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Quantifying Pharmaceutical Requirement - MDS ED 3

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Part I:  Policy and economic issues Part II:  Pharmaceutical management Part III:  Management support systems

18  Managing procurement
19  Quality assurance for pharmaceuticals
20  Quantifying pharmaceutical requirements
21  Managing the tender process

chap ter 20
Quantifying pharmaceutical requirements

Summary  20.2 illustrations
Figure 20-1 Morbidity method   20.19
20.1 Methods of quantification   20.3
Major options for quantification  •  Relative predictive Table 20-1 Comparison of quantification methods   20.5
accuracy of quantification methods Table 20-2 Comparison of quantification results in a Latin
American country  20.13
20.2 Applications of quantification   20.4 Table 20-3 Consumption-based quantification for an eastern
20.3 Issues to consider in quantification   20.5 Caribbean country  20.16
Preparing an action plan for quantification  •  Using Table 20-4 Pharmaceutical needs based on morbidity   20.20
centralized or decentralized quantification  •  Using manual Table 20-5 Proxy consumption   20.25
or computerized methods for quantification  •  Estimating Table 20-6 Service-based budgeting of essential medicines
the time required  •  Developing and organizing the requirements  20.27
medicines list  •  Filling the supply pipeline  •  Estimating
the procurement period  •  Considering the effect of c ountry studies
lead time  •  Estimating safety stock  •  Adjusting for CS 20-1 The morbidity method and a cholera epidemic in a
losses and other changes  •  Cross-checking the results Latin American country   20.6
of quantification  •  Estimating total procurement CS 20-2 Using consumption data to quantify medicines
costs  •  Adjusting and reconciling final quantities for the national TB program in the Dominican
20.4 Consumption method  20.15 Republic  20.7
Example  •  Steps in the quantification CS 20-3 Quantification challenges in sub-Saharan countries
scaling up antiretroviral therapy   20.8
20.5 Morbidity method  20.18
Example  •  Steps in the quantification b oxes
20.6 Proxy consumption method   20.24 Box 20-1 Estimating for programs that are scaling up
Example  •  Steps in the quantification care for patients requiring continuous
20.7 Service-level projection of budget treatment  20.3
requirements  20.26 Box 20-2 Quantimed: pharmaceutical quantification and cost
Example  •  Steps in the quantification estimation tool  20.9
Box 20-3 Comparing morbidity- and consumption-based
References and further readings   20.28 estimate results  20.12
Assessment guide  20.29 Box 20-4 Consumption-based calculations   20.17
Box 20-5 Morbidity-based calculations   20.21

copyright © management sciences for health 2012

20.2 P R O C U R E M E N T

s u mm a r y
Quantification is the first step in the procurement pro- treatment guidelines to project medicine needs. This
cess (see Chapter 18). In general terms, quantification is method is the most complex and time-consuming, and
the process used to determine how much of a product is it can produce major discrepancies between projections
required for the purpose of procurement. But more spe- and subsequent use. Nevertheless, this method is often
cifically, quantification involves estimating not only the useful for new and expanding programs and may be
quantities needed of a specific item, but also the financial the most convincing approach for justifying a budget
means required for purchasing the item. Needs are esti- request.
mated for a given context, and the analysis must include
If no reliable information is available on past consump-
contextual factors, such as available funds, human
tion or morbidity, use can be extrapolated from data for
resources capacity, storage space capacity, and capacity to
other facilities, regions, or countries. The proxy con-
deliver services.
sumption method is flexible enough to apply to various
The methods and strategies described in this chapter can situations and can be either population or service based.
be used as tools to— Service-level quantification of budget requirements can
be applied when only budget requirements, and not spe-
• Prepare and justify a pharmaceutical budget
cific medicine quantities, are needed. It provides a clear,
• Plan for new and expanding programs
logical, one-page justification of pharmaceutical financ-
• Optimize pharmaceutical budgets based on priority
ing requirements.
health problems to be treated and the most cost-
effective treatment approaches Several critical issues are common to all methods. The
• Calculate emergency needs for disaster relief and medicines list is the central component and must be
epidemics produced in a format suitable to the type of quantifica-
• Resupply an existing supply network that has tion. In a new supply system, or one in which short-
become depleted of products ages have been widespread, quantification estimates
• Compare current medicine consumption/demand must be adjusted because the supply pipeline must
with public health priorities and usage in other be filled. The lead time has a major effect on quanti-
health systems ties required for safety stocks. In virtually all supply
systems, adjustment is necessary for losses caused by
The quantification method must be chosen in light of the
wastage and theft.
resources and information available.
Quantification estimates can be cross-checked by com-
The consumption method, which uses data on medicine
bining different methods. No matter which method is
consumption, gives in many instances the most accu-
used, a gap may exist between the initial estimates of
rate prediction of future needs. Large, well-established
medicine needs and the allocated budget. The quantifi-
pharmaceutical supply systems rely primarily on the
cation process itself may help justify an increase in the
consumption method. To be reliable, the consump-
budget, but often the quantification estimates must be
tion data must come from a stable supply system with a
adjusted and reconciled to match available funds. The
relatively uninterrupted supply and a full supply pipe-
choice between manual and computerized quantifica-
line. Consumption data may or may not reflect rational
tion may be dictated by circumstances, but the process
prescribing and use of medicines or actual demand for
is much easier with computer assistance. Quantification
can be centralized, or it can be decentralized to staff of
The morbidity method quantifies the theoretical quan- peripheral warehouses and health facilities. The person-
tity needed for the treatment of specific diseases. This nel and time requirements depend on the quality and
method requires reliable data on morbidity and patient accessibility of source data and on the type and scope of
attendances (visits to health facilities) and uses standard quantification.
20  /  Quantifying pharmaceutical requirements 20.3

20.1 Methods of quantification and order interval for each item. The goal is to maintain
the most cost-effective balance between service levels and
Quantification is the first step in the procurement pro- inventory costs.
cess (see Chapter 18). In general terms, quantification is
the process used to determine how much of a product is Major options for quantification
required for the purpose of procurement. But more specifi-
cally, quantification involves estimating not only the quan- The four general methods discussed in this chapter are—
tities needed of a specific item but also the financial means
required for purchasing the item. Needs are estimated for 1. Consumption method
a given context, so the analysis must include contextual 2. Morbidity method
factors, such as available funds, human resources capac- 3. Proxy consumption method
ity, storage space capacity, and capacity to deliver services. 4. Service-level projection of budget requirements
Often, the terms quantification and forecasting are used
interchangeably. For purposes of this chapter, forecasting The consumption method uses records of past consump-
refers to the projection of future needs beyond the next tion of individual medicines (adjusted for stockouts and
purchase order. projected changes in medicine use) to project future need
Medicine needs can be quantified by using one or a com- (see Section 20.4).
bination of four standard methods. Quantification involves The morbidity method estimates the need for specific
estimating the quantities of specific medicines or supply medicines based on the expected number of attendances,
items needed for a procurement. Most quantification exer- the incidence of common diseases, and standard treatment
cises also estimate the financial requirements to purchase patterns for the diseases considered (see Section 20.5). Box
the medicines. The quantification methods described in this 20-1 describes the morbidity method used when a program
chapter are normally used to quantify needs for an annual is scaling up.
or semiannual procurement. They are not usually used to The proxy consumption method uses data on disease
calculate routine order quantities in an established supply incidence, medicine consumption, demand, or use, and/
system that uses scheduled purchasing (periodic orders) or or pharmaceutical expenditures from a “standard” supply
perpetual purchasing (orders placed whenever need arises). system and extrapolates the consumption or use rates to the
In such situations, one of the reorder formulas presented in target supply system, based on population coverage or ser-
Chapter 23 is used to calculate the optimal order quantity vice level to be provided (see Section 20.6).

Box 20-1
Estimating for programs that are scaling up care for patients requiring continuous treatment
In the following example, the program is scaling up with A formula used to determine number of patient-months
ten new patients per month requiring continuous treat- is—
ment. The number of patient-months of medicines that
can be expected to be consumed from January to April is
10 + 20 + 30 + 40 = 100 patient-months.
P ( n(n2+ 1) )
Jan Feb Mar Apr P = average number of patients added each month
n = number of months covered
10 For the preceding example the calculation would be—

10 10
10 ( 4(5)2 ) = 1of 00January
patient-months for the period
to April
10 10 10

Total number of 10 10 10 10
patients treated
per month 10 20 30 40
20.4 P R O C U R E M E N T

Service-level projection of budget requirements uses the terns, and prescribing habits will be essentially the same in
average medicine cost per attendance or bed-day in differ- both settings. Still, this method may be the best alternative
ent types of health facilities in a standard system to project in the absence of suitable data required for the consump-
medicine costs in similar types of facilities in the target sys- tion- or morbidity-based method. The proxy consumption
tem (see Section 20.7). This method does not estimate quan- method is also useful for cross-checking projections made
tities of individual medicines. with other methods.
Service-level projection of budget requirements produces
Relative predictive accuracy of quantification a rough estimate of financial needs for pharmaceutical pro-
methods curement and not the quantity of products. The method
relies on two assumptions: (1) that the “standard” system
Quantification of pharmaceutical requirements is inher- (used for comparison) and the target system are comparable
ently imprecise because of the many variables involved. in terms of patient attendance and bed-days per type of facil-
Useful results depend as much on “art,” or human judgment, ity, and (2) that the patterns of medicine use are roughly the
as on science. same in both systems. Despite its limitations, this method
In many instances, the most precise method for quan- can be useful in predicting medicine costs in a new system
tifying pharmaceutical usage is the consumption-based or in a system in which no data are readily available. Table
approach, provided the source data are complete, accurate, 20-1 summarizes the applications and limitations of the four
and properly adjusted for stockout periods and anticipated major quantification methods.
changes in demand and use. This method does not normally
address the appropriateness of past consumption patterns,
which may or may not correspond with public health pri- 20.2 Applications of quantification
orities and needs. Thus, irrational medicine use may be
perpetuated by total reliance on the consumption method. Quantification is normally applied for—
If stockouts have been widespread for long periods, apply-
ing this method accurately may be impossible, which is why Calculating order quantities for procurement: Formal
capturing actual demand is the most accurate approach. quantification may be necessary before each scheduled
Morbidity-based quantification is the most complex and procurement. These estimates need to be accurate to
time-consuming method. In many countries, assembling avoid stockouts, emergency purchases, and overstocks
valid morbidity data on more than a defined set of diseases and to maximize the effect of procurement funds. The
is very difficult; therefore, some needs will be overlooked consumption method is the first choice, cross-checked to
in the quantification. Data on patient attendance are often assess the appropriateness of usage and demand patterns.
incomplete and inaccurate, and predicting what percent- When consumption data are unreliable or unavailable,
age of prescribers will actually follow the standard treat- such as in new programs, the morbidity method, the
ment regimens used for quantification is difficult. Despite proxy consumption method, or both, may need to be
these constraints, this method may remain the best alterna- applied for an initial quantification, switching to the con-
tive for planning for procurement or for estimating bud- sumption method when reliable data can be compiled or
get needs in a supply system or facility in which a limited the program has stabilized.
range of health problems accounts for virtually all medi- Estimating budget requirements: In many countries, the
cine consumption, such as a small primary care system; a annual pharmaceutical procurement budget is deter-
special-purpose hospital; a new program with no previous mined by adding a fixed percentage to the previous year’s
consumption history, such as HIV/AIDS programs rolling request or allocation to allow room for contingencies,
out antiretroviral therapy (ART); or changes in standard such as expected cuts by the ministry of finance, popu-
treatment guidelines. lation growth, or expansion of services. Both budget
Proxy consumption is the method generally used if neither requests and cuts are frequently prepared without reli-
the consumption-based nor the morbidity-based method is able estimates of actual needs. This cycle can be broken
feasible. This method is most likely to yield accurate pro- with rational, well-documented quantification. Although
jections when used to extrapolate from one set of facili- consumption-based quantification is the best guide to
ties to another set that serves the same type of population probable expenditures, the morbidity-based method
in the same type of geographic and climatic environment. may be the most convincing documentation for a budget
If the method is applied by drawing standard data from request. Proxy consumption is useful for checking and
another country, the results will be only a rough estimate justifying either consumption or morbidity methods.
of need. Even when target and standard facilities are closely When budget requirements do not need to be justified by
matched, quantification estimates are suspect, because it is specifying order quantities, the service-level method can
a big leap to assume that disease incidence, utilization pat- be used as an alternative.
20  /  Quantifying pharmaceutical requirements 20.5

