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Specador Documentation Generator User Guide

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Specador Documentation

Generator User Guide

Rev. 18.1.27
30 August 2018

Technical Support:

Copyright (C) 2005-2018 AMIQ EDA s.r.l. (AMIQ). All rights reserved.
License: This product is licensed under the AMIQ's End User License Agreement
Trademarks: The trademarks, logos and service marks contained in this document are
the property of AMIQ or other third parties. DVT™, eDT™, VlogDT™, VhdlDT™
Verissimo™ are trademarks of AMIQ. Eclipse™ and Eclipse Ready™ are trademarks
of Eclipse Foundation, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective
Restricted Permission: This publication is protected by copyright law. AMIQ grants
permission to print hard copy of this publication subject to the following conditions:
1.The publication may not be modified in any way.
2. Any authorized copy of the publication or portion thereof must include all original
copyright, trademark, and other proprietary notices and this permission statement.
Disclaimer: This publication is for information and instruction purposes. AMIQ
reserves the right to make changes in specifications and other information contained in
this publication without prior notice. The information in this publication is provided as
is and does not represent a commitment on the part of AMIQ. AMIQ does not make,
and expressly disclaims, any representations or warranties as to the completeness,
accuracy, or usefulness of the information contained in this document. The terms and
conditions governing the sale and licensing of AMIQ products are set forth in written
agreements between AMIQ and its customers. No representation or other affirmation
or fact contained in this publication shall be deemed to be a warranty or give rise to any
liability of AMIQ whatsoever.

Table of Contents
1. Overview ............................................................................................................................. 1
2. How to Run ........................................................................................................................ 2
3. Compile Arguments ............................................................................................................ 3
3.1. Auto-config .............................................................................................................. 3
3.2. Emulating compiler invocations .............................................................................. 4
3.3. Compatibility Modes ............................................................................................... 5
3.3.1. Default DVT Compatibility Mode ................................................................ 6
3.3.2. vcs.vlogan Compatibility Mode .................................................................... 9
3.3.3. vcs.vhdlan Compatibility Mode .................................................................. 12
3.3.4. ius.irun Compatibility Mode ....................................................................... 13
3.3.5. questa.vlog Compatibility Mode ................................................................. 17
3.3.6. questa.vcom Compatibility Mode ............................................................... 18
3.3.7. gcc Compatibility Mode ............................................................................. 19
3.4. Paths ....................................................................................................................... 19
3.5. Strings .................................................................................................................... 19
3.6. Comments .............................................................................................................. 20
3.7. Environment Variables .......................................................................................... 20
3.8. Including Other Argument Files ............................................................................ 21
3.9. All Build Directives ............................................................................................... 22
3.10. e Language Test Files .......................................................................................... 37
3.11. e Language SPECMAN_PATH ........................................................................... 38
3.12. SystemVerilog OVM or UVM Library Compilation ........................................... 38
3.13. Xilinx Libraries Compilation ............................................................................... 39
3.14. Intel(Altera) Quartus Libraries Compilation ........................................................ 39
4. Compile Waivers .............................................................................................................. 41
5. XML Preferences File Syntax .......................................................................................... 44
6. XML Menu File Syntax ................................................................................................... 47
7. Comments Formatting ...................................................................................................... 49
7.1. JavaDoc .................................................................................................................. 49
7.2. NaturalDocs ............................................................................................................ 51
8. Customizing Documentation ............................................................................................. 53
9. What is New? ................................................................................................................... 55
10. Legal Notices .................................................................................................................. 64
11. Third Party Licenses ....................................................................................................... 65

© AMIQ i Rev. 18.1.27


Chapter 1. Overview
Specador automatically generates accurate HTML documentation from e, SystemVerilog,
Verilog and VHDL source code by using dedicated language parsers. It enables the user to easily
generate and maintain well organized and consistent documentation based on the comments in
the source code.

© AMIQ 1 Rev. 18.1.27


Chapter 2. How to Run

Specador can be invoked in batch mode by running:

$DVT_HOME/bin/ ...


$> -lang vlog -cmd /path/to/simulation.f -title "MY CHIP"

$> -lang vhdl -cmd /path/to/file_list.f -preferences /path/to/dvt_export_html.xml

$> -lang e -ignore_compile_errors -cmd irun.args -title "USB 3.0 uVC"


-lang e|vlog|vhdl
The source code language: e Language, SystemVerilog or VHDL.
-cmd <file>
The compilation command file.
Ignore compile errors and continue.
[-preferences <XML file>]
Use preferences specified in the XML file.
Generate an XML file with all supported preferences.
[-menu <XML file>]
Use menu specified in the XML file. It has precedence over the html menu specified by preferences.
[-title <title>]
Use specified title. It has precedence over the title specified by preferences.

NOTE: When generating HTML documentation in GUI mode, a dvt_export_html.xml settings

file is saved in the project's .dvt directory.

NOTE: In order to generate diagrams, make sure the Graphviz dot executable is installed &

© AMIQ 2 Rev. 18.1.27


Chapter 3. Compile Arguments

The compiler reads arguments from a file passed using the -cmd flag. The file may contain:

• comments

• directives in two forms:

• +directive+arg1+arg2+

• -directive arg1 arg2

• top files. Anything that is not a directive or comment is regarded as path to a top file.

Note: Unknown directives are ignored. In general, tool-specific directives start with +dvt_.
Unknown directives that start with this prefix are flagged with a warning.

Note: Several AMIQ tools take compile arguments in the same format, for example the DVT
Eclipse IDE, hence the references to DVT in the scope of this chapter.

The tool parses each top file, following includes/imports as specified by the language. Some
directives ( parsing directives) allow you to control how files are compiled based on their
extension, for example using System Verilog 1800-2012 for *.sv, Verilog 2001 for *.v, VHDL
1076-2008 for *.vhdl and e Language 1647-2011 parser for *.e. The parsing directives are either
generic or mode specific.

In general, the directives are similar with the arguments (or flags) that you would pass to any

An argument file may include other argument files and so on. The internal builder follows the
included files as it encounters them (as if part of a continuous stream). Note that the way a file
is included (for example with '-f' or '-F') has an influence on how paths inside the included files
are interpreted. For more details see Including Other Argument Files.

To simplify the flow integration, the tool supports several Compatibility Modes. This capability
allows you to reuse existing arguments or argument files that you already use for a particular
simulator invocation.

3.1 Auto-config
Particularly for small projects, in order to simplify project configuration, instead of explicitly
specifying lists of files, incdirs etc., you can use one or more +dvt_init_auto directives in For example:

// Identify and compile sources from the project directory


// Identify and compile sources from some other path


© AMIQ 3 Rev. 18.1.27

Specador Chapter 3. Compile
DVT scans the specified directories and automatically detects how to compile the source code
files. For each +dvt_init_auto directive, a corresponding file is created.
The files contain compilation directives like incdirs, top files, libraries, UVM
libraries, Xilinx libraries, etc. resulting from the auto-configuration algorithm. After scanning,
DVT compiles the code using the directives in generated auto files.

DVT automatically detects and analyzes existing Intel(Altera) Quartus or Xilinx ISE/Vivado
projects in the compilation root directory of a +dvt_init_auto directive. For more details see
FPGA Support.

NOTE: Auto files are overwritten on every full build.

You can specify additional directives in +dvt_init_auto sections. They are copied as is in the
corresponding file. For example:


You can specify a compatibility mode and use simulator specific directives:


The available compatibility modes are: dvt, ius.irun, vcs.vlogan and vcs.vhdlan. If a
compatibility mode is not specified, it defaults to dvt. See Compatibility Modes for a detailed

TIP: When working with large filesystem hierarchies or slow network drives, the scan
phase might time out, by default after 40 seconds. To increase the timeout for a particular
+dvt_init_auto section, use +dvt_autoconfig_timeout build config directive. For example to set
timeout to 2 minutes:


3.2 Emulating compiler invocations

Sometimes a design is compiled across multiple invocations. For example, environment
variables or preprocessing directives may change their values between invocations, or sources
may be compiled into different libraries.

The +dvt_init+<mode> directive is equivalent with a new compiler invocation, where <mode>
represents the compiler compatibilty mode. The directive resets the DVT builder to the mode
specific default state and clears all the previous directives (preprocessing defines, system
variables, libraries, etc.).

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Specador Chapter 3. Compile
You may specify any number of +dvt_init directives inside a build file.

The compatibility mode is enforced until the next +dvt_init directive.

Even if there is no +dvt_init directive specified, there is always an initial reset equivalent to

3.3 Compatibility Modes

A compatibility mode defines how DVT decides what top files to parse and with what language
syntax to parse them.

File Extension to Language Syntax File extensions can be mapped either to a specific
Mapping language syntax or skipped (that is they will not be
Each mode has a default file extension to syntax
You control the extensions mapping by using
various directives, like for example +verilog2001ext in
vcs.vlogan Compatibility Mode.
The +dvt_ext_unmap_all directive clears the syntax
mapping, including skipped. This means that all top
files will be parsed using the Language Syntax
for Unmapped Extensions. Note that the syntax for
unmapped extensions can be Skip, for example in the
Default DVT Compatibility Mode, as a result nothing
will be compiled.

Language Syntax for Unmapped An unmapped top file will be parsed using this syntax or
Extensions skipped, depending on the compatibility mode.
Can be controlled by various directives, like for
example +dvt_ext_unmapped_syntax+<syntax> in the
Default DVT Compatibility Mode or +v2k in vcs.vlogan
Compatibility Mode.

Language Syntax for Included Files Where relevant, for example for Verilog/
SystemVerilog, the included files are parsed either with
the same syntax as the including file, or as specified
by the extension mapping. See also each compatibility
mode documentation.

Note: A compatibility mode might also introduce specific predefined API, like for example
Verilog preprocessing macros.

List of Compatibility Modes

The following compatibility modes are supported:

• dvt - This is the default mode.

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Specador Chapter 3. Compile
• vcs.vlogan

• vcs.vhdlan

• ius.irun

• questa.vlog

• questa.vcom

How to Specify the Compatibility


The +dvt_init+<mode> directive changes the compatibility mode, where <mode> can be any
of the above modes.

A +dvt_init+<mode> directive:

1. Resets the dvt builder to the mode specific default state.

2. Clears all the previous directives (preprocessing defines, system variables, libraries, etc.).

You can see it as the equivalent of a new tool invocation.

You may specify any number of +dvt_init directives inside a build file.

The compatibility mode is enforced until the next +dvt_init directive.

3.3.1 Default DVT Compatibility Mode

The +dvt_init+dvt directive resets the builder to the dvt default state.

File Extension to Language Syntax Mapping

Syntax Extensions
Verilog 2001 .v, .vh
System .vp, .vs, .vsh, .v95, .v95p, .sv, .svh, .svp, .svi, .sva
VHDL .vhd, .vhdl
e Language .e
PSS DSL .pss
C/C++ .c, .h, .cpp, .cc, .cxx
Shared .so, .a, .o
objects (C/C+
+ libraries)

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Specador Chapter 3. Compile
Language Syntax for Unmapped Extensions: Skip unmapped extensions.

