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Sleep Deprivation

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The document discusses the behavioral, physiological and theoretical implications of acute sleep deprivation based on thousands of studies conducted over a hundred years.

Acute sleep deprivation can cause alterations in mood, alertness and performance and affect numerous systems in the body. It can produce effects similar to alcohol intoxication.

During recovery sleep after sleep loss, there is elevated slow wave sleep followed by elevated rapid eye movement sleep. Sleep patterns may take multiple nights to return to normal.





Michael H. Bonnet
(Page 54-66)

By :
Defa Agripratama Ali, S.Ked
K1A1 13 009

Supervisor :
dr. Junuda RAF, M.Kes., Sp.KJ.


Acute Sleep Deprivation

Michael H. Bonnet


Sleep deprivation is extremely common in modern society. Sleep loss is

accompanied by significant and increasingly apparent alterations in mood, alertness, and
performance. This chapter reviews the behavioral effects of sleep deprivation, including
both sleep/sircadian influences and arousal system Influences such as activity, light, noise,
posture, motivation, and drugs. The effects of sleep loss are broad, and numerous systems
are affected. Work showing similar changes after alcohol ingestion provides one means of
temporal veiy describing the effects of sleep loss. A number of relatively mild physiologic
changes accompany total sleep deprivation In man. man However, several new means of
assessing Sleep deprvation effects, Including brain scans, genetic assessment, and animal
models, Show promise for a better understanding of sleep and sleep loss. Studies have also
shown that high frequency periodic sleep fragmentation produces non restorative sleep that
results In a state of sleepiness and decreased performance that is similar In many
dimensions to sleepiness after total sleep deprivation. Recovery sleep after sleep loss or
sleep fragmentation shows a characteristic pattern of elevated slow wave sleep (SWS) With
elevated sensory thresholds followed by elevated rapid eye movement (REM) sleep.

Sleep deprivation is both extremely common and critically relevant in our society.
As a clinical entity, sleep deprivation is recognized by the dlagnosis of insufficient sleep
syndrome (International Classification of Diseases [ICD]2, #307.44). As an experimental
methodology, sleep deprivation serves as a major tool in understanding the function of
sleep. A broad range of physiologic responses and behavioral abilities have been examined
after varying periods without sleep, and lawful relationships have been described. These
relationships and the theory they represent are important in their own right, but the findings
also serve as an extensive guide to symptoms associated with insuficient sleep.
Furthermore, methods developed to lessen the impact of sleep deprivation also serve as
possible clinical treatment: for disorders related to insufficient sleep or excessive

This chapter will review behavioral, physiologic, and theoretical implications of

acute sleep deprivation. Chronic partial sleep deprivation is examined in Chapter 6. Studies
of sleep deprivation can suffer from some common methodological problems that require
consideration. The most important control issue is that one cannot perform a blinded sleep
deprivation study. Both experimenter and subject motivation can have an impact on results,
particularly in the behavioral and subjective domains. Motivation effects are frequently
apparent near the end of sleep deprivation studies (where performance improvement is
sometimes found) and may account for the difficulty in showing early decrements. Animal
studies are less susceptible to subject expectation effects. but they may contain additional
elements of stress that may interact with sleep loss, so these studies may not be directly
comparable wiith stress control conditions. In addition, almost all sleep loss experiments
involve more than simple loss of sleep. Maintenance of wakefulness usually includes
upright posture, light, movement, cognition, and all the underlying physiologic processes
implied by these activities. The experimental setting itself is usually far from routine. Some
studies have attempted to control some of these factors during sleep loss, but trying to
control all variables in a single experiment is daunting.

Over a thousand studies of sleep deprivation have been published during the past
10 years, and the resulting knowledge database has been remarkably consistent. However,
new techniques and increasingly sensitive tests continue to add both theoretical and
practical understanding of the impact of sleep loss. This review includes sections on total
sleep deprivation, sleep fragmentation, and recovery from sleep deprivation.


The first published studies of total sleep loss date to 1894 for puppies and 1896 for
humans. The puppy study indicated that prolonged sleep loss in animals could be fatal, an
idea reinforced by numerous, more recent animal studies. The human study included a
range of physiologic and behavioral measurements and remains a model study.

Behavioral Effects

The most striking effect of sleep loss is sleepiness, and this can be inferred from
subjective reports, the multiple sleep latency test (MSLT), electroencephalographic (EEG)
change, or simply looking at the face of the participant. The variables that determine the
impact of sleep loss can be divided into four categories: sleep/circadian influences, arousal
system influences, individual characteristics, and test characteristics (Box 5-1).
Sleep/Circadian Influences

Sleep deprivation, like nutritional status. is a relative concept. How an individual

responds to sleep loss depends on the prior sleep amount and distribution. Performance
during a period of sleep loss is also directly dependent on the length of time awake and the
circadian time. and predictive models support these factors. Experiments usually try to
control prior wakefulness and sleep amount by requiring “normal” nights of sleep before
initiation of a sleep loss episode. Data from multiple regression analyses of behavioral and
EEG data during 64 hours of sleep loss suggest that time awake accounts for 25% to 30%
of the variance in alertness, and that circadian time accounts for about 6% of the variance.
When prophylactic naps of varying length were interjected early in a period of sleep loss,
it was found that the prophylactic nap sleep accounted for about 5% of the variance in
alertness during the sleep deprivation period. In terms of reducing the effect of sleep loss,
the overall effect of increasing the prophylactic naps period was linear for additional sleep
amounts ranging up to 8 hours in length. Figure 5-1 displays the effects of time awake and
the Circadian rhythm on objective alertness as measured by the MSLT and the ability to
complete correct symbol substitutions during 64 hours of sleep loss.

Arousal Influences

Environmental and emotional surroundings have a large impact on the course of a

period of sleep loss. In early Stages of sleep deprivation, many intervening variables can
easily reverse all measurable sleep loss decrements. These influences include activity,
bright light, noise, temperature, posture, stress, and drugs.


