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Agriculture and Agricultural Science Procedia 9 (2016) 146 – 157

International Conference on Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources, IC-FANRes 2015

Effectivity of Humic Substance Extracted from Palm Oil Compost as Liquid

Fertilizer and Heavy Metal Bioremediation

Sugeng Winarso*, Martinus H. Pandutama, and Lutfi Dwi Purwanto

Soil Departement, Agricultural Faculty, University of Jember
Jln. Kalimantan 37 Kampus Tegal Boto Jember, 68121. Indonesia


Humic substances extracted from compost materials were proven able to chelate heavy metals. While the waste from Palm oil as
the source material of compost is increasing, consequently the humic substances production from palm oil waste is promising.
On the other hand, agricultural lands that were treated with high input which caused heavy metal accumulation (pollutant) up to
hazardous level also increasing. The aim of this research was to evaluate the effectiveness of humic substance extracted from
Palm Oil compost as liquid fertilizer and bioremediation of copper (Cu). The experiment was designed to discover a product
which effectively improved the characteristics of acid soils, bioremediation of heavy metals, and plants production. The results
of the experiment revealed that the content of pure humic substance extracted from compost of Palm Oil empty bunches waste
was very low, 2.01%. It also contained very low in N, P, and K, which were 0.01%, 0.02%, and 0,11% of N, P2O5, and K2O
respectively. The treatment of metal Cu as much as 300 mg Cu(OH) into the media added with humic substance enriched
with NPK (4.38; 8.24; and 9.24) showed non significant differences on some cucumber plant variables. NPK enrichments to
humic substance showed significant differences on some agronomic variables than that of control. The length of plant treated
with 3/3 NPK enrichment revealed the longest average of 564.2 cm, or increased by 38%. The highest fresh weight was obtained
by 4/3 treatment followed by 2/3 rate of NPK enrichment. Whie the longest cucumber fruit was obtained by 3/3 rate. Total soil N
was very low, consequently the NPK sorption by cucumber was very low. While soil P availability was high, however the NPK
enrichment lowered the fresh cucumber fruit P content instead. The ratio of NPK nutrients in plant and in soil was higher if
treated with Cu addition compared to that of control.

Elsevier B.V.
B.V.This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of IC-FANRes 2015.
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of IC-FANRes 2015
Keywords: biofertilizer, bioremediation, humic substance, copper, cucumber

Corresponding author. Tel.: 62-331-334054

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2210-7843 © 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of IC-FANRes 2015
Sugeng Winarso et al. / Agriculture and Agricultural Science Procedia 9 (2016) 146 – 157 147

1. Introduction

The previous research results indicated that humic substabces extracted from some compost
materials were effectively and more rapidly improved soil chemical properties of marginal or
acid soils. It could decrease exchangeable Al and increased soil P availability through chelating
process (Winarso, et al, 2009a; 2010), therefore it could be an alternative to cope with problems
of marginally acid soils in Indonesia, which covered almost 102.8 million ha (Puslitbangtanak,
2006). On the other hand, intensive agricultural lands were under harmful condition, due to high
content of high heavy metals. Wang (2006), stated that more than 10% of cultivated lands were
contaminated with Cd, As, Cr, and Pb, which caused production lost more than 10 million tons,
and more than 12 million tons agriculture product per year became hazardous, which also caused
economical lost at least 3 billion US dollars per year.
Heavy metals accumulation varied along with plant species, and generally higher on
dicotyedoneael compared to monocotyledoneae plants (Taub and Goldberg, 1996). While, on
the other hand, the potential agricultural/organical waste, especially from palm oil was very
abundant, approximately 6 million tons empty bunches in 2004 ( 23% of total), excluding of wet
decanter solid (4%), stem (6.5%), fiber (13.0%), and liquid waste (50%). Based on the data
released by Ditjenbun (2006), within the last 20 years, the addition of Palm Oil Estate areas
reached 5 million hectares, or increased by 837%.
Up to nowadays, the utilization of organic waste for soil was just as composting, without
any added values, therefore its commercial value was low. Increasing commercial value of
compost by extracting it to produce humic substabces was a very promising practice.
The humic substances extracted from compost could utilized as the raw material of
biofertilizer and environmentally friendly bioremediation for heavy metals. In addition, humic
substances have superior characteristics compared to that derived from mining (Leonardit) which
has been marketed commercially, especially abroad (Winarso, et al., 2009b).
Humic substances originated from mining contained very high Na, approximately 5%., while
Na is generally needed by plants in very small amount. In fact, if Na is continuously added to
soil, would cause soil compacted and dispersed when wet, and became easily eroded.
The mass and cheap production of humic substances usually would harvest low concentration,
and its characteristic was determined by the quality of its raw materials. Therefore, some efforts
should be applied to activate its functional groups, such as through pH manipulation and adding
synthetic organic substances rich in functional groups. In addition, enriching humic substances
with nutrients is very useful and beneficial to improve its functions and purposes as soil
conditioner, fertilizers, and as heavy metals bioremediation. The chelating capability of humic
substances could improve their main function as bioremediation for heavy metal or other soil-
environment pollutants
The aim of this research was to evaluate the effectiveness and the capability of humic
substance extracted from Palm Oil bunches waste in improving cucumber (or other plants)
production and in reducing soil Cu (heavy metals) content.

