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The Spatial Integration of Potato Wholesale Markets of Uttarakhand in India

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SAARC J. Agri., 14(2): 20-30 (2016) doi:



A. Kumar* and R. Mishra
Department of Agricultural Economics, G. B. Pant University of Agriculture &
Technology, Pantnagar-263145, U S Nagar, Uttarakhand, India

This paper analyzes the spatial integration of potato markets in
Uttarakhand using monthly wholesale price for ten years. The maximum
likelihood method of cointegration developed by Johansen (1988) was
used in the study. The dynamics of short-run price responses were
examined using vector error correction model (VECM). The results
indicated that five potato markets reacted on the long-run cointegrating
equations while the speed of price adjustment in the short-run was
almost absent. Moreover, it was found that the longer the distance
between the markets, the weaker the integration was. To increase the
efficiency of potato markets in Uttarakhand, there is need to focus on
building an improved market information system. This system should be
able to disseminate timely market information about price, demand and
supply of produce to enable producers, traders and consumers to make
proper production and marketing decisions.
Keywords: Potato, wholesale, spatial, integration

The nature of markets and their role in price determination are central to
economies. Spatial price behaviour in regional markets is an important indicator of
overall market performance. Typically, agricultural products are bulky and/or
perishable and area of production and consumption are separated; hence,
transportation is costly. To measure demand and supply, price discovery, and
structure of competition, geographical boundaries of a market are important. The
geographical integration of markets determines the extent to which weather risk is
shared over space by smoothing idiosyncratic price variations. Integrated markets
have limited price differences in time, form, and space when it comes to marketing
costs. Markets that are not integrated may convey inaccurate price signals that might
distort producers’ marketing decisions and contribute to inefficient product

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Received: 08.05.2016

movements (Tomek and Robinson, 1990). If price movements of a commodity in one

market are completely irrelevant to forecast price movements of the same commodity
in other markets, the markets are characterized as segmented. The success of opening
up of trade between the regions will depend on the strength of transmission of price
signals among the markets in various regions of a country. The spread of price
information is an important factor that affects market. Uttarakhand produces large
varieties of cereals, fruits, vegetables and spices. The total area and production under
potato was 24.7 thousand hectare and 4.09 lakh tons, respectively while the yield was
16.58 tons per hectare during 2013-14 (Uttarakhand at a Glance 2014-15). Nainital
district is the leading producer of potato followed by Almora an Udham Singh Nagar.
Kharif potatoes are mostly taken in hilly districts viz. Dheradun, Almora,
Pithoragarh, Nainital and Uttarkashi while Rabi potato is grown in plains of Udham
Singh Nagar and Haridwar but in very less area. Haldwani (HAL) and Dehradun
(DDN) wholesale markets are the main market for potato in Uttarakhand. However,
due to absence of sound marketing facility, the farmers have to depend on local
traders and middlemen for disposal of their farm produce to these wholesale markets.
Further, the distance from the market yard influences the marketing behaviour of the
producer. The various costs involved in transporting the produce especially the
perishable one from point of production to market yard is of grave concern for the
producer. Detailed research in this part is limited and necessitates an indepth study of
marketing of potato in relation to spatial integration is necessary. In this back drop,
the present study was carried out to examine the spatial price relationship of potato in
different wholesale markets of Uttarakhand.


The data set employed in the cointegration exercise consisted of monthly
wholesale prices of potato from January 2005 to December 2015. There are 25
principal markets in Uttarakhand of which five are not yet functional and among 20
markets only 15 markets were selected due to constrained of unavailability of
consistent data from the period under consideration. Therefore, the data related to
wholesale prices of potato were collected from Mandi Samiti office of each market.
On that basis, the following market centres were chosen: Bazpur (BAZ), Dehradun
(DDN), Gadarpur (GAD), Haldwani (HAL), Haridwar (HAR), Jaspur (JAS),
Kashipur (KAS), Khatima (KHA), Kichha (KIC), Ramnagar (RAM), Rishikesh
(RIS), Rudrapur (RUD), Sitarganj (SIT), Tanakpur (TAN) and Vikasnagar (VIK).
The most common methodology used in the past for testing market integration
involved the estimation of bivariate correlation coefficient between price changes in
different markets, e.g., Cummings (1967) and Lele (1967, 1971). This method was
strongly criticized due to methodological flaws by Blyn (1973), Harriss (1979),
Heytens (1986) and Ravallion (1986, 1987). The most significant contribution to
market integration methods came from Ravallion (1986), however this method
involves serious problems that result in inefficient estimators. Meanwhile, Palaskas
22 A. Kumar and R. Mishra