Table 20-1 Comparison of quantification methods

Method Uses Essential data Limitations

Consumption • First choice for procurement • Reliable inventory records • Must have accurate
quantifications, given reliable data • Records of supplier lead time consumption data
• Most reliable predictor of future • Projected pharmaceutical costs • Can perpetuate irrational use
Morbidity • Estimating need in new and • Population and patient • Morbidity data not available for all
scaling-up programs or disaster attendances diseases
assistance • Actual or projected incidence of • Standard treatments may not
• Comparing use with theoretical health problems really be used
needs • Standard treatments (ideal, actual) • Accurate attendance difficult to
• Developing and justifying • Records of supplier lead time predict
budgets • Projected pharmaceutical costs
Proxy consumption • Procurement quantification when • Comparison area or system • Questionable comparability of
other methods are unreliable with good per capita data on patient populations, morbidity,
• Comparing use with other supply consumption, patient attendance, and treatment practices
systems service levels, and morbidity
• Number of local health facilities
by category
• Estimates of local user population
broken down by age
Service-level • Estimating budget needs • Use by service levels and facility • Variable facility use, attendance,
projection of budget type treatment patterns, supply system
requirements • Average medicine cost per efficiency

Developing procurement quantities for new programs: When Estimating pharmaceutical requirements for emergency
medicines are needed for launching a new full-service relief situations: In emergencies such as floods or earth-
health system or vertical program (such as HIV/AIDS quakes, the first step is to provide emergency kits quickly
programs or DOTS), quantification serves two purposes: (Chapter 26). As local health problems become clear, a
to establish funding requirements for procurement and morbidity-based method can be used to project require-
to develop the initial procurement list. In most situations, ments in the short and medium term, until the regular
the consumption-based method is not feasible, and some supply system can resume services. Country Study 20-1
combination of morbidity-based and proxy consumption describes quantification for a cholera epidemic.
methods must be used for the initial quantification. Comparing actual medicine consumption with theoretical
Developing procurement quantities for scaling-up programs: need: In most functional supply systems, the regular pro-
Scaling up is the term used to describe an incremental curement quantification is based on past consumption.
increase or growth in the number of patients being However, periodic comparison of consumption with
treated over a period of time. Patient-months can be used theoretical demand based on public health priorities is a
to estimate needs for scaling up, where one “patient- useful practice. The morbidity-based method provides
month” is the quantity of a product needed to treat one the most informative comparison, but simply comparing
patient for one month. The total number of patients consumption data from different systems is worthwhile
treated over an incremental period of time in patient- because significant differences in medicine use can help
months is often used in this situation for estimating identify irrational prescribing patterns or persistent
needs for chronic conditions. For example, programs inventory problems.
may not be able to serve all the patients needing ART at
the start of an HIV/AIDS program but are able to scale
up slowly as they receive additional donor funds, human 20.3 Issues to consider in quantification
resources, and training and address other access barriers
(see Box 20-1 for an example of a scaling-up calculation). Several issues must be addressed in any quantification pro-
Quantifying for assistance projects: A donor organization cess—
may undertake ad hoc quantification studies to plan pro-
curement needs in the context of a development project. • Preparing an action plan for quantification
When local consumption data are not sufficiently reliable • Using centralized or decentralized quantification
for quantification, the morbidity or proxy consumption • Using manual or computerized methods for quantifi-
method should be used, either singly or in combination. cation
20.6 P R O C U R E M E N T

• Estimating the time required Preparing an action plan for quantification

• Developing and organizing the medicines list
• Filling the supply pipeline Perhaps the most critical step in any large-scale quantifica-
• Estimating the procurement period tion is preparing and then following a sound action plan
• Considering the effect of lead time through each step of the quantification. Country Study 20-2
• Estimating safety stock shows the Dominican Republic’s quantification experience
• Adjusting for losses and other changes when scaling up its national TB program. Essential points in
• Cross-checking the results of quantification planning for quantification include—
• Estimating total procurement costs
• Adjusting and reconciling final quantities • Naming the official or office that will manage the pro-
• Preparing for possible program expansion (scaling up) cess and define roles and responsibilities

Country Study 20-1

The morbidity method and a cholera epidemic in a Latin American country
A cholera epidemic in Latin America spread rapidly to Resources for quantification. A team of local and inter­
most regions of one country within six months. A quan- national specialists collected and analyzed data on dis-
tification was carried out to determine pharmaceutical ease incidence and current treatments and developed a
supply needs to treat cholera patients. computer spreadsheet for quantification.
Target coverage. All cholera patients requiring treat- Quantification. The morbidity method was used to
ment through hospitals, clinics, and community health calculate supply needs based on current epidemiological
workers were to be covered. data, with two alternatives for treatment: current average
treatment practices, and WHO treatment guidelines. The
Medicines list. The medicines to be included were not
accompanying graph illustrates the projected annual sup-
clear, because average treatment practices were not
ply costs for both calculations. Note the huge difference
known and standard treatment guidelines had not yet
in total costs of the alternative treatment regimens. Total
been developed. A team collected data from sample
medicine costs were more than two times higher with
patient charts and focused surveys to determine current
current treatment practices, with the excess almost exclu-
treatment practices.
sively caused by overuse of lactated Ringer’s IV solution
Source of supply. Products were to be purchased from when oral rehydration solution (ORS) could be safely
both local and international suppliers. All cost estimates substituted.
were converted to U.S. dollars for purposes of consistency.
Results and follow-up. The results of calculations were
Data. Because demand had increased dramatically for presented to the national cholera committee, which
medicines used to treat cholera, stockouts were common agreed to a switch to WHO guidelines. Policy makers
and consumption data were not reliable. Fairly accurate used the comparative cost information in educational
morbidity data were readily available, reported weekly by activities to improve prescribing practices.
fax to the central level.

Annual Medicine Costs

Current Treatment Practices WHO Standard Treatment Practices
2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

Oral rehydration solution

Lactated Ringer’s/tubing
Co-trimoxazole suspension
Total medicine costs

Note: Costs in millions of U.S. dollars.

20  /  Quantifying pharmaceutical requirements 20.7

• Forming a working group to coordinate activities of • Determining standard treatments used in quanti­
the offices, departments, and facilities involved fication
• Defining the objectives and coverage of the quantifica- • Training staff members in the applicable quantification
tion method and in data collection and analysis
• Examining the availability of data and choosing the • Developing a workplan and timeline for quantification,
best quantification method according to objectives and with realistic deadlines for each phase
available data and resources (personnel, funding, com- • Managing quantification according to plan (adjusting
puter capacity) for inevitable delays and unexpected constraints)
• Developing medicines lists and data collection forms • Communicating results to relevant committees or

Country Study 20-2

Using consumption data to quantify medicines for the national TB program in the Dominican Republic
The morbidity method is usually recommended for mulgated that required TB medicines to be procured
quantifying tuberculosis (TB) medicines and supplies. through the Global Drug Facility (GDF). The annual
The advantage of this method is that the necessary savings were estimated at about USD 775,000.
information, either the number of cases in previous
Although the information system was running in just
years or the expected number of respiratory symp-
two pilot areas, the data proved valuable for decision
tomatic cases (expected RS), is usually available in
making. The staff endorsed the new system because the
most TB programs. Since implementing the DOTS
time it took to fill out the forms was less than the time
strategy in 2002, the Dominican Republic has used the
it took to take physical counts of the medicines. Staff
expected RS–morbidity method to estimate the needs
members also appreciated having an updated register
of TB medicines and commodities. However, as in
of the availability of medicines in health facilities and
most countries in the initial phases of implementing
warehouses at any given time. In addition, the daily con-
DOTS, the Dominican Republic National TB Program
sumption form provides an overview of medicine use
(DR-NTP) identified many fewer cases than expected.
in the health facilities, showing data on the start of new
So in the program’s initial years, the quantifications
treatments, the completion of treatments, and treatment
were overestimated, and deficiencies in the inventory
reporting systems prevented corrections, leading to
large surplus stocks. When a national financial crisis in The consumption-based information system relies on
2004–05 slowed the public procurement process, the four basic forms—
surplus TB medicine was used as safety stock. • A daily consumption form filled out in health
In 2004, the DR-NTP pilot-tested a pharmaceutical facilities
information system based on consumption. The data • A quarterly report on consumption and availability
showed a progressive depletion of the safety stocks in (which is a requisition form, as well) filled out in
the health facilities in the pilot areas and overstocks health facilities and sent to the provincial authorities
of some medicines in certain other health facilities. • A quarterly report on distribution and availability
Based on this information, the DR-NTP redistributed (which is a requisition form, as well) filled out by the
medicines from health facilities with overstocks to provinces and sent to the national authorities
those with limited safety stocks to reduce the risk of • A quarterly national summary that is prepared at the
interrupting or delaying the start of DOTS treatment. national level
Furthermore, because of devaluation of the local cur- By 2010, the scaled-up information system was generat-
rency, resources to procure TB medicines were insuf- ing data routinely on stock levels at facilities. In addition
ficient to meet demand. Using data generated by the to allowing program managers to respond promptly to
system, RPM Plus showed that the cost of a course of the stock crisis, the information on prices paid allowed
treatment for a new patient had increased from USD the national TB program to make important decisions
32 in 2004 to USD 155 in 2005. RPM Plus presented about procurement methods to maximize the efficient
the price analysis to Ministry of Health and TB pro- and effective use of public resources.
gram authorities and recommended they procure
Source: Management Sciences for Health/Rational Pharmaceutical
lower-priced, quality medicines through international Management Plus Program and Strengthening Pharmaceutical Systems
agencies. As a result, a ministerial decree was pro- Program.
20.8 P R O C U R E M E N T

managers to determine final assumptions and quanti- African countries have worked to improve the quantifica-
ties tion process for their ART programs.
• Adjusting estimated quantities as needed
• Evaluating the quantification process and planning Using centralized or decentralized quantification
improvements to resolve problems encountered
Most supply systems have traditionally managed quantifica-
The WHO manual Estimating Drug Requirements (WHO/ tion at the central level. The increasing trend toward decen-
DAP 1988) discusses how to develop a good action plan and tralizing this responsibility adds significantly to ownership
manage the quantification process. of the results at health facilities and, if managed properly,
Countries that are faced with the major challenge of rap- can improve the accuracy of the results. However, a central-
idly scaling up ART programs have special quantification ized approach is generally more efficient when the supply
issues to address. Country Study 20-3 describes how some system is in equilibrium, with adequate supply to all levels.