Language Syntax for Included Files: Included files are parsed as specified by the extension

Mode Specific Directives

Directive Description
+dvt_ext_map Files with <ext> extension are parsed using the specified <syntax>. See the list
+<syntax> below for more details regarding <syntax>.
Files with <ext> extension are parsed using the Language Syntax for
+<ext> Unmapped Extensions.
Set the Language Syntax for Unmapped Extensions. See the list below for
+<syntax> more details regarding <syntax>.
All files are parsed using the Language Syntax for Unmapped Extensions.
by_ext: The included files are parsed using the syntax as specified by directives,
+by_ext that is using by ext syntax (if explicit) or the syntax for unmapped extensions

by_parent: Included files are parsed using the syntax that was used for parsing
+by_parent the including file

Specifying a <syntax>

To specify the <syntax> for the directives above, one should use any of the following strings,

1364-1995, Verilog_95

1364-2001-noconfig, Verilog_2001_noconfig

1364-2001, Verilog_2001

1364-2005, Verilog_2005

VAMS-2.3, Verilog_AMS_23

1800-2005, SystemVerilog_2005

1800-2009, SystemVerilog_2009

1800-2012, SystemVerilog_2012, SystemVerilog

1647-2011, e_2011, e

1076-1987, VHDL_87

1076-1993, VHDL_93

1076.1-1999, VHDL_AMS_99

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Specador Chapter 3. Compile
1076-2000, VHDL_2000

1076-2002, VHDL_2002

1076.1-2007, VHDL_AMS_2007

1076-2008, VHDL_2008, VHDL



The dot (.) for specifying <ext> is optional. For example +dvt_ext_map
+verilog_1364_1995+.svh and +dvt_ext_map+verilog_1364_1995+svh are equivalent.

You can specify more extensions at once, for example +dvt_ext_map


When several directives change the syntax of a specific <ext>, the last one wins.


• I want to parse .c and .v files as SystemVerilog:

+dvt_init+dvt // By default .c are skipped and .v are parsed with Verilog 2001 syntax
+dvt_ext_map+SystemVerilog_2012+.v+.c // Now .c and .v are parsed with SystemVerilog 2012

Note Every time you re-map an already mapped extension, DVT will warn you. For the example
above, you get the following warnings:

.v was previously mapped to Verilog_2001

.c was previously mapped to Skip

• I want the .vp files to be parsed with the Language Syntax for Unmapped Extensions:

+dvt_init+dvt // By default .vp is parsed with SystemVerilog 2012.

+dvt_ext_unmap+.vp // Because by default the unmapped extensions are skipped, .vp files will be skipped

• I want to change the Language Syntax for Unmapped Extensions:

+dvt_init+dvt // By default the unmapped extensions are skipped

+dvt_ext_unmapped_syntax+Verilog_95 // Now unmapped extensions, for example .foo, will be parsed as V

• I want to configure everything from scratch:

+dvt_ext_unmap_all // All files are skipped
+dvt_ext_unmapped_syntax+Verilog_95 // Compile all files with unmapped extensions as Verilog 95
+dvt_ext_map+skip+.cpp // Skip .cpp files // Compile .sv as SystemVerilog
+dvt_ext_map+VHDL_1076_1_1999+.vhd // Compile .vhd as VHDL-AMS

• I want to parse everything as SystemVerilog

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Specador Chapter 3. Compile
+dvt_ext_unmap_all // All files are skipped
+dvt_ext_unmapped_syntax+SystemVerilog // All files are parsed as SystemVerilog

3.3.2 vcs.vlogan Compatibility Mode

The +dvt_init+vcs.vlogan directive resets the builder to the vcs.vlogan default state.

File Extension to Language Syntax Mapping

Syntax Extensions
C/C++ .c, .cpp, .cc, .cxx
Shared .so, .a, .o
objects (C/C+
+ libraries)

Language Syntax for Unmapped Extensions: Verilog 1995

Language Syntax for Included Files: Included files are parsed using the syntax that was used
for parsing the including file.

Mode Specific Directives

Directive Description
All files with <ext> extension are parsed using the Verilog 1995 syntax.
All files with <ext> extension are parsed using the Verilog 2001 syntax.
All files with <ext> extension are parsed using the SystemVerilog syntax.
-sverilog Sets the syntax for unmapped extensions to SystemVerilog. This directive has
precedence over +v2k.
-upf Specify a Unified Power Format file to be analyzed.
+v2k Sets the syntax for unmapped extensions to Verilog 2001.
-extinclude The included files are parsed using the syntax as specified by directives, that
is using by ext syntax (if explicit) or the syntax for unmapped extensions. It
overrides the default behavior.
-ntb_opts Compiles or references the UVM library. See more details below.
[ uvm /
uvm-1.0 /
uvm-1.1 /
uvm-1.2 ]
-ntb_opts If $VCS_HOME is defined, equivalent with:
[ rvm / vmm ]

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Specador Chapter 3. Compile
+incdir+$VCS_HOME/etc/[ rvm / vmm ]

$VCS_HOME/etc/[ rvm / vmm ]/

If $VCS_HOME is not defined, equivalent with:



The dot (.) for specifying <ext> is optional. For example +verilog1995ext+.svh and
+verilog1995ext+svh are equivalent.

You can specify more extensions at once, for example +verilog1995ext+.svh+svp.

When several directives change the syntax of a specific <ext>, the last one wins.

ntb_opts [ uvm / uvm-1.0 / uvm-1.1 / uvm-1.2 ]

Typical use-case #1 - single vcs command


vcs -ntb_opts uvm [other compilation directives]

Build config:

// The UVM library is compiled from $VCS_UVM_HOME or $VCS_HOME/etc/uvm or $DVT_UVM_HOM

// (in this order of precedence, depending on which environment variables are defined).
+dvt_init+vcs.vlogan -ntb_opts uvm [other compilation directives]

Typical use-case #2 - multiple vlogan commands


vlogan -ntb_opts uvm

vlogan -ntb_opts uvm [other compilation directives]

vlogan -ntb_opts uvm [other compilation directives]

Build config:

// The UVM library is compiled from $VCS_UVM_HOME or $VCS_HOME/etc/uvm or $DVT_UVM_HOM

// (in this order of precedence, depending on which environment variables are defined).
+dvt_init+vcs.vlogan -ntb_opts uvm

// The UVM library is not recompiled. It is "referenced" by adding the relevant incdirs.
+dvt_init+vcs.vlogan -ntb_opts uvm [other compilation directives]

// The UVM library is not recompiled. It is "referenced" by adding the relevant incdirs.
+dvt_init+vcs.vlogan -ntb_opts uvm [other compilation directives]

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Specador Chapter 3. Compile
Note: In the invocations which "references" the UVM library (rows 7-10 in the table below)
- ntb_opts uvm is equivalent with:


and any `include will solve to <VCS>/wrap/ which contains the
following code:


`include "uvm_macros.svh"

import uvm_pkg::*;


Note: The second, third, ... ntb_opts uvm invocations without top files (rows 4-6 in the table
below) will take into account the dvt_disable_uvm_reuse directive.


The effect of this directive in a particular invocation depends on the following factors:

• if it's the first invocation which specifies -ntb_opts uvm

• if the invocation specifies source files to be compiled ( top files) in addition to the -ntb_opts
uvm flag

• if $VCS_UVM_HOME / $VCS_HOME environment variables are set

# First Top files $VCS_UVM_HOME

Equivalent Equivalent
incdir(s) top file
1 Y --- Y --- $VCS_UVM_HOME
etc/uvm[ - etc/uvm[ -
version ]/src version ]/src/
3 Y --- N N $DVT_UVM_HOME/
src src/
etc/uvm[ - etc/uvm[ -
version ]/src version ]/src/

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src src/



etc/uvm[ -
version ]/src


Predefined API

VCS Defined as preprocessing macro without value.

3.3.3 vcs.vhdlan Compatibility Mode

The +dvt_init+vcs.vhdlan directive resets the builder to the vcs.vhdlan default state.

File Extension to Language Syntax Mapping

Syntax Extensions
C/C++ .c, .h, .cpp, .cc, .cxx
Shared .so, .a, .o
objects (C/C+
+ libraries)

Language Syntax for Unmapped Extensions: VHDL 1076-1993

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Specador Chapter 3. Compile
Mode Specific Directives

Directive Description
-w <lib> Compile intro library <lib>

-work <lib>
-vhdl87 Sets the syntax for unmapped extensions to VHDL 1076-1987
-upf Specify a Unified Power Format file to be analyzed.

3.3.4 ius.irun Compatibility Mode

The +dvt_init+ius.irun directive resets the builder to the ius.irun default state.

File Extension to Language Syntax Mapping

Syntax Extensions
Verilog 1995 .v95, .v95p
Verilog AMS .vams
Verilog 2001 .v, .vp, .vs
System .sv, .svp, .svi, .svh, .vlib, .vcfg
VHDL 1987 .vhd, .vhdl, .vhdp, .vhdlp, .vhcfg
VHDL AMS .vha, .vhams, .vhms
VHDL 2008 .pslvhdl
e Language .e
C/c++ .c, .h, .cc, .cpp, .cxx, .pslsc
Shared .o, .a, .so, .sl
objects (C/C+
+ libraries)
Skipped Files .pslvlog, .s, .scs, .sp

Language Syntax for Unmapped Extensions: Skip

Language Syntax for Included Files: Included files are parsed using the syntax that was used
for parsing the including file.

Mode Specific Directives

Note: in IUS compatibility mode all directives are case-insensitive except for -f / -F

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Specador Chapter 3. Compile
Note: in IUS compatibility mode, top and test files specified using relative paths are solved, in
order, as relative to the compilation root, then $SPECMAN_PATH entries

Directive Description
-default_ext Set the Language Syntax for Unmapped Extensions. See the list below for
<syntax> more details regarding the <syntax> argument.
- Files with <ext> extension will be parsed using the specified <syntax>. If
<syntax>_ext the optional + is specified, the mapping will be added to the default File
Extension to Language Syntax Mapping. Otherwise, the default mapping
of the specified <syntax> is overridden. If you specify the override directive
multiple times for the same <syntax>, the default File Extension to Language
Syntax Mapping will be overridden only the first time. You can specify more
extensions at once, comma-separated, for example - vlog_ext .svh,.svp. The dot
(.) for specifying <ext> is mandatory.

The following directives are supported: -a_ext, -amsvhdl_ext, -amsvlog_ext,

-as_ext, -c_ext, -cpp_ext, -dynlib_ext, -e_ext, -o_ext, -spice_ext, -sysv_ext, -
vhcfg_ext, -vhdl_ext. See the list below for more details regarding <syntax>.
-asext Equivalent to -as_ext +<ext>[,<ext>]
-ccext <ext> Equivalent to -c_ext +<ext>[,<ext>]
-cxxext <ext> Equivalent to -cpp_ext +<ext>[,<ext>]
-objext <ext> Equivalent to -o_ext +<ext>[,<ext>]
-vhdlext Equivalent to -vhdl_ext +<ext>[,<ext>]
-vlogext Equivalent to -vlog_ext +<ext>[,<ext>]
-sv All files that would be parsed according to the File Extension to Language
Syntax Mapping or Language Syntax for Unmapped Extensions with a
Verilog syntax flavor will be parsed with SystemVerilog 2012 instead. Has
precedence over -v1995.
-v1995 All files that would be parsed according to the File Extension to Language
Syntax Mapping or Language Syntax for Unmapped Extensions with
-v95 Verilog 2001 will be parsed instead with a reduced keywordset variant
of Verilog 2001. The reduced keywordset does not contain the keywords
automatic, localparam, generate, endgenerate, and genvar.
-v200x All files that would be parsed according to the File Extension to Language
Syntax Mapping or Language Syntax for Unmapped Extensions with a
VHDL syntax flavor (but not VHDL AMS) will be parsed with VHDL 2000
instead. Has precedence over -v93.
-v93 All files that would be parsed according to the File Extension to Language
Syntax Mapping or Language Syntax for Unmapped Extensions with a
VHDL syntax flavor (but not VHDL AMS) will be parsed with VHDL 93

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Specador Chapter 3. Compile
-ams All files that would be parsed with a Verilog / VHDL syntax flavor will be
parsed with Verilog AMS 2.3 / VHDL AMS 1999 instead. Has precedence over
other syntax specifications.
- Equivalent with specifying <file_path> as a top file.
"file:<file_path>[ ...]"
-snpath Equivalent to +dvt_setenv+SPECMAN_PATH=$SPECMAN_PATH:<path>
-sndefine Equivalent to +define+<arg>
-ovm Load the OVM / UVM library from the IUS installation location.