A 5-minute walk immediately preceding MSLT evaluations had a large impact

(about 6 minutes) on MSLT. which masked the impact of a 50% reduction of nocturnal
sleep (about a 2-minute reduction on MSLT) and continued for at least 90 minutes. Exercise
before performing tasks provided transient reversal of some psychomotor decrements
resulting from sleep loss. However, more ambitious studies comparing high activity and
low activity that continued over 40 to 64 hours of sleep deprivation have shown no
beneficial effects of exercise on overall performance. Perhaps, arousing stimuli act for only
a discrete period of time that is decreased by increasing sleep loss. There may also be a
trade-off between production of arousal and production of physical fatigue.
Bright Light

Bright light can shift circadian rhythms. Some controversy exists concerning
whether bright light can also act as a source of stimulation during a sleep-loss state to help
to maintain alertness. Two of five studies found that periods of bright light immediately
before sleep onset significantly increased sleep latencies. Other studies found improved
nocturnal perfomance during bright light conditions, with elevated heart rate as a probable


Noise despite complex and occasionally negative effects on the performance of

well-rested individuals, may produce small beneficial effects during sleep deprivation. It is
generally assumed that noise increases arousal level, and this may provide maximal benefit
during sleep loss.


Although temperature variation is commonly used as acute stimulus to maintain

alertness, little research an ports ambient temperature as a large modulator of alertness. One
study has shown that heat (92° F) was effective in improving performance durlng the initial
minutes of a vigilance task during sleep deprivation. However, another study showed only
a small decrease in subjectively rated sleepiness for about 15 minutes after a car air
conditioner was turned on during simulated driving.


One study has shown a significant increase in sleep latency, as ameasure of

alertness, when subjects were asked to fall asleep in the sitting position (60-degree angle)
as opposed to lying down. Such adifference could be accounted for by increasing
symphatetic nervous system activity, which occurs as one moves to upright posture.


Many drugs have been studied in conjunction with sleep loss, and an extensive
review by the American academy of sleep medicine has been published. Most studies have
examine stimulants, including amphetamine, caffeine, methylphenidate, modafinil,
armodafinil, nicotine, and cocaine.
Numerous studies have shown that caffeine (dosages of 200 to 600 mg) modafinil
(100 to 400 mg) and amphetamine (5 to 20 mg) can improve objective alertness and
psychomotor performance for periods of time related to dosage, half life, and hours of total
sleep deprivation. However, head-to head studies often provide the clearest comparison of
compounds. One study examined alertness and response speed hourly for 12 hours during
the first night of sleep deprivation after administration of modafinil (100, 200, and 400 mg)
in comparison with caffeine 600 mg. In that study, modafinil dosages of 200 and 400 mg
were shown to be equivalent to caffeine (600 mg) in maintaining response speed
consistently above placebo levels for 12 hours. The same group compared modafinil (400
mg), caffeine (600 mg), and dextroamphetamine (20 mg) given just before midnight of the
second night of total sleep loss. In this study, caffeine and dextroainphetamine significantly
improved response speed only at midnight, 2.00 AM, and 4 00 AM, whereas modafinil
improved response speed through 10 AM. The decreased sensitivity to caffeine probably
reflects both the half-life of caffeine and the increased sleep pressure from the second night
of deprivation. Side effects were fewest after modafinil at 400 mg. However, the authors
concluded that (1) these stimulants all provided some benefits and had some associated
costs, (2) caffeine, With efficacy, availability, and low cost, can be a first choice for
alertness, and (3) modafinil with good efficacy and few side effects, would be a good
subtitute if caffeine were ineffective (related to time course of available administration, or
degree of sleep loss).

Effects of stimulants can be enhanced by the use of naps or other sources of arousal.
The beneficial effect of caffeine (300 mg) during periods of sleep loss was approximately
equivalent to that seen after a 3-to 4-hour prophylactic nap before the sleep loss period.
The combination of a 4 hours prophylactic nap followed by 200 mg caffeine at 1.30 AM
and 7.30 AM resulted in significantly improved performance (remaining at baseline levels)
compared with the nap alone, for 24 hours of nocturnal naps. The combination of 200 mg
of caffeine administered at 10 00 PM and 2.00 AM and exposure to 2500-lux bright light
had no impact beyond effect of caffeine alone on the maintenance of wakefulness test but
did provide significant benefit above caffeine alone on a vigilance task.

Recent work has shown that armodafinil (the levorotatory R-enantiomer of

modafinil). which has a 10-to 14-hour half-life, is effective in maintaining alertness and
performance throughout 1 night of sleep deprivation. Results With armodafinil (200 mg)
appeared to be similar to those with modafinil (200 mg) but may have provided some
additional benefit 11 to 13 hours after administration.

Nicotine, infused intravenously at dosages of 0.25, 0 37 and 0.5 mg after 48 hours

of wakefulness, had no signifcant impact on MSLT or psychomotor performance. Cocaine
(96 mg), like amphetamine, did not improve performance in subjects before sleep loss.
However, reaction time and alertness, as measured by the Profile of Mood States. was
improved after 24 and 48 hours of sleep loss.

