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Journal of Biomechanics 41 (2008) 2940–2945

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A simple method for measuring force, velocity and power output during
squat jump
Pierre Samozino , Jean-Benoı̂t Morin, Frédérique Hintzy, Alain Belli
Exercise Physiology Laboratory (EA 4338), University of Saint-Etienne, CHU Bellevue—Medecine du Sport et Myologie, 42055 Saint-Etienne Cedex 02, France

a r t i c l e in f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Our aim was to clarify the relationship between power output and the different mechanical parameters
Accepted 27 July 2008 influencing it during squat jumps, and to further use this relationship in a new computation method to
evaluate power output in field conditions. Based on fundamental laws of mechanics, computations were
Keywords: developed to express force, velocity and power generated during one squat jump. This computation
Explosive capacities method was validated on eleven physically active men performing two maximal squat jumps. During
Lower limbs each trial, mean force, velocity and power were calculated during push-off from both force plate
Force plate measurements and the proposed computations. Differences between the two methods were not
Mechanical characteristics significant and lower than 3% for force, velocity and power. The validity of the computation method was
Theoretical computations
also highlighted by Bland and Altman analyses and linear regressions close to the identity line
(Po0.001). The low coefficients of variation between two trials demonstrated the acceptable reliability
of the proposed method. The proposed computations confirmed, from a biomechanical analysis, the
positive relationship between power output, body mass and jump height, hitherto only shown by means
of regression-based equations. Further, these computations pointed out that power also depends on
push-off vertical distance. The accuracy and reliability of the proposed theoretical computations were in
line with those observed when using laboratory ergometers such as force plates. Consequently, the
proposed method, solely based on three simple parameters (body mass, jump height and push-off
distance), allows to accurately evaluate force, velocity and power developed by lower limbs extensor
muscles during squat jumps in field conditions.
& 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction et al., 1996), force plates (Harman et al., 1991) or linear position
transducers (Cormie et al., 2007a, b), which may be impractical for
The ability to quickly accelerate the body from a resting field use. Consequently, a convenient, simple and accurate method
position is considered to be particularly important for successful available for measuring power output could be essential for sport
performance in many sport activities. Based on Hill’s muscle performance professionals.
mechanical model (Hill, 1938), this ‘‘explosive’’ ability is directly Beyond being the most widely used movement because of its
related to the mechanical characteristics of the muscle contractile simplicity (Lara et al., 2006b; Vandewalle et al., 1987b), vertical
component, and notably to maximal power output. Further, jump can be considered one of the most ‘‘explosive’’ tests due to
testing the maximal power output of lower limbs extensor both its very short duration and the high intensity involved. Even
muscles is a common practice in the assessment of human being positively correlated to peak power output (Davies and
exercise performance. Maximal power output has been assessed Young, 1984), vertical jump height is only an alternative and
from different leg movements, namely sprint running (Jaskolska indirect indicator of lower limbs explosive capacities, and has the
et al., 1999; Jaskolski et al., 1996), sprint pedalling (Arsac et al., dimension of mechanical work and not that of power (Vandewalle
1996; Seck et al., 1995; Vandewalle et al., 1987a) or vertical et al., 1987b). The late Carmelo Bosco test proposed a simple
jumping (Davies and Young, 1984; Rahmani et al., 2000; Wilson et methodology for measuring mechanical power during repeated
al., 1997). No matter what the type of leg movement analysed, jumps (Bosco et al., 1983). Its different computations, based on
power output may be computed as the product of force times contact and flight times, might also be applied to the drop jump
velocity. Measuring force and velocity with accuracy requires exercise in order to obtain maximal power values. However, other
specific and/or expensive devices, such as cycle ergometers (Arsac muscle characteristics are also involved during this kind of jump,
especially those related to stretch-shortening cycle (cf. Asmussen
and Bonde-Petersen, 1974). Hence, Bosco’s power test, but also
 Corresponding author. Tel.: +33 4 77 12 07 33; fax: +33 4 77 12 72 29. drop and countermovement jump tests, cannot be used to
E-mail address: (P. Samozino). evaluate only the explosive concentric capacities.