2. Materials and methods

This research was performed at the Faculty of Agriculture, the University of Jember, during
year 2013 to 2014. The main material utilized in this research was humic substance extracted
from paln oil waste, which then enriched by macro nutrients, N, P, and K. The amount of N, P,
and K applied were based on the fertilizer recommendation for Cucumber and the treatments
applied. The N, P, and K amount were: 4,38:8, 24:9,24 or 4,38% N; 8,24% P2O5; and 9,24%
K2O (Wichmann, 1992).
148 Sugeng Winarso et al. / Agriculture and Agricultural Science Procedia 9 (2016) 146 – 157

The humic substance was harvested from the solution originated from composting process of
Palm Oil empty bunches. The composting process was undergoing naturally without any
additional enhancing materials, but only water and plastic cover to maintain the moisture
Palm oil waste ustilized in the research was collected directly from the production process.
The humic substances accumulated from the process contained: 4000 ppm C or approximately
2000 ppm humic substance (Stevenson, 1982). The other humic substance characteristics were
presented in Table 1.
Table 1., showed that humic substance derived from Palm Oil waste contained N, P, and K
low to very low, therefore it needed to be enriched to improved their functions to be used as
liquid fertilizer.
The enrichment of humic substance as to be in line with the research treatments was
conducted by adding 4000 ppm C; 2.71 kg Urea 46% N; 6.54 kg SP 36% P2O5; and 4.8 kg KCl
60% K2O. The planting medium utilized was 8 kg of soil in each polybag. The plant indicator
used was the Cucumber, which then planted at the field. Some plant and soil variables were then
measured within and during 6 weeks.
The experimental design used for this research was Randomized Complete Block Design
(RCBD) having two factors. The first factor was the rates of NPK enrichment materials per
plant. Those were as follows: Control (No NPK enrichment), 1/3 of recommended rate (1/3
NPK: 3.3 gr Urea, 7.7 gr SP-36, and 5.7 gr KCl per plant); 2/3 of recommended rate (2/3 NPK:
6.7 gr Urea, 15.3 gr SP-36, and 11.3 gr KCl per plant); 3/3 of recommended rate (3/3 NPK: 10 gr
Urea, 23 gr SP-36, and 17 gr KCl per plant); and 4/3 of recommended rate (4/3 NPK: 13.3 gr
Urea, 30.7 gr SP-36, and 22.7 gr KCl per plant).
The second factor was the rates of Cu heavy metal (Cu(OH)2), as follows: 0 (Control): 0 mg
Cu(OH) soil medium; and 1: 300 mg Cu(OH) soil. The treatment combination of this
experiment were replicated 3 times.
Table 1. Chemical Characteristics of humic substance extracted form Palm Oil Bunches Compost and Other Humic Substabces

Humic K-Plus
Variable Unit Palm Oil1) Palm OIl2) Cassava Rice Straw Soybean
Humic Substances % 2,01 1,09 - 1,13 - 63,6
Humic Acid % 1,57 0,9 - 1,10 - 29,1
Fulvic Acid % 0,51 0,2 - 0,30 - 34,5
Organic Acids::
Acetate ppm 56 - 46 94 39 -
Citrate ppm 18 - 10 12 16 -
Oxsalate ppm 20 - 16 17 22 -
Propionate ppm 2 - 4 6 9 -
Butirate ppm 1 - Tt 1 Tt -
Succinate ppm 21 - 11 16 18 -
Fumarate ppm 9 - 21 11 8 -
Ketoglutamate ppm 2 - tt tt 1 -
pH 8,60 5,50 4,60 7,60 8,70 10,00
Organic-C % 0,32 0,12 1,69 0,17 0,17 5,53
C/N 23,2 8,1 30,2 15,0 6,8 3,0
C/P 37 14 194 39 39 -
N % 0,01 0,01 0,06 0,01 0,03 1,86
P 2 O5 % 0,02 0,02 0,02 0,01 0,01 0,00
Basic Cations:
K2 O % 0,11 0,10 0,06 0,06 0,10 29,19
NaO % 0,01 0,02 0,02 0,01 0,02 4,66
CaO % 0,62 0,62 0,68 0,49 0,92 1,23
MgO % 0,13 0,09 0,31 0,13 0,13 0,13
Micro Nutrients and Heavy Metals
Sugeng Winarso et al. / Agriculture and Agricultural Science Procedia 9 (2016) 146 – 157 149