Country Study 20-3

Quantification challenges in sub-Saharan countries scaling up antiretroviral therapy

An increase in funding from global initiatives such used in Côte d’Ivoire, Kenya, Namibia, Rwanda,
as the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Tanzania, and Zambia. The data collection activities
Malaria and the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for were developed in collaboration with the facility staff
AIDS Relief has resulted not only in greater access to members who collect and use the data themselves,
antiretrovirals (ARVs) in developing countries, but also resulting in more consistent collection and better
in political pressures to increase the number of patients quality data. Good quality data at the facility level is
receiving ART. Previous methods used for quantifying forwarded to the national program to use for national
pharmaceuticals clearly were not effective in the context quantification purposes and results in more accurate
of the unprecedented level of scale-up of HIV/AIDS forecasts and assumptions.
programs, and new methods and tools were required
to help countries and facilities determine their ARV Quantification tools and related training. Facility-
needs. level tools were developed to determine quantification
needs for ARVs. A manual and electronic version of
Besides the scope and speed of the scale-up efforts, the tool is used by facility staff to determine order
a key difference to address was the chronic nature of quantities from the central medical stores. Quantimed,
ART—lasting for the lifetime of a patient. A concern a quantification tool for larger programs, includes the
that continues to vex HIV/AIDS programs is quantifi- capability to perform quantification for programs that
cation for pediatric ART. Issues include inappropriate are scaling up. Training for staff at central medical
pack sizes, the lack of fixed-dose combination products stores and ministries of health focuses on how to use
that are suitable for children, and the need to accom- Quantimed to estimate the amount of pharmaceuticals
modate a child’s growth patterns when calculating dose needed for procurement purposes and also to plan
and consumption. (See Chapter 2 discussion of HIV/ budgets and reports to donors. More information on
AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria.) Quantimed can be found in Box 20-2.
Management Sciences for Health’s Rational Pharma­
Coordination mechanisms. Kenya, Namibia, and
ceutical Management (RPM) Plus Program worked
Rwanda established committees under their national
with a number of countries in sub-Saharan Africa in
AIDS control programs to regularly discuss procure-
developing effective ways to quantify their needs for
ment and quantification activities for HIV/AIDS
scaling up ART programs—
programs. The committees include representatives
Data collection. Often, data collected at the clinics from donors, central medical stores, and ministries of
do not meet the needs of pharmacy staff for quanti- health as well as ART providers. The committees track
fication; for example, data may not represent patients growth trends, monitor data collection, and evaluate
who actually collect their medicines from the dispen- the assumptions used in national quantifications on a
sary. Mechanisms and tools, such as the Electronic quarterly basis. The committees’ key role is to identify
Dispensing Tool (MSH/SPS n.d.), were put into place problems in the quantification process and make rec-
to collect data at the dispensary. The tool has been ommendations to remedy them.
20  /  Quantifying pharmaceutical requirements 20.9

A common approach in decentralizing quantification is through a central warehouse, and a needs estimate is sub-
to have each responsible office or facility compile its own mitted by both the central warehouse and the client facilities
estimates, based on a common list of approved medicines. that order from the warehouse, the total estimate for each
The list can be sent directly to the procurement office, which medicine should be either the total of all facility estimates
compares the list with past consumption, clarifies any ques- (plus central warehouse safety stock) or the central ware-
tions directly with the client, and compiles the master list for house estimate, whichever is deemed more accurate.
procurement. Reviews at the district and provincial levels
before submission to the procurement office may increase Using manual or computerized methods for
the validity and ownership of estimates, at the cost of adding quantification
time to the process.
It is important to make sure that consumption is not Conducting an accurate pharmaceutical quantification
double counted: that is, if all medicines come to facilities without computerization is possible; however, computers

Box 20-2
Quantimed: Pharmaceutical quantification and cost estimation tool

Quantimed is a Microsoft Access–based tool, developed • Determine pharmaceutical requirements for a new
by Management Sciences for Health, that facilitates the or expanding public health program
calculation of pharmaceutical needs using one of three • Compare the costs of alternative treatment regimens
primary quantification methods—past consumption, and pharmaceutical products
morbidity (including scaling-up patterns), and proxy • Compare alternative expansion models to enable the
consumption—or any combination of these. With appro- user to determine the possible extent and speed for
priate data, Quantimed determines needs for a single scaling up a program with given resources
health facility, a national public health program, or a • Calculate percentages of the patient population
group of geographic or administrative areas. receiving various therapies for a program with lim-
ited treatment data
Quantifying needs for HIV/AIDS-related medicines
• Calculate the estimated total cost of medicines,
and other commodities is particularly challenging
medical supplies, laboratory supplies, and reagents
in rapidly expanding prevention of mother-to-child
needed to provide services for a given target popula-
transmission (PMTCT) and antiretroviral therapy
tion, or for an estimated number of patients
(ART) programs that do not have data history to drive
• Calculate order quantity, based on the best estimate
conventional model estimates. Quantimed’s scaling-
of requirements for each pharmaceutical, according
up function facilitates calculations of pharmaceutical
to user-defined procurement and inventory factors
requirements and costs for programs that are expand-
• Assist program managers in comparing medicine
ing, and allows comparisons of different scaling-up
and other health commodity prices from local and
scenarios. international suppliers
The primary users of the Quantimed tool are program • Provide cost estimates in local currency and inter-
managers of public or private programs and government national currencies, as well as conversions between
planners, all of whom can gain information useful for currencies
strategic and program planning, pharmaceutical ratio-
Users should be aware that Quantimed is only a tool; it
nalization, and financial planning.
cannot reason for itself. All results must be analyzed and
Quantimed is designed to— interpreted using human judgment. Quantimed cannot
be used to distinguish between accurate and erroneous
• Quantify requirements and calculate estimated cost data, or for distinguishing between rational and irratio-
of pharmaceuticals needed for a short course of nal therapy, determining which pharmaceuticals should
treatment or long-term treatment for chronic condi- be ordered, or making management decisions. A user’s
tions, such as HIV/AIDS guide is available (MSH/RPM Plus 2006).
• Develop caseload estimates for each type of health
service or intervention for a given target population, For more information on Quantimed, see http://www.
using morbidity-based, consumption-based, and/or
proxy consumption–based methods Quantimed.cfm.
20.10 P R O C U R E M E N T

using spreadsheet or database software make the process In computerized quantification, data management is easi-
much easier. The examples of quantification tables in this est when a separate field is provided for each of these speci-
chapter were constructed with a standard spreadsheet. One fications (see Chapter 50).
database software tool developed to ease the process of The medicines on the list need to be sorted accord-
quantification is called Quantimed. For more information ing to the type of quantification and the type of facilities
on Quantimed, see Box 20-2. and personnel that will be recording data. The list must
Computerized quantification has three major advantages: be provided in a form useful for retrieving information
speed, accuracy, and flexibility. The process is much faster quickly and correctly. For example, if medicines are stored
because the formulas can be programmed into the software, and records are arranged by dosage form (all tablets and
and after the data for basic assumptions are entered, the cal- capsules together, all injections together), the list should
culations are done automatically. The computer itself will be organized by dosage form. If items are stored by thera-
not make errors in computation; if the data are entered cor- peutic class, the list should be organized by therapeutic
rectly and the formulas are correct, the calculated answer class, and so on. If the process involves decentralized data
will be correct. Speed and accuracy are especially useful for collection, the list should be distributed on data collection
very complicated calculations such as those used to deter- forms to each level and facility responsible for quantifica-
mine the number of patient-months of treatment for pro- tion at least three months before the estimates are needed
grams that are scaling up. for procurement.
Finally, it is much easier to do “what if ” analysis, where For decentralized quantification, all facilities should sub-
the user makes changes in quantities of various items to see mit estimates directly on the list (by hard copy or elec-
what happens to the total procurement costs. Tables con- tronically). This procedure allows the compilation of one
structed manually need to be retyped or rewritten, and all master list in a reasonable time, comparison of estimated
sums need to be recalculated each time a change is made. quantities among facilities, and verification of estimates
With a computer, the recalculation and reprinting are done and adjustment if necessary. Dosage forms and strengths
at the touch of a key. When a computerized medicines list should match those included in the appropriate standard
and quantification model have been developed, they can be treatment guidelines and those available from likely sources
reused repeatedly. of supply. For example, if 500 mg tablets are quantified but
suppliers offer only 300 mg tablets, making a conversion
Estimating the time required will be difficult.
Medicines lists for quantification are often derived from
Quantification is time-consuming, and a realistic time past procurement or formulary or essential medicines lists.
frame must be established for all the steps in the quantifi- Procurement lists from previous purchases may contain
cation plan. The time frame depends largely on how many specifications and the last prices paid, but they may not rep-
levels of the supply system are involved and on the quality resent rational medicine selection or comply with the for-
and type of data available. In multilevel systems in which mulary or essential medicines list. Essential medicines lists
data are incomplete, several months will almost certainly be or medicine formulary lists that have been regularly updated
required to produce a useful quantification. should be the basis for the quantification list, because they
reflect medicines needed for current morbidity patterns (see
Developing and organizing the medicines list Chapters 16 and 17).

The medicines list is the central component of any quantifi- Filling the supply pipeline
cation process. The quantities needed cannot be calculated
until it is known which products are needed. Specifications The supply pipeline refers to stock levels within the sup-
for each medicine on the list should include the following ply system and the number of supply points at each level,
elements— as discussed in Chapter 23. The number of levels, the
frequency of requisition and delivery, and the amount
• Medicine description, generic name, or International of safety stock at each level all influence the amount of
Nonproprietary Name (INN) pharmaceuticals needed to fill the pipeline and, hence, the
• Dosage form, such as tablet, suppository, ampoule for amount that must be procured when a program is started
injection or expanded. Underestimation of stock in the pipeline is
• Strength/concentration—for example, 250 mg, a common cause of program failure, particularly when a
95 percent, 10 mg/mL revolving drug fund has been planned. Quantification for
• Basic unit, such as tablet, tube, milliliter, bottle a depleted pipeline should include the safety stock levels
• Package size in basic units required at each level of distribution, not just the central
• Projected purchase price per basic unit or per package level.
20  /  Quantifying pharmaceutical requirements 20.11

Estimating the procurement period DDE = expected delivery date

DDP = promised delivery date
The procurement period covers the time from one order OD = average overdue period in days
until the next regular order will be placed. In a scheduled OD% = percentage of orders overdue
system, this period might be multiples of one month; in
a perpetual system, it could be counted in days or weeks When quantifying for a program that is scaling up, the
for the purposes of quantifying. Note that the quantity quantity required for safety stock will also need to be scaled
ordered plus the safety stock must cover the time until up.
the next order is received, which is the procurement
period plus the lead time (see below). Procurement peri- Adjusting for losses and other changes
ods are influenced by funding and storage space avail-
ability as well as by expiry and stability of the stock being Inevitably, some medicines will be lost because of damage,
ordered. spoilage, expiration, and theft. If such losses are not consid-
ered in quantification and procurement, stockouts are likely
Considering the effect of lead time to result. To prevent shortages, a percentage can be added to
allow for losses when quantifying requirements. Many sys-
The procurement order quantity should be sufficient to last tems need to allow at least 10 percent for losses.
until the next procurement cycle is completed. The steps of Not all medicines are equally at risk for loss—for exam-
the procurement process needed to place an order may take ple, some are more attractive to thieves than others, such
several months. In addition, after an order is placed, several as valuable antiretrovirals and artemisinin-based anti­
more months are often required for the pharmaceuticals malarials. The medicines that are most at risk may vary
to arrive in the country, clear customs, and reach the cen- from country to country. If they can be identified, adjusting
tral warehouse. The waiting period from the time an order the quantities for those items by a higher percentage may
is prepared until it arrives in the country is the lead time be feasible, rather than applying the same adjustment to all
(Chapter 23). The lead time can vary for each product and/ items. One strategy is to allow a loss percentage only for
or supplier. When lead times are underestimated, the likely vital items, accepting the risk of stockouts for other items.
results are shortages and more expensive emergency pur- If losses have already been accounted for as part of a con-
chases. sumption-method quantification, there is no need to make
When quantifying for a program that is scaling up, the a loss adjustment.
quantity required to cover the lead time will also need to be Clearly, the best interests of the health system are served
scaled up. by making every effort to control loss and wastage. Options
for controlling theft are discussed in Chapter 43; Chapter 40
Estimating safety stock offers tips for analyzing expiry dates in a large pharmaceuti-
cal inventory; and Chapters 45 and 46 provide suggestions
Safety stock is the amount of stock that is kept in reserve in for managing stock to avoid wastage.
case an item is unavailable from the supplier or for a sudden In a supply system in which patient use or the number
increase in demand. of facilities is growing, assuming that medicine consump-
tion will increase is reasonable. In such situations, estimated
Safety stock = CA × LT quantities can be increased by a percentage corresponding
to the rate of growth.
CA = Average monthly consumption, adjusted for stock-
outs (see Section 20.4) Cross-checking the results of quantification
LT = Average lead time (for projected supplier or worst
case), in months Because there will be some imprecision in the estimates
no matter how rigorously the appropriate quantification
Any length of time can be used for the lead time in the methods are followed, checking the estimates with a dif-
preceding equation, but the period should be at least as long ferent quantification method is always useful. Ideally, the
as the lead time period, while taking financial resources and estimates would produce very similar results, but in prac-
storage space into consideration. tice this rarely happens. The two sets of data can then be
When a lead time is unreliable, safety stock should be evaluated to see which appears to be more realistic, con-
increased. With a variable lead time, use the following for- sidering the reliability of source data used for the two esti-
mula— mates. Box 20-3 provides guidelines for how to evaluate and
compare consumption-based versus morbidity-based esti-
DDE = DDP + (OD × OD%) mates. These quantities will likely need to be adjusted to fit
20.12 P R O C U R E M E N T