Alcohol use has been found to consistently reduce alertness. Subjects were tested
With the MSLT and Simulated driving after 0.6 g/kg alcohol or placebo following normal
sleep or 4 hours of sleep. There was a Significant main effect for condition, and MSLT
latencies were 10.7, 63, 6.1, and 4.7 minutes after placebo (normal sleep), placebo (4 hours
sleep), ethanol (normal sleep). and ethanol (4 hours sleep), respectively. Similar results
were found in the driving Simulator, where there were three “crashes” all in the reduce-
sleep-with-ethanol condition. One difliculty in assessing the magnitude of performance
effects associated with sleep loss is the lack of a clear standard of pathology for most
measures. The fact that society has established very specific rules for blood alcohol content
with respect to driving has led to the use of impairment associated with blood alcohol level
as a standard reference for sleep deprivation as well. Several studies of alcohol use in direct
comparison with sleep deprivation have shown decrements on different tasks. Response
speed on the Mackworth task was reduced by approximately half a second by 3:45 AM
(i.e.. with sleep loss) and to it similar extent by a blood alcohol content (BAC) of 0.1%.
Also hand-eye coordination (in a Visual tracking task) declined in a linear fashion during
sleep loss and With increasing BAC, such that performance was equivalent at 3.00 AM to
a blood alcohol level of 0.05% and equivalent at 03.00 AM (after a full night of sleep loss)
to a blood alcohol level of 0.1%. In a third study, performance vim measured in a driving
simulator after alcohol use or slut deprivation. After a night of sleep deprivation l: 7:30
AM), subjects averaged one off-road (i.e., vehicle driving off the road) incident every 5
minutes. This level of off-road driving was reached with a BAC of 0.08 . These studies
suggest that the changes in response speed, visual tracking, and driving commonly found
during First night of total sleep deprivation are equivalent to changes associated with legal
intoxication. Such metrics provide useful understanding of the consequences associated
with short periods of sleep loss.
Motivation Or Interest

Motivation is relatively easy to vary by paying subjects and has therefore received
attention. In one study, monetary rewards for “hits” on a vigilance task and “lines” for false
alarms‘ resulted in Perfomance being maintained at baseline levels for the first 36 hours of
sleep loss in the highincentive group. Performance began to decline during the followrng
24 hours but remained significantly better than in the “no incentive" group. However, the
incentive was ineffective In maintaining performance at a higher level during the third day
of sleep loss. Knowledge of results for example, the publication of daily test results-was
sufficient to remove the effects of 1 night of sleep loss. 1n another variation, simple
knowledge that a prolonged episode of sleep deprivation was gorng to end In a few hours
was sufficient for performance to Improve by 30% in a group of soldiers.

Group effect

There are few studies, but interest is growing in how groups perform during sleep
deprivation. Such studies are difficult because groups of individuals interact in many ways.
One early study suggested that, if all group members were working at a similar task, greater
deficits were seen as sleep deprivation progressed, compared with individual work.
However, a more recent study that distributed work so that each indivrdual added a unique
component to task completion found that the deficits that accumulated during sleep
deprivation were less pronounced in the group task.

Repeated periods of sleep loss

Studies of repeated episodes of sleep loss have agreed that the magnitude of
performance loss increases as a function of the number of exposures to sleep loss.
Increasrngly poor performance may be secondary to decreased motivation or to familiarity
with the sleep deprivation paradigm (resulting in decreased arousal).

Individual Characteristics

The impact of sleep loss on a given individual depends on charactensties that each
parucrpant brings to the sleep loss srtuanon. For example, age and personality represent
differences in physiologic or psychological function that may interact with the sleep loss

Tests of performance and alertness in older subjects undergoing sleep loss reveal a
decrease in performance and alertness similar to that seen in younger individuals. If
anything, older men had a smaller decrease in psycliomotor performance ability at
nocturnal times during sleep loss than younger men. Older individuals perform more poorly
than Young adults on a broad range of tasks, but, because of decreased amplitude of the
Circadian body temperature rhythm, this relationship may not be maintained across the
night or during sleep loss.The same flattened curve associated wrth lower temperatures and
decreased performance during the day also produces relatively elevated temperatures that
could be related to improved performances at night.

Sensitivity to sleep Loss

A number of studies have now demonstrated consistent individual differences in

both alertness and performance during sleep deprivation.The studies have also shown that
the reliable changes in subjective alertness objective alertness and performance are not
related to one another. Performance consistently declined in the same subjects when sleep
loss was repeated, but decrements did not generalize across performance tasks. This has
led some to speculate that different brain areas could be responsible for different tasks.
Some studies have begun to look for central predictors of performance loss. Early
functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies showed that subjects With higher
levels of global brain acuvation (consistent at both baseline and during sleep loss)
maintained better performance on a working memory task, and a more recent study linked
working memory during sleep loss wrth left frontal and parietal brain areas. Other studies
have shown that extroverts and caffeine-sensitive individuals were more sensinve to sleep
loss. Such findings imply individual trait ability to maintain higher levels of arousal in
specrfic brain areas or system to help to mantain performance during sleep loss.

In another approach, over 400 potential subjects were screened genetically, and
groups were formed on the basis of die PER3 polymorphism (PER3[5/5] versus PER3/4/4I)
before a 40-hour constant routine. The PER3(5/5) group appeared sleepier by all measures
(significantly shorter sleep latency, more slow-wave sleep (SW5), greater slow eye
movements during sleep loss, and significantly worse performance during sleep loss,
particularly on executive tasks done early in the morning.

Personality and psycopathology

Mood changes, including increased sleepiness, fatigue, irritability, difficulty in
concentrating and disorientation, are commonly reported during periods of sleep loss.
Perceptual distortions and hallucinations, primarily of a visual nature, occur in up to 80%
of normal individuals, depending on work load, Visual demands, and length of deprivation.
Such misperceptions are normally quite easy to differentiate from the primarily auditory
hallucinations of a schizophrenic patient, but normal individuals undergoing sleep loss may
express paranoid thoughts. Two percent of 350 individuals sleep deprived for 112 hours
experienced temporary states resembling acute paranoid schizophrenia, Some
predisposition toward psychotic behavior existed in individuals who experienced
Significant paranoia during sleep loss, and the paranoid behavror tended to become more
pronounced during the night, vnth partial recovery during the day and disappearance after
recovery sleep. In a review of the area, Johnson concluded, “Each subject‘s response to
sleep loss will depend on his age, physical condition, the stability of his mental health,
expectations of those around him, and the support he receives. At a more general level,
normal adults undergoing sleep deprivation typically express some increase in somatic
complaints, anxiety, depression, and paranoia that do not reach clinical levels.