and Harriss-White’s (1993) study involves serious methodological defects inherent in

the Engle and Granger (1987) method of cointegration which does not provide any
procedure of testing multiple cointegrating vectors having three or more variables.
PHW identifying the central and the peripheral markets on the basis of population
data, volumes, and direction of flows of commodities and nodes of transport
networks. However, this is not the safest way to eliminate the possibility of an
endogeneity problem because prices are often determined simultaneously. A better
way to resolve the problem is to use the multivariate cointegration method developed
by Johansen (1988). This method treats all the variables as explicitly endogenous and
takes care of the endogeneity problem by providing an estimation procedure that does
not require an arbitrary choice of a variable for normalization. It also allows tests for
multiple cointegrating vectors. The present study analyzes the spatial integration of
potato wholesale markets in the Uttarakhand state by using recently developed
cointegration techniques.
Two markets are considered spatially integrated if the price in the importing
market is equal to the price in the exporting market including transport
and other transfer costs in moving goods between them . This happens because
of spatial arbitrage condition given by . However, market integration
does not necessarily imply that markets are competitive. Generally, the approaches
that are used for testing market integration may be classified into two broad
categories. First, Law of One Price (LOP), tests for perfect co-movement of prices
and assumes that if markets are integrated, price changes in the exporting market will
be transmitted to the importing markets on a one-for-one basis. LOP requires that
trade flows between two markets must occur in every period and prices in one market
are determined exogenously. However, these are highly restrictive assumptions that
are satisfied rarely in reality. To avoid some of these problems, a second approach,
i.e., cointegration is used to test for a more general notion of spatial market
integration. A cointegration test can be used even when the co-movement of prices is
less than perfect, prices are determined simultaneously, and there are seasonal
variations in transfer costs. LOP holds if there are n-1 cointegrating vectors and thus
all n number of prices contains a common stochastic trend. It is for these reasons, and
because most prices tend to be non-stationary, cointegration in terms of a long-run
linear relationship between prices. The most utilized cointegration test is Engle-
Granger test. However, since this test involves several problems, the present study
employed the ML method of cointegration. This method allows the testing of
multiple cointegrating vectors in a multivariate framework. Since this test is carried
out in a reduced form vector autoregressive (VAR) model, it does not involve the
endogeneity problem. As such, the test results remain invariant to the choice of the
variable selected for normalization in the regression.

A cointegration test does not require the examination of the univariate time-
series properties of the data. It confirms that all price series are non-stationary and
integrated in the same order. This is performed using the Augmented Dickey-Fuller
(ADF) test developed by Dickey and Fuller (1979, 1981). The test is based on the
statistics obtained from applying the Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) method to the
following regression equation:
Where: k = number of lagged difference terms required so that the error term
is serially independent. To determine whether Pt is non-stationary, the tau-statistic
( ), is used to test the unit-root null hypothesis H0: = 0. Since does not
have the usual properties of student-t distribution, there is need to use critical values
tabulated by Fuller (1979) for testing the level of significance. The lagged first
difference terms are included in the equations to take care of possible correlation in
the residuals. If the unit-root null is rejected for the first-difference of the series but
cannot be rejected for the level, then the series contains one unit root and is
integrated of order one, I (1). The lag length, at which the prices are mostly
integrated, was defined using VAR on the differenced series. In VAR analysis,
Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) and Schwartz Criterion (SC) were used to select
a suitable lag length. This is important because the inclusion of excessive lagged
terms will introduce the problem of multicollinearity. Meanwhile, very few lags will
lead to specification error. The lower the values of AIC and SC statistic, the better the
model is.
Cointegration test
If Pt denotes an (n×1) vector of I (1) prices, then the k-th order VAR representation
of Pt may be written as:
(t = 1, 2,…….., T) ……..(2)
The procedure for testing cointegration is based on the error correction (ECM)
representation of Pt given by:
Where: = − (I− …..,− ); i = 1, 2, ….., k-1; = − (I− …..,− );
Each of is n×n matrix of parameters; is an independently distributed n-
dimensional vector of residuals with zero mean and variance matrix. Since Pt-k is I
(1), but ∆Pt and ∆Pt-i variables are I (0), equation (2) will be balanced if is I
(0). So, it is the matrix that conveys information about long-run relationship
among the variables in Pt. The rank of , r, determines the number of cointegrating
24 A. Kumar and R. Mishra