-uvm For ovm: `ncroot`/tools/methodology/OVM/CDNS-2.1.2 or `ncroot`/tools/

ovm if the first does not exist.

For uvm: `ncroot`/tools/methodology/UVM/CDNS-1.1d/sv or `ncroot`/

tools/uvm/uvm_lib/uvm_sv if the first does not exist.

NOTE: If the path to OVM/UVM cannot be located within the IUS installation,
the tool tries to load the library from $OVM_HOME or $DVT_OVM_HOME
(resp. $UVM_HOME or $DVT_UVM_HOME).
-ovmhome If <path> is:
the word "default": equivalent with -ovm / -uvm
<path> an existing absolute path or relative path: load the OVM / UVM library from
the specified <path>

an existing subpath of `ncroot`/tools/methodology/OVM/: load the OVM

library from `ncroot`/tools/methodology/OVM/<path>

an existing subpath of `ncroot`/tools/methodology/UVM/: load the UVM

library from `ncroot`/tools/methodology/UVM/<path>/sv

Has precedence over -ovm / -uvm.

-makelib Compiles files specified inside a - makelib ... - endlib section into the
<lib_name> <lib_name> library. Files in makelib sections are compiled before files in
... -endlib the enclosing invocation. Directives in the makelib section only apply to the
makelib section files. Directives in the enclosing invocation apply to all files
-makelib / in the invocation. The - work directive is ignored within a makelib section.
... -endlib

-makelib /

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Specador Chapter 3. Compile
... -endlib
-lps_1801 Specify a Unified Power Format file to be analyzed.
-lps_cpf Specify a Common Power Format file to be analyzed.

How to specify <syntax> for - default_ext <syntax> and - <syntax>_ext directives

Language Syntax - default_ext <syntax> - <syntax>_ext

Verilog 2001 -default_ext verilog -vlog_ext
Verilog 1995 -default_ext verilog95 N/A
SystemVerilog 2012 -default_ext systemverilog, - -sysv_ext
default_ext vcnf
VHDL 1987 -default_ext vhdl, -default_ext -vhdl_ext
e Language -default_ext e -e_ext
VHDL AMS 1999 -default_ext vhdl-ams -amsvhdl_ext
SKIP -default_ext verilog-ams, - -a_ext, -amsvhdl_ext, -
default_ext psl_vlog, amsvlog_ext,

-default_ext psl_vhdl, - -as_ext, -c_ext, -cpp_ext,

default_ext psl_sc, -
default_ext c, -dynlib_ext, -e_ext, -o_ext,

-default_ext cpp, -default_ext -spice_ext, -sysv_ext, -

assembly, -default_ext o, vhcfg_ext, -vhdl_ext

-default_ext a, -default_ext so,

-default_ext scs

Predefined API

INCA Defined as preprocessing macro without value.


• I want to parse .sv, .c and .v files as SystemVerilog:

+dvt_init+ius.irun // By default .c are skipped and .v are parsed with Verilog 2001 syntax
-sysv_ext +.v,.c // Now .c and .v are parsed with SystemVerilog 2012; however, the default extensions mappe

Note Every time you re-map an already mapped extension, DVT will warn you. For the example
above, you get the following warnings:

.v was previously mapped to Verilog_2001

.c was previously mapped to Skip

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• I want the .vp files to be parsed with the Language Syntax for Unmapped Extensions:

+dvt_init+ius.irun // By default .vp, .v, .vs are parsed with Verilog 2001
-vlog_ext .v, .vs // We override the mapping for Verilog 2001 with only the other two extensions.
// Now .vp is not mapped to any Language Syntax.
// Because by default the unmapped extensions are skipped, .vp files will be skipped

• I want to change the Language Syntax for Unmapped Extensions:

+dvt_init+ius.irun // By default the unmapped extensions are skipped

-default_ext verilog95 // Now unmapped extensions, for example .foo, will be parsed as Verilog 95

• I want to parse all Verilog source files and all files with unmapped extensions as
SystemVerilog, and all VHDL files as VHDL 2000:

-default_ext systemverilog // All files with unmapped extensions are parsed as SystemVerilog
-sv // All Verilog source files are parsed with SystemVerilog
-v200x // All VHDL source files are parsed with VHDL 2000

3.3.5 questa.vlog Compatibility Mode

The +dvt_init+questa.vlog directive resets the builder to the questa.vlog default state.

File Extension to Language Syntax Mapping

Syntax Extensions
System .sv, .svp, .svh
C/C++ .c, .cpp, .cc, .cxx

Language Syntax for Unmapped Extensions: Verilog 1995

Language Syntax for Included Files: Included files are parsed using the syntax that was used
for parsing the including file.

Mode Specific Directives

Directive Description
-sv Parse files with unmapped extensions as SystemVerilog
-sv05compat Use SystemVerilog 2005 syntax flavor
-sv09compat Use SystemVerilog 2009 syntax flavor
-sv12compat Use SystemVerilog 2012 syntax flavor
- Use Verilog 1995 syntax flavor
- USe Verilog 2001 syntax flavor

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- All files with <ext1>, <ext2>, ... extensions are parsed as SystemVerilog
-uvm DVT compiles the UVM library, in order of precedence, from: $UVM_HOME,
$MTI_HOME/verilog_src/uvm-1.1d, $DVT_UVM_HOME

If $MTI_HOME is not defined, it is inferred from the location of the vlog


If -L $MTI_HOME/<uvm_lib> is specified anywhere within the current

invocation, then UVM is compiled from $MTI_HOME/verilog_src/<uvm_lib>

Whenever compiling UVM from $MTI_HOME, the $MTI_HOME/

verilog_src/questa_uvm_pkg-1.2/ is also compiled
-ovm DVT tries to load the OVM library, in order of precedence from:
-pa_upf Specify a Unified Power Format file to be analyzed.

Predefined API

QUESTA Defined as preprocessing macro without value.

Defined as preprocessing macro without value.

3.3.6 questa.vcom Compatibility Mode

The +dvt_init+questa.vcom directive resets the builder to the questa.vcom default state.

Language Syntax for Unmapped Extensions: VHDL 1076-2002

Mode Specific Directives

Directive Description
-87 Enable support for VHDL 87
-93 Enable support for VHDL 93
-2002 Enable support for VHDL 2002
-2008 Enable support for VHDL 2008
-pa_upf Specify a Unified Power Format file to be analyzed.

Predefined API

QUESTA Defined as preprocessing macro without value.

Defined as preprocessing macro without value.

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3.3.7 gcc Compatibility Mode

The +dvt_init+gcc directive resets the builder to the gcc default state.

File Extension to Language Syntax Mapping

Syntax Extensions
C/C++ .c, .i, .ii, .h, .cc, .cp, .cxx, .cpp, .CPP, .c++, .C, .hh, .H, .hp, .hxx, .hpp, .HPP, .h
++, .tcc

Language Syntax for Unmapped Extensions: Skip unmapped extensions.

When you compile C/C++ code using gcc rather than the simulator, for each gcc invocation it is
recommended to use a +dvt_init+gcc directive followed by the gcc command line arguments.

3.4 Paths
You can specify absolute or relative paths.

Relative paths are resolved relative to the compilation root. By default the compilation root is
the project directory. However, when using the -F directive to include another argument file
the compilation root might change (for more details see Including Other Argument Files).

You can use environment variables when specifying paths.

You can use ant-like path patterns [] when

specifying top files and incdirs:

• ?''' matches a single character, for example '''top?.sv matches and but

• *''' matches a sequence of characters from a file or directory name, for example '''top*/
*.sv matches all files with .sv extension from all the directories starting with top, +incdir+/
path/to/incdir_* will set as incdirs all directories from /path/to/ having the incdir_ prefix

• ** matches a sequence of directories from a path (recursively), for example **/*.sv matches
all files with .sv extension from the whole project directory tree

3.5 Strings
You may use single quoted (') or double quoted (") strings to group a piece of text so that it will
be considered a single directive argument. Example:

+define+FOO='my macro'

To use a quotation mark " in a string, you should escape it using backslash \ like this:

+define+MOO="Hello \"Moo\""

You can also use \" as string delimiter, and any " inside the string defined like this are
considered as part of the string, like this:

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+define+MOO=\"Hello "Moo"\"

NOTE: When in vcs compatibility mode, the escaping only works in files included with -file
(see Including Other Argument Files).

The following comment styles are allowed:

# single line comment

// single line comment

-- single line comment

/* multi
comment */

3.7 Environment Variables

To define an environment variable you can use the following syntax:





To use the value of an environment variable called ENV_VAR you can use any of the following


• Windows: %ENV_VAR%

• Makefile: $(ENV_VAR)

• TCL: $::env(ENV_VAR) or $env(ENV_VAR)

Environment variables, either from the parent shell or explicitly defined, can be used to specify:

• top files

• directives that take a path as an argument, for example +incdir+

• value for defines

When an environment variable is not defined, but it is used, the behavior is as follows:

• for the value of a define directive, the define value is left as-is

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• for top files and directives that take a path as an argument, an error is signaled and such top
files and directives are ignored

• when used inside the value of an environment variable, it is expanded to the empty string

Environment variables are visible to the DVT parsers, for example when used in the e language
import statements.

Environment variables are propagated to the external tools launched from DVT, for example
by using Run Configurations or External Builders.

When an environment variable is used inside a build file, only the +dvt_setenv+ directives
above the usage line are taken into account.

Implementation note

The Dot '.' segment in a path denotes the current directory, which is solved when the path is
used, for example to specify a top file or incdir. It is not solved when defining an environment
variable. See the example below:

-------- In --------

+dvt_setenv+MYVAR=. // $MYVAR has the value '.' until used to specify a path
$MYVAR/top1.e // Equivalent with $DVT_PROJECT_LOC/top1.e
-F other/file.f

-------- In other/file.f --------

// $MYVAR is used here to specify a path, '.' shall be solved to $DVT_PROJECT_LOC/other/
$MYVAR/top2.e // Equivalent with $DVT_PROJECT_LOC/other/top2.e

Predefined environment variables

Variable Value
DVT_PROJECT_LOC Absolute path of the project directory.

3.8 Including Other Argument Files

You can include other argument files with -f, -F or -file:

-f /path/to/argument/file.f

The -f and -file directives are equivalent, except for the vcs compatibility mode. In the vcs
compatibility mode Strings [/wiki/Strings] are handled differently when using -f or -file.