Box 20-3
Comparing morbidity- and consumption-based estimate results
The following scenarios include suggested actions to If more confident in the morbidity data than the con-
take based on the results of each method and depend- sumption data—
ing on confidence in the data used. For the consumption
• Consider whether pilferage, expiration, or stock
method, the pharmaceutical management information
leakage is high.
system should accurately and reliably maintain data
• Investigate whether pharmaceuticals are used in
on consumption (not on stock movement, which may
other programs or for other purposes.
include losses and expired stock). A crucial factor to con-
• Ask whether stockouts of related pharmaceuticals
sider in any analysis of results is the possible irrational
caused higher consumption of this item.
use of medicines in the system.
If confident in the quality of both the consumption and
Consumption-based estimate greater than
morbidity data—
morbidity-based estimate
• Use the consumption-based estimate to avoid the
If the consumption-based estimate is 50 percent greater
problem of ordering too few pharmaceuticals and
than the morbidity-based estimate, conduct a more
detailed investigation of the data before proceeding with
the quantification. Were the data entry and transcription Morbidity-based estimate greater than
done correctly? Was the correct population and morbid- consumption-based estimate
ity information obtained? Is there a possibility of large-
If not confident in the quality of either the consump-
scale leakage and/or diversion of supplies? When the
tion or morbidity data—
data have been verified, or for discrepancies less than 50
percent, proceed as follows— • Consider an overall system assessment, then
strengthening of health management information
If not confident in the quality of either the consump-
system and pharmaceutical management informa-
tion or morbidity data—
tion system.
• Consider an overall system assessment, then • Seek comparative facilities, regions, or countries
strengthening of the health management infor­ with reliable information systems and use their data
mation system and pharmaceutical management as proxy data.
information system. • Try to estimate the percentage of confidence in the
• Seek comparative facilities, regions, or countries accuracy, completeness, or reliability of the data and
with reliable information systems and use their data adjust the results accordingly.
as proxy data.
If more confident in the consumption data than the
• Try to estimate the percentage of confidence in the
morbidity data—
accuracy, completeness, or reliability of the data and
adjust the results accordingly. • Examine the morbidity data for overestimation of
disease incidence.
If more confident in the consumption data than the
• Ask whether a change in population has occurred
morbidity data—
as a result of exodus caused by war, unrest, drought,
• Examine the morbidity data for underestimation of famine, migration of seasonal workers, or departure
disease incidence. of refugees.
• Make sure the population data are current. Ask • Determine whether standard treatment guidelines
whether any large movement of population into the are followed.
area has occurred, such as refugees, seasonal work- • Investigate whether pharmaceuticals are used for
ers, or employees of new industries. other programs or for other purposes.
• Determine whether standard treatment guidelines • Consider whether program coverage is low and/or
are followed. support services or diagnostics for health conditions
• Investigate whether pharmaceuticals are used in are inadequate.
other programs or for other purposes.
20  /  Quantifying pharmaceutical requirements 20.13

If more confident in the morbidity data than the con- has been limited by unrest, strikes, or transport
sumption data— problems.
• Determine whether medicines are being supplied
• Consider whether the management information
from multiple sources not included in the quantifi-
system is poor.
• Ask whether the budget has been sufficient to meet
the full needs of the population or if a proportion If confident in the quality of both consumption and
has gone untreated. morbidity data—
• Consider whether program coverage is low and/or
• Use the morbidity-based estimate to avoid ordering
support services or diagnostics for health conditions
too few pharmaceuticals and supplies.
are inadequate, and whether access to these services

the budget as well. Table 20-2 illustrates how three different Table 20-2 Comparison of quantification results in a Latin
quantification methods produced different estimates for the American country
same supply system in a Latin American country.
Cross-checking is a fundamental step in reconciling pro- Proxy
Consumption Morbidity consumption
curement quantities with available funds. It is also useful Medicine estimate estimate estimate
to cross-check consumption with theoretical demand to
ORS 1 L package 11,290,000 18,650,000 14,850,000
get an idea of the rationality of pharmaceutical therapy in
the system. If the supply system usually bases purchases on Chloroquine
300 mg tablet 1,230,000 2,233,000 2,005,000
past consumption, cross-checking for high-volume, high-
cost medicines using another method may reveal targets for Paracetamol
500 mg tablet 20,960,000 14,010,000 22,320,000
interventions to promote more rational medicine use. For
example, in one quantification conducted for intra­uterine
devices (IUDs), the quality of the issues data (quantities
distributed from a storage point) were considered good, The other option for estimating next purchase price is to
and indeed they were an accurate record of the stocks given adjust the last purchase price for factors such as—
out. However, enough IUDs had been issued for every man,
woman, and child in the province. A comparison of the • International inflation for products bought inter­
population and morbidity data highlighted the problem of nationally
leakage and/or resale of the IUDs outside the country. This • Devaluation of local currency for products purchased
comparison produced a more accurate quantification for internationally (if relevant)—this percentage is added
next year’s supply. to the price for medicines purchased on the inter­
national market
Estimating total procurement costs • Local inflation for products purchased on the local
market, adding the appropriate percentage based on
When estimating the cost of medicines on a quantified list, the current local situation
the critical issue is determining the next purchase prices.
Using the last purchase prices is not adequate, because in After price estimates are obtained, percentages for ship-
most cases, doing so results in an underestimate of the actual ping and insurance of pharmaceuticals obtained from inter-
next purchase prices, leading to insufficient funds when the national sources (usually 15 to 20 percent) and any known
time comes to place orders. fees, such as those paid to a tender board or for local cus-
Two basic ways exist to estimate the next purchase price of toms duties, must be added.
a medicine; both are usually needed to estimate the cost for
the full list of medicines. Adjusting and reconciling final quantities
The first option is obtaining data on current medicine
prices in the market where the medicines will be pur- Difficult decisions must often be made to reduce the num-
chased. As discussed in Chapter 21, sources for price data ber of medicines or the quantities of medicines or both
include local suppliers, international procurement agencies, until the estimated quantities and costs correspond with
and references such as Management Sciences for Health’s the available budget. These reductions may require policy
International Drug Price Indicator Guide, which is updated decisions regarding priority diseases, priority age groups,
annually. priority facilities to be supplied, selection of less expensive
20.14 P R O C U R E M E N T

and adequate
Unreliable New
morbidity programs Program
data scale-up
and rollout

demand e in on
eas i
Changing ics
increase Incr sumpt
disease epidem con
UNrepresen insuff icien t
tative sample funds
compliance Complex trol
with STGs calculations c k Con Unreliable
St Syst e m consumption
In Sys
He rma m
fo te
alt tio
h n

Changing Expensive ring

STGs L Pilfe akage
ho arg specialist l e
sp e
ita medicines and
ls Erratic
GOOD SUPP supply and
T stockouts
Prescriber BUDGET
diagnosis PREP GENCY r
ONA ma stock
L US COST- nag


Successful Pharmaceutical Quantification Requires a Team Effort and a Mix of Methods

20  /  Quantifying pharmaceutical requirements 20.15

therapeutic alternatives, and changes to standard treat- not the complete quantification list, but it illustrates the
ment guidelines. Chapter 40 discusses several approaches estimates for nineteen medicines. Box 20-4 provides a sum-
for making reductions rationally, using specific tools such mary of calculations used in consumption-based quantifi-
as VEN (vital, essential, nonessential) categories, ABC cation.
analysis, and therapeutic category analysis. Another way of
providing a foundation for reduction is to cross-check the Steps in the quantification
quantification with another method to find out where the
quantified estimate is much higher than necessary based on Step 1. Prepare a list of medicines to be quantified. The
known morbidity and attendance data or much higher than medicines list should be prepared as described in Section
that in a comparable health system. 20.3, sorted into the order that will best facilitate data collec-
Eliminating adjustments for expected losses may be a tion, and distributed to those officials and facilities that will
tempting first step in reducing quantities, but it is a false enter consumption data.
economy unless losses will in fact be eliminated. If the losses Step 2. Determine the period of time to be reviewed
are likely to occur, they must be incorporated into the final for consumption. If the procurement is to cover a twelve-
quantification, or stockouts will almost certainly result. month period, the consumption data for the past twelve
Cutting the overall percentage allowed for losses may be months should be reviewed (if a full year’s useful data are
possible by targeting the allowance to those items most at available). A twelve-month review may also be used for a
risk and/or eliminating the adjustment for nonvital medi- procurement covering six months, but if seasonal variations
cines, with the expectation that some stockouts will result are significant, such as with malaria, using the same six-
for medicines that are not covered. month period from the preceding year may be preferable. A
short review period, such as three months, is inadequate to
plan a procurement to cover twelve months, unless the three
20.4 Consumption method months reviewed reflect a steady state of consumption for
the entire year.
In the consumption method, a list is prepared of all medi- Step 3. Enter consumption data for each medicine. For
cines eligible for procurement, and the most accurate inven- each medicine on the list, enter—
tory records of past consumption are used to calculate the
quantities needed for each medicine. • The total quantity used during the review period, in
Consumption during a recent period of six to twelve basic units
months is adjusted for stockouts to obtain the average • The number of days in the review period that the
monthly consumption. A percentage for increase in pro- medicine was out of stock (if the number of days out
jected use is added to the projected monthly consumption. of stock cannot be determined with accuracy, the
Then the average monthly consumption is multiplied by the estimated number of months out of stock during the
number of months to be covered by the procurement. Safety period can be entered)
stock and lead time levels (in months) are also multiplied • The lead time for the last procurement (or the average
by the projected monthly consumption. These three figures from the last several procurements)
are added to obtain the gross needs during the period, sub-
tracting the usable stock on hand and any stock on order Using the most accurate and current records available is
from the gross estimate, to derive the quantity to purchase. important. The likely sources for data on consumption and
This quantification formula is the same as the consumption- lead time are—
based reorder formula described in Chapter 23. An adjust-
ment is then made for losses. • Stock records and distribution reports from a central
The anticipated unit cost for each medicine (not the last distribution point
unit cost) is multiplied by the number of units to be pur- • Stock records and reports from regional or district
chased to obtain the expected purchase value for the entire warehouses
quantity. All purchase values for individual medicines are • Invoices from suppliers
added to obtain the total expected procurement cost. If this • Dispensing records from health facilities
cost is greater than the budget, adjustments are made, as
described in the previous section. If projected pricing data are available at this stage, enter-
ing prices while entering consumption data (see step 10)
Example may save time.
Step 4. Calculate the average monthly consumption.
Table 20-3 shows a sample consumption-based quantifi- The average monthly consumption is a key variable in
cation from an eastern Caribbean country. This sample is the quantification formula and should be as accurate as
Table 20-3 Consumption-based quantification for an eastern Caribbean country

Ct Dos Ca Cp Si So SS Qo Qa
Adjusted Projected
Total average average Stock Stock Safety Suggested Probable Value of
consumption Days monthly monthly on on stock quantity Adjusted Order pack proposed
Pack in period out of consumption consumption hand order level to order order quantity price order
Medicine Strength BU size (BU) stock (BU) (BU) (BU) (BU) (BU) (BU) quantity (packs) (USD) (USD)
20.16 P R O C U R E M E N T

