turn the page to an entry on

24 September 30th, 2010?

25 A. Okay.

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1 Q. September 30th, 2010, you have an entry

2 under negotiation of suit.

3 A. Yeah.

4 Q. And it's for finalize and sign settlement

5 and transfer to opposing counsel.

6 Do you see that?

7 A. Yes.

8 Q. Does that appear to you to be when the

9 matter you were representing XVideos and XNXX

10 regarding with Gill Sperlein was settled,

11 September 30th, 2010?

12 A. That's what that suggests to me.

13 Q. After the matter with Gill Sperlein

14 resolved, do you continue to represent XVideos and

15 XNXX through at least when your employment with

16 Excelsior ended, correct?

17 A. Correct.

18 Q. Can I have you look at Exhibit 313?

19 A. Okay.

20 Q. Exhibit 313, Mr. Randazza, is your

21 responses to some interrogatories that we sent in

22 this matter. And before I ask you a question

23 about the substance of your response, if you could

24 just go to the second to last page and verify for

25 me that that's your signature on the verification

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1 page?

2 A. That's my signature on the verification

3 page.

4 Q. Could you turn to Page Number 4 of the

5 interrogatory response?

6 A. I'm there.

7 Q. I'm sorry. Page Number 5.

8 A. I'm there.

9 Q. You respond to an interrogatory

10 requesting a monthly breakdown of how much time

11 you billed to some of the clients that Excelsior

12 believes represented a conflict of interest in

13 this interrogatory response.

14 So on Page 5 there's a box that labels --

15 that's labeled XVideos.

16 Do you see that?

17 A. I do.

18 Q. And so we just identified in your billing

19 records that the matter with Mr. Sperlein settled

20 at the end of September 2010.

21 A. Yes.

22 Q. And after that matter settled, you billed

23 time to XVideos every month for the remainder of

24 the time that you worked for Excelsior with the

25 exception of one month; is that correct?

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1 A. It looks that way.

2 Q. Can you turn to Exhibit 372, please?

3 A. Yes.

4 Q. 372 is the Bar response that you sent to

5 the Florida State Bar in June of 2013.

6 If you could turn to the page that's

7 Bates stamped at the bottom EMC1610.

8 A. Okay. Yes.

9 Q. Can you please read the paragraph under

10 the heading XVideos?

11 A. You want me to read that whole paragraph?

12 Q. Three-quarters of it. I can tell you

13 when to stop.

14 A. Okay. Randazza initially represented

15 XVideos when a dispute arose between them and

16 clients of a friend of Randazza. That friend sent

17 a threat to another adult industry lawyer who

18 responded negatively. Randazza had met XVideos'

19 French attorneys at some point in 2009. When the

20 plaintiff's attorney contacted Randazza and asked

21 if he knew anything about XVideos, Randazza called

22 their French attorney, and he told them to talk to

23 Randazza. Strangely phrased. At that point,

24 Randazza agreed to assist with resolving the

25 dispute. He specifically stated that if

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1 litigation ensued, he would not continue

2 representing them. Most of the negotiations were

3 done by one of Randazza's partners, although

4 Randazza did have a role in the matter. After

5 that, Randazza did not do any work for XVideos.

6 Q. You can stop there.

7 A. Randazza maintained communication.

8 Q. Let me ask you a question about that.

9 A. Yes.

10 Q. You reported to the Bar, After that,

11 Randazza did not do any work for XVideos.

12 Do you see that?

13 A. Yes. Mr. Tannebaum wrote that.

14 Q. And you did, in fact, continue to do work

15 for XVideos for another two years, at least,

16 correct?

17 A. I did. Mr. Tannebaum's statement there

18 is inaccurate.

19 Q. You didn't happen to review this Bar

20 response before it was submitted, did you?

21 A. I believe I did, and I missed that

22 detail.

23 Q. In the next sentence after that, you

24 reported to the Bar, Randazza maintained

25 communications with them and utilized the fact

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1 that he had a direct line of communication to

2 their CEO to continually forward CF takedown

3 requests to that company, which were acted on much

4 more quickly and much more thoroughly because of

5 Randazza's prior relationship with XVideos.

6 Do you see that?

7 A. I do. I do.

8 Q. You were representing to the State Bar

9 that XVideos was no longer a client of yours after

10 the matter with Gill Sperlein was settled,

11 correct?

12 A. Like I said, this -- that's an error.

13 Q. Do you still represent XVideos?

14 A. I do.

15 Q. If you would go back to, Mr. Randazza,

16 Exhibit 414, the billing records for XVideos you

17 produced in this matter.

18 A. Okay.

19 Q. If you would turn to the pages on -- my

20 draft has the holes, the binder holes through

21 them, but it's an entry for September 21st, 2011.

22 A. Okay.

23 Q. September 21st, 2011, you recorded a time

24 to the general advice matter for XVideos that you

25 exchange e-mails regarding tube suits and prepared

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1 an outline for repeat infringer policy, correct?

2 A. Correct.

3 Q. If you will skip forward two pages to an

4 entry for October 28th, 2011.

5 A. Okay.

6 Q. October 28th, 2011, the bottom entry on

7 that page, you recorded time to XVideos to

8 research concerning tactics by anti-tube

9 litigators.

10 Do you see that?

11 A. I do.

12 Q. Anti-tube litigators are people that sue

13 tube sites for copyright infringement, correct?

14 A. Not necessarily just for copyright

15 infringement.

16 Q. But they would be included within the

17 category of anti-tube litigators, correct?

18 A. I think on this one, it was actually in

19 response to a -- some right of publicity claims

20 that some people had been floating.

21 Q. If you turn to the next page, you've got

22 entries on November -- 11/1/2011.

23 A. Yes.

24 Q. There's one for one and a half hours that

25 you billed to XVideos for research concerning DMCA

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1 and theories regarding DMCA protection.

2 Do you see that?

3 A. I do.

4 Q. You're advising XVideos about how they

5 can be protected by the DMCA, correct?

6 A. I was probably reviewing new case law

7 about it.

8 Q. I'm done with the topic of XVideos.

9 I'm going to ask you some questions now

10 about Bang Brothers.

11 A. Okay.

12 Q. You're obviously familiar with a company

13 named Bang Brothers, correct?

14 A. I'm very familiar with them.

15 Q. They produce pornography, correct?

16 A. They do.

17 Q. A gentleman named Mark Bryn is general

18 counsel for Bang Brothers?

19 A. Yes. He's actually outside counsel for

20 them, but he acts as their general counsel.

21 Q. Okay. During the course of your

22 employment with Excelsior, you represented Bang

23 Brothers, correct?

24 A. Yes.

25 Q. You never obtained written informed

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1 consent from Excelsior or Liberty for your

2 representation of Bang Brothers, correct?

3 A. I didn't think it was necessary.

4 Q. And you never made a written disclosure

5 to Excelsior or Liberty that you represented Bang

6 Brothers, correct?

7 A. No, I did not.

8 Q. The billing records you produced in this

9 matter for Bang Brothers have the client name

10 listed as Mark Bryn, correct?

11 A. Correct.

12 Q. Can you turn to Exhibit 415?

13 A. 415, yeah, I'm on that.

14 Q. Exhibit 415 is the billing records you

15 produced for Bang Brothers, correct?

16 A. Correct.

17 And to be precise, I did the work for

18 Mark, but it was inure to the benefit of Bang

19 Brothers, so I want to be precise, but not

20 evasive.

21 Q. And according to the last page of that

22 exhibit, you billed over $20,000 to Bang Brothers

23 while you work for Excelsior, correct?

24 A. That's what that page says, yes.

25 Q. And that doesn't include time billed by

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1 your associates at Randazza Legal Group spent

2 working on Bang Brothers work, correct?

3 A. That's just the time I spent.

4 Q. And this doesn't include any time billed

5 by you for Bang Brothers work prior to February of

6 2010, correct?

7 A. Yeah, I don't have records prior to that.

8 Q. If you would look at the page that's

9 Bates stamped MJR104025.

10 A. Yes.

11 Q. On October 19th, 2010 --

12 A. Yeah.

13 Q. -- you billed Bang Brothers four hours

14 for attendance at a content protection retreat in

15 Tucson, correct?

16 A. Yes.

17 Q. To Liberty Media's knowledge, you were at

18 the content protection retreat on their behalf,

19 correct?

20 A. Correct.

21 Q. You did not disclose to Liberty Media

22 that you were also attending on behalf of and

23 being paid for your attendance at that retreat by

24 Bang Brothers, correct?

25 A. I don't recall discussing it with anyone.

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1 Q. During the time period of your

2 representation of both Excelsior and Bang

3 Brothers, you knew that Bang Brothers owned one or

4 more tube sites, correct?

5 A. I did not.

6 Q. Can I have you look at MJR104033?

7 A. I'm there.

8 Q. There is an entry on November 20th, 2011,

9 where you billed time to Bang Brothers to update a

10 memo to JAF regarding tube site best practices.

11 Do you see that?

12 A. Yes, yes.

13 Q. You were billing Bang Brothers for

14 information about best practices for tube sites on

15 November 20th of 2011, correct?

16 A. Yes.

17 Q. You at least agree that you were aware

18 Bang Brothers was interested in acquiring tube

19 sites, correct?

20 A. I knew they had some interest in the

21 space.

22 Q. In fact, you advised Liberty that Liberty

23 should consider acquiring tube sites, and that

24 Bang Brothers was doing it and making a lot of

25 money on it, correct?

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1 A. I don't recall telling them that they

2 were making a lot of money on it, but I thought it

3 was a good idea. I think the comparison I made

4 for Liberty was with a company called Manwin.

5 Q. You acquired a tube site for Bang

6 Brothers through a settlement agreement; is that

7 correct?

8 A. That's not accurate.

9 Q. You didn't acquire a tube site called

10 for them?

11 A. Not the site, no. We acquired the domain

12 name.

13 Q. Can you turn to Page 247 of your

14 deposition?

15 A. Okay.

16 Q. Page 247, Lines 4 to 12. Question:

17 Okay. Bang Brothers was -- you knew Bang Brothers

18 was interested in acquiring tube sites?

19 Answer: They were. In fact, I can

20 specifically recall Fapzap being one of them.

21 Question: You acquired Fapzap for Bang

22 Brothers, correct?

23 Answer: And $60,000 for Liberty Media.

24 Do you see that?

25 A. Yes.

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1 Q. During your employment, you knew that

2 Bang Brothers was affiliated with Manhub; is that

3 correct?

4 A. I actually did not know that.

5 Q. Can you turn to Exhibit 344, please?

6 A. Okay. I see that.

7 Q. Exhibit 344 shows that on November 17th,

8 2011, you received an e-mail from Keith Webb of

9 Titan Media, correct?

10 A. Yes.

11 Q. Titan Media produces and sells

12 pornography, correct?

13 A. It does.

14 Q. And Mr. Webb e-mailed you and said,

15 810,929 views, he includes a link to the Website

16 Then he says, I'm sure there's

17 more. I believe the site is owned by Bang Bros.

18 Do you see that?

19 A. Yes.

20 Q. And then you responded, If it has a DMCA

21 agent, it has some immunity, and I'd be conflicted

22 out.

23 Do you see that?

24 A. Yep.

25 Q. In 2012 Liberty Media was considering

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1 purchasing a competitor called Cody Media,

2 correct?

3 A. I don't think they were actually

4 considering buying it. But that was the topic of

5 some discussions.

6 Q. You knew Liberty Media was talking to the

7 owners of Cody Media about potentially buying Cody

8 Media, correct?

9 A. Well, again, I -- what I am sure was

10 really happening was Jason was using it as an

11 opportunity to get intelligence on a competitor,

12 as he had done before with Suite 703.

13 But I was involved and privy to

14 discussions, which, at the time, I thought were

15 good faith discussions about buying the company.

16 Q. So while you were employed with

17 Excelsior, you knew Excelsior was talking to Cody

18 Media about potentially buying Cody Media, yes or

19 no?

20 A. Yes, those discussions were taking place.

21 Q. The acquisition -- potential acquisition

22 price being discussed was -- or Liberty was

23 considering was $5 million, correct?

24 A. Correct.

25 Q. Liberty was looking at financing the

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1 purchase by using a third-party lender, correct?

2 A. Yes.

3 Q. They were in discussions with Manwin to

4 provide financing, correct?

5 A. I don't believe that's accurate.

6 Q. What about an organization called

7 Ackrell, A-k-r-e-l-l (sic)?

8 A. I think there were conversations with

9 Ackrell Capital, yes.

10 Q. And did you believe Ackrell Capital had

11 some relationship with Manwin?

12 A. I think that they were -- they had some

13 connection to the financing that Manwin used for

14 its borrowing.

15 Q. You advised Excelsior about downsides of

16 using the Ackrell Capital financing proposal,

17 correct?

18 A. I don't know if it was Excelsior, but I

19 advised that Corbin Fisher should look at

20 alternate funding sources.

21 Q. And you encouraged them to use --

22 consider using Bang Brothers to provide financing,

23 correct?

24 A. I wanted them to at least talk to them

25 about what kind of terms they could get.

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1 Q. Did you ever obtain written consent from

2 Liberty or Excelsior to advise them about Bang

3 Brothers potentially offering financing for the

4 Cody Media purchase?

5 A. I saw no reason to. I consistently

6 bragged about my relationship with Bang Brothers,

7 as well as with these other companies that we're

8 talking. So, no, I did not get any written

9 consent to give them that advice.

10 Q. To be clear, when you say you bragged

11 about your relationship, that does not mean that

12 you told anyone at Excelsior that Bang Brothers

13 was a client of yours, correct?

14 A. No. I said that all the time.

15 Q. You --

16 A. On a regular basis.

17 Q. You actually used the words "Bang

18 Brothers is my client"?

19 A. I represent them is probably what I said,

20 or I do work for them.

21 Q. Who did you use the words I represent

22 them with respect to Bang Brothers to at the

23 company?

24 A. You know, I can't give you an exact date,

25 time, and who was in the conversation. But it was

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1 such a ubiquitous topic of conversation. In fact,

2 it was the reason why I could get access to

3 Mr. Bryn to call them and see if they wanted to

4 make a $5 million loan at a better interest rate

5 than 37 and a half percent, which was the number

6 that was being batted around by Ackrell.

7 Q. Well, I'm assuming there are people other

8 than -- that are paying clients of yours that you

9 can pick up the phone and call to talk about

10 things, correct?

11 A. There are people other than my clients I

12 can call, pick up the phone and call and talk

13 about things with.

14 Q. You represented an entity known as GRHK,

15 LLC, while you were employed with Excelsior,

16 correct?

17 A. Yes.

18 Q. They're owned by Bang Brothers, correct?

19 A. They have a relationship with Bang

20 Brothers. Even I am not at this time entirely

21 clear on what that relationship is.

22 Q. You --

23 A. But they are affiliated.

24 Q. You never disclosed to Liberty or

25 Excelsior that you represented GRHK, correct?

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1 A. No.

2 Q. Did you ever receive written informed

3 consent from Excelsior or Liberty to your

4 representation of GRHK?

5 A. I saw no reason to.

6 Q. GRHK operated a Website called

7, correct?

8 A. Yes.

9 Q. In August of 2011, you sent a demand

10 letter to a tube site on behalf of GRHK

11 alleging copyright infringement; is that correct?

12 A. I think so.

13 Q. Well, let me have you turn to

14 Exhibit 312.

15 A. Yep, that's it, Choopa.

16 Q. For the record, Exhibit 312 is a copy of

17 a demand letter you sent to on behalf

18 of GRHK on August 10th, 2011, correct?

19 A. Correct.

20 Q. And you eventually settled the dispute on

21 behalf of GRHK against and obtained the

22 tube site for GRHK/Bang Brothers, correct?

23 A. I got the domain name, Fapzap. GRHK took

24 that, and Liberty took $60,000.

25 Q. At the same time you were pursuing Fapzap

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1 for GRHK, you were pursuing Fapzap for Liberty

2 Media, correct?

3 A. Yes. We had a -- we had a joint

4 representation and agreement. We had agreed we

5 were going to do it together.

6 Q. Who had agreed you were going to do it

7 together?

8 A. Liberty and GRHK.

9 Q. Well, you never disclosed to Liberty that

10 GRHK was your client, though, correct?

11 A. Well, I'm sure I did.

12 Q. Did you make the written disclosure to

13 anyone at Liberty that GRHK was your client?

14 A. You know, I recall seeing a document

15 where we had a joint representation agreement and

16 who was going to represent who in it. So I don't

17 even know if I represented GRHK at that time.

18 Q. Can you turn back to Exhibit 312?

19 A. Sure. Okay.

20 Q. The first line of this document, this

21 letter, Mr. Randazza, says, This firm has the

22 honor and privilege of representing GRHK.

23 Do you see that?

24 A. Right, yeah.

25 Q. Did you ever obtain written consent from

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1 Liberty or Excelsior to represent GRHK?

2 A. Again, I'm pretty sure -- first of all,

3 no, because I don't think I needed to. But,

4 second, I'm pretty sure there's a lengthy joint

5 representation agreement that we went over.

6 Q. Well, where is this joint representation

7 agreement? It has never been produced in this

8 case.

9 A. I don't know.

10 Q. Who signed this joint representation

11 agreement?

12 A. I know Larry Walters signed it at one

13 point, because he was representing Fapzap.

14 Well, no, that wouldn't make sense.

15 Maybe Bryn.

16 I don't know. I know that there was some

17 kind of an agreement that we all made amongst one

18 another, though.

19 Q. And who on behalf of the company was

20 aware -- or who on behalf of the company made the

21 agreement?

22 ARBITRATOR HABERFELD: The company being?


24 Q. Liberty Media or Excelsior Media.

25 A. I would have probably entered into the

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1 agreement. I'm sure I discussed it with Jason

2 that we were going to do this jointly with -- I

3 think I told Jason it was with Bang Bros, being

4 inaccurate about the actual entity, being GRHK.

5 Q. Mr. Randazza, you've produced over

6 100,000 documents in this matter. Can you

7 identify for me a single document that reflects

8 that you and Jason discussed you representing both

9 GRHK and Liberty Media?

10 A. No. And not that -- I can't tell you in

11 all of these binders which one of those -- these

12 documents may say that.

13 But I would be surprised if there isn't

14 any e-mail exchange about it at all.

15 Q. Well, we've got a few days left in the

16 arbitration, so if you find one, please bring it

17 forward.

18 You resolved Liberty's dispute with

19 Fapzap and got them a $30,000 settlement, correct?

20 A. I thought it was $60,000.

21 Q. Liberty believes it was $30,000. Are you

22 sure it was 60,000?

23 A. No, I'm not.

24 Q. So you got $30,000 for Liberty, and you

25 got the domain name for GRHK, correct?

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1 A. Yes. And I -- and I'm pretty sure I

2 disclosed some trust account reports of those

3 would be -- those would have that number on it.

4 Q. Is it your understanding that under your

5 bonus -- or under your employment agreement, that

6 you don't receive any bonus for nonmonetary

7 settlement terms, correct?

8 A. Correct.

9 Q. So if Liberty Media had gotten the

10 domain name, you wouldn't receive any

11 bonus for that, correct?

12 A. No, I wouldn't.

13 Q. You did not bill GRHK for any work you

14 did for them, even as it relates to the Fapzap

15 dispute, correct?

16 A. I don't think I did.

17 Q. And you did not bill Bang Brothers for

18 any work you did for GRHK, correct?

19 A. I don't think so.

20 Q. But you were paid by Excelsior for

21 working on the Fapzap matter, correct?

22 A. Yes. What we did was we created a -- we

23 had an agreement that -- Mr. Fischer also works

24 for Mr. Bryn, so under Mr. Bryn's auspices, he

25 would -- he and Bryn worked on behalf of GRHK, I

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1 worked on behalf of Liberty.

2 Q. But you took a bonus on the settlement

3 that Liberty Media received from,

4 correct?

5 A. I'm sure I did, yes. 25 percent of the

6 gross.

7 Q. I'm going to move on to a new topic, and

8 that is PornGuardian.

9 ARBITRATOR HABERFELD: Can we just take a

10 short break in place?

11 MS. KRINCEK: Sure.

12 (Whereupon, an off-record

13 discussion was had.)


15 record.


17 Q. Mr. Randazza, PornGuardian was a vendor

18 for Excelsior, correct?

19 A. Correct.

20 Q. Can you turn to Exhibit 417?

21 A. Yep.

22 Q. This is the retainer agreement,

23 Exhibit 417, that you entered with PornGuardian,

24 correct?

25 A. Correct.

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1 Q. And that was on March 1st of 2011 they

2 officially became a client of yours, correct?

3 A. That seems right.

4 Q. Can you turn to Exhibit 413?

5 A. Yes.

6 Q. These are billing records that you

7 produced for PornGuardian, correct, Exhibit 413?

8 A. This looks like XVideos, actually.

9 Q. Exhibit 413. I think 414 was XVideos.

10 A. Yes. Okay. Here we go. Okay.

11 Q. If you look at the entry, the second

12 entry for PornGuardian on May 30th, 2012 --

13 A. Uh-huh.

14 Q. -- in your description you say, Phone

15 call regarding defamation threat and Oron

16 litigation.

17 A. Uh-huh.

18 Q. No charge for Oron litigation time,

19 correct?

20 A. Correct.

21 Q. You weren't charging Oron for the -- you

22 weren't charging PornGuardian for this time that

23 you spent working for them on the Oron litigation,

24 correct?

25 A. Correct. I rarely charged them for time

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1 I spent on their work.

2 Q. Yep. And the entry for June 20th, 2012,

3 you have another entry, Call with client

4 regarding -- call with client regarding

5 litigation, and you have no charge down for that,

6 correct?

7 A. Correct.

8 Q. You recommended to Excelsior that they

9 contract with PornGuardian, correct?

10 A. Correct.

11 Q. You were responsible for reviewing for

12 Excelsior their service agreements with vendors

13 like PornGuardian, correct?

14 A. Correct.

15 Q. You don't have a recollection of

16 disclosing to Liberty that PornGuardian was your

17 client, correct?

18 A. I don't have a specific recollection of

19 when it would have happened, but, again, it was

20 ubiquitous bragging about the concessions they

21 gave us because I did work for them.

22 Q. You never received written consent from

23 Excelsior or Liberty to represent PornGuardian,

24 correct?

25 A. Correct.

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1 Q. Mr. Randazza, is it your position that if

2 you are bragging about getting concessions from

3 PornGuardian, that Liberty Media or Excelsior is

4 supposed to glean from that that PornGuardian is a

5 paying client of yours?

6 A. Well, I think the best practice is to get

7 a -- get it all in writing and to do all the CYA

8 you can.

9 However, as a practical matter, I think

10 when I talk to somebody on a regular basis about

11 something that I do, I might not go through that

12 formality.

13 Q. You negotiated for PornGuardian with Oron

14 at the same time you were negotiating with Oron on

15 behalf of Liberty Media, correct?

16 A. Very briefly, yes.

17 Q. Can you please turn to Exhibit 400?

18 A. Okay.

19 Q. Exhibit 400 is an e-mail from Stevan

20 Lieberman to you on July 1st, 2012, correct?

21 A. Correct.

22 Q. Mr. Lieberman attaches his redlining to a

23 letter from you to him, correct?

24 A. Correct.

25 Q. And Page 2 of that exhibit, which is

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1 MJR16298, provides for payment of $550,000 to

2 Liberty from Oron, correct?

3 A. Correct.

4 Q. And it also provides for a $50,000

5 payment from Oron to Privacy Stops Here; is that

6 correct?

7 A. Yes.

8 Q. PornGuardian was never a party to the

9 Oron litigation you filed, correct?

10 A. They were not.

11 Q. You did not disclose to Mr. Gibson that

12 you were representing PornGuardian in dispute with

13 Oron, correct?

14 A. I think I did.

15 Q. When did you do that, Mr. Randazza?

16 A. I'd say when it all started, because

17 really Liberty was riding on PornGuardian's

18 coattails to get into this settlement, although it

19 might seen otherwise from the inverted amounts of

20 the money.

21 Q. Do you have any documentation to show

22 that you disclosed to Mr. Gibson that you were

23 representing PornGuardian in a dispute with Oron?

24 A. I don't have any documentation of that,

25 that I know of.

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1 Q. And you didn't tell Mr. Gibson that you

2 were negotiating with Oron for a $50,000

3 settlement on behalf of PornGuardian, correct?

4 A. I think I told him that they were going

5 to pay PornGuardian something. I don't think I

6 gave him the exact details.

7 Q. At your deposition on Page 269, Lines 4

8 to 7, I asked you: Question: All right. Did you

9 disclose to Jason that you had received an offer

10 from Oron where PornGuardian was going to receive

11 $50,000?

12 You answered no.

13 Do you recall that testimony?

14 A. Yes.

15 Q. Can you turn to Exhibit 401?

16 A. Okay.

17 Q. This is an e-mail from the same day that

18 Mr. Lieberman sent you the settlement agreement

19 that we just looked at, July 1st, 2012.

20 A. Yep.

21 Q. And he says in his cover e-mail, Changes

22 in wording in 14 and 19, and calling you now.

23 A. Right.

24 Q. Do you see that?

25 A. Yes.

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1 Q. And the settlement agreement that

2 Mr. Lieberman attached to this e-mail still has a

3 $550,000 payment going to Liberty Media and a

4 $50,000 payment going to PornGuardian, correct?

5 A. Yes.

6 Q. And in the cover e-mail, Mr. Lieberman

7 says he's calling you now, correct?

8 A. Correct.

9 Q. Can you turn to Page 402 -- or

10 Exhibit 402?

11 A. Yeah, I'm there.

12 Q. This is the next e-mail from

13 Mr. Lieberman to you at 3:49, so just about an

14 hour later after he sent you the last version of

15 the settlement agreement and said he was going to

16 call you, and he says to you, I am pretty sure I

17 got each of their agreements separated out as

18 discussed. Please review.

19 Do you see that?

20 A. Yes, yes.

21 Q. And he also says to you, Also, as

22 discussed, we have an agreement only if they both

23 agree.

24 Do you see that?

25 A. Yes.

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1 Q. And now Mr. Lieberman has separated out

2 Oron and PornGuardian into two separate -- I'm

3 sorry, not Oron and PornGuardian -- but

4 Mr. Lieberman is separating out PornGuardian and

5 Liberty Media into two separate settlement

6 agreements, correct?

7 A. Correct.

8 Q. Does this explain, Mr. Randazza, why the

9 child pornography related provisions are in

10 Liberty Media's settlement agreement, even though

11 that was a dispute between PornGuardian and Oron,

12 because they were first part of the same agreement

13 and then got separated into two agreements?

14 A. I'm not seeing that.

15 Q. Separating the agreements was done at

16 your request, correct?

17 A. Yes, because I started to sense that

18 there could be a possible conflict.

19 Q. The Liberty settlement agreement contains

20 no references to PornGuardian receiving $50,000,

21 correct?

22 A. Correct.

23 Q. You separated -- you had the agreements

24 separated out so that Mr. Gibson would not find

25 out that you were representing PornGuardian,

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1 correct?

2 A. No matter how many times you say that,

3 I'm not going to say correct. No, that's not

4 correct.

5 Q. Let me have you look at Exhibit 395.

6 A. Okay.

7 Q. 395 is an e-mail exchange where

8 PornGuardian was being discussed, correct?

9 A. Correct.

10 Q. And on Page 2 of that e-mail, MJR12635,

11 there is an e-mail from Jason Gibson to you on

12 June 29th at 4:08 p.m.

13 Do you see that?

14 A. Yes.

15 Q. And Mr. Gibson says, I am nervous relying

16 on a third-party system like that -- like this.

17 When there was issues with our in-house system, I

18 had someone I could go to and fire, if necessary,

19 if it wasn't working right. Now we are playing

20 guessing games on why things aren't -- why things

21 aren't taken down in a timely manner. Is it the

22 host site or is it something on PG's end? I don't

23 like being in bed with them.

24 Do you see that?

25 A. Yes.

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1 Q. Mr. Gibson, when he says he doesn't like

2 being in bed with them, he's referring to

3 PornGuardian, correct?

4 A. Yes.

5 Q. And then on the first page of this

6 exhibit, there is another e-mail from Jason to

7 yourself on July 1st at 9:00 o'clock in the

8 morning.

9 Before I get to that, let me get to your

10 response to Mr. Gibson's e-mail.

11 After Mr. Gibson e-mailed and said he

12 didn't like being in bed with them, you e-mailed

13 him back, and you said, They've given us so much

14 intelligence over the years, including much of

15 which led to some of our biggest scores, Hotfile,

16 Megaupload. Without their information and help,

17 all without charge, we would have had almost a

18 million dollars less in collections.

19 Also, I had them lined up to be a

20 co-plaintiff in the Oron case with them bringing

21 in a bunch of contributors, who were going to toss

22 in about 15,000 each, but were not going to have

23 any control over the case. Since Hong Kong is

24 costing us another 8,000 to date and likely

25 another 15,000 by the time we are done, I thought

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1 you'd prefer someone else foot that bill.

2 If you don't want to be in bed with them,

3 okay. Let's just fire them after the Oron case is

4 wrapped up. In the meantime, can we stay in bed

5 with them until I get money out of Oron?

6 That's what you wrote to Mr. Gibson,

7 correct?

8 A. Yes.

9 Q. And in Mr. Gibson's response on Page 1,

10 if you go down to the sixth paragraph, Mr. Gibson

11 wrote to you, PG itself is not a content creator.

12 They own no copyrights, and therefore should not

13 be entitled to a penny of money recovered from

14 Oron. They are not even doing a particularly

15 effective job at focusing on CF content. If they

16 were, Andrew would not have to be involved in this

17 process and wouldn't be finding hundreds of links

18 each week. Cameron wouldn't be finding so much of

19 our content in his free time.

20 Do you see that?

21 A. I do.

22 Q. And because of this e-mail, where

23 Mr. Gibson told you he didn't want to be in bed

24 with PornGuardian and he didn't want them to get a

25 penny from Oron, that's why you instructed

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1 Mr. Lieberman to separate them out into two

2 separate agreements so Jason wouldn't see the

3 payment to PornGuardian, correct?

4 A. Your narrative is incorrect.

5 Q. Well, then why did you have them

6 separated into two agreements?

7 A. It was starting to get that instead of --

8 this does refresh my memory that what we were

9 going to do, is this was not going to be a solo

10 case by Corbin Fisher against Oron.

11 PornGuardian was supposed to be the nerve

12 center and bring a number of its clients together

13 with us, with AEBN, and we were all going to split

14 the expenses and split the take on this case.

15 When I finally filed without them,

16 PornGuardian actually started to get upset with me

17 about it. But I needed them, I needed their data

18 in order to continue prosecuting the case.

19 So when I saw that PornGuardian was going

20 to start wanting a, you know, kind of a ridiculous

21 amount of money, for them to get $50,000 was going

22 to be a lot.

23 When they wanted more, I saw that this

24 might weigh down the settlement for Corbin Fisher.

25 Q. Can I have you turn to Exhibit 403,

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1 please?

2 A. Yeah. Here we are.

3 Q. This is an e-mail from you and Jason

4 later on July 1st where you have sent him the

5 Liberty Media version of the settlement agreement

6 with Oron and asked him to give you permission to

7 sign.

8 You say, I think it looks fine, correct?

9 A. Yes.

10 Q. You didn't provide him with the

11 PornGuardian settlement agreement, correct?

12 A. I don't recall what was attached to this,

13 but I'm pretty sure it was the final one that I

14 actually signed.

15 Q. Did you provide Mr. Gibson with the

16 PornGuardian settlement agreement with Oron?

17 A. I don't recall one way or the other.

18 Q. Can you turn to Page 281 of your

19 deposition transcript?

20 A. Yes.

21 Q. Page 281?

22 A. Yes.

23 Q. Lines 3 to 5. Question: You didn't

24 provide him with the PornGuardian settlement

25 agreement, correct?

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1 Answer: Right.

2 Does that refresh your recollection?

3 A. Of what I testified then, yes.

4 Q. Are you changing your testimony now?

5 A. Honestly, I'm so tired, I don't know what

6 the hell I'm saying. I'm sorry. I'm exhausted.

7 MS. KRINCEK: If you want to stop now,

8 that's fine.

9 THE WITNESS: That would be outstanding,

10 because the droning is killing me.

11 ARBITRATOR HABERFELD: I think at this

12 point it's probably best to recess until tomorrow

13 9:00 o'clock.

14 MS. KRINCEK: Okay.

15 MR. WHITE: 9:00 o'clock.


17 We're in recess.

18 (Thereupon, the proceedings

19 were concluded at 5:08 p.m.)

20 * * * * *


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) SS:

7 I, Jo A. Scott, Certified Court Reporter, do

8 hereby certify:

9 That I reported in shorthand (Stenotype) the

10 proceedings had in the above-entitled matter at

11 the place and date indicated. That I thereafter

12 transcribed my said shorthand notes into

13 typewriting, and that the typewritten transcript

14 is a complete, true and accurate transcription of

15 my said shorthand notes.

16 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have set my hand in my

17 office in the County of Clark, State of Nevada,

18 this 23rd day of February, 2015.