vectors, as it determines how many linear combinations of Pt is stationary. If r = n,

the prices are stationary in levels. If r = 0, no linear combination of Pt is stationary. If
0< rank ( ) = r < n (Walter Enders, 1995), and there are n × r matrices α and β such
that = αβ`, then it can be said that there are r cointegrating relations among the
elements of Pt. The cointegrating vector β has the property that β` Pt is stationary
even though Pt itself is non-stationary. The matrix α measures the strength of the
cointegrating vectors in the ECM, as it represents the speed of adjustment
parameters. Two likelihood ratio test statistics are proposed. The null hypothesis of r
cointegrating vector against a general alternative hypothesis of more than r
cointegrating vectors is tested by the
Trace Statistic (λ-trace) ).
The null of exactly r cointegrating vectors against the alternative of r+1 is
tested by the Maximum Eigen value statistic (λ-max) ).
s are the estimated values of the characteristic roots, which are also called Eigen
values, obtained from the estimated matrix; T is the number of usable observations.
The number of cointegrating vectors indicated by the tests is an important indicator of
the extent of co-movement of the prices. An increase in the number of cointegrating
vectors implies an increase in the strength and stability of price linkages.


The estimated test statistics from ADF tests for wholesale prices of potato in
levels and first differences are reported in table 1.

Table 1. Results of the ADF test for the order of Integration

Unit Root on Price Level Unit Root on First Difference
Coefficient t-value p-value Coefficient t-value p-value
BAZ - 0.881 - 9.610 0.000 - - -
DEH - 0.424 - 3.180 0.001 - 1.362 - 15.55 0.000
GAD - 0.203 -3.860 0.004 - 1.159 - 12.65 0.000
HAL - 0.104 - 2.416 0.139 - 0.910 - 9.539 0.000
HAR - 1.104 - 3.711 1.000 - 2.096 - 4.395 0.000
JAS - 0.003 - 0.284 0.922 - 1.148 - 12.51 0.000
KAS - 0.013 - 0.488 0.883 - 2.553 - 9.069 0.000
KHA - 0.080 - 1.535 0.512 - 3.804 - 8.065 0.000
KIC - 0.100 - 2.563 0.103 - 2.747 - 8.107 0.000
RAM - 0.152 - 2.680 0.080 - 1.329 -14.24 0.000

Unit Root on Price Level Unit Root on First Difference

Coefficient t-value p-value Coefficient t-value p-value
RIS - 0.233 -3.195 0.022 - 1.356 - 15.28 0.000
RUD - 0.037 - 1.117 0.266 - 2.061 - 8.614 0.000
SIT - 0.067 -1.749 0.403 - 1.752 - 7.580 0.000
TAN - 0.162 -3.070 0.031 - 0.967 - 10.31 0.000
VIK - 0.178 - 4.058 0.001 - 2.165 - 3.293 0.000
Notes: Critical value of t statistics is – 2.88 at 5 per cent level of significance. ADF analysis was carried
out in EVIEWS.