Ampicillin 500 mg Capsule 1,000 59,500 0 9,917 10,413 32,000 42,000 31,239 50,956 56,052 57 46.50 2,650.50
Ampicillin 250 mg Capsule 1,000 89,000 34 18,218 19,129 81,000 58,000 57,387 90,548 99,603 100 24.70 2,470.00
Ampicillin sodium injection 500 mg Ampoule 100 3,879 0 647 679 111 7,600 2,037 437 481 5 17.03 85.15
Ampicillin suspension 125 mg/
100 mL 5 mL Bottle 1 4,128 0 688 722 1,513 3,000 2,166 4,151 4,566 4,567 0.57 2,603.19
Antihistamine decongestant
elixir 250 mL Bottle 1 853 29 169 177 351 929 531 844 928 929 1.57 1,458.53
Antihistamine decongestant (Any) Tablet 500 50,000 0 8,333 8,750 0 62,500 26,250 42,500 46,750 94 12.00 1,128.00
Bacitracin antibiotic
ointment — Tube 1 2,414 31 484 508 3,400 100 1,524 2,596 2,856 2,856 0.54 1,542.24
Bendrofluazide 5 mg Tablet 500 141,500 30 28,208 29,618 142,000 50,000 88,854 163,416 179,758 360 4.60 1,656.00
Benzathine benzyl-penicillin
injection 2.4 MU Ampoule 50 1,318 0 220 231 1,486 0 693 1,286 1,415 29 12.10 350.90
Cephradine injection 500 mg Ampoule 100 2,695 0 449 471 2,300 1,100 1,413 2,252 2,477 25 75.00 1,875.00
Chlorhexidine gluconate
solution (Hibitane) 5% Liter 5 302 0 50 53 433 0 159 203 223 45 3.90 175.50
(Savlon) 5 liter Liter 5 438 0 73 77 418 250 231 256 282 57 14.70 837.90
Chlorpropamide 250 mg Tablet 1,000 162,000 0 27,000 28,350 169,000 0 85,050 171,200 188,320 189 27.90 5,273.10
Cimetidine (Tagamet) inj. 200 mg Ampoule 10 1,090 0 182 191 2,580 0 573 0 0 0 2.49 0.00
Cimetidine 400 mg Tablet 1,000 24,000 0 4,000 4,200 23,500 25,000 12,600 1,900 2,090 3 17.90 53.70
Cloxacillin suspension 125 mg/
100 mL 5 mL Bottle 1 882 0 147 154 1,446 0 462 402 442 443 1.00 443.00
Co-trimoxazole suspension 200/
100 mL 40 mg/
5 mL Bottle 1 1,152 0 192 202 374 1,930 606 120 132 132 0.75 99.00
Co-trimoxazole 400/80 mg Tablet 1,000 81,000 0 13,500 14,175 82,000 0 42,525 88,100 96,910 97 21.00 2,037.00
Dextrose in saline (IV)
1,000 mL 5%/0.9% Bottle 1 1,525 32 308 323 0 2,288 969 1,588 1,747 1,747 1.35 2,358.45
Total order cost: 27,097.16
Note: BU = basic unit; USD = U.S. dollars; MU = mega-unit; consumption period = 6 months; lead time = 3 months; procurement period = 6 months; use adjustment for 6 months = 5%; loss adjustment = 10%.
20  /  Quantifying pharmaceutical requirements 20.17

Box 20-4
Consumption-based calculations
Formula number Objective of formula Calculations
1 Adjusted average monthly consumption (preferred) Ca = Ct ÷ [Rm – (Dos ÷ 30.5)]
2 Adjusted average monthly consumption (alternative) Ca = Ct ÷ (Rm – Mos)
3 Projected average monthly consumption Cp = Ca + (Ca × Au)
4 Basic safety stock requirements Ca × LT
5 Quantity to order Qo = Ca × (LT + PP) + SS – (Si + So)
6 Quantity to order adjusted for losses Qa = Qo + (Qo × Al)

Ca =  Average monthly consumption, adjusted for stockouts SS =  Quantity needed for safety stock
Ct = Total consumption during review period, in basic units LT =  Average lead time (for projected supplier or worst case), in months
Rm = Total consumption review period, in months Qo = Quantity to order in basic units, before adjustment for losses or
Dos = Number of days an item was out of stock during the program change
review period PP =  Procurement period (number of months to be covered by order)
Mos = Estimated number of months an item was out of stock during Si =  Stock now in inventory, in basic units
the review period So =  Stock now on order, in basic units
Cp =  Projected average monthly consumption Qa =  Quantity to order adjusted for losses or program change
Au =  Use adjustment Al =  Loss adjustment

possible. The simple approach is to divide total consump- Step 5. Calculate projected average monthly con-
tion by the number of months reviewed. If stockouts sumption for expected changes in consumption pattern.
occurred during that period, the average must be adjusted When using the example of ampicillin 250 mg capsules in
to include the consumption that would have occurred if Table 20-3, if use is expected to increase by 5 percent in the
stock had been available. coming year, adjusting the average monthly consumption
Two ways exist of accounting for stockouts when com- by 5 percent would be reasonable, which would raise the
puting average monthly consumption. The recommended expected monthly need by 911 capsules, bringing the total
method is illustrated in Box 20-4 as formula number 1. to 19,129 capsules.
Enter the total consumption and divide this number by the Some changes in consumption may be independent of
number of months in the review period minus (the total trends in overall patient use. One example is predictable
number of days out of stock in the same period divided seasonal variation in the consumption of cough and cold
by 30.5 to convert to months). For example, see the entry remedies. A potential spike in an unpredictable epidemic
for ampicillin 250 mg capsules in Table 20-3, which shows disease such as cholera is another example. If such variation
consumption-based quantification for a Caribbean coun- is anticipated or is part of the consumption data, increas-
try. Total consumption for a six-month review period was ing or decreasing estimates for medicines such as oral rehy-
89,000 capsules. The medicine was out of stock for thirty- dration solution, parenteral solutions, and some antibiotics
four days in the six-month period. Therefore, the average would be sensible; however, this variation does not mean
monthly consumption is— that the need for all medicines will increase or decrease by
the same factor.
CA = 89,000 ÷ [6 – (34 ÷ 30.5)], If a new formulary medicine is known to be replacing
or 89,000 ÷ 4.8852 = 18,218 an older medicine in the formulary, the estimate for the
older medicine should be reduced. If an initiative is being
An alternative method, which is simpler but less precise, launched to alter prescribing patterns, anticipating at least
is shown as formula number 2 in Box 20-4. It uses the esti- some success by reducing the expected need for targeted
mated number of months out of stock for adjusting con- medicines by a small percentage would be reasonable.
sumption, omitting the step of converting days to months. When a turnover occurs in prescribing staff members, the
Using the same medicine from Table 20-3, the medicine was new prescribers may have different ways of treating com-
in stock for about five of the six months, leaving about one mon conditions that could substantially affect medicine
month out of stock. Therefore, the average monthly con- needs in some therapeutic categories. If such changes can be
sumption is— anticipated, adjusting the forecasts would be wise to avoid
spending resources on medicines that will not be as popular
CA = 89,000 ÷ (6 – 1) = 89,000 ÷ 5 = 17,800 as in the past.
20.18 P R O C U R E M E N T

Step 6. Calculate the safety stock needed for each medi- ing the total purchase quantity to 99,603, or 100 bottles of
cine. Safety (buffer) stock is needed to prevent stockouts, 1,000 capsules.
although high levels of safety stock increase inventory hold- Step 9. Compile decentralized quantifications (if appli-
ing costs and should be avoided (see Chapter 23). In some cable). In a decentralized quantification, staff members at
supply systems, the safety stock is set for each item at a fixed each facility or storage point enter their own consumption
quantity or a fixed number of months’ worth of consump- quantities and stockout information following the preced-
tion. However, the preferred method is to calculate the safety ing steps, and the estimates of the individual facilities are
stock based on the projected average consumption and the totaled and compiled on the master quantification list.
expected lead time (see formula number 3 in Box 20-4). The Step 10. Estimate costs for each medicine and total
projected average consumption from step 5 is multiplied by costs. In order to estimate procurement costs, multiply the
the average lead time. This safety stock level should avoid quantities estimated for each medicine by the most accurate
stockouts, assuming that the item is reordered when only the prediction of the expected next purchase price (not the last
safety stock remains, the supplier delivers within the pro- one), as discussed in Section 20.3.
jected lead time, and consumption is no greater than aver- After the expected price has been entered for each medi-
age. Using formula number 3 in Box 20-4, the safety stock cine, multiply the price by the estimated quantity needed
for ampicillin 250 mg capsules in the example is 19,129 × 3 to obtain the total procurement value for each medicine.
months = 57,387. Table 20-3 uses the package price as the basis for making
For vital items identified from a VEN analysis (see Chapter these projections, but in many cases using the unit price is
40), adjusting the safety stock may be necessary to cover preferable, because combining information from different
variations in consumption or lead time. Several options can sources to arrive at an average allows more flexibility. The
be used for adjusting safety stock levels (see Chapter 23). basic unit price is also preferable if the package sizes that
The simplest method multiplies the basic safety stock by an will be ordered are not known or if projections are based
adjustment factor. For example, an adjustment factor of 1.5, on average international prices from a source such as the
or 50 percent, would increase the safety stock of ampicillin annual International Drug Price Indicator Guide.
250 mg capsules in Table 20-3 to 86,081 capsules. If this sort After the estimated procurement value has been calcu-
of adjustment is done for all items, the cost of safety stock lated for each medicine, the final step in the basic quantifica-
will increase substantially; therefore, adjustments should be tion process is to add the estimated procurement values for
made only when true uncertainty exists about the lead time all medicines to obtain the total expected cost for the pro-
or consumption. curement.
Step 7. Calculate the quantity of each medicine Step 11. Compare total costs with budget and make
required in the next procurement period. The suggested adjustments. If the total expected procurement cost exceeds
formula for calculating the quantity to order is shown as the available budget, only two choices exist: either obtain
formula number 5 in Box 20-4. The calculation is done in more funds or reduce the number of medicines and/or the
three main steps. First, the projected average consumption is quantities ordered. Section 20.3 discusses rational ways to
multiplied by the sum of the lead time and the procurement adjust the estimates.
period, yielding the total needs before considering safety
stock, stock on hand, or stock on order. The second step is to
add the quantity needed for safety stock. Finally, the quan- 20.5 Morbidity method
tity of usable stock on hand and the stock on order are added
together, and then subtracted from the previous total. Using The morbidity method uses data on patient use (attendances
the example of ampicillin 250 mg capsules from Table 20-3, at health facilities) and morbidity (the frequency of common
the quantity to order is— health problems) to project the need for medicines based
on assumptions about how the problems will be treated.
QO = 19,129 × (3 + 6) + 57,387 – Readers who plan to undertake a morbidity-based quan-
(81,000 + 58,000) = 90,548 tification can refer to the WHO manual Estimating Drug
Requirements (WHO/DAP 1988), which provides a more
Because the ampicillin capsules are purchased in bottles detailed discussion of the steps in this type of quantification.
of 1,000, ninety-one bottles should be ordered. The morbidity method requires a list of common health
Step 8. Adjust for losses. To avoid stockouts, one should problems, an essential medicines list that includes therapy
adjust quantification estimates to allow for losses, as dis- for the problems, and a set of standard treatments for quanti-
cussed in Section 20.3. If the supply system from Table 20-3 fication purposes (based on either average current practices
averaged 10 percent per year in losses, and this percentage or “ideal” treatment guidelines). For most health problems,
was applied to ampicillin 250 mg capsules, the allowance at least two alternative treatments exist, and a percentage
would add 9,055 capsules to the estimate from step 7, bring- must be assigned based on how frequently each regimen is
20  /  Quantifying pharmaceutical requirements 20.19

used. Then, the expected incidence (number of treatment Figure 20-1 Morbidity method
episodes) of each health problem must be estimated. The
incidence of a health problem can be estimated from total
patient contacts or from a subgroup, for example, “number
of HIV-infected patients” or “number of women attending
antenatal clinic services.”
The quantification formula involves multiplying the
quantity of each medicine included in standard treatments
for each health problem by the number of treatment epi-
sodes expected for the health problem. The expected total Percentage Population
need for each medicine is the sum of the estimates from all of to Be
treatment regimens in which the medicine is included. Then Coverage Served
the estimates are adjusted to fill the supply pipeline, allowing
for losses caused by theft and wastage. Finally, the expected
cost is calculated on the basis of the expected purchase price
of each medicine, and estimates are reconciled with avail-
able funds. Health Health
Problem Problems
Because of the limited data likely to be available on mor- Profile Treated
bidity patterns and the difficulty in defining standard treat-
ments that are meaningful for quantification, applying this
method to every health problem is difficult. This difficulty
limits the method’s utility for a complex health system with
many types of health problems and several levels of health Pharmaceutical Cost
facilities. In general, the morbidity method is most useful in Treatments
Quantities of
estimating for a relatively small number of different health Required Medicines
problems, for example, in primary care and special-purpose
facilities and programs.
Because a limited number of health problems are likely
to be addressed in most morbidity-based quantification
Pharmaceutical Unit
procedures, the resulting estimates for each medicine Stocks Prices of
must be adjusted to cover health problems not considered on Hand and Medicines
in the quantification, usually using some variant of proxy on Order
consumption (see Section 20.6). Adjustments may also be
required to fill the supply pipeline, to account for losses, and,
in most cases, to reconcile the quantities needed with the
funds available. one-year period, and sample standard treatment regimens
In a simple quantification exercise for one health prob- expected to be prescribed for the health problems. The
lem, such as cholera (see Country Study 20-1), or for a small medicine needs for the health problems are calculated in
group of health problems and medicines, the process can basic units. All this information, together with projections
be done manually (although it is easier with a computer). A for losses, adjustments made to reflect available funds, and
spreadsheet program or specialized quantification software, quantities required to fill the supply pipeline, is used to pro-
such as Quantimed, is virtually required to conduct a com- duce a procurement list. Table 20-4 follows steps 1–6 in the
plicated morbidity-based quantification covering a large next section. Box 20-5 provides a summary of calculations
number of health problems and medicines (see Box 20-2). used in morbidity-based quantification.
Figure 20-1 is a flow diagram that illustrates how the data
inputs on population, percentage of coverage, health prob- Steps in the quantification
lems, standard treatments, and unit costs are used to calcu-
late the quantities needed and projected procurement costs. Step 1. Specify the list of problems. List the major spe-
cific health problems encountered (see Table 20-4). If an
Example existing information system reports on diseases, those dis-
ease codes should be used; if no coding system exists, the
Table 20-4 is an example of morbidity-based quantification. International Classification of Diseases (ICD) system can
The table shows a number of health problems for which be used. (See for
medicines are to be procured, morbidity estimates for a more information.)
Table 20-4 Pharmaceutical needs based on morbidity

