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Marijuanalegalizationanddecriminalization Factsheet Feb2018 0

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Marijuana Decriminalization

and Legalization
February 2018

possession than white people in 2010.6

Decriminalization of marijuana possession is a
necessary first step toward more comprehensive
U.S. Drug Arrests, 2016
reforms of the drug prohibition regime. Yet
decriminalization alone does not address many of Marijuana
the greatest harms of prohibition – such as high Possession
levels of crime, corruption and violence, massive
illicit markets and the harmful health Marijuana
38% Sales or
consequences of drugs produced in the absence Manufacturing
of regulatory oversight. Twenty states and the All Other Drug
District of Columbia have decriminalized marijuana Sales or
possession, while nine – Colorado, Washington, Manufacturing
Oregon, Alaska, Massachusetts, Maine, Nevada, 11.2 4.2 All Other Drug
California and Vermont – now allow for legal Possession
regulation of marijuana for adults over 21.

Source: Federal Bureau of Investigation7,

*Because of rounding, the percentages may not add up to 100.0
The Costs and Consequences of Prohibition
Marijuana prohibition has been a costly failure. In
The huge number of arrests drains scarce resources at
2016, there were 587,700 marijuana arrests in the U.S.
enormous cost to taxpayers.8 More than half of those
– roughly 40 percent of all drug arrests. The vast
admitted to treatment for marijuana each year are
majority (nearly 90 percent) of these arrests were for
referred by the criminal justice system. 9 Many,
simple possession, not sale or manufacture. There are
perhaps most, of these individuals did not need
more arrests for marijuana possession every year than
for all violent crimes combined.1
Yet marijuana is the most widely used illegal drug in
Twenty-nine states and Washington D.C. have
the U.S. and the world. More than 118 million people in
enacted various forms of marijuana decriminalization
the U.S. – 44 percent of those surveyed – admit to
or legalization. Many of these states have replaced
having tried marijuana at least once in their lives, and
criminal sanctions with the imposition of civil, fine-only
nearly 24 million to having used it in the past month.2
penalties; others have reduced marijuana possession
from a felony to a fine-only misdemeanor.10
Marijuana arrests also disproportionately affect young
people of color. Drug use and drug selling occur at
Evidence from jurisdictions that have reduced
similar rates across racial and ethnic groups.3 Yet
penalties shows no increase in marijuana or other drug
black4 and Latino5 individuals are arrested for
use.11 The Institute of Medicine concluded that “there
possessing or selling marijuana at vastly
is little evidence that decriminalization of marijuana
disproportionate rates. In fact, black people were
use necessarily leads to a substantial increase in
nearly four times more likely to be arrested for
marijuana use.”12

Drug Policy Alliance | 131 West 33rd Street, 15th Floor, New York, NY 10001 | 212.613.8020 voice | 212.613.8021 fax
Where decriminalization has been implemented while subsequent offenses are punished severely.20
effectively, it has resulted in substantial reductions in In New York, personal marijuana possession is
misdemeanor marijuana arrests.13 In 2011, for formally decriminalized, but possession in “public view”
example, California reclassified marijuana possession remains a crime. This loophole – coupled with
as an infraction (administrative violation) instead of a pervasive and racially-biased over-policing of certain
misdemeanor, leading to “a significant decline in communities – has resulted in continued mass arrests
misdemeanor marijuana arrests,” which plunged from for marijuana possession, overwhelmingly of black and
54,849 in 2010 to 7,764 in 2011 – a decrease of more Latino young men. The NYPD arrested nearly 17,00
than 85 percent.14 people21 for lowest-level marijuana possession in 2015
– 85 percent of whom were black or Latino.22 While
Why is Decriminalization Not Enough? marijuana arrests under New York City Mayor Bill de
Despite its benefits, decriminalization falls short in Blasio have declined significantly compared to
many ways – largely because it still lies within the previous years, severe racial disparities remain.23
framework of prohibition. Consequently,
decriminalization still suffers from the inherent harms Decriminalization will also do nothing to eliminate the
of prohibition – namely, an illegal, unregulated market; lucrative underground market for marijuana, estimated
the unequal application of the laws (regardless of to be worth $40 billion or more in the U.S.24 This
severity of penalty) toward certain groups, especially immense market is completely untaxed, a source of
people of color; and unregulated products of unknown revenue that federal and state governments can ill-
potency and quality.15 afford to neglect.