It can be seen that the null hypothesis of non-stationarity cannot be rejected for
wholesale prices in levels, but can be rejected in first differences. Therefore,
wholesale prices are non-stationary in their levels but stationary in first differences.
This implies that all wholesale price series contained a single unit root and were
integrated of order one. As such, taking first differences as variables in the model
eliminates the stochastic trend in the nominal series.
The cointegration tests were then conducted since the entire wholesale price
series were integrated of the same order. The integration of potato markets of
Uttarakhand was evaluated by investigating the long-run relationship between the
wholesale price series of potato in spatially separated locations of Uttarakhand.
The results of the multivariate cointegration tests for wholesale price series of
potato crop in Uttarakhand are reported in table 2. The main task was to examine the
rank or the number of cointegrating vectors for wholesale price series of potato.
Using the cointegration test available in EVIEWS, the rank of was determined.
The λ –max test, also known as ML ratio test, was more powerful than the trace test.
The λ–max test indicated the presence of 5 cointegrating vector for wholesale
markets of potato at 5 percent level of significance and the test defined the rank of
= 5. The above empirical evidence suggests that the wholesale price series of all the
markets of potato in Uttarakhand were cointegrated to a long-run equilibrium. The
farmers transfer their produce from one market to the other according to the price
changes. Meanwhile, arbitrage through trade ties their prices together.
26 A. Kumar and R. Mishra

Table 2. Cointegration results for spatial integration of wholesale markets of potato

in Uttarakhand
Trace test Maximum Eigen Value test
Null 5% critical Null 5% critical
λ -trace λ –max
Hypothesis Value Hypothesis Value
r=0 932.44 NA r=0 158.19 NA
r≤1 774.25 NA r=1 151.09 NA
r≤2 623.15 NA r=2 134.10 NA
r ≤ 3* 489.04 334.98 r = 3* 111.93 76.57
r ≤ 4* 377.11 285.14 r = 4* 91.77 70.53
r ≤ 5* 285.33 239.23 r = 5* 75.25 64.50
r≤6 210.08 197.37 r=6 58.40 58.43
Note: *denotes rejection of the hypothesis at 5 percent significance level.

For the long-run price cointegration in wholesale markets of potato in

Uttarakhand, the cointegrating equations that were normalized according to the rank
are shown in table 3. Five cointegrating equations were obtained for potato by
normalizing with respect to BAZ, DEH, GAD, HAL and HAR wholesale prices. The
results of long-run wholesale price integration using Johansen’s ML test could
explain why BAZ was integrated with most of the wholesale markets to which it
distributed the potato crop as the transit market. Further, BAZ was highly integrated
with JAS, KIC, RUD, and SIT markets. Similarly, DEH market was highly integrated
with JAS, KIC, KHA, RAM, RIS and VIK markets, which showed that the shorter
distance made the integration stronger. However, HAL market was integrated with
KIC, RAM, RUD, SIT and KHA markets and has weaker integration with other
markets which shows the longer distance lead the integration weaker. This fact was
also explained in the case of HAR markets which is not integrated with TAN and SIT

Table 3. Estimation of long-run wholesale price integration of potato markets

+ 5.123 + 46.431 + 4.036
BAZ - 16.67 JAS -5.060 KHA
= (- 3.255)* (- 1.330)
(1.196) (7.088)* (1.096)
CointEq (1)
- 14.165
+ 13.66 RIS - 18.641 SIT - 1.482 TAN - 1.921 VIK
(2.228) (- 4.486)* (- 0.502) (- 0.431)
(- 3.383)*
- 2.457 + 2.385
DEH - 3.402 JAS - 1.668 KAS + 4.764 KIC
= (- 3.611)* (- 2.119) (3.953)*
(- 3.515)* (3.522)*
CointEq (2)
- 0.322 + 2.568
+ 1.018 RIS + 1.772 SIT - 2.713 VIK
(2.348)* (2.310) (- 3.316)*
(0.418) (1.738)