F Ce Et Pt Dcu Nd Ld Qe Qt
% Cases Basic
Episodes Expected Projected Number treated Basic Doses Number units Total basic
Age per 1,000 number of number of of with Pharmaceutical Basic units per per of per units
Problem Severity group contacts contacts episodes regimen regimen product unit dose day days episode needed
Malaria 1 <5 364 3,279,578 1,193,767 1 100 Artesunate 50 mg Tablet 1 1 3 3 3,581,301
1 100 Amodiaquine 150 mg Tablet 1 1 3 3 3,581,301
20.20 P R O C U R E M E N T

Paracetamol solution
2 80 120 mg/5 mL mL 1.50 4 10 60 57,300,816
>5 278 3,279,578 911,723 1 100 Artesunate 50 mg Tablet 4 1 3 12 10,940,676
1 100 Amodiaquine 150 mg Tablet 4 1 3 12 10,940,676
2 80 Paracetamol 500 mg Tablet 2 4 5 40 29,175,129
Quinine injection
2 <5 65 3,279,578 213,173 1 100 300 mg/mL mL 0.50 3 1 1.5 319,759
1 100 Quinine 300 mg Tablet 0.50 3 6 9 1,918,553
Paracetamol solution
2 100 120 mg/5 mL mL 1.50 4 10 60 12,790,356
Quinine injection
>5 61 3,279,578 200,054 1 100 300 mg/mL mL 2 3 1 6 1,200,326
1 100 Quinine 300 mg Tablet 2 3 6 36 7,201,954
2 100 Paracetamol 500 mg Tablet 2 4 10 80 16,004,343
Conjunctivitis Tetracycline 1% eye
— <5 53 3,279,578 173,818 1 100 ointment 5 g tube 1 3 7 1 173,818
Tetracycline 1% eye
>5 38 3,279,578 124,624 1 100 ointment 5 g tube 1 3 7 1 124,624
Otitis media Co-trimoxazole
— <5 106 3,279,578 347,635 1 100 suspension mL 5 2 10 100 34,763,531
Paracetamol solution
2 100 120 mg/5 mL mL 1.50 4 10 60 20,858,119
3 80 Pseudoephedrine syrup mL 2.50 4 5 50 13,905,412
Co-trimoxazole 800/
>5 29 3,279,578 95,108 1 100 160 mg Tablet 1 2 10 20 1,902,155
2 100 Paracetamol 500 mg Tablet 2 4 5 40 3,804,311
3 80 Pseudoephedrine 60 mg Tablet 1 4 5 20 1,521,724
Acute tonsillitis Penicillin VK 125 mg/
— <5 72 3,279,578 236,130 1 100 5 mL liquid mL 5 4 5 100 23,612,964
Paracetamol solution
2 100 120 mg/5 mL mL 1.50 4 10 60 4,167,779
Procaine penicillin 3 MU
>5 33 3,279,578 108,226 1 100 injection Vial 1 1 1 1 108,226
2 100 Penicillin VK 250 mg Tablet 1 4 5 20 2,164,522
3 100 Paracetamol 500 mg Tablet 2 4 5 40 4,329,043
Gastritis, heartburn — <5 11 3,279,578 36,075 1 100 Antacid suspension mL 5 4 5 100 3,607,536
>5 77 3,279,578 252,528 1 70 Antacid suspension mL 10 4 5 200 35,353,855
    2 30 Cimetidine 300 mg Tablet 1 4 5 20 1,515,165
Note: Based on 3,123,408 contacts in the past year; 5 percent expected rate of increase; MU = mega-unit.
20  /  Quantifying pharmaceutical requirements 20.21

The health problem list should not be broken down into but an important difference exists between the approaches:
too much detail but should be defined according to the diag- average regimens are based on observed or reported prac-
nostic capacity and health problems treated at each type of tices and are more likely to predict what will actually hap-
health facility. At the lowest level of the system, only a lim- pen, whereas ideal regimens define what should happen if
ited number of problems are recognized and treated; the prescribers follow the ideal guidelines. Country Study 20-1
range of problems diagnosed and treated normally increases illustrates how different the results can be between average
at the health center, district hospital, and referral hospital current treatments and standard treatments.
levels. Which should be used? Perhaps both, in a combination
Because treatments differ markedly for adult and pediat- approach. For example, if one treatment regimen is viewed
ric patients, at least two categories (under five years and over as ideal but another is commonly used, include both regi-
five years) need to be included for most problems. Although mens in the guidelines for quantification and estimate the
it may be tempting to establish several categories (under percentage of treatment episodes that will receive each of the
five, five to twelve, thirteen to sixty-five, and over sixty-five), two regimens.
it is best to avoid overcomplicating the development of treat- For some health problems, particularly with severely
ment guidelines (see below) and the process of compiling ill patients, the duration of treatment varies significantly
data on treatment episodes. between individual patients, depending on their treatment
Step 2. Establish the list of medicines to be quantified. response. Expert advice should be used to help estimate
The objective here is a list of essential medicines that covers average treatment duration. The same applies for preventive
the major health problems and forms the basis for standard treatment, where adherence to treatment can significantly
treatment schedules (see Table 20-4). A current and appro- influence treatment duration.
priate national or health system formulary or essential med- In most quantification exercises, developing (or modify-
icines list should be used when available. If no official list ing) the treatment guidelines is necessary (see Chapter 17).
exists, one needs to be developed (see Chapter 17); it may Ideally, standard treatment guidelines should be developed
grow out of the process of developing standard treatments. by expert committees (with additional expert assistance, if
The medicines list must be available in two formats—one needed). Unless reliable information is available on medi-
organized in alphabetical order by generic name (INN) and cine use and prescribing patterns, a special study may be
one by therapeutic categories. The therapeutic category list needed to determine average actual treatment patterns; this
is most useful in developing standard treatment schedules, study can be combined with a study to determine morbidity
and the list organized by generic name is used for the pro- patterns and incidence of health problems (see step 4).
curement list. Whichever option is used, the same information must be
Step 3. Establish standard or average treatments. compiled (see Section 20.3)—
Standard or average treatment regimens are required for each
health problem to forecast medicine needs, as in Table 20-4. • The percentage of treatment episodes in which the
Developing this information is the most complicated part medicine will be prescribed
of using the morbidity method. Two basic options exist for • The name of each medicine and strength/concentra-
developing standard treatments: average actual treatments tion with separate treatments listed for age (or weight)
or ideal standard treatments. The components are the same, level, as appropriate

Box 20-5
Morbidity-based calculations
Formula number Objective of formula Calculations
1 Quantity of medicines needed per treatment episode Qe = Dc u × Nd × Ld
2 Expected total number of contacts (in thousands) Ce = C + (C × Au)
3 Expected treatment episodes Et = Ce × F
4 Total quantity of medicines needed Qt = Et × Qe × Pt
Qe =  Quantity of each medicine needed for each treatment episode Ce =  Expected total number of contacts
Dcu =  Basic units per dose F =  Frequency of health problem (per thousand)
Nd =  Number of doses per day Et =  Expected treatment episodes
Ld =  Length of treatment in days Qt = Total quantity required
C =  Past total number of contacts Pt =  Percentage of cases expected to be treated
Au =  Utilization adjustment
20.22 P R O C U R E M E N T

• The basic unit cumulative percentage may exceed 100 percent for a par-
• The number of basic units in each average dose for the ticular health problem.
health problem in question If major differences exist in the way that health conditions
• The average number of doses of each medicine per day are treated by different level and/or prescribers, estimating
for the problem how many (or what percentage of) treatment episodes of
• The average number of days of treatment for each each disease will be managed by each category of prescriber
medicine per episode may be useful; then specify separate treatment regimens
common for each prescriber category.
These components are combined to project the quantity Practitioners involved in developing standard treatment
of each medicine needed for each treatment episode (QE) in guidelines for quantification should understand that the
each standard treatment regimen. This projection is made guidelines are for quantification only and that a prescriber’s
by multiplying the basic units per dose (DCU) by the number freedom will not necessarily be curtailed as a result. In one
of doses per day (ND). This result is multiplied by the length West African country, a committee was formed to develop
of treatment per episode, in days (LD). The entire formula standard treatment guidelines for quantification, with the
is— assistance of an outside expert. The committee met but
decided that standard treatment guidelines would restrict
QE = DCU × ND × LD doctors’ freedom to choose a therapy and instead produced
a simple therapeutics manual. When the external quantifica-
In the example from Table 20-4, three different medicine tion team arrived in the country, no lists had been produced
products are prescribed for otitis media for both age groups; of common diseases with guidelines for quantification, and
the medicines are the same, but the dose and dosage form the process ultimately failed to produce a useful list for pro-
differ. The quantity of co-trimoxazole suspension needed to curement.
treat otitis media in patients under five years old is calcu- Step 4. Collect morbidity data for each health prob-
lated as— lem treated. This step estimates the expected number of
treatment episodes for each health problem from step 1. A
QE = 5 mL × 2 doses/day × 10 days = 100 mL treatment episode is “a patient contact for which a standard
course of drug treatment is required” (WHO/DAP 1988,
Generally, this calculation is done for all medicines in all Module 6, Section 1). Table 20-4 shows one way of organiz-
the standard treatment regimens; however, the formula may ing morbidity data for the health problems from step 1 and
not be appropriate for all formulations, such as in pediat- estimating the number of treatment episodes.
ric solutions, because patients may receive an entire bottle Information from the regular health information system
rather than the exact volume needed for a treatment course. on morbidity patterns and treatment episodes can be used
Using the average consumption over the course of treatment for quantification. In many cases, however, this informa-
(or monthly, for chronic conditions) may be more accurate. tion is not available, and a special study is needed in sen-
Similarly, for conjunctivitis in Table 20-4, the basic unit used tinel facilities, from which data can then (with caution) be
in the treatment is one tube of eye ointment, but one dose extrapolated. The study can take two forms: a retrospective
would not comprise one tube—a tube should last through- review of records in selected facilities (if those records are
out the course of treatment. relatively accessible, complete, and accurate), or a prospec-
If different treatment regimens (perhaps with multiple tive study in a sample of health facilities. The study must be
medicines) are used for the same disease according to its completed before actually starting the quantification. Some
severity, separate standard regimens must be considered and key issues in conducting these studies include—
assigned for each. This situation is illustrated by the malaria
treatment guidelines in Table 20-4, which include two levels • Both the number of contacts and the number of
of severity. Patients who are categorized as severity 2 could treatment episodes must be obtained in the study of
have started on this regimen directly or have been put on sample facilities. In new programs or during scale-up,
this regimen after first-line treatment failed. treatment episodes could take the form of target treat-
For each regimen, the proportion of patients with each ment figures, rather than historical figures from actual
disease who will be treated with each different therapy is patients.
estimated. From Table 20-4, in patients over five years old • Only patient contacts that normally result in pharma-
with gastritis, 70 percent are expected to be treated with ceutical treatment should be counted, separate from
antacid and 30 percent with cimetidine. In some situations, those that do not (such as well-child programs).
depending on treatment practices, allocating 70 percent for • The sample data should specify the frequency of each
antacid and 50 for cimetidine (because some patients will health problem in terms of a common denominator,
receive both medicines) might be appropriate. Thus, the such as 1,000 inpatients or 1,000 outpatient visits (for
20  /  Quantifying pharmaceutical requirements 20.23