21 ________________________________
Jo A. Scott, RPR, CCR NO. 669

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A accident 513:1 286:21 343:1,4 adult 281:5 316:6 aggressive 300:20

A-k-r-e-l-l 551:7 accomplished 343:14 344:8,12 348:22 359:22 301:1,6
a.m 277:2 366:8 377:23 381:12 411:21 387:14 502:7 ago 403:6,10,10
381:5 435:23 account 361:25 acted 542:3 504:12 540:17 422:9
467:9,19,21,25 388:23 389:2 acting 352:25 advance 501:24 agree 284:14
468:2 474:18 393:23,24 394:4 429:14 advanced 293:3,4 300:25 303:2
490:1,13,19 394:20 395:2,5 action 311:24 461:21 493:15 308:25 309:5
Aaron 337:14 398:19 402:5,6 348:11 492:20 501:19,21 374:9 386:8
Aaronson 285:8 406:16,17,21,22 actively 423:4,9 adversarial 463:4 395:10 400:7
ABA 364:22 407:1 414:18 actors 336:24 477:12 415:10 446:21
ability 277:19 415:12 418:12,15 337:2 adverse 400:15 449:13 467:6
278:20,24 283:5 418:16 419:7 acts 326:24 328:24 532:10 476:16,20 497:6
able 280:15 283:17 456:19 458:21,23 329:10,16 336:1 advice 288:3 497:10 518:25
301:13 311:22 460:9,22 462:9 336:8,19 544:20 373:18 374:5 547:17 565:23
378:23 381:17 475:19 495:17 actual 385:23,24 399:15 451:19,22 agreed 279:6
394:8 395:24 496:10 497:25 386:4 519:22 535:14,25 536:5 367:14 496:16,19
404:10 422:19 498:6 499:5,12 557:4 536:15 542:24 499:14 529:7
456:18 467:1 499:20 558:2 adamant 394:7 552:9 540:24 555:4,6
470:14 499:19 accounts 289:15 add 280:7 advise 500:17 agreeing 374:16
509:9,19 515:14 accuracy 332:21 Addison 345:14,18 501:6 552:2 agreement 298:25
above-entitled accurate 315:11 471:21 472:4 advised 389:6 299:8,13,15,21
573:10 328:10 330:24 addition 279:4 450:9,17 547:22 299:23 312:25
absent 425:7 404:23 428:23,25 293:8 551:15,19 364:18 368:18,23
absolute 478:13 465:22 480:22 additional 354:13 advising 529:19 370:14,25 371:17
517:24 499:9 528:18 466:23 467:18 544:4 372:3,14 373:9
absolutely 517:25 548:8 551:5 additionally AEBN 282:20,21 374:4 375:20,20
518:1 573:14 283:15 570:13 376:19 377:4
abuse 469:16 accusations 503:20 address 380:25 affectionately 378:24,24 379:13
abuses 469:13 accused 387:22 474:12 475:25,25 286:11 379:15,20,22
accept 295:1 470:1 503:7,16 497:7 514:7,9 affiliated 504:25 382:10,16 384:18
362:19 363:1,20 accusing 387:25 515:23 519:18,21 549:2 553:23 384:23 385:1,7
423:12 507:1 521:22 526:15 afraid 335:14 385:16,21 388:4
acceptable 322:18 Ackrell 551:7,9,10 addresses 413:3 afternoon 375:23 388:8 397:4,8,9
367:3,4,5 551:16 553:6 414:6 440:3 467:21 397:12,13 398:10
accepted 323:22 acquire 548:9 adhering 387:12 478:23 492:6 398:14 399:2,9
access 281:8 acquired 548:5,11 admin 480:12,19 afterward 365:3 399:17 400:10,14
481:19,20 482:4 548:21 481:2,4 490:7 agent 517:19 518:4 402:1,2,3 405:18
482:4 483:22 acquiring 547:18 administrative 518:10,13,17 405:22,25 406:9
484:1 488:19 547:23 548:18 481:2 525:15 527:20 407:16,25 408:5
489:9 514:9 acquisition 550:21 admit 468:8 536:23 537:1,4 408:9,10,25
553:2 550:21 adopt 529:7 537:11,15 549:21 409:2,14,19
accessed 466:2 act 279:9 286:20 adopted 528:9 aggression 311:7 410:5,23,24

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411:14 412:8 allege 336:6,18 373:22 374:19 anyway 294:8 275:14 311:4
413:25 414:1 alleged 343:1 Anderson 337:14 anyways 297:18 326:14,18 327:11
415:17 417:7 347:1 Andrew 338:22 apart 487:24,24 328:3,11 335:24
418:4,10,18 allegedly 387:11 452:4,22,25 apologies 294:4,11 337:9 369:2
419:10,18 420:14 492:24 453:9 497:24 apologize 294:9 383:22 437:20
420:17 421:9 alleges 311:15 525:13 527:17,20 apology 325:23 471:11 491:13
422:21 423:1,22 alleging 311:4 528:5 529:13,19 apparent 465:18 492:19,23 493:20
424:9,18,25 312:17 342:15 529:23 569:16 apparently 284:15 494:2 505:6
425:6,10,14 384:3 494:22 Angeles 276:5 296:18 533:10 557:16
428:4 431:3 495:6 554:11 animus 312:18 appeal 389:7 arbitrator 277:5
437:17 446:19 allow 375:12 announce 386:1 appealed 402:7 277:10 293:8,22
456:20 460:4 423:12 508:9 anonymously appear 294:3 294:1,5,13
497:7 498:1,9 allowed 470:17 291:7 449:14 538:8 296:20,24 297:13
500:5 502:12 allows 440:2 answer 318:22 APPEARANCES 297:19,22 298:5
506:2,6 508:8 alluded 327:6 323:17,19 339:19 276:1 298:14,18 302:10
509:18 512:21 allusive 377:21 410:11 419:8,12 appeared 343:19 302:15 306:13,22
548:6 555:4,15 alter 464:16 424:21 426:3,4,5 appears 309:19 307:9,24 308:2,5
556:5,7,11,17,21 alternate 551:20 426:6,25 427:15 319:14 348:4 309:9,13,22
557:1 558:5,23 alternative 527:22 435:5,7,11 350:9 351:6 310:3,16,22,25
559:22 564:18 Amazing 310:11 457:22,25 475:6 365:9 366:21 317:10,14,17
565:1,15,22 amended 293:20 481:25,25 482:7 371:22 389:21 318:2,7,13,16
566:10,12,19 294:15 326:13,18 482:11 483:23 405:9 408:11 323:6,9 332:11
571:5,11,16,25 335:23 491:13 484:3 503:19 438:19 447:21 333:11,15,21,25
agreements 397:20 492:19,22 493:20 508:23 548:19,23 458:16 504:23 339:18,22,25
411:10 561:12 494:2 572:1 505:12 506:15 340:2,4,8 345:7
565:17 566:6,13 Amendment answered 318:23 515:11 345:11 346:3,8
566:15,23 570:2 325:10 385:10 459:21 approached 284:8 346:14 349:9,12
570:6 amicable 456:12 564:12 363:18 349:15 353:5,9
agrees 386:1 amount 281:14,20 answers 482:21 appropriate 346:7 358:3 360:14,17
airport 341:11,14 287:13 346:5 anti-tube 543:8,12 426:15 451:18 364:1 379:3,6
alert 320:13 349:24 350:18 543:17 455:20 463:5 383:6,9,12,15
327:10,12 511:16 369:16 388:18,22 anticipating approved 409:16 409:7,11 410:10
512:9,22 514:1 419:19,19 436:17 408:24 409:4 approximately 410:13,16 413:6
515:3 461:10,11 492:25 anticipation 310:24 478:3 413:11,13,17
alerted 327:18 497:9 501:20 474:15 495:14 426:7,14,21,24
alerts 511:24 509:13,15 510:9 Antonio 303:17 April 312:3 316:4 432:11,16 457:3
allegation 311:17 570:21 446:24 447:5 317:23 318:1 457:6 464:14,15
330:4,8 387:18 amounts 296:3 Antonio's 439:13 326:22 327:11 467:25 468:3
387:24 460:10 462:3 anybody 279:11 328:21 329:4 470:15 475:5
allegations 329:10 500:4 563:19 427:24 514:2 515:3,7 482:9,12,17,20
332:4,16,20 analysis 536:16 anymore 285:6 526:17 491:17 492:1,11
387:10 491:12 and/or 327:3 307:16 447:4 arbitration 275:1,2 492:15 493:4

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494:5,12 500:21 asks 443:8 459:8 408:6 475:20 301:25 312:7 491:1 516:4,18
500:24 502:8 460:20 519:25 attacks 381:8 313:1,5,14 517:2 536:4
503:13 528:14,17 asserted 416:24 attend 341:8 314:13 340:14 554:9,18
528:23 531:12,16 assessment 461:13 attendance 546:14 341:7 380:17 auspices 558:24
532:22 533:1 assets 283:9 374:12 546:23 388:8 389:13 author 377:6
534:5 556:22 374:19 377:13 attended 445:17 391:14 392:24 authorized 384:17
559:9,14 572:11 assignment 534:17 453:13 401:24 402:2 available 381:4
572:16 assist 318:8 333:16 attending 546:22 405:5 410:22 470:22 513:9
arbitrator's 482:21 423:9 498:22,23 attention 284:10 413:23 415:16 avenue 527:22
area 286:24 411:7 540:24 284:10 288:1 417:6,17 420:12 AVN 334:16,24
arguing 285:3 assistance 299:19 322:1 397:16 420:13,19 421:20 award 389:1,8
464:15 assistant 321:15,19 417:23 465:3 422:2,4,13 392:9 398:3,5
argument 283:19 324:2 489:24 505:7 423:25 424:7,11 awarded 388:18
426:8 assisting 381:7 511:10 521:19 424:12,20,25 awarding 389:23
arguments 283:20 390:22 attorney 285:7 425:7 430:21 aware 296:3,13
arose 540:15 associate 286:4 286:16 288:4 434:15 435:13,18 329:2,5 344:7,10
arrangement 315:13 433:5 325:10 344:24 435:23 437:15,20 344:11 353:4,14
400:25 474:3 536:10 347:7 362:9 437:21 438:5,19 377:11 391:5
arrangements associates 546:1 380:17 382:24 439:5,17,25 411:9 446:10
400:10 456:11 assume 488:8 407:7,8,8,15 440:14,15,18,25 450:23,25 452:16
article 364:22 assumed 471:4 423:3,8 469:7 441:14 442:2,9 467:14 469:7
365:10 assuming 456:8 471:1,3 526:20 442:17 443:7,11 471:1 502:10
Articles 474:25 553:7 534:1 537:12 443:13 444:1,6,9 510:15 522:8,10
ASAP 396:24 assumption 350:10 540:20,22 444:19,23 445:9 547:17 556:20
460:4 assured 378:25 attorney's 388:12 445:14,18 446:2 awesome 473:24
aside 529:15 asterisked 365:3 388:15 389:1,7 446:4,8,18,23
asked 290:19 asterisks 365:14,16 389:23 391:23 447:7,13,18 B
321:14,18 335:7 ate 448:22 392:9 393:24 448:17,24 449:5 B 309:14 348:10,18
343:24 352:10 ATM 488:9 398:3 406:12 449:13,22 450:6 348:19 407:17
362:12 425:10 attach 365:9 397:3 411:11 428:17,19 452:4 453:1,9,13 back 277:5 285:4
453:14,20,23 attached 338:25 432:4 435:3 453:17 454:14,19 316:24 318:24
457:11 471:19 364:21 365:10 462:14 531:3 454:22 455:7,14 319:12 324:12
472:3 502:9 368:17 373:8 attorney/client 456:17 457:12 325:17 331:1
503:16,21 508:24 405:21 407:16 298:12 332:9 465:16 467:7,9 335:23 336:9
533:23,23 540:20 408:10 409:1,5 attorneys 373:16 467:18,19,20,23 339:21 341:1,17
564:8 571:6 409:18 414:1 382:15 452:23 470:25 471:21 342:17,21 345:8
asking 356:22 565:2 571:12 453:1,12 533:13 473:1,5 474:5,8 345:10 348:23
419:5 425:15 attaches 410:24 534:18 540:19 474:14,25,25 349:13,16 353:8
429:4 475:23 562:22 audio 307:6,12,19 475:15,17 476:9 354:20 357:4
478:11 482:14 attaching 417:6 308:11 309:18 479:6,17 481:14 361:8 370:24
484:3 496:15 423:21 310:4 483:2 484:10 379:3,4 382:12
517:12 518:15 attachment 407:17 August 296:5 486:24 490:1,12 383:15 396:24,25
403:16 410:14

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413:14,17 414:15 540:4,5 541:10 366:5 367:6 351:15 456:9 binders 299:5
414:20 415:10,21 541:19,24 542:8 370:25 380:11 482:21 500:9 304:4 494:3
420:9 426:20 based 296:10 383:21 384:2,18 545:18 557:11
427:3 431:11,12 307:17 310:13 385:22 387:5 benefiting 378:7 binding 388:4
432:15,20 440:2 311:8 329:19 388:12 463:23 benefits 279:19,21 402:1 417:15
443:17,18,22 330:12 383:23 465:1 504:9 282:1 411:18 birthday 439:13,19
444:12 445:20 419:19 461:10 505:19 508:9 431:24,25 445:18
451:10 455:1 501:1 509:10 517:14 best 279:5 295:21 bit 301:22 373:21
457:6 461:21 basing 337:16 546:18,22 554:10 297:20 301:10 387:15 429:15
466:9 475:8 447:25 554:17,21 556:19 422:15 426:24 440:17 443:6
484:9 486:5 basis 330:3,7 556:20 558:25 547:10,14 562:6 467:4 524:2
487:23 488:1 479:13 552:16 559:1 562:15 572:12 biz 325:11
492:15 521:21 562:10 564:3 bet 440:7 Bizarre 354:25
524:9 528:22 Bates 317:11 behave 411:24 better 290:15 blank 407:17
533:1 535:17 320:10 333:19 527:23 317:18 367:11 blanket 402:8
542:15 555:18 334:8 355:18 belief 369:17 378:22 379:19 blocking 381:1
559:14 568:13 366:12 380:6,7 believe 284:17 390:5 438:16 blood 391:15
back-end 281:8 380:15 406:1 297:5 300:19 518:9,11,12 blowjob 343:6
backed 454:14 414:11 417:20 307:4 308:6 553:4 Blue 524:12
backseat 297:9 422:22 430:22 318:11 327:20 beyond 370:12 BMW 359:23
342:7,10 344:8 445:7,12 455:4 337:24 347:10 381:3 363:14 364:12
344:12 462:18 471:18 349:3 352:14 big 279:24 520:5 board 526:3
bad 437:23,24 489:21 497:15 365:10 376:25 bigger 498:24 boasted 338:7
530:23 511:20 512:18 381:15 386:2,18 500:11 boat 442:10,13
ballpark 357:10 514:18 519:8 387:3,8 389:9 biggest 501:20 443:14,25 444:5
Bang 544:10,13,18 520:18 523:20 420:9 430:6,7 568:15 444:11,13,17
544:22 545:2,5,9 524:4,17 540:7 437:6 445:16,16 bill 526:24 527:3 445:8
545:15,18,22 546:9 447:2 449:18 527:10,11,13 Bochenko 292:6
546:2,5,13,24 bathroom 457:1 477:6 484:18 558:13,17 569:1 394:8 395:25
547:2,3,9,13,18 batted 553:6 499:1 503:17 billed 533:9,12 bonus 378:11
547:24 548:5,17 battle 438:10 510:10 541:21 535:25 536:14 383:23 408:20
548:17,21 549:2 BCC 515:21 549:17 551:5,10 539:11,22 543:25 419:18 421:14
549:17 551:22 Becar 302:5 465:1 believed 316:17 545:22,25 546:4 429:4 431:21
552:2,6,12,17,22 bed 567:23 568:2 370:8 437:3,7 546:13 547:9 434:11 461:10
553:18,19 557:3 568:12 569:2,4 498:21 504:24 billing 505:4,8,12 462:11 497:8
558:17 569:23 believes 539:12 533:8 539:18 500:3,10,11
bar 334:21 335:4 beg 293:24 557:21 542:16 545:8,14 558:5,6,11 559:2
360:20,24 361:16 began 286:3 404:6 belonging 510:15 547:13 560:6 boogie 485:14
362:7 363:17 beginning 298:23 belongings 454:15 bind 351:13 book 484:24
365:20 401:12,13 350:7 belongs 421:6,7 binder 309:21 borrowing 501:3
402:15 403:25 behalf 346:19,22 beneath 329:18,24 310:2 316:25 551:14
431:22 520:5 348:5 360:23 benefit 280:14 542:20 Boston 374:17,24

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406:17,21 407:6 462:22 497:24 545:22 546:2,5 550:4,7,15,18 301:20

408:19 418:12,15 513:21 515:12 546:13,24 547:3 buyoff 365:18 care 305:13 326:7
bottom 315:1 519:20 524:13 547:3,9,13,18,24 413:2 414:6
317:4 324:23 bribe 313:2 362:13 548:6,17,17,22 C 429:2 443:16
334:12,14 347:24 363:18 377:22 549:2 551:22 C 296:2 397:17 460:8,21 491:21
354:15 358:13 401:19 421:3 552:3,6,12,18,22 California 275:9 525:7
364:25 366:7 425:18,20,24,24 553:18,20 554:22 276:5 292:18 careful 315:9 386:2
367:1 371:20 427:13 430:13 558:17 492:21 493:22 531:22
372:7 382:6 437:22 446:19 brought 282:20 494:19 carefully 528:19
392:1 417:21,24 bribery 432:1 292:1 340:23 call 282:24 285:3 careless 315:13
430:21 435:17,22 434:25 390:17 451:2 288:5 322:1 caricatures 307:13
455:7 459:10 bridge 324:6,7 510:23 530:18,20 323:6 350:8 Carlin 287:10
460:6,18 462:21 brief 286:12 287:2 Brown 276:4 356:17 393:3 Carrera 359:21
474:7 485:13 297:24 343:12 Bryn 544:17 463:8 485:25 Carter 332:23,25
497:16 516:7,17 383:4 491:7 545:10 553:3 488:7,9 492:9 333:4,9,14
519:11 524:6 briefly 282:10 556:15 558:24,25 493:14 497:4 334:20,20,23
540:7 543:6 286:10 307:8 Bryn's 558:24 536:6,10 553:3,9 Carter's 335:2
boundaries 307:22 379:25 562:16 BS 436:21 553:12,12 560:15 carve 375:12
307:22 briefs 320:16 BTW 473:7 561:3,4 565:16 case 279:17 282:12
box 291:8,9 539:14 bring 279:19 bucks 450:14 called 278:18 286:15 287:23
boxes 484:13 340:20 557:16 building 325:1 285:23 288:9 288:1 289:9,11
brag 279:3 280:15 570:12 375:18 454:15 304:22 313:1 291:16 292:11,13
280:22 bringing 385:17 520:3 350:9 398:18 332:3 352:21
bragged 278:23 423:3,5 504:5,8 built 278:17 466:3 480:18,19 357:18 358:16
280:18 281:22 568:20 bullshit 335:15 502:5 535:12 362:14 367:17
552:6,10 British 500:1 bunch 568:21 540:21 548:4,9 368:7,13 370:2
bragging 561:20 broke 343:9 bush 316:10,14 550:1 551:6 386:19,20,20,21
562:2 413:21 448:10 319:7 327:6 554:6 386:23,25 429:6
branch 392:3 broker 352:21,25 business 301:16,17 calling 492:6 448:7 467:16
break 297:15,17,18 356:16 367:12 301:18,20 313:25 564:22 565:7 469:12,25 470:5
331:24 346:7,11 368:2,8 369:8,25 373:18 382:3 calls 534:22 496:18 514:15
383:4,13 413:10 370:1 372:2,14 465:1,5 475:14 Cameron 341:23 535:11 544:6
457:1,10 482:6 372:15,21 375:4 526:4 516:2,8,17 556:8 568:20,23
482:16,17,24,24 375:5,20 376:19 busy 438:20 569:18 569:3 570:10,14
491:20,23 492:12 376:23 377:22 butthurt 325:5,14 Capital 551:9,10 570:18
531:13 559:10 378:8 326:1,5 551:16 cases 282:15
breakdown 461:7 brokering 369:22 buy 404:18 car 297:9 312:5 283:21 301:12
461:23 539:10 brokers 372:3 buyer 354:5,7 340:15 341:24 351:3,7,14,17
Breakfast 448:18 Bros 549:17 557:3 356:17,21,24 342:21 343:4 356:2 363:7
breaking 413:7 Brothers 544:10 357:5 344:9,13 442:10 463:25
Breck 300:17 544:13,18,23 buyers 377:12 442:15,16 454:14 catch 432:16,18
Brian 276:14,14 545:2,6,9,15,19 buying 376:10 454:17 category 292:20
cards 301:16,17,18

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543:17 441:8 449:11 Choopa 554:15 553:21 481:18 482:3

caught 430:12 516:23 chops 447:14 clicked 514:25 483:8
513:21 changed 434:9,9 Christensen client 286:15 301:2 cloudiness 301:22
cause 492:20 489:12 527:24 528:6 301:9 302:22 co-counsel 534:22
caused 369:15 Changes 564:21 chronology 379:17 348:1 351:15,16 535:18 536:2
Caveat 424:4 changing 458:4 churning 431:2 352:10 353:16,23 co-plaintiff 568:20
caviler 367:22 466:6 491:15 Circuit 503:2 354:1,22 357:14 coalition 528:1,7
CCR 275:25 572:4 circulating 359:22 357:25 359:16 528:12,13 529:5
573:21 character 310:10 cite 331:24 362:14 373:16,16 529:25
CD 309:20 characteristics claim 287:16 373:18 374:20 coast 476:19 477:8
CDs 309:25 310:1 311:9 293:20 294:15 375:24 376:10 coattails 563:18
center 304:23 characterization 295:6 297:2 381:3,6 398:13 code 441:8,12
342:20 570:12 309:5 330:25 311:12,15 312:1 399:14 406:17,21 492:22 493:22
CEO 278:14 325:7 446:21 386:16 387:23 418:12 427:24 494:19
542:2 characterize 491:13 492:20,20 502:11,14 506:12 Cody 440:1 443:15
certain 302:17 287:13 492:23 493:1,20 509:5 510:14 447:15 550:1,7,7
377:11 404:15 characterizing 494:11,18 516:8 524:25 525:24 550:17,18 552:4
422:11 470:17 416:9 529:20 530:18,20 530:1 532:3,6,9 cold 442:25 447:9
477:10 479:2,4,5 charge 281:20 claimed 388:3 532:15 534:23 collect 497:22
496:19 314:17,23 315:2 454:4 535:18 536:2,7 collected 402:4
certainly 328:1 315:5,8,15,24 claiming 292:23 536:17 542:9 433:23 434:2
365:20 473:24 318:24 319:4,20 293:2,4,12 295:9 545:9 552:13,18 collections 568:18
516:10 319:23 325:18 295:18 392:8,13 555:10,13 560:2 college 367:11
certainty 478:13 327:9 341:1,4 465:23,24 466:1 561:3,4,17 562:5 college-bound
CERTIFICATE 345:1,21 560:18 466:12 client's 284:10 367:7
573:1 561:5 568:17 claims 283:25 301:8 356:12 colloquial 471:9
Certified 573:7 charged 560:25 285:23 287:19 373:22 380:19 Colorado 288:5
certify 573:8 charging 560:21 292:21 326:14 clients 334:16,25 come 278:10 284:3
cetera 394:9 560:22 416:14,19,25 382:13,16 453:24 284:21 290:24
395:25 506:20 check 302:11 510:23 543:19 454:2,6 506:23 318:12 333:16
CF 355:5 365:2 486:20 clarified 282:9 528:10 529:9 351:18 382:1,15
480:11,18,25 chess 370:3,4 clarify 282:10 539:11 540:16 382:18 394:3,19
490:9 516:9 child 283:4 342:9 465:17 533:22 553:8,11 570:12 395:6 419:15
542:2 569:15 343:4,7,8,13 Clark 573:4,17 clients' 380:25 485:9 512:22
CFO 340:23 386:5,11,14,15 clean 321:1 climbed 343:7 514:14 536:22
chafing 450:3 387:6,18,20,25 cleaned 321:5 clips 511:17 516:9 comes 357:4 421:6
chain 471:17,18 566:9 clear 282:13,16 close 303:2 436:20 431:19 514:2
chance 369:13 children 303:13 299:10 331:25 442:4 519:15 521:8,11
379:20 390:15 329:1,12,17 382:1 412:16 closed 292:13 521:17 524:7
444:16 468:20 338:3 340:23 465:23 466:12 381:4 comfort 382:17
504:16 Chip 332:23 333:9 476:21 477:2 cloud 480:17 comfortable 309:2
change 421:14 333:14 335:13,18 485:9 552:10 cloud-based 339:7 431:10

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coming 291:2,15 282:1,6 285:23 compile 453:15,21 concession 279:5 551:13

291:17 349:12 285:25 299:12,18 Complainant concessions 561:20 consecutively
477:8 514:6 305:21 310:13 275:5 276:2 562:2 318:12
537:19 312:6 314:19,24 Complainant's conciliatory 301:4 consent 328:22
commanded 332:5,18 340:16 299:4 316:22 301:14 351:20 508:12,17
384:19 518:12 344:16,19 346:1 380:3 471:15 concluded 572:19 509:1 532:17
commenced 346:19 373:22 complained 345:3 concurrent 279:25 545:1 552:1,9
328:14 377:13 421:7 345:6 condition 365:18 554:3 555:25
commencing 302:3 423:13 428:6,13 complaint 334:21 398:16,21 399:8 561:22
comment 316:10 429:24 430:15 360:24 492:23 conditions 398:12 consents 408:13
319:6 325:25 431:20 432:10 complaints 536:16 450:23 451:9 consider 289:22
commission 314:18 433:1 436:16 536:20 460:3,5 473:15 301:6 381:3
369:10 370:1 438:22 451:19 complete 362:3 conduct 385:24 411:5,20 547:23
372:4,16 375:4,5 452:16,25 453:10 438:15 453:24 confessing 437:1 551:22
377:15,17 454:13 460:3,9 573:14 confidential considered 287:5
commissioned 460:21 461:1 completed 383:9 381:14,19 454:4 303:19 434:3
467:16 462:2,4,4,9 completely 341:16 454:12 considering 455:25
common 400:19 463:13,16 465:12 359:13 456:12 confirm 336:10 456:2,3 460:2
communicated 465:15 467:7 465:22 372:11 433:21 504:8 549:25
380:20 389:15 469:4 470:12 completion 407:5 537:3 550:4,23
436:8 471:2 471:1,22 475:25 408:18 conflict 285:23 consistent 328:21
communicates 478:4 480:16 compliance 536:7 351:7,14 356:2 418:3
358:24 499:13 501:2,3,5 536:12 359:25 363:6 consistently 552:5
communication 502:2 511:4 complicated 382:9,25 400:14 consortium 504:12
349:19 352:2 519:16 530:1 359:14 400:20 412:6 507:18
354:2,13 355:18 542:3 544:12 complication 508:7,19,22 constituent 482:7
360:8 380:16 548:4 550:15 527:21 539:12 566:18 constructive
420:22 421:16,21 552:23 556:19,20 compound 482:15 conflicted 351:17 455:20 473:17
422:3 450:2 556:22 computer 466:22 369:23 372:22,23 construe 298:12
541:7 542:1 company's 344:21 467:14 468:12,14 404:17 549:21 construed 481:16
communications 431:17 462:8 471:24 472:5,9 conflicting 351:2 487:18
298:13 332:9 478:10 481:19 472:10 402:20 construes 483:6
390:25 391:6 482:4 488:19 concealed 278:20 confused 476:17 485:18
403:12 416:23 489:9 concept 344:25 485:19 505:22,23 consult 412:5
447:4 541:25 company-issued concerned 290:25 505:23,24 501:6
companies 281:25 465:13 367:15 397:23 confusion 282:9 consulting 411:2
284:19,21 302:7 compared 431:11 410:3,7 419:6 483:12 414:2 500:18
381:9,18 387:11 comparison 548:3 concerning 543:8 connected 367:16 Cont 276:19
396:4 504:13 competitor 550:1 543:25 367:21 contact 283:10
507:4 552:7 550:11 concerns 380:25 connection 288:1 390:4
company 275:9 compilation 413:3 414:7 292:23 351:22 contacted 540:20
281:4,6,10,11 530:13 470:6,9 412:7 505:19 contains 566:19

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contemplated contribution copyrighted 384:4 315:3,4,6,7,19,20 365:11,21,22

411:12 493:14 511:6 522:17 315:21,22 316:12 366:6,9,23
contemplating contributors copyrights 569:12 317:8,24 318:21 367:12,13,18
289:3,10 568:21 Corbin 277:19 319:10,20 320:1 368:9,24,25
contending 485:16 control 568:23 278:13 279:4,12 321:12,16 323:24 369:5,11 370:14
content 277:20 convenient 413:7 280:1 281:3,12 324:9 325:2,15 371:1,6,14,15,18
280:4 511:6 531:13 284:11,12,24 325:16 326:2,3,5 371:19 372:8,9
512:10,23 517:7 conversation 285:5 294:25 326:9,15,16 372:11,12,17,18
527:2 546:14,18 291:12 297:24 301:18,23 302:6 327:13,14,16,19 372:22 373:6,13
569:11,15,19 381:6 382:13 326:22,25 327:1 328:3 329:4,8,9 373:25 374:5,6,9
contention 422:18 395:15,19 403:9 382:3 481:8 329:12 330:23 374:21,22 375:5
429:23 437:19 421:23,24 422:1 505:4 511:17 331:13,20 332:20 375:9 376:13,19
463:18 422:8,12 426:11 512:10,22 513:8 333:1,6 334:25 376:24 377:3,13
context 381:16 427:7,25 436:13 513:22 514:3 335:21 336:20,23 377:18 378:4,10
contingency 491:3 451:24 452:7,13 515:4,8 516:5 336:25 337:4,6 378:13,19 379:16
491:8 456:14 471:13 519:12,17,21 337:25 338:1,5,8 382:4 383:25
continually 542:2 552:25 553:1 520:19,24 521:3 338:17,23,24 384:1,5,8,15,16
continuation conversations 521:7,11,15,16 339:3 340:17,18 384:18,21,24,25
516:16 420:24 421:1 522:8,11,13,18 341:15,24 342:2 385:4,17,18
continue 330:20 422:9 551:8 522:22 523:1,5,9 342:5,7,8,10,11 386:12,17 387:2
436:21 463:7 convey 290:3 523:14,18,24 342:13,14,17,18 388:1,4,9,10,13
538:14 541:1,14 433:17 524:21 525:19 342:22,23 343:1 388:14,16,17,19
570:18 conveyed 395:22 526:14,15,16 343:2,18,21 388:20,23 389:2
continued 277:12 433:13 527:2 530:7 344:1,5,9,13,16 389:8,13,14,23
463:12 convince 289:12 537:17 551:19 344:19,22,23 389:24 390:6,7
continuing 414:14 395:10 403:1 570:10,24 345:1,2,5,19,22 390:12,22,23
431:22 465:11 423:11 corners 382:8 346:23 347:2,3,4 391:7,24,25
contract 293:13 coordinating Corporate 300:8 347:5,8,12,22,23 392:4,5,16,24
295:10 300:7 372:19 corporation 275:7 348:5,6,15,16 393:9,10,17,18
434:10 451:6,10 copied 347:21 275:8 349:2,21,22,24 393:20,21,24,25
464:10 473:20 462:22 514:11 correct 279:17,18 349:25 350:15,18 394:12,20 395:2
561:9 516:3 294:16 297:4 350:19,21 351:9 395:3,5,11,12,16
contractor 434:1 copies 322:15 299:8,9 301:25 351:18,19 352:4 395:20,25 396:6
contractors 326:23 403:23 519:22 302:1,4 303:7,20 353:2,18,23,24 396:12 397:5,9
337:5 copy 314:23 304:7,8,18,23 354:4,22 355:10 397:10,15,18,21
contractual 383:23 322:21,23 334:21 305:1,7,10,14,22 355:13 357:5,6 398:4,14,15,19
451:20 398:14 554:16 306:3,4,6,7,9,10 357:22 358:22 398:23,24 399:2
contractually copyright 279:9 306:19 307:3 359:2,5,6,10 399:9,17,18,20
450:10,18,19 347:1 386:12 308:15 310:9 360:5,21,22,25 400:11,16,17,21
contribute 500:14 503:7 507:2 311:6,14 312:3,4 361:1,20 363:15 401:4,8 402:17
contributed 517:18 518:9,16 312:7,8,10,13 363:16,23 364:9 402:18,21 403:1
493:10,12 543:13,14 554:11 313:14 314:5,19 364:19,20,23 403:8,12 404:2

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404:11 405:11,22 481:20 483:9 536:12,21 537:12 306:19 444:22 456:11