+ 1.328 + 2.300
GAD - 2.719 JAS + 7.011 KIC - 0.730 RAM
= (- 2.785)* (5.468)* (- 1.013)
(1.586) (3.091)*
CointEq (3)
- 2.624
+ 1.029 RIS - 4.955 SIT - 2.327 TAN + 5.534 VIK
(1.281) (- 6.095)* (- 4.039)* (2.867)*
(- 3.204)*
+ 1.292 +7.010
HAL + 1.081 JAS + 6.170 KIC - 5.379 RAM
= (0.487) (2.842)* (- 3.368)*
(0.696) (4.248)*
CointEq (4)
- 6.680
+ 1.769 RIS - 7.818 SIT - 2.166 TAN + 5.504 VIK
(0.993) (- 4.338)* (- 1.694) (2.051)
(- 3.678)*
+ 0.133 + 0.692
HAR + 1.752 JAS - 3.114 KAS - 0.134 KIC
= (3.319)* (- 7.452)* (- 0.197)
(0.338) (1.821)
CointEq (5)
+ 0.968
- 1.485 RIS + 0.535 SIT +0.890 TAN - 1.389 VIK
(- 3.502)* (1.247) (2.027) (- 3.019)*
Note: All the values in parentheses are t-values
*Significant at 1 percent level of significance and critical t-value= 2.32

Testing for short-run integration can be incorporated in the Vector Error

Correction Model (VECM) using the same price series, only when the long-run
integration is observed. The short-run dynamics of wholesale prices of potato is
presented in table 4. A principal feature of cointegrated variables is that their time
paths are influenced by the extent of any deviation from long-run equilibrium (Walter
Enders, 1995). After all, if the system is to return to the long-run equilibrium, the
movement of at least some of the variables must respond to the magnitude of the
disequilibrium. The larger the coefficient of the cointegrating relation in the
regression, the stronger the reaction of the markets in the short-run. It is seen from
the table that BAZ was the strongest follower of the cointegrating equation one with
a speed of adjustment of about 15 percent while DEH was the strongest follower of
cointegrating equation 2 with a speed of adjustment of 70 percent. KHA and HAL
markets were the strongest follower of cointegrating equation 3 and 4, respectively
and further HAR market was the follower of cointegrating equation 4 with speed of
adjustment of 45 per cent. In general, it can be said that BAZ, DEH, HAL and HAR
markets are special markets as they reacted to all the cointegrating equations. The
cointegration results observed a strong long-run relationship of wholesale prices
between all the markets for potato in Uttarakhand. However, the results of error-
correction reveal a very weak association between these vegetable markets in the
short-run. The significant short-run association was missing in most of the cases.
Thus, it may be concluded from the above analysis that while prices are tied together
in the long-run, they drift apart in the short-run because of paucity of availability of
information and lack of quicker dissemination of available information.
28 A. Kumar and R. Mishra

Table 4. Estimation of short-run dynamics of wholesale prices of potato in Uttarakhand


0.153 0.120 0.069 0.092 0.094 - 0.009 0.005 0.041 - 0.026 0.005 0.025 -0.027 -0.016 0.006 0.027
(0.081) (0.047) (0.041) (0.024) (0.057) (0.005) (0.016) (0.018) (0.012) (0.023) (0.025) (0.016) (0.015) (0.013) (0.017)
Eq (1)
[1.896] [2.544] [1.677] [3.834] [1.631] [- 1.800] [0.361] [2.317] [-2.16] [0.237] [1.020] [-1.65] [- 1.06] [0.442] [1.608]

0.034 -0.709 -0.452 -0.589 - 0.442 -0.001 0.049 -0.262 0.099 0.005 0.025 - 0.027 - 0.016 - 0.136 - 0.314
(0.434) (0.253) (0.222) (0.129) (0.311) (0.029) (0.087) (0.096) (0.066 (0.023) (0.025) (0.016) (0.015) (0.075) (0.092)
Eq (2)
[0.078] [-2.79] [-2.04] [-4.55] [-1.42] [-0.04] [0.564] [-2.71] [1.484] [0.237] [1.020] [-1.65] [-1.06] [1.813] [-3.41]

0.052 - 0.236 0.048 0.142 0.227 0.033 0.012 - 0.309 - 0.177 -0.033 - 0.005 0.122 - 0.016 -0.136 -0.314
(0.331) (0.194) (0.176) (0.099)[1. (0.238) (0.022) (0.067) (0.074) (0.051) (0.124) (0.134) (0.089) (0.015) (0.075) (0.092)[-
Eq (3)
[0.157] [- 1.21] [0.282] 439] [0.953] [1.462] [0.184] [- 4.169] [- 3.45] [-0.26] [-0.03] [1.368] [-1.06] [1.812] 3.41]