Instead, prohibition ensures that this vast market

Marijuana prohibition is unique among U.S. enriches criminal organizations and contributes to high
criminal laws – no other law is both enforced so levels of violence, crime and corruption.25 The effect
widely and harshly yet deemed unnecessary by has been unending bloodshed in countries like
such a substantial portion of the population. Mexico,26 where at least 100,000 people have been
killed in prohibition-related violence since 2007.27 The
U.S. government has asserted that “[M]arijuana
Under decriminalization, marijuana possession arrests distribution in the United States remains the single
may continue, or even increase, because police may largest source of revenue for Mexican [drug] cartels,”28
be more inclined to make arrests if they present less and is “a cash crop that finances corruption and the
administrative burdens as infractions, civil offenses, or carnage of violence year after year.”29 Estimates by
even misdemeanors (without jail), as opposed to RAND Corporation and the Mexican Institute for
felonies.16 Such a process – often called “net- Competitiveness project that legalizing marijuana
widening” – occurred in parts of Australia that nationally in the U.S. could reduce drug trafficking
decriminalized marijuana,”17 as well as in states like organizations’ drug export revenues by between one-
New York and California, which reduced marijuana fifth and one-third.30
penalties in the 1970s but ultimately saw certain
marijuana arrests increase.18 Taxation and Regulation
Legal regulation is not a step into the unknown – we
A misdemeanor conviction, moreover, can seriously have more than a century of experience in legally
hinder an individual’s ability to succeed and participate regulating thousands of different drugs. Legal
in society by preventing him or her from obtaining regulation means commonsense controls. Under most
employment, housing and student loans. Even an regulatory proposals, marijuana would be taxed and
arrest record can be an obstacle to opportunities for regulated in a manner similar to alcoholic beverages,
otherwise law-abiding individuals.19 with age limits, licensing requirements, quality controls,
Additionally, not all decriminalization schemes protect and other regulatory restrictions.31 Just as cities,
all people from risk of arrest. Some states have counties and states vary in the way they regulate
defined simple marijuana possession as only one-half alcohol, the same could be true for marijuana. A
ounce or even less; possession of more than these regulated market will help protect consumer safety by
amounts may still trigger harsh criminal penalties. requiring that all marijuana products, including
Some states have only decriminalized a first offense, marijuana-infused products (“edibles”) and

Drug Policy Alliance | 131 West 33rd Street, 15th Floor, New York, NY 10001 | 212.613.8020 voice | 212.613.8021 fax
concentrates, are tested for safety and quality; and Public Support is Surging for Legalization
labelled with detailed information in child-proof Public support for making marijuana legal has shifted
packaging. Such regulations will ensure that dramatically in the last two decades, with most polls
consumers are informed of the potency, recommended showing greater than majority support nationwide.35
dosage, and ingredients of all marijuana products and
are educated on how to safely consume them – and Support for Reform Nationwide
keep them out-of-reach of children. Do you think the use of marijuana should be made legal
or not?
Regulating marijuana will also help protect the •% No, illegal
environment. Illegal marijuana cultivation has a • % Yes, legal
deleterious impact on the environment, from water
diversion, pollution, energy usage to clandestine grow 84 81
operations threatening public parks. Transitioning to a 78
70 70 73 73
legal, regulated market will mitigate or alleviate many 66 64 62 64 64
of these environmental impacts of prohibition.32 54 58 58 60
50 51
50 50
In 2012, Colorado and Washington became the first 46 48 47
two states – and first two places in the world – to 44 46
39 40 40 36
legalize marijuana for adult use. Two years 36
28 25 25 31 34 34
later Alaska, Oregon and Washington, D.C.followed 23 25
suit. In 2016 voters in four additional states 12 15 16