In view of the commonly reported effects of sleep deprivation, it seems quite

unusual that one would seek to treat depression by sleep deprivation. However, sleep
deprivation has been used as a successful treatment for depression in 40% to 60% of cases
for over 30 years. Imaging Studies have shown that depressed patients have elevated
metabolism in the prefrontal cortex and ventral anterior cingulate cortex (possibly related
to reduced transmission of dopamine and serotonin) that is normalized by sleep deprivation.
One theory proposes that sleep deprivation is more effective in depressed patients with high
levels of activation or high central noradrenergic activity because it limits the effects of
chronic hyperarousal. As a result, patients felt tired but also had improved mood and

Test characteristics and types

two meta analyses of subtopics of sleep deprivation have been published. Both
analyses indicated that sleep deprivanon has a Significant Impact on psychomotor
performance. In general, longer periods of sleep loss had greater impact on performance,
and decrements in speed of performance were greater than decreases in accuracy. Also,
mood measures were more sensitive than cognitive tasks, which were more sensitive than
motor tasks, during sleep loss. Therefore, the measured response to sleep deprivanon Is
critically dependent on the characteristics of the test used. To some extent. the type of test
has also been used to infer specific brain area dysfunction. Sleep deprived individuals
appear most sensitive to the following dimensions.

Length of test

Individuals undergoing sleep loss can usually rally momentarily to perform at their
non-sleep deprived levels, but their ability to maintain that performance decreases as the
length of the task increases. For example, subjects attempted significantly fewer addition
problems than baseline after 10 minutes of testing following 1 night of sleep loss but
reached the same criterion after 6 minutes of testing following the second night of sleep
loss. It took 50 minutes of testing to show a significant decrease in percentage of correct
problems after 1 night of sleep loss, and 10 minutes of testing to reach that criterion after
the second night. It is frequently difficult to show reliable differences during short-term
sleep loss from almost any test that is shorter than 10 minutes in duration. Momentary
arousal, even as minor as an indication that 5 minutes remained on a task, was sufficient to
reverse 75% of the decrement accumulated over 30 minutes of testing.

Knowledge of results

Immediate performance feedback, possibly acting through motivation, has been

shown to improve performance during sleep deprivation. Simply not giving knowledge of
results to subiects with normal sleep doubled their number of very long responses (“gaps")
on a serial-reaction time test. One night of total sleep loss increased the number of gaps by
9.3 times the baseline level, but provision of immediate knowledge of results decreased t e
number of gaps back to baseline levels.

Test pacing

Self paced tasks are usually more resistant to the effects of sleep loss than tasks
that are timed or in which item are presented by the experimenter. In a shelf-paced task,
the subjects can concentrate long enough to complete items correctly and not be penalized
for lapses in attention that occur between items. When tasks are externally paced, errors
occur if items are presented during lapses in attention.
Proficiency level

Sleep loss is likely to affect newly learned skills more than well-known activities
as long as arousal level remains constant. For example, in a Study of the effects of sleep
loss on doctors in training, sig-nificant performan were found in posrgraduate year (PGY)-
1 surgical residents but not in PGY-2 to -5 surgical residents.

Difficulty or complexity

Performance on Simple tasks such as monitoring a control panel (on/off) declines

less than performan on more complex tasks such as mental subtraction during sleep loss.
Task difficulty can also be adjusted by increasing the speed at which the work must be
performed, when 2seconds was allowed to complete mental arithmetic problems, no
significant performance decline was found after 2 nights of sleep loss, but when the rate of
presentation was increased to 1.25 seconds, significant performance decline was found.

Memory requirement

Impairment of immediate recall for elements placed in short-term memory is a

classic finding in sleep deprivation studies. Because subjects are usually required to write
down each item as presented, the observed decrements, which can usually be seen after 1
night of sleep loss, do not result from impaired sensory registiration of items. Observed
decrements may result from decreased ability to encode, from an increasing inability to
rehearse old items (due to lapses) while the items are being presented, or from a
combination of memory effects with reduced ability to respond. Deficits have been shown
in both explicit/declarative memory and procedural/implicit memory.

Executive function

Increasing behavioral and physiologic data implicate loss of function in prefrontal

brain areas during sleep loss. Prefrontal areas are heavily involved in divergent thinking:
temporal memory (planning, prioritization, organization). and novelty. Numerous studies
have shown deficits on these tasks during sleep loss. One study has shown decreased ability
to make emotional judgments after total sleep loss. Another aspect of prefrontal behavior
is related to risk taking. Studies have shown a shift toward accepting short term rewards
even when long-term consequences were more severe after sleep loss

Subjective (versus objective) measures

Measures of mood such as sleepiness, fatigue, and ability to think or concentrate
are inversely correlated With performance and body temperature during sleep loss. Mood
changes occur early, are easy to measure, and are prominent.

EEG Measures

Clear EEG changes are seen during sleep loss (see neurologic Changes, later). The
MSLT a standard test developed as an obiective measure of sleepiness, was validated in
part, by being shown to be sensitive to several types of Partial and total sleep loss. That the
MSLT is more sensitive than psychomotor tasks can be seen in Figure 5-1, which displays
performance changes in terms of the number of symbol substitutions correctly completed
in 5-minute test periods and MSLT data.”


Tasks most affected by sleep loss are long , monotonous, without feedback,
externally paced, newly learned, and have a memory component. One example of a task
containing many of these elements is driving, which was discussed earlier in reference to
the effects of alcohol. Since 1994, more than 20 studies have examined the impact of
reduced sleep on various measures of driving ability or safety. One study, for example,
found that 49% of medical residents who worked on call and averaged 2.7 hours of sleep
reported falling asleep at the wheel (90% of the episodes were after being on call). The
residents also had 67% more citations for moving violations and 82% more car accrdents
than the control group.