0.183 -0.272 - 0.160 - 0.383 - 0.269 - 0.011 0.068 - 0.065 0.117 0.047 - 0.192 0.020 -0.009 -0.901 -0.236
(0.264) (0.154) (0.135) (0.078) (0.189) (0.018) (0.053) (0.059) (0.041) (0.075) (0.081) (0.054) (0.062) (0.045) (0.056)
Eq (4)
[0.693] [-1.76] [- 1.18] [- 4.85] [- 1.42] [- 0.637] [1.276] [-1.115] [2.882] [0.629] [-2.35] [-0.36] [-0.15] [-19.7] [-4.21]

-0.337 - 0.072 0.284 0.383 0.451 - 0.126 - 0.126 0.296 - 0.310 0.171 0.029 -0.015 -0.010 0.046 -0.011
(0.473) (0.276) (0.242) (0.141) (0.338) (0.032) (0.032) (0.095) (0.105) (0.135) (0.146) (0.097) (0.049) (0.081) (0.100)
Eq (5)
[- 7.119] [-0.26] [1.176] [2.713] [1.332] [1.332] [-3.86] [3.092] [-2.93] [1.258] [0.203] [-0.16] [-0.21] [0.562] [-0.11]

Note: All the figures in parentheses (….) are standard error and figures in [….] are t-values
29 A. Kumar and R. Mishra


Market integration reflects price linkages when there is trade between two
markets to test and measure its extent. Using monthly wholesale price data for ten
years, this paper analyzed the spatial integration of potato markets in Uttarakhand.
From the results, it was observed that the wholesale markets of perishable crop potato
had integration in the long-run. This may be due to the fact that the production of
potato is more concentrated in hills compared to other vegetables. The concentrated
production urges traders and consumers to focus on production and marketing, and
this makes the prices in other markets move with the prices of production areas to a
greater degree. These were found to be segmented with the markets of plain area and
signifies that the longer the distance, the lesser the integration. The results show that
due to lack of available, timely information on price, lack of transportation facilities,
product characteristics, and large distance between the markets made the markets
segmented. In general, Bazpur, Dehradun, Haldwani and Haridwar markets are
special markets as they reacted to all the cointegrating equations. It was observed that
there is a strong long-run relationship of wholesale prices between all the markets for
potato in Uttarakhand. However, the results further reveal a very weak association
between these vegetable markets in the short-run. The reason might be the paucity of
availability of information, lack of dissemination of available information, and
transportation conditions. In Uttarakhand, it will usually take a long time to transport
commodities from one province to another because of limited transportation
facilities. These prevent the traders from responding immediately to price changes in
other markets.
The results of this study show that potato markets in Uttarakhand are integrated
in the long-run. However, the degree of short-run market integration is rather low.
Therefore, in potato markets, the transmission of price information is slow and price
changes across areas are not responsive to each other. To make the potato markets in
Uttarakhand more efficient, there is a need to focus on building an improved market
information system-one that is able to disseminate timely market information about
price, demand, and supply of products to enable producers, traders, and consumers to
make proper production and marketing decisions. The monitoring results of the
Information Centre of Ministry of Agriculture of Uttarakhand and relative units like
the Marketing Development Board on agricultural products supply, demand, and
price should be shared timely and accurately to producers, traders, and consumers
through various communication media. This can help farmers and traders understand
well the trends of production and marketing. In turn, they will be able to make better
decisions as well as realize higher returns in the process and thus help consumers to
get the product at a reliable price. The government is also required to create market
infrastructure facilities like transportation, warehousing, and processing, among
30 A. Kumar and R. Mishra

The financial assistant from National Institute of Agricultural Economics and
Policy Research (NIAP) and ICAR for its project “Network Project on Market
Intelligence” on which paper is based is duly acknowledged. The authors are grateful
to Dr. Ramesh Chand, Director, NIAP, Dr. P. S. Brithal, Principal Scientist and Dr.
Raka Saxena, Senior Scientist & PI, for their valuable suggestions.

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