– California, Massachusetts, Maine and Nevada – also

approved ballot measures legalizing marijuana. In
January 2018, Vermont became the first state to Source: Gallup October 19 2017.36
legalize marijuana through a state legislature. More
states are expected to legalize in the near future. States Don’t Need Federal Permission to Legalize
In Congress, Senator Cory Booker has introduced a In August of 2013, the Department of Justice (DOJ)
historic legislation to end federal marijuana prohibition announced that it will allow states to legally regulate
in the senate and Senators Barbara Lee and Ro the production, distribution, and sale of marijuana. The
Khanna have done so in the House of DOJ issued a directive to U.S. Attorneys, outlining
Representatives.33 Each year since 2014, a bipartisan federal priorities for enforcing marijuana laws in states
amendment passed by Congress has prohibited the that have legalized. While reserving its right to
Department of Justice from spending any money to challenge state laws and enforce federal marijuana
prevent states "from implementing their own State laws laws under certain circumstances, the directive states
that authorize the use, distribution, possession, or that the federal government will coordinate with states,
cultivation of medical marijuana." rather than seek to interfere, unless states fail to meet
certain federal priorities, such as preventing access by
Internationally, Uruguay became the first country in the
minors, diversion of marijuana, increases in violence or
world to legalize and regulate the marijuana trade in
drugged driving, or damage to public lands.
2013. Canada became the second country to do so
passed marijuana legalization in 2017. Additional
In its memo, the DOJ openly acknowledged that
legalization proposals are under consideration in
responsible state marijuana regulations “may
several other countries.
affirmatively address [federal] priorities by, for
example… prevent[ing] diversion of marijuana outside
Tax revenues in Colorado, Washington and Oregon
of the regulated system and to other states, prohibiting
have all exceeded initial revenue estimates, totaling
access to marijuana by minors, and replacing an illicit
$552 million. This number is expected to increase
marijuana trade that funds criminal enterprises with a
significantly after the passing of legalization measures
tightly regulated market.”37
in 2016, most notably in the nation’s most populous
state, California34.
In early January 2018, the Attorney General Jeff
Sessions announced that he would rescind the

Drug Policy Alliance | 131 West 33rd Street, 15th Floor, New York, NY 10001 | 212.613.8020 voice | 212.613.8021 fax
Obama-era directive. However, states never needed at the local and state levels. The federal government
permission from the federal government to legalize may be able to go after some individual marijuana
marijuana under state law. The memo merely offered businesses, but it has neither the political support nor
guidance to the state about federal enforcement the resources to stamp out every marijuana business
priorities. States are thus well within their 10th operating in compliance with state law.
Amendment rights to legalize marijuana.