0021-9290/$ - see front matter & 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

P. Samozino et al. / Journal of Biomechanics 41 (2008) 2940–2945 2941

Nomenclature vFPM mean vertical velocity obtained with the force plate
method (in m s1)
WT total work done during squat jump (in J) PFPM mean vertical power obtained with the force plate
CM body center of mass method (in W)
hPO vertical push-off distance (in m) GRF ground reaction force (in N)
h jump height corresponding to the vertical distance tA aerial time (in s)
covered by CM during aerial phase (in m) tPO push-off time (in s)
hS height of CM in starting position (in m) vTO vertical velocity at takeoff (in m s1)
F mean vertical force (in N) a vertical acceleration of the center of mass (in m s2)
v mean vertical velocity (in m s1) m body mass (in kg)
P mean vertical power (in W) g gravitational acceleration (9.81 m s2)
F FPM mean vertical force obtained with the force plate
method (in N)

Furthermore, different formulae have been proposed to (and hence kinetic energy) being null at these two instants, the total work done
(W T) is equal to the potential-energy change between these two positions:
estimate power output from vertical jump height and body mass.
Some of them are derived from fundamental laws of mechanics W T ¼ mgðhPO þ h þ hS Þ  mghS (1)
(Gray et al., 1962; Lewis cited in Fox and Mathews, 1974), but the
underlying biomechanical models from which they were devel- W T ¼ mgðhPO þ hÞ (2)
oped have been challenged. Indeed, it has been argued that with m the body mass, g the gravitational acceleration, hPO the vertical push-off
Lewis’s formula divides the change in potential energy by the distance, h the jump height and hS the height of CM in the starting position (Fig. 1).
Furthermore, W T, developed by the lower limbs during push-off, is also equal
aerial ascending phase duration instead of that of the push-off,
to the product of hPO times the mean vertical force ðFÞ generated by lower limbs.
and does not take into account the change in potential energy Consequently
during push-off (Harman et al., 1991; Vandewalle et al., 1987b).
Gray’s formula assumes that the vertical acceleration of the center F̄ ¼ (3)
of mass (CM) is constant during push-off, which is in contra-
Substituting (2) in this equation gives
diction to some experimental results frequently presented in the
literature (Cormie et al., 2007a, b; Harman et al., 1991). Other h
F̄ ¼ mg þ1 (4)
formulae arose from experimental regression equations obtained hPO
between power and biomechanical parameters, which statistically The mean vertical velocity of the CM during push-off ðvÞ was computed as
showed that maximal power output was highly dependent on
vertical jump height and body mass (Canavan and Vescovi, 2004; v̄ ¼
t PO
Harman et al., 1991; Johnson and Bahamonde, 1996; Sayers et al.,
with tPO, the push-off phase duration, obtained from the impulse–momentum
1999; Lara et al., 2006a, b). The first limitation of such predictive relationship. Applying it to squat jump with null starting velocity, the following
equations is the lack of theoretical rationale explaining the link equation is obtained:
between power and these two parameters, there remaining the
doubt if all athletes with the same body mass and reaching the t PO ¼ (6)
ðF̄  mgÞ
same jump height develop the same power output, as well as if
push-off time should not be taken into account. The other
limitation of such equations is the population-dependence of
the proposed regressions, which may lead to a lower accuracy for
estimating power (Canavan and Vescovi, 2004; Hertogh and Hue,
2002; Lara et al., 2006a, b).
If these different studies did not propose an accurate method
for measuring power output in field conditions, the fact remains
that they showed (i) the strong influence of body mass and
vertical jump height on maximal power developed, and (ii) the
enduring interest observed throughout the literature (at least
from 1962 to 2006) towards evaluating maximal power output
from simple parameters during vertical jumps. Therefore, the aim
of this study was to clarify the relationship between power output
and the different mechanical parameters influencing it during
squat jumps by the sole use of the fundamental laws of
mechanics, and to further use this relationship to elaborate a
new computation method for power output evaluation in field

2. Methods

2.1. Theoretical background and development of formulae

During a squat jump, the lower limbs produce mechanical work to elevate the Fig. 1. The three key positions during a vertical squat jump and the three distances
CM from its initial vertical position to that of maximal height. The vertical velocity used in the proposed computations.