406:10,23,24 484:17 486:10,11 537:19 538:16,17 costing 568:24 457:21 501:18
407:2,3 408:6 486:22 489:16,17 539:25 541:16 costs 431:24 508:16,25 509:3
409:3,16,17,20 490:17 491:2,5 542:11 543:1,2 461:20 504:14 544:21
410:6,24,25 493:1,18 494:13 543:13,17 544:5 couch 317:7 320:5 court 289:12
412:2 413:3,4 494:25 495:4,8,9 544:13,15,23 338:3,8,11,13 302:11,14,19
415:22 416:5,10 495:11,12,22 545:2,6,10,11,15 339:1 339:21 345:10
417:8,9,11,17,18 496:4,11,18 545:16,23 546:2 counsel 283:11 353:8 388:7
418:6,16,17,20 498:11,19,25 546:6,15,19,20 285:9 299:19 402:2 403:16
418:21,25 419:24 499:7 500:5 546:24 547:4,15 300:8 302:8 414:18 415:12
420:21,23,24 501:7,16 502:16 547:19,25 548:7 307:8 360:3 426:20 427:3
421:21 422:18 504:10,25 505:20 548:22 549:3,9 376:22 390:1,25 431:23 432:15,20
423:6,16,23 506:4,8,12,13 549:12 550:2,8 392:19 393:4 475:8 528:22
424:1,5 425:1,8 507:5,14,23 550:23,24 551:1 394:15 399:15 573:7
425:11,18 427:14 508:2,3,5,10 551:4,17,23 400:20 402:9,13 Courthouse 290:14
428:22 429:11 509:11 510:17,25 552:13 553:10,16 402:16,20 405:10 cover 391:19,22
433:7,15,19 511:11,25 512:5 553:18,25 554:7 411:2 412:5 416:7 564:21
434:1,5,8,17 512:11,15,23 554:11,18,19,22 414:3 416:25 565:6
435:10,13 436:7 513:9,10,12,18 555:2,10 557:19 451:23 453:10 craft 386:9
437:16 439:6,9 513:24,25 514:4 557:25 558:7,8 458:18 482:14 crazy 338:10
439:20 440:15 514:7,8,10,16 558:11,15,18,21 494:9 497:20 created 558:22
442:14,22 443:8 515:5,9,23 516:5 559:4,18,19,24 500:19 501:7 creates 411:7
443:11 444:2,24 516:6 517:12,22 559:25 560:2,7 534:24 535:19 529:16
444:25 445:9,10 518:5,18 519:2,3 560:19,20,24,25 538:5 544:18,19 creator 569:11
445:15 446:8,20 519:18,19,23,24 561:6,7,9,10,13 544:20 cross 281:10
447:11,20 448:7 520:10,11,13,14 561:14,17,24,25 counsel's 395:1 297:14 298:8
449:3,17 450:20 520:21,22,25 562:15,20,21,23 counter 350:14 347:10 426:12
452:8 453:16 521:1,4,5,8,9,12 562:24 563:2,3,6 381:8 504:7
454:17 456:2,15 521:17,18 522:14 563:9,13 564:3 Counter-counter... cross-examination
456:21 459:5,16 522:15,19,23,24 565:4,7,8 566:6,7 350:13 276:20 298:1,20
461:24,25 462:23 523:2,6,11,12,15 566:16,21,22 counter-notificat... cue 278:6
462:24 463:1,2 523:16,19,22 567:1,3,4,8,9 531:3 culture 287:6
463:10,11,13 524:11,14,15,25 568:3 569:7 counteroffer current 351:16
464:3,7 465:13 525:3,10,25 570:3 571:8,11 350:10,15,17 405:17
465:14,16 466:15 526:6,17,21 571:25 County 573:4,17 currently 495:17
468:23 469:2,5,9 527:4 528:8,11 corrected 450:13 couple 278:10 cut 296:19,21
469:10,17 470:7 529:5,10,17,18 correctly 456:1 307:5 380:1 382:8 473:9
470:12,13,22 529:21,22 530:2 526:5 482:14 481:18,21 482:3
473:14 474:5,14 530:19 531:8,24 correspondence course 279:1 488:19 489:9
475:3,15,16 532:3,6,7,11,12 458:17 481:5 288:25 310:21 cute 312:15 444:12
476:1,2 479:10 533:10,13,14,20 cost 359:20 534:18 357:14 367:21 cutting 483:21
479:16 480:2 535:13 536:2,3 Costa 305:21 306:3 381:20 442:11 CYA 562:7

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D 534:21 564:17 deleted 446:16 502:10 548:14 dig 422:19

D 276:17 295:25 573:18 447:22 448:11 564:7 571:19 Digital 506:19
296:2,17 day-to-day 438:20 468:19 469:22 deposits 359:21 digits 356:23
D-Day 490:16 days 278:10 295:5 525:9 derailing 394:12 diligence 508:21
d-e-f 488:8 399:15 438:14 deleting 468:17 396:3,7 Dillon 321:15
dad 312:14 557:15 delighted 496:22 describe 404:24 323:15 472:16
daily 294:23 days' 399:19 delivered 370:21 described 337:24 473:6 474:8
damages 292:21 DBA 506:20 515:15 description 536:1 475:23 481:16
297:7 392:7,12 deal 285:10 355:5 demand 326:18 560:14 483:7 489:22
dancing 304:1 357:16,16 367:5 327:11 328:3,11 desirability 500:18 Dillon's 479:12
436:19 369:24,25 370:1 335:24 337:10 desk 317:7 320:4 diminish 431:17 371:9 374:23 493:21 494:2 320:25 325:1 dinner 303:9 439:6
554:7 411:13 412:14 554:9,17 326:25 328:25 439:12,18 440:24
dangling 399:3 415:24 429:25 demanding 460:25 329:7 330:10,11 441:13 447:19
data 281:7,8 430:2 432:1 demands 301:9 337:22,24 direct 276:19
570:17 434:25 526:7 350:20 desperately 460:2 277:12 303:15
date 310:16,19 527:6 demonstrated despite 301:10 304:21 319:9,13
346:24 361:6 dealership 343:25 282:6 destroy 443:3 321:11 329:23
381:3 422:7 dealing 405:14 denial 344:10 destroyed 504:18 337:19 341:20
436:14 449:22 deals 378:7,18 denied 395:19 detail 467:3 541:22 392:7 397:16
453:18 472:24 399:6 denies 344:7,11 details 331:22 416:12 464:2
505:1 552:24 Dear 347:25 deny 432:7,23 466:23 469:20,24 466:2 471:19
568:24 573:11 December 347:21 441:1,16 454:22 470:4 564:6 489:24 542:1
dated 360:21 405:5 349:21 354:14 454:25 457:12,16 detected 283:4 directed 328:23
473:1 504:2 355:21,24 513:6 457:23 458:5,8,9 developed 436:7 335:25 336:7,18
512:19 decency 335:10 denying 321:18,20 development 352:8 341:10 465:4,19
dates 315:21 decision 402:7 428:24 457:15 354:21 directing 464:25
daughter 444:1 declaration 464:13 department 313:19 DeVoy 315:17 direction 527:11
David 341:23 464:23 453:16,22 433:5,14 536:11 directly 278:14
day 291:22 292:3 decline 486:2 departure 455:12 Dictation 474:9 290:20 291:3
298:22 304:22 defamation 283:1 depicting 316:14 died 283:21 390:5 405:16
336:23 337:15 386:16 387:23 depo 324:11 difference 440:20 514:14 536:22
340:17 341:15 560:15 deposed 395:19 477:5 directors 366:20
345:18 354:25 defendant 284:15 deposition 321:23 different 281:9,10 disbursal 407:6
359:4 364:13 431:19 322:4,23 323:4 290:16 324:5 408:19
372:6 420:18 defense 279:10 329:8 331:1 379:24 383:8 disburse 462:9
425:24 427:6 529:17 333:9 349:13 446:11 480:18 disbursed 296:18
443:7 444:17,22 defenses 529:20 395:17,18 419:2 502:4 506:19 disc 309:17
444:24 445:2 definitely 488:9 424:14 433:18,21 524:9 discharge 473:17
446:13 450:2 degree 404:15 434:21 457:17 difficult 396:4 disclose 419:16,23
465:10 481:14 delete 468:21 466:16 472:22 496:13 454:5,6 509:4,19
487:5 517:2 479:24 490:22 483:17 484:6 difficulty 302:19 530:1 532:5

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546:21 563:11 dishonest 423:15 384:14,21 399:6 downloaded 348:18 349:19

564:9 disk 474:21 480:10 399:6 428:8 318:11 448:9 350:4 352:2,6
disclosed 353:15 481:22 483:21 475:19 476:5 downsides 551:15 354:2,13,15,22
418:22 509:21,24 486:8 488:20,25 489:20 506:8 draft 299:20,22 355:18,22,25
510:2,3,4 532:1 489:10,13 490:22 512:18 555:14,20 300:15 315:17 356:20 358:25
553:24 555:9 dismiss 368:19 557:7 368:18,22 370:13 359:3 363:9,23
558:2 563:22 dismissive 326:6 documentation 377:4 405:18,21 364:1,7,11 365:8
disclosing 561:16 dispute 314:12 297:5 391:5 409:14 410:4,23 366:20 368:16
disclosure 532:13 332:6,18 351:22 422:17 453:8,15 498:13 542:20 370:20 371:13,20
533:24,25 545:4 357:22 361:22 453:21 563:21,24 drafted 299:12,15 371:21,22 372:6
555:12 368:24 378:17 documented 422:3 299:16 344:16 372:11 373:3
discount 279:24 380:11 383:20 documents 291:21 373:11 397:14 375:18 376:17
280:20 387:2 399:1,8 333:20 391:9 498:11,19 380:16 389:12,22
discounted 281:21 479:13 540:15,25 480:16 481:10 drafting 505:13 389:25 391:12
discovery 329:3 554:20 557:18 483:24 484:2 dress 478:18 392:23 396:9,14
361:4,13 469:13 558:15 563:12,23 489:10 505:13 drive 341:17 444:2 396:22,23 397:4
469:16 566:11 557:6,12 444:13,16 489:10 402:24 403:6
Discrimination disputed 495:18 doing 280:13 490:8,9 404:8,22 405:2
314:17,24 315:15 disputes 300:21 302:16 303:25 driver's 342:4,21 405:22 410:21
325:18 341:2,5 301:1 375:13 305:14 394:21 drives 481:22 411:1 413:1,23
345:22 disputing 476:24 412:18 423:10 489:13 414:11,13,25
discuss 348:1 479:10 484:6 459:4 467:5 driving 415:21 415:3,9,15,15
365:15 382:14 514:20 468:10,10 480:24 droning 572:10 417:5,13 420:1,6
463:8 492:12 disrespect 325:7 481:7 483:14 drool 394:12 420:12,22,25
discussed 401:5 dissuade 385:16 491:24 501:8 drop 282:4,4 421:22 423:20,21
419:25 426:1 423:4 508:21 509:6 443:21 493:5 424:3 430:20
427:17,19,22 dissuading 423:2 547:24 569:14 drunk 343:18 433:10 434:14,15
474:6 550:22 distributed 461:8 dollar 280:5 421:6 due 508:21 435:9,12,17,22
557:1,8 565:18 disturb 449:8 431:18 Dunlap 276:14 438:4,14 446:3
565:22 567:8 divert 436:24 dollars 281:19 515:12 519:20 449:21 450:2,5
discusses 460:5 DMCA 280:3 356:23 393:13 524:13 458:16 459:13
discussing 411:6 386:3 517:19 406:15 408:20 duplicate 512:25 461:6,15 462:23
421:8 429:21 518:4,10,17 568:18 duty-bound 464:8 465:10
546:25 525:15 527:20 domain 548:11 382:19 471:17,18 472:1
discussion 395:13 531:2,7 536:1,16 554:23 557:25 474:12 475:19,24
402:22 404:7 536:20,23 537:1 558:10 E 475:25 476:15,21
411:3 465:18 537:4,10,15,18 door 441:12 442:4 E 275:16 276:17 476:24 477:2,10
532:25 559:13 543:25 544:1,5 449:8 454:14 295:25 296:2 477:20 481:15
discussions 352:15 549:20 doubt 456:9 e-mail 288:24 483:5 485:17,24
501:13 535:19 DMCA's 517:24 467:12 304:6,11 305:1,5 486:1,3,3,20
550:5,14,15,20 Docs 476:5 doubts 280:12 313:12,13,17 487:8,18 504:1
551:3 document 300:3 download 327:3 314:4 338:21 512:14 513:6
347:19,24 348:15

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514:7,9 515:10 early 286:5 297:17 electronic 469:23 EMPFlix 374:19 407:16 408:5,14
515:12,14,22 301:15 314:12 elevate 369:16 employed 344:15 409:4,18
516:2,7,16,18 385:2,12 402:2 elevated 282:23 345:4,22,23 engaging 390:9
517:1 519:10,15 437:20 438:19 Eleventh 275:19 533:20 550:16 408:4
519:18,21 521:21 467:13 485:9 embarrassed 553:15 enjoy 456:10
524:6 526:15 earmarked 418:8 316:16 319:24 employee 293:5 enjoyed 305:17
529:12,23 530:6 429:9 431:20 320:17,22 321:7 341:10 434:7,10 ensued 541:1
531:20 532:2 earn 352:20,21 326:4 471:23 489:6 entailed 387:24
549:8 557:14 394:7 399:20 embarrassing 501:2 enter 364:18
562:19 564:17,21 earned 374:9 400:8 325:25 326:8 employees 303:19 411:10 502:1
565:2,6,12 567:7 400:11 EMC 317:11 326:23,25 328:23 entered 299:8
567:10,11 568:6 earning 368:2,8 EMC001401 336:1,7,19 337:4 383:24 388:7
568:10 569:22 ease 318:9 366:13 340:19 344:25 399:9 402:3
571:3 easier 322:20 EMC00186 477:11 employment 506:3,6 556:25
e-mailed 354:20 517:21 518:4 EMC1362 355:19 295:16,20 298:24 559:23
358:14 458:18 easily 302:13 356:9 298:25 299:7,13 entering 348:20
462:21 471:21 321:11,13 EMC1400 367:1 299:15,21,22 500:19
497:17 507:16,20 East 476:19 EMC1401 366:1 300:7 302:3 entertainment
527:17 549:14 Eastern 476:22 EMC1568 414:12 305:20 310:21 348:22 359:22
568:11,12 477:14 478:6,7 EMC157 430:23 337:8 453:2 387:14
e-mailing 397:21 478:15 479:2,4 EMC158 431:7 474:15 494:24 entire 378:16
517:2 easy 485:20 EMC1606 401:16 495:3 497:6 411:14
e-mails 356:10 ECM3461 380:8 EMC1610 540:7 500:5 501:18 entirely 416:11
361:4,14,19 382:6 EMC179 458:14 508:17,25 509:4 499:8 553:20
363:21 366:24 education 431:22 459:1 538:15 544:22 entities 465:4
369:15 397:25 EED 474:9 EMC186 462:19 549:1 558:5 506:19,21 507:22
403:11,18,20 EEOC 292:16 EMC1979 489:21 encouraged 362:15 entitle 374:24
422:10 445:1 314:18 345:1 EMC3882 471:18 551:21 entitled 298:9
469:22 476:19 effect 277:23 EMC4583 525:11 endeavor 438:15 300:7 374:12
477:7 478:8 363:22 404:18 EMC460 320:5,11 ended 295:16,16 436:2 473:13
486:9,12,13 effective 370:6 EMC464 324:15 295:20 474:16 569:13
511:4 513:21 407:17 495:7 EMC466 439:3 538:16 entitlement 389:4
514:11,15 519:21 569:15 EMC467 439:23 enemy 390:6 entity 277:15
519:25 534:23,23 efficiently 301:14 EMC468 441:4 enforce 391:21 347:11 423:14
535:18 536:1 effort 282:4 EMC471 444:20 enforceable 388:8 469:12 475:10,11
542:25 egos 464:17 EMC472 445:24 enforced 285:16 502:5,18 553:14
earlier 314:16 either 279:13 EMC473 455:5 406:10 557:4
340:15 355:24 281:20 298:19 EMC474 456:4 engage 326:23 entries 505:8
369:15 386:14 329:14 330:19 EMC4999 511:13 365:3 407:14 534:10 535:2
391:1 420:10 352:24 455:22 EMC5000 512:7 506:18 543:22
422:1 436:13 498:22 EMC774 445:12 engaged 329:16 entry 534:10,22
443:22 Elation 291:19 EMC793 445:7 engagement 535:17 536:5

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537:23 538:1 506:20 420:8 424:10 556:1,24 558:20 442:20 501:5

542:21 543:4,6 ETHAN 276:8 453:18 458:1 559:18 561:8,12 502:1
547:8 560:11,12 ethical 351:13 464:9 499:22 561:23 562:3 executive 453:14
561:2,3 352:16 355:2 530:21 exception 539:25 exhausted 572:6
Equal 314:18 367:15 382:24 examination excess 495:21 exhibit 288:21
equipment 431:22 411:7 435:24 276:19 277:12 exchange 288:24 293:7,15 299:5,5
equity 434:4,6 436:6 528:1 303:15 378:3 319:12,14 324:13 304:3 305:3,24
ER 447:10 529:15 392:7 416:13 324:18 334:19 306:1,14,22,24
erase 486:9 ethically 352:18 448:7,15 467:15 347:19 355:22,25 307:6 309:7
Eric's 497:21 364:17 411:9 470:16 471:20 362:19 363:1,20 313:10 314:21
Erika 321:15 ethics 382:7 411:2 examiner 448:9 364:8 371:13,21 316:22 317:1
323:15,19 440:2 412:5 414:3 example 278:8 410:21 414:13 320:7,8 322:12
472:16 473:6,23 Evan 347:10 281:11 369:24 420:6,12,25 324:12 326:11,13
474:2,3,6,8,13 evasive 545:20 481:3,6 497:19 435:12,17 443:10 333:10,12,16
475:18,23 476:9 evening 371:22 530:11 531:21 444:23 445:2 334:2,4 336:14
479:6,12,18 439:5 452:1 excellent 440:9 452:24 489:25 338:19,21 339:5
480:8,15 481:16 457:21 Excelsior 275:7 534:22 536:1 347:14,19 348:14
482:1 483:6,20 event 341:9 363:14 279:20 280:16 542:25 557:14 349:4,6,7 350:1,2
484:10,11 485:3 395:22 295:16 296:5,10 567:7 351:24,25 354:11
485:13 486:5,19 events 345:6 298:24 299:1,8 exchanged 316:20 354:16 355:15
486:25 487:10,20 eventually 285:16 299:23 301:16,23 322:2 397:19 356:3,6 358:6,8
487:25 488:7 388:21 554:20 301:24 302:3,4,5 417:16 427:10 360:12,19 364:5
489:14,22 490:7 everybody 279:2 303:4,19 304:10 exchanges 445:21 364:7,12 365:23
490:15,21,23 312:16 400:1 328:23 329:2 446:7,11 449:12 367:1 368:14
491:1 491:23 528:18 336:1,7,19 337:4 489:22 370:16,17 371:11
Erika's 431:23 evidence 288:19 344:15 345:4 exchanging 484:10 373:1,4 375:16
erroneous 341:16 309:25 337:21 360:25 361:3,13 exclusive 374:17 376:14 380:2,3,5
error 542:12 364:2 468:5 385:3,13 463:19 Excubitor 296:8 384:10,15 389:10
erupt 487:8 469:9,17,19,23 464:16,24 465:1 excuse 296:2 300:1 389:12 391:10
escrowed 407:9 470:2 469:1 472:19 375:8 394:22 392:21 396:19,20
408:21 exact 300:9 346:24 473:6 477:23 491:14 401:10 404:25
especially 432:2 363:24 422:7 481:17 482:2 execute 384:18 405:3 409:1
435:1 427:5 452:1 483:8,22 494:22 451:13 459:16 410:19 413:5,23
ESQ 276:3,3,8,8 469:20,24 470:4 495:4 508:13,17 executed 299:1 414:2,8,11 417:3
essence 376:5,8 477:2 495:23 508:25 509:4 373:6 378:7 417:19 420:8,18
essentially 362:13 496:1,7,13,15,21 515:13 532:14,18 384:21 385:22 422:20 423:18,20
406:11 436:23 496:23 500:16 533:20 538:16 417:15 419:11,16 424:17 425:4,6
521:25 501:1 509:15 539:11,24 544:22 419:23 437:15 430:17,22 431:7
establish 307:20 510:8 552:24 545:1,5,23 547:2 459:2,9 460:14 433:8,9 435:15
478:24 479:1 564:6 550:17,17 551:15 461:2,4 438:1,24 439:3
established 389:4 exactly 304:12 551:18 552:2,12 executing 465:21 445:4,6,11,21
et 394:9 395:25 328:4 337:1 553:15,25 554:3 execution 399:16 449:19 455:1

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456:23 458:11,13 expert 468:5 548:19 553:1 feature 467:9,17 fight 386:11
459:19 462:16 478:11 497:20 factor 517:20,23 468:9,16,20,22 391:20
464:11,13 471:14 explain 277:24 facts 386:2,19 February 275:17 figure 351:18
472:13,15 477:3 366:19 427:9 387:5 422:6 277:1 370:19 352:18 403:3
477:11 479:11 459:14 501:9 427:10 371:16,22 373:3 412:5 485:20
484:9 489:18 566:8 failed 378:2 375:21 376:18 496:1
493:24 497:13,15 explained 284:18 fair 281:24 303:4,5 497:17 505:10 figured 442:8
498:12,16 503:24 291:16 362:12,18 305:18 311:19 506:10 508:20 figures 352:12
505:2,4,25 362:25 363:19 315:11 337:10 520:9 546:5 510:11,12
510:20 511:2 425:17 427:11 339:11 346:5 573:18 file 283:16 286:17
519:5,7 520:16 explanation 527:6 350:10 383:2 Federal 290:14 345:1 391:3
520:18 527:15 expletive 287:8 461:4,11,12 311:13 388:7 480:18,19 481:4
530:4 533:6,8,16 explicitly 401:6 500:11 530:11,13 fee 280:8 352:21 488:20 531:22
534:13 538:18,20 explore 356:13 faith 550:15 356:17 368:2,8 filed 314:17,24
540:2 542:16 expo 359:22 familiar 285:25 373:8 389:1,8 315:5 326:14
545:12,14,22 expose 505:14 286:1 344:21,24 392:9 398:17 345:21 346:21
549:5,7 554:14 expressed 301:21 544:12,14 460:10 506:2,6 360:24 384:2
554:16 555:18 304:13 437:13 families 340:20 feedback@amat... 388:6,11 389:24
559:20,23 560:4 expression 471:9 family 303:20 519:17 391:21 463:23
560:7,9 562:17 extend 392:2 304:17 305:12 feel 431:18 436:21 474:25 476:6
562:19,25 564:15 extended 312:22 famous 502:22 477:9 563:9 570:15
565:10 567:5 extent 332:8 Fapzap 548:20,21 feeling 344:25 files 309:18 385:24
568:6 570:25 external 497:25 554:23,25 555:1 360:10 386:4 480:18
exhibits 307:12,19 extra 432:3 435:2 556:13 557:19 feels 436:2 481:1,2,8,13
322:15 471:15 436:3 459:4 558:14,21 fees 374:2 388:12 filet 447:14
existence 475:11 388:16,18 389:18 filings 431:23
existing 463:7 F 548:10 554:10,17 389:23 391:20,23 film 297:8 337:14
expect 412:23 face 430:4 441:19 554:21 558:10 391:24 398:3,7 339:14 456:6
471:10 489:15 559:3 399:22 400:4 filmed 324:19
expectation 390:11 facilitate 362:16 far 279:23 290:1 406:12 420:3 325:11 326:25
expected 369:6,8 fact 280:11 281:2 318:4 348:19 421:4,12,18 328:4,8 330:16
461:22 283:11 285:15 351:1,2 393:11 428:17,19 431:22 336:1,8,19,23
expecting 456:10 301:3 305:13 397:23 419:5 442:20 459:22,23 filming 307:3
expedite 461:3 311:21 321:14 535:10 462:14 497:20,20 312:2 316:6
expended 391:20 322:1 327:4,12 fashion 301:14 498:10 531:4 327:10,13,19,22
391:24 327:17 328:1,12 509:5 fellatio 342:16 330:2 337:17
expenses 297:3 351:4 398:6 faster 333:17 felt 430:9 338:13
431:22,23,23 402:13 412:21 fastest 278:13 female 321:14 films 530:12
492:21,24 498:1 416:8 425:13 faults 278:25 325:6 final 292:20 494:23
570:14 426:1 430:13 favor 278:19 402:4 fence 412:20 508:1 571:13
experience 390:18 454:11 491:21 fear 332:5 333:6 FF 394:8 395:24 finalize 372:20
400:18 510:24 529:7,15 335:21 fifth 334:13 378:18 474:22
541:14,25 547:22

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538:4 first 282:20 292:1 519:21 520:20,24 288:12 298:17 forwarding 409:13
finalized 378:9 299:20,22 300:6 521:3,7,11,16 494:1 461:16
383:1 397:9 307:6 312:1 522:9,11,13,18 follow-up 366:20 forwards 511:15
finally 456:22 313:13,17,21 522:22 523:1,5,9 followed 340:16 foster 332:5 333:6
570:15 316:3 317:4 523:14,18,25 following 335:8 335:21
financial 400:9 325:10 326:21 524:21 525:20 350:24 359:15 found 280:3
453:15,21 327:18 328:19 526:14,15,16 364:13 399:16 329:19 330:9
financing 550:25 334:12,13 346:10 527:2 530:7 472:25 338:16 430:5
551:4,13,16,22 358:10 362:5,8 537:17 551:19 follows 406:14 503:8,11 511:17
552:3 366:25 371:20 570:10,24 foot 569:1 512:23 514:3
find 278:2 308:22 372:6 378:4 Fisher's 327:2 footage 329:14 515:4 516:5
326:7 333:18 390:20 398:12 514:4 forensic 448:7,9 520:20,24 521:3
358:7 365:2 399:10 403:5 fisticuffs 471:6,7 467:14 470:16 521:8,11,15,16
378:1 448:2 412:15 414:11 five 295:9 325:9 forever 394:9 522:9,14,23
452:2 511:5 419:13 427:16 383:5 449:6 395:25 523:2,5,10,15,25
517:18 518:2 430:19,22 438:4 452:14 495:7 forget 439:13 524:21 526:16
557:16 566:24 439:1,2 445:6 531:16 forgot 442:3 527:3 530:8,19
finding 333:16 450:1 459:19,21 five-minute 491:16 form 278:2,5 four 295:5 365:19
388:7 569:17,18 461:14 464:22 491:20 formal 288:7 467:17 468:9
fine 310:25 313:3 465:7 472:23,23 five-point 342:9 506:17 533:25 477:24 546:13
317:19 357:11 473:1 474:17,20 flag 500:1 formality 562:12 four-pronged
383:7,8 410:12 498:5 511:6 flat 280:8 formalized 372:25 359:7 366:4
413:9 456:13 519:10,20 520:18 Flexible 443:19 former 472:17 four-tenths 527:3
465:7 482:23 531:9 534:10,13 flip 417:20 444:19 forth 350:21 fourth 401:22,23
571:8 572:8 535:6 555:20 526:8 400:10 414:15,21 458:14 467:22
finish 367:16 556:2 566:12 floating 543:20 415:10 420:9 frame 502:25
486:21 568:5 floor 275:19 276:5 466:9 492:20 503:5
finished 492:8 firsthand 337:12 320:25 330:9 521:21 535:18 frames 503:12
finishes 486:7 Fischer 489:4,6 Florida 360:20 forward 377:7 framing 502:20
fire 487:9 491:10 526:19,23 527:1 362:7 401:13 412:12 417:20 505:22 510:18,23
567:18 569:3 527:11 558:23 475:11 540:5 460:9,21 474:17 510:25
fired 487:5 500:14 Fisher 277:19 fluids 337:21,23 524:3 525:6 frank 431:2
firm 313:2 360:2 278:13 279:4,12 338:11 526:19 542:2 frankly 369:13
373:9 393:7 280:1 281:3,12 fly 290:6 543:3 557:17 fray 348:20
400:1 418:9 284:11,12,24 flying 367:23 368:1 forwarded 330:18 Fray-Witzer
425:18 427:13 285:5 294:25 focus 417:23 368:22 375:19,24 347:10
432:9,25 433:25 301:18,23 302:6 focused 281:12,12 376:18 377:7 free 281:21 463:9
434:8 462:14 326:23,25 481:8 focusing 569:15 410:23 458:17 477:9 527:25
474:4,14 475:1 505:5 511:17 folder 475:18 511:10 512:14 528:7,12 529:5
475:13 480:19 512:10,22 513:9 490:7 514:12 513:24 515:22 529:25 569:19
515:22 532:9 513:22 515:4,8 521:25 519:16 521:21 freeze 289:14
555:21 516:5 519:12,17 follow 283:16 524:13,24 French 540:19,22

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frequent 402:13 440:17 442:2 283:13 288:13 433:13 438:5,7 411:21 463:3
frequently 303:10 463:6 464:7 291:23 294:6 439:17,25 440:25 477:12 568:13
friend 390:6 490:12 530:17 302:13 305:10 445:14 446:17 giving 279:24
540:16,16 536:4 307:15 313:3 447:11,18 449:13 288:2 299:2
friends 444:5 fury 487:9 318:9 375:7,9 449:22 450:16 461:21 464:25
friendship 281:1 future 351:2,7,14 379:20 406:9 451:12 455:2 glad 442:19 456:14
455:13 356:2 360:1 410:6 412:22 458:17 460:13,25 GLBT 469:13
front 325:6 342:1 362:21 363:3 416:8 418:5 461:6 462:22 470:1
361:23 382:16 369:3 375:14 425:11,15 431:11 464:16,25 465:6 glean 429:24 562:4
399:3 494:3 380:20,25 381:8 431:12 436:20 497:17 500:13 global 482:10
fronts 499:4 381:12 390:3 451:22 460:13 504:2 516:3 gmail 475:20
Frost 341:23 342:1 396:6 400:16 461:3,10 468:24 517:1 532:5 486:10
344:11 516:2,4 411:6 456:11 487:11 500:10,10 563:11,22 564:1 go 278:5 283:5
516:17 536:7,11 531:13 562:2 566:24 567:11,15 297:21 305:10
Frost's 516:18 FYI 524:14 Gibson 275:10 568:1,11 569:6 313:11 316:24
frozen 406:15 276:13 291:10,13 569:10,23 571:15 324:6,15 325:17
459:22,23 460:11 G 299:25 300:2,20 Gibson's 311:7 331:1 336:9
468:12,15 499:12 gained 382:17 302:2 303:3,6,12 319:9 321:6 341:1 348:8
499:19 Gall 393:7 458:19 303:22,24 304:7 337:16 433:10 356:8 357:16
FSC's 516:20 493:10,12 304:13,20 305:6 460:6 461:15 358:10,25 365:1
526:3 game 359:14,17 305:9,13,18 568:10 569:9 367:11 369:6
fuck 286:12 287:4 games 380:20 307:21 308:15 Gill 504:5 507:13 391:10,11 394:10
454:23 457:12,20 567:20 310:7 311:5,15 507:17 528:10 395:1 398:1
517:8 529:14 garage 441:12 312:9,18,20,25 535:4,21 538:10 410:14,15,17
fucking 442:18,21 442:4 313:3,7,14,18 538:13 542:10 412:12 419:2
fuckingmachine... Garrou 286:4 314:5,7,14 316:5 Gill's 506:23 436:15,18,22
286:19 gate 441:12 316:21 317:6,22 gist 384:6 437:2 438:24
full 295:2 513:16 gathered 290:18 319:25 320:3,13 give 284:24 289:8 443:14 445:20,24
519:13 504:12 320:23,24 324:19 321:15,19 323:15 446:14 451:10
fully 400:11 459:2 gay 281:4 317:7 324:25 325:4,14 333:21 336:11 455:1,4 456:23
fun 287:2 320:4,14 327:23 325:23 326:22 370:2 382:25 468:20 471:14
fund 432:4 435:3 gazillion 356:22 327:3,9 328:23 392:3 399:14 491:21 510:20
funding 551:20 general 300:8 332:5 335:25 409:3 420:3 513:7 514:12
funds 406:13,16 415:2 535:14,25 336:7,18 337:13 428:16 430:15 519:4,4,7 520:16
407:7,9 408:21 536:5,15 542:24 338:22 339:8 432:10 433:1 524:9,17 525:20
419:18 456:19 544:17,20 341:7,9,17,20 450:11,18,19 531:10 538:24
460:3 461:8 generally 280:5 342:6,15,20,24 451:4,7,14 456:9 542:15 560:10
462:8 495:18 288:4 308:6,23 344:7 362:10,12 479:24 495:23 562:11 567:18
501:24 506:22 362:15,18,25 511:20 552:9,24 569:10
funny 432:1 435:1 gentleman 544:17 425:23 427:11 571:6 goal 369:19
further 352:2 George 287:10 429:1 430:20 given 279:6 292:4 goals 380:19
373:21 374:11 316:14 432:24 433:4,5 316:14 382:13 goes 298:15,19
getting 282:11

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348:7,19 436:3 500:14 502:4 GRHK/Bang 376:17,19 377:8 409:7,11 410:10