More than 90% of drug law enforcement is carried out

Federal Bureau of Investigation, "Crime in the United States, 2016," Jeffrey C Raber, "Determination of pesticide residues in cannabis smoke," Journal
(Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice, 2016).; Ingraham, Christopher of toxicology 2013(2013).
“More people were arrested last year over pot than for murder, rape, aggravated 16
Aldrich, M. et al., Fiscal Savings in California Marijuana Law Enforcement, 1976-
assault and robbery – combined”, Washington Post, September 26th, 2017 1985 Attributable to the Moscone Act of 1976 (1986).
2 17
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, "Results from the Peter Reuter, "Marijuana Legalization: what can be learned from other
2015 National Survey on Drug Use and Health: Detailed Tables," (Rockville, MD: countries," (Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 2010), 9.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2016), Table 1.33A See, e.g., Michael R Aldrich and Tod Mikuriya, "Savings in California marijuana
& B. law enforcement costs attributable to the Moscone Act of 1976—A summary,"
American Civil Liberties Union, "The War on Marijuana in Black and White," Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 20, no. 1 (1988); Levine and Small, Marijuana
(2013); Ojmarrh Mitchell and Michael S. Caudy, "Race Differences in Drug Arrest Crusade: Racial Bias and Police Policy in New York City 1997-2007; Single,
Offending and Drug Distribution Arrests," Crime & Delinquency (2015); Ojmarrh "The impact of marijuana decriminalization: an update; Eric Single, Paul Christie,
Mitchell and Michael S Caudy, "Examining Racial Disparities in Drug Arrests," and Robert Ali, "The impact of cannabis decriminalisation in Australia and the
Justice Quarterly (2013); Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services United States," Journal of public health policy (2000).
Administration, "Results from the 2014 National Survey on Drug Use and Health: Babe Howell, "Broken Lives from Broken Windows: The Hidden Costs of
Detailed Tables," Table 1.19B. Aggressive Order-Maintenance Policing," New York University Review of Law &
American Civil Liberties Union, "The War on Marijuana in Black and White; Holly Social Change 33(2009); Richard Glen Boire, Life Sentences: Collateral Sanctions
Nguyen and Peter Reuter, "How Risky Is Marijuana Possession? Considering the Associated with Marijuana Offenses (Center for Cognitive Liberty & Ethics, 2007);
Role of Age, Race, and Gender," Crime & Delinquency 58, no. 6 (2012); Harry G. American Civil Liberties Union, "The War on Marijuana in Black and White."
Levine and Deborah P. Small, Marijuana Arrest Crusade: Racial Bias and Police 20
See e.g., NORML, “State Laws,”
Policy in New York City 1997-2007 (New York: New York Civil Liberties Union, 21
Mel Evans, “Still Too High? Marijuana Arrests Barely Budge in NYC,” WNYC,
2008); A. Golub, B.D. Johnson, and E. Dunlap, "The Race/Ethnicity Disparity in January 16, 2018,
Misdemeanor Marijuana Arrests in New York City*," Criminology & public policy 6, barely-budge-nyc/
no. 1 (2007). 22
Marijuana Arrest Research Project and Drug Policy Alliance, “Unjust and
National arrest data by ethnicity are not collected systematically and are Constitutional: 60,000 Jim Crow Marijuana Arrests in Mayor de Blasio's New York,
therefore incomplete, but state-level data show that Latinos are indeed The NYPD's Racially-Targeted Enforcement of Marijuana Possession Continues,
disproportionately arrested for marijuana possession. See California Department 2014 – 2016”
of Justice, "Crime in California 2012," (2013); Harry Levine, Loren Siegel, and -Unjust-Unconstitutional--July2017_2.pdf
Gabriel Sayegh, "One Million Police Hours: Making 440,000 Marijuana Possession 23
Drug Policy Alliance and Marijuana Arrest Research Project, "Race, Class and
Arrests In New York City, 2002‐2012," (New York: Drug Policy Alliance, 2013). Marijuana Arrests in Mayor de Blasio's Two New Yorks: the N.Y.P.D.'s Marijuana
American Civil Liberties Union, "The War on Marijuana in Black and White." Arrest Crusade Continues in 2014," (2014)
“2016 Crime in the United States,” U.S. Department of Justice, Federal Bureau
of Investigation Uniform Crime Report, Criminal Justice Information Division, blasios-two-new-yorks-nypds-marijuana-arrest-crus; Harry Levine and Loren; Data obtained Siegel, "80 Marijuana Possession Arrests a Day is More of the Same: NYPD daily
through a request to the FBI marijuana possession arrest numbers are the same under de Blasio and Bratton
Ibid; Jeffrey A Miron and Katherine Waldock, The Budgetary Impact of Ending as they were under Bloomberg and Kelly," (Marijuana Arrest Research Project,
Drug Prohibition (Cato Institute, 2010). 2014)
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Center for Arrests-June2014.pdf.; Marijuana Arrest Research Project and Drug Policy
Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality, "Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS) Alliance, “Unjust and Constitutional: 60,000 Jim Crow Marijuana Arrests in Mayor
2002-2012: National Admissions to Substance Abuse Treatment Services," de Blasio's New York, The NYPD's Racially-Targeted Enforcement of Marijuana
(Rockville, MD: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Possession Continues, 2014 – 2016”
2014), Table 2.6.
Ten states (Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Unconstitutional--July2017_2.pdf
Mississippi, Nebraska, New York, Rhode Island, and Vermont) consider simple 24
Beau Kilmer et al., "What America’s users spend on illicit drugs: 2000-2010,"
possession of marijuana as an administrative or civil infraction. Four states (Washington, D.C.: Office of National Drug Control Policy, 2014)
(Minnesota, Missouri, North Carolina, and Ohio) treat marijuana possession as a
misdemeanor without jail time. And eight states (Oregon, Alaska, Washington, 25
Peter Reuter, "Why Has US Drug Policy Changed So Little over 30 Years?,"
Colorado, California, Massachusetts, Maine and Nevada) plus Washington D.C. Crime and Justice 42, no. 1 (2013).
have completely eliminated all penalties for personal marijuana possession by 26
adults. 27
"México reporta 150 mil ejecuciones producto del narcotráfico," TeleSUR, April
Robin Room et al., Cannabis policy: moving beyond stalemate (Oxford 14 2013 2013; Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (INEGI), "Banco de
University Press, USA, 2010); Eric W Single, "The impact of marijuana Datos: Defunciones por Homicidio," (INEGI, 2014)
decriminalization: an update," Journal of public health policy (1989); Clifford F.; Molly Molloy, "Peña
Thies and Charles A. Register, "Decriminalization of marijuana and the demand for Nieto’s First Year: Iraq on Our Southern Border," Small Wars Journal (2014);
alcohol, marijuana and cocaine," The Social Science Journal 30, no. 4 (1993); Proceso, "Más de 121 mil muertos, el saldo de la narcoguerra de Calderón:
Organization of American States, "Scenarios for the Drug Problem in the INEGI," Proceso, July 30 2014; Rafael Romo, "Mexican drug lord: Inside his
Americas: 2013-2025," (2013) abandoned mansion,", February 6 2014.; Caitlin Elizabeth 28
David G. Ogden, "Memorandum for Selected United States Attorneys.
Hughes and Alex Stevens, "What Can We Learn From The Portuguese Investigations and Prosecutions in States Authorizing the Medical Use of
Decriminalization of Illicit Drugs?," British Journal of Criminology 50, no. 6 (2010); Marijuana," (Office of the Deputy U.S. Attorney General, 2009).
Louisa Degenhardt et al., "Toward a global view of alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, 29
Kevin L. Perkins and Anthony P. Placido, "Drug Trafficking Violence in Mexico:
and cocaine use: findings from the WHO World Mental Health Surveys," PLoS Implications for the United States," in Statement for the Record of Kevin L.
medicine 5, no. 7 (2008); S. Ammerman et al., "The Impact of Marijuana Policies Perkins, Assistant Director, Criminal Investigative Division, FBI; and Anthony P.
on Youth: Clinical, Research, and Legal Update," Pediatrics (2015). Placido, Assistant Administrator for Intelligence, DEA, Before the U.S. Senate
Janet Elizabeth Joy, Stanley J Watson, and John A Benson, Marijuana and Caucus on International Narcotics Control, May 5, 2010. (U.S. Senate Caucus on
medicine: assessing the science base. International Narcotics Control., 2010).
Mike Males and Lizzie Buchen, "Reforming marijuana laws: Which approach 30
Beau Kilmer et al., Reducing drug trafficking revenues and violence in Mexico:
best reduces the harms of criminalization? A Five-State Analysis," (San Francisco: Would Legalizing Marijuana in California Help? (Santa Monica: RAND
Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice, 2014) Corporation, 2010); Alejandro Hope and Eduardo Clark, "Si los vecinos legalizan: Reporte técnico," (Instituto Mexicano para la Competitividad (IMCO), 2012).
Bureau of Criminal Statistics California Department of Justice, "Crime in 31
Jonathan P Caulkins et al., "Design considerations for legalizing cannabis:
California 2011," (2012); California Department of Justice, "Crime in California lessons inspired by analysis of California's Proposition 19," Addiction (2012).
2012; California Department of Justice, "Crime in California 2013," (2014). 32
Warren, Gina S., Regulating Pot to Save the Polar Bear: Energy and Climate
Jennifer McLaren et al., "Cannabis potency and contamination: a review of the Impacts of the Marijuana Industry (September 24, 2014). Columbia Journal of
literature," Addiction 103, no. 7 (2008); Nicholas Sullivan, Sytze Elzinga, and Environmental Law Vol. 40, No. 3,

