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Lesson Log in Ports of Computer Hardware

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School Saravia NHS Grade Level 8


GRADE 1 to Teaching Learning
March 6, 2019 TLE
12 Date Areas
Daily Lesson Time Quarter/S.Y
Log 10:00 – 11:00 A.M. Fourth

Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of the use of hand tools and
equipment for computer hardware servicing.

Performance Standard: The learner independently uses hand tools and equipment for
hardware servicing.

Learning Competencies: LO1: Prepare hand tools and equipment for computer hardware
Code: TLE_ICTCS7/8UT-0a-1
Lesson: Use of Hand Tools and Equipment


At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:

1. Identify the ports of system unit;
2. Describe the function of each port of system unit; and
3. Recognize the importance of ports of system unit.


a. Equipment in computer hardware servicing


A. References:
1. Curriculum Guide
2. Learner’s Module: Pages 11 – 13
B. Other Learning Resources
Internet, Google, slideshare
C. Skills: Identifying, Describing,



Routinely activities:

1. Prayer
2. Checking of attendance
3. Checking of the cleanliness and orderliness of the classroom

House rules:

House rules:
 Listen to the teacher carefully
 Follow teacher instructions properly.
 Refrain from talking and discussing with classmates unrelated topics.
 Put cellular phones into silent mode, offline or flight mode while the class is going
 Answer or recite in chorus when told to do so and raise your right hand if you
want to recite, share ideas or ask a question.
 Don’t hesitate to as permission to go to the CR when personal necessity arises.
 Immediately inform the teacher in case of an emergency.
 Actively participate and enjoy the TLE class.
A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson

 Checking of assignment
 Let’s Sing

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

 Match the illustration of the port, its name and functions

 Sit within your groups you will be given strips of pictures, names and functions. Match it if
pairs (place it side by side).
 It is a contest, if you will match it all correctly your group got 5 points.

C. Presenting Examples/instances of new lesson

 Students will discuss their outputs.

D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1

Guide questions:
a. How will you determine if it is a port?
b. What do you think will happen if you damage your port?

E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2

 Each group will be given different activities or tasks to perform (Differentiated

 2 groups will sing and the other groups will recite a poem.
 Each group will be given 5 minutes to prepare
 Each group will be given 1 to 2 minutes’ performance.

Jingle Making Rubric

Theme Jingle stays on Jingle stays on Jingle stays on Jingle doesn’t
topic topic. topic some of stay on topic.
throughout. (48) the time. (44)
(50) (46)
Melody Melody is Melody is Melody is fair, Melody
simple and simple and but not requires much
very “catchy”. “catchy”. “catchy”. improvement.
(25) (23) (21) (19)
Group Work Entire group Entire group All group Group does
involved in involved in members are not work well
composition composition involved in together, not
performance and composition everyone
equally. performance, and involved in
(25) but not all performance composition
equally. and times in and/or
(23) every class. performance.
(21) (19)
Total 100%
Poem Writing Rubric

Focus on The entire Most of the Some of the No attempt
Assigned poem is poem is poem is has been
Topic related to the related to the related to the made to the
assigned topic. assigned related poem
topic. topic. to the
(50) (48) (46) assigned
Creativity The poem The poem The poem There is little
contains many contains a few contains a few evidence of
creative creative creative creativity in
details that details that details but the poem.
contributes to contribute to they distract (19)
the reader’s the reader’s from the
enjoyment. enjoyment. poem.
(25) (23) (21)
Group Work Entire group Entire group All group Group does
involved in involved in members are not work well
composition composition involved in together, not
performance and composition everyone
equally. performance, and involved in
(25) but not all performance composition
equally. and times in and/or
(23) every class. performance.
(21) (19)
Total 100%

F. Developing Mastery (Leads to Formative Assessment)

 Power Point Presentation (ICT integration)

 Game – like (the class is divided into 8 groups) presenting, the students will identify the
different ports of computer hardware.
 Each group will choose one (1) representative to answer.
 Each correct answer will get one (1) point.

G. Finding Practical Applications of concepts and skills

Guide questions:
a. How important is a port to a computer or any gadgets?

H. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson

 The teacher will flash pictures through power point presentation

 Students will tell the function of each picture.
I. Evaluating Learning

The teacher will let the students identify the ports of the computer system.
1. What’s the difference between PS/2 port and USB port?

J. Additional Activities for Application or Remediation

 What are cables and connectors?
 How will you determine if it is a connector?
 How important is a connector?
 What do you think will happen if you lost your connector?

Prepared by:


Teacher – I

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