474:9 535:11 503:18 506:18 554:22 377:17 405:3,10 410:13,16 413:6
going 277:7 283:8 508:1 513:1 grill 447:14 405:17,25 410:22 413:11,13,17
284:24 285:2,10 531:7 544:9 gross 296:10,22 411:1 412:1 426:7,14,21,24
289:6,7,8,11 555:5,6,16 557:2 461:11 497:8,12 413:24 414:15,21 432:11,16 457:3
290:5,7,13,24 559:7 564:4,10 559:6 415:9,16 416:5 457:6 467:25
291:14 302:17 565:3,4,15 567:3 group 373:10 417:5,13 423:22 468:3 475:5
307:12 308:2 568:21,22 570:9 374:17 406:18,22 424:4 435:22 482:9,12,17,20
319:12,18 321:22 570:9,13,19,21 407:6 408:19 436:9,11,13 491:17 492:1,11
331:6 332:7 gold 411:22 418:12,15 428:22 437:8,13 492:15 493:4
333:10 334:13 good 283:8 305:17 429:2 434:5 Gurvits' 348:18 494:5,12 500:21
335:23 345:24 310:3 313:19 474:5,13 475:2 406:22,25 418:16 500:24 503:13
346:9,17 349:5 346:10 381:10 480:20 489:7 guy 290:6 292:5 528:14,17,23
352:25 353:15,21 437:14 486:17 505:5 506:20,20 325:5 394:2 531:12,16 532:22
354:10 355:4,17 504:16 518:2 507:22 515:20 520:2 533:1 534:5
356:1 357:17 530:11 531:21 526:20 546:1 guys 314:2,7 394:2 556:22 559:9,14
358:25 359:23 532:20 548:3 grudge 344:1 428:22 444:17 572:11,16
363:7,12,12 550:15 guarantee 432:3 520:1 Hacker 290:2
369:17 370:9 gotten 290:12 435:2 hair 439:9
376:22 377:20 397:12,18 558:9 guess 411:16,23 H hairs 504:7
379:24 380:5 grab 322:6 442:18 448:13 HABERFELD half 346:6 369:9
383:7 385:23,24 Grady 287:20,21 499:21 275:16 277:5,10 372:5 462:21
392:2 393:15 289:1 guessing 292:4,6 293:8,22 294:1,5 492:7 543:24
394:19 395:4 grand 406:12 567:20 294:13 296:20,24 553:5
399:19 402:20 granted 388:15 gun 442:10,12,15 297:13,19,22 halfway 434:24
404:9 406:25 grateful 304:14 guns 484:13 298:5,14,18 476:8 489:25
408:25 409:2 gravy 359:18 Gurvits 347:7,20 302:10,15 306:13 hand 319:2 322:25
410:4 412:21 363:13 370:7 347:25,25 348:7 306:22 307:9,24 323:16 355:9
413:8 414:17,17 gray 411:7 348:15 349:20 308:2,5 309:9,13 412:17 573:16
414:24 415:9 great 283:23 350:5 352:3,6 309:22 310:3,16 handbook 344:19
418:11 419:3,7 394:11 440:10 353:16,22 354:2 310:22,25 317:10 handed 285:7
419:15 424:14 444:11 354:14,20,24 317:14,17 318:2 handjob 321:16,19
426:5 427:13 greatest 281:1 355:22,25 356:10 318:7,13,16 323:22 324:3
428:6,13 431:1 Green 395:11,16 356:19 357:2,7 323:6,9 332:11 325:6
436:22 437:4 395:18 433:6,14 358:14 359:4 333:15,21,25 handled 345:25
438:3,9,16 492:4 361:5,15 362:9,9 339:18,22,25 346:19 380:11
440:17 441:8 GRHK 553:14,25 362:11,18,25 340:2,4,8 345:7 383:21
443:3,14 455:21 554:4,6,10,18,21 363:5,18,19 345:11 346:3,8 handling 438:20
463:8 471:6 554:23 555:1,8 364:15 365:7 346:14 349:9,12 handwritten 425:8
474:3,4 485:10 555:10,13,17,22 366:3,15 367:2 349:15 353:5,9 hang 316:15
486:6 487:21,23 556:1 557:4,9,25 367:14 371:14 358:3 360:14,17 happen 369:13,18
491:11,19 497:2 558:13,18,25 372:19 373:4,11 364:1 379:3,6 370:11 390:19

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412:24 485:10 465:25 486:21 honor 277:11 376:9 390:15 in-house 280:1
499:1 541:19 568:16 293:10,17,25 497:18 567:17
happened 323:17 helpful 317:15 294:11 297:12 hypothetically inaccurate 319:15
323:18 328:14 318:3,17 298:4,6 302:21 370:10 394:19 321:17 330:6,13
338:14 369:14 helps 455:22 307:7,19 308:4 404:12,13 430:16
372:24 380:12 Henry 276:3 293:6 308:10 309:8 I 480:23 541:18
399:21 424:11 340:22 462:22 310:23 322:17 idea 466:12 512:4 557:4
440:15 478:22 hereto 407:16 357:24 413:15 548:3 inaccurately
508:20 561:19 Hey 475:18 480:9 474:20 492:3 ideas 381:10,14 385:10
happening 327:24 488:8 555:22 identical 317:1 inbox 514:14
442:14 550:10 Hi 525:9 HONORABLE identification incentive 368:6
happens 286:24 high 357:9 442:5 275:16 318:9 370:2
289:23 423:25 highly 286:6,9 hope 276:4 349:14 identified 311:25 incentives 411:21
happy 336:11 hire 365:14 hoped 411:18 433:24 513:17 incentivized
354:25 454:13,20 hired 450:14 host 567:22 519:12 539:18 411:24
458:21 hires 373:16 hosted 503:6 identify 340:4 incident 297:9
harassed 311:5,16 history 338:15 hostile 445:1 557:7 312:2,5 326:2
344:25 345:5 491:18 hot 325:11 identifying 318:8 340:14
harassment 311:12 hits 281:14 Hotfile 568:15 identities 465:3 Incidentally
312:1 316:1 hitting 512:4 hour 381:5 413:14 II 275:15 474:24
325:20 333:5 HK 459:21 454:13,20 492:7 illegally 288:17 incidents 297:8
335:20 344:22 HMF 465:2 527:4 565:14 imagine 280:6 include 332:3
harbor 386:3 hold 285:4 343:24 hours 325:9 389:17 352:19 535:22 402:10,17 533:12
hard 429:5 487:11 479:23 488:24 477:24 487:24 immediate 382:17 545:25 546:4
harder 308:23 holding 495:17 505:13 543:24 immediately included 303:22
harness 342:9 496:2 546:13 278:15 285:5 314:10 385:6,15
hate 310:13 Holdings 275:8 house 339:17 399:16 406:17 418:23 513:1
head 302:22 346:22 398:23 houseboat 340:16 418:11 525:14,19 543:16
495:20 holes 542:20,20 440:14 442:13 immoral 286:22 includes 549:15
heading 540:10 home 312:6,21 445:13 287:5 including 332:16
hear 308:8 379:3 338:2 441:14 Howard 275:18 immunity 517:24 374:19 378:17
426:22 456:14 449:1 276:9 517:25 518:1 385:3,13 394:11
482:12 honest 390:13 HSBC 393:23 549:21 466:24 568:14
heard 395:21 honestly 331:21 huge 279:21 immutable 311:8 inconsistency
hearing 440:4 427:15 450:7,8 281:14 287:15 impact 277:19 466:10
hearings 289:4 572:5 Hughes 275:18 283:5 inconsistent
hears 528:18 Hong 393:3,9,23 276:9 implemented 465:19
heat 438:10 393:24 395:1 hundreds 281:18 381:12 incorporated
held 348:22 402:2 423:6 443:5 569:17 important 456:6 475:14
530:13 458:18 460:10 hung 468:11 impress 290:12 Incorporation
hell 411:19 572:6 493:10 498:10 hypothetical improper 411:10 475:1
help 300:11 465:19 499:7 568:23 370:12 372:20,25 improperly 290:8 incorrect 308:21

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343:15,16 416:11 347:1 381:13 instruction 531:24 431:24 527:18

419:1 525:17 386:12 503:8 intellectual 373:17 investment 431:11 Jason 275:10
570:4 507:2 518:16 intelligence 550:11 invite 439:17 276:13 278:21
increase 295:9,14 543:13,15 554:11 568:14 invited 339:13 280:4,11 290:19
independent 337:5 infringer 517:18 intended 503:14 439:14,18 440:13 291:2 303:3
434:1 500:18 518:9 543:1 intending 428:21 443:25 447:18 304:7 305:21
501:7 infringing 510:15 433:17 invoiced 533:18 306:8 307:2
indicated 377:11 518:3 interaction 327:1 involved 283:2 308:15,18 310:7
417:14 573:11 initial 374:8 362:5,8 550:13 569:16 311:20 314:10
indicating 316:6 398:17 399:14 interactions involving 300:17 319:13,18 333:4
337:20 400:6 535:3 307:23 402:14 338:22 340:7
indication 356:21 initially 284:2 interest 301:9,11 IO 506:20 419:16,23,25
individually 316:17 384:8 352:17 356:12 iPhone 448:6 464:9 420:15 421:5,17
275:10 400:1 404:3 432:7,23 434:4 465:21 470:7,10,11,16 421:24 422:5
individuals 336:22 540:14 539:12 547:20 Ira 382:7 424:8,19,25
532:2 initiate 466:18 553:4 irrelevant 330:19 425:7,10 426:1
industry 348:22 468:19,22 interested 352:14 issue 283:22 427:16,18,22
363:14 400:19 initiated 391:6 353:17,23 354:1 386:15 391:1 428:1,4,5,15,20
540:17 466:3,22 467:8 354:7 362:23 402:13 411:12 429:10 430:3,12
infer 368:4 467:17,22 468:8 369:22 376:10 449:15 461:9 430:14 431:1,9
inflammatory 468:16 532:10 377:12 547:18 467:12 469:17 434:14,16,25
332:4,17 injunction 289:13 548:18 497:7 503:1 435:9 437:21,23
inflating 280:13 289:14 498:22 interesting 354:21 529:15 536:2 439:6,8 440:9,13
info 474:21 499:2,6,25 503:1 issues 307:16 440:18,22 441:7
inform 411:3 inquire 307:7,10 interim 456:7 367:15 415:13 441:11,18 442:3
informal 506:17 492:3 international 567:17 442:8,17,24
information inquiry 427:12 287:15 items 460:8 443:7,13,25
281:19 282:5,17 insert 369:23 Internet 373:22 444:4,10,12,23
287:22 288:11,14 inside 292:3 interpret 346:9 J 445:2,9,17,21
289:24 290:8 insisted 341:8 481:12 J 275:4 276:13,19 446:2,4,8,23,24
381:15,16,19 436:16 interrogatories 515:21 447:7,13 448:3,4
438:9 470:7,10 insisting 395:9 538:21 JAF 547:10 448:17,21,24
470:17 480:16 402:25 interrogatory jail 448:10 449:5,6,15 450:2
483:22 509:20 install 510:4 539:5,9,13 James 287:21 450:6 452:13
547:14 568:16 installation 509:22 interrupt 426:5 288:5 455:8 456:4
informed 327:4 installed 509:22,22 intervene 283:18 January 315:5 458:18 459:7,19
362:10 438:16 510:5 529:16 intervening 365:7 356:7,10 359:5 463:3 471:4
544:25 554:2 instance 296:7 inure 545:18 364:8,13,14 487:8 489:6
informing 352:24 308:3,3,9 inverted 563:19 366:4 367:4 491:9 497:17
353:21 instances 311:25 investigating 368:16 370:14 504:1,5 507:17
infringed 384:4 instructed 298:10 520:14 504:2 507:17,20 507:20 516:3
infringement 469:3 569:25 investigation 511:15,24 513:15 518:12 519:25
513:20 525:13

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520:3 526:19,23 388:19 389:7,22 kids 303:16 312:9 370:4,9 375:25 306:11,15,17,24
527:1,11 532:5 406:10 312:13,15,20 379:6 403:5 307:1,15,18
550:10 557:1,3,8 judgment 402:4 330:5,14 331:20 411:21 412:18 308:1,12 309:6
564:9 567:11 442:21 497:22,23 367:7 445:8 419:14,14 421:14 309:11,17 310:1
568:6 570:2 JUDICIAL 275:2 kids' 330:23 430:10 433:16,20 310:5,19 311:2,3
571:3 July 290:13 295:10 331:12 437:7 441:12 317:13,16,19,21
Jason's 291:9 295:15 304:7 kill 357:17 446:12,12,15 318:6,10,14,20
434:13 441:14 305:6 361:21 killed 442:25 489:4 448:1 450:3 322:8,10,14,19
444:5 459:18 401:24 456:20 killing 572:10 451:2 452:19,24 322:20 323:2,8
Jay 315:17 433:5 495:7 523:4,11 kind 281:16 307:21 466:8 468:24 323:11 332:14,15
433:14,17,21,22 523:13,17 535:17 308:19 309:3 471:23 472:11 333:19,23 334:3
536:10 535:23 562:20 318:4 481:2 477:4 478:25 340:9 345:12
JD 440:1 443:15 564:19 568:7 551:25 556:17 479:5 483:10 346:5,12,14,15
jeeze 479:23 571:4 570:20 493:25 495:16,19 346:16 349:14,18
Jennifer 447:8 jump 324:6,7 kinds 287:6 495:23,25 496:1 353:13 358:4
Jessica 527:24 482:22 Kink 285:24 496:21 499:11,22 360:16,18 361:9
528:5 529:4 June 301:24 287:11 499:24 507:6 361:11 364:3,4
jest 316:18 360:21 361:21 Kirk 345:6 471:21 514:5,17 518:21 379:9 383:7,11
Jim 288:2,2 506:7,11 508:14 Kitchen 440:19 522:1 537:20,21 383:17 403:19
jizz 320:16 512:20 521:14 knew 279:2 289:8 549:4 551:18 409:10,12 410:12
JMD 536:6 522:12,18,22,25 312:16 352:10 552:24 555:14,17 410:15,18 413:9
Jo 275:25 573:7,21 537:11,14 540:5 430:11 434:16 556:9,12,16,16 413:12,19,20
job 323:16 426:11 561:2 567:12 452:6 474:3 563:25 570:20 427:8 432:17,18
569:15 Jungle 481:22 487:7 491:1 572:5 432:21,22 441:22
John 332:25 483:21 486:8 499:23 512:3 knowing 382:17 441:23 442:1
join 440:3 443:16 488:19,25 489:10 540:21 547:3,20 knowledge 279:5 457:2,8,9 468:1,4
447:15 504:13,13 489:13 490:22 548:17 549:1 285:20 328:22 468:7 474:20,23
507:21 jurisdiction 283:19 550:6,17 337:7,12,16 475:12 482:16,19
joined 444:4 394:11 396:3,5,7 know 280:18 404:15,19 546:17 482:23 483:1
joining 386:10 Justin 300:18 281:13 282:4,21 known 286:11 492:8,17,18
joint 368:19 386:9 283:20 284:9,13 347:11 469:12 493:7,8 494:7,14
440:22 555:3,15 K 284:18 285:18,21 553:14 494:17 500:22
556:4,6,10 K 480:2 287:7,8 288:21 Kong 393:4,9,23 502:8,15 503:15
jointly 299:16 keep 319:2 359:16 289:23 290:1,23 393:24 395:1 528:16,20,25
557:2 413:7 438:16 291:3,22,23 423:6 443:5 529:2 531:14,18
joke 324:5,9,10 470:17 487:23 293:17 299:23 458:18 460:10 531:19 532:20
jokes 325:5 Keeping 359:13 301:22 325:8 493:10 498:10 533:3,4 534:8
joking 321:9 Keith 549:8 327:17 328:4,6,6 499:7 568:23 556:23 559:11,16
jokingly 323:21 KENNETH 276:3 328:7,9 330:1,17 Krincek 276:8,20 572:7,14
Josh's 511:6 kept 415:11 481:4 332:23 333:2,17 297:13,16,21 Krueger 300:18
judge 289:23 keys 486:9 336:22 337:3 298:9,16,21
380:20 388:6,16 keyword 279:7 357:10 361:12 302:20 303:1 L
kick 504:14 L 276:3

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labeled 401:18 leads 447:2 410:13,16 413:13 407:2,7 408:13 389:15 391:4,13
539:15 learn 361:2 421:9 426:8 409:3,15 410:4 392:24 394:15,16
labels 539:14 leather 337:22,24 440:22 456:5,13 414:16 415:11 395:23 396:15,23
Labor 492:21 leave 367:22 457:3 492:1 417:25 418:5,23 397:14,21 398:11
493:22 494:19 443:19 486:8 524:16 528:18 420:4 423:4,9,14 404:8 405:14
lack 307:22 leaving 309:2 529:15 532:22 436:2,18,24 562:20,22 564:18
lake 312:6 340:17 443:18 534:5 569:3 437:9 458:22 565:2,6,13 566:1
440:3,10 442:13 led 568:15 letter 292:13,16 463:6,19,24 566:4 570:1
444:1,5,17 left 308:14 318:4 372:8 386:9 464:3,16 465:1 Lieberman's
445:13 413:22 459:15 458:19 554:10,17 481:15,18 482:2 394:20 395:5
Lamb 447:14 496:5 557:15 555:21 562:23 483:5,8,21 397:3
laptop 465:13,15 legal 281:25 288:3 letterhead 481:5 485:17 487:18 light 364:17 398:3
466:2 467:7,17 290:10 300:21 letters 292:10 496:17 500:17 398:6
468:9,18,21 301:1 373:8,9,17 423:10,13,15 501:9,13,25 lightly 291:19
469:2,5 470:22 374:2,5,17,24 liability 275:9 504:9 505:20 liked 312:12 313:6
480:25 481:13 396:11 399:22 518:5 507:4,6,10,21 limit 364:18
large 348:21 400:4 416:19 liable 459:3 508:9,13 509:4 limitation 362:20
largely 348:19 420:3 428:22 Liberty 275:8 510:16 517:15 363:2,20 398:22
larger 500:8 429:2 434:5 283:25 285:12 527:13 529:21 limited 275:9
Larry 556:12 451:19 452:2,6 301:17,19 302:5 532:11,14,18 line 323:7 335:9
Las 275:20 276:10 452:17 453:15,22 338:4,12,12 537:17 545:1,5 350:12 365:16
277:1 459:21,22 460:10 339:13,24,25 546:17,21 547:22 419:3,4 424:3,17
lately 438:9 474:5,13 475:1 346:19,22 347:4 547:22 548:4,23 434:23 463:12
law 311:13 373:9 480:11,18,20,25 348:5 351:21 549:25 550:6,22 542:1 555:20
374:24 393:7 481:1 489:7 352:24 353:15,21 550:25 552:2 lined 568:19
406:18,22 407:6 497:25 498:10 355:3,9 357:22 553:24 554:3,24 lines 323:12 331:8
408:19 418:12,15 503:1 505:5 366:5,16,22 555:1,8,9,13 457:19 483:19
425:18 427:13 506:2 515:20 369:20 370:25 556:1,24 557:9 548:16 564:7
433:25 474:13 526:20 546:1 371:4,18 375:13 557:21,24 558:9 571:23
475:1,13 515:22 legally 288:17 378:6,13,17 559:1,3 561:16 link 278:4 280:5
536:12 544:6 lender 501:10,12 379:15 380:12 561:23 562:3,15 364:21 365:9
lawfully 290:1 501:14,15,23 383:1,21 384:3 563:2,17 565:3 511:5,16 513:17
laws 536:7 551:1 384:17,24 385:3 566:5,10,19 513:22 516:9
lawsuit 282:25 lengthy 498:1 385:13,23 386:1 571:5 524:10 525:14,19
283:16,18 346:21 556:4 386:8,22,24 Liberty's 384:4 527:18 549:15
504:6 532:10 Leonard 340:22 387:6,18 388:12 385:7,16,22 links 278:14 280:2
lawsuits 423:6 462:22 388:15 391:14,24 395:1 402:4 280:6 486:14
463:23 let's 279:15 287:16 393:8,15,20,23 495:18 557:18 513:8 518:12
lawyer 540:17 292:20 298:19 394:25 396:5 lie 392:18 569:17
Lawyers 356:16 322:4 345:7 398:1,23 399:1,8 Lieberman 284:9 list 282:23 349:6
lay 359:12 349:15 365:25 400:15 401:3,24 285:3 384:7,13 441:18 453:24
leading 437:6 367:16 383:12 402:14 406:4,8 384:14,21 389:13 454:1

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listed 348:9 392:7 log 471:22 476:11 366:12 407:20 maintained 414:17 510:15 515:4,9
431:13 545:10 479:18 486:7 412:11 414:22 414:18 541:7,24 516:5 518:3
listen 426:17 logging 479:8 449:23 468:14 majority 464:2 520:20,24 521:3
432:11,13 528:15 long 286:2 346:3 505:3,9 511:3 522:3 521:7,11,15,16
528:19 450:22 516:10 550:25 making 283:1 522:9,13,17,22
litigated 401:25 longer 287:4 looks 347:20 315:10 324:5 523:1,5,9,14,18
litigating 352:21 376:21 491:25 364:22 370:15 330:7 349:23 523:25 524:21
litigation 390:21 492:25 542:9 377:9 380:7 350:14 411:14 526:14,16 530:7
402:14 403:22 look 288:20 289:17 409:22,25 410:8 488:3 504:16 materials 290:17
438:21 464:5,6 290:13 293:6 415:14 443:10 528:1 547:24 503:8 530:11
470:24 471:11 295:24 315:25 481:12 484:19 548:2 math 421:13
493:13 499:5 317:1 321:25 512:15 524:6 male 311:6,16,18 mathematical
504:18 512:19 322:4 330:12 540:1 560:8 311:21 339:11 422:14
541:1 560:16,18 331:24 355:23 571:8 man 312:19 matrix 283:7
560:23 561:5 365:6 366:24 Los 276:5 manage 352:16 matter 285:7
563:9 377:25 404:25 loss 304:23 Management 286:10,12 288:10
litigator 301:7 451:11 472:24 lost 523:20 302:5 294:15 296:14
litigators 543:9,12 494:8,10 496:7 lot 288:6,11 302:16 Manhub 549:2 326:14 345:25
543:17 496:22,25 497:2 356:11 377:20,25 manner 567:21 346:18 347:22
little 281:14 282:8 497:3,5 501:12 387:12 409:21 Manwin 548:4 349:20 350:5
297:17 301:22 515:2 530:23 411:19 483:20 551:3,11,13 352:4,9 361:4,15
315:12 359:14,18 533:15 537:2,9 485:4 494:3 Marc 275:4 276:13 362:4 370:20
364:15 373:21 538:18 546:8 523:24 547:24 276:19 306:18 379:25 381:4
388:19 393:15 547:6 551:19 548:2 570:22 347:25 361:12 391:13 392:13
431:10 434:24 560:11 567:5 love 440:5 368:17 407:8 397:7 402:8
440:17 443:6 looked 300:5 loved 308:18 424:17 430:19 417:7 421:15
467:4 480:9 316:20 330:15 low 510:12 434:24 490:6 423:15 454:9
489:24 520:3,4 354:16 355:21,24 Lowderman 515:20,21 507:16 509:9
524:1 526:12 356:6 361:14 276:14 314:7 March 464:14 510:9 519:1
Littler 276:9 363:9 364:11 462:23 512:9,14 520:21 529:9 535:4,11
live 525:5 375:19 380:2 lower 534:18 520:25 521:2 535:12,20,25
lived 283:21 396:23 397:25 LPF 506:19 560:1 536:15 538:9,13
450:22 493:17 403:21 413:22 Lucas 512:2 Mareva 498:21 538:22 539:19,22
495:10 418:4 423:22 lunch 413:14,16,21 499:2,6,25 541:4 542:10,17
LLC 275:8 553:15 434:14 465:11 486:6 margin 318:4 542:24 545:9
LLM 287:1 477:6 514:13 lying 360:11 mark 448:18 557:6 558:21
loaded 454:16 564:19 Lynch 380:20 544:17 545:10,18 562:9 567:2
loan 553:4 looking 281:7 markedly 282:15 573:10
local 497:20 302:16 318:18 M married 312:19 matters 286:7
located 510:16 322:13 331:15 Magnat 394:8 Massachusetts 300:17 360:1
location 339:16 334:9 350:11 395:24 305:12 467:13 380:13,13 398:22
lock 499:25 359:20 363:14 mail 310:13 material 310:17 454:7 463:6,7
maintain 448:4

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464:7 366:5 368:23 memorandum minor 280:19 MJR55477 522:12

Maxim 292:5 370:25 375:13 451:13 minute 481:24 MJR55478 522:16
maximum 436:17 378:6,13,17 memory 295:21 488:2 MJR55480 522:21
McCoig 341:23 380:12 383:21 298:8 300:10 minutes 383:5,13 MJR55481 522:25
342:6,16,19,25 384:3,24 386:22 570:8 396:22 443:19,20 MJR59781 512:18
343:3,13,17 386:25 387:6,19 Mendelson 276:9 449:6 457:4 MJR61169 524:4
344:4 393:8 396:5 mentioned 303:15 478:3 487:24 MJR62013 524:18
Mead 312:6 398:1,23 406:5 356:23 392:8 516:10,22 531:17 MJR65307 513:4
340:17 442:13 407:2,7 409:3,15 469:11 532:23 MJR66782 513:14
444:1,5,17 410:4 418:5,23 Mercedes 343:25 mischaracterized MJR67961 513:20
445:13 464:3 504:9 mere 326:8 454:11 535:10 MJR73603 514:1
mean 280:19 505:20 506:20 merely 465:20 mischaracterizing MJR74236 515:2
287:15 318:7 507:4,7,10,21 message 308:14 309:1 MJR74331 526:9
328:5 329:25 529:21 532:11,14 316:5,9,17 misheard 432:12 526:11
336:24 349:1 532:18 533:20 317:20 319:6,18 mismarked 331:23 MJR74391 515:7
356:25 366:7 537:17 546:21 319:22,25 327:5 misnumbered MJR76662 515:11
386:24 393:13 548:23 549:9,11 327:5,20,22 358:6 MJR77883 515:25
399:24,25 467:3 549:25 550:1,6,7 328:13 337:17 misrepresentation MJR77903 516:14
477:4 479:7 550:8,18,18 446:14 354:7 mode 438:15
486:15 487:23 552:4 555:2 messages 319:2 missed 394:22 modify 411:3
488:15,18 493:25 556:24,24 557:9 447:22 448:10,11 541:21 moment 294:1,5
496:6 497:22 558:9 559:3 472:16 missing 403:18 302:10 358:6
499:9 518:24 562:3,15 565:3 messy 361:9 448:1 488:10,11
552:11 566:5 571:5 met 302:2 345:18 misspoke 376:25 Monday 417:17
meaning 386:20 Media's 393:24 460:4 540:18 mixed 282:14 437:9 456:5,13
398:13 546:17 566:10 metal 520:5 MJR104025 546:9 monetary 349:24
means 393:14 mediation 275:2 mid 352:12 356:23 MJR104033 547:6 350:17 351:21
400:2 473:7 506:17 529:10 478:23 495:14 MJR12635 567:10 509:13 510:8
485:6 488:9 535:3,20 middle 333:2 MJR16298 563:1 money 283:14
meant 325:7 MEDURA 276:8 399:13 458:16 MJR20235 406:2 285:1,4 293:4
362:12 396:7 meet 443:16,20 505:7 MJR20236 407:14 296:19 304:1
478:15 533:25 meeting 428:3 mignon 447:14 407:21 352:20 359:24
measly 450:15 437:21 452:23 mil 357:4 MJR20326 417:21 363:15 364:12
Medi 304:22 453:1,6,14,17,21 million 356:25 MJR20328 422:22 369:21 379:2
305:10 499:13 368:3 450:13 MJR46321 520:19 385:13 393:22
Media 275:7,8 meetings 453:12 499:21 550:23 MJR46930 521:6 397:25 399:4
301:16,17,19 Mega 381:14 382:3 553:4 568:18 MJR47020 521:10 400:20 411:20
303:20 338:4,12 Megaupload mind 357:15 MJR47906 523:4 414:16 415:11
338:12 339:13,24 282:14 379:25 491:15 MJR48302 523:13 419:9,12 428:6
339:25 346:19,22 380:11,17 568:16 mine 286:24 MJR48303 523:17 428:13,21 431:12
347:4 348:5 members 341:9 352:10 MJR52478 520:23 432:8 436:17,20
357:22 360:25 memo 547:10 minivan 304:1 MJR52479 521:2 440:7 458:22

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459:4,14 462:8 muddy 358:15 381:14 399:10 504:17 non-coercive

465:5 493:15 multipage 300:3 412:4 442:9 network 516:21 473:21
495:16 499:3,7 multistate 378:2 443:22 458:22 Nevada 275:7,20 nonlawyer 421:12
499:11,23,24 myopic 281:16 459:20 460:4 276:10 277:1 nonmonetary
500:1 501:3,19 MyVidster 502:22 474:21 479:24 292:14 314:18 350:20 558:6
501:20 547:25 503:3 480:9 508:11,15 378:3 423:6 nonrefundable
548:2 563:20 needed 339:15 460:10 475:2,10 400:7
569:5,13 570:21 N 556:3 570:17,17 475:14,14 493:11 normal 462:10,13
monies 499:19 N 276:17 needing 325:6 493:17 495:2,10 normally 281:20
month 280:6,10 naked 306:5 531:21 495:14 499:5 462:7
305:6 360:3 name 291:4 292:5 needs 359:18 365:1 573:3,17 notations 425:8
375:8 539:23,25 301:16,17,18 460:3 never 311:23 note 472:24 498:13
monthly 280:20 333:2 356:16 negative 311:24 330:21 331:10 498:18 500:23
539:10 504:19 524:9 335:14 345:3,21 354:5 501:1,5,11 502:1
months 360:4 545:9 548:12 negatively 540:18 362:14 369:6,6,8 502:2
375:9 554:23 557:25 negotiate 351:21 378:9 386:5,23 noted 387:9
moot 440:4 558:10 396:10 400:24 392:9 394:7 notepad 298:11
morning 297:17 named 300:17,18 401:3 395:24 397:7 notes 302:17
314:17 443:15 347:7 544:13,17 negotiated 429:25 401:2,5,7 404:10 573:12,15
467:20 490:25,25 narrative 387:16 430:13 562:13 508:19 532:1 notice 518:14
568:8 468:25 570:4 negotiating 397:24 544:25 545:4 noticeable 449:11
Mosier 465:19 nasty 520:5 412:6,7 562:14 553:24 555:9 notices 537:18
motion 368:19 Natalia 303:17 564:2 556:7 561:22 notified 512:13
388:6,11 389:18 443:16 444:13,16 negotiation 351:10 563:8 notwithstanding
391:20 406:12 Naturally 351:13 354:8 360:8 Nevertheless 510:24
442:20 381:13 529:13 369:4,10,19 390:17
motions 476:6 nature 307:20 535:13,15 538:2 new 345:24 346:18 394:8
mouse 467:4 316:16 319:25 negotiations 371:8 355:1 359:21 November 338:23
move 346:17 332:4,17 339:8 384:13 390:20 424:8 435:24 543:22 547:8,15
367:17 379:24 400:9 405:11 418:23 436:6 463:25 549:7
383:8 396:14 Navarro 388:6,16 541:2 464:5 475:9 number 289:20
415:21 422:20 388:19 406:10 neighborhood 544:6 559:7 294:7,10 299:5
443:1 474:17 Navarro's 389:7,22 440:22 Newhouse 276:4 306:23,25 318:5
482:1 490:8 near 298:22 334:12 Neither 323:21 news 313:19 430:8 318:15 320:6,11
502:4 524:1,3 358:13 364:25 327:15 nice 305:15 320:24 324:22
559:7 412:20 NERC 292:14 Nick 465:19,20,23 333:22 357:3
moved 305:13 necessarily 543:14 Nerd 474:21 465:24 466:2,11 360:14 368:10
465:5 468:18 necessary 278:18 nerve 570:11 466:17,21 468:13 377:16 393:11
489:11 423:11 456:12 nervous 501:21 469:4 486:21 398:11 403:18
movies 513:9 545:3 567:18 567:15 Nick's 466:12 407:5,23 417:24
moving 396:25 need 289:18 net 296:11,12,21 night 429:7 442:4 429:19,20 453:12
467:4 480:17,25 357:17 358:7 461:10,22 497:9 450:10,17 471:23 481:22
370:4 379:10