The behavior of -F is not consistent across simulators, so DVT treats it according to the
compatibility mode:

dvt, vcs when analyzing the contents of the included argument file, all relative paths are
resolved as relative to the parent directory of the argument file; in other words,
this is equivalent to changing the compilation root to be the parent directory of
the argument file

ius relative paths are solved like in dvt and vcs modes, except:

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• for -v, -y and +incdir directives, if solving relative paths to the argument file parent fails,
they are solved relative to the compilation root

• for -f directives, relative paths are always solved as relative to the compilation root

questa the directive is disregarded

3.9 All Build Directives

Directive Note Description
-ams In dvt and vcs.vlogan compatibility modes: enables
Verilog AMS 2.3 extended syntax for Verilog/
SystemVerilog files.

In questa.vlog compatibility mode: enables wreal

extended syntax for Verilog/SystemVerilog files.

In ius.irun compatibility mode: all files that would

be parsed with a Verilog / VHDL syntax flavor
will be parsed with Verilog AMS 2.3 / VHDL
AMS 1999 instead. Has precedence over other syntax
-amscompilefile ius.irun Equivalent with specifying <file_path> as a top file.
"file:<file_path>[ ...]"
-asext ius.irun Equivalent to -as_ext +<ext>[,<ext>]
<ext>[,<ext>] Compatibility
-CFLAGS GLOBAL Gcc arguments used by DVT to configure the CDT
-ccflags SystemVerilog

-I -D -L -l -
imacros -include
-ccext <ext> ius.irun Equivalent to -c_ext +<ext>[,<ext>]
-cxxext <ext> ius.irun Equivalent to -cpp_ext +<ext>[,<ext>]
-cuname Compile under <compilation_unit_name> package; the
<compilation_unit_name> directive is enforced until:

* another -cuname directive is encountered

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* +dvt_init directive is encountered

* end of is encountered

-default_ext ius.irun Set the Language Syntax for Unmapped Extensions.
<syntax> Compatibility See ius.irun Compatibility Mode for more details
Mode-Specific regarding the <syntax> argument.
+define Define a preprocessing define; the replacement is
+<DEFINE_NAME>=<replacement>optional; you may quote the replacement with ' or "; if
defined, environment variables are expanded.
+dvt_active_test e Language Only The definition of structs/units/types declared in several
+<path> Test Files is considered to be the one in the Active Test
+dvt_auto_link GLOBAL Enable automatic linking of resources located outside
+<true/false> the project location. Default: true.
GLOBAL Generate and load in each invocation .dvt/
auto_snps_vip_macros.svh file. It contains dummy
definitions for macros which are commonly used but not
defined or encrypted in Synopsis VIPs.
GLOBAL Generate and load .dvt/auto_snps_vip_waivers.xml file.
It contains waivers for problems commonly encountered
when working with encrypted Synopsis VIPs.
+dvt_auto_link_fileGLOBAL Auto-link the specified file.
GLOBAL When Auto-Linking

link it as

DVT Auto-Linked/<alias>/subpath/to/file

This directive helps to reduce the depth of the

virtual filesystem hierarchy under DVT Auto-Linked,
because the <root_path> sequence of virtual folders is
compacted to <alias> virtual folder. The <root_paths>
and <aliases> specified like this must be unique, and
therefore only the first occurrence is considered. This
is a global directive. Aliases may not be names of
directories located directly under the filesystem root
(like for example etc or bin).
SystemVerilog Use <revision_name>.
+<revision_name>and VHDL only

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SystemVerilog Ignore Quartus project configuration files and fallback
and VHDL only to default auto-config.
SystemVerilog Disables auto-config from Xilinx ISE/Vivado project.
and VHDL only Fallback to default auto-config.
SystemVerilog Auto-config from ISE project using the
+<xise_file_name>and VHDL only <xise_file_name> file.
SystemVerilog For debugging purposes. Use <script_file_path> to
+<script_file_path>and VHDL only analyze Quartus project configuration files.
+dvt_autoconfig_timeout Interrupt build if project autoconfiguration takes more
+<timeout_seconds> than the specified threshold (in seconds). Set 0 to disable
timeout. Default: 40 seconds.
SystemVerilog Auto-config from Vivado project using the
+<fileset_name> and VHDL only <fileset_name> fileset.
GLOBAL Specify the location of the internal builder log file.
+<path_to_existing_directory> Default: ./ (Project location).
GLOBAL Enable/disable internal builder logging to console.
+<true/false> Default: true.
GLOBAL Enable/disable internal builder logging to file. Default:
+<true/false> true.
+dvt_cpf SystemVerilog Specify a CPF file for compilation.
+<cpf_file> and VHDL Only
+dvt_compilation_root Specify the compilation root. Relative paths specified in
+</path/to/ will be resolved as relative to this location,
compilation/ except for the special cases that rise when Including
root> Other Argument Files.
+dvt_db_location GLOBAL Save the project database files under <path>/
+<path> dvt_db/<project_name> directory. The <path>/dvt_db/
<project_name> directory will be created if needed
and may be overwritten at each full/incremental
project build. In certain situations (for example
if write access for <path>/dvt_db/<project_name>
is denied or the directory is in use by
another DVT instance) DVT falls back to the
default location: <dvt_workspace>/.metadata/.plugins/
GLOBAL Disable lexing-parsing parallelization.

GLOBAL Disable DVT preprocessing optimizations. Default:
+<true/false> false.

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+dvt_disable_rtl_checks Disable the RTL specific semantic checks:
and VHDL Only SIGNAL_NEVER_USED. By default the checks are
DEPRECATED Disable a set of semantic checks by ID.
+<...> GLOBAL For example: +dvt_disable_checks
(SystemVerilog and VHDL),
(SystemVerilog and VHDL),
checks are disabled.
GLOBAL Compile the UVM package in every invocation which
specifies -uvm / -ntb_opts uvm. By default UVM is
SystemVerilog compiled only in the first invocation, and subsequent
Only -uvm / -ntb_opts uvm only provide the UVM incdir.
Default value: false
Disable naming convention checks. Default value: false

e Language and
GLOBAL Enable/disable non-standard syntax and semantic
+<true/false> checks. Default: false.
e Language Only
GLOBAL Use the following set of search paths to locate VIPs\n
instead of
e Language Only

<IUS Install Location>/specman/linux/

<IUS Install Location>/specman/src/

<IUS Install Location>/specman/docs/

<IUS Install Location>/specman/tcl/specman/

<IUS Install Location>/specman/linux/

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<IUS Install Location>/specman/src/

<IUS Install Location>/specman/docs/

<IUS Install Location>/specman/tcl/specman/

<IUS Install Location>/specman/erm_lib/

<IUS Install Location>/specman/sn_lib/

<IUS Install Location>/specman/packages/

<IUS Install Location>/specman/uvm/uvm_lib/

<IUS Install Location>/specman/ovm/ovm_lib/

<IUS Install Location>/specman/erm_lib/

<IUS Install Location>/specman/sn_lib/

<IUS Install Location>/specman/packages/

<IUS Install Location>/specman/uvm/uvm_lib/

<IUS Install Location>/specman/ovm/ovm_lib/

GLOBAL If true, the <exp> match expression will match only
+<true/false> valid expressions. If false, <exp> is equivalent with the
e Language Only <any> match expression that matches any non-empty
sequence of characters. Default: false.
GLOBAL If true, the parser will reject a user defined expression
+<true/false> match if the result of the macro reparse is not a valid
e Language Only expression. Default: true.
GLOBAL Automatically extract and define the Specman version
+<true/false> defines. Default: true.
e Language Only
GLOBAL By default, the following VIPs are located using
+<vip1>+<vip2>, and their locations are added to the
+... e Language Only $SPECMAN_PATH: evc_util, vr_ad, ovm_e, uvm_e.
When an irun installation newer than 13.10 is detected,
+dvt_e_sn_which_clear only evc_util, vr_ad, and uvm_e are added. Use
+dvt_sn_which_add+<vip1>+<vip2>+... to add to this
list and +dvt_sn_which_clear to clear it.
GLOBAL Enables analysis of all modules/instances when using
+<true/false> -top/+nctop+ directive. The modules/instances that are
not children of the top s are not resolved (semantic

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SystemVerilog errors/warnings are not reported) unless this variable is
Language Only set to true. Default: false.
GLOBAL Trigger warnings for unknown build directives. Default:
+<true/false> false.
+dvt_ext_map Files with <ext> extension are parsed using the specified
+<syntax> <syntax>. See Default DVT Compatibility Mode for
+<ext> more details regarding <syntax>.
+dvt_ext_unmap Files with <ext> extension are parsed using the
+<ext> Language Syntax for Unmapped Extensions.
+dvt_ext_unmap_all All files are parsed using the Language Syntax for
Unmapped Extensions.
+dvt_ext_unmapped_syntax Set the Language Syntax for Unmapped Extensions.
+<syntax> See Default DVT Compatibility Mode for more details
regarding <syntax>.
GLOBAL Extract comments above elements. Default: true.
and VHDL Only
GLOBAL Extract comment if located at no more than specified
+<number_of_lines> number of empty lines above element declaration.
SystemVerilog Default: 1.
and VHDL Only
GLOBAL Extract /** begin comment delimiter comments.
+<true/false> Default: true.
and VHDL Only
GLOBAL Extract file header comments and associate them with
+<true/false> the first element in file (module, entity etc.). Default:
SystemVerilog false.
and VHDL Only
GLOBAL Exctract comments inline with elements. Default: true.
and VHDL Only
GLOBAL Extract /* multi line comments. Default: true.
and VHDL Only
GLOBAL Extract // single line comments. Default: true.
and VHDL Only

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GLOBAL During full compilation, skip parsing a file if it takes
+<timeout> more than the specified threshold (in seconds). Set 0 to
disable timeout. Default: 40 seconds.
+dvt_file_substituteGLOBAL During compilation, the <file_path> file will be
+<file_path>=<substitute_file_path> substituted with the <substitute_file_path> file.
and VHDL Only
GLOBAL In order to speed-up full compilation, you may chose to
+<scope> fully check only a relevant subset of your source code.
SystemVerilog This directive controls the scope of the full build checks:
and VHDL Only
+dvt_full_compile_checks+FULL - all of the code is

+dvt_full_compile_checks+LIBS+lib1+lib2 - only the

specified libraries are checked, some basic checks are
still performed for the rest of the code

+dvt_full_compile_checks+NOT_LIBS+lib1+lib2 - all
of the code is checked except for the specified libraries,
where only some basic checks are performed

+lib1::pkg1+lib2::pkg2 - only the specified packages are
checked, some basic checks are still performed for the
rest of the code

+lib1::pkg1+lib2::pkg2 - all of the code is checked
except for the specified packages, where only some
basic checks are performed

+dvt_full_compile_checks+OFF - only some basic

checks are performed

Default: FULL
+dvt_gcc+</path/ GLOBAL Specify location of GNU C compiler executable.
GLOBAL Enable automatic linking of C system headers. Default:
+dvt_gcc_timeout GLOBAL Timeout in seconds when running GCC. Set 0 to disable
+<timeout> timeout. Default: 40 seconds.
+dvt_hdtv GLOBAL Hide duplicates from Types, Checks and Coverage

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GLOBAL In order to speed-up incremental compilation, you may
+<scope> chose to turn off advanced checking.
and VHDL Only +dvt_incremental_compile_checks+OFF - only some
basic checks are performed all over the code

+dvt_incremental_compile_checks+ON - checks are

performed in all affected areas of your code that are also
checked at full build (see +dvt_full_compile_checks)

Note: if +dvt_full_compile_checks is set to OFF this

flag has no effect.