example, number of acute diarrhea cases per 1,000 estimated number of treatment episodes for each age group
outpatient contacts). The health problem data can also and each health problem is multiplied by 1.05.
be presented as a percentage of the population (cases
out of 100); for example, 20 percent of child visits are CE = C + (C × AU)
for diarrhea. CE = 3,123,408 × 1.05
• Separate frequencies must be developed for all age
groups specified in the standard treatment guidelines. Next, multiply the expected total number of contacts (CE)
Table 20-4 shows one format for doing so. by the expected frequency of the problem (F) to obtain the
• Separating curative from noncurative contacts may not number of treatment episodes (ET) based on the previous
be possible in a retrospective review of records. Even year’s data. The estimated total number of patient contacts
for curative contacts, not all patients who come to for the past year is divided by 1,000, so that the denomina-
facilities with health problems receive pharmaceutical tors of contacts and treatment frequency are the same. (The
therapy (although the vast majority does if medicines frequency of treatment episodes is usually expressed in treat-
are in stock). If this factor is thought to be important, ment episodes per 1,000 contacts.) This calculation must be
the proportion of cases that will be treated with phar- done separately for each discrete age range used in the pro-
maceuticals can be estimated. cess. If multiple levels of treatment are used, the number of
• Also, some health problems will require short-term treatment episodes at each level must also be estimated—
treatment, while others, such as HIV/AIDS, will
require lifelong ART, which makes distinguishing ET = CE × F
between acute and chronic treatments important.
• If discrete types of prescribers (such as doctors com- In the Table 20-4 example, there were 3,279,578 expected
pared with paramedical staff) use different treatment contacts, and in the past year there were 364 episodes of
regimens, the number of treatment episodes must be malaria per 1,000 patients under five years old. Therefore,
compiled separately for each prescriber type. the calculation is—
• The sample data should also specify the number of
patient contacts per total population in the area served ET = 3,279,578 × 364 ÷ 1,000
by the sample facilities. For example, if the total popu-
lation in the sample area was 3.9 million, and 3,123,408 Step 6. Calculate the quantity of medicines needed for
patient contacts took place per year (as in Table 20-4), each health problem. For each health problem, the pro-
on average 0.8 patient contacts occurred per inhabit- jected number of treatment episodes from step 5 (ET) is
ant. This average could be used to project the number multiplied by the quantity of basic units (QE) specified in
of contacts in another area, as described in Section the guidelines for each age group (and each level of disease
20.6 on the proxy consumption method. severity from step 3). This result is then multiplied by the
percentage of cases that are expected to be treated (PT). The
Estimating Drug Requirements (WHO/DAP 1988) pro- full formula is—
vides guidelines for surveying health facility records, doing
a prospective study of morbidity, and constructing morbid- QT = ET × QE × PT
ity projections. Chapter 28 of this manual provides guidance
for studying medicine use in health facilities. In Table 20-4, 80 percent of patients under age five with
Step 5. Calculate the number of treatment episodes for malaria, severity level 1, are expected to be treated with
each health problem. Two options exist for calculating the para­cetamol solution. Therefore, the calculation is—
number of treatment episodes. If the number of expected
patient contacts (outpatient contacts, inpatient admissions, QT = 1,193,767 × 60 mL × 0.8
or both) can be estimated directly in the target facilities, the
calculations are done in one step based on the number of This calculation yields a total of 57,300,816 mL needed for
contacts. If the information on contacts is not reliable, it this treatment regimen.
must be estimated from the population in the area served Step 7. Combine the estimates for each medicine
and the frequency of contacts per inhabitant in the target from the various health problems into a master pro-
population. curement list. This step combines the estimated quanti-
First, the number of treatment episodes must be adjusted ties from different treatment regimens into one master list
for expected changes in patient use. In Table 20-4, the for procurement. For example, in Table 20-4, paracetamol
3,123,408 contacts from the previous year are separated into solution is included in four different treatment guidelines
two categories: under five years of age and over five years (malaria severity 1 and severity 2, otitis media, and tonsil-
of age. A 5 percent increase is expected (AU). Therefore, the litis). For the master procurement list, the four separate
20.24 P R O C U R E M E N T

estimated quantities must be added to yield the total num- Step 10. Adjust quantities for expected losses. This
ber of milliliters of paracetamol needed. Master list quanti- procedure is discussed in Section 20.3. In most supply
ties usually then need to be adjusted to cover factors such systems, losses are a reality, and unless they are con-
as health problems not considered in the basic estimates, sidered in the quantification process, stockouts will be
shortages in the supply pipeline, and losses caused by theft unavoidable.
and wastage. Step 11. Estimate costs for each medicine and total
Step 8. Adjust quantities to cover other health prob- costs. With adjustments made to cover needs for addi-
lems. The reliability of morbidity-based quantification tional health problems, losses, and filling the pipeline (if
increases as the number of health problems addressed necessary), the total estimated quantity can be divided by
increases, but getting reliable data or estimates for all major the purchase pack size to determine the number of packs
health problems is rarely feasible. In this situation, the to be ordered. For example, in Table 20-4, 23,612,964 mL
morbidity-based quantification cannot predict total phar- of penicillin VK solution are the estimated need. If this
maceutical needs, and medicine needs must be adjusted to medicine is produced in 100 mL bottles, 236,130 bottles
cover health problems not addressed in the quantification. should be ordered.
Otherwise, stockouts will occur. If the basic unit price is used as the basic estimate of
Because reliable consumption data from the target sys- cost, multiply it by the expected package size to deter-
tem are not available for comparison (or that method would mine the expected package price. If the available prices are
probably have been used for the quantification), the proxy based on package price, enter it directly.
consumption method described in Section 20.6, or “expert To calculate the estimated procurement value, multi-
opinion,” may be used to estimate what percentage adjust- ply the expected pack price by the estimated number of
ment should be made to the morbidity-based estimates. packages to be purchased. The prices used in the estimate
If data on medicine use are available from another simi- should be the expected next purchase price, not the last
lar health system, extrapolating requirements for twenty or purchase price (see Section 20.3).
thirty commonly used medicines might be possible, and Step 12. Compare total costs with budget and
then determining the average percentage difference between make adjustments. Reduce the estimated quantities or
the estimates produced by each method. For example, if the number of medicines or both to conform to bud-
the extrapolated method produces estimates that average get realities, if necessary. The morbidity-based method
10 percent higher than those produced by the morbidity lends itself to considering the relative therapeutic value
method, the quantities of all medicines could be increased of pharmaceuticals on the list. In the example illus-
by 10 percent. trated by Table 20-4, one might determine that because
An alternative is surveying local experts to determine pseudoephedrine has not proved to be useful in otitis
what percentage of overall patient contacts have been cap- media, the percentages allotted for this medicine could
tured in the list of health problems used for morbidity quan- be reduced. The important point is that when reductions
tification. For example, if local experts agree that about 90 are required, they should be made rationally, with the
percent of the medicine needs are covered in the standard goal of maximizing the therapeutic benefit of expendi-
treatments, estimated quantities could again be increased by tures.
10 percent.
Step 9. Adjust for filling the pipeline and current stock
position. So far, the calculations assume that the supply 20.6 Proxy consumption method
pipeline (see Section 20.3) is relatively intact and that the
procurement is only replacing medicines that are being Many supply systems face a severe information deficit,
consumed. If major stockouts have occurred that need to which limits accurate quantification. When neither con-
be corrected, additional stock will be necessary to fill the sumption nor morbidity methods are feasible, the best
pipeline. option is extrapolating from consumption data from
If applicable, make adjustments for stock on hand, stock another region or health system. The proxy consumption
on order, lead time, and safety stock as described in the method uses known consumption data from one system,
consumption method (see Section 20.4, step 6) to finalize called the standard, to estimate the medicine needs in a sim-
the preliminary estimates. Because no average monthly ilar or expanded system, known as the target.
consumption data are available to calculate lead time and This method can be population based, defining medi-
safety stock, estimate the projected monthly consumption cine use per 1,000 population, or service based, defining
by dividing the total quantity required by the number of medicine use per specified patient case, inpatient admis-
months it is to be used. This estimate could be plugged into sion, or rural health center. A complete quantification
the formula used to determine safety stock and lead time in may use a combination of the two methods, with different
the consumption method. denominators for different products.

Table 20-5 Proxy consumption

Standard system consumption: Target system extrapolation:

50,000 inhabitants, 32,500 outpatient contacts 80,000 inhabitants, unknown outpatient contacts

Total Adjusted Projected

usage in average Adjusted Usage requirements Probable Value of
6-month Days monthly annual Usage per 1,000 in BUs based Order pack proposed
Pharmaceutical period out of usage usage per 1,000 outpatient on 80,000 Pack quantity price order
product Strength Basic unit (BU) stock (BU) (BU) inhabitants contacts inhabitants size (packs) (USD) (USD)
Ampicillin 500 mg Capsule 59,500 0 9,917 119,000 2,380 3,662 190,400 1,000 191 46.50 8,881.50
Ampicillin 250 mg Capsule 89,000 34 18,218 218,617 4,372 6,727 349,788 1,000 350 24.70 8,645.00
Ampicillin suspension 125 mg/
100 mL 5 mL Bottle 4,128 0 688 8,256 165 254 13,210 1 13,210 0.57 7,529.70
decongestant elixir
250 mL — Bottle 853 29 169 2,027 41 62 3,244 1 3,244 1.57 5,093.08
Bacitracin antibiotic
ointment — Tube 2,414 31 484 5,813 116 179 9,300 1 9,301 0.54 5,022.54
Bendrofluazide 5 mg Tablet 141,500 30 28,208 338,490 6,770 10,415 541,584 500 1,084 4.60 4,986.40
Benzathine benzyl-
penicillin injection 2.4 MU Ampoule 1,318 0 220 2,636 53 81 4,218 50 85 25.00 2,125.00
Chlorpropamide 250 mg Tablet 162,000 0 27,000 324,000 6,480 9,969 518,400 1,000 519 27.90 14,480.10
Cimetidine 400 mg Tablet 24,000 0 4,000 48,000 960 1,477 76,800 1,000 77 17.90 1,378.30
Co-trimoxazole 400/80 mg Tablet 81,000 0 13,500 162,000 3,240 4,985 259,200 1,000 260 21.00 5,460.00
Erythromycin 250 mg Tablet 80,500 0 13,417 161,000 3,220 4,954 257,600 500 516 14.50 7,482.00
Ferrous salt/folic acid 200/.04 mg Tablet 353,000 0 58,833 706,000 14,120 21,723 1,129,600 1,000 1,130 2.30 2,599.00
decanoate injection
10 mL 25 mg/mL Vial 324 0 54 648 13 20 1,037 1 1,037 8.63 8,949.31
Indomethacin 25 mg Capsule 167,000 0 27,833 334,000 6,680 10,277 534,400 1,000 535 3.30 1,765.50
Insulin lente 100 IU/mL Vial 4,504 0 751 9,008 180 277 14,413 1 14,413 3.91 56,354.83
Methyldopa 500 mg Tablet 191,000 32 38,579 462,954 9,259 14,245 740,726 500 1,482 30.00 44,460.00
Nystatin skin cream
30 g 100,000 IU Tube 1,815 0 303 3,630 73 112 5,808 1 5,808 0.67 3,891.36
Oral rehydration salts — Sachet 6,820 0 1,137 13,640 273 420 21,824 1 21,824 0.06 1,309.44
Paracetamol elixir 120 mg/
150 mL 5 mL Bottle 2,934 0 489 5,868 117 181 9,389 1 9,389 0.65 6,102.85
Paracetamol 500 mg Tablet 319,000 0 53,167 638,000 12,760 19,631 1,020,800 1,000 1,021 3.90 3,981.90
Penicillin VK 125 mg/
suspension 100 mL 5 mL Bottle 1,447 0 241 2,894 58 89 4,630 1 4,631 0.71 3,288.01
Salbutamol liquid
150 mL 2 mg/5 mL Bottle 1,063 0 177 2,126 43 65 3,402 1 3,402 0.83 2,823.66
Tetracycline HCl 250 mg Capsule 62,000 0 10,333 124,000 2,480 3,815 198,400 1,000 199 12.00 2,388.00
Vitamins, multiple — Tablet 259,000 0 43,167 518,000 10,360 15,938 828,800 1,000 829 3.80 3,150.20
Total order cost: 212,147.68
Note: BU = basic unit; USD = U.S. dollars; MU = mega-unit; IU = international unit.
20  /  Quantifying pharmaceutical requirements 20.25
20.26 P R O C U R E M E N T