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494:11 495:19,23 342:4 544:12 officially 560:2 425:5 430:18 301:23 307:12
496:8,14,15,21 occur 343:6 451:25 offline 489:1 433:11 434:22 349:11 390:16,16
496:23 511:20 occurred 340:14 Oh 281:23 282:13 435:16 438:25 404:6
539:4,7 553:5 343:14 344:8,12 287:12 313:22 439:4 440:23 online 374:18,20
558:3 570:12 363:23 395:15 320:9 327:8 441:17 442:11 oOo- 277:3
numbered 318:10 420:12,23 421:1 335:18 340:6 445:23,25 453:5 open 309:23
318:12 350:21,25 422:12 453:1 349:8 465:9 456:5 460:17 365:17 441:12
422:25 534:3 479:22 484:24 464:21 471:16,22 514:25
numbering 494:6 October 511:11 527:14 478:7 479:15 openly 463:4
numbers 280:13 524:20 543:4,6 okay 289:18 482:8,9,19 477:12
317:11 334:8 546:11 293:18 296:1,24 483:18 485:1,3 operated 554:6
335:4 359:12 off-color 308:20 297:22 298:5,16 486:17,22 487:6 operation 281:13
NV 459:22 off-record 532:24 302:15,20 304:5 487:10,15,25 opinion 503:3
559:12 306:21 309:13,22 488:2,12,22 opinions 288:6
O offended 321:12,13 310:3,22 317:3 493:7 494:15 opportunity
o'clock 568:7 337:22 317:16,20 318:13 496:24 497:1,14 336:11 382:14,25
572:13,15 offensive 308:22 318:18,22 319:1 498:17 505:3 491:9 550:11
oath 277:8 316:3 offer 348:1,5 351:6 319:3 320:9,12 506:1 511:3,23 opposed 296:22
object 307:14 351:14 366:5 324:16 325:19 512:8 513:3,5 337:5 463:19
322:17 332:7,10 391:19 400:20 326:12,19 327:8 514:19,23 518:20 527:23
487:12 411:4 437:14 331:18 332:1 520:17 522:5 opposing 392:18
objected 307:15 564:9 334:5,11,11,22 527:16 528:16 400:19 534:23
objecting 482:13 offered 323:23 335:6 336:5,12 533:7,17 534:4,7 535:5,19 538:5
objection 307:17 325:23 341:17,21 336:17,17 338:20 534:12 535:9 option 450:21
308:6,8 362:9,11 402:12 340:8 341:3,6 537:25 538:19 451:17
obligated 450:11 421:3 444:2 346:2,20 349:6,8 540:8,14 542:18 oral 343:1,14 344:8
450:18,19 offering 552:3 349:15 352:1 542:22 543:5 344:12
obligation 469:8 office 286:15 312:2 355:16 357:8 544:11,21 548:15 orally 352:24
obligations 451:20 316:7,15 317:7 358:9,12 363:25 548:17 549:6 353:21
obliged 451:4,4 317:23 319:19 364:6 365:24 555:19 560:10,10 orchestrate 352:15
observe 465:2 320:4,14 324:20 366:2,10 368:15 562:18 564:16 order 359:25
observed 464:25 325:9,11 326:24 372:13 375:17 567:6 569:3 380:24 388:7
obtain 292:10,13 327:23 328:24 376:14 380:4,4,9 572:14 404:17 451:14
396:5 508:12,17 329:4 331:16 385:14 391:11,11 old 429:21 430:8 526:13 570:18
508:25 532:17 336:2,8,20,23 393:1 395:7 Oleg 347:10 ordered 326:22
552:1 555:25 337:14,18 341:18 398:8 400:5 olive 392:2 469:19
obtained 288:17 342:17 343:17 401:11,14 405:1 Olivia 320:25 orders 464:25
290:1 544:25 420:15 428:9,12 407:24 409:23 once 321:14 348:11 465:6
554:21 431:21 453:4 412:10 413:15 382:15 457:20 organization 551:6
obtaining 498:21 454:16,23 484:12 414:9 415:1,4,7 467:18,20,21 oriented 309:3
498:22,24 500:7 489:15 497:4 415:20 417:4,22 468:17 origin 298:25
500:8 573:17 419:5 424:16 ones 278:13 301:23 original 300:14
obviously 298:7

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315:17 562:13,14 563:2 393:2 396:16 443:1 444:8 355:7 360:3,4

Oron 279:17 563:5,9,13,23 417:10 441:7 445:6,11,24 369:2 371:4
282:12,14,17,17 564:2,10 566:2,3 462:25 465:16 455:4 456:4 374:8 375:7
282:24 283:2,6 566:11 568:20 467:21,25 468:2 457:16 458:14,25 379:1 392:4,16
284:1 285:11,15 569:3,5,14,25 475:17 476:14,15 459:7,11,19 395:23 406:14
287:23 288:1,10 570:10 571:6,16 476:25 477:13,14 461:14 462:18,21 421:2,4,18 433:6
288:11 289:4,9 Oron's 285:9 386:5 477:19,23,25 464:18 471:17 433:15,17,19,22
291:16 292:3,8 386:16 390:1 478:1,5,14,15 472:23,25 473:1 433:22 436:15
292:24 312:25 393:23 394:15 479:6,17 485:22 473:5 474:7,17 465:3 495:8
376:23 377:1 402:5,8,12,19 486:24 487:17,19 474:21 476:3,4,8 497:8 546:23
380:13 383:20,25 406:16 456:19 487:20 567:12 480:8 483:16,19 558:20
384:2,3,7,23 499:3,19 572:19 484:20 485:14 painting 316:14
385:17 386:3,8 394:9 pace 302:18 487:25 494:9,13 paper 322:21,22
386:19 387:2,7 404:10 Pacific 476:22,25 497:15 506:8 papers 499:16
387:22 388:3,12 Orshal 300:18 477:19 478:14 511:13 512:7,17 paradigm 503:4
388:22 389:1,6 ought 424:5 479:9,11,14 512:17,25 513:4 paragraph 294:18
389:16 390:2,12 outcome 355:14 485:22 486:25 513:14,20 514:1 313:17,21 326:20
390:21,22,25 outing 312:6 package 285:10 515:2,7,11 328:17,20 335:25
391:7,13,19 340:16,20 440:14 291:14 516:14,17 519:7 336:6,10,13,16
392:2 393:20 442:13 444:11 page 276:18 519:11,20 520:18 348:17 350:21,24
394:18 395:24 outline 543:1 293:21 294:19,20 520:23 521:2,6 351:1,12 359:15
396:6 397:5 outside 302:8 294:21 295:8,22 522:12,16,21 362:3,6 380:18
398:11,13,17,21 303:7 314:14 313:13 315:2,24 523:8,13,17,23 381:25 385:19,21
399:1,7,7 400:15 369:12 461:20 317:4 320:5 524:3,17 525:11 386:8 392:1
401:3,8,25 402:7 478:22 544:19 323:3,7,12 533:15 534:13 393:19 394:1
402:15 405:10 outstanding 572:9 325:20 326:17 535:16,23 536:4 397:17 398:18
406:4 407:14 overplaying 328:16 331:4,6 537:23 538:24 399:13 401:23
408:4 411:4 412:17 333:22 335:3,8 539:1,3,4,7,14 407:4,23 408:17
414:1 415:17 overrule 308:7 336:13,15 341:4 540:6 543:7,21 409:25 423:1,8
416:9,14,14,20 overture 353:16,22 355:17 358:10 545:21,24 546:8 431:9 438:13
416:24 417:7,24 363:6 362:1,3 365:25 548:13,16 562:25 450:5 464:20
423:3,5,9,10,12 overtures 372:20 366:25 380:6,15 564:7 565:9 504:15,23 529:12
424:5,9,19 430:1 owe 461:20 497:23 399:22 400:3 567:10 568:5 540:9,11 569:10
433:7,15 436:16 owed 495:6 401:15 406:1 569:9 571:18,21 paragraphs 401:23
437:22 438:20 owned 347:11 407:13 414:11,22 pages 315:2 414:14 422:25
440:7 442:18 374:20 547:3 417:20,24 419:3 417:16 484:24 paralegal 325:6
443:8 446:18 549:17 553:18 419:4,4 422:22 524:16 526:8 472:17 473:6
475:18 481:6 owner 505:14 424:15 430:22 542:19 543:3 paraphrase 319:16
493:12 496:4,10 owners 550:7 431:6 434:20,23 paid 280:5 283:13 pardon 293:24
496:18 498:23,24 434:24 438:4 284:14 294:23 Parkway 275:18
500:7,8 560:15 P 439:2,22 441:4 296:12,19,21,21 276:9
560:18,21,23 P 276:3 441:21 442:2 296:21 297:6 part 289:17 292:7
p.m 358:13 381:5

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329:6 332:2 party 341:8 381:21 499:5,12,20 permission 401:2,7 329:16,18 330:9
339:20 345:9 439:13,19 445:13 pays 398:17 424:5 571:6 330:14,21 331:11
348:14 353:7 445:18 563:8 PC 406:18,22 permitted 340:20 331:16,18,22
354:8 355:5,8,9 passenger's 342:1 PDT 381:6 person 292:7 phrased 332:13
360:9 365:18 342:13,22 penalty 315:3,9 405:13 522:6 540:23
367:2 380:16 passwords 486:15 385:2,12 person's 291:4 pick 443:21 553:9
385:6,15 387:23 489:12 pending 310:14 personal 305:17 553:12
391:18 392:12,15 patent 286:14 Pennsylvania 328:24 338:17 picked 337:14
396:10 402:7 pay 295:2,4,19 296:15 339:14 385:2,12 343:25
403:15 411:3 296:10 356:24 penny 569:13,25 416:13,25 454:15 picture 338:25
419:17 426:19 366:16 384:24 people 280:5 470:6,9,10,17 pictures 330:4,23
427:2 428:16 393:20 394:3,19 308:22 311:7 475:24 481:10 331:12,19,20
432:14,19 436:12 406:4 407:6,8 329:15 330:4,22 484:12 490:8 pie 431:17
440:13 466:13 408:19 417:25 331:11 338:7 personally 337:22 piece 376:21
475:7 482:7 427:23 428:21 340:2,5,10 352:20 359:17 pieces 442:21
509:14,23 516:20 429:4 434:2 347:21 429:2 410:1 416:1,15 piggyback 443:5
519:1 528:9,21 443:5 462:4 433:14 516:10 459:3 468:12 piracy 281:10,15
529:8,11,14,17 473:9 564:5 543:12,20 553:7 500:9 527:24 283:3 526:15
566:12 paying 357:15 553:11 528:6 piracy@corbinfi...
participated 431:14,21 461:20 percent 292:25 pertaining 423:15 525:3
384:12 553:8 562:5 293:1,9 295:9 pertinent 339:20 pirate 281:13
particular 290:22 payment 285:5 356:16 357:10,15 345:9 353:7 pirated 503:8
331:22 340:24 351:21 362:10,11 368:2 369:9 403:15 426:19 pitfalls 355:2
344:2 362:23 362:19,21 363:1 370:1 372:4,15 427:2 432:14,19 place 278:4 304:22
391:9 426:8,9 363:20 372:21 372:16 374:25 475:7 528:21 327:19 330:11
465:2 528:2 379:14 395:4 375:4,5 377:17 pet 286:24 343:1,5 365:17
529:14 402:9,12,16,21 378:11 383:23 PG 569:11 381:8,17 382:9
particularly 404:1,4,21 407:2 452:14 495:7 PG's 567:22 395:20 460:17
569:14 408:9 412:6,7 497:23 553:5 Phew 486:5 470:14 491:22
parties 329:18,24 416:9 418:8,19 559:5 Phoenix 415:21 531:9 550:20
374:9 386:9,10 418:24 420:3,4 perfectly 282:16 phone 285:3 335:3 559:10 573:11
400:7 406:14 423:11,12 427:19 perform 328:23 365:16 440:8 plaintiff 347:4
417:16 423:5 429:11,17 430:1 336:1,8,19 479:8,12 491:7 443:4 518:10
431:16 437:15 434:17 435:10 performed 329:11 553:9,12 560:14 plaintiff's 540:20
461:20 522:10 449:17 462:11,13 342:16 photo 338:25 plaintiffs 348:20
partner 312:21 493:10 563:1,5 period 399:15 339:7 348:21 509:14
394:6 395:8 565:3,4 570:3 547:1 photograph 445:7 plan 394:12,25
402:25 433:6,25 payments 509:13 periodically 445:12 396:3,7 534:17
434:3 PayPal 289:15 514:13 photographs 306:2 plane 367:23 368:1
partners 541:3 394:3,20 395:5 periods 312:22 329:6,15 planned 389:6
parts 330:18 482:7 402:5 406:16 perjury 315:3,9 photos 306:5,9 planning 491:3
530:12 423:11 456:18 permanent 441:18 328:25 329:3,11 play 307:5 308:13

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309:10 370:3,4 397:19,23 405:9 562:3,4,13 563:8 possibility 356:13 premature 411:13
playbook 390:4 408:24 409:11,13 563:12,23 564:3 370:10 prepared 315:13
played 306:16 411:7,12 412:4 564:5,10 565:4 possible 348:21 315:15 348:8
308:11 310:4 413:7 416:24 566:2,3,4,11,20 355:14 358:15 542:25
Playground 506:19 419:14 426:7,8 566:25 567:8 382:8 411:20 present 276:12
playing 567:19 430:9,14 433:25 568:3 569:24 485:5 566:18 306:8 307:2
please 288:20,22 436:19 437:3 570:3,11,16,19 possibly 280:12 310:7 337:23
289:20 293:15,21 451:21 452:4,12 571:11,16,24 283:3 448:1 424:24 502:23,24
293:23 294:2,18 470:23 471:4 PornGuardian's pot 411:22 421:5 presented 309:25
295:22 302:11 472:9 485:16 282:11 284:18 potential 284:15 312:24 420:14
322:25 323:10 508:20 518:22 563:17 353:1 356:17 424:8,19 425:7
325:2 326:17,20 520:15 530:12 pornographic 358:22 375:4 428:4 446:17
328:16 339:19 531:13 532:20 327:2 338:4 550:21 501:4
360:15 376:4 540:19,23 556:13 pornography potentially 285:2 presenting 501:25
379:4 392:21 572:12 283:4 386:15 309:3 368:3 preserve 455:13
401:22 411:3 pointed 471:20 387:6,12,18,20 409:15 411:14 469:8
414:8 417:3 pole 303:25 387:25 506:24 418:24 419:10 preserved 469:22
422:21 426:10 policies 344:16 507:5,8,11 469:8 498:23 483:25
430:17 432:11 policy 344:22 544:15 549:12 537:19 550:7,18 press 335:5
435:15 438:1,24 543:1 566:9 552:3 presume 357:14
445:4,22 456:8 politically 308:20 porous 337:25 PR 335:15 360:4 473:7
464:11,18,22 politicians 287:7 portfolio 281:6 practical 404:18 presumed 491:8
472:13 475:6 Poon 458:19 portion 286:21 562:9 505:14
483:16 497:13 popular 287:6 321:6 324:17 practice 364:18 presuming 485:6
505:7,25 511:5 porn 284:18 317:7 348:21 354:15 396:11 411:11 pretending 369:21
511:21 515:2 319:19 320:4,14 359:3 392:8,9 562:6 pretext 434:19
528:19,19 531:22 327:23 337:17 417:24 430:20 practices 547:10 pretextual 430:9
532:23 533:5 338:8 386:5,11 435:18,18,22 547:14 pretty 281:4 368:6
540:2,9 549:5 513:8 489:21 493:1,6 prearbitration 405:15 416:15
557:16 562:17 PornGuardian 496:19 506:15 343:12 431:18 477:1
565:18 571:1 279:15,16 280:8 portions 339:16 precise 545:17,19 479:6 556:2,4
plural 314:7,11 280:17,23 281:17 position 301:2 precisely 436:14 558:1 565:16
plus 459:4 527:21 282:7,18,20,22 352:13 360:7 451:15 536:24 571:13
PO 291:9 282:25 283:25 366:19,22 369:1 precision 422:15 prevail 376:4
pocket 493:15 284:13,14,20,25 381:17 437:18 precluding 400:14 prevailing 469:12
point 280:11 284:25 285:6,12 454:10 463:15,17 preface 409:9 prevent 348:10,19
283:10 284:23 285:15,19 386:16 562:1 prefer 440:19 349:2
288:9 300:19,22 386:21,24 387:1 positioned 342:13 569:1 preventing 400:14
303:18 338:14 387:23,24 559:8 positions 300:20 preferable 518:8 previously 297:2
348:18 371:9 559:17,23 560:7 301:1,4,5 342:25 518:17 321:10 366:6
387:4 389:3,21 560:12,22 561:9 positive 277:23 prelitigation 419:11 427:19
390:18,24 397:13 561:13,16,23 possession 381:16 506:17 437:13 506:15

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price 356:16,22 505:6 381:12 563:1,4 328:2 332:19

374:25 550:22 proceedings proposal 349:23 providing 373:11 338:16 349:16
primary 405:10,13 275:14 393:9 359:8 360:2 377:16 451:19 357:15 370:6
printed 318:11 572:18 573:10 369:2,4 407:12 provision 300:12 387:10 421:5
446:16 484:24 proceeds 292:25 408:11 410:2 300:15 374:15 442:10 450:14
printout 446:9,10 383:24 423:7 433:3 375:11 382:9 462:8 468:2
446:11 447:12 process 480:15 551:16 385:22 400:13 470:14 486:9
prior 279:16,25 569:17 propose 352:25 408:3,18 423:2 498:9 499:14
302:3 361:6 processors 423:12 proposed 417:7 provisions 566:9 puts 352:13 503:5
364:11 391:6 produce 361:3,20 431:3 437:17 PTO 286:17 putting 381:7
411:4 422:2 506:24 507:5,8 proposing 355:12 public 332:6,18 481:9,10 507:18
427:25 447:9 544:15 393:19 394:18,24 335:15 454:7,9 PW 486:14,15
453:9 457:10 produced 329:2 396:8 408:8,12 510:1,7
481:15 486:3 361:3,13,21,24 416:7 507:21 publication 386:10 Q
501:25 537:11 403:20,21,22,22 prorated 494:23 publicity 287:14 qualified 478:12
542:5 546:5,7 472:16 505:5 prosecuting 570:18 287:15 543:19 question 307:11
priority 460:7,15 512:19 514:15,21 prospect 368:2,7 publicized 286:7,9 310:14 311:1,11
Privacy 563:5 514:24 533:10 prospective 377:11 publicly 386:1 318:23 323:14,18
privacy@corbin... 542:17 545:8,15 protect 382:19 510:1,3,4 331:10 332:12
514:7 556:7 557:5 protected 386:3 pull 343:20 488:12 345:7,8 353:6,6
privilege 555:22 560:7 544:5 488:15,18,22 361:8 379:4,7,11
privy 550:13 produces 507:10 protection 544:1 pun 503:14 385:9 403:14
proactive 350:23 549:11 546:14,18 purchase 327:3 409:8 410:11,17
probably 278:12 production 361:16 protections 381:7 352:11 551:1 415:6,7,8 419:5,9
281:18 284:17 470:18 protocol 470:15 552:4 424:17 426:3,17
292:2 308:7 productions proud 282:3 purchasing 353:17 426:18,22 427:16
314:15 325:10 387:14 301:12 312:14 353:23 354:1 432:12,13 433:12
333:17 340:10,12 profession 378:3 prove 381:11 477:9 377:12 550:1 434:23 435:6,8
346:12 411:20 profit 504:17 proved 517:3 purely 376:23 448:18 452:11
419:17 491:23 program 280:1 provide 394:10 purported 295:1 457:19,23 475:6
504:18 508:20 490:23 526:4 454:1 461:23 purpose 289:6,11 481:25 482:1
544:6 552:19 projector 306:12 516:9 551:4,22 307:18 483:19 484:1
556:25 572:12 projects 534:18 571:10,15,24 pursuant 500:4 497:19 503:14
problem 412:22 promissory 498:13 provided 287:22 pursuing 493:1 508:24 518:7
435:24 436:6 498:18 500:22 295:9 334:21 506:11 507:22 528:15,19 531:15
437:9 503:10 501:1,4,11 502:1 438:8 461:7 518:9 520:1,2 533:23 538:22
528:2 502:2 527:18 554:25 555:1 541:8 548:16,21
problematic 290:2 proof 452:20 providers 278:11 pushed 330:10 564:8 571:23
procedure 470:21 properties 373:23 provides 286:21 put 279:10 282:21 questions 298:3
proceed 294:13 374:20 371:3 374:4 282:22 290:6,7 302:23 335:19
372:7 property 373:18 406:4 409:19 291:8,19 298:11 380:2 383:19
proceeding 383:22 prophylactic 418:10 502:25 319:8 326:1 457:11 459:20
534:1 544:9

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quick 302:18 464:8 307:21 308:14 326:24 327:6 480:2 445:17 447:6
quickly 301:13 310:6 313:12 328:22,24 349:13 real 332:25 357:3 451:9,12,15
399:4 542:4 315:24 322:18,25 362:5,8 402:6 369:17 394:4 453:13,20 457:14
quit 454:23 456:8 326:13 327:4 482:13 541:3 456:14 457:15,19,25
457:13,20 458:10 332:2 338:21 542:5 realize 411:17 458:6 466:19,20
488:16,21 490:22 346:17 349:1 realized 321:8 467:8,10 468:6
491:4,5 353:10 360:19 474:9 really 287:2 288:7 469:13,19 470:3
quite 412:18 362:9,10,11,12 Randy 524:12 302:6 313:8 470:19 472:6
429:15 437:24 362:13,16,17,19 rapid 285:5 324:7 326:4 493:2 495:13
499:16 509:16 362:22,25 363:1 rarely 560:25 376:10 394:11 496:18 499:18
quitting 455:25 363:2 364:7 Rasmus 338:22 419:13 429:12 509:6,15,16
456:2 491:2 373:1,9 374:24 525:13 526:2 434:1 437:23 510:6,6 546:25
QUIVX 333:19 375:11 377:5 527:17 528:5 471:12 479:23 548:1,20 555:14
QUIVX2016 334:4 378:2 380:10 529:13,19 485:19 491:17,18 564:13 571:12,17
quotations 427:5 383:18 390:1 rate 280:20 281:21 503:1,4 550:10 recalled 466:23
quote 316:10,13 392:6 396:2 553:4 563:17 receipt 374:9
319:6,9,13 399:23 402:10,11 re-added 441:19 reask 361:9 415:6 381:19 400:8,11
365:18 370:6 405:2 407:8,8,15 reached 285:18 reason 332:19 536:15
421:3 408:20 413:21 296:4,14 378:12 348:10 361:22 receive 291:10
quotes 287:7,10 421:16 423:4,8 429:25 430:2 436:16 451:8 317:22 351:20
319:8 326:1 423:14 426:10 reaction 291:18 552:5 553:2 388:21,25 419:10
428:22 429:2 read 289:20 313:16 554:5 503:20 509:14
R 432:8 434:4 326:20 328:19 reasons 287:3 513:6 554:2
racial 307:16 438:3 456:17 331:6 336:4 348:9 558:6,10 564:10
racist 307:13 309:3 457:10 462:10 339:21 345:8,10 recall 277:16 received 296:5,14
310:11 472:15 474:4,13 350:25 352:6 287:25 299:2 310:13 316:5
radar 282:22 475:1 480:20 353:6,8 359:15 300:5,9,13,14 317:25 378:11,15
rainbow 411:23 489:7,20 490:6 361:8 362:6 303:24 310:23 389:22 392:10
raise 302:22 492:19 496:9 379:4 401:22 311:24 313:8 401:2,7 458:20
450:11,19 451:3 497:16 499:18 403:14,16 410:13 323:14,19 331:15 496:9 500:3
451:14,25 452:7 502:9 505:5 415:5 424:14 331:17,21 333:7 508:4 513:15
452:14 495:7 515:12,20,20,21 426:20 427:3 340:19,22 345:13 515:4,8 523:9,9
raised 370:12 526:20 533:5,8 432:15,20 450:1 356:4 363:24 536:21 549:8
386:18 390:22,25 538:20 540:14,16 450:4 458:21 368:12 377:6 559:3 561:22
raises 335:19 540:18,20,21,23 464:22 475:8 380:10 387:8 564:9
raising 285:4 540:24 541:4,5,7 521:23 522:1,4 391:2,3,8 392:6 receiving 418:24
518:21,23 541:11,24 542:15 528:22 540:9,11 416:17 420:1,8 566:20
rampant 283:2 546:1 555:21 reading 431:2 424:7,18 425:14 recess 346:13
Randazza 275:4 557:5 559:17 434:15 435:8 428:3,11,15 379:5 383:14
276:13,19 277:7 562:1 563:15 441:22 460:17 429:3,4,19,20 413:14,16 457:4
277:14 283:24 566:8 ready 277:6 297:21 436:14 440:24 457:5 492:2,14
297:11,23 298:7 Randazza's 310:21 476:10 479:18 441:13 444:4 572:12,17
298:22 304:6

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recitals 377:10 recover 448:11 300:10 570:8 284:19 287:20 remotely 466:2
recognize 288:24 recovered 569:13 572:2 288:7 298:24 490:8
380:18 recross-examina... refreshed 298:7 303:3 305:17 remove 283:19
recollection 340:24 534:2 refreshes 509:7 307:20 308:19 removed 278:15
352:23 353:10,12 redacted 506:15 refused 454:1 437:23 463:4 486:13
353:20 388:2 redirect 492:8 469:18 470:11 477:13 501:23 removing 480:15
422:16 424:10 534:2 regard 411:25 542:5 551:11 rendered 373:18
425:2,23 427:5,6 redlining 562:22 regarding 285:23 552:6,11 553:19 440:4
428:7 441:2,15 Redneck 307:13 350:5 391:13 553:21 repeat 385:9 427:1
477:16 501:8 Ref 275:6 416:13 465:11 relationships 543:1
509:8 561:15,18 refer 318:3,14 498:19 529:13 281:25 repetitive 422:3
572:2 334:13 433:24 536:1,6,11 relatively 479:5 rephrase 332:12,14
recommended 486:2 538:10 542:25 release 496:16,19 529:1
301:4 561:8 reference 317:15 544:1 547:10 released 327:1 replace 378:1
record 277:6 309:8 318:5 336:10 560:15 561:4,4 415:25 459:14 report 282:2 289:8
309:16 316:21 358:17 396:3 regardless 387:22 relevance 394:4 467:15 468:5
317:12,15 323:9 418:19 463:18 477:7 relevant 307:17 489:14 497:5
324:17 328:7 502:13 registered 286:23 451:11 469:8 513:15 515:8
339:20 345:9 referenced 347:7 475:13 517:19 532:4 519:10 520:19,23
352:7 353:3,7 387:6 399:5 525:15 527:20 relocated 495:13 521:3,7,10,14,16
355:19 361:23 403:5 409:1 registration 286:17 relying 567:15 522:13,17,21
383:16 401:16 420:23 510:22 regular 552:16 remainder 407:9 523:1,4,8,14,18
403:15 413:18 references 287:7 562:10 539:23 524:6,20,24
422:7 426:19 502:13 566:20 regularly 303:6 remaining 460:14 525:3 526:14
427:2 432:14,19 referencing 316:13 314:13 448:4 461:2,3 496:3 530:7
454:8,9 457:7 395:14 469:14 reimburse 360:5 remains 402:5 reported 275:25
475:7 492:12,16 referred 303:16,25 reimbursed 492:24 remember 282:19 362:7 505:12
528:21 533:2 referring 313:9 501:19 345:15 379:17 541:10,24 573:9
554:16 559:15 314:4,6,9 357:21 reimbursement 414:20 426:11 reporter 302:12,14
recorded 310:8 380:6 393:7 492:21 450:11 452:1 302:19 339:19,21
542:23 543:7 395:8 420:6,11 reiterate 365:13 453:17,18,23 345:10 353:6,8
recording 309:6 455:9 471:25 rejected 286:19 467:3,24 468:10 379:4 403:16
310:6,8 421:23 487:3 493:25 related 302:6 468:10,12,14 426:20 427:3
recordings 307:6 516:19 520:12 347:22 352:3 469:24 470:4 432:15,20 475:8
309:4 310:17,20 530:18,22 568:2 383:19 386:15 472:1 477:16 528:22 573:1,7
recordkeeping refers 296:7 304:17 482:2 497:25 478:17,21 496:13 reporter's 530:12
387:13 492:23 493:9 535:3,20 566:9 496:20 499:15 reporting 313:6
records 505:4 reflected 295:6 relates 362:4 530:5 516:4
533:9 537:3 reflects 372:3,14 558:14 remind 277:7 reports 523:24
539:19 542:16 557:7 relationship 297:23 439:18 558:2
545:8,14 546:7 reframe 503:14 277:15,18 278:16 reminding 426:14 represent 283:25
560:6 refresh 298:2 279:16 280:17,22 remit 462:3 285:6 286:6

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362:20,21 363:2 566:25 resolved 510:10 441:11 442:8 379:1 390:12

363:3,17 373:16 reputation 382:11 538:14 557:18 446:25 448:21 393:8 398:18
375:13 381:18,21 request 278:2 resolves 398:22 449:7,7 456:4 399:7 429:25
393:8 401:8 323:22 324:8,10 resolving 399:7 459:7 479:22 453:10 454:11
402:10 411:4 466:5,14 515:13 540:24 487:10 488:8,24 471:1,2 506:16
427:23 508:1,13 531:22 566:16 respect 373:17 490:16,23 520:3 537:11
508:18 509:1 requested 321:20 376:8 398:23 response 320:6,15 retainer 351:5
532:18 538:14 requesting 539:10 501:10 517:17 320:17,19,20,21 359:21 372:8
542:13 552:19,21 requests 542:3 552:22 321:3,4,4 325:15 374:8 375:20
555:16 556:1 require 332:8 respectfully 357:25 335:2,9 348:15 378:23 379:13,20
561:23 351:3,8 356:1 respond 348:17 359:4 360:20,24 397:4 398:10,17
representation 402:20 404:9 354:24 357:2,13 361:6,16 365:7 399:1,14 400:6
374:7 381:20 463:8 359:7 366:18 366:21 401:12 401:3 408:8,25
452:3,6,17 required 279:7,9 367:10,20 376:3 423:21 427:12 414:1 416:2,8
463:13 465:12 279:10 423:16 439:11 440:5,10 433:4,9 459:18 419:10 502:11
508:5 545:2 440:6 440:20 441:17 460:7 461:14 508:4,8 512:21
547:2 554:4 requirement 447:19 456:13 478:2,3,5 498:6 559:22
555:4,15 556:5,6 387:14 461:15 477:23 538:23 539:5,13 retaining 382:14
556:10 reread 379:10 484:17 486:7 540:4 541:20 397:8,12 410:24
representations research 281:9,16 488:2,12 512:2 543:19 568:10 retains 360:2
411:25 429:8 364:16,17 365:8 513:11 516:18 569:9 retreat 546:14,18
represented 505:13 534:18 520:1,4 526:2 responses 538:21 546:23
278:17 286:2 543:8,25 530:10 539:9 responsibilities returned 384:20
288:4 296:15 researching 505:18 responded 325:4 297:25 501:15 515:14
347:6,9 384:7 506:10 335:13,14,18,21 responsibility returns 398:13
402:15 425:20 resettled 496:17 356:15 363:7 378:3 reveal 332:9 355:3
454:7,8 507:13 reside 493:11 372:10 414:2,5 responsible 344:18 revealed 405:12
519:2 528:11 resided 338:3 458:25 472:4,11 431:21 561:11 reversed 484:25
529:9 530:2 495:2 473:23 498:5 responsive 447:10 review 313:1
539:12 540:14 residence 338:17 525:8 527:20 447:20 449:2,14 385:23,24 386:2
544:22 545:5 339:14 540:18 549:20 459:13 461:6 386:4 424:9,19
553:14,25 555:17 resign 473:14 Respondents rest 415:3,5,8 424:25 475:18
representing resignation 295:2 275:11 276:7 restate 409:8 534:17 536:16
282:18 285:14 463:16 473:18,22 287:17,19 432:21 541:19 565:18
287:11 386:21,22 476:15,20 481:16 Respondents' restrict 396:11 reviewed 279:13
386:24 387:1 483:6 485:18,24 285:22 411:10 304:5 315:18
395:10 400:15 485:25 486:3 responding 366:3 result 282:18 329:6 337:9
463:5 529:3 487:19 responds 302:22 504:20 510:5 425:10 448:16
535:4 538:9 resigned 453:2 356:19 357:7 resulted 384:13 reviewing 315:13
541:2 542:8 resolution 402:8 367:2 375:23 retain 394:3 344:18 425:14
555:22 556:13 resolve 370:2 413:1 437:8 retained 283:11 536:20 544:6
557:8 563:12,23 416:20 435:24 439:8 440:9 376:22 378:8 561:11