Default: ON
GLOBAL Files with more than max lines will not be incrementally
+<max_lines_number> compiled. Set 0 for infinite limit. Default: 15000.
GLOBAL During incremental compilation, skip the file if parsing
+<timeout> or semantic checking takes more than the specified
threshold (in seconds). Set 0 to disable timeout. Default:
4 seconds.
+dvt_init[+<compat_mode>] Equivalent of a new invocation, resets all directives
except for the GLOBAL ones. See Compatibility Modes
for a detailed description.
+dvt_init_auto[+<compat_mode>] Automatically identify and compile all the source
files in the compilation root. The compilation root
defaults to the project directory and can be changed
using +dvt_compilation_root+ directive. Available
compatibility modes are: dvt, ius.irun, vcs.vlogan and
vcs.vhdlan. If a compatibility mode is not specified,
it defaults to dvt. See Auto-config for a detailed
+dvt_init_xilinx[+<lib1> Compile the specified libraries from the
+<lib2+...>] $DVT_XILINX_HOME installation. Similar with
+dvt_init, it is equivalent with a new invocation.
The available libraries are UNISIM, UNIMACRO,
CPLD_VER, RETARGET. See Xilinx Libraries
Compilation for a detailed description.
+dvt_init_uvvm Compile the UVVM sources. Similar with +dvt_init, it
is equivalent with a new invocation.

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+dvt_init_uuvm_vvc Compile the UVVM_VVC sources. It should be used
for every VVC. Similar with +dvt_init, it is equivalent
with a new invocation.
+dvt_init_osvvm Compile the OSVVM sources. Similar with +dvt_init, it
is equivalent with a new invocation.
GLOBAL Configure the maximum number of threads to use during
+<num_threads> different phases of intensive computation (e.g. semantic
checking, etc.). Default: 8
+dvt_path_pattern_timeout Timeout in seconds when scanning path patterns (like
+<timeout> for example /**/*.v). Default: 5.
+dvt_pf_debug SystemVerilog Print debug information during power format build
and VHDL Only phase.
+dvt_prepend_init GLOBAL You can use a +dvt_prepend_init section to specify
directives like +define, +dvt_setenv, +incdir etc. that
are prepended to all +dvt_init sections. All directives
between +dvt_prepend_init and the next +dvt_init will
be "copied" in all subsequent +dvt_init sections.
SystemVerilog Instructs DVT to skip analyzing the code between
+<pragma1> and VHDL Only pragmas such as
// <pragma> translate_off

// <pragma> translate_on

You can specify any number of pragmas as arguments

to this directive, separated by '+' like for example


' Note:' In VHDL, the code background will be

highlighted, but it will still be analyzed.
+dvt_pss_cpp Add
include/pss.h as
topfile and
include as C
include dir. Falls
back to
is not defined.

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GLOBAL Map extensions of PVerilog files to extensions
+<(p) files of generated Verilog files. For example:\n
extension>=<(g) SystemVerilog
files extension> Only
GLOBAL Infer mapping from generated files, assuming they
+"<regex_pattern>" contain a comment pointing to the corresponding
SystemVerilog PVerilog source file. Specify a regular expression
Only pattern containing a named capturing group called
PFILE. The pattern is applied to all comments at full
build time. For example:

+dvt_pverilog_comment_map+"Source file: (?
GLOBAL Turn on debugging for +dvt_pverilog_comment_map.
Pattern match information will be printed in the build
SystemVerilog console. You can also specify a string to test the patterns
Only against. For example:

+dvt_pverilog_comment_map_debug+"Source file: /
GLOBAL Map root path of PVerilog files
+<path prefix of to root path of generated Verilog
(p) files>=<path SystemVerilog files. For example:\n +dvt_pverilog_path_map+
prefix of (g) Only ${PREPROCESS_SOURCE}=
GLOBAL Specify the name of the run configuration to be executed
+"RUN_CONFIG_NAME" when you save the PVerilog file in the PVerilog editor
SystemVerilog p or c tabs.
Within the run configuration, use
${selected_resource_loc} variable to refer to the path of
the PVerilog file.
GLOBAL Popup semantic checking dialog asking to continue or
+<timeout> stop when full compilation semantic checking takes
SystemVerilog more than the specified timeout (in seconds). Default
and VHDL Only value: 30.
+dvt_setenv Define an environment variable. Its value is visible for
+<NAME>[=VALUE] subsequent directives and during parsing.
+dvt_skip_compile Instructs DVT to skip analyzing the files whose absolute
+<simple_pattern> path matches the specified <simple_pattern>. In a
simple pattern you can use wildcards such as '*' (any
string) and '?' (any character). Such skipped files are
decorated distinctively in the Navigator View:

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+dvt_skip_compile Instructs DVT to skip analyzing the files whose absolute
+not path does not match the specified <simple_pattern>. In
+<simple_pattern> a simple pattern you can use wildcards such as '*' (any
string) and '?' (any character). Such skipped files are
decorated distinctively in the Navigator View:

+dvt_skip_compile Instructs DVT to skip analyzing the files whose absolute
+regex path matches the specified <regex_pattern>. Such
+<regex_pattern> skipped files are decorated distinctively in the Navigator

+dvt_skip_compile Instructs DVT to skip analyzing the files whose absolute
+regex+not path does not match the specified <regex_pattern>.
+<regex_pattern> Such skipped files are decorated distinctively in the
Navigator View:

+dvt_skip_ext Do not parse top files with <ext> extension.
+<ext> The dot (.) for specifying <ext> is optional. For
example +dvt_skip_ext+.gv and +dvt_skip_ext+gv are
GLOBAL Do not analyze code encolsed in `protect ... `endprotect
+true pragmas.
+dvt_systemc Add
src/systemc.h as
topfile and
src as C include
dir. Falls back to
is not defined.
+dvt_test+<path> e Language Only Specify a top file and mark it as test. For example, the e
Language test files have a special status, see e Language
Test Files.
+dvt_upf SystemVerilog Specify a UPF file for compilation.
+<upf_file> and VHDL Only

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+dvt_undefine SystemVerilog Undefines <DEFINE_NAME> preprocessing symbol.
+<DEFINE_NAME>Only Equivalent with `undef <DEFINE_NAME>. The
+dvt_undefine directives are applied on top of all other
specified +defines. Ordering relative to other specified
top files is relevant.
+dvt_wreal SystemVerilog Enables wreal extended syntax for Verilog/
Only SystemVerilog files.
-extinclude vcs.vlogan The included files are parsed using the syntax as
Compatibility specified by directives, that is using by ext syntax
Mode-Specific (if explicit) or the syntax for unmapped extensions. It
overrides the default behavior.
+incdir+<path> SystemVerilog Indicate search directories for files included with
Only `include preprocessing directive.
-incdir <path>
+libext+<ext1> SystemVerilog Specify accepted extensions for files in the library
+<ext2>+<extN> Only directories. Extensions must include the '.' dot character.

-libext -libext is ius.irun In ius.irun compatibility mode, either plus '+' or comma
mode specific ',' may be used as extension list separator for either

Note: there are no default extensions, .v and .sv don't

have a special status.
-libmap <path> Specify the Verilog library map file.
+librescan When DVT finds an unresolved module reference in a
library file or directory, it will scan for the unresolved
-librescan reference starting from the first specified library; by
default (librescan not specified) it starts scanning from
the library that introduced the unresolved reference and
continues using the specified libraries order.
-lps_1801 ius.irun Specify a UPF or CPF power format file for compilation.
<upf_file> Compatibility
<upf_file> SystemVerilog
and VHDL Only
-makelib ius.irun Compiles files specified inside a - makelib ... - endlib
<lib_name> Compatibility section into the <lib_name> library. Files in makelib
Mode-Specific sections are compiled before files in the enclosing
-makelib /path/to/ invocation. Directives in the makelib section only apply
<lib_name> to the makelib section files. Directives in the enclosing
invocation apply to all files in the invocation. The -
-makelib /some/ work directive is ignored within a makelib section.

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Specador Chapter 3. Compile

... -endlib
+nctop GLOBAL Specify top configuration name.
-objext <ext> ius.irun Equivalent to -o_ext +<ext>[,<ext>]
-ovm In dvt and vcs.vlogan Compatibility Modes it is
equivalent with


where /path/to/xvm is $XVM_HOME or

defined, where XVM is a shorthand for OVM / UVM.

In the ius.irun and questa.vlo Compatibility Modes

/path/to/xvm is automatically located within the IUS
resp. Questa installation dirs. See ius.irun Compatibility
Mode and questa.vlog Compatibility Mode for more
-ovmhome ius.irun Load the OVM / UVM library from the specified
Compatibility <path>. See ius.irun Compatibility Mode for more
-uvmhome Mode-Specific details.
-pa_upf questa.vlog and Specify a UPF power format file for compilation.
<upf_file> questa.vcom

and VHDL Only
-realport vcs.vlogan Enables wreal extended syntax for Verilog/
Compatibility SystemVerilog files.

-sndefine <arg> ius.irun Equivalent to +define+<arg>

© AMIQ 34 Rev. 18.1.27

Specador Chapter 3. Compile
-snpath <path> ius.irun Equivalent to +dvt_setenv+SPECMAN_PATH=
Compatibility $SPECMAN_PATH:<path>
-sv ius.irun All files that would be parsed according to the File
Compatibility Extension to Language Syntax Mapping or Language
Mode-Specific Syntax for Unmapped Extensions with a Verilog
syntax flavor will be parsed with SystemVerilog 2012
instead. Has precedence over -v1995.
-sv_lib GLOBAL Specify a shared object C/C++ library. The <file_path>
<file_path> should be specified without the .so extension. Provided
that the library contains debug info, DVT will Auto-
Link the C/C++ source files from which the library was
compiled. The .so extension is automatically appended
to the specified path.

Implementation note: If <file_path>.so is not found,

the tool will try to locate and load <file_path> instead.
-sv_liblist GLOBAL Specify a shared object bootstrap file. The file contains
<file_path> a list of shared object C/C++ library paths, one per line.
For each library in the bootstrap file, provided that the
library contains debug info, DVT will Auto-Link the C/
C++ source files from which the library was compiled.
The .so extension is automatically appended to the paths
specified in the bootstrap file.
-sv root GLOBAL The root directory path is prepended to any relative
<directory_path> path that will be specified following this directive, using
either -sv_lib or -sv_liblist or inside the shared object
bootstrap file.
-sverilog vcs.vlogan Sets the syntax for unmapped extensions to
Compatibility SystemVerilog. This directive has precedence over
Mode-Specific +v2k.
-<syntax>_ext ius.irun Files with <ext> extension will be parsed using the
[+]<ext>[,<ext>] Compatibility specified <syntax>. If the optional + is specified, the
Mode-Specific mapping will be added to the default File Extension
to Language Syntax Mapping. Otherwise, the default
mapping of the specified <syntax> is overridden. If you
specify the override directive multiple times for the
same <syntax>, the default File Extension to Language
Syntax Mapping will be overridden only the first time.
You can specify more extensions at once, comma-
separated, for example - vlog_ext .svh,.svp. The dot (.)
for specifying <ext> is mandatory.