2942 P. Samozino et al. / Journal of Biomechanics 41 (2008) 2940–2945

with vTO the vertical velocity at takeoff calculated as 2.3.2. Computation method
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi The mean force ðFÞ , velocity ðvÞ and power ðPÞ were also calculated from Eqs.
vTO ¼ 2gh (7)
(4), (8) and (9), respectively. Only three simple parameters are required for these
From (4–7), the final expression of the mean velocity is computations: body mass (m), jump height (h) and vertical push-off distance (hPO).
rffiffiffiffiffiffi In the present study, h was determined from aerial time (tA), applying the
gh fundamental laws of dynamics (Asmussen and Bonde-Petersen, 1974):
v̄ ¼ (8)
(The complete calculations of vTOand v are presented in the Appendix section.) 1 2
h¼ gt (11)
The mean power developed by the lower limbs ðPÞ was the product of F and v, 8 A
obtained from (4) and (8):
with tA measured here from GRF-time signal. Lastly, hPO corresponded to the lower
h gh limbs’ length change between the starting position and the moment of takeoff. For
P̄ ¼ mg þ1 (9) convenience reasons, it was assumed that changes in the relative vertical positions
hPO 2
of the great trochanter and CM during a squat jump may be neglected. hPO was
then calculated as the difference between hS and the extended lower limb length
with maximal foot plantar flexion (great trochanter to tiptoe distance).
2.2. Subjects and experimental procedure

Eleven healthy male subjects (age ¼ 27.173.6 yr, height ¼ 173.677.2 cm,
mass ¼ 76.9711.4 kg) were informed about the procedures and demands of the 2.4. Comparison of the two methods and statistical analysis
study, and signed a written informed consent, which was approved by the ethics
review board of the Faculty of Human Science. They were all involved in regular
Mean7standard deviation (SD), correlations, linear regressions and Bland and
physical activities, but not specialized in weight-lifting or jumping disciplines. For each
Altman analyses (Bland and Altman, 1986 ) were performed from the two trials to
subject, the vertical distance between the ground and the right leg great trochanter
compare F , v and P obtained with the two methods. After checking distributions
was measured in a 901-knee angle crouch position set using a square (hS in Fig. 1).
normality with the Shapiro–Wilk test, the difference between the two methods
After a 5-min warm-up, each subject had to perform two maximal squat jumps
(bias) was computed for these parameters and tested for each trial using t-test for
with the arms crossed on the torso. While standing on the force plate, subjects
paired samples. To complete this quantification of inter-methods differences,
were asked to bend their legs and reach the starting height hS (carefully checked,
another bias (absolute bias) was also calculated for each subject and each trial as
thanks to a ruler). After having maintained this crouch position for about 2 s, they
follows: absolute bias ¼ j(computation method–force plate method)  force plate
were asked to apply force as fast as possible and to jump for maximum height.
method1j 100. Further, the reliability of both methods was assessed from
Countermovement was verbally forbidden and carefully checked after each trial
the coefficient of variation of the difference between the two trials divided by O2
using force–time curves. At landing, subjects were asked to touch down with the
(CV in %) (Hopkins et al., 2001). The difference between the two trials was then
same leg position as when they took off, i.e. with extended leg and maximal foot
tested by t-test for paired samples. For all statistical analyses, a P value of 0.05 was
plantar flexion. If all these requirements were not met, the trial was repeated. Each
accepted as the level of significance.
trial was followed by a 5-min rest. Two or three days before this test session,
subjects were allowed enough supervised practice to rightly perform squat jumps
without countermovement.