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revoked 411:5 428:21 433:14 save 534:5 487:10 488:1,8 450:5 453:6
Rhythm 440:19 453:25 481:3,5 saving 481:13 488:24 505:8 538:24 556:4
Rica 305:21 306:3 489:15 533:13 saw 467:4 505:22 511:5 513:7,21 560:11
306:19 Rob 310:10 508:11,15,19 515:10,19 516:8 Secretary 475:2
ride 312:5 340:15 Rodney 307:13 525:4 552:5 517:3,7 519:11 section 286:20
342:16 343:17 Roger 490:23 554:5 570:19,23 519:22 524:7 315:25 373:15
ridiculous 570:20 role 282:11 501:10 saying 324:25 525:15 545:24 374:1,11 377:16
riding 563:17 541:4 343:3 357:4 549:16 555:21 385:1,11 387:13
right 285:22 Ron 395:13 433:6 367:22 371:25 564:21 565:7,16 401:18 406:1
287:16 289:17 433:14,16,22,24 392:15 403:9 565:21 567:15 407:14 492:22
292:10,16 309:19 Ronald 395:11 404:16 415:25 568:1 Sections 493:22
311:25 325:7 Rothken 380:24 425:23 427:18,21 scandalous 286:22 494:19
327:25 328:9 382:7,23 429:3 437:5 287:5 see 281:17 294:4
330:5 343:15 RPR 275:25 444:12 446:22 scare 396:1 294:22 298:9,14
346:23,25 351:5 573:21 447:5 457:20,25 scared 284:16 298:19 304:5,15
363:9,10 371:9 rules 516:23 526:5 458:6,9 466:21 scattered 329:21 307:10 313:25
374:17 378:9 ruling 389:7,23 478:4 479:2 330:9 317:20 318:4
391:8 403:2 run 309:14 486:6 482:14 485:24 scene 316:6,11 323:25 325:12
404:22 405:14 Rushie 296:15,18 521:23 522:2 319:7 324:19 334:17 335:11,16
407:13 408:10 Russian 442:21 528:24 572:6 325:11 327:2 337:21 341:12
409:6 410:16 says 287:9 289:22 328:5,8 330:13 348:2,12,24
411:11 412:8,19 S 319:19 327:22 330:15 350:6 352:1
420:16 429:18 S.T 458:19 335:4 337:17 scenes 338:5,8 354:15,18 357:19
446:2 450:21 safe 386:3 343:13 347:25 456:6 358:18 360:10
451:9 452:5,15 sailed 437:10 356:11,20 357:7 Scope 373:15 364:16 365:4
458:15 460:23 salacious 387:16 367:2,14 368:17 399:11 506:14 367:8,24 368:20
467:11 470:5 salaried 434:10 374:23 375:24 scores 568:15 368:21 370:22
471:10 472:9 salary 378:15 377:10 394:13 Scott 275:25 573:7 373:19 374:13
475:4 481:11 431:24,25 433:22 405:17 406:13 573:21 375:1,11 376:1,6
485:12,15 486:23 494:23 497:21 407:5,14 408:3 screen 306:23 376:20 377:15
488:23 489:19 sale 353:1 355:7,12 408:18 423:3 309:19 322:16,19 380:22 381:23
490:24 492:1 358:15,17,22 437:8 440:2,19 screw 357:5 450:8 382:21 384:11
496:16 497:2 367:12 368:3,8 440:23,23 441:11 Sealed 370:20 389:19 391:16
503:25 527:12 369:8,22 372:4 441:18 442:9 seat 342:2,4,10,13 393:5 396:17
531:11 543:19 372:15 373:22 443:14,18 448:21 342:21,21,22,25 397:1 400:13
555:24 560:3 374:12,23,25 456:5 458:19 343:4,7,8,13 401:20 405:7,19
564:8,23 567:19 376:9 377:18 459:20 460:1,7 seated 343:13 406:6,19 407:11
572:1 sales 367:18 474:21 476:5 second 288:6 312:5 408:15,22 412:25
Rights 314:18 salon 439:9 477:11,12,13 324:22 344:5 413:14 415:18
risk 431:15 450:15 Samir 307:13 479:22 480:4,9 349:5 362:24 417:22 418:1,13
risking 365:20 sarcastic 321:4 484:11 485:3 365:25 398:16 420:20 424:22
RLG 377:10 sat 342:1,6 486:5,13,19 401:15 431:6,9 430:24,25 431:4
satisfy 393:16

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432:5 435:5,6,16 seeing 285:1 295:1 299:20 524:14 536:14 378:24 379:14,22
435:20,25 436:4 331:17 444:13 304:7,25 305:5 537:24 538:1,11 383:1,20,24
437:11 438:11,17 467:24 468:6 312:9 313:13 539:20 542:21,23 384:12 385:6,15
439:15 440:11 555:14 566:14 316:17 319:25 sequence 363:24 386:6 388:4,22
441:5,9,20 442:6 seek 402:11 404:1 325:8 334:15,24 series 306:1 472:15 390:8 396:11
443:23 444:14 404:3 338:22 361:17,19 serve 372:21 397:9,13,19,22
446:5 447:1,16 seeking 297:7 379:21,21 392:23 served 337:10 398:25 401:25
448:19 449:9,20 383:22 398:6 396:15 405:25 server 478:9,10 402:1,3 405:11
455:9,16,23 404:21 408:9 413:24 479:1 480:16 405:18,22,24
458:2,24 459:10 seemingly 431:10 417:10 419:11 servers 283:4 406:9,13 407:2,7
459:24 460:3,12 seen 330:21 331:10 420:17 423:14 476:11 479:19 407:25 408:10
460:24 461:17 369:14 390:16 465:10 476:25 serves 301:8 409:2,14 410:5
471:25 472:20 447:25 448:14 477:14,19 478:1 service 275:2 410:23 412:8
473:3,11,25 563:19 478:4 485:17,21 423:13 480:17 413:25 414:16
474:10 475:21 sees 335:15 485:23,25 486:3 561:12 415:11 416:1,3
476:12 479:20,25 segment 383:10 512:9 515:13 services 279:25 416:10 417:7
480:6,13 484:4 segregated 480:10 530:7 538:21 373:8,15 399:11 418:4,10 419:17
484:15,22,23 sell 356:12 374:18 540:4,16 554:9 416:2 506:2,14 420:4,14 421:9
487:13,22 488:5 404:19 507:5,8 554:17 564:18 set 306:23 350:20 421:10 422:21
488:13 489:2 seller 357:4 565:14 571:4 400:10 474:13 423:21 424:9,18
490:2,10 494:20 selling 404:15 sentence 287:9 516:22 529:15 424:24 425:6
498:3,7 502:13 sells 507:10 549:11 316:4 319:4 573:16 428:4 436:22
503:10 504:3,21 send 278:5,13 325:22 326:21 sets 492:20 437:14,17,22
505:16 508:22 280:2 290:17,19 328:19 362:24 settle 348:8 358:16 446:19 456:20,20
510:21 511:8,19 290:21 291:7 396:2 408:13 365:1 368:12 458:22 459:2,16
515:6,17 516:12 312:13,15 370:19 450:1 498:5 509:9 460:4,14 461:2,4
516:24 517:5,10 370:24 379:13 541:23 settled 348:11 461:8 462:3,11
520:7 524:11,22 398:11 423:13 sentences 313:17 358:16 368:7 475:19 496:3
525:2,16,22 462:25 475:24 313:23 464:23 538:10 539:19,22 497:9 498:23,24
528:3 530:11,15 476:19 483:5 465:8 542:10 554:20 500:3,4,7,8
530:25 531:5 487:7 526:23 separate 309:18 settlement 284:11 509:14,18,23,25
534:19,25 535:1 527:1 319:21 451:22 285:19 292:8,24 510:5 519:1
536:8,18 538:6 sending 303:24 465:3 566:2,5 312:25 348:1,4 528:10 529:8
539:16 541:12 335:5 384:14 570:1,2 349:23 355:4,6 535:19 538:4
542:6 543:10 397:11 423:9 separated 309:14 355:10,12 358:21 548:6 557:19
544:2 547:11 481:15 527:5 565:17 566:1,13 359:8 360:8 558:7 559:2
548:24 549:6,18 537:18 566:23,24 570:6 362:17 365:15,16 563:18 564:3,18
549:23 553:3 sends 370:13 408:1 separating 566:4 365:19 366:4 565:1,15 566:5
555:23 564:24 sense 478:16 566:15 368:18,23 369:16 566:10,19 570:24
565:19,24 567:13 537:21 556:14 separation 495:3 369:20 370:13,24 571:5,11,16,24
567:24 569:20 566:17 September 346:21 371:3,8,17 settlements 296:3
570:2 572:16 sent 278:9 291:2,9 381:2 512:20 377:22 378:6,12 296:8,13 462:1

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settling 406:11 443:4 478:18 498:2 512:21 375:9 510:11,12 334:8 335:13
seven 352:12 short 297:15 556:10,12 571:14 sixth 569:10 336:3 340:3
356:23 369:9 383:12 436:2 significance 463:22 skip 524:1,16 347:15 355:23
372:4 559:10 473:9 543:3 356:8 358:2
Seventh 503:2 shorthand 573:9 significant 463:20 Skype 489:22,25 361:7 364:16
severance 293:12 573:12,15 517:18 490:15,21 491:7 366:11 377:2
300:12,15 473:8 shot 325:9 significantly 351:3 Skyping 490:6 385:8,25 399:24
473:13,19 shoved 527:25 351:8 356:1 slack 442:20 403:13 407:19
sex 316:6 328:24 528:6 529:4,24 363:8 slash 443:15,16 420:13 426:4
329:10 330:4,22 show 322:18 390:2 signing 315:8 497:25 433:8,11 438:7
331:11,19 336:1 409:15 410:4 similar 282:15 sleight 355:9 441:21 442:3,16
336:8,19 343:1,4 422:10 484:18 362:10 454:24 small 509:16 444:20 452:9
343:14 344:8,12 563:21 simultaneously smell 412:19 456:1 460:16
sexual 315:25 showed 329:7 499:10 smells 391:15 465:9 467:19
325:20 326:24 showing 453:8 sincere 304:25 smiley 489:15 511:20 523:10
329:15,16 332:4 494:12 514:2 369:4 smoothly 357:17 539:7 566:3
332:17,19 333:5 shown 297:5 single 557:7 snap 520:5 572:6
335:20 shows 385:25 sir 492:13 soaking 447:9 sort 387:15 440:21
sexually 309:3 386:4 467:16 sister 478:18 socialized 303:6,12 516:20
345:4 549:7 sit 345:17 510:9 socializing 314:13 sound 346:23
shady 416:15 sic 432:8 442:13 site 279:7 352:11 society 287:6 467:11
share 308:20 486:12 551:7 386:5 388:1 software 466:24 sounds 327:24
381:13,14 421:12 side 308:24 329:21 402:11 502:16,20 sold 313:25 346:25 420:11,16
431:17 461:19 356:12 378:7,18 503:22 505:22 solicit 402:12 470:5,5 475:4
shared 312:21 507:25 535:5 510:19,23,25 404:1,3 480:24
480:12,19 481:1 side-by-side 511:18 512:3 solo 570:9 sour 411:13
481:4 490:7 342:20 513:16 517:8 Solutions 347:12 source 288:11,13
sharing 339:7 sign 285:11,15 518:16 519:14,23 373:10 374:18 290:24 291:1,3
Sharon 321:1 373:12 449:8 524:8 528:2 somebody 291:24 sources 280:3
sheet 285:16 538:4 571:7 547:10 548:5,9 292:2 300:18 281:10 551:20
ship 437:10 signal 346:9 548:11 549:17 324:5,6 497:4 South 276:4
shit 392:3 442:22 440:10 554:10,22 567:22 511:4,24 513:21 space 281:5 547:21
454:23 457:13,20 signaling 346:8 sites 277:25 278:1 530:6 562:10 Spam 521:25
479:23 517:4 signals 477:15 517:17 527:22 son's 439:19 speak 383:3
shitload 352:20 signature 417:16 543:13 547:4,14 445:18 speaking 311:1
shoes 484:13 538:25 539:2 547:19,23 548:18 soon 349:13 396:24 391:4
shook 292:4 signed 285:12 sits 432:1 434:25 410:22 459:21,22 species 502:21
shoot 319:19 315:2,18,22,23 sitting 290:14 460:8,20 specific 300:16
455:21 370:20,25 371:17 343:4,7 391:8 sorry 302:24 308:8,9 352:23
shooting 317:7,23 378:24,25 379:15 471:12 309:11 313:22 353:11 382:2
320:4,14 379:20 382:10 situations 462:6 318:2 320:7,9 416:19 425:23
shopping 363:13 397:8 398:14 six 357:4 360:3 331:21,23 333:13 427:4,21 429:8

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429:19,20 441:1 SS 573:3 542:8 573:3,17 445:19 481:24 360:23 464:14

441:15 534:9 stab 382:12 stated 316:3 532:21 540:13 541:20
561:18 staff 341:9 335:24 437:18 541:6 572:7 submitting 468:4
specifically 300:14 stag 439:12 540:25 stopped 284:5 Subparagraph
345:13,15 380:6 stamp 320:10 statement 319:8 285:14 344:2 296:17
407:20 409:9 366:12 414:12 332:21 353:25 Stops 563:5 subpoenaed
427:19,22 429:17 487:18 514:18 354:4 387:5 storage 481:18 472:21
458:9 463:19 stamped 333:20 390:9 436:11 482:3 483:8 Subsection 400:6
467:10 497:7 355:18 380:7,15 541:17 store 478:21,22 Subsections
540:25 548:20 406:1 417:20 statements 283:2 stored 442:12,15 295:25
specify 399:24 422:22 430:23 315:10 386:19 straight 311:5,16 subsequently
Speech 528:1,7,12 445:7,12 455:4 403:25 423:16 311:18,21 312:19 388:3
529:5,25 462:19 471:18 States 283:11,12 339:10 substance 538:23
Speed 448:25 474:18 489:21 286:14 strange 351:13 successor 402:9,16
spelling 464:10 497:16 512:18 stating 386:10 352:8 425:16 sucks 446:25
spend 285:3 519:8 520:19 404:14 429:13 446:13 sue 292:10,16
497:19 524:4,17 540:7 status 337:8 443:8 Strangely 540:23 362:14 369:3
spending 378:18 546:9 statutes 494:24 strategies 369:20 394:8 395:24
431:12 stamping 380:8 stay 316:25 491:22 strategy 332:3,8 404:10 508:9
spent 378:20 stand 290:6 332:12 569:4 354:8 360:9 517:8,12,14,21
393:11 505:18 standard 378:1 stayed 312:20 369:4,10 370:6 528:2 543:12
546:1,3 560:23 standing 431:16 stealing 387:11 390:8 534:17 sued 390:3
561:1 478:21 519:12 536:6,11 sufficiently 381:2
Sperlein 470:1 start 297:16,23 steeply 281:21 Street 276:4 suggest 327:21
504:5 507:13,17 298:3,22 334:10 Stenotype 573:9 strength 529:20 360:1 391:18
509:10 510:23 357:9 365:25 STEPHEN 275:16 string 415:3,9 suggested 285:10
535:5,21 538:10 396:25 419:3 Stevan 384:7 Strip 440:21 402:9,16
538:13 539:19 456:25 458:13 389:13 391:14 strong 368:6 suggesting 323:14
542:10 463:24 464:1,4 392:17 394:20 529:16 325:25
Sperlein's 528:10 570:20 402:23 405:14 strongly 431:18 suggests 328:13
529:8 started 288:10 562:19 497:11 538:12
split 356:16 372:4 402:22 563:16 stew 455:22 structure 434:11 suing 348:11 349:2
372:16 377:17 566:17 570:16 stick 440:6 structured 412:14 518:16 527:23
570:13,14 starting 295:10 stills 331:17 structuring 412:10 suit 347:1 384:2
spoke 394:6 494:13 570:7 stip 415:20 stuff 333:5 335:20 385:17 423:3,5
spoliating 470:2 starts 289:18 362:4 stipulate 406:15 480:10,25 483:20 497:25 504:8
spoliation 469:16 430:21 450:6 493:5 485:4 487:12 535:13,15 538:2
sponsored 340:16 459:19 stipulated 493:3 subject 370:20 suitable 338:16
516:8,20 state 311:12 stock 377:13 371:23 385:2,11 Suite 276:10
sporadic 462:5 319:23 362:7 stolen 519:13 415:16 463:12 550:12
spot 344:3 401:13 450:16 stomach 431:2 531:3 suits 381:1,13
squirted 320:25 475:2 540:5 stop 284:3 327:7 submitted 360:20 542:25

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Sunday 438:5 558:1 559:5,11 531:22 537:18 telephone 536:6 407:10,15 408:4
439:13 565:16 571:13 542:2 telephonic 373:17 408:19 417:14
support 312:1 surprise 325:23 takedowns 280:3 374:4 455:12 459:2,8
422:17 440:22 361:2,12 taken 275:17 tell 282:10 290:10 459:16 460:14
suppose 401:1 surprised 429:14 277:20 305:13 290:11,15 309:15 461:2,4 509:24
supposed 400:23 557:13 306:2,9 329:4 324:6 337:1 551:25 558:7
429:24 562:4 suspect 356:22 331:16 346:13 346:24 357:5 testified 282:7
570:11 suspected 452:18 379:5 383:14 364:15 369:25 298:23 300:16
supposedly 311:20 suspicion 355:8 413:16 445:8 380:24 392:1 301:15 304:21
345:18 suspicions 311:20 457:5 460:8,21 407:19 422:15 314:16 321:10
suppressed 279:13 311:23 492:14 524:8 429:10 430:3 329:20 342:19
525:5 Sweet 486:6 567:21 451:16 453:18 354:3 386:14
suppression 279:7 switch 485:1 takes 405:10 459:15 466:25 400:18 416:12
sure 279:1 286:3 491:11 talk 292:20 428:8 477:1 478:12,12 429:16 433:18
288:18 290:5 sworn 319:4,23 455:11 456:5 485:13 493:24 434:18 452:10,12
298:16,18 299:10 464:13 484:6 488:1 491:11 526:23 540:12 464:1 466:1,17
300:11 301:19 system 482:3 483:9 540:22 551:24 557:10 564:1 572:3
302:18 315:10 516:21 567:16,17 553:9,12 562:10 telling 288:10 testify 291:4
317:13 318:6 talked 340:15 290:15 333:7 311:22 422:14
321:24 323:8 T 422:5 425:20 358:20 363:7 496:23 509:6
324:14 326:10 t-m-r-w 485:5 428:10 429:15,17 382:23 392:17 testimony 282:9
328:18 331:3 tactics 543:8 talking 277:14 404:9 428:15 299:2,11,12,14
333:23 338:14 take 278:10,11 332:8 340:13 451:12,15 472:10 322:3 337:19
340:6 345:18,20 280:5 288:20 352:12 359:19 483:14 527:1 342:24 347:8
357:8 385:11 293:6 300:25 391:22,23 405:16 548:1 354:6 395:14
387:17 403:4 301:3 308:3 420:2 421:17 tells 366:15 417:13 416:17 421:25
405:15 409:10 321:25 341:10,20 429:20 451:3 439:8 422:5 425:22
413:11 426:13 346:10 362:16 453:7 477:2 temp 446:24 452:5 458:4
450:23,25 451:10 363:8 367:22 498:12 550:6,17 ten 374:24 375:4 464:2 466:7
452:19 457:2 369:25 372:21 552:8 377:17 383:13 468:5 477:14,18
464:12 466:11 380:19 383:4,12 tangential 352:9 457:4 532:22 477:22 478:2
476:4,11 477:3,5 395:10 403:1 Tannebaum ten-minute 491:16 484:7 564:13
479:7,18 480:5 413:2,13 414:6 541:13 491:23 492:2 572:4
483:18 485:19 429:2 457:1,3 Tannebaum's tenor 449:11 text 316:5,9,17
488:25 490:22 461:9 462:13 541:17 term 279:11 317:22,25 319:2
492:9 499:8,15 484:13 491:16,21 target 283:8,23 285:15 326:5 319:5,9,12,14,17
509:19 510:8 492:2 506:11 504:6 517:21 374:5 407:6 319:21,25 320:5
528:18 531:18 518:13 525:7 targeted 290:25 510:7 320:23 321:6
536:25 537:6,20 527:7,8 532:22 targets 282:23 terminated 389:5 324:13,18,22,25
549:16 550:9 559:9 570:14 TeamViewer 466:3 termination 297:8 325:8,15 327:5,5
555:11,19 556:2 takedown 278:2 466:24 467:2 terms 365:15 382:2 327:20,22 328:13
556:4 557:1,22 279:24 281:3 technically 451:5 385:6,15 386:6,7 334:13,19,23
515:13 531:2,7

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337:17 439:5 498:9 500:24 347:9 349:10 thinking 356:21 343:21

440:18 441:7 512:2 513:11 352:11,14 355:1 419:14 Thursday 471:21
442:17,24 444:10 thanked 305:9 355:2,4,6 356:24 third 341:4 380:18 Thurston 332:25
445:20 446:2,4,7 thanks 350:7 367:6 359:17 365:1 398:21 401:22,23 333:3
446:11,14,23 448:22 459:20 369:12,14 370:5 446:1 522:10 thwart 377:21
447:7,10,13,20 494:9 512:4 370:8,10,11 third-party 551:1 tied 355:13 358:21
448:10,11,17,24 theme 412:24 372:10 377:24 567:16 499:4,7
449:2,5,12 Theoretically 379:2,18,19 Thomas 276:8 time 283:24 285:9
452:24 455:9,18 499:25 381:10 385:9 322:6,9 333:15 291:25 295:15,15
472:16 474:20 theories 291:25 387:15 389:24 349:10 295:18 303:3,23
476:5,9,10 544:1 390:13,14 395:17 thorough 465:22 304:10 305:18,19
479:17 484:20 theory 292:3 398:5 400:2 503:19 312:10,10,22
486:25 487:20,20 thereof 307:23 401:9 402:22 thoroughly 542:4 321:1 328:4,5,6,7
488:7 489:14 thesis 287:1 404:23 411:6,11 thought 283:15 332:25 338:2
497:16 thing 280:19 412:15,17 415:24 305:15 309:10 344:5 346:5,7,10
texted 317:6 320:3 290:15 298:6 421:6 422:10 329:20 372:24 349:13 368:12
320:13,24 327:10 308:13 415:25 425:19 426:15 416:21 425:16 376:4,8 378:4,16
327:12 328:2,11 482:11 491:18 428:23,25 429:7 428:5,12 434:18 378:17,20 381:1
439:25 442:3,19 510:18 518:2 429:12 433:16 450:8,12 461:7 381:5 389:4
443:17 444:12 things 288:6 292:4 450:9,14 451:16 487:8 499:9 390:20 396:9
455:8,19 473:6 298:10 301:13 451:18 453:6 533:24 548:2 405:15 409:8
474:8 475:17 308:21,24 358:21 454:20 455:19,22 550:14 557:20 422:6,6,8 425:2
texting 324:18 367:16 376:23 461:12 463:24 568:25 426:9 427:16
texts 316:20 416:15 431:13,13 466:1 469:18 thousand 495:24 428:15,20 430:7
318:11 320:10 438:22 453:24 470:23 471:5 thousands 280:6 437:18 444:12
443:8,11,13,18 459:8 467:5 476:17,18,21 280:10,10 281:19 449:16 464:24
444:23 448:1,4 468:17,19,21 480:21 481:7 threat 540:17 467:12,22 468:18
448:14 449:23 479:8 481:4,8 483:11,11 485:21 560:15 474:18 475:10
455:2 472:25 484:12 491:22 497:10,11 501:1 threatened 282:25 476:18,22,22,23
480:8 484:9,11 553:10,13 567:20 501:22 504:15,19 three 315:1 317:24 476:23,25 477:9
485:3 486:5,19 567:20 514:11 518:23 403:6,10 422:8 477:15,19 478:6
487:25 think 278:8 280:9 526:10 527:8 460:3,5 467:18 478:7,8,14,15,18
thank 277:11 280:9 281:5 528:14 535:8 516:9,22 478:19 479:1,3,4
296:24 297:11 282:5,13,21 536:23 537:2 three-quarters 479:9,11,14,14
302:25 310:12,14 283:12 286:15,25 543:18 545:3 439:2 444:9 480:9 483:12
314:3 318:17 286:25 289:13 548:3 550:3 540:12 485:20,22 486:25
323:1 345:11 297:16 301:21 551:8,12 554:12 threw 344:4 487:11,17,19
346:15 349:16 304:20 307:16,24 556:3 557:3 throat 527:25 493:12,18,22
360:17 413:15 308:2 314:6,16 558:16,19 560:9 529:4,24 494:19 495:3,11
441:24 444:11 317:17 321:10 562:6,9 563:14 throats 528:7 499:12 501:20
450:4 465:8 333:25 334:15,24 564:4,5 571:8 throw 343:22,25 504:24 505:18,21
468:3 494:15 335:4 338:10 572:11 throwing 343:10 511:6 515:1

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516:23 521:24 369:3,9,23 371:9 552:12 557:3 321:23 322:5 truly 491:19
522:8 525:24 373:12 374:15,19 564:4 569:23 323:4 331:2 truncates 516:21
527:9 528:15 375:14,21 376:9 tomorrow 440:3 333:9 424:15 trunk 454:16
533:9,12,18,19 377:2,23 378:8 456:6 485:6,14 457:17 571:19 trust 388:23 389:1
536:14,24 537:22 378:12,16 379:1 489:15 572:12 573:13 395:1 398:19
539:10,23,24 379:12,15 380:12 ton 512:4 524:7 transcription 402:6 406:17,21
542:23 543:7 397:7 tonight 439:12 573:14 406:22 407:1
545:25 546:3,4 486:20 transcriptions 414:18 415:12
547:1,9 550:14 346:23 347:6 tools 484:12 309:23,24 416:1 418:12,15
552:14,25 553:20 362:15 top 313:13 328:25 transfer 385:2,12 418:16 432:4
554:25 555:17 TNAFlix/Liberty 329:11,16 330:4 456:18 481:17 435:3 456:19
560:18,22,25 368:23 330:22 331:12,19 483:7,20 538:5 458:21 495:17
562:14 568:25 today 345:17 350:8 348:14 359:3 transferred 393:22 496:10 497:5
569:19 402:6 421:25 365:6 412:17 406:16 418:11 558:2
timeline 499:8 425:22 456:7 414:10,25 415:15 transferring try 282:3 283:17
timely 567:21 458:4,8,23 459:1 431:20 435:18 480:10,11 486:7 283:18 289:11,12
times 343:8 467:17 484:7 486:8 474:18 476:5 transmission 332:14 368:7
467:19 468:9,13 487:1,4 490:15 484:19 495:19 536:17 373:12 415:10
468:13,15 469:11 492:10 510:9 515:19 517:1 transmitted 436:20 471:22
479:11 510:22 today's 287:5 topic 316:4 345:24 496:6 trying 290:3
567:2 toddler 328:25 346:18 364:22 trap 448:25 520:3 300:19,22 366:22
tired 572:5 329:12,17 379:25 383:8,18 travel 431:23 368:4,10 378:18
Titan 506:20 549:9 toggle 318:24 390:21 428:1 tremors 447:8 396:1 398:4
549:11 told 279:10,23 502:4 544:8 trial 348:9 435:24 436:10
title 300:9 284:9 285:5 550:4 553:1 tricks 429:21 484:13 496:12
titled 315:25 374:1 290:9,10 291:1,8 559:7 tried 286:16 333:6 527:22
TNA 349:24 351:7 291:14 319:18 topics 491:11,15 335:21 tryst 330:11
351:17,22 352:8 328:5,6 333:4 toss 568:21 trigger 488:12,15 tube 277:25 278:1
352:10,14 357:4 339:15 344:14 total 419:19 488:18,22 278:9 279:7
357:8 359:13,17 351:8 355:23,25 totality 497:11 trip 305:21 306:2 502:16 503:22
361:15 365:14 363:11 368:12 town 492:5 306:18 511:17 517:17
371:23 402:19 428:12,20 trace 283:14 trouble 365:20 518:16 527:22
TNAFlix 345:25 428:24 429:1 traceable 283:9 true 312:19,23,24 528:2 542:25
346:18 347:11,22 430:14 432:8,23 trademark 286:15 313:4,5 315:10 543:13 547:4,10
349:2,20 350:5 433:2,4 436:14 286:20,21 319:21 321:8 547:14,18,23
352:4 353:2,17 448:5 450:12 trademarks 286:18 327:15 329:12 548:5,9,18
353:23 354:1 452:4,22,25 286:22 332:2 339:13 554:10,22
355:13 357:21 453:3,9,11 trailer 526:5 341:19 354:3 Tucson 546:15
358:22,25 360:5 460:13 466:17 transaction 352:19 369:19 379:18 Tuesday 275:17
361:4 362:4,17 469:1,4 472:4,8 353:1 500:19,21 404:2 430:3,11 277:1
362:22 363:6 483:15 528:5 transcribed 573:12 438:21 478:8 turn 279:15 287:16
366:15 368:3 529:23 540:22 transcript 275:14 528:8 573:14 293:15,21 294:18

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295:22 299:4 543:21 545:12 458:3 472:18 unpaid 295:18,19 494:19

304:3 305:3,24 548:13 549:5 490:20 515:16 493:21 494:18 Vaguely 470:20
306:11,12 313:10 554:13 555:18 533:11 535:7 unquote 421:3 Val 347:7,20 349:3
314:21 320:5 559:20 560:4 560:13,17 unredacted 502:12 350:7,9 351:6,11
323:3 324:12 562:17 564:15 ultimately 412:23 unresolved 382:3 354:9 358:13,20
326:11,17 328:16 565:9 570:25 421:13,15 431:19 untrue 436:11 360:4,10 362:9
338:19 340:13 571:18 uncle 303:16 unusual 462:7,15 364:8 366:18
345:24 347:14 turned 448:6 uncomfortable up-to-date 438:8 367:1 368:4,6,10
349:4 350:1 Turning 295:8 316:16 319:24 update 459:20 368:17,22 369:2
351:24 354:10 twice 457:20 320:18,22 321:7 547:9 369:25 370:3,4,8
355:15,17 358:5 467:20 unconstitutional updating 344:19 370:13,19,24
358:8 360:12 two 284:12 304:10 286:25 287:3 uploaded 278:3 371:14,21,22
362:1 365:23 304:12 308:19,23 underneath 349:10 502:23 530:21 372:10,13 373:5
366:25 368:14 309:18 311:25 understand 277:8 uploading 522:11 375:19,23 376:3
370:16 371:11 313:16,23 348:9 307:25 361:18 uploads 279:11 405:3,9 406:22
375:16 376:14 358:20 367:16 379:11 400:2 upset 429:10,13 408:5 409:13
384:10 389:10 403:10 456:6,7 446:22 449:24 430:4,7,10,12 412:17,25 413:1
392:21 396:19 459:20 464:22 452:9 502:17,18 432:9,25 434:16 413:24 419:14
400:3 401:10,15 465:7 480:17 502:20 518:6 435:9 449:16 421:8 429:21
410:19 413:5 484:24 499:3 528:24 570:16 436:17,21 437:3
414:8 417:3 524:16 535:6 understanding upwards 496:20 Val's 350:14 360:2
422:22 423:18 541:15 543:3 291:20 299:11 USA 296:8 407:12,25 408:8
425:4 430:17 566:2,5,13 570:1 342:12 382:15 USC 387:12 408:11,12 419:7
431:6 434:20 570:6 396:13 412:11 USD 393:12 423:7 427:22
435:15 438:1 two-thirds 356:9 415:3 448:12 use 287:9 288:19 433:3
439:22 444:8 tying 284:12 451:14 473:19 289:12 311:9 valid 402:3
445:4 449:19 398:25 499:3 485:7 558:4 326:5,9 333:10 Valley 448:25
457:16 458:11 type 304:23 415:12 understands 502:9 339:16 466:24 valuable 279:2
462:16,18 464:11 502:18 506:21 understood 323:21 470:22 475:20 value 281:1 282:6
464:18 469:18 typewriting 573:13 357:1 396:9 491:9 518:25 394:11
470:11 472:13 typewritten 573:13 413:2 414:5 519:13 530:11,14 various 280:3
476:3 483:16 typo 380:7 394:2 419:12 435:8 551:21 552:21 vast 464:2
484:20 489:18 451:21 532:8 useful 291:15 Vegas 275:20
497:13 498:16 U undocumented 381:11 276:10 277:1
503:24 505:2,7 ubiquitous 553:1 422:1 user 278:3 530:20 479:7
505:25 511:13 561:20 unenforceable usually 283:21 vendor 559:17
512:7,17 515:25 Ugh 446:24 411:15 311:8 351:11 vendors 462:4
521:19 526:5 uh-huh 296:9 unethical 381:20 524:9 561:12
527:15 530:4 356:5 357:12,23 396:10 412:8 utilized 541:25 verbal 303:17
533:5 535:16 358:1 359:9 428:18 422:1
537:23 539:4 367:19 406:3 United 283:10,12 V verbalized 428:5
540:2,6 542:19 414:4 419:21 286:14 vacation 295:18,19 verbally 466:17,25
430:25 441:10 491:9 493:21