The following directives are supported: -a_ext, -

amsvhdl_ext, -amsvlog_ext, -as_ext, -c_ext, -cpp_ext,
-dynlib_ext, -e_ext, -o_ext, -spice_ext, -sysv_ext, -

© AMIQ 35 Rev. 18.1.27

Specador Chapter 3. Compile
vhcfg_ext, -vhdl_ext. See ius.irun Compatibility Mode
for more details regarding <syntax>.
+systemverilogext vcs.vlogan All files with <ext> extension are parsed using the
+<ext> Compatibility SystemVerilog syntax.
-top GLOBAL Specify top configuration name.
GLOBAL The name of the UVM test which will be automatically
created under uvm_root.
-upf <upf_file> vcs.vlogan and Specify a UPF power format file for compilation.

and VHDL Only
-v <path> Specify a Verilog library file.
-v1995 ius.irun All files that would be parsed according to the File
Compatibility Extension to Language Syntax Mapping or Language
-v95 Mode-Specific Syntax for Unmapped Extensions with Verilog 2001
will be parsed instead with a reduced keywordset
variant of Verilog 2001. The reduced keywordset does
not contain the keywords automatic, localparam,
generate, endgenerate, and genvar.
-v200x ius.irun All files that would be parsed according to the File
Compatibility Extension to Language Syntax Mapping or Language
Mode-Specific Syntax for Unmapped Extensions with a VHDL
syntax flavor (but not VHDL AMS) will be parsed with
VHDL 2000 instead. Has precedence over -v93.
-v93 ius.irun All files that would be parsed according to the File
Compatibility Extension to Language Syntax Mapping or Language
Mode-Specific Syntax for Unmapped Extensions with a VHDL
syntax flavor (but not VHDL AMS) will be parsed with
VHDL 93 instead.
+v2k vcs.vlogan Sets the syntax for unmapped extensions to Verilog
Compatibility 2001.
+verilog1995ext vcs.vlogan All files with <ext> extension are parsed using the
+<ext> Compatibility Verilog 1995 syntax.

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Specador Chapter 3. Compile
+verilog2001ext vcs.vlogan All files with <ext> extension are parsed using the
+<ext> Compatibility Verilog 2001 syntax.
-vhdl87 vcs.vhdlan Sets the syntax for unmapped extensions to VHDL
Compatibility 1076-1987.
-vhdlext <ext> ius.irun Equivalent to -vhdl_ext +<ext>[,<ext>]
-vlogext <ext> ius.irun Equivalent to -vlog_ext +<ext>[,<ext>]
-w <lib> vcs.vhdlan Compile intro library <lib>.
-work <lib> Mode-Specific
-work <lib> Compile into library <lib>.
-wreal vcs.vlogan Enables wreal extended syntax for Verilog/
<res_func> Compatibility SystemVerilog files.

-y <path> Specify a Verilog library directory.
-pkgsearch <lib> ius.irun Specify the library search order for Verilog packages.
Compatibility You can specify multiple libraries by using this option
Mode-Specific multiple times.

-liblist vcs.vlogan Specify the library search order for Verilog packages.
<lib1>[+<lib2> Compatibility
+...] Mode-Specific


NOTE: GLOBAL directives are effective for all invocations. They are not reset by +dvt_init

3.10 e Language Test Files

Test Files are parsed independently on top of the Top Files.

A Test File can be specified using the following directive:

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Specador Chapter 3. Compile

All Test Files and the files imported by Test Files, but not part of Top Files and the files imported
by Top Files, are decorated with a green bullet:

3.11 e Language SPECMAN_PATH

The SPECMAN_PATH environment variable is used by the e Language parser to find imported

It can be defined or altered by using the +dvt_setenv+ directive.

When relative paths are provided, they are automatically transformed into paths relative to the
compilation root directory. By default the compilation root is the project directory. For more
details see Paths.


Define/overwrite shell-inherited value +dvt_setenv+SPECMAN_PATH=/my/

Append to shell-inherited value +dvt_setenv+SPECMAN_PATH=
Prepend to shell-inherited value +dvt_setenv+SPECMAN_PATH=/my/
Append <project_root>/e directory to the +dvt_setenv+SPECMAN_PATH=

Backward-compatibility note: starting with DVT version 3.2, if a .build file is used to configure
the project, the .edt_specman_path file is ignored.

Adding VIPs to $SPECMAN_PATH using

You can specify a list of VIPs that should automatically be located by DVT using
and added to the $SPECMAN_PATH (if available in the console where DVT was started). The
Specman version defines (e.g define SPECMAN_VERSION_###) are also detected using the
same mechanism.

By default, the following VIPs are located and added automatically: evc_util, vr_ad, ovm_e,

3.12 SystemVerilog OVM or UVM

Library Compilation
Typically the OVM or UVM libraries are compiled using directives like:

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Specador Chapter 3. Compile

Using the -ovm or -uvm directives

You can use the - ovm or - ''-uvm'' directives to compile the OVM or UVM libraries. They are
shortcuts for the explicit directives above.

For - ''-uvm'':

1. If the $UVM_HOME system variable is specified, use that library.

2. If the $DVT_UVM_HOME system variable is specified, use that library. If you launch DVT
using one of the utility scripts that ship with DVT, $DVT_UVM_HOME is set by default to
the most recent uvm library in $DVT_PREDEFINED_PROJECTS/libs.

The - ''-ovm'' directive works in a similar way.

NOTE: At any time you can set a system variable using for example:


3.13 Xilinx Libraries Compilation

In order to compile Xilinx libraries:

• specify the required libraries using the +dvt_init_xilinx directive

• specify the Xilinx installation path (ISE or Vivado), unless $DVT_XILINX_HOME system
variable is set

For example:




3.14 Intel(Altera) Quartus Libraries

In order to compile Intel(Altera) Quartus libraries:

• specify the required libraries using the +dvt_init_altera directive

• specify the Quartus installation path, unless $QUARTUS_ROOTDIR system variable is set

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Specador Chapter 3. Compile
For example:


The available VHDL libraries are ALTERA_MF, ALTERA, ALTERA_LNSIM, LPM, MAX,

The available Verilog libraries are ALTERA_MF_VER, ALTERA_VER,


© AMIQ 40 Rev. 18.1.27


Chapter 4. Compile Waivers

You can use waivers to change the severity (promote/demote) or disable the problems reported
by DVT during compilation.

Promote Warning -> Error

Demote Error -> Warning
Disable Hide
Restore Restore a waived problem to its default (originally reported) severity

Waivers are applied in order. Multiple waivers may be applied to the same problem.

Compile Waivers Examples

Use Case Solution

I want to hide all problems from a library that <waiver name="Disable all from library
I do not control. folder." severity="DISABLED"><match
I want to hide some errors that I don't care <waiver name="Disable all that
about. match a specific message pattern."
message="*some message pattern*"/></
I want to turn NON_STANDARD warnings <waiver name="Promote NON_STANDARD
into errors. warnings to errors."
I want to see only the problems reported on Create a waiver to disable all
files in a specific directory. problems: <waiver name="Disable all"
severity="DISABLED"><match path="*"/

After it, create a waiver to restore the

severity of the problems inside a specific
path: <waiver name="Restore my problems"
severity="DEFAULT"><match path="/my/
I want to hide some DVT false alarms until the Use a message based and/or path based waiver.
issue causing them is fixed.

Each problem message is in the form:

<CHECK_ID>: <Failure Details>

or, for Non-top files:

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Specador Chapter 4. Compile Waivers

_<CHECK_ID>: <Failure Details>

See Semantic Checks for a complete list of all checks and their identifiers.

This allows you to change the severity by check id using a waiver like:

<waiver name="Disable all <CHECK_ID>" severity="DISABLED"><match message="*<CHECK_ID>:*"/

Compile Waivers File Syntax (XML)

XML file header; required.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE waivers PUBLIC "-//DVT//waivers" "waivers.dtd" >

Root tag; required.
Version attribute is required.
The latest syntax version, illustrated by this example, is version 1.
<waivers version="1">
You can include waivers from other waiver files. The syntax
of the included files is the same as this. You may use environment
variables in the path to included waiver files.
<include path="$COMMON/path/to/included_waivers.xml"/>
The root tag must contain at least one waiver.
The waiver tag must specify the NEW severity of the problems
waived by this waiver; it can be one of ERROR, WARNING, DISABLED or DEFAULT
<waiver name="Optional short name of the waiver" severity="DISABLED">
<description>An optional verbose description of the waiver.</description>
Each waiver must contain at least one match tag.
Each match tag must specify a message pattern, a path pattern or both.
A match tag matches a problem if ALL specified patterns match.
The waiver will waive a problem if ANY of the match tags matches.
path pattern is NOT matched against the project relative path
patterns may contain * or ? wildcards
message="pattern to match against the problem's message"
<match message="*message pattern*" path="/path/pattern*"/>
<match message="*only by message*"/>

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<match path="/only/by/path*"/>
<!-- Further example waivers -->
<waiver name="Disable by message" severity="DISABLED">
This waiver disables all problems containing 'JUST_A_FOO_PROBLEM'
inside their message.
<match message="*JUST_A_FOO_PROBLEM*"/>
<waiver name="Demote by path" severity="WARNING">
This waiver turns into warnings all problems reported
under '/path/to/foo'
<match path="/path/to/foo/*"/>
<waiver name="Promote by path OR message" severity="ERROR">
This waiver turns into errors all problems that
contain 'JUST_A_FOO_PROBLEM' inside their message OR were reported
under '/path/to/foo'.</description>
<match message="*JUST_A_FOO_PROBLEM*"/>
<match path="/path/to/foo/*"/>
<waiver name="Disable by path AND message" severity="DISABLED">
This waiver disables all problems that contain 'JUST_A_FOO_PROBLEM'
inside their message AND were reported
under '/path/to/foo'.</description>
<match message="*JUST_A_FOO_PROBLEM*" path="/path/to/foo/*"/>

'''NOTE:''' Backslashes '\' are always treated as path separators, regardless of the OS. Therefore, you cannot u

© AMIQ 43 Rev. 18.1.27


Chapter 5. XML Preferences File

<!-- The XML file header, required. -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE spechtml PUBLIC "-//DVT//specador-preferences" "specador-preferences.dtd">
<spechtml version="6">


<!-- Location where documentation will be generated. Relative paths are solved as relative to the current di

<!-- Delete all files in the destination directory before generating documentation. -->

<!-- When running in GUI mode, choose whether to open or not the generated documentation in browser. --

<!-- Title -->

<title>Documentation Title</title>

<!-- The content of the overview file will be embedded in the first page.
Relative paths are solved as relative to the current directory. -->

<!-- Beautify comments: start sentences with capital letter, append dot after sentences, bfm -> BFM, dut ->

<!-- Syntax for comments formatting: auto, naturaldocs, javadoc or none. -->

<!-- The user defined navigation menu (HTML or XML format) will be embedded in the main menu.
Relative paths are solved as relative to the current directory. Default: none. -->

<!-- Add "Created by <username> ..." watermark. -->


<!-- Generate documentation only for public API. -->


<!-- API matching the below filters with not be included in the generated documentation. Default: none. -->
<!-- You can specify a comma-separated list of name patterns. Patterns may contain: * = any string, ? = any
<filter-string>type1, type*, ty?pe</filter-string>