Physiologic changes that occur during sleep loss can be categorized into neurologic
(including EEG), autonomic, genetic, biochemical, and clinical changes. Physiologic and
biochemical effects of sleep deprivation were extensively reviewed by Home.

Neurologic Changes

Although it is asy to identify a sleep-deprived individual by appearance and to

demonstrate obvious behavioral changes. measurable neurologic changes during sleep loss
are relatively minor and quickly reversible. In extended sleep loss studies (205 or more
hours), mild nystagmus, hand tremor, intermittent slurring of speech, and ptosis have been
noted. Sluggish corneal reflexes, hyperactive gag reflex, hyperactive deep tendon reflexes,
and increased sensitivity to pain were reported after deprivation that is more extensive. All
of these changes reversed immediately after recovery sleep.

Sleep loss is consistently accompanied by characteristic EEG changes. In careful

studies, subjects have been required to stand or to be involved in tasks in an attempt to
stabilize arousal level. Several studies have reported a generally linear decrease in alpha
activity during sleep loss. Subjects were unable to sustain alpha activity for longer than 10
seconds after 24 hours of sleep loss, and this ability continued to decline to 4 to 6 seconds
after 72 hours, and 1 to 3 seconds after 120 hours of sleep loss. After 115 hours of sleep
loss, eye closure failed to produce alpha activity. In another study, in which individuals
were recorded standing with their eyes closed, the percentage of time spent with an alpha
pattern in the EEG decreased from 65% in the early deprivation period to about 30% after
100 hours of sleep loss. Delta and theta activity in the waking EEG were increased from
17% and 12% of the time to 38% and 26% of the time, respectively. The Increase in delta
activity was most pronounced in frontal trees in younger subjects. Performance errors
during sleep loss were usually accompanied by a slowing of the EEG that was labeled a

Imaging Studies

Global decreases in brain activation correlated with increasing sleep loss have been
found using positron emission tomography (PET). Larger decreases were found in
prefrontal, parietal, and thalamic areas. Several MRI studies have examined the activity in
prefrontal cortex and parietal lobes after sleep loss that was measured while subiects
performed various tasks. In some studies of Verbal tasks, activity in these areas increases
with task difficulty and after sleep loss as long as performance level is maintained, which
has been interpreted as representing increased effort after sleep loss. However, studies that
have found declines in performance or examined subjects with poor performance after sleep
loss have reported decreases in parietal activation during the performance. These MRI
results suggest that imaging patterns could predict performance deficits during sleep loss.

Clinical EEG
Although the neurologic changes associated with significant sleep loss are
relatively minor in normal young adults, sleep loss has repeatedly been shown to be a highly
activating stress in individuals suffering seizure disorders, perhaps by reduction of central
motor inhibition. Using a period of sleep loss as a “challenge” to elicit abnormal EEG
events is currently a standard neurologie test.

Autonomic Changes

In humans, autonomic changes, even during prolonged periods of sleep loss, are
relatively minor. Individual studies have reported either increases or decreases in systolic
blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, finger pulse volume, heart rate, respiration rate,
and tonic and phasic skin conductance. However, the majority of 10 to 15 studies have
reported no change in these variables during sleep loss in humans. It has been suggested
that these variable findings could be explained in part by measurement circumstances.
Those studies that have had more strict activity controls and have made measurements from
recumbent subjects have been more likely to find evidence for decreased or no change in
activation, whereas studies of sitting or more active participants have tended to find
increases in these parameters.

There may be about a 20% reduction in response to hypoxia and hypercapnia

during sleep deprivation. However, this reduction was suggestive of a transIent setpoint
change rather than system failure. Sleep deprivation has been associated with small
decreases in forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) and forced Vital capacity (FVC)
in patients with pulmonary disease. Both a study of infants and one of adults have shown
more apneic events and longer apneic events after sleep loss. Brooks and colleagues have
shown that apneas become longer as a function of the sleep fragmentation produced by the
apneas (as opposed to the respiratory pathology).

Several studies in humans have found a small overall decrease (0.3 to 0.4 C) in
body temperature during sleep loss. Changes in thermoregulation have been described as
heat retention deficits. Much larger changes in thermoregulation producing huge increases
in energy expenditure have been found in rats after longer periods of sleep deprivation (see
chapter 18).

No sleep deprivation related changes in whole body metabolism were found at

normal temperatures and In a cold stress sttuanon. This finding in humans is of particular
interest because a series of elegant studies in rats has shown that after a week of sleep loss,
metabolic levels are greatly increased, Increased food consumption is accompanied by
significant weight loss, and significant difficulty With thermoregulauon is apparent. several
studies have examined aspects of brain metabolism in animals during short periods of sleep
deprivation. Direct measures of brain metabolic rate were not different after a short period
of sleep depnvation, although several related enzymes did differ. However, some of the
noted differences could have been related to stress rather than sleep deprivation.

Biochemical Changes

Several studies ( 10 or more for some variables) have examined various

biochemical changes in humans during sleep loss. There is generally no significant change
in cortisol, adrenaline and related compounds, catecholamine output, hematocrit, plasma
glucose, creatinine, or magnesium during sleep loss.

