Service Bulletin Copier: Subject
Service Bulletin Copier: Subject
Service Bulletin Copier: Subject
NP6216 No.: 1550-006 Rev. 1
DATE: 13.06.97
Accompanying the marketing of the NP6216, notification is made here of differences between the NP6216
and the NP1550.
This content will be incorporated into the next revision of the NP1550 Service Manual (FY8-13BN-010),
Service Hand Book (FY8-2380-010) and Parts Catalog (FY8-31AS-010).
1) The major differences between the NP1550 and NP6216 are listed below.
• Accessory change
The Stapler Sorter has been changed from the Stapler Sorter-B1 to the Stapler Sorter-D2. Other
accessories are unchanged.
• Modification to shape and color of external cover
• Change in Control Card V attachment position
The attachment position has been changed from the right side of the control panel to the left side.
Connect the 4P connector cable to the extension cable and the 4P connector on the copier control panel.
• Change in copy speed (see the table below)
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Added pages 1550-006 Rev. 1
Part no. (OCI part no. is in parenthesis)
Fig./Key no. Q’ty Part name
NP1550 NP6216
350- FG2-2978-01P FG0-1070-00P(362190F) 1 FEEDER ASSEMBLY
350-1 FA5-1891-000 FA0-0244-00P(362191U) 3 BELT FEEDER
350-4 FA5-1894-000 FA0-0245-00P(362192V) 1 SHAFT
350-5 FA5-1895-000 FA0-0247-00P(362194X) 3 PULLEY, DRIVE
350-6 FA5-1896-000 FA0-0246-00P(362193W) 3 PULLEY
350-7 FC1-0705-00P FA0-0251-00P(362198B) 1 SEAL, DUCT
350-17 FA5-1908-000 FA0-0252-00P(362199C) 1 GUIDE, PAPER FEED
930- FG2-3008-01P FG0-1226-00P(992760A) 1 DC CONTROLLER PCB ASSEMBLY
Added parts
Part no. (OCI part no. is in parenthesis)
Fig./Key no. Q’ty Part name
Deleted parts
Part no. (OCI part no. is in parenthesis)
Fig./Key no. Q’ty Part name
350-3 FA5-1893-000 1 PLATE, ROLLER HOLD
350-8 FA5-1898-000 1 PLATE, MOUNT, FEED ASSEMBLY
350-11 FC1-1025-00P 1 DUCT
350-14 FA5-1905-000 16 HOLDER, PULLEY
350-15 FA5-1906-010 3 COUPLING
350-23 FH7-1529-000 1 FAN, DC24V
350-27 FA5-2160-000 1 CUSHION
350-26 FA5-1909-000 1 GUIDE, PAPER FEED, FRONT
350-28 WT2-0030-000 1 TIE, CABLE
350-30 XA9-0134-000 6 NUT, PUSH
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Added pages 1550-006 Rev. 1
<NP1550 Service Manual (FY8-13BN-010) modified contents>
Page NP1550 NP6216
3-24 G. Developing Assembly/Drum Cleaner G. Developing Assembly/Drum Cleaner
1. Outlines 1. Outlines
• •
• •
• •
• •
• •
When the amount of toner in the hopper is When the amount of toner in the hopper is
sufficient, the sensor output is “1”. When it is sufficient, the sensor output is “1”. When it is
below the specified level, the output is “0”. below the specified level, the output is “0”.
The DC controller checks for 5 seconds after The DC controller checks for 40 seconds during
copying is completed if the TONER EMPTY copying if the TONER EMPTY signal (TEP) is
signal (TEP) is being outputted. If the signal is being outputted. If the signal is outputted
outputted continuously for 5 seconds, it is regarded continuously for 40 seconds, it is regarded as
as “TONER OUT -First time”. If another TONER “TONER OUT” and the DC controller makes the
EMPTY signal is received in the same way after ADD TONER indicator flash.
the next copying operation is completed, it is The CT unit for this copier does not have a
regarded as “TONER OUT -Second time” and the remaining toner sensor or waste toner sensor.
DC controller makes the ADD TONER indicator
flash. The CT unit for this copier does not have a
remaining toner sensor or waste toner sensor.
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Added pages 1550-006 Rev. 1
Page NP1550
5-5 C. Checking the Operation
Step Work Remarks
1 Turn the door switch ON using the door
• • •
• • •
• • •
• • •
8 Make a copy after the COPY START key Check the following:
has gone green. • No abnormal sound is heard.
Wait for ten seconds or more after the drum • The ADD TONER indicator flashes about
has stopped, and make another copy. five to ten seconds after the second copy
operation is over.
9 Check that counter operaters properly. Check that the reading has increased by two
from the reading recorded in step 7.
9 Check that counter operaters properly. Check that the reading has increased by the
number of copies made from the reading
recorded in step 8.
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Added pages 1550-006 Rev. 1
<NP1550 Service Manual (FY8-13BN-010) added contents>
Page NP6216
A. Outline
B. Using the Service Mode
<Mode No.C18>
Press the AE key twice, and check ‘CEE’ is indicated on the control panel; then, press the
<Mode No.C21>
Change the setting using the NUMERIC keypad, and press the SORT/GROUP key.
Mode No. Display Default Settings Remarks
Auto shut off 0 Selects/Deselects the auto shut off mode: 0,
C21 mode OFF; 1, ON
setting (The copier’s fixing unit and keyboard unless the
0 or 1 ENERGY SAVER key will turn OFF if the copier
is left alone for 30 minutes.)
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Added pages 1550-006 Rev. 1
<NP1550 Service Hand Book(FY8-2380-010) modified contents>
Page NP1550
4-15 27. Indicator does not GO OFF when there is toner during black copying
Cause/Problem Procedure Check Result Action
DC controller 1 Does the indicator come back ON YES Replace the DC
PCB when the power switch is set OFF, controller PCB.
then ON again?
DC controller 2 Turn the power OFF, and disconnected YES Replace the DC
PCB J39. Turn the power ON, and press the controller PCB.
COPY START key; 5 sec or moreafter
the main motor has stopped, press the
COPY START key once again. Does
the indicator go ON when the main
motor is at rest?
Stirring rod 3 Does the stirring rod inside the black NO Check the stirring rod
gear developing assembly operate and gear.
Black toner YES Replace the black toner
level sensor level sensor(TS1).
27. Indicator does not GO OFF when there is toner during black copying
Cause/Problem Procedure Check Result Action
DC controller 1 Does the indicator come back ON YES Replace the DC
PCB when the power switch is set OFF, then controller PCB.
ON again?
DC controller 2 Turn the power OFF, and disconnected YES Replace the DC
PCB J39. Turn the power ON, and press the controller PCB.
COPY START key to make any copies
of the following:
1 making 7 continuous copies on A3
2 making 9 continuous copies on A4
3 making 5 single copies on A3
4 making 5 single copies on A4
Press the COPY START key once
Does the indicator go red when any
copies of above has been made?
Stirring rod 3 Does the stirring rod inside the black NO Check the stirring rod
gear developing assembly operate and gear.
Black toner YES Replace the black toner
level sensor level sensor(TS1).
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Issued by Canon Europa N.V.
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Note: Apply Grease Permalub G-2 (CK-0551-000) on along the full width and the inner surface of the gap on the rotation
Caution : When applying the grease, take care not to paste it on outer surfaces, neither of the hinges, nor of the cams.
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