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verification 538:25 349:5 472:14 503:13 509:17 292:4 309:20 weekend 439:19
539:2 voluntary 473:18 529:25 540:11 317:18 348:10 456:10
verify 538:24 473:21 545:19 569:2,23 352:16 356:9,11 weekly 294:23,24
version 322:18 vs 275:6 569:24 572:7 365:2 367:11,17 weeks 278:11
405:24 407:25 wanted 279:1 375:3 377:9 317:24
413:25 418:4,9 W 283:9,10 284:11 379:12 391:18 weigh 570:24
418:18 424:8 W-2 434:10 284:25 288:18 404:23 412:10,12 weight 304:23
436:2 446:18 wage 295:9,14 290:5,12 301:2 412:14 413:2 weird 352:13
565:14 571:5 wages 493:21 302:18 362:13 414:6 421:10 welcome 339:16
video 278:3 279:11 494:18 380:1 383:19 427:15 434:11 390:4 443:20
303:24 306:16,18 wait 347:15 385:8 404:18 414:10 436:23 439:2 well-documented
307:3,19 329:3,7 385:8,8 455:20 415:2 417:23 441:3 444:10 499:16
329:14 330:22 477:25 422:24 436:15 446:1 450:9 WENDY 276:8
503:5 506:19 waiting 308:7 465:7 472:12,24 462:6 463:7,20 went 282:2 287:2
514:3 525:4,9,20 351:4 431:16 481:21 483:23 472:12 473:8 303:9 305:20
530:19 531:23 waive 283:22 503:19 534:9 482:13 494:4 351:11 361:5
videos 312:9,13 waiver 508:7 551:24 553:3 505:23 513:7 420:9 441:14
331:11 502:23 walk 485:5 570:23 540:1 571:17 447:8 456:7
511:25 513:16,22 walked 323:19 wanting 333:5 we'll 298:14 465:23 503:2
519:13,13 522:11 Walters 556:12 570:20 307:10 394:10 522:7 556:5
524:7 want 278:4 279:12 wants 289:23 491:22 524:1 weren't 341:14
Vidster 502:22 280:4 282:25 298:11 359:16,16 we're 294:5 318:18 408:24 492:24
503:3 290:11 291:3 365:14 443:4 333:25 372:13 560:21,22
view 281:17 448:25 298:2 299:10 461:3 394:7 444:9 Weston 286:4
viewed 329:14 309:15 313:20,24 war 438:15 442:25 466:11 476:4 whatsoever 332:22
viewing 327:3 321:5 322:6 warning 526:24 477:2 483:11 WHEREOF
views 549:15 323:20 324:7 527:2,6 491:14,15 552:7 573:16
violating 325:23 330:20 332:11,12 warranting 491:19 572:17 whipped 464:9
violation 311:12 332:17 335:19 wasn't 299:14 we've 294:7 557:15 White 276:3,4,19
387:21 494:24 340:13 348:8 303:17 311:11 Webb 549:8,14 277:10,11,13
virtually 431:14 350:22 352:11 328:1,14 369:3 Website 502:7,21 293:10,11,19,24
499:10 357:8 358:10,14 369:17 398:5 502:24 503:6,11 294:4,9,14 297:1
virtue 499:4 359:23 372:8 409:4 410:7 510:16 513:17 297:11 298:6
Vobile 509:23 393:15 410:14 464:9 528:8 519:12 527:19 302:21,25 307:7
510:4 516:21 412:20 413:7 532:4 567:19 549:15 554:6 307:11 308:4,10
517:3 518:25 414:22 415:5 watch 467:1 513:7 Website's 286:18 322:12,16,24
526:4,7 527:25 421:11 426:17 watched 330:17 Websites 281:9,15 323:10 332:7
528:6,9 529:4,7 430:19 439:1,12 watching 330:20 327:2 502:25 333:8,14 357:24
529:16,24 455:11 458:13 water 447:9 wedding 478:17 361:7 366:11,14
voice 518:22,23 464:4 465:22 waters 358:15 week 295:2,5 321:2 380:2 403:13
volume 275:15 466:11 477:5 way 282:2 284:20 359:23 494:24 413:15 441:21,24
322:9,11 347:16 480:4 482:6,10 285:21 290:22 569:18 471:19 472:3
488:25 494:1

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492:3,13 493:4,5 withhold 462:11 558:13,18 561:1 writings 353:14 511:7,25 512:23
572:15 witness 276:18 561:21 written 287:1 513:17 514:3
Whitehead 276:3 277:9 289:4 worked 301:24 351:20 390:24 515:5,9 516:5
293:16 322:22,24 290:16 293:18 303:4 378:22 403:8 416:23 XVideos 277:15,20
333:13 294:3,7,12 379:12 421:13 423:10 432:2 277:25 278:12,14
wicked 442:4 296:23 297:25 429:6 453:4 435:1 451:8,13 502:12 503:22
wiener 520:6 298:4 302:24 462:2 488:4 508:12,17 509:1 504:6,9,17,24
wife 303:12,25 310:23 317:20 493:17 495:2,10 527:5 532:13,17 505:15,19 506:3
312:20 316:14 318:18 322:14 539:24 558:25 544:25 545:4 506:7,11,12,16
328:25 329:11,17 323:1 334:2 559:1 552:1,8 554:2 507:1,22 508:1,5
330:5,14,23 339:24 340:1,3,6 working 304:9 555:12,25 561:22 508:8 509:10,22
331:12,19 338:3 353:11 358:2 313:6,24 314:4 wrong 294:7,10 510:10,24 512:21
339:1,10 366:13 379:8 372:2,14 378:16 347:16 412:13,13 518:25 521:11,15
wife's 316:10 319:6 383:4 403:17 391:7 546:2 477:9 522:11 524:21,25
327:6 426:12,13,23 558:21 560:23 wrote 315:17 319:5 525:8,14,20,24
willing 351:16 427:1,4 456:25 567:19 325:22 373:16 527:2,3,11,19
400:24 404:19 468:6 475:9 workplace 321:15 394:14,16 403:7 528:9 529:7,13
win 416:22 482:10 491:14,24 323:15 324:3 412:1 416:5 530:1,19 531:8
wind 365:19 463:7 492:4 494:15 works 297:20 425:12 431:1,9 532:2,6,8,14,18
window 344:5 497:20 500:25 384:4 518:6 434:25 450:6 533:9,13,18
wings 351:5 534:7 572:9 558:23 525:14 541:13 534:11 535:3
winky 441:19 573:16 workspace 325:24 569:6,11 536:15,21 537:5
wipe 465:12 469:1 wondering 492:5 worst 456:8 www.manhub.c... 537:18 538:9,14
469:3,4 472:5,10 497:18 worth 281:19 549:16 539:15,23 540:10
479:24 486:21 word 279:12 287:4 504:20 540:15,21 541:5
wiped 465:15 325:14 326:1,8,9 wouldn't 311:22 X 541:11,15 542:5
467:6 471:24 365:3 382:24 332:6 367:21 X 276:17 542:9,13,16,24
472:9 wording 564:22 392:18 446:14 XBIZ 334:15,24 543:7,25 544:4,8
wiping 466:4,18,22 words 322:2 449:13 478:16,19 Xmas 367:4 560:8,9
467:9,16,22 451:16 458:1,6 478:20 484:1 XNXX 502:5,6,9 XVideos' 529:4,20
468:9,16,19,22 500:16 552:17,21 493:14 497:10 502:11,13,16 529:24 536:11
470:11 work 282:1 302:2,8 501:17 537:8,10 503:7,12 504:18 540:18
wire 381:3 389:16 303:7 314:14 537:21 556:14 504:25 505:19
461:1 344:20 352:18 558:10,12 569:17 506:3,7,11,12,16 505:8 519:22
wired 458:22 377:20,25 399:19 569:18 570:2 507:1,23 508:2,5 520:12,20,24
496:10 416:3 429:5 Wow 335:9 508:7,13,18 521:4,8,17 522:9
wish 482:22 433:7,15 443:5 wrapped 569:4 509:1,5,10,21 522:14,17,23
wished 349:3 464:3 471:5 write 382:6 415:20 510:10,14,24 523:2,6,10,15,19
withdraw 389:17 474:4 493:11 501:2 511:16 512:10,20 523:25 524:10
463:5 518:7 535:3 541:5,11 writing 352:24 513:8,23 515:13 526:17 530:8
529:1 541:14 545:17,23 500:17 501:10 516:19 517:12,14 537:1,15
withdrawn 297:3 546:2,5 552:20 562:7 518:25 538:9,15 505:14 Y

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Y 484:19 504:4 523:7 395:9 402:25 483:19 19th 506:7 521:10

Ya 484:17 485:2 525:23 526:13,25 509:17 557:6 130,000 388:19 546:11
yeah 278:25 549:24 554:15 100K 394:7 497:19 131,000 406:12 1st 295:10,15
281:23 282:13 559:21 561:2 497:21 137,500 293:1 317:23 327:11
291:8 309:17 564:20 103 446:24 13th 313:1 360:21 370:19 456:20
313:11 318:1 yesterday 277:14 1099 434:1 417:17 420:13 495:7 560:1
322:8 354:12 282:8,13 298:23 10th 415:16 443:7 421:20 422:2,4 562:20 564:19
372:2 376:20 301:15 316:21 443:11 523:11 424:7,13,20,25 568:7 571:4
383:3 394:21 337:19 342:19 554:18 425:7 430:21
413:12 421:19 347:8 416:12 11 328:16 336:13 434:15 435:13 2
433:13 441:19 469:11 472:2 336:15 437:15,21 446:8 2 289:20 315:24
447:2 456:22 530:5 11/1/2011 543:22 446:18 449:13 322:11 325:20
460:17 464:8 Youngtek 347:12 11:43 435:23 14 419:3 564:22 350:21,25 362:1
467:24 470:23 348:7 373:10,12 11th 356:7,10 14,000 296:17 365:2 373:15
471:4 472:1,20 374:16,18 377:18 359:5 364:13 14th 435:18,23 377:16 385:1,11
476:7 480:4,21 Youngtek's 355:8 367:4 373:3 446:4,23 447:7 393:19 407:14,23
485:21 488:1,11 375:21 443:13 15 356:16 357:15 434:24 445:11
491:7 503:18 Z 444:1,6,9 445:9 370:1 372:4,15 457:19 460:8,20
524:12,19 525:12 zone 467:12 476:25 521:6 375:4 479:24 462:18 471:17
525:17 527:14 477:9 12 283:20 323:12 15,000 568:22,25 473:5 493:20
528:25 535:14 zones 476:18 323:13 385:21 15th 376:18 447:13 494:11 497:15
538:3 545:13 548:16 447:18 505:10 499:21 519:7
0 562:25 567:10
546:7,12 555:24 12(b)(2) 283:20,22 520:9 535:17
565:11 571:2 12:00 485:21 16 331:8 419:4 2(a) 286:20
year 355:1 374:5 12:08 465:16 467:7 162 419:3,4 2.3 505:13
1 299:5 316:4 20 295:22 443:19
374:21 322:9 359:12 12:10 477:19 163 419:4
years 288:3 304:10 485:22 16th 349:21 448:17 20,000 545:22
365:1 393:11 200-something
304:12 403:6,10 398:11 406:1 12:19 475:17 448:24 449:5,22
403:10 422:9 12:32 476:9,14 450:6 457:12 495:24
407:5 417:24 200,000 496:20
541:15 568:14 434:23 460:8,20 479:6,17 174 424:15
yep 289:25 335:21 12:45 484:11 175,000 410:1,8 2000 333:24
492:20 511:15,24 2005 286:5
338:20 339:2 516:17 569:9 120 326:20 412:16
348:3 351:10 121 326:21 178 459:7 2006 286:5 333:23
1,103.70 492:25 2007 513:6
355:11 356:18 1,384.38 297:3 125,000 349:24 17th 453:13 454:14
357:20 358:23 510:13 454:19,22 525:13 2009 301:25
1:06 486:24 338:23 511:11
360:13 394:5 10 275:17 277:1 1260002283 275:6 527:18 549:7
400:12 405:4,20 12th 364:8,14 18 294:20,21 540:19
385:19 422:25 201 493:22 494:20
423:24 424:2,6 423:8 424:4 417:6 420:19 387:12 494:13
424:16 439:7 422:13 423:25 181 434:20,23 2010 346:21
10:32 366:8 347:21 349:21
443:2,12 444:21 10:40 474:18 424:11 444:23 18th 455:7,14
455:15,24 463:14 445:18 446:2 19 512:20 564:22 497:17 504:2
100 510:12 505:10 506:7,10
485:2,11 487:16 100,000 369:16 13 331:8 386:8 191 457:16
506:11 508:14

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511:15,24 512:9 446:3 457:12 474:25 475:15 408:17 419:4 324:12

512:14,20,20 465:16 467:7 520:21 460:8,20 571:23 331 438:24 439:3
520:9,21,25 473:2,5 474:5,8 25 292:25 293:1,9 3:10 462:25 476:15 445:21 455:1
521:2,6,10,14 474:14 475:15 378:11 383:23 476:25 477:13,14 333 276:4
522:12,18,25 476:9 481:14 464:20 497:23 477:25 478:14 335 305:24 306:1
523:4,11,13,17 483:2 484:10 559:5 487:19 337 445:4,6
524:14,20 535:17 486:24 490:1,12 25,000 293:2 3:14 487:17,20 338 483:16,19
536:5,14 537:11 491:1 495:7 461:21 493:9,12 3:49 565:13 344 549:5,7
537:14,24 538:1 549:25 560:12 498:10,14,19 30 399:15,19 345 384:10,15
538:11 539:20 561:2 562:20 499:14 500:15,22 30,000 369:3 375:7 3461 380:15
546:6,11 564:19 25K 393:16 557:19,21,24 347 293:7,15,20
2011 304:7 305:7 2013 315:6 360:21 25th 305:6 520:25 300 276:10 294:3
356:7,10 359:5 361:21 403:8 521:2 302 294:10 326:11 35,000 508:4
364:9 366:4 422:13 424:11 269 564:7 326:13 336:14 350 347:14,19
370:14,19 371:16 464:14 540:5 26th 368:16 370:14 494:8,9 348:14
376:18 380:18 2015 275:17 277:1 515:3 306 464:11,13 351 349:4,7,9,17
381:2 495:14 573:18 27 316:22 30th 315:5 354:14 352 350:2 356:3
513:15,20 514:2 2016 333:23 275,000 495:21,25 453:1,9 467:23 353 351:25 354:17
515:3,7 516:4,19 334:10 496:2,17 470:25 471:21 354 354:11,16
517:2 525:13 2017 334:6 335:8 277 276:19 515:7 537:24 356 355:15 356:6
526:17 527:18 203 493:23 494:20 27th 474:8,14 538:1,11 560:12 358:8,11 364:12
542:21,23 543:4 20th 366:4 513:20 504:2 512:9 31,000 421:14 357 364:5,7
543:6 547:8,15 547:8,15 561:2 526:17 310 314:21 325:17 358 365:23 367:1
549:8 554:9,18 213 276:6 2802 492:22 341:2 359 368:14
560:1 21st 521:14 522:12 281 571:18,21 312 554:14,16 36,000 374:8 375:9
2012 295:12 296:5 522:18,22,25 28th 338:23 465:16 555:18 379:14
301:25 311:19 542:21,23 467:7,18 512:14 313 538:18,20 360 370:17
312:3,7 313:1,6 22 483:19 524:14 543:4,6 315 338:19,21 361 371:11,25
313:14 314:13 2257 387:13 29 326:17 339:5 372:1
316:5 328:21 22nd 318:1 326:22 298 276:20 316 503:24 362 373:1,4
329:4 340:14 329:4 355:21,24 29th 296:5 301:25 318 304:3 363 375:16
341:7 384:3 380:17 523:13,17 420:12 456:17 319 305:3 364 376:15
388:8 389:13 23605 318:19 467:9,19,20 32 424:17 365 438:1
391:14 392:24 23622 320:6 474:25 475:17 322 313:10 366 392:21
401:24 405:6 23661 320:24 476:9 479:6,17 324 430:17,22 367 396:20
415:16 417:6 23663 319:16 481:14 483:2 325 425:4,6 368 413:5 414:8,11
420:13,13,19 23786 324:22 484:10 486:24 327 449:19 369 423:18,20
421:20 423:25 23rd 516:4,18 490:1,12 491:1 328 456:23 458:11 37 553:5
424:7,13,20 517:2 573:18 536:4 567:12 458:13 459:19 370 435:15
430:21 435:13,19 24 389:17 424:17 2nd 371:16,22 461:14 372 360:12,16,19
437:20 438:5 247 548:13,16 329 462:16 477:3 401:10,12 540:2
440:15 445:9,14 24th 473:1,5 474:5 3 330 317:1,4 320:8 540:4
3 355:17 394:1

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373 498:16 417 559:20,23 564:2,11 565:4 675,000 406:15,25 8 457:19 513:6
375 489:18 420 505:25 566:20 570:21 415:21 8,000 568:24
376 391:10 421 472:13,15 53 380:3,5 69 331:4,6 8/29/2012 490:19
377 389:10,12 479:11 484:9 55,000 459:4 8:00 381:5
378 527:15 422 510:20 511:2 550 285:11 460:21 7 8:21 441:7
3800 275:18 427 306:25 550,000 284:24 7 293:21 389:13 8:23 446:3
383 497:13 428 307:6 309:7,10 293:1 384:24 464:18 564:8 8:38 417:10
389 519:5,7 309:12,17 388:22 389:17 7.5 357:10 368:2 8:43 393:2 396:16
39 328:17,20 44,000 533:19 456:18 458:20 372:16 8:58 277:2
335:25 336:13,15 45,000 368:13 461:1,8,16 7/20/2010 535:23 800 280:9
336:16 4578 519:8,11 496:10 563:1 7:29 358:13 80K 393:11
390 530:4 459 317:11 565:3 7:44 455:7 810,929 549:15
394 505:2,4 460 320:7 550K 460:9 70,000 368:11 862-8800 276:11
395 567:5,7 468 441:23 57 490:4 702 276:11 89 333:12 334:2,4
3960 276:9 469 443:1 58 323:3,12 703 550:12 89169 276:10
399 288:21 470 444:8 59781 512:25 75 294:18 409:24 8th 304:7 439:25
3rd 290:13 513:15 471 444:21 5K 351:18 504:14 437:2 440:18,25 441:14
48026 523:8 504:19 75,000 313:2 523:4
4 48303 523:21 5MM 356:24 395:11,23 398:17
4 323:12,13 359:12 4999 511:22 5th 313:5,14 381:2 399:20 400:7,11 9
374:1 526:24 4th 514:2 438:5 401:18 402:10,17 9 422:25 423:1
527:10 539:4 402:21 403:1,3 424:4
548:16 564:7 5 6 404:1,9,21 408:9 9:00 568:7 572:13
4:04 477:23 478:1 5 356:25 368:3 6 409:25 409:19 410:6,9 572:15
478:5 398:18 539:7,14 6,000 375:8 411:19,22 412:22 9:22:57 490:1,3
4:08 567:12 550:23 553:4 6/20/2010 534:15 416:8 418:8,11 9:26:23 490:13
4:11 467:21 571:23 6/21/2010 534:21 418:19,24 419:6 9:28:56 490:19
40 368:13,13 5,000 351:4,7,9 6:00 381:5 425:11,15 427:12 90 443:20
400 562:17,19 356:2 359:19 6:09 444:10 427:17,20 428:16 90071 276:5
401 564:15 360:3 363:5 6:10 478:15 429:1,11,17 9th 312:7 340:14
402 565:9,10 375:8,8 6:36 440:18 430:1,4,13 341:7 405:5
403 570:25 5:08 572:19 6:54 441:3 432:24 434:16 410:22 413:23
405 404:25 405:3 5:40 467:9,19,21 60 443:19 435:3,9 437:4 440:15 442:2,9
406 410:19 413:23 5:41 467:23,25 60,000 548:23 446:19 449:17 442:17 445:14
407 417:3,19 50 285:12 368:11 554:24 557:20,22 75K 394:10 415:25 497:17 511:11
420:18 406:12 409:24,25 600 397:14,20 424:5 432:3 524:20
4090 497:16 478:3 600,000 406:5 436:3 450:3,15
40th 276:5 50,000 284:25 407:1 417:25 76 471:14
410 520:16,18 350:18 351:5 418:5 436:18 7th 347:21 388:8
413 560:4,7,9 359:1 366:16,23 613-0500 276:6 391:14 392:24
414 533:6,8 542:16 367:3,22 371:3 650,000 393:20 439:5,17 536:14
560:9 378:12 406:8 394:25 397:14,20
415 545:12,13,14 408:20 563:4 669 275:25 573:21 8

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5 Complainant, )
6 vs. ) Ref. No. 1260002283
8 corporation; LIBERTY )
9 California limited )
liability company; and )
individually, )
11 )
Respondents. )
12 __________________________)




17 Taken on Wednesday, February 11, 2015

18 At 3800 Howard Hughes Parkway

19 Eleventh Floor

20 Las Vegas, Nevada


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2 For the Complainant:


4 Brown White & Newhouse
333 South Hope Street
5 40th Floor
Los Angeles, California 90071
6 (213) 613-0500

7 For the Respondents:


9 Littler Mendelson
3960 Howard Hughes Parkway
10 Suite 300
Las Vegas, Nevada 89169
11 (702) 862-8800

12 Also Present:


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1 I N D E X


Cont. Cross-Examination by Ms. Krincek 577
4 Redirect Examination by Mr. White 613


Direct Examination by Mr. Whitehead 638
6 Cross-Examination by Mr. Thomas 647

Direct Examination by Ms. Krincek 659
8 Cross-Examination by Mr. White 776
Redirect Examination by Ms. Krincek 839
10 Direct Examination by Ms. Krincek 840
Cross-Examination by Mr. Whitehead 848
11 Redirect Examination by Ms. Krincek 852
Furt. Cross-Examination by Mr. Whitehead 853
13 Direct Examination by Ms. Krincek 855


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2 8:58 A.M.

3 -oOo-


6 Mr. Randazza. Good morning, sir.

7 THE WITNESS: Good morning.

8 ARBITRATOR HABERFELD: You understand you

9 are still under oath?


11 Ms. Krincek?



14 Q. Mr. Randazza, when we left off yesterday,

15 we were talking about Exhibit 403 in Respondents'

16 binders.

17 Can you turn back to that?

18 A. I'm there.

19 Q. Exhibit 403, Mr. Randazza, is the e-mail

20 where you forwarded to Mr. Gibson the settlement

21 agreement between Liberty Media and Oron the

22 version that was enforced by Judge Navarro.

23 And what I was trying to establish is

24 whether or not when you forwarded that settlement

25 agreement between Oron and Liberty to Mr. Gibson,

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1 did you also send the settlement agreement, a

2 separate one between PornGuardian and Liberty

3 Media to Mr. Gibson?

4 A. I do not believe I did, no.

5 Q. And do you verbally tell Mr. Gibson that

6 there was a separate settlement agreement with

7 PornGuardian providing for a $50,000 payment to

8 them?

9 A. I don't believe I gave them details. I

10 do believe I told them that there was some payment

11 going to PornGuardian.

12 Q. Did you disclose to Mr. Gibson that there

13 was a separate settlement agreement with

14 PornGuardian that was tied to Liberty Media's

15 settlement agreement? In other words, that

16 Mr. Gurvits had said both of them had to be

17 signed, executed for them to be in force?

18 Did you tell Mr. Gibson that?

19 A. No.

20 Q. And you signed the settlement agreement

21 between Oron and Liberty on behalf of Liberty on

22 this day, July 1st, 2012, after speaking with

23 Mr. Gibson; is that correct?

24 A. I think it was that day, yes.

25 Q. I'm going to move on to ask you about

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1 some other clients.

2 You accepted as a new client

3 during your employment with Excelsior, correct?

4 A. Incorrect.

5 Q. When did you first start working with

6 as a client?

7 A. 2000 -- 2006 or '7. I can't tell you

8 exactly when, but it was before -- before I had

9 even met the Corbin Fisher guys.

10 Q. That was with your prior firm that you

11 worked for, before you went to work for Excelsior,

12 correct?

13 A. Correct.

14 Q. They were a client of your former firm,

15 correct?

16 A. They were my client at the firm, yes.

17 Q. Turn to Exhibit 416, please.

18 A. Yes.

19 Q. Exhibit 416 is the retainer agreement

20 between and your law firm, correct?

21 A. Yes.

22 Q. And if you turn to the page that's Bates

23 stamped MJR104051 --

24 A. Yes.

25 Q. -- it was entered on October 25th, 2011,

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1 correct?

2 A. That's when I transmitted it to them.

3 Q. And October 2011, you were employed by

4 Excelsior, correct?

5 A. Correct.

6 Q. You also did work for Titan Media while

7 you were employed by Excelsior, correct?

8 A. I believe their parent company IO Group.

9 Q. Can you please turn to Exhibit 313?

10 A. Yes.

11 Q. Exhibit 313 is some interrogatory

12 responses that you provided in this arbitration

13 proceeding. We looked at them a bit earlier. I

14 wanted to turn your attention to Page 6.

15 A. Okay. I am there.

16 Q. This is the report that you provided of

17 the hours billed by yourself by month to clients

18 other than Excelsior and Liberty starting in

19 October of 2009, correct?

20 A. Correct.

21 Q. And you billed time to other clients that

22 may not necessarily be reflected in this -- in

23 this chart. For example, time spent working on

24 the GRHK matter that you had no billing records

25 for, correct?

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1 MR. WHITE: Objection. Misstates the

2 document.


4 question read back, unless you want to rephrase,

5 Ms. Krincek?

6 MS. KRINCEK: I can rephrase.


8 Q. Are you sure that this is a complete

9 listing of all the hours you worked for other

10 clients during the time that you were employed by

11 Excelsior?

12 A. I am reasonably certain of that, that

13 this is the full amount of time that I worked for

14 other clients during that period of time.

15 Q. Can you turn to Page 7?

16 A. Yes.

17 Q. In July of 2010, you billed 73.6 hours to

18 clients other than Excelsior Media, correct?

19 A. Yes.

20 Q. And in July 2011, you billed 52 and a

21 half hours to other clients than Excelsior Media,

22 correct?

23 A. Correct.

24 Q. September 2011, 68.8 hours, correct?

25 September 2011, 68.8 hours to other

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1 clients?

2 A. Yes.

3 Q. November 2011, 92.3 hours; is that

4 correct?

5 A. Yes.

6 Q. December 2011, 83.45 hours; is that

7 correct?

8 A. Yes.

9 Q. And in the last -- if you turn to the

10 following Page 8, in the last four months of your

11 employment with Excelsior, in May of 2012, you

12 billed 91.75 hours to clients other than Excelsior

13 Media, correct?

14 A. Yes.

15 Q. In June of 2012, 73.8 hours to other

16 clients you billed, correct?

17 A. Yes.

18 Q. July 2012, 60.15 hours to other clients,

19 correct?

20 A. Yes.

21 Q. And August of 2012, 63.9 hours to other

22 clients; is that correct?

23 A. Correct.

24 Q. There's been some reference to something

25 called Jungle Disk or Jungle Drive. My

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1 understanding is that's a cloud-based storage

2 system; is that correct?

3 A. That's what I would call it.

4 Q. And what types of records related to

5 Excelsior and -- sorry -- Excelsior and Liberty

6 Media would the legal department store on the

7 Jungle Drive?

8 A. Pleadings that we had filed, copies of

9 correspondence.

10 Q. Would you store research memorandums on

11 there?

12 A. Yes.

13 Q. Would you store investigation documents

14 that you gathered?

15 A. Yes.

16 Q. You're aware that Oron appealed

17 Judge Navarro's Order enforcing the settlement

18 agreement between Oron and Liberty; is that

19 correct?

20 A. I'm aware of that.

21 Q. And you're aware that Oron filed a demand

22 for arbitration against Liberty with JAMS,

23 correct?

24 A. I'm aware of that.

25 Q. You are aware that Oron claimed that

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1 Liberty breached the settlement agreement; is that

2 correct?

3 A. I'm aware of that.

4 Q. Are you aware that part of their claim

5 was that the settlement agreement was breached by

6 the company assisting Gill Sperlein suing Oron on

7 behalf of Datatech?

8 A. I've heard that.

9 Q. And you did assist Datatech in filing

10 suit against Oron after Liberty's settlement

11 agreement was enforced by the court, correct?

12 A. I don't recall if -- I believe the

13 assistance began well before that. I think, as I

14 testified, AEBN was intimately involved in this

15 before we even filed suit. They were supposed to

16 be our co-plaintiff.

17 Q. Is it your position that you told

18 Mr. Gibson Datatech had asked if you could give

19 Gill Sperlein any information, and you told

20 Mr. Gibson that was technically a violation of the

21 settlement agreement, but Mr. Gibson told you to

22 go ahead and do it anyway?

23 A. I said it could be interpreted as one.

24 Q. You don't have a date for this alleged

25 conversation, do you?

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1 A. No, I don't.

2 Q. Can you turn to Exhibit 331?

3 A. I'm there.

4 Q. In Exhibit 331, can I have you turn to

5 the page that's numbered 10 at the bottom? It's

6 also Bates stamped EMC -- I'm sorry. Go to

7 Page 9, which is EMC474?

8 A. Yeah, I'm there.

9 Q. These are -- this is another document we

10 looked at previously, but these are text exchanges

11 between yourself and Mr. Gibson.

12 If you could direct your attention to the

13 bottom half of the page, and the text exchange

14 that starts with the entry on August 24th, 2012,

15 at 7:51 a.m., Oron appealed, you texted to

16 Mr. Gibson.

17 Do you see where I'm at?

18 A. I do see that.

19 Q. So you texted Mr. Gibson and said, Oron

20 appealed. Mr. Gibson texted you back and said, I

21 saw that, correct?

22 A. That's what is reflected on this page,

23 yes.

24 Q. You texted Mr. Gibson back, Gill

25 Sperlein, that looks to be a typo Gill Sperlein

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1 and AEBN want to go after Oron now. And Jason

2 texted back, Okay. You texted Jason, If they use

3 our Hong Kong attorneys, they will need a conflict

4 waiver. I told AEBN that it would probably be

5 okay as long as we get the first $550,000. Jason

6 texted back, Any downside to this? You texted

7 back to Jason, AEBN is okay with that. The

8 downside is if Oron wins the appeal and sets aside

9 the settlement, both us and AEBN will be going

10 after the same pile of money.

11 The following page, you texted

12 Mr. Gibson, Thus potentially competing for the

13 same cash. Mr. Gibson texted you, What is the

14 likelihood that the settlement will be set aside?

15 You texted Jason, Of course they can do that with

16 other counsel, too. So I think better to call

17 them an ally. And you texted, Microscopic. Then

18 you texted, The standard is abuse of discretion.

19 And Jason texted you back, In that case, I don't

20 have a problem with that.

21 During that text exchange, you gave no

22 advice to Mr. Gibson that providing a conflict

23 waiver for the Hong Kong counsel to assist Gill

24 Sperlein could potentially be a breach of the

25 settlement agreement with Oron, correct?

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1 A. No, because we had talked about it

2 before. And I think, as I've testified, there are

3 clearly missing text messages in all this, but I

4 don't believe that there were any that would

5 change my testimony.

6 Q. Okay.

7 A. At least in this segment.

8 Q. And you said you believe there are

9 missing text messages, but you have your own

10 iPhone, and it was forensically examined, and the

11 results of that examination were made available

12 and given to both parties, correct?

13 A. I don't know.

14 Q. I'm curious why, if your relationship

15 with Jason is so bad at this point in time, in

16 August 2012, and you believe you are going to be

17 terminated, that when you supposedly warned

18 Mr. Gibson that assisting Mr. Sperlein could

19 violate the settlement agreement, and he instructs

20 you to go ahead and do it, nonetheless, that we

21 haven't seen any documentation, why didn't you do

22 something to cover yourself and document when that

23 conversation took place?

24 A. I don't understand your question.

25 Q. You've testified that by this point in

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1 time, your relationship with Mr. Gibson was really

2 bad; that was your testimony, correct?

3 A. Yes.

4 Q. And Mr. Gibson is instructing you to do

5 something that could potentially violate a

6 settlement agreement the company has entered;

7 that's your position, correct?

8 A. Yes.

9 Q. And you go ahead and take action that

10 could potentially breach the settlement agreement,

11 correct, at Mr. Gibson's instruction; that's your

12 position?

13 A. Yes.

14 Q. But you don't do anything to document

15 that Mr. Gibson gave that instruction. That seems

16 odd. So I'm wondering why you didn't do that?

17 A. If your testimony is that it seems odd,

18 I'll accept your opinion. But this was all -- all

19 explained to him. And at this point, there was no

20 certainty that there was even a settlement

21 agreement.

22 And you see, the goal here was to get

23 $550,000. So our discussions with both AEBN, and

24 I -- and there was another party that we talked

25 about this with, as well, where I have no

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1 documentation of it, but we also spoke with

2 attorneys for Manwin, who wanted to go after Oron.

3 And the agreement was always, We'll help you, but

4 we get the first $550,000.

5 The settlement agreement or not, the

6 belief was the 550 was a pretty low number,

7 considering we had $2 million locked up. So the

8 mission here was get the $550,000 one way or the

9 other. I don't think Jason cared if we got it --

10 in fact, I know Jason didn't care if we got it

11 under the July 1st agreement or if we got it as

12 tribute from another party that was happy with our

13 assistance.

14 Q. Mr. Randazza, isn't it true that you

15 never told Mr. Gibson that you were helping Gill

16 Sperlein, and the only reason you even told him

17 about the conflict waiver is because clients have

18 to sign the conflict waiver?

19 A. Nope, that's not true at all.

20 Q. Can you turn to Exhibit 346?

21 A. I'm there.

22 Q. Exhibit 346, Mr. Randazza, the first

23 e-mail on the top of the page, first page,

24 EMC1165, that's an e-mail from Jason Fischer, and

25 he works for your firm, correct?

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1 A. Yes.

2 Q. To Mr. Sperlein on August 23rd, 2012?

3 A. Yes.

4 Q. And Mr. Fischer is providing Gill with

5 access to your entire Oron file, correct?

6 A. Yeah. What we did is we created a

7 separate server so that he could get access to the

8 filings on that server, but not access to any

9 other files that belonged to Corbin Fisher.

10 Q. And that was on the Jungle Disk cloud

11 storage service; is that correct?

12 A. Yes. If you look back to the EMC1167,

13 that will show you what that was about.

14 Q. And Mr. Fischer informs Mr. Gill that

15 he's going to have access to our entire Oron file,

16 correct?

17 A. Correct.

18 Q. Can you turn to Exhibit 348?

19 A. I'm there.

20 Q. Exhibit 348 is an e-mail between Erika

21 Dillon and Mr. Sperlein on August 28th, 2012. And

22 Erika Dillon sent to Mr. Sperlein all known bank

23 accounts that your firm was aware of related to

24 Oron, correct?

25 A. That's what that looks like.

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1 Q. And giving Mr. Sperlein information about

2 all known bank accounts would assist Mr. Sperlein

3 in also obtaining injunctions to freeze Oron's

4 funds, correct?

5 A. Now, more importantly, it would freeze

6 the funds on a continuing basis, so we could

7 continue to have a bite at them in the event that

8 things went sour in our -- in the appeal, and in

9 the continued negotiations over this settlement

10 agreement or non-settlement agreement.