Humic K-Plus
Variable Unit Palm Oil1) Palm OIl2) Cassava Rice Straw Soybean
Fe Ppm 11,0 3,8 68,3 1,3 6,0 9,8
Cu Ppm tu tu tu tu tu tu
Zn Ppm 0,75 1,83 9,00 2,38 3,50 6,75
Mn Ppm 298 1012 295 679 834 1272
Mo Ppm 163 87 101 71 121 81
Pb Ppm 0,43 tu tu tu 1,00 9,00
B Ppm 305 203 148 250 314 259
Al Ppm 1,58 1,58 3,15 4,70 tu 3,53

- Not Analyzed; tt Not detected, 1)Source of empty bunches; 2)Source of waste process; 3)Traded Products of Australian Industries (Winarso et
al., 2009).

3. Results and discussion

3.1. Characteristics specific of humic substance extracted from palm oil compost

In general, the levels of N, P, and K macro nutrients of composted waste oil palm bunches
were low and very high in C/N ratio. Palm oil waste in the form of empty bunches would take
quite longer time to decompose compare to other plant waste such as soybean and rice plants
waste. This is due to its very high C/N ratio, which is approximately 50 to 60. The results of
Yunindanova (2009) research also revealed that crushed empty bunches Palm oil waste with C/N
ratio about 41.8 took 10 weeks to decompose. Complete data empty bunches Palm oil waste
decompositions were listed in Table 2. Decomposition process in this research was allowed
undergone naturally to avoid additional nutrients from outside.
Table 2. Concentration of nutrients in palm oil bunches compost

Time Nutrient
Composting N P K Ca Mg Na C C/N Fe Mn
(weeks) % % % % % ppm % % ppm
4 1,06 0,07 1,34 0,28 0,23 10,8 48,9 46,1 0,15 78,0
6 1,2 0,06 0,83 0,11 0,15 9,1 46,2 38,5 0,09 60,4
8 1,34 0,08 1,22 0,24 0,25 9,2 47,1 35,2 0,24 89,7
10 1,2 0,02 1,38 0,05 0,09 9,1 50,0 41,8 0,05 26,5

Time Nutrient
Composting B Cu Pb Cd Hg As pH Ash Water
(weeks) ppm ppm ppm Ppm Ppm ppm H2 O % %
4 8,4 19,5 tt 0,21 12,9 tt 8,21 6,14 70,23
6 8,7 15,8 tt 0,25 19,4 tt 8,66 7,04 71,13
8 10,7 24,8 tt 0,08 13 tt 8,58 9,81 67,68
10 7,7 12 tt 0,08 19,5 tt 7,89 6,07 67,41

Yunindanova (2009)

The chemical characteristics of humic substance extracted from (1) empty bunches Palm oil
waste compost, and (2) Palm oil industrial waste, were listed in Table 1. It was showed that
humic substance content for research materials was relatively low. That was due to that the
humic substance extracted from Palm oil waste compost by gravitasion process. The Table 1.
showed that humic substance in the research material was very low compared with humic
substance commercially produced from mining (K-humic plus, 26%). However, was relatively
equal with humic substance extracted from rice straw. The better chemical characteristic of
humic substance of palm oil compost was low in Na content.
150 Sugeng Winarso et al. / Agriculture and Agricultural Science Procedia 9 (2016) 146 – 157