Results from analyses of blood components largely parallel the results found in urine
components. None of the adrenal or sex hormones (including cortisol, adrenaline,
noradrenaline, luteinizmg hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone, Variants of testosterone,
and progesterone) rises during sleep deprivation in humans. Some of these hormones
actually decreased somewhat during sleep loss, perhaps as a result of sleepiness and
decreased physiologic activation. Thyroid activity, as indexed by thyrotropin, thyroxine,
and triiodothyronine, was increased, probably as a result of the increased energy
requirements of continuous wakefulness. Studies appear about equally divided between
those showing an increase in melatonin and no change in melatonin during sleep
deprivation. A finding of decreased melatonin in young adults after sleep deprivation
suggested that earlier findings of increased melatonin may have been related to lack of
control for posture, activity, and light. Most studies have concluded that there is no
significan tchange in hematocrit levels, erythrocyte count, or plasma glucose during total
sleep deprivation in humans. As would be expected, hormones such as noradrenaline,
prolactin, glhrelin, and growth hormone, which are dependent on sleep for their Circadian
rhythmicity or appearance, lose their periodic pattern of excretion during sleep loss (see
reference 74 for review). Rebounds in growth hormone and adrenocorucotropic hormone
(ACTH) during recovery sleep are seen after sleep loss or SWS deprivation

Gene Studies

A recent review of gene expression has described a number of changes that occur
during wakefulness and extended wakefulness (see Chapter 15). A number of genes
expressed during wakefulness that regulate mitochondrial activity and glucose transport
probably reflect increased energy use while awake. However, as sleep deprivation
progresses, one gene, for the enzyme arylsulfotransferase (AST), showed stronger
induction as a function of length of sleep deprivation, AST Induction could reflect a
homeostatic response to continuing central noradrenergic activity during sleep loss, and
this might imply a role for sleep in reversing activity of brain catecolaminergic systems. In
another approach, a named sleepless was identified as required for Sleep in Drosophilla.
Flies With Significant reduction in Sleep protein had reduced sleep and sleepiness before
and after sleep deprivation

Clinical Changes

Immune Function

A number of studies in humans have examined various aspects of immune function

after varying periods of partial or total sleep loss (see Chapter 25). Several studies have
found decreases in natural killer (NK) cell numbers after short periods of sleep deprivation,
but increases after longer periods of sleep deprivation. Some studies have shown increases
in interleukin (IL)-1 and IL-6 during total sleep loss. In general, immune function studies
are difficult to compare because parameters measured, time and number of blood draws,
and degree of sleep deprivation vary across studies.

At a more macroscopic level, one study reported the development of respiratory

illness or asthma in three subjects after a 64 hour sleep deprivation protocol, whereas
another reported no incidence of illness after a similar protocol. In longer studies involving
strenuous exercise and other factors along with sleep loss, increased infection rates are
reported about 50% of the time.

One animal study has suggested that mice immunized against a respiratory
influenza virus responded to that virus as if they had never been immunized, only when
exposed after sleep loss. However, in another study, total sleep loss actually slowed the
progression of a Viral infection in mice. An extensive study of sleep loss in rats (7 to 49
days) was unable to show significant changes in spleen numbers, mitogen responses, or in
vivo or in vitro splenic antibody-secreting cell responses.

Increased sensitivity to pain has been an incidental finding in sleep deprivation
research for many years, but 10 studies have now made specific pain measurements in save
conditions of partial, sleep stage, or total sleep deprivation. Initial studies linked increased
pain to SWS but not in rapid eye movement (REM) deprivation. Later studies Show that
total sleep deprivation decreased pressure pain or heat pain tolerance. However, the most
recent studies found effects for REM stage deprivation not found earlier and they split on
the effectiveness of total sleep deprivation. One study which found increased pain
sensitivity after disturbed sleep compared with reduced Sleep sugested that all of the pain
findings associated with sleep stage deprivation may actually have been caused by the sleep
fragmentation necessary to produce sleep stage deprivation. Another study has reported
increased sensitivity to esophageal acid perfusion, specially in patients with
gastroesophageal reflux disease 1 (but not controls) after sleep reduced to 3 hours or less
for 1 night.This suggests that individual differences could also play a role in the modulation
of pain. Animal studies have replicated findings of increasing pain sensitivity after REM
deprivation and showed that pain sensitivity remained elevated even after low dosages of
morphine and 24 hours of recovery sleep.

Weight Control And Insulin

There are numerous reports of increased sympathetic activity impaired glucose

tolerance, and weight gain associated with chronic partial sleep deprivation (see Chapter
6). but, remarkably, these effects have not been replicated following total sleep deprivation.
One study, in a small group of subjects, before and after 1 night of total sleep deprivation
found no increase in cortisol, blood glucose, insulin, ACTH, catecholamines, or lactate.
This study did report a decrease in basal glucagon, possibly linked in pancreatic islet
secretion and increased hunger. From such reports, it is unclear whether the results reported
from chronic partial sleep deprivation are related to increased or chronic stress or whether
time of sampling may play a role.


Effects of sleep loss on the ability to perform exercise are subtle. Animal studies
have consistently shown that sleep deprivation decreases spontaneous activity by up to
40%, but most human studies have focused on maximal exercise ability, where large
differences as a function of sleep loss are more difficult to demonstrate. For example, one
study reported a 7% decrease in maximum oxygen uptake (Vozinax) during 64 hours of
sleep loss. This change was not associated with heart rate, respiratory exchange ratio, or
blood lactate, which remained unchanged. Recovery from exercise may be slowed by sleep
loss. Studies are evenly divided between claims that the amplitude of the circadian rhythm
of temperature is increased, decreased, or unchanged during sleep loss.


A large number of studies have reported autonomic, biochemical, and immune

function variables during sleep loss. Many of the older studies were based on single
observation points before and after sleep loss. Many studies suffer from poor activity
controls (use of activity to maintain wakefulness may produce or mask changes in
underlying variables of interest). More recent studies have been able to make use of
sampling as often as once per hour and have begun to consider Circadian and activity
effects. For example, NK cell numbers were increased during the night when subjects
remained awake (compared with a sleep control) but were then decreased on the following
afternoon, with the result that numbers averaged across the entire study were the same in
sleep loss and baseline conditions. This means that a study could find an increase, I
decrease, or the same number of NK cells based on the lime of sampling. In a similar
manner, it has been found that IL-6 was decreased during a night of sleep deprivation
compared with the sleep control but increased compared with control during the next day,
so that number averaged across the entire study were, again, about the same.


Sleep is a time based cumulative process that can be impeded both by deprivation
and by systematic disturbance. A number of studies have shown that very brief periodic
arousals from sleep reduce the restorative power of sleep and leave delicus similar to those
seen after total sleep deprivation.