Drug Policy Alliance | 131 West 33rd Street, 15th Floor, New York, NY 10001 | 212.613.8020 voice | 212.613.8021 fax
Opponents of Legalization," Pew Research Center, April 15 2015; Christopher
Ingraham, "A majority favors marijuana legalization for first time, according to
Drug Policy Alliance, "Senator Cory Booker Introduces Marijuana Legalization nation’s most authoritative survey," Washington Post, March 4, 2015.
Bill, focused on Racial Justice" Justic McCarthy, "Record-High Support for Legalizing Marijuana Use in U.S.,"
release/2017/07/senator-cory-booker-introduces-marijuana-legalization-bill- Gallup, October 25th 2017.
focused-racial. James Cole, "Memorandum for all United States Attorneys: Guidance
Drug Policy Alliance, “So Far So Good: What We Know About Marijuana Regarding Marijuana Enforcement," (Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice,
Legalization in Colorado, Washington, Alazka, Oregon and Washington D.C.” Office of the Deputy Attorney General, 2013).
Art Swift, "Support for Legal Marijuana Use Up to 60% in U.S.," Gallup, October
19 2016; Pew Research Center, "In Debate Over Legalizing Marijuana,
Disagreement Over Drug’s Dangers; In Their Own Words: Supporters and

Drug Policy Alliance | 131 West 33rd Street, 15th Floor, New York, NY 10001 | 212.613.8020 voice | 212.613.8021 fax

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