The NaO content of K-Humic plus 26% was 4.66%, while its content of Palm oil waste
compost was 0.01%, and was 0.02% from Palm oil industrial waste. In stabilizing the high Na
content usually was enriched by stabilizing cations such as K and Ca (K2O and CaO). The K2O
content in commercial humic substance, K-Humic Plus 26% was 29.19%.
The organic acids content in humic substance extracted from Palm oil waste compost
consisted of acetic acid (CH3COOH, both aliphatic and single carbocilic), which was 56% of the
total 56% of a total of 8 organic acids analized. All of that acids (Acetic, Fumaric, Cetogltamic,
Succinic, Propionic, Butiric, Oxalic, and Citric acids) contained carbocilic functional groups (-
COOH), both double and single bond (Hart et al., 2003). These functional group will dicosiate
their protons (H+), and produce negative charge acids or substances, which then will chelate Al
or other metals in soil (Essington and Anderson, 2008).
The chemical characteristics of humic substance extracted form Palm oil bunches compost and
other humic substabces showed in Table 1. indicated that humic substances extracted from
compst of different sources (palm oil and rice straw) relatively have the same charecteristics
except their quantity. Those data could improve the previous information which stated that the
characteristics of humic substances significantly depending upon their source materilas. The
differences of their variables were on their value. The humic substance of Palm oil empty
bunches had pH 8.6 which higher than humic substances of rice straw with pH 7.6.
3.2. Agronomic variables of cucumber on treatment of Cu addition and rates nutrient (NPK)

Cucumber agronomic variables used to evaluate the treatment effect Cu addition and the
addition of various concentrations of nutrients (NPK) enrichment on humic substances are:
length of plant, number of leaves, fresh weight of fruit and length of fruit showed in Figure 1 to

Figure 1. The cucumber length of plant on treatments of Cu addition and level of nutrient enrichment

Based on field measurements indicated that the length of the cucumber plants on the treatment
of Cu addition and rate of nutrient enrichment are showed in Figure 1. The addition of Cu (300
mg Cu(OH) soil) in several of humic compounds enriched nutrient doses were not
significantly different (blue to red). However, the effect of nutrient enrichment on humic
substances given to the growing media showed significantly different when compared with those
not treated with an average of 407.4 cm (between images of the same color either blue or red).
Sugeng Winarso et al. / Agriculture and Agricultural Science Procedia 9 (2016) 146 – 157 151

Length of plant of the treatment 3/3 rate of nutrients (NPK) enrichment showed the greatest
elongation of plants averaging 564.2 cm or up 38.5%.

Figure 2. Number of cucumber leaves on treatments of Cu addition and level of nutrient enrichment

Increasing the length of the cucumber was followed by the number of leaves (Figure 2). The
number of leaves in the rate 3/3 of nutrients (NPK) enrichment showed the greatest with an
average of 82 cm or up 59% than control (no NPK enrichment). Level of nutrient enrichment 3/3
was the best effect on length plants and leaves number was not followed by the production of
fresh weight of fruit cucumber. The highest fruit fresh weight on 4/3 level NPK enrichment and
followed by 2/3. Completed result of the fresh weight of the fruit is showed in Figure 3. But after
seen length the fruit (Figure 4), the highest in the treatment of 3/3, as well as on the length and
number of leaves.

Figure 3. The fresh weight of cucumber fruit on treatments of Cu addition and level of nutrient enrichment
152 Sugeng Winarso et al. / Agriculture and Agricultural Science Procedia 9 (2016) 146 – 157

Figure 4. The length of fruit cucumber on treatments of Cu addition and level of nutrient enrichment

Evaluation of the use of water cucumber plants for 50 days of growth in 8 kg soil is showed in
Figure 5. Based on Figure shows that the water needs to follow the pattern of cubic by the
formula Y = -1,093x2 + 77,10x + 1034 (Y = crop water requirement in ml and x is the age of the
plant in days). This water needs, especially just for transpiransi, because evaporation does not
occur or can be ignored because pot cultivation covered with plastic.

Figure 5. The use of water during cucumber growing on treatments of Cu addition and level of nutrient enrichment

3.3. Level nutrients NPK in soil and cucumber tissue and Cu in cucumber tissue
The treatment of nutrient enrichment in humic compounds extracted from palm oil compost
combined with the addition of Cu does not significantly raise the level of N-total soil after
harvest (Figure 6). Levels of N-total soil is approximately 150 mg or relatively very low.
Hardjowigeno (1995) said hight levels of total soil is varies between 5,100 to 7,500 mg
The condition or status of N soil is very low impact on content of N-tissue in the cucumber fruit
low (Figure 7). Relationship or correlation N-total soil with N concentration in fruit tissue is low,
r = 0.21 and the average ratio between N in tissue with soil around 10.2 N. It is mean content N
in the tissue higher than in the soil. These ratio comparison showed the treatment of Cu addition
is higher than is not treated with Cu. Figure 7 also showed that the addition of Cu in Cu(OH)2
300 tend to increase the levels of N in tissue cucumber. Increased N in the fruit
cucumber an average 304 mg
Sugeng Winarso et al. / Agriculture and Agricultural Science Procedia 9 (2016) 146 – 157 153