Experlmental Sleep Fragmentation

Many studies have examined the relationship between various empiric schedules
of sleep fragmentation and residual sleepiness on the following day. Data from eight studies
are plotted in Figure 5-2. There is a strong relationship (r = .775, P < .01) between rate of
fragmentation (plotted as minutes of sleep allowed between disturbances) and decrease in
sleep latency on the following day as measured by MSLT. As expected, increased
sleepiness after sleep fragmentation was also associated with decreased psychomotor
performance on a broad range of tasks, and with degraded mood.

Studies have been carefully designed to produce brief EEG arousals or even
“nonvisible" EEG sleep disturbance, with the result that there are few‘M in standard sleep
EEG parameters despite the periodic sleep fragmentation. With preservation of normal
EEG sleep amounts, participants were still significantly sleepier on the day after sleep
fragmentation. In another approach, fragmentation rates, consolidated sleep periods, and
SWS amounts were experimentally varied in participants in an attempt to tease out sleep
stage versus fragmentation effects, with similar conclusions- residual sleepiness was more
related to the sleep fragmentation than to sleep-stage parameters.

Other studies have directly compared the impact of relatively high rates of sleep
fragmentation (ussualy disturbance every 1 to 2 minutes) with the effect of total sleep
deprivation in the same study. In one study , profiles of cortisol and ACTH were similar
during total sleep deprivation and sleep fragmentation. In other studies, MSLT was
decreased to similar low values after both total sleep deprivation and high frequency sleep
fragmentation. A significant increasein apnea-hypopnea index was found after both sleep
fragmentation and sleep deprivation, and this increase was actually greater after sleep
fragmentation. These findings of similar impacts on hormones, respiratory parameters,
psychomotor performance, and objective sleepiness after similar periods of sleep deprivatio
and sleep fragmentation indicatethat there is much in common between the high-frequency
sleep fragmentation and total sleep deprivation. Clearl function of sleep is impaired by the
high rates of sleep fragmentation. However, as indicated by Figure 5-2, the impact of
periodic sleep fragmentation decreases rapidly as the intervals between arousal increase,
and this may imply that normal restoration dunng Sleep reuires periods of consolidated
sleep of 10 to 20 minutes. Recovery sleep following high rates of sleep fragmentation is
characterized by rebounds of SWS and REM sleep like that seen after total sleep
deprivation. In addition, recovery sleep after sleep fragmentation and sleep deprivation is
notable for decrease arousals.

A broad range of physiologic indices have been examined as possible measures of

sleep fragmentation. A number of respiratory, cardiac, and alternative EEG measures have
been examined, with the general conclusion that most of these physiologic measures,
including traditional arousals, are moderately correlated with daytime sleepiness. However,
much empirical work needs to be done to determme the extent to which these other
physiologic measures are Simply correlates of EEG arousals rather than new measures of
sleep continuity. A physiologic event more specific than the EEG arousal remains to be

New animal models of sleep fragmentation in rats have revealed decreases in

hippocampal neurogenesis and increases in basal forebrain adenosine to level found after
similar amounts of total sleep deprivation.

Sleep Disorders and Fragmentation

The earliest study of sleep fragmentation in dogs documented mpaired arousal

responses to hypercapnia and hypoxia durng sleep. Further studies following dogs with
experimentally produced apnea or sleep fragmentation for periods of more than 4 months
showed that both the sleep fragmentation procedure and the experimentally produced apnea
produced increased time to arousal as well as greater oxygen desaturation, greater peak
inspiratory pressure, and greater surges in blood pressure in response to airway occlusion.
It was concluded that the sleep fragmentation alone was responsible for the sleepness
symptomps associated with sleep apnea, and the changes in the acute responses to airway
occlusion resulting from OSA (obstructive sleep apnea) are primarily the result of the
associated sleep fragmentation.

Other clinical studies have documented that the number of brief arousals is
significantly correlated with the magnitude of daytime sleepiness in groups of patiens.
Traditioonal sleep stage rebounds (see recovery sleep, next) are seen when the pathology
is corrected. After effective treatment of sleep apnea and the corresponding decrease in
frequency of arousals during sleep, alertness was Improved as measured by either MSLT
or reduction in traffic accidents. There are many other instances of sleep fragmentation as
a component in both medical illnesses (Such as fibrositis, intensive-care-unit syndrome,
chronic merit disorders, and chronic pain disorders) and life requirements (infant care,
medical residents). Some of these impositions may not produce the critical number arousals
required for Significant decrement in the apnea patients and in sleep fragmentation studies.
However most of these situations are a combination of chronic partial sleep loss and chronic
sleep fragmentation.

Sleep is all that is required to reverse the effects of sleep deprivation in almost all
circumstances. The EEG characteristics of recovery sleep depend on the amount of prior
wakefulness and the circadian time. These effects have been successfully modeled (see
Chapter 37).

Performance Effects

Several efforts have been made to assess recovery of performance after sleep
deprivation. It is commonly reported that recovery from periods of sleep loss of up to 10
day and nights is rapid and an occur within 1 to 3 nights. Several studies have reported
recovery of performance after a single night (usually 8 hours) of sleep following anywhere
from 40 to 110 hours of continuous wakefulness. Such experiments suggest that an equal
amount of sleep is not required to recover from sleep lost. However, sleep deprivation itself
was typically the main concern these studies and, therefore, recovery was given attention.

