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Alg 1-GHS Syllabus 2015-2016

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Course Title
Algebra 1
Teacher Contact Information

Mr. Anthony Capriotti-Room 184

815-654-4868 x 13184 Planning Period– 2nd Hour – 9:25-10:15 3rd Hour – 10:20 – 11:10
6th Hour – 1:05-2:00
Welcome to Algebra 1. I believe that all students can and will learn mathematics. Keep in mind that learning mathematics
is not a spectator sport; you must participate to stay in the game.

Course Description
Algebra 1 is the foundation for high school mathematics. Throughout the year we will be focusing on topics such as, (but
not limited to), relationship between quantities, linear relationships, exponential and quadratic relationships, advanced
functions and equations, and data analysis. We will be using various strategies to engage students in problem solving and

Number and Quantity Algebra Functions Statistics and Probability
The Real Number System Seeing Structures in Interpreting Functions (F- Interpreting Categorical and
(N-RN) Expressions (A-SSE) IF) Quantitative Data (S-ID)
Quantities (N-Q) Arithmetic w/Polynomials Building Functions (F-BF) Making Inferences and
and Rational expressions Justifying Conclusions (S-
Creating Equations (A- Linear, Quadratic, and
CED) Exponential Functions (F-
Reasoning with Equations
and Inequalities (A-REI)

Course Objectives
Students will use the Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Practice to …
1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
4. Model with mathematics.
5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
6. Attend to precision.
7. Look for and make use of structure.
8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.

Required Materials
Glencoe McGraw-Hill 2012 Algebra 1 textbook. You are expected to bring your book to class every day. You can access
an electronic copy of the book and other resources at (See attached letter). A 1” 3-ring
binder, pencils, paper, and calculator is also required for this course.
Major Assignments and Assessments
Quizzes will be given throughout the chapter to give you a chance to practice for the chapter test. You can expect to have
two to three quizzes per chapter. Tests will be given at the end of each chapter. We will dedicate ample time the day before
for questions and review. Re-takes will be offered for failing quiz/test scores. New scores will be averaged with previous
scores for a final score. In order to re-take an assessment, students must show that they have reviewed their mistakes by
completing a reflection sheet. All re-takes must be completed within 5 days from receipt of the original assessment. All re-
takes are to be completed before or after school. A final exam will be a comprehensive test given at the end of each
semester (no re-takes). Please note that quizzes and tests are individual assignments and are not to be worked on
collaboratively with others. When students finish, they must remain quiet to give fellow classmates the opportunity to
finish their quizzes/tests.

Classroom Rules of Conduct

1. Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Safe
2. Bring required materials every day, be organized and prepared for class
3. Use polite speech and body language
4. No food/candy or drinks
5. All school rules in the GHS Student Handbook also apply at all times.

Tardy Policy
All students must be at their seat when the bell rings. Students in the classroom, but not at their desks will be
marked tardy. Students that have not yet entered the classroom will also be marked tardy.
1st three tardies in any class = warning
4th tardy = Detention
5th tardy = ALE
6th tardy and beyond = Out of School Suspension

Use of Electronics
All unauthorized electronic devices (phones, ipods, etc..) should not be visible and are not allowed to be used
during class time. Students will not have earbuds or headphones in during class instruction or during exams.
Refusal to follow this policy will result in a referral. Unauthorized electronic device use during assessments will
result in a zero & a referral.

Students are expected to be in class during class time! Students will have only 4 emergency passes to leave the
classroom per quarter (not per class, total per quarter). You must have your ID and pass card with you to obtain
an emergency pass. No more than one student may leave the classroom at a time. Once you have used all of
your emergency passes, you will not be allowed to leave any class for any reason.

Homework Policy
Homework will be given daily and due the following school day. It is important that you attempt each problem. The
exercises do not all have to be correct –in the learning process you will not get all the exercises right the first time- but
you must show that you made a reasonable attempt to answer every exercise. You will have an opportunity to ask
questions from the homework the following day. At that time, you should make corrections. Please be sure that you come
prepared with a question and not just requesting the answers to the homework assignments. Credit will be given based on

completeness and correctness. Late work is accepted with a 50% grade decrease and will be due within 5 days from said
due date.

Makeup Work Policy

Students are expected to attend school every day and arrive on time. It is the students responsibility to contact me
before/during/after an absence to inquire about any make-up work, quizzes, tests, etc. that you may have missed during an
excused absence. If YOU do not do this, YOU will receive a zero!

Grades Letter Grades Semester Grades

Classwork/Participation 15% A 90-100 Quarter 1 40%
Homework 10% B 80-89 Quarter 2 40%
Quizzes 30% C 70-79 Final Exam 20%
Tests 45% D 60-69 Quarter 3 40%
F 40- 59 Quarter 4 40%
Final Exam 20%

Career Options with this Field of Study

One of the benefits of studying mathematics is the variety of career paths it provides. Some popular career
choices include…
 Actuarial Science: takes mathematics and statistics and applies them to finance and insurance
 Computer Science: the study of the theoretical foundations of information and computation and their
implementation and application in computer systems
 Operations Research: uses mathematical methods to arrive at optimal dexisions to problems in
maximizing or minimizes things like costs or profits
 Biomathematics: models natural and biological processes using mathematical techniques and tools
 Finance: studies and addresses the ways in which individuals, businesses, and organizations raise,
allocate, and use monetary resources over time, taking into account the risks entailed in their projects
 Cryptography: the practice and study of hiding information. Cryptography applications include the
security of ATM cards and computer passwords

Some resources for this include:

 McGraw-Hill online-
 Khan Academy-


Course Title: Algebra 1

Please review this syllabus with your child and sign below. Return only this page to the teacher and keep
the syllabus for reference.

Student: I have read this syllabus and understand all of the information contained in it. I agree to abide by
all of the rules and expectations listed.

Student Signature ______________________________________ Date____________________

Printed Student Name_________________________________

Student e-mail to use for correspondence ____________________________________________

□ Student has computer access at home.
□ Student has internet access at home.

Parent/Guardian: I understand all of the information contained in this syllabus and I have reviewed it
with my child. My child has agreed to abide by all of the rules and expectations listed. Note: Any
Accommodations/ Modifications for students will be implemented according to their IEP.

Parent Signature________________________________________ Date___________________

Printed Parent Name_________________________________

Parent’s e-mail to use for correspondence ____________________________________________

□ Parent has computer access at home.
□ Parent has internet access at home.

Comments or questions:

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