Example age monthly consumption (see Section 20.4). The average

monthly consumption is multiplied by twelve to obtain the
Table 20-5 illustrates the proxy consumption method of adjusted annual consumption (or by the applicable num-
extrapolating consumption of outpatient pharmaceuticals ber of months for any other period that was determined in
from a standard health system to the target health system. step 3). Then divide the adjusted annual consumption by the
The data in Table 20-5 do not represent any particular number of thousands of contacts or inhabitants to establish
country. the consumption rate.
Step 7. Extrapolate the standard system’s consumption
Steps in the quantification rate to the target system. Multiply the standard consump-
tion rate for each medicine by the estimated number of
Step 1. Select the standard system for comparison and thousands of contacts or inhabitants in the target system to
extrapolation. The standard facilities should, if feasible, yield the projected requirements in the target system.
closely resemble the region or country for which the esti- Step 8. Adjust for expected losses. Because these esti-
mate is made in terms of geography and climate, patient mates are very rough and the percentages of losses that were
population served, morbidity patterns, prescribing prac- experienced in the standard system may be unclear, adjust-
tices, standard treatment guidelines, essential medicines ing for losses may not be realistic. However, if known losses
lists, and pharmaceutical supply status. Representative exist, add a percentage allowance, at least for vital medicines
standard facilities should be selected at each level of (see Section 20.3).
health care that has a different medicines list, morbidity Step 9. Estimate costs for each medicine and total costs
patterns, or prescribing practices. They should have an and make adjustments. Multiply the projected quantities
adequate and uninterrupted pharmaceutical supply (but for each medicine by the most accurate prediction of the
not greatly overstocked), fairly rational prescribing prac- next procurement cost and reconcile that product with
tices, and complete and accurate records of patient con- available funds, as discussed in Section 20.3.
tacts and pharmaceutical inventory movement. Of course,
finding an ideal standard may not be possible, but an
effort should be made to select the best standard data 20.7 Service-level projection of budget
available. requirements
Step 2. Develop the medicines list. See Section 20.3 for a
discussion of issues. This method is used to estimate financial requirements,
Step 3. Establish the period to be covered in review. not specific medicine quantities, for pharmaceutical pro-
Determine the number of months’ worth of data to be curement on the basis of costs per patient treated at vari-
reviewed in the standard system. See Section 20.4 for a dis- ous levels of the same health system or, with great caution,
cussion of these issues. data from other health systems. It does not forecast needs
Step 4. Review records from the standard system to for specific medicines but provides a clear, logical, one-page
compile contact or population data. Use available reports justification of pharmaceutical financing requirements.
on patient contacts in the standard system; if reports with Generalizing from one region in a country to another region
suitable data are not already compiled, a survey of standard in the same country is more reliable than extrapolating data
facilities can be done to determine the number of patient to a different country.
contacts during the period established. A similar survey Like the proxy consumption method, this extrapolation
might be carried out in the target system, but if the target method produces rough estimates because significant, but
system has had a severe problem with stockouts, the atten- not always apparent, variations may exist between the target
dance data may not reflect the number of contacts that can health system and the system used as a source of standard
be expected when medicines are available. data. Possible sources of error include prescribers in the tar-
Step 5. Establish the denominator for extrapolation. get system using a different mix of medicines from those in
The denominator used to extrapolate consumption can be the source system, variability in disease frequency and the
either population in the area served or number of patient number of patient attendances per facility, and differences
contacts, depending on the data obtainable through step 4. in the effectiveness of procurement and financial manage-
Whichever one is used, the denominator is usually thou- ment systems in the two settings.
sands of patient contacts or thousands of inhabitants in the The main requirement for this method is a fairly reliable
region (as in Table 20-5). In very large systems, using tens of estimate of average medicine cost per patient attendance
thousands or even millions of contacts or inhabitants might and average numbers of patient attendances at various levels
be preferable. of the standard health system. This information may not be
Step 6. Determine the consumption rate in the stan- readily available, but it can be compiled through a special
dard system. For each medicine, produce an adjusted aver- study in one part of a health system where pharmaceutical
20  /  Quantifying pharmaceutical requirements 20.27

Table 20-6 Service-based budgeting of essential medicines requirements

Average cost per

attendance or bed-day Annual
Number of Average annual from sample facilities pharmaceutical
Type of facility and patient facilities workload per facility (USD) needs (USD)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Provincial general hospitals 13
Inpatients 176,000 bed-days 0.55 1,258,400
General outpatientsa 195,000 attendances 0.55 1,394,250
Prenatal patients 19,500 attendances 0.15 38,025
District hospitals 42
Inpatients 57,000 bed-days 0.50 1,197,000
General outpatients 85,000 attendances 0.50 1,785,000
Prenatal patients 11,000 attendances 0.15 69,300
Subdistrict hospitals 35
Inpatients 21,500 bed-days 0.45 338,625
General outpatients 60,000 attendances 0.50 1,050,000
Prenatal patients 7,500 attendances 0.15 39,375
Rural health training centers 38
Inpatients 20,000 bed-days 0.40 304,000
General outpatients 40,000 attendances 0.45 684,000
Prenatal patients 5,000 attendances 0.15 28,500
Health centers 315
Inpatients 1,500 bed-days 0.20 94,500
General outpatients 32,000 attendances 0.40 4,032,000
Prenatal patients 4,000 attendances 0.15 189,000
Dispensaries 1,114
General outpatients 18,000 attendances 0.30 6,015,600
Provincial general hospitals 2,690,675
District and subdistrict hospitals 4,479,300
Rural health training centers 1,016,500
Health centers and dispensaries 10,331,100
Total 18,517,575
Per capita requirement 0.686
Source: Adapted from Ministry of Health, Government of Kenya. 1992. Workload-Based Annual Budget for Pharmaceuticals and Non-Pharmaceuticals.
Note: USD = U.S. dollars. The exchange rate used is Kenya shillings 60 to USD 1. Population equals 27 million (estimate for 1993).
 This category includes (for all levels) adult and pediatric general outpatients, casualty, and specialty clinics.

supplies are consistent and where treatment practices are Example

considered to be representative. The following data must be
compiled— Table 20-6 shows the method applied to estimate financial
requirements for pharmaceutical procurement in Kenya.
• The average number of curative and noncurative out-
patient attendances and inpatient bed-days and/or Steps in the quantification
other type of patient contact for each type of facility in
the source health system Step 1. Establish the categories of facilities and deter-
• The average cost per outpatient curative and noncura- mine the number in each category. List each type of facil-
tive attendance and per bed-day and/or other type of ity to be quantified for in the first column. The number of
patient contact in each type of facility in the source facility categories used depends on the size and scope of the
health system target health system. Table 20-6 shows six significant levels,
20.28 P R O C U R E M E N T

ranging from provincial general hospitals to dispensaries References and further readings
(see column 1). The number of facilities in each category is
entered in the second column. H = Key readings.
Step 2. Determine the patient contact denominators Allers, C., and Y. Chandani. 2006. Guide for Quantifying ARV Drugs.
for each type of facility, and compile or estimate the aver- Arlington, Va.: DELIVER for the U.S. Agency for International
age number of patient contacts of each type at each cat- Development. <>
egory of facility. These data can be obtained from centrally Chandani, Y., L. Teclemariam, D. Alt, C. Allers, and L. Lyons. 2006.
available information or from a special-purpose survey to Guide for Quantifying HIV Test Kits. Arlington, Va.: DELIVER, for
the U.S. Agency for International Development. <http://pdf.usaid.
determine the average number of patient contacts for each gov/pdf_docs/PNADG490.pdf>
category of facility. For each category, several different Hogerzeil, H. V. 1986. Estimating Drug Requirements: Standardized
types of patient contact may result in pharmaceutical costs. Supply of Essential Drugs in Ghana. Tropical Doctor 16:155–59.
Minimally, inpatient and outpatient costs and contacts MSH (Management Sciences for Health). 2010. International Drug
should be separated. Price Indicator Guide. (Updated annually.) Cambridge, Mass.: MSH.
In the example in Table 20-6 (column 3), in all but the MSH/RPM Plus (Management Sciences for Heatlh/Rational
lowest-level facility (dispensaries) contacts were separated Pharmaceutical Management Plus Program). 2008. A Commodity
into three types: inpatient, with bed-days as the common and Management Planning Guide for the Scale-Up of HIV Counseling
denominator; and general outpatient and prenatal visits, and Testing Services. Arlington, Va.: MSH/RPM Plus. <http://www.
each with attendances as the denominator.
Step 3. Calculate the average cost per contact. The ————. 2006. Quantimed User’s Guide, Version 1.2. Arlington,
average cost per attendance and/or bed-day is derived by Va.: MSH/RPM Plus. <
dividing the total pharmaceutical purchases for the sample Documents/upload/Quantimed_English_Final.pdf>
facility or facilities that are providing the source of data for MSH/SPS Program (Management Sciences for Health/Strengthening
extrapolation in the class by the total attendances or bed- Pharmaceutical Systems Program). No date. Electronic Dispensing
Tool. <
days. In facilities with both inpatients and outpatients, the edt_flyer_english.pdf>
fraction of total procurement costs attributable to inpa- Osore, H. 1989. Estimating Drug Requirements Using Morbidity Data-
tients, outpatients, and noncurative visits must be estimated. Based Method: Cumulative Country Experience. Tropical Doctor
Column 4 in Table 20-6 shows the average cost data based 19:90–94.
on the source data from the sample facilities. Soeters, R., and W. Bannenberg. 2009. The Selection and Use of Essential
Medicines: Report of the WHO Expert Committee, March 2009.
Step 4. Calculate the total projected pharmaceutical Geneva: WHO. <
costs. Multiply the average number of patient contacts for eng.pdf>
each facility (column 3 in Table 20-6) by the number of facil- ————. 1988. Computerized Calculation of Essential Drug
ities (column 2). This result is then multiplied by the average Requirements. Social Science and Medicine 27:955–70.
pharmaceutical cost for that type of patient in that type of H WHO/DAP (World Health Organization/Action Programme on
Essential Drugs). 1988. Estimating Drug Requirements: A Practical
facility (column 4), which estimates total financial require- Manual. Geneva: WHO/DAP. <
ments for each type of attendance in each type of facility WHO_DAP_88.2.pdf>
(column 5). These totals are then summed to produce the
total financial requirements. The result is an estimate of the
probable pharmaceutical costs, on average, for each type of
facility and for the system as a whole. The results are not
necessarily applicable to any specific facility. n
20  /  Quantifying pharmaceutical requirements 20.29

a s s e s s me n t g u ide

Availability of data • Is quantification decentralized or managed cen­

trally? Which offices and levels of the system are
• Do the medical stores and health facilities have cur- responsible for quantification?
rent and accurate records of medicine usage? • If quantification is decentralized, what training is or
• What data and reports are maintained centrally (or has been provided to responsible staff members at
at other levels of the health system) on outpatient peripheral facilities?
attendances, inpatient bed-days, or other counts of • Are preprinted quantification and/or data-collection
patient contacts? forms distributed to the facilities?
• For how many diseases does reliable information
exist on numbers of cases reported or treated annu- Quantification methods
ally? • What quantification methods are used to forecast
• Are there official standard treatment guidelines for pharmaceutical and budget needs?
certain diseases? If so, how many diseases are cov- • Are actual procurement quantities and costs com-
ered, and how is compliance monitored? pared at the end of each year against the initial quan-
Management of quantification tification estimates?
• Is the supply system pipeline functioning well, or
• Do a formal workplan and schedule for quantifica- have pharmaceutical shortages been frequent or
tion exist? widespread? If shortages have occurred, do only
• Does a quantification committee exist with repre- certain medicines present problems, or do shortages
sentatives from health facilities (prescribers and exist for many different medicines?
pharmacy staff), government (heads of special • What information is used to predict procurement
disease programs and health information systems costs? If last year’s prices are used, how are they
staff), central medical store (or other group handling adjusted?
pharmaceutical distribution), and donors? • What standard formulas are used to calculate order
• Is quantification done manually or by computer? If quantities?
computers are used, which offices have computers, • Is there an essential medicines list or health system
and what software program is used for quantifica- medicine formulary that is used for quantification?
tion? Which levels of warehouses and facilities Is procurement limited to medicines on the list?
have computerized procurement and inventory • What techniques are used to adjust initial estimates
records? to conform to budget realities?

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