2.3. Apparatus and measurements 3. Results

All trials were performed on a force plate (Kistler type 9281B, Winterthur,
Mean values (7 SD) of F , v and P obtained with the two
Switzerland) connected to an amplifier system (Kistler type 9861A, Winterthur,
Switzerland). The output signal, representing vertical ground reaction force (GRF), methods, as well as mean values (7SD) of the absolute bias, are
was sampled continuously at 2000 Hz for every trial and stored in a computer via a presented in Table 1 . For each trial, F , v and P values were not
data logger (Type SEP3, E.I.P., Jonzieux, France). This signal was low-pass filtered significantly different between the two methods. When consider-
with a cut-off frequency of 30 Hz and converted into force through laboratory ing the two trials for all subjects, F , v and P were highly positively
standard calibrations.
The mean vertical force developed by the lower limbs during push-off ðFÞ , the
correlated (Po 0.001) with F FPM , vFPM and PFPM , respectively
corresponding mean vertical velocity ðvÞ and the mean power ðPÞ were determined (Table 1). Slopes and y-intercept values of the linear regressions
from the two methods (force plate and computations) for each trial. were not significantly different from one and zero, respectively
(Table 1).
2.3.1. Force plate method The Bland and Altman plots are presented in Fig. 2. The mean
The instantaneous vertical velocity was obtained during push-off by integra- bias between the two methods computed was 11.5725.4 N,
tion of the CM vertical acceleration (a) over time:
0.01770.033 m s1 and 1.66739.8 W for F , v and P, respec-
GRF ðtÞ tively. Expressed relatively to the mean values obtained with the
a ðtÞ ¼ g (10)
m force plate method, these biases were 0.8871.96%, 1.6073.01%
The integration constant was set to zero because of the null starting velocity. The and 0.1272.82%, respectively.
instantaneous vertical power was the product of force and velocity at each instant.
The mean force ðF FPM Þ , velocity ðvFPM Þ and power ðPFPM Þ for each trial were all
The coefficients of variation obtained from the two trials are
calculated as averages of instantaneous force (GRF), velocity and power, presented in Table 2 . Values of F , v and P were not significantly
respectively, over the whole push-off phase. different between the two trials.

Table 1
Mean values7SD of F , v and P obtained from the two trials with both methods, mean absolute bias between the two methods and characteristics of correlations and
regressions between the two methods. Data were obtained from the 2 trials

Force plate method Computation method Absolute bias (%) Pearson correlation Slope of the linear y Intercept of the linear
coefficient (r) regression linea regression lineb

F̄ (N) 12947132 12827133 1.7471.17 0.98 0.98 10.56

v̄ (m s1) 1.0870.12 1.1070.12 2.8872.00 0.96 0.98 0.04
P̄ (W) 14127221 14117224 2.2971.95 0.98 1.00 0.27

Not significantly different from unity.
Not significantly different from 0.

P. Samozino et al. / Journal of Biomechanics 41 (2008) 2940–2945 2943

4. Discussion Table 2
Coefficients of variation (CV) of the difference between the two trials for F, v and P
The first part of this study aimed at explaining, from
Force plate method (%) Computation method (%)
fundamental laws of mechanics, the statistical results obtained
from multiple regressions in studies proposing linear-regression- F 2.52 2.56
v 6.23 3.84
P 7.24 6.35