One study specifically examined the rate of perform recovery during sleep in young
adults, normal older subjects, and insomniacs after 40- and 64-hour sleep loss periods.
Participants were awakened from stage 2 sleep for 20-minute test batteries approximately
every 2 hours during baseline and recovery nights. Therefore, it was possilble to follow the
time course of return to baseline performance during recovery sleep in the three groups. In
normal young adults reaction time returned to levels not significantly less than baseline
after 4 hours of sleep during recovery sleep following 40 hours of sleep loss. However
reaction time remained significantly slower than baseline in young adults throughout the
first night of recovery sleep (including the postsleep morning test) following 64 hours of
sleep loss. In contrast reaction time in both older normal sleeper and insomniac groups was
significantly slower than baseline at 5:30 AM but had returned to baseline levels by 8 00
AM after the first recovery night after 64 hours of sleep loss. The young adults not only
recovered more slowly from sleep loss on the initial recovery night but also had some
decrease in their reaction times that extended into the second recovery night. This result is
consistent with other data showing that older subjects had daytime MSLT values at baseline
levels following sleep loss and a single night of recovery sleep, whereas shorter than-
normal latencies continued in young adults.

EEG Effects

A large number of studies have reported consistent effects on sleep EEG when
totally sleep deprived individuals are finally allowed to sleep. If undisturbed, young adults
typically sleep only 12 to 15 hours, even after 264 hours of sleep loss. If sleep times are
held to 8 hours on recovery nights, effects on sleep stages may be seen for 2 or more nights.

The effects of 40 and 64 hours of sleep loss on recovery sleep stages during the
initial recovery night are summarized in Table 5-1 for normal young adults, young adult
short sleepers, young adult long sleepers, 60 to 80 year-old normal sleepers,60 to 70-year-
old Chronic insomniacs and 60 to 80-year-old depressed and demented patients. The table
presents percentage change from baseline data, with an indication of study to study
variability where the number of studies allowed computation. The table is presented as a
summary device so that EEG effects of sleep deprivation can be predicted (roughly by
multiplying population baseline values by figures presented in the table), and so that the
potential differential effects of sleep deprivation on EEG recovery Sleep as a function of
group can be more clearly seen. The results of these several studies indicate that recovery
sleep EEG changes that occur as a function of sleep deprivation are remarkably consistent
across studies and across several experimental groups including men, women, older
subjects, and older insomniacs. Significant deviations from Population recovery values are
seen primarily in REM latency changes In depressed and demented patients, and
secondarily in some less robust differences found in small groups of long and short
sleepers. These latter findings might be related to differential sleep stage distributions
secondary to long or short sleep times.

On the first recovery night after total sleep loss, there is a large increase in SWS
over baseline amounts. As would be expected, wake time and stage 1 sleep are usually
reduced. Stage 2 and REM sleep may both be decreased on the first recovery night after 64
hours of sleep loss, at least in young adults, as a function of increased SWS. In older normal
sleepers and insomniacs, there is less absolute increase in SWS than in young adults on the
first recovery night, although the percentage increase in SWS may be Is great. Because
there is less SWS rebound, there may be no change (geriatric normals) or even an increase
in stage 2. Normal older individuals had a decrease in REM latency during recovery sleep
rather than the increased RFM latency common in young adults. It was found that REM
latency in the older population was positively correlated With baseline SWS amounts and
that sleep-onset REM periods occurred in about 20% of those carefully screened normal
subjects. These REM changes were interpreted to be the result of decreased pressure for
SWS in older humans. The REM latency findings did not apply to older depressed or
demented individuals. REM rebound effects appear to be related to the amount of lost SWS,
so that REM rebound is more likely on an early recovery night when there is less SWS loss
as a function of either a shorter period of sleep loss or age.

On the second recovery night after total sleep loss. SWS amounts approached
normal values, and an increase in REM sleep was found in young adults. Total sleep time
was still elevated. By the third recovery night. all sleep EFG values approached baseline.
In Situations where REM rebounds on the first sleep recovery night, sleep EEG values may
normalize by the second recovery night. Exceptions to these general rules may include
older insomniacs. who have increased total sleep for at least 3 nights after 64 hours of sleep
for at least 3 nights after 64 hours of sleep loss and individuals who have had Significant
selective REM deprivation.

Relationship between EEG and Psychomotor Performance Recovery Effects

The increase in SWS during recovery from sleep loss leads to the speculation that
SWS is implicated in the sleep recovery process, Unfortunately, human studies designed to
test this hypothesis directly by experimentally varying the amount of SWS during the
recovery sleep period or during a sleep fragmentation period have not implicated any sleep
stages as central in the recovery process. However, these studies were not designed to look
for more subtle effects that might have occurred in the Initial recovery night.

Studies have also examined recovery of alertness and performance after total sleep
deprivation for 1 or 2 nights. An early study that examined performance recovery in the
sleep period found recovery of response speed to baseline levels after 1 night of recovery
sleep following 40 hours of sleep loss and recovery to baseline levels during the second
night of recovery sleep following 64 hours of sleep loss. More recent studies with larger
groups of subjects have reported that Simple response speed had recovered to baseline
levels after 1 night of recovery sleep followmg 64 hours of sleep loss in one study but did
not recover to baseline levels even after 5 recovery nights in a second study). MSLT was
still significantly shorter after 1 night of recovery sleep following both 1 and 2 nights of
total sleep loss. One study reported recovery for the MSLT after a second night of recovery
sleep following 64 hours of sleep loss, but the second study did not.


The physiologic and behavioral effects of sleep loss in humans are consistent and
well defined. There is a physiologic imperative to sleep in man and other mammals, and
the drive to sleep can be as strong as the drive to breathe. Future work should (1) examine
in more detail the physiologic microstructure of the sleep process and its relationship to
sleep restoration, (2) reconcile response differences among species, (3) examine
differences in response to sleep deprivation in normal and depressed humans, and (4)
further explore the interaction of the sleep and the arousal systems, (5) examine impact in
specilic occupations.

Clinical Pearl

The impact of sleep deprivation on performance and physiology has been

examined in thousands of studies for over a hundred Years. These findings Might not seem
directly relevant In a clinical sense but it should be remembered that the clinical diag nosis
of insufficient sleep syndrome is based on sleep deprivation. Sleepiness symptoms
secondary to sleep apnea and periodic limb movements (sleep fragmentation) also evolve
from sleep deprivation.

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