<!-- You can specify one or more file or directory paths. -->

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Specador Chapter 5. XML
Preferences File Syntax
<!-- Generate UML inheritance diagram for each class, struct or unit. -->

<!-- Generate UML inheritance diagram for all class, struct or unit in each package. -->

<!-- Generate UML collaboration diagram for each class, struct or unit. -->

<!-- Generate UML direct associations diagram for each class, struct or unit. -->

<!-- Use orthogonal edge routing for class diagrams. -->


<!-- Generate design block diagram for each module, entity. -->

<!-- Generate design flow diagram for each module, entity. -->

<!-- Generate design schematic diagram for each module, entity. -->

<!-- Generate finite-state machine diagrams for all state variables found in the module, entity. -->


<!-- Link to the elements for which documentation is already generated in the directories specified below, i

<!-- Add entries in the main menu with links to the external documentation. -->


<!-- Generate modules documentation. -->


<!-- Generate interfaces documentation. -->


<!-- Generate programs documentation. -->


<!-- Generate macros documentation. -->


<!-- Generate ifndef guards documentation. Default: false. -->

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Specador Chapter 5. XML
Preferences File Syntax

<!-- Generate control defines documentation. Default: true. -->


<!-- Generate elements in the global scope (typedefs, classes, functions, tasks etc.). -->

<!-- Generate packages documentation. -->


<!-- Generate specific package documentation. -->


<!-- Generate assertions documentation. -->


<!-- Generate covergroups documentation. -->


<!-- Generate interface signals documentation. -->



<!-- Generate libraries documentation. -->


<!-- Generate specific library documentation. -->



<!-- Generate macro documentation. -->


<!-- Generate packages documentation. -->


<!-- Generate specific package documentation. -->



© AMIQ 46 Rev. 18.1.27


Chapter 6. XML Menu File Syntax

You can create your own custom navigation menu using a settings directive like:


The XML menu syntax is:

<!-- The XML file header, required. -->

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>

<menu version="1" <!-- Optional. Syntax version.

Default latest. -->

title="Intro" <!-- Optional. A title for the menu root node.

Default basename, if basename.txt is specified for src. -->

position="top" <!-- Optional. Menu position.

Default bottom. -->

src="some.txt" <!-- Optional. A text file to process (recognize NaturalDocs or Javadoc syntax).
Default none. -->

dest="some.html" <!-- Optional. A file to link the menu entry to.

Default basename.html, if basename.txt is specified for src.
Otherwise no link. -->

defaultPage="some.html" <!-- Optional. The default content page when opening index.html.
By default is the overview page, if any. -->

overview="false" <!-- Optional. Add Overview menu entry, unless false.

By default the Overview menu entry points to the Overview page.
The Overview page can be generated from the specified overview-file. -->

title="1 Menu" <!-- Optional. A title for the menu node.
Default basename, if basename.txt is specified for src. -->

src="chap1.txt" <!-- Optional. A text file to process (recognize NaturalDocs or Javadoc syntax).
Default none. -->

dest="ch1.html" <!-- Optional. A file to link the menu entry to.

Default basename.html, if basename.txt is specified for src.
Otherwise no link. -->
<item src="a.txt" title="1.1 Submenu"/>
<item src="b.txt" title="1.2 Submenu">
<item src="a.txt" title="1.2.1 Submenu"/>

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Specador Chapter 6. XML
Menu File Syntax

For example you get a menu like:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>

<menu version="1" title="Class Reference" src="docs/html/src/overviews/intro.txt" position="top" defaultPa
<item src="docs/html/src/overviews/base.txt" title="Base">
<item dest="uvm_pkg-uvm_object.html" title="uvm_object"/>
<item src="docs/html/src/overviews/reporting.txt" title="Reporting"/>
<item src="docs/html/src/overviews/recording.txt" title="Recording"/>
<item src="docs/html/src/overviews/factory.txt" title="Factory"/>
<item src="docs/html/src/overviews/phasing.txt" title="Phasing">
<item src="docs/html/src/overviews/test-phasing.txt" title="User Defined Phasing"/>

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Chapter 7. Comments Formatting

There are two formatting styles supported: JavaDoc & NaturalDocs.

You can use HTML syntax in JavaDoc comments.

7.1 JavaDoc

The table below lists the JavaDoc tags that DVT recognizes. For more details see http://

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Specador Chapter 7. Comments
@param Valid for: functions, tasks

Adds a parameter with the specified argument-name followed

by the specified description to the "Arguments" section
@return Valid for: functions

Adds a "Returns" section with the description text. This text

should describe the return type and permissible range of values
@see Adds a "See Also" heading with a link or text entry that
points to reference. A doc comment may contain any number
of @see tags, all grouped under the same heading
@author Adds an "Author" entry
@deprecated Adds a comment indicating that this API should no longer be
used (even though it may continue to work)
@version Adds a "Version" subheading with the specified version-text
@since Adds a "Since" heading with the specified since-text
{@link LINK_ADDRESS Inserts an in-line link with visible text label that points
LINK_TEXT} to the documentation for the specified package, class or
member name of a referenced class. This tag is valid in all doc
comments. For more details see below.
{@literal text} Displays text without interpreting the text as HTML markup
or nested javadoc tags. This enables you to use regular angle
brackets (< and >) instead of the HTML entities (<and >) in doc
comments, such as in parameter types (<Object>), inequalities
(3 < 4), or arrows (<-)

JavaDoc Links

An in-line link in a comment can be created using this tag {@link LINK_ADDRESS
LINK_TEXT}.There are two types of links:

• Internal Links -> point to data inside Documentation. In this case LINK_ADDRESS
must respect the following notation: Package_Name::Class_Name.Method_Name for an
absolute path or

TYPE_NAME.INNER_TYPE_NAME or just TYPE_NAME for relative paths. In case of

a relative path a link will be created to the best match for that type with regard to its scope
inside the project.
NOTE: Using relative paths could generate broken links if there are different data types with
the same name inside the project!

• External Links -> point to external web pages or files. For webpages LinkAddress must
start with http:// and for files with file:// followed by the resource's address. For example:
{@link} or {@link file://external-res.pdf}

For both types of links LINK_TEXT is optional and it can be used to show a user defined text
instead of link's path.

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Specador Chapter 7. Comments

7.2 NaturalDocs

The table below lists the NaturalDocs syntax that DVT recognizes. For more details see http://

<LinkAddress> Inserts an in-line link with visible text label that points
to the documentation for the specified package, class or
member name of a referenced class. This tag is valid in all doc
comments. For more details see below.
~Italic Text~ Use tilda (~) for Italic Text.
*Bold Text* Use star (*) for Bold Text.
Headings You can add headings to your output just by ending a line with
a colon and having a blank line above it.
Bullet Lists You can add bullet lists by starting a line with a dash, an
asterisk, an o, or a plus. Bullets can have blank lines between
them if you want, and subsequent lines don’t have to be

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Specador Chapter 7. Comments
indented. You end a list by skipping a line and doing something
Definition Lists You can add a definition list by using the format below,
specifically “text space dash space text”. Like bullet lists, you
can have blank lines between them if you want, subsequent
lines don’t have to be indented, and you end the list by skipping
a line and doing something else.
Images You can include images in your documentation by writing (see
filename). If you put it alone on a line it will be embedded in
Code and Text Diagrams , or :'''. If you have a vertical line or text box with the comment,
you must separate these symbols from it with a space.

NaturalDocs Links

An in-line link in a comment can be created using <LINK_ADDRESS LINK_TEXT>.There

are two types of links:

• Internal Links -> point to data inside Documentation. In this case LINK_ADDRESS
must respect the following notation: Package_Name::Class_Name.Method_Name for an
absolute path or TYPE_NAME.INNER_TYPE_NAME or just TYPE_NAME for relative
paths. In case of a relative path a link will be created to the best match for that type with
regard to its scope inside the project.
NOTE: Using relative paths could generate broken links if there are different data types with
the same name inside the project!

• External Links -> point to external web pages or files. For webpages LinkAddress must
start with http:// and for files with file:// followed by the resource's address. For example: <> or <file://external-res.pdf>

For both types of links LINK_TEXT is optional and it can be used to show a user defined text
instead of link's path.

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Chapter 8. Customizing
Generated documentation using new HTML style can be customized using the files
<html_doc>/css/custom.css and <html_doc>/js/custom.js.

The new HTML style is based on Bootstrap [http://] and jQuery [http://] frameworks and customizations can be done using jQuery API and by changing
Bootstrap's default styles.

Custom CSS

The custom Cascading Style Sheet is included last and can overwrite any style defined above.

Example: changing the color of collapsible panels holding the element names.

.panel-default > .panel-heading {

background-color: Chocolate;
color: Cornsilk;

Custom JavaScript

The custom.js JavaScript file is included at the end of the HTML and it can completely change
the content of the page.

Adding a custom "CONFIDENTIAL" warning to TOC and every page header can be done
using jQuery.

$('body').prepend('<div class="alert alert-warning text-center" role="alert">CONFIDENTIAL</div>');

Customizing the TOC page and the content pages separately can be achieved by testing the
window name:

if ( === "content")

$('body').prepend('<div class="alert alert-warning text-center" role="alert">This is the content frame</div>

if ( === "toc")

$('body').prepend('<div class="alert alert-warning text-center" role="alert">This is the toc frame</div>');

A similar approach can be used to customize individual pages based on the file name:

if (window.location.pathname.split('/').pop() === "summary-overview.html")

$('body').prepend('<div class="alert alert-warning text-center" role="alert">This is the the summary page<

Customizing the "Generated from" links that point to the relative path of the file used to generate
that page can be achieved by maching all the links with the href starting with ../sv and replacing
the href prefix with the new prefix http://some/external/location/sv :

if ( === "content") {

© AMIQ 53 Rev. 18.1.27

Specador Chapter 8. Customizing
.attr('href', function() {
return this.href.replace(/^file:.*\/sv/, 'http://some/external/location/sv')
.attr('target', function() { = "_blank";

© AMIQ 54 Rev. 18.1.27


Chapter 9. What is New?

#.# - major version - Includes new features, major enhancements, architectural changes, bug fixes.
Since 2015, a major version is named in sync with the release year, for example the first major version of 201
NOTE: When switching to a new major version it is recommended to start in a new workspace.

#.#.# - minor version - Includes bug fixes, minor enhancements.

18.1.27 (30 August 2018)


• DVT-12216 Batch mode compilation fails for files with modification time less or equal to 0

18.1.9 (12 April 2018)


• DVT-11399 Build config warnings are not reported when -ignore_compile_errors is used

17.1.43 (1 February 2018)


• DVT-11194 Export all libraries/packages if empty <export-vhdl-library/> or <export-vlog-

package/> tags are specified

17.1.41 (19 January 2018)


• DVT-11023 Show a warning if _JAVA_OPTIONS or JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS system

variables are set before running the tool

17.1.36 (24 November 2017)


• DVT-10883 Increased default heap size to 3g and default stack size to 4m for all 64 bits

17.1.30 (13 October 2017)


• DVT-10273 Ability to generate an XML file with all supported preferences


• DVT-10637 UVM filters for UML diagrams are not taken into account

© AMIQ 55 Rev. 18.1.27

Specador Chapter 9. What is New?