11 Q. Can you turn to Exhibit 371, please?

12 Exhibit 371 is an e-mail from you to

13 Mr. Sperlein on August 28th. You wrote to

14 Mr. Sperlein, I spoke to our HK attorneys this

15 morning. They pointed out a pretty obvious issue

16 that I think I should have identified before. The

17 settlement agreement states that Liberty will

18 dissuade others from bringing suit. I think we

19 can share stuff that is in the public domain, but

20 having Liberty execute a waiver could be a

21 violation of that portion of the agreement.

22 Do you see that?

23 A. Yes.

24 Q. Gall pointed out to you on or about

25 August 28th that their representation of

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1 Mr. Sperlein could potentially be a breach of this

2 settlement agreement provision, correct?

3 A. That's what this says, yes.

4 Q. And that's when you became aware that

5 that was a possibility, that helping Gill could

6 breach the settlement agreement, correct?

7 A. Oh, no. I had some concerns about that

8 going back. But we felt that strategically -- and

9 by "we," I mean Jason and myself felt that

10 strategically it was still to our advantage to

11 assist someone else in freezing those funds.

12 Q. Can you now turn to Exhibit 349, which is

13 in the other binder?

14 A. Yes. Okay. I'm there.


16 MS. KRINCEK: 349, second to last exhibit

17 in that binder.

18 THE WITNESS: Okay. I'm there.


20 Thank you.


22 Q. Exhibit 349 is an e-mail from yourself to

23 Erika at Corbin Fisher. She is your paralegal,

24 correct?

25 A. Yes.

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1 Q. And it's also copied to Jay DeVoy, and he

2 was your associate at Randazza Legal Group,

3 correct?

4 A. Correct.

5 Q. And you wrote to Erika, Despite Gill's

6 good fortune, I think we should file a

7 half-hearted motion to stay asking the court to

8 please keep the PayPal funds frozen pending the

9 appeal deadline or FF Magnat's stipulation that it

10 will not appeal.

11 And then you list three reasons.

12 Number 1 was, It can't hurt. Number 2, It would

13 be grounds to continue the Mareva in HK. And

14 Number 3, it will help us with our mask that we

15 are not helping Gill.

16 And by the way, we can't help Gill until

17 the appeal deadline passes, correct?

18 A. Correct.

19 Q. You were trying to hide the fact that you

20 were assisting Gill Sperlein, correct?

21 A. We did not want Oron to know that.

22 Q. You didn't want anyone outside of your

23 group of yourself, Erika, and your law firm to

24 know that you were helping Gill, correct?

25 A. No, you are not being truthful.

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1 ARBITRATOR HABERFELD: I would appreciate

2 it if you would in future answers use the word

3 "accurate," unless you really want to come back

4 and use "truthful," because that's creating

5 something that I think is unnecessary, unless you

6 believe it to be.

7 THE WITNESS: I believe that statement to

8 be untruthful.


10 we'll leave it where it is.


12 Q. Mr. White on direct examination asked you

13 some questions about some assistance with respect

14 to Oron that was provided to you by an individual

15 named James Grady.

16 Do you recall that testimony?

17 A. I do.

18 Q. And Mr. Grady provided you with

19 information to assist in the Oron dispute,

20 correct?

21 A. He did.

22 Q. Mr. Grady had obtained access to Oron's

23 e-mail accounts, including privileged e-mails that

24 Oron exchanged with their attorney, Mr. Lieberman,

25 correct?

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1 A. That's what he told me, yes.

2 Q. And you asked Mr. Grady on more than one

3 occasion to share those intercepted privileged

4 communications with you, correct?

5 A. He volunteered it at first, but, yes.

6 Q. And Mr. Grady provided you with financial

7 and business records of Oron, correct?

8 A. He did.

9 Q. And he was providing you information

10 about e-mails sent and received from Oron's e-mail

11 accounts, correct?

12 A. That is my recollection at this time.

13 Q. And Mr. Grady provided to you the

14 suspected owner of Oron, Mr. Bochenko's personal

15 e-mail account and Skype phone logs, correct?

16 A. Correct.

17 Q. And you asked Mr. Grady to have

18 documentation that he had gathered regarding Oron

19 sent in an anonymous package to the company,

20 correct?

21 A. Correct.

22 Q. And you submitted some of the information

23 provided to you by Mr. Grady, including private

24 banking records for Oron to the US District Court,

25 correct?

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1 A. Correct.

2 Q. And you represented to the court that

3 that documentation was received anonymously,

4 correct?

5 A. Correct.

6 Q. Can you turn to Exhibit 396?

7 A. Okay. I'm looking at it.

8 Q. On the first page of Exhibit 396, the

9 bottom portion, you were e-mailing Mr. Grady. In

10 the last paragraph, you said, How certain are you

11 of the owner's identity and location? Their

12 lawyer is telling me that they are in Hong Kong.

13 Of course I don't buy it. But what's your backup

14 for that information?

15 There you are talking about Oron,

16 correct?

17 A. Yes.

18 Q. And in the top portion of the e-mail, and

19 this is James Grady responding to you, Mr. Grady

20 said, I pay a guy, call him a forensic

21 investigator, to dig past domains by proxy and

22 things like that.

23 He called me today while I was sitting in

24 Ft. Lauderdale airport with the info. Haven't

25 seen it myself yet, but the guy has never been

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1 wrong.

2 And further down in the e-mail, Mr. Grady

3 said to you, But my guy didn't get info at Walmart

4 in the course of normal commerce.

5 Do you see that?

6 A. I do.

7 Q. So Mr. Grady informed you that he was

8 using a guy, call him a forensic investigator, to

9 dig past domains by proxy and things like that,

10 correct?

11 A. Correct.

12 Q. That's the information Mr. Grady gave to

13 you about the source of the information he was

14 providing about Oron to you, correct?

15 A. That was his initial explanation.

16 Q. He gave you no other information about

17 the source of his information, other than the

18 content of this e-mail, correct?

19 A. No, incorrect.

20 Q. Can you turn to Page 291 of your

21 deposition transcript?

22 A. I'm there.

23 Q. I'm going to start at Line 7. Question:

24 So this is the communication where he tells you

25 that my guy didn't get the info at Walmart in the

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1 normal -- in the course of normal commerce?

2 Answer: That's it, yeah. Yep, now I

3 remember it.

4 Question: He tells you in there he pays

5 a guy, call him a forensic investigator, to dig

6 past domains by proxy and things like that.

7 Answer: Uh-huh.

8 Question: Nowhere in this e-mail does he

9 tell you he didn't get them illegally, correct?

10 Answer: He did not tell me -- he did not

11 say, I did not get them illegally, but I

12 understood this to be that he did not -- he did

13 get them legally, either digging them from the

14 trash or some other way that they had waived their

15 ability to keep them confidential.

16 Question: You have no other information

17 to work on, other than what's in this e-mail

18 communication, correct?

19 Answer: I don't recall any other

20 information now.

21 So at deposition you testified you had no

22 other information about the source of Mr. Grady's

23 information he was providing to you, correct?

24 A. I testified that I did not recall any at

25 that date and time. However, if you continue

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1 down, you can see that there is more.

2 Q. Can you turn to Exhibit 397, please?

3 A. Yes. I'm there.

4 Q. Exhibit 397 is an e-mail communication

5 between Mr. Grady and yourself on June 20th, 2012.

6 And Mr. Grady is sharing with you information he's

7 learned about Oron. He says in his e-mail on the

8 first page, Summary of on topic e-mails today.

9 Steve L -- and to your understanding, was he

10 referring to Steve Lieberman, counsel for Oron?

11 A. Looking at this now, that's what I would

12 say that's what that means.

13 Q. Steve L, with Oron help, contacts two

14 German law firms to ask about a preemptive-style

15 suit that would prevent legal action in the USA.

16 One firm states they not interested if

17 reasoning is just to delay legal action in USA.

18 Second firm loosely mentions some

19 options, but insists on seeing not only the draft

20 you sent, but the exhibits, which Steve doesn't

21 have. Later the German lawyer, Sven Podworny,

22 says he could start something versus Liberty, but

23 he can't guarantee would solve issue or be binding

24 in the USA and would be costly.

25 Further discussions involve terms of

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1 service changes for

2 Mr. Grady is reporting to you on the

3 privileged communications between Oron and their

4 counsel, and the counsel they are seeking; is that

5 correct?

6 A. That's what he was -- seems to be

7 communicating.

8 Q. And if you turn to Page 2 of this

9 exhibit, MJR13974?

10 A. I'm there.

11 ARBITRATOR HABERFELD: Let's go off the

12 record for a second.

13 (Whereupon, an off-record

14 discussion was had.)


16 record.


18 Q. Page 2 of the e-mail, at the top, on

19 June 20th, 2012, you e-mailed Mr. Grady, and you

20 said, You have any indication that Lieberman told

21 him to move their domain name or money?

22 Do you see that?

23 A. Yes.

24 Q. So you are asking Mr. Grady to relay to

25 you any information he has about that topic and

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1 communications between Lieberman and Oron,

2 correct?

3 A. I believe that that's who the "they" is

4 in that, yes.

5 Q. Can you turn to Exhibit 399?

6 A. Okay. All right. I'm there.

7 Q. This is an e-mail that Mr. White

8 questioned you about on direct examination, but we

9 didn't talk about all portions of it.

10 So it's an e-mail exchange between

11 yourself and James Grady where in the bottom

12 e-mail you asked him if he was interested in

13 coming down to Vegas for a hearing on July 3rd,

14 and he responded, Sure. Whatever you need.

15 And then -- and then you respond to

16 Mr. Grady, and you say, Okay. I need you to

17 develop a report, everything you know about Oron.

18 And Number 2, you to consider what happens if the

19 judge wants to know where you got your

20 information. As far as I know, it was lawfully

21 obtained. You certainly got it lawfully. If the

22 source is a disgruntled Oron employee, great;

23 jilted lover, great; hacker, problematic.

24 Do you see that?

25 A. Yes.

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1 Q. But Mr. Grady had already told you he was

2 using a forensic investigator to dig past domains

3 by proxy and things like that, correct?

4 A. That was what he said in his e-mail.

5 Q. Okay.

6 A. He said, Let's call him a forensic

7 investigator.

8 Q. And he digs back -- he digs past domains

9 by proxy and things like that, correct?

10 A. I don't actually know what that means. I

11 mean, that's what he said, but I don't know what

12 it means.

13 Q. During this time period, you entered a

14 retainer agreement with Mr. Grady, correct?

15 A. I did.

16 Q. And Mr. Grady contributed $5,000 to going

17 after Oron, correct?

18 A. He contributed to Liberty's legal fees,

19 yes.

20 Q. You kept Mr. Grady's $5,000, correct?

21 A. I didn't keep it. I put it toward the

22 expenses for this case.

23 Q. How did you do that?

24 A. I don't recall. I'm sure I have a record

25 of where it went.

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1 Q. Did you give it to Liberty?

2 A. I don't know if I gave it to Liberty or

3 if I transmitted it to pay -- or if I paid other

4 expenses with it.

5 Again, I would be pleased to look through

6 my records for it, but I can't testify right now

7 the exact path that it took.

8 Q. I'm going to move on to a new topic.

9 While you were employed by Excelsior, you

10 represented pro bono clients against an entity

11 known as Righthaven, correct?

12 A. Yes.

13 Q. And your employment agreement allowed you

14 to do pro bono work under the auspices of

15 Excelsior, correct?

16 A. I was permitted to do so, yes.

17 Q. And did Excelsior approve you handling

18 those pro bono matters?

19 A. They approved of it, yes.

20 Q. And in the Righthaven cases, you obtained

21 an award of fees, correct?

22 A. Correct.

23 Q. And that included fees for your time,

24 correct?

25 A. Correct.

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1 Q. And the fee award was $55,000, correct?

2 A. Sounds right.

3 Q. And you collected on that award, correct?

4 A. Yes.

5 Q. You did not tell Excelsior you collected

6 on it, correct?

7 A. It was widely reported in the press. I'm

8 pretty sure we discussed it.

9 Q. You have a recollection of telling

10 someone at Excelsior that you collected $50,000 in

11 fees on the Righthaven pro bono case?

12 A. I don't have an affirmative memory of

13 every conversation I had two and a half years ago.

14 Q. Well, do you have an affirmative memory

15 of that conversation?

16 A. I don't. But it was so widely reported,

17 someone -- I don't know how anyone could have

18 missed it.

19 Q. Did you turn over the 55,000 -- the

20 portion of the 55,000 fee award that was

21 attributed to your time to Liberty?

22 A. I did not spend any Liberty time on that

23 matter.

24 Q. There were matters you were handling

25 where you were using an outside vendor named

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1 Excubitor, correct?

2 A. Correct.

3 Q. And what service did Excubitor provide?

4 A. They were a forensic investigator.

5 Q. And was there a time when Excubitor, the

6 agreement was that they were entitled to a

7 percentage of settlement recoveries for the work

8 they were doing?

9 A. Yes.

10 Q. And when settlement monies came into your

11 trust account on those matters, you were paying

12 Excubitor from your trust account directly,

13 correct?

14 A. I did. That was our initial agreement

15 with them.

16 Q. And then you would transfer the balance

17 of the settlement payment to Excelsior, correct?

18 A. Correct.

19 Q. And then Excelsior paid you your

20 25 percent bonus amount on what you remitted to

21 them, correct?

22 A. Correct.

23 Q. Eric Carrender was employed at Excelsior

24 when you worked there, correct?

25 A. He was.

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1 Q. And he was terminated by Excelsior,

2 correct?

3 A. I don't know. I think so. I don't know

4 if he was terminated or if he quit.

5 Q. You testified on direct that you did not

6 know that Eric -- what Eric Carrender did for the

7 company; do you recall that?

8 A. I don't recall his exact position.

9 Q. Can you please turn to Exhibit 379?

10 A. Sure. Okay.

11 Q. The first page of Exhibit 379, which is

12 Bates stamped EMC2609. And for the record, these

13 are a series of communications with your firm and

14 Eric Carrender.

15 The first page is an e-mail from Jay

16 DeVoy of your firm to Eric Carrender on June 6th,

17 2013. And you were copied on this e-mail,

18 correct?

19 A. Yes.

20 Q. And Mr. DeVoy wrote to Mr. Carren --

21 wrote to Mr. Carrender, Eric, to confirm, your

22 meeting is at 11:00 o'clock a.m. on June 11th --

23 on June 11th, correct? After speaking with Marc,

24 we came to the agreement that I should prep you

25 for this meeting and attend with you. As your

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1 attorney and attorney for another party litigating

2 against Excelsior, our communication will be

3 privileged.

4 Do you see that?

5 A. Yes.

6 Q. Mr. DeVoy communicated to Mr. Carrender

7 that he was Mr. Carrender's attorney, correct?

8 A. That's what that e-mail seems to suggest.

9 Q. And if you will move to the third page of

10 this exhibit, which is EMC2611.

11 A. Okay.

12 Q. The bottom e-mail is from yourself to

13 Eric Carrender on June 25th, 2013. And you wrote

14 to Mr. Carrender, I can't advise you, as I am not

15 your attorney, but I would certainly serve as a

16 witness that you were not incompetent.

17 You e-mailed that to Mr. Carrender,

18 correct?

19 A. Correct.

20 Q. You were offering to be a witness for

21 him, correct?

22 A. Yes.

23 Q. You suggested to Mr. Carrender that he

24 pursue a claim for harassment against the company

25 by filing a Charge of Discrimination; isn't that

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1 correct?

2 A. Actually, he called me and asked me if he

3 had a case.

4 Q. And you suggested to him that he file a

5 Charge of Discrimination; is that correct?

6 A. No. He called me and asked me if he

7 should file one. I told him I couldn't advise

8 him.

9 Q. Can you turn to Page 311 of your

10 deposition transcript?

11 A. Yes. Okay.

12 Q. Page 311, Lines 13 to 17. Question: You

13 suggested to him that he should pursue a claim for

14 harassment against the company by filing a Charge,

15 correct?

16 Answer: If he felt he had one. And I

17 think that's why he contacted me.

18 A. Is there a question?

19 Q. Is your testimony today still that you

20 did not suggest to him that he file a Charge of

21 Discrimination?

22 A. Yes.

23 Q. You contacted another former employee,

24 Nick Mosier, who, in fact, was the person that

25 Mr. Carrender was accusing of sexually harassing

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1 him, and you encouraged Mr. Mosier to be a witness

2 for Mr. Carrender, correct?

3 A. I think I did.

4 Q. Do you know an individual named Chip

5 Carter?

6 A. I do.

7 Q. He was the director of marketing for

8 Excelsior, correct?

9 A. Yes.

10 Q. While this dispute was pending and during

11 the time that Mr. Carter was still employed by

12 Excelsior, you asked him to provide you a copy of

13 the Bar complaint filed against you by the

14 company, correct?

15 A. I did.

16 Q. And you asked him to provide that to you

17 by sending it through his personal, rather than

18 his company e-mail address, correct?

19 A. I did.

20 Q. And he complied and provided you with a

21 copy of the Bar complaint, correct?

22 A. He did.

23 Q. You filed a motion for attorney's fees in

24 the Oron matter on August 10th, 2013, correct?

25 Does that sound right to you?

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1 A. I know it was filed. I don't know if I

2 personally filed it, but, yes.

3 Q. Can you please turn to Exhibit 92?

4 A. I'm there.


6 please.

7 MS. KRINCEK: Sure.


9 MS. KRINCEK: Thank you.


11 Q. Exhibit 92, Mr. Randazza, is a motion for

12 attorney's fees that you and your firm filed in

13 the Oron matter, correct?

14 A. Yes, that's the motion.

15 Q. Can you please turn to Page 8 of that

16 motion?

17 A. I'm there.

18 Q. Can you please read Section G?

19 A. In the above-captioned matter, Randazza

20 Legal Group regularly billed Liberty for their

21 services calculated based on the attorneys'

22 standard hourly rates.

23 Q. Isn't it true that as of August 10th,

24 2013, you had not invoiced Liberty for any of

25 Randazza Legal Group's work on the Oron matter?

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1 A. I don't recall.

2 Q. I want to go back to your deposition

3 transcript where you answered this question.

4 A. Uh-huh.

5 Q. It's Page 182.

6 A. Okay.

7 Q. Page 182, Lines 3 to 8. Question: You

8 had not, as of August 13th, invoiced Liberty for

9 RLG's work on the Oron matter, correct?

10 Answer: I had not --

11 A. Sorry. Where are we again? Okay. Yes.

12 Got it.

13 Q. Answer: I had not. Yes. And now I

14 recall why I asked him to give them the bonuses,

15 that they all agreed to not take any money unless

16 we got paid from Oron.

17 Does that refresh your recollection?

18 A. It does.

19 Q. You had not invoiced Liberty for RLG's

20 work as of August 13th, 2012, correct?

21 A. I don't believe we had sent them a bill

22 as of that date.

23 Q. And isn't it true that you did not bill

24 Liberty the RLG's attorneys' standard rates when

25 you did bill them for RLG work, correct?

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1 A. They had a contingent discount.

2 Q. You billed them an hourly rate that you

3 calculated to cover their cost to you and not

4 more, correct?

5 A. That was after their discount, yes.

6 MS. KRINCEK: That's all the questions I

7 have.

8 MR. WHITE: Your Honor, I do have some

9 redirect, which I have painstakingly drafted to be

10 as brief as possible.

11 ARBITRATOR HABERFELD: Would you like to

12 do that now?

13 MR. WHITE: If I may have a break, and

14 then I would like to do it.


16 ten-minute break now.

17 MR. WHITE: Thank you.

18 (Whereupon, a recess was taken.)

19 (Whereupon, an off-record

20 discussion was had.)


22 record.

23 MS. KRINCEK: I don't have an objection

24 to it coming in. I think it's ambiguous what Val

25 is saying he doesn't believe the representation

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1 that the company spent over $50,000 in fees, but I

2 don't have an objection to it coming in. I don't

3 know how helpful it is.


5 We'll have it put into the respective notebook.

6 MR. WHITE: Your Honor, may I proceed

7 with redirect?


9 Ms. Krincek to do whatever she's going to.

10 MS. KRINCEK: I'm going to put it in the

11 binder. Thank you.


13 MS. KRINCEK: Yes. Thank you.

14 MR. WHITE: Go ahead, Mr. White.



17 Q. Mr. Randazza, do you recall being shown

18 some of your deposition regarding your

19 communications with Mr. Grady a couple minutes

20 ago?

21 A. Yes.

22 Q. And you started to say something about

23 how there was another portion of your deposition

24 that was relevant, right?

25 A. Yes.

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1 Q. Would you please look at Page 293 before

2 you, which is just a couple pages after the one

3 that was read to you?

4 A. Okay.

5 Q. And --

6 A. I'm there.

7 Q. Go to Page 293 at Line 17. Let me know

8 when you are ready.

9 A. I'm there.


11 Ms. Krincek.

12 MS. KRINCEK: I'm there, Your Honor.

13 Thanks.



16 Q. Mr. Randazza, did you get these questions

17 and give these answers at that same deposition:

18 Question: You suspected that Mr. Grady was

19 getting this information through a hacker,

20 correct?

21 Answer: I felt it was incumbent upon me

22 to at least ask him that.

23 Question: Did you ask him that?

24 Answer: I asked him -- I know that I had

25 a phone call with him, as well as this e-mail

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1 where I said I needed him to reassure me that this

2 was not obtained illegally because I was going to

3 use it as evidence.

4 Do you recall giving that testimony?

5 A. I do.

6 Q. Mr. Randazza, let me turn back to the

7 beginning of cross-examination.

8 The video we saw briefly of you naked by

9 a pool, was that the incident you discussed where

10 you took a drink on Mr. Gibson's birthday?

11 A. Yes.

12 Q. We also heard a tape of you in character

13 of someone, I think you called Rob the Amazing

14 Racist.

15 Can you tell me very briefly who that was

16 and what it was based on?

17 A. That was a character based on a piece of

18 racist hate mail that we received from a guy named

19 Rob, and we all dubbed him, Rob the Amazing

20 Racist.

21 Q. So who are you mocking when you are in

22 that character?

23 A. Mocking Rob the Amazing Racist.

24 Q. You were shown a number of e-mails and

25 texts after the film on the desk incident, and

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1 even after the backseat incident in which you were

2 being friendly with Jason.

3 Do you recall that?

4 A. I do.

5 Q. You were also shown texts suggesting that

6 you socialized with him after those events; do you

7 recall?

8 A. I do.

9 Q. Why, if you were bothered, did you

10 continue to be polite and socialize with him?

11 A. I was in fear of losing my job, and I

12 have a wife and two little kids to provide for, so

13 I was being friendly to suck up to my boss.

14 Q. You were asked whether you still

15 regularly socialized with Mr. Gibson in

16 August 2012, and I believe you said yes.

17 Is that true?

18 A. Yes.

19 Q. Was it as regular as it had been before,

20 say, the desk filming incident?

21 A. The frequency and quality of our hanging

22 out was markedly different.

23 Q. You were asked questions about whether

24 you saw evidence of people having sex literally on

25 top of your children's pictures.

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1 Do you recall that?

2 A. Yes.

3 Q. What did you intend to convey by saying

4 people were having sex on pictures?

5 A. Whether they're off to the side, I don't

6 find it any less offensive. If the pictures are

7 lying there on the desk, my pictures are beneath

8 them on the floor, they are still having sex over

9 my kids and family's pictures.

10 Q. There was also some testimony about

11 whether Mr. McCoig, during the sex act in the back

12 of the car, was sitting in the car seat or leaning

13 into it.

14 Do you recall that?

15 A. Yes.

16 Q. What exactly do you recall he was doing

17 during the incident?

18 A. From what I could see, he was sitting in

19 the center seat with part of his body draped into

20 the car seat.

21 Q. You were asked whether you knew that

22 Excelsior had a harassment policy.

23 Do you recall that?

24 A. Yes.

25 Q. And you did know, right?

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1 A. I did know it had a policy.

2 Q. Why didn't you use the procedures set

3 forth in the policy?

4 A. Can you be more specific?

5 Q. Well, why didn't you go through the

6 complaint procedure specified in Excelsior's

7 harassment policy?

8 A. Which time?

9 Q. After the film?

10 A. Well, I went directly to the CEO instead.

11 I thought that was the more appropriate way to do

12 it.

13 Q. And the second time, after the car

14 incident?

15 A. Given the way that Jason had treated me

16 on the first incident, I didn't see there being

17 any sense in it, and I was reasonably sure that I

18 would be summarily fired at that point.

19 Q. You were asked some questions about the

20 TNAFlix negotiations.

21 Do you recall that?

22 A. Yes.

23 Q. And specifically Ms. Krincek showed you

24 some of the e-mails and agreements in which you

25 went back and forth with the lawyer on the other

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1 side about brokering a deal; do you recall?

2 A. Yes.

3 Q. Why would you continue to keep up the

4 dealing after your client, Liberty, had already

5 gotten its deal?

6 A. There are a number of reasons. But at

7 least one of them is that I needed to maintain my

8 credibility such as it was with Val.

9 Q. What do you mean?

10 A. Well, if I immediately dropped this

11 discussion with him the second the deal was inked,

12 what would that make it look like?

13 Q. Did you anticipate having further

14 dealings with Val in other cases?

15 A. Yes. Val is the -- is the lawyer of

16 choice for pirates in the industry.

17 Q. Did you even have anyone available to buy

18 the Website in question there?

19 A. I did not have a buyer.

20 Q. Do you recall being asked about whether

21 or not you actually had a conversation with your

22 partner Ron Green about how much you should charge

23 to be conflicted out of suing Oron?

24 A. I do recall talking about that.

25 Q. And Ms. Krincek asked you did you know

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1 that Mr. Green said the conversation never

2 happened?

3 A. Yes.

4 Q. And you said in your deposition that you

5 thought it did happen, right?

6 A. Yes.

7 Q. How can you explain that discrepancy?

8 A. You know, given the length of time

9 between that date and now, the duration of the

10 deposition and looking at that document, I think I

11 may have just inferred that it happened from

12 reading that document.

13 Q. Does it make any sense to you now,

14 thinking about it, that you would have had that

15 conversation?

16 A. It really wouldn't make any sense. I

17 consider Mr. Green's testimony to be more

18 credible.

19 Q. Did Mr. Green have any power at your firm

20 to dictate things like that?

21 A. No, not at all.

22 Q. You were asked whether you understood at

23 the time you were engaging in these negotiations

24 with lawyers for opposing parties whether you

25 understood it was unethical to negotiate towards

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1 being conflicted out.

2 Do you remember that?

3 A. Yes.

4 Q. Do you recall whether you understood it

5 was unethical to negotiate versus consummate such

6 a deal?

7 A. My understanding is that it would be

8 unethical to consummate the deal.

9 Q. Did you at the time have a specific

10 understanding whether or not it was unethical to

11 bluff about the deal?

12 A. My understanding was that there would be

13 nothing unethical about bluffing about a deal like

14 that.

15 Q. Did you tend to believe what Mr. Gurvits

16 said in negotiations?

17 A. Not a word.

18 Q. You began to answer a question from

19 Ms. Krincek by saying that you have to know how to

20 play chess with Val.

21 What do you mean by that?

22 A. Val is a unique character. And when you

23 negotiate with him, you need to understand the

24 playing field that you are on.

25 Q. What playing field is that?

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1 A. Val and I negotiated in a way that I

2 don't think I negotiated with any other attorneys.

3 There's a lot of -- I mean, frankly, Val and I get

4 very wildly profane with each other during

5 negotiations at times. And there's a lot of

6 bluffing and a lot of -- you know, a lot of things

7 like deadlines that we'll impose on each other

8 that are just ridiculous, and neither of us expect

9 the other to adhere to.

10 He's always bluffing about -- he always

11 loves this statement where you just bought me a

12 new car, so we have a lot of going back and forth

13 about that.

14 Q. All right. Now, did you ever have an

15 impression as to whether or not Val believed

16 everything that you said during these exchanged

17 bluffs?

18 A. I think Val and I were like two poker

19 players that had seen each other a lot. So, no, I

20 didn't frankly think Val bought half of my

21 bluffing, either.

22 Q. Would you please -- let me ask you: Have

23 you recently seen something produced by

24 Respondents that's consistent with your

25 understanding of how Val viewed you?

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1 A. I did.

2 Q. Would you please look at Exhibit 107?

3 And I'm going to hand you the copy, and I

4 previously handed a copy to His Honor.

5 A. I have it.

6 Q. Is this the document you are talking

7 about?

8 A. It is.

9 Q. So this appears to be an e-mail from Val

10 to one of Respondents' lawyers forwarding one of

11 your e-mails and saying, I believe that's a lie,

12 if he's trying to get more money, despite

13 Liberty's instructions to the contrary.

14 Do you see that?

15 A. I do.

16 Q. Is that consistent with your

17 understanding of how Val intended to view these

18 discussions?

19 A. Yes.

20 Q. Remember how you were asked about when

21 Mr. Gibson found out that Oron was offering you

22 money to conflict you out?

23 A. Yes.

24 Q. You were asked whether there was any

25 document that showed that you had, in fact, told

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1 Jason, Mr. Gibson, verbally.

2 Do you recall that?

3 A. Yes.

4 Q. Would you please look at Exhibit 69?

5 A. Okay. 69 is open.

6 Q. Mr. Randazza, do you recognize this

7 e-mail exchange?

8 A. I do.

9 Q. And I would like you to look at Point 2

10 in your list of three points, shortly down into

11 the page.

12 Do you see it?

13 A. I do.

14 Q. Now, this says, I fully disclosed to you

15 even before it happened. I told you they were

16 making overtures about that.

17 Do you see that?

18 A. I do.

19 Q. Was that a true statement you made to

20 him?

21 A. Yes.

22 Q. Did he ever send back an e-mail

23 contradicting you?

24 A. I don't believe he did.

25 Q. Now, you were also asked whether

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1 Mr. Gibson ever said anything in writing showing

2 that he understood that the money was supposed to

3 eventually go to Liberty, whatever money was

4 given.

5 Do you recall that?

6 A. Yes.

7 Q. Would you please turn to Exhibit 324?

8 A. I'm there.

9 Q. And I'll wait until everyone has it.

10 Mr. Randazza, this is an e-mail exchange

11 between you and Mr. Gibson on August 13th, 2012,

12 when he began to express concerns about the

13 75,000.

14 Do you see that?

15 A. I'm sorry. Could you repeat the

16 question?

17 Q. Is this an e-mail exchange between you

18 and Mr. Gibson on August 13th, 2012 about the

19 $75,000?

20 A. That's what it appears to be.

21 Q. Would you please look on the second page?

22 A. Okay.

23 Q. The portion from Mr. Gibson, are you

24 there?

25 A. Yes.

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2 that's EMC158; is that correct?

3 THE WITNESS: That's what I'm looking at.

4 MR. WHITE: Correct.



7 Q. Would you please read the sentence that

8 begins, The whole "bribery" deal.

9 A. The whole, quote, bribery, end quote,

10 deal sits funny with us as it is written,

11 especially when there is no guarantee we will even

12 get the extra 75K from their attorney's trust

13 fund.

14 Q. Do you understand what that refers to?

15 A. Yes.

16 Q. When you talked about this settlement,

17 did Mr. Gibson immediately express concern whether

18 or not Liberty would ever get the money from

19 Mr. Gurvits' trust account?

20 A. Yes, there was -- Jason asked me what

21 guarantee we had that Gurvits would transfer the

22 additional $75,000. And I told him that there was

23 no guarantee that it would happen.

24 Q. Now, did you present this to Mr. Gibson

25 as likely the final deal?

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1 A. No. I presented it to him as where Val

2 was stuck at that point.

3 Q. Ms. Krincek asked you questions about

4 cutting off access to the Jungle Drive with the

5 legal materials from Liberty.

6 Do you recall that?

7 A. I do.

8 Q. Before you left Excelsior, who had access

9 to the Jungle Drive?

10 A. Me and Erika at the company.

11 Q. So at the time, did any of the executives

12 of the company have direct access to it?

13 A. No, they did not.

14 Q. I would like to clear up something where

15 you contradicted yourself yesterday.

16 Yesterday morning you said that you

17 bragged about how your XVideos relationship helped

18 you get things taken down.

19 Yesterday afternoon, when Ms. Krincek

20 asked you, you said you never disclosed the

21 relationship with XVideos.

22 Can you explain that discrepancy, please?

23 A. In the context of the question I

24 understood Ms. Krincek's question to mean, did I

25 do it in a formal waiver environment.

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1 Q. Did you do a formal waiver or formal

2 disclosure?

3 A. I did not.

4 Q. Did you, in fact, brag about how your

5 relationship with them as their lawyer helped you

6 get things?

7 A. Yes, including that they would do active

8 suppression.

9 Q. Late in the afternoon yesterday, you

10 speculated that you might have been the DMCA agent

11 for XVideos.

12 Is that true?

13 A. No. I -- in fact, I checked my records

14 last night, and there's no truth to that at all.

15 Q. Why would you say such a thing?

16 A. As you probably saw from my outburst at

17 the end of the day, I was exhausted and looking at

18 very small print on a page, and looking at that, I

19 got confused.

20 Q. How was it handled when something was up

21 on XVideos that was Liberty's content?

22 A. If someone had uploaded content to

23 XVideos, normally XVideos would suppress it before

24 anything even happened.

25 But then there would be -- if someone

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