based equations for estimating power output (Canavan and

Vescovi, 2004; Harman et al., 1991; Johnson and Bahamonde,
1996; Sayers et al., 1999). The positive relationship between
power output, body mass and jump height was confirmed and
mechanically explained by the presented computations (Eq. (9)).
It also confirms that measuring jump height alone does not allow
to distinguish different power outputs (Vandewalle et al.,
1987a, b). In this sense, two athletes with different body weights
might be able to reach the same jump height whereas the heaviest
one develops a greater amount of power. This could induce a
methodological bias when seeking to quantify the effect of a
typical strength training associated with weight gain. Further, the
power expression proposed in the present study put forward
another important parameter, hitherto not considered: the push-
off distance. Indeed, two athletes with the same body mass,
reaching the same height, but beginning their respective push-off
phases from different starting heights, do not develop the same
amount of power. The one beginning from the lowest position is
the least explosive, which is obvious in power expression as
developed here (Eq. (9)). Consequently, regression equations
(Canavan and Vescovi, 2004; Harman et al., 1991; Sayers et al.,
1999) will not distinguish these two athletes, except if their
starting position is fixed in terms of vertical distance instead of
knee angle. In the case of two athletes of different statures, if the
starting position is standardized through vertical distance, the
conditions of the jump are not the same because of their
respective knee angles. Thus, the only way to accurately apply a
power computation to a large population is to consider the push-
off distance (or duration). It is worth noting that push-off distance
and duration are strongly linked during a vertical jump due to the
movement specificities. Johnson and Bahamonde (1996) have
shown that subjects’ stature is a key parameter statistically
related to power estimate. Therefore, here it appears reasonable to
infer by syllogism that push-off distance is linked to stature.
The subsequent part of this study consisted in testing our
computation equations as representing a new simple method for
evaluating power output during squat jump. Such a simple field
method has been an important focus for athlete training
evaluation for decades (Bosco et al., 1983; Canavan and Vescovi,
2004; Gray et al., 1962; Harman et al., 1991; Sayers et al., 1999).
Our equations result from computations based on fundamental
laws of mechanics, and no postulate in conflict with reality was
required, as it was the case for instance in the work of Gray et al.
(1962). The only assumptions admitted here were those inherent
to all studies applying Newton’s laws to the whole human body
considered as a system represented by its CM (Bosco and Komi,
1979; Harman et al., 1990). Note that our computations lead to
mean values during push-off phase, as opposed to peak values
estimated in many studies (Canavan and Vescovi, 2004; Rahmani
et al., 2000). Nevertheless, even if instantaneous and mean values
may reasonably be assumed to be linked during vertical jumps,
mean values (i.e. averaged over the whole movement) appeared to
be more representative of the muscular effort analysed (Andrews,
Fig. 2. Bland and Altman plot of differences between the force plate and 1983).
computation method for force (a), velocity (b) and power (c). Data were obtained
The interest and validity of a computation method in the
from the two trials. The solid horizontal line corresponds to the mean bias. Upper
and lower horizontal dotted lines represent the limits of agreement (mean71.96 field of human exercise testing depend on both its pertinence
SD of the difference between methods). and reliability. The pertinence of the proposed method is

2944 P. Samozino et al. / Journal of Biomechanics 41 (2008) 2940–2945

supported by the power values obtained, which are in accordance Acknowledgements

with studies testing the same kind of subjects (Harman et al.,
1991). It is further shown here by both the correlation results We gratefully acknowledge Regis Bonnefoy for his helpful
and the comparison of values obtained with the proposed method involvement in the experiment technical set-up. Part of the
versus those measured by the force plate. It is worth noting present results was presented during the 12th Annual Congress of
that Pearson’s correlation coefficients were similar to those the European College of Sport Science (oral presentation, 11–14
obtained in other laboratory squat device validation protocols July 2007, Jyväskylä, Finland).
(Rahmani et al., 2000). Additionally, the mean bias and the
limits of agreement presented in Bland and Altman plots (Fig. 2 )
showed a great accuracy for F , v and P parameters during Appendix A. Supplementary materials
squat jumps. Absolute bias values inferior to 3% confirmed this
result. It must be pointed out that the absolute bias is a key The online version of this article contains additional supple-
parameter to quantify the validity and the accuracy of a new mentary data. Please visit doi:10.1016/j.jbiomech.2008.07.028
method because it considers both the bias and the SD of the
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