17.1.28 (28 September 2017)


• DVT-10582 Add hyperlinks to design schematic and flow diagrams

17.1.26 (14 September 2017)


• DVT-10508 doesn't return the correct exit code

17.1.17 (12 July 2017)


• DVT-10139 Add events from all SystemVerilog scopes containing events


• DVT-10096 Remove hyperlinks from e Language events that are not covered

• DVT-10097 Events are missing class documentation

17.1.16 (30 June 2017)


• DVT-10024 Ability to set the location of distribution's Eclipse and JRE folders using

17.1.15 (16 June 2017)


• DVT-10031 Removed Graphviz UML Diagrams and the flags used to generate them


• DVT-10032 Added new SVG UML Diagrams

17.1.7 (10 April 2017)


• DVT-8800 Comment lines with words containing the element name are stripped from

• DVT-9796 Specador: Go to element from global search does not work for mixed-language

17.1.1 (24 February 2017)

© AMIQ 56 Rev. 18.1.27

Specador Chapter 9. What is New?


• DVT-3079 Generate Finite-State Machine Diagrams


• DVT-7673 Fail when files passed as arguments do not exist

16.1.37 (24 February 2017)


• DVT-9375 Diagrams from referenced documentation are regenerated if the reference is

outside of the project

16.1.35 (1 February 2017)


• DVT-9146 Add the diagram-max-nof-nodes in DTD for auto complete


• DVT-9365 Global scope API filter does not work

• DVT-9418 Macros are documented even if excluded but Global Scope is selected

16.1.31 (9 December 2016)


• DVT-8159 Ignore @brief tags lines in comments

• DVT-9132 Add covergroup information in class, struct, unit pages

• DVT-9131 Ability to skip a header comment candidate that matches a simple pattern or regex
when using +dvt_extract_comment_header+

• DVT-9134 Ignore invalid HTML tags when parsing comments as JavaDoc


• DVT-9293 Fix NullPointerException when +dvt_auto_snps_vip_* flags are used

16.1.27 (28 October 2016)


• DVT-9122 Build config: irun location is not correctly inferred when compiling in batch mode

16.1.22 (12 September 2016)


© AMIQ 57 Rev. 18.1.27

Specador Chapter 9. What is New?

• DVT-8948 When testbench classes reside under a program, they are not available in the main

16.1.16 (8 July 2016)


• DVT-8135 Check that executed script is part of the same distribution where $DVT_HOME
points to

16.1.9 (9 May 2016)


• DVT-8567 Ability to add block, flow and schematic design diagrams using export-design-
block-diagram, export-design-flow-diagram, export-design-schematic-diagram


• DVT-7496 Expand on e Language checks page groups doesn't work

16.1.2 (3 March 2016)


• DVT-8326 No documentation generated for inner enums, structs or classes

• DVT-8340 Wrong Java path in MacOS distros

16.1.1 (24 February 2016)


• DVT-7978 Updated JRE in distribution to version 1.8.0u66

• DVT-8275 Build with Java 8, minimal JRE required version increased to 1.8

15.1.37 (23 December 2015)


• DVT-8156 SystemVerilog: Add preference to enable/disable "Ifndef Guard Defines"

extraction to HTML, do not generate by default

• DVT-8157 SystemVerilog: Add preference to enable/disable "Control Defines" extraction


15.1.34 (28 November 2015)


• DVT-8111 Add a preference to skip class diagram generation if maximum number of nodes
exceeds a specified threshold

© AMIQ 58 Rev. 18.1.27

Specador Chapter 9. What is New?

15.1.33 (20 November 2015)


• DVT-8092 SystemVerilog: Improve the performance of assertions and packages analysis

15.1.32 (18 November 2015)


• DVT-8085 Sometimes license checkout fails when using the latest FlexLM server (11.13.1)

15.1.27 (8 October 2015)


• DVT-7927 Wrong package comment processing when used for the overview page

15.1.25 (22 September 2015)


• DVT-7836 Ability to create URL for HTML frame content in order to simplify sharing links
to specific pages

15.1.24 (18 September 2015)


• DVT-7832 Ability to use a specific package documentation as the overview page

• DVT-7833 Ability to filter UVM API from index and macros pages in order to avoid clutter

• DVT-7834 Show functions and tasks in generated documentation for interfaces

• DVT-7835 Provide legend for class diagrams in generated documentation


• DVT-7888 Wrong progress report when linking external documentations

15.1.22 (2 September 2015)


• DVT-7829 Add diagram generation process timeout (1 minute)

15.1.18 (10 August 2015)


• DVT-7739 Improve Specator HTML search box performance

© AMIQ 59 Rev. 18.1.27

Specador Chapter 9. What is New?


• DVT-7737 Add preference to show brief comment in index tables

15.1.17 (3 August 2015)


• DVT-7727 New specador.bat Windows script


• DVT-6930 Ability to link header comment to first significant element in file

15.1.16 (27 July 2015)


• -gen_html_doc_from_settings is deprecated, use -preferences instead

• -get_html_doc flag is deprecated, use -title instead


• DVT-7664 Enhance progress reporting in batch mode - what file is currently generated, how
long it takes

• DVT-7665 Use both extern and implementation function argument comments when
generating documentation

• DVT-7667 Don't modify the capitalization of the first word in the sentence if that word is
in fact the identifier name

• DVT-7669 Ability to pass custom menu by command line

• DVT-7670 Ability to pass title by command line


• DVT-7663 Use portable awk syntax in scripts

• DVT-7687 Avoid silent exit after a StackOverflowError or OutOfMemoryError

15.1.11 (20 May 2015)


• DVT-7474 License error due to a NullPointerException in FlexLM

15.1.10 (15 May 2015)


© AMIQ 60 Rev. 18.1.27

Specador Chapter 9. What is New?

• DVT-7449 RuntimeExceptions are thrown when generating documentation that contains

some diagram types

15.1.1 (27 February 2015)


• DVT-7065 Build for Java 7, minimal JRE required version increased to 1.7

3.5.35 (30 January 2015)


• DVT-6284 Diagrams in Specador should reflect architectures not entities in VHDL

3.5.32 (18 December 2014)


• DVT-6900 Generated design diagrams are empty

3.5.30 (28 November 2014)


• DVT-6854 No license found when using Specador for SystemVerilog

3.5.26 (31 October 2014)


• DVT-6766 Use new HTML look & feel by default

3.5.25 (23 October 2014)


• DVT-6431 VHDL: Added architecture instances and sub-instances

3.5.24 (10 October 2014)


• DVT-6278 Added compile waivers in functionality

• DVT-6710 Added support for clocking blocks

3.5.23 (2 October 2014)


• DVT-6686 XML user defined menu - see XML Menu File Syntax

© AMIQ 61 Rev. 18.1.27

Specador Chapter 9. What is New?


• DVT-6213 Refine parameters documentation

• DVT-6688 Show parameters in the inheritance tree

• DVT-6689 Refine interfaces documentation (ports, variables, modports, clocking blocks)

3.5.19 (21 August 2014)


• DVT-6553 Specador compiles all files according to -lang switch in a mixed language build
configuration regardless of extension mappings

• DVT-6565 Specador complains about non-existing irun executable even if not in ius.irun
compatibility mode

• DVT-6570 FileNotFoundException (Not a directory) when generating documentation using

the new HTML style

3.5.18 (1 August 2014)


• DVT-6470 Specador "-h" shows help but also prints an error

3.5.17 (25 July 2014)


• DVT-5560 Ability to customize the HTML look & feel when new HTML style is used

• DVT-6487 Ability to inject HTML in generated documentation when new HTML style is


• DVT-6526 Watermark footer missing in new HTML style

3.5.16 (8 July 2014)


• DVT-6485 Specador: New HTML look & feel


• DVT-6279 SystemVerilog API defined under a class should appear only under that class and
not under global API

• DVT-6434 SystemVerilog remove covergroups, assertions, functions, tasks, variables from

index page and search

© AMIQ 62 Rev. 18.1.27

Specador Chapter 9. What is New?


• DVT-5550 Specador: Method argument comments are not extracted

• DVT-6210 Specador: Fixed JavaDoc @link hyperlink extraction when similar links are used

3.5.14 (24 June 2014)


• DVT-6353 VHDL Overloaded functions are not visible

3.5.13 (13 June 2014)


• DVT-6282 Validate the settings XML before compilation


• DVT-6331 Wrong hyperlinks when including external documentation directories

• DVT-6333 Show the external documentation title under the 'Referenced Documentation'
section in TOC

3.5.12 (10 June 2014)


• DVT-6285 & DVT-6287 Exceptions when generating documentation in certain


• DVT-6286 Exception when generating documentation with module diagrams with ports

• DVT-6288 FileNotFoundException when documentation is generated with diagrams in the

same location for multiple projects

• DVT-6304 Progress dialog should also include design diagrams and design diagrams with

3.5.11 (30 May 2014)

• First version

© AMIQ 63 Rev. 18.1.27


Chapter 10. Legal Notices

Copyright © 2005-2018 AMIQ EDA s.r.l. (AMIQ). All rights reserved.

License: This product is licensed under the AMIQ's End User License Agreement (EULA).

Trademarks: The trademarks, logos and service marks contained in this document are the
property of AMIQ or other third parties. DVT™, eDT™, VlogDT™, VhdlDT™, Verissimo™,
Specador™ are trademarks of AMIQ. Eclipse™ and Eclipse Ready™ are trademarks of Eclipse
Foundation, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective holders.

Restricted Permission: This publication is protected by copyright law. AMIQ grants

permission to print hard copy of this publication subject to the following conditions:

1. The publication may not be modified in any way.

2. Any authorized copy of the publication or portion thereof must include all original copyright,
trademark, and other proprietary notices and this permission statement.

Disclaimer: This publication is for information and instruction purposes. AMIQ reserves the
right to make changes in specifications and other information contained in this publication
without prior notice. The information in this publication is provided as is and does not represent
a commitment on the part of AMIQ. AMIQ does not make, and expressly disclaims, any
representations or warranties as to the completeness, accuracy, or usefulness of the information
contained in this document. The terms and conditions governing the sale and licensing of
AMIQ products are set forth in written agreements between AMIQ and its customers. No
representation or other affirmation or fact contained in this publication shall be deemed to be
a warranty or give rise to any liability of AMIQ whatsoever.

© AMIQ 64 Rev. 18.1.27


Chapter 11. Third Party Licenses

The following software may be included in this product:

• Eclipse Platform and Eclipse Plugins ( see license [LICENSE_ECLIPSE.TXT])

• Java SE Runtime Environment (JRE) ( see license [LICENSE_JRE.TXT])

• ANTLR v2 ( see license [LICENSE_ANTLR.TXT])

• FreeMarker ( see license [LICENSE_FREEMARKER.TXT])

• Graphviz ( see license [LICENSE_GRAPHVIZ.TXT])

• jtcl ( see license [LICENSE_JTCL.TXT])

• PMD ( see license [LICENSE_PMD.TXT])

• P4Eclipse ( see license [DISCLAIMER_P4ECLIPSE.TXT])

• SVNKit ( see license [LICENSE_SVNKIT.TXT])

• viPlugin (DVT includes a version of Michael Bartl's viPlugin)

• UVVM ( see license [LICENSE_UVVM.TXT])

• OSVVM ( see license [LICENSE_OSVVM.TXT])

Changes to open source projects distributed with DVT can be found in $DVT_HOME/misc/

© AMIQ 65 Rev. 18.1.27

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