Figure 6. N-soil level at time of harvest on treatments of Cu addition and level of nutrient enrichment

Figure 7. The N concentration of fresh cucumber fruit on treatmens of Cu addition and level of nutrient enrichment

By contrast with the level of N-total soil, the availability or content of P-available soil after
harvest is very high and varies between 50 and 60 mg Generally, said level of P-
available is high varies between 26 to 35 mg These high P-available in soil effected
not significantly on the addition of humic substances enriched NPK. In addition, Figure 8
showed the addition of humic compounds enriched macro nutrients had lower levels of P in
cucumber than not added. The amount of diminution was average 0.32 mg It appears
that this condition describe Leibig’s law of the minimum and in this case that the limiting factor
or the minimum condition is the level of N-total soil. The correlation between the P-available in
the soil with P in tissue cucumber was 0.46 or moderate and the average ratio of P in the fruit
tissue with the soil is around 1.28. The ratio P tissue: P soil showed the treatment of Cu addition
is higher than is not treated with Cu.
154 Sugeng Winarso et al. / Agriculture and Agricultural Science Procedia 9 (2016) 146 – 157

Figure 8. P-soil level at time of harvest on treatments of Cu addition and level of nutrient enrichment

Figure 9. The P concentration of fresh cucumber fruit on treatments of Cu addition and level of nutrient enrichment

Figure 10. K-soil level at time of harvest on treatments of Cu addition and level of nutrient enrichment
Sugeng Winarso et al. / Agriculture and Agricultural Science Procedia 9 (2016) 146 – 157 155

Figure 11. The K concentration of fresh cucumber fruit on treatments of Cu addition and level of nutrient enrichment

K-available soil after harvest high to very high, varying between 0.51 to 1.04 and an average
of 0.76 mg soil. Correlation K-available soil with K-tissue fruit was 0.29 or low. The
ratio K tissue fruit : K soil around 27.93 with it’s ratio the treatment of Cu addition is higher than
is not treated with Cu

Figure 12. The Cu concentration of fresh cucumber fruit on treatments of Cu addition and level of nutrient enrichment

Addition of heavy metal Cu in the form Cu(OH)2 in the growing media of cucumber shown to
increase the levels of Cu in fruit cucumber. Figure 12 showed treatment of Cu significantly
increase the uptake of Cu or the Cu content in the fruit cucumbers, particularly indicated in the
treatment rates of nutrient enrichment 1/3, 3/3, and 4/3 to control. Concentrations of Cu in these
tissue are still much smaller when compared with the results Moreira et al. (2011) in soils
polluted weight Zn. The results showed Zn in tissue Verbascum virgatum, Hypochoeris radicata,
Phalaris arundinacea, Conyza bilbaoana, Paspalum urvillei and Aster squamatus varies from 34 in the stems and leaves of up to 2,440 in the roots. Therefore, this condition
when associated with the production of fruit showed that the addition of Cu at 300 did
not affect significantly reduce the production of fruit (Figure 11). The interesting thing is also
shown from the results of An et al. (2011) compared the five species of plants (tomatoes, corn,
156 Sugeng Winarso et al. / Agriculture and Agricultural Science Procedia 9 (2016) 146 – 157

grocery greens, cabbage, and Japan herbs) on the uptake of heavy metal contaminants (Cd, Pb,
Cr, Cu and Fe) indicate the tomatoes absorb most compared with other crops, khususya the
metals Cd. Metal accumulation in these tomatoes will increase if the plants are planted in a
mixture with other plant species.

4. Conclusions
Based on the discussion can be concluded as 1) Addition of Cu (300 mg Cu(OH) soil)
and humic compounds enriched rates of nutrients (NPK 4.38: 8.24: 9.24) were not significantly
effect to the fruit cucumber production, 2) Humic compounds enriched 3/3 rates NPK showed
the greatest treatment in contributing elongation of plants averaging 564.2 cm or up 38.5%, 3)
Fresh weight of fruit cucumber is not effected the treatment humic compounds enriched rates of
nutrients (NPK) and added Cu, 4) Levels of N-total soil is so low that NPK uptake cucumber is
very low, whereas the levels of P-available soil is so high that treatment humic compounds
enriched NPK had lower levels of P in the tissue of cucumber fruit, 5) The ratio NPK in tissue:
in soil is larger in treated with the addition of Cu than not added.

We wish to thank Muhammad Ilham on his help in conducting this research. This paper is part
of applied research result founded by Directorate of Research and Community Service.
Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture 2013.

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